The Huron Expositor, 1905-12-22, Page 31 best las Gi to give your *hiidren is a Deposit B•ok in the THE SO ERMA BANK OF CANADA No better way of teach- ing them Business Hab its exists. Deposits of $1.00 aud U wards Received. erestpaid4 times a year HENS Airs, Of? OLD, Manager Hensall Branch ngie Harness • " Cali and inspect) our genuine rubber trinin;ed. harriesa ab $0.00; better value than 4ny $25.00 factory make. We guarautee them because we make them ourselvee * material, style and quality ere the beet. They are the boat value toZbe had in single harness and we will stake our reputation for good her- , nen upon them. 1R#033M A complete stook of Bishop,' Gallo- way and SSIVItabewan ab Spacial price*. an usual we have the xery-liest val- ues :in horse blankets. Quality the best, and prices theloWest. 314 BRODERICK, CADY BLOCK. • . SEAFORT •Goidenj apportiinity last for fifteen days a great dicoun sale is now going on at the Seaforth Tea and Coffee Store This Betels for cash or trade only: only credit is given only when goods, are sold at regular prices -10 lbs. sulphur fer 25e: 10 lb* gaits for 25o; 11 bars Judd's- soap Sor ;25e; 4 lbw. cur - rude for 25o ; 4 lbs. raisins for 250; Si lb*dates for 25o ; 6 lbecooking fig. fer 25o ,• llb.prnaewtOr 25ci, 6 lbs. dice for 25*; er Mt, tapioca for 25e ; 3 can peas, berme, cone tomatoes or blueberries foe 25*; shelled almonds, -shelled walnuts, alekinde of spices and candied oeeli. 1 bevels. full etock of all kinds of neyr,' gouda, which I am selling at -great bargains -sweet older, mince -Meat, honey, dark brown sugar for baking,. baking„molasses, best teble syrup, Oatmeal, cornmeal, flour, gra- barn lionr,rolied wkeete wheatieboream 'of wheat, in bulk, pot barley, split pease, teas and coffee a speoialty, all fies kinds of eured wide, pork osusage, r bologna Beitilaget all kinds of'fish, table en, eadt in smoke and loose, apples, pots - tome I have a very large and well assorted re stdok of choice croekery and glassware e and a nice range of lamps, dinner. tea ut 7:26 and tollee sets I have two nice pat- PAltalersim • .810 ternf in odd ekeces and can make up -4 r Bald? Scalp shiny and t in? Then its proloably to late. You neglected dandruff: If you had only taken our ad- vice, you would have cured Hair r the dandruff, saved your hair, and added muth to ft. If not entirely bald, now is your oPportunity. Improve it. bave tured Ayer's Nair Vigor for over 40 velum lain now 01 years old and hove a heavy grovrth of rich brown hair., due, 1 think, en- tirely to Ayer's Heir Vigor." Mt& M. A. Rump, BeIleville, 111. VA a bottle. • 3,0. AYER CO., Assineaggionoss Lowell. Mass. for irlia,oiumoymung :Good Itair rand Trunk Railway • System. Railway Tirna Tibia • Trains leave Eleatorth ae follows: • 0.150 1 m. tor Clinton, G4eriab Winghim an Kincardine. L Et p. m:. For Olinton, Wingham and Kinoar 141- F. m. For Clinten and Goderich 8. dine. _ ; lass p. lc For 011010O and Otederleh. m For.. -Stratford r Guelph, Toronto, 'OriBia, Korth ty points wed ; BOeviBe and ekrboro and pointer eiet. g.n ne For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, MOD. treatand point. met 5.23 p.in, Tor filiratior, quelph and Toronto. ; London, Huron and Bruce. Nana_ , - dolbdepart- MP • • .0, *0 0.15 AO ag• 4.60? X • a ••• Am • f .0 0.18 0:43 -1- 9.80' 5.54 Let 0,05 lirtioelleld-...••0001,110•600•0•• 9.58 6.19 1 9.50 0.11 Clinton-- , 10.10 0.85 nondesbero I 1010 0.62 Blyth----------....as.10.50 - 7.00 Be 10.50 /.10 e Weigh= . 11.00 7.25 er:49vma-- Pananger. 8.40 A.11. 8.80?. „It 6.52 844 -7.06 11.t 6 7.14 41.04 7.47 6.28 8.05 8.69 8.15 4.47 8.22 4.52 8.85 ,5.05 8.40 5.15 9.45 a. K. 0.10 Milighthim, depute... Beigraveaa ••• 11, • • * •••. tendastoro _••••••••••• *0 ClintOnsur sr rr, r• a:0 ssueoloWs..;•••• ••• Gm • • *0 --KLOPen.• 010 • • • • NM 00 lienlam• *a •• • ft. AM 0836.11/1•• • am • • e• ••• London, (arrive).- , Palmerston and Kincardine. .440 NORTE. Pam. Pam. Kix° amnion- ..... . 7.65 p.m. 12.4J p.m 5.30 a.io el- . 8.41 1.97 7.40 8.51 1.38 8.40 9.08 1.50 I 9.00 9.03 1.66 9.10 a Souls; Pass. Mixed. Pass. gimm... .. 8 48 cm 0.11,40.m. 2.40 p.m evil: 6.52 I 105 2.419 1k15 8,92 12.50 8.18 8.00 4.19 tea and dinner seta to-S-ult the custom '- er at any price. Fresh eggs and. butter taken as cash at this store; also all kinds of fowl. A cordial invitayen is exeendid to all to call and get some of the bargains. 411 04 AUL Seafortn 8101 OF ME CIRCULAR SAW 127' CD , P rr Cfq WCD 5 gl) 1‘1 0 r..S 0 Oo cad""j .'1111111g NO at e...\ • Mg 2:3 rn 71;1111n V.) „. Epp. :II J43 ri) P a' 0 04 Q o ot 0 el'Ogal 012 OW CI' .22 5 • Es t.'1 0 lit so e4 L.42 'OM Les4- LW pew a .1.w lofteggir < 7'0 '4'15.W;f"13 • oars c) cp 11:18 1:1 61- 0 UNN'A p tt c+- - - t -se w 11.' (1s) a Sore Throat a.rid Coughs effect:ye and safe remedy for all throa's crratattontii.r f Gond in Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets .g.P!ey OO )in the germicidal value of Crcsolene thetootiar.e pronerties of slippery elm and licorica, 100, All Druggists &St Ortind Mogul Pure Teo Grand Mogul is not exposed to siorc dust or microbes. The clean, air -tight packages are the housekeeper's protection against inferiorlity and dirt. It comes to you free from adulteration -,-the nic- est possible- blend of the finest teas' 'of Ceylon -and affords you double the sa- tisfadion of "just as good" teas that are sold in bulk, or packed in poisonous lead. Grand Mogul appeals, to the aIate and tones up the nerves. Not a mere sub- stitute for bitters. Grand Mogul Tea ((Sold e 25. 30c, 40c and 50c pa* p000d, black, green' of mixed. Adveniming appropriation is divided enkli Ewers of Grand Mogul Tea elareogrefi ;smarm ecup!rn m the Planes. ARE MADE IN CANADA. They are built 111 a Canadian foundry -by Cenadian workmen - for Canadian bdines. They are planned and constructed by Canasnaro-whok.now the peeds of the Canadian climate. Being made in Canada, there is no duty -n� excessive freight charges -to pay for. '- Yon get the finestmaterials-best workmanship - newest improve- ments -handsomest deigns -when you buy a Peninsular Range. Cone- h -and let us explain just evily we think the Peninsnler is the best P. . nge in Canada -especially for YOU. Local Agents; CHESNEY & SMILEY DISTRICT MATTE S. •••• vo tithrop athe School. -The following is the Noerember monthly report of school 'section No. 10, MeKillop, The names are in order of merit : Class IV, sr.- Gertie Campbell,: Nellie Govenloek, Joseph Soraers. Class jr.-Mabel Billiard, Hiram rgansbard, Susie Mc- Spadden, Amy Warden. Plass III, sr. -Mary MoKee, Wilhle Pethiok. Class 111, jr.-Nelson Govenlock, Ross Mur - die, Willie MoSpadden, 'Ada Pethiek, Lily Pethiek, Pearl Ilart, Harry Warden, Lorna Harm Class II -Jen- nie Hart, Belle Bullard, • Caesar Broom,' Hugh Campbell Part II - Ethel Earn, Violet Broom, Charlie Warden. Part I -Edith Godenlack, Willie Dodds,. Etta Riley. -Celina Durand; Teacher. --e-e • Farquhar. • Our School. -The following is the report of the examination held in Thames Road school in the month of Naeeraber Senier Fourth Class, to- tal, 700. Almer Stewart, 588, Flos- see Coward, .554, Jennie Monteith 033, Walter MpNichol, 52,6, Wra. Kay 495, FosterBray, 434, Myrtle Hun - kin 367. junior Fourth Olass-Te- tale 680. -Anna Allison, 558, wilin i. Monteith, 527, Flossie Passmore,C'S, Maggie Bryan 352, Bert Brown 295, John Turnbull 255. Senior Third Class -Total 680. Ethel Hunkin 530, May Dardh 492, Garnet Passmore 468. junior Third Class -Total 400: Meryl Snell 299, Teressa Coward 268, Kenneth Moldicol, 247 marks., Sen- ior Second Class -Total. 400. Coursey Brown 333, Annie Turnbull 331,Chris- sie Riley 322e Viola Rankin 307, Lin- dsay Pollen 298, Olda. Westlake 286, Milton Hodgert 286, Charlie Allison 282, Willie - Jeffrey 248. -Jessie A. Hamilton, Teacher. Alma. • - A 'December Wedding. -On Wed- nesday afternoon of last, week,ninety guests assembled at the home df Mr. and Mrs. George Dele, of truek- -ersmith, to witness the marriage of their daughter, Evelyn -Daisy, to Mr. Benjamin W. Churoht11. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. A. K. Birks, of Seaforth, assisted by Rev. J. D. Fitzpatrick, of Toronto. The wedding Lua-rch was played by Miss Lindsay,' of .Goderiesh township, while the, bride, leaning on the arm of her father, entered the parlor. After the knot had been truly tied and the, guests had extended nob- ges.bibefiens and geoid wishes to the happy couple, all repaired to the dining -room 'where the wedding din- t see of the season's\ delicacies' await- ed:. them. In the eVening , games of various kinds and music were 'par- ticipated in. There .were many Drees ents both handsome and. useful. On the following morning Mr. and Mrs. Churchill left on their honeymoon tour, which will include a visit to friends in Michigan, and on their re- turn, after Christmas, will take tap housekeeping on the groom's farm, on the 16th concession of .Goderich township. The ' Expositor wishes them a happy and prosperous e mar- ried. life. Goderich. The Town 'Water.-Goderich is in trouble about its town water. Some years ago the town, at a large ex- pense, extended pipes into the lake consideeable distance to where crib work had been erected with the • hope of obtaining pure water for the use ot tlae 1 citizens. But -this sys- tem has not been satisfacory:.The wdder obtained is drumley and' full -of sand and wears alit tele pumps of the users besides being' dirty and Sometimes :offensive. A short time ago the council proeured the servi- ces of Oity Engineer Rust. of To- ronto, to look into the matter and. a public meeting of the citizens. was held 1:X1 Tuesday eidening last to con- sider Mr. Rust's report. Mayor 1Vfurney had charge of the meeting NA:doh was addressed by Counbillor: G. Id Blair, Dr. W. 3. R. Holmes, medical health officer, and Assessor Campbell. Engineer Rust's reeom.- mendation of an expensive filtering apparatus and also the proposition to build an "intake crib" farthur out, are considered too oostdy. Two other suggestions have: been made one, to drive spiles around the pre- sent crib and fill the intervening space with gravel and .eand, making a natural filterer, and, second, to' construct a large basin on the beach, into which the water should filter. The harbor and river water have been shown by analysis to be anfit • for, use. The council is cor- responding with ether towns simi- larly situated.- As yet there is no feasible solution of the problem in sight. 4 • Exeter. Briefs. -A murling club is .one of the future probabilities in Exeter. -Mr.- and Mrs. R. S. ,Lang, sailed from Halifax ein the Ilth 'inst. and intend wending a three months' honeymoon touring in Europe be- fore settling down to the %tomer realities of life in Toronto. -As Reeve Bissett and Messrs. L. II. Dickson, T. B. Carling and Al. Me- Donell -were returning from the Hensall Conservative meeting last week thehorses got frightened at a pile .on the :road and upset the carriage - into the ditch. Mr. Cael- ihg jumped from the rig and es- • caped injury but the others who stuck to ,the ship were not so for- tunate. • Mr. Dicks,on had hus- shoal - der blade brOkerie Mr. Bissett was bruised' and scratched and Mr. Me- Donell was shaken u_p. The horses Were captured en Exeter north and the carriage was left by the way in a badly demolished condition. All the parties are getting along as well as !could be ieXpected but Vfr. Dickson will have a sore shoulder for some weeks 'yet. -Percy, Glan- ville, youngest son of Mr. Prerder- eriok Glanville, who was drowned recently while IS kating on Lake Man- itoulin, was a native of the second concession of Stephen, where his father residedee-The friends of Mr. Samuel Brokenshite of Sharon, in Stephen, who is one of the pioneers of that township will regret to learn of his illness and that the prospects for his recovery- are not very encouraging. -Messrs. Bawden & McDonell have returned from thO old country with nine fine stallions ranging in age -from three to five years, Seven ae pure bred Clydes- dales and two Suffolks,1 These are the first of this breed that have been brought to this district. They are very neat . and pretty animals and. the Clydesdales are among the hest this enterprising firm have lin- 4 LON EXPOSITO1 band on Ide temperance tour ardund, the evorld. She was instrilraerital in founding many branches of the. W. 0. Te U. in Anstrallee and espeolally in Victoria. She *as a helpful and inspiring speaker, and ooul4 always be countet on to aid any- work that was for„ the betterment of martkina., For the past few Years she has been an invalid. r Farmers! Do It Novar! Every farmer who reads this notice and want's the biggest dollar's worth in the market should send right away before Xmas, for the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, and the beautiful picture, ef Queen Alex- andra, Her Grandchildren and Dogs." For one dollar you get the best Fam- ily and Farm paper in Amercia, with- out excePtion, for one year, as well as the mord beautiful picture ever offered, The pioture _alone is easily worth tvvo dollars, It is certainly a great big dollar's worth. Canada,. --Herbert. Miller, of Chatham, one of a gang of cattle thieves in that district, has been sentenced to seven years in Kingston Penitentiary. -W. W. Dean,senior judge for the oounty of Vietoria, died at his residence, ja. Lindsay, on Tuesday morning. He had been in ill -health for some time past, and an attack a pneumonia proved fatal, 'He was 75 .years of age. s, - -Thomas Rennie, an old remdent -of Campbellford,' fell from the back step leading to his residence, and, striking ort his head, was almost in - St antly killed. Deceased was 63 years of 'age, and leaves a widow and seven children. . -Wm. Thomas; a son of the prin- cipal of the public, school at Ayr, is at 'his home In that village, suf- fering from smallpox. He has been relieving telegraph operator for the '0. P, R. at Toronto, and while in that city took ill The house has been quarantined and the publie school closed. ' -While out %hooting, oh Monday morning, in. Johnsen's bulk, not far from 'Woodbridge, Mr. Charles Rob- inson, airedident of that town, while walking 'along the bank, with his gun tocked, slfpped and fell, causing the gun to discharge, shoot- ing off his left hand.' -Wm, Forsythe, la well-to-do Man- vers farmer, dropped dead in. his wagon while passing along a street in Bowmanville, on Monday. He was bringing some articles of furniture to a former neighbor, and had just. influired for the house, when he fell over and expired instantly. He was In hia 67t1h year, and leaves a widow and grown-up family. Walineeburg, the other dray, as James Countryman, a qartibra., was unloading beets at the sugar :faetory the wagon in 'front of him -was backed up, the horse becoming balky. He stood. in !front of the tongue of his wagon, 'and. the tongue penetrated his chest, killing hirn at once. , • -The Calgary Colonization Com- pany, Liratied, purposes establish- ing eui Experimental Farm on a por- tion of the null ranch, near Lang- don, to demonstrate- that the large block of land they own in that lo- cality is productive. This - ranch was bought by them a few months ago. It contains 38,090 acre's, and about 1,000 acres of this will be ran - der grains, grasses, and vegetables next spring for the aforementioned purpose. -Judgment has been given in the Exchequer Court at Ottawa on the case of the crown against Judge Dugas, of ,the Yukon. The Jiudge dreev- $4,216 dor a year and a half fel- house gent, fuel and light. Dur- ing the male time he was drawing between two and three thousand a year for living allowance.' The Gov- ernment held that they were not liable for both items and. took suit to irecover $4,216. Juetice Mire bidge gave jadgment in favore of Judge Dugas anti against the Gov- ernment. - poked. They stood.* tBevoyage splendidly and Were landed here without a scratch -Mr George Bert of 'Detroit, was here last yieek vis- iting' hie undo and aunt, Ur. and Mrs. George SamwelL-While driv- ing home leona. Devon a few even- ings ago Mr. Samuel Sweet got a severe kiok ion the knee from his horse. It was a young animal and. becoming frightened at a traction ,n,gine it put ,its feet -through 'the dashboard and Mr. Sweet's knee proved to be too near -Our and„ popular townsman, .County Conhcillor Sposokraa,n i training hiraself for the county Wardenship next year. -Mrs. Ross, of Living- stone, Manitoba, formerly Miss Pon- ehron, is here just now visiting her sisters, Mrs. r.Collins and Miss 'Bon- thron.-Mr. 13argahaw, of Stephen, near here, had a steer and a heifer killed in a somewhat peculiar man- ner last week. The animals were tied tegether in one stall, Appar- ently one animal had lain down and the other had. fallen over it and in the struggles whieh eneued both were strangled. On going to the 'stable in the morning Mr. Bagshaw found both animals dead. -The fol- lowing- members cof Lebanon Forest Masonic Lodge,. Exeter, have been elected to office for the coming year: W. 3. Heaman, W. M.; Yhos, Fisher, S. W.; We W. _Tamans,J. W.; Joseph Davis, treasurer, C. II. Sand- ers, • secretary; Dr. Sweet, chap- lain; ,S. Sweet,, tyler, ; Ni. D Hu - don, and A. G, Dyer, auditors; ;beard of. examiners, V. Wars Bro. ji tk Stewart, War. Broe'Amos, and, Wor; Bro. Catling. --Mr. Thos. Harveylhas purchased from Mr. H. Bishop that fine residence ion Andrew street, at present occupied by Mr. Thos. Haw- kins. The trioe paid was $2,300. Mr; Harvey !takes possession. On April lst:-Mr. Philip Howcliffe has sold his house_ and lot, on Main' Street, to Mi. George H rton, and Mr. Wm. Sellery, o'f Usie rne; has purchased the neat ottage4 on Andrew istreet, from Mrs. Johnj Welsh. -The free- will offerings ai the recent 'anni- versary services 'of the jamas street Methodist church 'amounted to the very liberal sum of $250.-AiroToseph Cobbiedick, while at Durham recent- ly, 'attending a meeting of the di- rectore of the Cement Company there, personally made a number .of borings in order to satisfy himself of the truth bf the claim that marl is giving out, Mr. Cobbledick re- ports finding large quantities 41 marls and. 'states that as long as marl in paying quantities is found the Mill will not be :'m.oved. A dis- interested expert is to be 'engaged to investigate and, make borings, ,and will make his report at the annual meeting, to be held during the lit- ter part of january or the ifirst week in February. Constance. The Late Mrs. James Snelt-On TuesdaY, December 6th, there was laid to rest in Kinburn eemetery, Mary Rowley, relict of the late jas. Snell, who departed this life fifteen years ago. Mrs. Snell went to live With her daughter, Mrs. II Squires, of Usborne, some years ago, ,where he resided until the time ,of her • death., An attack of paralysis and general decline were the oauses of death. She was in years of age. Mrs. Snell leaves four Bens and three daughters to mourn the loss of a loving mother, John A. and Roland of Yorkton, and Mrs. W. 33. Cook, of Constance and Mrs. Robert 'Hol- land and Mrs. Squires, all being present at the bedside during her trying illness. The other two sons were not able to be present. Mrs. Snell was born in Devonshire, ,Eng- land, and came to this countrydefrhen t ten years of age( and settled with her parents in Aiion township,near Toronto, where she was married. and came direct to this place expwards of 60 years ago. She Was ope of the early settlers and was well knewn by all. The funeral was largely at- tended, Rev. Mr. I3irks performing the last sacred rites of the lifetlio- dist church, of which body the de- ceased was a consistent member. It is a singula.r coincidence that both husband. and wife should die after fifteen • years, on the same month and within two days of the same date of each other. The sympathy of the community goes out to- the bereaved family in this the hour of affliction. The late Mrs. Snell 'has three brothers and a sister living but owing to their advanced age they were not able to be present at the, funeral. ; • urip QuIckly-ICnocked Out. "Some weeks ago, during the, se- vere winter weather, both my wife and myself contracted severe colds which speedily developed:, into the wofse kind of la grippe, with all itS miserable symptoms," say i 3. S. Egleston, of Maple Landing, Iowa. "Knees and joints aclaing, =insoles sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose running, with. alternate 1 'spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlains Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a dose of Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablet, and by its liberal use soon complete- ly km:Joked out the grip." These Tablets promote a healthy action of the bowels, liver and kidneys,which is always beneficial when the system is congeste'd by a cold or attack of la grippe. For sale by Alex. Wilson. druggist, Seaferth. • It Memoriam. Writtexiin mentory of Mary MeOlaen who died in Seaforth, on Thursday, December 7th. Dedicate4 to iser mo- ther by Carrie J. 'MeClay. • Mourn not, dear mother, be not sad GNI and His angels guard, thy bed; -Thy brown -eyed daughter sweetly slero, And with them nightly vigil keeps. O'er thy fair home. Her brown eyes and jn:etty dark hair • CroNvo'd a face with innocence rarei Too fair for earth, where discord reaps, . She dwells where God's love never wens% And all i.;Peaf.e. Fair Mary, thy little ads of love; Were insmrations from above, Thy loved ones' hope, pray God to g!ve- Strength to each, and may they long live For His sweet sake .Happy art thou, Mary, in thy fair home, • Where angels wait for all to come; And may we live as pure as thee,? To gain bliss in eternity Form or nore. • Olt ! weep not, fond mother, thy loved one Iinows in) more care, The songs of praise she sung upon earth, Were echo'd there ; And God Himself will watch over thee, Se do not well", ror holy a rit doth say, "He A -heti' His beloV'd Oeep," • The oldest country in the! New World. , Everybody is talking about the high-elass special excursion which the `Grand Trunk Railway System are organizing for Mexico, and which will leave Montreal 9:00 a. me Janu- ary 29th, 1904, in special Pullman oers op the "International Limited." These cars witi be attached to .the private train that will be occupied throughout the tour at Chicago the following morning. Ail the expenses included in rate.; The tour will last about forty day , and will toyer the the most intere ting portions of the "oldest eountry in the New World." Apply to any 0 and Trunk agent, or to 3. D. McDo aid, Union Station Toronto, for all information, de- ecriptive matten, rates, ete. ' • ' -At the annu ates of the 0 College, held I, President Creel opening figures the College, rill ance this. year, al course, 336; course, 13; dai course in stook course in poult in main college, Stitute ; domest ure study, 127 ; manual training, 6. Total 431, or grand total of 1,077, compared with ' 833 last year. Of 10 those in the ge oral course, 237 boys are from Ontari , and 39 from other Provinces, with one or mord from eacb of the following countries: Argentine, Australia, Belgium, Eng- land, Frartee, Jamaica, Japan, jer- sey fele, Newfoundland, New Zea- land., Orange River 'Colony, Pan- ama, Switzerland, Spain, Scotland, United States, and Uruguay. • Canada's esources. 1 banquet of gradu- tario Agricultural Guelph last week, an gave some eye - of the growth of wn by the attend - as follows: Gener- special in igemeral courses, 78; short judging, 203; phort y judging, 16 s total 646; gacdonald In- c science, 298; nat- Our forests, furnish the material Lor the best quality of writing paper. Our factories tarn out the highest grade lof goods, such as the " japanese" brand writing fluid. Sold by Alex. Wileon, Seaforth. -The Ottawa Government has been advised that Prince Arthur a Connaught will visit Canada short- ly. The Prince is on his way to Japan on a mission from the King to deliver to. his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan, the insignia of• the Garter. The Government sent an invitation to His Royal Highness to ;visit Canada on this way home, and a cable has been Teceiv- ed from the Colonial Office accept- -Adelia Reynolds, •wife of Revee ing the invitatfon, The Prince will Dr, Lueas died at St. Catharines on. be' accompahied by about 15 of a Thursday, after ,a. long illness. She etaff. was married to The Lucas .oder 40 years .ago. From its inception in 1 igunliVit Elegy Ss better than other seam I this country she took a most active but is beet when used in the Seenght part in the work of the W. C. fir. IL Buy Sunlig" b.t Soap and fellow directions. In 1857-58 ,she accompanied her bus-, aasien=pararkrarraaitolfasoarraerraorr-: 4. ' r Cteedefie.-sed.Esid4114444 Prosper_us New Year i • if .your .Christmas Oift to WM should be lenkhing ;1 iTJ se- ul , It read what we _ suggestd, yelow. N13.4, can't make a mi4ike as to$V1e,quality, or riOtnes. of any article 1 that - we'l4rs our label. ,= 1 ec wear' Special sf31ections for holiday trade selling Exquisite colorings and patterns. The very lightest of silks, four-in-hands, puffs, bows, in nice boxes 0 50c loves Kid, Nioeho Boys' Men's 50c tio - • $2.50 Vsetvii Xmas' Present U BUMS Relf risen at ill e Silk nfaii�y squares d ders. protectors. 25c o • $1.50 Be sure to see these. • BOSOMS an4 Negligee The be shirt ever shown in town at F N arge t as- sortment of White and Fai4cy, light an4. dark co - Nothing more appropriate 4131 to $2.60 $1.00 Nice Silk, with •Covers $2.50 to .$3,00 A Gift long to be re- in e m la ered 1. 0 ,,.. -SU S FENDERS Iiiihy ' Aoild Silk Suspen- lyou ,b,ny l box " 13eo L den ii. nice 5QP. to 750 , We ta1 On no elfin, • !profits during the i holiday season. o Indeed'0 VTR our pat - n e year round , nicely trii#med with gold and silver buokles - i; The Originator Priem F. L. CLOPMER • SEAFORTa •