The Huron Expositor, 1906-01-05, Page 5•`•
Lg the we
ad lightest venter foot
un.rubbers., don't buy'
Lal brandoehieh alone
tio The gum
the beat productiont oze
ing. rubber factories. Theca
rands we handle : Kant Kra*
OIad,Deck Never Break,
Eoad brand and King's Stub
made of .heavy
'oroughly impreg-
a gum ; the soles
ut one Trickle, -tem
the b
L25 to $L4i
d $1.25 a
-Over Shoes for rue
eat:nie are visit-:
—Ph t. Cban
add euriety to ties
the Is'arrin rs' Insti-
/le -wee en the 22nd
Reiland, St., Cetera-.
ising yotnig nteroltant run"
eralded the dawn of fhe
ar by shooting Tepid fire
on Huron sereetjohn
poll clerk in Beechwood
—There is no truth in the
v at Michael Jordan thought
5 were coming waren he heard
✓ Year pompoms firing at
• eneart Bros. advrtiserntg
3: and 6.
Oacasionel Correspond.ent.)
Mi es Graham, of Goderieln
r Carrie teperit this week
11.- aunt, Mrs. Wm. McGavin
and Mrs. Coulten, Myth:
. and Mrs. Clark. of Grey,
ew Years with Mr. W.Hudie.
ats arrived home from the
Saturday.—Mr, John Robin -
purchased a very fine heavy.
colt from John Stafford.—
ard Robinson is netting out
r a barn which t -he intends
next summen—Mr. Isaac,
and wife entertained all
.3avirt's brothers and sisters'
ir families on New Years
was a jolly party.—Mrs.
h.oin and Miss Jennie McKib-
returned after a pleasant
Toronto.—There bas been a
ewl stolen around bere
you had better be careful,
gobbler may be traced.—
,ce Dundas sang at the cin -
tent at Walton on Monday
ftewart Broeadvertisements
and 6. •
Nellie Weil was. home
for the holidays.—Mr.
who does quite a besinese
last week shipped to tro-
t consignment consisting of
and 10 fox skins.—Dr. Nor -
son of Dr. Buchanan,
village, who recently cora-
is medical studies in the nid
has decided to locate in the
II growing Town of Berlin.
county. He will open an
here during the present
Dr. Bucha.nart is a clever
an who is admirably equip -
his life's work and ',should
a large practise in Borlin.
ntrad Fuss has been elect -
tee of Zurich public school.
id Mrs. 'Godfrey Nicholson,
eronson line, Stanlen, have
eying a pleasant visit with
Sanilao Centre, Michigan,
I Min:. Ristemier from Cav-
eth Dakota, are visiting old.
a this vicinity.—Mrs. Henry
was so unfortunate as to
altrable cow die from milk
ew days aro.—Messrs, J. C.
'in Aunust Mines, and G.
have been unaninaausly el-
ntees for the pollee village
1, for this year. The peo-
made an excellent choice
town fa.thers.—Mr. Her -
tin eldest son of Mr. John
of the Goshen line, nortb.
h a very serious aceident
s ago. Indeed it is fortun-
it did not prove data". lie
ing a home to water mid
aI got frightened and ran
ae young man bad the hal-
• wound around his hand
unable to disentangle him-
' -as dragged a considerable
Ile was badly bruised and
tiscious for a time but is
ng along all right.
last Waveatiosh.
ption.—The eouncil hi this
was elected by acclama-
there was a spirited dec-
imal option by-law. The
as carried by a majority,
e vote was as follaws
ast, 88
[30, Toilet Sets,
.ets, DoIi, &c.
• The E v J.
'lawn, 264; -180; ivajor-
ity for -Joe oillors.—Jo.
&Manus, 808e* .
wan 289 i
Bobt. Straughan, 271e; ?hos. Robert-
gon, 238; Jacob Moser. .202. The
iorancil will be composed ,of MT.
'Sewell as rewire, and Messrs. Mo -
• Manlius, MCBeven.. Otratiechan, and.
aobertson, connelnorse . -
Read...Stewart Bros. itdverti,sements
ou rages a
The- Biections.—The following is
*lee Vote polled by the sA-eral man-
diflates for thecouncil in this eowen
ohip on itoeiday lastl Browns, 023;
Johnston, 319; !Grant,. 316; Cutt0 256 .
avDonald, 192; ,Baker, 1:39;
lee ; Benevell, 9-7. The new +council
Will be coral:Med of Wm. Fraser as
reeve, and John Brown, ,John Grant,
Dunoatt Johnston, and john Datt.,
Bead Stewart Brase advertisements
.on pages 3 and 6.
Notese—Miss Annie Merrill, of this
Waco, has returned to her school in
north Mornington, where she was
tthe recrent of a bandSome table
'fur rig , -given by her \pupils at
he close of the .1aot term.—Misses
Annie and Isabella Waugh Neill be
teaohing in neighboring school iseen
tie= this year, and aim the good
:wishes of the 'public generallye—Dr.
Morxieon, of Chicago, is visiting his
latter, who is; in warn poor %Will.
Alio doctor has been 'away for Beller-
years and his many old friends
are pleased to. meet shim again.
Read Stewart Brosadvertisements
ein pages 3 and 6.
Lo dal Itemsi—Bev.• XT. Carswell
lecinducted services in Druina thmrch
on Sunday evening owing , te the
illmess of Rev. A. MoNak. 34,11i1oNab
expects to take the services next
-Sunday morning and everning.—A
;very pleasant evening was ispent
Walton Methodist church on/ Non -
day eveeting last, when a mnsical
programme weeS well rendered iby the
best avalla.ble talent' that' timid be
proeured.—Mise Aggie -Lanscale, of
Toronto, spent' her Christmas holi-
days with theiMisses- Perguson, of
the vitlage.—An enjoyable family,
gathering took place o'n Monday ev-
ening at the heme of Mr. Alex. Gar-
• t
• Read Stewart( Bros. advertisements
'on pages $ and 6. I
The ElebtioreS.—There was :quite a
keen eontest in this township for
both the Reeireehip and the Connell-
lor.s. The resttin is as 'follows:
R. McKay P. IVIeKayi
-148 138
2,i 61 25
3. 1 443 07
4, 61 , 23
5, . . .. ..... 66 35
6,' ;37 08
286 ' 186
Majority for R. McKay, 1100.
For Catmcillers,—Herbert °rich,
; Joseph - Atkinson, 210,
Buchanan, 205 ; George Dale, 02;2
:1-anieS Dallas, 196; Hugh McMillan.
170; Roger Pepper, 156. The !coupe
eil will be ooraposed ,of Robert' Mc-
Kay, reeve, and Messrs. Crioh, At-
kineon, DuChatan and Dale, coun-
Read- Stewart Bros. advertisements
(41 pages 3 and 6.
Local .Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Robin-
son vinited friends in Stratford.—
Kiss Allie Bele ,spent tNew Years
with relatives in List owel.—Mr. and
Mrs. Riley spent New 'Years With
41teir daughter, Mrs. Bradford, Dun-
garnion.—.Miss M. Warwick, •Sea -
forth, ,has been visiting her uncle,
iMr. J. Mekville.—Mrs. (Dr.)- Medd is
visiting friends here. --Mr. W.. Rad-
ford raoved to Da/igen-non this week.
—Mr. and; 35fro. Leckie, namilton,
visited their son, Rev. Mr. Leckie,
this week.—liefiss L. Young ireturned
etei Brantford and the Misses White-
ly and Ttiley to Landon, after npend-
ing their Ohristmas vacation at
their homes here.—Mr. George Webb
of Arcola, Saskatchewan, s ivisiting
old friends here.—Mr. and .Mrs. W.
-Brigham spent New Yearsn at West-
. mid Mrs. R. gesk, who
etre here from Dakota, ispent a few
:days in Toronto this week.—Our
Igun cielb were . vieterions at Au-
—A pearl, valued at between $75
end $100, was tound in an oyster
tooktail by C. E. Fraser, at the Rob-
lin Rotel, Winnipeg.
—At a meeting of the members ef
'Charnber'e church, Woodeteck, a
'unanimous call aVaS extended to the
Rev. nertry Diclzie, of ;Toronto, as
onocessor to the late Rev. I)r. W. A.
—As Mr. R. 0, (McCulloch, of the
firm of Goldie it McCulloch, was
driving along the street in Galt,
,with anfriend, the hose became
frightened at a 'trolley and bolted,
throwing both occupants nut of the
Imggy. Mr. 311CcOu11och ematained
fracture(' arm.
SnAmaTil, January 4th, 1906. •
1:W1 Whoat .
Oats "per blishel t $0 77 to $0 77
Peas per bushel *. 0 34 to 0 34
0 70 to 0 70
liarlev per "bushel 0 42 to 0 42
letter, No. 1, loose 1 0 28 to 0 21
Butter, tub....., ...... ...'... ... . ... . (Y DI to 0 20
4rgs per dozen ........ .. 1 .. . . ..:...., 0 21 to 0 23
Pour, per 100 1b3........1..2 25 to 3 00
U.. pis ton..........0 60 to 7 00
Mirka per 100 lbs - '
°b 5 00 to 5 35
eep Skins
a , 0 30 to 0 36
. otatoes per hushAXnew), ... . ... 0 40 to 0 59
&Alt (acted) per 14.0rel. , . .1 , 1 26
'Prowl per eard (keet) 5 00 to 6 20
Wood per cord (shott), ....„ .. . .... 2 75 to 3 35
Apples per lxig
.floser seed ' 0 40 to 0 75
....- 7 00 to. 8 00
s inteth‘ :Seed 1 25 to 2 00
, Tallow per 11). ,. , ..... .. , .. ,... r. ... . . r 0 04 to 0 00
Pot'. per 100 lba 7 50 to Xi 2
, 'Woof (washed.).......... .. . .... . .... -It 25 to 0 27
W1.(unwashed) .... ......... . 0 15 to 0 16
Live Stook Markets.
teesse, England, Jan, 3 -4 -American cattle are te-
,1r.: quoted at 64<1 ; Canadians at fald to ,51d. Trade
lielrils ileas.
Ls lt este, N.1.-:, January 3-Cattle---Farly ac-
t:ire and firm -, prune steers, $5.40 to $5.75:•• ship;
ping bteers, $4.1.) to 86.25; buteherii, $4.35 to -1
'softie.% e3.25 to $4.85 ; cows, $2.75 to *4.15"; bulls"
;$2`.60 to $4.25 ; stoelrers and feedera, $3 to $4,30;
steek hiftTs, &,;.25 to $3. Yeals-Ave and steady
at, zifl.zio to 80.50. lioseas-Slow, 5 to, . lower ;
hates', alixed, Rrid Yorkers, $5.50 to a.55 ; i?isrs;
$6.1Z So t.S.S.66 ; faughs, 44.60 to $4.85 ; "11, 43 1.o
is3.50.` 'sheep and Larabs-Active ; Iambs, $0.2.5 to
Is.10 ; a few a-. $...i.15 ; yearlings, eu.50 to 37; weth.
kl-N, 4.50 tv ,-.1.6 ; ewes, $5.25 to 85.60 ; sheep, mix -
to 85.50 ; Western Jambe, $7.50 to $7.75.
Teoulseq, Jan, 3 -Cattle -The queasy of fat cattle
lne4 fair. Trate, owing to light supplies, was mod. -
..Is -tell good all round. Exporters -Only a, Very few,
eapoit eattle were on sale, and prices -ranged. from
St to W.+0 ; export bulk; sold from $3.50 to $4. But-
eaere'-ahe bon butobere sold from $4 to $4.25 ; fair
a toer Ti;(1.FederiS-A Brnjted
ra and feeders Sold its follows Peed-
V.6(I 04%80 ; feet 0,4 800 to 060pOund8,26
pounWere reperted -as selling
•.% 1,
to $3.50 ;,Stoektire ranges, fr $2,00 for erninnon. to
•$3.50 for good ;, Teeer, 1i1,00 to 1,200
ns. are-wortit 64.80 to $4i- Milch Cowa--Abeut ten
milob enwannd springer6 Sold from 34. to a each.
Ve;ti OaNtiTaqtre-Nvorbh from et to *3.20 per cwt,.
Sheep and UM1 -14We Were firm at 84 to $4.30 for
paliort ewes ; Was' at $5.50 to $0.10s and cheice
ewes and wethers are worth 86.25 Inv Mk noes—
Peace Wore Tided ey Mr. Harris as uneh&tuged u1
$6.10 per eWt; for tielects,and 0.05 -for lights anct fats.
Horse Market.;
Toitem, linuary is Mer.
Burns& Sheppard's weekly report of prevolling prices
Singleroadsters 16 to le hands, 121i .#100 ;
Single oebe and carriage horse, 15 to 16,1, hands,
me to me; matched pairs and carriage horses;
16 to 16.1 hands, V100 $8501,delivery home, 1,100
to 1,200 pounds, $125 to *100 ; general piirpse and
eXPresS horses, 1,200 tell,B60 pelotas, 8126 1175;
(Iran htbsines, lime to 1,750Poiltide, 1140 to $176 ;
&end %Me second-hand workers, $60 'to OM
serviceable secontithOrid drivers, eeo to 815.
TOROXT0 Jen. 13. -The holiday demand Ilse net lefb
the market so st,ocired OA In some former years and
priees are steady , with auiet trade ;-Eht chlekens,
8 to tlo, thin, 7 t‘o 8 • fat hen a 61 to 74e, thin, ee *co
; ducks' 11 to 12e, thin,0 to 8o ; geese, 10 to 110 1
turkeys; 120, with 1134e for elwicesmall lots.
grarte, etc.
ToRoNT.o, :anuses:. 3rda--Wheate-Onto.tiosa-While
the country deliveries hay° been very light, Avith lack
of snow foe easy handling) and while the marketeltav
been dun iViCe8 show an easier tone at ese for No.
white and 77c for red and mixed, at outside points,.
Cloose and spring at 78e to 74c. Iiiillfeed,-Pntarlo-
There is nuinerease in nieplies on'bran; Which re.
nutina Marne and firm af.$16.60 to $1.6 Per ton, in car
lots, outside, with short% $17 to 818; Manitoba bran,
$1,7 to $17.50, shorte $18.50 to $19.50 10 Toronto and
equal freight points. Baled Ilay-Ofierings both of
baled anektosenay are liberal, but the market- price,
remains unchanged at $8 per ton for No, 1 timothy
in car Iots here and 116 for No. 2. ,BaledStraW-
Steatii aft *Spa ten' lei r/o.,152ts on tratik here,
Toeorro, January 3, -Unchanged ; Ontario, 65 to
75e per bagen track here, 75e to 85e out of dare ;
eastern, 75 to 800 on track i and ft0o to 95e out of
Dairy, Markets.
Honsusirs January 8t -Eggs -Straight stook, 20e
to 21c; No. r eamiled, 20e. Butter--Moicest cream-
er , 23c to !3c; undergradee, Mc to; dairy,
20c to 220. Cheese -Ontario, 13.1c to late ; Quebee,
1`b to 130.
'Taxon°, January Se -butter --Receipts are larger
alid the market has an easier tone for dairy butter,
tvith prices unohan,ged. Creamery, 24e to 250; do.
mild% 23e to 24c; dairy, ilia rolls, good to choice, 210
to 2c;.2dairy tubs, 21 to 22e ; medium dairy, 20 to
21u; inferior dairy, 10 to 20e, Cheese -Steady .• tat
Vic for large and /Sac for twins, for job lots here.
Eggs -The milder Weather gives the market an easier
tone, at unchanged prices, 24 and 25c for fresh gatli-
°red, 22 Us 23enfor cold stet/we; and 20 to 210 for
on en is en pi el tot nee • pm I st -
RAE --In Great Bend, Saskatchewan, on Christine,
Day, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rae, it atm.
OSTE1t11011T-In Wroxete ,r on December 81s8, to
Rev. and Mrs. J. EL Osterhaut, a son,
TIMNBULL-In Goderioh, on December 20th, to Dr.
3. L. and rcirs. Turnbial, a son,
THOMPSON-Ju Brussels, on December 22nd, to Mr.
and Mre. A. Thompson, twins -son and daughter
CAMPBELL -In Kingston, on December 20th, to Mr.
and Ms, C,olin A., Campbell, formerly of Whig
ham, a daughter.
PARISH -1h Bullet% on December 24th, to Mr. and
Mrs. James Parish, a iron.
AIKENHEAD-In Stanley, on December 22nd, to
Mr. ind Mrs, Hugh Aikenhead, a daughter.
GILL ----At Grand Bend, on December 18th, to
and Mrs. Harmon 0111, 0. daughter.
FAIRLEY--JACKFILI,--At, the reeklenee of the
bride's mother, on December 270h, by Rev: W.
M. Martha B. D., ?Ir. J. Ault Fairies-, of Innis -
fail, Alberta, to Masa Adelaide, third daughter of
Mts. Willi= "Jaekell, Ueborne,
LINDSAY PERDUE -At the re.sidence of the
bride's parent, on Deeember 27th, by Rev. Mr.
Steachamn, Miss Lama Evelyn, daughter of Mr.
Win. Perdue, to Mr. David A. Lindsay, all of
Goderieh township, .
GUECTs-COOK--At the residence of the Inide, in
Olinton, on December 25th, by Rev. II. M. Man-
ning, lir% Luctsr Cook, to Mr. John E. Guest, of
London townettip.
CASTLE-ELLIOTT-At the residence of the
bride's mother, in London, on December 205h,
by Rev. James Livingstone, 'Mies Lottie May,
daughter of Mrs. Ellen Elliott, to Mr. Chas. E.
Caetle, of Clinton.
COREETT--CARR--At Belgrave, on Deeember 200,
Miss Isabella Carr, to Mr. O. W. Corbett, of Ed-
monton, Alberta,
NICITOLSON-OLOAKEY-At the residenee otthe
briclee brotheisMorrie, on December 201,h,bstRev.
.1. ./, Mastic, Miss Emma. Cloakey to Mr. James
.Nicholtion, both of Morris, '
T,A1,110T-WESTLAICE-At the residence of the
bride's mother, on the Sauble line, Stanley, on
December 2(Jth, 1)3T Rev. Mr. Steadman, Miss
Rose L., daughter of Mrs. E. Westlake, to Mr.
Ed. Talk*
MulkINNON-.JOHNSO,N--On Deeeinfies 22nd, by
the Rev, 0, 11. (leaflet M. A., in St. Paul'
obureh, Clinton, Alias Lillie Mae Johnson, to Mr.
Chas, McKinnon, B. A., Classical Mester of the
• Collegiate Iroititute, both of OlinSon.
YEO-BEACOM-At the residence 'Of the bride';
brother, Mr. John Beacom, op December 2751i,
by IteV. Mr. Steadman, Mlas Margaret Emma,
youngest daughter of the late James Beacom, to
Mr. Nelson A. Yeo, all of Goderich township,
NEWELL---MeKAIG-A5 the -manse, Cromarty, on
December 27t11, by Rev. It, A. Cranston Mr.
Calvfn Newell, to Miss ,Margaret MoKaig; both
of Cranially. .
TREWARTHA-MaeMATII-At the residence of the
bride's Invents, in Goderich township,' on De -
(ember 27th, 5aisii Lottie L., daughter of Mr.
Wm. MacMath, to Mr. Nelson W. Trewartba,
prinelpal of the Holmeriville school.
SETCIIEN--BELL-At the residence of the bride's
father, in Hay, near Hensall, on. Januery lat, by
Rev; Mr. Smith, of Hennall, asieisted by Rev. 31r.
Urquhart, of 'impala Mr. A. It, Ketehera 33-, So.
A., editor of the Northwest Fernier, 'Winnipeg,
• Manitoba, to Margaret Doig, daughter, of Mr.
and Mrs. John Bell, Ility.
11)1CClinton, on December 22nd, Arthur
Couch, aged 55 years,
CARBEBT- In Hulled, on neeenner 281d, „kgnes
Beryl, daughter of Mr. Geo, Carbert, Aged 1
; "wall months and 4 dap; .
AGNEW-In Clinton, on December 22nd, Elizabeth
Nolee, relict of the late ,T. Agnew, aged 77 years
and 10 inoutbs.
WALLACE--In Turnberry; on December 24th,
Christina Henderson, relict of the late James
Wallase, aged 80 yes,rs and 2 months.
AMES-In Ethel, on December 28th, Samuel Ames,
aged 78 years, 1 month and 14 days.
WILLIAMSON-In Grey, on December '31s5, Charles
Williannion, aged 70' years, 3 months and 6 day%
WILTON-IM finesse's, on December 29th, Eunheniia
SiMpson, wife of Jacob J. Wilton, aged 40 years,
10 months and 15 days.
On Thursday, January 111,h, at Dick's Stock Yards
Serdarth, Cattle and, Pigs; int:lading. 10 Choice New-
ry Calved cows and Springers. P. A. O'Sullivan,
proprietor; Thos. Brown. auctioneer. 1980-1
-11- quantity of barn timber, square and in lengths
of from about 8 to 60 feet, also a quantity of rough
hemlock lumber, prlank ad scantling, Parties 32-
-t'ndieg to build dnring the owing season.will find
it to their advantage to oall 1 and see it on Let 24,
Coneetision 5, MoKillop. JAMES LOCKHART.
Cards �f of Thanks.
1 beg in {Stank my supportiera -fer the help they
gave nxe on Monday last and assure the electors in
general that 1 will honestly endeavor to serve in their
in tercets.
Very truly yews,
1086.1 t W. II. WILLIS
To the Electors of McKelop :
Ladies and Gentlenten .-117twileg neen eleeted as
one of your Councillors for the ,year 1906, 1 return my
eincere tharals for the hearty tupport you, have given
nte. ;fishing you all o. happy New Year, 1 remain
Yfnirs respeetfully
10$6x1 3. McDOWELL
tomoinism awe
To the Electors of McKillop:
Ladies and Gentlemen. -1 Vieh to*extend to you
my hearty thanks fgr the support you gave metin the
late eonteet fox' the Reeveslup. You have placed me
lit the head df your municipal affairs, and, by dili-
gent attention thereto, 1 hope to warrant the confi-
dence you have placed in me. Again thanking you
and wishing you all a, happy Nese Year, I am
Tour obedient servant,
103fixt J. M. GOVENLOOK.
To the Dear of MeKillim :
Ladieair. Gentlemen. --I return you my sincere
thanks for as: splendid vote given me for Councillor
and itlwill b. my earnest endexior to serve the town-
ship to the best of my. -ability. Wishingyou 411 the
compliments of the season, I ant
TOW'S respectfully,
19864, J. McqUAID.
tristmas. .Presents
TPh,cbt are you .gainst
togive yourirberid r
Let us sUggest it Photograph, Which
mekea a very acceptable gift eo send.
• -
We wake only high-elees phetwe guaran-
teed in every *ay. : Call early to smear&
_them in time for. Christman
Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Seaferth Horticultural
Sosiety will be held in the Council Chamber in the
Town of Seaforth, on Wednesday, January 10th, 1906
at 7ao o'clock te. ni„ for the purpose of receiving ro.
ports and the election of officers and directors.
11. W. unowN, Secrete*:
WM. HAR'TRY, Preeldent. . 19864
The 80th orUntIn1 meetingdf the 'Osborne and Ilib-
hert, Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be held in the
,Publie Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, February 6th,
1000, at -the hour of one o'clock p. in. The business
Will tensist of the election of two directors ; .51essrs,
Theft Ryan and Francis Morley being the directors
WkeSe term of office expires, but who are kr
re.eleetion ; receiving the directors' and secretarvIr
annual reportif auditors' report and any other belie..
miss that may be in the interests of the company.
THOS. RYAN, President, 1980-8
South Huroti
Farmers' Institute
A Meeting of the South Huron Farmers' Inetitute
win be held in the -
FRIDAY- January 12th 1906
, y
, .Addiresses hill be given by Mr. T. H. steam, Stied-
fordville a -Subject for afternoon meeting,' " Main-
teinenee of Soil Fertility' ; evening meeting,
"Changing Conditions of Agricuirre Onthrio,'
Mr, 44.. Barbour,' Crosififill i -Sub set for afternoon.
" Breeding and Feeding .Of Beef Cattle " ; evening,,
" Farmers' Sons." The afternoon nexeting will 88 lki0
be addreatled by Mr. .% B. bletean, of Nippon.
The Brueefield Meeting, In Dixon's Hall, on Satur-
day, January 180h, will be addressed by Messrs.
Meson and Barbour on the same subjects as above,
Addressee will ale° be given by Mews. T. B. Car
big, of Exeter, and 1ohn Allison, Thames Road.
A lady apeaker will *also address the meeting on
", Woman's Institutes." „
It is hoped it gOod attendance of ladles will be Rres
ent at both plum
Aftern6n Meetings, 2 o'olook.
Evening Meetings, /AO o'clock.
IL GARDINER, Secretary.
H. HORTON, President. • ' 1985.2
For the Winter
--GO TO --
California, Mexico or Florida
The Land of Summera'
TOUR OF ALL MEXICO :—Leavitig Tor-
onto on January 29411, eovering all
points of,sin tenet. Special Reduced
MOUNT CLEMENS "Mineral Baths"
.1 and S. Catherinee Mineral Spriegs.
Delightful Resorts for those that need
it rest, Beat of hotel accommodetion.
For tiokets And fall information call on
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent,
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Tioket Agent.
An'appy New Tear
Welcome to 1906
New Year's Resolutions are now in
order. May we eueeest ?
that. during the coming year yo'll
buy' all your Footwear at this
You Can't do Better
You Might do Worse
Happy New Year.—May 1906 be
freighted with Good =Health and
Happiness for us all.
IMMIMMIS a11•=11111•0•1•••1.
Richardson -&
Agent for the Granby Berlin, Canadian,
. Maple Leaf, Hood and Ring Qaal-
ity Rubbers.
tleatistr. Kok
;fhese gooda muErt go. Coat
price and less are some of the
figures we have pieced them
at in order to reduce orient:cock
before stook -baking aird make
room for Spring Goode.
100 yards obese/ ticking, •54 inches
wide, good quality, regular 20o,
- now, per yaed
Grey flannelette sheeting,double fold
regular 25c now, peryard...
Cream flannelette 1 yard wide, reg-
ular 8o per yard... . ..,..6e
H envy twill sheeting, segular 25o a
yard, a bargain at, per yard
pi) yards dress goods in oolors,black
brown green and blue,warm for
sobooegirls, regular 25e,reduced
lien's heavy tweed pants, a snap
selling from
$2 to $2.50
Honey Pomb Shaw,lo; 50e and 750,
now, each 40c and 60c
Meri:e heavy bop shirt, regular ltJis
and 7,5e, now
.4 and 60o
Men's fleece -lined underwear, reg-
ular $1.25 it suit, to clear
Men's all -wool and union underwear
selling at reduced prices.
Clearing oat cif ladies' hygien. and &m-
ilitia underwear; some !den's and boys,
sweaters and oardigan jackets, boys'
toq,ues for 20o, horse blankets and
grain bags,
Our Price for Produce—Roll buteer 22o
lb.; new laid eggs, 25s a dozen; dried
apples. 644o a lb.
Constance - - Ontario
.71171E CA
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund $4500,000
B. E. WAL :ER General Manager ALEX. LAIrD,14isst., Gen'l Manager'
Business may be transacted by mail with arty -branch -
of the Bank, Accounts may I* opened, and deposits
made or withdrawn by snail. Every attention is paid
to out-of-town accounts.
110LNESTED Solicitor 4' G. R PAR S Manager.
'erfection in Tailoring.
Every self•respecting man like" to appear well,
long way towards attaining that object, he nuts
in the latest style and by the beet tailots. Le i
clothes that fill these very requirements. Our
business has enabled us to reach that perf
perience can give. A,dded to tisis, our staff of
All ,wok is Personally inapected before it leave
right we make it right.
and, ati-his 'clothes go a
have his clothes made
our aii te turn out
ong experiente in the
ction which only ex-
ork people is the beet,
the shop, and, if not
If' you wish to be well dressed, you, m.ust have cloth s made by ua . Try us
with your -next prder, and we willconvin ce you of the genuineness of
our argument.
•:'rt I
It makes all
world to your ho
the difference be
and the jinF le of
mer WHAT K17
Mr. George
atance, says:
Condition Pow
given ine eveey
ertainly a good article."
Mr. T. A. Dodds, of Winthrop, says
there is no risk—Fear's Condition Pow-
ders are sure every time, if you feed them
right. They pile on the flesh, and make
horsee sleek and fat—there is nothing else
quite as good; there is nothing ells° like
Every farmer buying a dollar's worth
gets a 25e package FREE this month. This
is the kind that makes money . for the
farmers at
the difference in the
se, and it, makes all,
ween die appoin tro en t
the dollars to the far -
Wheatley, of 00n -
have used Fear's
ere, and they have
iefaction ; they are
FEAR S Drug Store, peaforth.
QIIORTHORNS.-Choieg bred bulls and females of
different ages for sale, about two dozen to select
from. Prices reasonable. Herd now beaded by
" Countsylvanus" (50900). Ile is got by the best
Botch bred imported stook on both sklee, glossy dark
red in color, and well. set on short legs. Terms :7-
reglsted 'cows eA InSured ; others on application.
Visitors weledine. JOHN ELDER, Heneall P. Os
and Station. 108041
We carry the best assort-
ment ; " Parlor Queen,"
" American Queen," " Gold
Medal," "Welcome " and
the " Standard," from
$2,50 to $4250
A. full line of Carving sets
best 'Sheffield Steel and plat-
ed, dessert and table knives,
forke and spoons'pocket cut-
lerylseissors, alsobeist nickle-
silver tea and coffee pots on.
market. .•
We have the largest as-
sortment in town. Boker's
Lightning Tube, -Victor, Ar-
, ens; Dominion-, Janus, Per
fection, also Mic Mac Fea-
therweight. For a lady's
skate,Boker'i Daisy or Charm
cannot be excelled. Hockey
sticks and pucks, best qual-
ity. Oall and examine goods.
George A Sills,
In public esteem
has been well earned.
We hope to retain it
by even better service
if possible, Bat it le
hard to eon how wo
can improve the char.
rioter of our
Drags and
We bay only the
purest and beet) and
we sell them at pekoe
that are reasonable.
Puny White Castile
Soap, 2 lbs. for 25o.
Buehri Juniper Kid-
ney Pills for Rheu-
matism, 25o a' box.
Our Own Condition
Ilowdere, mike the
horses aleek and fat
253 a lb., 5 lbs, for
Never Fail Corn Our°
pee box.
Agent for the 1eadihg milkier of Trusses,
Fountain Syringes and Hot Water
(11_00D P1(18, --The unilersigned keeps tore the inr
provement of stock on Lot 20, Cepeessidri 7,
Hibbert, it thorobred"Taniworth Pig and at thorobred
Berkshire Pig, both regiptered to whigh sows will
. be admitted. Terms $1, payabie at the -time of ser -
Ontario. vice, with the privilege 101 returning If necessary.
The Following Well Known Cloths
BE L W,A RP Blue and Black, Serge Snitings,
and Worsted Trouserings
PACIFIC Serge Suitings in all
Shades and Textures
VICKERNIANS' Serges, Cheviots
and VicunaS
Also a Complete Range of Imported and Domestic
Tweed Suitings and Trouserings, Our Blak Melton and
Fancy Cheviot Overcoatings appear to be leaders judging
by the orders we are scorning for titem.
We will be pleased to show you any of the ahjrve lines and can
guarantee the entire lot.
Speare and Page, M.t
Under T.,-) er I Clock, -
Ossenete NiAlif •
Market Sestet*
Pte ard's
The heaviest price reductions ever
'county on all winter • goods, staple a fancy
goo' ds, olothings, fiiis, ca,rpets, ladies c�at, e
go 'rtto effect here on Thursday, January 44
,Eycry department has been levied upon; we posi
tiwily will carry no goods fro& one season to 0
othfpr. This sale will continue all this month.
New lines will be put on sale daily. This
matctiless moneysaving opportunity. We c
say; anything stronger than that this will be
greatest annual sale we have 'ever had.
p!'e Dry Goods
Sixty pair of grey and white flan-
nelette Blankets, worth $1, to clear at
90c k '
148 ends of Wrapperette at 25 per
cent, off regular price I
Fifteen pair of White Blankets,
worth $2.760on silo at $2.10
1 Two elide of white, flannelette Bleed-
ing, worth ,7-5c, to Clear at.58c
25 per cent, discount oil all fancy
- Fifteen per cent. disoount off all
grey flannels
A pile of white 4uilts, regular price
$1.20, sale price 90e e;
Ten pieces of flannelette, regular
price 1041 sale price 50
Forty table covers. 6 feet by 7 feet,
clearing at $1.19 each ,
Forty pair of all -wool blankets
special reduction for this sale ,
Fifteen per cent, off all cardinal
white and colored flannels.
Twelve per cent. off all plain an
;' my rianngettes
AIM ends of grey cottons to be
cleared at 'it) per cent, less than our
present price
Mill enda of Oottonade, 15 per cent.
off our regular bargain prices '
Rpecial bargains ia fancy towel
Walling Dept's
Men's tweed suits, worth from 6
to $8; on sale at 84 a suit
Men's fancy worsted and impoi
tweed suits, worth from $7,50 to $1
on salit at 85
Ai1the new tweed Overcoats at a
discount of g5 per cent
A pile of Ilyouths' vests, your choiee
ror 25c en
sizes in men's vests clearing,*
75c each
Hundreds of pairs of men's tweed
ants in heavy and light weight, all
sizes, at $1 a pair
A pilo of men's worsted and im•
ported tweed pants; worth. from $2.50
to $3,50; on Isale at $2
Melf13 odd coats in single and dou-
No breasted, worsted and tweeds, on
sale at $2.75
Twenty -fife per cents -off all Wye,
youths' and children'overcoats
Clearing lines in youths' and boys
and ehiedrenl's suits
Boys' knieker pante, all sizes, lined,
at 40c a pale
Fifteen per cent, of 0.11 men's un-
25 per cent. off all boys' and youth• s'
Special eeanng lines in gloves,
shirts, sox, e
A quantity of men's saps,eyour
chOice for 15e each
Special va ues id clothing to orier
for this mon h '
Carpet Dept.
Tapestry rpet, regular 70c, to
clear at 50e
Tapestry 4arpet, regular 55e, to
clear atc
wool tic° ply, regular soos to
clear at 66c
Hemp carpets, ,regular 150,_for 16c
Mattings, regular 180, for 14e
Mattings, regular 14e, for 10e
A lot of tapestry table covers, worth
fron3 $2 to $3, to clea.r at $1,50 each
Lace Curtains 31 yards long, 60
inches wide, to Clear at $1 a pair
Lace Oartaies, regular 31 yards long,
56 indica wide, to clear at 85c a pair
Greatest price cit ftrr sale in tbt
history, of thie store r
Twenty five per cent, diecouna
eil small furs
Ruffs from 25e to $26 a &Oen* -of
5 per cent
Muffs, regular pti
$13.75, Jess 26 per °cent.
Caperines, regular prices from.
to $23, lets 25 per oent-
Gauntlets, r f_
$7.26, lese 25 pe
Caps, regular prices
$12, less 25 per cent
Ladie,s' Astrachan coat,s
prices from $20 to $32
Near 860 Cads, elearir
from $22.50 to $51
Bocharair Lamb Coats fro
-$ 6 cletiiing prices
Ihms Fur Goa
Men's blackand 'brown mit
aring at frorn $14 to $24
WTonibat eclat; clearing at fro
Bu1garianLsb an. dog
- en.
an's Cana
froth $32 to $60
Robes clearing ket 4
Ladies' UN& .and
itt "anzes BP to 7-a re
. 4 41
to $1.25,on eele at SOo
Ladies', roises'.and c
ingwood gloves, regular
25e and 40; on sale at 15e pe
Combination enderweer itt
sizes, regitlar prices 60c, 70
1, on sale at 25e each
Ladies' and.mieses
rth 25e, on sale at
One doze* colored
guiar prices $1.85 to $'2.
$1 each
Ladies' waists in white and biad
white linen and vesting," 13Iack ran
white lustre and black sateen, repju
prices $1,50, 1.75 and 2.25
eale at 75e -
Two dozen ladies' flanneAe
pone worth. $ls25, 1.55 and 1
od sale at 89e
Several pounds of navy and 3.1-rowxt
worsted yarn regular $1 a pound,
sale at 50e
A clearing lot of'bdd
tory and home-made yarn.
5e a skein,
One dozen infants colored
clear at 20e each
A clearing lot of ribbons on
e a yard
Thirty-three an
discount off all
• and children's waster coats
Twenty-five per cent. off all
and mimes' top Aids
A table of ladies', winter co
clear at $2.98 each,-
one-third par..- tent
winter eo
cut. off Att tr,428,es
Dm* Coodsk
Twenty pieces -of eiresa
bleak arid odors, regular pri
50e, on sale at 25e
Twelve pieces of colored and black
dress goods, regular price from Set to
75; on tale at 35e
Eight pieces of fanov
g, worth from 25c bo ie, or
Five pieces et mire skirting, et-oet-le
50c to clear at 20o
ikeinnants and ends of dress soak;
and silks clearing at half price
Misses' ImitaUost, gale -as -tee regalar
price 50e, for 35e
Ladiea' imitation gaintlete, rensealei
price $1, for 75c.
All Hide at half -price in our Millinery Department,
Highest Prices paid for Butter Eggs
and 'Wool.
Dried Apples Wanted at
WJ143I & SON
opposite;:Town Buiiding Corner Main and Market