HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-12-01, Page 5CF -R • f. ate - ;.1 Se Or men re- lifeI and . our. ;mid ubor Lani's wing ;t. X ; and !ar E Lathy rink- ely ;man tee, Yel7 etee- tante' Mrs, ee eers. hioh ceder neie - the tea 1468db-tent- -ord. an Occasional Correspondent.) Notes —Mr Da'vid McCutcheon has sold his 50 acre farm to Mr. David, Ooyd for $2,300. ---Mr. Itiehard Rob - Wen •butchered twelve pigs for Mr., Andrew Coates one day this week.- -Mr. David Boyd has had eav- troughs put on his house.. Mr. Al- bert Dundas has aleo had them put an •his driving shed -There was. a bof ring organized at Leadburey last Friday night.—Miss Alberta. ltobin- son intends going t her sister's, Xrs. Will Sproat's, spend the wiztten—tttr. George Dundas has re- turned home from Manit ba,, and is eiell pleased with the con trly.—Mr. John 'Berry poked eleven -lickens ' this daughter, Mrs. Jahn oGrav- in, lone day this week.—Mr.- Olobert Ferguson wns on this line, ibung Yowl one aay this Weekes. Will COulter and Alfred Staffor vile left here a. short time ago fo [New Ontario, have taken the dole of tutting 200 cords of wood at $1.50 per cord. wommeloommemionommunel Zteritte The eheapeRf, the gaickeseand the surese way to get gm' value in stoves and hardware, is to go to Zurich. We have a large and complete stock. Peo- ple like to know that their trade is appreciated, and they rightly expeet better service from those who are anxious for that trade than front those who Allow little interest in getting it. We are.anxioue for that trade and anxious to give you good value. We buy all for eash. hove little or no expense in cpmparison with towns and cities, consequently we can sell murk cheaper. You ean save money by giving us a. trial, your trade will be appreeiated. Cash for hides and raw furs. A. Charlesworth & Son, 'Zurich. 1970-tf Briefs.—Cornrounion eervides were held in the Evangelical church last alabbath andwere conducted by Rev. S. R. Kneeletel.—Mr. tWin. Leibold, of the Babylen line has had 25 hens and three torkeys etolen from B placo this fall and other neighbors have- had similar losses. -Mr. Wroe Bender has gone to 'New. Onterio to i work in the lumber woods hir the ter.—Mr. and Mrs. A. Fuss, or 'aeonchgn, are visiting friends in this vie nity.—Mr. IL 'Ran- dall, who. was SG fieverely, injured by falling from a seeffold,le proving.—Miss Maggie Atebin, of the- Sanble line and Mr. L. Foster, of the Babylon tine, Wor‘e married in . Drysdale. on Tuesday of last week. A social time was spent by the young people in the evening and whieh was attended by about one hundred guests.—The •merabers of the W. Ct T. U. have sent a, large box of clothing and. a euPply of comfort bags to New On- tario, the latter for lumber tampthere.--Mr. Ittfarecl Corrivean, of St. Joseph, and Miss M. Den- omie, daughter of Mr. Joseph Den- -oraie, of Courtwright, were eirar- ried in St. Peter s church, Drysdale. an Thursday of last' week. The in- teresting ceremony was witnessed by a goodly number of friends. The happy young couple will reside on the Sauble line.—On Monaay, of last ee•eekour old and vaofthy friend, Mr, Henry Wurra, sr., -celebrated his 96th birthday and he is still hale and hearty. Ile is able to eat three good meals a day, has a good smoke between each of them, and though *Jais sight andhearng are somewhat impaired, his other faculties are quite acute and he can still walk a mile or two at a stretch, without much fatigue. Notes.—There were t WO runa- ways tin town this week. Mr, W. If. Hoffman had been out equirre/ hating and when he tame hothe he left his horse and buggy standing at his store door for a minute. The horse got frightened and rah off. No damage was done excet the breaking of the whiffletre'e. A few idays afterwards Mr. Heldman was !driving west and when passing the itannery the horse got frightened .and turned around suddenly, up- setting the buggy and ran towards the vill-,ge. When fri front of Mr. lloffman's store the buggy came in contact with a post, causing the front and hind parts to part com- pany. The horse oontinued around the ,block with only the front wheels zittached to it. The buggy was badly smashed bat the driver Was not in- jured.—The qtvirterly meeting held. in elle .Evangetical chureh on Sun- day last was 1 argely attended. Rev. R. S. Knechtel, of Berlin, presided. As that day was observed as temper - ante Sunday in the church all cater the world, Mr. Kneohtel took tem- perance as the subject for his even- ing disceurse and delivered one ef the best addresses on that subjeet ever listened ta in this village. He toek the ,Bible as the basis fore hia Atatements.. and his reraarka Were pointed and very et feetive And were appreciated by all and. cannot fail to have a good influence in tie corn- munity.-The high winds of this week blew down the smoke stacks at the mill and tannery. -- ...............T.._, MART., - • SEAFOATII, 1C(WeTtlbW• 110th 1005. Pall Wheat . , , . . ... $0 SO to $) 80 °ate per hosing. ', . 0 30 to 0 36 Peas per bushel . 7oe Barley per bushel...............0 45' to 0 45 Butter, No. 1, loose 0 19 to 0 20 Butt(r, tub.... ...e 0 18 to 0 10 'Eggs per dozen . 0 20 to 0 22. Fleur; per 100 nes e. 9.25 to 3 00 Ray per ton . 6 50 to 700 Bides per 100 lbs.. t !dicey Skins .: . .i 00 to 5 3e •-1 ' o 086 Potatoue per hurdle). (new) . 44.04.044 _ 0 40 to 0 40 Salt (retad) per barrel, ........ .. , . 1 00 to 1 25 leeeel per mot (long). . 5 00:to 6 20 Weed per (-tad (ehorte........ .. .. • . e 75 to 3 25 Apples per bag ... .. .. 0 40 to O\75 Moat Need . .7 00 to 8 00 Timothe Seed .. ... . ..... .. . ...• . 1 251 to 2 00 Tallow pr lb 0 Ot to 0 co Pork, per 100 ibe .... . t ' 7 50 to 8 20 Wool (waelied).......... ......, .; 9, 2e to 0 '27 .WPdi Onweehed)...... ..... .... 0 15 to 0 16 Live Stook Markets. refeteiv. Eton. exte November 28, -Cattle are quot- ed at ilee to 'Me per lb.; refrigerator beefso to stlo, Per lba iht p. Ile to 12e per lb. • Tereerote„ November 28th,---- Canadian (tattle, 4ed to 5141, -Memoir ee. NtivemberDethe-There was no change in (obis- adviets fcinn Liverpool., ;Which quoted Canad- ian mule'to 101 net ; London ealvel, were 'weaker 4-tnfliat ed a decline of ecto le per lb., with Wee at ele: to 101c. Sheeet were steady at lee. The export seesen from this port will be . brought to a elete an Friday, with the sailing of - the steamship, lake Miehigan, for Liverpool with 605 cattle and on the wheh• it has been anything but re siitiefeetory one ; /or exportere. Shipmentsla-'4t week were 3;415 cattle ,404-493 sheep. Receipts to -day were 1,200 cattle, 25 dnileh envoi, 700 sheep and lambs, 200 calves, 1,000 Loge. The butchers were out strong. and trade was good; fevr changes in price since lase week, and prime iNTWEI 40 to 40 per lb. Pretty good cat- tle 3t• te 4o ; immenon utock 2c to lee and the lean , centime Ile to 2e.. ,efileh COW01 sold • at 830 to 855 tweerat fttl cateee mold at 2e to 3c per lb., tke . lower, veals at 34e to 41e. Sheep gold ae lies to 4ec Jr lb. Geed Rife of twills sold at 51.e to bee per In. merket for hogs was very Orin under it good de- rnand from parker e and an aotive ttade was done. Saks of etleettel lots- were made at 80.50 and good 61raiele.• lot- at. e6.2.5 per 100 lbe., weighed off the ears. - Totiocee NoVerriber 29- -, Catt1e-.4eaport ers - Rather Mete Onele were offering than hae been the case for smite time, end trade was it little more active. There hae .01 akin g Leen it. demand Inc good tattle at prices (poled, and there was no change in to-das'e figures, +7hoiee are quoted et $4.25 to $4.60, good to mel- low at ed.tei to $4el„ others at $1.75 -to $3.85, bulls itt$3.5o .to $4, and' rows at 8e -7e 60 $11.50e lieu:hers' There ii still a oiled demand: for choive mak, and thoo- uf the; ••kte; offering today Hold. briskly. The inferior to fair cattleolso sold welt, and - prices for lie in weie generally steady. Picked lots sold at $4 to $4.50,10,041 to eheiree .33.75 . to $3.90, fair toi good .,13e!" se1.6om , comon $240 (O.%(O.%'1fS; ItO ,-7), "SIN $1.7e60 Te.e5, and eanneof at $1.75 to fN.50. OFC BANK IEkCE Paid-up Capta1, $8,,7, 00,000. Rbserve Fund, $3,500,000 HEAD OFFICE TORONTO 'ALEX. LA/RD, ASst. Gen'l Manager E. WALKER.; Gitceeral Manager 128 Bic •, in Canada, the United States ll -idles and England .AGENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED 4 A, ' BANKING BY MAIL Bus'iness may be transacted by 'mail with any branch of the Bank: Accounts may be 'opened, and deposits mador, withdrawn by mail. Every attention is !said to mtt-of-town_ Accounts. 1 SEAFORTH BRANCH. F. IIQUIESTED, Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager. Stockersand re er8-The market for Wee cattle holds steady. There is still a good demand for the right kind, but the number of these offering is small. Prices are generally stetup. Shore keep feeders are quoted at $3.60 to $4, good feeders at $3.40 to me-dium at $2.50 to $3.50, bulls at $2 to $2.75. Good stockers ran at $2.80 to $3.80, rough to coal- men $2 to $2.70. and bulls at $1.75 to $2.50. Milch Cows -The demand for good cows • continues active. he range of prices: is unchanged at 880 to $60 each. Sheep and Lambe -Trade was a little slow, but by the end of the day everything had been sold, and prices were generally steady. They are quoted un- ehanged at $41 to 84.26 for export ewes, and 83 to 33.60 for buoks and ease Lambe are quoted at 65 to $5.60. Hogs-eThe market has been timer during the past week or so, and today's advanee of 25e per cwt. was not unexpected. Selects are quoted at e5.75, and lights and fats $5.60. Beeraeo,Nele„ November 28 -Cattle active; de- sirable gredeolOeshieher -; others steady to 'strong ; prime ewers, $5.40 to $5.85 ; shipping, ; butchers, 84.20 to $6.10 ; heifers, 4e.25 to 84. 65 : cows and bullet, e0.50 to $4 ; stockers and feeders, $2.76 to $1.2$ ; stook hei1eree$$.50 to $8.16 ; fresh coos ancl springers, steady to strong Veale-active,1 84.50, to s8a5 few, K. Ho Fairly active a 6eto 10c lower ; heavy, j34.9& to g$5 ; mixed, $4.90 to 84.95 ;.Yorkers,44.75 tor$4,1,0 ; pigs, $5 ; roughs, $1.20 to $4.85'; stags, , $3 to $3.50. Sheep and Lambs -Sheep active and, steedy ; lambs! 5e higher; lambs, $5.75 to $7.40 ; yeerltngs,$5.7e to $6 ; we thees, $5.50 to $6.75 • ewes, $4.71 to 35 ; sheep,. mixed, $2.60 td $5.75 ; 'Canada lambs, '6.85 to t7.15. Dairy Ittte:ritets. Torieera, November 28 -Butter -The market con- tinues to hold a Om tone, although rolls and prints are coming forward more freely. Creamery, 22 to 24e ; solids, 21 to 22e ;good to choice dairy pound rolls, 21 to 22c e medium, 20 to 21e; good to choice dairy tube; 19 to 20e ; inferior dairy, 17 to 180. Cheese-Contbdues firm in tone, at 1240 to 13c per pound for job lots. . Eggs -Continue firmer, with receipts still light. Quotations for fresh are higher, at 22 to 23e. Limed are quoted at 20 to 21e. MosineAteNovember 28 -Butter --Tone a little eas- ier; prices declined about lc per pound. Receipts for the week ending Novernber 25th were 7,323 peek - Ages, against 9,028 packages for the previous week, 8,86* packages for the corresponding period last year. Eggs -11u e dirm under good demand for local' consumption, few fresh orders for export being received, though there is some inquiry reported for limed eggs. Selected stock are quoted at 25c, and No. 1 candled at 20c ; limed aresteady at 20 to 21e per dozen. Receipts tneday were 128 cases. Poultry; Toitooro, November 28 -The poultry market is quiet and unchanged. We quote good plucked poul- try at :--Fat chicken4 8 to 10e ; thin, 7 to Sc ; bet hens, 7 to 8d ; thin,to Sc ; (Weeks, 10 to lle ; thin, , 6 to 8e ; turkeys, 12 to 13e ; geese, 9 to 10c. Births. MoKENZIE-eln Stelorth, On November 27th, to Mr and Mrs. A. E. McKenzie, it son. DOUGLAS -1n Wroxeter, on November letli, to Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas, a daughter. AIURDOCH-In Lucknowi on November letit, to Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Murdoch, a eon. JOHNS -In Elimville, an November 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. abbe Johns, it daughter. PYM-In Elimeille, on November 206h. to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pym, it daughter. STEWART-In Stanley, on November 30th. to 'Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick Ste.wert, a son. SIMMONS-10 Winghane.on November 296h, to Mr. and Mrs, George Simmons, a daughter. ZETTEL--At Zurich, on November 13th, to Mr, -and Mrs. John Zettel, it daughter. KELLY -In Zurich, on November 20eli, to lifte and Mrs. Thoinas Kelly, a son, - ORTWEIN-At the Bronson line, Hoy, on November 15tleto Mr. and Mrs. .1a,cob Orewein, a daughter. MILLER -In Hay,on November 21st, to Mr. and 3Ere. Simon Miller, a son, , Deaths.. I eh:BRIEN-In Clinton, on November 21st, Hennali Christopher, relit% of the late Jonathan Marion, GAlate.de'edoE7r1G;iYellairnesietzt.rield, on November 18th, Mary Me0A:y N•i-5.-In Colborne, on November 17th, Eliza- beth Jane McCann, aged 80 years, months and 4 SIMMONS--In Wingham, on November 20th, the in - fent daughter of Mr. and !Mrs. -Geo- Simmons. HARTNELL-At the Howe of Refuge, Clinton, on November 19th, Thee. Heathen, formerly of Us - borne, aged 84 years. ING1AS-In Brandon Hospital, on November 20.h, James Inglis, formerly of Stanley. . CLARK --In Morris, on November 206h, Alexander Clark, aged 69 yeare, 1 month and 26 days. MoARTER-In Brussels, on November 23r4, • 'Janet Letitia, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James.MeArter, aged 14 years, 10 months and 26 MoI,I:FIn Grey, on November 256h, John Edinond, t rd eon ot Mr. Peter McNeil, aged 19 years, 6 months and 8 days. VODDEN-In Grey, on November 2761i, Robert Veld - den, in his 86th year. Gram, etc. Tomos -to, Noveinher 28 -Wheat -Steady, 100 bush- els of teaselling at 76 to 7ec per bushel, and 100 of 1 goose at 75e. -Earley-Unchanged, 500 bdshbls sell - nig at 54 to -55c s Pats -Steady, 600 bushels selling at atle to 39c per bushel, Dressed Hogs -Are quoted unchanged at $13 per cwt for choice light weights,and 87.75 for .heavies. • Mellfeed-Ontealo bran, scarce. Local dealers quote $12 to $13.50 per ton in car lots at outside points ; 'shorts, $16 to $17.50 at outside points. Manitoba, 816.50 to $17.50 for bran, and $18.50 to 810.30 for shorts. Baled Hay -The ifiaeket if steady.- Quotations are unchanged at 18 to 8850 per ton for car' lots on track here, for No.. 1 tim- othy, and No. 2, at $6 to $6.50. Baled Straw -Is steady with a toilet tone, et $6 per ton for car• lots • on track here. " Potatoes --The market is quote ed steady to firm. Ontario -stem* is quoted at 65 to 70c per few on track here, and 75 to 80e out of store. Eterri stock, 75 to 804 on track, and 00 to 05c out o store, Horse Market. Totten°, November 29 -The following is Messrs. Burns & Sheppard's weekly report of prevailingprices -Single roadsters, 15 to 16 halide, $125 to 8160; single cobe end carriage • horses; 16 to 16.1 hands, $126 to 8175, matched pairs and carriage hones; 16 to 16.1 hands, MO eo 3500 ;delivery horses, 1,100 to 1,200 pounds, $100 to 8160; general purpose and express horses, 1,200 to 1,350pounds; $135 to $170 ; draught 'verses, 1,360 to 1,760 pounds, $150 to $175 ; eerviceable segond-hand workers, $50 to serviceable second-hand drivers, 850 to 170.. Seeds. Toireero, November 29 --The market for alsike and red clover is little changed during the iveek. Alsike No. 1 is firmer at/ Feti to $0.50 per bushel. No. 2, 45 to $5.25 and No. 8.84.35 to $4.65. Alsike containing timothy or trefoiris late 30 per lb. Red Aver is $7 it bushel for No. ; with slight sprinkling of buck- wheat, ee..25 to 86.50 ; seed containing a large r- centage of weed seed is aer a beg .discountm . i- othy is unchanged, with a little easter tone ; mach- ine thrashed, free from weed $1.40 to $1.60 ; fanny, unhulled, -bright, flail theashed, $1.75 to 82 ; low grade thnothy,with it large percentage of weed, le to lee per potild. , 'warn:ages. DEVERECN-LENNON-At St, James' church, Sea - forth, by Rev; Father eoreordeten November 20, Me. «Tames Deyereux; youngest eon of Mr. John Devereux, er.e Huron Road Belie, Tuckersmith, to Miss Kathleen Lennon. daughter of the late James Lennon, of Seaforth. DIXON-GLEW-At St. James' church, Seaforth, by Rev. Father Northg*re.ves, on November 29th,Mr. George Dixon, to Mies Jennie, daughter of Mr. Neleon Glew, ell of Seaforth. HILDERLEY4-G0ULD-At the home of the bride's father, on Noeember 22n4, by Rev. A. IL Going, - Mr. Joseph leilderley, of Brooksdale, to Mists elertrade M., fourth deughter of Mr. Jas. pould, sr., of Exeter.seaeat FLETCHER-McCURDief-At, the home of the; bride's parents, on November 22nd, Ma Nelson Peetcher, to Miss Mary Olive, daughter Of Mrand ttets. GILL--FOSTER-At the Boston Methodist.. lull, Archie McCurdy, Fisboane, , Greenway, on -November 22nd, by Rev. J. F. Sut- cliffe, Mr. Wm.1.1- Gill, of Grand Bad, to MiKS Lily, daughter of Mr. Joseph Faster, qf Green- COULTES-SNELL-In Bluevale, On November 15th, ellytRev. G. Baker, Miss Lugo E. R. find!, to Mr. Charles Coultee. OLIVER-STEEPER-eAt the manse, Greenway, on November laeh, by Rev. S. Carriere, Mr. Ware sr., of Grend Bend, to Mrs. Mary Steeper, of Greenway. telINIe-CALDIVELL-At the residence of the , bride's parents on November 22nd, by Rev. Mr. • Leekie, if Londeehoro, Mr. Isaac Quinn, of East Wawanosh, to MIM Ella, daughter of Mr. Jltillel Cakiwell, of Hulett. • SALE REGISTER. Oa Tuesday, Deoember 12th, at one clot* p. m., on Lot 24,-(loncession 2, Stan- ley, Farm Stock. Albert Nett, proprietor; Townes Browo: auctioneer. 1981-2 On Satarday, December 2nd, at 1 p. m., at , DIOA'S Hotel, Swarth, Driving Pony 6 year old, Hermes and Buggy, the pro- perty of Lancelot Tasker. Thos. Brown, auctioneer. 1981-1 iniumeisseamm.. IMPORTANT NOTICES. 'DANK FOR SALE. -For sale, it large water tank just the thing for a barn. Also it quantity of timtfer. Apply to JAMES DICKeSeaforth. 1081-3 ,rriace,r1ghz,01hpaiiiyoltobricoLloot S'FrCoTHrogl'ISIturAr FOR E.2 -For sale, it red, with a little white. ZieCepceei. Novnm4,0TAuirzilhx.or address IllEozd- '1 MEAOHER WANTED.-Applicatione for the p05! - tion of teacher in School Seetion No. 5, Turn - berry, Inc the year 1906, will be received by the un- dersigned up to December Otb, 1905. Applicants to state salary and experience. T1108. Secretary -Treasurer, Wingham 1'. 0. 1081x1 etlEACHER, WANTED -Wanted for School Section I, No. 8, eicaitiop, it `tea,cher holding a second lass certificate, professional preferred. Duties to commence January ist, 1906., Apply at once, stating salary desired, to CON. ECKERT, Beechwooc111938.10.3. TO LET -The undersigned will rent his farm au the Lake Shore to it good tenant for it term of flye years. Thelnam consists -of 210 acres of good land, hearty all under cultivetion and in good con- dition. For full terms and particulars apply at once. DANIEL SMITH, FR. Joseph P. 0. , 19131-61 AUCTION sA;rx of Farm Stock. --The undersigned has instrueted Mr' Thos. Brown to sell by imb- lie auction on Lot 24, Coneeeeion 2, Stanley, On Tues- day. , December 1,2th, the following, -1 heavy (Iran team; -6 years old; I span mares, 4 years old one working horse; e driving mare and foal-; 1 driving horse 4 years 01d ; 1 pure bred Shire Stallion, rising 3 ; 15 eteets from 1 to 2 yews old ; 35 heifers'. AL- BERT NOTT, Peoprietor ; THOS. BROWN, Auction- eer.1081-2 1 A Fell; Xmas ,uggestions In the ewellery Line oftwomma A Nice Gold Watch, $9.50 and U p. wards. Clatoh Solid Gold Brooch, $1.75 to $18.00. 1 Solid Gold Rings, el.t0 to $38.00. • Tie Pine; suitable for legly or gentle - 'man, $1 tol$8.50, soli* gold, plain or en- graved, $2.125 to $4 50. A nice gift of Silverware is alwaes appreeiated. Note the Special Guarantee, given with our Ideal Eye Glasses. • R. IVIdNaught, Practical -Jeweler & Eograver and Optioian SEAFORTH. Opposite itictiaurs Dry Goode Stare, ALWAYS IN STOOK The Following Well Known, Cloths: ELWARP Blue and Black Serge Suitings, and Worsted Trouserings P A C 1 Fl C Serge Snitings in all Shades and Textures VICKERIIIANS' Serges, Cheviots and Vicunas Alsol a Complete Range of Imported and Domestic Tweed Suitings and Trouserings. Our Black Melton and Fancy Cheviot Overcoatings appear to be leaders judging by the orders we are securing for them. We will be pleased to show you any of the above lines and can guarantee the entire lot. Speare and Page, Merchant Tailors. Under the Town Clock, - HURON EXPOSITOR* a MaKINNON HSL' More New Goods. . Our Fall trade has exceeded our most sanguine exilectati las, Owing to our large sales, our stock in some lines got prettk *ell reduce but another large shiprnept of new goods this week puts ?ur stoCk in good shape again. . We keep our stock fully aesoraed throughout the s9aspn. Below we men- tion a few of the new arrivals : . , I i[. realise' white oink waiste, made of auto quality of eine tucked and ehirred, trim- med eith lace ancl ierisertion, at $3, $3,50 and $3 75. Ladies' InFore wails's in colors of brown, navy, white and bleek, with quake and shirring, at 81.25 RI 50 and 81. Me Ladies' golf coats in colors of navy, white, cardinal and black, at p1.25, ;140, $2, $2,50 and $3 Silk waist lecgite (no two elite), in shot and pleat dike, in all the new c. lorP, i at 50.), 75e and $1 per yard. Lull& Astrachan JaoketP, &nee gloe y ' utlt i 24 to 36 inches long, in all sizes, just received, at $21,50, $25, $30, ;35 and $40. mites' Eleotrio Seel Jeekete, fine close fur, at $30, $35 ani $45, Greenland Seal Jecke e,very special. at $30, $35 and $40, Ladiet'Eleetrio Seel Cepa, in till mime, at tO $3 5and $4. La- , dive' Astrachan flees, great value, at $1 50, $2 and $2 59 Lacated Ot0 erinee, Stoles, Ruffs, oto'ingreat variety, from $1,25 to $15. Children's White Woo , Boas at 25e, 35o and 50o. Men's Persian Limb Ceps in all sizes ab $5, $7.60, $10 it 'd $12. Men's Eleetrio Seel atm, very fpeolal, at $3. $3 50 and $4.50. Men's Cloth 0 e, in all the new styles, at 25o, 35o and 501 Men's heavy Winser Ceps, with fur lin d ear covere, at 50a and 75e. Men's heavy fleeced Underwear, very, epee's', wor h 60o for 50o. Boys' heavy fleeced Underwear, in all sizes, at 253 to 450. Stanfleld's u shrinkable all wool Underepear at $1, $1.25 and $1 35. Lathes' Uadertifear, in all size i and qualleies, from 201 toll. . o , Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs. and Dried Apples. , , o.a..spr AND OZTM McKINNON 4Sa CO., BLYTH. Don't/ Se11 our Oats Turn them into horse flesh, That's the way to get a good round profit out elf them. Oats and Fear's ConditionPowders work like magic in piling on the flesh, and changing condition horses into sleek, fat stock. Alex, RON, of Bruoefield, says: I fed Fear's Condition Powder for about three weeks to a team of horses, ani it piled the flesh on at such a rate that they brought me a far larger price when sold than they would have if. I had not used it. It was money in my pocket that time. I can tell you. If he did it, so can you. Begin now, and in a mouth you will hardly know yonx horse. We are offering the special price of 7 pounds for One Pollar.: poor, run down, out o FEAR'S Drug Store $e4forth. Bull for Service alaWamMa0m, • JAMES COWAN will keep for service at Fairview • Farm, first farm north of Seaforth, the well bred Scotch Shorthorn Bull, GOLDEN EMIR„ No. (53050) sired by imported Golden Dieter Victor, (76780) Dom, Enuna 35th, imp„ by Golden Ray (117312) G. Dam, Emma, 26th, imp., by Sea King (i1709 G.G. Dani,Emme, 16,ini „be 1Vm. Of Orange 50694) G.Q.e4d.2aDar, Einma 2n , Ise, Gol .7agle, (2 .° GOLDEN EMIR is a, low clown, deep-bcl1ed bull, an excellent handler, and heti ell the a_pp arance of being a good doer, and he he exceptiotally well bred. His sire was bred by 1V. Duehie •, his dam by W. S. Mara bah of Aberdeenshire, Scotland, acknowledg- ed by all to be the two best breeders of Scotch 'Short -horns. Mr. Manes Enemas have been highly appreciated in America, same the famous Potts Entrees Made such a good- impressien in the Amer- ican show ring. They were of that thick, low heavy at that. has helped the Aberdeenshire Short -horns to forge to the front, and to be ree,ognieed as money l iiarerr. esvvherever foundd . 'The Eininas are extra goo The following notes relate to the top crosses Golden Drop Vietot, chier acids she in the nerd of II. Cargill & Son was bought, at auction for 200 gui- neas. He belongs to the Golden Drop Family ; B sired by the noted sire of prize winners', Noripariel Victor (71071); dam Golden Drop llth, by Endo CiP- ator (65447) ; grand dam, Drop 106h, by.Sitty- ton:Sort (11831. Goklen Rey, bred.at Collynie, and used at tepper- mill,was got by the great Scottish Archer (e9803), ' the sire of so many good onee, including the great English champion Marengo (60068), and Brave Areher (70018) recently purchased by Mr. Kelly, et Ohlo, for 80,000, belongs to the Cruickshank secret telbe; and his pedigree is rieh in blood of the best Sittyton bulls. Ile was by Cemberheed, dam by Pride of the Isles ; grand dam, by Chamreon of England. Sea King, bred at Sittyton, was got by the 13rawi1li bull Gondomar,sire of =my good ones, amongst them Royal Sailor, it bull too well known both as it show bull and a sire to need any further zomments. William of Orange by Roan Gauntlet ; Dale, -Orange Blossom 21st," by Caesar Aueustue. This great Cruickshank bull was 'bought al.Sittyten as a. calf in 1883, and was retained in service at Upper - mill till 12 years old. His record as a sire is it source of pride to all who are interested in the fortunes of Aberdeenshire cattle. Amongthe list may be men. 18(1110(1 Gay Monarch, Master of the Mint, Moun- taineer, and Miesie 118th, :dam of -the great Eitglieh champion Marengo. His danghteni have proved Ines of wealth to the proprietors of Uppermill. Service fee for registered cowsi, 87; grades,$3, with the privilege of returning,. _.., • • 1081-tf JAMES COWAN, Seaforth. Rubbers and Felt Boots mow sew; We hatalle. nothintebut the hest makes of rubbers and Felt doote. The beat are none too good for our trade. - Our Rubbers are the best heavy Para Gum Rubbere needs to -day. They are made stub proof and crack proof by a patent .process and they will stand more hard wear than any other rubber of the kind made. Our Felt Boots We want to see every man who in. tends buying a pair of felt boote this eeason. We've the beat felt boots that are made and we know it. For instance, we have men's felt shoes with felt aoles .and rubber heels, that we claim are the %est shoes ever cold by anybody for the money, in both laced and congress. $2.25 $2.50 $2.75 $3 If you will teat nu by a trial, we are positive that you will buy your felt shoes here. Richard4on& SEAFaRTH, pnt for the Granby Berlin, Canadian, Maple Leaf. Hood and F.413g Qual- ity Rubbers. ....2.\ Annual Meeting\ \\ 1 The Mutual Meeting of the Londesboro Butter asI21 Meese Manufacturing Co., (Limited,) will be held at londesbore on Deceniber 140, 1905, as follows The directors will meet at one 131 m., the shareholders at 1;30 end the patrons at 9.p M. 1 e .. SEAF ORTH I JOHN BRItaLeelf, President R. ADAMS, I 1981x2 Secretary Up-toLDate PEOPI... 1 i Want up-to-date goods They like to petronize an up-to-date store and deal with men weho. oeknow their bud - n. UPeTO-DATE SUNDRIES. , that is trusses, foun- tain' eyringes, hot. water bottles, 6 t c. , are no exception. If they, are old and tackey you can't expecb up-to-date people to bay them. Our stock ie fresh and new, cur drugs and medicines arealso fresh and pure., r , Come in and tee Be, See the pnettylthitige that are dilly sariviug for Christmas.l You are welcome hether you buy or n t) and you will receive cotrt- eous trealn ent.1 I 41.4.4Fm..404.•••••=•••• 0 ERHART, , DRUGGIST. Agent for the I &dire( makes of Truesee, Faintein Siting es and Hot Water ' Bottlos. 1 / 0A.IttiNO'S - — BLOOK . / !SID 33191RMII , That W tch of Yours • r has needs, hut as much Se you have. You heed cleaning and fix - lug up once En a while; so does you watch. Abodb once a year the propomftiion of cleaning and oding that watch cmos np, then that you want to think of rne. The treitmeiit accorded, it watch is just the same whether its the best or poorest =like—that is, the bast attention is given fle 1)ALY is an expert at) handling watches. Lilt hiti fix up your timepiece. All wo k done prompt- ly. Moderate [Argos. A &st- elae's job or no mo ey. J F. DA Jeweller & Optician Cardno Biock, Seaforth, GRAND TRUNKRA"w" SYSTEM , For Winter Fair a ZLFI-1 Good Going Daoerntber 9th to December 15 Returning until Mo$my, December 18th. 7, This Annual Win5er Fair is noted for its Excellent) Exhibits of Live Stook, Etc, DO NOT FAL TO SEE IT. Direct lines t G telph vie. Grand Trunk from aI d rections. Secure tickete from W. SODIERVILLE4 Town Agent. A. `PHILLIO, Depot Tithed) Agent Corner itilsia and Market Sraets Seaferth Onfaida. 0 d r . Cantsern in kar $ li Four Gauntries)! .:-------"— -'''------------1- - 444+44474444.4.44-"-.4-.÷.1 Another year has ahnoet sped by, and the season of joy is again at hand. The queetion that confronts us each year is before us now—what shall we give him or her 1 We are more ready than ever to answer that question forlyou. This stoe is replete with handrede of gift -giving things—of both the useful and ornamen- tal kind—both for young arid c44. At this time, when need are many and gift -giving brings i our wants to the: highest point, it is important to make your pu, ,ha.se s the store where you get the most for your money. Did yoia ever stop to consider Which is the store deserving of your patronage? When plaitning your Cheistmas purchases, tile question will arise as thee most desirable place for your shopping. We are in a position to supply your wants. It witl4se our pleasure to demonstrate the fact that we give the greatest' values to be found. i , Ladies' Department. New Silk Blouses in Japeanese and Taffeta Silk*, large variety, prices - ranging from $275 to $5 each. Laliee' Stock Collars in silk embroidered chiffon, ali the latest noveltiao um giatai, silk and leather, ranging' in price from 2fin to $2 each. Now is the time to buy your faney linens and handkerchiefs ; these are imported direct, and we are in it poaition to offer extra values. Fancy doylies in hand -embroidered and teneriffe; see our display of table covers, tray cloths and sideboard scarfs. Special line of tapestry cushion tOps at each. Hand bags, the new wallet for ladies' wear, at prie s from 50o 2,25 each. goods Fur Department 0,ur fur stockis the largest stock want of Toronto, larger than any three stocks trn this county combined, and 4ought from the most reliable manufac- turers in Canada, and, owing to the quaatity of our purchase, at least 15 per cent. less than the price to ordinary dealers. This is the position we are in to supply your fur wants. Matcli the following prices if you can, hat price and quality -corabiaed you cannot match Men's natural wombat coats at $15 eaoh. Men's brown calf coats from $15 to 18. Men's black calf coats from $20 to 25. Men's black dog coats from. $16 to' 20. Men's brown wombat oats from $24 to 28. Galloway' coats from. $26 to 33. Wallaby coats from. $5 to 33. Canadian coon coats from $33 to 80. See our specials at $40, 5.6 and. 60. Fur lined coats from 028 to 65. -Robes, all prices, from $5 to 20. AAAAA.AAAlito*.wAftmovotromi LADIEpg FURS. ; Ladies' Astrachan Coais,:trimmed with Columbia sable, —four specials—at $33, 34,50, 35.50 and 40. Two special lines 'in Iladies' plain Astrachan coals at $23.75 and 36.00. f ) Russian lamb coats, sable trimmed. special at 05. Near seal coats, trimqapd with Alaska 'sable, Columbia sable and Oriental mink, at prices from. N$41 to 57.00, .Persian lamb coats, prices $115, 124.75, 143.50, 149. and 152.75. c Unmatchable values ih caperines, ruffs, muff&c, 44 +4+1444444444444+41 H...1+1.11 Clothing, epartment. The great clothing sale �f/ manufacturers' overmakes is still going on. Never such a sale, never such crowds. They are coming from all parts of this county, everyboiy recognizes that it is a sale of supreme importance. Not half of our special clothing purchase has ever been printed; great reduetions on many other lines in this department Get our prices on Stanfleld's under- wear, starting at $1 each. It will pay you to come a long distance, as it has paid others. Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Wool. Dried Apples Wanted at 6c a lb. WM.PICKARD k SONDIRErri IMPORTERS 0p2othe Tawa Bulld.m5 Coaner Alain ktatk t W": Seaforth,