The Huron Expositor, 1905-11-17, Page 8EXPOSITOR
Tar stook of atoves and Ranges
for the Fall Trade is complete.
We sell only stoves that
We Can Guara4tee
•11. . . • •
If you etre intending to pur
chase a new cooking stove or
heater, coma and inspect our
lines. • I
For furnace heiting see our
Furnace. The only one having
Patent Gaslight Fused- Joints,
which does away with bolts and
urgpricea are low and goods of the
Hardware, Stoves and Goal.
Capital, FultyPaid Up—S3,000,000.00
Reserve Fund and un-
divided Profits $ 3,634,000
Deposits be Public $29-.700,0o0
Total Assets 39,225,000
Every fertility for the transacting cif a
reneral oanking .lonsineess -
Collections made an all points in Canada
and abroad.
Advance a made to Fanners. Special at.
entien peed to the colleotion. of Sale Notes.
Deposita of $1.00 and upward received.
aed interest paid or added ;lune 30th and,
December asst. Withdrawals may be
made, at any time. •
R. S. HAYS, SoUoltor
-James Watson,
SuccaSbr to W. N. Watson
General Fire. Life and Accident Insur-
ance agent, Real Estate and Loan Agent.
Dealer in first-elass family and Menufrio-
turing Sewing Machines and Cream Separ-
ators, viz.:
New Raymond and White 'Sewing
Machines and National Cream Sep-
arator in three sizes
Also seviing machine needles,- oil, attach.
silents, repairs and aundries for all kinds of
es...wing machines. Prices right) and ma.
chilies fully guaranteed,
asurance Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine
and Bicycles. North Main street, Seaforth.
Checkers. Tip second annual
meeting of the Seaforth Chedier
Club was held. in Broderick's shop
on Friday lastaNcivember 10th,when
the following officers were elected
for the coming season: President,
Aa Wilson, vie -president, An-
drew Scott, secretary -treasurer,. A.
D. Sutherland; managing comniittee,
M. Broderick, DI: Shanahan, Robert
Winter, jr., - and A. Cluff. The
club will eccupy the same rooms as
last season, over the post office and
hope to pend many pleasant even-
ings. .
When yeti ket your 'photo taken
you want it to be a good likeness,
well finished and neatly mounted
Cheap work ia only a disap-
pointment. Oar photos are up-
tedate in every partiouler and the
priees are as reesonable as good
work will permit.
Give us a Trial.
Pianos, Organs,
• The Poultry Show.—We again re-
mind 'our readers of the Huron Foul -
try Show, to be held in , the town
Seaforth, on Tuesday, Wednes-
day and Thursday of next week:
The entries already made assure a
splendid success in so far as .the
birds to be exhibited are concerned.
There will be some ofthe finest
birdson exbibition ever seen at 6,
show in this district, and all lovers
of the beautiful, dainty hen should
make' it a point to come to Seaforth
on either of the abeve days and view
the splendid display. T1,3lere are 'weer
500 entries in .alreadyss as zompared
with 250 last year and. several of
the entries are from Montreal, To-
ronto and London.
Graphophones, 8 ewin-
M achines, and Xusicat
Bandiies of cal Rinds
also the beat quality Needles and Oil -
We have several second -liana Pianos,
Organs and Graphophones.
Gs M. Baldwin & Go.
dealers in
Pianos, Organs, Graphophortes, Sewing
Meehinee, Needles and Oil.
IMake Your- Life A Success -Yon
can if you wilt_ Our courses, which ave
up-to-date and praotioal, will qualify you
in the atiortest possible time. All our
graduates aeoure good positions. We
get more applications than we oan meet.
This salmi has gained, a continental rs.
putatien for 'thoroughness. Write for
onr beeutiftd ostalogue, it will' interest
you. -You misy enter at any time. -
.ELLIOTT ea sedeLAOHLAN, Principals.
A -1-Arr------Fesasi
Send Away
for their ieweiery thiuking,
no doubt, that they get bet-
ter Wane andI better :ends
in a city than at borne.when
for thet vory reason, say
sLeres often get a larger
mice thaii we would ask for
the aame goods, made in the
same factory.
Oar e.epentle is lower, you
eon aeo dUr goods 1 eters yon
buy, and our store is sleeve
convenient in eese any little
change is acquired.
Wit get our pries anyway
When interested.
Seaforth - Ontario
Marriage License Issuer
\erase -a.
St. Thomas Church.—A meeting of
the eongregation of St. Thomas'
church was held last week for the
purpose, of organizing a Young Peo-
ples' Associatiqn. The following
officers were elected: President, H.
J. Hodgins, vice -President, Mrs. We
Govenlock ; secretary, Mr. Steph-
ens; treasurer, Miss B. Love ; or-
ganist, Miss K. Roberts. The next
meeting will be held in St. Thomas'
school room on Thursday, Nevember
23rd., at 8 o'clock p. era. The .Rev.
Rural 'Dean Gunne, M. A., of Clin-
ton, will give an address on "'The
Origin, Principles and „Objects of
the A. Y. P. A."
A Drainage Case.—Among the
judgments delivered in the Court of
Appeal in. Toronto this week we
find the following: Farrand. v.
Townships of Morris and. Grey.—
Judgment (0.) on appeal by plaintiff
the owner of lands iri the township
of Morris, from the judgment of the
drainage referee finding that plaeri-
tiff ,had no cause of action against
the municipal corporation for dam-
age resulting from by-laws provid-
ing for drainage, because . no lanai
had been taken, nor had any of his
lands been injuriously affected.
Held that plaintiff was entitled to
compensation. Appeal allowed. with
Heron •Boys Abroad.—The frien s
Dr. -John M. Sloan, sou of Mr. An-
drew Sloan; of Myth, will be very
pleased t� learn cif his success. He
is enjoying e very exteneive .and
lucrative practise in Nome,- Alaska. ,
Mr. W. D. Bontitron, formerly of '4000 pounds dried apples wanted. Will pay the
staff of e the Audit Company, of forth'
themselves so 'generously. to the
labora of promoting the nussionaryz
enterpriee of the church"
John ]Fraser, elder of the seang,re-
&time ;at St. Andrew's Icharoh, Bay-
field, appearedbefore the Presby-
tery asking to be atcorded the stet -
us of a Catechist of the Church
The Presbytery, from its knew.'
ledge of Mr. ',Fraser Or a num-
ber Of years, heartily.',agreed to re- ,
commend him to the ,Assembly's
Home Mission, Committee as a suit-
able an for the office. It Was, a-
greed to bold: a conference on Sab-
bath schools at the January meet-
ing to begin at half pest one rail:kick.
and to invite Rev. J. C. Robertson,
secretary of Sabbath school, to be
present. Superintendents of '
bathschools and other„
school workers. are also ko be asked
to attend. The claims of t he Aug-
mentation Enna also specially coin -
mended to the liberality of ,our .con-
gregations. The riext ordinary
meeting is .to be held in Clinton on
the 16th' of January at 30,30 a. m.
'11-eaveater-rThe f011aaviing Were
ticketed to distant Voines this week
by Mr. W. 'Somerville, railway ,arid
steamship agent : Messrs. W. j.
Hart and lieltoss,McKillop,to Grav-
enhurst and return; Mrs. Snowden
and Miss 'Snowden, to St. Clair,
Michigan, and return, Miss Out-
man, to Cooperstown, North Da-
kota ; Messrs. Cornelius and Mich-
ael Klein, of Beechwoode to StatOlond,
Minnesota ; Mes. 1,16Gregorland ilVfies
Mary McGregor, Of Seaforth, te
Febat, Michigan.
Accident.—Mre.' James Anderson
received word on Wednesday of a
serious aiseiderit which bad befel her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles Deere
of Hope, North Dakota. It seems
that .Mrs. Deem ti
and her three bia,
dren were out driving when the
horse ran away and all were thrown
out of the rig and niore or less sere
.iously Injured. At the time of
ing full particulars of the accident
had not 'been 'received. Mrs; Deeni
is .a former Seaforth Iddy and hek
rciany friends here ill hope that.
her 'injuries. will not. prove eerious.
Miss Berta Carder, of Myth, will have a display of
hand painted china -,in a parlor of the Commercial
hotel, Seaforth, on Noveinber 28th and 29th; Hours
10 a.m. to 10 p. China for sale.
, Coal or Wood Heating grate for sale cheap. Rob'
ert Jones, Seaforth. 1970-1
Don't buy a quarter of beef before you ses us:
Choice young quarter of beef at Re and (Vic per lb-
HigheSt price for hides, sheep skins, taltow, poul.
try, dressed hogs. Kennedy Bros:, Seaforth, Phone
18. , 1.979-1
Direct importations Xnuis We have opened
out another crate of J. J. Meakins dinner sets. The
people are aware of the fact that no other pottery
produces goods equal to these for quality. The hard
finish glazing which preventi thesel from eras-
ing and which makes them (hirable. We gh:e 15
cups with each set. Coopie soups, new shapes and
different colors. We are selling them at SL -00 a set
cheaper than the last set. Call and see them at A.
Young's, Seaforth. 1979-1.
Notice—Tife party who tqok a parcel from our
store on Saturday, Novembei 4th, containing a fur
cap and two wrappers, is asked to have 'same return-
ed and sage trotible. Beattie Brothers, Seaforth.,
We keep the best felt goods made -;--the most
comfortable shoes for winter; made. We have them
for ladies, gentlemen'arid children -1f you are troubl-
ed wiAli cold feet,- do net. fail to see them. W. .11.
; theleading rubber .store, Seaforth. 10704
• liensall, Ontario, but now on. the ' highest price for good quality at A. Youn1679-1ws ffta-
New- York, -.returned. to Chicago ' sivantee—eiri wanted for geoeral housework, farn-
last week, from Alaska,' wlsere he
i ily of two, highest wages. Miss Kidd,- Settforth.
had. -been on business for his Com- Over 1,000 pounds of the very finest Mack. tea,
pany. While in Nome _he spent .. a- blended in Seaforth, nowrin stock for our big Deem+
ber te.a sale. The holm of 28c tcti.--get samPleg and
bout ten days with.. Dr. Kean, wb•d'' wear the smile. Beattie- Bros:, Seaforth.. 1979-1
has some .mining intereste., in ad-
- I Mater Color Sketches for Christmas—Mrs. A. S.
dition to his practise.. - These are McLean will have some on view at her residence,' on
being looked after by his brtther, December iith, between three and nine o'clock p. m.
Dr. Wm. Sloan, who is located at 19794.
Teller, Alaska.
Hyacinths, Tulips
Narcissus, Jonquils'
Snowdrops, Freesias
Daffeirlils and Lilies
Don't miss Waving a few window flowers
Wanted—Fol, dried apples, butter, fresh eggs an
potatoes. wepairoash, it might pay you to see us.
13eattie Broi..;fth
. 1979-1
Municipal" Operation. — Judging Comfortable dwelling- house in good locality in Sea -
from the experience of other towns toerthi torentoi.),ilf.orosal. s.lwatn.esditterrsgess:Aul.,,
the•people of Seaforth did not 'make Thegv ' In • . 3 '
any mist ake a few months ago holding a bazaar in the Sunday' School, the al t crnoon.
Chancel Guild of St. Thomas Church purpose
When they voted down the by-law and evening of Thursday, November 30th. Tea
empowering the council to purchase
''I4erve° f1111.1 t"' ("etetrs tfT)(Y)116vtooulr0irielre 11'141
,E• Kelalakey
Successor' to Hamilton & Kerslake, C4th
last week. It was found by Mr. P.
Cleary, of Tuokersmith, on the
road nearly opposite the residence
of Mrs. Steet in Egraondville, and.
has been returned intact to its over-
joy& owner.—Mr. Robert Bell. re-
turned home from Manitoba and the
Northwest on Tuesday. He had a
very pleasant and successful trip.—
Mr. John Fraser, merisha.nt of Bay-
field, was in town on Tuesday at-
tending the Meeting of the Huron.
Presbytery.—Dick's stogie yard in
Seaforth is becoming a popular spot
for the sale of live stock. There
are three different sales to take
place there in the near future,
those of John R. Archibald, P. A.
O'Sullivan and Govenlock and Simp-
son. The dates -of these severer sales
will be found, in our sale register
and advertising columns.—Mrojos.
Weber has purchased Mr. Bachler's
.interest in the Dominion Hotel,
Dublin, and, in corapany with his
brother, will tun that old. and popu-
lar hostlery after the 1st of • May
next.—Rev.. Colin and lire. Fletcher,
of the Theresa Road, Usborne, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. -A. Wilson on
Tuesday.—Miss Bell Cummings is
laid up with an attack of plenrisy,—
" The Young Woman in the Home,"
will be the subject of -Rev. Lar -
kin's sermon next Sabbath evening.
—Mr. Dick, proprietor of the Sea -
forth woollen mills, wee in 'town
this week.—Miss Esther Moore and
Miss W. McLachlan, of Creraarty,
were visiting last week with their
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hog-
garth, of Egmondeille,—The 'Chan-
cel Guild of St. Themas'echurch in-
tend holding a bezaar in their school
room on Thursday evening, 'Novem-
ber 30.–Mrs. Wm. Seott, of Bruce -
field, attended. the Women's ,Presby-
terial meetings in Seaforth, and
spent a few days with • her, broth-
er, Mr. John Beattie. ‘01 ;Eginotid-
ville.—Mrs. D. McGregok and Miss
McGregor have gone to Flint, IVIicise
igen, te spend. the winter with Dr.
and Mrs: Aitcheson.—Mrs. E. J.Flicks
is visiting friends in Toronto.—Mr.
Donald McInnis, of Exeter, of the
firm of Richardson & McInnis, Sea -
forth, has returned from the North-
west, where he has spent most Of
the 'summer and where he has in-
vested considerable of his surplus
the electric lighting plant of this -.)v pretty nit"r" n 8 1078,2
town with the view of baying it Coatmal er Wanted—Coatmaker, t•teculy the year
run under the direction of ethe cone- round, good prices. Apply to Tozer &. Brown, eliic
Goderich owns its own lighting ton. 1078-2
and water plant and it has been run
-for several years under the direc- Local 03riefs.—A malt car has been
tion of the co-uncil. Last week the placed on the 3.30 train going least
,Signal said: The people of the and on the 10i30 train going west
town want to have the water and so *hat there will hereafter be an
light systems taken vigorously in open instead of a closed mail on
hand and placed upon .a proper basis both these trains.—Mr. James Scott
and many of them, ,perhaps the ma- of the firm of Scott Bros., returned
jority, are looking to a commission from the Northwest on Friday.—
to do this, having despaired of the The lao±boro bridge .has been repair -
council. After doing nothing all ed and is now quite safe for travel.
simmer; the council had suddenly a- —Rev. Mr. Sewers, of Brueelield,
wakened to the fact that the water preached two _very able sermons in
supply system needs some attention the Presbyterian church to large
and has engaged ah eisgineer to make congregations on Sabbath last, Rev.
a report upon it." It is the same Mr. 'Larkin and he having exchanged
pretty much all over. The tad will pulpits for the clay.—A 'farmer in
have its -day and. in the end a good this vicinity, svho started- to pull
many municipalities will be the his turnips last Monday morning,
poorer for their experience. - had to abandon the job, as he said
he was afraid he would carry all the
Presbytery of Huron.—The Pres- field away with him on his feet.—Mr.
*bytery met in Seaforth cm 'Tiles- Wm. Duncan, of G-uelph, was call -
day last. Dr. Stewart was. appointed ing on oh). friends here ou Monday
Moderator. The holding of missions last.—Mr. and Mrs. James :Pringle,
ary meetings was left to the ses- sr., of Stratford, wore in town on
sions to make their own arrange- Monday. They hadaaeleeen visiting
menta Tor such meetings, or have Mrs. Pringle's sister, Mrs.. D. Scott,
missionary sermons preached, but Mclaillops and called on some of
to have One or the ohter, and 'report their Seaforth friends on their way
at the March meeting' -of Presby- home—The Ladiesi? Aid Of the Meth-
tery. Mr. 'Shaw submitted the odist church are arranging fox a
timate of expenditure for the en- concert by a company of high class
suing 'year, setting forth that a rate , [artists on the 15th of December.
of 10 cents per family will be re- —Mrs. W. B. MeLeae, who has .been
quired to make up the amount, and ; a resident of Seaforth .for a num-
recommendingthat the said iate ber of years, has gone to Hensall
be adopted. . The recommendation to reside.—There Was a gasoline
was approve4 and the treasure., famine in town. last week, and those
Mr. Shaw, wes authorized to esige who used gasoline as a motive pow -
the sum required in the usual wayor had to do some hustling to get
Rev. Mr. McIntosa, of Belwood, be- • a sufficient supply to keen thing,s
ing present, was invited to sit as a inoving,—Divislon court was held
corresponding member. A new -ed- here on Monday.. There were no
ition of the book of psalms was sab- aSee of importance up for a -hear-
mitted for the co.nsideration of the ing.—Mr. J. C. Greig has leased the
Presbytery, and after discussion a store in the Oddfellosvs !block, 'it
com.mittee consisting of Messrs. An- pr• esent occupied by Messra. Knecli-
derson, convener, Small, Larkin ana tel &- McKenzie and will move into
Hamilton, and their elders was ap-
pointed to examine the hook and
report at the ;Tannery meeting. The
annual report of the Presbyterial
W. P. M. S., was submitted when
the following motion by Mr. Leckie
and see,onded by Mr. Urquhart
wasunanimous] y passed.: a The
Preehytery having received the
yearly financial report of the Huron
Presbyterial W. F. M. S. and 'having
examined - the .staternent with the
interest dne to such a branch of
Christian labor, beg leave eo offer
their congratulations to the ladies
of this useful society, -upon the very
sueeessfal results of their year's
activity. Theyare pleased to note
that the amount is larger than in
any previous year and they take
this as an indication that at least
proportinate advance may be look-
ed ,for each succeeding year. The
Presbyter further commend the so-
tiety to the blessing and the care
of Almighty God, and pay that ,
their endeavors may be crowned
with achievements both in the, lives
of the heathen in foreign lands and
in the hearts of those who. devote
OVEMBER 17, 19
dteds.,—,Tbe marriage a MiSS Apa
Krauskopf, of MeKillop, and Mr.
Darnel O'Counor, of Hilbert, wag
solemnized on irednesday morning .
by Rev. Thomas Noonan. ,The new-
ly *added ouple will begin keep-
ing house at their oosy home in St.
Coltunban south. May all their
'troubles be little ones.—The wisest
„ther has been fairly impish In its
'waywardness ever since November
fkrst. Hoevever, the Weather pro-
fits shonld not be blamed, for this
is not the kind of weather they
jt about the first of the month.— --
'A Young Liberals' Association his Thursday the eccond met, wee in -
recently been formed in Carlyle, terred here on Wednesday of last
Saskatcbewan and -we notice with a 1 week. .The funeral service was held
great deal of pleasure that a bright .on the .6th., but owing to the non -
young Huronite, in the person of Mr. arrival of Mr. McKenzie in time
T. Jarrott, formerly of Hills Green for the tuneral interment was de -
has been elected secretary -treasurer 1 layed for almost a week. During
of the new association.—Mrs. Rich- the interval the casket remained in
ard Irwin, of Clinton, was visiting the St. Cblumban morgue. The ser -
friends in town this week.—Mr. Rus-• vice at the pemetery was conduct-
sel Thompson. . Western traveller1 ed by Rev. Albert McKeon. The
for a Montreal Jewelry firm, spent pall bearers were William Lang -
Sunday here with his grandmother stroth, Harry Purcell, E. Box, Jacob
and aunt, Mrs. M. and Miss Thomp- Burgnard, J. Kennie and John Brod-
son.—The Winnipeg Free Press of eriale.—Mrs. John Redmond, of Dub -
last Monday makes the following- -re- lin, was buried here last Saturday
fare's= to an old McKillop boy: "A- morning. She was a good, fervent
mong visitors to Winnipeg, Satur- .Catholic and the funeral was large -
day, was the Rev. George Loekhart, ly attended.—The sound of the
a graduate of Manitoba College of , church bell -announcing the death
the cease of 1891. Mr. Lockhart j of Mrs. James McClusky, of Mo -
now in charge of a Presbyterian Killop, in the parish code numbers
church in -Taylor-eine, Illinois. Ve 6...5; ; 6...5; came as a sad sur -
will •spend a few days in Winnipeg prise- to her many friends in this
community, as she had been in fair-
ly good health. until Sunday after-
noon lest. The funeral services at
the church and cemetery here on
promised us.
The cheapest, theAuiokest and -the surest way to
gep good value in stoves and hardware, is to go to
Zurich, We have a large and complete stock. Peo.
Pie like to know that their trade is appreciated, and
they rightly exped better service from those who
.are anxious for that trade than from those who show
little interest in getting it. We are anxions for -that
trade and anxious to give you good value. We Iniy
all for cub, have little or no expense in cOmparison
with towns and cities, consequently -we On sell
much eheaper. You can save money by giving us a
trial, your trade will be appreciatedc Cash for hides
and raw fm's. Chrtricsworth & Son, Zurich.
Gone To Dakota,—Mies Annie
Hartman from Buffalo, who has
been visiting at Mr. Fred Baker's,
Dashwood, for the past week, has
'at for Coopertown, North 'Dakota,,
to' spend the winter with her bro-
ther, George. While here Miss
Hartman disposed of her property to
Mr. Jacob Kellerman, for a band -
some figure.
The Town Council.—The • regular
meeting of the town council was
held on Monday evening. Aceounts
to the 'amount of $323.17 were pass-
ed and ordered to be paid. Messrs.
Broaerick and Archibald were ap-
pointed • a committee to attend the
next netetbag of the Tuckersmith
council and 'arrange about cost of
road leading into the gravel pit
on Mr. 'J. R. eerchibald's farm. The
townconstable v was authorized- tb-
procure a flash lathe) for use on the
Oreets at night. The 'clerk was in-
structed to ask for tenders for the
work of snow plowing by the hour,
tenders to be received until the llth
of December. An account of $60.50
from Mr. F. Gutteridge for sewer
work was ordered to be paid. The
mayor and clerk were authorize.d
eo execute the partial discharge of
a mortgage on the Klein property,
which is held by mistake. The clerk
was instructed to advertise /in the
Globe and Mail for tenders for an el-
ectric or telegraphic fire alarm sys-
tem for the town, to. be constructed
at once. A petition was presented
from Mr. 0. Neil and others asking
for a crossing on IVIain street from
the corner of the °Mellows block.
It was leftwith the street com-
mittee to be *dealt with as may seem
best in their judgment. The coun-
cil 'adjourned to meet at -the call
of the mayor.
11 Inereasin
( Nail Order Business )
OUR ORDERS BY MAIL TIERt receive the same
prompt and care4u1 attention. es though you were in
the store shoppling .person. Any requests for
samples or prices are filled -on the day of receipt,
Remember, we are, in a sense, no farther away than. the'
nearest letter box. Favor us with whateveriniail order business
you may have is do. You. will be pleased with service render-
ed.—we promise.
Facts About
Notes.—Mr. P. Wallace, of Tor-
onto, spent a few days of last week
with Dr. Bravene-Miss Agnes Black
has returned home from London,
where she has spent the last three
months.—Rev, J. H. Osterhaut at-
tended the Epworth League con-
vention in London last week.—Miss
Roadhouse, of Fordwich, spent two
days with Miss Gertie Harris.—Mrs.
N. 3. Robinson and children are vis-
iting relatives in Oakville.—Thos.
Bowyer, of Killarney, Manitoba, re-
newed acquaintances in the village -
last week.—My. M. ,McLennan, of
London, was around on a business
trip last week, having much ,improv-
ed in health.—Messrs. H. Sander-
son, James and John Ball and Alex.
Casemore are spending two weeks
in Muskoka.—Mr. John Munroe, of
Pullman. City, is visiting his sister,
Mrs. A. Miller.
A Good Horse Sold.—Mr. John Cut-
hill, "of this place, recently ,sold to
Mr. John G. Scott, of Cromarty, a
three year old roadster gelding, for
$150. This colt was sired by Hack-
ard, and was raised. by Mr. Cuthill,
who has three- others equally as
good, and .some of theth he thinks
are better. Mr. Scott has 'secured a
craokieg good driver.
will pay the following prices for fowl delivered at
my- store, next Tuesday afternoon, November 21st :—
chicks, 740, ducks, 9c, geesef. 7e, old hens, Oe, tur-
keys, 12e, all dry plucked. Will -take live fowl as
well at 20 per pound less than dressed. R. W..Tewitt,
Constance. 1079-1
Notes.—The next meeting of tbe
Women's Institute here will be
an oaen' meeting, to he hall at the
home of Mrs: B. Stephenson, sub-
jects for ,disaussion being, "Peeper-.
atioes itt the° home for Xmas,"and
"Benefits 't� be derived_efrom the
Institute." Each raembet will be
-expected to take part in the dis-
cussion, and a literary programme
will be provided. Everybody wele
come.—Miss Edith M. Mills, of Har -
lock, left last Wednesday to attend
Alma 'Ladies' College, St. Thomas.
St COlumban.
We keep the best all felt goods made. The most
Comfortable shoes for men, niade. We have them
or ladies, *gentlemen and child-len—If you are troubl-
ed with cold feet do not. fail to see them. W. IL
Willis, the leading rubber store, Seaforth. 1970-1
Briefs.—Mrs. John McKenzie of
Dakota, who died : in Seaforth on
on vacation, calling on .01.4 ,friends."
—We are glad. to learnfr that Mis
Piekarda of Tuekersmith, bitis reeov
ered her old pocket book -Which sh,
lost and of which we made mention Wednesday were attended by hun-
(From an occasional correspondent.)
We keep the best all felt goods made. The most
comfortable shoes for winter made—We have them
for laes, gentlemen and childre_n,-0 y.ou....ate
ed with cold feet, do not fail to see thein.- . W. IL
Millis, the leading rubber store. ; 1979-1
Notes.—Mrs. 3. Burchill, Mit-
chell, spent Sunday with her father,
Mr. Richard Robinson.—kr. • Alfred
Hewiet ;has completea a neat, 'com-
fortable, cosy tittle house for his
gdrandfather.—Mr. John McGavin
has recovered after the shaking up
he got with the ponies running a-
way. Mrs. Alfred Hewitt has also
got over her beufses, which she !re-
ceived in trying to capture
Fheme Robinson has en-
gaged with Mr. Joseph Dennis for
the winter.—Mr. 'John Balfour had
a number of chickens perished in the
snow. John will be the better for
a partner to look after his chickens
and himself.—Mr. C. White has re-
covered from his recent illness.—
There are good. reports from Messrs.
Alfred Stafford and Wm. Coulter,
who left rere a short time ago for
New Ontario. They have captured
threk, ,deer each,
- If you have any thought of buyiag furs, the earlier the
better, in the matter of selection. CONTRACTS MADE
WITH LEADING FURRIERS during the dull season has
made it possible for us to give you their. best Workmanship,
and this, in connection with the best pelts obtainable, thus we
are enabled to offer goods that have thiit clean finish which adds
so mach to the aizTearance of au article, and which is often
missing in furs made in the ,hurry and bustle created by the
later demand.
When you buy a fur garm,nt. here, we are as frank with
about every feature as if yoU were buying. a yard of silk.
If you have not even a slight knowledge sabout furs, you cam.
buy with safety here. The store is back of every statement,
enough proof that you wit' be protected.
F. 1. Edwards, Bayfield, has new wrappers and
ifvisa, which, for value, cannot be beaten. See them.
Breezes.—Miss Ray Govenlock, of
Seaforth, was the guest of Miss
Lerma Erwin last week.—Mrs. John
McLeod returned. Monday from Port
Burwell, where she has been the
past Iew weeks.
Another Sailor Drowned.—A de-
spatch from Pert Burwell, alated
Nevember llth says: " The fielding
(tug Star, owned by the Port Bur-
well Fish Company, while lifting
nets during to -day's south gale,
shipped a heavy sea, washing a
young ,man named Sturgeon over-
board. He was unmarried and. hail-
ed. from Bayfield, Ontario. The tug -
lost all of her upper works.' This
is a particuiarly sad affair. The Un-
fortunate young man was Mr. 'Geo.
Sturgeon, son oa Mr. JamesStur-
geon, of this village. He was about
19 years of age, and had only been
with the fishing party at Port
Burwell, about a month. The sad
intelliegnce was conveyed to Mr.
Sturgeon on Saturday, and himself
and his son left foes Port Burwell
immediately, with the hope that
they might be able to bring the re-
mains ;back with them, but itt this
they were disappointed, as the body
has not yet been found, and it may
not for some time, as the accident
happened about six reliesfrom the
shore. Much sympathy i felt for
the bereaved parents and friends.
Doe_s no
as lute
IS' guar
lish a
to do
Among the
Smaller Furs
(Ruffs and ,Boas 'for Instahce)
We don't confine you to a few pries and a meager stock.- .
Commencing as low as 50 cents, which is the price of sonae-
pretty woolboas, we lead you gradually through an. assortment
of more than 200 ruffs and boas until we reach the most costb.
effects that are decidedly cheap at $45.
Itis _Easy t� buy from suck a
Beautiful Variety as we show
Easy to pay for, too.
primary reason
buy a fur ev
wuld be e
310t to wear
<if a short
Glad to Show our Undepk,
wear Stock
We 'have supreme confidence in our ability to please you,
knowing that our qualities and. prices are right. We go further
into the details of the Underwear Business than do most stores.
We look out for the seemingly little details of finish, knitting,
stitching, shape and quality. Therefore, the garments we offer
are r88 perfect as it is possible for a mill to turn thenr out, and
they aretpriced as low as it is possible for any reliable store to
sell then.
values, remind
turn out just
Briefs, -W. A. Lowy, of London,
was a visitor with friends here'
during .the past week.—D. MoNaughe
ton has been off duty for the pasf
0 weeks owing to a -badly sprain-
ankle—Miss Florence Armstrong%
of the Oth concession of Grey, has
_been engaged to teach ip the school
sectio No; 6, Grey, for next year,
—A concert will be held on Friday
evening of this week in the town
hall for the benefit of the public
library.—Geo. McLauchlin return-
ed to his situation at Port Arthur
last week.—Jobn l3eattie, of Chess
ley, was a visitor herover Sun-
day.—This week Deie Denman remov--
ed from town to ,the fart°. recently
leased by him from James Sharp, on
the 5th concession of Morris.—Rev-
Mr. Mullen, of Fergus, occupied the
pulpit in Melville church last Sab-
bath, Dr. Ross being in Fergus,—
James Broadfoot, of Antigonish,
Nova Scotia, was renewing old ac-
quaintances here for a few days'
during the past week.—Miss Jane
Mitchell and Mrs. Glass left town.
this :week for the west. The form-
er goes to Wallace, N. W. T., and
the latter to Winnipeg.—Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Martin moved into their
Inc new residence this -week.—G,N.
McLaren arrived here this week
with his new stock of goods for his
general stare. He expects to be
ready to open up on Saturday of
this weekaaal. local option petition,
was circulated in the town last
week but the number of signatures
were not very numerous so that the
matter has been dropped for the
present.—Miss Lizzie Downing has
been engaged as saleslady in ,G. N.'s new store.—A wddiag
took placeeen the Roman Citholic
church hetet feet Monday morning
at 10 o'clock. The contrateing par-
ties were Miss Margaret, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan, of
MoKillop, and 3. Albert Kelly, of
For Ali Occasions
,Waists from 50c to $6
Skirts from $1.50 to $9
Underskirts in.. Fun
Range of Prices
Fine Bokara
ilti th
ed. ea
You xnay require a Waist or Skirt for everyday wear, a
most serviceable one, or you may prefer something ,to reserve
for evening or for afternoon "dress -up.'. occasions. Tastes
differ—and we have tried to meet all tastes.. Ysnt can judge
best how we have succeeded, front, yeti' own point of view,
when you look at OUT exhibit of stylislOkbw 'garments,
Blankets Blankets Blankets
Big Fluffy Fellows—Full of warmth and com-
fort. These are the kind you wa4k, These
are the. kind we sell. And these are hints
that should lead you to profitable buying.
We sell blankets right.