HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-12-08, Page 8iday he lines menaoned low we are showing a e assortment and at e ose prices. You may find mAny pretty and useful 'presents 111 our store. Come; and. in. speet our stook of Silver Plated Knives and Forks Pocket and Table Cutlery Nickel Plated Tea Pots Skates and Hockey Sticks Carpet Sweepers Hanging Lamps ,Our rices ar low and goods of the best. cgz SMILEY, SEAFORTH, SOLE - AGENTS, Hardware, Stoves and Coal. DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital, Fictly Paid Up -$33000,000.0o Reserve Fund and un- divided Profits $ 3,63,4,000 Deposits ley Public $29,700,000 ' ToUl'Assets 39,225,000 THE ilUION EXPOS very business is represented here. e . may stay here a year and pellaps tiro') xpostfor If the climate agrees with is, we Mrs. George Baird', formerly of That Wont Come off Brucefield, writes from Hemming- -ford, Quebec, on December 2nd., as Kerslake's Oatmeal le all gight, amid the kid Inflows : "1 1 ook forward to Sat - I think I'll have some entire, and he make it our perneanent home." -pea 41. 5 , Smile DISTRICT MATTERS. ElEAFORTH BRANCH, Every faoility for the transacting of a 'erring banking business. Oolleotion" made on all points in Canada and abroad. Advances made to Fanners. Special at- ention paid to the collection of Sale Notes. .•••••• SAVINGS BANK. Deposita of $1.00 and upwards received, and interest: paid or added June 30th and December 3.tat. Withdrawals may be roads at any time. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor A. E. GIBSON, mager. James Watson, Dr. Oven, eye, ear and nose spee- -tardy night, when my paper arrives last, Commoreial Hotel!, Seaforth, with 'great pleasure, as it keeps me on December 13th. See adv. vosted about the doings Of my old s • • friends in Seaforth and vioinity. Presentation. -Miss Miller, 'who This Province is not to be eompared had charge of the commercial classes with our dear ord. Ontario." - in the Collegiate Institute, left here, • on Friday last for her new fteld Everything new and up-to-date at Aberhart% drug of labor ;in Orillia. Previous to her store, Seaforth. 1982-1 did, And 'e'er hi.s facie there spread the smile Thee won't come off. Oats teken exehange. W. E. Kerslake, Successor to Hareiltdn ,Fe Kerslake, 04th ONINC411151101MOOMM departure she was presented by the Plan of hall for Methodist Ladies' Aid Coneert on ----------- -------- - WII INNINOMMIRSMM I St . ThOnlaS church Sunday school, Friday, December 15th, opens at Aberhart's OR Wed" produces beautiful -oranges which are %with a eomplimentary address and a p -to -date line that we have ever had. Come in stert tit) pick th. is ve-e'ek: This is n ii Deers ior _Xmas presents, the most consp:t802;Ind "Tv nearly ripe. They expect to in which she had been a teacher, nesday. Secure your eeats early. beautiful present The preset:to.- and leoa around- Daly, the watehmakerefieaforth. Prohibition town, quiet and a gret tion was made by „the rector in the 1 I 1982-1 many church 'going people. All del- Sabboeth school. room. The staff tie in the swini, and call at Aberliartts drug stelae, nominations are represented. 'We ' t 0 11 `ate Insti- have in the Presbyterian church, Seaforth, to seleet your Christmas presents. 1982-1. Successor to W. N. Watson NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General Fire. Life and Aeoldent Insure since agent, Real Estate and Loan Agent:. Dealer in first-claas family and Mannino- tnring Sewing Machines and Cream &par - stars, viz.: New Raymond and White Sewing Machines andNations.1 Cream Sep- arator in three sizes Also sewing machine needles, oil, attach- ments, repairs and sundries for all kinds of enwing machines, Prices right and ma- chines fully guaranteed, JAMES WATSON, =ranee Agent, and dealer in Sewing Marline and Bieyeles. North Main street, Seaforth. ,•••••••1/•••••MMI•ai Pianos, Organs, Graphophones, 8 ewirbe achines,lan.d .711 wieat A)ttndries Rinds aleo. the best quality Needles and 01 We have several second -band Pianos Organs and Graphophones. GM M Baldwin & Co SEAFORTa dealers in , Organs, Graphophones, Sewing Machines, Needles and Oil. STRATFORD, ONTARIO. i Make Your Life A Success -You lean if you will. Our courses, which are 4 tip -to -date and practical, will qualify you In the shortest possible time. All our i graduates secure good positions. We I get more applioations than we can meet. IThis school has gained a continental re- putation for thoroughness. Writs for onr beautiful catalogue, it will interest you. Yon May enter at any time. ELLIOTT & MeLACHLAN, Principals. You may think and wonder and:consider this and that and the other, but the chances are, when you pur- pose making a present), that you will finally deoide upoa something in jewellery. Nothing seems to take ite place for men or women; and having deoided on jew- lry, your next oonsideration ia where to get it. We think this atom on thaw yoa several worth- while advantages in patron- izing ne-ii you will give us a chance. th,l-IN BULGER JEWELLER seaforth - Ontario Marriage License leaner ristmas lug service, Which is quite econ- venienoe these dark .mornings. -The eounell should not allow the wan- ton destruction of trees. on the streets which is going on in some quarters. The trees are the prin- cipal ornaments of the town and It is a shame to ruthlessly slaughter them, after the trouble and expense incurred in raising them. If they are becoming too thiek or too bushy kthey should be trimmed but not cut' down. The (tonna!, is respon- sible for slaughter, as no Per- son has any right to out a tree on the street without pormission from the eountil and any person Who does is 'subject to protecutinn.-Nr. Wm. MUrtree, Who has been a spinner at the Seaforth woollen mill, left CM Tuesday for Cobourg, where he has seeured a 'mod position at the same work. -The -bazaar given by the lad- ies of St. Thomas' Church last Thurs- and pipils of R bes If y -d el ' day evening* was such a splendid n and a SIMMS that nearly $134 was real-. tut° deo showed their apprecia- ieav° Ge -t, ;and Imitation.. Robes buy them BOV. 41r. Fisher, a kind ma b ized.-In the poultry prize list last u re quaht) and low ptice in Gal- . tion of Nies 'Miller as a eetilea,gue at 1.3;bdAek's Int°rness shop, Seaforth. fraxl gdod pr.echer. Tu -morrow et.rar and teacher by presenting her with Tea Wobbly and Entertainrnent.--Don't for et the T an Elgin -ng Tuesday evening next, December 12th. Tea will be and Prc:sbyterians in, the Methodist event took place at the.P.reayterian 1 church. Musical selections bv -the Seafeeth peeehe- • t 0 say that my health is slightly 4.• ,••••iosimo.dm, fik.a.............-..... s Piekard-Seott-A very interesting a NiiVelhith OM exeellent'progriunineltill he given in the 61111r0h. I am thankful to be able reed ht the school house from 6 to 8 o'clock, after itfitgifTritinCI iftZkitwill aSilt,11 1Drialli.tddrir lig out every day viewing the orange Mr. Walter A. icka.rd, of the firm 1 ir a handsome travelling bag.. AnnuatTea b eating of Duffe' Church, MLitton meeting of the Baptist, Methodist manse on Monday evening last, when ?,, terie improved. since_ coming, here. I am ?much Choir, with !friss Menu! as leader._ cet Willia111 Pie ard & Son, t'and lYfiss -z- adults, eee ; children 10c; IP a• 111\8'1 ,i' groves." ' and Mrs. James ,Soott, all of Sea- Pm -Tr books for all denominatiOns, in great variety, , , urels I.b. !insole and ' I The Pablia Schooli.-A meeting of at Alex. Minim's, Seaforth, Beatrice Scott, nly daughter. of Mr. Presbvterien Book of Pride° Ch ' 19824 the public school board was held on forth, -Were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. El. II. Larkin, as- sisted by Rev. E. A. Henry, of Ham- ilton, and Rey: Mr. Carswell, of McKillop. The ikride looked charm- ing in a travelling suit of cream serge ° trimmed with eliamois and gold buttons; and the effect of her 'heattty was further heightened by the 'becoming ermine toque which she wore. The !groom's gift to the bride was a set -of Lady Margaret fgrs, both costly and. exipilaite. The happy temple have taken up their residence on Goderieh street in the house recently purchased by Mr. Pickard. They start out on the ' path together amid the best Beautiful Christmas preaents, in endlOs varlets'. WrLday Ovelung laSt. MISS 40 mad prices right, at Aberhart% drug atom, Seaforth, Phillips, daughter of Mr. B. S. Christanfie Preseete.--You are thinkl‘ng jo°182p.inr. station agent here, was chasing a Christmas present. Why not buy a useful. appointed teacher in place of Miss one, that will always give the receiver a pleafiant re. Ada Beattie resigned, at a salarir colleetion of the °omen Carpet Swel4Par. of $300. Itespector Robb visited the week the prize for Belgian hares was awarded to J. Aitchesort. It should have been Archie Aiteheson and, all other prizes credited to J. Aitcheson should have been A. -V. MeLeod,the well known conaraedian of this town, took part in a concert at Gerrie on -on Wednesday evening. -Among the poultry fanciers who will exhibit at the Ptchincial POultrye Show: ,at Guelph next week are P. Dill, J. Fe Daly, P. Daleir & Son, WiMs Broth and R. Murdie. , The Woollen MilLe-Mr. Oink, pro- prietor of the Seaforth woollen can Queen, 'Gold Medal, Welcome and the Stan nrd, sehool on November 13th and 17th mills, was in town this week and. had a confer 't e ,We carry the best assortment -Parlor Queen, Ainerl- froin 82.50 to CutierP-A full line or Carving and reported as Iollows: " The enoe h m mbers of council. 'Our citizens -will re - Seta, best Sheffield steal and plated dosert cod yards and outbuildings -Were in Acissois, also the beet 'sickle silver tee and coffee pots perfectly satisfactory condition." Tile gret to learn .that Mr, Dick has found it necessar to11 thble kuives, forks and spoons, porta cutlery and on the market. Skates -We have the largest assort- school rooms were clean, warm, well . y close the rot raent in town -Baker's, Lightning' Tube, 'Victor, ' ventilated and comfortable. The for a time at least. When it will FeaMerweight. 'For a ladies' skate, Bokerts Daley or school board has shown considerable resume operations will depend on Arew Dominion, James, Perfeotion ; also iklic-brae Charm cannot be excelled. Heekey Stielcs and liberality in . e various c anges a • th • h e and circumstances. Mr. Dick says the , Limited- • George A. Sills, hardware ffeechant; Seaforth. &Morrill' Oatmeal Mills. Walter Thonss & 13 , 18 PerectlY Feed for Side. -Oatmeal mill feed for s le 'at the . 1982.1 since me- last visit. - The attendance Possession. This is due partly to ., house and ,on the school premises lift satisfactory, there be- his inability to secure a capable every year since it came, into his mill has been running at; a loss . • pucks the best quality. Call and examine goods. improvements made in the scheol wishes of a host of friends. . ' 49824f ing none but one or two pupils ab- . manager and partly, he saYs, to the __I House to ltent.-To ref* a comfortatile ------------ ent from any room. This, I 'believe, depressed condition of the znatket on account of outside coixtpetition. house on James Street, Seaforth. Four bedrooms, is due to two causes : Ti'eirst, the Sad Death. -A very sad .and Suet- ' sitting room, dining room kitchen, also a good cel- teachers make school life interest- Mr. Dick thinks that if an additional ply,at the Expositor Office, eaforth. 3,032.2 mg and agreeable to the pupils; den death occurred in Seaforth about noon on Wednesday last. tin, Thos. DOWSon, of Stanley, came to Dr.R. It. Ross' dental office to have a number of teeth extracted. She was aceompanied by her sister, Miss Itathwell, and. Dr. Rogers, .of Bruce - *field. Chloroform \vela admi niste red in the usual way by Dr. Rogers,who remained with the patient during -the operation. Just as the last tooth was extracted the patient gave a sigh and expired almost immed- iately. Additional:medical aid eves promptly summoned, het all itti vain, the eital spark had fled.. Mrs. Dow - son had been in her usual health lalid had -on other occaSions been un- der the influence of the anesthetic and there is no known reason why it should ,have proved fatal in this ftistanee. Mrs. Dowson's husband. died male, about three moriths ago, and she leaves one child. She was a most estimable •lady and her sad and sudden death will be a source lar,hard and rsoft water ; pleasantly situa ed. ale . connty. Broderick's harness shop, Seaforth. and secend, the sharp supervision We carry the largest stock of horse blankets in the - 1982x1 kept- floy the prizacipal over those svho are inclined to etray away from men's 6Oe, boys' 1350, child's 25e-stunples in south - school. 'The entire staff is doing Big sale of moccasins on Friday and Saturday- window-aale on Friday and Saturdisy only. W. H. eicellent work and. there Is =thing wine sole agent for Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies that calls = for adverse criticism,. and deorg,e A. Slater shoes for men in.Seaforth. Notice. -Parties. having custom work at the Sea- The board" deserves the full confi- :forth Woollen Mill would obill‘c by calling for same deuce ,of the town for the business - this risonth.. Bargains in dress goods and tweed like. and ..nr.ogressive manner in nulls, Seafoith. ., 1982-3 are managed." svisech tne arrears or the public school • remnant*, yarns, etc. Apply to J. W. Close, at the Mitt Found. -The lady Who lost an Imitation for 'mitt on Main Street, Seaforth, on Tuesday, November 5th, can have the same on calling at 'rue EXPOSITOR OFFICE Rild ming for this advertisement. ' 1982-1 , of London township,. the well knoWn • Local .Briefs. --Capt. Thos. Robson, Horse Blankets. -See our $1.5b branket ; it is the Shorthorn breeder and expert, and ' best value we ever had. Broderick% haraese shop, 1010 is also clerk of the county of Seaforth. 19824 Middlesex, was in town on Saturday ser es speoial mention, his flne voice aild artistic last. While here the Captain was the Pittsburgh Despatoh,-" Mr. Biekle, the tenor, del singing pleasing the lerge audience." Cardno% hall, guest a Mr. James Cowan. -On Sat- SUr- December 15th. lese-i, urday le.st Town Clerk and Trea •' lees, two doors north of Reid and Wilson's, Gunn's er „Rankin ireceived from the Robert Bell Engin.e, and. Thresher Company For cheap photos for Christmas, go to De La Preis - Fountain Pens, best value, at Alex. Wilson's, Se a (Cheque for $544.88, this being the old stand. 1982-2, forth. - annual payment on the loan grant - of deep grief te) her many relatives . Musical Journal, Chicago.-" Miss Powel1198h2-a1s a . ed the works by the town. The! re - and friends. beautiful soprano voice of much power and great Pa -Yin -cuts 'halve been kept up regular- . ..._..-, ly every year since the leen was lune." Cardno's Hall, Searorth, December 15th. Poultry Shipments --We mentioned Fon Ounismias.-,At this season of the 3,'ear we 1082-1 made. -The (leading 'officers of the. CanadaFurniture Manufaoturers two weeks ago ,a very large ship- make a special price to any who wish to buy meat by : • merit of poultry made by Messrs. the quarter. Love your order now were. in town 'a- few ,days ago ar- for Christmas Last week was . another reacird week Seaforth and surrounding country for their liberal for poultry shipments. On Thurs., patronage In the past, and hope to be favored sigth day last the Messrs. Kennedy made it in the future. On the 81st of December we wish to close our books. All accounts, large or small, Kennedy Brothers, of this town. fowl ; watch our ads. next week. After ten years of ranging about the proposed ale:Mimes business we wish to thank our many oUstOrnerfi in to their buildings and works in Sea - forth. -A meeting of the county board. kerf exaininers Will be held in the public school, Seal tie ,on Sat - another shipment of about eight must be settled by cash or note. After that date we tons, the value of...;Whiel). was $1,694.e. will change the prime of meat, so that it Will be th urday, December 23rd, for the pur- pose of granting certifieates to the On the same day Mr. Jeraes G. Mc- your inter* to be one of our customers. „Kennedy .13 h f rth 1910-1 successful needel school pupils. -We Michael shipped for Mr. Powell, of , . Sleigh bells of every description cheaper than ever Blyth, about 400 feathered turkeys, at Brodealek% harness shop, Seaforth. 1982\1 and about five tons of mixed dressed Christmas Calendars, Books and Booklets at Alex. poultry,the value of which woad_ be Wilson', Seaforth. ' , 1982-1 at least $1,540. On Saturday Messrs., Dried apples, butter, eggs and all your produce Turnbull andStoble shipped hipwards we takeaple and pay the highestprice. Come to Dili's, ee M'Leaf Store, Seaforth. 1981-tf notice that Mr. David 1Weismi11er, who a few years ago was prominent in business and. political circles; in this (county, has been appointed ran - ager Of the London Mutual Fire In - f thousand feathered t k surance tCompany,the head office of one and over a ton of mixed (tressed': "as the country over knew the euality of Which is in Toronto. Mr. Weisnailler poultry, representing a value of tornr frit, peels, fliworinge and ofpicee. Give us a has been inApector for the company $1,40a. Besides ,this; Mr. Stobie for eeveral years. Mr. iWeismiller's iil with your Christmas Cake order. Beattie Bros., Sea orth. 1981-tf ber Tea. Sale starts this many old friends in Huron will be has shipped. in small lots at various Remember our big Decem times over five tons of mixed. dressed, sveek. . Our phone ss No. 8. Beattie Bros., Seaforth. pleased. to learn of his promotion poultry, representing a value of • 1981-tf and will unite with The Expositor house in extending congratulationsWe $1,100. This makes the week's iship- I House to Rent -To ,renSoth t71 a good d , . containin six room's On Oth Main welling StreeteSeaforth. have no doubt he finds e insurance ments of poultry by these three deal- Apply to ers figure up to the nice sum of $5,- Neive, Cincinnatti, Ohio, -Miss Leonard,of Detroit, able than polities. -Mr. John Y- than BicklefSeaforth. 1981x2 business a geed dear more profit - '734, all for poultry 'grown within a. was one of the mo,st popular of the entertainers. Ifer Keefe shipped two car aoads of very radius of a few miles of Seaforth. Besides this, many other large ship- ments were raade earlier in the sea- son by these and -other dealers in =ad- dition to the home consumption; It. is safe to say that the poultry iship- merits from Seaforth thus far this seasoni evill amount to at least $10,- 1 000. This shows the importance of the, poultry business as a money- maker as well as the popularity of Seaforth as a market and business centre. The only regretabl fea- ture in the business ds, the danger that some of us may have to go without turkey for our. Chiiiitmas -.and New Year's dbaners, as it will be so scarce and dear that we won't be able to buy it. Most of the dress- ed poultry goes to feed the people of Manitoba and the Territories, and the feathered turkeys are tshipped to the old country. • • From Friends Abroad. -Mrs. Isaan S. Miller, formerly of McKillop, writing from, Vemeouver, British Columbia, on December lst, says: "I wish, Mr. Editbr, you could take a trip out here and see what a love- ly city and country we have. We are very proud . of our city as we have seen it gradually growing from very small proportions to be a mag- nificent Imsiness centre and sea port city and, all within fifteen years. I am Sure the beautiful scenery on the trip through the : mountains would lee :a delightful. change from the Old. horde surround- ings and ag you know, there are roany old Ifuronites here who would give you a most cordial welcom.e., -Mr. Charles Moore., a one time resident and N business man of . Sea - forth, writes from Banff. Alberta, on November 28th, as follows : "We came here on account of Mrs. Moore's health, with the hope that the change would proVe beneficial to her, but,, we have n t been here long enough yet to knowwhether or t h s ill b no _ Our ope w . e realized. Banff is located inwhat is' known as Mountain Park. This park is • owned by the Government. Banff ... has a population. of about four hiun- resents dred in wieter and the number runs as high as three thousand in the summer. Ilt is a great summer re- sort, its pirincipal attraction being in its hot I selpher springs. These aro claimed to furnish a sure cure for rheum.atism and a pe'eat many other ailments. The C. P. R. has a fine hotel here capable of aCcom- modating six hundred guests. There uaa in every waywall early to secure etre alsofour other hotels and a san- then: in time for Christmas. ear BRING -YOUR PICTURES TO B FRAMED. JAOSON BROS, Seaforth appearance was always greeted with a perfect ovat- . lop." Camino's Seeforth, December 15th. Ebony goods, Military and other Hair Brushes , Nail Briishes, Mirrors, the best for the least money' I at Alex. Wilson's, Seaforth.1992-1 ' 'Tor a Present•-•-Arik for J. & J. Treakinst Dinner Ware. You get them at A. Young's, Seaforth. I19814f Comfortable dwelling house in ,rood locality in Se,a-, forth torent or for Sale, • Lamed ate possession can What are you.eoina' to flue yourirtend Let us auggeet a Photograph, which maces a very acceptable gift to send. We make only high -elan photon. gnaran- fine Christmas steers this week. - The Methodist church choir and their pastor, Rev. A. K. Birks, took part in the anniversary eiervicee in the Varna Methodist churct on Mon- day eveningte-The 13ayfield stage came in on sleighs for the first tirne this season en Monday.- Mr. Robert be given. Apply te R. S. Hays, Seaforth. 19J4-tf Gardiner and daughter, of Farqu- har, 'passed through here -on Tues- day. Mr. Gardiner represents the iTsborne-Stephen division in the county council and was .on his -way to attend the December eession of Wanted -Choice turkeys, dry picked aud undrawn that body now being held in Brus- ea. All kinds ofrultry and dried apples wanted sels.-Rev. H. Larkin preached in Don't forget our clearing sale of dinner. sets at Henry. -Dr.. R. O. Tyerman, Iviho is Dill's, Seaforth. 1981-tf At It Agnin-Wm. McDougall is onee more on the Liberal 'candidate in the, consti- . katchewan Legislature, is a nephew of Mr. L. Tyerman, of this town. He is an old Teronto boy. -Mise 4,n has returned from a very pleas- ant.' visit with her sister's arid other Wends in Toronto. -Mrs. Robt.Hays, of LucknoW, is visiting friends in town. -We learn of the death of 'Mrs. (Rev.) : Ball, which took place at their home in Tilbury on :Friday last. Mr. 13E111 was, for a term, pas - Christmas Goods. -A full assortment. Candied Fruits, French, Chinies Drained Peels, Seeded Rai- sins, 'Wadi= CurrantsViga, Dates, Nuts,. Candies, Etc. • A. Young, Seaforth. 198141 A ear oriialt new in stock, prices right. Beattie Bros., Seaforth. 1981 tf George E. King, 1 Ingham. . 198041 Hamilton last Sunday for Bev. Mr. hand to pay tire highest price in cash for hides, tuency of Prince Albert for the Sas- skins, raw furs and tallow at A. W. Stobie's egg em- porium. 1980x4 Must bave Young's Tea and Young's Coffee for Christmas. 4 19814f Rooms to Rent. -Two suites of rooms to rent in th, Cady block. Apply td Adam Hays, Seaforth. 1980-tf Now is the time for your Christmas fruitsand Dills' is the plaw to get them. Try us and be con vinced. P. Dill, Seaforth. 198141 1 ' • From Mr. Hector Reid. -We be- itarium. The Government has a bath room and. a basil:: at the springs and ae person can get a bath and a eiveaf there foe 25 cents. while at the sanitarium these would cost, from 60 to :60 cents. Almost fore mentioned in these columntor of the Hensall Methodist church. that Mr. Hector Reid, formerly of The deceased, whose maiden name Brucefield, but More recently of was Eliza Cudraore, was a sister of Kenton, Manitoba, was forced to go Mrs. William Copp, of Seaforth to California this last fall on ace Mr. liVeti, Oudmore, Tuckersmith, and count of his health. Mr. Reid's 'Mr. Thos. oudmore, Exetere-Mrs.J. many friends among our readers Will D. Smith and little eon Carl, of Lake be pleased to read the 'following avenue, Battle Creek, Michigan,who brief letter which we received from have been the guests of her ,parents, him. It:was written from M-onrovia, Mr. and Mre. II. C. Gifford, Goderich California, on November 29. Mr -street, for a couple of znoriths,have . David. own on ' of Ta- ert Fule Reid says: "Possibly you may returned to their home. - have heard that my health failed me Sproat, of Eelgrave, was ittI this fall and I was strongly advised ' Monday. -Mr. Alex. Fulto by the physioians to go to Caiifor- coma, Texas, son of Mr. Rob nia so Mrs. Reid and I got ready ton, formerly of Egmondvaille, was and started on -the 6th of November in this vicinity this week calling on and reached here on the 16th. When old. family friends. Mr. Fulton is a we got here the weather was warm * native of Egmondville but loft there and through the day one would seek about 20 years ago, when. he Was the shade. Since then it has rain- I quite a young lad. -The manly frieuds ed and is copier. Still nearly, every of Mrs. Barber, mother of Mrs. Geo. day one :can sit in the sun and' enjoy Chesney, Goderich street, 1wiU re - it. Los Angeles is a large, busy city gret .to learn that she has heen con - and I am told there are very many . fined to bed for a! couple of weeks. Eastern millionaires investing there. ' She is quite an aged lady being a - The little town of Monrovia, where bout 80 years -Mr Tharaas; W. Ade we are staying, ha.s about 2,000 in- - amp, who has been in the West for habitants. It is 16 miles from Los setae time returned home a eouple Angeles by electric road. There is of weeks ago seriously Me but we a mountain 2 ange on the north side i are glad to see him out again.—Ine of the town and the orange groves specter Beath, of Toronto, visited and the town are.4vell sheltered on the Seaforth Collegiate Institute two the north. ,We have here some ex- days this !week. -Mr. B. b. Gunn, pensive and. itasthfsilly built houses, 1 M. P„ attended the banquet ten - with a greater nuinber of the cheap- tered Mr.. Borden, the Opposition er class 'pf houses. Luraber here is leader, by the' Toronto Conserve.- dear,house siding. is from $40 to $45 ,tives, at the King Edward 'Hotel ill per thousand. The soil you would that city, on Tuesday evening. -Mr. think was 'a worthless, .sandy grave and Mrs. Alex. Robinson, cif Mount elly ground, but with cultivation Forest, are the guests of Mrand and irnigation, which is sometiraes Mrs. john Dodds -The electric:light done six or seven times a year, it 1 company. is now supplying , a raerW. y duty should be placed on woollen goods it will relieve him of his 'dif- ficnities. In the mean time he will endeavor to procure a working partner for the business and perhaps change the mill so as to produce a -different kind of goods. We hope, therefore, that Mr. Dick will be able in a short time to make sach ar- rangements as will enable him to resume business under more favor- able conditions so that this desir- able industry raay not remain long dormant. In any event the town has ample security for the money interest it has in the concern. But *hat is not the main consideration. What is wanted is to have a going coneern and we are Mire the ciemeil will extend Mr. Dick every assist- ance they can to secure this desired end. • Anniversary Serviees.-The' anni- versary services in connection with the First Presbyterian church, Sea - forth,, on Sunday last, were itt every respect succeesful. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Henry, pastor 1, of Knox Church, Hamilton, and formerly Brandon, Manitoba. In the selection of Mr. Henry mir Presbyterian friends did not make any mistake. Ile is one of the raost able of the younger preachers of the church. He is a born orator, while his sermons were eminently practical, earnest and eloquent. He was listened to with very ranch in- terest and, we have no doubt, pro- fit, by large congregateens both morning and evening. In the even- * ing the church was crowded. On the following Monday evening the an- nual tea meeting was held. On this occasion also the attendance was un- usually large. Although the night was cold and there *as no sleighing there was a large turn out of coun- try, people. All were anxious to have another ppportunity of hearing Mr. Henry and they were not disap- pointed, fbr, in his inimitable talk "The Boy" he fairly delighted his audience. ,His wealth of anec- dotes, _every one of which 'served to illustrate a point or fix some truth in ,the mind of the listener, made it both entertaining and instructive. Mr. Henry has a real fort as a popular lecturer as well as en earn- est and useful preacher we'd should he at any future time return to Sea - forth it will require the largest building in, the place to accommo- date the audience. The ehoir under the leadership of Miss MeFaul also, are deserving of special mentien for their delightfully rendered _music both on Sunday arid Monday even- ing. At the tea meeting the musical selectioncoesisted of an anthem, duet, quartette, two selosand a chbrus from members of the choir and a piano solo by Mr. Harry Liv- ens. The ; music was greatly ap- preciated by the audience and gave evidence of care and work on the part of the choir. The ladies were up to the mark as usual, for despite the unusually large , Dumber they bad to provide for at the tea meet- ing, there was etiough add to spare tor all and it was of the very best. !The proceeds of the Sunday collec- tions and the tea meeting amounted te over $300. Rev. Mr. Henry left for home on Tuesday morning and proceeded to Brandon where he preaches anniversary sermons to his former congregation there next Sab- bath. Br1ReeII. eason Ig 111 I el .,#x9.! la I 1.0 .148. emA,1.=.11esmon$N9,,F. to! ma ME* az I saw.i, =me • Is again with us, arI the sleigh bells of Santa OlauS will soon attract the attentrOn of old and young throughout the land. The result is that'ails store goes on dress parade, one Might say, for the holiday buqness. , • We believe there a not an equal Christmas sfore to t 8 'within many miles of Seaforth, That sentence is easily wri4en, but took several months of planning on hi3rd work, and filtelligent buying, to justify it. We hear from elderly persons that holi- day times used to he privileged oceasione for high Prioes--ex- j fortiori, not tozeince words. That kind of thing la foleign to oeur ways of cour trig !trade. Goods are as chert0.in December here as in any other 43aonth, ex- - cept January, and t::hat month .is a second Christnall shopping . I time for the prudent, ' 13riefs.-Mrs. Geo. N. McLaren and daughter arrived in town laet - Sat- urday from Midland, and have taken up their residence in It R. Rdss' house. Mrs. McLaren's mother, Mrs. Morrow, accompanied them,- Miss Maud Querrin is visiting frien4s in Berlin. -J. J. and Mrs. Gilpin were at Hamilton 01i Thursday, attending the funeral of the former's brother, who died at Guelph. -Mr. Stremm, harness -maker, of Sebringville, was 'in town ter a couple of days this _week. Ile will probably become a resident of Brussels itt the near fu- ture. -A sugar beet grew -on the farm of Jas. Shaw, sr., that weighed eleven and a half pounds. From an acre arid a quarter of land Mr. Slaaw had 41,793 pounds of clean beets. -This week Robt. Thompson shipped over 80,000 pounds of dressed. poultry to Winnipeg. --For some rea- son or other the electric lights did not put in an appearance for a couple of nights this week. -Angus Kerr, of town, was arraigned before Judge Doyle at Goderich last week on a charge of aggraveed assault com- I mitted on Joseph CII errin some time ago. Several witn sees were heard and he was fined $10. -The Huron county couneil is in sessioni here this week. They were tendered 'a compli- mentary supper by ebeatown at the Americenllotel on Thurt‘day, evening. , vlowa.m.woguie.weammelmsemanv To Women Buyers!o en's urnish R S. 44÷+.444++++++++++4-44441-eleli WE KNOW that a great many:women buy the furnishing for the male members of be family ; men too busy, cannot take 1 the • time, or r, have greater oonfidence in your tsste and judgment, I NOW, we are acquainted,witit many women who do the uyip -for the men folk, and we Want te know more. WF OFFER, INDUCEMENTS in the way of prices, q edifies and as. that appeal to discriminating buyers. WE HAVE ENTEREP THE OHAISTMAS SEAS01 with the great 1 S‘itspender 0-117,:1'8//`-' speciallyll welcome to take - ThidenVeOP Halt -Hose • elVechwear, Shirt and to be obtained and all worrieu buyers will be all the time they desire to make selections. unoinn..-"1"1urza ann. tasmeml imagasvingsr. • e ;i Thought cif 50 Cents Handkeichiefei _I A half dollar v- 1 " ers the expellee of We have gathered up everything that is to be admired or desired in handker- chiefs or Christmas, gifts—hundreds and; hundreds of them, We wish that we could tell you...4n type how really attractive they are, especially the novelties ; the new things never shown before in Sea - forth. wilmilauffamisks101101111111§PMENNIV GIMMISNemiarramrSepariesesimiewsises, leasing A ssporrticmedents from 20 to 1.25 the handherchie W''/ an excellent pair hof fine black wool mitts IA ar A A n i IT MT -13- ,nderwear in many stores, at 5)c, I is not cheap in . e end, but we are sell - the 1 ing underwear at that price that fail • OLP A half dollar buy the best men's tie we have in Ole store — and seme handsome effects:;are fi N shown. - We Are in the atisfying Busines and can supply you, one and all, with good- appropriate pres- ents forlany one you wish to remember alonglt the following 1ine: Fur jackets from. Cloth JacketS from Stylish $10.rtsj from New INts from Raineoati fi.o.m 4 Fur Raqs from Wool 1314-o1cets from Heavy '1,frrap Shawls from -11 $0,t5 o $ 1 50 1 50 to 15 00 2 00 to 9 50 1 00 to 6 50 2 00 to 14 00 50 to 350G 2 25 to 60 1. 00 to 5O0 IN THE DRESS GOODS AND F e lines earn w bries—jueo thern. and fancy cotore ped squares nd piain Fol ant col: d qt 4- - A coiled on of the awei shown in Seaforth, 0.1 s g e' ILLINEItY DEPARTMENTS we arelthowing' a remarkably good list - of things suitablei for Christmas time wear -things on which . . pnces are so marked that there is nice suvmg for wome who!take advantage of th9 opportunity to buy it I o eets boy front es from wet; sizes, in pisin and This department opeolal effort. In the we have been shown th all the leading Canadian eau manufacturers, and theie best patterns. displayed on revolving very tie will pass before allowing you to see the w immense stock in the ehor time. Owing to the siz weavere put in a spe lar 50 cent Silks to 301 leader at Beautiful fornein-ban box In a word, every style, and price in"tiedom is her COLLARS AND CUFFS, XMACI and New 3.reat coming social events, cal and strietly correct collar all the etyles fashion has correct. for _ rIfir)if,,OCirtil