HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-11-03, Page 5e
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1905 -
= tteeitge Sermon.-Thle Rsv.
r wilt fares:eh armon Uti iths
-fecethodiat nitteretl, Wiretihiep, on
_slender, Novsnaileter Vtlie at 'halt rant
we. °Joao& in the afternoloia, kb the
df Loyal Orange Ledge -
Xte. $13,,W1n thrall. API are tweeicente.
PARKES -In Seaforth, an October 28tiii to Ste. and
Mrs. G. E. Parkes, a on.
ynr..L1A3t$—In Ifibbert, on October 3rd, to Mr. and
Mrs, Pat. Williams, u. son =
lIowiq, on ()etoher 17th3 to Mr. and
Mrs. David 'Weir, a daughter. ,
toCKRIDUR—In Winghatn, on October 171h, to
Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Lockridge, a son. ,
.a.rivrere-Irt Clinton, on Octobqr 19th, to Mr. and
Mrs. David. S. Nrter, n daugtiter.
7,1Ant..—In Monett, on October flat, to Mr. and Mrs.
r Wm. Mair, a daughter.
thiemEnsoN..--•:-In East Waennosh, on October 17th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson. a daughter.
Fsekb Wawanoeh, on ' Octeber 18th, to
• Mr. and 3Ire. Thoinae Ta 1(n on
CHAPMAN.--In East W)Lvanosh, on October 24th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Chapman, a daughter.
Meward, Sash, on Ootoberliith, to Mr.
a• nd Mrs. N. f.!ri(ii, formerly of Clinton, a daugh-
i- ter. •
f•= LOTr.—In 13russe1s, on October 20th; to ?dr and Mrs.
Geoi•ge Lott, a son. .-
!" G1E—In Lecburn, on October 1Sth, to Mr. and
• Mrs. W. G. Bogie, a son.
peee,ey-nota.a.S-D--At, St. Columban church, by
,Jlev. Albert McKeon, on October 25th, Mr. Jae.
L. Dorsey, nf Minimapolis, to 5Iiss Nora, eldest
• daughte.1 of Mr. G. K. Holland, Beechwood.
1t Tr St. Columban chivelt,on
• October 213th, by Rev.. Father McKeon, Mr. Geo,
Holland, son of Mr. G. K.Holland, of Deeoliwood,
to Alis.4 Mary Butler, of St. CoIumban.
PEPHERD----CAltNIE--On October 26th, t. the
residence of the brides father, by Rev. Thomas
Davidson, Mr. Dimean Shepherd, of Galt, to Mies
Mary, daughter of Mr. Wm. Cua•nie, of the Bron-'
son line, Stanley.
j3EATY—MASON—At the residence of the Ikide's
z mother, on October 25th, ir.e Rev. Dr. McLean,
Mr. George Beaty, to Miss7Clara, danghter of the
hte John Mason„ -of Blyth.
PeKERSIE—DAWSON—At the residence of the
bride's mother,on OctOber 25th,•by Rev.D.Perrie,
W. J. 31acKersie, of Toronto, to Miss Annie V.
Dawson, daughter C.)f Ntrs. A. 'Dawson, of Wing -
• ham.
MCSPADDEN—BENNEPP—In Winnipeg, on October
Oth, by Rev. Donald Munroe, M. Samuel Mc,
%widen, of BOiS$C170.in, MILTlitOb% to Miss Minnie
Bennett, of Walton.
HAWTHORN—INGRAM—In Winnipe°e•, on October
Oth, by Rev. Donald Munroe,. ?Jr. W. J. Haw,
thorn, of Waskada, Manitoba, to Miss Hannah
Ingram, of Walton, Ont. - '
liANDERS—COWAR•D—At the parsonage, Elimvine,
ou October 18th, by Rev. Mr. Pair, Mr., Arthur
Sanders, son of theiate Mr. Jainee Sanders, of
- Stephen, to Miss MatT Elizalietii, daughter of Mr.
Thomas Coward, of tsbozne. - •
PENNINGTO.N—PERDUE—At Weslen, parsonage,
on October 23rd, by Rev.. Mr. Manning, Mies
Clara, daughter of Mr. Peter Perdue, to Mr. John
. Pennington, of Colborne. •
• LSH—COLE--At the residence of the bride's
father, Ethel, OD November lst, Mr. Joseph T.
WOW*, Grey, to Miss EN-?, F., daughter- of 11r,
and8 Cote.
BRYANS—MILLER—At the residence Of the brides
mother, on November 1st, Mr., joint Bryans,
to Mw. Isabel, daughter of Mrs." F: _Miller, all of
- Grey.
IIIITOMELL—GA.LPIN—At the Methodist parsonage,
Bayfield, on October 25th, by !Rev. Steadman,
Miss Mary E. Galpin, of Sayeeld, to Mr Richard
F. Mitchell, Colborne township. '
RENDERSON—in MoKillop, On Oetriber-20th, James
Henderson, sr, aged -8$ yrs.
CIIALLENGER—In Goderich toweship. on October
23rd, Miss Elizabeth Challengeri .sister of Mr.
Amos Challenger; •
'TASKER—In Mullett, on Octo'ber 25th, George, son
of Mr. Rich. 'I'asker, aged 6 years and 9 months.
PORDEN—In Goderich, on oOototidr 25th, Maurice
Porter, third son of Mr. and Mr Alex. Forden,
• aged 7 months and el days: , •
SAGE.—in Clinton, on Oetobet 2Ist, 31m. (4eo. Sage,
aged 48 years and 5 days. '
Mullett, on October 20th, Mary Cole, re-
•. liet of the late James Hitch; aged 67 years
. MORROW—In Goderieh, on October 25th, Martha,
• wife of Mr. Rich. Morrow, aged 86 years ,"and 9
SPROUL—In Ihingannoh, on October 20th," Andrew
Sproul, aged aa years.
• MeNAIR—In Cranbrookemi October aoth, Alex. Mc-
Nair, aged 80 years.
GAIAR—In Grey, on October 28th, Martin Geier,
aged 73 years
`ZEIGLER—In Grey, on October 126th, "Wrn. Zeigler,
aged 60 years.
-COUSLEY—In Brussels, on October 26A1, John Cous-
ley, aged 67 years.
Funeral Directors
• and Embalmers _
Night cane answered at Mr. McKenzie's
tesi'dence, Church St., third house north of;
public school,lweet side. Gradoate Meets's-
Chants Collige of E (libeler] ing 13oseon, U.S
Knechitel & McKenzie,
fMI Wheat
aper bushel
Pew par briehei -- 0 05 to 0 ea
Earley per bushel- 0 40 to 0 42
Suter, No. 1, loose 0 17 to
Satter, tub_ - _ 0 18 to
Ergeper doz.-- — 0 J6 ko
•Mont, per 100 2 25 to
per ton neva-- .. OM Ole 6 50 to
%Helper 100 - mat ow IS 04 5 00 to
• Steep Sktne...... f• !Of* •••• *0 e• aft 030 to
Potatoes per bushel (new),„„... _ 0 40 to
Salt (retsil) per barrel- _ .... 1 26 to
Weed per cord (Jong)... — - 6 00 to
Weodper oord (short). . -.. 2 76 to
0 40 to
7 00 to
'imothy Seed- .... 1 25 So°
Tallovr, per lb..- -a.. a. 04 to
7 50 to
Wool waehed).. 25 to
woe unwashed) 16 to
SHAFORTEI, Oot. 25, 1905
-- -$0 78 to 076
0 82 tO 033
pies per beg- foe oaf ma off • • O.
OVer Seed,. •••• ome ma set:re IE. ••••• Olt •
•Pork, Der 100 The.. 00, fig sm. a. ow
0 12
0 19
0 18
7 00
5 85
r 26
0 40
1 00
8 25
0 60
8 00
2 05
8 29
Live Stook eiarkets.
leraeoe, England, Oen 31.-Amerioan
tattle, ; Canadian°, 4i to 51-1. Sneep,
LIVERPOOL, Oot. 31 -Canaiian cettla,
tid to 5d.
TORONTO• , November 1 fst-Trade on this
1flaontinaos very quiet. Nothing but
1 poor cattle ao coning forward and the de.
maid far these in dull. Prices have an
• easy tone, and for the medium to aholoo
X cattle they are nomical. Choioe are quoted
at $4.35 to $4 70 ; good to medium, 83.90
$4.20 ; others, $3.75 to $3.85 ; bulls,
4350 to 84, and cows at $2 75 to $3.50.
lititahers -There was a heavy falling off in
the demand for these cattle to day Even
he better ohms are quoted easy, and the
'fleavy run of poor stook was in many oases
almost unealemble. The best picked cattle
en the market sold at aboctt $1 60, Prices
%aurally range from 10 to 25a per civil
lower, although there is Hale change in
totatione for rod to choice. Picked lobs,
to $4 30 ; good to choice, $3 50 to ;
fair to good, $3 to $3 40 ; common, $2 to
4:175 ; cows, $:1 to -$3.25 ; Etna bucks, $1.75
to, $2.25. Stocker& and Feeders--Short-
'Reap feeders are quoted at] $3.65 to $3 80 ;
good feeders, at $3.40 to $3.65, medium at
la to $3.40, and bulls at sz to $2 75. Good
otoaksre rtm at $3 to $3.5o, rough to come
aloU at $2 to $3,and bulls at $L75 to $2.50.
•welch Oewe-Tee range of prime is un-
• tonged at $30 to $60 each. Sheep and
ecokhe-The run was heavy and trade dull.
•eoo.eop are quoted steady at $4 to $4.25 for
*export ewes, and $3 to $3.50 for books
cuLambs ere lower at $5.25 to
14'culla Lambs
per ewt. Hoge -The market contin-
nee easy in tone, and is quoted lower at
rg.hiltsnapnedi fox for selects, and ese,37-i for
a MONTREAL, • Oct. 3I -Trade was good,
Dot the prioee ()continued low. A few of
thfl hest cattle sold at abcut 40 per pound;
P4ttY good animals at 3o to near 4o;
common stock 2 to 3e, and small cittlls 11 to
'20 per pound. There were a few superior
eallehers, whiah sold at $50 to' $55 each;
Lhe other cows eold at $30 to; $45 eseit.
Pa market was orovvded with lean, gram
ied oalvete which sold at from to 33 per
Notul - good veale sell at &boat. 4e per
None. ; sheep said at 3 to to per pouvd ;
good lambs were in demand at 5i • to 5•2o
Per pound ; the common lambe et 5 to 51e
Por pound„ There has been another drop
• •
..•........ • ,
Paid-up Capital, 58,7001000. Reserve Fund, 53,500,000
HON. GEO. A.- COX, President
B. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager
124 BrandiizdCaggdlaa,ndthe United States
Ever* facility. afforded Farmers for their banking
business. Sales Notes cashed or taken
for collection.
BANKING BY MAIL —Deposi,6 may be made or withdrawn by
• mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention.
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E.-PARKES, Manager.
Din the prices °flat hogs, good lots &telling
ateabout 6s per pound.
• BUFFALO,Oot. 31-0at5le-Cho1ce steady;
others 10 to 15o lower, prime steers, $5.40
to $5-75 ; shippiea steers, 84.75 to $5.25;
butchers', $4 to 4.7E;$neifers, $3.25 to
$4 25 ; cows, $2.50 to $3.90-; bulks, $2.25
to $3 85; stookers and feeders'$3 to
$4.15 ; stook heifers, $2 25 to $3; fresh
cows and springers, fair to good, slow on
(sermon; $20 to $30. Hogs -Fairly motive;
shade hieher ; heavy and mixed, $5.35 to
; Yorkers, $5,25 to $5 35 ; pigs, $5
to $5.45 ; roughe, $4.25 to $4.50; stags,
$3 to $3.754 dairies and grasser", $5.10 to
$5.50. Sheep and Lambs -Active; lambs,
$5•75 to 87.40; yearlings, $6 to $6.25-;
wethers and ewes, $5.50 to $5.75 ; eheen.
mixed, $2.50 to $5 7'; Canada leanbe, $7.
Dairy Markets.
_TORONTO, Oct. 30 -Butter -All kinds of
butter are ooming forward fairly well. The
demand is fair and the market is eteady.
Cseamery prints, 22 to 23o; Bolide, 210
co ; dairy pound rolls, good to.ohoice,
19 to 2dic ; medium'17 to 18e ; good to
aloha dairy tubs, 17 to 183; inferior dairy,
15 to Ado. Cheese -Unchanged at 12-ko
to 12i per lbfor job lots here. Eggs -
The market holds firm at 20o, although 190
haetill quotable for acme lots.
Grain, etc.
TORONTO, Oete 31-i-Whese_waiee 76,
to 78o; red, 76 to n3 • goose -,72e • spring,
71e; oats, 37 to 38o; barley, 53 to 55o ;-
•peso, 70 to 71o; dressed hoge,light weight, -
$8.25 ; heavy, $7.75 per cwt. Baled flay
-No. 1 timothy has a firm tone at $8 50
*ter ton for car lots on track here. No, 2
is quiet at $6. Baled Straw -Unchanged
at esti per ton fcr car lots on track here.
Potatoes-Vnehanged. Ontario stook are
quoted at 6013 to 703 per bag on track,
and 75e to 80e out of 'tore.. New Bruns-
wick at 85e per bag, on track, and 90a out
of 'Store. Millfeed-Ontario bran. 812.50
to $13 per ton at outside points ' • shorts,
$16 to $17.50. Manitoba bran $16to $
and shorts at $17.50 to $19. Toronto an
equal points.
• • Poultry. •
•TORONTO, Oot. 23 -The market is still
easy in tone, owing to the -heavy receipts
of the past few days. Dealers are clearing
up their stocks fairly well, and it is not
likely receipts will be -heavy until the end
of the tieek. Prins are quoted unchanged. .
Fat chickens, 9e ; thin, 6 to 7o ; fat hens,
7e ; thin, 5 to 60; ducks, 9 to 103; thin,
7 to• 8c; turkeye,I4 to 15o; geese, 8 to 9e.
TORONTO, 03tober 31 -The aleike market
Is rether gaieter. Red clover is just be-
ginning to come ie. The following are the
market quotations for prices paid so farm-
ers at ou.oside pointer Alsike. No. 1, $5.75
to $6; alsike, Na. ?,, $5 to $5.25; Alsike,
No. 3, $4.40 to $4 60; red clover, $5 5010
$7 ,• timothyavachine threshed,$1 to $L50;
unhulled, $1.60 to $1,75.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the eeate cf William Tra-
queir, late of the Township of Stanley,
Farmer, deoeased. • - -
Notice is hbreby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897,
chapter 129, that all- oraditore and others having
claims against the eetate of the said William Tra-
quair, who died on or about the 18th day of July,
1906, are required en or before the 245h day of Nov.
ember, 1905, to sena by poet prepaid or deliver to
John Alfred Tramakir of the mid Township of Stan.
ley, Fernier, Ripped P. 0., the Administrator of
the said deceased,•their chrletian and surnames, ad-
dresses and desariptions, the full particulars of
their clairniathe etatement of their accounts and the
nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And
further take notice that after suoh last mentioned
date the said admibistrator will proceed° to distrib-
ute the emote of the deceased among the parties en-
titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of
whiala he shall then have notice, and that the said
adminietrator will not be liable for the said assets
or any part thereof to any person or persons of
whoee olairns notice ghatl not have been received
by him at the time of moll distribution.
•• Soliejtors for said Administrator.
Dated at Exeter, theS- 5th day of October, 1906.
• for one or more years, lot 14, con. 2, L. R. S.,
containing 100 aores, 80, acres of which are cleared
and under cultivation. nig is one of the best
farms in the Township, and is well suited for either
grain growing or dock raising. The buildings are
first class. This farm le situated about 7 miles from
Seaforth, and 8 from Heneall, end about 1 from
Kippen. For terme, etc., apply to the proprietor?
W. M. DOIG, L. L. B., Barrieter, Sault Ste. Marie,
utlioh., Offices in Newton 13 ilding. • 1977.4
MISTRAY 0ATTLE.-8trayed from let 25, coo. 8,
_Ur L. R. S., Tuokersmith, on or shoot he 85h
day of October, Shead of cattle, 1 a year old lest
spring, 8 steers moetly red with white faces, 1 grdy
heifer with white face and white strip along the
back and one of the steers is mostly red with white
star on face. Any information ' leading to the re -
'wavy of thisse.aninetals will be thankfully reedy -
ed ane liberally rewarded. SIMON MoKENZIK,
Baucefleld P. 0. •1977.51 ,
UCTION SALE of Horan, COMO and Pies -
1 -1. There will be effered for sale byi publio '
on Saturday, Nov. 11, on lot 10, oat]. 8 L. it, S.,
Tuokersuith, at 1 o'clock p. tn., sharp, the f rot, w.
ing properly : 18 cows suppesed to be with af to
a thorobred bull, 15 calves, 5 2 year old heife _a, 1 8
year old hailer, t bulf2 years old, 2 draft te com-
ing 2 years old., 1 aerieulturat coining Miro• years
old and 6 pigs. The whole will positively be sold
without reserve as the proprietor is giving up farm-
ing. Terene-,411 sums of 85 and under,
cash; over
thst amoont 10 mouths' credit will be glven, on ap-
proved joint notes. A digeount of 4 per cent will
be allowed for cash oa credit amounts. liptlIS
CLARK, prop ; THOS. BROWN, AMA. 1 7-2
AUCTION SALE of Farm Stook, Inplemente and
and Household Furniture-Thonias Brown
bee been instrnoted by Mr. Alex. Smith to Bell by
public auction on Lot 1, Conoesaion 12, Mullett, one
mile past of Harleoll, on Moaday, November 611, at
one didloak p in, the following property :-fforses-
One pair of draft horses, a gel4iug and a filly, one
coming 8 and the other 4 years old. One pair of
driving fillies, one coming 8 and other 4. Cattle -10
head of younir cattle,. yearlings and two.yeraa olds,
steers and heifers, one newly calved ociw, three
heifers coming three. Implements-Massey:Harris
binder, Deering mowee. seed drill, sharp hay rake,
lumber wagoradinton,fanniog milt, pair bobsleigh°,
harrows, walking plow, root ecuffl.r, root pulper, '
stone boat; gravel box, coverecil buggy, cutter, set
double team harneels, 2 sets stogie harness, 2 sleigh
robes and a rug, wheelbarrow, creamery 'hoe and
oans and other such articles. Household Fora.
tinn, consisting of heating and cooking stoves, din-
ing table, msttretses, chairs,elio. The whole will be
sold without rezone as the naoprietor has sold his
farm. Terme-All sums of 85 and under, cash;
over that amount, 10 months' credit will be given
on furnishing approved joint notes A discoont of
4 cents on the doner will be allowed for cash on
credit amounts, ALEX. SMITH, Prop, ; THOS.
BROWN, Aucitimmer. 1977-1
AUCTION SALE of Farm Stook and Implements
- -Mr. Thome Brown has been instructed by
Mr. J. H. Wheatley to sell by publio 'motion on lot
2, con. 18, Hullett, 1 mile east of qiarlook ol Fri-
day, Nov. 10, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following val.
nable property, viz: Hors' -1 brood mere sired
by Andrew Lsmmie with filly foal by her side and
euppored to be with foal, 1 brood 'ewe sired by Mo -
Bean and suppoled to be with foal, t 8.yeer-old
filly eked Cairnbrogie and supposed to• be with
foal, 1 driving mare seven years old sired by Gus.
tear and supposed to be with foal, 1 driving mare 8
yearn old, 1 roadster gelding 1 year old, 1 roadster
foal filly. Cattle -5 cows supposed to be with calf,
1 dry cow, 8 2 year old steers, 8-2 year old -heifers, 9
1 year .Id steers, 7 1 year old heifers, 4 calves, 2
brood sows to litter in D camber. Implements. -1
Massey Harris binder, 7 foot nut, with sheaf carrier
and trims almost new; 1 giant Deering mower, 7
foot cut, new ; 1 Massey Harris seed drill, 18 hoes,
new; 1 Deering hay rake, 12 foot, new ; 1 dieo,
ew"; 1 man cultivator, 1 plow, 1 pair harrows, f.„
umber wagon, 1 top burroy, 1 cutter, 1 light deity-
ery wagon, 1 Thad cart, 1 root puiper, 1 Chat
fanning mill, 1 set single harness, 1 set double h r.
nem, 1 hay fork with mit, dar, pulleys, slings, all
complete; 1 magnet create getoarater,1 Chatham in-
cubator capaoity 200 eggs, l 1 cooking stove nearly
new, 1 heating stove, 1 28 foot ladder, 1 20 foot hid.
der, 2 sugar kettlee. 1 stcne boat, L. bay rack, about
85 tons good hay, 8 cords good, dry maple stove -
wood, 50 cords etovewood, old rails, forks, chains
and a lob of otherartiole3 too numerous t 3 mention,
also a quantity of good hemlock lumber. AU will
be sold as the proprietor is giving up farming and
moving to town. Tms-Ali mama of 85 and unler
cash ; over that amount eleven months' creern on
approved joint notes. A diseount of 4 per oent. off
f or cash on credit amounts. J. H. WHEATLEY,
Proprietor; THOS. BROWN, Auotioneer. 1977-2
.t -Thomas SALE of Farm Stock and Implemente
-Thomas Brown haz bean instructed by Mr..
Whhhlarn Hoggarth to sell by public auctioo on Lot
86, Concessicm 1, lUeborne, on -Tuesday, November
14th, at .1 o'olock sharp, the following valuable
property. viz. -Horses -1 heavy brood mare 11 yrs.
old, sired by -MoBegn ; 1 team agricultural horse6
yearsold ; 1 heavy draft gelding 2 years old, sired
by Bialiden William •, 1 filly foal, sired by Prior's
Hero; 1 two-year-old roadster filly sired by Nor -
dean ; 1 four-year-old heavy dre,fo galdidg ; 1 two-
year.old heavy draft gelding; 1 general purpose
filly; 1 yearling hackney gelding Cattle -2 regie-
tered,Jersey cows in calf to a thorobred Jersey bull
1 Jersey cow in calf, 2 tborobred Jersey heifer nal.
yea, 1 Jersey boiler calf, 4 extra, good two.year-old
Shorthorn steers, 2 oneoreer-old Shorthorn steers,
2 Yorkshirepige 3 months old, 10 Black ?Enema
hens, 20 Barred Rook hens, White Leghorna, old
and young., male and female, bred from floeet birds
ehowei n America. Implements -Frost and Wood
binder new, Frost and Wood mower, 6 • ft, nearly
new, Freest and Weol steel horse rake, 12 ft, nes ly
new, Frost -and Woad disc nearly new, Perrin riding
plow new, Fraist and Wood plow, land roller nearly
new, set iron barrows, seed drill, Handler, stoneboat,
wheelbarrow, Clinton fanning mill with bagger at-
tached new, single buggy, °utter,lumber wagon,
• pair bobeleighthay raok, gravel box, set whiffle -
trees, iron . neeityoke, set double harness, set single
harness, 2 sets collars, "Fav6rite " barrel churn,
new sap pan and 30 new sap buoketa, Borne house.
hold furniture, about tea tons timothy hay in the
barn, good water trough nearly new, a qua ntity of
ineh We, forks, uhaine, spades and other articles
too numerous to mentisn. All will positively be
sold as the proprietor has sold his farm. Terme—
All suing of 83 and under, cash ; over that amount
11 months' credit will be gtven on tarniehing ap.
proved joint notes. A diecount'ot 4 per cant. per
annum allowed for cash on credit amounts. Wtf.
Auctioneer. 1977-2
ONE OF THE BERT FARMS in the township of
Ribbed for eole.—Lot 29, concession 10, Bib.
herb, containing 100 wree, 10 acres choice hard-
wood, mostly maple; three good wells, one at the
barn and one at the bush, windmill and pumps.
Two good bank tarns, 40x60 and 86x60 ,both with
good stabling and staMes are wall supplied with
water there being a pump under the barn. Excel-
lent henhouse and driviag shod; good storey and a
half brick house with frame kitchen and woodshed
attached, good cellar with cement froor (house re.
moldy remodelled ford& and out.) One gore of
good orohard ; son rods of Carter wire fence newly
erected, mostly fitted with icon gatee all in good
condition. There are at present- 8 sores of fall
wheat, 25 scree fall plowing dooe, the balance be-
ing seeded to grass suitable for hay or pesture. This
farm is in the very beet condition being absolutely
free from wild oats and all noxious weeds. It is
situated one and a half miles from the village of
Ohiselhurst, where there are postoffice, store,black.
smith shop, Preebvterian and Methodist churches.
Five and a half mites from Hamill, the same from
'impel] and 9 from Sestosth. Thit farm will be
sold reasonably as the proprietor le going West.
For parlidulars, etc, apply to JOHN TAYLOR,
ObieelhUret P. 0. 1977-51
The Following Weil Known • Cloths:
BE L WA RP an(/Worsted.
and Black Serge Suitings,
•• nil/Worsted Trouserings
PAC1 F-1 Serge Suiting s in all
Shades and Textures
VICKERMANS' Serges' Cheviots
and Vinnas
Also a Complete Range of Imported an Domestic
Tweed Suitings and. Trohserings. Our Black Melton and
Fancy Cheviot Overcoatings appear to be leaders judging
by the orders we are securing for -them.
We will be pleased to show you any of the above lines and can
guarantee the entie lot.
pagey Merchant Tailors.
Speare and
tinicr the Town
NON •&
Great Value in
Copyist Minis
Merkst Braids
Consults is
Four Osustiost
FursiThere is Adver
We have always done a large trade in Fare, and this season we
doubled our order to supply the growing demand for Fine Fare.
Buying as we do in large quantitiee, we get lower prices and speci-
al wish discounts, whi6h puts us in a position to quote very low
price 3 for &et clam guaranteed goods.
Black Coney Ruffs, 4 trsile, very special, reguler $1,75 for $1.35, BlackneoneY
Scarfs, large size, full furred, chain fastenings, 8 teal, good value at $.$ for $3 50. Mar-
mot 0aperines, long front, chain fastenings, at $3.95. Japanese Mink Stoles,8 silk tag
aids, very special at $5 50. Texas Mink Seeds, 6 tails, 2 ornaments, cord and tassel
fastenings, great value at $6 50, Sable Ruffe in brown and blaok, 6 bails, chain 'fasten-
ings, $7.50. lesbella Sable Stoles, 72 inches long, 8 tante 2 ornaments, cord and taeeel
futenings, vereaspeoial at $10. Stone Martin Searle, long front, 2 orneenetats, a snap at
$10. Oaperines, Eleatic Seal and Peraian Iamb combination, long front, high storm
collar, great value at $9, Belbic Sable Scarfs, chenille trimmings, 2 oraemenes at $12.
Also other Fur Neckwear for ladiee in various styles and 'otiose. • Ladies' A:drat:than
Coate, fine glossy curl. 24, 27, 30 and 36 inches long, it $25, $26.50, $30, $35 and $40.
Eleatic Seal Coate, 24 to 30 mobs's long, at $30, $35, $40 and $50. Men's iiberian Dog
Coate, great value at $18. $20 and $22. Men's Brown and Black Calf Coate at $20,
822 50 and $25. Men'a Mita GailowaV Coate, great value at $25 and $28, Men's "Calf
Coate, with Astrachan collar, at $22, $25 and $28. M n's Furlined Coate, hoed with
mearnote Japapette mink °oiler, fine beaver cloth, at $40. Men's Persian Lemb Caps,
great value at $4.50, $6, $8, $10 ond $12, Ladies' Blectrio Seal Caps, in fine gluey fur
at $2, $2.50 and $3.50.
0-.43.SI9 CDINTM 321:=Z1.0311
• .1-4-44-1-1-+++++++4+1+1+. 4014+++++++++4
Those dainty China Tea Sets that we have been looking for all summer. We int -
port tbem direct from the kilne, and have marked them at close pricesThe patterns
are very pretty. One in Boron design in autumn shades, one in a dainty light blue
with flowers, one with *nein rosebuds scattered all over. There are several other very
pretty patterns, and the prices run from 85 to $10 per set. Oonee early and get a firso
We have some very choice Dinner Sits that will please you. Travellers tell us that
our variety af Chin. ,98t$ anything outside the city.
This is the home autiful China, and we live up to our motto, We sell good
goods cheap at
FEAR'S Drug Store, Seaforth.
Gents' Watches?
Well,we jut want fo say a few
words On GENTS' WATCHES this
eek. We have a SPECIAL GOLD
FILLED*, Screw Back. end Bevel Case,
gueranteed fo tvventy years and we
are fittivg it with a genuine Waltham
Movement]. The regular prim of this
watoh is $(2, but, as we want to sell
them, they sell go at the small 'um of
Come in and examine them.
• An 8 -day Oak-Clo3k. itrikee the
hours and half•houre, for $3.00. Don't
go without the time when you can buy
it so ohesp.
J. F. DALY, Jeweller &
Cardno Block, Seaforth.
Seen the
New Shoes?
Fall Styles for Men,
Women and Children.
• e..11 •
Better this year than ever before.'
Improvements rhow in the lasts, in
shape and fit. Shoes are nartower in
the toe, and are made on both the
straight and swing lasts. The me-
dium weight aole, the heavy double
sole for Fall, or the felt eoled shoes for
Winter, are here.
We carry the best and most up-to-date
line of Ladies' Felt wiuter goods in the
trade at prices within the reach of all.
Thie announcement is made simply as
a general invitation to come and look
the new shoes over.
Richardson& rd'Innis
Agent for the Granby Berlin, Canadian,
Maple Leaf, Hood and King Qual-
ity Rubbers.
Of combination and single stone rings
Is remarkable fog it's beauty and va-
riety. Many of these dogs at small
prices look en well as the more expen-
sive ones.
We have a la la e assortment in Opals, at
prices from $1.50 up.
Boys and girls, 18 years or under, will
please, keep their eyes on this space
next week for the announcement of the
November.prize conteet. Three prizes
given away:
Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler &Eugraver
• and Optician, Seaforth
MEACHER WANTED. -For School Section 11,
Hay, for 1906. Dutieeto oommeoce Jan. 111,
Applications dating salary received up to NAV. 20,
1905. S. J. SPENCER, Sec.-Treas., St. Joeeph,
Ont. • 1977-3
TEACHER WANTED.— Wanted for School See -
tion No. 6, Tuokersmith a male or female
teacher, duties to eonunenoe Jtnuary ist, 1906. Ala-
plleations to be received by the undersigned no
later than Nov. 80: State qualifications and ealary
desired. THOS. COLEMAN, Sec., Bex 101, Eaf
mondville P. 0. 1977x4'
MEACHER WANTED,—For School Section No. 1,
liullett. a male or female teacher, holding a
ant or second class certificate. Duties, to com-
mence Jan. $rd, 1906. Applications stating salary
wanted, experience and references„reoeived by the
undersigned up till Nov. 245h. W. WILSON,
Sec.-Treas., Constance, Ont. 19774
Good going until November 7th
Points in Teinagami on T. and N. O. Ry.
to pointer, Mattewa to Port Arthur 11n-
inolusive ; to Port Arthur via N. N. Co.
Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays,Magnet-
°wan River, Midland, Peneeang,Lakefield,
all Stations Argygle to Cob000nk,Severn to
North Bay, points on Northern Navigation
Co. (Georgian Bay and Vatokinaw Divie-
Good going Oobober 26th to November
7th. All tickets valid returning until
December 9th.
For tiokete, illustrated literature and
fall information call on
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A. F. VHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent.
Tightening-' ! Machine
A 20th Century Time Saver
County Rights for Sale':
W, D. VanEgmon'd,
ie a high grade Coram'ercial School
Three Courses :
Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy
Up -to -Date
Want up-to-date goods
They like to patronize
an up-to-date store
and deal with men
who know their bud -
that is trusses, foun-
tain syringes, hot-
water bottles, etc., are
no exception. If they,
are old and tackey youl
can't -expect up-to-date'
people to buy them.
Our stock is fresh and
new, our drugs and
medicines are also fresh
and pure.
Come in and see us.
See the pretty things
that are daily arriving
for Christmae. You
are welcome whether
you buy or not and
you will receive ootrt-
eous treetment.
tising Theme
More Attractive to the
Average Person than
As the Fall Outfitting time is at hand you will want to know
what this store can do towards supplying you with proper mer-
chandite at progter prices.
In the following list will be found real everyday values.
We want you to VW& this store and see the most complete
lines of Fall Merchandise shown in Seaforth. Visit our differ-
ent departments ; compare oar prices; for real bargains you
willafind we have no equals,
• Ladies' Department.
Ladies. ,Ireavy Fleeced Cotton Underwear, Special this week
** .•• Off, 4.0•••••• f 01,9* *** 1.0•11.0/19k..0.141.41250 each
Ladies' Ribbed Knit Underwear, special this week eaoh.
Ladies' Unshrinkable Knit Underwear, sixty per centwool,
speeial Si•iff • Of fff ak • -0 /***-004-0,••••0-fhilie each
Special Values in All Wool Underwear, ranging in prices
. a 0 ...1346 .........4• fe f .0.7.06-9.6, Of•11-4.0 Otilf 00 • 75e to $1,30 each.
• .*-4e4-.;7e-e-e-4-441-4-e-e-4-e
Our original stook is cut down considerably,
yet the assortment remains good, and every week
some of tne latest novelties are added to our ,
-stock. \
Just to hand,' :goats in the new Empire
Style, no mo* practiCal, tomfortable, or stylish
garraent has ever been &aimed.
Fur Department.
Our Feputation as leaders in the Fur Business is firmly established
This season we are in a stronger and better position than ever. The appear-
ance of each (torment will speak for itself and we vouch for quality of each
from fur to filsh. We safeguard the reputation of this store by buyittg from .
reliable sources only, and another point not tote forgotten, present prices aro
high compared with ours, because, ppoit a knowledge of the k_clArancp in furs,
we placed our contracts last April, yoa get the benefit, oar pekes will tell
Sou that.
Ladies'.Astrachan. Coats in lengths from '24 to 36
inches, all sizes from. 32 to 46, plainvtor trimmed
prices from.................,„ ..$23.00 to $40.00
Agent for the leading makes of Truseee,
Fountain Syringe's and Het Water
Horse Blankets
We are headquarters for Wool, Ker-
sey, Jute, Lined and Unlined Blankets
We can save you troney in Galloway
Saskatchewan, Bishop and Goat Robes.
Heavy Gloves and Mitts at
Wholesale Prices—A Bar-
gain at
-me..., eeeereeee nee- e: edef et...este —ede e eeee, e eee eee e • ,-,5•4-l.k), •
Bokb.aran Co '
ats-plain or trimmings of Columbia
Sable, Alaska Sable, Mink, and Sable Squirrels.
-Russian Lamb, Persian 'Lamb Coats in plain and
trimmed, at prices defying competition.
Men's Fur Coats --Our stock of Men's Fur Coats is
larger and. better than ever, We have added
to our lackthe celebrated Leak Fur Coate--
comparison'ef prices and Witte wM convince
you we starkl alone.
Clothmg DrICI.rtMentse
Matchless Values—Our Great Clothing Sale in.crgasea every day.
Not a Dian who has bought a suit of clothes from. us during the sale but has
sent friends. Not a parent who has bought a suit or overcoat for his or her
boy but has told others of the saving -real valuee increase sales. Hundreds
of Men's Suits, all etyles and cloths, at $5.00 per suit less than the regular
price. Hundreds of pairs of tweed pants, in ail weights and sizes, at $1 a pair
Hundreds of Children's Suits at half the regular price
• Hundreds of Boys' Vests at 250 each
Men's Cdd. Vests, worth -$1.00 and $1.25, your choice for 75c each
Overcoats—In Boyle Youths' and Mea's--see our price, you'll be c
vinced such values never were offered before.
-A3n's nntlerwear--Odd lines of Men's Underwear clearing at reduced
Stanfield's Underwear is made of carefully selected wool, The process
of cleaning, combing and knitting makes it impossible for the garments to
thrink. We, your dealers, guarantee Stanfield's Underwear unshrinkab le.
We, your dealers, stand ready, at any time, to refund your money should
Stanfield's Underwear prove otherwise. But, in buying Stanfield's 'Und er-
w ear, buy the best -Black Label and Red. Label are good, but ineist an having
the Blue Label-hea,iier goods and will wear longer.
Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs
and Wool.
OppasIts "e3rra Bending, Omar tli4la all Mark