The Huron Expositor, 1905-11-17, Page 2- OTTINRY WANTED. IsZT G-TTITI\T'S Turkeys, dry picked...J....AU per pound Ducks, fat, dry picked 10o per pound Chickens, 7o per pound Old hens, .50 per poundThese prices are good up to Menclayf OctOhei 23rd. We have Blankets, Yarns and Fianfnels Last Year's Prices. We can give you -values in, every department outside this store. not excellid Seafo.rth. mon expoitor SEAFORTEL FRIDAY, Nov. 17, 1905. It Should. -he Repealed. Conservative papers and. Conser- vative politicians am making as much capital' as they can out ot what has henome popularly known as the "Salary Grab'" agitation. Any person who did not know better on reading their articles add speech- es would conelude that the Liberal Geverament and Liberal members I Wilfrid Laurier knows that he is not a selfish or a greedy man. It . is also well known to members of i Parliament that Sir Wilfrid stood 1 out strongly against the salary and pensions -bill until the last and. It was - only when he was neade to be- lieve by representntsons from both sides of the House that they would be acceptable to the people that be gave in. Sir eeWilfrid should have the law 'repealed.- In no other way could he more effectually cause chagrin, disappointment and discom- fiture to his opponents. Were he to do this the Mail and its follo-wers would be the .sickest people in the world. THE -Ngoiti..IF.MSlo•es•A..a..AOPIP.aPiaofaass. HURON EXPOS TOR withdraw was that ,of MoMahon, Broadfield and company, whieh did not resume business after the (big fire of two years ago. "'The firms in the smaller cities siipply only the local demand, and the ibig trade of the country is largely in the hands of one or two 'corporations. were entirely responsible for the At a ploughing. metch held last legislation: that in feet they mit- week in King township, York coun- iated it and carried It through Par- tee when the weather was at its liamenf entirely contrary to the 'worst, both the politicalOandi- dates in North York were present.' wishes and in spite of the protests Mr.eeCa.tlium being a farmer, wiles of their opponents. Whereas , the used tfo that sort of thing, but it it . truth iH that the one side is equal- ly to blame with- the other. Mtn Mr. Aylesworth, although he seems Conservatives, to a man favored it to have adapted himself to the cir- And helped to foist it on the %countcumstances very well. The repertry. says: "Hon. Mr, Aylesworth per - In the present 'contest in North sonally inspected . each furrow. The York the Conservatives are mak- charaeter of the work performed in ing 'it a leading Issue and they will eo everywhere. The following rom film Toronto Mail of a recent date le "a sample of the manner in which they handle the subject. The Mail -SayS The Ministerial attitude on the subject eif the salaries and pensions is ..001 ardly in the. extreme. These politicians halo not the manhood to defend the legislation they passed and to take the responsibility for it. The organ is put up to pretend that they are ready to back down.. Thus they look like a party of bur-. gears eaught itt the act and ready to drop the swag. With their pock- ets bulging out, they point to the Opposition, and cry that these chaps are equally guilty because they did not keep them out a the House." And what about the Conservative attitude. Surely it is even more -cowardly. .Every men Jack of them. voted. for it and profited by it, Nay, more, they urged it on the Govern- rherit .and now they are trying • to eiiirk responsibility by putting the blame Gil the- other fellows. If the conduct of the Ministerialists is cow- ardly, surety that of their oppon- ents is more se. There is no doubt but that the Government were misled in this enatter. Depending upon the re- presentation e of some' of their friends who united with their oppon- -eats iti urging the measure, they were misinformed as to the actual feelinge irr the country. But, they must ere this be undeceived. No measure ever passed by Parliament in recent yeers has proven more un- popular end the best thing the Gov- ernment can do is to have it repeal - 'd, root and branch. at the first ses- sion. That will, effectually, stop the mouths Of their opponents and .satisfy their friends. More than this, it u ill make their opponents, those who are now eo meanly trying to make capital out of it, so sick ,that they will not know what to do. It will be a just retribution on them for their meanness and no one every glass was especially meritor- ious, The whiner of the gold medal James' McLean, was formally pre- aented by .Mr. ,A.ylesivortb, oh be- half of the association, with the troehy. In reeking the presenta- tion Mr. Aylesworth alluded to the art of good ploughing as the basis of the country's prosperity." • • * 7 f* .In Teply to some eriticis s of the Conservative press 'in wh eh Hon. Mr. Aylesworth is referred to in no complimentary terms -the Toronto , • Star makes the following suitable remarks: Ilon. A. B. Aylesworth enters -public life like any other man whether Grit or Tory—anxious to do what he ean for the benefit of his country and Wesirous of earning the reputation of a statesman. No ee.niible man can be made to believe anything else,' and those partizans grow fewer every yeex who believe that the men of their own. political 'party are high souled angels, and - those of the other party black deve• iIs with filed teeth ravening to, it out the country's vitals. The ference between Hon. A. Be Ayles- worth and the average Grit or Tory who makes entry on the political field is that in other fields he bas given the highest proof of his unus- aml ability. He is already a fore- most Canadian, the intellectual equal of any man in Parliament from any Province. Were it not for party politics, it would. be freely conceded that he is a great acquis- ition to Parliament, and is capable of becoming a large figure itt the political history of the country. It is his intellectual size •and his po- litical possibilities that alarrn those opposdd to the present Governaent. acres ii Port Arthur and Vert "Wil- liam, and 8,000 ac -res of farm lands - the North-west. —Albert W. Peters, a dentist of Winnipeg, was 'charged before the police magistrate of that city with breaking into the store of Wm. N. Brown and. stealing therefrom a f furs valued. at $3 200. quantity o Y Mr Contine, of St. Joseph, --Dr.- 5. W. Radcliffe, of Moose • . Jaw, is, so seriously ill from over The . Stratford • Beaeon of last work that he has bad- to be remove week 'says, Mr. N. M. Contine, of ed to Toronto labspital for treat - St. Joseph, was in the 'city to -day ment by specialists. He was accome for a few hours, en route ko New panied to Toronto by his wife and York. Speaking to a reporter of another dpetor. the Beacon, in answer to an inquirY The Deloraine Times says: "A imgarding the , proposed Stratford . number of huntereefrem Crystal City and Stjoeepli electric Trailivey, be came up to Whitewater on Wednee- said. that he Was IIONV in a positioii. day and. spent Thursday shooting. ,to finance the road were &he terms , Among the party were : J. G- as to franchise made more treason- Steacy and Fred R. Martin, G. ele a.ble.Hunter, G. It. Taylor, de C. Grun- Asked as to what this imeent, he nett, Prinoipal Greenway, D. R. replied, "Well, a. franchise that Black and pePt Manning. business men will be able to see —At a hcent auction sale of some .treturn from 'their investment selmol lamb at Lacorabe eand Innis - in 'somewhere in the near future, if tail, Alberta, at the former place not in the present." I 4,000 acres were sold at an averager In further conversation he stated • of nearly $9 per acre. At Innisfair that his • company had expended P. the sale was a huge success, 7,500 good deal of money in the initiatory acres being disposed of at $8.50, per proceedings and would like to carry acre. Nearly all the lands at the it through if at all Pc'ssibl' Ile ! above sales were purchased by far- phid $1,500 for the map that was mers in the vicinity of the lands made of the city of Stratford, and bought, and will be used for farna- which was the most coMplete Ailing , ing purposes. t e of the kind —Iis reported that jese W. weer gotten .out for ia, place of Stratford's size. There Knight, the American millionaire, setae $5,000 had been paid .for sue- -who invested so heavily at Raymond, veys of the line through to St. Alta., is the promoter of the beet -Joseph. He intimated that a pro- sugar scheme for Regina. It is also position would soon be laid before said that a warehouse will be es - the city council. ' tablished there for the present, Mr. -Contin is tli4 same well dres- and extensive building done next d.- cheerful and optimistic gentle- . sprine. Sugar beets sheuld grow tatlaatflattasamSallaa • • When You Mayo a Bad Cd'oid. Yea Want ta remedy that Will Inet only Igive quiekerc.Uef, but !effect a permanent cure. "You veldt a remedy that will we. hove the dangs and keep 'expector- ation easy. • Yea • wane a -remedy that will c end te r ac t any 'tendency tic wax d pneumonia. will 'sheet a tear for their loss. You went a remedy that is pleas - 1 ant a:nd safe to take. Editorial Notes and Comments chambetlaii,n's meeLs all fthese regteirements,and Cough. Remedy A. Eh Attie of the late Sir Oliver for elle epeedy -add permanent entre of bad (colds, stands without- a peer. lelowal , recently erected. in fronti of For .s ale by Alex. Wieson, Drug - the Parliament buildings m Toron- then, &tete-ran to, wee fermally unveiled on Satur- day hoe. by the Lieutenant Gvero- nor, in the presence of seyeree mera- hers of the family of the deceased statesman and a goodly number of people. _Elognerit and appropiate ad- dressee were delivered by the Lieut- enant Goeernor, Premier Whitney and, 'eh -Premier nese. * * Mr. Whitney has had his -.consulta- tive council appointed to advise the Minister oe Education on education- al matters. Mr. Whitney promised thia when in. Opposition, and now he is etrrying out his teromise. This council consists of several Univer- sity prof 'or and other practical educationalists.e They are not to initiate legislation or ic6 assume any, respensibility, simply to advise. The Minister a ill still be supreme, aud will be fully responsible to the Leg- islature and the people as formerly. He can accept the advice of his come emssiotere or he can. reject et as he see e It will be when he rejects this advice that the dun will com- mence anl the fur fly. We hope this new &Texture will work better than we think it will, but we never had much faith in the propositien. • * ff * This is. the way the Toronto Dila talks almost daily. It says; "Sir "Wilfrid Laurier took office with "n salary of $8,000 and an indemnity " of $1,000,- or mop a year alto- " itether. Ile has raised the salary to "$12,000, and the indemnity to $2- "50G, so that be receives $14,500, "or an increase of $5,500. In addite "ion he has arranged that when he goes out he shall have a pension " of $6,000 a year. Nobody can rise up and say that Sir Wilfrid is not a kind to'hireeelf." Now, every per- son who knons anything about Sir ahealian• Anotber Big Combine. • A combination of Toronto and Montreal capitalists has been form- ed for the purpose of securiag bet- ter, control of the wholesale trade ill trockery and glassware, and the old established and well known firm of Gowans, Kent and Co., Of Front st., east, Toronto, bas passed cett of ex- ietance, ao faT as its present part- ners are eonrcernedo and the business will be conducted in the same place Under the style of Gowans, Kent and. Co.. Limited. a joint stock com- pany liaving been incorporated at Ottawa, with a capital of half a million dollars, for the purpose of taking over the establishment. ..It is understood that the Montreal cap- italists conceened are closely allied with the A. T. Wiley Company, of that 'city. The main object de • the combination is to secure more points. for' distribution, by which an 'im-' mons° saving in freight rates can be effected, as well as a readjustment of the territory covered by trav- elers which will prevent overlapping. The .Winnipeg house og •Gowans, Kent and Co. is included iltt the deal, and it will be the headquarters ail the aew company for the west. One of the conditions' of the sale is Said ,to be an agreement =by the members of the present partnerehip that they will not engage in any similar business for a period of four years from the date of the transfer. This will further restrict the (num- ber of firms engaged in the whole- buildings. sale crockery business, which of —Mr. 3. W. Lyon, tbe well-known late years has become confined to book publisher, of -Guelph, Ont., only a few concerns. Some few purchased a block of land in the years ago there enere some 4fiftenn or western portion of the city of -Win- sixteen firms in /the trade, but they nipeg, in 1888, for $12,000. He sold have been drawing out gradually, part of it a few days ago for $100, - until now .there are lent ifew left, 000, and the balances is valued at about one in each of the largest$300,000. Mr. Lyon is a large re.al- cities of the Dominion. The last to ty- owner in the west, controlling 500 man that he was of yore. ati!***tatra..0111aaaltabl... Imported Shire Horses. :well in that country, but scarcity of labor will be a 'difficulty. —,The Moose Jaw Times says: The sale of imported Shire horses Frank O'Neil, formerly of Bruce - at the. Repository in Toronto iaet field, Huron county, harness and week was a pronounced success, es- shoe merchant, whose business has encialty as far as the mares and increased very much in the meet few fillies. were concerned, all. of evhich years has taken in as partners broUght good. prices on the a.veeage. Messrs. 4. C. Smith and J. A. Coop - The stallions and. colts did. riot sell er, both of Whom have been employ - quite so well, but even they bropght ed by Mr. O'Neil for some time. The reasonable 'prices- and the consegn- 'firm will be known ad Frank O'Neil ors, Messrs. John Chambers , aid 8c Co. Mr. Smith will be treasurer Sons, of Holdenby, 'Northampton, ; and Mr. Cooper will be manager. England, who are making this sale I —Mrs. Captain Kennedy, of Vir- an annual event, have every treason den; Manitoba, was presented by to, be satisfied with the figures the ladies of the town with a purse fetched in the aggregate and on the of gold on her 80th birthda,y. Mrs. average. Auctioneer Burns opened Kennedy is the widow of Captain proceedings at 1.30 to an =assent- Kennedy, noted in by -gone years as :blaze, fairly representative or the an able am -mender interested in Ar- draufeht breeding interests of the tin exploration. As signifying the province, among those prominent in deep esteem in which the venerable attendance being W. E. Wellington, lady is held in Virden it may be known as the leader in this type , noted that the presentation was of horse. and Mrssrs. Gardhouse, of 61 I ao idaes ba sy t aj e atoidnettoemorainnaaittiotones, of three —Mr. Bowman, da farmer some distance south of Humboldt, last June sowed a field of twenty acres with oats, which he intended for green feed. At harvest time, how- ever,' the crop looked so good that he harvested it, and upon being threshed ,returned Wm 920 bushels. —Eighteen trains are beim; sent east daily from Winnipeg, by the Canadian. Pacific Railway, laden chiefly with wheat. Every hour during the day a train is sent east, and many during the night. —Threshing is well nigh over in the Virden district and. a few more days will see the tail ends of the season's erop cleaned up. The av- erage for the whole district, al- thotigh scarcely so heavy as at -first estimated, is well over 20 bushels to the acre. There is a general com- plaint that from one to three bush- els an acre 'have been lost in hand- ling, throigh shelling out; the grain having ripened more rapidly than it 4ou1d be harvested. One feature og the season has, been the splendid :yield secured by farraers on the light sandy soil east of the town. Twenty to twenty-five bushels have been got this season from land which in ordinary years could not be relied uponeto produce ten. Highgate and Weston, the Graham Bros., of Claremont, Edward White, sr.,: of Hamilton., representing Wm. Ilendrie ; James Harris and Joseph Russell, of Toronto; W. J. lEvans, of Lawrenee Station ; W. J. 'Church, of Arthur • ,! W. Pointer, of Both- well ; D. 'McTavish, of Brucefield. Messrs. Chambers, sons of the head of &he consigning firm, were in the ring after the sale, expressed them- selves well satisfied with the we - sults, although ebe prices efetehed for the ;stallions hardly reached their expectations. The average, how- ever, was ahead of last year, the 21 offered, ever § one of which was. sold, bringing a total. of $6,890, an ay -el -age of a trifle over $328, which, eonsidering that this is the back end of the season, must be accounted un- commonly good. The only two that came this way was " Berrywood Draymane' bay colt,three years old, purchased by Tho. Skinner, of avlit- chell, 'for $350, and " Tongo," ibay colt, ',three years old, purchased by Duncan McTavish, Brucefield, for $340. 8,a•aaaaaaaa7sm115/0/1:1** How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cele. • F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, 0. - We, t he undersigned, have known F. 3. Cheney for the last 15 roans, and believe him perfectly honorable mall business transactions, and fin- ancially able to carry out any obli- gations made by his firm. Welding, Kinnan 8cdMarvin, Wholesale D.ruggIsts, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh CU.TO is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the yts tem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottte. Sold by all Druggists. - Take Hall's Family Pills for ton- stipation. Manitoba and Northwest Notes --Sir Charles Tupper presided as Chairman at a lecture in Winnipeg on Tuesday night op. Joseph Cham- berlain by J. F. Dodsworth. —Mrs. James Gilmour and family returned home. to Moose Jaw lege week, from California, to spend the winter in that town. —.Messrs. .Ed. Maynard and Wm. Bissett, of Deloraine, Manitoba, re- cently shot 81. ducks and four geese at:the lake near that place in two hours. e) —The Alberta Piortland Cement company have boucklit 86 acres of land for$17,000 in the east end of Galgary. Land in Calgary must be as good as ,gold. —The . members of Zion Swedish Lutheran church of 'Winnipeg, have invited Rev. Mr. Ryden, of Texas, to be their pastor. There is quite large and flourishing congrega- tion. —Eight horses belonging to thr e farmers near Deloraine were kille on the railway track, 4 miles fro that place, a few days ago. The got on the track and get stuck On e bridge, and were run down by. th engine.. —Mr; Stevenson, ot Nelson, Mani- toba, has picked sixty barreils of ap- ples from 'his orchard this season. _Another farmer at Dauphin geld $1,- 500 dollars worth of strawberries, and 3,600 pounds of honey. —Miss Pauline Johnson, the fam- ous Mohawk authoress and enter- tainer, supported by Mr: -Walter Mc- Raye, are now touring through Southern Manitoba, and delighting the people of the towns there by -their entertainments. —Mr. A. W. Tanner, of Caron, had a narrow escape from losing his big barn by fire lest Friday. They were threshing oats and a big pile of straw eve.s -thrown up against the barn. This caught fire by a spark from the engine. The , fire was put out in time to save the No -Poison in Chamberlam's Cough Remedy. From Napier New Zealand, Retread: Two years tepee the Pharm'acy Board of New South Wales Australia, thaid an analiysis (made oi all the cough medicines that were said in that market. Out of the entire Ilse they found !telly lone that they ;cleolared was earterell dree from all !poisons. This exception was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, made by the Cham- berlain Medicine Company, Des Moine, Iowa, 1J. S. A. The a.bsence of all narcotics makes this traneedy 'the Isates•t and best that can be had; and it is witli a feeliing of secarity that. any anther can give it to hex littee ones. Chaeriberlain's Cough Remedy is 'especially recommended by its makers for coughs, colds, croup aind riv'hooping c,,oughe This remedy es gor sale day Alex. Wilson, Druggist, ISea-f or th. skisommiesemommersimow —Copper refined in Canada is now being /sent forward to China, to be used with the coinage of that coun- try.. This is probably the result of the American boycott in China. One shipment of 100,000 pounds of copper has just been sent from Montreal to China, and other shipments are to follow. —A peeuliar incident happened in Winnipeg last week in connection with the funeral of the late Mr,. Lawler, governor of Winnipeg gaol The !deceased official was ee Free Mason and also a Roman Catholic, although not in full communion. The service was held in a Roro.en Catholic church and interment made in tbe Anglican eemetery. Three hundred • prominent Masons attend- ed. Judge Walker', J. A. M. Aikins, K. C., and Sheriff Inkster acted as pallbearers, and aftee eervice itt the thurch signed what they imp - posed was a certificate that the eter- vice was -celebrated. It transpires it was in reality a declaration that Governor .Lawler had repudiated Freemasonry. Not one of them read it, and a sensation in Masonic cir- cles is probable. Higher Accountancy MADE EziSY by taking in our original, complete - Correspondence °aurae in Chartered Accountancy carefully prepsred and personally POO - ducted by David Hoseioe, F. C. A., of Tor- onto, Secretary Treaeurer C. A. Institute for Onterio. Use spare time; gob ready far C. A. exeminations, and a better ealary. Particulars free. 'David Hoskins, F. 0. A. W.HS Instructor ..prihriawoip51 Central lewdness Oallege, Toronto. Write for our regular echool catalegue describing gtneral bueiness and abortheind canna NOVEMBER etp Give carlY every ;moon will r: most impi ec u ishing fo eni, a niedli ugb 2nd k any gDocti Vint need Ayees , 1 have oeen ter es cured by .6.1.-Usix G. TrA.ar B ROYAL WARRANT, MIL ERS N,R,H, THE PRIVOE OF WALES The "Royal Household" Brand on Flour is ydur protection. The " Royal Household" brand on a barrel or bag of flour means that Ogilyies guarantee that flour to be the best—that if it is not satisfadtory you may retum it and get your money back.- Ogilvies stand behind every pound of flour that bears their "Royal,Household" Brand. That is your prote0on. Moa people do not realize the necessity of absolute purity in flour—great care is taken to use only pure milk, pure water, etc., but flour, that one thing that t.orrnstle greategt part of their food, is t -ken on thince—but they are learning better. As Royal Household Flour is the only flour in this country thoroughly purified and sterilized by eleetricity is it not worth while to give it at leagt at trial. It bears the tamp of the most responsible makers. You can have no better guarantee than the Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. 0 1 (maga skuto Positively Cures dal les. Grippe. Lung Trouble, Pneu_ monis.. Night Sweats; General Wea.kness,Consumption.Bron- chills. Loss of flesh. Short Brea.thing. Chills a.nd Fever, Coldness of the Lin-ibs, Obsti. - nate Coughs and Colds, Stop4t. Waste of Lung Tissue. THIS BOY CIJRED rs. A. O. Fisher's Recent Statement:, November, r902, ° inyksondLoatAreritn ww: ei pl;X:yelsrciansOni2..in TtoWyli W ja, 12aRtyfnoareathrheeilnixothsi. -114' almost like a dead' elitmsoswollenthab iltHisiungsile' so7vderilatottAlFstoge Pretherrclsealigbit; thinkweoman paidSrrato thee act ; the time he was gen ting worse. We commenced the Dr. Slocum treat., mond.. The effect was wonderfil We saw difference in two days. Our boy is well and street. now and able to enjoy life to the full, andlas not' taken a drop of medicine since that dine. lARA., A. 0.FISHER,, Newmarket, Ord... FLO-1 ons PSYCH! N E (Pronouneed Si -keen) Naar. For Sala at all drug stores. If it so happens 'bah your druggist hasn't Psychlo& in seine. oren• write for a free sample to Pr. T. A. Slomm,A °Lted, reo King street west, Toronto, Canes's. $1.60 Per Bottle GN OF THE 0 iliCKAR • AtNIV nds Aid nattc nd Sy Railway lenene leave Serdortb Ft1t p. or Kitzekszt rottsu p. ere For Clint dine. 102Z p Fox 01.1bil: FOr Stri On11114 Belleville exit. St* ro Londom OG ago we realized that the baking and roast- ing qualities of the oven of a range are of greatesi-importance to the range user. We brought our knowledge, gained by years of experience, to bear on thisione point. The result was the Imperial Oxford Diffusive Oven Flue. With this exclusive feature, the Imperial Oxford stands to -day the most perfect baking and roasting range on the' market:* After getting this mot important feature of a range to such a point of petfection we natumIly did not neelect any other improvement which could add to the working of the range. These improvements were incorporated in the fin elicit Oxford Range because they added to the life of the range,simplifie.d its operation or economized fuel. Of these improvements the draw -out oven rackis one which will instantly appeal to flte cook. Th2 handle of this rack is outsic143e ranee—always cool enough to held with the bare hand. By peeing this handle forward anything roasting: in the oven may be drawn out onto the oven shelf to be basted, without touching the hot pan or reaching into the oven. The same epplice to the testing of bread, cake or p;es. We would like you to see the Imperial Oxford leenge. If your dealer doesn't handle it, write us for illustrated literature and the adclrees of the nearest dealer who does. ie N 1 The aurney Pbundry Co., Limited TCRONTO,,MONTREAL, W1NNIPFC,, VANCOUVER aa ••••"'.! PEeterei.....*0••••••... o lattren.a.•••••••••••,11 Braeldifildael..4404 MOM.° 0.3 1•400datiON 4..53 ma 011111%**Itar.S. .m..1 Wirigham Arriveoi •fr.1,7s,„ AringbAnit d 1347th,• .4•41,•••••-•••1 T4q1d051;;VDO*OA4. A. Berman -Szeter- 1.4rot on, fs;rivels.. prnerto Nona. wm*••• 4rainell:4... a* *Va. firtelMleaaaavas a* Ire • 4.0M1 Boum 4 -Ingham- •* MileVAle•••••• •4 4311.1Whisal,11 -.41 Oa aikapa••,••,:a atiZegt4Mooa•-••-•- For Sale by GEORGEA. SILLS; Seafortlit• Ont. 440'i ' t ire it doP Man's Best Friend Deserves Man's Sestdrrealment For his many ailments there isnothingbetterthan the following Clydesdale Remedies, made from the Purest of ingredients, and sold under a positive guarantee of satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded by dealer. • Heave Cure one package Oa Cureis the quietest and will often cure a slight vs; est remedy for sore shoulders, attack; six packages will eJliar galls. Cures while working. cure nearly every case. Dals.am Pine 1-iealin.g 011 for Embrocation Liniment, no oche or lmnise A, burns, cuts, scalds is a pain cau escape its peuetrating mai venom remedy.. it soq.lieS effect. and cleanFes. Tar Foot Remedy, keeps the hoof Colic Cure gives immediate in a soft natural condition. relief and should always be bandy Worm Powder does the business. t will save ninny a boae. It cleanses anti purifies the horbe's Carboline Antiseptic means clean stables. b).ter, FEED CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOD. CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOT) COMPANY, LIMITED, • Toronto, Ont. - •ti?' sl : .-6-egeleee Beattie Bros. W. Hutchinsoie J. Snider —FOR SALE BY— Seaforth. W. Neal Staffa. G. 03. Ballard Erneefield. John Walsh Walton. Clinton. Learn Dressmaking by Mali ••1•11••=1,..1.1, Learn at home how to cub, fie and pet together everything in Dressmaking, withcut using paper patterns. I will send for trial, fretpf charge to any part of Can- ada, the Elite Tailor System and filet lessen consistieg of hew to take rneseuree, cut and fit a perfect waist and sleeve for any lady. Course ot Icemen taught in 2 weeks or until you are perfectly eatineed, to be paid by cash or instalmentplan.- Gold Medal St.. Louie 1904. .Ara. Wm, Sanders Dreseenitting schooi, Stratford, Ont., Caned% SPhCIAL NOTICE.—I will pi3reone1ly teach olassen thee complete mail courae, on the let and 3rd Monday of each month in -Stratford only, last clang commencing -Dec - comber 4th. All wishing to learn at echool write or see me at my office, Market Place, opposite City Hall, on Saturdays only, Boardipg found for strangers. I guarantee to give the mime satisfaction by mail in your own home as it echool. NI. 5, p., — 0 — . --,..„ M in 0pt . a; o e''' 0 P ami = cD ri , rit‘t atti- 0 Pil c 141 CD. go CO P 14 plimm S 0 m 0 o ft P Pt Ig 2, op, 1 a. g Pa cp ii-i-ig t:5 1"-a elj I a: a CD - 0 . 1 Mg (i) 1..t ,_ ,c -r-. 1 r * 1:$ •a -td on 0 t—i. al 01461 CD RI cif- ril Nal a girand nic Grown kissed packa-ge bouquet 'vars. CA Cold, aiways Pleasing able to c best High and low itis th 50c per lead Every Hour Delayed, IN CURING A COLD IS DANGEROUS. You have often heard people eay: " Its oelee a cold, a trifling cough," but many a life history would read different if, on the first appearancv- of a cough, it had been remedied with -DR. WOOD'S NOR- WAY PINE SYRUP. It is a pleasant, safe and effectual remedy,. that may be confidently relied upon as a spe,cific for Cooghs and Colds of all kinds, lioarsene:*, Sore Throat, Pains in Meet, Asthma", Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough. Quinsy, and all affee-, ti pus of the Throat and Lungs. Mrs Stephen E. Strong. 13erwick, NS+ writes: I have used Dr. Wood's Norway Elsa - Syrup for Asthma, and have found it to be grand medicine, always giving quick r,Aief. would not be without a bottle of it in the house." Dr. Woods Norway Pine Syrup is put up in rt. - yellow wrapper. Three 'lop Trees is the trade mark and the nrice 25 cents at all dealers. licfuse substitutes. Demand Dr. Wood's and Eet, it. McKillop Directory for 1905. DANIEL MANLEY, Reeve, Beachwood P. O. gositiLAND. Councillor, Walton P. 0. MtqUAID. Councillor, St. Columben P. 0, CHARLE4 LITTLE, Councillor, Winthrop P. O. JOHN M. GaVENIAXIK, eauncetor,winterop P. MICHAEL IdUEDIE, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. DAVID IL ROSS, Tres.aurer, Winthrop I'. 0. SOLOMON S. SHANNON, J. P. Sanitary irepectore Winthrop P. 0,