The Huron Expositor, 1905-11-10, Page 790:5, :BER]. ne, ere s nothing too gobd into MOONEY'S RACKERS The best that Canada mills, the butter arid cream that dais famous dairies can and the best Lpped bakery in Canada - convert them into the creckers you eves ate - anftere eters:neat 4- LI -td. it *) Leyte, V' SS .13/.1oorz.c.,ys e era:C.:1021 .0,4* , cam oofcta$ y are good eistin‘anv and all the time. Crisp, inviting, tbothsome. .1011.19Maila esteeetee • s 46,4 fl &c- at nan. and man en- st as men. ig to much time, he imon ter - ASTOR IA 'ger Infants and Children. Ind You Have Always Bought POOR TROMBETTIT and. 'rale or 0.1:e ivrofessier sea& the Journalise. Professor Trombetti, whose praises were so much Sting in the foreign press as knowing the greatest t number of languages of any one eveiborn, relates an anecdote of himself which occurred just after he was "discovered." In Rome he was so pestered by journal- ists that his patlence at last gave way, and when cornered by the gentletnen of the press his language became dis- tinctly lurid. One day as he was comingiout of the central postofilee a frank looking young man stepped. up to him, an& holding out his hand, said: "I am so glad to makeyour acquaintance; I have been trying to find you for days." "And may I inquire with whom I am rspeaking?" "Why, I am X! Not a near relation to be sure, but near enough to offer you congratulations," c. Professor Trombetti, reassured, and glad to get hold of some one to unburden himself to, took -the stran- ger's arm, and, as they went down the street, gave, in emphatic terms, a description of his sufferings, his opin- ion of journalists, and, incidentally, latch information about himself which the papers had been -vainly sighing for. Filially they parted -with an engage- ment for dinner the next evening. That eright the professor was sitting tranquilly in a restatfrant, the observed of all observers, when suddenly he was seen to spring to his feet with a smoth- ered exclamation. His friends crowded about for an explanation, but he could only sit down weakly and point to his newspaper, the Giornale &Italia. There, in large 'print, were his impru- dent revelations of the afternoon. He had been "done" by a journalist. Pall Mall Gazette, 'lege hands° e, e. ighly- good whose able in the only claim In that of y growmg- profession- :oilers, new P.6 : posit s. 'rieripar. 11 dressed. n his business lo business to, Int, during the 6s our tailored 11 require to Out now, may ff ourselves up, ve gained our Lot don on the It costs us a 're guarantee yughly practical t pleasure out ten there is a hn weIl-dressed VETERINARY o.--------_ eeN OBIEVE, V.2., honor gradrode ofOutarlo Veterinary College. All disames of Domestic nit* teatted. Calls prom My attended to and , itirmateaste, Veterinary int1g1ry s 61"dallY 1 rean- system, expressive of beginning, sf De Stott% °Moe ,Sealortb. 11124 middle and end, was the number three. -end teddence on Goderict wheat, one d oo . o Ye:welt-len' College sn Houorary mem- i nence has be,en given to it than to any! EARBULNI V. S.---Honoraty g aduate of the eedical Aeseaation of the °Merl° Vetter- other except seven. And as the symbol THE PERFECT NUMBER. Frion Time Immemorial Three Has Rad Unnsmal Significance. The perfect number of the Pythago- FrOM dine immemorial greater° promi- ' -1-teaba oi all dome5tOaTh of the- Trinity its influence has waxed ern principles Dentistry and Milk *e . Office o posits Dick's Hotel, More potent in recent times. It appears ManeoSeatortb. All o ere left at the hotel, veprompt attention. Night cum over received aver uover again in both rue veer Abe 1871-52 and Old. Testaments. At the creation I of -the world we find land, water and LEGAL. sky, sun, moon and stars. Jonah was three days and nights in the whale's belly, Christ three days in the tomb. There were three patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham entertained three angels. Sob had three friends. Samuel was called three times. Sam- son deceived Delilah three times. Three times Saul tried to kill David with a javelba. Jonathan shot three ar- rows on David's behalf. Daniel 'was' thrown into- a. den of three 4E0118 be - cense he prayed three times, a. day. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were rescued from a fiery furnace. The commandments of the Lord were de- livered on the third day. St. Paul speaks of faith, hope and charity. Three wise men came to worship THE HURON EXPOsfratt. • II $5.00 Cut Glass Berry Bowl The best five' dollars' worth of Cut 'Glass in Canada—is what• we are able to say of this Berry Bowl. And its exceptional Value is another proof of how customers bene- fit by Diamond Hall's increased tnenufactur- ing facilitiesee_ This special boxv1 is of - clearest glass, brilliantly cut, and of full 8-irich di- ameter. We pay express. EYRIE BROS. 134-138, YODIGIE ST. TORONTO ONT. MES Buehler, Solicitor, Notary Fables ete. Money to tee, lo &Worth Mondays, Fridayo and Satin - °Mee open. every week day. Over Pickard% eirtallaila street, Sealcoth. 1804 R.. S. HAYS, eeI, Sollelkori Conveyanoer and Notary Public. teethe Dominion Bank. Offlee-in rear of DPW= Bank, Seaforth. Money to loan. 1285 M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer Notazy Offices op steam over O. W bookstore, Main Street, Sealorth, Ontario. 1617 L. K1LLORiC.N 114110LMESTISED, mobster to the late firm of re- McCaughey es Holmeeted, Barriater, Solidten a and Notaek Solicitor for therCan of Commerce. Money to loud. Farm °Mee in Boott's Block, Main Street ritangSON AND GAMOW, Barriatera, Solicit- ors„ eta., Goderich, Ontario. E. L. DICKINSON. CHARLES GARROW L. L. B. DENTISTRY. di, HODGINS, DENTIST. ceolnate of Royal College of Dented Surgeons o esteem Successor to Dr. Tweddle. Offlce-Over 6eYeottg's grocery store, Alain etreet, Seaforob. t 1976,2 DR. BELDEN„ DENTIST, TORONTO, liat removed from 413 Sherbonrne tri his beau . 101 MT offices, 436 Young St., opposite Carlton St 1815-13 MEDICAL, Dr. John McGinnis, Office and Reeidence-Viotoria Street, • SEAPORT)" 'Awls 78 DR. H. HUGH ROSS) adnate of Univemity of Toronto Faculty of MeAC ark member of College of Physiciane and Stir One olOntarlo ; pa,sa graduate courses Chicago tildes' Moo", Chicago, Royal Ophthalmic Hospl- a, London, England; Univerelfy College Hospital, oaden. Ergland. Office -Over Greig Stewset's Bleu Street, Seaforth. 'Phone No. 5, Night newered from residence,. Victoria seteet. 1890 Oft. F. J. BURROWS, SM...A..FOIVMEEC -leand Reeldeuee-Gioderloh street, east of the ado% church. TELEPHON3 Net 46. *WU far the County of Huron. 1886 DRS. scan- sc. MacKAY, PHYSICIANS AND SURGrEONS, Work% etreet. oppoelte Methodist chnecb,Seriloith Christ with presents three. Chris epoke three times to Satan when he was tempted. He prayed three times before he was betrayed. Peter denied hire three times. He s'uffered three hours of agony on the cross. The su- perscription was in three languages, and three men were crueilled. Christ. appeared three times to his disciples and rose the third days t glIatafif4400‘ fee....•••••••*•••••• • ' to rescue the mind from InVospet a , 1 WHEN IT WAS REALLY COLD. and give the will an oppertunity to .41- . tort itself. Sometimes ills, is au t'1 . - plislied. and:then, if followed ue by i cultivating the will, a permanent cure fl toay he efrectecis--Exchaege. , ........________ i Finding rom Excuse°. . I Judge Sewell would not have cow - An leaseible.oid colonel Who used to plained that he was filOW .rt recording play golf at Sandwich, vvhich is on the . events in his airy becAuse his ink river Stour, had a habit, common with froze upon his pen. Nor -would the many, of blaming everybody but him- , colonial shoemakers have many- tiraes , self for his bad strokes, • Finally one decided that it was too bold to make day, becoming badly bunkered, he first - took mighty vengeance on the turf $13 -°est but Just right to go hunting. with his club; then, `glaring around iti i The test of temperature -was made by eavectation of the usually friendly- allowing an apprentice to sit on a -wet zomments and nobody saying anything, lapstone. If he was frozeii to it the he blurted out, "How can you expect a weather was considered t0t) cold to man to play decentgolf on these cursed links with ships passing up and down the channel?" . leek Froze to Pens ana Boys to Wet leetputolies In, Those Days. The tuacient art of keeping warm in blustering winter weather was crude as practiced by the fqefa.thers or Paris and to the same number in the streets of London to undertake- the charge of the government ninety-nine of them would accept in Paris and ninety-nine would refuse in London." The Tibetan Connoilextee The Tibetans offer daily prayers for the minute insects which they, have swallowed ina.dvertently in their meat and drink, and the formula insures the rebirth of these microbes in heaven. Yet they eat meat freely and square their conscipice with their appetite by the pretexttthat the sin rests with the outcast assassin, the public butcher, who will be born in the next incarlia- tion as some tantalized spirit or agon- ized demon. That, however, is his own a ev. COMPENSATION. An Things Are to Be Had if One Will hut Pay the Equivalent. Eyes as a Sign of inteneet. Generally the special point of differ- ence between unimportant and.Temark- able people_ lies in their eyes, in the clear, steady, piercing gaze which is able to subdue or terrify the beholder, writes Lady Violet Greville in the Graphic. Sir Richard Burton's look could 'never be forgotten; neither, I Imagine, could Napoleon's on Victor Hugo's or that of any other great man. The eye is the window of the brain, and through it shines the intelligence. Expected AconiSitions. "You don't belong to one of the old- est families, do you?" said the super- cilious woman. "No," answered Mrs. Cumroz. "But after we get the girls married. we ex- pect to have several of the oldest fain - Ries belonging to us." Life consists almost wholly of buy- ing, 'selling, paying. There are no gifts, nothing that does not call for an equivalent. If we cannot pay for gifts In kind we /Pabst pay in gratitude or service or we shall rank as moral bank- rupts. • If I would have a good situation I must pay for it not only in labor, but • In promptness, intelligence, faithful- ness and good manners. If I would have good se7rice I must pay not only In money, but. in consideration, recog- 0.30orr, graduate Victoria. and Ann Arbor, end member Ontario College of Phyelolans end titleoea. Coronae for County of Huron. KeeKAY, honor graduate Trinity University, geld medalist Trinity Idedical College. Member . ;allege al Pityliolb.na and Surgeons, Ontat.e 14e3 Have Ton Got Them? Do you feel anxious and preoccupied when the gas • man goes by? Do you sleep badly? • Do you go to bed hungry? Does your heart palpitate when you see a steak? Is there an all gone feeling in your, pocket? Do you ba-ve nightmares? Do you do mental arithmetic every time you contemplate the purchase of "coffee and?" . • Have you a. hunted look? Do you walk down dark alleys when you go downtown? Beware!. Those are the sympton5s. You're busted: Plot and te-told., Bilks (disconsolately) -Yes, my cred- itors are making it hot for me Jilks (consolingly) -*Well, this is a cold world.-Pittsbere Pest work. Indeed, just how the people of the cold parts of this country got any com- fort during the severe winter days is not apparent to the eyes of today that have looked upon the simple and curi- ous heat producers of early times. A rare collection of these, ancient fire- places, andirons, stoves and other pro- moters of mercurial rises is preserved today in the Essex institute in Salem, Mass., together with much interesting • informatlun thereon. One of rtese curios Isla fireback from the ancestral home of Oolonel Timothy • Pickering, Washin.gten's friend and secretary of war. It is of slate and looks like a gravestone. It was carved with- the Pick.ering family crest It was placed in the back of the fireplace, so that the burning logs would not set fire tp the house. These old fashioned fireplaces were huge affairs. Children could sit in their corners and watch the sparks chase each other toward the stars. The fireplaces and chimneys were -first lined with mud, so that they would not burn, but later they were made of bride It is a coinmon remark that in trying to get warm at such the faces of pee- ple were roasted from the beat, wbee their backs froze in the drafts from tio cracks in the windows and doors, But the early 'forefathers were a hardy race and endured the cold won- derfully. The Puritans of Salem re- fused to heat their meeting houses, de- claring that warmth therein "was a snake of ye wily and wicked. Satan." The sturdy Puritan sires and their sons kicked their heels together- when the cold stopped the circulation of their blood, and the preachers often patient-. ly paused in their two hoUrs' dis- courses to' wait for everybody' to be - Come warm and stop kicking. Women carried little foot stoves to church. These were perforated tin boxes about a foot square, into which hot embers from the family hearth were placed, and the hot stove was then iaken to meeting along with the Bible London. London is a shop and a bank, a gam- ing hell and el, cathedral. Its streets are paved with gold and Set with thorns. It is the plane for a rich man and the place 'for a poor man. It -is all wealth and happiness; it is all povertY - weft). distress. It is a huge paradox. Many things are possible in LondOn that elle also impossible. If it s6 please you, and you possess the ability to do so, you, may live not merely a double life, but half a dozen different lives, -which will never alash with one an- other. 'YOU may be in London at the same time a priest and a pirate. It le big enough for both of you, -J. H. M. Abbott in The Spectator. A. Poser. "There, my son; that will do for this time," sternly luterrupted the long suf- fering parent. "I don't know who was the first man to invent wrestling nor how many mickles make a rauckle nor how many is many nor how few is flat- nor how a sailor smokes his horn- pipe nor why Good Friday never comes nition,. appredation, fairness. I can on a Tuesday nor why rabbits cant add, hold no one to me if I misuse him, subtract' and divide as well as multi - All things are, to be had for the buy- ' ply, nor Why an owl should hoot and Ing. Would you have friends? "Then not howl' nor the answerto any one of pay the price. The price of friendship the many other, foolish questions that Is to be worthy of friendghip. .The your abnormally developed Wimp of in - price of glory is to do something glori- quisitiveness incites you tb propound." ous.( The price a shdine is to do some- •"Yes, but, father, I don't want to ask thing shameful, • any silly questions. This is a most im- Friendship, glory, honor, admiration, portaut one. Please, do -o-ii think ceirage, infamy, contempt, hatred, are when a stout man is self contained he all in the market place for sale at a has more room inside of himself to price. We are buying and selling these contain himself in than a thin man things constantly as we will. Even has or is himself so big that he is just beauty is for sale. Plain women can as tightly crowded inside of himself as gain beauty by cultivating grace, ani- the thin man is and how much of him- mation, pleasant speecb, intelligence, self is it that is self contained and how helpfulness, courage or good will. much is on the outside doing the con - Beauty is not lethe features alone; it Ls in the eoul also. , tabling, and"- "Clarence, go to bed this instant!" Good will buys good will, friendli- ness buys friendship, confidence be- gets conedence, service rewards serv- ice, and be pays for hate, suspicion for suspicion, treachery for treachery, contempt foe ingratitude, slovenlineas, laziness and lying. We plant a shrub, a rosebush, an or- cbard, with the expectation that they will pay us back. We build roads, mend harness and patch the roof with the same expectation. We will trust even these unconscious things to pay their debts. t Some of our investments are good and some are bad. The good. qualities we acquire -moderation, industry, cour- tesy, order, patience, candor -are sound investments. Our evil institutions and habits are bad investments, involving us in losses. We become debtors to them, and they are exacting creditors, forcing payment in full in money and labor and sometimes in blood, agony, tears, humiliation or shame.- From "Balance: The Fundamental Verity," by Orlando j. Sihith. ' French Conerlt. • Etienne Dumont, writing in the early part of the • last century, said: "The prevailing &exacter of the French is that of conceit. Every member or the assembly considered lihnself capable f undertaking everything. often said that if you proposed to the first hundred men You met in the streets se. AUCTION EERS. 011A8 BItOWN, Licensed Auctioneer; for the Counties of Ilnron and Perth. Orden left at A- M. Campbell's Implement wareroome, Seatorth, or TUX XxpealTOR Offine, will receive prompt atteetion. ailegetion guaranteed or no cherge. 1708-10 -EWES G. lecelICIIAEL, Hennaed Utictioneer for tsee county of Huron. Sales attended to in any Pad the county et moderate rates, and eatiefactioe euentriteed. orders left at the Seaforth poet office 4tett Lot e, Condesston 2, Mullett, will receive .0p1Pt attention. 1832-tf UCTIONEERING.-B. S. Licensed ses metiers:es for the countlee of Huron and rate,. Being a praottoal farmer and thoroughly, "theetanding the value of farm stook and kiwis: - creek places me in a better position to realize good %tom Charges. moderate. Satisfaotion guaranteed trr-' Pee. Alt orders left at Ifeneall post °Dice or thvaLittd t203., Concession 2, , Hay will be promptly 1709 -it Reduct ion Sale We purpose disposing of our business in Seaforth • and are giving Special Prices on all lines. r— echtei & McKenzie Furniture Dealers and Undertaken. SEAFORTH. 11111111111119112. Coal was known Lis early as 1637 in this country-, and it was called "iron stone." But wood was far cheaper and. more convenient and was most used. Peat was also utilized, as it could be obtained from,many bogs. Stoves were introduced as early tie 1652, and in that year the general court of Massachusetts granted to John Clark 10 -shillings for every fanilly using his valuable invention, a stove, for a period of three years, and this -grant Was subSequently extended fey a period of Clark's lifetime, the general court being deeply grateful for the com- fort derived from his invention. The first open frbnt coal stoves were designed by Benjamin, Franklin and were, cast by James Byres & Co. in Springfield, Mass, in 1787. Fianklin probably got his idea from the Gerroaxe stoves used in Pennsylvania. These had a hot aftedrum, which extended to the second story and warmed that part of the house, but the doors of many of them were outside the house, so that it was necessary to go outdoors to feed them with fuel. Franklin's invention marked the beginning a stoves for burning coal and wood which are ID general use today. These early etoves were as great blessings to the .forefathers as arei steana heaters today. Even the poets' sung of their virtues, referring to them as "stoves . which autumn of whater could make." But today the practical man wants summer of winter made, and the vari- ous simple devices of the forefathers - the firebacks, andirons, open fireplaces and crude -stoves -have been. thrown in- to the junk heap or into the museum to make way for the modern hot air and steam heaters. -Boston Globe. When Inkestion firi'ps You ,t is not merely " sinnething you ate" at the last Meal -it is weakness in the eta:fled:I.. A pain is Nature's danger signal thatsomething is wrong. Indigestion is the stomach's way of telling you that it can't or won't work. NOW is the time to take FRUIT-A-TIVES. These frait tablets rest the stomach -bring out a copiotw flow of gastric juice at meal thne--and make the stomachand intestines digest everything you eat. 4e, You know that Pruit-a-tives are doing you good -bemuse there is no ntore pain -i19 more sour stomach -no bele-bine- gas. Fruit:ea-tires keep the stomach clean and healthy -and ready I:digest any sensible meal you eat while the constipation is entirely cured. by their use. "Pruit-a-tives are Most valuable in the home. We levee used two boxes and are toeliter gettba.g a. third, which tells onr opinion of their merits. I find them especially good for the child: en, plea:taut to take and very cleansing ixt their action." Mrs. F. M. emeauser, Calgary, Alberta. Ifruil-a-tives are pure fruit juices in tablet form. They act gently on an the organs of digestion --strengthen, invigorate, and cure. If there is anything wrong with stomach or bowels, cure yourseli with op Fruit Liver Tablets. Manufactured by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa At all druggists, eocea box irmmuTra ar Hair The Phonograph In the Moon. Cyrano de Bergerac in his "Ilistoire 'Comique dee Etats et Empires de la Lune," -whose erst edition is dated as early • ae, 1650, relates that the genius that guided. him to 'our satellite gave him for bis entertainment some of the books of the „country. These books are inclosed in boxes. "On opening the' box I found inside a concern of metal, some- thing like, one of our watches, full of curious little springs and minute ma- chinery. It was really a book, but a wonderful book that has no leaves or letters, a book for the understanding of which the eyes are of DO use -only the ears are necessary. When any one wishes to read, he winds up the ree chine, with its great number of eery es of all kinds, and turns the pointer to 1110 chapter he'veiehes to hear, when there comes out, as if from the mouth of a man or of an instrument of music, the distinct and various sounds which serve -the great Lunarians as the ex- pression of languageek . POINTED PARAGRAPHS. The most inexcusable thing in the weld is to unjustly eh/6e a decent cit- izen. ' It doesn't do people any good to be old enough to know better unless they are also too old to enjoy meaitness. Every man needs a chart t&tell him the degrees of kinship in his family, but his wife _knows them so well she ean say them backward. The truth • about some people who seem to be doing so much is that they always put things off until the last minute and then have to rush. The early bird may get the' worm,. bu1 the late bird. bas as good an argu- me t: He gets his rest which the early, b d Misses and has never yet starved. Be patient -with the girl who takes so lour td dress. By and by she will be able to do up :the work and °dress herself and. three �r four children in half the time she takes for eerself now. Dangerrs of Melancholy. • The weak, broleeee spirited person grays morbid anduelancholy, and the breln" • degenerates rapidly tinder the Influence of these mental states. Mel - cholla is Something that comes more thin the province of the will power th n anything else. It can be cast off a d avoided only in this way. Some - ti es for the lack of stimulating the wi physicians will recommend a eh e of occupation, scenery and as- sociatioe. _rats is morels Betteat-tro--- iasslineseleffa eetee UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR Why not stop this falling of your hair? At this rate you wili soon be without any hairi Just remember that Hall's Hair Renewer stops falling hair, and makes hair grow. 'if =1-kerrarnor.11=1." • Boys don't like to wear their father's shrunken underwear -they don't have to If he wears Ceetee, for he'll wear it out hiraself. Just as economical to buy Ceetee full- fashioned one-piece suits for them, also, and much more conafortable-no coarse seams to chafe the body. Made of the finest wool, rendered unshrinkable by : a secret process which,does not impair wearing quality. LTh* Your Dealer will re - 'place any Centee 'Garment that shrinks Made at Galt, Canada, by The C. TURNBULL CO., Limited, and sold by all tellable dealers. Mob 'Price for Poirron. In Australia there is now a great demand f or poison extracted from serpents, and those who offer any for • sale are. paid at the rate of $50,000 for every kilogram. This seems an enormottet price, but it Must be re - Membered that ie is extremely dial: oult to obtain, such poison, and those druggists Who can manage to keep even a, few -drops of it in stock consider themselves lucky. Only three kinds of serpentsare u eful for this purpose -the- brown viper, the common asp and the speck- led snake. Moreover, t he poison must he drawn from them while they are still al ive ancl 111cx. healthy condition, The efficacy of the poison in the ease of certain aliments is said to be wondr.rful. Get Rid Of That Cough, 'Fere; the reamer cciree. Dr Word's Notwey ne Fr -op -re -revert Coughs, Colds, Sere Tbroet, rafFenese, Brrechitie, and all Diereses of the hroat and twigs GIVE THE LUMBEALLATH and .- Wherever there are sickly people with weak hearts and deranged nerves, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will be found an effectual medicine They restore enfeebled, enervated, exhausted, de. vetalized or over-worked men and woreen to vigor- ous health Spring Medicine. As a !Trine medicine Burdock Blood, Bitters has no equal It tones up the system and removes al be puritiee from the bleed, and takes away that tir- ed, weary feeling do prevalent in theepring Suddenly Attacked. Children are often attacked suddenly by' painin and dangerous colic,Crareps.Diarrhoea Dysentery, 7,holere. Morbus, Cholera Infauemo et'ct Dr Fowl- eee Extract of Wild Strawbezry Is a prompt and euro cnre, which should alwaye he kept in the'lionee V2AC For Choleta Morbus, Cholera 'Pewter!), Cramps, Colig,Diarrhoea,Dysentery said Summer Complaint, Dr Fowler% Extract of •Wild etrawberry is a prom* safe and Fare cure that has been a -popular taverno for nearly 60 years CE and it .will make one pound of flesh en less food than any other farm animal because its diges- tive juices are stronger. It is the ideal meat making machine. Hence every effort should be made to keep it "up" and growing from birth, Noflet up becausq it is too much effort to get it back. It is less effort to draw a wag- on a given distance if constant- ly in motion than if stopped and started every once in awhile. Ciydesdale Stock Food will keep your hogs eep" and growing because it gives a bet- ter appetite, e digestive ui and these dissolve and ' et. eint:easmg the mote food and et a radii It keeps them,ini:VetuP health enabling them .berAtz to 'resist disease, thereby makine a &met flesh. It gets there tO market weight much siionerisarin' g feed bin. Nothing better fir rants, Equally good for HOTISCS Cattle • and Sheep. Nothing injurionsin it and can stop pfeeding it without harmful effects. If ref are not satisfied after feeding it your money cheerfully refunded by the dealer, Same for all Clydesdale preparations. Clydesdale Carboline Antisep- ctilcean.wilI keep your pens and pigs TRY HERCULES POULTRY FOOD. eINDESDA.LB STOCk VOOD LIMITED, ToRmyro SHINGLES OEOAR iPOS j 7111 'yti ,N. CLUFF & SONS, LUMBER YARD and PLANING MILL SEZOORTH. Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of the estate of William Tie - repair, late of the Township of Stanley, Faroier, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to It. S. 0., 1897, hapter 129, that all cre,ditore and *there, having claims egainet the estete of the said William Tra- quair, who died on or about the 18th day of July, 305, are required on or before the 24th day of Nov. rlit): r'Artt5ci tT3r! quudatiriFtlt slrgodw 1413:hidpeZrt to lay, Fernier, Kippen P. O., -the -Admintetrator of tbaia,d deceasedethelf thristian sod surnames, ad - douses and -descriptions, the full particulars of tpeeir elairmethe statement of their stecouote and the tature of the securities, if any, held by them,' !And • further take notice that after stash last mentioned date tbe said adminietrater will proceed to diddle- ute the aeseta of the deceased among the parties en - lith d thereto. having regard only to the claims of ettich he shall then hive notice, and that the said administritor will not be liable for the said sweets n• any part thereof to any person or persons of, %hose delves notice shall pot have been received by blm at the time of suctedistribution. MADMAN Se STANBURY, Solicitors for &lid AdmInietrater. Dated at Exeter, the 25th day of Ootober„ 1605. 1977-6 .• •e• tete-el. Hoke Blankets We are headquarters for Wool, Ker. Bey, Jute, Lined and Unlined Blankets Robes )1 •"••••• We can save you u-oney in Galloway •8askatthever, Bishop and Goat Robes. Heavy Glovestand -Mitts at holesale Fricee—A Bar- gain atig BRODETiget, CADY affsift-k It Is Not Ted o but the instructors behind them that make a school. ' While the Forest City Business and Shorthand College publishes a 41xt on bookkeeping that is used in the best tolleges from Halifax to the Great West and has a steAnding reputation for publishing practical text books, only the best and highest salaried teachers in Canada are on the staff. Without a good teaching staff good text books would be wasted. Our courses inciude Bookkeeping, Gregg Shorthand, • Accounting, etc., as well as Teuch-typewriting. Catalogue free for the asking. e School terne---Sept. till June inclusive. .........,z......,:gri.A...e.p.,,...qe.„0-1.......f.F.F._.r....a..51,. V...f.Ar....::r , PRO. ili----00;01, -,- ,....„..,,...... *0=7, .......-. . r..... .4710.1Ar., rir:14 Jerro;44- W4.7"."' 4-e‘Olvetealetereereite......e."-ZeZetexeiffeireareeneee eeete.---• 11/11..Perre. -44W° tmst.ttotto- "10,, 1.471A.V. seeseref r. eeal 11014 , J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal •, ; •eeeeeeeer 'I, M. LOADON, ONT. - Learn Dressmaking'__ by !ffnielASIMMIIII. Learn at home how to cut, fit and put together everything in Dresemaking, without using paper patterns. I will send fot trial, free of charge, to any part of Can- ada, the Elita Tailor System and first lesson consisteig of how to take measuree, cut and fit a perfect waist and sleeve for any lady, Course et lessons taughtin 2 weeks or until you are perfectly satisfied, to be paid by cssh or instalment plan. Gold Medal. St. - Louis 1904. Ars. Wm. Sanders Dress-outting eehool, Strattcad, Ont., Canada. te,4 SPECIAL NOTICE.—I will personally tee& clams this complete mail mune, on the lst and 3rd Monday of each month in Stratford only, tali) class 00112menaingDeo- cember 4th. All wishing to learn at school write or see me at my office, gaTket Place, opposIte City Rall, on Saturdays only. Boarding found for strangest% I guarantee to give the same satisfaction by mail in your own home as at school.