HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-11-03, Page 9• ' .
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SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1905. Pages 9 to _10 j
McLEAN$1 a Year in
0 e nt s
Our New
ry Huron Notes; •
For TEN CENTS we will
ssind, THE, EXPOSITOR to new
subseribers from NOW until
anuary 1st, 1906. 1
This! gives TWO !` clear
months for the prioe Of one
If you are not now avaibscri.
ber, now is a good. op1ortun-
ity get the best paw in
iron county. If you are a'
subsoriber, show this t4 aortae
friend who is not
For One Dollar w will
end, „PRE EXPOSITOR frOln /110W
IMO January 1st, 1967. 'In
this way you will get the bah
me of this year and all next
year for the price of one. If
you are not now a subScriber
of TRE EXPOSITOR: this is an
• opportunity you should not
MSS,. Send in your names at
once3 so as not to miss an
Next week
raenee a new.
".The Wings
iag," by. Louis
story will maintain the ihter-
est irora start to flnish4 In
it love and- adventurear0 in
in a mostfaein-
ating and interesting !ma ner.
Don't miss it. Start at
once, and get •the first chap.
we will corn
story, entitled
of the Morn -
Tracy. This
These are two great offers
and should not . be passed
• We can also send you any
other. paper in conne?tion
with THE EXPOSITOR at lowest
rates. ii
f you are nterelsted,
watch for our list, and Write
McLean Bros.,
A branch( of the Sterling Bank,
rectently (organized, will be fdpened
shortly at tGloderich and Dungannon.
—Mr. Philip Hartman, has disposed
a „.ivis ifarm, on . 'the Hay -Stephen
town .bine,Inar Sarepta, Ito Mr..John
Wein, of iCrediton.
—Dr. McLaughlin has been. ap-
pointed agent tor the Bell Tele-
phone Company. for, DashwoOd. The
office Will remain lin Mr. McIs-
aa'c's (building.
—Mrs. 'George Sete, a respected
resident Of Clinton, plaSsed away
(Satu'rday, October 21st, after
'an illness of several Week. She )is
survived by ;her huslainti and four
—A by-law!„ guaranteeing 'the lbanda
of the (Threshing Machine Coimany
in. Clinton, was voted on by the -rate-
payers there on Monday of last
week, jaind ,was carried by ja, large
ma] orit y. • Three 'h uindrdd and
eig htty4 our voted for 't he by- 1 aw
and drily iten againe't.
—Mrs. Noble, One of the( ,itoneer
settlers of Clinten section, idled at
,the. home bf Adam Posfer, Clinton,
On Wednesdayano:rning of last week;
aged 434 (years, She leaves a famnly
Onlly tone (member of wch, (resides.
in 'this vicinity, Mit. SteWert, of
Hulk tL She - was a. member 'Of),
the, lEpiscopar !church. •
—Mr. John 'Kerr, a -worthy and
reSpented resident of Grediton, died
last week after an illness Of twoi
wee:ks at the age' of (66 years.. He
was 'a .native Of County Sligo, Ire-
land, and earee to (Canada hihout 18
years 'ago and soon after came to
Crediton and engaged extensively
in the brick making Ibustness there,
wh4ch 'business the c on tinned tun til
the time Of -his death. He 'visited
his 'native land 'about a year aig,d.
He leaves a widotwand family or,
three stantS and one daughter.
—Rev. Mr. Datum, pastor Of the
rEvangelical 'church, Crediton, is
preaching a series of three (ser-
mons on healing. 'The (subject of
the first sermon Of the( series,
preached last Sunday 'evening ayes
" The Bible on Doctors and Medi --
eines," An appropriate Subject so;
soon after ithe recent vitsbt of Heal-
er rman to the village.
--=The typhoid' epidemic', at pres-
ent prevailing in DashlWood, has as -
sunned such propertions that the
township bidard of hearth has been
asked to aet in the =atter. •The
houses 'where the disease IS
ent 'halve been iluarantined, and it
is hopekl that the progress et Lthuo
disease has been checked,. Those at
preSeart tclOw'n twits it aria „Messrs,
Louis Shoeme.ker, Jonas Ha'rtleib,
wild Levi Hanswohier.
—At St. George's chair eh, GOde.,
rich, !on Wednesd;ay bf lust week
!were clonsommated the nuptials'of
Ethel' Edna, wtoungest daughter pof
• lyIr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham, (to Chas.
Preston, Of Cleveland', the
're tor , Rev. Mr.', T urnbu II, of fide t-
ing. The 'wedding was a quiet one
tony the bride's family 'being toe -
sen end bridesmaid and gro'eans-
Man were dispensed with.
• —A 'few( evenings age a blame
owned by a; Mr. Of tBrins-
ley, •attempted, Ito enter Mr. S.
Brofv,n'a Istoire in Crediton, av Walk-
ing 'I. torough_ the plate glass twindolw.
The 'occupants lof the 'lauggy, a wo-
man and two small children, were
not injured. The window - was
smashed into /hundreds of pieoes end
with the bd.anaged goods in the show
window it twill be a heavy Mill of
expense for some one to pay. The
horse 11akl, tel doubt, heard bf 'the
great fbargains which; the genial aft as- a gla of oeventeen (years,
Sam gives his bu.stomers. with ther arents and -brothers end
--Mr. Lewis of the NOrMandiel silsbelst 16f iwiltc4n1 two brothers and
hotel, Minton, met witth ,an intausual
acciden,t theOther. day. While oaT,-
Tying a entrpale a bottles to 331toek
up his store room, one slipped, and
broke -, acrass his instep. It cut
through his isihbe and sock, and made
such a bad gash in his ,f,Ocht, that a
doatlor, lad Ito sew, it hip. .And Oo
make it Iworse' he tad just- cemented
atn.0 accident policy, a 'fowl idays be -
—On( 1,4aturdlay, October 21st, lan-
Other la the 'earliest setters a
Ashfield (passed iaavay th1 Ithe pe'rson
(it !Elizabeth, relict Of the gate G.
Twarm.ley, in her 74th wear. Mrs.
Twaraley had been in IpOon health
for the -Ipast teyvi meats nodi he;
kleia th was caused by a, ar,eaef:al
Ibree.kdown. She had a large circle
Of friends and was a member 4.f
Rtake's Methodist enure:a...
jlohln Halstead Of the oyrake..
skald Iconcessien, Goderichl township,
has Octld his fan)), Ott 07 acres to Mr.,
Joseph Jarvis if& the sum or $1,900
which is $400 antore than he gave ler
ke 'two 'years. ago. 'This (property
has lateen in 'the pkgasessabini of the
Halstead falmillW or 35 wears, the
'father of, 'thtel lato -Ownerhaving
purchased It ton his coming there
frotml the- cennty or Hastings In
1870. Mr. Halstead parpu.ses olin
to Alberta.
—Since her (accident a fortnight
WO, when: she 'broke her Ileg by a
fall as she was gars"- !tot sit down,
Mrs. Riahard Morrrol:, of Goderich,
had been gradually sinking and iwas
able tto 'take
but. tittle( (nourishment
her Ideath., Wednesday ofl fast iweek,
coming tither as a. release tfrob.
her suffering. 'Mrs. Morrow was a.
:dative Ireland and came Ito( Cana
two lsisters sill:Dare. The recent
death Of a sister made the first
break in -the 'family. The (surviving
brdthers and Sisters of the deceased
lar, &Imes Pollock, in Hay town-
ship ; Robert at Indian Head, Man-
itoba; Mr.s. iWikon on the Pixt
st'adi in Stanley, and (Mrs. Arm -
Strong, Babylon Lline, Stlanley. After
&trailing Itkithis country Mts. Morrow
lived at !Ottawa till about /17 years
•(ago, being =tarried in riar‘at twas
-then! Dower pwrodal to her now be, -
left plartner. After leaving Otta-
wa! 'Mr, and Mrs. Morrow - lived in
Sta.nley orwriaship till 38 wears ago,
when. 'they moved to Goderloh. The
deceaSed loaves -.payee Sons and three
daugh tars.
—A literary society has been or-
:ganized in Crediton, with 'the fol-
lowing officers : '•Honorary presi-
dents, Revds. Ihimra and Andrews ;
presiden t, -Claude ,Binett ; vice
presidents, trs. (W. W. Kerr and
Mrs. C. Zwicker ; secretary, Miss
Beulah Beaver; assistant secretary,
Ira Br own, ;, likraran, Herbert IL
Ther.society snL1irneet every
Friday evening The'first meeting
was held at Mrs. Hluett's home on
.Wednesday ,evening df last week.
--The annual shoe t of the ffadia-
desborto Rif,14 Association took place
last Thursday wad Saturday. T.he
ranges shot tat were 200, 1300, 500
and %tiff, wards ying down; 200 yards
kneeling land 200 Yards rrapld firing
seven, 'shots iper minute. 'The cote. -
petition was 'keen as it meant the
club championship for 'the weal.
There .were Isloane good is cores made.
The 'winners IWere 1St, N -m. tCar ter,
173; 2nd, W. Lee, 146.;(Zrd, James
Brown, (132; vithl Thomas Lee, ass;
5th, R. tWall'ace, 128.
Different TJ igs
—A. (Correspondent .A.melaan
exchange says he tried pu.tting red/
eJJove.r on his horses in -Stead ot
bra:niches or !twigs ed. tree% to Ireeg4
the flies too, and, to his su.rprIsk
net la fly bothered this tetaM. "-Take
conitoam red clover in bloom? 310.
says, "pull ie fresh, and place it
on the harness between the leather;
on the bridle and backbend, and
anywhere rota pan put a, piece ett
and iron twill be surpriged Tot Seek
how it keeps the flies 1.way" it
Cheap, and (worth trying.
—Sadie Mao, the. fast
ana.re, (the property of Miss K. L.
Wilke, of the Cruickston Sbzook
Fa,fl33., near (Gift, Ont-, and twhicht
drapped dead on the track, twthea
cordpeting lin a 'race at Chart -eV.
Oak Park, Hartford, Conn., in Sep-
tember last, bad a Ohort butt "Jai
Vtoriloas to-rPerr., an it is to 'be rah-
gretted that She was (taken off just,
at the time When supreme iionors
the trotting tworlid were apparbentkr
within her reach. That the ispeedyi
tive-year-ord ldaughter Of Peter act
Great was destined eveitually to be -
tome the icillieett leif the treittling
world was the (opinion of many 010=4
petent judap,es. (Until the day el
her death She bad only lest one heal
I This iTear, and had more Ilan *MeV
herself .Out. MSS iWilks p,urelh
Sadie 'Mao at the matilsers sale in
New York last year, paying $1.40(1
for the great maire, Less than al
Wealth before her death, Miss Wilks
refussad an offer toll $30,000, and ati
the itime declared. that -$50,000 wouuld
alVt buy her. This year Sadie Mao
trotted Ito a record. of 2.06 I.-2. She
Was entered in all the 2,10 and 2.12
Stakes throughout the Grand Ora
tgAt, Poked to ha.ve them att
hr mercy._ Sadie Mao was insured
in Isliorl's tar $15,000. She had won
in this last season close to $30,000.,
A new rganization with new ideas, con.ceivecrthrough practical and long experience in a busi-
ness ot new to this community ----THE CLOTHING BUSINESS ---We *tart with a large, well
rted and absolutely new stock of Men's and Boys' Wearable&
Men's Overcoats Men's Suits - Men's en' ine bnirts
Men's Work Shirts and Pants Men's Underwear and Men's Fur Uoats
Boys' OvCrcoats Boys' Suits •Boys' Odd Knickers Boys' Underwear and Sweaters
• • Our aim is to 'carry in Istock nothing but goods of sterling quality. Having learv.ed by experie,n.ce that the ilandling of
low grade goods means a loss to both buyer and seller. Carefully searching the markets for the best in, quality, our fight
to get a right price on everything was not neglected in any way as you observe by a glance at the sale list. Our
offering foi this and next week will consist of goods most sought after these cold and coming colder days.
Smart Dressers Among Men.
There is a world of difference in clothing quality- to day and clothing
quality ten years—yes, five yeals ago. And this change, this marvellous ad
Tame, is due solely to the makers of readyto-wear clothing. The competition
among the men who compete for the trade has done everything for the cloth- Th department is equipped with everything nw, our suitings are all of the very latest patterns arid in all
g business. we are in a better position than ever to give our customers entire satisfaction; FINE SUITS AND OVERCOATS
Good Clothes
• One lot of 75 Overcoats, sizes 36 to 42/ regular prices ranging from $10 to $18,
of the very -best makes and most stylish cuts long
and skort
$5.00 to $10.00
One Lot of Boys' Overcoats made from sanae cloths as the men'sand. all of the btst materials in
fancy patterns or plain, sizes 27 to 36
One Lot of Boys' Reefers with high storm collars, heavily lined„ size 25 to 34,
II 1
• •
2.25 to $275
One lot of Men's Suits, without doubt the most cxtaaordinarily good suits ever offered, beoause they are
style oi cut, new in pattern of goods, and have all that freshness which stands out on newly
made garments, sizes 34 to 42. A big assortment to choose from. Price
One lot of Boys' Suits, all three piece, coat, vestand pants, the only kind for Fall and
winter wear, and a big assortment to choose from. These suits were bought at about one half the
cost of producing them, all of good honest, strong wearing cloth, single and double breasted styles,
sizes 27 to 34, regular selling price, $4.50 to $7,00, for
One lot of Boys' Odd Coats for school wear, made from remnants of good
cloths, sizes 28 to 33, for the cost of making or less,
new in
$:5 to $8.50
$2.75 to
$1.50 to $1.75
Boys' Knee Pants, sizes 26 to made from remnants of Scotch tweed, deable seat and double knee, 75c
One lotBoys' Pants, sizes for boys, 4 years to 15 years, lined throngh, good wearers for
250 There's plenty of "snap" in our boys'
clothing aad hard wear is
satisfactorily resisted.
A lot of odd Shirts and drawers in medium and heavy weights, sm,all, medium. and large fbizes at half regular
50c to 75c
MEN'S WORK, SHIRTS -10 dozen shirts of good weight cloth, all sizes and patterns, selling price, 45c
F ALL AND WINTER CAPS—Good variety of styles, new and natty, with or without fur lining, price 50 to 75c
20th Century Brand Of men's fine tailored garments
is made to yourmeasure in, the styles you desire $14 00 to $25,00
the acknowledged BEST ready,- to
clothing made and sold in Canada, It has run away from competition,
Ulna set new standards. It has been a tremendous influence in overcoming
prejudice of men who one despised ready-to-wear clothing.
Have you been persuadd' See the 20th Century br Ind if you are open
'tits from #12 to $.15 Overcoats from $22 to 5$2°
Possesses an extra attractive-
ness' in the manner of stylish cut
perfect St and easy prices. Every
strain point is provided for -Trouses
have double seats told knees. Aito,
gether the best Clothing that's made
fa strong and sturdy boy. The new
stylea are ready, but its more pleasure
to see than read about, so we invite
you to the showing._
CMS 4assirsamamara~ wafts