HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-12-29, Page 5ER 29. 19C 5 Affairs in Russia. Th n St. Petersburg correspondent the London . Times, in, a despatch datol December- 26, says: Governor- General Doubassoff, telegraphing yesterday, reported that 15,000 peo- ple had been killed or wounded at Moscow. The latest news from Mos- cow says that the 1st regiment of the :on Cossacks, the irver Dragoons and the Nesviela Regiment of Infant- mutiniee,. and are eonfined in Nair barracks. I am informed from good source that 2,000 persons zwere killed and 10,000 wounded. The revolutionists are making 23e head- zway, but they show aio signs of ex- austion. -- Turnberry. in.—TherC will be no elec- tion in the township Of Turuberry this year. At the town meeting held Blilevale on Friday .last, the reeve and all the couneillors were retelected by acclamation. The eouneil for next year will, there- fore, be composed as follows John usgrove, reeve and John Copland, Vohn Rutherford, Alexander Kelly: kand D. H. Moffatt, nouneillors. Well one good and faithful servants. Stephen t The Eleetions.—The old battle ;will fought over again for the rreeve- of Stephen. The stalwarts, ueI Siveitzer and Henry WilIert again in the ring. They have fought raany hard battles, some- times victory perching on the one banner and sometimes ou the other. &fr. Sweitzer was reeve the past year but who the fortunate one 'this year will be, no man can tell enatil the last ballot is .00nnted. The pre- sent councillors were all re-elected by acclamation as follows: Win. 'Anderson, :Wm. Yearley, e Stephen ;Webb and M. Finkbein.ert Winthrop. Notes.—Quite a plumber of Mani- toba people arrived home to spend the Christmas season.—Miss Kate Calder, of Stratford, spent Christ - Mae under the parental. troof.—Mrs. R. Grieve, of Lauder, pranitoba, is :the guest of her sister, Mrs. II.Ross. —Miss Ida MoSpadden,who has Spent the past few years in Manitoba, and the Territoies, arrivedhome last week. Her many friends are glad to ,see 'he,r.—A sad gloom was cast over this vicinity evten it became° known that the life .of Mrs. !James afenderson had passeele out of this Mich sympathy lie extended to .Henderson and family.—M.r. Alex. Dodds came home trom the nest last week. Hibbert. 'By Acelamation.—The people of this good township seem to know when they are being well and effi- ziently served by their municipal representatives and reward them ac- eordingly. At the nomination meet- ing in the township hall, Staffa., on Friday last, the reeve aid all the Zoancillors of this year were re-el- ected ley acclamation. Even the St. Columban tunnel did not ' create a ripple of exeitement.—Dr. Michell, and Frank McConnell and\ James Kranskoff were re-elected erne-- teee of the pollee village of Dublin. The Hilbert eouncil is composed of John!MeLaren, reeve, and P. Jordan, W., Balfour, IL Rooney and II. Nor- ris, councillors. North Side Notes.—Miss Margaret 'Jordan, of Bornish, Ontario, is spending the hOliday season at the home of her parents here.—Mr. John. Burn, of Stratford,, is renewing old acemtintances in this section —Miss Matilda O'Connor, of Ton:pito, spent Christmas with her parents and other friends of the family.—Mr. R. lc Murphy of the Empire Cream Separator Company, ' of Toronto, spent a few Christmas holidays with friends here.—Miss Lena. Heffernan, w tar has been teaching in the separ- ate echoel here since la -at August, left for • her 'home in Arthur on Sat- urday last: Miss Heffernan had been engaged to teach for the, com- ing year, but owing- to the illness of her fatter she resigned. During her Short term she proved herself e capable, efficient teacher, and much regret is felt,especially it- Mong the sehool children, that it Ortas eecessary for her to retire. On the eve of her departure a delight- ful entertainment was held in the 5citool, in -which nearly every pu- pil took a very active part. Miss Loretta Griffin, of Goderich, has been engaged to take oharge of the kichoul for the coming year. -- Londesboro• Notes. — 'The Methodist Sunday school entertainment, on 'Christmas evening, was very successful. The programme, which was mostly given by the scholars, was well rendered. - —Rev. Mr. Clement and on are spending their vacation at the par- eonage.—Miss L. Whitley, of Lon- don, spent a few days evitle her mo- ther.—Mies L. Young, of tBrantford,' is home for her macatiore—Miss Rose Riley, of London, spent ;vacation at her borne.—The Misses Brigham, of Bait-111ton, are spending their vaca- tion at their home.—Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, of Chicago, are ependbag their vacation with their parents.—Mr. and Mrs. D. Floody, of Blyth, spent Chrietmas with their parents here. • —The Whitley family spent Christ- mas in Olinton.—Mr. Melville spent a few days with his sister in Sea - forth this week.—Mr. Win. Cocker - line, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hesk, and Mr. Wm. Mannine, all of Man- itoba, ark; visiting friends -here. Ali A EVE N EXPOSITOR Or.r fiats and Market Streets Seaforth, Ontario. TheLleraet Dry Goods 1111 Clothing' Concern in -.Four Counties, 1 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000, Reserve Fund $4 500 000 t HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, (. eneral Manager BAN,MONEY ORDERS- , mum) AT THE FOLLOWMQ RATES : $51 and under... ..... . ...... 3 cents Cnter $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents t4i $101$ $30 10 cents $30k " $50 15'ents Th6se Orders -are P'ayablp at Par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bank (Yukon excepted);„ and at the principal banking points in. the United States. •1 NEGOTIABLE AT A °MED RATE AT THE CAN TAN BANK OF COMMERCE, LONDON, ENG. They forni an eenOlent naethod of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small cost. 1SEAFORTH'BRANCH. F. HOLMESTED, ISolicitor ALEX. LAIRD, Asst./ Gen'l Manages" - received. After the program, one of Santa Claus' most clever agents, Mr. James Hinchely, handed one the presents from the heavily loaded tree. The entetainment was dosed by, pinging- "-God be .with yo* till we meet again." axoct the benedietiOn by Bey. M. Carswe 1. The proceeds amounted to about Notes.—Mr. and Mrs, D. Weir go to Winglaaen on Wednesday of this week to spend a few' days with. Mrs. Weir's parents and friends in Turn- berry.—Mr. 7ohn 'Taylor, of Mor- ris, spent Christmas) at .Wm. Jamie- son's.—Mrs. R. W. Jewjtt and her children and Miss KeUtngton also Mrs. Wm. Britton and Clifford have gone to Larebtoa a unty to spent Christmas, at the, homo of Wm. Mt - Rorie. Mss. Jewitt and Mrs. Brit- ton are dau'ghters o Mr. Metorie. —Mr. Armstrong and his two sis- ters, a Brussels, ate *their Christ= mas turkey at Wmt ',Lawson's. Oro k Dr. Ovens, eye, ear land nose taper.- Commercialtell, Seaforth, on January 3rd, from' 1 to 8 p. December Wedding.—A quiet but pretty wedding was celebrated at the manse there on • ednesday last; when two popular y ung .people of this vicinity were made husband and Wife by the Rev. Mr. Cranston. The contracting parties w re Mr. Calvin Newell and 3liKee gifar aret McKaig. Aites the ceremon they 'left te spend their honey mopn in Niagara and Buffalo. Many freends will un- ite in vrishing them nautili future happiness. MAR1KE'iS. SRAeoavr, December 28th, 1905. Fall Wheat • $0 77 to $0 77 Oats per bushel... .... . . ....... 0 34 to 0 84 Peas per bushel...... .... 0 70 to 0 70 Barley per bushel.— 0 42 to 0 42, Butter, No. 1, loose 0 20 to „0 21 t utter, tub 0 19 to 0 24 Eggs per dozen 0 21 to 0 23 Flour, per 100 lbs .. .. 2 26 to a 00 ay per ton. -.. 6 50 to 7 00 Hides per 100 lbs. 00 to 5 35 9:teep 0 SO to 0 36 . otatoes per bn8haLcnew 4 0 40 to 0 50 Salt (retail) per barrel Wood per cori (long) Wood per cord- (short) Ares pef bag 1 00 to 1 26 5 00 to 6 20 2 75 to 3, 25 0 49 to 075 7 00 to 8 00 a ph to 200 C, over Seed Timothy Seed Tallow per lb t .. ,0 04 to 0 00 7 50 to 8 20 95 to 0 27 0 15 to 0 16 Pork, per 100 lbs Wool (washed) WooI (unwashed) Dairy Mar*ets. TORONTO, Ded. 27-Butteri-Da,r ponnd roils, -28 to 25e ; firm ; tubs, No. 1 2.1 to • ; creamery, lb. prints, 25 to 260; °reamer'? boxeS, 24 to 2.5ific. Eggs -Market firm ; 35 to 400; storai.se, 24 to sse per dozen. Grain, etc`, Toomo, December 27 -Ontario wheat, No. " white, 78 to 79c ; red, 78 to 79c, leW freights; gposei 73 to 74c, andspring at 74 to 75c Barley -Market easier, at 47 to 48c asked for No. / and 44e for No. 3, and No. 3 extra at 48c. Peas , No, 2 at 78e to 70c, outside points. Very active demand for tnilling. Oats—The market is easier at 54e (fast or west. Pots,- toes=-Domesticz per 00-1b. bag, out of store,86 to 95e; (striped% -Ontario, 65c. • set New 'Brunswink stock, 70 te 75c. Millfeed—Ontario bran $15 to .$16 asked ;- shorts,. $16 to $17.50. Manitoba -Bran, $16.50 to 717.50; shorts, $18 to $10. Poultry. Toitox•ro. Dec, 27 --Spring chiektins, live 7: to Ocy &eased 104o Ile' ' • hens, live 6 fo 0c, dressed 10 ; turkeya hens andgobblers, dressed„ 14 to ific to the dealers; geese, dressed, 11 to 1.2e per pound. Seeds. • TORONTO, December 27.-13usho4ss is quieter, for- eign markets being especially dull during the holi- days. Prices for red clover are steady. Seed free from weeds at $6.50 to 87; No. 2 $:].:35 to 80.50,. -off grades, $5.m.to 86.50 : samples 1,vieli larger percent- age of weed seed are at a big discOunt. Alsike, No. 1 8.8.25 t$6.50, with $6.75 for extne, fancy lots; No. 218 $5.40 to 95.75 ; No. 3 is 84.35 lo $4.65. eontaining timothy' or trefoil is1 to :le per lb. Timothy machine threshed, free tom weeds, 81.40 to $1.00 ; fancy, unhulled, bright, flail -threshed, $1.75 to ; low-grade timothy, with a large percentage' of weed-, 1c to 1,1e per pound. • Live Stock Marets•- Navas, N. Y., December 27. -Cattle --Fairly [W- ave and steady ; prime steers, $5.3; to $5.70; 'ship; ping steers, $4.75 to $5.25; butcher , $4.25 to $5.15 , heiftrs, $3.25 to 84.85 ; cows, 82.76 to $4.25-;, bulls - 82.50 to $4.25 ; stockers and feedets, 8,2.75 to $4.y.,5 ; stock heifers-, $2.25 to $3. Yea's-ictive and steady at $5.50 to $9.50. Hogs -Fairly laotive ; steady ; heavy, mixed, Yorkers, and pigs, 1,$5.50 to $5.60 ; roughs, $4.50 to $4.75 ; stags, $3 to $43.75. Sheep Iand Lambs—Active and steady ;- lambs, $0.25 to , $8.15 ; yearlings, $8.50 tor.f6.85 ; vethers., $5.50 to $13 ; ewes, $.'5.25 to $&S�;' sheep, mixed, 93 to .i5 .75 ; Canada and Western lambsi $7.50 to $7.75. ToltosTo, December 27-Tqtal rec ipts of live steak at the Western Cattle Mae et , to day were three loads .; of which' only one wa for 1 ale, . the others havnig come forward under contra tt. There was, therefore, no market. No 1logs were offering, and quotations are unehang•ed atj $590 flr fats and lights and $6.15 for selects. i Constance Bre r • ,a r lb. al rolls ; frefat eggs per (lex. ; diast app'- itts• er 11).- Watelt our ad, !calm% t , eek. R. W. Jewit t, Snistance. 11hrri De. Ovens, ere, COT and nose spec— is t, Com-mere/al Seaforth, • 034 Januiry 3rd, frame .1„ to 8 te in. A. Good Entertainraent.—The Sab- bath School Christmas tree ad en- tertainment held in the church en Friday night was a grand success. Though the night was very dark and the roads muddy, the people show- ed splendidly their appreciation of the work done in the Sabbath School by turning out in large numbers. The children all did their parts w61, special praise being won by tile little girls who Trent through the flag drill so preoisely. Our pains- taking and efficient teacher, Mr. A. McAllister, deserves a great deal creakt for the way in wkich. ke trains the pupils and helpit so much ia the work of the Sabbath School and church-- in 'general. Miss Chae.- iotte Millsen, the Sabbath School orgasiet had charge ef the musieal part of the program and was most faittifeal in her work. The addres- Ses given by Revds. Carswell and Birk.: were Very suitable and well • YELLOW -In Exeter, on December 17th, to Mr. and Mrs z Joseph Yellow, 13.8011. DOUGHERTY-At Sheppardton, on, December 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Nixon Dougheily,a. daughter. WILLIAMS-InEast Wawanosh, on! November 22nd, to Mr. and Mrii. John Williams, a (laughter. G. E. PARKES, Manager, Mame ices. ItIRKBY—M01110HAEL—At the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. A. K. Birks, L. L, 13.., on .. December 25th, Herbert 13. Kirkby, of Morris, to Nancy J., eldest daughter of Thou* McMichael, of Mullett. , WRAY-HORN-41 the manse; Egmondville, (11 ' Wednesday, December 27th, by Rev. N. Shaw, Mr. Angus McKay, of Monerief, Grey t0wns10, to Maggie Horn, formerly of Winthrop. McFADZEAN-KINNEY-At the home of the bride's mother, on December 27th, by Rev. R.- S. Baker, ltr. Thos. Mendzesm, of Grey, to e,,Miss Dorothy J daughter of Mrs. Joseph Kinney, of Walton. GERRY-LIVINGSTON-At the home of the bride's mother, on Deceinber 26th, by Rev. Dr. Ross, .; Mr. Bertram C. Gerry, of Brussels, to Miss Ivy M.; youngest daughter of Mrs. Livingston, of the Oth concession of Grey. DRANNEN-JOY-At the manse, Goderich, on De- , cember 20thoby Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, 13. A:, Mr. Wm. Women, Goderiokto Miss Charlotte ,.• May (Lottie), daughter of Mr. Henry Joy, of Colborne township. WILLIAMS-SLEIGHTHOLM-At Fillmore, Sask., on December 2.0th, Mr. Thomes G. Williams, for- merly of Exeter. to Mies Anne Sleighthelm. LINDSA-WOODS-At the residence of the.bride's parents, on Deceinher 20th, by Rev. W. H. Fair, Mr. Wm. L. Lindsay, of Clinthn, to • Misa Alice N. eldest daughter of Mr, Robert Wood, of Elimville. ERILA1T—It0BIN50N—At the residence of the bride's parents, Goshen line, Stanley, on Decem- her 20th, by Rev. A. H. Brown, Miss -Margaret J., second daughter of Mr. E(' lward. Robinson, to • Mr. Samuel Erratt, of the Babylon, line, Stanley.) Deaths. FTENDERSON—Iii, Meliillop, on December 20thi Isabella Mary Love, wife of Mr. James 13, Hem. derson, aged 28 years and 7 months. sc,foTr--In Clinton, on December 20th, Isabella Scott, relict of the late W. H. Scott, aged 61 years. ' McGREGOR—ln Windsor. on December 19th, Capt. • A. M. McGregor, of Goderich. OH1USTILAW-2At Nile,on December 20bh, Edmond Christilaw, aged 30 years. FINKBEINER-In Crediton -on December 14th, z Henry Fihkbeiner, aged 48 years. -IMPORTANT NOTICES. ROADSTER FOR fai...E.-A nice !three-year,old roadster sired by King Stanton.. lie is sound, speedy and broken in. ._Iksish to sell immediately as I am going away after New Years. Apply A. L. Me - LEAN, Lot 8, Conceasioir 12, Tuekersinith. ' 198641 1-"ji EGISTERED ST00FOR SALE.—The under - ..111) signed offers for sae on Let. 27, Concession 8, Hibbert township, one yearling Clyde filly, a few Shorthorn coWs and heifers, two young Shorthorn bulls -; also a few Berkshire pigsof both sexes. .The above stock are eligible for registration in the MAIM - al Stock Records. Prices reasonable, considering quality. Visitors welcome. DAVID HILL, Stella,. . 1988-tf DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.-Thab IA.. 28 acre farm on Lot 80, Concession 1, McKil- lop, containing_a first-class house with all modern improvement, e, good barn with stabling for 12 head of stock, plenty of room for grain and hay. A No. 1 hen house, good implement.shed, carriage hduse and pig pen, 2 good wells. convenient to house and barn, a small orehard containing a good assortment of fruit, all enclosed by the best modern fencer and a most desirable location for school privileges. For further -particulars apply on the premises or address D. J. AITOHESON, Seaforth, 198541' Dividend No. 3. Belt Engine and Thresher Co., Limited. Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of Seven per cent. per annum upon the fully paid, up capital stock of this company has been declared - for the year ending October 31st, I.905, and 'that the same will be payable on and after Thursday February 1st, 1906. Cheques will be issued to the stock holders for payment of the same on February 1st. By order of the Board. ROBERT BELL, Managing Director. Dated December i.5tb, 1905. 1984 Annual Meeting. ' The Annual meeting of the members of the Mc- Killop Mutual Fe Insuranae Company will be held in the -Town Hall, Seaforth, on Friday, January 19th, 1906, at one O'clock p. fu., for the.purpose of receiv- ing the Annual Reports and the Election of Three Directors and other business for the good and wel- fare. of the company. The retiring directors are J. 13. McLean, Seaforth P. 0. ; Thos. Fraser, Brucefield -P. 0. and Wm. Chesney, Egmondville P. 0., who are eligible for re-election. THOS. E. HAYS, Secretary. J. fa McLEAN, President. 10854 EMIT HURON Farmers' Institute. -Cr Meetings of Eat Huron Farmers' Institute will be held as follows :-Regular meetings at Brussels on Tuesday, January ilth ; Oorrie, Wednesday, January 10th, to he addressed by John Campbell, of Wood- ville and John S. Pearce, of London. , Supplementary meetings at Fordwich on Friday, 3anuary 1'2th ,• ,tluevale on Saturday, January 13th (afternoon only);'Janiestown on Monday, January 15tb ; Molesworth on Tuesday, January 16th ; Ethel on Wednesday, January 17th; Walton on Thursday, January 18th • Mario& on Friday, January 19th; Winthrop on Saturday, January 20th ; St. Columban 011 Manday, January,22nd. To be addressed by Dun- can Anderson, of Rugby, assisted by goal local speakers. Meetings 0,01:30 p. mand 7:30 p. All are cordially Invited to be -present and take part in the diseussiens.- P. A. McARTHIat, Secretary , T1108. MeMILLAN, President. 1985-3 ALWAYS IN STOOK The Folloiviing Well Known Cloths: BELWARP Blue and Black Serge Suitings, and Worsted Trouserings PACIFIC Serge, Suitings in all Shades and Textures VICKERMANS' S-erges,, Cheviots and Yicunas Also a Comp ete Range of Imported and Domestic Tweed Suitings and. Trouserings. Our Black Melton and Fancy Cheviot Overcoatings appear to be leaders judging by the order g we aro sec/pang for them. We will be pleased to show you any of the above lines and can guarantee the entire lot. Speare and P ge: Merchant Tailors. Under Towa Clo k, - SEAFORTH From • ow till Januaryl1st, 1906, we will sell Ladies' Cloth Coats at slaughter•pr cm They are cats' that -were left over; and not strictly up-to- date, but al good coats, sothe are long, others are medium and short lengths, some have I rge and others nediutn sleeves- • they will be sold in three lots at different pri es, every coat must be cleared out before January lat, and we have marke them at prices hat will do it: 1 LOT —Ladies'. and M'sses' Jackets and Coats, made of beeaver, tweed and homes un, in black,abro n and grey, original prices were $2 50, $3.50 and $4 50. Your choice for FIFTY CENTS.i LOT —Ladies' Coats, made of beaver, vicuna and tweed, in brown, black and avy, hi different lengths, regular price e were $5, $6 and $7, your ,choice for NE DOLLAR.i LOT —Ladies' Mantles, made of fine beaver, kersey and homespun, in fawn, bro» grey and black, in different lengths,: the prices were $7,50, 89 and $10, y ur choice for ONE•FIFTY Theee are ridicelously llow prices, but the goods must be sold before 'Tann- ery 1st, no matter at what fiacrifice. Cpristmas Groceriesl, Our a ock of Christmas Groceries is now complete in all the different lines, such as Raisins iiurrants, Figs, DateS, Shelled Almonds and Walnuta, Poultry D essing, Mixed ?ice, Icing Sugar, Extracts, Lemon, Citron and Orange Pe Is, Prunes, etc.' 1 A-SEEC--)1NT 1:"MiC/133 IStt KINNON-7-86 00.p .BLYTEE. ELECTION OAR S. YOUR VOTE FOR W. H. WILLI FQR MAYOR Will mean a vote for Progress Coupled with Economy To the Ratepayers of the Town of Seaforth. 1Having ben nominated and having accepted the! nomination fot Mayor of the Town of Seaforth for the " year: 1906, I lave to say that, if eleetid, I will de ray beet to forWard the interests of the town in everY 1 particrilar. I will be my part and duty to see that • 1 the adairs of t e toi.vn are administered with judg- , !tent and dis retion and to the best interests of the ratepayers. hat the taxes shall be kept down as much astan b doo_inheewlitohwi dnuoe: insfie:sarf.oestutth.to.Irti:yemps.u. blici; service. That the taxes levied shall be expended cc -1 onornically an in the interests,of the ratepayers and that -there sha I be no waste, no graft. Ladies an Gentlemen. -As time is short from nomination da to the day of election, and, as it is init., possible for m ii to see you personally, therefore, I take this means to solicit your vote and influence in my behalf and if elected, I will do all in my power to promote th indust.ries of tyhoent,orzn., I remain , 1985-1 'THOMAS STRPHENS. To the Elector ionme•••••;.' Once Again 014ristmas Is Here It is the tint ing pram veriety. for rejoiceng and &No for giv- nta. We have them in great We have Comb andprush Cases Manicure Sets Ebony CI4th, Hat and Hair Brushes Fine Gold Mounted Brier and Meer- - schaufl Pipes. Fine Toba co !ouches and Cigar Cases . Real Seal Skin Purses and Card .Cases hina from Japan and France Dons in Endless Variety ranging in price frotn .25c Beautitui Toys and 1 Perfumes to .5 ilmrik media AMINO To the Electo of Seaforth Ladies and Gentlemen. -Aa I will be unable to see you all per oually, I take this means of soliciting your votes and influence. I am in the field for the position of 0 uncillor again and, if elected, will, as in the past yea the town. Wis son, I am Yo 1985-1 To the Electors , do my very beat in the interests of ing you the compliments of the sea- rs respectfully, . .1. 0. latire.. Seaforth ; entlemen.-At the aolicitation of 114 I have eonaented to be it condi- tion of Councillor . of the Town of ,y•ear 1906. It will be inipossible for lectors personally and I take this ig your votes in my :behalf. It elect - utmost to further the interests of v-partieular. W4shing you the coin- eason, I remain I Your respectfUlly, HARRY •GEIB. Ladies and number relect date for the poS Seaforth for the me to see the means of solicit,' ed, I•will do my the town in evei pliments of the ......•••••••••••11 19'85-1 To the Electors �f Seaforth :— Ladies and Gentleman. -7 -Having aceeeded 'to the reqoest to allow!iny name to go before the electers for the Position df Councillor of Seaforth, I take this -means of soliciting your votes it,s it will be impossible to see you all personally. If elected to the position shall endeavor toi fiirther the interests of the town of Seaforth and the 'ratepayers. Wishing you the corn- Plimente of the season, J nin Yours respectfully, 1985-1 D. .1. McCALLUM. toosomow To the,Electors ofMcKillop : Ugies and Gentlemen. -As 1 have bee,n nominat- ed as a candidate for Councillor for 1906, I respect- fully solicit your voteand influence, and, if elected, will serve the interests of the Township. Yours respectfully, 1085-1 = Me0,13AID. To the Electors of McKillop : • Ladies and Gentlemen .beg to announce that am in the field for the position of Reeve of McRil- lop for 1906,. and solicit your vote and influence. If elected, I will do my very best, to further the inter- ests of the Township in every way. Wishing you the compliments of the Benson,Tarn , Yours' Respectfully, - 1985xP JOHN M. GOVENLOCK. „ To the Electors of Mcl&Top ,Ladies and Gentlemen.—At the request of alargc number of ratepayers, I have decided to become 0 candidate for the Reeveshlp for 1000. Having served you four years in the Council,. we are not strangers to each other. I therefore solicit your votes in my be - 11 eleeted, I shall, in the future, twin the past, workto the best of my ability, for what I believe to be in the best in3erests of the township. Thanking you for past favors and trusting to receive your sup- port at the polls on January 1st, and wishing you the. compliments of the season, I -remain Respectfully yours, 108413 C. C. LITTLE. it Small Purchase Is greatly appreciated we are always pleased to 6.11 small orders; if not con- venient to come yourself, send with your neighbor for goods you need. Men's all -wool home -knit socks, 35c to 50c. Men's all -wool, home -knit mitts, 35c to 50c. a Men's Scarfs from 250 to 50e each. Men's four -in -ban a 'Neckties at 20c. Our wool Blankets selling at 83.50 a pair. . Misses' Hoods, warrn and cozy, at 50c each. • A• good stock of- Flannelette Blank- ets. Some Cream Flannelette, one yard wide, was 8c, now 6e. Be sure an& see our stock in every line. A trial order will convince you that you get' your money's worth. We can save, you a good per sentage on coal oil. Canada 1',-W.' 130 a gallon. ' American W. W., 20c a gallon. Our prices for produce "'erne as last week. ROBERT CLARK GENERAL MERCHANT Constance - - Ontario 1982V We e Duet tell yen ell here, opine In, yo are always welcome wheth- er yo buy or not. Jur stook is new and • ices righ,t. 0. ABER HART, DRUGGIST, Agent fo the leading makes of Trusses, Fou tain Syringes an Hot Water - Bottles, OARD O'S - - - BLOCK MA -M-10 IR,IM Th! Slipper Store This i the Christmas Slipper Store, c two ways_ about it as we've everything in Slippers for every- body. So.nta'Olaus always gets his slippers here. We've slippers in all styles and for every member of the fam- ily, from Grandpa down to baby, Our Slipper Show is SO large that we dare not attempt a description of the many styles. We have certainly the handsomest slipphrs that are made and we are showing many styles you'll not be able to find elsewhere. MOdest Prices Always lOome.here with your slipper ideas and you'll be more than pleased with our slippers and prices. Ri hardson& Innis SEAFORTH, Agbnt for the Granby Berlin Maple Leaf. Hood and Ki ity Rubbers. Canadian, g Qual- Christmas Pr sents What are you iing to give yourin nd? I4t us Suggest a Photog ins es a very acceptable gift sph, which send. We main only high -clan ph toe, pallia- tes in every way. Call eaijly to secure them in time for Christmas. BRINf.1 YOUR PICT RtS TO B FRAMED. t cktil01(80N BROS, Naforth. GRAND TRUNK it','AL.-= Ximas and N w Year Holiday ates TRRITORY,—Between all stations in Canada,) also to D troit and Port J' Huron, Michigan; Niagara Fano, Suspension dridge and Buffalo, New York, 4r SINGLE , FARE,— tied going Deo - ember 23,24 and 25 Returning un- til December 26th. Alen good going Deeember 30 and 3 and January 1st valid returning uni1 January 2nd, 1906. AT FARE AND ONE THIRD,—Going - December 23nd. 23.d, 24th and 95th, also on December 9, 20, 31. and Jan- uary lst. Valid returning until January 3rd, 1-90.. For tisketslandifull I ormation call on W. SOMERVILLE, own Agent. A. F. PHILLIPS, De ot Ticket Agent. Now t 'float Christmas Burn Crow,* s daily throng this Storel. 1 '..r•f..i.fe++++tf;+*1;.++4+§P++++++++ Never t thc history of this store has our Christmas trade been so good Pickard's at Christmas tide is an interesting place, and C soon i here. Just a few days more, and it will 13, a mi mory. We are ready to make it a pleasant one. Gifts re galore in every department ; hundreds of appropriate 1 article f the most desirable sort are just waiting to be chosen. We hk. te you to look around our store. The question ' of "Win shalli;I bay elere finds its own solution at every turn, and st ely no gifts are so appropriate as useful ones. Its the I I lastin girt that delights the recipient most, and :takes your. rnemo:y a constant pleasure. Mentioned below are ,a number of usu1 tokens : es Noma tired 'dollars, lowest pose' Nov -e Noveltt. Dresdelta Lace. 06 Baby 1••=1... ifts for Ladies. ,• r whether you purchase an artiele worth 25 -cents, or oae k1.. yo know that the quality and style is right, and the pricertke o to quote. in Japanese and taffeta Silk Blouses, from $2,75 to $5 each ill Splr Opera Bags, at $1.75 to $2 each Collis and Belts and Silk Girdles misefts in black, cream and earn, at from 50e to $1.25 h Lice Collars and, Cuff Sets at 75c The ne47allStts-for ladies at from 500 to $42.25 Direct ifiaportgition.s of fancy linens, handkerchiefs, doylies, table cOTGr2 tray cloths a4a sideboard scarfs 410ANAIMAMAMMAN4A.WAMOW ur Department. Ladies' st chair Coats, tWO special lines, at $23.75 and 836 Russian Laujh Coats, sable trimmed, special at 855 Ladies' Astr ehan Coats, trimmed with Columbia sable, .at from 833 to 840 Near Si* 0 ats, trimmed. with Alaska sable, Colunibia sable and °lieu- tal mink, at price' from 841 to $57 Persian La !I) Coats at prices froni $115 to 8153.75 Unmatthabl4 values in Caperines, Ruffs, Muffs, 8ac. Furs for Children— White Thibet Etas and Grey Lamo to ni Collars 10101MAAANWOMAAANAttic1A0401 afts for the Men. alnl,asbL, , SmokinglJebkets, special at,$6 ' i -p.50 and $2 Fur GasIntflets in Persian Lamb, Rued= Lamb Wombat, Coo Do I and; Large assinriment of Silk Mufflers, from 50s, to 82 All the 5.443t novelties in Ties and Scarfs Umbre114, ,411. prices, from. $1 to 34 Gloves, 41 rices, see our fur lined gloves at 81 . . Collars in Western. Beaver, Russian and Persian Lamb - • Men's Fra•Tained Coats at from $23 to 365 . Special v4ues in Men's, Coon Coats for Xmas at 840, 850, $60 and 370. the'above pioo will be found to be 310 per ceat less than the regular price Calf, Dog,„ Wallaby and Wombat at priees from 816 to $35 away below/ . anything founi in the trade - •USEHOLD GIFTS. Large sh, ent of Rugs in velvet and Smyrna, all. sizes and all prices—. wool and tap city squares in all sizes. New La4ei, Purtains, Tapestry Curtains, Chenille Curtains mid Tablet Covers 1 11 ' , +4,14+++4“14444.144444.44+4441 hing Department. Our great ( lathing Sale still goes on, every week we find people maize a greater dis ancV to this sale—they find it pays them 300 Men's t its at all prices, from $4 tb $8 ; at $4 per mit less than re- • gular price Our pile of en's Tweed Pants, at $1 a pair, are 4asily worth $2 • Our $a Pan 4 never soli in the regular way for less the* beta $2.75 $3.50 • Great ialuest n Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats Men's Overcoats in all the new tweed patterns, at from $5 to $14 Highelt Prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Wool. Dried Apples Wanted at 6c a Ib. 0 IMPORTERS WO PICKARD It SON DT Op2as: ,s Towk., Bulldin Corm itiat et Etc Sallorric fa