HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-11-10, Page 9. ""-----......--'..r.,-----e-,------..,--,---,--- -..-
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12 Pages
Jr TENtENTS we will send
TitrgXPOSITOR from NOW mail
Jimary 1st, 1906, Send in your
nattiest once and get the benefit ot.
this liberal offer.
You should not miss reading it, You
should start with the first issue as Ave
will only be aole to supply a limited
number of back issue,.
Subscribe now and get the full
For ONE DOI,LAR we will
neil January lst, 1907, This gives
nthe balance of this year and all
next year for the price of one year.
- you, Me not now- a subscriber of
EXPOSITOR jou should not
in- this chance, If you are a sub
criber send it to a friend who is not.
P will be a most acceptable Christ-
nias remembrance.
h t Mas-
Gr the
Other Reading
—Writs Tor the Federal bye -elec-
tions in North ;York, West Lambton,
and flArentworth, Ontario, and Anti-
gonish, N. S. have .been •issued.
Nonaino-tions are fixed for November
15th, and polling for November 122nd.
—The Massey estate of Toronto,
have offered $25,000 towards the es-
tablislunent of at local ladies' col-
lege .in Winnipeg, on the lines of
Wesley College, Toronto, provided
two years. urday night previous Mr* Robinson
$50,000 was provided' locally within Montreal and Totronto, addressing leInterneeeln tracks rt y
—Mr. Daisies see mem 6f flee wen the boards off trade. Ile is noel. Brarittotrd this weetk with) then
Pages to 12
MoIJEAN 13ROB., Publishers
$1 a 7:ear in Advance.
another at lot 'the Isilend, ttost 27 from their fluttery at (Blue Lake, in :We morning a blaze &Stars and I jest of the Society being:
in a eumparativelly few days. near Paris. It is said there LSI „lain Stripes, with) e pictare of Rise_ 1..—Never to pronounce the name
' h demand jOnt Wave velt i,n the 'centre irreeted Vie wor- of ;Goa. without /respect and revere
—The ;C. P. R.. are still branching exct g y ny ref used. to enter elm.
week they had a gang of surveyors 'been USD:lig Areerican cements lasse tb/e burldin , and sercite tolf title flogs I 2.—To avoid all blaepheraY) PerillrY.
out in this part of the country. This ats many CanaKliata dealers (white leave ePaappers....
laying out a trial line from Inger- been disappointed In not haring were tOTAI WO... La:ter in Idea day I and indecent language,
soli, through Embro to Stratford their ordure; tilled. •by American, tom- alley Wen!' replaced bY Union Jaeles, i 3.—To indUce others to abstain'
to -connect with their Guelph-Gode- panies lately, on aeleount of tile —Mr. Christopher Robinson .R.O., from all outrages against Goa and
rich branch at that point. geeat IsOarcitY rtf errs int the Un. of Toronto,1 one of Canada's feeding things sacred.
dee, Scotland, whol 'has fought eo —The. Brantford Expoisittor eays: nesday of ; last w -eek after tn. few charity and seal, whenever it is prue
constitutional lawyers died on Wed- 4.—To (reprove with Christian
-LSii Joleh Lang, member of IDun, ited' Stahes.
hard to !have the orabarge on Oast- HaTry IStinSall, the local horseman daYei illness of acute pneumonia. dent, those who outrage God byS
eV to ttlei removed, 'hos been tin efeeeteeiet iwiee., smell emcees, on, tele Ho died in the house fi.rt -which he blasphemy or profanity in , their,
• , • eee was born (77 yeats ago. On the Sat- presence.
makin,g up your list of papers for the known Then tot Mackenkse dent 'the embargo on Canadian eat- head of maatliablie, speed helesee, the atteiaded. a little disiner party on
, .
At this time of the year you are
Hoxnewood avenue, He walked all
—Joanes (Stewart, .3`. P. a Ken- neong them is the oe4bebrated wear- the way hoine and was in hig most
Me will wet be Tensolved. propetrty tot Miss Ws cKe Galt. -A
more, neer Crwall, agesi 60 wears, Eng, the tscin of Peter ithe Great., cheerful mood, but on Sunday he
liod two tribe broken tend tsustained for which $8,000 was peg, in &roan comqplained of a cold and took to
other tsevere injutries -through bekne•
wthese eensesienee Lunge exe. ae. his 'bed, His death is deeply regret -
attacked by a bull, waiab, knocked eieteateel. tea by all classes. In company with
coming year. Look over this list :— of 'Tam to i TiSlevey eceitratottors,
-, • was tined .$20 and cost' u few days
THE EXPOSITOR and iNeekly Globe ego Ter running h,is anteantobille tee
and Oanedian Farmer a i. 65 fest on t)ee highway tin flet .eoltristY
THE Exrosrroa and Weekly OE York,
Wituess . • 1 65 —The General gospitol 'in MOA-
TIIE EXPOSITOR and Nerthern sitar& is lever crowded 1 wttle pa-
Xlesenger 1 25 0 't of 1 patien'ts On-
I •
fined, 'ten _erre stilffering !teem? Ity-
phoid ever. Ther'e traos 'be bad mei ewes e while tplayunig ,on a trapez
water Same twIletre in, (the neighbOre Georgie CaraiPlble$1, kmt.-3Y1* • bay loft. The bows have been in
THE EXPOSITOR and Family Herald
and Weekly Star with Premium
picture' 1 75
Tux EXPOSITOR and Family Herald
and Weekly Star %hit 'Premium
Picture and theFariners' Manual
said Veterinary Guide 1 95
bit ew -tor
vocete and Farmra' Ad- 1 80
THE EXPOSITOR and Weekly San
THE EXPOSITOR and Weekly Mail 1 80
This week we commence the pub- THE Exrosrroa and Weekly
lieetion of OUT new story, "The Wings t Advertiter , 1 65
of the Morning." by Louis Tracy, THE ExPosiron and the Presbyterian 2 25
THE EXPOSITOR alai the ViTestminster 2 25
This story is one of great interest THE EXPOSITOR and the Presbyterian
in which love, adventure and intrigue 1 and the Westminster 3 25
ate most fascinatingly interwoven. : TIM. ExPosnon and Farming World 1 55
Nies. 'Robinon he had. just recently
him d-WM land ;rendered him moon. —A very sad wecident occurred returned from a trip to Alaska.
seems. He vel d problably have imi penalbroke ia, !few days ae,when es—se--
betel Wiled It'lld ac't 17.14:4 tvcrQmell George Dle.heye, aged: 14 Wears, WAS Holy Name Society.
en the ottack a:ad driven Chet an- aSbideastally at:rang-led ,to dea.th
P tor IEaSt Durham, end ex-W)rden, the habit 'of placing a, strap erearid
5.—To praise God in their hearts,
and to make a pious ejtieulation
when profane words are uttered in
their present°.
6. --To observe faithfully the law of
_God, requirieg the sanctification of
the Lord's Day, and to do all in their,
power to induce others to do so like-
wise. •
assist (regularly at all the
meetings and offices of the Soeiety.
8,—To perform tertain preecribed
devotions which will promote the ob-
, (Written for The Expositor.) jects of the Society.
On Sten , (Drabber 291.1h, After, It i, undoubtedly, the duty of
sottoaitith, Zaitgatetr OotToorain ow- due reverence at all times, and we
' Pani,
Higth St. Jialillsj eguirroh, WI every Christian to speak of God with
are told hy the Apostle, t.
that Goalies exalted His Sn, Jesus,
and bath. given Him a name whieh
is above every other name, that in
this name every knee should bow..
The blasphemy -und. profane use of
His name is disgusting and digrace-
ful to theise who so use it. We sin -
cap congratulate the young men
and others, who have associated
themselves together in this new so-
ciety for the purpose of putting au
end to this evil so far as it will be
in their power.
—.Samuel Illaryett, a poline naagi- a the cotenthes and: treasurer (heir trieeks and seeing
trate in Hastings county, has been tee townie/hip eteCavan, passed tawa.y
. nt
acquitted by the jury at the Belle- t at his borne bear iMillbroeir tou Sun- they, cOuld lhang that evey. On tbe geeneete seteeety esr sodality -fe
alai day, lin. SOIPA1 Way the strati) men,
ville (assizes on the charge of con- und r the title of the " HOly
spiracy. The :case arose in °mimeo- day while lying on the Montage reed-
ing bus patter. Stehough this theartt trghttene°:Vnd itfi° boy Iv" tralligid Naime ISooety,'" in oonnectioa wrallii
ulzo 0 before his companions noticed !hm. eeesetese ket she earme name exesieseter
that county. was tnot .streng, he had been.
the /bat 'attending to this (tunnel ifarm He Svale kicad. when released. Whe de- in tamely reties wee teems be ceineee,
—Bees pin se. jeeple's hallo& are duties, He twee borp in the county ,c}e'rlisled:a' °cm' Id Gidvaa Cb- mind Ole tif-Jntted &late%
ileye, barrister Of Pembroke,
tion with the bogus ballot boxes in
es tauraerous that they there become tund during his manthotod .bivea 11n For sole* tirau it hes been in cull-
s pest, taped the (farmers and settlers Ca.ven, wheeler See had tone Id Ube best --A Sensation Was -created ie. Win- tesaplitatn be sangtainito :as as -
axe almost et Itheir 'wit' unK1 tof de- farms in the tevenhip. While I,n Pipes On Sundey lest by the decor- , doclattietei evilaiteht ;has now beconee )3;
vise Pilatne ter their ets.iteavainattert. the un,
the eves es dupporter talons et- a Methodist church tfor I reallity, I es seventyTive membes,
The bears have 'developed s fine' e- Of Sir CWilniam Metedlith. : harvest home festival services. The mostly eleteug mere put tiheie tomes
was deputed tet eat tAmericap on the roll, and made a solemn pro-
of Poplar hasve disposed et }Searle Clomparty et Beariedlord wrei tme.og oe.„.33119
—The) Ontairlie Portland Cement ' we G14,
in tthe cunregatken, ai9. raise to fkilfil the obligations, whieh
300 hee-. One farmer. alone, In very *Doge (shipmnts (DE cement wu013- tlhe congregation asserabitdd are purely religious. The main ob-
etite 'for sheep add fin thessvicliniter
e . .
qt -S'41!,4= ':-= -
, - For Fine wilored
The .first week's business -of this store has been most gratifying ; far more than we.had dared expect, considering all the. noise and clatter of
sales and bargain. The success of our selling so largely, 116 doubt, is due to the fact that our public are not slow to appreciate the quality of things,
With this store the governitig iarinciple of ail our dealings is merit W.ILL win, excellence M.0 ST prevail, true worth SHALL be.supreme, so that
when you see prices quoted, no matter how low, remember this, the stAdard of the goods you are invited to buy is the highest. And another feature of
our new stock is this, we offer you only tliat class,of goods bestl--suited tos your eNery y needs. i -You ask, how do we kn.ow what.you need ? Our answer
is, personally, we have not been selling you and your family forthe past fifteen years without learning something Of your individual tastes and require
ments. No chance to throw money away. Every dollar you spend with us these days -is really doing double duty. Everything fresh from the machin-
ery which produces and at prices most interesting to everyone who cares about saving.
Are You Interested in This Lot?
0.-NTF.Rao [Ts
One itot of 75 Overcoats, size$ 36 to 42, regular price ranging from 1,0 to 18, all
1)5•00 to 10800
of the very best makes and most stylish cuts, long
Oe Lot of Boys' Overcoats made from same c ot s as h men's and all of the best materials in
$3 to $6
and short
$2.25 to $2315
fancy patterns or pain, sizes 27 to 35
9ne Lot of Boys' Reefers with high storm collars, heavily lined„ size 25 to 34,
S -T3- PIET ,
One lot of Men's Suis, without doubt the most extaordinrily good suits ever offered, beoau_se they are new in
style of cut, new in pattern of gbods, and have all that frs;nsss whicb stands out on newly I
I , ,;- $5 to $ 5
made garments, sizes 34 to 42., A big assortment to ohoose from. Price 8. 0
One lot of Boys' Suits, all three piece, coat, Vest and pants, the only kind for Fall and ,
$2.75 to
winter wear, and a big assortment to choose from. _nese suits were bought at about one half the
cost of producing them, all of good honest, strong wearing cl h, single and double breasted Styles, $3
sizes 27 to 34, regular selling price, $4.50 to $7.00, for
One lot of Boys' Odd Coats for school wear, made from remnantclothrsisizes 28 to 33, for the cost of making or s, $i50 to $1.75
s( of good
Boys' Knee Pants, sizes 26 to 30, made from re rimants of Scotch twee, double seat and" d.ouble knee, 75c
One lot Boys' Pants, sizes for boys, 4 years to 15 years, lined throgla, good wearers for 25c '--'4;- OTHERS
IVIEl\T'S ' I.T1•TI:)1=CSTNT_LeN...'
A lot of odd Shirts and drawers in medium and heavy wights snas.,11, medium and large gzes at haaf
regu4l7afo over Bloty°s',Kainiaeeker, ehlou'll:sbistie,tip
. , Seiling5p0roicte°
Then -again, again, the buttons are
price .
on having Lion Brand. They ate
EN'S WORK SHIRTS -10 dozen shirts of nod weight i cloth, all sizes an ptterns,
made from all -wool cloth vrith. d.ouole
I FALL AND WINTER CAPS—Good variety of styles,;new and natty, with or. vvithout fur lining, price 50 to /50
seat and knees, double sewn seams,
such ma ner that they can't tome
, •
patterns and in all
oft They are a patent buttn, and
put on
Talking about a New Overcoat?
and wondering, perhap, about the style of it and pattern. Why not
leave these questions to those who haive answered them a thousand times 9,
20tli Century Brand of Clothing
lime eettled e matter for y'ou and we have their Suits and Overcoats
This department is equipped with everything new, our sttitiligs are all of the vOry latest
625.00 cost three times as much. as ordinary
we are in a better position than ever to give our customers entire satisfaction. FINE SUITS
$14.00 to
right made to your measure in the styres you desire
made to your measure in absolute correa fit and style, si5 18 arid $20-
in all Suits and ,Overcoats — Fine Black Twills and Cheviot, suit
. . . . • *aa ee • 0•00e ....................... 4,111 per •••• *0**,0 OA .........$15.,
Pockets, a heavy drill and in
Lfl $4.50 for trashy goods, Don't you think
higiohrerLitohnanBraynau paa,y
mins, Yon will assuredly have a " slerell" overcoat if you wear a " 201:11 6'ine Colored Worsteds and Scotch Tweeds, to $7.00
CENTURY GARMENT" —a coat that will serve you to your complete Trousers to Measures,- Strong West of England Greys and Canadian Worsted.............. .. . . i$3,00 to
Overcoats from, $1,0 to $20 Suits from, $12 to 020 RAINGOATS—fhe most reliable Raincoat ever offered for sale, thoroughly waterproof,
satisfaction for ears, Come in. and see these Overoats and Suits,
on our tables to show you. It is
truth—in it's character. It rivals the finest custom work of city tailors in
part and is ma le generou3ly as to size and honestly as to quality of trim -
fabric and make; has a smartness that none but master designerecan im- FINE DRESS OVERCOAT
to the trade
Altogether the most desirable of all the sto
cks in town to make your selecions from, BECAUSE everything upon our tables or upon our shelves is fresh from the makers and te best makers known
Bank of Commerce Bldg. 3rItFI0 01.10T1-111\TG- 00