The Huron Expositor, 1906-01-12, Page 2Established at Brig 1
oor from 'Corner Store
aln8treet, Seaforth..
All111.111001111111111 "0111111•1111106.
Happy and Prosperous Arm Year, we
wish to Everyone and hope that all may share
sm the Prosperity and Progress of Our Country,
edit on Clothing for
the Mew Year
•You know how it would help you out at
this time of the year to get your Winter Over,.
°Oat, Suit, or Furs on Credit. If you come to
onr store you'll find your credit is good, so
look over the list and decide now.
Men's Overcoats
$4 00 Down $1.00 per Week
Beaver,. Melton and Fancy
Tweeds,- regular prices, $9,
$15 and $12
•New fears' Prices $7.50
wa or mon.
Men's Fur ,Coats
$10 Down , - $1 'per Week
Dog Skin,. Bear Skin, Goat -
Sitheregular Price $25 to $30
New Years' Prices $20
Boys' Overcoats
$2 Down - 50o per Week
Beavers, Meltons and Over -
checked Tweeds, regular
prices $5,$7, $10
New Years' Price, $5.00
!rues Suits
$4:00, Down, $1.00 per Week
Tweeds, Oxfords, Cheviots, Woreteciste regular price
$12 00, $10.00, $9.00 '
. i . . ii•
I'Velig Years' : rice„ $7.50
Photo Fre . ,
With purchase of $17, or amounting to $i7,
al. from Dec.. 1st, 1905, to March, 18t, 1908,
we will give free, a Life! Size Photo, of the Purchaser or whomsoever
they may desire. .
The Gwin Clothing Co.
Re Prow fspositor
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY. itan. 12,, 1906.
Taxing EsalweiTs.
The taxing of rail -wars cis a ques-
tion which will not dew e and is one
which the Ontario Legislature Swjl
be forced to face and Sesttle befor
le long. There is e. feeling i
the coeintry that the getaways of thi
province never have eontributed, an
do not now contribute heir fai
shale of the taxation of the ?country
-The matter has been elfin the Leer,-
latnee before, and a coMmission was
• appointed two years ago to enquire
into it. This commission made an
exha.ustive investigation and have
• ly ,elearged against the railways as
well, will, therefore, expect te Pee
preeent inequalities removed at the
forthcoming Isession..
Hon. Edward Blake is Again a can-
didate for the representation of his
old constituency in the British Par-
liament. In moving the nomination
of Mr. Blake at the Longford een-
o vention, F.ather Dowdall said Mr.
_la Blake was considered a second .0'-
s Connell in appearance, ability and
2 self-sacrifice. Wm. Redmond, M.P.,
" compared him, with Justin McCarthy,
r ehan whom none was more respected. I
, A letter was ead, announcing that.1
Mr. Blake was willing tto continue
the struggle for national eights. Mr.
Blake also forwarded .a signed 'copy
of his Parliamentary pledge.
pre.pared, a voleminoue
has been submitted to
extent, but on which n
the Govern -
action has
yet been taken. The , information
contained in this report Igoes to con-
firm the farraer belief that the trail-
-ways are getting off (very infech Voo
oas:y- in the matter of taxation. One
:way in which this is shown is by
comparing the amounts, contributed
by emenadian railways in this prov-
ince, and the amounts exacted from
railways by various States of the
American Union. For instance, Ver-
mont and Maine, with their aban-
doned farms and insignificant citiee
do not begin to compere With On-
etario ; their combined population is
doss than half that :Of this Province,
-wed the population per, eqteere nUp
in Moine and VermontTconebined. is
_only about half the population per
-soh% in old Ontario. , And yet ixi
;Vermont taxation per mile on rail-
way s is alraost double the mileage
tax in Ontario, and in Maine it is,
etery remelt more than double.' Mioh-
igan affords a better comparif3oe
with this Provinc% thau any other
Stettee, of the Union 7, it lies fright a-
longside of Us; sontabas about the
same population as Ontario, and
shows about the same proportion of
urban and. rural poprelation. Its
beriitOry is also traversed as is our
own by lines connecting the popu-
lous East with the rich plains of the
_West. Miehigan collects abeut $4
per mile in railway etaxation for
emery doiar eolleeted in Ontario.
In view of these fade, the Ferment'
Sun aays, and we agree With It, that
-there can be no possible justifiea-
tide for permitting these anomalies
to ceniinue for 4anothti. ,year. The
Whitney Governrcient was excused
from taking action at the first ises-
Moss of the new 'Legislature, because
of the crash of work on coming into
rower on the eve of the assembling
of the Legislateire. But there has
been ample time/ since the first tees-
sion ended to prepare a satisfac-
tory scheme of, taxation, raid there
is in the report of the, Coramission
appointed to colleet evidence on the
eallej.tea sufficient information on
:whieh to frame it. Farmers and
other. tax payers who Jadve for years
had to bear not only their own Share
a level taxation, hut (Oat propeee
The Trade and Commerce De-
partment, at Ottawa, has been in-
formed by its agent, en Yokohama,
that the Japanese importing house
whic{Di recently imported Canadian
cattle for the' Japanese Government
express satisfaetion at the, contin-
ued exeellence of the cattle. They
say they have hitherto been purchas-
ing cattle from the United States
chiefly; this being the first impar-
tation 'from Canada. If the trial
continues to give satisfaction the
Japanese importers say they will
purchase in future from Canada.
Canadians are advised. to go naore
extensively into the raieing of pure -
billed cattle. This is the kind the
Japanese are more anxious to pur-
chase. The complaint Le na.ade that .
at present the Canadians proeure
the pure-bred animals from England
• and Scotland, and breed down. The
, breeding down process is What, the.
• Japanese farmers themselves Want
to practice, and if they 'cannot get
specimens of animals in 'Canada
good enough to start with, thee&
will import direct from the Old
Municipal Elections.
The following aro the touncils
elected in the municipalities about
eis, who were not given last 'week:
WING -Mayor, Thomas Bell.
Councillors, 5. Bennett, D.Bell, T.
Forbes, G. Hanna, Wm. Nicholson,
MeD maid. School trustees, T.
Abraham, Wm. Moore, Harry, Kerr,
C. N. Griffin,
GODERICH.-Mayor, Thomas lilt.
Ceunoillors, J. T."Goldthorpe, 0. v.
lelair, Bev. Joseph Elliott. Col. Wm.
Young, R. R. Sallows, Dr. .We
Clark. School ,trustee, A. Sanders.
MITCHELIL-Mayor ,W. R, Davis.
Councillors, T. S. Ford, John Skin-
ner, John Broderick, W. re May,
'John Avery, Herr. d
ST, MARYS.-Mayor, Mennie.
Counoillors, A. Baird, Geo„ Brown,
J.Spearin. Water and Light Commis-
sioners, R. S. Graham, K.. Weir.
Publics sohool 6 trustee% We
thorn, 3. Patterson. •
LISTOWEL.-Mayer,' J.. Watson.
Councillors, A. St. George Hawkins,
0. A. Lee, A. Foerch, T. Et Hamilton,
WM. Climie, and Henry Martinson.
School trustees, G. P. Porter, T. Gib-
son, S.. Stelrenschl,
J. Poeter, wad. J Seberver.
HARRISTON„-Valor, axics
Murchie, 0outellicers, Alex. Yule;
J. M. McKay. W. aL Jaeleson, Anson
otton, 3. R. Hind% W. 0.0hanabers.
byxxxow.-Neve, I. G. Ander.-
o Oreuicillors, John. Joynt.
M. Vfitehell, We 0.. Carl.'
PARICIILIL-Mayor, O. A. Gibbs.-
Ooteneillors, O. Knapton, ,,Thomas
Mteriro, Dr. Kilborn, J. F. Roberts,
Johe Jefferson, Neil IlloPhee,
A Guaranteed r ure for. Piles,
Itching, Blind, Bleeding ProOtruding
Piles. Druggists .are authorized_ to
'refund money if PAZO OINTMENT
fails to cure ix Oto 14 klays. 60o.
Manitoba .arid Northwest Metes
-The late R. J., of Willa -
beg, left an estate tvaitted at $600,-
000. s
- E'dgar - johosten, a popular
young farmer of Nbaga, twa.s married
to Miss Laura Robinson, of the tsame
place, on Chrsitraas Day.
Wrie0 tformerly
he Si
taught tdney school, has gone
to Portage la Prairie and his taim-
oessor at Sidney is Mr. Kilpatrick.
MoGregor died in Brandon
hospital on - Sunday, December 31st.
He belonged to EsteThazey, and suf-
fered from a dislocated collar bene.
He was 45 years of age, '
- The Commercial (hotel and the
Massey-Harrie implement warehouse
at Whitewood, Sask. were destroy-
ed by fire on Thursday evening, De-
cember 28. • .‘
At the Ohristraas tree enter-
tainment the Neepawa Methodist
ohne& over two hundred :bags of
candy were given out to the tehild-
Ten and the door treeeipts from (a-
dults amounted to $67.80,
-Rev. Mr. McIntyre, ,of Cumber-
land, Ont. has accepted the call from
the Presbyterian congregations of
Caron, Caron Prairie and Summer -
side, and will probably take charge
within the next 'Month.
-At the opening of the Manitoba
Legislature.. the address in creply to
the Speech from the Throne will be
mewed by 1VEr. George Lawrence, the
member for Killarney, and eecond-
ed by Dr. 11. E. Hicks, the anember
Lor Landsdown.
-Thomas Steveneon, an Indust-
rioup young Englishman. Nebo was
engaged in farming near Barclay,
Ont., near Wabigoon, was trun over
by a C. R. R. train while walking
on the track on his way bottle Sun-
day nightafrom. Barclay- sid ng, and
instantly killed.
-At Kenton, Man., Wedneeday af-
ternoon, fire destroyed T. W. Me-
Laren's general store. The flames
spea.d rapidly and nothing was sav-
ed. Mr e McLaren lived above the
store and lost his household and
personal effect. The stook was val-
ued at $10,000. Insured, for $6,060.
-It is reported in Metaskawin•
Alta, an -good authority, that the.
Ca.nadian Northern have bought 'out
the IL J. R. branch running east
from ,that town and, that they will
build west from there next year to
the via Yellow Head Pass.
This will make a boom in Wetaska-
-A very destructive fife occurred
at High River, Alb„ last Wednes-
day efternoon. Kelly and
Young's store, Thompson's store and
• Thompion's office building
were destroyed. Other. buildings
were demaged,. The Calgary fire
brigade were called to give assist-
ance, and readied. High River by
special train.
.,.The following marriages are not-
ed from Elm Creek :district: On De-
cember 20th, Miss Zada Ferguson to
1VLre Thos. Amber, On the- ame day
Miss Clara Allen was married to Mr.
Alex. Robertson; they will treside at
Calgary. On December 27th, Miss
Linore, daughter -of Postmaster .Thos.
Kennedy, was married to Mr. Thos.
Cohae-, M. D. a graduate of Manitoba
Medical College ; the young Icouple
Will reside at Pilot Mound.
-A very sad accident occurred last
Friday morning on the farm of Mr. \
Wm. Rogerson, south of Roland." Mr.
Rogerson had purchased asnew, gas-
oline eegine and cireular aw- out-
fit. He was setting up his mach-
inc to begin sawing whei the belt
slipped off the peilley on the inside
efid bestantly "drew the frame of
the saw towards the engine, crush-
ing" the lower part of Mr. Regersoil's
body in a horrible manner. He ling-
ered until Saturday evening,' when
death ended his sufferings.
-Peter Walker, a Longbuen, far-
mer, near Portage la .Prairie, has
sold three quarter sections of land
to Mr, Brydges, of Winnipeg, for
$10,000. The land borders on the
shore of Lake Manitoba and a por-
tion of it is not arable. The saew
owner has a Shooting box on this
shore, and. the will improve the prop-
erty. for shooting purposes aS well
as having the arable land cropped.
-Two homesteaders„ named R. Mc-
Laughlin and James Ross, twho were
living in one shack near Hanley,
Sask „ were found. dead in bed by et.
saeighbor, (having been suffocated by
coal gas. -How long they had been
dead is .unknown. No correapond-
enee -can be found to indicate 'where
their relatives, if any, reside. •
'Collets, colds, hoarseness, and other *breed
Ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene
'tablets, ten cents per hox. All druggists
Perth Items.
-Mr. John Davis, of 'Brandon, is
visiting his parents in Mitchell.
-Mr. Clive Dent, of Indian Head,
Saskatchewan, is spending a month
or two at his home in Mitohell.
-Mr: If. Gadsby, of the (Tor-
onto Star, spent a few days recent-
ly with his parents in Stratford.
-Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stevenson, Of'
Avonbank, celebrated their silver
wedding on New Years Dar.
-Mr. T. D. Stanley, of St. Marys,
has been ppointed police magistrate
of that town, '
-Mr. W. Forbes,who is a barrister
ne,ar Edmontoe, Alberta, is ;visiting
his parents in Stratford, Mr. and
Mrs. John Forbes.
-Mrs. Matthew Robinson and Mrs.
3. Mills, of Battle Creek, Michigan,
were visiting recently with Mr. and
Mrs, Arthur Murton, of Miteltell.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Beer, of
Mitchell, celebrated the 25th ;null-
versary of, their. wedding onej day
last week.
-Mr. Henry Manton, of Elina,died
on New Years Day efter a lingering
illness, He was one of the town-
shipsmost respected citizens.
-Miss Margaret 13. Drager,daugh-
ter of Mrs. A. Drager, of Mitchell,
a suceeesful student at the recent
model examinations, hap secured a
school near Palmerston. ,
-The St. ,Marys Argus of last
week says : Mr. D. M. Haekney,
horse dealer, has just 'returned frrn
the Northwest where he has etelel
let of horses during Me last year.
Ho has bought three ani eneeliatf
, 2,240 acres, and in the
diStriat and also be Regina
e residencee VEr. aaokney .lees net
yet fullY deelded ;ha may go out
west to make hi borne.
1, -Mr. ' and M M1118r, of Oa
, River, Manitobe, i4ter an aosenee o
2t years, are vxitng friends i
1 Blowhard.
-Miss Oerrie Ott has Severed lap
connection yeah the Mitchell post
office, Mist Maud, „Ienea has take
her position.
-Mr. A. J. times, superintend.
ent of the Anglican church, Mitch
ell, was presented With a handsora
Morriseehair at the Christmas enter
tab:mew:it of their Sabbath ochool.
-Mr, Peter Stewart, of 'Begin
has come to his home in Mitchell t
recuperate after an attack o -f ty
phoicl Lever. He is employed in th
Government land titles Mite,
Mrs. Christopherson, of Gode
rich, widow of the (late Rev. die
Christopherson, and, once a popula.
pastor •in Mitohell, recently (visite
Mrs. X. Phirenimore of that place.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Leskey, o
St: Marys, .have gone to Winrtipe
to reside. , They will be much mis
eed by the St. Marys people an
only leave that town on acoount o
, Mr. Leskey's health.
-Mr. Henry MoNaught, ofOar
munnook, recently phipped ove
twenty-seven hiledred pounde o
honey via Mitchell to the McCor
mick manufacturing compaey, of
London, last week.
• -Miss Lottie Netheroott, who twa
born in Mitehell, and dvihose fathe
was principal of the public, &rho()
there for many years, was marrie
at her father's home in Woodstoc
on Monday, January 1st, to Mr. W
3. Bc.lair, of New Liskeard, Ontario.
Roirt Thwartes, of Logan,
had a very successful Wood bee one
afternoon not long ago. In the ev-
ening the wives of the men present
were also, invited and a very' pleas-
ant -evening was spent With Mr. and
Mrs. Thwaites.
-An acetylene gas explosion took
place in the store of Mr. A. a. Babb,
Millbank, on Christmas evening at
six o'clock, partially evrecking the
•store by blowing the front out and
doing considerable dam a ge to th e
large stock of merchandise which
he carries.e
, -Mr. Robert W. Keeler, of 'Wood-
stock, and at one time a well. known
and ' `repeated merchant
Mitchell, commetted suicide by hang-
ing himself. Dieceased -had been in
poor health for .some • time and this
is the reason assigned for the trash
-Thomas Ryles, an Englishman,
who had only been in this tountry
three months, went to Stratford on
Wednesday of last week and was
found dead in bed at the ;Victoria
hotel the next evening. •Eyles had
come to the country for his health
and was a baker by &retie. He
leaves a wife and and in England.
-After thredhing .at the farm of
Mr. &alien, Huron road, near Mit-
chell, the other day, Mr. Peter See-
bach attached his horses to the sep-
arator , and before he got hold of
the lines the horses made a dash,
down a steep hill near 'the barn, ;up-
set the machine and ,cauSed consid-
erable damage.
-Mr, Wm. Hay; •a former eesi-
dent of "Wallaoe, died at his ihome
,near Tara on Sunday morning, De-
cember 31st., aged 65 years. Mr.
Hay once lived in North Easthope,
and about 20 yeari ago lived 'in Wal-
lace, near Molesworth. His. first
wife was Mary Scott, a sister of Mr.
John Scott, of Listowel, by wham
he had a family of seven children.
His second leif e survives him.
-Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John T. Ker -
rile, of jarnestown, N. tY., foreeerly
of the A.ngilicen church, Mitchell.
recently eelebrated the twenty -
fifty anniversary of their wedding.
The members of the parish present-
ed Mr. and MrseKerrin with a ease
of silver and a china dinner set, K
and the Order of nights Templar,
oc which Kerrin es a member,,
-with a silver fish set and $25 in
gold. •
k ".itrttit-a-tives" (Praitiiiver
Tablets) are concentrated
frult juicis. And it is.tiltse
frui. juices that cure Co/WT.,
n ation., I3iliousness, Headaches,
, Indigestion) Palpitation of the
- Heart and. all Troubles of the
ee Stomach and Kidneys. A
leading Ottawa physician
discovered a process by which
- he could combine the juices
? of Apples Oranges, Figs and
- Prunesand by adding another
✓ atom Of bitter principle from
d e the Orange peel, completely
f change the medicinal action
g of the fruit juices, giving then
e- combinatioa far more power -
f ful and more beneficial effect
on the system. "Frnit-a-thes"
✓ are tablets made of this coin.
-At the final meeting of the oun-
ail of 1905 in Mitehell, Councillors
Skinner and Herr, the newly elect-
ected members of the old council,
submitted the following motion:
That the thanks of this douncil be
extended to the retiring members
for their efforts and seal on behalf
of this ' corporation." The Other
members, however, did not feel dis-
posed to give theniselyes 'thanks,
and the motion was .declared lost.
-The entertainment in the Releth-
odist church, Mitchell, on New
Years night Was 'largely attended.
The talent procured for the occasion
wee of high order. Miss Springer,.
of Guelph, and Messrs. Norris- and
Page, of Toronto, delighted elle au-
dience with several choice vocal se-
lections and Miss Wilson, elocu-
tionist, of London, gave Several
re,adings, which were /much appre-
ciated by the large audience pre-
sent. The music by the church
Choir was also good and delighted
those present.
Cured Bis Mother ofRheumatism
My mother has been a sufferer
for many year from rheumatism,"
says W. H. Howard, a Penasylvani-
ia. "At times she was unable to
move at all, while at all tbnes walk-
ing was painful. I presented her
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, and after a few'applications
she deeided it was ehe most .wonder -
u1 pain reliever she had ever tried,
in fact, she is never without it now,
and is at all times able to walk. An
occasional application of Pant Be'm
keeps away the pain that she was
formerly troubled with." For sale
by Alex. Wilson, druggist, Seaforth.
Cow Testing Associations.
(Written for The Expositor.)
Probably every farmer in tCanada
would like to obtain more profit
from each individual cow in his herd,
but at present there is lack of co-
operation amongst farmers to accona-
plish this objeot. In Denmark,. the
home of agrieultural co-operation,
there have been testing tassociations
sinoe 1895, and there are now nine
thousand armors having their eows
tested systematically. Similar work
will pay here, and pay well. Wher-
ever such work has been done, the
average production per cow has
speedily been raised twenty-five
and even fifty pounds tif butter per
annum. Surely there are hundreds
of farmers, painstaking and thought-
ful, willing to show a kittle enter-
prise for an almost toertain return
of from five to ten dollars snore than
at present from each tow' per (year.
In Michigan an assaelation was
organized in September, 1905. Can-
adian farmers need to take this tont-
ter up quickly and seriously.
As an instance of what substantial
progrees is possible when individual
. • .
ation or ruii.. juices—an
they have made most wonder
cures of Stomach, Liver
and Kidney Troubles and ;of
Blood and Skin Diseases. 50c
a box.—Ask your druggist.
cows are tested, a farmer !near Cow-
a.nsville, Que., furnishes a striking
illustration. In 1899 fifteen . °owe
were kept, giving an average of
only 131 pounds of patter, ln 1900
tests Were comm.eneede of each tow
.separately, the milk 'being (weighed
I regularly. In 1904 twenty cows
I were kept on the sante land V.vbioh
i when purchased in 1ere8 would not
decently keep nine ees) and the
i average production per cow was
254 pounds of butter.' This increase
of 123 pounds per idow can he attain-
ed on maily other farms.
In some illustration testing (under-
taken in 1904 and -1965, by the Do-
minion Department of A.grioultuge,
it was shown that very poorreturns
are received from many cows, tnere-
fore the urgent need! of ' cow. test-
irg associatiene is apPardnt. Valu-
able practical bulletins on the sieb-
ject are available, and ev,vill be moil-
ed free to any applicaint by the Doa
minion Department 1 of Agricul-
I i t
Where any twenty 1 patrons of a
/factory will agree to weigh the milk
from each caw on three days tduring
the month through t4 milking per-
iod, and furnish themselves with
eoales and. sample bottles costing a-
bout two to three dollars complete,
the Dominion Ministe of Agripul-
ture announces that t e testing will
be done free of latest te the patrons.
As the Department is anxious to as-
sist farmers in organizing, Mr. S.
A. Ruddick, Dairy ;Commissioner,
Ottawa, will be glad to, hear from
any progressive farmer or factory
owner in any °immunity aelafive to
this most important ; matter and
Will arrange for meetings to discuss
the question.
Found a Cure For pyspepwa
Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Port William,
Ontario, Canada, who has angered
,quitea number of years fromdys-
pepsia and great pains' in the stom-
ach, was advised by 'Oriel- druggist.
to take Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. She did so, and says:
"I find that they have done me a
great deal of good. I have never
had any suffering since I began us-
ing them." If troubled with dys-
pepsia or indigestion why not take
these Tablets, get well and stay
well? Por sale by. Alex. Wilson,
druggist, Seaforth.
-Bensq,n Winegarden, of London,
died from swallowing Carbolic acid
given him by his wife ire mistake for
Bears the
ef:e ffe
114 1.;iitti Yet Halo M7tov• Cit
• Z1,1 V7.4:"?-•
-Mr. P. Regan, of Legan, was
driving a neice in to match the af-
ternoon train at Mitchell, the other
day, and when just within the town
limits the bit in the horse's xo.outh
breke, or became detached, and the
animal made a dash for -the Hicks
house stablest In turning aecorner
the young lady was thrown out of
the rig, and received eome nasty
outs about the head. Dr. Smith
dressed the wounds, and ilYfr. Regan
took his niece back home to wecup-
crate for a few days. No serious
results are anticipated.
All Done
House clean
and bright
before theclay
is rightly begun.'
When good
brooms and
brushes are used
• it takes very
little et:garb to
keep the home attractive. '
are the best made, and. like all
ood tools make labor light. For
years "the standard goods
of • a."
Be Sure
and examine a copy of our eatalcgue if you
have any idea of taking a preperatory
course for a
ours for metliodic businees trainieg end
We believe there ie no school equal to
or produaing good results. We solicit
investigation end comparison.
Enter any time No Vacations
W. E. SHAW, Principe.,
Yong° and Gerrard Steeds, Toronto.
Mr, B. Manivesdd, Que., writes us
as Mows: "; desire 40 thank you far your won-
derful erne, /turd* Blood Bitters,
Three years ago filed a very severe attack of
Dyspepsia, 1 tried five of the best doo6rs I
could And but they could do me no good.
/wee advised by s friend to try Beirdoeb
Blood Bitters and to my meat *Arvin, after
taldng two bottles, 1 was to pedetly eured
SW 1 have not bed a sign of DYePonels since -
1 cannot praise it too highly to ali stalwart'. In
ray erxperienee it is the beet I over used. Nota.,-
Ine for toe like B.B.13.
DonTaiieept 8, substitute for 13urdoelt Blood
Bitters. There ife nothing "Just as good," -
The celebrated
'English O000ra.
An admirable food, with all
its natural qualities Intact.
Thio excellent Cocoa main-
tains the system in robust
healtb.., and enables it to resist
wmter's extreme cold.
The Most Nutritious
and Economical. •
South Huron
AgriCLI !tura! Society
The annual meeting of the members of tho South
Huron Agricultural Society will. be held at Wilson's
Hotel, Brueefield. on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY
17th,i8OO,, for the purpose of
receiving and pegging the annual reports, eWting
officers and director, and the transaetion of other
M. Y. efoLEAN. Secretary.
JOHN MURDOCH, Presidene.
n B.-& meeting of the officers and tiii•eetore will
be held the ;same day and at the same place at 11 pc
clock a. In., for the purpose of winding up the mei-
nos of the past year. 10844d
Dividend No. 3.
Engine and Thresher Go., Limited.
Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of Seven
per centper annum upon the fully paid up lewitel
stock of this company has been declared for the
year ending- October 31st, 1915, and that the same
will be payeble on and after
Thursday, February 1st, 1906.
Cheques will be lusued to the stock dera for
payment of the same on Februery 1st.
By order of the Board.
Managing Director.
Dated December 15th, Mi.'
Farmers' bstitute.
Meetings bf Ease Buren Farmete Institute will he
held as follows :-Itegular meetings at Brussels on
Tuesday, January 9th, Gorrie, Wednesday, January
leth, to be addressed by John Campbell, of Wood-
ville and John S. Pearce, of London.
Supplementary meetings at Fordwielt en Friday,
January 12th, Bluevale on Saturdey, January 13th
(afternoon onl)); Jamestown on Monday, January
15th; Molesworth on Tuesday,e/bnuary 16th; Ethel
on Wednesday, January I7th •, Walton- on Thursday,
:Tannery 18th, Harloek on Friday, Jemmy 19th ;
'Winthrop on Saturday, January 20th; St. Coluenban
on Monday, January 52nde To be addressed by Dun-
can Anderson, of Rugby, assisted by good keel
Meetings at 1:30p. rc. ad :3O p.
All are cordiallyinvited to bejpresent and take
part in the disoussions.
P. A. MeARTIIUR, Secrets,ry
THOS. MeMILLAN, President. 1985 -3 -
Clubbing Offers.
•11.11. UMW, SIOINt
• in connection with THE Expos-
ITOR we offer the following papers at
these prizes :
DIE Exrosimort and Weekly Globe
and Canadian Farmer $ 1. 65
r Witness 1 60
Tun ExPosrroR and Northern
Mesienger 1 25
THE EXPOSITOR and Family Herald
and Weekly Star with 'Premium
picture ' 17
Tem EXPOSITOR, and Family Herald
and Weekiy Star with Premium
Picture and the Farinere Maimed
and Veterinary Guide 1 95
THE ExPosrron and Weekly Sun 1 80
THE EXPoSITOR and Farmers' Ad-
vocate 25Q
THE EXPOSITOR, and Weekly Mail 1 80
THE Exrosrroir and Weekly
TIIE EXPOeITOR and the Presbeterise 2 2o
THE EXPOSITOR and the Westmineter 2 25
Tus ExPosrron and the Peeebyterian-
and the Westminster 3 25
THE EXPOS/TOR and Farming World 1 ab
The liver is the lergest gland In the body, its
office is to take from the blood the properties
which form bile. When the liver is torpid and
inflamed it eannot flattish bile a's:4.12e bowels,
causing them to becoree bound and oostive; The
BYMPt-043 An a feeling of fuhaele or weight, in
the right aide, and shooting page ha the. Barna
region, pains between the shoulgers, yellentoese
of the skin and eyes, bowels heegular, coated
tongue, bad taste in_the morning. vie.
AXA:4 IVE ft
warelkPeinesiorAnsioli kenand, neerer ft' tinak6theirdocffeenattlIrPe.and I
are by far the eafeet and quickest remedy for
diseases or disorders of the liver.
Price 25 Cents, or 5 bottles for $1.00,
all dealers or mailed &Act on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto; Ont,
VSTRAY-IIEWelle-Strayee from Lot 27, corms&
_lei ion I, Hibberte about the let of Deoember, a
light red hl
eifer coming three. An/ inforrnatiorre
leading to the recovery of tilde animal will be liberally
rewarded. MICITA.13fi HEFFERNAN, Seidortie P. Oe
'De I 'OR 8 keep
at his plat* , 11 i'n hr.'d York-
shire and a rue bred Be • hieh a lim-
ited. number of ewe will be admitted. Terms. -tri,
payable at the time of eervice, with the privilege of
returning If neceasexy. GEORGE MILL. lasszie
T0 LET -The undenegned will rent his farm at
the Lake Shore to a good tenant for a term of
five years, The farm consista of 210 aorta of good
land, nearly all under cultivation and in good cone
' dition. For full terms and partienlers apply at once
DANIE_Te SMITZI, St. Joseph P. O. 1931.1f
G001) PIG8,--The undersigned keeps for tee ite
,proveMent of stook on Lot lO), Coneeetion 7 e
Iiibleert, a thorobred Tamworth Pig and a thorobr
Berkshir. e Pig, both registered, to which Bows
be admitted. Terine V., payable at the thue 01
vice, ser-
vice, with the privilege of returning if pecenereo
GFAAGE "MAN; ' 1.480x4
.1. quantity of barn timber,.square andin engt
of from about 8 to SO feet, also 0. quantity of rough
hemlock lumber, yleok and €0111thr-g, Parliee
tending to build (Luring -the ceming nsaqn wfl end
it to then' advantage to can and See it on Lot 24,
Concession 6, MeElllop. JAMP-5 LOCKHART.
TherobredShorthorn,Pedl, 17 months old, (eke._
red, with a little white. ice right Apply on La
13. Coneeselon 4, Tuekersmith or addreee ri,ona d
vele I'. 0.,WM. CAANOCHAN, 19-014
)..3 signed has three very fine eoung Thorebral
northern B111113 for Pale. They range from 10 to is
months, two red and a roan, from their imported
bull, " Trumpeter." Terms remonehle. Apply on
Lot 21, Ooneeetion 4, Tuekenanith. or address, Sta.forth 1'. 0. 'A. & J. BROADFOoT. Intelf
— -
OADSTER FOR SALE. --A nice threteeeer-oiet
roadster sired by King Stanton, He le enund,
eedy and broken in. I wish to sell eannehately as
n going away after New Years. .Appiy A. L. Me-
, tot 8, Conceesion 12, Tueireremitiel •
STERED STOtlit FOR S. -The nnder
signed offers for sale on bot 27, Conevelion
ihert, township. ono yew -ling Clyde filly, a few
Shorthorn cows and heiteret two young Shot -them
bulls ; also a few Berkehire pigs of both e ems. 'The
above stock are eligible for feeietration in the .Netiee
al 'Stook Iteeords, Prices reasonable. eoneiderene-
quality. Visitors weleoule. DAVID BILL, Staffs.. 'or,
es FOR SALE -The :undersigned he for ulesev.
oral thoroughbred Leiceater Sheep and Danum,
Oattle of both sexes. Addreas Egmendeille P.O. ot
Apply at tem, Mill Read, Tuckers:Ala ROBEPw
OITARTFR8 & EONS. • 187.fet
RORTHORN8 F03 SAL11.-A few Grandly
Bootch Shorthorn Bella with regietered
greee, 8 to 21 months. Prices from -i50 to
taken 1100/3, 5150 vows and heifers et sboat the
prime, also a few Berkshire sows four month'
DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Oat,
has for sale on lot 18. Coneetdon
umber ef 12'34o -date thorunghbred
bulls, they are of the low tet blocky type,
In color and of rhelee• hreed'og. They &Ka-
thie for reeietration and will be told reae
JOHN ELDER, Hensel P. O.
- The ICind That Stick.
The Hind That nun To
The Kind That End In
Do not give COld the- chance to settle ore
ynur lungs. but on the fxret sign of it go to your
druggist and set a bottle of
prf Wood's
Pin e'Syratt.
It cures Coughs; Colds, Bronelaitie,
Throat, Paine in the -Wiest, Hoarteneas, or any: .
affection of the Tweet or Lungs. Mrs. (on -
slew, 42 Claremont Street, Torortto, writes; 4.P
wish to thank you for the wonderful good
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup bas done fo
husband and two children. '14 is a won e
medicine, it is so healing and soothing to a :di.,.-
tressing cough. We are laeCkt without a bottle
of it in the house.'
Doret accept a !substitute- for Dee Weodae
Norway Pine Syrup. It is put up in ayellow
wrapper, three pine trees the trade reerk,
price 25 c eats. at all e..etlere.
S1-1ORTHOENS.-Oholee bred. hulle sad fempue -
differmt ages for sale, about two dozen to seleot
from. Prices reasonable, Herd now headed by
' Counteedvanue" 06900). Ile he got by the beet,.
scote bred imported stock- on both sides, glossy dark.
red 1 eolor, and well set on short legs. Terms e-
regle ed cows $5 insured ; other's on applkatiera.
Irisitors welcome. JOHN ELDER, Ileneall P. 0..
and Station. t LeSietf
McMann Naomi
John Melia:neer., aohle MeMenno Jr.
(sum -seam it; John McIfituus en)
Are now prepared to handle all kinds el horseee
Buyers rosy pnrehase horse* at their sale stables, '
Egmendrille, at any time. 194441 1'
Pupil of tar. A. S. Vogt.
Plano, organ and theory. Pupiliprep7red for con.
servatory exeminati ' Terms :-Piena-47.00 for
2 'ames ; Theory -5 for ell le,seoas. Fcr oftece in-.
formetion apply at D. D. Wileen and Co's °tale or
at J. A. Wilteree residence, Ann etteet, 86eforth.
Dray BOMBS for Sale.
For sale, tke dray busins in teefortle owned by -
John Ilableirk and Sen. Everything in good order
nd good bueineee done. There will also be sold, thee
table property on John street, Seatorth. For fore
Cher parricalare apply to
10824 Seaforth,
Sp inghurst Shorthorns
A Really Choice Lot of Yoeno lieee
ea Seer.
All intereste
Farm adjoin411m town of Exeter.
ng dietemee telephone to farm.
1084 -ti -Exteer, Ontario.
ta inspect the
N. ,,CLUFF Lift SON:
mu -TORT -kr
t -