HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-05, Page 30 EXPOSIT
TART 1906
y women
get no re
frehmcnt from sleep.
• They wake in the morn-
reT ing and feel, tiretlef tarok
when they went to bed,
= a dizzyseii-sa' tion in the head,
palpitates; they are irritable
)us, weak and worn out, and
el household duties during the
to be a drag and a berden.,
ry remedy that weak, nervous,
sickly women need to restore
„demi ag-s of good health.
re send, restful sleep. tone up
4, strengthen the heart. and
▪ blond. nieDonald,
Prairie, "Mane nrites: "I was ,
it shottnees of breathpalpi-
the b,eart and weak spells.
of Alilbuniss Heart and.
fter taking theM I was
pr bo e or three boxes
dealers or the The T. Mil-
ited, Toronto, Onte
„ from Lo t 27, emcees.
ist•of Deeeinhor,
three. Any inforroa.tion
this animal wiI1 be liberally
TERNAN, Seaforth P. O.
WRV1CiThe u end wifl keep
it in .fik1, inire Ined York.
re bred Berkshire Boar, to which a lim-
E sows will he admitted. Terms. $1,
!„ time of serviee. with the privilege of
eces_sery. GEORGE HILL 193dx12
11:14VICT...--There will be kept for ser
,.Ot 5, Comeession MeRillop, the reg -
e hoar, Pine Rive Hero, 17,796, bred
'eliesley, Ontario, from lemonet
sneerer, payable at thrieeerviee
ege of returning, if neeessarx. THOR:
. 1933x4
VICE. -The undevAgiled will keeps
Pee, Lotti, itor,cesseion 2, Stanley, a reg.
ire Boar. to which a limited number of
twitted. Tertne.--41, payable at the
with Ole privilege of returning, if
HARVEY. ,199.3.4
t'rclgritx1 will rent his farm ae
to a good tenant fur a term of
e tan eonsists of 210 arrest of goad
under cultivation and in good con.
fl tenus and partieulors a;,iply at once.
11, St. joeesph P. O. 19b1.tf
i BULL FOR SL K- For nee, a
Shorthorn Bull, 17 months old, dolor
le:white. Price right. Apply on Lot
4, Tuckemmith or aillrese Egmond.
BULLS FOR KALE. -The under.
three very fine young Thorobred
for sale. They raoge from 10 to 13
▪ end a roan, from their imported
tt.sr." Terms reasonable. Apply on
nn 4, Tuctersmith, or address, Sea.
J. BROADFOOT. 1982.-tf
. . .
1FOR SALE. ---A nice three-year-old '
hy King Stanton. He is sound,
in. 1 wish to sell immediately as.
co: after New Years. Apply A. L. Mc.
(...Ineewion 12, Tuekersimith.t •
'TONE FOR SALE. --The under -
le on Lot 27, (oocession 8,
yearling Clyde filly, a few
ad .
;rs, two young Shorthorn
w Berkshire Of both sexes. The
,Ieligible for regiqration in t he Nation-
ois. WI( es rewomabli
wtaxe,:nii!. 1)A VII) HILL smith,
E. -The :undereigned herr for sale seer.
i:ed Leicester 84ieep and Durham
axes. Address Egreondville P. O. as
MLU Road, Ts:titans:nab. ROBETx
SONS. 18724
FO a SALE. -A few Grandly bred
arthorn Belle with registered pedt-
ianths. nets from $50 to VO, if
a cows. and heifers al about the same
Lw Berkehire Rows four menthe old
F.; Ethel, Oat, 19324f
• . „
NS FOR SLR. -The urclereignerl
le ma Lo fi 16, Concessicn 2, Ha
.p -to -date thoroughbred 3110 in
of the low set blocky typo, dark rad
choice brew:Veg. They are all llg.
ration and will he Odd eves -enabler.
Fieneall P. O. 19484t
John MeMann, Jr.
John MoMann, sr.)
ared to handle all kinds el horses,
chase l2Otgea- at their sale stahlee•
any time. 19444f
;.1wi' R. WILSON
of M. A. S. Vogt.
-nd theory. PopPs prepared for con.
atione. Terms :-1'iano-$7.00 fOr
„V-$5 Or 22 leaberel. Fcr ether is.-
- D. D. Wilsen and Co's offloe or
a reeidenee. Ann street, geaforth.
a.3 3; fo r Sale.
mSs- inSeoforth,„ owned by
Everything in good order
ne. There will also les sold, the
John street, Stitronv/i. For fur.
Lot of YU( Nu DI %It HHIFIlro#
T ,P.TH(?lass) Tr
P.e4nxp4 IPt.rin 1 Nr,TKL*
MUVq0 Y.N1
L'elly inIod itiepect t,ba
..V24 fir (1
if AltlVe SMITH.
liv.ter, Oe'ario.
girtm that the eit Annual' Meet.
St.... ot The Hoy Towsisohip -Fanners,
or..," 00., mill tie hold ie ahe T6wit
rTue...41.1y-, Jaiatary erle Me,a one
(--iyieg t. he Direetersand Seeretari '0
+.,.-eticei vf-Direetore end other busi.
end e ...Hare „of the eompany. AR
1.1 tir attend. .
:NI:Y .EI!.BER, Se•sresiarv
CretlittAts I interice
11,1".".:i rig, President
rttemst pai
Ines a Yea
o e eign Bank
of Canada
rOingn it Wed aik, is Authorized by the
Dominion,Goilernment to accept Deposits. -
Deposit Your $aoings
1.titution Ineorporated by Parliament
Soy rnment SupervisiOn
A Guarantee Of Safety
oney Orders Issued
B&et RAW;
Single Harness
Call and insptot our genuine rubber
trimmed bermes ab$1.90.00 ; better
value than any ni15.00 fernery make.
We guarantee them because we make them
ourselves ; material, style and quality,
are the best. They are the base value
to:be had in single harnese and we
will etake onr reputation for good har-
ness upon them.
It° S
A complete stook of Bishop, Gallo
why and Sesnatohewan at Speoiel
prices. 1,
as usual we have the versnbest val-
ues in horse b aukOts Quality the
best,- end priesi t er lowest.
M. Bao
ite 0 CD
Ti gi)
0 0 0
0 p.4
MEI $53 CI
7 ..4
57 2,
io 0 H
sw 0 g
All..1. 3 et)
= 211.111
"le 12
m•iii < NJ
-� cia
- MI V/
45,... 0 F
ow 0 0 1724
cp_, 62 it
tia 92 tcrl
4111111ke fr"4
What are your friends saying
about you? That your gray
hair -makes you look old?
And yet, you are not forty!
Postpone this looking old.
Use Ayer's liair Vigor and
restore to your gray hair air
,the deep, dark, rich color of
early life. Then be satisfied:
Ayer/a Hair Vigor restored the natural •
calor to my gray hair, and 1 am greatly
pleased. It, all you clelm for imt
mu, E. J. VANDBOAR, Mechanicsville, N. T.
11.00 a bottle. J. 0, ATZTC 00„
All drn gists, Masie
3rardTru k RaihAra' y
:Syst m:
Railtrirts, Tii9911 Teal*
Trains leave Sallorth as follows :
;AO a. in: For Clinton, floderfoh Ringhans an
19.41 m. -Fot,011nton sad Roderic*
6.15 p. m. 1 For -Minton, 7finghatti and Nines,
188 p. m. 4:11dGeidelleb.
7.58 a. in For " Stratford, 'Guelph, Toronto,
0,11116,,North. Bay mid point& .west;
BollevIlle and, Efokrboro and points
east • -
6 5 P
3.37 pi For Stratford,tOnelph, Toronto, Mon:
treed end polo* east.
.83 p. m. For Stratford,,fluelph and Toronto.
London, Huron and Bruce.
lose Noun -
London, depart -ea. -a
notes.- air 1.4; atits
Menean6. I es, .0,...,06.6.
fawn.. au.
Beneefle14...0 ..-...., • • el
Clinton - • •
Londesbore ow am .6
13-31graVOrao • *so me W.
G 801710---
Winghani, depart.... 0..
04 p co. on
mo e•
IrAndeabOTO poem** me 1.4
alintOn acr• • et e.• .6 .6
arileefleli: 0 •66 •0 amet. 6 • 66
ighYPilnan • 0•61.• af;a OW 11i.
1110T10411Loo 0 • oil,
Exeter •5
Coatralh6 • 6 • 0 We 0 00 41134
8.15 a.m. 6.50 r
9.18 5.45
8.80 5.54
9.44 6.05
9.60 0.11
9.58 0.19
-10.15 CH
10.30 0.52
10.38 7.00
10,60 • 7.13
11.00 i 7.26
e.40 a.m. LSO r. m
6.52 • 8.44
7.66 8.58
7.34 4.04
7.47 4.28
8.05 8.89
8.15' 6.47
• 8.22 4.62
8.85 5.05
8.46 5.16
0.46 i. it. 6.10
Palmerston and Kin" cardin. e.
, „NG Nowa. Pass. Pass. Mixe
.almereflon... .''7,55 pan. 12.4J p.m pm a. ro
..-/0.41 ,I.J7 • 7.40
irassels..... '8.51. • 1.38 8.40
tleeeste9.03 1.60 9.00
'Ingham.. .. .. 9.08 1.66 9.10
cO1NG SOUTH. • Pass. Mixed. Pass.
cingham... .. .. . 6.43 a.m 104,40.M. 2.40 p.m
AI fluevale 6.52 • 30.55 2.99
3russe1s..,.. .... .. 7.05 11.75 8,02
bbol 7.05 L 12.50 3.18
Pilenerston 8.1ec 8.00 4.10
u tt
ANY even ntimbere section of Derain -
ion Lands in Manitoba or the Norsn-weet
Fri:Minces, excepting and 26, not remorse
ed, may be hoinestea ed by any perm
who is the Role head 0 a family, or any
siaaIe over 18 years of go, to the extent of
one,quarter section of 160 acres, more or
Entry may be mad personally at the
(local rand office for tir diebrice in whioh
the land is situated, 0 if the homesteader
desires, he may, on ap iltoation to the Min.
&ter of the Interior, 4 ttavne the Commin,
isioner of Immigration Winnipeg, or the
local agent receive ant corky for some one
to make entry for him
ne homesteader is equired to perform
the aonditions conneo d therewith under
one of tP e following pine:
(1) At least six mo the reeidenoe upon
and cultivation of the land in eaoh 'year
tor tbree years.
(2) If the father (or other, if the father
is deceased) of the ho esteader resides up-,
eau a farm in the vioini y of she land enter-
ed for the requirement as to residence may
be aatisned by suck p reon residing with
-the father or mother.
(3) If the Battler has his permanent resi-
dence upon farming 1 d owned by him in
.he virinity of his hom stead, the reqcsire-
meats as to residence i ay be satisfied by
residence upon the sal land.
Six months notice writin should be
given to the Commis loner of Dominion
Lan le at Ottawa of in elation to apply for
• W. A3V. CORY,‘
Deputy theiM hinter of Interior. .
T. B. - Unanther zed pnbliction of
Ude advertisement wfli not be paid for.
r...ta.1 Sleeting' 'of
erieulteral Soeiety wilI b
aforth, on Wednesday,
o• :leek for the pu
repert,-., iotinc directors
;gess may come tkio
he Tuokersmith Branch
heki in the Town Hall,
nuary 10th, 14106, at one.
se of receiving the annual
nd officers and other bilg-
e the meeting.
S. E. HAYS, Secretary.
resident. • 1.985-2
Did you ever have a
headache that mad e
Sunday feel ae wash,
day? -
q Perhaps you bave been
drinking inferior 'teas'.
q No, you don't heed Medi-
cine - all you need' is a
package of Grand Mogul
q This tea comb,s the links
out of the nerves. Why?
Because it is r14 in theine
(the flavoring e ssenc e )
which is just concentrated
sunbeams.. Grown on the
high table lands of Ceylon,
thi$ tea containis the ele-
ments of a •pur)e nerve -food.
Gtharid Mogul.
q There are no other teas " just
as . good" as Grand Mogul. 25e
30c, 40c and' 50c per pound.
(Paid onik in packages lined with
air -tight paper. . P*Iium coupons
in each package. - The cost of these
coupons is not taken lout of the tea
---but is simply- a ps4t of the ed.
yenning appro
The Larmotir School
• The new' methods adopted. .by this school have
proved a great success. .Pupils graduate in shortest -
time poseihle, ead, therefore at the least expense.
Write for Free Pamphlet, Which will give full In-
• Rooms in the Cordon Bleak, opposite the POg,
Office, Stratford, the most desirable locAtion in the
inspectcion of shdel cordially invited.
Robert Larnioury
Principal Od Instructor
(Formerly Distriet Superintendent G. T. lt,)
• Business
1 College
Is a high grade-Coramercial School
• Three COMM :
Cornmeroial - Stenography - Telegraphy
-......, •
ran 47 fflio1
• From the West. -Mr. Albert Mc,
Gregor, , a former raueh respected
lEuronite, *writing from Cyprus Riv-
er, Manitoba on December 16th says:
"We always look forvvard owith
much expectancy for the !arrival of
.our old and valued friend The Hun -
on Expositor, each week. It iis al-
most as good ao getting a letter.
We have had a lovely winter so
Ifar, net cold and dust enough snow
for 'sleighing. This district has ex-
perieneed a good year and everyone
SeCiltS prosperous, contented and
happy." That, is the right way to
be and long may, they centimes oo.
. •
A Quiet Piats to Rest. -A. man
went into a sto e in a eeighboring
town and asked if he could resVfor
four or five hears. ' The proprietor,
who had just found a nest of new
horn mice in the coffee grinder told
him he Gould and then asked, Iiim
why he did not' go to the hotel. "I
am suffering from nervous pros-
tration, and the doctor told me to
get a quiet place to west. 11/4see ,
you do not advertise and thereforc
knew that I could not find a quiet-
er place.'t ViVith , that he setticd.
baek in his chair and watched tie:
swallows build a nein in tile
cheese. •
Welcome Bask an OM Priend,-The
"Winnipeg Free Prezio of the 16tIt
Inst, manes the following refer-
encia to Rev. Mr. Henry, who eou-
ducted the anniversary services in
the Seaford,. Presbyterian church, la
\few weeks ago. It says : " The con-
gregation of St.. Giles' Presbyterian.
church, "Winnipeg, funned out in
large nurahers yesterday morning, to
• greet a former • highly esteemed
• pastor, in the ,person of Rev. A,
Henry, of Hamilton. Mr.. Henry oc-
oupiedethe pulpit there mine years
ago, and it was largely through him
that the congregation called their
present esteemed pastor, Re'. W. A.
Maclean, upon the retirement of
Rev. Dr. Hogg. Mr. Henry also fill-
ed a very acceptable pastorate in
Brandon, prior to going to Hanillton.
He received a very cordial 'weleome
back to the West from old friends.
Mr. Henry chose his text from Ro-
mans 4-12, and preached a dharaeter-
istically able sermon. In the ;ev-
ening he occupied the (peel ift of St.
Andrew's church."
True to (Life. -The Listowel Ban-
ner has soreething nice to say about
Mr. George IL Barr, ;chief of the
Dairy Instructors for Western On-
tario, who 'delivered ad :address at
the recent annual meeting of the
patrons of the Ethel Cheese factory:
Mr. Barr is a former Ituronite, and
s a brother -in -18.1v of Messrs. Jas.
and Peter Kerr, aid Jas. Aitcheson,
of MoKillem. The Banner says:
• "Mr. Barr is an ideal man for this
Work, the Association would bave
hard work finding a better. A big,
• genial fellow, he talks nothing ant
hard- horse sense to the farmer, and
the beauty of it is that the farmer
knows it. .Your average #rmer „As
sensitively suspicious of r nook-larn-
ing," anti Mr. Barr thoet euceessfully
.00nceals from the farmer tbe fact
• that he is deeply read in the text
books of scientific dairying. He
never besitates to use plain state-
ment e to drive home wholes sine
trutbs, but the farmer takes it all
from him in, good_ part beenuse he
is such a good humored °lien, and
they see at mice that he knows what
he is talking about. He is file right
man in the right place, and :we look
to him to continue itbitl most useful
and necessary work, unless, indeed,
he' becomes as some other successful
dairymen have beconee and gets the
swelled, head. HIS heart seems to be
in the work, and there is little dan-
ger and ro indication of his ,becom-
ing too big for his boots.."
Presentation and. Address. - The
following address was presented to
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reid, at the reel: -
deride of Mrs. Reid's father, Mr.
Jacob McGee, on Christrdas night, by
their c'hildren. Mr. McGee was an
old and highly respected *resident
of Egmoodville, but now resides in
Lucknow syith his 'eldest (daughter,
Mrs. -Reid, and her husband. The
address speaks for itself, and is es
follows: "To Mr. and Mrs, Paul
Reid, --Dear P arents,-We, your phi
dren, now assembled and grown o
raatarity, and thinking over n e
past, feel deeply geteful to yo
oar parents, for manifold reason.
The anxiety and care of our fintancy
and youth, the guidance of oar way-
ward impulse as we grew3r to 'men -
hood and womanhood, the toil to
rear, educate and clotke us. And,
as we contemplate on all the worry
and toineve have given you, and tbe
patient and generous spirit you have
borne it all, we wish to express to -
you in -some smalnidegree our grate-
fulness to you. We therefore pre-
sent you with this easy ohair. May
you find many leisure hours in which
to enjoy this small token of our es-
teem, and may each successive year
be pleasanter than the 0 preteding.
We hope and pray that you !may be
;spared for many years a landmark of
duty, nobly performed to emulate us
as a family to deeds worthy of tucb
parentage, and may this be a very
happy Christmas -Co you and the no-
ble Patriarch with whom ybu reside,
and may we have nie,nn happy ne-un-
ions. is our 'sincere praner."(
How They Prosper in the West. -
Mr. Kenneth 'Greenwood,. of Crystal,
Nortb Dakota; is visiting his uncles,
Messrs. Wm, and Philip (Greenwood,
who reside near Mitchell. He tells
the Reeorder that when he left
home, two weeks or so ago, there
was a foot of snow, and the ;coldeet
weather that they had orp to the
time of his leaving was twenty he -
low zero, whielh lasted only for ,a,
few days. Some ii.wenty-five years
ago Mr. Greenwodd's father left Lo-
gan for Dakota, with only enough
money to take him :there. He has
prospered greatly since going there,
, and to -day he and his six Sons are
owners of nearly 3,000 acres of land,
all in one block, on which they rais-
ed this year about 80,000 Iniediels of
grain. The family owns a thresh-
ing outfit coMposing a 26orse-
power engine, il 44 inch- cylinde and
,a. 64 inch separator. Thrall hoot
the threshing seasons, which ',lasts
for twenty days, nineteen men are
employed. • They also own a dining
car and two cooks gef the meals
for the men 'during the season. Mr.
Kenneth Greenwood and a younger
brother work together 640 acres
on wbbah they grew this- year l3,000
bushels of wheat, No. 1„ Northern;
3,000 bushels of barley (and 2,000
bushels of oats. Of this they have
sold, 2,090 bushels of wheat at 74e
and 2,000 bushels of barley at
A. farmers' telephane system is op-
erated in the neighborhood of Crys-
tal. and every farmer has, a tele-
phone in his house, for whieb 'eigh-
teen dollars a year ie paid for the
use of cub. telephone. By this
means they keep in town with the
markets. Mr. Greenwood says they
have a rural mail delivery, whieh
works 33:108t satisfactorily. Their
mail carrier, has only missed °onl-
ine twice in two Tears. They also
have prohibition, and a drunken man,
is never seen in the part of Dakota
in whidh Mr. Greenwood lines. There
are six Greenwood brothers, and
'none of them know the taste of
strong drink nor ever used tobacco.
bived His Mother ofillteurnatiem
My mother has been a sufferer
for 'many year from rheumatism,"
says W. H, Howard, of Pennssrlyam-
ia. " At times she was unable to
move at all, while at all times walke
nig was painful, 1 presented her
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, and after a few applications
she decided it was the Most wonder-
ful pain reliever she had ever ,tried,
in fact, she is never without it now,
and is at all times able to „walk. An
occasional application of 'palm B xn
keeps, away the pain that she was
formerly troubled with." For sale
by Alex. Wilson, 'druggist, Seaforth.
School Report. --The following is
the report of the annual examina-
tion of the pupils of school section
No. 3, MoKillop. The names are in
order Of merit ; Sr. IV -L. Staple-
ton, L. Atkinson, W. Matthews Sr.
Roach. Jr. Boismier,
L. Atkineon, W. Heffernan, Second
-Ethel Roach. Part II -L. -Roach,
M. Carlin, M. Heffernan.
Blake. •
Our &hoot -The following is the
report of school election No. 9, Stan -
len, • for- the month of December
based on punttuality, regularity and
general deportment. Class: V -Ruth
Keys, Irene Douglas, ' Sethronia
Sherritt. Class IV -Thomas Meyers,
Roy Capling, • Viola, Edighoffer.
Sr. HI -Isabel Manson, Thomas Sher-
ritt, Flossie Capling. Jr.
Douglas, Albert Keys, Pearl Zapfe.
Sr. n-Elater Oesoh, Gordon Man-
son, Ethel Zapfe. Junior II-Jakie
Bremeermain John Brennerman, Jas,
Beer. Part II -Pearl McBride, E.
Moyer, Odievell Nicholson. Part I-'
John Aaron Meyers, Sophia Oesch,
Edmund Erb. -G. S. Howard, teach-
Good, 061t gold. -Mr. R. Newell, of
this place has sold a two year old
filly for th.e handsome sum of ;$225.
This ally was sired ,by Southeourt,,
a horse owned and imported by T.
J. Berry, of Henson.. It pays to
breed to good horses.
Notes. -Mr. T. Wren has d: cow
four years old that has given birth
to four calves. She had a pair last
winter and another pair about a
week ago. They • are all living and.
doing well.--Mrs.Shillinglaw was a
London a few days last _week visit-
ing her daughter. -Miss Vreffry, of
Zurich, and the Misses yV"oodly, of
Seaforth, spent Christmas with Mrs.
O'Brien. -Mrs. A. Marl is spending
holidays at her home here. -Mrs. G.
T. 'Wren spent Christmas at Monk -
ton tinder the parental roof. -Mrs.
Vanhorn, of Wanstead, spent Christ-
mas with her parents here, -Mr. D.
Regan, of London, spent -Christraas
at home with his mother. -Mr. R.
Meters had the misfortune to fall
dow)n cellar one day last week and
received • a bad shaking up for a
man of hns yearn -Mr. arid Mrs. W.
Pybus spent Christmas with Mrs.
Pybus' parents on the Thames Toad.
-Mr. and Mrs. T. Sbillingiaw,Eg-
Moiadville, spent Christmas with T.
Wren. -Flossie Sraale is very siek
and is being •eared for by Dr. Fer-
guson. -Mrs. Stark, of Hibbert, near
here, is ill.
School Report. -The following is
the December • monthly reportof
school seetion No. 14, *Stanley. The
names are in order of merit: Sr. iV
A. W. Johnstone Mary Johnston, Ida,
Dinsdale. -Sr. V -Edwin Gemmel', E.
Hood. Sr. IV -Jean Grassiek, Nor-
man Jones. jr. IV -Etta .Tarrott,
James Jarrott„ Murray Fisher. III
-Oda MoBeath, ,TOhn Kehl, Sarah
'Rathwell. Second A -A. Jones, L,
Rathwell, W. MoBeatle Second Allan Fisher, Fisher, Herbert Kehl. Second
Part -A: Hood, lst-I.Rathevell,A.Mce
Murtrie, W. Melleath. The best
spel1r,IT3 in the monthly spelling
matches were; Fifth -A. Johnston,:
Fourth, Jean Grassiek ; Third, Oda
MeBeath ; second, Lola Ratbwell.
Coming to the Front. -Met Ed.
Soiden, an old Stanley boy is-. now
reeve of the important municipality
of Saskatobewax, Manitoba. His
next step will. be the 'Provincial
Legislature. This municipality oom-
prises townships 13, 14 and 15 6.n
ranges 19 and 20, Manitoba., The
soil is rich black loam, one to four,
feet. Excellent for wheat, pats,
barley, hay and pasture. Plenty of
good water. There are 18 schools,
also a number of • cburebes within
the municipality. The little Sas-
katchewan River, on which there
are some good water powers a,n'd up-
on whieh is situated the town of
Rapid City, with a, population of
800, flows through the municipal-
ity. There is •a large quantity of
first class land available for pur-
chase- at from $10 to $0 per laere
according to improvement. The
grain markets are Rapid. City, Pet-
taplece, Basswood and Vareoe.
School Entertainment. -One of the
most up-to-date publie school en-
tertainments your correspondent has
ever had the pleasoire of attending,
WAS held ,on Thursday evening, De-
cember 2I8t, in the school house
in school section No. aa, Hay, tbe
prOgrannte being rendered princi-
pally by the pupils, old young pen -
pie of the section. :Although the
weather was very unfavorable, the
night being dark and 'rainy, by 7.30
o'clock the aebool room was filled to
its utmost capapity by e. raerry
and expeotant audience, The pro-
gram commenced at 8 o'clock sharp
a-nd lasted eontinuonsly for over
three hours the only interraption
being the loud applauding of ail
appreciative audience. The tableaun,
dialogues and recitations were well
rendered, while the choruses and
songs by the cbildren, showed not
only exceptional. talent, but very
careful training in the soul stir-
ring art. The singing by that tal-
ented young vocalist, Miss McOrae,
of .01inton, was highly appreciated,
as was also the singing of the Misses
c't • •
McLean, of Kip en, while the junior
quartette elub p Reiman, gbly sus-
tained the eauSical reputation of
that villageTe veteran violinist,
Mr. C. Eaeret, furnished excellent
musio to the s mine of wbieb, the
dancing in cont me of Mr. Robert
Bonthron, of H neall, brought down
the house. The last number on
the programme,1 and one of peculiar
interest, was the yeading ef an all-
dresseto the tenolier, Miss McGreg-
or, bn one of the trustees, Mr. Jose
Bonthron, whilelthe other two trus-
tees, Mr, A. Munn ahd Mr. William
Coleman,' presented her witn a beau-
eabinet stretary.., Miss Mc-
Gregor, althou le taken completely
by' aurprise, and visably affected,
Made a feeling reply, expressing
her gratitude atj being made the ire-
eipient of so eiclsorae and useful
a present. Tbe presentation over,
the chairman, M Harry. Horton, re-
quested the audience to remain
seated, when th ladies of the bee -
tion retired t the basement, re-
turning in a fer minutes withthe
contents of their well filldd bas-
kets, a feature whieh was highly
appreciated. After bidding farewell
to Miss MeGee,gor, who for five
years has no. anceptably disebarged
the duties of teacher in 'thcjr
school, but wno, for the time being,
is retiring fro the profeesione all
repaired to t eir homes, feeling
that they had „ peat a most enjoy-
able evening.,
Found a, cure For Dyspepsia.
Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Feet William,
Ontario, Canada, who as 'suffered
,quite a narabee et years from dys-
,pepga and great pains in the stom-
ach, was advised by her druggist
to take Oharabeelahne Stomath and.
Liver Tablets. She did so, and says:.
"1 find thkt they have done Me a
great deal of gOod. I have never
had any snfferinn since I began us-
ing them." If troubled • with dys-
pepsia or indige tion . why not take
these Tablets, g t well and stay,
iwell? For sale ion Alex. Wilson,
druggist, Seafort
131u vale
(Too late t r last week.)
Briefs. -A larg audience attended.
the entertainmen given by tbe _
Sunday school a d choir of the
Methodist olmech one the evening ef
Christmas Day'. The first part of
the entertainment consisted of creole
tations, addressese choruses, drills, _
solos, and instrumental ro,usie, pre-
sented by the Sunday 6011001, and the
latter part was -a musical render-
ing of "The Pilgrim's Progress," by
the choir, assisted by, the pastor,
Revs Mr- Baker. ISpeeial portions • 1
the nevesic, such as solos, duetts, et
were rendered by Miss Pearl Bak
Mrs. J., Gannett, Mrss R. Shane '
Button, Mr. Milt. Smith, and otheljs.
At the close of the prograram-e the
Christmas tree was *unloaded. -Mr.
Will Stewart, of Bowling ;Green, at-
tended the, funeral of hisegrand mo-
ther, Mrs. Wm. Ste,wart, ,on Wednes-
day of last week, and remained! ,a
few days in Bluevale. --Christrawn,
visitor*, were numerous, as /usual.
Some bad. to be content With only a
day or two, while others will enjoy
a more extended holiday -Mass Cora
Messrs and Miss !Pearl Baker have
finished_ their tertas at Stratford
Model school, and 1 after ;the holidays
the former will reslurne ber studies at
the Listowel high school, while the
latter will ngag4 in school teach-
ing near St; Marlys, -Mr. Clifford
Pugh has also ccnio1uded his term
at the Goderien 1 odel ;school, and
goes after New *Y4 ars to the princi-
palsbip of a sato 1 near Londeo-
boro.-The Misses • and,erSon, of Tor-
onto, spent Christ • as at the horae
of their father ere. -Miss • 'Alice
Duff, of Thorndal e is at home tor
the holidays. -Mr. ill Gardiner land
Mr. and Men Fr el McCraeken, of
Brussels, visited r. and Mrs. John
Gardiner on Chris man Day. - Mr.
Chester Pugh, Palmerston, Mr. H,
M. Hardy, of God rich and Mr. Me -
Kenzie Messer, of ondon 'came home
for Christnias,-M ss Bell. Burgess
returned bome fo Chrnstmas from
Goderieh, where Ape _had been visit-
ing several months. -Mr. D. Lewis
went to visit blinds in Mitchell
during the holidOs.-Mr. L B.
Duff, of Welland ana Mr., George
Hunt, of Galt we e at R. N. (Duff's
last week. -Mr„ ani Mrs. M. U. Ell-
iott and, cbildren were ;visiting at
Robert Mason's,- Ir. and Mrs. W.
A. Elliott and fa nay, of Brandon,
Man., are in On Arlo for enhort
time visiting Molds aeound ,Blue -
vale and. Wingbarre-Miss NettieMea
Naughton has retternea = from tak-
ing a course at 'Wee MeDonald In-
stitute, Guelph. -Mr. Will Elliott,
who is taking the Science course at
Queen's Universit,`, Toronto, came
home for the holidays. -Miss Jessie
Moffat has been e gaged as organist
for the Presbyter an Chureb. Her
duties will comra nee early in the
new year. -The enjtertainrnent given
in the church by the pupils of the
Presbyterian Bunn 7 Sehool on kbe
evening of Fridayl ast was a de-
cided success, "A large audience
was a.ssembled an the children and
young people pr sented aeprogrem
that was except onally well done.
The choruses, reeitations0 tableaux
were all very pleasing wad the four
llialogues were especially good. The
actisag of all the (boys and. girls fur-
nished much, ameineraent and pleas-
ure. A Christmasi tree was strip-
ped at the •olose and this was taut
the least entranci4g time id the ev-
ening. Before the programme bad
proceeded far the superintendent ef
the Sunday school, waa surprised by
being presented jwith a beautiful
upholstered oak cjhair,- accompanied
by an apprepritutel address. MiSS Ol-
ive Slott read tthe address, while
Miss Nellie Burges made the pres-
Sunlight Soap is b
but Li best when us ,(1. in the Sunlight way.
Bay Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
-Alpheus John ud 'Mrs. Ha.rriett
Lickern, Indians, f om the ,Tusearora
reserve, near Bra tford, were onar-
ried Iast week. .1rhe bride already
is the motlaer of ftliventy children.
sies••••einserseassaseeeee----___ 1
Cash or Cure •
than other soaps,
too ta
'Stilt 00nti-n..4:
\This sale bids fair to rival our faipous Dissolutio
.Sale in volume of business, because people baiie
learned that when we advertise a sie it is vomit
and that we not only quote prid s, but live V.D
them. All our heavy winter wear win continue oi
sale all next week. Below are a few of the rnan
special bargains we have to offer:
A Clearing Sale for Fur
I -It prevents Carrying stock from year to year.
2 --We have the use of the money during the Iran
3. -It reduces the_ cdst of //Mira/1M
4-Lasc, but not least, it enables u to present an entirely ne
he publie each succeeding year. •
Lb 'T313./S.
Men's Coon Coats
Men's' Black Calf Cods
Men's Wombat DyeddrCoats
Men's Wombat Natural Coats
Men's;Wallaby Cts
Men's Dog Coats -
Ladies' Persian Lamb
Bochoran Lamb
Eucrania Lamb
.Electric Seal
Near Seal
SMALL FURS -Ruffs, Muffs,
Caps and Collars
38 00 to
18 00 to
16 50 to
14 00 to
15 OOto..
12 50 to
110 00 to 11
28 00 -to
5 00 to
• 15 00 to
28 00 to
80 00 to
ok to
Caperines, Gauu
Ladies' Mantles.
We have decided not , to handle lad4S' mantles after this setae
consequently, we are anxious to Clear out the entire stock. These
new coats, new,sle,eve and latest style.
Sale 3Prioe-IiilIaP - Pal
es -Seen
If Shiloh's Consumptuon Cure fails to cure
your Cold or Cough, you get hack all you
paid for it. Yos are sure of a Cure or
the Cash.
If it wasn't insure cure, du's offer would
mbe 4irer ?
If you have a Cod, Cough, or any disease
of the Throat, Lings or Air Passages, try-
25e. per bottle. All dealers grantee 4.
The clothing stock we are forced to r
Spring sshipment of •,
Progress Brand Clathin
the largest ever reeeiVed in this store, and, as
we will have° a:special table =01
special stock re.du
Men's Suits all sizes, at $4e9
. All ogler Suits reduced' 20 per oent, These are net old shop wornisuits,
but good, new, up -bo -date goods.
To clear up odd Suits, Shirts and Drawers
One Table at 25c
Were sold at 40e and 50e,
• One Table at45c
These were 65e and it5c-woo1 and flew* lined.
Also special prick's on our finest garments to clean up.
Sox, 7slitts and Gloves, Caps, Mteers, evc, in fact every run
store will be.reduced and. put on sale,
Successors to Greig & St
,Waighest Prices for Entter.
Agents for Pall, Telegraph and Tie