HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-12-29, Page 9THIETY GHTH WHOLENUMBER, 1,985." 12 MoLEAN BROIL PablisiheTs $1 a Yearn Advanoe; A Happy and Prospero Canada. .mentioned, r ton. Ass vionsl . W, Bengough, the well kno.svn adieu cartoonist the boss a candidate the m foe dot$ the all is d of�,, in one of the posat�on of alderman � wards in the oity of Toronto. -TheMay Harxxs Co., have dee- ad their branch in Stratiord• l el: move- the plant to Toronto in or- der to centralize their business. This is the manure spreader manufact- ory.• —Mrs. Bridget Smith is dead, at Ri11 ng s ; Bridge; a suburb of Ot- tawa, ,at the age of 108. years. She ahad was bornborn-zt Ireland, and lived there for over sixty years. .Her hus- band died, aged`95 years. ---MS's, Elia Gray Charlton, wife of Han. John Chariton, died on Mon-, day, at Twin Oakes, her husband's residence, near Lyneh, Norfolk city. Mrs. Charlton was in her 68tlz year, and had been 111 of Gsan- foi some months. on tion s xn t P O'Connor, chief despatcher il a. Grand Trunk Ra Vicar the Railway y at Stratford, has resigned, and its go- ing to Toronto, to take up work in connection with the Cathahe Mutual Benefit Society, as organizer inafieo' tor. •-- According to the latest advices to the Department of Trade and Commerce, at Ottawa, the price of lead in England is steadily rising, the last quotation being £17 2s 8d CL when the. price .of lean reaches £16 the Federal leounty. on the British Columbia prodant owes. —Tbe Ricmunond Hill creamery, owned by the Devon hire Manuufac- otal! des - , e - Manufac- turing Qond n was t s g _ Fa� y f tr ed lirenoon on Prod . ,� � by at ay. , The fire started in the oof near the smokestack:. —The death is announced of Mr. Sebastian Fryfogel, aged 81 years, at his home in North Easthope. He Iwas theoldest surviv" g settler in the • county of Perth, : - acing come i Pennsyl- vania nl- out with. his -father f smi exts y vania in the latter part of the in'v s- � i Cott, of Vancouver, Brit- ish Columbia's Diana, as added 'a aiiy trophies Iso just been Gown a mag asures seven Both bear y, the first —Miss Corinne Walsh, Victoria British Columbia, 18 ears old, a student at Miss Bead's ernary, re- ceived probably fatal. injuries by fire while impersonatin Santa Claus in robes and flowing bey rd, at a bur- lesque school closing entertainment. Odtton used to 'give a realistic snow effect to the costume, ignited from the Christmas tree e idles. Tho 300 -pound bear to her n of the chase. She has a successfulsful in bringing nificent eagle, which m feet from wing to win � and bird were killed shot. i Co eqe.:QC*** panie- a ri en onalence stamped and Miss Head was for some minutes un- able to reach the burring figure and encs 1aP i t with a tug. .ug. --The Methodist • cluuroh at Mark - dale was completely y letel destroyed by fire at sic o clockrda morning, � which supposed to have origin- ated ri in-ated from the furnace in the base- ment. The Church men . h ahurc b fifteen built t years ago, and the anniversary ser- vices were to be held on the follow- ing Sunday. The lose' will be about $8,000. —While Roy Green, a Hamilton fireman, was out driving,mal reet car raninto his buggy. -is young daughter Winnie was killed, and an- other daughter had he' leg broken. Mr. Creen was thrown into the Aitch and escaped with slight' injuries, F Tliey were driving an the track in a dark ,place, and the car came up behind, dashing into the rig- --Simon C. Erb, a well known printer,£0r 28 years s a resident of Berlin, was the victim of a fatal accident Sunday. evening when re- turning to Berlin from New Ham- burg on his bicycle. He collided with another wheelman, Thomas Me- Outcheon, and was thrown • with great force on tbe pavement, causing concussion of the brain. .-Cgrt. MacGregor, who hied at Windsor, on Monday of last week, and wbose body was taken to Gode- s rich for burial, wastl4 oldestcap- tain on the great lakes in point of years be ha* sailed. He sailed for sixty years, the last ken years ',of f service having been 021 t la es with the Canadian survey. He as the first captain to, . take a vee el P River, and bel need is o French e nt F i , t oo. bravery t 'heS for that t and for r v Ilya y � d,._ —Far thescoop time,�I : D FoD. Mann, the greats railwy agna e, was fined by the police magistra e of Toronto, for breach of the law; r•. garding automobiles. Mr. Mann was recently taxed one dollar witho t csts for u r running his , automobile le t 0 an excessive speed, and a few da s p ,. ago for running gat. night without a light. Mr. Mann was fined ono dollar, and this time :with costa. i —Thee late Christopher RRobinso ', K. O. a one timebabout Toronto lawyer, who died 'b t t wo months fag o left an0 estate A 2`73671 , to $ will being entered in' the Burr�igat� Court on Saturday. A classification oftheestate as • lloyws :--H4us a e® fo hold goods, $7,000; ;book debtN $1,200; mortgages, $1,300; real es- tate, $40,000 ; stocks and bonds, $223,- 880; 223,880; cash in bank, $281. —About eight o'clock Monday ev- ening, as Liveryman T. G. Burns, of Palmerston, was in the eat of hang- ing a lantern on a wire in his liv- ery barn, he received an electric shock, which killed him instantly. • i t sn ha t - p some meeans becvm electric light', wire .for manyyears c town couuteil; and as Mayor of the t A2r. George T 'oldest and most of Guelph, drop He was morning. face on the duel for many 9ears he or the Goldie Mil he had been living his usual oust6m, h to Ole market,and - ham street wasee Aid reached him he weakness of the hea on 85 years of age, of death; the wire had by ° day evening, Mrs cro d withthe passenger,, er' warsaa' Deceased was from the oar to . ted with the she died in a fe 0 served ofie year' Perkins, who wad 68 -ears of age, of Palmerston, was aocompaniecf F her daughter, �y 8''h , Mrs.f da. � a f t ordw rano, g - of the They lion one were m To onto"� aspected residents '�or Christmas - e pur- aead the other familiar he mostf market, where purdhased grain 'ng Co. Latterly ti As retired was r a Mau �Pdrkraas ill and removed . latfoac'mr where P , Mrs. . minutes. was on his way when on Wynd�- tio fall When as alrea'ciy dead, attendant up - being the cause 1 --Immigration to I0,000'; persons, inol girls, • Yarm help an . is the plan of the for the spring of 1 TM r beencarefully have re 1 sels have been special the conveyance of th ,this country. About dumber will be y'xuii will engage as ser houses, and the deina !even greater than fo -Just before the train for Brantford p Union Station, at Toro he extent of ding servant hands factory , r alvation Army . All plans id. Three ves- y chartered for emigrants to, oneeha.lf of the g girls, who ants -in good for these is male help. :10 G. T. R. led obi- of the to, on Thurs- c �asi trip, and � rnng r .vera treturnng to Brantford, when i- rs. Perkins tsnd- denexpired. 1 �� eased belongsto y � Flint, Mic ,lgan, n: id, with fa young daughter, Was on -la a, visit to Mrs. Adams. I i 44... - Ontario's oiOntario Natal W Wealth, At the bsxxgns;,.at theOntario Live Stook J'air at anelph last week in his epee `. , HJw W, Hannah, Provincial Greta ° touched brief- ly on the `oh he tags of natural resources acv ihable{-o the people of Ontario. Mre Hann :took his hearers s northward ftomT •tonto. eo New Ontario, through r� mileses of it xh , f Ile lands, thro b an other75 tmile of the m t Picturesque counr ore cont e t' on through 1 another 100 miles oktibe richest tin, bet. and mineral lad is of which any country can toast, '- including one small area, from w -,ion. 82 carloads of silver, veined two million dollars, had been: 6:port'ed during the past year. Therese onwar ed the wonde ing; s ' wards to the bury,en t • New Liskeard; dand Jr ed. by a tlevel rich agricultural! country 7 wiles in width, where grew fail !wheat which won first prize at Olasgow and Paris. Still , onward north of the height of land \ extended • for =uneasy. Miles rich agricultural. ricultura: . land. an h �yen t nxil& er' climate [than that to the south.-- Theos8ib`liti es of Ontario's ung p x !developed resources were truly itt ealoulable.i t ' Grip ickly Knocked Out. a e Bone w g� during a v d the seg vere winter weather, both my wf0�u and myself. 1 contracted severe colds which speedily developed into the worse kind; oaf la grippe, with all ,its miserable symptoms:, , xsays Mr. J. SE gles of ton � Maple Landing, Iowa. 4g H eel anti joints muscles ' xnt a�cix`►tx ear head stopped u, eyes and. nose xa rn ning, with alternate spells of i ohxls and fvera We began�; OhamberlaCough Remedy, aiding the same w in? a dose of Chamber- iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and, by its 'liberal use soon complete» ly knocked out the grip." These Tablets promote a healthy action of o t .v the bowels, . and rhe-�d� who h is always beneftelal when the system is congested by a cold or attack of la ippe. Eor, sale by Ale±, Wilson./ druggist, Se .i th. • JANUAR DER mencing Saturday, Dece br Our entire stock of winter clotheg , underwear and furs will be. put on' sale at big eduction pric s, and winter chants to get a complete winter ri at a little over half the early season prices. Remembering that th whole of thi bio the past two months, at nearly hal regular prices, you =must know, or can easily understand, that we are in a position. to ments and stock of all kinds at prices that will save you dollars ani d dollars and we will not be sal lien's r,- Alen's For Cows, 20 Coon Coats o 20 Black Calf Coats 20 Black Dog Coats 15 Dyed Warabat 10 Odd Fur and Fur lined Coats 'omen's Far Jackets.. 50 jackets of different sieges and styles of design and Fur and far -lined. aps .. 10 Persian Lamb, wedge shape. 10 Persian Lamb: jockey style. 7 Seal 5 Beaver 15 Assorted Kinds 4 4 egin ing, this will be your ock was bought within tiler :you the good new gr- BEOW cost. Ile following is a partial list of good Heavy SmoSmocks, -fjitufs and • Ciperines 25 Sable Ruffs,different :lengths 15 Caperines 15 Mink Stoles 10 Ohio Sable Ruffs 10 tuffs 10 Pair Gauntlets Men's and 'Boys' Overcoats 25 Overcoats at....... $5 00 25 Overcoats at...... 7 50 25 fine dress Overcoats at.... . . .. . . .. . .. 9 50 10. Young Men's OV-• efoo9,ts r at . 5 00 20 Boys' Dress Over. coats at... - 4 00 5 Boys' Ulsters at 3 25 Men's. Pe,ajackets- at... . 3 75 20 Bops' Reefers at 2 50 Overalls, Pants, IlIen's Siiits 50 Men's Suitsa.,...45 0,I 60 Men's Suits 7 5 70 Men's Suits...,9 53 30 Youths' Suits... 5 75 B ys Suits 50 Boys' three piece suits, sizes 28 to 33..$25 2'5 Boy? three piece • suits, sizes 28 to 3,. 2 f5 25 Boys' .two' pied 2 00 35 Pair ,oys' Knee Pants • 25e Four doen Boys'. - Sweaters..... ..:.... 50o 4 i Ten dozen Boys' Stockings,..,............. 250 s for sal Uudtrwear Sweaters, Ties, Oollars, 75 , odd undershirts, heavy rib' ed wool, 25c to 50c 75 ;odd pairs of drawers,:.. heavy ribbed wool, 256 .to: sod 50 dd fleece lined under. shi ts, 25c to 50c 50 c dd fleece Tined drawers 25c1 to 500 3 dozen Boys' wool underwear Ten dozen Men's heavy goy.. a ............ 5c: •Fotr dozen Men's heavy top shirts...... 50d Seven dozen Men's , Fancy top shirts..,.... 46o Five dozen Men's Sweaters 90o 40e Heavy IULIs and Gioves Tllheavy ,yq��j o ororee Mdozenittgs.sa4#cease. 0 Four dozen heavy . r dress 7 Three �w■;�q�■ }dozen bays' �Lj} knit°initts........, ....,i. 25c Three dozen far lined Gloves........... 2 00 ! - One dozen ;men's fur �Jyy ��yyy� y{ �gg p�rg gCil ntlefs..aasass eO4 eras 2 50 ileavy Sterm Caps Three dozen cloth caps, high crown.,.,. Three dozen. cloth caps,' low crown....... Four doze& fur lined Four�ydozen heavy tweedeed caps�.... ia1'i f'fis3.! e Three dozen o en boys caps.. .......j,... s.93Y. .,., Fancy Shirtsand Fancy Vsts Altogether the best stock in Seaforth to choose 'from BECAUSE everything is absolutely new and fresh and bought at low price .12 - 0- ET. ' o FOR 11 ]OE&S _ Door South of Dominion Bank The GREIG sells CLOTHING Company 50e 506 60o 25c. 25e g at low prices. East Side Main Str et at