HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-05, Page 2,e - 40P Cr• a nee -- HE HtTRON EXPOSIT() 1Vewly Established at B hes oici Stand, hid door from Corner Store Main street, Seaforth. 041044AmAAAA•wimswowtosAA .1 Happy and '1frosperous Jew Tear, we to Everyone and hope tha ail may _share in, the Prosperity and Frogress 57 Our Coantry.\ vb."..40AmovvkAAAAA•vorArvvywi redit on the New Year Chithing for You know how it would help you out at this time of the year to get yolir Winter Over- coat, Suit, or Furs on Credit. If you come to our store you'll find your credit iS good; so look over the list and decide now. nee.. Men's Overcoats $400 Down $1.00 per Week Beaver, Melton and Fancy Tweeds, regular prices, $9, 815 and $1'.2 New Years' Prices $7.50 saw - Men's • Fur - Coats '$10 Down - $1, per Week Dog Skin, Bear Skin, • Goat Skin,regular Puce $25to $30 New Years' Prices $20 cm* .....•••••.•• Boys' Overcoa s $2 Down - 50o per. Week Beavers, Meltous and Over- , checked Tweeds, regular prices $5, $7, $10 New Years' Price, $5,00 Iliferes Suits $4.00, Down, $1.00 per Week Tweeds, Oxfords, Cheviots; Worsteds regular price $12 00, $10.00, $9.00 Ncw Irtiars7 Pititte, $7-.50 +ielear++14++401eleleilelellen+4eselen+++ .-1 Photo Free With purchase of $17, , or amoun tingto $117, from Pee. let, 1906, to 'March lst, 190, we will give free, ,a Life Size Photo, of the Purchaser or Whomsoever they may eesire„ -- T x- The Gunn Clothing CO VW' triton expisitov BEAEORTE1, FRrDel.Y, Jan, 5, /906. A Graceful Tribute. ' The Governittents of ',Great Britain 'and Branca; have paid a graceful compliment to the memory of the late XT. Prefontain, Dominion iWn- ister of Marine and Fisheries, who .-died suddenly in P41s, France, last. week, as well as to Canada: Sir :Wilfrid Laurier received the follow- ing communication by cablegram from Baron Tweedmouth, First Lord of the Admiralty: London, Dec. Efith, 19,05. To Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Ottawa, Canada: We have heard with deep regret of the death of your colleague, Mr. Raymond Prefontaine, Canadian Min- ister of Marine, with (whom the Ad- miral -Os have been so recently in sleek ,cordial relationship and I beg to affer His Majesty's battleship, the Dominion, to e nvey the remains to Halifax, Nova Scotia. If agreeable to your Government the Dominion would he at Cherbourg on Jan. 12th, for the purpose, and reach Halifax January 22nd. • (Signed) TWEEDMO'CTTH Fifst Lord of the ,A.droiralty. Sir Wilfrid replied as follows: " Accept ray• sincere thanks for your offer of the Dorainion to convey the remains of ray late lana.ented col- league. from Cherbourg to Halifax. be pleased to accept, but would ask,you. to consult Solicitor - General Lerciieux, now in Paris, and 'ascertain from him if date would eonvenient." A cable message has also been tre- enived in Ottawa, announcing that the lereneth government will accord a eailitary funeral to the late Mr. • Prefontaine on the occasion of the departure of the Dominion from Cherbourg with the body. Morris 'Joined In Wedlook.-A. pretty wed- ding took place on Thursday of last week at the residence., of Mr. (and Mrs. A, T. Cole; when their eldest daughter, Jessie Marud, was un- ited. in marriage to Mr. W. L. Bran- don, of Frobisher, Saskatclaewas, formerly ,of Morris,. Rev. 3. 7. Ha.stie, pastor of Belgrave Presby- terian church, Perforraed the cere- mony at -high noon in the peesence of only the immediate relatives and friends. The wedding march was played by 'Miss H. Brandon, cousin Aef the groena. At the close of the ceremony a beautiful wedding feast ;was served, after which the haPPY couple drove to Blyth anti took the train for Loildon and Saginaw. The bride was the recipient of tmany beautiful presents. Wedding Bells. -At high noon on Wednesday of last week the home of Reeve and Mrs. Thomas Code, was the eeene of a very happy event', when their daughter, Elsie, was un- ited in inarriage to Mr. Robert Pow- ell, ot Blyth. The ieitide eratered the parlor on the arm of her father, as Miss Annie Laidlaw, of Blyth, played the wedding maroh, and was becomingly attired in a gown of cream voile, trimmed with oriental lace and ribbon and parried a bou- quet of creara reses. The ceremony was performed '_b1y Rev. W. H.`Ha ort - Vector of Trinity` cheirele Blyth, .r"relatives and intimate friends bedng present. After partaking of .a dainty luncheon the bridal, party drove to Blyth and left .on the 3.56 train for a short -trip to Niagara Falls and London., the bride wearing a travelling suit of brown ladies' cloth with hat to match. The happy couple were the recipients of inany pretty and useful 'presents, and their many friends join in wishing them every success and. happiness. .....,••■■•T..T6.. Manitoba and Northwest Notes •:--The Hebrews of Calgary- have raised and sent away $425 for the relief of their distressed threthren in Russia. -rive hundred parcels from Eng- land were distributed through the Winnipeg post office containing Christmas presents. -Dr. Norquay, of Brandon, thas 1 been appointed aseistant medical superintendent of the Provincial 1n - ane Asylum in Brandon. -Jas. A. MeKenzie has disposed of a half section, about five miles from Cartwright, for five thousand five hundred dollars. -The authorities of Alberta have decreed that all the fall wheat in that sunny province shall here- after be :known as "Alberta Red." -On Friday last, near Fotherby, the engineer of the Canadian North- ern train had to blow his whistle to drive a herd of deer from the track. -At an annual sale of work. and variety entertainment under the auspices of Christ church. Wapel- la, held lately, the articles sold re- alized $115. -Wm. P. Bromley's jewelry store, at Grenfell, Sask., was totally des- troyed. by fire the other morning. The fire was caused by an overheated stove. -There are 181 sehool teachers ere- ployed in the city .of Winnipeg, and the average attendanee of pupils in the city schools for the past n,uaiter was 9,137. - -The people of Brandon and vi- cinity are arranging for the estab- lishment in that city of an annual. combined see il fair, poultry ehowW stallion show, and stock jludging con- test. 0 • -The young son of Mr. J. A. Day- xnan, of Calgary, lost a limb by fall- ing under the Wheels of a moving train in the, yarils in that city,where he had been playing. The ' leg was amputated, but the boy, died. - -The Winnipeg Free Press breaks out in this wise: `Good -weather, good times, and health, wealth and prosperity. generally all tombine to raa.ke this a very Eraerry Christmas for Manitoba and the Northwest." -During the past few , weeks a number of valuable dogs, owned by well-known eitizens of Winnipeg, have disappeared, and it is thought that there Ds a gang of men in the ' • oity wio are making a living by, stealing suek *keels mid them tofarmers and otheri living out of the oity. Colliedogs seem to be , particularly in demand, as most ete the dogs edvertieed for tare of thet breed. Collies are of the most Service in the eountry, and, of course, find, the quickest sale. -A C. 13.. R. ibrakebaan, named G. 11. Ward, of Calgary, while assist-- hlg the fireman to take coal at Can. more, elipPed-N into the coal pit of the tender,being buried and ,mother- ed to death by tcoal running from tbe shute. --A very interesting event took plane on the 22n1 of December, nt Carman, at the home of Mr. and: Mrs. Charles Manning when their 1 youngest daughter was united in marriage to Mr. J. A. Mairnie, /of Souria, Maaitoba.. --The farmers in the reicinity of TAajego Sask., have formed. a Joint stock company ana built a 'goo bushel elevator in ivihich to store their wheat. , irour years. ago this whole ingglaborhood was virgin prairie. Now it is rthickly settled and 'in:Lastly by Americans. -Miss Malcolm, a Winnipeg mil - jinni., brought action against A. R. MaNichol, ownee of the Stobart block on Portage avenue, for $19,- 000. Miss Malcolm was a tenant,and by the bursting' of a heating radi- ator in her store, her stock evas damaged by escaping steam. iThe court awarded her the full amount of her Maim. -The fashionable winter amuse- ment in and around Carman, Manito- ba, is big children's parties. The guests are invited to tappear in the garb of children of an age of not more than twelve years. So that the young lads are clothed in short dresses, and the young gentlemen in knickerbockers and. jackets. It is said the scenes presented ere very amusing and mirth krovoking. -Miss Edith 3. Miller, elle well- known contralto singer has declined the invitation to accompany Mme. Albani on her tour (through Canada. -The members of the Elks' Clith, Winnipeg, have subscribed. a fund of $300 for the Salvation Army 'char- ity fund, and this amount will (go to wards alleviating suffering among the poor and destitute of the eity. -The two year 'old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Latchem, ;living a few miles south of Brandoxe, died last Friday night from drinking but- ter coloring. Mrs. Latchem I• was busy during that afternoon making butter, and left a small tbottle con- taining the butter coloring on the back of the stove. The ehild, un- noticed by its mother, _managed to get hold of the botties, and ehildlike placed It to her mouth. Mrs. , Let - chem did not take the neener '‘es:- ously, thinking the contents, ethould, the child have take -n any; would do no:Itarm. The incident was tfollowed immediately by the child taking a. hearty meal, • which quite effectively allayed any fears the parents may have felt in regard to theApossible effect of the fluid on the *child's eys- tem, but shortly after the meal the little one complained of feeling un- well, and the anxious father lost ino time in gcting after Dr. Woodruff, of Nesbitt, who hastened with nil pos- sible speed to the Latchera home, Viet" it- svaa all in vain. The poor child gradually sank. *until' death re- lieved it of its ,sufferings. The doctor said that Poisoning was the Cause of death. 1 .0•111•01.011./..f...WwW1P(MINI i; News Notes. 1 The Presbyterian congregationlof Port Dalhousie, near St. Catharines, at a largely attended meeting sin- cided to extend a call to Rev. Or. John Ross, of Brussels, .Ont. eee,ers. James Wood and Mrs. Rich- ard Wood, lifelong friends, died at their homes, in St, 'Catharines, on Sunday, within an hour of each other. They were both born 71 years ago, also at the same time. -Five hundred farmers and rthe'r families who ;went to the Northwe t seeking homes, returned by spool 1 CeP. R. train to Toronto the day,- fele!, Christmas. They spent the day shopping and left for different parts of Ontario by theeevening trains. 3ilany expressed -their in- tention to return west in the spring. e -When licenses were cut down in the town et Galt last spring, the hotels closed their stables in re- taliation. • A movement to estab- lish independent joint stock stables was at once started. They are com- pleted and opened, and 'crowded to. the fullest capaeity. On $5,600 in- vested, a rental proposition will yield good interest. the bringing of a colony to Ontario and placing them in a nutaber of tovvnships to be granted, by the Gov- ernment under certain conditions. This plan will be 'brought on 0.ater. Lulu Bowan, for seven years a trusted) clerk in the Oak- land postoffice, was arrested for the embezzlement of $8,000 of Govern- ment funds. When confronted with ;evidence by secret service officials, she confessed. .It seems she has been furnishing money to a raarried man who has been playing the races, and lost large sums which she stole from Uncle Sara. She was caught by decoy register let ter 3 end money orders. Her dishonesty has caused a sensation in Oakland, evhere she was a leader in the Baptist church, and the only support of her widowed mother and younger sis- ters. telrTie well-known revivalists,Cros- sley and Hunter, it is said, work to- gether in a most remarkable man- ner, each doing his own work in the Services and allowing the other full scope in his department, This ar- rangement Ls carried out in the most minute detail in all their pu`blic and private lives. In travelling all .the 'details are attended to by Sir. Hun- ter, all 'tickets being purohased by him and all arrangements made for sleeping oars, acoomyr04.aticri, tC. Even tbe orders for meals are !given by Mr. Hunter, no queetions being asked by Mr. Crossley. This careful ;division of duties down ko the aast detail, the evangelists ascribe in ;part the fact that they have been so long together and have eucceeded so well in company. Perth Items. ' -Mr. James Fisher, ex -M. P., Win- nipeg, spent Christmas in Stratford. • -Mrs. F. Hollis, a former resident of St. Marys, died in Chicago a short time ago. -During the year just Closed St. Marys spent in printing and L adver- tising the sum of $028.13. • -Miss Edna Ferguson, Stratford, has accepted a position on the staff of the Macdonald Institute, Guelph. --Mr. Frank Burrows, of Logan,was kicked on the head by a horse, the other day and received a nasty cut. . -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greenwood, of Whitby, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. `EIngh Campbell, of Mitchell. -Rev. Peon L. B. Kilpatrick,D. D., of Toronto, preached' anniversary ser- vices in Knok • church, Stratford, on December 24th. -Mr. J. -T. Murtrie. of Edmonton, son of Col. Murtrie, of Guelph, was in Mitchell at Phristinas visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. .Hord. -Rev. George Smith, of the Mit- chell Methodist church, was presented with a purse of moneyat Christinas by a number of his friends. -Diphtheria has broken out in the neighborhood of Mahaffy's school, HI bleerteand three children have been strickm 'with the disease. -Mrs. James Kipper), of Russell, Manitoba, and Mrs. .Alex. Kippen, jr., of Straithelane Manitoba, are visiting friends in Stn tford tied North East- 117e.The body of . Isaac Shipley, who • e died in Manitobe a few nionths ago, was brought to Mitchell last week, by his SOD, and interred in the Methodist cemetery. -The Masonic lodge, of Mitchell, held a. very successful banquet one night recently. There were about 75 guests present, including the wives and friends of themembers. -The little two -and -a -half -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. 0, J. Moore, of Mitchell, fell into a pail of boiling wat- er one day last week, and was scalded so badly that he died in a few hours. , -At the closing of the Mitchell pub- lic school for the holidays, the pupils of Principal Dunbav's room presented him with a volimie of Shakespeare's poems and plays, accompanied by an addresS. . --Mr. Frank Ross Pearce, son of Mr. George Pearce, Stratford. and nephew of Mr. Charles Pearce, Mitchell, died in Stratford last, week, at the age of twenty yeas- and ten months. De- ceased had been ill for about five years. -Tilt Nea lin g Club, of Knox church, Mite ell, presented Dr. Tul- Tad ling with a old locket and an ad- f ' A E 1 T lli 1 l dress one Veiling last week. Dr. AshOmed of her Skin , Now proud of the coraplexion "Fluit-a-tives" gave her. Bad, complexions are all too jcommixt among women. The skin liecoMes sallow-Lpimples and blotches break out. Then women try lotions and creams and "beautifiers" which re311y injure the Skin, They never think Of constipation and bad digestiOn — sick kidneys or torpid liver—as the CAUSE. is I wag a martyr to that distreesing complain -chronic constipation - end ]ad a dre dful complexion, sallow in the ketreme tud blacie under the eyes. I,ast May, I w s advised to try "Frutteetives." Before 1 had finished the 'first box, the con.stipati n was relieved. My coin- • plexion b gan to clear up agaire all the aallownes5 disappeared, and the black ' circles un er my *ye st went away. Since then, I }iave continued to improve end now my c mplexIon Is as clear as when I was a yo ng girt. en all persons suffer- ing from constipahcm and indigestion, and petit ulerly those Ivith bact cone- plexions, X wonld strongly advise Olen). to try "IT 't-a-tives"? ratite jAtersorr, Maeson, P,Q. 0 or It teieeeetie Tseeeleete strike right at the root •of the trouble. I The skin helps to • dispose id the waste of the body. When the bowels don't I move regu.arly — when the kidneys are clog-ged—the blood carries t bowels at off,tQ th the Win e poisons, which the d kidneys won't pass skin. The pores of ecome clogged with this pois.c* and the complexion be.come$ grey or sallow or irrit4ted nd inflammed—and pimples nd blotches are the natural ult of the poison- ed blood. 1 , " itruit a-tives ''' correct ; fa.ulty dig stion and make the bowels in ve regularly. They act directly on$ the kidneys— and open the millions of tiny pores of t e skin by stimulat- ing and strengthening the glands. his insures all the waste of he system being removed nature intended. It instkree pure, rich blood— and who ev' r heard of a bad complexio where the blood was rich and pure ? fterniee-eves , cost sm. a box -and are worth es?, to an woman who values her complexion, your druggist has Imre we will send th ne on receipt of priete-t sc. a box or 6 xes for p.50, FRurr44n s LIMITED, WAWA. seith,of Pittsburg. Pa., and Rev. T. A. Cosgrove, fornaeitly of St. Marys, now of Newark, °hid, and music by the members of the Choir, after which, an adjournment was made to the base- ment, Where lull& was provided and an hour or more 4pent in pleasant soc- ' 1 t . -The Mittheill Recorder of last week says: " Mr. and Mrs. Henry- Ratz and. son, Mi. George Rata, of Minto, Manitoba, tare visiting friends 1 in town and laeighborhood. It is now eighteen years SID e the Rat z family 24 lett here for the est, and to -day they are owners of 1, acres of land. This year •they raisedl 10,000 bushels of wheat, 3,000 bieshels of oats and 1,000 bushels of barley. i i -A very pretty event took place at high -, • , a e i ence o Mrs, M. A. 1 iotti in Mit- chell, when her seciand daughter, Miss Nellie, wa.s united 413. marriage to Mr. - u ng lac been supplying the pulpit of the church for several months and Melvin Leslie toter, son of 3,1r. Fred had been a geeat help to the club'. Hooper, of thee to n, and principal of -Mr, and Mrs. Thomas 'McLaren, of • mthaenirobtear.mTedhieatberi sechaonodl oomer Mitchell, celebrated their golden wed- unattended, and t o ceremony was' gartNiwamie, ding on Christmas Ca -y. A very en- performel by Rev. W; G. Howson, ITOR we offer the fo ng opera at- llowi -Mr. riaidd. Ke nedy, one -of the ANUARY 0 LIVER -.COMPLAINT0..- w ••••••/*/*.ear The liyer IS the largest gland in the body; its Irmo is to tOce from the blood the properties winch item bile. 'When the liverqs torpid and inflartred it- &meet frirnish bile to the bowels, .eausing them.to become bound and costive. The eYeePteris feeling of fuleese or weight in the right side, and shooting pains in the same region, pains beeween the shoulders, yellowness of the skin and eyes, bowels irregular, coated, tongue, bad taste itn. the morning, etc. ,\ • .\ sPIILBURWS,, 'PILLS are pleasant and easy to tae, do not gripe, waken or siekene never fail in their effects, and • sue by far the safest and quickest remedy for *11 diseasesor disorders of the liver. s Price 25 cents, or bottles for 31.00, deal= or mailed direct on receipt of price by tie 111111)urn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. The Celebrated, 00coa. An alimirable foOdo with all its natural qualities intact. Maio mxcellent Cocoa main- tains the system robust • health, and enables it to resist •winter's extreme cold. Th.e Most Nutritious and Economical. South Huron Agricultural Society The annual meeting of the members of the South Huron .Agrieeltural Sooleby will be held at Wilsoo's Hotel, Brueefield, on WEDIOADAY, JANUARY - 171hl 1000, AT one o'ceoce p. m., for the purpose of reeewing and passing the annual reports, electing befluiscienress.a,s.nd directors and the transaction of other M. Y. MoLEAN. Secretary. JOHN MURDOCH, President. N. B. -A meeting. of the -officers and directors will be held the same day and at the same place lagutn-t41 clock a. in., for the purpose of winding up the busi- ness of the past year, • Dividend No. 3. Bell Engine and Thresher Co„ Limited. jommodam64 -Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of Seven per vent. per aenurn upon the fully peid up Capital stecksof this company has been deekred for the I year ending October 3Lst, 1005, and that the' same will be payable on and after Thursday, February le, 4906. Cheques will he iesued to the stock holders for payment of the same on February lst, by order of the Board. ROBERT BELL, - Managing Director. Doted December 15th, 10'05. • 1984 EAST MYRON Farmers' Institute. Meetings of East Huron Fanners' Institut; will be held as follows : Regular meetings 13ruesels on Tuesday, January 9t4h ; Gerrie Wednesday, -January 10th. to be addressed by join; Campbell, of Wood- ville'and John S. Pearce, of London. Supplementary meetings at Foniwieli on Peiday, January 12th - Bluevale con Saturday, January 18th (afternoon Only) Jamestown on Monday, Januar), 15th ; Molesworth on Tuesdssy, Jitnuary leth ; Ethel on Wednesday, January 17th, Walton ,on Thursday,, January leth Ilarlock- on Friday, January 19th ;I Winthrop on Saturday, January 20th ; St. Columban on Manday, January 22nd. To be adaressted by Dun- can Anderson, of Rugby, assisted by good loose speakers. Meetings at 1:30 p. m. aad 7:30 p. nt. All are cordially invited to beepresent and take part in the diseuasionia P. A. MeARTIeellt, Seeretaty THOS. IleMILLAN, President. 1985-3 Clubbing Offers. •••••••••011,... eonneotion -with 'Inn EXPOS- oya e me was spent by those pres- ent, among Whom were the six sons and six daughters. =Mr. and Mrs. Me Laren have hared in Mitchell for 43 -A serious accident befell H. M.' Griffin, of the Beaver (Manufacture Yealm's.r. R. 1,,. Marshall, of., the 'firm of , ing Co., Galt, before daylight. He lvt-r. R. Marshall & Son, Seed inerch- was carrying a lighted lamp, when ra ford, expects to move it fell, and the (oil igniting, Iset fure ta:381'onetet;a1 early in February next, to his clothing. Before -help !came having.about corepleted negotiations Mr. e0-riffin was so severely burned' for an important, interest in the coni - that he had- to be removed te the iniesion firm there ofJortes, Marshall, hospital. , Rutherford & Co. . . -The establiehment of a new .0n- -1 -Miss M i ie 13 Di k d 96tla Leke Superior Regiment, (with Elma, was married on Christmas day, headquarters at Port Arthur, Juts to Mr. Cyrus W. Harvey, of the same been authoriZed by the Canadian township. Rev.Mr. Harvey,of Brant Militia Department at Ottawa: Nos. ford, brother of the groom, reformed 3.1cVicar, of Atwood. ' * -The home of Mrs. Wm. Spears,' Main street, Listowel, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Monday, De- ceinber 25th, when her eldest daugh- ter, Miss Viola,, was united in marri- age to Mr. A.. C. Bricker. The nuptial knot'wastied by Rev. D. N. McCain - us,* in the presence of about fifty guests. . -e-The esteem in which the rector of Trinity church, Mitchell, is held. by his -The lateet novel experiment ;to congregation. was happily shown by b•e made by the (United States De- the presentation to him., as a Christ- pasetment of Agriculture is that of mas present, of a Persian Lamb cap °or wPh:reieshaillwgilltmeaakienta 'delicious 4:)C-Uhpe mas day was also banded over to Mr, and collar. The _offertory on Christ - of tea. -As a result, what would ordinarily' mike a big paekage of Pe.rtrhone. niembers of the Mission Band tea can by this new and. antique of the church of the Evangelical. .As - method be -placed in ta space about soaiation in .Sebringville met in the the size of a safety metal box. - house of Theobald Litt the ,othereven- -Commissioner Coombs, of 'the leg to present his daught4 Lizzie end. Salvation Army; waited upon Prem- Miss Susie Durst, managers of this ler Whitney, a few days 1 ago, and band now for about ten years with a discussed with him. the Army's prde ' manicure; set. The president of this poeals for next year's immigration i band read the address. . schemes,. The result: will probably -Mr. F. G. Sanderson, of St. Marys, ,be an increase., in the grant rfroni sold his drug store to Mr. W: 11.0ura- the Ontario Governinent for this mins, of Grimsby, and will retire from pitepose. - The grant was increaeed that line of business. Mr. Sanderson last year frona $1,000 to $1,000, and has conducted the business for about the Commissiener made 'such a fifteen years with great success, .but favorable impression on the Premier, will now pay more °attention to the e-116 was already well disposed to flax industry. in which he has also ward the schemes, that a -large in- beim interested;for.tome yetire crease is again probable. The lArmy e -The annual anniversa,ry tea and has clone splendid. work an the Iwo. of bringing a good class of .iniral 'grants to Ontario, and is lookinea ter them on their arrival until ehe pastor of he Methddist church. - oldest residentsf died Christmas Day. D ceased was one of the early settlers, and had lived in his present. home for ixty years. Mr. Kennedy cut logs here the Stratford court blouse noseest- ds, and was one ! of those to cut and. ew the logs for the Bret school hou e and Presbyter- ! ian church. DeceaAed was very high- : ly respected in the community in I which he lived. . I egg . eon, daughter' tario regiment, to be known as the of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson, of men e, on and 2 companies ,will be (located at Port Arthur, Nos. 3 end 4 at Fort William, No. 5 at Fort- Francis, eaad No. 6, at Kowa. .—Chas. Flanniganea London town- ship farmer,'and his hired man, -John Henry, were arrested en -a charge of stealing geise lio.m a neighbor. Wbile the officers were gan's house,. engeteed. in conyersiee with Mrs. Flannigen, the husbend attempted. to escape by jrnwing from a window. the ceremony, assisted. by eve A. N. e social gathering' of Knox church Stratford, was heldThursday evening, December 28th. After an opening hymn and a prayer by Rev. Dr. Hain - leave secured f.:;'06d. positions. TI.eir Mon, Rev Mi Martin, who acted as plans fon next yenr 'include the chaernaan, gave a short address. He bringing to Canada of ten thousand , thanked the congregation in the course of his remarks, for the handsome and Selected immigrants in the spring, and probably one-half of them .will useful resents which they had sent.to be located in Optardo. They have - himselr and. Mrs. Martin. Addresses alio preparation a scheme for were delivered by Rev. A. Dun- .4111IIIIMMINFIMINININNEWSONS Bring Cop - strop. don BOECK • Brooms cost the manutac turers- more to make but coat the ooze - sumer no more than 1 the ordinary kind. They* are carefully Made of the hese mateeilds d under the =eV -rigid helped -le BOECKII B have light handles having the vreight m :the right am. You AvOtild •iirdiy%elie the differ- .enee-th using th tn. compared with UnItothdorlesaibuii , Torok, fax. BeSu abd examine a copy of our have any idea of takin couree_fur a - GOD PAYING We believe them in no ours for methodic bu3ine for producing good resin investigation and compari Enter any time catal( gee if ycu a preparatory OS ITION school equal to a training and r. We solicit 00. Vacations 41:Mk TORON W. U, SHAW. Yoke and Gerrard BUT 45,6,1.46 0, Prinetipal, to, Taranto.... 108748. these prices : Trrn Exrosrion and Weekly Globe and. Canadian Farmer Tim Exeeerron and Weakly . Witness THE EXPoSIT014 and Northern e Messenger- e ee THE EXPOSITOR end Family Herald and Weekly Star with Premium picture 1 75 THE EXPOS/Tole and Family Herald and Weekly Star with Premium Picture and the Farmers' Meoual and Veterinary. Guide THE EXPOSITOR, and Weekly San THE EXPOSITOR and Farmers' Ad- veal:4e Tan EXPOSITOR and Weekly Mail 1 80 THE Exposeron and Weehiv Advertiser - 1 65 Tan Eiposrroa and the Preobyterian 2 2o t THE Exrosrron And the Wektminater 2 2,5 Tun Exrosieon and the Presbyterian and the Weatmineter 3 25 THE EXPOSITOR and Farming World 1 So 6.0 women tearethat-get no ro freshznent from sleep. They wake in the morn- ing and feel tinder than when they went te bad. The have 4 dizzy sensation in the hisd, the heart palpitates; they are irritable and nervous, week and worn out, and . the lightest household duties during the day seeSi to be a drag and a burden.. s MILBURN'S HEART - . AND ''',14-41.1,VE- P11.4 nre the very remedy that weak, nervous, tired out, sickly ,wornen need to restore them the blessings of good health. They give sound, restful sleep. tone up - the nerves, strengthen the heart, and make tide blood. Mrs. C. McDonald, Portage la, Prairie, Man., writes: "1 was troubled with shortnase of braiti), palpi- tation of the heart and weak evens. 'got four boxes of Milburn'e Heart and Nerve Pills, and after taking them I was ortipletely cured. Price 50 cents eer box or three boxes fon $1.25, all dealers oe the The T. Mil - balm Co., Limited, Tomato, Ont, IhIPOI4TANT NOTICES. -E1STRAY Jai ion 1, Deb ight red heifer, leading to the tee rewarded. MORA bayed f f ,ES2. ,13 -out the 1st01 member, a g three. Any isfor,riatioa of thie omitted will be liberally HEFFERNAN, Seaforth P. O. Ie84-4 -DIGS FOR SERVIdke-The undereigned i Ireeer X at bis place inOrueefleel, a pure bred Yorke ,.hire epd a pure bred 3erkshire Bear, to Nvhich a line- ited neefteber of on Well be admitted. Tenns.-el, payable it. the time of service, withthe privilege ere returning if necessaree GEORGE HILL. 198ln12 FOR SER .-There will be vice on Lot 03, Concession 9, McKfllop. tae .re eg John Hill, Welletario, frAnt Imported • eree Yorkehire boalIey, OnPine Rive Hero ...,F95, DTZO by steek. Terms. -11.00, payable at time el eervim with the privilege of returning, if neteseary. THOS; !MelLROY. 19ft4 TG FOR SERVICE,- --The undereigned will keep at his place, Letbe Coneession 2, Stank -y, a reg- ored Yorkeldre Rear, to which a liinit.ed DUDGIXT of owe viIl be admitted. Vermei-el, payable at the- ime of service. with the privilege of teturoine,jf Peary. WESLEY. HARVEY, , 1710 LET --The Veders'gti - wiil rent his farm at thei4keShoretolgcodteuastfor e-- term -L'. • years. The farm coosi 0 acres ilind, nearly all under gultivatiori and in need rest. 'Hon. For full terms and particulars apply at Om._ It leIEL Se111111, St. Joseph P. 0. 1%14 1 1 FOR SALE, iHoRTHOR.N BUI.L FOR SALE. --For sale, fe Thorobred-Sborthoraelull, 17 months Did, riler e• with a little white. 'rice right. Apply ton 'Lot 1 °messier; 4, Tucliersinith or addreee Egrnond P. 0.,erefe CARN • AN. neel-te OR'eliORN BULLS 'FOR SALE. --The mid ! H:. nthe, two red and a ream from. their ienpo signed has three vete- fine young Thom* Sb rthorn gulls for et:de. i They range IMut 10 tO bull, " TntinPeter." Terms reasonable. Apply oe Lee 21, Concession 4, Tuckersinith, or addreee, Bee- 1 forth P. O. A. es J. BROADFOOT. •1982-tf ' -, :- roadster sired by Hint Stanton.' He Lex.° pcidv and broken in. I viesh to sell immediately - going away after NeWAYears. Apply A. T-14 Me -L JEtN, IAA S, Conee,ssion lel, Tucker...1111101 - e 19e654f ISTERED STOCK 1OR SALE. ---The under- signed offers for sale 'n Lot -27, Concession 8, rt townehip, one y eing Clyde filetee a few • horn cows rind heiferk two young ehorthorm ; also a few Berkshire pigs of both sexes. e stock are eligible for Segistration in the Nail Wok Reeords, Prices :rear,onable, coneiderier _ ty. erieltore welcome. .-DAVID HILL, Stalea.„ OADSTER FOR SAL .-A nice three -year -o Bib Sho hull abe e a T ;SLIMMER .81IBEP AND:SHORTHORN OA Jee '- OR SAIXe-The eund4relgread less lo e oral thoroughbred Lob:motet Meet) ,and Oattl of bath sexes. Addrc Egmendvilleite. Applr Alarm, Min Road, ornL4h. ROHR* 0 TEM iii SONS, Dr/24 H MelORelei FOR SALL--A fe Grandlybred mteh Shorthorn sense with registered udI- greea,(8 to 21 months. pzieee frera 1.50 to taken soon, also vows $rd heifers at about the same rice,' aleo a few Berksbireeewe four .neentobV old AVI MILNE, Ethel, Ont," e • 193242 'SHO T HORNS FOR SAM. -The tivdertegned _ f or /We ore Lot 16Xoeleeesien 2, Have ao, nunber of rip•to-date tbiereughbted Sher' . bulls,- the y are ef the low set reeleeeky type, dirk rd : bi ooto lid of -choice breede/g. Tbey ere siteelg- ible for registration end wile be eat teatensblye JOHN EL DER, Hernial.P.'0. e 1018611 . . McMann & Mann Jolla 1eMann, sr. John McMann, ir. (8useessore to lobh linelann, sr.) Are io* prepared. to hsedlaall kinds ef homes.. BuyerTay pnrobsee homes all their sale etibles. Egmon ville, Many tinie. 19144 ••••1•1•Imi•••••••15.1. MUSIC" ,LEN. R. NILSON L 65 Pupil of Mr. A.-4, Vogt. , Pi-eno,lorgaa etiA theory. Puglia prepared for eons' 65 icrvator sxsminations. Teenne,:-Piario-67M fee, 22 leario ; Theory -St for 22 leiOns. For ctber(. forrnattofl apply at D..D. Wilson:end Cos erne, ce at J. A. ilsonel reactance, Ann'ettreet, Sesfortb. •leeletf _ •1,71- 3tutnai4 for : For fele the -dray business in foth,ownuJ by sable proi rty on. John street Seefortle e'er fur' John flab erk and Son. Everything • and good ueiness done. There eral Mx; ' .- d 1 95 tner perticrlars apply to I 80 1 ii JOIllee'liARKIRK 454. SON, • Seafortb. 2 50 pringhurst Shorthbrus Suffered -Terrible Agony FROM PAIN ACROSS HIS KIDNEYS. DOAN'S KIDN6r PILLS - CURED HIM. Alseloo•••••a Bead the words of praise, Mr. M. A. Meinrds, Marion Bei -dee. NS., has for DOWN Kidney iiills. (He -writes us): "For the poet_ three yeare have suffered terrible agony from pain aorose y kidneys. 1 was so bad I could not stoop or bend. I consulted and had several doetore treat me, but could get no raid. On the advice of a friend. I premiered a box of your valuables, rife-gielhe remedy (Dosn't Irldney Pins), and ta raysurprise and (Wight, 1 irnmehMely better. In my opinion Doan'e Midney Pills no equal for any forna of kidney trouble/' Deait's Kidney Pills are SO cents per box three boxes for $1.25. Cedsa he premixed at dealers or 'will be mailed dfrect on receipt price by The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto - Ont. - De net accept a spurious substitute but be sure and get "Doan's." - Really IChoice Lot of YOUNG BULLS AND ITEGGIT4 t SALE. ! (311t1;GIIUMT Brno Snonenetnee) PAVE ivON COAMPIONSHIP8 OF teen Uerree Seerels, CANADA AND Male() TNIGtrENT YEATL$4 All interelted are oonlially invited to inapeet tie. herd. Farm aeljelineetbe town el Exeter. Long distillate telephone to farm. liAltItY $511 , 1 108441 Keefer, Ont Notice is hdre rig of the we Muteal /ere I Hale Zurich, o'clock le en. Burrinees Amen,' Repo nese for the g members are BhICIA 19,84x3 Notice. gieen that the•3141 f The By Tow ee 0o., will be he eaday, Jemmy It Amnia Meet. rip Farmen, ehe Ten -a' IMO, at one eivIng the Directors' Eleotion of Mrecters and welfare of tbe uee,,,ed toattend. HENRY EMBER, ind Secretary's ndotber bugle mpany. All, 'try Oredi ...EROS, President bidet], Ont irio. LUM OED L TIT and1:2179LEF R POS InexatOmpirkomd OL FF & Si LUMBER l'AiltO end WANDTIMILT.! S4AFORTH.