HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-12-15, Page 5e
EYIRER 15, 1905
turned, -Mr. John Chapman,_ of
the 5th concession a StarJeyi who
was En Manitoba tear'y all sim-
mer, returned home about two weeks
ego. Min °hermit*, "also, is !smitten
with the West and is bound to try
his fortunes there. He has purchased
ection of land within four miles
Rapid Cityon which there are
buildings and 275 acres broken.
this lie 'pays $12,800. ,It is well
ed. and he says it is a fine
rty. Mr. Chapman 1 is advertise
Ong his farm for sale and intends
"removing to the west next spring.
Arr. ,Chapenan's brother Jaime has
e fine farm in the same district.
-Se has been there several years and
has done -remarkably well. While Mr -
and Mrs. Ohapman's many friends
there will be sorry. to lose them from ,
Stanley, they will wish them the/
greatest prosperity in the fine new
ootintry iG whieh they are going.
Notes. The following officers are
elected for the Methodist Sunday
naooi for next year : Superintend-
ent, Wm. Pybus; Bible class teacher.
at, O'Brien ; boysolass, R. Nichols ;-
girls' class, Miss MeTageort ; as=
nistant teachers. Mrs. I/yoke:tan and
Miss Pylme ; eecretary, Miss E. Re-
in, treasurer, Mrs. R. Regan, or-
ganist, Miss A. Ryckenart s librarian,
FitzgeraId..-Rev. Mr. Brown, of
Warna, will preach in the Methodist
d'aurch Sunday morning next -Mr.
O'Brien was at St. Joseph on Satur-
ilay last -The business of the beef
niog, which has been rtmerlfg in this
!district during the slimmer, was
wound up on Friday evening. last.
There were. thirty beeves killed.the
nveraged dressed weight being 440
!pounds, making 13,200 pounds of beef
toneumed. There were 37 sharehold-
si The ring has worked to the en -
re of all. In fact every
rsort is so well pleased 'diet there
going to he three rings next
year instead of one. Nr.„ Rivers,who
had 'charge of the killing and man-
agement, deserves great critlit for
the way he did his work. -Mr. Rich.
lachols has not been vety well the
past week. We lope to see him a-
nima again sem as usi61.-The claiss
leader of the Meihodiet church, as -
• ted by other- members of the
dituroh, is holding cottage prayer
sneetingis every Tuesday evening. The
meeting on Tuesday evening next
will be at Mr. Hannah's, 8th conces-
sion, _Tuokersmitth. Everybody web-
North Side Notes.. -The Grim Reap -
,r in garnering his annual harvest
of 'human souls, has removed trona
'our midst a venerable resident of
this neighborhood, Mrs. John O'-
Shea, who was called to the rewserd
of a well spent fife on Monday. De -
ember 41;21. While pursuing her
daily routine of work on the Satur-
day previous to 'her death, in that
apparent nood heath with which
she had becen favored through life,
Xrs, O'Shea was stricken with par-
alitsis, and was immediately ' re.mov-
ed to the 'home of her daughter,Mrs.
„ Fatriek Stapleton, in order that
he might have all the tender cane
possible. She never rallied from
the effects of the fatal shock, but
lingered on the threshold of death
for nearly two- days, wihen its pore
els closed between her and those
r ti Cher in this life. Mrs. 0'-
a was hprn in Ireland 84 years
ago, emigrating to Canada while
.etill a young girl, and belonged to
that class of spioneers whose love
of civil and Soligious liberty in-
duced them to Bade in this 0011a1--
it.ry. She was twice married, her
second husband ,predece,asing her a-
bout twelve' years ago, and her
widowed • situation was brightened
by the filial devotion of her son!
Charles, who remained -with her dur-
ang her deoliniag years. The deceas-
ed is survived by one son, by her
first hueband, Thomas Corcoran, art
three sons and three daughters by'
her seeond husband are also left
to rheum her loss. The funeral ser -
;vice ivae held in St. Patrick's church
'in Dublin, and the doleful march of
the funeral in its course to tbe Sc
Collin:than cemetery was rendered
snore impressive by the knell of St.
Columbao dhurch bel/ as it passed •
by that temple of devotion and pray-
er, where she was formerly a Ire-
nuent communicant. -Miss Lena
Heffernan and Miss 'Stella Purcell,
'spent laet week end in Stratford, vis-
iting' friends. -The attention -Of the
farmers which has been of late ab-
eorbed by the Tariff Commission's
enquiry, is now centered on the mw
vicipel arena. December 22nd is the
day sett :for rtorainations, and al-
eeady- thereeis considerable activ-
ity on the part of many hopeful as-
pirants. -The manner in which the
inspresentations of the Farmers' As-
eoelation pneisented their. case to the
Commission is highly ooramendable.
Thei r (Aerate demands,the strength
• their 'argetruentse and the eonsider-
atioe of the fact that agriculture is
bY far -Me greater part of Canadian
indus t ry v.ifl bear considerable
eveight and have' great influence on
The Goraraissionteirhen the time comes
ifor actual revision of the tariff. -
;What's tho nib of continuing that
Bachelorship " controversy in the
Farmers' Advociate? It is all the
tault of the sterner sex. The only
blame thet can be attached ;to the
gent/ex sex is that they do not exere
raise to a proper extent the tradit-'
lona rights_ of the leap year.
Oa Thursday, Deeernivr 21st, at one
eche'k p m,, en Lot 20, Conceeeion 3,
Hibbert, Farm . &oak and Implements.
Charles Shea, proprietor ; Thomas Brown,
ere:dimmer, 1983 1
On Fridley. Deoember 15th, eh I o'clock
p. in., on Lot - 15, Concession 4, SfaoleY,
Fermi Stook and Implements". George
Wiltee, proprietor; Thomas Brown. nue-
*neer. 1982-'2
:,84Poorit, December 14th, 1905.
P.UI Wet•st $0 77 to 80 77
Oate per lanila 1 0 15 to 0 35
Pem per lassie! 0 70 to 0 70
Barley it r bushel 0 45 to 0 45
Itutter, No. 1, fooNe .... I .. ..... ..• • 0 19 to 0 21)
totf4.r, f01}...... ...... .... .. . .. .. 0 18 to 0 19
lix,,•,-s. per doz. ii .... . . ... • .. ..... . .. 0 20 to 0 22
Flour, per 100Ms....„ ... .... .. 2 ,,,,.)5 to 8 00
7 -;ay per trai 6 50 to 7 00
Rifles per KO its; ' F, 00 to 1", 35
:•-•,kiris 0 30 to 0 :l6
1 otat.oes per bushel (new) ...... 0 40 to 0 40
Salt (e tell) per barrel. 1 00 to 1 2r*
-wood per eord (long) .... . .... . . 5 00 to f; 20
'Wood per etecl (ohort). " 7a to 3 25
mete ler beg 0 40 to 0 75
rp.er Se,,•(1 7 00 to 8 00
Timoth:. S44.41 1 25 to 2 00
TOlevr is r lb 0 04 to 0 ter
-Perk, per 100 Tim 7 1.0 to 8 W
Yeice or -elven . 0 25 to 027
'A eel or•eeaeteefe 0 15 to 0 10
Live Stock Markets.
iff.•be" Deceir.'ber 12--thetIe are quet,
01 at 9t3 12 14,t Ib.; refricerator beef, 0.ic to 0;,',-e
per pcsusl.
0(11.1:11.4.1" 12-C;veadiee ett1e, .d
tO tee!. 'L'le
PA1D4JP CAPITAL, $10,100,000
B. E. WALKER, General Manager.
RESERVE FUND, $4,500;000
OX, President. -
ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'i Manager.
132 Btanches ILEAtiE
Every facility afforded Farmers for t eir banking business.
caehed or tike for collection,
BANKING- BY MAIL —Daposits m y be made or withdrawn
of -town accounts re eive every attention.
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager.
Sale Notes
by, mail. Out
EttsfiAto, N. Y., December 12 -Cattle, fairly activ
and 10o to 20e lower ; Christmas cattle, $6.25
$6,75 ; prime sten, $5-26 to $6-76 ; shipping, .94.
to $5,10-; butchers, $4.26 to $6 ; henere. 015.=
84.00; cows, $2.25 to 84; bulls, $2.60 to 84; stook
ers and feeders, $2.60 to $4.25 ; tieif heifers, $2.
t0l$3-; fresh cows and springers, steady, at 820
800. Verds-----Active and 25c lower, at $5.50
4I.25. Hogs—Fairly active ; be lower ; heavy
mixed Yorkers and piie, $5.15 to $6.20 ; a few
85.25; roughs, $4.25 to 84.50; stags, 83 to $.1.15
Sheep and L=bs-Acceve ; sheep steady ; Iambs
15e higher ; Iambs, $5.75 to 37.90 ; yearlings, $6.59
to $6.75 ; wethette $6,60 0).86 ; eWe-9, e5•59 to $4•75,
sheep, mixed, $2.50 to $5.75 ; Canada lamb*, 97.Stt
Toitorro,December 18--Cattle-Exporters-The o
ferings in this clo.s.e were heavier than they have been
for sonie time, and the quality of the cattle niso
showed in3provement. The demand continues good
for the better °lase of cattle, and everything was
cleared up at prices bettor than those iprevion4y
quoted. Choice are quoted at $4.50 to ft.80, goet
to medium at $4 to $4.40, others at e8.75 ts bull
at's3.50 to $4, and cows at $2.75 to $8.50. BtLteheil
-There was considerable activity among the bet
matte offering. About this time of the year the, de..-2-
niand is always active for the better class of stook,
ev-ett apart from those cattle whieh are especially
for the Christmas trade. A 'number of these IX
offering, and they are quoted about steady in a -.
by theinseivese The general run of choice eleft4e.-,
were 1r3 good demand, and prime for them had a firm
tone. Medium and common cattle were not in such
demand, and they held about steady at previo08
quotations. Picked lots sold at $4 to $4,50, good to_
choice, &V& to $3.40, fair to good 83.20 to .64,
common 82.50 0) 8:3, 'cows $2 to $2.75, bulls 81.75 to
82.25, and canners at $1.75 to ,$2.50. Christanno -
cattle, e4.75 to 85.25. Stockers and Feeders-Thereis now less demand for these cattle, and few- are come
ing forward. The market, however, holds steady,".`
and quotations are,unchanged. Short keep feeders._
.are quoted at $8,80 to $e, good feeders at 8140 to.
$3.65, medium at $2.50 to *2.80, bull at to $2.75.
Good stockers run at $2.80, to $3,50, rough th cove
mon 82 to I $2270, and bulls at $1..75 to $2.50. Milch
Com -The demand for goad cows continues active,.
The market is steady at a range of about $30 to sisa
each. Sheep and Lambs -Trade was Wok and
everything offering was picked up early in the deg, -
Sheep are quoted unchanged. -Export ewes at $4 to
$4.30 per cwt, hafts and mills at 88 to $3.e0, and
Jambs were firm ilid quoted higher, at 46.75 to $0
for ewes aud wethers, and $5.35 to $5.75 for bueloe
Hogs -Are quoted firm in tone and unchang%1 at
44.37i per cwt for selects, and $6.12,1 for lights and
3forramtt, December 12th,—Cables from Liverpool
and London on Canadian cattle were stronger and
noted an advance of ic per pound, with sales at 19 -
to 11c. Shebp were steady at 12e. Shipments of
cattle from Portland and St. John, N. B., last week
were 2,485, and 400 sheep. _Receipts thelay were 800
cattle, 25 inilch cows, 300 sheep and lambs, 100
_Calves, 500 hogs. The butchers were out strong,
and trade was good at firm prices all rounc). Whine.
beeves gold at 41 to 410 per pound ; pretty‘ good a"
310 to 4e ; common stook, 210 to Se per pound::
Some of the milth cowe were very fine, wtech sold a.6
$30 to NO cash, the others at $50 to .$5.5 eaeb. Greet
fed calves soh! at 20 to 3c per lb., the young veale
at 3e to en. sheep sold at 40 to 4e per lb. Good,
lainfis sold at 6c per pound. Good lots of fat bogie
soki at ea to ele per lb.
Tonono, Deceniber 13 -Tracie quiet, prices are
steady. Good dry -plucked poultry are...quoted itS
follows: -Fat chickens, 8 to 10e ; thin, 7 to 8e.;
fat hens, 7 to 80 ; thin, 6 to 80 ; ducks, 10 to
thin, 6 to 8c ; turkeys, 12 to 13c ; geese, 9 to 100.
Dairy, Markets.
TORONTO, Dee. 13—Butter—The demand for eholee
is active, but much of the reeeipts are not of best
quality. Prices are quoted uneliane•ed. Creamery,
23 to 25c ; solids, 23 to 240 ; good' to choice, dairy
pound rang'21 to 22e ; euedium dairy, 20 to 21e ;
good to -thoice dairy tubs, 19 to 20e ; inferior dairy,
17 to 180. Cheese—Holds firm in tone and un-
changed at 13 to 131c per pound. Eggs -Receipts
are still light, and prices firm in tone. Quotations
are unchanged at 25to24e, for Mesh, and 21c for
- Cfrain, eto.
Toaoxr0, December 12--Whcat—linchariged, 300
bushels of red and white selling at 76 to 78c per bush-
el, and 300 of goose at 72c. BarleyEasier, 600
'bushels 801111g lit.t 72e per bushel. Oats—Unchanged,
200 busheLs selling at 52c per bushel, Oats—
Steady to easy, p0 bushels foiling at 88e per bushel.
Dressed Hags --The market continues firm in tone,
and quotations are unchanged at *3.50 per ewt for
choice light weights, and 88 for heavies. Millfeed-
Ontario bran bolds firm and is scarce at 814.50 to $15
in car lots outside; shorts, $16 to $17. Manitoba -
Era, 816.50 to 817.50; shorts, $18.50 to 819.50 at
Toronto and equal pointe in car lots. Potatoee-Un-
(*.hanged. Ontario stock is quoted at 65 to,75c per
bag on track here, and 75 to ee'e. out of store.
Eastern stocie, 75 to 800 on track, and 00 to 05e out
of store. Baled May -le quoted steady at 08 to
$8.50 per ton for No. 1 timothy, in ear lots on
track here. No. 2 at 86 to 86.50. Baled Straw --
The demand is fair. Car lots on track here are
qnoted unchanged at86 per ton.
- Horse Market. •
TORONTO; December 13 --The following is Me.;.
Burns & Sheppard's weekly report of prevailing prices
— Single roadsters, 15 to 16 hands, $120 to 8160 ;
Single cobs and carriage horses, 15 to 16.1 bands,
$125 to 8150 ; matched pairs and carriage horses;
15 to 16.1 hands, 82500) 8875 ; delivery horses, 1,100
to 1,200 pounds, 8130 to 8160 ' • general purpose and
express horses, 1,200 to 10 pounds, $150 (0 8175 ;
ersewht horses, 1,350 to 1,750 pounds, $1.50 to 8180 ;
serviceable 'second-hand workers, $50 to eso-
serviceable second -band drivers, $50 to $75,
a Births.
114RNER—In Clinton, on December 6th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Turner, 0. S011.
BAIST-At Orediton, on December 2nd, to Mr. and
Mrs. C. Heist, (nee Anse Sweat; of -Colborne), a
MeLAUGHLIN-re Gorrie, on December 2nd, to Mr.'
and Mre. N. 114Laughlin, a daughter.
STEWART-In liressele, on December fith, to Mr.
and Mrs. W. II. Stewart, it son.
Marriages. _
Mel3RIEN—REID—In Christ church, Melita, Mani-
toba, on Novcimber 15th, by Rev. S. J. Roche,
Miss Annie, daughter of the late Andrew Reki,
to Mr. W. D. MeBrien, all formerly of Mullett.
5oYLE,-4ANDREW8-At the pariconage, Crediton,
on December 6th, by Rev. J. W. Andrews, father
of the bride, Mr. Wesley Boyce, of Mitchell, to
Miss hfay Andrews.
TURVEY--WOODROWE--At the Manse, Ilinevale,
on November 29th, by Rev. W. J. West. IL A..
Mr. Robert Turvew of Morris, to Miss Mary
Ilelen 'Woodrow°, of Morris.
ARDELL:--BREDYMAN-At Winnipeg, Manitoba,
on November 22nd, Mr. Joseph Arden, formerly
of Brussels, to Miss Elsie Bredymen, both of
Carman, Manitoba.
McOLAY—In Seaforth. on Deeemher 8t11, Mary Ann
McClay, aged 22 years, 11 months a,nd 1.7 days.
GOODWIN-1n Clinton, on December Oth, /dm
Alfred H. Goodwin, aged 40 years and 8 months.
DONALDSON--In Bayileld, on December 2nd, Jaeob,
SO n of.3ir, James Donaldson, aged 28 years,
BLACIe-in' Goderich, On December let, Smell
Young, relict of the late Anthony Black, forin..-
ly of Dungannon, aged 71 years and 12 days.
WILT41Aliff3-in Goderioh, on November 80th, nu.-
, enee Eveline, second daughter of the late essies
11. Willicabs, Escp
STRAIJOHAN-At Benmiller, on December 6th, Wai-
ter. eldest son of Mr. Wm. Straughan, aged 26
yearn and 2 months.
HENDERSON-In Morris, on December 5th, Chas.
Henderson, aged 70 years and 7 months.
ROE -In Wingham, on December ist, Alfred Roe,
formerly ei Brussels, aged 67 years.
JOHNSTON--In Brandon, on November 264h, Mali-
ard Johnston, forroerly of Clinton, brother of
Mr. T. 'Johnston, aged 56 years.
SMITH -in Lucknow, on December 7451, iAnnie E.,
eldest daughter of Mr. Truentan Smith, formerly
of Grey township, aged 37 years and 1 day.
around her father's neck until -
she• had persuaded him that the
best place to buy Watoben Rings,
Broochee, Solid Gold Coif Links.
.iBratieleto in all the latest patterns,
,t.SoId thld and Gold Filled Look -
eta in the very latest designs, or
anything in the line of Christmas
pretonts le at
R. McNaught,'
Prentice' Jeweler & Engraver and Optician
Oppoeite MeFaul's Dry Goode Siore,
101$1G- FOR SERVICE. -There will be kept for Het -
i, vice on Lot 28, Concession 9, MoKillop, the reg-
istered Yorkshire' boar, Pine Rive Hero, 17,795, bred
by John Hill, Wellesley, Ontario, from imported
stock. Terme-$1.40, payable at time of service,
with the privilege of returning, if neceSsary. THOS.
lifolLROY. 1983x4
PIG FOR SERV1OE.-The undersigned will keep
at his place, Lot 8, Concession 2, Stanley, a reg-
istered Yorkshire Boar, to which a limited number of
sows will be admitted. Tel-rm.-41, payable at the f
time of service, with the privilege of returning, if
necessary. WESLEY HARVEY. 1993-4 `
calf, 18 months old, sired by our Watt bred
Mikired 13u11,--" Sailor's Peer," and from one of our
best cows. Anyone wanting a real good Calf at a
moderate price should sec this one. 1 Lot 11, Con-
oeosion 2, L. It. S., Tuckersinith. A. G. SMILLIE,
Ilensall P. 0. e 1988-8
cession 7, Tp. of Mullett, County of Huron, ad.
joining village of Con,tance. There are 901 acres,
under cultivation except about 25 acres. There are
6 acres of bush, a good bank barn, good stone found-
ation, two good wells. Possession given on March
7th next. The farm is at preaent, in the occupation
of Geo. Hall as tenant. Roland Snell, proprietor.
For further particularapply to J. M. BEST, Bar-
rister, etc, Seaforth. 19834
*WARM FOR SALE—For sale, Lot 9, Concersion 5,
Stanley, containing 100 acres, 20 acres bush,the
remainder IS well fenced, well underdrained and in a
good State of cultivation. , There is a frame house
and bank barn with stone stabling and -other good .
buildings. There is an °ram' of choice fruit and
never failing spring of water convenient to the build-
ings. There are 11 acres of fall wheat in and all the
'fall plowing done. It is within four miles Of Brute -
field station and Will be sold cheap and on easyterms.
Apply on the premises or to Brucefield P. 0. JOHN
011A PMAN. • 19834
To the Electors of the Town of Seaforth.— _
• Havi+re.considerecl the matter of the
Mayortality of the Town of Seaforth, I have decided
not to be a candidate for the Mas artility for the year
1906. Thanking all those who so kindly offered to
give me their support,
1983-1 , J. M. BEST,
A public meeting of the ratepayers and others. will
0) 0)51 in the Town Hall on Fridav Evening, Decem-
-her 22n0, from 7 -to 8 o'cloelc, for the purpose of nom-
inating the Municipal Officers for the year 1906.
if a poll is neces'
sary the same will be held on the
First Day of January, 1906, between the hours of 9
a. tn. and 6 p. in„ at the following places
North Ward,—Public School ; It. Lumsden, deputy -
returning -officer.
East Ward,—,Town ; J. Thompson, deputy -re-
„ turnidg-oflicer. •
South Ward, --D. Shanahan's -Store ; H. 3. Punchard
deputy -returning -officer.
7083-2 • . • Town Clerk.
Nomination Meeting.
• A ,meeting for nominating o. Reeve and four coun-
cillors for the 3Iunicipality of the Township of Mc-
Killop for the year 1906, will be kold. itt Scarlett's
Hall, Winthrop, •
at the hour of one o'clock p. m. And in the event of
more persons being nominated than are required (un.
less a. sufficient number withdraw) an. Electionwill
be held
at the following places and by the following named
persons, viz. : Polling Div. No. 1—At Wm. Reidy's
House, lot 10, con. 5, G. K. Holland, D. R. 0. ;
Div. No. 2 -At James Dorrance'S House,lot 26, •
con. 5, James Dorranoe, D. R. 0.; Polling. Div. No. 3
-At James Martins House, lot 11., eon. -11, James
Davidson, D. R. 0. ; Polling Div. No. 4 -At Christo-
pher White's Ilouse, lot 25,con. 13,0. White, D. R. 0.
• 3f. 3IURDIE,
lone • Clerk of MeKillop.
The Following Well Known Gloth,s
BELWARP Blue and Black Serge Suitings,
and Wors4d. Trousermgs
PACIFIC Sorge Suiting s in all
Shades and Textures
VICKERMANS' Serges, Cheviots
and Vicunas
Also a Complete Range of Imported and Domestic
Tweed Suitings and Trouseritgs, Our Black Melton and
Fancy Cheviot Overcoatingi appear to be leaders judging
by the orders we are securing for ihem.
We will be pleased to show you any of the above lines and can
guarantee the entire lot.
Speare and Page, Merchant Tai!ors.
Undo r Town C lock, - SEAFORTS
We have sold our stock and are retiring
from Business,
• Our euticessoris take possession on Janeeiy 1st, 1906, and during December we
will give some big bargains, espacially in heavy winter good'', such ae ladies' Aetraoban,
Mel:trio Seal and Greenland Ses,1 Coats, Lathes' °donnas, Ruff, Muffs, Stoles and
Searle, Ladies' Cloth Coate iu black, fawn and brown, in semi fitting and loose back
etylee, all new and up.to-date. Alga Men'eFer Coate in black Galloway; Siberian dog,
Russian calf aod cub bear. Men's Overceats made of blaok frieze, vicuna% and beaver,
all thin eeason'e goods. Also other lines of goode, which our space will nob allow rte to
mension bare. You should visit our big 'demi where we show over $1.9,000 worth of
up-to-date goodie You will find numerous money-eaviog chances ff you come early,
Christnias3 Goods.
Our stock of Christman goods has arrived, and is open for inspection. We show
some very pedal lines, Euitable for Christmas presents, ab very close prices, in Ladle's'
Eland Bap, Belts, Fancy Collars,'Lace Searle, P‘acinators, Handkerehiefe'Silk Shire
Waiets, Kid Gloves, also Men's Faney Brame, Neektles in puffs, bows, four-in-hand
knots; strings, etc. .
Fine Dress' Goods.
We always take the lead in Fine Dress Goods, This season our stock is very
large and well assorted, and having been bought before the advance in the price of wool,
we can quote very low prices. Come and get eur Prices, and Bee the bargains we can
offer you.
91\1"311 PIIOEI
Will Re -Oki for the New Year TUESDAY, jemmy 2nd, 1906.
i _ f
OUR NEW BUILDING. --Have you seen a out of this magnificent structure ?
•If not, write for it, and we will send you a enpy.;
OUR HANDSOME-CATALOGUE.—This 'cataloging has over 30 Mee of Illus-
trated work, numbly engravings from specimens lof penmanship by former studente.
Write fora copy if you are planning to attend a business school. We pay your railway
fare in coming.. Catalogue gives particulars.
Good board for geodes:liens $2.75 per week I : ladien $2.50,
370 student.. mars& good positions last year. We can send you the list. , We
oats give yon home training in Book-keeping, Shorthand and Penmanship. Catalogue B
gives panic lars and berme of hotne course. Catalogue F is forthose who wish to
attend at Chatham, Write for the one you want, addressing .
most beau
have had
Tell them
lephone Message
From Santa Clause.
44: 4.44443i4444+44444444
on my wak to Fe r's drug store, Seaforth, with a car load of •the
iful Christmas gods, gathered from all parts of the world.
y agents busy in Japan, .Austria, Germany, France and England,
hese beanciful presents for my friends in and around, Seaforth.
to come to your store to see me and my beautiful gifts.
N'orth Pole, Dec. 6th, 1.995.
• In ac
body. Cto
ordance with Sa ta Claus' wish, we issue this in4itation to every -
me and see. the d ar Old man and his gine.,
ug, St9re,,i Seafprth.
Once Again
Christmas Here
Ili is the time for rejoicing and, tlso for giv-
ing presents. We have th at in great
varietys! We have
Comb and Brush Cases
Manicure fiets
Ebony Cloth, Hat and Har Brtishes
Fine Gold Mounted Brier and Meer-
schaum Pipes.
Fine Tobacco Pouches and Cigar,
Real Seal Skin Purses and 1Card
Beautiful dhina from Japan and France
Toys and Dolls in Endless yariety
Perfutnes' ranging in price from 25c
to $5
We cannot tell yon all here, come
• in, you are always welcome wheth-
er you bay or not. Our etock is
new and prices right.
Agent for the !leading makes bf Trusees,
Fountain Syringes and Hog Water
OARDNO'S - - 7 - BL90IC
Onr display of Cbrietmae Footwear is a
• grand one. This the verdiA of every-
one. We've everything for 'everybody.
Sheen for the street. Shoes for drese. The
swelleet of the swell or conservative
Slippers of every description. - All sorts of
, cold and; wet weather footwear. -s
Mimeos Juliets Felt Footevarmere. Legg-
ings of every kind. Rubber@ in all
styles -oh, well, we can't tell you the
helf of what we have in store for you.
There's no more sensible Xmas gift than
footwear. If you come here fer it you'll
not only get the beet but yeu'll have
more money left for other thinly.
Richardson& Winnis
Agentifor the Granby Berlin, Canadian,
Maple Leaf, Hood and King
ity Rabbets,
Notice is hereby 'given that en pereons f und tam -
poring with or destroying shade trees, or ivingover
sidewalks with hordes and vehicles, contra y to the
consolidated by-laws of the town, will be p °secured.
By Order of Mw Council
1093-1 , JOHN EANK1, Oler
Xmas Presents
• You are thinking of purr
chasing a Christmas Present,
why not buy a useful one that
will, always give the receiver
a pleasant recollection of the
Bissel's Carpet
We carry the best assort-
ment ; ” Parlor Queen,"
" American Queen," " Gald
Medal," " Welcome " ,and
the "Standard," from
$2.50 to $4.50
A full line of Carving sets
best Sheffield Steel and plat-
ed, dessert and table knives,
forke and spoons'pocket cut-
lery,scissors, also best nickle-
silver tea and coffee pots on
We have the largest as-
sortrcient in town, Boker's
Lightning Tube, Victor, Ar-
ena, Dominion, Janus, Per-
fection, also Mic Mac Fea-
therweight. For a lady's
skate,Boker's Daisy or Charm
cannot be exeelled. Hockey
sticks and pucks, best qual-
ity. Call and exavine goods,
George A. Sills,
aeaforth Ontario.
Xmas. and Now Year
Holiday Rates
TERRITORY, -Between' all stations in
Canada, also to Detroit and Port
Huron, Michigan • Magee& Palle,
Suspension ridge and Buffalo,
• New York. e
AT SINGLE FA.RE,-Good going Dec-
ember 23, 24 and 25. Returning un-
• til December 26th. Also good going
December 30 and 31 and January let
valid returning until January 2nd,
December 22ucl, 23rd, 24eh and 25t1Z,
ago on December 29,'20, 31 and Jan-
uary let. Valid returning until
January 3rd, 1906.
For tickets end fal information Can on,
W. SOMFiRVILLE, Town Agent.
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent.
Coreg' Main,
Market Smits
Ontario, •s 1
en Goodie am
Concern in
Four Counties;
I Now the Great Christins Buying
Crowds daily throng this Store.
Never in the history of this store has our Chrfstma,s trade been
so good. Piekard's at Christmas tide is an 'interesting place,
and Ohrstmas wilLsoon be here. Just a few f!days more, and it
will be a nadinory. We are ready to make it a pleasant ono.
Gifts here galore in eyery department; hundreda of appropriate
articles of the most desirable sort are just waiting to be chosen.
We invite you to look around our store. The question of
"What shall 1 buy I" here finds its own solution at every turn,
and surely no gifts are ;so appropriate as useful ones. Its the
lasting gift that deligh4 the recipient moat, and makes your
memory a constant pleasure. Mentioned below are a number
of useful tokens
Gifts for Ladies.
• I
No matter whether you pUrehaee an article
dred dollen, you know that -this quality and. style
lowest possible to quote.
Novelties in 4apanese and taffeta Silk 331ouses
Novelties in Silk Opera 134s, at $1.75 to isa e
nd Silk Girdles •
eam and cern, at flora 59c- to 8125
OW Sets at 75e
t from 50c td $2.25
linens, handkerehii3fs, doylies,
Dresden Collors and Belts
Lace Ohemisetts in black,
Baby Irish Lace Collars an
The new wallets for ladies
Direct importations of fano
tray clothe and sideboard scarfs
erth 25 cents, or one bus-
s right, and the price the
rom $2,76 to $5 each
•• '
Fur Jpartme
table covers,
• Ladies' Astrachan Coats, tw special lines, at $23.75 and36
Russian Lamb Coats, sable trimmed, special at $55
Ladies' Astrachan Coats, trirnnied with Columbia sable, at from $33
to $40
Near Seal Coats, trimmed witb /Alaska sable, JoIumbia sable and Orien-
tal mink, at prices from $41 to $67
Persian Lomb Coats at price from $115 to 8153.75
'Unmatchable values in Caperines, Ruffs, Muffs &c.
_Furs for Children—White Tliibet Ruffs and Grey Lanai, Storm Collars
Gifts folr the Men.
Smoking Jackets, special at $
Large assortment of Silk Muf1ers, from 50a to2
Ali the latest novelties in Tie3s and Scarfs
Umbrellas, all prices, from $1 to $4 • ,
Gloves, all prices, *see our fur lined glovelat 41.50 and $2
Fur Gauntlets in Persian. Iamb, Russian Lamb, Wombat3 Coon, Dog
M'sOr Collars in Western Beaver, Russi4n and Persian Lamb
Men's Fur -Lined Coats at front $29 to 865
Special values in Wen's Coosa" Coats for Xmos at $40, $60, $60 :and 7
the above prices will be founi to 14 $10 per coat less than the regular price
Calf, Dog, Wallaby and Wombat it prices from $15 to $35 away below
anything found in the trade
Large shipmert of Rugs in velyet and Smyrna, all sizes and all prices—
wool and tapestryi squares in all sizei3
New Lace Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, Phenilli3 Curtains and Table
Clothing Dep
Our great Clothing Sale still goes ; every week we find people coming
a greater dietaace to this sale—they Ind it pay O them
300 Men's Suits at all prices, from $4 to $8 ;-at 84 per suit less than re-
gular price
Our pile of Men's Tweed Pants, at $1 a pair, are easily worth $2
Our $2 Pants never Mil in the xegular way for Ices than from $2.75 to
Great values in Boys' and Children's Suits' and Overcoats
Men's Overcoats in all the new tweed patterns, at from $5 to $14
Highest Prices paid for Butter, Egg,,
and Wool.
Dried App -9 Wanted at ec a /b.
Oppils Town, Building, Career Ma a tail Mark
tt. Seeoth,
If •