HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-12-15, Page 2,Yewl ied at Bright's Old 4-1, in - ere et, iv sinner Avenel' I" rylD'Eve• Io P id w eve, airy 9 Via Main S ea orth. pecial Mail Order Departme eine, fe5 per his branch we make (to your own measure) anything in the tailored e give you newest patterns, greatest Variety and inodein rtyles at less than you have been pa hg for your ordered clothes. ikieteedeletetetea++444-Sietee+++++++, ow We do Business • We buy our goods direct from the manufacturer, thus cutting off all middlemen's' profits. Supposing a wholesale house eharges '30%5:advance on its getlds, which it must do in order to meet the enormous expense it is put to. The retail merchant buys from the wholesale and marks his goods at a further advance of 30 pet cent on his eest that makes 60 per cent profit on the original coati of the goOds. We can run our business for less than off 60 per cent., and save our customers Fi or about •L0 per cent. (A System PraCtiCal and ReaeOnable) adymade Department Regular Lines Men's . . $6, $7.50,1810.00 Youths' Salts... .... .$2 60, $3..50, $6,00 Boy' .... . $2 75,; $3,00 +++++444elefe -I el ea Ckaaring Lines Boys' Odd Vests,_ sizes 32 to 35.- „ . . 25c Bays' Odd Pants, sizes 32 and 33„ ........25c Boys' Suits, size -A 32 and 33.. ;.. $2.60 Mans Grey Tweed Pants:regular $1.25 at .. . Overcoats in all Modern Styles „." 97c a pair •,itteres Far Goats in black furs only Gent's Famishing's, complete with american • Novo Wes Ptioto Freee With purchase of 817, or amounting to $17 •- from Dr°. IA, 1905, to March dr, 190d', wa. will give free, a Life Size Photo, of the Purchaser or whomseever they may clesire. The Gunn- Clothing Co. expooltoa znighty. pear argument and it is as I hypocritical as it is poor. There is not a. Tory editor so innocent and unsophisticated that he does not RIDAY Dee. 15, 1805; knoev that what. is called the S AFORT chine" is just as active and as skil- fully ma.nipulated on the Conserva- tive side as on the other. The only difference in the past has been that, perhaps, the Conservatives may not have had quite as much "grease" . for their machine as their oppon- ents had. But now that the party is in power the tables will, hereafter, in trhat respect be reversed. , Stop It. A good many of the Liberal pap- ers are making •themselves ridicu- lous by whining about the "Apoils • System,' because the present On- tario Government are making a god Many changes in the public offices, dismisaing Liberal •appointees and replaeing them by Conservatives. Goodness knows the Liberals have had their innings in this Province and they should not now whimper because the other fellows are get- ting a show. Mr. Whitney will never lose anything politically by being mindful of his friends, we mean those of theni who for years have been spending their time and money trying to put hiraself and jets colleagues in the positions they now occupy. It is said the Laurier Government did not make as many dismissals when they came into poner. This may be and this is just where the Laurier Government erred. The Laurier Government have had in their service far the past ten years and have them stilt, many of them eating the. bread of idleness, hundreds of men who would without any compunction cut the throats of their protectors, politi- cally speaking-, they minute, did t ey dare and who would be among the first to throw up their hats and hurfah in the event of the defeat of that Government. We all know this. But we ellso ;know that it is net a wise nor e safe policy for any GOT - CI nment to pursue. There ere certain officials which eertainly should. not be dismissed. There are the deputy heads of de- partments and other members of the inside service, men who fill positions requiring special training and skill. It would not be in the interests of " he public or the country if the services of such men were dispensed with, no matter what their politics, and their Places filled by green and inexperienced hands. •But there are many positions in the outside ser- viee which are largely sinecures and where the bulk of the work is and always ;has been performed by de- puties and -where no special akill or iiaininet is required and which aro; man of ordinary business abil- Ir and experience and responsibil- ity could fill. We do not see that the euhlic interest S would suffer in de event of •charn'ees being made in these offices. It is largely a personal matter with the officials and the 'public are not greatly eon- ee rued how it goes. It is even more silly for the Mail rand other Conservative papers to answer the jibs of their Liberal con- aetepora riee by a series of howls a- bout tile Grit machine. This is a The Way- of It Referring to the dismissal of li- cense Inspector Hastings and. his as- sistants in Toronto and' the conse- quent resignation of the lidettse commissioners,Messrs. Mkr.• eay and Davidson,a-the Toronto Star diagnosis the real situation vety ac- curately as follows. It says: " The iraportance of this Toronto rumpus lies in the fact that the Conservative party .as i represented by the Whitney Cabinet wanted, at the outset of its rule, such an enfoece- ment of the license laws as Messrs. Flavelle, Davidson and Murray would • give—deaf to tlig liquor interests and to the whispers of party work- ers—and. after some months the party, as represented by the Whit- ney government, n6 loeger wants • anything of the kind. The reader will make no mistake whatever if he %concludes that it was not inspec- or (Hastings whose removal was the objeet sought, but that of the Lie cense 'Board—a Board appointed -when the Government was aglow with teal and good intentions that •it finds it can't afford to use all the I thaw. This License Board, the party found, was " offensively non -parti- zan." It treated the 'brewers as if it klid not know that they had Mach po itical_influence. It followed Mr.' Hatina's instructions literally, not • underetanding •that they • were dis- patelies that were meant to fall into the hands of the •enemy, and evere never intended to forbid the ex-ercise by conamiseioners of that political. • sagacity by sellich a just an. -el de- serving Government ca.n clinch :its lo on office. In -the opinion' of the Conservative party the Big Three were q impossible. This isn't angel -land. They will be succeeded - by practical men who will show only . an advisable amount of zeal in reg- ulating the influential liquor trade." reee_-ee---_erreee Editorial Notes and Comments • Some (of the papers have been com- plaining, very Pre"PerlY. because Hon. Mr. Aylesevortle the new Postmas- ter -General, thas been continuing his practise in. the courts. He has ap- peared in two ease, since his elec- tion. There ere two main. reasons given why he should -not continue te do se while he is a member of the Deminion Government. In, the first . Place the judges are the appointees of the .Government of which Mr. Ay- It:swarth is now a:member, ad SOMG of theni are looking for a promotion that Mr. Aylesworth might be in- fluential in securing. In the second pl -.ce, if a corporation. can become Mr. Ayleswertlfe championedibr him be crabarrassed by encee when he Shall In 'defence al the tainor he now hold same ;corporation i Parliamentary Co these reasons are even evere -there Should be suffigien to withdraw ifroin h But this does not Ayleswortth shOuld draw from his law built up a 'verer lucrative practise b ceasing toil and it enable and lunjest • aband.on it ezitire the Cabinet -which iity, be only te could, tqaerefore, b Mr. Aylesworth re tion in his law fir legal adviser.to th he is disposed to is quite a differe and pleadiag ui possible, however, worth, thus fa.r, h ishing up -work hand beforehis a floe, • The :Brantford "Mr. Whitaey is moving Grits tro has aio time eo t trarship of Brant now been kept in.otiths." Perhaps gistrarship of H kept -vacant for fo We 'understand . the bounty of No that .-Mr. Jo.he. C appointed to the vacancy naesed by late Senat represente Dominion years, runt' count of i ing now n is weedy .t vice once men in pill renderea r Fulfo North arliame the ha 1 -health early f enter more. lic life ore fai nt arid be court, he will is court utter - aid it necessary blio, *hose re - to oppose that Parliament or raittee. Both substantial and no others they to induce him s cefart practise. mean that Mr. entirely with - practise, Ile has rge and" a very 'ability and un- ould he unreas- co expect him to y for a seat in must, a rienes- porary. - There no objection to ainhag his . post - and acting us a firms' clients if o -so. But there ce between this he courts, it is that Mr. Ayles- s only been fin- vhich he had in pointment to of - xpositor says:— kept so busy re - office that he ale of' the itegis- ounty, which has aoant for tlitee o. But the re ron county. was r years. hat the people of 'folk are anxious arlton should be enate, to fill the the death of the d. Mr. Charlto-a their eoun ey and Charlton, and wha taches to seat i should hav it if h Norfolk in the t for ever thirty to retire oti ac - His health be- lly restored, he • be political ser - There are few to -day who have hful servirie to aarty than John ever honor at-. the senate he desires it. Dearnes. Can ot be Cured by local applicatio not (reach the diseas ear. There is only deafness', end th:an is • eernediet. Deefn an lefle.me.d conditl lining of the Bustacl this tribe is inflam rumbling sound or inge and ,wheri it is Dea.fness is the resul inflammatien ean b this tube TIOstoxed condition, -kilearlarg w forever; nine oases caused ley 0a.tarein but an inflamed mucous surfaces. We will give One for any ca.se of Den. • ,Catarsh) that Dann Hall's Catarrh there cellars free. F. J. CHENEY & Sold by drug -gist, 7 Take Hall's. Famil stipation. s, as they can - d portion of the ne avny to care by constitution- s is mewed. by of the mucous -tan Tube. When d you lea.vo a imperfect hear- eatilvely closed, ,. and unless tde • taken mit ,aind to its normal ill be desexoyed out of' ton are bleb is nothing ndition of the undyed Dollars ness (cau,sed by t be ourea by Send for cir- Toledo, 0. ,1 0. Pills for ciOn- Einroo, •otes. —Miss Blyth has esigned her po- sition on the teaohi g staff of- the • GOderich Collegiate Institute, ' • —There were 91 inmates in the House of Refuge o Deceinber ist, 57 males and 34 feriae es. There were 15 deaths during th year. , —Alfred Haslam Ls a sold his fifty acre farm at the ri er, on the 4th concession Morris, t George Proc.- ) tor, for $2,000. I —During •the past year 38,530 square feet of ceme t sidewalk were • laid down in Clinton at a cost of • $3,853.03. —Mi Tena Sprun r Who has been on ' 'We gtaff of th Clinton Model se sdhool during the present model term, hasiseen enga ed for Markdale school for next yeai • —Miss A. MdEwen of Clinton, leas been engaged to tea h in the school in Hullett, near th Clinton ceme- tery for the ensuin year at a sal- ary of $350. —George. Parsons, a former resi- dent and business zaan of Goderich, died in Detroit, on Tuesday of last -week. Deceased ha been ill for a year past with a complication . of Bright's disease an heart trouble. —F. C.. Taylor, ire r Wroxetejr, has sold his farm, lots 9 and 30, ro nces- sion C., Turnberry, consisting- f 140 acres to Mr. Jeff. Di usgrova f r $5,- 000. Possession wi I be give in September next. --John Tippett h. s been appointed clerk at the divisi ii court at Bay- field, vice J. Thom son; Thos. 'Cana- eron, bailiff of the same court. vice J. Ferguson. --The Goderioh Elevater Co, are asking the town t, guarantee their , bonds to the amennt of $35,000, in consideration of a • additional build- ing, with a capaoi y of 500,000 bush- els. —Miss :Nina T. Isbister, who has been one. of the fo r teachers in the Saskatoon sOloo Saskatchewan, will return at CI ristmas idel take charge of school s .ction No. 7, Mor- ris, and Miss Lilla IL, who is now teaching in No. 7, will take her sis- ter's place in Sas Tt.00n. —On Monday of last week Mr. S. If. Smith shipped 51 head of about as fine export attic as ever left Clinton. Forty -t 0 of them were from his own ear -I, and: their aver- age weight was 1,563 pounds, svhich. is exceptionally good. Some pairs of them weut as high as 3,730 pounds. They fil ed three cars. —The Jlrussels Post, who has been sizrng tiho. co nty 'council, says e 0 EXPOSITOR the business was continued,- his wide ow living with her. son, James Black, t the hotel until three years ago, Widen the fatally molted to Godericla. The deceased leaves $ix children. —The trustees a school swami No. 10, Goderioh township l reoently engaged Miss Sparks, of the Bron- son line, 'Stanley, as teseber or next year, at a salary of $300 per. year. A few days after he* enga.geneent she was taken 311 and on the doc- tor's advice, was oompelled to can - ;MI her engagement. —In addition to those already mentioned the following Clinton modelites Lave secured sohools: Mr. Penfound at Newer, • at $400; Miss Cornish, daughter of Mr. Jas• Cornish, Iltillett, No. 1, Hullett, .at $315 ; Miss Jenkins, daughter of Mr. Giles Jenkins, East' Wawanosh, Un- ion No. 16, East Wawanosh, $315. —The annual financial statement of the Bluevale Cheese and Butter Company has been issued, The com- pany has had a very successful sea- son. During the aea.san 81,050 Is of butter were ma:de, and the cost of drawing cream was $1,053,64, The oompany has assets aMountine to $3,-• 533.34, and practically no liabilities The highest price received for but- ter was 22s per lb. The total a- mount paid to ,patrons for cream for the season was $14,948.28e: --On Wednesday of last -seeek Jerry Taylor, of Auburn, met :with a very untheppy acoident whichwill keel) anen bedfast for Several weeks While sweeping the • chaff off the roof of the barn after threshing, -he slipped and fell from near the peak striking a large scantling and break- ing his hip in two places. His ther the andarno. • e DEC R 9 • ty, die last Friday night at the ripe age of. 0 years. Ilia wife predecease I ed him 'three years ago, oweinwermwergaseme.* Manitoba and Northwest NoteS. —Mr. Jos. Sperling, of Boland, has sold his implement business to Messrs. Fitzpatrick and Nid, of Elgin, Manitoba. —Mr. Publdw has exeganged his fine farm South of Pilot Mound 'with Mr, Gibbs of that town, for the Pioneer Livery Stables and Stook wihich are valued at SUMO- -The Methodists of Moose Zaw have , decided Ito . erect a $40,000 °Lunge in that town early next seas- on. The new thurch will have a ; seating capaeity of about 1,500. '—Th,rough trains' now run regal. arly between Winnipeg arid Edm.on- ten on the Canadian Northern Rail- way. There is a train each way. daily, fully equipped with n sleep- ing and dining service. —Stanley Brooks, of • Winnipeg, was firqed $200 and $12 coats for two offenses a selling liquor without a license. In default of payment of r • fine be has to epend six months in ; prison. —The ;bear at Deer Lodge, Winni- peg, has not retired to his winter gnartera, eehich is a good. omen for a further spell of fine weather. He eetired. a couple of times last week and straw was placed over him but he was ,only in for a short tune and came out -again. —Ten 4thousand acres of land were recently- ksold in the Lost Mountain 'Saskatchewan ldistriet at an liver— ' age price of $12.50 per aere. The I sale was anade by a Portage La i Prairie syndicate and the' purohas- ere ,are a company of Americans who intend to divide the land up for injuries were mainly confined t head, which Was badly bruised cut. Fortunatoly there was one near, to- come to his assista —Mr. Alfred Roe, at one time •prietor of tthet Queen's hotel, oe. pro - els, and Intel° of the Queen's rus- Winghata, died at Wingham baat week, at the Age Oif 67 years. The deceased Was stricken with paraly- sis on the 19th of December, 1899, and since that' date has been u able to speak and Was almost helpless,but up to a Short time ago WaS able to be taken for a drive, and his gen- eral 'health was very good. —Dfr. Robert Colciough, the son of Mr. Wne. Colclough, o ldth concession, Groderichown- ship, was married an Wednesa[ey of last week in, $0,fortl, to Elizabeth J. Churchill, the only daughter of Mr. Thomas (Churchill, of the, 16th concession, formerly reeve of 1Godee rich ‚townshpi They are living in house on the 12th concessien, until spring. Then. I they are going to move on her( farm and build t new house. —A Pretty wedding took piece on .Wednesday of last week at the Lorne of Mr. and Mrs. Hart Hicks, concession 11, Goderieh to-weiship, when their oely daughter, Amanda V. B., was united in the Voile bonds .soof n w� 4f and Churc only the lock to Harry W.. Graham, jafnes Graham, the beautiful pressiee Oeremony •add the of England being performed by Rev. Mr. Rhodes. - The young couple took a wedding trip to Port Huron, Detroiti and other pieties, . —The Huron' county council held its December session in Brussels last week. It is nineteen years since this august body held its former sessioa in that bright little town. The council was 'then 'composed of 51 members, with. Warden Ratz, then reeve of Stephen, in the chair. The mem.bers ware as follows: Messrs. Griffin, .MoMurchie, hitrutbers,Kelly, • Rogers, A.. MeMurchie,Corbett,l31ack, Rollins, Bissett, Johnston, Cameron, ; Elliott, Beacom, Strachan, Oliver, Bryans, Rennie, Kalbfleisoh, ICaine, Cook, Jacques, 'McMillan, Britton, Hays, Manly, Wray, Howe, Wilson, Beattie, Torrance, Campbell, 'Betz, Eilbee, Black, McPherson, Walter,:, Braille, Kay, Horney, Currie, Ander- son," Girvin, Durnion, Clegg,Scott and Anderson. No less than 12 of the above have passed away from time. The only present member who was in the county council in 1886 is Ed- ward. Bryans, -who is one of the re- presentatives of the division cora- - prised by Grey, Morris and Brussels. Mr. Bryans 'has npt been in the coun- Cil ,continuously bOWOVer. —On Friday morning, December 1st,Mr. Om, Henderson, of the BInevale road,- Morris township, near Wingham, was apparently in his usual health. On returning from a walk down to the river, hp nom- plained of not feeling well; later was seized -with paralysis; he ling- ered until Tuesday, when he passed away. Mr. Henderson , eves in his 80 year. He was born in Lanark- shire, Scotland, and in 1851, with his wife and three little ones emigrated to -Canada, settling first at Chippe- wa. In 1857 he came to the town- ship of Morris, taking up a bush • farm, the lot on which be died. Mr. Henderson was an. industrious man and succeeded in making for his family a comfortable home. He en- joyed the respect of the community and was a member of the Presby- terian church, and for -years a use- • ful member of the board of man- agement. In political matters he gave his snpport to the -Liberal party. He took an active interest in agricultural affairs and for years . was president of the Society. Mr. Henderson Was bereaved of his wife • about four years •ago. Two da -ugh - tors, Mrs. Burgess; of Wingham,and Mrs. A. Hardie, of Tuanberry, and • one son, James, on the homestead, remain-. of a family of nine chil- dren. • The Exac Thing Reqnired for • onstipation. 1 "As a cerfain purgative and stom- ach purifier Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets seems to be the\ exact thing required, strong enough Lan the mos robust, yet mild enough and safe f r.,children, and without that terrib1e gripping so common to most purg tives," say R. S. Web- ster &• ft Co. Udora Ontarioe Canada. " Clerk Lane is t ie beat store- teller —we don't mean fibs'—in connection with, the council. T. Ef Hays, of Seaforth, used t head the list, and Councillor Lam° t is not a bad sec- ond, but Mr. Lan. looks so very seri- ous over it." —On Friday, ecember fst, Sarah Young, relict o the late Anthony an , passe anay at the residence of her on, Janae ;Black, in Goderich. Mrs. Black had -been ill for about sin., weeks from blood poisoning, re- sulting ,from. a -urn, and towards the latter part of her illness had n bee' affected WM gangrene. Mrs. : Black was born riear Ottawa and leaves one sister surviving, in Man- itoba. She was married at the old home', and with her husband remove i ed to Dungannon, -where they en- gaged in the h tel business. About . ten years ago r Black died, but For, sale b Alex. M drug9ist, Sea.forth. • I) 1 —A (shoe oontaining the skeleton • of la man's foot was found twenty miles mart of Sault Ste. Marie., he the woods. No other sign of the body was left. It is 'believed to, be part of the remains of. some•ex-I plorer •eel o went into the woods nearly a century ago, as the old- f est settler say they catmot remem- ber when that kind of shoes were rearaufactu ed. The sole is of wood fastened t the upper With a wire. An 'iron rim runs around the sole and. heel. settlernent, —No (fess* than 78 vagrant dogs have passed 'through the Winnipeg city crematory within the last two weeks. 'The number of carcasses of horses burned also has been unus- ually large Teoently. Several fine animalhad to he shot as a result of injuries eeceived from slipping on ' asphalt p a.vem tints. —Altamont has had a big fire. On Satarday elight before last the gen- eral; (store of R. W. Madill and the fine (three f3t orey brick hotel of A. Dun laM *ere conapletely destroyed. The hotel was filled NVith guests and man of them escaped in their night 'ot ,ee, ;but all got out. A blizz- ard was 'raging at the time. -- he !new- tnwn of Saskatoon will apple ;to ;the first Legislature of Seek teliewan for an act Of Moore" pore. ion as a city ande*ill inuned- lately af;ter proceed to instal a com- plete' aifd modern system of water- worlev s, seerage and electric ligh it- ing o 'cost at least $125,000. It is ' only !about four year since the site of Itris town was bare prairie. —Ti, e town of Virden is said to be boomi ng. A +record number of resi- dence's have been erected during the course of the year, and tradesmen are tstill 'busy finishing up the work of ;the season. Town lots are 4n great ;Idetnand, having risen in value anywhere -from fifty to a hundred per ;cent. within the past twelve months. —r -'j- E. Lang has been appoint- ed Prmoipal of the Third-Clase nor- iila sbilooi at Winnipeg and after midsu mer, ,Mr. Hales, a liartney will b the resident principal . of the Manit u normal school. There will , be -three sessions during the year,and all third class normal work of the proviribe will be done at Winnipeg and Manitou. —Over $1,000,000 was realized by the amid -department of the Cadiadian. Paoifid .railway from the sale of westeidt holdings during the raonth a Noeember. The number of acres disposed of amounted to 202,667,' 1 the pr ce received being $1,075,166, an aye. age of $5.31 per acre. Dur- ing the same period the • Canada Northniest Land Co. sold 16,000 acres for $106,800, an i average of $6.64 per exile, —Balder, in Southern Manitoba I had a Successful school entertain- ment al few evenings ago. 'There was a Very large attendance, and a first eleiss programme, and • every- body was well pleased. The flag drill was a good one, and the Ice- landic eiinging were especially gooli features and were much appreciat- ed. The, new • four -roomed brick school is' nearing completion and will be ready for occupation in a few .weeks. . —Mr, WI, J. Wbitla, a -pioneer mer- chant of the Canadina west, and one of Winnipeg's most popular citizens, has passed to rest. He was 61 years of age and was a victim of diabetes. —The ?dot Mound Sentinel of last week isaYs: "Mr. and Mrs. Merles Mitchell, of Molesworth, Huron Co., are the guests of friends in town. They are enroute to the coast where they will spend the winter." —The Dominion Government has purchased the property known att the "Arthur farm," consisting of • 320 acres and lying about two miles north east of Brandon. The object of the purchase is to provide perm- anent Icainp -grounds for the militia, and also 4 site for a new rifle range. This will; secure to Brandon an ' an- nual exp nditure of iet lea* $15,000, besides a* expenditure of $25,000 for ; the erect on of a new_ armoury and other %improvements. •—There , fis quite a migration a- mcfngst the young men fd Virden district,Manitoba,towards the north- west.. Over twenty of them home- steaded during the fall, and intend starting !operations ,in the early, spring. The favorite district is to the west !of Saskatoon. The glow- ing descriptions of beautiful and fertile .land in these regions, given by set -tuned horne.seekers is creating quite an unrest amongst old and young. Amongst others, Mr. ;fames Wells, one of •the pioneers of Mont- gomery diStricte has rented his tine section of land and taken up land for himself and two oicle.st . sons, west- of Saskatoon. 41PINOW2W r• • pe Sure and examine e copy of our, catalogue if yru have any :dee of taking a preparatory couree for a , GOOD PAYING POSITION We believe' tinge ie no school equal to ours for ne thodic biainess training and for producing good remits. We solioit investigation and comparison. Enter any Vilma No Vacations Sunlight aP is better than othet soaps, 1 -. 17 lea d but ia best when. used in the Suelight way. ,,,nen=„e"wft Buy Swalig t Soap and follow directions. OF TORONTO, —ea.. ,.....tt sasarsesssErnagas• 1 . - Principe/ of East F emboli), Wentworth' collie- •1 Proaainent - R. SHAIV, -1--Mr. J serth Lynn, a Wu Principe/farmer a d pioneer of the totrnship . Yong° and Gerrard Streete, Toronto. • 1067-26, bal 1 1-11 e-.1 OUgei I I 44, * C vays t iscihe thing to make ;flour purk weli cea. an Wong, it isianother tang to have it uniformly so—to make flour precisely the same m purity and nukt:riment - oh Saturday as on Monday—in Ma', as NTh. ,ecause the "Royal HousehoL, s have the fines( testing equipment:available and unlimited resources for securing perfecf wheat, they can and do pro c every working day in ye-ar .our of precisely um orm gtrength,nutriment and purity. That is why Royal Household Flour makes the very bei broad and pagtry, 'year in and year out. 1 That I's why Royal Househoid Flour is ciae roogreliablo, the mogt succei,sful. flour —arid scientifically purified by elec- tricity. it is the pure --the bet of all flours. 'The next flour you buy ask for "Royal Househola"—and try it for yourself. Hvies Royal Household Flour. d ar011. 4017,i;ti " _•-•Seefet ee. 'to d—en, -Sand rat, f Is as crit a at time as any in hog raising. ' The.litte atingof many sows is largely due to •bad feediag, causing a constipated Id "rritable condition. , The sow gestiVe organs should be kept free dnd open to prevent this fevered 4 14ter eating condition by feeding ' ' 'i - - tvdesdale Stock Food Besides rnakii a better flow4Ami1k owhig to the be ter blood eirculatiori, and bTehtitsernifr: E Still re and better pigs, as a healthy, pple tree gives more 0 and nFootthLogu 1 piggaindiasker motrreeeh.on'e and =Isere on which to put flesh, . .ter If r starting and keeping Runtsgr wing. - It ingre ,itintsfate absoluteiyharmiese and pure, and if you are not satisfied with rpsuills'your money cheerfully refunded by the dealer, CARBOLINE iANTISEPTIC MAKES THE PIC'S AND PENS OLEAN. ,, TRY WZRCULZS POULTRY Foolo. 4E91440 STOCK 1400D COM-PANY, 1.11AIXTEDi Tcronto, Oat. er.V rIl ! 11 Beattie Bros. 1 i W., Hutohinson J. 'Snider • neeeerese taesetensdid —Fon SALE BY— Seaforth W. Neal Staff& G. B. Balked Brumfield, John Walsh,Mittheli Minton!, chest XTrial to give yeet Deposth Bank in EluN BANK OF No bPtter way of jug them Brennen its exists. its of ,$1.00 Reeeivea, Call sad inspect) trimmed hsrnets v.ane than any $25.00 rites them bacam ..oarselvee ; material, *re:the best. They ar eleites b will stae •sleet npon :kilt for fifteen days . *ale is now going OA at + orth Tea a Fee Store is for cash er sa out 10 lbs ndd'e- ep for n3s for T2,50 tor 2,5o , 3 lb!. prunes rioe for 25o' - 6 the, UV tans peas, bane, eery blueberries fel 25ci ebelled eratiretet. allk eandied I have* All kinds of new grod aeitiag at great barg460 ualoce meet,- hoary, da for leaking, bakiug mol syrup, oatmeal, cot hem .flour,rolled 1st of wheat, in hul pease, teas and kinds of cured meats, 0Io &nisge,U kin -*Alb ia lacks nd loose eev. have a very loge atock of choice crockery nice range ot I toilet et 1 hsve -tdrnf Jo odd pieces and tea tad diuuer tete to .er, eny price. 'Froth esge aad butte lit this store, also all ki cordial invitstion iex eail and get gement tbe tA. at MILT, - Jim , 1 Cutter time la jest beraland it la probable you will slated a new ore. T4a 'Wm the ease, it wilt psenyou to ;sae us at OACEI. The outtgr shown in the above cut is of our gearanteed. own make and design, It in de such a hit th last year, at this year we are making a specialty of it. le ejontaine all the requisites of the rig you require—comfort, eoriveni- ence e.ricl Jot e of room; withou being clumsy. Our priced are right, anti orirdawerls. ID ANITFAOTUREA OF CUTTERS, BUGGIES, ETO., AND G B14.01CSATITII, Sot.* Throat fa:, elective and safil rttoo found in t." erecoiesto !Mee comb -ale die --vele Teidal the soothing rroperi$et ot sti •All pi