HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-11-10, Page 5• it
EMBER 10 1905.
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dnesday, Nov. 15, at 1 ectloolr,
t 12, non. 14, MoKillop, Farm
Implements. John Res., prop. ;
• Arown, aucte
eaday, Nov. 14th,at 1 o'clook p.m.
con. 1 UsborneFarm Stook &
ents, Wm. B. Iloggarth, pop;
rown, eatetioneers
aturday, Nov. lltb, at 1 &cloak
ts4, on lot 10, enn, 3, L. IL S., Tuoker.
Horses, Cattle end Pigs. Louie
k3 prop ; Thos, Baowu. auctioneer,
on Saturday, November 18tli. at one 0'
ook sharp, at) Dick's Stoak -Yard& Sea -
lee% al bead of Choice Stook Steers.
akeenleek & Simpson, proprietors! ; Thos.
Bowe, auctioneer.
On Tuesday, November 14tb, at one 0'.
dock, m , near Govenlocee Mills. in
ecluthrees, 3:forse, Buggy, Houeehold F tun
name, Etc. Wm, MeIntoeh, proprietor,
/ones G. McMichael, auoMoneer. 1978 1
oagaturday, November 16, at Po'clook
Morris, on she gravel road, one
Emile north, of Walton, Farm Stook and
meats. Geo. Chrietopher, prop. ;
Brown, suet. 1978-1
Wednesday, November 22nd t all one
k p. rn.,` on lob 16, oon. 14, Sloicilop,
Stook and Implements. John noels -
prop. ; Thos. Brown, mutt. 1978-2
Novetriber Oth, 1005.
•Wheat.......... .. . ....... 78 to 0 78
• 0 32 to 0 34
thee per buehel
Peag per bushel ..... ........ 0 65 to 0 88
pb040 to 0 42
Tetley er riehel.
Ritter, No. 1, lool.e ....... - ... 0 17 to 0 18
- 0 18 to 010
gg r dozen ... 0 10 to 0 18
rour, per -the ibe .
o 0-
6 50 to 7 00
Der ten .. .„
8bepSkins.. .• .• • ) r501 tto° 0pt45 3850
0 40 to 0 40
'ei per 100 lbs
toes per bushel (new
retad) per barret.............. 1 00 to 1 25
Wod per cord (long) 5 00 to 020
Woocl . 2 75 to 3 25
per cord (short)
per bag 0 40 to a 60
seed .4
oo to 800
1 25 to 200
0 04 to 000
Teltaw emr
7 50 to 8 20
ea*, per ten ibs
Wool washe )....
. 0 25 to 0 27 0 15 to 0 16
Wool unwashed)
Dalry Markets.
ronoyro,1,:overnbfr 7 -Butter -The market ix fair
te steady. Receipte of large rolls; of dairy are expeet-
ed togrew heavier. Prices are unchanged : Cream -
2? to 23e ; solids, 21 to 21e; [rood to
choice dairy pound rolle, 10 to 20c; medium, 17 to
good to ehoiee dairy tubs, 17 to 18c ; inferior
airy, 15 to 16e. Cheese -Following the advance in
she Britteh marketa, prices here are quoted higher at
tot* per pound. Eggs -Hold firm in tone • at
MOYfftsAL, November 7. -Butter -The market con-
tinues strong, as high as 23c being paid for finest
quality goods in country, but, demand from Englieh
market is somewhat limited. Demand for local con-
sumption, le very good at 22/ so 230 for finest, and
oto edie for eecond quality grades.
Toone, November 7 -The poultry market con-
tinuo easy hi tone, on account of the heays. receipte.
quotations for good dry pinceted poultry 18 118 fol-
lows :-Fat chickens, 8 to On; thin,5 to 6c; fat hens,
6e; thin, 4 to 5e ; ducks, 8 tet 90 ; thin, 6 to80 ; tor-
•leys, 12 to 18e; geese, 7 to 8e.
Grain. etc.
TORotrro, November 7-Wheake white,. 78e ; red,.
7ec ooe 72c ; epring, 71e oats, 371 to 18e ; old
eats, 42e t barley, 54 to 55e ; peas, 70 to 71e ; dressed
begs, light weight. &lc heavy,$7.75 per cwt. .Milifeeel
-Ontario bran. 812.50 to 813 per ton in ear tote out.
ide; shorts, 810. to 817 ; Manitoba bran,. 815,50 to
SO; shorts, $17.50 to 810 at. Toronto and equal
'paiatr Potatoee--The market is firmer, with a good
mend for choice; eastern Atbek. Ontario stock, CO
n700 per bag on track, and 15 to 85e out of etore •
Not Brintswiek. 00 to 05( out of store, and 75 to 80
in track. Baled }Lay -The market is firm in tone
an tinetarged at 8,3.50 per ton for No.- 1 timothy in
ear tots ontraek here, and e.6. for No. 2. Baled Straw
quoted unchanged at 86 per to for ear 4ots on
track here.
Florse Market.
• Following is Burns and Sheppafers weekly report
of . prevailing prices :-Single roadsters, 15 to 10
• bawls. 8120 to $165 : single cobs•and carriage horees,
• 15 to16.1 hand. 81e0 to 8175; matched pairs ear-
• riageberses, 15 to 16.1 hands. $300 to $450. Deliv-
ery liorses, 1100 to 1e00 pounds, 8125 to 3100 ; Gener-
• al purpose and exprese horses, 1200 to 1350 pounds,
8125 -to 8165 ; draught. horses, 1350 to 1750 pounds,
..1125 to $170 ; serviceable second-hand workers, 860
3711; Serviecedile eeeon d -hand drivers, 800 .to 875
Tosiosed. November e -The sisike market is un-
ebanged. There is some more inquiry front abroad,
tor little IKbeing.exported. on - aemant of the high
prier*. Qnotations are , No. 1.$6.25. to 36.56; No. 2,
51110 to 5.411: No. 3, :41.65 to $5 ; alsike tiontaining
timothy or trefoil is 1 to ae per pound. The high
e prise for red et a or i. bringin.g- the seed out quickly,
pi and trade is active at $6-ta 1;7, the latter for fancy
1, Mts. Timothy is unehanged ; machine threshed at
01i25 to 0.35 ; fancy inanities' flan threshed, 51.65
11 W.V.
trieCret Stock Marks:Its'.
Lesvos, England. Nfo ember 7- Cattle* are quoted
atf to lie. TAT pound ; refrigerator beef,. s.c.: to 8,7,c
. -
per issue!.
Ncoentlier 7 - Canadian cattle, 41 to 4}r,
t per prated.
Meeeertt., Noventher 7-, Cables from Lverpool and
j London isnot* weak on Canadian Natl.*, and prices
If show a. further decline of At% with spies in the former
Market et 91., tem( ill the latter nt. it to 10e.
Raneh Pattie sold at 711 to and sheep were steady
at 12e. This weakness is dui* to heavY 'quilltiefl of
eat nig pressed upon the. market, vomited
13 with the Mosel shipments from here. Present prieen
are said to be the lowest on record., and exporters are
it lasing barrels of money. Shipments Jost - week were
5,220 eatt 1.2, and s.67 sheep; 1 fixing to the unfavor-
al& v.eather anti the continued ltgav:v . !•4111Plic,'t 0!
eattle, an eas) feeling prevails, and prices show little
ehange. The demand was fair and .a number Nk ere
/eft Over. Good eattle sold at 4 to 4.11* ; fair, at 31 to
3j1; -quanta.. at :L.', to 30 ; and inferior at 11 to 31e
per potted, The mileh eows vvere a Nominal lot, and
Id at rot to ate earl.. Grass-fed valves sold 44,2 to
r pound, and ) VVah; at 4e. Sheep sired at
:;•`; re 4e, and lambs at 5 to 5 te per pound. 000r1 lots
ei fat ai to
Breettet, November 7 (*at tie Steady, on choice ;
1.4 to 15, 11O er en vomit* 111 ; prime stereo, ere to tr
; eltiepinee e4,7:,111eeeee ; hoteliers', •sf4.15 to
; heirers. s3 to $1.25 ; cows. $2.25 to. eeeer, ;
riliulhj, eeeee storker.. fetsters,•it:2.75 to fel ;
liteek heifers. •,..;.!.25 to‘ fresh vows and spring-
ers, steady, $20 it; $6.0. Illigs-Fairl), tog iti . and a
*Aetna et ; heavy, to $5.15 ; uli011, $5 to
;;At5, ' Yorkers, $1.s,5 to $5.05 : pigs, $5 to sS.05;
nilgh;1, 2c1.111A0 gt.:10 stags. $3.25 to $3.75 ; dairies
I and grassers, $4.75 to $5. Sheep and Lambs- Aetive;
steady : Iambs, 25e higher : Iambs, $5.75 to
t &ere; annesee, es; to $6.2.5 ; wethers, $5.50 10 ,85.75;
$5.25 to e5.50, ; sheep, mixed. 82.50 to 85.7e ;
-Canada 'allele, 87 to 87.1e.
Ton:twee November 8 .-Export Cattle -There has
beee sonie improvement .in the markets of Great
Britain, and the demand for cattle here 15 sennewhat
brieker. But the offerings are tit1 light and trade is
4 Nerv quiet on this account. Picked lots are quoted
nommal and other priees show a firmer tone. Choice
rmemmted at $4.25 to 34.60, good to medium at 33.60
t024.101inhere nt 33.75 to e3,85, bulls at 33.50 to $4,
e •
e and cowe at 32.75 to 33 rO• Butchers Cattle -There
was coneideraide demand for choice cattle hut very
few were offerin*, and prices were firm in tone.
3 Priees are quoteefirtner. Picked lots 34 to- about
;1 5,4.30 good to choice 39.50 to C3.85,-fitir to good $3 to
..!:$40i common $2.50 to $.4.00, eows See to *2.75 bulls
E. f-75 to S2.25 and canners 1.75 • to $2.ri0:. Stocker
ri and feeders -There is still some 'demand for steiek
11 and feed eattle, although it is tufw mostly for • the
• better classes. One firm is open to hay 600 head at
prireeabout those (welted, One or two farmers were
10 the market to -day and the offeringn were pretty
leell absorbed. The market showed an improved tone
.?,11 t.ee light- run, and prices were slightly firmer.
•14111)4 keep feeders are quoted at, $3.60 to 33.75, good
,ff--Oers at 7 $:1.40to $3.65, medium at 33210, bulls at
• Good stoekers run at t.-42.80 to $3.30, rough to
tiluntort at 82 to $2.70 and bulls at $1.75 to teem.
-elleh etese---The market i4 about steady at $30 to
.4fel mein Sheep and Lambs- The •run W118 hetWy and
•tefte Was it little dull, pspeeirdiV for Iambs. Sheep
• '-'eatfiteaitY at $1,1 to 34.25 for expert :ewes and $3 to
1 4,50 for bucks and nulls. *Lambs were unchanged at
1 MC to 35.65 per cwt. !fogs- The markefle quoted
ittt tatted 85.5o for eelects.. and A5.25 for lights fend
•ti fats.
Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000, Reserve fund $3,500,000
a. E. WALKER, General Manager
1 'ALEX. LAIRD Asst. Gene Manager
12.8' Branches
in Canada, the United States
- and England
Burliness may be transacted by mail with any branch
of the Bank. Accounts may be opened, and deposit3
made or withdrawn by mail. Every attention is paid
to out-of-town accounts.
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E. PARKES, Manager.
THIEBAUD-In Pittsburg, Pa., U. S. A., on October
8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Justin Thiebaud, (nee
Ethel (larden), 0808.
CHRISTIE-In Stephen, on October 30th, to Mr. and
Mrs. O. W. Christie, a son.
RAGS -HAW -In Stephen, on October 26th, to Mr.
and Mrs. J. Bagshaw, a son.
vonDEN--in Hallett, on October 2fith, to tr. and
• Aim Wesley Vodden, a daughter.
DALE -1n Mullett, on October 28th, to Mr -and Mrs.
Arthur Dale, it son
LLOYD. -In Seaforth, on November Rh, to kr. and
Howard Loyd, a son.
TASKER-In Harpurhey, on November 3rd, Lancelot,
- Tasker, aged 78 years and 5 months.
)IOFFATT-1n Clinton, on October 270h, Bertha
Maude Andrews, wife of W. G. Moffat, aged 25
years, 1 month and 17 days.
MAIR-In Mullett, on November 1st, Hannah Clare,
daughter of Mr. W. L. Mair, aged 3 years and 11
NOBLE -In Clinton, on Ontober 25th, Margaret
Noble; relict of the late Thomas Noble, aged 84.
IITCHELL-In Turnberry; on October 300h, Jane
Mitchell, relict of the late Thomas Fortune, aged
62 years.
FISHER -go Stanley, on Oetober 28th, Eleanor Gib-
son, wife of Mr. Malcolth kisher, aged 76 years,
10 months and 10 clays.
BUTTON -In Hibbert, on November 6th, Sarah, eld-
est daughter of Mr.,Wm. Button, aged 26 years,
ROBB-In Clinton, on November 8rd, Eleoner Sande,
wife of Mr. Wm. Robb, aged. 69 years, and 6
RINN-In Bleat:shard, on November 6th, Wm. Rinn,
eldest 5011 of Mr. Joseph Rhin, and . nephew of
Mr. Wm. Rinn, of Constance, aged 30 years and
2 months.
Funeral Directors°
and Embalmers.
Night callsnenewered at Mr. McKenzie's
residenoe, Church St., third house north of
public school, west side. Graduate Massa -
°boasts College of Ernbalming,-Boston, U.S
Knecht& & MCKenzie,
AUCTION SALE of Flirter Stoeic-Thomae Brown
has reneivedinetruotions from P. A. O'Sulliven
to gall by public auction on Saturday, Nov. 26th, at
12.80 o'olneic p. m,, M Dick's Stoek Yards, Seaforth,
the following property, vrz : Catt1e--10 choice
newly calved cows -and stringent. 10 heifen 2 years
eldt 12 Rimers 2 years old, 8 yeaelIng stes-s, 6 year-
ling heifers. P1ies-10 pigs 8 months old, 8 otore
Digs. Horees-1 heavy draft mare 10 yeart old in
evil to Flaehwood, 1 driving cat 2 vears old, 1
drat gelding 4 months old, I draft filly 6 months
old. Terme-10 inontbs oredit on approved jelnt
notes. A diaeount of 4 cents on the dollar allowed
for easel. No ontaide stook sold at bhis sale. P. A.
O'SULLIVAN, Proprietor THOS. B ROWN. Auc-
tioneer. 1078.3
UCTION 8 eLE of Hones and Dottie -Thomas
Brown bee been instruoted bv Join) R. Arohi-
held to sell by public auction at Diek'e Stock
Yards, Segos th, on Friday, November 37th, at one
o'clock p m., the following horees and cattle --
FIOTSBE-2 draft geldings rising four; 2 dreught
veldinge Velez three ; 2 draught fillies rising three;
1 fitly rising two, ired 'by Wilder Lee. Cattle -28
steers owning three •, 6 yearling stem and heifers;;
1 cc w due to calve in Deeenaher ; 1. cow eine to
calve in the spring. The whole will be sold' without
re erve. Terms -10 monthe' credit cm furniehIng
approved joint notes. A dismount of 4 cents on the
Misr for nab. JOHN R. •ARCHIBALD, Prov,;
THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer. 1978-2
`BARKLEY- WALKER- At Sault Ste. Marie, Gut.,
on °sneer o5;11, by Rev. M. A. rilhineafe,- Miss
31argaret H. 'Walker. of Toronto, datighter of the
late Robert Walker, of Clinton, to Mr. James
.„,Berkley, of Eeho Bee , Aig'011111.
-"••-af•-• LIVINCiSTON - At tto. residence of t he
, rents of the bride, in Grey,. on October 25th,
Rev. Dr. Ross, Mr. Ales. Vied!, to Miss Ism
Della, Clit,.1t daughter is,11r. and Mie. Du WW1
LiVing81.4)11, all of Gre).
ditatOME-G-EY At the residents. of the bride's
parents, Wingbant, 00 Ortnber 2604 try Rey.
Perrle, Mr, tiavis Jerome.* al flamilt on. to
Miss Jean lie), daughter of ,Ir. and Mrs. Alec;
MeKENZIE A N 131.: EWS At Augustine eltureh,
Fort Rouge, w insipeg, 011 Oct ober 25th, by Rev.
De 11-iieen. Mr. Lorne E. !deli:en:tie, or W nuipeg.
- 'fa)
1,rtigest daughter vif Mrs. S. E.
f 'ARE. At Kirkton, on October 26111, le
itea. Mr. Veale, Mr. Arilin Thonsts Item, son 0
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Herm to Miss ( `hristian Earl,
denghten f.4 Mr. end 31, u. Wrii. Earl, both of tee-
A UCTION SALE of gore, Bum, Household
Forniture, Ete.-J G. MoViehael hal been in-
structed by the undersigned to sell by pulpit() auction
near novae loek'e Mille, Winthrop on Tuesdey.
veniber 14th, et one o'cloek p. m, the follewing
property, vie. -1 pony, 4 years old,. sound and re-
liable for it lady driver; 1 noel° boggy neerly new ;
1 dernoorat, new; 1 °utter ; I good robe; 2 sets
single harness ; feei bine; a quantity of eecly pe-
tatoes ; 1 Grand Jewel cook stove; 1 ooal stove ;
I bedroem set; I glass cupboard '• centre table. kit-
chen teble, 6 octave omen, half dezen °heirs. 1 new
drop heed sewing machine and other artieses The
elude of the above will positively be sold es the
proprietor has gone to Manitoba and doee not intend
to return. Terms -All stune of 35 end under, oash ;
over that amonnt, 9 monthe' credit will be given
on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of
4 per cent. per annum will be allowed for cash On
credit amounts. WM. IfeINTOSH, Proprietor;
JAS. G. McMICHAEL, Anotioneer. 1978-1
PLEMENTSs-Thornas Brown has received in
etruotions from Ur, John Dougherty to sell by pub -
lie auction on Wednesday, November 22nd, at one
oVook p. m., on Lot 161 Concession 14, McKill•m,
the followilag property : One driving mare 8 years
old, in foal to Mon Bare; also colt at foot, &red by
Sydney; 1 mare 4 years old in foal to draught horse,
1 general puepose hem 4 years old. Cattle -Five
good young cows due to -calve in February, 1 farrow
cow, 1 cow with calf at foot, 9 steers tieing three,
10 hehleis rising three, 3 yearling steers, 2 yeerling
heieerr. 10 spring <Alyce ; the above stook ia all
ficatmlass and in good condition. Piga-One brood
sow. 8 pigs 2 months old. Implemente-One Max-
well binder, 1 Maxwell teel 10 foot rake, 1 Mann
cultivator, 1 &tied drill, 1 Maxwell dim harrow, one
single plow. I set diamond harrows% 1 19.121:1 roller,
1 scuffles, 1 Turnbull wagon, 1 hay rack, 1 fanning
min, 1 top buggy, 1 set bobeleighs, one set double
harness, 2 cutters, 2 wheelbarrows, 1 sugar kettle.
1 hay carrier with fork, rope and pulleye ; 1 gravel
box No. 4. 66 hene, two dozen grain bags, also forks,
hoes. chains, whIfiletreee, neckyokes and other
email artioles, all of which will be gold withont re-
serve, as the proprietor la giving up farming.
Terme of Sale -Ail eums of 35 and under, cash ;
over that amount 11 months' oredit on approved
joint notee. A diseounb of 4 ciente on the dollar
allowed for cash on credit amounts. JOHN
auctioneer; 1978-2
MO TEACHERS.-Teeeher wanted for Union
School Section No, 1, Hay and Stan let Duties
to commence January let, 1968 Applioal • ns stat-
ing salary received up to November 2 h. J.
SNIDRR, Sueretary-Tteasurer, Drysdale se o.
TEACHER WANTED -Teacher for the o th form
In the Seaforth.Publie School -Duties to oom•
menee Jauttary let, 1900. Initial salary, 83',0. Ara-
plioatiosas received up to Noveir ber 301h, 1005.
Address JOHN RANKIN, Seoretavy Fubilci9S7e8h.8e-ol
Board, B.Pc 403, Seaforth
loos FOR SERVICE -The undersigned has on
his form on the Hume Reed, Hibbest,one wile
weet of Dublin. two thorobred pigs for eervice. The
one it an Englisu Bcrkehise and the other a Tani -
worth. They are se gond pigs as on be secured.
Terme-31, and thorobred Howe, 32, both payable e,t
the time of service with privilege of returning if no •
emery. PETER DcCOURSEY, Dublin. 1978x4
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting
of Freenolders will be held in the Township
Hall, in the Village of Zurich, in the County of
Huron, on Wednesday, the lbth day of November,
A. D • 1906, oommeneing at 2 o'olook p. m., for it
consultation whether it is expedient to eetablieh
Mutual Mather Insurance Company, in accordance
with the " Weather Insurance Act of 1901." P.
Lamont, John Laporte, W. T. Caldwell, Koury Rau,
Wm, Battler, Jacob }laborer, Wm. Lamont, Jacob
Kellermah, Gouge Douglas, Christian Stade.
Good Time
— TO BUY ---
Good Time Piece
Ilhave just received a lot of new
WATCHES,which are wet th your
seeing -Probably the most inter.
eatirg assortment that ever came
to eleaforth (-I never saw hand-
somer styles, and 1 bought them
at & big discount for cash. ,1 mean
to sell them at Speoial•Prines.
If you used a watch I oan fit
your taste and puts's right now.
Come in end talk it over.
Jeweller &
Cardno Block, Seaforth.
Auction Sale of 51
Choice Stock Steers
• Saturclay, Nov. 18
One O'clock
Terms -10 months' credit will be given
on furnishing approved joint notes. A dis-
dount of 5 per cent. per aruum allowed for
GOVENLOCK and 812dP3ON, Proprietors
THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer. • 1978-1
Going to Sell
The 'West half df seotion 26, Tows:4311'p 8, Range
19 ; alga the Routh East quarter of Section 36,
Range 10, and the North East quarter of Section 27,
Range 19, Manitoba. On the first named parcel
there aro 166 acres breken ; a three -roomed frame
dwelling, sed stable, it good wall and 26 acres of
pasture. On the 2nd parcel there arc 126 mores
broken, it frame house that oast 3800. a log stable
and abut 10 aores tenced for pasture. This prop-
erty is within three milee of the tow a of Ninga, in
the far famed Turtle Mountain district and affords
a most desirable opportunity to parties desiring
to loiete in the vele, !garden of Manitoba. It is well
adapted to mixed farming and will be told separat.
(ay or In one parcel. Price 310,000, one-half clash
and the balance on time at 6 per cent. For further
particulars address
1978x12 Box 46, Boissevain, Manitoba
Seen the
New Shoos?
We have made great preparations for the Fall and Winter trade in Boots, Shoes
add Rubbers. Our stook is now complete in all lines for 111811, women, misses and chil-
dren, We make it a point to keep the very heat goods obtainable. We handle bite
following well-known h igh class goods : The King Quality, the Williams of Brampton,
and several ifireteolass makers ha Montreal and Quebec. Our dock of shoes was all con-
tracted for 'before the eharp advanae in leather., and will be told at old prices. Below
we mention a few of our leading lines :
Women's glove grained. Shoes. now scrth $1.25, for $L Women's plain and
pebbled shoes, wool lined, $1.25. Women's fine doogola, in all sizes, at $1.25, 81.50
and $1.75. Women'e Kieg Quality, in fine dongola and yid kid, in heavy and lighe
soles, at $2, $2.50, $3 aud $3,50 Women's common sense felt gaiters at $1 Women's
felt fowl shoes, warm and comfortable, $L35 Wornen'e felt slipper° at 253, 50e, 75c,
$1 and $1.25. Mtn's) heavy plow sboee at $1, $1,25 and $1.50, Men's long boar,
patent laced legs, waterproof, $3 50. Williams' potent adjuetable shoes for -men, water-
proof, made of solid leather, special at $2 and $2 50. Men's fine dongola shoes, new
styles, at C.50, $1.75 and $2 Men's fine King Quality elites at $2.50,- $3 and $3.50.
Boys' standard sot ool sho,a at $1, $1.25 and $1 50, Boys' fine dongolo and box calf
shoes at $1, $1,25 and $1,50. Ladies'. missee' and children's rubbers at all prices.
Men's heavy rubbers and le ggings in all the beet) inaltes. Women's, misses' and chil-
dren's Spate in great variety.
Fall Styles for Men,
Women and Children.
Batter -this year than ever before.
Improvements thew in the lasts, in
ehape and fit. Shoes are narrower in
the toe, and are made on both the
etraight and swing laste. The me-
dium weight sole, the heavy double
sole for Fall, or the felt soled ehoes foe
Winter, are here.
We carry the hest and most up-to-date
line of Ladies' Felt winter goods in the
trade at prices within the reach of all.
This announcement is made simply as
a general invitation to come and look
the new oboes over.
414 I • •
Richardson& lirinnis
Agent for the Granby Berlin, Canadian,
Maple Leaf. Hood and King Qual-
• ity Rubbers,
Your horse
Needs a lift at
this season of the
FEAR'S Condition Powders
To make him sleek and fat. In preparing horses for market, they pile on the
flee& better than enythieg else.
J. C. WOOD, of Hensall, says: 66 I had n
horse that went) bad in the lege, started fine
with swatches, then went to grease heels and
mud fever, and the hair peeled eff inside .of lege
almost to the body. 1 doctored for ib nearly all
winter witnoub relief, until I tried Fear's Con-
dition Powdere, end one dollar's Worth of them
cured my horse, and made hm lively and fat."
3 lbs. for 50o at
Fear's Drug Store C4th
The Following Well Known Cloths
BELWARP Blue and\Black Serge Suitings,
,and Worsled Trousermgs
PA 0.1 F I C serge Suitingiflali
Shades and Textures
1CKERMANS' Serges, Cheviots
and Vicunas
• Also a Complete Range of Imported and Domestic
Tweed Suitings and Trouserings, Our Black Melton and
Fancy c3heviot Overcoatings appear to be leaders judging
by the orders we are securing for them.
We will be pleased to show you any of the above lines and can
guarantee the entire lot.
Merchant Tailors.
Speare and Page,-
4/\ Wdili5.015116.0..11•11911111M.....
Under the Town Clock, - SEAFORTH
Clairvoyant Astro-Psyebie
Mtg. M. IT. su. DeleMar
Wishes to say to the pdblie that she - is no fortune teller, neither a palmist.
She does not read the hand, bin through the psychic or mind or myetic power.
She has not learoed anything to try to deceiye the people, but simply gives in-
stances in the past life, end advice on any business matters or deals that anv
may have in view, whether lb will be a success or not, and what beat) adapted
for. Whether they fall heir to money -or property at home or elsewhere, and
gives advice on the same, or losses and how to proeeed. Any question that
they may wish advice on, will be answered correctly. This fa cnly a natural
gift, as the Madame has poesessed it since quite young, and wishes to eo inform
the publie in general that ehe would not wish to deceive in any way; and any
ens wishing to eonsult her is invited to do soas early as convenient, or they
will miss a rare chanoe. She has many testimonials of business and important
matters and ocourences peculiar to the lives oi people, which have been done
successful through her advice. The most prominent people consult her an busi-
ness and othereaffeirs. Gives time of occurrence and eatisfactioa, or money re-
funded. Remember, the Medame's visit! Is limited. To know the fatter° means
success, Hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Geutlemen, full reading, $1. Ladies, full
reading, 500,
Office -Royal Hotel, Serforeb, First: Floor.
COPtifbr Main
Markot Srooto
+444444++++++414+4÷, +.1eirin1eleinietinfees+1
Those dainty Chino, Tea Sets that we have been looking for all summer, We im-
port them direct from the kilns, and have merked them at dose prices. The patterns
are very pretty. Oue in eoroll design in autumn shades; one in a dainty light blue
with flowers; one wieh small rosebuds scattered all over. There -are several other very
pretty patterns, and ths prices run from e5 to $10 per set. "tome early and get a fires
We have some very choice Dinner Sets that will please you. Travellera tell us that
our variety af Chine beets anything outside the city.
This is the home of beautiful China, and we live up to our motto. We oell go
goods cheap at
FEAR'S Drug Store, Seaforth.
Up -to -Date
Want up-to-date goods
They like to patronize
an up-to-date store
and deal with men
who know their busi-
that le Meioses, foun-
tain syringee, hot-
water bottles, etc., are
no exception. If they
are old and taokey you
can't expect up-to-date
people to buy thein.
Oar ate& is freeh and
new, our druge and
mode:lines are aleo fresh
and pure.
Come in and see ntf.
See the pretty things
that are daily arriving
for Oirristmas. You
are .welcome whether
you buy or not and
you will receive cotrt-
eous treetment.
.Agent for the leading makes of Trusses,
Fountain Syringes and Hot Water
Card of Thanks
01•134• 010/1111••••
The uudereigned desires to return his sincere
thanks to the officers and directors of the, MoKiilop
'Mutual Fire Ineurance Company for the very prompt
and satiefootory manner in which they settled hie
Oahu for losses sustained through the destruction
of his residence by fire on September 21s0, last. He
also desires to exprees his heart -felt Omits to his
neig hbors and iriends generally, who have given
him such kindly and generous stedietanee in many
1 Tao *Mg
Dry Gsoiu ow
Conown In
Four Countimkal
There is no Adverm
'Using theme
More Attractive to the
Average Person than
As the Fall Outfitting time is at hand you will want to know
what this store can do towards supplying you with proper mer-
chandise at proper prices.
In the following list will be found real everyday values.
We want you to visit this store and see the most complete
lines of Fall Merchandise shown in Seaforth. Visit our differ-
ent departments; compare our prices ; for re,a1 bargains you
will find we have no equals.
Ladies' Department.
Ladies. Heavy Fleeced Cotton -Underwear, Special this week
at •••••••.....250
Ladies' Ribbed Knit Underwear, special this week at.... e.....396
Ladies' Unthrinkable Knit Underwear, sixty per cent. wool,
special at... . .
Special Values in All Wool Underwear, ranging in prices
from • • 7be te$1,30
Prize Oontest
3 Prizes Given Away
own. •,••'
Any boy or girl, 18years or under,
writing the most complete Bee of natnee of
articles carried in our stook.
Each name must start with a let* found
in my name and address as gees& \below.
Each letter may be used as ofteri as de-
Everybody Is welcome to ieepeot our
stock, but nobody will be allowed Lo take
noteas while in the store.
Prize!, exhibited in our window.
Clontest closes November 25th.
Russel McNaught
Jeweller, Engraver and Optician
Our original stock is cut down considerably,
yet the assortment remains good, and every week
some of tne %test novelties are added to our
Just to hand, Coats in the new Empire
Style, no more practical, comfortable, or stylish -
garment has ever been devised.,
Fur Department.
Our reputation as leaders in the Fur Business is firmly establishel
This season we are in a stronger and better position than ever. The appear-
ance of each garment will speak for itself and we vouch for quality of each.
from fur to finish. We Safeguard the reputation of this store by buying froin
reliable sources only, and another point not to be forgotten, present. prices are
high compared with ours, because, upon a knowledge of the advance in bust
we placed our contracts last April, you get ihe benefit, our prices will tell
ou that •
Ladies' Astrachan Ooats in lengths from 24 to 36
inches, all SiZtlf3 from 32 to 46, plaintor trimmed
prices from,. • ........$23.00 to $40,60
Near By _Health ResOrts
A few dayn at the Mineral Springs of St.-
Oatherines, Mt. Clemens, has benefitted
the health of hundreds. Nothing is equal
to the treatment. Try it.
Both points are situated on the
direot Line of the Grand Trunk
To East and West
Unequalled Ser7ice, Direct Connections
to Montreal. Quebec, Portland, Boston,
Halifax, St. Jonns, Detroit, Chicago and
all Weatern and Southern Points.
Pullman Sleepers, _Parlor and Dining
Oars on all through train&
For tickets, illustrated literature and
full information call on
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A, F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent
Bokharan Coats—plain, or trimmings of Columbia
Sable, Alaska Sable, Mink, and Sable Squirrel.
Russian Lamb, Persian Lamb Coats in plain and
trimmed, at prices defying competition.
Men's Fur Coats—Our stock of Men's Fur Coate is
larger and better than ever. We have added
- to our utock the celebrated Leak Fur Coats—
comparison of prices and coats will convince
you we stand alone.
Clothing Department.
Matchless Values—Our Great Clothing Sale increasee every day.
Not a man who has bought a suit of clothes from us during the sale _but has
sent friends: Not a parent who has bought a suit or overcoat for his or her
boy but has told others of the saving—real values increase sales. Hundreds
of Men's Suits, all styles and cloths, at $5.00 per suit less than the regular
price. Hundreds of pairs of tweed pants, in all weights and sizes, at $1 a pair
Hundreds of Children's Suits at half the regular price
Hundreds of Boys' Vests at 25c each
Men's Odd Vests, worth $1.00 and $1,25, your choice for 75c eaeh
Overcoatsr---In Bop' Youths' and Mea's----see our price, you'll be con-
vinced such values never were offered before.
Men's Underwear—Odd lines of Men's Underwear clearini at 'reduced
prices. •
Stanfield's Underwear is made of carefully selected wool. The process
of cleaning, combing and knitting makes it- impossible for the garments to
shrink. We, your dealers, guarantee Stanfield's Underwear unshrinkable.
We, your dealers, sta.M. ready, at any tim.e, to refund your money eh,ould
Stanfield's Underwear prove otherwise. But, in buying Stanfield's, Un
wear, buy the best—Black Label and Red Label are good, but insist on haw
the Blue Label—heavier goodf3 and will wear longer.
Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs
and Wool.
11111.PICKARD & SO
Opposite Town Blld.tzi, 03TO.91!.M11u1V1.1 MArk et Ste, Statertke,