HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-11-24, Page 8PEI URON EXPOSITOR STOVES or stock of stoves and. Ranges for the Fall Trade is complete. We sell only stoves that We an Guar ntee Fully 4 * 6 *-4 s if you are int\ending to pur hese a new cooking stove or heater, come and inspect Our line& , For furnace heating see our: neation with that institution to en- a veteran and enthusiastic' sports- to.—Tyerman, o as Y 31 gage in the' hardware business in man, and hose brought home his deer residing on his farm in Hullett for nett has gone to Chioago to spend I. Lucknow. Knowing this the men every fall for many yearse but lead a ,couple of years intends removing the winter with -her brothers.— cost of lexcharige. These ma Y be con- SUM e . . .„, post tor sidered small matters . by the cora. pany, Vat to the individua , espeo - ally when the profits are not very large, they form metters for cora- DISTRICT MATTERS. . plamt arid operate against the pope etteetesetee. ularizing of the business. , A Pleasant Surprise.—On Monday —Suave the above was in 'type, Mr. wouldn't she be? Because the quality and evening Mr. Win. Murdie was eur- William Turney, of the third con - 41-A Sarre, %., 333*e3—,—•34.333333.3 lee0 Irev ..10±0E.E teachers, The trues t School NELIGHT section Vv. 12 are asking f r applicree DE tions for another teacher and Mr. Clayton White has been engaged to teach in Walton schirol at a salary of $420 a year. -1,1r. aand Mrs. John Smillie have returned, from ta, three visit with fiends in Man- itoba and the Territories. --Mr. Ed. Nolan lost a valual* young horse last week from teem. This lees will be all the snore Severely felt en account of Mr. Nolan pnrchasing the animal only a few weeks ago. WHO Why the Cook who uses our Flour. Why f -Km „uferms us price ie always right. prised by havinie number of the -43 0 call on Itim at- ids residence and was he received $95 for his land and lab- int. Kerslake, employees of the Bell Engine Co. that from an acre and a quarter • — • still mere surpr se w en ey p d h ith re- or. This is a aiightly better Teturn Successor to Hamilton & Kerslake 04th sente him with e handsome tuaaa- than lYfr. Cowan'•s, tle tick and ornament ontbehall of the employees of Ihe works. Mr. Well Done Doctor.—The following Port Alliert. - Murdie has been book-keeper at the is taken irom the .Toronto News of been teller kin the Walkerton ageney Dr. W. Sloan, 191 Dunn of the Bank of Commerce has been 'Brea4s.--Mr. and Mrs. -James Hay - engine works for the past three Tuesday ear b t has nowi severed his con- avenue,. Torontii, 73 years of age, is moved to the head office in. Toron- den visited Mrs. Campbell in St. h h been Helens this week.—Miss Lottie B'en- C Furnace, The only one haifelng Patent Gaslight Fused Joints, which does away wi th bolts and cement. Our prices are Iow and goods of the best. \ CHERRY & MEV SEAFORTH, SOLE - AGENTS, Hardware, Stoves and Coal. DOMINION BAN HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. 3•13133301•133ft Capita, Fully Paid Lip—S3,000,0oo.00 Reserve Fund and un- divided Profits 3,634,000 Deposita by Public $29,700,000 Total Aasete 39,225,0oo S'AFLARTH BRANCY-1, Every fatality for the transacting of a sentare' banking business. Collections' made on all points in Canada an d abro sel. Advances made to Faimers. Special at- ention paid to the collection of Sale Nettie, 33,3*3 SAVINGS BANK - Deposits of $1.00 raid upwards received, and intermit paid or added June 30th and December alet. Withdrawale may be made at any time. 11. S. HAYS, Solicitor A. E CIBSON, Manager. James Watson; Successor to W. N. Watson NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General Fire, Life and Accident Instil. - once agent, Real Estate and Loan Agent. Dealer in firsahlass family and Mannino. %tiring Sewing Machines and Cream Separ. ators, viz.: New Raymond and W'hite Sewing Machines and National Cream Sep- arator in three sizes Also sewing! mrichine mediae, oil, attaoh- inente, repair e and sundr;es for' kinds of sewing maohines. Prices right and ma- chines fully guaranteed, J AM ES WATSON, usursinCe Agent, slid dealer in Sewing Machine and Blayeles. North Matti street, Seatorth. PHOTOS When you get your photo taken you want it to be a good likeness, well finished and neatly mounted. Cheap Work is only diaap. 'pointment. Our photos are up- todate in every particular and elie prices are as 'reasonable as good work will permit./ / Give us a Trial. Mr` BRING- YOUR PICTURES TO BE FRAMED. JACKSON BROS, Seaforth. Pianos, Organ's, G raphophowes, S eiving .41 achines, and 31 usical Sundries of all Kinds ease the beet quality Needles and Oil We have several second-hand Pianos Organs and Graphophones. G M Baldwin & Cm, SEAFORTH. deadere in Pia ore Organs, Graphophones, Sewing Mliehines, Needle's and Oil. STRATFORD. ONTARIO. i Make Your Life A Success—You can if you wilt. Our courses, which are up-te-date and practical, will qualify you In the shortest possible time. All our graduatee elsoure good positions. We get more applications than we oan meet. This :wheel has gained a continental re- putation for thoroughness. Write for 1 onr beautiful catelogue, it vtill interest you. ' You may enter at any tirne. ELLIOTT & MeLACHLAN, Principals 1 11 When You Buy Mary of, Us You may pe absolutely certain tbat you get what wo say you, get, We stand baek of every article that goes out of our store. Near- ly every day now we receive a panel or two of our new Christmas ;goods, inoluding thie week some presenta for men, well as silver backed Cloth Et, and Military Bruehes. Combs, Match Same- Key Ringo, Shaving Brushers, lYlirrore, etc. You 'are welcome to look around, without being asked to buy. JOHN E3ULGER JEWELLER Seaforth - \ Ontario arrio ge LiCenfie Issuer Robert McConnell had a. large bee never Captured' a moose. He was to town and will oecupy his OWn his h t t * occasion to ehow their good Will toe very ambitious of this athievement residence which has just been va- on Friday taking ay 01I. o at the works took advantage of the . wards him. ' While engaged at the and a 'few weeksago went to Fort elated by Mr. W. Edmonds.—Mrs. -0, - Goderich.—Jacob McGee is doing a. engine works, Mr. Murdie thas been Francis in New Ontario, where be McDonald, of McKillop, near Sea- rushing business in the butchering most popular with the traen, and succeeded in bagging a fine moose forth, was agreeably surprised this - line. His meat is always first' class in they showed in a most isabstantial "-sighing over 1,000 pounds. The. week by receivine. g , nice present in quality.—Miss Bertha Brown gave and pleasant way 'their appreciation carcass has been displayed at 1390 the shape of a quarter of venison a small party 011 Friday evening.— of him as a friend and business ream Queen street west, and the splendid from Mr. Colbert, of Tweed, pntario. Mrs. Tigert and children. of • Shep- After the presentation a pouple .of head and antlers will anake a fit- Mrs. MoDonald's granddaughter is a pardten, visited her mother, Mrs. hours were pleasantly spent, ting -souvrir of IYI.r. Sloan's persis- teacher in the Tweed public school Hawkins this week.—Mr. and Mrs. tence es a sportsman." Thedoe- and the donor adopted this method Robert Higgins attended the mar - The Poultry Show.—The annual tar's many friends in. Huron will join of showing his appreciation of, her, riage of Miss Culbert at Crewe, on show of the Huron Poultry 'and Pet (The Expositor in congratulations not Mr. William Murdie left here on Wednesday the 8th inst.—Mrs. G. Stook Association was held in the only on the fortunate capture of 'the Thursday last for Luoknow where Dawson who has been ill it improv - town hall, Seaforth, on Monday, moose but also on the fact that he he . assumes his new business thereing very nicely.—Mr. Thomas Rich- , Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is still able to rough it as An the He does. not 'intend to remove his ' ardson is in Muskoka at present -- of this week, and was in every par- • days of yore and We all cherish the family until April.—Miss Lois John- Mrs. W. H. Reid is the guest of her ticular a times's', and the 'Seaforth hope that his physical and melital son wasavisiting in 'Go/Aerie& this father, W. T. ' Pellow.—We were branch of the Association have vigor may be preserved to him for, week.—Mr. :J. °Anderson Coulter, of pleased. to learn that Rev- A. Ma - every reason ta congratulate ttlaeme many years to come. No doubt the Ingerioll, soli of Mrs. Coulter, of haVY, B. A., . Port Elgin, was a - selves as it was without doubt one doctor's experiences in days one by the Seaforth public sohool staff, re e warded the degree of Bachelor of of the best shows held in the noun- tramping the concessions and side- presented the bolt and screw manu- Divinity by Queen's College, King- ty. The exhibits were large in every roads and over wooded paths in the lecturers before the Tariff Com- atom Mr. Mahaffy is a former class and exhibitors were here from then back townehips of Huron, look- mission at London this week,—The Port Albert boy. London, GuelPh, Brampton, St.Thom- ing for votes, gave him a tough.- many friends in this vicinity of Mr. a as, Waterloo and other ooints 'as n.ess of ontiscle and. elastioity of John Murray, of Enibro, Oxford well as all the important ones in limb which stand . him in good stead county, who was in town this week the county. In White Wyandottes . in his more advanced rear' and in will be pleased to learn that he has alone. there were some seventy en,. the wiser period of his life. tries, which made it one df the finest — I' -- exhibits in. that particular class ever kilniultpp•oWittnte.11;1.—We are prepared to take all r36. etween noi,v and Thursday noon, November 311). hiekens, hens, ducks, eese, inust seen in the provine . In wliite T Deka ,Dublin. Poultry Wanted.=liTe are prepared to take ail kinds of Poultry between aow and Thursday noon, been appointed police magistrate of November 30. Chickens, hens, ducks, eese, must - be pi 4ced ; t Ite l' r N.i.eitthonns e.okesverr3okaenn 1%.111811 1, Embro village. The fact that Mr. our ILA shipntirientSN8veallivaedon Murray is not in political accord satisfied witb weight and prIces. Ifighest prices for tallow and dressed hogs. Ken - with the powers that be shows that ,. hides, sheer skins, t 00, there was th: -keenest Wedding Bells.—The wedding of 19S0-1 eempe_ be picked ; turkeys alive O%ah roken. In the Whitney Government is pre- , nedy Bros., Seaforth. ,8oauzslAtIshytirt vh7 had five tons ; every one was-. pared to recognize real merit where- 1 ' hides, sliNef:P taienig. t and prioes. 1, ever it is found and when it is need- IBS -.A.gnes Kranskopf, youngest li tition and the ot er tolasses were nedy Bros., Seaforth. i s, allow and c i elsIslegahelistgsP:19cseoll...ief°nr- • ed.—The Chancel Guild of St. Thom- daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph correspondingly - w 11 'represented. The show was well attended by peo- Krauskopf, of Logan, to Mr. Daniel 15o. All kinds of poultry and dried apples wanted. Thursday night in the school room as church, will have a bazaar next iO'Connor, of Hibbert, was sblena- pie from the town and eountry. Mr. w anted—Choice turkeys, dry pieked and undrawn, judge, but owing to the large entry, i list he was not able to complete 1 in:I3e,a,oluthaa:km7eradriet.=;Wee.tialrrplelurel 411f:18°111. of the church when a large array of very pretty and useful artieles will nized in the Roman Catholic church of Dublin on Wednesday, November Joseph Bennett, of Toronto, was the George B. King, Wingliam. his 'duties iri time to permit of the ,,V. ne, Friday, in the Coatingoil eiliatilere:ftltiheto.koAt be for. disposal.—Mr. Franois Allen. 15th, the Very Rev. Father Noonan all. Subject,-:-" The Nervous System and Some of Temoved his family from Egm,ond- 'officiating. The bride was given a - publication of a list. of the Prize - the Causes of Headache. A cordial invitation is. ex.- ville to Mitchell on Wednesday. Mr, waY bY her brother, Mr. Louis Krauskopf and wore a dress of 'IF inners this week., i tepded to our patrons and friends. Toronto Vinyl Co. Allen formerly worked in the flax • Ibeautiful cream silk evith hat to mill here but he i now employed ' . ' 1980x1 . Farms Solds—Farms are changing At It Again—Wm. McDougall is once more on F ' 8 match.. The - bridesmaid, Miss Ken - with Mr. orester of the Mitchell • Flax Mill. He is a goo& workman ny, niece of the bride, wore a very and a worthy citizen.—Mr. Wm. pretty cream cashmere dress with hat and coat of the same Duggan, who ihad his residence de- shade. Both stroyed by tire some months ago, carried bouquets of white and pink has now -got comfortably settled in carnations. Kr. A. 3. O'Coxmor,late the new 'home which replaces the of Morden, Manitoba, and brother one burned.—Mr. W. K. Pearce, of of the groom fulfilled the duties of St. Thomas, was in town Wednesday Wednesday best man. Only the near relatives -w night. He was here attending a , ere present. After dejuener, serve meeting of the directors of the ed from a table decked with carna- Bell Engine tompany.—For the year tions and ferns, Mr. and Mrs. Oh ending November lst, there was Connor left for a short tour of the paid out at the Bell Enghie Works East. The bride's going away suit for wages alone the sum of $29644. was of green with hat and coat of the same. color. Mr. and Mrs. 0'- Most of this was, no doubt, spent Connor on their return, will reside in town. This gives some idea of on the old O'Connor homestead of the advantages of manufacturing es- tablishments to a town.—Dr. A. C. ' Hibbert lately occupied by the Murd,och, t. R. C. P., London, M. R. groom's father, Mr. James O'Connor. C. Sta The many friends of the happy ., England, son of Mr. Wia Murdoch, of Stanley, near 13fuce- young co-uple wish them much joy and success in their wedded life. hands rapidly in this vicinity this season. We have recorded several within the past few Weeks. Two more have changed hands within the past week. Mr. James Scott, jr.;. of Roxboro, McKillop, has. sold his farm to ,Mr. McGowan, of Stanley, near Bruoefield, for the sam. of $7- 000. ' This farm -contains 90 acres and is a beautiful place. There is not a better for its size in McKilIop. It is • well .situated, convenient to Sea - forth and. has on it first clatss build - begs and it , in god shape in every way. The purcha r has secured, a ii beautiful home. fr. ' Scott, . while in the Northwest this last summer beoaniie enamored with that coun- try and intends moving out there in tlae spring and taking up land in the Wolseley 'district. We will all be sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. 'Scott f rota Huron, but he is the right kind of min to succeed and make m.oney in the new west.—Mr. George Stew- art has. also sold the Dorranee farm ; at Grieve's bridge, which he pur- ' Local Brie.—A - representative chased a few years ago from Mrfrom the Toronto Viavi Company Bubolz. :This farm Was purchased by will give a health talk to the ladies Mr. ' George Hearne, of Mc:Killop, in the town hall this, Friday, af- near Winthrop. The price paid Was teriaoon at three o'clock'. This meet - $6,500. It contains 100 acres and ing should be largely attended.— is a good -farm with good building. Mr. John ,Murray, Of Embro, Ox - We do not know what Mr. Stewart , ford county, was in this vicinity last intends to do, but we presume he week calling on old. friends and buy - will return ' to Seaforth, as he is ing a feev good horses for. his own still ,extensively engaged in the hay, presSing and shipping business. A Large Shipment of Poultry.— Messrs. Kennedy Bros., of the Pal- ace ',Meat Market, ,Seaforth, have been doing a rushing business in poultry diiring. the' last few weeks. On Saturday last they shipped over five tons of poultry. In the :let were about 500 turkeys and the bal aim was made up mostly of chick- ens: The turkeys were undressed' but the chickens weredry plucked and boxed up. When all were, got- ten together they -Made a magnifi- cent, display. These birds were all purohased from farmers in this vi -t, cinity and -were delivered at the store of the Messrs. Kennedy hererepanied by Mrs. Cash..—Mr. John arid were weighed, dressed and pack- Turner, jr., , returned on 'Friday ed there. The lot represented over last from his bunting expedition to $1,100, most of which would, of Muskoka. He was fortunate and course, go to the ladies. This will secured the regulation amount of give some indication of the value and venison and had a good time be - importance of the fowl industry. sides.—Mrs. Armstrong and little This is only one shipment, and there daughter, of Toronto, are the guests are several others in the busihess in , Of Mr, and Mrs. ,S. Dickson.—Not- Seafortth besides the Messrs. Ken- withstanding the unfavorable wea- nody. Mr. B. 13. Gunn and. Mr. A. ther goodprogress is being made W. Stobie have else made several with the new curling and skating large shipments this season. And, iu addition to those shipped, many a'ae. used for home consumption. The fowl industry is worth cultivating; as it is a medium through which a large amount of money is circulated annually. Sugar Beets.—Several farmers in this viciniti- have geown sugar beets this Past season, and so far as we have been able to learn they have' proven a fairly remunerative orop, -that is where they have been har- vested in tintie. Mi. James Co -wan, whose farm, adjoins the town on the north ' Side had. nearly three acres under the crop and they netted him $202 for the land and. the labor. He estimates the cost of the labor at $100, thus leaving him $34 per acre - for the use of the land: ' But •Mr. Cowan was fortunate in having his roots harvested end shipped early before the bad weather set in. A good many others were tot so for- tunate and some have them still in the ground. In these cases the ore - sults will, likely be disappointing. All the beets grown in this district are shipped. to the Berlin factory. There are a few points which, tif the company would observe, would aid materially in popularizing the busi- ness with farmers. They should have room enough at the factory to ac- commodate all the roots at they are forwarded. Th ie year some farmers were permitte to ship only part of their crop when it was ready for • shipment and the balenoe as the company are ready f.- to receive it. This necessitates . additional handl- ing by the farmer' and consequently increased cost and less prdfits, be- sides delay in receiving ;set, urns. Then, again, the company Should be prepared to pay- for each ear load as it is received and tested instead of waiting until ,ethe whole crop is received and tested at the: factory. The company should also make their cheques payable at par at the point ofshipment instead of at Beelin, thus throwing on the grower the hand to pay the highest price in NO for hides, skins, raw furs and tallow at A. W. Stopie's egg em- porium. 1080x4 'Rooms to Rent.—Two suites .of rooms to rent in th Cady block: Apply to Adam Hays, Seaforth. 1980-tf Water Color Sketches for Christmas—Mrs. A. S. McLean will ha,ve a number. a these on view at her residence, on Tuesday, December 6th, between three and nine o'clock p. in. 197041 Miss Berta Carder, of 13lyth, will have it display Ot hand painted chine, in a 'parlor of the Commercial hotel,- Seaforth, on November 2Sth and 29th. Hours 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. China for sale, 1970-2 We keep the best all felt goods nuule:--the most ceinfortable shoes for winter, made. We have them fdr ladies:, gentlemen and ..children -1t you are troubl- ed with;cold feet, do not fail to see them. W. H. Willis, the leading rubber etore, Seaforth. 10704 Comfortable dwelling house iri ,food locality in Sea; forth to rent or for saIN Immediate possession can be given. Apply to R. S. Hays, Seafortb. 10744f The Chancel Guild of St. Thomau Church purpose holding a bazaar In the Sunday School, the afternoon and evening of Thursday, November 80th. Tea served froms4 to 0, ovsters from 0 to 10, Come • and a buy pretty Xmas presents for all your fsiends. 1978-'4 Salt.—We sell Salin bulk ; by the ton, by the bug, and ni barrel. W. E. Kerslake, Seaforth. 10/304 • use.—Mr.- and. Mrs. G. A. K. Mc- Leod, of Exeter, are in this vicin- ity visiting friends.—Rev. Mr.Birks preached in the James Street Meth- odist church in Exeter, last Sunday and Rev. Mr. Going, of Exeter, in • the ,Methodist church in Seaforth.— The December meeting of the county council will this year be held at Brussels commending on the 5th. Our county counoillors •relish a change • of pasture occasionally.— Mr. Robert Campbell, who hag been staying •with his daughter, Mrs. Henry Cash, of MoKillop, dur- ing tlae summer, left on Monday last for Sturgeon Falls, where he will spend the winter with his daughter, W. Blanshard„ He was accom- field; has Teterned home from an extendedavisit to the Lenon hospit- als. After securing this degrees he spent some time as house ;surgeon in one of London's principal hospitals: Just before leaving for home he and The cheapest, the quickest and the surest way to get, good value in 'stoves and hardware, is to go to Zurich. We have it large and complete stock. els like to know that their trade is appreciated, and Mr. John Murdoch, his uncle, made they rightly expeetg better service from those who a pleasure tour in France, Scotland are anxious for that trade than from those who show and Ireland enjoying the • trip am_ • tiit.att ianntceirneentxiionvissreggrIveitItolllitgeoag avnaLloeus f.Z)ye tpuo.,t. mensely. The doctor has not yet , all for cash, bare little or TIO expense in comparison decided where he will locate,— with tOwps and cities, consequently we San sell 6 _ I much cheaper. Yon mn save money by giving us it trial, ;vow' trade will be appreciated. Cash for hides ilnievelie,es.— Thle tolllowang were and raw furs. A. Charlesworth Sz, Son, Zurich. ticiketetd to diateenit est:ants lablis week - 197041 by Mr. W. Somerville, railway and I Judgment Given.—In the will lease steamship agent.: ;Mist Tillie Smith, of the late Jacob Ragier, tried in High Street, Seaforth, to Perry, the Surrogate Court at Goderioh last ,child to Sault Ste. Marie; Mrs. H. :be found on page week, the particulars of avhich will 0 of this issue, Michigan ; Mrs. J. Frank Beattie and Cash a.nd lather,Mr. Robt. Campbell, judgment has since 'keen given in Sa.die MeIntosh, Ifilinthrope to Rap- the will, with costs against the de - favor of the executors, ,nipholding to Sturgeon Falls Muskoka' . Miss id City, Manitoba, Messra., Ernest fondant, MrA. Jenette. Hon R. F,, Ceram., who has been employed with _Sutherland, K. C., of :Windsor, was Mr. Harris, YloKillop, and Percy Counsel for Mrs. Jenetto o.hd Mr. J. Neat, at Mrs. McLean's - Riverside G. Stanbury, of Exeter, was coun- Farm, druckeramith, both to Liver- sel for the executors and parties pool. They will not return to Can- interested under the will. ada, • Briefs.—Messrs. John Deoker, jr. o and J. Eisenhofer, of the Babylon Returned Home.—Mr. Henry Cash line, Hay, recently captured a coon of Roxboro, MoKillop, who has been that weighed 28 pounds.—Mr. M. in Manitoba and the Northwest since . Corrivan was married to .Miss Den - last Aug-ust, returned home on Fri- oraie on Thursday of last week. The day. He was (relighted with his visit . young couple are both residents of and like all others was charmed with the Sauble line and have many the country- and the • splendid crops, . friends here svho will extend con - but he says that taking all things ; gratulations.—Mr. N. Deichert, an into consideration, he thinks he can 1 old Zurich boy and- son of our ever - live more comfortably on the ard • thy townsman, Mr. John Deiebert, concession of MoKillop, and • make was married in Detroit last week to as good a living as he could in the, Min Lizzie Sipple, a cousin of Mr. most favored parts of the new mune 1 Philip Sipple, of this village. The try. Mr. Cash spent a good deal of Y" -ng couple will take up house: his time in the vicinity of Wolesley,' keeping -in Detroit.—Mr. S. Preter, - . WHAT SHALL1 BUY? WHERE SHALL BUY? one of our enterprising recta an s, Sask. He has two brothers-in-law, rink building. The roof is being put has secured a mill for cleaning. Messrs. Robert and James Camp - on and indications now are that if Jack Frost is agreeable there will be skating and curling in it for Christmas.—The first general meet- 'ing of the shareholders of the Sea - 1 forth Rink Company for the elec.- . 1 tion of officers and. the completion of the organization will he held at Dick's hotel on Monday evening' next at eight o'elock.—The electric ,light works will likely be shut down for a -couple of days and nights during the first week in December in order to have the boilers repaired.—Mr. Freda. Neelin, of Detroit, was here this Week visiting his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Neelin.—MesCrs. Percy and Sid. Town &pent ' Sunday with their 'brother and other friends in Gorrie.—Mre and Mrs. Benjamin Riley attendunthe marriage of their 'cousin, Miss Mary 'Mann to Mr. Adam Nicholson on Wedriesday last. —Mr. -and Mrs. S. Ciedmore, of Fs- • borne, spent Tuesday in town with Mrs. • Cudnaore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter ' aley.—" The young mon away from mite " will be the sub- ject of Rev., F. H. Larkin's sermon : next Sabbath eveninge—The anniver- sary services in the Presbyteria"n. church will be held en the first Sabbath in December and will be conducted by,Rev. E. A. Henry, B.A. of -Knox church, Hamilton, and the annual tea meeting will be held the following Monday evening on which oocasion Mr. Henry will deliver his popular lecture "The Boy." The choir is also preparing poine excel- lent music.—A horse belonging to Mr. 3. D. Aitcheson, of McKillop, made a brisk run up Main etreet on Monday. It was tied in font of the town deal' when the driv ,, went to throw the blanket over it: This' seemed to frighten the animal and it broke from its, moorings and be- fore the driver could catch hold of it it started off but only 'got as far as Chesney & Smiley's store when some person stopped' it and no damage iwai done.—Mr. Reg. Wilson, son of s Mr. i Alex. Wilson of this town,, who/ has bell, former McKillop boys, lg clover seed.— r. Peter Dtioharme, there. Mr. Robert Carapbell_now who Tecently bmight the 1Lehman resides in the town, having rented farm on the Bronson line,1 has re -- his farm. Mr. 'Jetties Campbell has a moVed his family and has taken up farm Of thirteen hundred acres with- his residence on his new farpa where in a few miles of Wolesley. This all his old friends are pleased. to see year he had about ten thousand him.—Mr. John Rau, the enterpris- bushels of wheat and five .ethous- • and bushels of oats beside a other crops. He has a complete threshing outfit and threshes all his own grain and does some threshing for his neighbors. He has erected this year a large bank barn with stone staisl-• in underneath. The most of the grain in that vicinity is threshed from the stook. When Mr. Cask left there three weeks ago there were still thousands of acres of grain in the stooks, although the veeather was very cold and. there had been considerable snow. But they say the wheat when once dried out will keep in that way as well as in the bins. Mr. Cash, however, who is a prac- tical farmer, says if at were his he would rather .have it under cover. Ile met - old Hut ironites whereve he went andenajost of them are doing well. his Way home be stopped. off some days at Winnipeg, visit- ing his daughter who has a good po- sition there and who likes the city so well she would not care to COMe home to remain. Ire also called at Sturgeon Falls and spent a couple of days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blanshard, lately of Seaforth. He says Sturgeon Falls is a growing and prosperous town. The country around it is not much but there are large pulp and paper millsiwhich are the back bone of the place. Mr. Blanshard has a good position in connection with these mills. Walton. Local Items.—Miss Kate Teller has resigned ler position as teacher in Walton anion' 'school, also Miss L. Agnew, in union school eeetion No. 121 Both these young ladies have prove ct themselves to, ko efinient , .. ing proprietor of the Commercial hotel is having a new weigh scale, erected - in cannedtion with the hotel for the accommodation, of the public. The scales have a capacity of 'fisc torts so it will be able -for the largest loads that come along.—Mr. Henry Randal met with a very ser-- • bus accident a few days ago. He • was tending on. a scaffold paint- ing Mr. Magee new house when the scaffold gave way and Mr. Ran- dall fell about thirty feet on to the hard ground. His head was in- jured and he was badly shaken up but no bones were broken. Under the medical care of Dr. Buchanan he is reeovering but under the most fa- vorable circumstances it will likely be some weeks before he is able to attend to work again.—The Herald of last week says: About forty per- sons attended a meeting here on Wednesday, the object being the for- mation of. a Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Company. After -cortsiderable discussion it wee de- • cided to form a company. Subscrip- tion books are now being circulated and as soon as $150,04 of insurance is subscribed the regular erganiza- tion meeting will be called. The Weather Insurance Act was only passed last year; but from the in- • terest being taken by the farming commlinity it appears that it sup- plies a idng felt want. Very few farmers a0H1 hesitate to take a polioy when for a matter of a few e t dollare theyLean feel the brotection. it will givheme —Bev. Dr. Warden, of !Toronto, has donated $5,000 to Queen's Uni- versity and $5,000 to Sontreal Pres-. byterian College, in addition ike 00 to ICnox. This presents the key to the whole Christmas situation, and it shows humanity in a clear light. . The problem of WHAT TO BUY is ever recurring that other problem of where to buy it, follows'elose upon its heels. This Store has solved them both for you, solved them in a most satisfying manner, at a , glance of our big holiday equipment will prove. The time of merry -making and gift -giving draws nigh, the climax will soon be reached. Every day from now till Cihristmas this store will stand in the breach, ready to meet your many wants at right prices. The Queen of Christmas Gifts) NUMB.MR, The perfect finish of our goods stands out as a desirable, trade mnrk. One of the best purchases of our mercantile career—in Furs -- was made for this season's trade—best ill style and lleauty of the different articles; most gratifying in the concessions in prices obtained. All our furs eitme from manufaeturers who rank second to -lone, andfare new, perfect goods,lbeautifully made. It is so easy to give figures, and so imposeible to ebow qualities lin print, that it must suffice to say you will find values to repay a journey of many miles. Separate Waists and Skirts. Waists in the most popular fabrics, in the very latest designs, and a large range to choose' from, Skirts„ 1.50 to 4ts 9. Here you are given an exact repre- sentation of one of our most moder- ately priced skirts. AL The Art Dresser Who adopts attractive clothing;. the cultured dresser who appre- ciates gentPel kill stylishnean. the business woman who favors the most practical things, and all who seek serviceable goods, are sure tOi find just what' they det sire at, this store. 1 is all we ask for Cloth. Jackets that embody the - desirable features that discriminating buyer& seek; and that are in every way worthy, of considerably more money From $10 up to S r m 610 down to • Having deeided It Coats, and de Ken's Clothing e stook of hind -One the regular jrioe. d4s. These coats fits, but real new gular way. IE EARLY and get first The new e the 44 ero ue, brown, 013 them. to ap re N'S 'MD PA made. a goo R11.114 OfoibestBB TORII xtra dr - We measure out style and quality values that add materially to -our- reputation for giving the beet that's going." buys one of our , exceedingly nice Skirt.—on�. with all the dash and style that you could rightly expect to find in an $8 or $10 garment, Cold Resisting Underwear. 'Qualitl• means everything in tur-i derwear using, and the truth often! comes out insthe washing, which is al severe test. We know that our Un- derwear assortments represent as good' values as can be sold for the money - 250 to $1.50 the garment, shownin a great tariety, of worthy makes. If You Need the Goods More Xmas Ta 36000000000..001.0" 00100101'= - HOSIERY . HAND KERCHIEFS GLOVES NECKWEAR CORSETS WHITEWEAR SHAWLS UMBRELLAS We offer best 'Mum Next • Weekr -'Emoi TOON