HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-12, Page 1_ E 01111 TEAR. OLD NUMBER. 1,987. .-e SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1906. -o,..Ate.opoogroioMoo.lemor.***-o reetings tad Friend 11 to Make n my sky's? ainies NVoitei V 7 to carry ter season, likewise We are odds and 'prices that in the response look for - weeks in had. Fine T ailo rin g and readnImade, Clothing I , —,11111110.11.. ' OTHIN comaxEceimisrr: esameenotriesesmort FURS AND I FURN11614 INGst The uncertain condition of the roads does not keep energetic people away from our Money -saving sale. They thinknothing- of coming five, ten .or even twenty miles to get their good big share of the, savings that are -being MAO° here every day, The advantage s not only in the saving, for while money is saved in large sums, people find, in our , stock the elass and quality of goods they are look- ing for and want. Glance over this price list, then come and see the goods; PRICE LIST: HTTR.COATS._ coon Coats Dyed Wombat Co4sr1 Wallaby Austra1ian0aon Black Calf with curricollars Black Calf, plain collar 'Dark Brown Calf Black Dog ,Black curl with fur collar Bina curl, allnew styles . Seal, collar and. rever of sable or plain Fur lined jackets, fur collar PuRS Fur Gauntlet's Muffs CaPerines Rnffs Caps, Astrachan lamb beaver' CYNTMTE.tdO_A_E'S. Men's $12 to $14 o'verboats < Men's $7,50 to $10 overcoats , Boys' heavy storm collar overcoats fine dress overcoats " reefers, high storm collar $35 00 to $65 00 25 00 50O 22 50 19 00 16 50 15 00 14 00 12 00 to 10 00 to $5 00 to $50 00 29, 00 to 40 00 3500 to 60 00 $ 2 00 io $ 3 50 3 00 to 15 00 00,to 12 00 3 '601to 10 00 2 .00 to 750 $900 500 .300 ..390 250 Men's $10 to $14 snits for -0 $7 50 Men's $6.50'to $9 suits for , 6 00 Boys' three piece suit, 10 to 16 years, re- gular price *5 to $7.50, tor r - 3 26 Boys' odd knickers 25c to 50e UNDERWEAR. Men's heavy ribbed all wool unshrinkable, 75c to $15. for 50c Men's fleeee lined, re- gular 75c to 90c, for 50c Men's odd drawers and shirts 35c to 40c Men's heavy top shirts, regular 61.25 to $2, for . ' 60c Boys' heavy stock— ings, ribbed 25c Men's gloves -50o to 75c Men's caps 25e to 750 Just a Word With You. at's about our clothing—we won't) waste words. 'We are sole agents for what are admittedly the fieese nady.to-weer garments offered. in Ganada—the 20th Century Brand of men's fine tailored garments. Don't confuse these elothes with resaymade stuff. They are different and better in every respect, hed the very kind yon are look- ing for.. They are Worn by dressy men all over Canada,: They solve the clothes prob- lem for the man who wants stylish oloetes ea a reasoneble price. We are ready with the suite overcoat, old trousers or tam vase when you want 'em. Altogether tho best gook in Sesforth to choose from, because everything is absolutely new tad fresh, and beught it low enicefeend'selling at low prices, vrEfighest price for Butter and Eggs. GREIG CLOTHING 00., .East Side Main Street, one door South of the Dominion Bank, SA.HORTI=1. -44 t;- 8ROS Pub a Tearin AdVraneee MA PI:aline Arrested. Mr. Cross, the accountant who COO - (bided the investigations into the affairs of the York County Loan and Savings Company, of Toronto, under the direction a the Ontario Govern- ment has completed bis investigat-• on and has handed ixt his !report'. On the strength of information eon-, tained in that report, Ron. Mr. Way lean soused 3Yfr. josepb Philips, the president of the company,- te be ar- rested. The arrest followed itpon bag] struotions to Crown- Attorney ("flurry by the Attorney General. The lat- ter's decision to order 'suck 'action was the result of the finding tset forth in the interim report of Mr. W. IL Cross. The information on wbich the were rant for the arrest was leaned al- leges that the aceused conspired with others, wbose names are un- known, " by ds3ce14, falsehood] Miss Itubena 'Taylor and Miss Della Cranston as 'flower girl and ring .hearer respectively. t —At the elfin:tat edhool meeting of Union echool sectien• No. 16, Grey and RowIck, Mr Georg 4 Robinson was elected to complete tthe unex- pired term of- Thos, Betmett, *he reeigned to •run as townehip cotue- oillor. John Sharpie' was chosen as the third trustee instead.; of Belden. —Mr. Eldred Archibe„hi, .ofariline ton, sailed from New work la tweek on the steamer Oceanic, tfor, Liver- Peol, thence he -goes to Par's where he expects to remaiui a. y' to per- fect himself in Frenefh. Ile'nyes aie- eompanied by his uncle Mai' .arch- ibald, of Wieunpog. —A. very pleasant eetL�k plae,e on New leer's eveningaiat the amine of Mr. A. J. Courtiem.p stteter at Holmesville, *heft his sacon "sOugh- fradulent meas, to defraud the pube; ter, Miss Sarah, beoam the Wife of Mr. Tr. Walters, oftGo erielretoivne which informetion was - made,, if ealtelnollY in Rev. F. IkWann p rfoima the the presexice of, a few Ifrider the clause of the act Open guilt is proven, a maximum taint- oe, the immediateafriende of the. faln, - once of seven years may be impos- Hies - cd. to their The sections of Mr; Crossreport tyliith viere the ohief factors in lead- ing (to Vie decision to place Mr. Phillips tunder arrest are to the effect that the instalment share -ac- count was grossly incorrect, the ,ehoatage appearing.to be at least a Million dollars, and the p.ubltsbed statements issued by the company were increasingly untrue' each year, accompanied by similarly fake re- turns to the Government," For this the xeport holds Mr, Phillips respon- sible, the ignorance of the other of- ficials as to gross raisstatements 'being possible and even likely." - Mr, Phillips has been released on bail, two -sureties gl Vittg $2,500 each. In his report Mr. Cross states; I fired that the basal plan of the company was unsound.; the imbue - trial insurance methods as adopted - being inaplicable to savings and loan busbaess, hence as a savings and loan association the YorleCoun- ty Loan & Savings Company was foredoomed to failure. .I find that the, 'company invested its :funds largely 111 uinproduetive real estate, thin* abandoning its pro- per' business as a lean compote. .1 find that from the organization lef ate company and down to the year spread with eteah rapidity that the 1903 forfeitares by members far non- wbole block was completely des- opayments of instalments Were a sub- troyed. The hardware store of stantial source of revenue to tbe Kra.uter .& Ritchie, and the barber company. ' ." shop and dwelling of W. -E. Heath In that year a steatite was passe wore also completely consumed.: The 0a -by the Ontario Legislative re- cause of the ,fire is still ankodwn. gulating and limiting the right of The loss is eetanated at about twenty loan companies to declare such for- thousand doll s. feitures for non-payment of instal- —The Goderich Star of aast week ments. This legislation substantial- says: A quiet wedcling took place ly reduced the receipts of the [cam- on Wednesday - morning in St. pally from that source, and is gate George's church, when Mist' Nellie, ea by the officers to have 'been a °nth daughter of Mr, and. Mrs. principal cause cif the company's faile Chrystal, of Toronto, formerly of tire. —One evening, pri leaving for Stratford, * Murch,of Clinton, wete by' the dhoir of Wesley t urch, and presented with a solid s ; 4r tea, ser- vice. Mr. Munih had tte' 'the ;choir leader for some time,ari4 Mrs.Murch was a member of the dI4ir. —A former resident pfWingbnin, Mr. John Inglis Patte son, 'died at his home in Turnberry on,, Saturday, December 30th. Mr. Patterson -was, a few years ago, a miller in Wing - ham grist mill. He haa xeceptly re- t 4n failing idow, form- a fatally to latid Mrs. ntertabaed turned from the w health. Ile leaves a, erly Miss Peacock, an mourn his demise. —One evening not 1 Mr. James Southooxnbe was driving into Clint run into by some WO ing fellows Mr. Southcombe's bug, e. was tut 'bad- dy broken that he had to get another one to convey aim to Clinton. The youths were also thrown out and their buggy also broken. —About 1;30 o'clocle last Thursday morning, fire broke put in John Mc- Donald's store, in the Snipson block, Ethel, townahip of Grely. Owing to the strong wind it ws impossible to save any of the stock. The fi ng ago, as of illellett, xi, he was Goderieh, was united he 'marriage to William A. Archer, of Collingwood, Huron Notes e. the rector, Rev. Mark ?Turnbull, per- forming the ceremeney. Immediate- ly after the Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Arotter left for the depot, taking the 7.15 a. ra. train for a honeymoon trip to British Columbia, Califon:au, and Maxie°, lasting. four moths. —A vote of the property ()WIMPS of Wingham, was taken on New Years Day as to -whether ter indt the town ijs prepared ito provide tbe necessary'• accoramodatioia for a high school, in that place. There voted in favor of a high• school, 252 and against it, 75. A deputation from the towel. t will wait On the county conneil at its next ineeting asking that body- for tithe necessary power to establish a Ligh echool there. This will likely be granted as Wingham should have a high sohool if it wants it. —On - Saturday, December 30th, when Rev. Mr. Ames, of Woodstock, who is 85 years of age, was going to Ethel to attend. the futeral of his brother, by mistake he got off the train at Henfryn and before be ascertained his error the trent was away. With old tirae pluok the took to the King's highway and soon covered the four miles, intervening between Henfryn and Ethel, and was apparently none the worse of his ?un- expected jaunt. —Seven teams competed in the Huron Rifle League match at Au- burn on Thursday of last week las follows: Auburn, Londeshoro, Blyth, Wingham, Goderich town, Goderich township .and. Colborne. Londesboro won the cup, with Auburn a very close second. :The team scores were: Londesboro, 39; Auburn, 348 ;Wing - ham, 338; Colborne, 334; Blytli, 329; Goderioh, 325; Goderich township, 290. Mr. S. Lee, of the Londesboro team, won the medal not!. the hest individual scare, with 45 out .of possible. E. R. Watson, of Goderiche was second, with 43. —Mr. Wra, Gem's", of doderiole diea in that town on Wednesday, Janu- ary 3rd,, aftes an illness a Rome montbs. Deceased. with his wife, celebrated his diamond wedditg last April and was 81: years of age. Ile came as a' boy to Canada from Soot - land alid settle* with his family in in 1876 he and ihis, wife im.oved to (Da- kota where they resided or 24 years. About five year ago they mete back. to Goderich to spend the remainder of their days, aile leaves a widow and eight )thildren and lover fifty grand anti great grandchil- dren. t • —Samuel Ames, of• Ethel, died on Thursday, December 29bh. Mr. Anaes wae born in Somerset, England, in 1827 and when a lad of five of tsix came to Canada with his parents, lo- cating at Peterboro. Here be learn- ed tbe trade of cooper at Which he was at adapt. In• 1848 the was hap- pily uiuted iu marriage to his now bereft partner, Mary Forster. After a short sojourn, in Keene Mr. Ames ;with many Other from the east, turned his face westward ond took up lot 17, coacession 4, Grey, years ago, then a, bush property. Ten years agb Mr. and Mrs. Ames left tare. homestead to their SQL Joseph, and moved to !Ethel tither they resided since, lYfr, Ames ha severe attack of pnetunonia seven years ago theeffects of whioh week nearly always present but he was able to be about and attended ehurch three weeks preceding his 'demise. •—Wesley church Sundae school Zhao'', have raised $50 dor the Siekt Childrens' •Hospital ba Toronto. —The ,waterworks by-law in Clin- ton was -defeated' on New Years day by a majority of 154, —Mr. Harrey Halstead, son 'df Mr. Albert Haletead, of Myhre. Mani- toba, is making a visit in Holmes- ville, after an absence Of 14cyears.'1 —Dr. !Walter Turnbull, of Gode- riot'', Las gone to New York to take special work in the hospitals there.. —Mr. Th owes Ste pale nit cm, of Manitoba, is visiting his brother, Mr John Stephenson and other rel- atives in „Clinton. —The Clinton branch of the Sov- ereign Bank 'have purchased tbe Jackson property in that town now occupied by Hodge= Bros. —The debentures issued in ton - maim with the Clinton Knitting Co. loan, have been sold by talk town to the Woodsmen of the World, at 4 1-4 per cant interest. —The annual At -Home of the To- ron.to Huron Old Boys will be held . the 'temple- building in that 'pity on the evening of eriday, February 10th. —Mrs. James Blake, daughter of Mr. Wm. Watson, of Morris, has gone to join her husband in Cali- fornia, -where the is engaged in the oil business. —Miss Lillian Geddes, former- ly of Wingham, was cmarried on Spnda.y, at 12 ohlook noon, on Deg eariaber 24, in St: Joseph's Episco- pal church, 'Detroit, to Wayne G. Dunstan,, raining engineer, of Idaho. —The other day, while 'VIA Walter ,Cole, book-keeper for the Clinton Thresher Co., was walking on a beam at the building in couose toe erection, he fell and hurt his thigh. —Conduetor McKenzie, who beret- erly ran ,on one of tbe ttailway branches from Toronto, has been ap- pointed successor to Mr. Jolt Quirk, on the L. H. & B., land [has taken charge of his new run. .-A quiet wedding took, niece at the home a Mr. Baker, 4th ooncese sion of Stephen, on: Wednesday of' last week, when Mg. George Law- son and Mani Lenora A. Sanders were United .marriage by Abe Hee'. at W. Andrews. a -The village of Dag:mood alas reached the status of a police village and will, hereafter, enjoy its own munieipal government. Messrs. N. Weltert, George Kellerman and Fred Grossman have been dottet trustees for the, current year. -. ' a -The maily friends of Kiss E. at. Spars, of Stanley. tear Blake, alio lately underwent an operation at the .Clinton Hospital, for appendicitis, will be pleased to deazia that he is doing as well as can be expected tin- der tbe circanistances, as her case was a severe one. —On Wednesday, December 27th, the home of Mr. T. H. Taylor, of East Walvanosh,, was the ecene of a happy event, when Miss Caroline, sister of airs. Taylor, 'and youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. Humplirey, of St. Helens, was united in the bonds of wedlock, to Mr. Wm. It. Roles, of Guelph, the ceremony being 'per- formed by the Rev. S. M. Whaley, formerly of St. Belated. The groom was assisted by his ecittsin, Mr. gas. Mitehell, of Toronto, -while Miss Evy Webster, a St. Helens, niece of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, with „ Blank Books STATIONERY AN - Office Supplies. Get our Priee8 On EIrrelOpell. ALEX W4NT14119 Picture framin a Specialty. Deceased was an old eirce Method dist ekes leader. Ile leaves a wide ow and eleven children. • 1 Canada —On Monday, bile James Oie borne, tearester, of' Bowmanvilleiwas coming up from the wharf with a lead of coal, and. Was crossing tbe Grand Trunk trao m his horse was struck by the M ntreal flyer and. killed. Osborne's e eape from death was marvellous, .s he oniye Sus- tained a cut in his head. The wagon was badly smashe —Wm. Kelly, an aged reeident of Term -Damage towxibip, Hasttrigs county, was killed Fuesday morning, on the line of the rand Trunk Sail - way, near Marysvil e. He was walk- ing along the tack, and being somewhat deaf, did pot hear an a.p- proaohbag train, vt ich 'struck him, killing him ipstently. Deceased was 70 years of agt and a respected yeoman. —An moment iccident occurred a few days ago, at oodstook, at the first Glass of domes io scienee, which has just been tna.i.guirated in cop- neotion with the p bile school sys- toni The class froxi form ?IA of the Collegiate, with ttletir teacher, Miss Culliam, were progeessing v-srY 'fav- orably with the leelson, when six (of the pupils fainted, !being overcome by a sickening gas ;whieb scaped • from the gas stove 3w-lich heats the water.. —The office of t1e Bank of Mont- real, at Regina, S sir., rwas entered by burglars on Tue da.y morning,and George Jackes, jan tor, was tshot in the leg when he 1 interrupted the proceedings. He waa afterwards rendered insensible, by a sand bag. The crooks made their escape with, out seeuring anyt Mg. The attire glare entered the a rear window i Jackes was arimsed started down, whe glare fired, and t him. Ile returned not do any damag by a blow on the glare scrambled ou and jukes fired a ; shot at them, The Erected the police, made their escapo. conscious, and was .pital. aiding through the basement.' by the noise, and one of the blu- e bullet struck he fire, but did , ariel was felled Ahead. The bur - of the building, 'other ineffectual loise tor shots at- ut the burglare Jackes was una sent *oo the hoe Hernsalll G. J. Sutherland has had placed in bis bands at a 1 great bargain, two fine brickalwellings Is ith ft num- ber of lots attached to wit. 1 A good chance for a I Silks ! Silks, at cost ! Just received a shipment of ' ra pieces silk, Ill waist lengths, all bright, new, up. i for 4001 yard. Wm, liawde ki Sons, Ilensall. .Apply fit onee at the post oillJe, Ilefisall. 10754. retireil farmer' or anyone luting first-elm:0:3'1"e:- Ings at a bargain. Abu elle tper properties for sale. From December 10th to New! Years', we 'MORO them to•date patterns. ltegular ipricts, ail 700 to trl. 1 . ; Dr. Ovens, :eve and car iiirgeini, wi4 be at the Queen's hotel, ilensall first IruILy of each mopth. T1011.1118 a. in. to 2 p. rn. (Jas properly fitted. . Next. visit February Otb. 191134f I Read Stewart Bro]]'1i, advertisements t on pages 3 and -0. I I The Departed.—Within the past few days four of the worthy :wed Te- spect ed pioneers be this distriet have gone from the scenes of this lite; having each done bis part well, he gods to his :better reward. Mr, Thomas Dick, Mr. Benjamin ifogarth Mr. Robert Delgaty and Mr. WM. Chapman, all wortbe and (useful men in the communities !where they were once so active, so tnseful and so de- servedly respected, have taken their tdeparture to retura no unore. They were good :and true men every one of them and each eine did his duty in accordance with Lis lights and tried to leave the ;world better than he found it. We damp a tear over the graves and hiaerish many pleas-. ant , memories of these nature's , noblemen who lho:ve but gone before. ], —Ed. Exp. . I Obituary.—We re ret this week to chronicle the de th 'of Mr. CW'm, Chapman, sr., of tl1i8 willage,which occurred at his ho e here on iSab- bath last, after on]' a aew days ill- ness Further pa4ioulars regard- ing idis illness and aife will he given next ,week. In the mean time we express our decp rigret at the de- parture of the dee ased and , Our sincerest sympathy Wtih the 'bereave ed family and relatives. : The Late Mr. Dielc.—We =entice:t- ee the death :of k, lof thie vita. at .hs tome on , and 'Oh fol- rding his life ,ito his many . M. Dick was the late David an the 'Grand y of Brantford, e settled on tihe owned:tip, of Hay, m what is now llensall, wItere be ciontinued to farm .until 1904, when tie retired for ea. well earned rest, and coming to Men - sail purohased the 'One 'comfortable lp dwelling at the wet end for many years ocoupield as he Presbyterian manse and a.fterwa. ds owned by Mr.. 3. Machrthetr and air. WM. Elder and which air. Dick had fery ranch improved, and it ts the regret of his hosts of relatives and friends that be was not longer spared. to en- joy its comforts. In the year 1843 Dic was united an marriage to Sarah effer, -second daughter tof the late Henry Site fer of the town- ship of Hay, who s 'II survives him. • They had four sons1 and five Olatigh- tors, viz: Jahn D. of tOlarkeburg; wit James, of the tie ip of Hay; Geo., of Hensell; Char es. of Beaton; Aeon...RAW- od in lasb wee 'a the late Thomas Di age, which occurred New Year's evenin lowitg fads reg will be of interest *friends and admirer the fourth son of Dick and was bor River in the violin in the year 1837. . Blind line, in the about two niUesfr , Sarah, wife of Samael Tate, of Campbell, of Stanley. The Clarksburg; Mary, wifa of 'Robert were taken to Bayfield for Douglas, of Blake, Ida,lof Durham ;, ment in the family plot in the ce Bertha., wife. of Thets 4Bell, of etery there. • Winnipeg and Jean, of entail, and Briefs.—The friende of MA all of whom were most thoughtful Carmichael will regret to learn. and, attentive to a/fr. Dick during his he is very seriously all and willh protracted illness of the paste 12 - for las reeoveryt—Special se.r0 months, his youngest daughtereMiss . are being held in the lietbodies • Jean, who is a trained and well !ex- church conducted‘by Rev. Or Medd, perienced nurse, being most devoted —Last Week James Smiflie ahipaed And untiring at the bedside and it a very fine registered (mare to Air. was largely due to the skilled mar- a James Hendrick, lauscomb, Eseex sing and careful, attention that the county. l'Ilis mare was bred by air. life of the deceased was lengthened Creery, of Irsborne: She is six yeers under tlie severe complication of old and weighs 1,800 lbs. She be a. diseases from which he sufferedand credit to those gentlemen and Iwo which, he bore- throughout with the wish Mr. Hendrick success with Ibis grea,test patience and Chxistian ter- : new purchase.—Mr. and Mrsdattes titude. In religion Mr. Dick was a ' -Green and little daughter, tafiefta, Presbyterian and in polities a Re- 'who bay° • been visiting fin and! ta- former, and althougt somewhat of bout Marlette and Decikervilk, for a quiet and retiring Idispesition, he ' the teat • two weeks, nave just re- took a great lathiest in matters turned after a very pleasant vipit relAting to both church ,and State, ' ,—Mre. A. Murdock recently ienter- whilc as a neighbon he was ever tained a number of her =Male kind and obliging and as a husband ; friends and tater a nymber of sinlal and father he wee loving' mad indugl- : friende.-aln the hcekey match nn mit During his last illness -de de- i Wednesday last between Hensall ana rived great pleasure :from the fact i Goderica, the score ` stood 8 to 41in that all Ins sons and daughters, al- : favor of Goderioh. On Tuesday eve though many living at quite a long. ening London played ..bere winerng distance, were at his bedside. The : by 7 goals to 2. --.Miss Hatton, of funeral service on Wednesday of erherett Sound, has been spenhe last week was conducted at the home ' past week with airs. A. Muidoc ..— by his. pastor, Rev. Mr. Smith, and , Mr. WW McKay, principal or ur tbe reraains . were interred in the school, wee recently presented w ttt Union cemetery at Rodger -rale, The a bandsonte easy chair by his /mei' s. bereaved widow and family have tbe —Mr. David Shirray, accorapartbed By his sister M10$ Aggieeavere in ao -k- ton last 'week attending ltbe funeral of their. relative, Mr. If. *antes Mr. john Carmichael still conia,tiies seriadly M.—Mr. 'Wad Mrs. O}4is Southwell, a Toronto, were it our village, hut in the =cal dise on YridaY- last attendW tg*.t-E;thfuligtearetlit tricts, is removed from the activities ,°Ietha!reagrand 'father' of life. Mr. Iloggartb was one cif 4*-ft;446.444`—M.rk 'Ta's. '°°--Ttiv'rth. an4 those active, untiring workers, who *rr Win" 3h°13'b'erd' wl") hav]°' been not Only made his mark in the 00011- quite ill, are bnprohing nicely,—aars. patioa in whieh he engaged, but also 3011n Phaff41" 8-1.1d 5htlfirlh vila° wftre havo returned te 17111° village. munity from the earnestness and zeal he displayed Mr. Hoogarth was ] • 'ilabera , Read Stewart Bros. advertiscnneita oh pages 3 and 6. Annual Meeting. The an meetiote of the shareholdere of Hibbert, Tuekersmith and Mclia - 3 lop Thresaing Cfo., was held in the separate school here: on Tuesday Ov- dning a last week. A statement !of the earnings of the company for the past year was preSehted by the rectors, together with a sheet hibiting, the financial tendition of the company, eitieh was eho,Wrt to lhe a very prosperous one, A very ha -some payment will be melte on the outfit in. a few fdays. After- dispose - g of such matters as were brought: eberefoerel'ecttheed 3:11J0eehtninrigPalttheOni8Wt1 1 Id late and John Roacjh as dine 4 for the present ye-ar. The' one par- ticulao feateere that elearaeterlaied the meeting was' the many expr a - it sioas of 'satisfaction with the w rk ' of the machine, and it is Overlie eel that next season will be even mere profitable than Iatit. Minh of he success is due to the efficient e moot and. guiding influence of he retiring directorate composed ' of John Dalton, allhomas Melody, Fran- cis Melady and John Lane. It is the policy of tier company to retaina fit offiee an, experienced ditect,ar from one yeah to another, tend in pursu- ance of this jot= Dalton Was "meal- ted'eiresident a.nd John Ileac& s elected seeretaryetreasurer. North Side Notes.—Mr. David feta. - Connell gave a delightful dancing party on Tuesday evening of last reek in honor ot his brother, Mich- ael. who recentle returned from the Klondarke region.—Miss Margaret Prendergast, of Egmondrille, is visiting friends in this sectioata- Miss Mary- Jordan entertained a number of friends on New Years .advailnyingr.e—ottinhgr'filromtheits suniuhrtahsresut declination since] the winter sole e the increase din the ;length a tbe days le searcely perceptible. ;ea cheeky gloom of nightfall overtekes the evening 1 flyers as they °ante thundering along the traek, .healting out a volume ' of burning eindere, and emitting a huge tunnel &taped cloud of smolte and aequemes vapor that ie illaraipated and tinged by the occattionel bursting forth of light from the fire box, and ithe whole is blended into eihrorantio beauty by the reflectiop of the aori- stantly burning luminaries within and colored signals without the train. This spectacular scene arrests the eye of the unwary 'traveller tas he courses this, way lover our neeral highways, and immediately the fates of Pompeii and Herculaneum tunder uvius rise up vividly before bis tmhiendd,evastating eruption a Vass - or his imagination is -carried still further into that prehbitteeie period of nebular phenomenon. In the height of bis fevered etentalloon- jecture the railroad leviatlian passes out of view, and he awakente to the ienple reality that it is only la pass- ing train. • er nn COS sympatby of the community in the loss they leave sustained. 0 —In the death of Mr. Benjamin Hoggarth, whieh occurred at his home here on Tuesday of last week, a well, known. personage, not only in nladc4 his presence -felt in the nom-, Vending a few weeks in Dashw born in England in 1830, besicie-Alake Windermere, Lancashire. He emi- grated to this tountry Cal the year 1850, residing for a year in the township of Cavan. He then :moved. to Hibbert, where he located on. the itIth concession, about two miles west Of Cromarty, and where he zone tinued. to reside for 137 years. So sae- ressaully and soientifically did he carry on his work that his farm soon became noted as one cif the wary fin- est in the township, and. he -was thus enabled some enehtean years ago to ;tell it at a fancy price and in 1888 he moved. into Hensallaerecting for himself a handsome and commodi- ous residenee. But notwithstanding his pleasant ahd comfortable Aiur-- rotimiings, Mr. Hoggarth had, his days of trial and :affliction, first in the death of his belated wife, Mar- garet Elder, daughter of the late William Elder, of Ushorne, whith occurred after a short illness, atXl soon afterwards the death of his on- ly daughter, Aggie, wife of Mr. George Case, of Hay, also after a coniaaratiyely short Mimes, and on- ly a few years after her marriage. These two tad Afflictions, followed in recent years by a serious illness of his awn so told on RAS eonstitu- tion that when he was again taken eeriously ill a few weeks iiga, be lied not the strength and. oft lity to withstand the attack and no. sed way in his 76th year. In ue1ifion the deceased was a Presbyterian and in politics a Conservative, and be took a great interest in the affairs of both church and .state, being a very regular attendant at Carmel ickurcb, ae well as holding office for many yeare. As a husband, parent and friend he was possessed of very many excellent qualities, and will be greatly mimed by a large eirele of relatives and Mende, and leaves to mourn his less bis, eitNy son, :Wil- liam, who is residingMn the home- stead. 'The remains were laid t lest in the Union cemetery a Rodgervilk. , —Tbe reaper, Deatb, has Indeed been titsy in our midst and has re- moved many of the aged, men to whom we looked up with so ranch respect, and who until within, a very few weeks vrera in the enjoymentof comparatively good health. Particu- larly so was this the case with the subject of this notice, the late Robt. Delgaty, sr., who was so well and fevorably known and higbly. respect- ed. He passed away at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Alex. Thompson, in Heim% on the 3rd inst. air. 'Del- grityi was born on December 14, 1821, in the village of--A.y-tonelterWickshire, Seatiand, where he was married in the year 1845 to Mies Ltabella Sparks, and six years afterwards they emigrated to this country re- siding foryear or se in the town- ehip of Bla,eterliehia, Oxfcerd county. In 1853e they moved to the township o Stanley, taking up what is. now known as the fine homestead farm, lot 15, 12th concession, Stanley,where be continued to live and farm isuce cessfutly Until 1901. Mrs. Delgatty died- in 18$0. After retiring from the farm the resided in turns with his sons Robert mid James, and his daughter, Mrs. Alexander Thompson, Coming to Heneall with Mr. and Mrs. Tborapson, When they moved here from near Blake", a couple of years ago, and where ti& enjoyed lifn being very amiably conatie fitted and A good conversationalist, and he took muctli pleasure int eft - tending lectures concerte and en- tertainments, while in -Ins attend- ance at church and prayer 'meeting he was never known to rates when biretta permitted. He was well in- formed on maw subjects, having a well stored mind and a gift of ac- quiring and e retaining knowledge, 1Nrhile his opinions were stron and decidedand he always lead the 'cour- age cif his Pon -vie -tints. In the priv- ate affairs of life, as a husband and parent, be was kind ad thoughtful, and as aeneighbor and friend was dbliging and true. He had attain- ed the ripe age of 84 years, 'and AVS0 quite bright ip mind and intelleet until the last He leaves to mourn his loss three sons and four 'daugh- ters, Alexander, of Gilbert Plains, Manitoba; Robert and James, of the lowaship of Stanley; Mrs. Sparks and Mrs. Thompson, of Hensel -1; WS. Hioks, of Egmondville, and 'Aire. , Banefoeld. h. A. EDWARDS is buoy preparing for his AnnuV Winter Saie and yog may depend on gettin ex- ieptio,ial mitres. Wpm% each week'sannouncement.- M'A. retwerchetayfield. 1987.1 ReadiStewart Brosadvertisenaentse in pages 3 and Breezes.—Profeasor Burgess, �t Huron College, is expected to Con- duct service in -Trinity churea Sunday, wben sacrament will be ad- ministered.—D. T. Gardner. -of Clin- ton, is visiting Bayfield friends this weeke-tGeorge Campbell, of the Soo, was calling on friends Tuesday. —John Gembeltard, of Detroit, was home for a ebort visit this week.— The new council lield their filet meeting for 1906, Monday and. ap- pointed the following offisers: Clerk, H. W. Erwin; auditors, A. Falconer and Alfred E. Erwin, acne table, Robert Mcalnrra.y: -assessor,. Charles Tippet—Miss M. Green, who has been visiting at Harriston and Gorrie has returned thoxne.—Mr. Thomson expects to lave bis grist mill in operation in a week lag ete. —Mr. James Campbell's neer-rat- d.erte.e is about completed ahd he ex- pecte to occupy- it shortly.—Miss Furry, �f near ITippen, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. Parsons.