The Huron Expositor, 1905-11-17, Page 7"MI
o Eirosamt.
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Ve guaxautee
hly practical
pleasure, out
there is a
better f o r
n Vitin
than a
meal fi
!Incy' Pcrfcction
Cream Sodas
Goy y s Biscuits are an evenly
lanced, Who!esome, lourishing
rL equally f, -,00d for ycung and
T4Uc from Canada's finest
ieat flour, rich cream and purc
er.Baked by the Mooney
the Mooney Way.
Mooney's 'to• your grocer.
For infants and Children.
Tu Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature o
The - Wild. Boar, the Water MitiliMo
. and the Elephant. "
A.rtireals when wild. constantly dle, a
lingering death from injury - to the
skin, whether tensed, as usually hap-
pens in _tropical countries, by wounds
aggravated by tweets or by cutaneous
disease; hence tile pains whiele they
take in making the toilet and in the -
use and selection of "cosinetics."
Among birds the salt water species
often seek fresh water to 'wash in, dif-
ferent land birds choose different
earths In which to dust and also wash
in water, anct nearly every tropical ,
animal, including the tier, bathes el- I
ther in water or in mud. 'Perhaps the
best known mud bathers are the wild
boar, the'wafer buffalo and the ele-
phant The latter has an immense ad- I
vantage over all other animals in the
use of its trunk for dresaing wounds.
It is at once a syringe, a powdering
puff and a hand.
Water, mud and dust are the 1330.111
"applications" used, though it some-
times covers a sun scorched back with
grass or leaves. "Wounded elephants,"
Vi rites Sir Samuel Baker, "have a,mar-
velous power of recovery When in their
wild state,- although they have -no gifts
of surgical knowledge, ',their pimple
system being confined to plastering
their wounds with 1nud or bidwing
dust upon, the surface. Duet and mud
coraprise the, entire pharmacopoeia Of
the elephant, and this is applied upon
'the most trivial as well as upon the
most serious occasions. 1 ha,ve -
them, ewlaeu in a tank, plaster
bullet wound with irtud taken
the bottem."—Londinf Spectator.
sIN GRIEVE, V. S., honor graduate ofOutario
Veterinary College All diseases of Domestic)
*Was treated. Calls promptly attended to and
eriarreirsiemetsta. Veterinary Dentistry a opeoleat y
and tesidence on Hoderlob street, one d Oo
of Dr &eft'scffioo Seafortb. 11124
IIARBORN V. S.—Honorary g *dilate of the
4:la1ar10 Veterinary College an L.onorary mem-
*Vibe Medical Association of ths Onterin Voter-
siaryCollege. Treats diseases of all domestic animals
timeliest modern principles Dentistry and Milk
a specialty Office opponle Dick's Motel,
w9-1 receive prompt attention. Night calls received
Ifala Street, Seafortb. AP orders left 'et the hotel be put on wrong way uppermost it
n means that the place is a good one and
*effiee. that the cook has only left for a time
LEGAL. and means to return as soon as he can
liAMES KILLORA'4N the sa.ucepan it Mdicates that the place'.
me be left in it it ebews -that the servant is
estoreeMsin 5treet, Seafortb.
How They Parrs Along Information
About Their Employers,
In China it is a common thing for
some people to bewail the lack of a
cook, while their neighbors have num-
bers offering themselves directly the
vacancy occurs. The reason of this is
that each cook hands on to bis success-
or his employer's "character." This he
does by means of a saucepan left
standing in the kitchen.
If the place be considered a good one
a saucepan will be left on the ground
with the lid put on properly. If the lide
, If the lid be put half in and half out of
That Watch,
How is fl?
Perhaps your timepiece
has not been giving corn-
plete satisfa.Stion of late.
No other establish-
ment in Canada is -,so
well equipped forwatth
needs as is Diamond
Hall, with its recently
enlarged facilities
and its ba,lf century of
A woeden box in which
to mail your watch to us
will be sent you free on
134-138 YONGE ST.
Entlister. Solklitor4 Notary Public eta. Money to is a good one, but the master is. Stingy.
bro. In Beatorni Waders, Fridays and Bator- If the lid be on properly and some rice
Office open every week day. Over Ploluerd'a
Iquite satisfied with everything concere-
ft 8. 1-14VIrs„ ing the owners of the house, but :that
wter, solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Publics. he is obliged to leave owing debts or.
amnia= Banks Seaforth. Bones, to loan. 1285 other •causes which inconvenience him.
.8olloltor for the Dominion Bank. Office—in rear of
1 If the employer be in the habit of mak-
ite BE-8TS Bandelier, Solicitor, Odnvarforloolf ing his servants payfor lost or broken
Notsey Public. 'Offices np stairs, over 0.W
eeeesteue ein skeet seater*. . e •
articles a challe mark will be found On
1927 the bottom of the saucepan, which will
not easily be rubbed
The Chineee- "boy" makes his mark
behind the bedrodra or pantry door and
the waternaa,n his on the bottom of
tubs. These signs are said to have
been originally adopted by the Chinese
from the Tamils.
why Some Men Are Superstitious.
There are Men. who have .5 congeni-
-tal tendency to distrust fate. With the
better half of Chola minds they may be
optimists, but there is a corner which
DENTIST. is never free fromethe pain of fear, the
Oraduate ot SSucceesorep] College of Dental Surgeons o fear of a sort of transcendental spith.
Ycoces poetry store, Mem street, Seaforsb. Plutarchfsaid cif the superaitious that
entelle. to Dr. Weddle. Offtee—Over
1976 they believed en the gods and believed
them V) be unfriendly. Some survival
of this pagan notiou remains to this
day even among these Whose -reasona-
ble conviction and reverent faith alike
lead them to totally opposite conclu-
sions. They do uot loaieve they will
have more misfortunes if they take a
house which is numbeeed 13 than if
they took one numbered 31, but tbey
avoid the former in order to quiet their
own painful imaginations. -- London
Spectator. ,
"0- ROM/WIRD, successor to the late firm of
X e McCaughey & Holznested, Bilnilief, Solicitor
Coeveyanoer, and NOtallY Solicitor for the Can
&lanai* of Connneroe. Money to lend. Verne
er eale. Office in genii's Molt! Stain Street
ore, eto., Goderiole, Ontario.
smoked them, for ten yours, and they
haven't killed rue yet. INliss Knox—
Yes, I know, and that's one reason
why I object to them.
daring is t% nortett to nave said teehlin,
"two of ylur 130, yesterday
were not who,. you -,ight call truly ru-
ral?" "Indeed." sr the editor grilel-
ly. "And that ecie of _yours in yes- !
terday's issue tedn't seem to me ctuite
new laid."—Inuetrated London News.
Ills Literary Treasures.
"Jones twit _me to leis rooms to see a
collectlep of rare and curious manu-
scripts." ' •
"What were they?" .
"Recelpted tailors' bills."
Lovessi Commandenents.
I. Thou shalt have no °thee love
but me. 2. Trust ma all in an or not
at 3. Thou shalt not dull me with
satiety. 4. 'Weed me not with cruel .
words. 5. 'Thou shalt not bind tae
with fetters. 6. Guard me as the jew-
el of thy soul, for once lost I can
never be regained. 7. Thou shalt not
mistake thy:I. fancies for me.
The coat is in the fifteenth century
first mentionecl. as an upper! garment
for men. All the seams were then cov-
toed with gold braid or Inc "
e_ Monarchs' Whose Humor Wan More
Strennonis Than Refined,
Alfonso VL of Pertugal reveled in
practicing so called jokes on his sub-
jects, a favorite form of enjoyment be -
lug, the waylaying hnd ,assaulting of
passengers, firing into the cotichee of
his nobles and scattering religious pro -
Cessions at the point of the srord.
Charles IX. of France had a favorite
trick of hiring young thieves to relieve
his guests as they- sat at table of their
swords and jewels, "laughing loudly as
he witnessed their success or saw the
'unconsciousness of the victims or be-
held their surprise and tedignation
`after they had, been 'despoiled."
Queen Christhia of Sweden. was in
her element when she could snatch the
chair away as some dignified official
or portly 'court lady was about to take
a seat and found infinite entertainment.
In dressing herself as a galla.nt and
making love 'in disguise to the young
ladies of the court. -
Frederick 'William I. of Prussia used
to dpend many hilarious bolus at the
Tobacco club, where Ms chief delight
was to make bis guests the butt of iii4
practical 3tekes. A favorite victim was
JacOb von Gondling, an eminent sci-
entist, whom on one occasion his mai-
estY ordered to read aloud certain
abusive articles about himself which
the king bad sent to the daily papers,
while by his side was placed a monkey
dressed in exact imitation of the pro-
fessor which he was compelled to em-
brace as his brother.
Uu removed from 418 Sberbonrneati. to his bean
tut new cffices, 488 Young Bt., opposite Carlton 8{14
- 1816-18
Dr. John Mcoirmis,
Offiee end Eteeidence—Viotoria Street,
'Phone 7a"
DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Marrero Voice.
dee, member of College of Physicians and Sur- aline. Mara had a voice that extend -
Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medr.
a , London, Rogland -, Iledverelty College Ilospitale 0110 of,the most facile and flexible ever
k 3 Cut!, E ngland. Office—Over Ore* & Stewart's; known. She delighted In the' florid
sr sswered from residence Victoria etreet.• 1890 MUSIC of Hasse, Graun, Benda, Jena:
ellen Street, Seaforth. 'Phone No. 6. Night
---------.........-- mein, Pergalese, Porpora, Sacchini and
MR. FIE J* BUIRRUIPM, ,others of that school; and with the ut-
now consigned to solo instruments,
such as the violin and flute. She held
the stage from ;771 to 1802, with an
occasional appearance after the latter
1888 , date.
geeoe of Ontario prise graduate coulees Chioago ed frOID middle G to E in alt and was
ttiaical School, (lineage ; Royal Ophthalmia Hopi-
Tho-fienelit of Contrast.
"Do yell think that industry is essen-
tial to bappluess?" '
"A. little is," answered the easy go-
ing person. "If a man bad never done
any. work he would never realize how
ranch comfort there is in having Ilene
to do."
All For Him.
"Your fiancee seems to have a will
of her own,"
"Yes, a-nd sometime" lhalf regret
that I'M the sole •beneficiapy."
-"-most ease executed passages that are
Offre and ResIdenee—Galerieb street, eaet
Methodist church.
menu for the County of Huron.
rioderich street. opposite Methodist oburch,Sealorth
1. 0. MOTT, geaduate Vicstorie and Ann Arbors', and t
inerebee Ontario College of Physioirem end
orgeorm. Coroner tar Ccranty of Huron.
illecKAN, honor graduate Trinity Univereity,
011 medalist Trinity Medical (lollege. Member
jellege of Phystolens and &Lagoons!, 033410.0
inouAs suovnt. Licensed Auctioneer for the
Counties of Munn and Peeth. Ordere left at
A. M. Campbell's implement warerooces. Seaforth, or
Tfl Exrennroa Office, will receive proropt attention,
atisfaction guaranteed or no charge. 17084f
AMES G. IdoMICHAEL, licensed auctioneer for
the county of Huron: Wee attended to in any
Vert of the county at moderate rates, and satisfactioe
suaranteed. Orders left at the Seaforth post offiee
er on Lot 2, Conoeseion 2, Mullett, will resseive
.ompt attention. 188241
leCTIONEERING.—B. S. Phillips, Lioensed
Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and_
Perth. Being a praotioal framer and thoroughly
enderstanding the videos of farm stook and invite
manta, planes me Ida better position to realize good
reibee. ()bargee moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed
or no pay. All orders lef i at Mensal' post office ow
at Lot 28, Concession 2, Ifey, will be promptly
aitended to. 170941
Reduction Sale
We purpose disposing of
our business in Seaforth
and are giving Special
Prices on all lines.
lechtei & McKenzie
Furniture Dealers
and Undertakers.
In the F'&310117.
"That watch he carries was hie great-
grandfather's." ,
"Indeed! His great-grimdfather's?
know I've often seen it at bis uncle's."
No Advantage.,
Kwoter—You know tbey say. "One
touch of nature makes the whole world
kin." Grombell—Yes, but most of us
continue to be poor relations.—Phila-
delphia tedreer. .
Charlotte Curshenan.
One icy night Charlotte Cushman
and Lawrence Barrett came out of :the
theater together. The steps were dan-
gerously slippery, and it was with dif-
ficulty that they kept their feet at all.
As they totteringly descended the great
actress said to her couipanion, quite
in her Lady Macbeth manner; "Take
a good. grip on my firm, Lawrence, and
if I slip hold on like grim death. But
if you slip in the name of heaven let
• Sapleigh—Why do you -dislike ciga-
rettes? Miss Knox—Because they are
dangerous. Sapleigh—But I have
-Estc4iisited 1$79.
Whooping Dough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Crip, Aathma, Diphtheria
Oresotono io re boon to Asthmatics
PrziOLSNE is a lang estahln,:lerl and standard remedy
for the diseases ludic:Oa „It VIIMA because the air ren.
dered stronr,ly antisepti.: is earried over the diseased Bur.
faces of the bronchrtd tubeswith every breath, giving
prolonged and constant treatment. Those of a consui‘np-
vs tendency, or sutrerers from chronic bronclAtis, find
mmediato rata- from coughs or inflamed conditions of
m throat. -
Vapo-Cresolene Is sold
by droffgists or sent pre-
pai1. en reetipt of prive,
A Irapo.t.resolono out-
fit 31]eindlo1 a 'bottle of
CresoIetie $1.50. Send for
free Illu.strated 'Wald!
Agetists. :MS St. James St
Montreal. Cana&
Easy scheme to End your Sleep M
Awl. Hour You Wish.
yre hear it frequently asserted that
if persons will impress the thought
firmly upon their minds and continue
thinking about it 'until they have fallen
asleep that they desire to awake at a
certain hour in the. morning they will
do so without fail," said Dr. JOseple
Boehna in the St. Louis Globe -Demo-
crat "But how many people have tried
this method of insuring a prompt
awakening at a given' hour, in the
morning only to find their rest through-
out the night disturbed and uneasy.
"The broin. will usually respond to
the :will and awaken one in the morn-
ing near the desired hour under any
circinnstances, but .0 prevent tb.e un-
broken, uneasy sleep the adoption of
only a very simple device is necessary.
The last 'thing before getting Into bed
take a watch or clock and turn the
hands to the hour at which one wishes
to rise and gaze at this just long
enough to fix the hour firmly on the re-
tentive memory. Then'if no other ab-
sorbing thoughts intereene between
that and the moment one is locked in
sluinber the night's rest will be easy
and unbroken, and promptly at the
boarki the morning, as a rule, one -will
find oneeelf released from bleep and
-wide awake. There is no OW to re-
. peat it over and over in the nand:. All
thie maks the brain uneasy and re-
sults pi the disturbed slumber. Sim-
ply look at the watch or clock, as I
have indicated, and the influeece of,
the mind over matter will be clearly
demonstrated in the morning. 'Try it
some night and observe how smoothly
this physiological fact works."
DlZnted Mille Is the Safest Kind of
Footiolte guanine.
During the first few days of any run
of fever there should be no attempt
made' to give food, for, as neither gas
*lc pandreatic juices are secreted,
the stomach cannot digest food and It
putrefies. V..fter the saliva and other
Secretions have been restored food
should be given that is easiest to di-
gest. Milk, which contains all the food
principles, is known as the special diet
for fevers" of any gore Diluted milk is
easier of digestion than the pure milk,
which curdlestalmost as soon as it en-
ters the stomaph. One part of lime -
water to one of ' milk is a good pro-
portion. Milk and mineral water is
also excellent, Fill a glass half full
of milk and. then fill up with the min-
eral- water. A little salt increases its
palatability. Invalids, by the way, pre -
ler more salt and less sugar in any.
dish. If plebe milk agrees with the
patient he may be allowed' to have
from. one to two quarts, in twenty-four
hours. Milk and barley waters and
peptonized milk are all nutritious and
digestible. Where aatient gets very
tired of the taste of Dank the flavor
may be varied by adding, with the
physician's permission, a little strong
off ee or oyster or clam broth.
And It Is Just us Necessary at Night
an XII. the Daytime.
Air is a life preserver. It is the par-
titular friend of man; and be who bar-
ricades -the doors and windows against
this life savieg friend gives a cordial
invitation to disease and death to en -
t er. ' .
Open the doors and windows and let
the sunshine in, and let wind blow
through the rooms every morning, for
they are disinfectants performing labor
, of 4 sanitary nature.
Breathe loeg and deep. Fill the
lungs to their utmost capacity with
pure air several- times each day and
keep the home well ventilated night
and day, and remember that when
night comes on all the air you bave in
or out of thhouse till the next morn-
ing is "nigh air," -and you cannot bot-
tle day air nough within the sleeping
room to last through the night, So by
all means -let the air circulate through
Vie -oom and thus keep a fresh sup-
ply of, this life giving: . element con
stantly with yeu.
More fresh air is required during
sleep thanwhen awake, for increased
quantities of poisonous products are
given off from the lungs aud skin at
this time, so eacir respired= renders
the air in an unventilated room more
unfit to be breathed again.
Eteep the windows sufficiently open
so the fresb "night air" can come in
from one side and the impure air can
go out through the other.
The Pimpernel.
Not every one knows what flower is
meant by the pimpernel in the famous
The white lake blossom fell into the lake
As the -pimpernel dozed on the lea.
It is a pretty *English wild flower of
the primrose family and commonly
known as "poor_ man's weather glass,"
becauss its petals are so sensitive to
moisture that they droop before the
coming of rain. Garden burnet is
.sometimes confounded with this Eng-
lish plant because it is called by the
:French "pimperneile," But the pimper-
nel which "dozed on .the lea" is a
slightly poisonous, acrid plant, not at
all suitable in a salad.
Divereity of Religious Opinion Once
Forbidden by Henry VIII.
The old law books are. curious read-
ing and give some funny ideas of what
kings and parliaments thought they
could do.
Henry VIIL, for example, passed "au
act for the abolishing of diversity of
opinion in Certain articles concerning
Christian religion." It staggers one to
think of how many acts woulki be re-
quired today "to abolish diversity of
opinion" in religious matters. It is not
generally known in Scotland, the home
of football, that it is still ilitrgal to play
football. An act passed. in 1424 and
never repealed says, "No man shall
play at football under a pain of 50
But Scotch ladies with a tendency to
overdressing are in no better position.
Their overdressing is still illegal. By
an act of James II. restriction as to
dress is laid down, and only the wife of
a bailie Or alderman Is allowed to wear
"clothes of silk, scarlet gowns." No
woman is to come to kirk or market
with her Ace mussaled or veiled), that
she may be known.
In the reign; of Geoege IIIa bill was
introduced for the inaprovemOt of Ithe
metropolitan watch. By thla watch-
men were compelled to sleep dieting
the day.
James I. fiassed an act "that no malt
be found in taverns drinking after the
strike of 9."
Wisdom's End.
"While be was under thirly his par-
ents had too Ditch sense to, let him
"While be wasamder fifty he had too
much sense towed." •
"1 see."
"Now that he's eighty -five" --
"He's' going to take a wife."
Tombstone Inscriptions.
A visitor to the West cemetery at
Litchfield, C;ni., found the following
interesting i iptions on torebstones
"Here lies the body of Mary, wife of
Dr. John Buel, Esq. She died Nov. 4th,
1768, aet. 94, having had 13 children,
101- grandchildren, 274 great-grandchil-
dren, 22 greet-great-grand.children; to-
tal, 410; 36 survive her,"
Another: "Sacred to the memory of
Inestimable worth of 'Unrivaled Excel-
lence & Virtue, Mrs. Rachel, wife of Je-
rome B. Woodrug So daughter of Nor-
man & Lois Barber,- whose ethereal
parts became a seraph May 24, 1835, in
the 22 y'r of her age."
rff e9NPM...r24..011•110201•NNIONH
Do Ton Suffer With
Wont you be guided ber the experience of others—take what
they took—and cure yoteeself as they cured themselves? Fruit-
a-tives cure the cause of the headache. They remove the blood
poisons which cause it entirely relieve constipation and tone up the nerves,
This letter is the proof that puts an end to doubt ;—
me have tried Fruit -a -Hoes and found thein splendid forleadaebes. I feel so nen
better since I commenced taking them. I think they are a splendid inedielni, and ern
recommending thent tonal my friends." Mrs. j. W DVLONG. Iliarnesveue. ont.
or.F'Uft Liver Tablets.
50e. a box. All druggists. Manufactured by Frultea-Uves Limited. ettetves.
The dose is one, just one pt
9 pik
Ayers ill constipation. a:=
bedtime. Sugar-coated,
mild, certain. TI:ley cure
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE
abeautifutbrowa orrichblack?Use ca& miasmas oaa r.sulkol.lasuu.s.a.
Domestic Needs.
Husband—Anything you want do,en-
town today, my dear? Shall I order
some more of that self raising flour?
Wife—We have plenty left. But I wish
you would stop at an 'negligence office
and order me a self rising servant girl.
,.New York Weekly,
Editorial Repartee.
A friend of mine, .a Loudon editor,
controls two daily papers and a farm
in Warwickshire. There is a ,legend
that the members of his staff who *leek
his special graces buy the editor's eggs.
"Do you know," one of them. greatlY
Great Britafn supplies her soldiers
with the anti -cholera woollen belt.
The Ceetee Woollen belt is a positive
preventative for Lumbago, Dysentery,
I,a Grippe and Rheirraatism, as well as
Cholera -particularly good for weak hack.
Thousands have proven the truth of
this claim.
Ceetee underwear is made in alfstyles
for men, women and _children and fash-
ioned to fit the body—no rough seams.
Your Dealer -will re- .
place any Goatee
Garment that shrinks
Made at Galt, Canada, by
The C. TURNBULL CO., Limited
and sold by elk reliable dealers.
- Hospitality.
Dumas, the elder, had a dog as s-
pitable as his master, and tbis dog
once invited twelve others to Monte
Cristo, Dumas' palace, named after his
famous novel. Dumas' factotum in,
chief wished to drive off the waole
"Michael," said the. great romancer,
"I have a social position to sustain. It
entails a fixed amount of trouble and
expense. You say that I have thirteen
dogs and that they are eating me out
of' house and home. Thirteen! What an
'unlucky number!'
"Monsieur -elf you will permit—there
is but one thing left to do. I must
drive them all away."
"Never, Michael!" replied Dumas.
"Never! Go at once and find me- a
fourteenth dog."
Broadening the Shoulders.
A good. exercise for broadening the
shoulders requires the person to place
his' hands straight before hina against a
door or wall, which he must face.
Straighten out the arms and let the
palms of both bands be spread out up-
on the surface of the door. Then slow-
ly press the chest forward toward the
door. This will cause the arms to bend
at the elbows, but at the same time
will throw back the shoulders. Rowing
will broaden the shoulders very per-
ceptibly. Exercises with dumbbells are
also good.
Short Gill to S ccess
There is none—if you would succeed you must vrork.
Some colleges claim to give a complete course in lesi
time than the
The For,* City Business and Shorthand College teaches
the different eourses xn the tune found by long experienee by
the best colleges, to be necessary—no more and no less.
If the work is done in less time it cannot be done thoroughly
After you leave the F. C. B. C. -you waste no time in learning
what you should have been taught in the College.
Our free booklet tells all about plans, systems, chars,
positions after graduating, etc, Write for it.
School term—September till juae inclusive.
Y. M. C. A. Bldg..
!sour Sorts% of Readere.
There are four sorts of readers—hour-
glassreaders, whose reading runs in
and out and leaves nothing; sponge
readers,. who imbibe all, but only give
it out again as they got it and perhaps
not so clean; jelly beg readers, who
keep the dregs and refuse and let the
nitre run •through; cllaniofld reader,
who east aside all that -is worthless and
eold only tee gems.
What thel.erts are to the world of
matter literature is to the world of
Get Rid of That Cough
Betrre iheirayrer eemes Dr Weed's Norway
no Sy srp (cr qucIF Cetebe, Colde. Sere Ihrent,
careencsa Brenchitie, and all Mesta of the
hroat and Lungs
Wherever there are sickly people with weak
hearts and deranged nerves, Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills will be found an effectual medicine
They restore enfeebled, enervated, exhausted, de-
vztalized or over-worked men and WO1Bell tO vigor-
ous health
Spring Medicine.
As.. spring medicine Burdoe k Blood Bitters hes
no equal It tones up the system and removes al
impurities from the tarred, and takes away that tie -
ed, weary feeling leo peevalent in thespring
Suddenly Attacked.
Children are often attacked suddenly by' painfn
and daugerous collo, Cramps,Diarrhoca, Dysentery,
Cholera Morbne, Cholera Infaultee, etc Dr Fowl-
er's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and
sure clue, which siaould always be kept in the berm
For Cholera Minims, Cholera Infantsam, Cramps,
Colic,DIarrboes,Dyeentery and Summer Comphilnt„
Dr Fowler'! Extract of Wild etrawberryis a prompt
1 safe and sure cure that has been a popular favorite
far nearly 80 years
te1 y r-1,1 now convinced
that Red Rose Tea
is Good Tea?"
IHAVE made an. honest effort to convince you that
Red. Rose Tea is good tea.
I have shown you in these talks that Red Ito' e
Tea combines the good qualities of rich, strong
Northern Indian tea with the delicate fragrance of
Ceylon Tea.
That by this combination of two good teas, Red
Rose Tea° is better than either—with a "rich fruity
flavor" exclusively its own.
I have told you why it is always uniform in. flaior
and strength of its selection at the gardens how if is
.1 ,
tested and blended—I have tried to tell you all a.boil
Red Rose Tea and
I want you to try Red Rose Tea. because 'I want
you for a permanent customer. I know if you once
try it you will -use only Red Rose Tea.
The price of half a, polund of Red Rose 'Tea is
small—,that small investment may show yon how
much tea value, tea quality and flavor you have
missed. Is it not worth trying?
FREE SAMPLE—We will send a large sample of Red
Rose Tea by post, free, if yoti will write and tett
us the -priced tea you are now using, and whether
black or green.
A '
is good Tea
T. H. Estabroolis
St. John, N.B., - Toronto, Wiam
Speejal Sale
We will give a large discount on on aU Furniture. This is an opportunity
hat shrewd buyers cannot afford to miss. Ourstock is large, Don't fail to
all and secure the bargains that will be offered.' at this big discount sale.
Ptomptly attended to night or Ay.
S. T. HOLMES Manager.