HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-12-15, Page 3ttLaA
as Gift
to give ohildren ie
Deposit Beek in the
bftter way of teach-
ing, them Business Hab-
its exists.
Sit'S of $1.00 awl Up -
's Received. .
e tpaid times a gear
AB 0 D,ifranagor Henna!! Branoh
u.111 and inspect our genuine rubber
ed herniate. at $20.00 ; better
e then tiny $25.00 factory make.
tee them because we make them
rseives ; material„ etyle and euelity
ere:the beat. They are the best value
toibe had in single hareems and we
will stake our reputation for good har-
ness upon them.
013M S
A tiomplete etoak of Bishop, Gallo-
way and Siekatchewan 55 Speelal
usuel we have the very best van
'eel' "tin horse blankets. Quality the
beet and prices theloteeet.
A Golden
lust for fifteen clays a great discouia
sale is now going on at the
Seaforth Tea and
tOoffee Store
hard colds, bronchitis,
asthma, and coughs or all
inds, you cannot take any-
thing better than Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Ask yout
own doctor if this is not so.
He uses it. He understands
why it soothes and heals.
"1 bad a terrible cough for weeks. Then I
took Ayer's °berry Pectoral and only oue
huttle completely cured. me."
M18.0. B. DAsrOu'ru. St. Joseph,Vich.
J. 0. ArEn 00..
All drna ists Lowell. Mn'.'.
mai swiensseanannasstrao
Coughs, Colds
Ytms will hasten recovery by re:k-
ing ono of .Ayerts Pills at bedtithe.
t‘ •
Boyce will take
t Busseldale.
' Zah101a
Briefs. Mr. •11. Klapp shipped over
DIST .ICT MA.TTERS, thre htnadyed pigeons from lore
------- - -..c. .- last veek. This is. a near industry.
New Bo ks.-The following.--
new new smoke stack to replace
ooks hay recently been
.thTeene blown down at the null hue
_breeeived .
at the Sea orth nubile library i stbee erected. -The Zurich band ix'-
Qutbberts t nowleet Husband, wise .,ten. givinga orand concert in the
hail on, the eitening ef the 29th.
Arta Rome, Goss, Grey • ellouse at e tow' .
Ondelatone, Worboise ; 'Violet Vau- It oes without saying there will be
ghan, Worboise ; Mary Garth, Swan, , a f rst class entertainment and a
' oriel ded house -M± Omar 'Klopp
Christians Cross, •Swan ; Story of
has, returned home . alter spending
Andrew Fairfax, nooking ; Mollie's
the summer in Manitboa...--Itev. J. H.
VTirt0e, Ca ey ; Strong Mae, Croek-
ett ; 'rola e, Major, -AYealea, gag- Hee or, the Black Knight, avill de-
gard : To Durnaby,El, trang. , liver a lecture in the !town hall
her this Jevening tender the auspices
i of the' W. 'O. T. 11. Mr. ileetor is.
This sale is for cash or trade only :
only credit itt given only when goods
aro sold sib regular prices -10 lbs.
sulphur for 25e 10 lbs salts for 250;
11 bare jticidts soap for 25o; 4 tbe. cur-
rants for 25e; 4 lbs. raisins for 25o;
6 lb. dates for 25ci ; G lba. cooking figs'
for 250; 3 lbw. prunes for 253 ; 6 lbs.
rici3 for 25c •' 6 lb,, taplooe for 250; 3
cane peas, beans, core, tomatoes or
blueberries foi 25c i • shelled almonds,
ebelied walnuts, alikinds of vices and
ceudied peels. I have a full Mock of
alt kinds of new geode, which 1 am
.eelling au great bargeine-sweet older,
mince meat, honry, dark brown sugar
for baking-, baikiug reolessee, best table
ayrup, oatmeal, cornmeal', flour, gra-
hera-flourirolled wteet, wheatleboream
:of wheat, in bulk, pot barley, split;
pease, teas and coffee a specialty, all
kinds of mired. meats, pork sewage,
bologna eau -sage, all kinde of fieh, table
salt in sacks and loose, apples, pota-
I have a very large and well snorted
!stock of choice crockery and glassware -
and a thee range nf lamps, dinnertem
and toilet sets, I have two nice pat -
In odd pieces and can wake up
tee and dinner flee to suit the intetona-
eer at any price.
'Fresh egee aud butter taken as cash
at this star€er. also all kinds of fowl. A
medial invitation i extends& to all to
call and get some of the bargeins.
Go AULT, Seafortn
0 CD
P ct
ct Cr
CD CD 1.5q4
0 0
P r#2
ca• .-4
CO 0
0 4.-s
tal 0 ct- 0 P
Pt co
mat rt)
ieot, rz-4
qrand Tru k Railway
'Rahway nine Tabtb
Thom leave Seigerth as tame :
g.50 a. al. For Clinton, Goderloh Wizening an
For Clinton and Goderioh
For Clinton, Wingham and Hines,
For Clinton and Gaderich.
For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto,
°rune, North Bay and points weet
Believilia and Teterboro and 'point.,
For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon
treed and pont n east.
For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto.
12.41 p. m.
6.15 p. D.
16.138 p, ro.
7.58-a. ni
3.37 P. Ka.
6.39 p. m.
LondonHuron and Bruce.
11315 NORTH -
1.04540151, depai re. a e 6
Centralia-, aree••
Bleier -. asa 0 a re er er. Pra•
pruoe...-4-•••••-- ****
Clinton,- _
Londesboro MO me .
B1Yth 400 000 •
Seigravaim, 00 • WI NO 400 ...
o 8011,1111--
Winghatn, depart,. -
-.ea • em weeder aea•
Londesborn•.. 6-0 er re • •
Clinton- as tr. ••• • • 0 0 000 0110
SlePen.. re re 46 •
06480 re •• ea re re re •
PO re re •-• 010 010
Cleatrallea.“• are •• *a ea Or
London., (arrive)
0 0 ma
8.16 A.*. 4.50 r
9.18 6.48
9.20 6.54
9.46 6.05
950 6.11
9.58 6.19
10.15 6.85
10.80 6.62
10.88 7.00
10.50 7.13
11.00 7.26
6 VI &IL 3.80 r.
6.62 8.44
7.06 8J6
7.14 4.04 °
7.47 • 6.28
8.06 849
8.1.5 6.47
8.22 4.62
8.35 6.06
8.46 6.16
9.45 A. IL 6.10
Pabnerston and Kincardine.
Pus. Pass. Mixe
7.65 p.m. 12,4J p.m 5.80 a. -r.
841 1.7 • 7.40 '
8.51 1.88 8.40
9.01 1.50 9.00
9.03 1.66 9.10
Pass. lifxed.
6 49 CM 10.140.m. 2.40 p.na
6.62 10 65 2.49
7.05 11.268 02
7-.25 • 12.50 3.18
8.10 3.00 4.10
Another uron Bey to the Frontan eloquent 'speaker and those who
-The Van ouver, British. Columbia, att nd his lecture will enjoy Linit.-
November 28th, contains Th Sunday school scholars d the
hers of the Evangelical and the
h.eran churches are raa.king pre-
ations. fon their annual Christians
ivel.-Messrs; Alfred Smith, Jos.
ter and George, Smith have tak-
the contract for cutting 1,000
ds of wood for Mr. William
er, who hal pnrchased the wood
a part of the big swamp in
pley.-Mrs.' Adam Faust, of this
age, has received the sad intel-
me of the death of her sister,
re, which sad event* ocenrred at
late •hoine near Grafton, N. D.,
t week. The deceased had reaclied
age of 29 years ,and was snarried
Engelberg !about twei' years'
he Cornelia -At the last meeting
the Hay Council held \here, ar-
gements were mede for the hold -
of the municipal nominations
ieh Will be held OD Friday, De-
ber 22nd, from wee to two 0'.
ck in the afternoon the Own
11,, Zurich. The following were
pointed deputy returning officers
d also the polling places selected:
11 No. 1; John Hawkins, It. 0,
school in school tieetion No. 2,;
11 12, 113. Phillips, school in school
tion go. 14; Poll 3 Andrew, Hess,
11' 4, D. Setrarus, sithool in school.
etion ; Poll 5, B. Elurarus,
ool in school section No. '12,
11 6, John Voelker, Hartleib's
ock, Daslfevood ; Poll 7, C. Troy -
, 8600l In school section No. 3;
oll 8, S. 'Spencer, Bissolmette
ock, St. Joseph. A large nu.m-
✓ /of gravel atul other aecounts
ere .passed e which will appear in
e treasurer's statement to be is- -
ed 'shortly, Council will meet for
e iast time in 1905 on Friday, De-
mber a5th, 4, to a. m.
an excelle t likennse of Mr. George • tea
F. Gibson, who has just been ap- IM
pointed C mptroller of the city of , pa
Vancouver The funetions of a Comp- fes
troler arr equivalent to those of ° Fo.
general • .1 anager of a large bug- en
ness and r. •Gibisoa will have sup- z co
ervision o all accounts at the city Ba
hall. It is a new Office and one of o
great resonsLbt11ty Mr. Gibson is St
an old Hu on boy. Ile is a son of tlee vil
late A. L Gibson, registrar of ' lig
eounty of 'Huron, and. a nephew ef Fl
the -late . homes Gibson, M.P.P, 1:0 he
was born in Wroxeter n 18.62,- ed las
for sever 1 years had charge of his th
father's b Fitness there. The " PrOV- to
4lee " giy S the following description 'at;
of Mr. ''1 ibson's- career e " Attract=
ed ° t wider pssibilities which of
the West offered, Mr. Gibson in .1888, ra
being the only twenty-six years old, in
located i Vancouver. He secured evl
exnployrn nt in the local freight of- ce
Gees of he Canadian Pacific Rail- cl
way, wit which company he receive h
ed rapid promotion during the en- ar
suing t ree years: Beginning as a
billing clerk, Mr. Gibson had. a p
splendid grounding in traffic work_ at
under t e direction of Mr 11 E. P
Colman, local 'freight agent at that se
period. In 1891, Mr. Gibson shortly
after th blinding of the New West-. se
Minster and Vancouver tramline was s
appoint d. traffic manager • arid or- P
ganized and inaugurated the coro.p- b
any's t affie system. Mr. Gibspn e
remain- • with the cempany until its
abserpt on by the British Colurabia
EleCtri Itailway Company in 1895, b
when e accepted a more luerative
pOsitio with the Montreal Termina! tl
Railwa Company, whose tram lines s
radiate from Montreal to all parts t
of the island.iHis duties there were
largely of the same character. Dur-
ing M. teibson's seven years' stay
in the metropolis, he saw the !..Cerm-.
inal •C mpany develop into a vast
system Vancouver, however, still
offere, great attractions for him,
and i. 1902 Mr. Gibson returned
here t. accept the position of sec-
etary treasurer of the Pacific
, oast Lumber Company. He was
Marri d in 1902 to Miss Rosamond
Watt, a daughter of Mr. John
Watt, of Curries, Oxford County,
Ortt Ir. [Gibson is a member of
St. Jo in's -Church, and of t he sess-
ion. ljie is also a prominent memtbee
of thA Masonic order. Zoology is
one o his hobbies.- To Mr. Gibson
is du the movement which resulted -
in th presentation of steel bear
cages to the zoo in Staxiley Park.
He w s largely instrumentale in col-
leetin all the funds." Mr. Gibson's
many old friends in ,Huron will join.
The Expositor in congratulations
and in the hope that he may con-
tinue/ to- climb upwards.
. • • .-
VIngliam, • .. . e • •
1,3219 SOUTH,
trussebs......•.• .•
Teas of
Delicious Flavor's
It might wor6r a man
with a microscope to
tell Grand Mogul Tea
from the common kind
by the looks: but a blind
man can tell the differ-
ence in the first sip.
Ci Grand Mogul Teas are
a positive blend of _super<
la.tive qualities that never
deceive the user.
((Mountain grown in Cey-
lon; cured and blended by
expertS, they enter your tea-
pot with a flavor that no
other tea possesses. .
They, are a. contribution
to good ,health.
Ct High in theine and low
in tannin- means high in
flavor and not a mere
substitute for bitters.
Grand Mogul
Darts. -A very pretty
wedding took place at the home of
Mr. .erid Mrs. Gotfried. Geiser, near
here, oh Thursday .afternoon of last
- when their second daughter,
'Ellen, was Waited in marriage
. David Allin Strickler, of
ford. The bride was prettilY
ed and carried a shower b ou-
quet of flowers. Miss' Lily Strick-
ler, eister of the groom was brides-
maid. Mr. Wm. Dutacan, of Bright,
ably, assisted the groom, while Miss
Agn0 Fattier played the wedding '
mar h. After the cerbmony, which --
was!witnessed by a hundred guests .'
about three mi es above Brookville,
a t4,rib1e blow' on the head, causiag
corgrdssion. Braze • died the follow.-
ing night as a result of his injuries'.
Was 33 years of age and 'unmar-
p School Reports
Blake. -The following is the re-
port showing the relative standing
of the -pupils of Union school No.
V, Stanley, for the month .of No-
vember. The names ()Our in order
of me4t Class V -Ruth Keys, Irene
Douglas; Joseph Bewilder. Claes
IV -Roy Capling, Thos. Meyers,Olive
Edighoffer. 'Senior III -Isabel Mas-
on, Flossie Oalfiling, Thomas Merritt.
junior Ill -Mary Douglas, Pearl
Zapfe, Albert Keys. Senior II -Gor-
don Manson, Ethel Zapfe, Bliner
Oesela. junior II-jaeob 13rennere
man, John Brennerman )Yfikie Kt311.-
neh Part IX -Emma Baeobler, Odi-
Well Nicholson, Pearl McBride. Part
1 -John A. Meyers, Edmund 'Erb,
Va.roa Oesoh.-G. S. Howard, Teacher.
Eippen. Th.e following is the
monthly report of 80001 section No.
14, Stanley. Names are in ordee of
merit; Senior fifth -A. M. , John-
ston, Mary 'Johnston, Ida Dinsdale.
Junior fifthe-Edwin Geearaell, Elea-
nor Hood. Senior fourth -4e=
Grassick Norman Jones. Junior
foe. b-EttaL Jarrott, tL M. Fisher,
Jia Jarrott. 'Third -Janet Log-
an, Jas. Gemmell, Oda McBeath, Sena
ier "second -Arthur Jones, Lola."
Bothwell, Walter Melieath. Junior
second -Allan Fisher, °Herbert ICehl.
Second part-Artora May Hood.,
First part ---Ida Bothwell, A-. Mc-
Iturtrie, W. McBeatin The best
spellers in the ixionthly - spelling
matches were : Fifth, A. W. John-
ston, fourth, (Etta M. Jarrott ,• third,
Jas . Genixaell ; senior second. Lola
Bothwell ; junior second, ,Allan Pis -
her. -W. Johnstot, Teacher.
Chiselleurst.-The following is the
report of the standing of the pupils
of sehool section No. 7, Hibbert, for
November: Senior /fourth -
Maudson, ; absent from ex-
aminatioei, C. Verner, C. Stoneman.
Junior fourth -L. Drover, A. Hog-
garthsenior third -W. O'Brien, T.
Wren,L. Cookson, 12. Regan, Thos.
Smalejanior third -E, O'Brien,
Bert Wren, A. Westlake, W. Brint-
nell. Second -R. Maudson, C. Brint-
nell ; absent from exam., John Maud -
son. Tart II -W. Hall, k. Westlake;
absent from exam., W. Verner. Sen -
!or (part I -B. Brintriell, E. Ryck-
man, IN, Swale, G. Wren Part I-
R. Synkman, F." Leitch. - Miss
Waugh, Teaeher.
North End Note/se-The farmers in
is Seeti011 of conntry nearly all
p ot their fall plowing completed be-
fore Jack Frostbecanie supreme.
hey all got their turnips heused
oo.--iThe 'weather prophets in this
part-- °predict a very mild winter,-
artinLMurray intends building a
iew barn next spring. -James Shea,
he veteren cattle dealer of St. Col-
imban, is mirchasieg a lot of oat -
le in this section and shipping then).
o Toronto. -Rail and !board fences
re faet disappearing from along the
*Dad 'sides- in our part of the town -
hip, thereby giying the .SrloW no ,
°hence to drift Mountains high. All
coding toads should be bereft of
'hese troublesome fences during the
tintee. Our council should give
he Mice matter ee little attention. -
he store, floonduoted by
r. J. K. Holland-, has done a rush -
ng business this fall, in the way of
uying and. shipping poultry. -Joe
Cennedy always does. a rushing busi-
ess in the blacksmithing line. -Fred
oehler is busy with his engine oat-
Ang ;wood and traw and grinding
train 1 or the farmers. -The work an
be $t. Columban tunnel is rapidly
drawing to eorupletion, when com-
pleted it will be one of the marvels
of tbe 20th century. This, coupled
with 'their overland- side walks, will
be a great boom to tbe people of
that rising city of the future. -John
Holden and son have completed a
very 'successful season tiereshing.
They will attach a self feeder, grain
and chaff blower anti cutting box to
their machine next year. They Gan
tth n compete with the -Hibbert or
. all at down to a sumptuous wedding any other syndicate and at as low as
super. They received a large num- r ret e per hour. -Auction sales are a
ber of costly and useful Presents. ;tthiig of the past for this. seasonar
Mr and Mrs. Strickler spent a few • Te ephone communication for. the
da3ljs in town before leaving on Mon- farmers during the winter woulet be
day for 'their future home in Brant- highly appreciatedin this section.
ford,_ with the best wishes of their . be work on the Ge. 1 h Goderich
many friends for a long, happy and railway is makint rapid progress
useful life. I towards completion, and -before the
the 6th inst., Mr. Henry Ein. stioti flies another season it will be
T-lton and t e Flag
s Louis, eldest daughter of Mr. Station." -There are several names
Mrs. Gotleib Morlock ,of Ste- mentioned as new aspirants tor mun-
e , t wnshi
• be
ple near here, The pretty bride impel , honors 1 •
e re a gown of white Japan taffeta, Among the number are James Da.vid-
tr`mmed with chiffon and net lace, son, Mietlia,e1 O'Laughlin, Albert Dun -
h a tulle veil and carrying a r as, n. g
quet of roes. Miss IVfarie More Peter Kerr, Henry Bierman, W.
k, daintily gowned in white or- Dodds and others. The reeveship
ndie over pink and carrying a boa- will likely be hotly colatested by D.
et of pink carnations, net:dated Manley, C. Little, 3. Govenloek, John
t Whet is
of this village, was rnarrie.d to uria o
q Sold only in pecliages-all tea,
no store dust, no microbes. Look
for tbe premium coupon in each
package. "Grend Mogul" shaies
the advertising appropriation with
you by giving tae premiums. The
quay remains the same -the highest.
qt e bride, while Mr. Geo. Eilber, &oven oh a •
b other of the groom, acted ns best the cause of the enormity of the
an. , The ceremony was performed McKillop taxes ?-The O'Connell
the parlor in an improvieed vale drain was estimated on 'by seven en -
1y with evergreens and ferns beau- gineers, all differing from ate to
t fully arranged. After the ceremony 1,600 cubie yards. Verily it may
aJnd congratulations were over the be said that engineers differ as well
ridal party sat down to a sumptu- as doctors. But it will be more cost-
otes dinner. Me dining roota was ly wben the judges differ. Take
/beautifully decorated, above the the advice of this. scribe and settle
able a ring was suspended,on which that drainage squabble at home. -
ere festooned- artificial bells, al- Without using the thunder bolt Ian-
eruating with candles. M. and Mrs guage of a Hibbert scribe, "Grogan
ilber, will reside in Creditor'.
jr.," has really and truly spoken
-On Wednesday, December 6th, a the mind of the people of Seaforth.
ery happy event took place at the There is room for a. couple of Gro-
fethodist parsonage here, when Mise gans in MoKillop for the next month
ictoria May, the third daughter -of to spake the mind of the people of
he Rev. Mr., Andyews, was married this toivnship.-Farmers generally
to ;Mr. 3. Wesley 13oyee, of Russel- have eettled down to the stern real-.
dale, Fullerton toWns'hip. The cerc- ities of winter. -The potato rot ist
mony was performed by the Rev. :T. worse than the potato hug.
W. ' •
Andrew's, n, A., of Centralia, ,
G. Andrews, his brother, and Rev.
father of the bride, assisted by Rev. I
S. Allin, of. Parkhill. The bride wee
handsoinely gowned in a beautiful
robe of white silk, with ohTffon
trimmings and ca.rried.a sho-wer bon-
quet of White efirnations, Miss Stel-
la Andrews, sister of the bride,sina.--
Harty attired carrying a bouquet of
pink carnations, acting as brides-
maid. Mr. Roy Boyce, of Mitchell.
brother, of the groom, was grooms-
man. After the ceremony a very
dainty repast was served, guedts to
the number of one hunared _being
Present,. some. of whom were from
Kingston, Belleville, Parkhill, Lon-
don and Huntsville. The groom's
gift to the bride was a handsome,
gold watch and chain, to the brides-
maid a gold ring set with rubies and
pearls. Mr. and Mrs. Beyce ieft on
thes evening train for a trip to Lan-
don, Hamilton and other eastern
' points. The bride's goiug away gown
was navy blue ladies! cream
satin and 'cream all over lace trim-
ming, and navy blue hat to inateh.
-After a honeymoon trtp,. :Ir. arid
kr. John Scarlett
We do
Something to Please a Woman.
",]JY -0 -LA" is a revelation to
every woman at first. It seems too
good to be true that one package of
"DY -O -LA". will color silk, cotton,
woolen and mixed goods -or all four
-.-This is 'lust what " DY -0-14A" will
do -arid color MORE good's to the
package than any other. DY -0 -SA"
contains no acid to injure even the
moit delicate fabries; and does not
stain the hands or boiler; Best in
every way for coloring et home,
Druggists everywhere have " DY -0 -
LA" in 10 cent packages. Color card
sent on receipt of 2c. stamp. The
Johnson -Richardson Co, Limited,
Montreal, Canada.
- -The toeviaship of Malahide, in the
county of Elgin, has been salted
for 81,500 besides costs irf an action
tried at the recent assizes in St.
Thomas. Mary Jane arid George
•Mtinhinnick , brought actfon against
the township for $8,000 for injuries
received thy Mrs. Minh' nick/ whose
horse ran away, frigh
pile 'of rubbish on the road
has ibeen ill bed for 1
She was awarded damages et $800,
and Mr. Minhinnicke, her 'husband,
$700 for doctor bills.'
„ Sore Throat and Coughs
P. simple, effectere and safe remedy for all throi
irritations is found in
r- Cresoiene Antiseptic Te_blets
They cornb:ne the germicidal value of Cresolene wid
the soothing properties ot slippery elm and licorice
100. All Druggists iu(
If you are going to piit in a new
furnace, you can spend a mighty profit -
aide hour with us, looking over the
There's the pusrop JOINT -no bolts
or cement --prevents gas, smoke or dust
escapirig into the house.
There's the big fire doer -and wood
grate for soft cosil and wood.
And dozens of other special features.
that n ':1 Make yolt want the "Uccle fi
PUrna .c in your home.
Cc.,ne in any time -and let's go over
the "1:ec1a" together. -
pica! Agents:
Grip Quickly Knocked Out.
ed by a
and who
Another War Cloud.
but don't • worry about it. Use
, "3 A ; P A N. E 8 E" -
writing ink.
Sold by Alex. Wilson, Seaforth.
"Some weeks ago, during the se-
vere winter Weather, both my wife
and. myself contracted severe colds
whieh speedily developed into the
worse kind of la grippe, with all its
miserableesymptoras, says Mr. 3. S.
Egleston,-,of Maple Landing, Iowa;
Itnees and joints aching, musclei
sore, head stopped up, eyes and. nose
running, with alternate spells of
chills and fever. We began using
Chamberlains Cough Reinediy, aiding
the same with a dose of Chamber-
lain's :Stomach and Liver Tablets,
and by its liberal use sbon complete-
ly knocked wilt the grip."i These
Tablets promote a healthy action of
the bowels, liver and kidneyseethieh
is always beneficial e4ienothe system
is congested by a cold or attack of 1.a
grippe. For sale by Alex. Wilson.
druggist, Seaforth.
-A-horse stepping on one end of a
rail while geing into a pasture caus-
ed the other end to strike ,Albert
Breze, a young farmer residing
Is Buyin
'The only store
in Seaforth
handling Gents
Fqrnishings &
Clothing ex-
mas. jresent
1HE i)ositively Largest di4p1ay of Christmas
Furnishings in town. Adequate descriptiort
of ibis department's H liday Treasures is
qult out of the ciestion here. They m st be seen in their
magnifikence entirely to be appreciatea-we simply give
here au, all towbrief lists, suggestive of appropriate articles
to gladden. the heart of any man, fortrmate enough to /e-
ceive them; I
r iVilidOOT Displays offer
plehdid Suggestions
It is a teautiful line.
of Silk Beauties, fresh
from the looms of the
beat pianufaFturers.
Otber st4es will Bay
50e, we say $5c.
• 1
-Ten days ago the township of
North Dorchester was startled by a
Story that Miss Lena Cooney, of
London, who was visiting her- aaint,
Mrs. - Kelly, an the township, had
been assulted itt her aunt's home by
an unknown tramp, who tied her
with ropees, and then ransacked the
bouse for valuables. The girl was
f ound tied with rope and lying on e.
bed. She said a tramp had knock-
ed her down, and. then had bound
her, subsequently placing lier wherel
She was found. The girl has now
confessed that the whole story was
wnceeted, and the real .reason giv-
en is athat she was homesiok, and
AvisheW to use. the story as an excuse
for returning bome. She is 23 years
old and weiglis close upon 200 lbs.
My kittens three were white and grey,
'Was hard to keep them elcan ;
No matter ho'' I worked each day
Th{: kits looked very mean.
They'd go out in. the morning, clad
• So tidy and so trim ;
'At night they'd come home looking saA
With Clothes so soiled and grin..
• 1 could not keep them tidy, neat,
One hour of the day
When they were in thefield or street,
With other cats at play.
1 then procured the DIAMOND DYES,
And Made a dye bath hot,
And to my kittens' great surprise,
1 dipped them in the pot.
To -day my kittens all are dressed
In Black so rich and deep;
mourn no more. end now° an. blessed
When'er I roam or sleep.
The moral of my song. is plain,
To women bright and else :
If you wouie pleasure, profit gain,
;lust use the DIAMOND Mk:S.
Ne citrafar
As regards to the 50e
line we are shosing, it
is needless to empha-
size the fact that we
have the" nicest
town. 1
• Rich silks, in' dark
and light coios, 50O.
Go elsewhere and pay.
double the money and
you ivill not secure a
better line of mufflers -
than you den buy here.
Pure silk, every style
and very riel patterns,
at 25e to, $1.60.
Men'S Cloves
Veri3r pretty' and or
iginal patterni-other
will ask you $1.25, ou
special Xmas. prize,
Always populir for #ifts. A grand lin6' of
,$1,50 gloves for -4 , .$1
You all know the popularity of these
gloves. See our ',Special
Fur Lined Cloves Were made by -the -renowned =nut
turns, Galberts, of Montreal. We
tuge you 4eaniine this line. 'Sold elsewhere at $2 50, our
special pnc* . ** • froiel“.* . . .4****4***:“$2.00
itt faney boxes, fresh from Ireland --per box of six, $1 25.
Silk Handkerehiefs and Pure Silk.. to $1 00
Silk Suspenders
Individual Gift Boxes, a gift, for the gian,that's appreciated
Usual $1.00 value, special ...•• 75o
Usual 75c value, speeial.. 50e
It is easy to do your Christmas shopping hcze, 'feu can hardly t1itnk of
an appropriate 0 riatrnas probent that we cannot supply you with.
CoTtit in and pick them, out
Dried Atvl
Eggs an
I •
rig:neat Pries&
The 'Originator of .1mo
0 pp osi
Bank of
4 E