HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-05, Page 7tyt. trials of a slopping trip or :ealls, there is nothing tha yo ut up SS/ quickly as a, ;OVRIL. lavors essence, nutriment t's food in prime beef is in BOVRIL. 1 realize the ecereerny of ell always have it in your ere etteette,..eten enetteetenteettee.:nente-Weetetet Tiot fit, is salt. Fit what yon e itfe,ATR L,e_ n_.,..- 1 --Tnt..ssrte.e.nnt• ne. Oft*SS ---et ene tae all melee Cerree-are it is the hancl -v-v.- puldingthat sl. ) grace and syrn Clothes it because Le careful, is then:. kommonly Teke tee toner VAK3Plaftt"ti V I' gotaRat f IG-mooREssl T 1 RS Sugar.coate , easy to la =lid in action. They cure 'constipation, biliousness, sick -headache. ta'et7f,az k 134 Or v q a '-i 4Ar 13 u1 vatatiznaan.r. Earl k CO.. MAU, tiess %To -liege you have read our handsome, thustro.teu catalogue. tells about a thoroughly ,,rood lmercial school, one w IL 0$' wth has been remarkable in the i.,_ -w years and whose only claim pa•ronage has been that of ,ane ntertt. is the most rapidly growing t -..g.‘ in Ontario has io aprofessn- trained staff of teachers, new rter, and equipment. :nsurpassed anywhere. its graduates get positions, or at any time. D. EULER, Media , 4 -Me with snuffs, powders, with the idea of curing tarrh has reached the ted by creating pure, iease.' The stomach and ' these tiny germs. Local They must be driven out arified, the system toned cure the worst form of [he blood, cleansing the I Thousands have been Dugh this remarkable dis- ecommend it. T NICS VIM BI.KEEN) .)411.-TRIAI... FREE g 8trat West 'Toronto, Ca a sr' te• The 14:0011eY' Way There's nothing too good to go into MOONEY' CRACKERS. Tlie best flour that Canada Mills, the best butter and ererri Canada's furious dairies cz,' dIduce, and the be: -.1 •ecidipped bakery in Canada, • to convert them into the tr4 best crackers you ever. ate— , •-* . 0one:es gi Perfectich Cream Scaas They are good e4ing,any time and all the time: Crisp, inviting, tool some. 0® _ 0,0t4t-Y.81•SCUIT.e.:Clit, 4, , .synityrth *tztotytt eeern.e._ -mg.-ogler - At all Gro• cers VETBRI_NARY OHN GRIM, V. EL, honorradii* ofOriterio t* ' Veteriarny College. Ali es of Domino salmi* treated. Calls prom *tended to and charges incononte. Veterhiary id sky a epecialey tenses and residence Ort Goderlob red, one doo *4 of Dr Scent's offing fleaforth. 11124 BURN V. S.--flonorery dnato of ihe Ontario Veterinary College ail etotemsee meta - 114r et the Medical Asetusiation of tbe Ontario Voter- benretCollege, Treats Weenies of all demestio anima, by the nitief modern primnples De 'Miry and Milk *ever a specielty. 04ne g F 1 I. "i" Dick's Hotel. nfabit Street, Seaforth. All o ere 1 ft at the hotel will reoeive prompt attention. Nig , t Calla received 1871.52 at office. • LEGAL. .JAMES Barrister, Solicitor, Noiney Public eta. Money to leen. In &Worth Mondays, Prldane and Satan. deys. Offine open every week dey. Over Plokitedne etore. Main dr*, Selforth. 1904 R. 8 HAYS,1 11.401, Solicitor, Conveyancer and ,Notaq Public olleitor 101 the De -minion Bank, Ofiloe—in rear of Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Money toil*. 1285 TL BEST, Barrister, Solid*, Donveyeneer Notary PubU.' Offioes up onAin. over 0. W -.one bookstoze, Main BOMA Sealoirth, Ontario. —1 HOLMIUM, ammo' to The late nrna of MoOkeghey & Hohnesten, Banieter, Solicitor nenveyeee, and Notary Solicitor tor tbe On diem Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. NUM or tale. Office in Booties Biotin Mein Sheet enforth DIOKOBON AND GARROW, Batristere, Solicit- ors, eto„ Goderioh, Ontario, E. L. DICKINSON. 180841 UHARLES GARROW L. L. B. 4 - DENTISTRY. DR. H. J. HODGINS DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dentin Surgeons of Onterio. Succeseor to Dr, Tweddle. Office—Over A. Young's grocery atore, Math etreet, Seaton)). 1975 DR. BELDEN, DEMIST, TORONTO, Ifee removed from 418 SberbourneRi. to hie beau-. ful new offices, 480 Young St., oppoldte Carlton St; 1815-13 MEDICAL. Dr..John McGinnis, Office and Reeidence—Victoria Street, SEAFORTH • 'Phone 78 OR. H. HUGH ROSS, -Graduate of Univereity of Toronto Enoulty of Medi - chin member of College of Phyelolaies and Sur- geons of Ontario • pan greeinate oonetins Chicago Llialoal School, dilcago •, Royal Ophthelmic Hoepi- ten London, tgland ; University College Hotepital, London, England. Onion -Over Gettig & Stewouno on*, Math Street, Seafortin. 'Phone No. 5. Night calla answered from *Mance, Viotorie street. 1820 O. Fo do BURROWS, S Lai 0 Offite fond Residence—Goderieh etreet, east of the ineehoffist oleurah. TIltarZOSIN No. 46. crone: for the County of Huron. 1386 DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY1 PhoniCIANS AND StrPennEOZ10, Inederien street, oppoelte Methodist on' rivaintleaforth 436.11men•••• 7. 0n300TT, graduate Victorie end Ann Arbor, nil member Ontario "College of Physicians und wfgeOni. Coroner for Countnof Huron. u. AleeKAY, honor graduate Trinity Unlverstly, , medaInt Trinity Medical College. Member nollega of Pbysiciene and Sturgeons, °Mane Idts81 .33 AUtiliONEERB. epHOMAB BROWN, Licensed AtiOtIOMOT for the Counnee of Huron and Perth. Orders leit at A. M. Campbell's implement ware:now, Boatel-1th, or Tna Ff...4.00Frfla MOO, rill retaive prompt at -teal -ion. anstedion guarantead or no charge. 17084f • TAMES G. nteMICIHARL, liceneed nuotioneer foe ei nee county of Huron. Sales attended to In any part of the county at moderate rates, and eatisinoMee enaranteed. Orderleft at the Senior& poet Mee or on Lot 2, Donocalon 2, Hullett, will twelve es Jrapi ettennen. - 1882.tf 4 UCTIONMBING.—B, S. PhilliO, Licensed 1.1. Auctioneer for the counties of -Huron end Perth. Being t preetioal fames, and thoroughly anderatanding the valon of farm Bitank and imple- ments, plaoes me in m beer poeition to reallee gond Prices. Chargee moderate. &distention guaranteed or no pay. Ali Were left at Howell p* office or At Lot 28, Conoesnon 2, Hay, will be promptly etendul to. 170241 Constance lett. Your Friends/ What? I.—About the good tea you gob gib Jewitt's for"Bo a lb. A lady told us the other day that it was better than tea ehe had paid 4.0o a lb. for in other plat:etre 2,—About -the select raisins, currants, pule, spices, etc., you get at Jevvittee 3,—About the nice' dinner sets, toilet seta, glass berry aets and fancy cups and semeors, salad.dishes, eta., you get at Jew- itt's store at such moderate prices. 4.--ideo about the large assortment of etaple dry gooda and boots and oboes; need- ed in every home. We need not quote prices. Our prices are always as low or lower than elsewhere and the geode are al- • ways good quality. We take this opportunity of thanking the many customers who have patronized us during the poet three yearn and will be pleased to wait on them even more faith. fully than in the past and also any others who like fair and honest dealing. „ R. W. JEWITT, Constance e vbgsef The Morning . '73773.•373.-33._. 3' .3 3 • - • . . e'ttt • • RU -14,014" ErPOSITOIL By LOUIS TRACY Wright 1903, by Edward. I Mode 1 /Mem Anisisia 1_ "T14 -Mohammedan roay be able to belp us," she pointed out. "In any event let us 'wait until the moon wanes. That is the darkest hour. We do not know what maaeha.ppen Meanwhile." The words had hardly left her ,mouth when an irregular volley Was fit*d at them from the right flank of the en- emy'S position. Every: buliot struck yards above 'their headle the con -non fel ing of rausketry at night beteg te e too high an aim. But the.irapact of the missileon a rock so highly Ira:- pregnated wfth minerals caused ivarks to _fly, and.jenks saw that the leyaks would. obtain by this means a most dangerous index of their faulty prac- tee. Telling Iris to at once occupy her safe corner, .he rapidly adjusted a rifie on the wooden -nate already pre- pared in anticipation of an attack from that quarter and fired three shots at the opposing crest Whenie came the majority ofgun flashes. . One at least of the three found a hu- man billet. ° There was a bout of sur- prise and pain, and the next volley spurted from the ground. level. This could do no damage owing to the angle, but lie endeavored to disconcert the marksmen by keeping up a steady fire In their direction. He did not dream , of attaining other than a moral effect, as there is a lot of room to miss when aiming in the dark. Soon he imagined that the burst of flame fromhis rifie helped the Dyaks, beeanie several bul- lets 'whizzed close to his head, and about ethis time firing recommenced from the crest. Notwithstanding all his skill and ma. nipulatton of, the wooden supporta la* failed to dislodge the occupants. Ev- ery minute one or moreemnces of lead pitched right into the ledge, damaging the stores and tearing the tarpaulin, while those whichstruck the wall of rock were dangerous to Iris by reason of the molten spray. He eduld guess what had happened. By lying fiat on the sloping plateau or squeezing close to the projecting shoul- der of the cliff the Dyaks were- so little exposed that idle chance alone would enable him to hit one of them. Birt they must be shifted, or this night bombardment would provi) the most serious development yet encountered. "Are you all rig-,bt, Iris?" he called out. "Yes, dear," she answered. "Well, I want you to keep yourself 'ed cover by the canvas for a little while, especially your head and .shoul- ders. I am going to stop these chaps. They have found.our weak point, but I -can baffle them." She did not ask what he proposed to do. He beard the rustling of the tar- •paulin as she pulled it Instantly he .east loose the rope ladder and, armed only with a revolver, dropp,ed down the rock. He was quite invisible to the en- emy. On reaching the ground he lis. tened for a moment. There was no sound save the occasional- reports nine ty yards away. He hitched up the low- er rungs of the ladder until they were six feet from the level and then crept noiselessly close to the rock for some forty yards. He halted beside a small poon, tree and stooped to find something imbed - ded near its roots. At this'distance he could plainly bear the muttered pon- versation of the Dyaks and could see several of them prone on the sand. The latter fact proved how fatal would be an attempt on his part to reach the well. They must discover him instant- ly once he quitted the somber shadows of the cliff. He waited perhaps a few seconds longer than wasnecessary, endeavoring to pierce the dim atmos- phere and learn something of their dis- position. A vigorous outburst of firieeg sent him back with haste. Iris was up there alone. He knew not what migbt hap- pen. He was now feverishly anxious to he with ber again, to hear her voice and be sure that all was well, `, To his horror he found the ladder swaying gently against the rock. Some • one was using it. He sprang forward, . earelesS of consequence, and seizes' the ; swinging end, which had fallen free . again. He had hie foot on the bottom rung 'when Iris' voice, close at/hand and shrill with terror, shrieked: "Robert, where are you?" , "Herel" he shouted. The next in- stant she dropped into his arms. A startled exclamatioia from the vi- cinity of the house and some loud cries from the more distant Dyaks on the other side pf Prospect park showed that they bad been overheard. "Up!" he whispered. "Hold tight and go as quickly as you can!" "Not without you!" "Up,' for God's sake! I follow at your heels!" She began to climb. He took some article from between higekeetb. e &etre. Established 1879. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Drip, Asthma, Diphtheria Orosolorto In a. boon to Anthrein.tles ottE.101.r.xx". is a long esttthlished and standard remedy Tot tha clisev•rt Ed:sated. It cures became tba air ren. donut str.a...ty t eptie in carried over the dattasect 'sur- faces of t.r neli:al tubas with e-tay breath, giving prolanta,d nod ton mitt treatment. Those Of a eonattinit- tIve tendeney, or .4ntfurors from chronic bronehitte, fine ImmatUata 2t.11.1 ttom coughs or Jutlateed eotieteous of theli,trhsrecatrs. s6,..etm is asu by druggistaor t ut pre. paid on r4e1pt of mire, A Vapotrosolonto out. fit. Includingz 'bottle of Cresolonell.M.. Send for, free illustrated bookiet. LgEmINO litas Agents, 2318 fit Antes St, Montreal, Carmla. ZOJ Impoverished soil, like impov- eriahed b40(1, needs a proper fertilizer. A chemist'by analyz- ing the soil can tell you What fertilizer to use for different products. If your blood is' impoverished your doctor will tell you what you need to fertilize it and giye thlric14 red corpuscles th4tt are lacking in it. .It may -be you need a tonic, but more likely you need a concentrated fat fooci, and fat is the element lacking in your system, There is no fat food that. is so I easily digested and assindi- lated as Scott's Erind.SiOn It will nourish and strengthen the body when milk and cream -fair to do Scott's 'Emulsion is always the sanie; always palatable and always beneficial where the body is wasting from any cause, either in children or adults. We will send y40 a sample free. Be eure that this pic- ture in the form of a lop is on the wrapper' of every bottle of Emul- sion youbuy. SCOTT & BOVINE' CHEMISTS ToroRlo 001. 50e. and $1.00. All Druggists. 4aceemaammecoaastizeit--5-.rsammorraill11111MIIMEIVINIMPAII apparentlY, and drew it toward him, mounting,the ladder at the same time. The end tightened. He Was then about ten feet from the ground, Two Dyaks, yelling - fiercely, rushed from the cover of the house. "Go on," be said. to Iris. "Don't Jose your nerve, whetever happens. am close behind you." "I am quite safe," she gasped. Turning and clinging on with One hand, he drew his revolver and fired at the pair beneath, who' could now feintly discern them, and were almost tevithin reach of the ladder. The shoot- ing made them halt. He did not know or care if they were hit. To frighten them was sufficient Several others • A tremOidous explosion,. were running across the sands to the cave, attracted, by the noise and the cries of the foremostpursuers. Then be gave a steady pull to the cord. The sharp crack of a rifle came from the -vicinity of the old quarry. He saw the flash atnong the trees. Almost simultaneously 'a bright light leaped from the opposite ledge, illum- inating the vicinity like a meteor,- It lit up the rock, showed Iris just van- ishing into the safety of the ledge and. reTenied Jenks and the Dyaks to each other. There followed instantly a tre- mendous explosion that shook earth and air, dislodging every loose stone in the southwest pile of rocks, hurling from the plateau some of its occu- pants and wounding the renshinder with a shower of lead aese,Thiebrist, The sailor, unmolested further, reached the ledge. In a tall tree near the valley of death he had tightly fixed a loaded rifle which pointed at a loose stone in the rock overhanging the ledge held by the Dyaks. This stone rested against a number of precussion cape extracted from itartridges, and these were in di- rect communication Vvith a train of powder leading to' a blasting charge placed at the end' of a' twenty -fou t inch hole drilled with a crowbar. The im- pact of the bullet against the stone could not fail_ to explode some of the caps. He had used the contents of 300 CASTOR 1A For Infants aud Childreu. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the - Signature of tt" 3.1 caetriagee to tee eaei osateefeeey of - powder, and the. aneete were crammed into the orielee, belne tatimed with clay and wet tam], The rifle was fired by means of the string, the 100Se coils of which were secreted at the foot a the poen. By sprInging this novel mine he had effectually 'remOved every Dyak from, the ledge. over which its 'contente Would spread like a Tan. Further, it would probably* di.?ter the ;survivors from again venturing nearl the fatal spot. Iris listened, only half comprehend - Ing. Hee mind. was filled witt one thought to the exclusion of all others. Bober!: had left her, had dope this thing without telling her. She forgave him, knowing he acted for the best, but he ftnnet never, never deceive her again in such a manner. She could! net bear it. MA-WM. XIV. 4a OV are a dear unreasonable lit- tle eat,- he said. "Have you , breath enough to tell me why you eatne down the ladder?" "When I diseovered you were gone hemline wild with. fright Don't ‘you see, I imagined you were wounded and, had fallen from the ledge. What else could I do but follow, leither to help you, or, it that were not pos- Bible"— leigund her ,hand and press -ed it to his "I humbly cravb your pardon," he said. "That explanation is. more than aniple. It was k• who behaved un- reasonably. Of emir -fie I shouldhave warned you." "May I ask how many enore wilt ad- -ventures you undertook without my knowledge?" "One other, of great magnitude, yfe-olul rsinl;e with you." "Nonsense!" she retorted, "I knew that long before you admitted it to eL "Date, please?" "Well, to begin at the very begin- ning, you thought I Was nice on board the Birder. Now, didn't you?" And they were safely embarked on a conversation of no interest to any oth- er person in. the wide world, but which provided them with the most delight- ful topic imaginable. Thus the time sped until the rising moPts silhouetted The cliff on the white carpet of coral strewn sand. The black shadow line traveled slowly closer to the base of the cliff, and Jenks, guided also by the stars, told Iris that mid- night was at hand. alley knelt on the parapet of the ledge, alert t to catch any unusual sound and watching for any indication of hint= movement. But Rainhowls- land was now still as the grave. The wounded Dyaks had seemingly been removed. from hut and beach. The dead lay where they had fallen. The sea sang a lullaby to the reef, and the fresh breeze whispered among the palm fronds—that was all. ,If the Mussulman kept his compact -the hour was at hand. Then the light hiss of a snake rose to them from the depths. That is a sound never forgot- ten when once heard. It is like unto no other. Indeed the term "hiss" is a misnomer for the quick sibilant,expul- sion of the breath by an alarmed or angered serpent. who knew there was no k reptile of Iris paid no heed to but Jenks, the snake variety on this island, leaned nceeferthe ledge and, emitted tolerably good imitation, ,The native was be- neath. "Sahib!" The girl started at the unexpected call from the depths. "Yes," said Jenks quietly. - "A. rope, selilb." The sailor lowered fr• rope. Some- thing was tied to it beneath. The Mo- hammedan apparently had little fear of being detected. "Pull, sahib." "Usually it is the sahib who says 'pull,' but circumstances alter cases," communed jenks. He hauled steadily at a heavy weight, a goatskin filled with cold water. He emptied the hot and sour Wine out of the tin cup and was about to hand the thrice wel- comed draft to Iris when a suspicious thought caused him to withhold it. "Let nae taste first" he said. The Indian might have betrayed them to the Dynks. More unlikely things had happened. What if the wa- ter were -poisoned or drugged? He placed the tin to his lips. The liquid was musty, having been in the skin pearly two days. Otherwise it seemed to be all right. With a feed] of profound relief he gave Iris the cup and smiled at the most unladylike haste With which she emptied it. a, ".`DrInk yourself and give me some more," she said. "No more for you at present madam. • --711111411•1411111114- - neessanfar 1•111411•11, ISM onus WWI -tau- 'fey" opuraqv.".1.-- Boys don't like to weltr their father's shrunken underwear—they don't have to If he wears Coetge, for -hell wear it out hinuself. Ind as economical to buy Cnetee full- fashioned one-piece suits for them, also, and Much more comfortable—no coarse seams to chafe the body, Made of the finest wool, rendered =shrinkable by a secret procees which does not inepair wearing quality. YOUP- Dealer 4./111 re- place any Cestee Garment that shrinks Made at Galt, Canada, by The C. TURNBULL CO., Limited, and sold by all reliable dealers, POOR COPY a a row minutes, yea." ,--- "S h, why not now?" -I - .. "Do uot fret, dear one. Ten On 'nine all you want in a litt!e whi!e. nut to drink much now would make vou very ill." Ir!s waited until he' could speak , 1gVnty did you", she b4an.' t * But he bent over _the parapet "Hello!" £.•71,-y 'I."' , 4;You have not been followed?". "E think net. sahib. Do not talk too loud. They are foxes in 9unning. Yeu here .a leader, they say,' sahib. WH - not your lamer descend? I have much to relate." e: t, Irie made uo protest.w en Jenks ex- -otipulatd that be should not leave the 11, plalued the man's rogue -t, She only ladder. while she would eemain within easy earshot. The sailer, of course, carriee 'his 'revolter. Hb also reeked 1 up a crowbar, a most usiful and slick e weapon. Then he went mletly down- ward. Nearing the gropud, he saw the native, who salaamed deeply and was unarmed.. The poor fellow eeene ed to be very anxious to 1e1p them. li sit'ir‘tat is your newer' 4enitinded the ; "Mir Jan, sahib, formerly corpora) in the Kuumon regiramit." 1 "When did you leave tle regiment?" "Two years ago, sahib. 1 killed"— "What was the name , your colo- nel?" "Kurnal I-sbpenee-sahl e a ''_ brave Man, but of no account on a horse," Jenks well rem embe -ed Colonel Spenee7a fat, short leg who rolled off his ehargr mat so much as lookea sk eways. Mir Jan was telling the truth. "You are right, 'Mir Jen. What as Tuang S'AR doing noir?"! ; "Cursing, sahib, for the most part Ills men are frightened. Ile -wanted them to try once more with tee -tubes that 'shoot poison, but they refusea, Ile could not come nione, fur the could not use his right band. mid h WilS wolfed - ed by the blowing up uf the vett*. You nearly killed me, too, sthile 1 was By wits a tine ed warrior, r if the aril- there with the bazaar -hole the prophets beard. it stroke." "Are they going away; t en?" "No, sahib. The dogleSve been whipped so sore that they snarl or re- venge. They say there Is no use in firing at you, but they are resolved to kill you and the miss sahib or carry her of if she escepee the assault." "What assault?" "Protector of th& poor, they are build. Ing scaling ladders—four in all. Soon after- dawn tbey intend to rush your position. You may slayi some, they say, but you cannot slay threescore. Taung Shell has prothieedgold to every man whp `survives if they succeed. They have pulled down your signal on the high rocks and are using the poles for the ladders. They think you have a charm, eahib, and they! want to use your own work against you." Tilts was serious news.; A. combined attack might ladeed be dangerous._ though it had the excellent feature that if it failed ;the Dyaks Would certainly leave the ieiaml. ,But his sky signsle- stroyedi, That was bad.-' Had a vessel chanced to, pass the swInAing letters would Surely have attraM attention. Now even that feint hope was dis- pelled. -"Sahib, there is a worse thing to tell: said Mir -Jan. - "Say on, then." "Before they place the ladders against the eliff they will build a fire of green wood so that the smoke will be blowu by the wind into your eyes.. Thls will help to blind your aim Otherwise you never 113183." '"That will assuredly be a whward, iefir Jan." "It will, sahib. Soul ofJ, my- father, if we nna but half a troop with us"— But they had not, and they were both so intent on the conversation that they were momentarily off their guard. Iris was more watchful. Slel fancied there was a light rustling amid the under- growth beneath the trees on the right. And site could hiss, too if that were the correct. thing to do. So she hissed. g Jenks swarmed halfway up the lad- der. "3:es, Irle," he said. "I am not sure, but 1 imegine seme- n:tag moved among the bushes behitid the house." • ; To be oontinued.) * • - A gr C54 Vt. X eri:. The KIN You Have Always Mgt Bears the Signature of n't Get Rid of That:Cough Bei Ore thee mercer cornet.Dr Word's nerway e Setup eel -quern noegbe, Cclee &re Throat., ors reeeeent presents, and all ikeetett of the ler oat and Longo , Wherever Hine are sickly people wit k weak heat* end deranged servo,tilbutrun Heart anti NerTO Pills will be found enectual medienne They restore enfeebled, enervated, exhautneed,de. ' 'red or ovonworked men and woraen to vigor. ous health Spring liediine. As a spring tied:eine Burdock Nond Bitters he no equal It tones up the eystim and removes al impurities from tbe`bloodt and taken away that tir. ed, weary feeling co prevalent 14n theeprIng Suddenly Attacked. ehitsson are often attecked anddeniy by"Align and dangonne colic, Crarepninterrhocete Dysentery, Chelan Moan; Cholera Infer/eate, oto Dr Fowl. e,e's Rebate*. of Wild Strawbezry le a *inapt sod mire cure, whirl should always be kept in the bonze *Ones. - o tor Monne Morbus, CholeyelInfentenein (Imam I Colici,Dlereboee,Feyeenter." and Summer Complaint, I Dr Fowlern Bentsen of Wild eitrawberry is a prorept. l safe end sure erne thet has been apopuler favorite for newly 60 yearo LOGS WANTED. The undersigned is preparen 'fey the histe4 Oast* prise for an n1Imlted gamut. et Aret-cises Soft Elm Reek Etna Baaawood, Maple Beech,. Ash, Hemlock And Oak Logs Delivered at the Seeforib Saw and Stow MIR. To as be out an even length, except Soil Elm. Soft oin3 to be gut 11. ID and 16 feet, Will also buy Banswood 'Heeding Bolts, 40 inebee long, at 88.69 per,cord, delivered. Will also buy thnber by measurement or by bulk n bush. fipecial intention paid to *tore sawbag, fiatiefaetion gee =teen. WM. AMENT. Sore Throat e.rad fc.'.ougha A simpki, effective arid safe remedy for all tlirott. irritations la found in Cresolene Antiseptic Te.bleta They combine the genre:cid:11 value of Cretonne win. theaoothing,prot,--rm 'arta of elipkry din an.d 40o. AU Drudalets tef4 3 Is the paying hen beyond a doubt. One dozen of egaT•ou the average sells for the same as one pound of butter, and the labor is much ress. Nothing en the farm gives such paying results, if properly fed, as the hen, as it is her natural action to lay eggs, ._1 tciomnetawinhsentheentsmarrnile OU r Hercules it Foo- eastet•hiengthieudihesenttsimithcz_t makes your hens lay in winter - Besides, it keeps them in splendid audition to resist disease, LOUSE KILLER will keep your fowl free from vermin, and CLYDESDALE CAROLINE ANTISEPTIC will keep your hen- house clean. This adds to the en:production. All our preparatiens are sold under a POSITIVE' GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION or money cheerfully refunded by the dealer. Clydesdale Stock Food Go.. Limited, Toronto. Ont • - eeeeeee.,eeee-LX;-VeeireeaVAaVe.-jasoe err ea. , nee. erenenenne Beattie Br 301. 118311, iBdearliarld Bia.FfoOrRthSAII nutohlitson, Brucefielet W. Neal Clinton John Viraieb, . . Staffat Waltosti Mitohelt, CHATHAM mg m ONTAR 011 Will 1e -Open for the New Year TUESDAY, Jan IA 1006, OUB, NEW BUILDING.—Havo you seen a ent of this magnificent structure 2 If not, write for it, and we will send you A 0013V. OUR HANDSOME CAY&LoG•GE.---This catalogne has over 30 pager of itlus- trated work, mainly engravings from epecimens of peemenshie by former etudente. Write for a oopy if ou are planning to attend a business school. We tow your railway faro in coining. Cath lokne gives particulars. Good board fel. gentlemen, 0:1.75 per weak; Wier'$2.50. ;. =Andante Seared good positions last year. We emu eettd you the bet.'" We can give you borne training in Bookkeeping, Ithorthand and Penaiseship. Cetniogne ,F, gives particulars and berms of home course. Catalogue F is for those Wad wish to attend at Chatham. Write for the one yea want, addressing D. MeLli.CHLAN tyg" CO:. , 1 CANADA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, • A ?r„ - eeeteeet,„„e„.:_te....Tee.„„eeeteeee.,...e. 1 Miff tif Bine nen the meet vern nbenton, freeepee an never inade before. The only ratsort an eau to do it is that we arranged for than Taandeetou Fora dialog rho dull eeorn lathe alooMer and.got tiurn ne.orly at amt. The Buff fe 4t inebee Ione. mune tnehea wIde, male of the baudtetnest Blue roe nue, ty kith, sett and fluffy. It la warmly -padded. Sued With tbe porno skadeof gain rtiod ornamented with lour lam talisef Blue Fox ileo. Such a Imaisiumo ri.r hies uet-tr Ireforebeentrivenaway, and yort tin get It in twy. JoSt not:tans your mine ana uprose pemmy, end velem mei; 2doz.E0t3 Of Pkture Post= Cardc- to soli at lee. a. set (4 dsto at,) - Theyos' betuiti AM, oilfired. rill the urge, raid sea like bet cakes, Sub anp-niut tuyvasinekrogerefl borare to thr watt en 1.--43,1 girls of -Canada. Yon eon Witt by run thiltkintbe rut - :Stoma that would le& ilther, Bo more blowing or mac • orsues and remember, It ween not you une-ttent. Wr;t-.1 ' to -day. We trim end and -tend Ibe Viet, to Poit.cotrto te0101.1103 Airtitikt,4 Dept. 1.0ta - _ ttentntlenentrInilignenniEnten=1:1Mer , Cutter time is inst here, and it is probehle you Will need a new -Atte That belt the case is will pay you to see us at onee. The cutter shown in the abeve tut it a Om own make and design. It made snob a hit last veer, 6-1•ast Ws year tee specialty of it. Ie contains ail the requisitee of the rig you re4-miro--emrafog,t,, opuv-bd.t. eace and lots of room without being oiemsy. Ger prion age right, and o'er werk gearenteed. ....-DE-VE MANUFACTURER OF CUTTERS, ]flTGG1EE.4.$ TO,, AND d•SNE—Alk BLAUKBAIITH, SM,A_PO Dressmaking by II in' January and Save from 3 to 5 Dotlar Learn by mail at home in your spare time, if oa would like to oonduet a drew malt* boatmen, or for home two. If you would he to make V3 C* a dey aborina. how dues -making Ian be taught batter s.nd cheaper by mail then way other *ay: lo-ordzr to get a large number of nneiabe ah Crane, 1. tee& this improved course Tv mat, to: all commencing in January, 1906, for $10# instead of r(golar price, vs and "sputa wanted whole er spare time. write to -day ter Pertionlars. ADDREM SANDERS' DRESS nUITING 501100L. STRATFORD, AMT.,. OAN. Woo heals from 1 to 5 p, m., -Market Place, oppeeite City Rail, 8trstford. Dlinlop's nose 96 Yonde St TORONTO Dunlop's Choicest Floweas only dealt la: Florid Designs for all occasions. • Flowers shipped to any point between Hatt - fax and Colgan,' end SZte condition& guArsufe ed. Illustrated Price tint an epniicetLon. 100,000 Hose Trees In Wow. 40EN 11.. DUNLOP Loj FLORIST Dielez, Phone: liget Sando Gabs Jigs 4708 Zile 2261 - - teen t eeteer• " yout your mends or relatives sufferwith Fits, Epilepsy, St, Yates Dance, or Failing Sickness, write for trial bottle and valuabla treatiseon such diseases to Tun 1.,E1InG Co., t79 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. '2141 atra- ggists sell or oan obtainfor you . .10S-HTOURK 3