HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-05, Page 8•F On Friday and Saturday wi,LL §ELL Beef Steak 3 lbs. for 25c Good Chii Be L. W. BEATTI Seaorth. :olidav Gifts .1n the lines mentioned below we., are showing a fine assortent, ana at closepribeg, Y OU ratty find many pretty and .usefui. presents in our store. !Come and ia. speep our stook of Silver Plated Knives and Forks Pocket and Table •Cutlery Nickel Plated Tea Pots 4 - Skates and Hockey Sticks Carpet Sweepers Hanging Lamps Stove Sale Now aohig On. t -We are offering our stock of both new and seeend hand Stovee at greatly redueed prime. Come now andeneure a bargain, aur prices ar4 low .kind goods of the bet CREEINEY 'SMILEY, SEAFONTH, SOLE - 1 ApEl'i-TS, Hardware, Stollres and Coal. DOSITNIoN 'BANK HBO OFFICE, TORONTO. nee,_ Capital, Fully Paid Up-$3,000,ouo.00 Reserve Fund and 'un- divided Profits •. ES 2,634,000 Depots leti: Public $ 29,700,00ci Total Assets $ 392253000 nnm DISTRIOTigA.TTEES. BEAFORTH BRANCH, Every facility for the transseting of a remand tanking bushman Colleetione made on all points in Canada euedebroad. Advances suede to Faimere.. Special M- ention paid to the colleotion of Sale Notes. ••+•/•••••1=1/0•MMI•1 SAVINGS BANK. Depoeits of $1.00 azd upwarde received. and interest paid or added June 80th and Deceniber nut. Withdrawide may be made at any time. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. L S. HAI'S, 8011090 - • HURON EXPOSITO tion for those who, like the gelitle- p men We have limped, karve devoted, , their lives to the noble Work of in- structiag and training the young. ft Local B.riefso—Master Thos., Cole, Of Toronto* who was spending the Christmas holidays with his tgwand- Farmers' inStitute Meetings. father, mi..*Thos. mil, a. gomend. vine, returned home. one Monday.-- and the best Louse Killer on At Bider, on Friday) Januar-y*12th, Mrs. Wm. Gamete, of Stanley, near the market. ottlitry-:' Supplies h) stu 013, --Miss Gra week te Toma,I rtr.111( the ; Mr. Alber •MeQue Crystal Grit vert; has. 8 Oyster 8fiells their dutien 1and 1/Ewan* to St, im Aikeethead to S.. Mustard and to (Toronto Ifni - veers and Albert Alkenhead to Anedical school, London. - Mr. Sandy Baird left for London Poultry Foods of all°nth; on Monday, haVing secured Le. po- sition with the Goikid, Shapley Wind Mill Co. -All should bear tin mind the Farmers' Institute meeting to be held in Wilson's hall on Satur- day, the 13th, in the afternoon and evening. t 1 and 7:30nAloole p. en, At; ,Bruee- Blake, passed. through here on 'Tues. - field, on Saturdann at the same hours= day. on her wayy home fro* Galt, , 1 James Watson, Successor to W. N. Watson , . NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General Fire. Life and Accident Insur- ance agent, Real Estate and Loan Agent. Deiler in fusteelaes family and Manufac- turing Sewing Machines and Cream &pun atom viz.: ' iiew Raymond and White Sewing . Maohhies andNational Cream Sep- arator in three sizes Also sewing machine needles, oil, attach - /tenter repairs and sundries for all kinds of sewing machines. Prices right and ma. chines fully guaranteed, JAMES WATSON, nsuranee Agent, arid dealer in Sewing Machine and Bicycles. Nortia Main street, Seaforth. Winter Term * Opens Jam 2nd coivirR STRATFORD. ONTARIO. I Tine is one of the beet Commercial and [ horthand &Imola in the Dominion. Pur conrses are thorough and practical. eny liminess collegee employ our god- • ouoolaotseusruo.rratiteiaoktem.100.LwfoitlHel oLfuoarrNt:rradpriuinreeetoeipasotief Music Musig Music Nothing does more to make home en- joyable. It helps to entertain and gives pleasure to one and all. Our stook consists of Pianos, Organs, Gre,phophonee, Violins, Mandolins, 'Mouth Omens andfelmoet everything in the Musi- cal line. Sheet Music, all popular pieces at 253 ; atso the best editions at 10e. Nothing makes a nicer or more enjoyable preeent than a roll of good music. Singer, New Waltzing and National Sew- iag Machines, nail and hear some of our mei°. 0- where she •had been spending the Inir pap....mwoore,••••0 ,Kl Read Eitew,art Bros. advertisements Christmas. holidays with her daugh- • eriaake p. on. pages 3 and 6, . tet, -Mrs, joseph Henderson and Summoner to Hamilton &Kerslake, 04bli e , Miss Henderson, a MoRillop, re - A Good Farm SoId.-Nr. jolihRobb turned 'home on Tuesday from Wood- Messrs. P. Dill and J. F. Daly also has sold his farm ion the and, eenees- stock, where they . had. ',been enjoy- figured in the list of prize kwinners. $i011. H.iTuckensmitla to lelr, ing a pleasant visit with Mr. ;tad. .tetnut atia. vim George Stnithers Arnistno.rtg, oi Stanley, for khe sum Mrs. Anglia McLeod arid faintly:- spent New Yea,rs day at the home of of $7,000. This farm pentanes -1.00 Mr. II. J. Piper, of Hamilton, fipent Itr. James Dinsmore, Stanley, near acres and is One tof the test farms Skinday and New 'leave clay with Blake. -Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Fowler in the township and is in ;first class - friends in townf-Mr. Everett °rich, etiA soli, of Rargo, North Dakota, ere slia.pe. There is a-, large two _Stony of Park Riven, North Dakota, was here visiting friends. -Mr. and Mrs. brick bouse and. good ibarns and out- in town this week. Mr. Crioh is oxi Robert Bell attended the marriage buildings. -Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong ; a visit to the old home in the West a Mr. 'Bell's, filster, in Hay, on New are to be congratulated on secuiing End Tuckersraith and 'Mende re- Tears day. -Mr. and Mrs, Robti Fut- such a beautiful hoine, Mx... Robb turning about the middle, of Feb- ton, who Mee been here visiting intends coming to Seaforth to re- - nuary. Like Many other expatriate friends left for their home in Wash - side. Ile still has the Johnston cd Canadians Mn. Crich' intends re- . ington state on. Thureday.-Mratich, farm on the same line.' It is all ire: turniag to Canada. Just before Tranter, of Bradford, Pa., 'was here pasture and looking after it will: leaymg Park River he sold his 'farm ..:•reep him from feetbag lonesome there and. on his return will make when he comes to town'. The people a prospecting tour throng& Sas- of Seaforth will be eery . pleased to katchewan and Alberta with the weloorae Mr. ' mut Mrs, tRobb and view of looking 'up a new home in family as citizens.. , . . „ ,1 the land. a the Ma,ple Leaf.' -We 1 ,have to -congratulate our old and Hortioulteual Society: --Attention esteemed friend, Mr. W. R. Davis, is directed to the advertisement in - Of The Mitchell Advocate on his el - another coltuaen of the annual meet- eaten to the Mayoralty of lilitchelt ing of the Horticultural Soeiety. In- on Monday last. Mr. DaVis has been tending memters are urged to jein mayor of that good town many times and the people always return to him when they have some knotty muni- cipal problem to solve and he tnever fails them. -The Seafortli brenoh of The Canadian Bank of Commerce is authorized by tbe liceatclators Of the ;York County Loan and Savings Co.,, to receine -pass books or certificates from Subscribers and •give offieial receipts for same in the name la the liquidator:a-Mr, C. Holbein re- turned on Monday after spending a few Christmas holidays very pleas- antly with friends in and `around Dashviood,whlere he formerly liv- ed.. -Mie W. Gillespie, son Of Mr. John Gillespie, who had been spend- ing his holidays at hOmee'returned tor London this week to resume ibis annual meeting when the year's , studies in the medical college there, work will be outlined. Subsortp- ' -Itirs. T. H. Wheeler, of Winchelsea, times may be paid to Wm. partry, Usbbrne township, Who Was here president, to H. W. Brown, 'more- . spending the Christmas holidays with -Lary, or to ji. A. Wilson, townenlerk, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James C. I• - Reid: and other griends, retnrned , sSuiaide.-Thase *leo remember the home on Saturday. -Mr. . Thomas young man mentioned when the wag Murray, head master of Owen Booted a member of the staff of the Sea- / 'Collegiate Institute, Was in - town north agency of the Bank of Com- on Saturday. on his way home from memwill read_ the following de- Heiman, Where he had been Spending spateh from Winnipege dateL jan- a few days with his father, Mr.. Jas. nary 2nd, with feelings of th tleep- . MarreY.--Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cole - est sorrow: " A tragic suicide oce man, of the 2nd concession of Tuck- ourred here this niorning, when Re ersmith, have -recently returned G. licCosh, on of Bev. R. MeCosh, from a very pleasant holiday with of Chatham, Ontario, paying teller-, friends in Michigan. -Mr. and Mrs. in the Canadian Bank of Conim.erce, A. Campbell, of Deborne, spent Sun - at Winnipeg, shot himself throaigh deer with Mr. and Mrs. 'Till as Rich - the brain. The rash act 'was ardson. In company with fMrs.Rich- .ardson and other friends, they had been attending the china wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ifienkin, of Logan. -The illustrated. part of last Saturday's Toronto Globe had an excellent picture, of Seaferth's new L skating and curling rink when it . was a little more „than thalf com- pleted. The pboto was taken by that veteran artist, Mr. A. Calder. ! 1 -Mr. Alex. p. Wilson. and Miss . Isabel Wilson, of, Milwaukee, were here over Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Young. -Mr. 33. Thomp- son, of Vancoaver, 13. C., accompan- ied by his wifeehas been here epend- ing the Christmas holidays with his mother in MolCillop, and other friends. Mr. Thompson has a good position in the western city. -Mr. R. C. -Cheeswright, of Walkerton, Willies as Mayor and Messrs. M. was *calling on old Seaforth friends last week. -Ms. lYfelvin Scott, of Broderick, W. tE, }Emmen, le J.' Bowmanville, spent Sunda,y with his McCallum, J. C. Greig, George Murdie as emincillors. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arch, Scott.- g, J . .y. m isiley, In this commotion we may state that Mise Maggie Ballantyne, of London, in our report of 'the nomination spent New Years with her parents, last week the name of Nr. ffinceiley, Mr. and Mts. W. Ballantynee-Mr. although mentioned. among the ;dam- Themes rotheringham, son of Mr. didates nominated: was inadvertent- ly omitted from among these given as still remaining in the field.. HoW- ever, we are pleased to • note that he did not suffer einjary thereby, as he "got there" all the smite. The following is a etaternent of the votes east for each candidabe in :the sevexal wards. FOR MAYOR. G. Ma Baldtifin Co, SEAFORTH. dealere in - Pianos, Organs, Graphophones, Sewing tAachinee, Needles and Oil. IN OUR WINDOW We show the folleiving LEFT' OVERS ' bought especially for the Christmas tilde. 2 Silver Cloth Brushes 2 Silver Military Brushes 1 Silver Hair Brush 2 Silver Coral* And we have also a number of smeller sil- ver novelties. Their quality and besuby -have not deteriorated in the weck's interval, but there will be 25 per cent,. off the price. No need of our throwing off all the profit off them for there will be birthdays and all aorta of ocoesions to market them, but We wank to celebrate Our biggest) Christmas Season by showing a clean sweep of all„the thriebinas goods. John Bujger, Jeweller, - - - Seaforth Marriage Licenses issued, Anilual Meeting. The avowal meeting of Stanley Branch Agricu1tur- 41 society win he held in the Town nen neeteld, on Vetelny, jsuoary 10th,; 1900, to settle up the busi. smacithe Society for he past year, to reeeive the troasurer's and auditor's reports and to appoint °Ili - One for the year 1900. 1988.1 IL DRECIDIAls'N, Secretary. at once, in o der to secure tall the Advantages ended by the 'society, whose Whole aa*is to widen the In- terest in the cultivation of fruits and flowers, The Membership fee of two dollars is supplemented by a. like amount by government and other grants, and, as the society es able to purchase stock tat wholesale rates, each member receites in re- turn several. times the value of his money in periodicals and his (*eke of fruit trees, roses, plants, bulbs and seeds. Indications are that this year's returns willbe [exceptionally god in the way ot premiums, lee- kures, and a flower show.. The pub - lie, whether Members or not are strongly unged to be present at the prompted by despondency, resulting from the -fact that he had "received notice from the bank of hisdismis- sal, on account of having been mare Tied clandestbaely recently, when has salary was not sufficient, . ac- cording to the rule of the. ibank, /Or him te niarry. His affairs at the bank 'one in perfect 'order and Cm books were balanced up to Saturday night. That his action was premed- itated is certain, as a letter ad- dressed to his me:40mi was found, in which he stated his intention." • • The Town Elections. -The elections in &a:forth on Monday 'last passed over very- quietly. There was a nice, friendly nivalry, but no un - _due excitemenit. It being a holiday, there was. a/large vote polled and resulted in the election of 'W.' H. WILLIS HAYS. Division No. 1.... 102. 39 " " 2.... , 73 75 CC CC 3, 36 231. Majority for Willis 30 effill• •••••• 67 201 COITNOILLORS. No. 1.,No... 2. No. 3. Total. Broderick ,309 ' 112 91 315 McCallum ' 102 97 • 79 ne 76 276 85256 &31 39 180 17 172 Ilmehley 112 88 Greig • 90 81 Smiley - 102 68 Windt(' 92 49. Geib 71 54 Stemhens 46 67 41 154 No. 1 is the Northward ; No. 2, the East ward, and No. 3, the Scottie ward. Good Teachers.-MitAndiew Scott, Mr. T. N. Forsythe and Mr, !Thomas during the 'holiday season. -The Im- Shillinglaw, of Tuckersmith, Mr. perial Male Quartette are eapplying George Baird, sr., of Stanley, and the music for the ,Oddfellows' At - Mn. Lock, of Clinton, have all been Horhe in Clinton on _Friday night. - re -engaged to teach in their pre- Mr. S. A. Dickson, of Fort Saskatch- sent schools for the turrent year. ;ewan, Alberta, ;who has 'been on a Imre for a couple of eeks, s for his home this, Friclak. He be accompanied by hismster, Rae Dickson. -Miss Ball, of erich, and Miss Edna Herald, of itou, were guests at the Empire ' hotel in Winnipeg on Saturday last. ' -The children of the Presbyterian • Sabbath school will have their an- nual concert this, Friday,!evening.- Mrs. 'George Murdie • spent New Years with friends at London.— Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm 1VIcKa,y, of Godericla, were Spending the holidays with friends in this tvicinity.-Mr. t.fohn G. Grieve, of McKillOp, who Wm. Fotheringham, of Tuckersmith, who is engaged in the drug business in North Dakota, -is ihome on a vieit. While on the way here he was in a railway wreck, and while net eeceiv- inee any further injury than a cut on the forehead and a black eyc. two men in the neat in front of him. e many friends of , who went to Re- s ago tor take are - o in the Indian In - will regret to learn • that she has , been crate seriously 111, and. her 'sister, Miss M. Dorrance of Toronto, has gone to Regina to 'wait an her. --Mr. Arch. Scott re- turned on Saturday from a business trip to th,e west. -Owing to repairs being made in the boilers at the electric light station the lights in the private homes were it of this week. -Men (Dr.t Fowler and little child, of Clinton, spent eNew Years with her mother, lifIrs. join* Crioh. -Mise Rose Williams went to De- troit on Wednesday to 'spend the winter with her sister, Mare. Carkiff. -Miss Dickson, of Roxboro, has gone to Aurora to apend the winter.- Misses Lucy Huribturt and K: Arm- strong, of ,Mitchell, and. Miss Paul- ine Shaw, of •Naidonald were guests at Mr. James Beattie's were killed. -T Miss S. Dorran gine Some mon sponsible positi dustrial school, Mr. Baird and Mr. Look have been omit considerably longer in the profes- star sickle than -any of the other three bet will they are not new in -the lbusineas. nfis Each one of then2, although still Go comparatively young men, must bave Ma an experience of a quafter of a century in the school trocen, while each one has -also been in his pre- sent school for close on to 24 years. And they are all as popnlar and as successful as itistotors as the.,y have ever been. They have kept out of the rut. They have kept funk abreast of Om times and their schools are among- the best in the county. All this speaks well not only for the teachers themselves but for the people they represent It shows that the people are eapable of appreciating good wank and re- alize the advantages of experience and efficiency. In these days of .rapid and frequent changes in schools and -inexperienced teachers 6.t is refreshing to meet with some able men who value the profession highly enough to make it their life work and althoUgh the pecuniary reward is not nearly NO liberal as it sheuld be, yet public, tappreciation is,sorne corapensation for the pecun- iary sacrifices they have made in proving faithful to the profession. was a suceessf al exhibitor at thet 'The Education Department should Berlin. poultry show last week. Her take this matter into !consideration fowl were the admiratios of the Vis - and devise some system of reeogni- • itors and the envy of the iexhibitors.- laas been. load up twith lumbago for New Years day visiting his uncle, Mr.' Wm,. Ballantyne.—Mr. Sherman, the healer, who made 'such a stir' here last fall., is here again and! is staying at tbe Queen's hotel. -Miss Lu.cy Hutchizon, who has been vise'. iting friends in Toronto and 33owee melanin.° for .the past four months; has returned lhome.-Nr. J. V. Daly . recently sold a pair of White Wyan- dotte chicke ta-a gentleman in For - eat, for the handome sum a $25. - Miss Theresa Ryder, of Lumen spent a few days in town the guest of her friend, Miss Margaret Moran. -Mr. J. A, Smith, aceorapanied by his sis- ter, Mrs.''J '..I. Darwin, spent a few days very p easantly, the peat week, visiting fri nds in the Queen City. - _ Our accounts are all now ready. Call, ns we need the ntoney) at the Maple Leaf Store. P. Dill, Bea - forth. 19804f , I am lookini for A. Young's etore to buy my tea ., 1084-tf 0-tr accounts art now ready and those not (*ailed for before the 15th inst. will be mailed out. Chesney and Smiley, Seaforth. 1080-I Dr. Ovena, eye And ear surgeon will be at the Coin- Inercial hotel, Seaforth, thelirst Wednesday in each month, Hours 1 to 8 p. tn. Cataract, squint, fail- ing eyesight, deafness; nasal catarrh treated and glasses properly 'fitted. Next visit Wednesday, Jan- uary fird. 1988-tf Try Charlie Bina& hand laundry, Seaforth, for nice work. Always gives satisfaction. Clothes called for ' and delivered. Charges reasonable. Laundry two doors south of Reid & Wilson's hardware store, Sea - forth, .. 1983-tf Feed for Sale,—Oatmeal mill feed for sale at the Seaforth Oatmeal Mille. Walter Thomson & Son, Limited. • • 1982-tf Pratt's Stock Food is the best and oldest on the ntarket, try it. For sale at the Maple Leaf Store. P. 1)111, Seaforth. 1980 tf ' We have in stock a full supply of the very best an thracite coal. Leave your orders with us. Chesney &Stollen, Seaforth. 1980-1 Comfortable dwelling house in good locality in Sea forth to rent or for sale. Immediate possession can be given. Apply to It. 8. Hays, Seaforth. 1074-tf Rooms to Rent.—Two suites of rooms to rent in th, Cady block. Apply to Adam Hays, Seaforth. 1080 -Of Wanted -1,000 mink. • 85 cash for No, I prime. All kinds of raw furs handled. G.- E. - King, Wing ham. and cake. T ley say he keeps the best in Seaforth. .For Sale.—Registered Jersey Bull, two andlaal*htfalf years old and other Jersey cattle, some good cows* also best brood Yorkehire SOWS and some hens. 1...G. Van Egmond, Sealorth. 1085x2 LOST.—In Seaforth on December 30th, a Lady'. Black Fur Gauntlet. 'Elndly leave at TUN EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth., .. 1986xl. To clear out the balance of our coal heaters, WO have cutteem away down in price. They moat be sold almost at yoor own figures. Chesney &,- Smiley, Seaforth. %,_ ; . 1980-1 Mr, Thomas Brown will sell for Mr. P. A. O'Sullivan at Dick's Stock Yards, Seaforth, on Thursday, Jan" nary llth, at 1 o'clock p. nt , a lot of cattle and pigs, including several choice ideal cows and bini ng or s . 1980-1 Butter, eggs, and dried apples wanted' at the Maple Leaf Store. P. Dill, Seaforth. 19804f SUNDAY SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT.—An e11. terfainment will be given by the:scholars of the First Presbyterian church Sundeg, School on Friday even- ing, January 5th. Admission 10c. Concert to -com- mence at 730. 1980x1 LOST.—Retween James Cowan's and E. Jarman's breast collar and traces. Finder will please leave at .A.. Oke's harness shop, Seaforth, and oblige A. Oke. corner, 2i miles west of Seaforth, a rubber .tiriorsnam:1 e - Stephen. A Tie. -The couacillors for this tovv-nsliip have, all been we -elected by acclamation. The only contest was for the reeveslaip, between S. Swit- zer and Henry Willert, and resulted in a tie, each polling 422 votes. The casting vete rests wit le the town- ship clerk, but at the time of 'writ- ing we have not learned which Away it went. , - Bavfleild, We thank our numerous customers for their pat ronette during the past 3.ear and wish all a happy and prosperobs New Year. Our endeavor for 1900 will be to make this store it still more satisfactory trading place. Try us this year and you will not be disap- pointed. F. A. *dwards, Bayfield. 1080-1 Read Stewart 13ros:eadvertinements on pages Sand S. Breemem-Peroy Bignezn, of Toron- to, wae bo.me Ter the holidays. - Miss Sylvia McGee, of 'London, was the guest of Mrs.Brandon east week. -Edwin Baker arid' ;wife, of Oveen Sound, were gueets of R. Brown during the holidays.—Miss Nett, Miss 'Lerma Erw n and Robert Bailey were iends in Seaforth last y _Falconer, Ed. Weston, has. Ferguson, who have during the past sum- mer, are home for the winter. -One of our old residents in the person of *Wm. Caron, passed away on Satur- day morning, December 80th, aged 71 years. Deceased had been in his usual good_ health, -until a few days previous, when he- Wale found on the roadside, having taken a stroke. The funeral took place on Standen' morning. -Dr. Stanbury and wife and Miss F. , Stanbury spent New Years with J. G. Stanbury in lExeter. -Mr. and Mrs. Woodsworthe of To- ronto, who have been aftsit•ing at the reetory, returned home last tweak. - Mr. Hanailton, of London, preaohed in Trinity church Sunday ilast.—Dri Woods was elected reeve and Messrs: t • C. Parker, S. Moore, gas. ThintapsOn and D. Leitch,' eouncillors.--Gladys Iand Gertie McGee, frota iBrucefield, were at Mrs. Brandon's Sunday . -7 The first meeting oftithe yean of the Women's Institute will be held on Thursday afternoon, January llth, at 2 o'clook, at the home. of KTS, . Stanbury, A full attendance is me- - viseting f week. -Har Alex. and been sallin , several weeirs was in town this quested. week- He is b tt r nut not t 1 e eye s- ly reitiovered.-Miss Lillie Lockwood, df Clinton, is visiting ther cousin, Miss Myrtle Hammett. -Mr. ;Joseph Mann, of Bradley, South Dakota,who has been visitin,g relatives in St. Thomas, spent New Year's day here with his sister, Mrs. R, N. Brett. - Mr. Frank Habkirk spent New Yeens day at Niagara Falls, N.Y. This was his first visit to the falls and he ' enjoyed it immensely. -Mies Mae Hart, of Toronto, is effieriding her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hart. -Miss Bona. Case 0 Brumfield. Read Stewart Bros. advertisements on pages 8 and 6. local Notes. -The Misses Pherry,of Baughn, returned to their !home this week, after spending a very pleas- ant 'time at the home of their lanai Mrs. W. D. Wilson. -Miss Brawn, of Tiverton, visited at Mr. Alex. Mus- tard's last week.—Mrs. Vialkoner, of Goderich, was the guest of Mr. ;and Mrs. Baird. last week. -Mr. t14.Dovv-n- ing, of the London mediael college, spent New' Years at the manse. - Miss Agnes Beattie is nutting in Westminster at the home of her brother at Pond Mills.—Nearly itt the feathers and students have gone Staiiley. , • Read Stewart Bros. advertisements on pages 3 and 6, ' The Election. -The clerk ha-$ not favored us with the %returns of the f• eleotion in this to *Ali, on 'Monday last, but we bear that Mee James MeDermid. was re- lected reeve ley a majority of about 50. The oottneil- lora were all, re -e ected by acclama- tion and the c wadi will be the same as last yea texcept 'that Mr, John Gibson takell the place of Mr. Keys. P ' Beachwood. Try Holland's Japan teri, 41, lbs. for a, dollar, good value; RISO better tea S 11 s. for a dollar. 1080-1 Bead Stewart Bios, advertisements on pages 3 and 16, • Notes. -The excitement of the el- ections as. all over. A . large vote was polled and. everything passed off quietly. The lliaw men ran high., -Miss Addle Eva s, of Detroit, who spent her vacation here, returned to resume her situation on Muesday.— Mr. Casey, of Berlin 'college, return- ed to his •studiee after spending la week with friends here. -Miss Mary McQuaid, of Toronto, who spent her Christmas with friends here, 'return. - ed this, Week. , • Blake. • Read Stewart Bros. advertisements on pages 3 and 6. . Items. -Mr. Pe E. Keys. ,left en Monday last for his achool at Leam- ington, Essex minty. Miss Edith Sparks left for l her school near Grand Bend on illie same day. We Wish both success. -Mr. Robert P. Douglas, who thas spent mfew years in the west, has 'returned to Arita bis relatives once more. Bob thinks highly of the. west. -Quite Timex - piloted was the 1 news weeeined last week of the sudden tleath of 'Mn. Archie Agnevt Which sad event took place in Clinton on Friday last. His remains were interred in the Bay- field cemetery WI Sunday. -The so dal held. tandem the auspioes of the Young Peoples' Society of Christ - Ian Endeavor at Walter Steven's, was a gltodnsuceess. AlIpresent en- joyed themselves. The proceeds am- ounted. to $18.5 -Now that tile fes- tive season. is over, we must once again get down to the realities a life for anothei year. May tit be a prosperous one lfor all. • Co 'banns. REDUCED PRICES. A few pieees of print at Sc' Se and 100; they were So, 10e and 14e. 10 per cent - off all winter ruiderweat., also rubbers and sox. Come along and have it shire in these bargains WS° in high prices paid for produce R. W. Jewitt, Coniitaneeti ReadoStewart on -pages 3 an News.-Electi ening of the n and the victor settle down work. -Our ree has again run with Mr. Wm.] His majority is than that of 1 Bros. adyertisero.ents ii. ' n da, with the lop - w *ear, has passed nd ;vanquished will gain for the -year's e, Mr. T. ilefeMillan, hard 'fought battle oon, of Londesboro, 39 being a few Jess t year. Councillors Leiper, Hill,: Ba r and McCool were elected.. -Mr. and Mrs. P. Papineau, daughtee and sbn-in-law a George Clark, bane int reed to their home near London —14r, A, McAllister* has returned from iis lame in Ilensall to resume his dufies :as teather.! School started oi Wednesday el this 1 week. -Miss Ali e Jewitt, of Brus- sels, spent last jweek at R. 'W. ffevir- itt'a.-Mrs'.. Ge rge Dever returned; to her home on Wednesday of this week.—Miss Kate: M. Mann thas gone - to live with hen Sister. Mrs. ,Living - ,stone, in MoKillep, for ra tibert tinle. : -George Hall, is having a Very tedious time with his sore hand but we "lope he willrateadily regain his forraer,health.- he regular meeting of the Women's Institute will' held held At the hone 'ref Mrs.' IL Clarke on January, 10h. The subjeet of dismission will be ‘! Practical and Scientific Horisekeeping." Bach member should come prepared :to take Dart he t e. dis_cussion. 1 evale . Briefs. ---Mr. J lize Diment and gliss ._ Diraent, of Tor nto, have been vis- iting during th4 holidays twith rel- atives aaencIs in Bluevale.-Miss Belle Burg-ess r turns this week to Goderich.-Miss Maud Paula of Wroxeter, spent New Tears at her home here. -The Misses Perrin, of London, have been visiting their sis- ter, Mrs. J. McOracken.—Mrs. Thos. Stewart has teen visiting for a few weeks at the home of ther eon, Will Stewart, Bowling Green. -Miss Polly Duff vested in Liao -wet last week. -Mr. and IMrs. F.reek Patter- son, of 1Vingha , were calling on old friends in B uevale :one day iast week. -Miss Cora Messer, Miss Pearl Baker and Mr. 1 Clifford Pugh have - all been auecei4sful in passing the model sohool xaminitions. Miss Baker and Me. Pugh codimencif school teacbing ' this week at Har- mony and Lond sbore respectively. - On Wednesday tf last week the an- nual *taeting o the ratepayers of Bluevale publiq school was 'held. Mr, George M4Dona1d was elected trustee for thr e years and Mr. J. Breokenbridge for one year to fill out the term of Mr. Sohn Mfasmatt, An important atter was ithe vot- ing of ten dol ars towards a pub.: lio school libr ry. There watt also some discussion 1 about purohasing a flag. This is so ething that eery - one should fa or. New windows have been tlac -in the school, read the old ones we e sold at the meet- ing. There ,was a good attendance, -Miss Alice D ff returned to, her school at Thor • dale on lruesda.y.- Mien Cora Nesse and Mr. W. Elliott spent a few da' 1» in Listowel this week.—P. T't. W lker held is. sale of cattle here ' on Saturday —Mrs 0, Fraser, of Turn rry, received tword on Monday of t • e death of her bro- ther, Mr. Ea of Stratford.—Mr. W. Patterson, • the boundary east, died on Sunday a ter much skittering. Mr. Patterson wjs a miller by trade. Ile was brought home ill from tbe Northwest a short time ago and never reesvered.1 He leaves a wife, Isabella, daniliteir of Mr, and. Mrs. George Peacock, of Dlorris, and two "ittle girls.—Mr: B. N. Duff is ol- lowed to continte filling the office of justice of the Peace, rA'rj 414. - Eli! 19014 We 'Wish 1 Yen a API)! 9061 1i • I , • Ent -01 ew Years Greetm To Our Patrons and bleu We Extend Our Best Wishes for the New Tear and trust that the Smilb of Prosperity, which, has so',bountifully'blessed all of us during the last Le months, will continue throughout 1906. We trust that the year just entered -thia see the fulfilment of all your worthy wishes, commer- cially or otherwise. We, Have Decided to Make January Cash Sal Colitinue All Next as week of our Januar 1 As it is our cus m not to carry winter goods over. to another season) we offer now, and wilt do likewise next week, the moat Extraordina BARGAIN in Seasonal -A Merchandise. We are prepared to part - with the odds and ends of a season's stock at prices that have never been. paralleled in the town. We expect a generous response to this announcement,' and look for- ward to one of the busiest weeks in January that we have ever had, lf you ever bad ec anon Marry to a Sale Vi