HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-11-03, Page 44 Nov, 64 WJW Whipi -pirimiclt' %UA0 of frdrlmo�ril!y Miss ]KeyM AVE jWb tilifle, koto SHOE SEAFO truft 1xvn* of oppirvisst RTHfS ST NOVEMBER 1905 :Iha* LEA It -blad lool be-* NW, 0 towt 134,eivieso df ifoldon" spWt -ft toire tom walisid, �n Russia. abd itlitat-4110 0elaft1V W(hUft swi* not- boand Ito tlkd bwo n ex(me(U0 We '1 %ws*t ftoela"d, dalto.—Ur.. ta�@ Afts. W-Plefy, of Ramhk 1*&V jd Khe irvelk hpze tw1bb , Xns. thwAdith ftr as 'ronold a eOUw, wgire ]Chia qujesta� oif Ttev. Mr. Jairleots, W. aina Urs.. fr. W T F 0 116, trighs. Poo Latest Sityles. In The only ihopo 41 m pea,0401 widolly Illast ow. afix0mor mAf t Rind ialniill, 'Mra. Alioz.- roatex-, (wide, wiliky blas boein onjoyinjx a�­.VfVeaisaot 2� 3 -4 i6ritudds in WoOk ainAl:trieas Vorlb 01"rm, Men a Fine 84�6$' tlhht 'the, iGazd, Dix-eal! Clmb* WhI& 3�oatfmoAer 0 Or4tif� lotf r- XACI 00isitial, ot ASM WUN 6 7 8 9 10 11 so Xx�gelly Wfluiencles 6hie Czar! twis ro�r tot hei itfo*"bip 4oifi 'a; vooit o;n? V0 firsit.j�&T;b 4 ftes weokI, Wo triotfuirlialed, Iblomm.—Matleir Go,:rdm 13 14 '15 16. 17 1w 6ver!raIed dr 't-Wa lthley'.mair- 6' Ho waig 80 yitftlii, . one Gia-u&d., a Moir At . no -time in the history of the 6ore have we'hxd isfich. a splendid afoort- W-uny ye". si-dk 1*1op1tf0( lot w 01lialzief wre mito, speo vlh�nllr-s la 20 21 22 23 24 t, - 6 -mod, Jird1graten't ven n!t. fthe Jaisit - imoin(Waind blim dW foldl.' r�. o. iwafflit - aj$ botlt!eir -aignain.—Mr. tois.' fg.mlinig- wblIbih- clouin. hivrie��Mri%.J, ment of Men's Fine Shoes &3 we are, at present shovding. The mosb notable ''I yo, en of Canadian and Amerio4n Shoes, in all the most degirable atyles "d - Inometit it# lb4mv, n, onAtfer ho mnt- NaIr dWd al�mvt. fivia year[% Tba Dawgillas, of -Xiabligain, biriougght bho 11aftoUr's maidy (friends will irogrft- mak 28. 29, 30 ...... 6k MO 0 lU1 145�yl W- -Tomadm1s, lolf hlila 116t1fdo bo, lhvro for, isibia, is noit onjoyinig)ha most modern shapes are fully represented in oar stock. WiDh the vsri#ty -of graziefifulay, Ito 6ho peoplo ah& -ft- f uinqn4 "tio li�lja n T r ... ...... . istyles au -ch as we showi coupled with our reaeoI:liable pilssand our eputation 1aR Ai atud hds beielin, or V Immediate 'de- IteTinicob, te. ifyAbeirbveinItl betnig n*klo biltlemmont ayfiW biemaltie*ry. Mris. usivaill 4ofold fh1eial f coed ;to bw thteir Idil for d endable qualititis, our Men's 8hoe Department renAily 19119986ts itself to ima4ls. Tilhe'Ifiraft 'step -in AY'io - in 0rianibwtook iciellnic0letry, Doli4ktls wlas' SUsi R"Ifialell alrinle, stivielmil dhys quktel piomrly,— AM' ever man who is looking for faishlonablet p irfeet fitting footwear at NEW ADVERTISEMENTS iecitiont (has bele tfrken, by 'the' ele- of " Bxo1nson Illiair, arad WeLT Jitible 1�kamedl U& ' 06ittat Itiblat Miss (Loltitilev. e price' The following are a fewof the lines or MeWs Fine Sh oil vaition, Wf Se.r,giuts Witltie�, a iman oir 6., a, is ory Gilaissrbeik, beavIbeir, m1hoi has beicin, oin- Oe" we OAU17 in 'Wroxet er Mr -The figure between *be piranthew after exalt -hie, q?eopte, W. ition d.f Pmm- stock ithe, pos illowlilnig rtjo(hwxy tnke, from tbhe( We, fhnw tic, 11IM be, Wjr seveiriall, week donotoolhe page of libe'paper on which the W. fiaindelrooin: aind -tjat&1-w1iiY Mimes roffers In Dongls Kid. Box -calf and P&tftt - 624 -- found ier of (t-116 ti;ilt Russian Ca1bgnelt tid ls"I""wly "nor"oviing la�nd "t is !he Cel�brated st t Sh 247*1 Woemenill will,be a er oe -Bu[tibs—W. Kerstake-8 wltich. he (hai beea. ivibeo 1by the. M -n. lalnd� KrIg. Qhlas. :Saindleirsdin 'lid t Velma, boy: " Mr. TKhbin ITicililifleir's holPled NhIe M111 sioloin be lfwlilly Tielcov- - �Colt, Augle or double soles at.,e3.5011 bey -no $4 and $5 elpair. Czar.:- ifoir. lffiqim�Uitloln, on Yridlart *ro it! IthresUpg iDO!fh ihni belein in, IV�r, ej d.—Miss Mjla�i Mahow. speinit Me "Mr.. iSandlewson thaitag 'jai*n foir ovo in, wift all !lUr. T. at k1hie, bmwe jolt her Wi-tlt� �,haistiilory yietl ptib.111-011Y an- WRI Tlelsrldlelf Oneof the beat ameFicau'makes. '9.T-O`c4ry busi0e(Sls tiblarc- WaFrWs. Ovar 9 000 bubielils. hiao W-oitlhiex in. Xhex. Not- nowicied- 'Jiis� iaroceptace o office aind' PlUrc"a0ed The Walk -Over -Shoe them in vid kid, vici calf &V Patent e !Ha0dw1,xM--Ch,Maey & Olt at �-Xrf. J. J�. Glb—isoln, of 0�3aeie wia s intow beien � itIl Comilitry-U. W. ewitt-8 xecleinit dmpa-tobts indicialte t at a trim1b;4 and U fie explaoitt-, is husilly ongiaIged with imon $4.50 sind 85 a pair. A Itxial dt istire-niYM is fin 1pirdfrress, b air itilife, �,Xoiest of lhis i5-isibeir, 'Mro. V.. V. eld''hia ilila ihimpe 13,000 In, ahl. The hind, tewmis filipping * liumber f rom .dwwrds- 1viinig Day. -Mr. bho . es 1twelen, 1hainkni The Rosiory-P. A.\,E� 8 Ion , Bat S1-boe Another -American mAke-box calf, fall weight, At$3.50 -Kililsoluttism, as repiriesented' I DIAIM(Nn igmilin -is of �gioicod qnwhUyi Haw's dMs tial in ih�r. Mecut1b, is a, buisy -Xeinnedy iads irloaj! e; lftt� of and $4 a pair. Y by Wiq'holat� Serandl.. and 'tatind Mrist'gooft Black lbla,�e. Iridtigrued t1A. to n AjAw-ritia PammieT?" HIp =an nd si itioinalijmA, s trepiresenleA, by iWifftie: Arom visit 're0faitlivies iin! 'Lloin- got hlis aiirJ7 tm-iin4mg ilin, Huiron. Manle, i Itifiv, wuirse olf a, YMT-- Shoe ludongolakidandboxcalf at$2,75aud$3a pair, ;oronct The now T5 It -R. MoF aud Oo4-8 The Virisfe iMini9ter ins,19to Ithalt .hei iho don. -Mr. A. . Molfifaltit! NoWs'laindaLm- Meftiodlist iiiiinuoill-relrawry irtIll b3 Yar T1 Faim-MoXianion & 'balth, Noivewableir II)tb 4 puft i'to a; pois�(tion bo, VrOW18e, leh 0almied by, lblis n ffiawiiendel Jotm hm Hens M on box calf and dongol& kid at $3.50 a pair- a T %lDn's. Shms,--R� �Willis & f row la, visit, Itioi 6W'16n'-Sfofu;nd1. larifai phu tumv)t isappeir on ao 'The, Ainj Qua In gl� pecfplp�, un i n. Uty W� qltaillmevt df- G. J. Sutherland- has had placed In his -Y-e-5 -Mrl. J -41n. tBxwwn, 0olthes-Spoira & Pe, 101f xofr�btio, w4s flodindwilag.-M, Jolbin Z�%nes freedojm� IW ItIllb Wiess, ItUe-.1righft of ' bands at a great ba.-galn, two flne btlek dwelllogo4 dium, priced shoe 41; $9.25 and $2.50 a ubsoribel tWia1l Papers -A. Winters -1 Abe gweis-,t idf this pairielnifis, IDr.�,aidd a -lid ess Shom ' A me publi-a male'Unig, and Ithle *r)fght of with a nuMber of lots attached to each, A good wihtot bias beleld visffing rA T he FaWd UU ar & McInnis 5 'fhe individual to- free Ispieech land- Mm- Briaiwtn, a(hilamksigivitag Da­�'9'r- chance for a retired famer or anyone wanting first- alroulad -foir RItainkpits-M. Exxideelck-5 PIeltleir. SmAN frieltiorind, to Uamllltlo(n al"o dwellings stabsygain. Alsocheaper proper- 6 agood shoo to wear without ru'bberz, try the Slater shoe - 'trial by con61tAulU6,',w1 1YrocedUre. tlw;forealo. Apply at once at the polit offloe,non- wfQiA-s, !h1a.9-Irelbutrinleld! hbmie. If you wan �. V A111*1Vhis -is so &Eftrent. triam the an ftltuirday _ alf te,r. ispefiffinig la� tevin Box Calff, heavy solek:,and rubber heels at 14 a pair. Gall. 1072 -if This g soi Waraited-.8 d5i" widhi (bilis j)oaott1hVor,, iffro. '0v.8imktL Wttle Fatier iidelals� df Absaltultl� You 'can bay the best mixed family fl0hr.. H.ibbert vionthe lfb� ism; in w']Wiobl Nicholas. bias 'ilyelen Km� ainaf (Mrs. Jius. -01 an Naivei onjav - which 19 made of all chnice wheat, guaranteed tal, Tialbar Flow Nort'll, Side. -Miss MarIgairet J,i(xr- trai-ved t1ot onei dolft inotl W..'offidleir i odl o 0II-Ar re,4deince 11(aftly vatep-td. give you ant -class satisfaction at $2 per owb aifd you. are -W,oU*e-GIiad=, In. & 9baabf%ry-6 W. 8ainders,on.,-Mrti."'1*. pure Mani to]) %, at 02 26 at the Hensall flouriag wille 'dan, hais beeA tachinig ilipt Upr- Re WILLIS. a ovN, Sador ,5 aft 'h;is healt-w-tion. But he miusit bqejd , by Mrs H Coek & Sous 1975-3 nbs*bi, On't., isiloce, bqr- now -A 'VV;a­,Aed-S- -T, Spencer:- or Igid down (to dostiradtiton. It ds jnfo� Bmiailie ind. lda:Wgftt1eIr GeirtTiude, thimve I ast ainuary, 6as I � I ' )y ­nz Te6chE�r Wented-T. 061eman 5- hIrbled' fTQMa- fal -tthr-eky, nion'tilifts' Bawden's have pin aboQlnlely complete been, Ye-Jengalged a:t an inreased W�- Oneen a I V,!np I Doger a, Iftew tflaislits of, Irle mis- Sole agetits foi the Slater.-Shog, for men, alili the .7 r6ft -it ty valuition- i a ary.-TbVu work on the fflibbvrt nad shoes. for women' i o -get Teanbar Wiavilted-Wan, WiJvon-5 ol (Moln!tIr0aill -aind Wilcolo.-Mrs. n: Chia lgieeat i1airkniess off I stookoffurs. ovarcoats, Indies coatq, underwear, foethe com. 'New Giolod-s-W.- Pi*=Td. & Sion -5 ary zweal., wittai orloves,hoolery and all necessities TuckeramWhil ridge is alwwt w)om-' I social, 41avery Itlit (thel loinloolit4r fW- Clexialin't, l6f Tdrlolnit'c`�, "Peldt' 0081%rf Ing cold -weather. we guarantee thd qualliv, fib aud 0vor-acnts-stowlat Real$ I ple td. Thie abqt=enV are Unisied, Yev6ilt a- dlRys' wi'tfb Mio� JK: Roblinsicia.-Mr. prim at all the above g�ods. Wmi Bawden and -br a -i Lh was drivin; day 80-9 iseles, btit alit Russia in 1976-tf amd ehiel "pterstrct7e i- n ftle, last J-61in Henry Ga.1 Mr. JG. 'Sub orltleL Kked Ithia 0008, Hensall- Wimi. SmVft of HbLmilledn, vid hie Uhabbmm Buisiness gain's G7.ardom- aind taige,of the qxmd ast 841,nday, this horse\ armew Rol vms tw,:� naime Isit-aads ifor. Thidr'e calm W lit- wiaok Nvidh III& lbirdtleir nloo. aind Fazm, Sold. -Mr. Williaind Hlolgalrth down -U0XUanQ1 "elable aond. ran isba �ad o da ..r friend W&. Mstiriay Qettje-S. MaKenzie-5 Xlie. aldd idh(eir fxileuxds, lhqie:.�Xrs. whio, res The respiectivie It4niihips, prob3liSe boGM11210' tie IdDUbt lfhaltl (the IjTehicriial. belssa- ides -o--a Iffim d1ld, Elder. hoe- TWa-m For Soe-Jiohn Tayloir�5 Chia, plub c, n. birldgiq thA -wilif, Jam DaTidson's qat-e. ammihinig it on Wcoufft-t of IC Ic T. G. Hmmiplb!Ul irfitulmd, 4roini,fflop- d i Us- .1eir, Heire At List -L -V. Feiar-5 f ion jolt w1lork in Rulssiw, 11a wh 19tead, o, ii/1 khie Lioln(loiiii TZM n. stan deltructiVe Oemojits tor to pies, sodnidoi in ISULUIrday.-Mrs. -,XcAdWmo, -Lilt logsseis 1aviel joinled, is wa inl0imla- borne., a, inft ond, a quartr Isbiath of Chi%, -Xr. Ultred 111XIamelf'. 01f callioolm* Ition to It'he Cz,,.tT thaft iWilifte's pirlo- i lf 'Toinoin-to �Off -of Hensala, h;v disposted df, It -hat is ialt pirese(aft IrAniev ng 0,10, aloquain't,. sppnk a. iftv, diaTs Chiselhurst.. Few MW T16 Rent -W. M. Dloii�x-5 ftsb week N"vith Miss Maiii;y-miflift.- y6iing Wep iw'ho left lhiere Ifo he,lp itb �ra,mfme Inust be, avefprtledl� arid lehat' Ta.zm Ito Mr. Jon, - Xa!lr-44�n IfV-r i(V lia not atibiosain, tit Yo(rointio, vis tlrei,ofif ftle, cois Ini Ithel Noithwies, AmWivnsvy Servieft,-Thlef ainlrq. -.d 41-1 - M-,.- Y ItIL, -AuoKoin, SaXe-S. H. Wbien1ley-6 'Mrs. M 6,300. . The if a Is bea-u.'40011y tsit- if oce�lted, & t-er"bloTeck. kk'd $ G. � W. Uryisdiaae, i:mlt G an -a United 'IT Olt �hie best, &n. kbe t'hie. (nalronitait Imi r; .onijig awaits the am. I IM110 week Iwith 11�fr - diauighttor,, laxe. -a.n d s ofri Uave Inow irdtiarned, ead; fome ex- vem*T-y, servides fin o-oinnoo-tion, twilit.1A 'tiair�= rJhureh F. Owr.-Mr. qlnd'Xia. ON Mbi-timig U% slyam- id buieplcall birlawn tiho ChrisAbiWst P-resby f or i -tis Ire-jection. rik, f bafninor towship of '*Udborne. ' 'Mr. ook n- IhIedid, on AR=dey,,oerxt, hl6a- Uri ave For O Cirmikery-P. DUI -8 ! TwOnbo, sW)n+ Alr(V,,,alY days wittih aiw favidencief f. lehle) bart he t; hIt suininY I& ifs oir- ftfis tek h . 91ince, Ithle fboviet -wais� wtri t1trOn 16hia, Ma:loo(Ln3j,',th-d!R,,u,r,o-h-alser, -kniolw6owbat ip(roved deN,91ftful Ito[ au Clolldt Wettheir-F. L. Wilbs-3 idbjear- angnt (aind' nijf4l, iRleiv­ L. aind ig'at'herinig ltoigeiebg It -hie meTwinibitft Atbe, 0eIrv1qea'Ar1X -be cooldacted iwb alr1h4mr THE I send DmIp"-r hats oapittflatied. H blas Wis. PleJrIrJmi.-Xr'..,)V. Perrin, Olt KLn,- i't' is, 9s 4e) had it. rerded. if.Dr. a) fteIrija Irarvest. A:111 ispeak In ilglowling lbe�rms %.30 Rev. D. W. 18. TIT," huotem famA spoirtsmin-1, -y0j'a Irearn aefeeledled lbol (Wititea -beirims aind Ifilip- of 1yearsib9arel Mr. Hd�a!r't,hi pmr. of Ithe. 000rtuinit&m tbie,�-Wes�t ihd)ds lquiblairit, B . ?A., off. Kip"All aiiia 21t, ltlu4 Nvi*& qvqeiryw!hleire. -in ir-­=Trj, tacicteolbed, oatrd, P, ;Aval`s' IbbImM for. dhici 1holliday. chased itf -Mr. Hojarth InItonds com- P-remier,-- me. AA"howw iga;nwe Iseems u, R, IMolfflalt, Miss Q itiaiiv'Vle out tlolffb�e amblitioui%-aftiii einfewgeUc. 7 pl. im. by Rv. 0. YlidtAheir, U. A.P WS Wy Y-1, 'to Ithis 111fifAt ing toi,,rOidO in He"WOII,� wnd III aTe gvelinlig smiroor levexy yeaX, Tlet V-0 h-Fmimig 'been tiss uied� The land Mrs. D. Riaie iseinit 'M(atnksiZivd1nig have a.n iwac,E�6n 90,10 Olt TNalmie!s iRiolad, Usbfolrne� A I bf lhilis stock ItNeinx Jr-e-tUrming f thi a, :ralt�vtt', o "Day i -n W aol�dlofly iiaviteA tond w6 tr.uNtfillieie �n A-ssemlbl s It )be. al �?aall 0,71(aim.-Mr. J�olblfi Add,6as a7nd, i.mpteminds Ion t1f t1tth, lot No- Bitlevale. soilm�e(times pArtaufftel nnd fbinte, JA It(ble, Urfiii: twolik Tiall, meir*,' IWDII i tar, ar for th Niolheis.-Mr. im 11100JIer, of fible Ireym SE-AFORTIT, FRIDAY, Nv. ;3, 1905.1 Gvenmietnt, Ithlef membietrqf 101h, Mr. veimfbpr Notes.-ThIP, Irevigvwl Isexvics in the ithY whi,ch ire be! ieiect,64, lbk ltihe oeu- Briefl.-Mr. Jobin Of RlluovMe noiad, ' tdl, -wiMillie pb*iv tin_- qaVbiv% youl are 9 MeModst idburch To bebnq -con pfle. Fwo6di 'Russia (is Ito ill a-alld by anati-da. tialsil; fait(ulr- Heinsalil Teoenbly sold 9, pair 'of aiq�lla4, ialWd briolklei-Mis clollafr Winie;- ud -Gltis weleik.-Ti My alfteirooln tb Mrl,*A. XciDoug&111, he Saarame' I: of .4 TIM Ei l9eff -,Ip Londesbora. Unfortunate Russia. ov�ftnimen-t thirmxh. /hc;r [good foa'ls':to 'Mr. Graharft, of Kip.- Mr.. Tjoobn Wia!simm`n, of WinbOID, VU -5 t -ho Lior`�% Supper 'bel ob nrmd mv,!* - Mr. J,6b!n $260 betinigilt-b"'Ortbela paid Atfairs in Rassia. -are, In a. veiry th! ithie. ad- Welk tio Blulavialle if -or nainksAhz Sunfty NIOL op ni �O visors of His'Majo;ky' lWylliagolhiateitV v4o las beie��Rl tfOr So Pa, for the -neat isam off $200. iThese in 16rhe Afebbodi4t. aharch -Portu . if oa Is we re is i r ed by, Px i Oir91 Her 0 " —Mo iniew m0111 da= is latiartnig cloim- 10, *conditiliaf. Peace wifliovt -11olial , drhod Ult 1bAp,b)qWe; iiin Tiw-mbeirilc 9 00 ser- wias, a Success u ey way� f -o 'the aind, the LegLsikv. 9 owned "by Mr. T. 1J. .Berry, Ad this Xp-lsdA irottkirlinea to -next a -t -10.30. ThOr"C' wwU oex-tanly, Inot brWght lPea!00 -(we Whie veo(pe wbio alre. th-uls. cin XdIndby. - A Imidtffift u(nd ber0liffd r1pW vi" at -7 to'd1lock as V-feviouly aln- svoa�.tffiw was finlej a lax�go 01ow o.-Thigi Rruiss.,elljs Picot ioif 1alsIt ibeir lbiolwle ilin! 13 tp,,rivL wwwrint diiisl 1048!. ax�)anced on accowt of.the.aaiv�eir- -vacftled wad a good' tinve w" a vwithfiin, to &Luissla. f1mm alit. over Ymamaln teed 't'hie trilghbi a:nd il week says Thomas timd 'Mrs. Pep- irlheir Veinklinig a ioiatb "Whth hew sary in be by aill. TaVe pirfoolde;ds nartag, whtq 60 Thiel f ulli ihield, oa iWeldpiesd4y ibbe, o1b -T cthtTrcb,-Mrs.SimW- �het Mimp-i-re, Ithe story lki, Itie sae 6itiieii,9brLp, pif tpr havremovd 'from Brussels Ito 4,u)nit, -Mris. -8. Maft4l: and ftlawily.- ftoi,tule fW)r-o)xdt11e;r embeiry, Rev. (L. soila, olf London, visited -under ith $150 alp ylounz Ua (L. wo; Ise0fdm.. Thlo, afft,okonEvoy of thie (Roi- -Hawsalil where ithey purpoise rnaking Tbe MeU)odisit nitleilad.bavinig wtma­ rk ts-topped, no � newspaipas Pleirliiimi olfif1heiiialtUg.-Mr. 1-olhIn Rjaxt. and F- EUra�ed -th BraUtfdrd PELronlol. 'votalf on Thairsday R nd leh old oirdor 1`11Y1140h their 'h onvo Ifr the f abuire. They tre- wifeteUlag in ��W niftr fthuxe. 'M. . . . . . . . . -#Tinted, tswhiools olosed amd'ifhe. b NpleWk Suind4y In Bj�y(th.-Mliss. iE. �ay.-Xiss Wougai, of Sewflorthis�ezet us- hats exWd Ifor. thir,ee hundred years I sided in, tlh-a;,t looai;ty lbetorej huy- Itio, be, uninioulaveld -hajti0r.-r-Miss Ury eory 4 - baws Iffe e Vhei ipreioipfle ouapended. Iceases icidt I*Id­hjNbidIajy wilit1h. ihie!r if e kky;s %vith hiefir si§ter aind-thlel Tzee pillran,ts ' W ing It, Ifa-e adacent to �Brulsscls, Kiinig w-4pieqf: T1ho;n'kg-givLnI.3- I'm Birus Ha,=Uton. o9tor isiending lhmlm� ,tin twie In Ibliltoolhrcib. Ulnde,r iodr t. U1. delftned tre4tric- which they Isoold laist Year kmd 'baVe Wis und ricitairned )ihmle. a.= givinti; at &eT . 'homie TheI,cry of Ith m4ss-es is arwayist the; saime­;-political libqrfy. The milit- Ediffi. mow, 0.-Pxdn-' wM Iseoutre, venice, amid, olrde�r -Uce 1?rysdale of 'Miss A. Beill "*�-A and lived in, itdwn Urffil +vbN iweek. M y M-ris. Peipiper will mee't tinany old 'P!g numl- Brus oele� ifkfeZ� peut itiho. biDlidays ary e.re�rywhje;re ae in- Vofsscss�an, atmucn doub,[. ' I -. nis ilt 'has irrolt imom rvnids iaJt Dr. tait ;bjis lblolmle, vt OWtLV6TJY,.---Jt 11*3 ltq" wftjr. ow bar frOm dwre attended Che %veddipg, -An. ianz- im 810b -on Wednesday 1-ist bif miss the, inhablitgntis uxe tartror stricken. isocin lenioRgli.. But halt it iwi-111 kil- BTfielfs.- Thiel f-coirlow Ing iwriel si Mdd di&Xveried 'at veir-y sUirrinig alod, Voin. Lialle. 'at ithis flairani otiock and, im- Idulty itto lh4va 116 dUrlaWwYel 'Uh, ti-maltely, "itnuire Ito th(a -w-eitfairle bif MO, visikors who, twielriei fhe4re dar - Masdn )to XT. MWMZbe.-Mlss T'. ,Xa.ny zibies e� in darkness mmil In ag Mp Tbiankisigivinig lioilliday: IX r,. iim1pirlessivIci geimort 4n thle MebhIddfl!§V ip;:*ImK#tts; idf tbej Jjat,10L Da`VIid` IMcif- &alehl Vf 'Ift' A"llbeirt' Miatuldtit, the tnwtion Itble, Ip�rrAN.pdriiQV 'off icibuirdh in, 49abbilaibb ev-pai.nig Past iamd ita',Utl imis, ihe;M, join TalpAduy bt last eii-t son, df Mr. 1,,fid Ms. A ulgmisit I0hIa,1I- W14(fieY4 ot Twin1lon, spen ttie lbolj- �aev%-rall 'riotlog thas bnoiken out., la:nd, nind, Mro. - G. ZNvii,ekor wnd Mr. ona day svid7l thfar miotb;eT 1'bie;re..-A1r.Fre-4 tho lNe-op-l'a iin �fhlu 461g (ruin nome k1wicillt ttrainigly Ion itfile, duitiy taiod ret- weak tairild on Wedesdia. Mr, Levi illtytlt� wIllo, Wiled q1t, f6hiel 11golme of his- Tay,.-bor, rxt Ustowol, v s a fbuildkrigs aTe, fsa�ked, i amd burned, rs., R. W. W-iAlAoin, -Olt Landoin.; M- r% s. imploinibUity Ian gairleinite In Llobt, iat let Blifia Ji (Dr.) H-W800k, jolt Tinnexkru ; Rolut hie. ovia a TwK1, iIIIISO PA a -t 4tible ihome df 3%r. john Lasham p w,111 1pirioteIssing CNristiln lbornimg -t lbellid !ai Boo mam. dMLp, Suinday *Wbefr a2nd-. Flow 'tiotiand Probibition. and do, in -Olt Nihit Ito d 1 101, Local. 0 McjA!4bkM, �'Oif Sti. Mairys; T(bln- Wnd, ar� df for the spason.-The evapwater is P E;Nli. Qo1br brig up 4 -b -Dr idAldrien i1n, 61re, feh-r of tibo aloiad, 1hais. nd a eak 1501mej Itl4a, piast ItIble, d6wasoad, thd L!,As Aveak—Thle arehmery hae Aosc4L We tnotite thalt the various -Teim-, willit n-uIrCuire loif tble, Lard. -We, ijrej�rl6tl addiillolru Pitt Itlot Iiiisi Nme.-Mr. J.t be4eirif, lsWeirLn,9 Xr'Qm alymWts, fwqfic�h Tlile, -pem*�OA on ifthle frzil.: beie, idf S1b-r(a1lf1dr4; A. 19mUiJbi and perarriflo-d Orlgd:RiZatiOlng 101f,thits Pfrov- 0fist w4ek itloi iblwv'e bo' cibriontiolle�16e A�essleir, oif stild keeping. its -svioiek ap, -Mgibnlm; Miss IBes- ]Akwi[Rbin, visited, iwn- le, ipw giraid,nalily 1. -cigiralplete except I n, ew Bie,,A Gle�rlry, tolf W a 1016da-bbYsi Of diwaaies,. amid ifilinvAly roads 'a mlte are matrkng big (pu-sh Ito bave 'slie, Beial6ti 'Ialtbl of ioliale; Yof Oar dl!idelst land lrwosit` ;btr leib�-, VaiTIOAW, Irlo(olf IOL40 Week. lolf Obaidisey Beet,' Votit, border pir.wVinoees, and S. Peters,- irl"Vielcited, bit-Lzeins ijA ibie peirtmon, of Cbjr t, wMigift beirminlafted hils swriWIV oarieer. All friolm 01ft Utuitiet (plir '11file Wind - at Harlock. ifaw 1passed in as kihxiy �Mn. Riolberit"Kaiir, ivhlo piaissielft .0 --way eir, wjbb jairiel ften1ding resiatT�0,101N Ithfaitt licivilialge UaInds, ainIa imledleol assi-st - und'othier lairige )uitieis* BrialnItIE014; 14issiAda, Roissi, Guelip1h; It ofti, Sabba'Cht moraitnix f1last. In n-..xfj funiu(Stoetift sciblo wleiriel -bione foir Mb ainiala, couilld, klky wao. ktoim Ito sn"elizv.e Faim lex, Sm" aTf, allmost 'as cosefly beleaguraged us R. Tfolblostd4n aind -Mi" Raw], I th bon id tblat arrangzemspts alre Nvieek's issive -give tfurCev -giriinlg.�Mi -.9 Gievrioin�. fis, viisitiLig Ifble, oriumix.isuMeirleir, but la11 un- sWklf 'his traltim, a, ni4e, e�t: bir Ithbig ?f Ithey Iwera inviested lby Ibesiegltn:,�, 40L iblWbIle, �alnkl IdiewtU prarvd tnistlaln- bain:9 of WiTilgRI(am.; D , J McLzulg�hlk platec ilialrig of fiffe, of cArret wibo dt lle Ill of heir -6'o R. tMa Vlvm to 'hs mophlenr, Mr. *Wijlia�m- vxmles. A,*t Isa-me, time lthi�. indivq- Made -to havd 'the lby-low submitted O;NeIQJ.Iley, ind M i Luella Roisl% iff phew, M w1als, iknloi�n. 'and hilgihily Im. 14. Duiftf.- X Deftal spen t It-ameos, da Iftle ­aoirel anieUtAoinad 'dutim Smttb� I -dr Che $4,i.000 itrial; stnkt. lhaqa assolmed- liair:gei ldi- Itirned -ie�ro nte:rred ria the f a vm -75 are, 1bs wa it In wbout (forty m�ini�cipwvltties -at 'tho "Diim'e Goialt is Tie- fst knitied.-Ray. Mr. amlitCh wlas� lin- Thiaks i g il T Thiel --rowlaiiinis K,. tons, wa7d thiet taigbalant ae- eIet rorn, .P Mainitioba, Wljilfloln� W. h!eI Iflo" t! of %,is week, MIt.p PN Ion, -Ur januairy i0liet(tios. blen Ron. G. I ifaiiin3dv n,.)iair Lxhnx cornieftexy om Wedniesday,! goodz bnlldimigs ialad is.' a vry'. rjoj*. lin 'isereral I oca-Utles, Ecro 6f- Nvllhtirlei sible, spon't the pasit, oDuo,'% i�[ Roiss w.%-sa!t thaho'ad ialf the Govern,- ihils t.st )a1hiange, addirlessinig th Ilin- Jtoihinfi Patich, kxf Litatknool, spitat, it -lie ObAbolbeW 25VIY,, taln.4 worle 16ohilmoed -by tortdibile 1ohn, 'RT, f-exing open nresistamae to khre broo-ps. Wkll FA.ld,lolf Gaieilih, -jvas nu�aill miss�ioniiiry iL.hianklof-treirini mlevit - Thamn1ki5miviinig alt W. Ri N. MuWs. . ft'rgP ivointouirse of frtlan4s. Rev. Im-ving !sae 'Of ]his aha ef- Iry St. PersbiLrg all foommumicatioin t-mtt U Onithirbo, thfeW TimpieT4 a eivr d� nicic, lhoilB B r, f duii4inlg iltlhiei pot D.,rid lhas (been orr Izaltilon 811a-�w nind dhiliffilrea, of -Mr.. W, .1. 'Mr. Oalftlerie, of GTalad Belad, -Vol&- fadts­ ion, Moti:day 'neadt a!nd Ne ithIns witb the odt*Ide w s wowlkl lialot qoin[Sdiar- visiiNinlis )hr,,s bvoitIbleir, Lyloinis,, *Oirb ibeiro V41s ast" Milli tw)ejdty halgr ap- duotied 'Llble ts'eirvces vt t1hia holuse an. Off lgoinlg wwf, iA Itlie, avxwg. Ito TX by remsioin. of fte slbrik;es ; oicll, tolp'tion iat',afl. Nothing Wi6od -,Tbo "cleflIsiloir niftitIng facit-oiry wtis Ring 'MI on, ,the, �ifoVtal uthoiritis reiruse lbo 11cl- d ' Ithe . ithen. bift re A. lult- doiwin tafsft wwalk r -.Tbiulir, and got ia, vseiry sore 1bullinp,hitt spfelffi� lt'wo-1xaoWt1a in Xonibol>at smw rt:hl Mris. B. McAT thia, Jgfraivp�, 151nd is.lyoskef voy D -M Prohbiion t)u wielelk, w1blitc, a, sitienan; Urs.,45bl WS R. H. C011,- ink> SlOA7,1110IUS WjUlry. Airniod (&��!aumelrioials wireWfs tho T.6rr1toir1qs-JtJWs 1, clevit tt1m, rdinay, xnal ta;nd :oobn- and Isimip,le. And, balcaueel,Mr.. Ross 1111801t Lng aicieltkNeinia J -410pxrjaltus ad, Piohibktilo, PIlialrift jvrT)�, blefinig 'Tfh�y ilijrf(,� ind da-utW %r, Katie, nd Mis-9 lot (Olowmeirs Whicth- vioveirva, ltbo iiftllb o wlaisi pll ipiPelaseei wi-114, itt I iooirlrsvoinfteeila boald ino fgive, milli ff Exnpl�e;r, worle, cfatslrot twos a Vreltity iry. He rkev4 rite imucb 4etter is --U4- The istrike ds'ao(miplidtle) Ilins Ule, 'Uha iaided 6n; lhis d -J, eat aind alsd UT0 lrra�nd f uil Zurich. Mr. Our cii,tii-ents, jedaLved %u)1ite the �v ge, Iyirt off lloL4U Of -Wsl Is*hood mialtlPts., DakVtla. His-laelighbdr an growt tfacteiry trelgi.a. fi ltbd Nova. ELLI (Cheir influoncle iol ult, jai d w,eek raind iven join ibeq 's & N1obe!s-­Tbiaink§9rLvLdg D' -Kviats ob,- Thie. vuldious, -of the. JDTyslIalle� rriekla wilL ing) ldouUL, 6TiV.0 Xft U -Pll, �;urrvlriiaei oim Ebluirsday iaftiGrnoion,-',k1dt nseveral oithr id�stzriail. WhRrIeY and'gr..'H�nla in his. Exieltlety, las kmn( ni piri-cintat felh Ion cot seirvd 'as iulsfiial. All basibrilesis ftvia45 pulbiliq Ndhiodl. alnoiLliilef glvem 'by, goold- Isd;nd ioft.,next Mdaday. quartexs. Poirty Itholusand. maen are Mr. hAney and' Mr. Hona, Iwilit � wIllon, it w1as irleippirtaA; Chat,, John L-ble, r Gbia villtaigio wias weiry lirs te-affallimr, ]Miss Thloln*,O�n.,,,of UM - .1 lrlrnW( chwrcitf, ted Lbe. 151151liainkle'd !am -d .0-ut, 1but Ithey are; coinducting itbemi- n0t ev)dn fooinside-r- Piollbitilon, aina Caulsilley, -6vicil kooWn' oftizon, Iblad Ihloiitr of 0q. quit. -Mrs. Wfn:�. r atfh� "So IA (MB M ce iddepl S Klpp sbIp4rmt Uke, sialill, -aind a, bemulti selves in fan Drdarly manneeir. Thk, Ye t !thi a I Te eran, or-gan- Su plas led -away. Doicicaslad, fW of I(q Cq SALE UGISTER. dE 0 0011; letffloyhlig an'blaisit, a beadfl sto,rer -cteliks' 'Union have'Viraclaimed iza,(;oni'bave, tRo�t oint, ro.- w1bijille, Mir.. QbIalrille,,% Diiqk, nd sislt . r, mX-ivLn:g 'holid'as viilth by - bblia fila&b" f the IN tin sY=Pathetic strik-for MY, wta!& afte, to bei, azound, and -ba Lob 119, Gone z. 1too 1weeks' 'i:-cist. Thay weekly ikiss the, hand UA Mai, Dick, kienit Th�iinksgi "* q (lay BerAn aind; Waite r - ineiglibotribio(ad, of -wbiolm- OnTu,-edikyN�-,Oember'7�thatl..30,p,zm. - - -11 t1heiT . 'p)a-irleidtfs, Mr.. :a;nd Mrs.\ -Mrs. W. B. RaUler wrs In Mil - tlhlaijir. !J1aL9t ittiibirto oerden 3.8tanle 2 Farm. reopv* it(o kiin iwatii, ow, in his igtrki- I hat Ism , wK Of I pi,otitilml Teasons. Preent in hasUt - es Ithiem, taill baak on tbo,'f itl)'Olt 011tiainfol foril vjs 116 above mention"ed also Lot off ]Kyca� �oiptiojj ein- :dl&ng isidirno On 1:1al.tuirin-i-rig ants a:ro ilaying in stocks io(f pirovisi, Thfoimis Dcik.�--Mr. Jamles, Mork,� w'.as litinighor thlelr Trienkt.. , mie 16. Ott tho ft4d -the V nd bvo m o! iin, Lloadlon Xbl -wivelk.-M.r. T. C Mt, ­ Min. ind Xrisi.. D. S. Pialuat ;spent wraig yeafrs of ia�ge oid, wd!g )a rd Conceed ricAes - fol! enovisias a, mrold Ito Wy dot�t �11(o tthle, !.hoialsio abouit, f ouir Q'cilioick, h.ij Doniellit 1;121§ kvcin d4ssuler hlainksgiving wit1h; tbhelr diatilgiNtr, brtg%(t, -,wfive. iiittile Julie, 4be- Pro. ri"Sen zhairpl, JI1r.vxge nxinctigs Prohibition& was scizied, wbM a sudde(n aftbaick bf ,611 -orkmn air of- Yinikbabaer, in Millvejrit,ni.-Mr. Tera:vjed 14) -ei bO4g iiiabitily -As Ito Itlie merits tolf up'ttiloa', ainaet tirl'oubitie, e(nd olllfaiprsed, only alrellatis ioind Uavel it'he On Wednesday. Nov.. 15. jst I oclock, P - Mr. G. F. Yujda ne-W balke o en. slinci billutt -wias in )3rJr!l.in Scibir813 1100 WIS iof tibe, I�wtjxc vpm- m., On lot 12, con. 14- ial ttbe univer. MoKillop, Farm; qity� ��d havio our. dolabts. If ItAe Rcft Illivin iaont ififtiefen. bnomultim. D eaidiQ.si Uls, paidtinex in -hrne, abolut 290 lmves of t Xvhioh, tfhe, ser&iment is Act proved IinieUicacious by ree,son iciewsied lieia�e 11al4b H. Rift1, G. T. R. timilsilled, 90 r*ia ow, blakel tilt onfe -muinaty iiV it'heir -a4� Ito:uirs -01 be- Rtmok and Implements - Job Re&, prov.; alM 1h!bJIL- Thomas Arown, suct". Wricnimmas -for ciantiuig 'the ipriescr�bcd imit jole r,t!s op-' 'Ue., fivie; fc-loins laind d, Wt Jims ireltuiriyed- firlom, his nW Ur q 0lir L wits in Vo� -Rlafnini Nas Me InJefw batffk- Nloites.-TIva -%reigtihmr dwTitrXX, it1he -on Iffie 'mtil-roads. TITel eration, looail, 4Qption mtist ereWaiitnii ig im. Itrielliaud.. Hilis sblnl,3,, On Friday, November 3rd, Fiftv Stfall: very 190ni n fat OfUNt vrok, visliting lier Ulaugh- buillkling finliehied na IL 'lolks lfirt�. ilihs beon vi�iry Iciolld and Pteors, Heife and yoi twero. mblel Scloltt cit KeinlrlpAqv, f W. D., bip .9 _lug IffOrsell 40 Lob r stroagly rev(vi Uon� aplied Ito, Jiubin- .,ry and frinds.-Mr: rmirin Bumililanain, soin of lor diisfalg6exbIle, aind 10hiiinigs b! lg�me!rQ 22�, Concession 2, Usborne, on HS in a.barac­ (L w1fotte',00ti-aty, -wherlsev's, Stirlat1foind; wnl& Jidbln, of Toirioldtfol, lat­ islioakers On thie 'm lovela lolption by ?a Farm,, one rftile leafift of Exeter isilloint w,elplk frolm IN wrUIV ti(mvinsmuren, Dr. Geore Ba;. blvO. iput join &NVI bilIT lappaiefs ticindidd 1!ble uniairlalli ,01Aah wws, giold 10 t1hi wve6k Csinpw nd Dulpleo, Sale A one o?olook sharp. A rev ft a fr a vd �l a y ll "Gbinov- V01 Untie ulnic1hpa,'(lity. Nt besti, �-.t is join, Tuletsidlay ffnlok finin' tior Rem. David -11 bas been away' tma�v64- -Mr. Bon VV h.imr,4tr In, jiis porf eia)tifnig la�a. verygoor anloveid 'his UmUy ta ffilte(bioal. this pr niks land JI)DI10C.; and. lbo, meeft only �a mi BucIbIanan a;nd iis. Bndbniniam ellid dblefillimig oitill: Ith to,14vr iwltrh his b4ll, pro ietor,-.. Thomas Cameron. suc- SaDoln. Ln best BuIrlopeNnIhos- tnidwic-lovlealgiluilleir. H4e,fsee0MtsI'Oi.I;1ve tioneer. aj, fa;rvw1oIll imissinninfry IP troo" -v,,?Ith i.vrvated fo�ce. Thew one at that. It w van Indt 11kM0 Meteik, Whipirlo 1hre htils been. empillpyed, -h r Giirinaie;l, c0luirelh. join riiriay PAI.Lrd� foir �tihe P -1.5t 4-oalr! rowirs, is vnUr Ispitisfa.0tio flimoing t1ife, Ifairm- ro T en-. P` ohlbition' Ith in -ext Veit Ithilo-r, 1 fJOkr !8101100� time iin Ublel bridg(N. b Wlildlng linsit, Hf [bias 01, Friday, Nov. 106ho at I *I-oloek p. -X% 1,13flo ch G ;X dlivieiri6d -m6A been in Yinolnnd, Th ov TIA Ithe Gov- I Ttollln 'eirs nn lot 2. con. 13, 1 mile� east of Hurloakiv, ers. o Qoiv�errj�njeat -ernmien't foointrol. WKeinziie,' wlblD* hos s,ez- G!r-many, �SpjajLn. aMld -clibblex of, 'that, Opires . )Y -in LUrkip, ispent :her Tcv,IE7 Ithd er mmient lbei itIm isolp- lmea ura 1bd add, -wihi�plhi -weire. mmcih enjoyed sKiwaltitol join 'tibie, Stock and s i on by tween loulved -a Tllwia y ciou)wLries.-Mr. If, D'aindadil 1has mov- TJ Imlemente, in '11- , by prcL41vnjt.. .hiey floft O'll. KIM ilanksgivIn lholdays dL the 11joim -Whea,;oley, prop. Tho r& trrie-mo-ndautsity exeltand/ th13. Ina an,Ulfacturer qnd thlo co,nsamer. jait Gaillt, imloved �, ]iis fkuml bly ItJoi flbla�l; a. Brown, 4uct. bet italtail. awhat 1heTeimperanoe, people town 'tililis wteiek.-El-sit Lynn, willi, b-() n Thursday, Nov. 96h. at 1 6e] ts-t0te- -off -tho cO;unj day f0cir 'Wileir mimMoinflelld. led inLo, Mr. H. Raacrla of blvw vairons in th'e' v shonld, wor iin Ropfulbillie, at itilm Li0herian ook r(i alflow-ed iris 1z;airety -(for. cion- sul"E" N. Owyl.rhiln ftlis jhw tre$Ig- 9 hista.. Ne-'�et to tfoit-1 V.riej4elnf�idd- in -t!hto- 110INVIn h1a;IjI ;bore nj p. m., -on lot 25, con. 0; MoKillop, 2 by i:t Um best, )wisibiasi of D.ai'ci1I'Cft1V ind WIM, MIOIPP we�rp, t va-tion .00 tealcb(ir iin Igho P at Prohibition, the that 4s aot 'the; io-n- 'Thiuirday eviening off ext wiele.k of two.-Var-Old teer, and befferis and oth. a! h1od-1; f Cfajtho&i,�m IsolhOoll h -Staialey -4 . vind ftaS 'IlRiveT�RUY in St. -Pikeirg1mr ly 'thin,- ltbt is -watq for. -Daymand! & Ploire: Gye�cT,t the 11 Undo wt HUmW) exhibiiHion in iqr ibla-ve * -P [working Q011 Biewlifln. -I)be)r fgV Hannah. prop; ThOm" -ulild- A fin Landn 11inst. welak beOTL lKollibited, but thrce b 0eo Will O'n-ly i1yo, itumpor- 1111(0 kllsp'd ' aY' IA m soolitred, la .30%,01011 at .51buinit Brown, )tuot. Utbiih% 01111 WaldO in t1lualt. lgo-&--head -Min. Alte,mMeAlIe 'If t lbeen, set a-sid ifor anee't- ry, therdfoire, be,,lbu; Liiir.xe .41fip(mminits aird lbiel:qg tt' elf ifdr 4rait t a. �n Varna. owin w1as la. avirV, SO itfol flil pho, -turd Moinday LiNt wtoto ici ivill inigg ftb �re fand Ge: Tropof-17 fin_ deturbini� lellornient eind en ajgi,%vtt- fripm Uh!is istialti-olni. On Tuesday, Nov. l4that I o1blook ioo- d. n irrit tlo The Coniforts of Pleasat ilinietscidd it swnd sh on lot 35,,,00n. 1, Usborne. tract Ithe. Govcqrnioir Ito w.ldt a a in Ito thos Home Sur. DeirUn ko bia enlgialge i Vb;e, pai*,aj# lfikl. Stock 0 who, are ieng -the, busimss. 8 fall 10 simply 511.6.11 No w0p. the clitles. -aiMod in rounding our stock thl oine Tot ila beist MO-nuft0birin 0. Ste,'& Wad the oulsfor- Implements*, Win. Q0iiildLn;z.% in jaill 9 tio;wns K Hoggarth, Thos. Browal, -&-aebloneer. bett.! amrtnient, Do better quality, no wore re4s. Kippen. Lulne to ilose valualible, iblarse, dur- Xacli-'alarm' s i11; Igpirnici-6f dl&vice to 1661deve nnablepridooconlit*be combinedand gathered un. the Whitn' A Golold u&i-oin saitoolf iplaist, wteek.,One o u iGov�evnment Vf a d,,,In- derone roof than we have gathered, here, and allfor t o;uir`,no!te)d On Monday, Novi 6bb, at I o7olodk M., the osaety of for- P� T Mm. ioll�n MciNevin njejair 'bletro o Leadburv. in a,t IL3 gerou"i and 'trofubloffniq question. our benefit and convenience. No better stock of Yo"19� Cgentilielva,ela 1hw- M iswebuin on lot 1, 0he eon. 12, H-Ullett, one mile east of hardwaro:, nb better stot-k of up-to-date. stove@ and tridlay haLA,. -was lairlg6ly a-titfeindled, E-0 IlMe UP, InMtih n H%rloekt -Farm Stock, Implements =d Beyorid ranges. The atovem' are so varied both In Wes and IgIoloa pIr Notels.-Mr. W6i, Wbie, at 11 'R()u$9hDld rt vViliture. Alex Smith, prop inary a;rrnn;z4vme.,n ts Afar It Urey. styles that purchauere and Do difficulty in belog i,cifes hileirle zed Find every- be'r t, thle q0h ib- Thilainks-giving n1ixht. Thiel youit'list he despiatch lalf li-cense inspiector Thos. Brown, eflonser. 'ted. See the Peninsular stovas. Do not over. ,in, 101dinig -wos-isidlld. A foluir montibs old no Ifflofubf. 111aid. iniLstakn Jit ifor Hil. 6i-AbaLqse-Y mils by bnat� 111mr- Del Lib� off, —hin-plef 014.1 1 air go-utbi PelrthI, was visitim7gr 6t' look the importance of buying A stove with an 'eldlit, aLred by Mr. Gelilgleirs impolrit.. 01111d, Caw-TYW9 kM On Saturday, Nov. 11till, I eblo* se,ver, ino Duiridg Mo paist wie;6k G established rePutstion, The Peninsular 0butry .11-Ine, one Vet: been 'll:ak- - - r �mark on a frieinift n -the Le eitIr ey clownsiip led UYoirse, was sIoU foir $100, and 'TRIV-grapbio feiollum sviovo is like the sterling ts Filli P con. L. R. S.# Tuater- tinfoati,oln hvilth h0s, lbst�01rRIM Tiesidnit mark on or -a m'hk of day laist iwek. Mr. White. 1was I hie aiL-1 life qUAlity, A. Charleswortn.& Son Zurich 1976-tt miure -ellielveln ycvr!s old bxIcAulpiA $203... Ator 11hief bailili -wias. amith Horses. Cattle a pi- iis/ even, Tbut the ies. On. TlIguincA of 'Ila s L. dfmpainied lby h -is gly. Louis nolo, Tiei w1hoille, ti;alef !reized favor h0s oveM.-Mr. fW-. StloggdQ, of ith" -Ge-' ()Iark. 'prop ; Then, Bsown, auctioneer. ay -week; at, $1,600. w116 . and Ec-Ille'.R rrereivd aire an XoNn. 'Reft us Iretiring C Ainniversaxy 6arvicie. Drn a1siz-gb1iniz in -The nni- shon 'Ray. wats blve Iguiesit of bis Wd OnSaturdsv. Nov..4th, at 1 610100t i pin, - h(aul,14-fagr in fhkiky frioln, -L�he! Ntacii in. versT `fTO1M Iftrming iiind Inteinih toiffor wazainimation owith %ome pla"s L Mr. Tffivs. 03rolwin, wiellidlo-d, 1:610 ww- y iservicAOs will be i-eld in, Wn- tijOlnejars %Iaf=nVqr.. ing TTiOnd, �Mri, IE, W. Snide!r on: Sumday� p. m.. on lot W. con tirely Int-or-ruu),td. t 1nbetion wi011 Va-rna, P�sbyt,6 his TLne. tstock astwielill sI kn Men.t,,3- , Rullobit Farm P- -balm, ixniolb w0h a aicia ijtez last,. riwin _Mx,. Implements. Frank Wiltm �lbl,.trnlk-iolf-feirixb-r.-TliP, Goutid' Nis- foir istille by pulblie, ahotlioln, Kyn No- A. Sreewin and T.. Stock and -W-11 11-�- seem ithe i,tuatiort rMovied 1ait(alt in, ajfiew ihoLirs. Chtrrch ioni 6a1Ubvth,' Navember (12tth. JolnNtlaln, jr., deitivrted oaittte; itto' prop. Thos. Brown, auct. 19 Tealily th,e Decicial*d, -%via-s -tip', lin, Ublef injow I-olf th ROv. MT. Hi,=all, iih siati- Blad ihlelid�tlhlefifr tanniuml. th&nik- vmber 150i, -Thanksgiving Day Whn t le iolfifewng tsorrioe ion SatUX&Y 1".t. May be -in, Ute inear ifut-urie novile ica,n UlTin wNan tin sjoimiai clonduidt U iservices at Ila. m, and Passed lquiiedly. - Thelre, Waist , igrea On aacunt )oif dall 6f Is hjd ,Oti I b t V y i t 't'C*- A bloody reV111io -Mlay 16c. ,Oando. of. IP., - M. All are ciojFdi.a4jy in- M9 U er 11 It Re 1game, fjofdr, a di L was lrfd cansildwbory 16 tev,lu, st and bad Troads, lsocu�rQ.-7A ifaiun�betr of t hie trair iriifnli' itilm Waignon: Iralck -in vited, ain. fit i's Ibiop,. Uie-ro Tn - ed Ieiniot as -larige -as anhit Un, boe Thal Will be &Isclemlt. Hie, as icAIttrir,;4 Vo iEhe I Tig c 1 r t ioi s. Iers 'hv lbeen haulin;' adoptKd in, Govern- a e I= g leli; W i -tile IfTOM the Mhose, who did obtinie, Bu�f, it is inoit liaf6 t ) en - Ya -rd Olt Mr. Jvbn juli)loin lexaminattloin, it -Boo'k 11fid W4IsonGr)ok jo o rvdirt. whipin, tfief ev'il ipasstbns' hils bak was b;�6,kn. yed E -he lualdetilnq v(hry macil-L. Mrs. Po Inkl stilil has age quiMMtjty (Yf V110 Talked Ab ,tvp out of .1 do(win Itroddien Wople- lbcolme a- I Ajl'tl"Dult-�*.'111. cioinsclious twnd albile friMored fib Honsialtil. 1P, h ie Shaw, 41 Eigmi5hifivifte, gave 3, r-ery a, .45upe'rioir fquaity one hand. - 0 bfM%iinles `heir.,6 bia imr(ried an inlexk�isthnig vnd irioifitaVle,. addre W- rXEM, -PU ro'll . rX IS W-- I r omwd E hk,;r o Ito 61* k uin Milwaie Dtvn:d�4 ootpolned 'her is no' knowflinj- 1, iflillo 'hie oinily' livd by iLblabr !.§W, JEwrit.y.-Mr. Rufus iont10Jed "The I's Ad. 'The unt;41, flouir iWolmiak i tho attletraoion. t�rip Ito jB0,,YtM, U!ntill ftst fweek. W -c. w r ort �nkllr� in 'their .60 *rs T, mers of XYS NO" licni SUiroitriurld -oin bushnedx witis Astned bof wL-tih pliewsira. 'Fill- diavel Ye v liaotl Retid Nvealns Tho Miniel69 NvR8 OX0131104L, AfraAblaw ime in, ady soula an;a in a tilme dikm� Itliffei prese.ryt ahllf centre! lot -re- "IHE GAMALER," by Katherine C Thurston, author of �The Xw- jbini(Y lolf UWai oilldlpmt Iresidpat!9 a, baloiad L,4mLle :Iflpese, days.- -13ariiT i10 nind! Miss Marrtin, a Exelteir, ironder," lfinoment� Idawin, by tife rai zidavt.- qnerador, etc, Cloth Price, 81 50 they re wau,ch raorel likqly -14th c6nmels,41an, wnd, a miosit! Mr. andliMrs. Andii;ew Riedd a. djau0b- iing slolk,whirb weva murh. aPIYr rulfd . 1�y and resenke�at` end TwIe1 to do, iftrimleir. Oin e0l- A Q*eatsatnt fev,qnt toollc ipj1aclei Mfb the A-YESHAI by H Rider H4art, cloth price, 41 25 flax i , 8tvnday, Ocit-bbleir, 2ftbt-:rbhte, -cvted- Miss MaIrtim oftD gave a. irfe!oi- !r6lsidL1nc;0 of Mr. thari ib�y TbG,,R� fulowtel ion SWbufrV�Ly aftrniolm, and Mrs, Grj u8s Mn adilPf,'X7 DOtY Of Miss MAry Cur.ile; Itlat'lloin, w1hill, 198 Xenny McDlioy, of NEDRX by George Barr lcOutcheon, athor 6f Beverly of Gtfitlk 'Wre fr`e -4 'the v�&ry 1114-1701Y a1tteinlile, intiew.. of Lhk,, InIvrth, bouindaTy, Ion Wdnieis- af tihie IRr!o1.jt5oin aoR- ,Mr. Duiniciatrif Renshill, laebeld, rLs AX 0hte stark, etc,, cloth price, $1 25 df -whaf Ithe.v h.v day evening 11, st, it fbeilinig Ith;w rnr- r4oiAV.,J 'for .9ener- in tile, Br. unicH twias seiried. in Chia, schk9oil- SOPPOIrd, 'off. possvA it!hzo!ufXh IcIllosia, I Rose O'The Summer," by Kate Dzuglm Wi T110 Pf'o en op �dmotlekry. df thieLr 4.ratvn',xest kl,,=*;KhIt�.r, g&1 anthor ofRebewit our V.-Ula6ppe Day. -Mrs. n1mims zftwr -alll wont' home Miss GeTtie- inind. Xr. 8ejne-%t con,-q.- vrrsstcld -I.Nv ,I and -Alftt4r a JvrvgflYY -iIhJ101s&',&1oim Ed-vooTd. B lffel&lbn�g 14r 0.11 i of Sunnybrook Farim, etc, cloth price, $1 25 vidsoln no ioyhUlief 0tkirinlolon. OY-cle. Wake, -wialsi Ne W15Y blad' splaint ta very. ail- Ulie, Who Irelsidles ineatr !here. The eir- CC c(oull-41led lith 'Mair- Ru"t Off (Re.v.. Mr. T)'11* Ae Mother, by NormanDuncan, authorDf Dr. LuIre of the T,& ied in Rixin-y -ind vioe t fh,�(� nxpon.,� jirl: a -well, krborwn -rt' I d - Mr. irnon was Ineft-VIrrnied by RAw. )Mr. dmdor IsLdonit at 0.-��Wards, "Ve,(Ak. -'Milss Ma-vy BireAs,-Mrs, bUllicidlun be.- B%ke'r, of fWalltVn, in Ithe tp!resenze etef, eloth price, $1 00 dt amrlay on Saitmr- loir (GO.T.ri,e,, is V i slit imig 41letrb,,. 110(v"ed, 10T Mr. TyLalci)lin Fisibicir, bf of -about 75 ialvited lzutm.'fs. The gi t im Ixt i n,;r v n � a 1, ed .11.0 Ulk, a,t- day- ,,it -thte hiomle of 1%,is rg in St'ardy, at wbrLteethia' TAles of the Road," by %arkfs N Crewdson, corking good Storiesf, all t , 0 -in Incill, 'Ohl& 3,rd icionclessvn of Stanilley, kiniot-Uh- 'brid Was attondled, I& *wqU,It.q. Thl?, ith'if ll-liv, conoesMdn 11, %plenIt Thhnk%�ivLng- �11 heir Ve IU110 :wjwf ML9s, nnIc showing that the square deal wins, cloth price, $1 25 ItImlo lf-vq �fhpy -wUj -wihlare. h.0- hltd Tmesided foir *bn JhY piQn)C*xs lot. tis Contle, thin, ;grmoDn big. Aulp- Any of the above books mailed free to any pddrws in Oana3s, or Via TA6t1fie- Woolks klilsbiriiiat -%vlag Irielmovied �fxio-m t1blel twr- orted by Mr. Gi;fbeTt The -not Ihr Inytb t Mr-ql Rf1 Sm- a Iof De. United States on receipt of price, by ek'Xised as Ln- Wnd Rulss-e:l, Wihqon stryerlit ItfioLpltboin Jolt 10hief joys ,md oirawAvs mreddiig imarch Irfd a vli 74tAi yitir lo(f his aqre nind h, was 141layed by IMLgg .1.9 iJn&,-.,r alt I te, -fiarimeVig' 'i in ioir .-1 94 bit tnilits Ilift mi �Staturdiay Anst, -haviog There is a; fr a numabeir oir 19milb, Thle iweddiia.X suppr FX[X -�s of Gletnooi. ' 'Miss iren:ched, tqwaipe iolf 78 Iyemrs. A miore wals (bountitivi nmd w01l, Vrepred -a nd quolity ton yea ti!. Th i�r onyrrise, tzlojoin- Tbie f (11MIK p,l+a�oei n Monday Keys splein:t T14a �cl -r jiTk tvin,.!z in Goirr,lie, axtseindod. relfeteace Itla tilie 'Ife& O tible, 11 -Ne, ri",M:nts given t0 LhP- ftr4dewere is due 8( er n" Wan 0iner Wftii:Ir`s*on to Onimbro6k comebery. nk Nerr R1t1blw*J!&. &4pamtled wall be; givIen mxt the men wiIrl, 9 clrlrlc of T Lv.i.n,f t'off 0 We Afir.. &mnell, ITfhomstfin, ir., who est ind Gertio -comxnefice TJ ''Ifr1o, qw-1 A X6 NATT so hainbno,ok, fear�-Iy o San- NIINtips .111ay is v.elry r.1ck wilit,h bek, Ifarfun-it-P Ayr ll. Pre!RtI*n,t ini- dfay Tribring. miatko-s Ubo third deatth 0 u An cloinfinlea itky bed fbir MWITMI, Ilife ulnde,r tavamble rile lrnlad ba s DRUGif BOOK AND FANOY GOODS STORM 1 y Irjeyvil rie,cialved, &YS, "is tnloKw imlplrbiv in,3 .-Miss TTr- :9 th� NvISIb of fthir tnurmlejr-; flonlq- a'rti n.o't i.n. Ilk- of w'hliclbi lff'O Wolrd' of ile, (10aft: her frinecie, ilhe. quIblag1f, ot ITIolrionto, spent, Thrcnkg. 4 a V� 0 9 0 a -1 Ang. B irt it is qui Vtx-,- Videtit 19f.ve QIW.Udy 6ferred. old ' ous lfriords lbat n-nd 1pirm , ONTART0. AlitH dangbX-jeir et %Ars. 'DairUxur, Igiving with bl�r matok-hez anU hvDAPwr porily mij_y attemd tbem.-Wh+Ac Mr. zlotwng has 0 R it A 41 J a 4 Nov, 64 WJW Whipi -pirimiclt' %UA0 of frdrlmo�ril!y Miss ]KeyM AVE jWb tilifle, koto SHOE SEAFO truft 1xvn* of oppirvisst RTHfS ST NOVEMBER 1905 :Iha* LEA It -blad lool be-* NW, 0 towt 134,eivieso df ifoldon" spWt -ft toire tom walisid, �n Russia. abd itlitat-4110 0elaft1V W(hUft swi* not- boand Ito tlkd bwo n ex(me(U0 We '1 %ws*t ftoela"d, dalto.—Ur.. ta�@ Afts. W-Plefy, of Ramhk 1*&V jd Khe irvelk hpze tw1bb , Xns. thwAdith ftr as 'ronold a eOUw, wgire ]Chia qujesta� oif Ttev. Mr. Jairleots, W. aina Urs.. fr. W T F 0 116, trighs. Poo Latest Sityles. In The only ihopo 41 m pea,0401 widolly Illast ow. afix0mor mAf t Rind ialniill, 'Mra. Alioz.- roatex-, (wide, wiliky blas boein onjoyinjx a�­.VfVeaisaot 2� 3 -4 i6ritudds in WoOk ainAl:trieas Vorlb 01"rm, Men a Fine 84�6$' tlhht 'the, iGazd, Dix-eal! Clmb* WhI& 3�oatfmoAer 0 Or4tif� lotf r- XACI 00isitial, ot ASM WUN 6 7 8 9 10 11 so Xx�gelly Wfluiencles 6hie Czar! twis ro�r tot hei itfo*"bip 4oifi 'a; vooit o;n? V0 firsit.j�&T;b 4 ftes weokI, Wo triotfuirlialed, Iblomm.—Matleir Go,:rdm 13 14 '15 16. 17 1w 6ver!raIed dr 't-Wa lthley'.mair- 6' Ho waig 80 yitftlii, . one Gia-u&d., a Moir At . no -time in the history of the 6ore have we'hxd isfich. a splendid afoort- W-uny ye". si-dk 1*1op1tf0( lot w 01lialzief wre mito, speo vlh�nllr-s la 20 21 22 23 24 t, - 6 -mod, Jird1graten't ven n!t. fthe Jaisit - imoin(Waind blim dW foldl.' r�. o. iwafflit - aj$ botlt!eir -aignain.—Mr. tois.' fg.mlinig- wblIbih- clouin. hivrie��Mri%.J, ment of Men's Fine Shoes &3 we are, at present shovding. The mosb notable ''I yo, en of Canadian and Amerio4n Shoes, in all the most degirable atyles "d - Inometit it# lb4mv, n, onAtfer ho mnt- NaIr dWd al�mvt. fivia year[% Tba Dawgillas, of -Xiabligain, biriougght bho 11aftoUr's maidy (friends will irogrft- mak 28. 29, 30 ...... 6k MO 0 lU1 145�yl W- -Tomadm1s, lolf hlila 116t1fdo bo, lhvro for, isibia, is noit onjoyinig)ha most modern shapes are fully represented in oar stock. WiDh the vsri#ty -of graziefifulay, Ito 6ho peoplo ah& -ft- f uinqn4 "tio li�lja n T r ... ...... . istyles au -ch as we showi coupled with our reaeoI:liable pilssand our eputation 1aR Ai atud hds beielin, or V Immediate 'de- IteTinicob, te. ifyAbeirbveinItl betnig n*klo biltlemmont ayfiW biemaltie*ry. Mris. usivaill 4ofold fh1eial f coed ;to bw thteir Idil for d endable qualititis, our Men's 8hoe Department renAily 19119986ts itself to ima4ls. Tilhe'Ifiraft 'step -in AY'io - in 0rianibwtook iciellnic0letry, Doli4ktls wlas' SUsi R"Ifialell alrinle, stivielmil dhys quktel piomrly,— AM' ever man who is looking for faishlonablet p irfeet fitting footwear at NEW ADVERTISEMENTS iecitiont (has bele tfrken, by 'the' ele- of " Bxo1nson Illiair, arad WeLT Jitible 1�kamedl U& ' 06ittat Itiblat Miss (Loltitilev. e price' The following are a fewof the lines or MeWs Fine Sh oil vaition, Wf Se.r,giuts Witltie�, a iman oir 6., a, is ory Gilaissrbeik, beavIbeir, m1hoi has beicin, oin- Oe" we OAU17 in 'Wroxet er Mr -The figure between *be piranthew after exalt -hie, q?eopte, W. ition d.f Pmm- stock ithe, pos illowlilnig rtjo(hwxy tnke, from tbhe( We, fhnw tic, 11IM be, Wjr seveiriall, week donotoolhe page of libe'paper on which the W. fiaindelrooin: aind -tjat&1-w1iiY Mimes roffers In Dongls Kid. Box -calf and P&tftt - 624 -- found ier of (t-116 ti;ilt Russian Ca1bgnelt tid ls"I""wly "nor"oviing la�nd "t is !he Cel�brated st t Sh 247*1 Woemenill will,be a er oe -Bu[tibs—W. Kerstake-8 wltich. he (hai beea. ivibeo 1by the. M -n. lalnd� KrIg. Qhlas. :Saindleirsdin 'lid t Velma, boy: " Mr. TKhbin ITicililifleir's holPled NhIe M111 sioloin be lfwlilly Tielcov- - �Colt, Augle or double soles at.,e3.5011 bey -no $4 and $5 elpair. Czar.:- ifoir. lffiqim�Uitloln, on Yridlart *ro it! IthresUpg iDO!fh ihni belein in, IV�r, ej d.—Miss Mjla�i Mahow. speinit Me "Mr.. iSandlewson thaitag 'jai*n foir ovo in, wift all !lUr. T. at k1hie, bmwe jolt her Wi-tlt� �,haistiilory yietl ptib.111-011Y an- WRI Tlelsrldlelf Oneof the beat ameFicau'makes. '9.T-O`c4ry busi0e(Sls tiblarc- WaFrWs. Ovar 9 000 bubielils. hiao W-oitlhiex in. Xhex. Not- nowicied- 'Jiis� iaroceptace o office aind' PlUrc"a0ed The Walk -Over -Shoe them in vid kid, vici calf &V Patent e !Ha0dw1,xM--Ch,Maey & Olt at �-Xrf. J. J�. Glb—isoln, of 0�3aeie wia s intow beien � itIl Comilitry-U. W. ewitt-8 xecleinit dmpa-tobts indicialte t at a trim1b;4 and U fie explaoitt-, is husilly ongiaIged with imon $4.50 sind 85 a pair. A Itxial dt istire-niYM is fin 1pirdfrress, b air itilife, �,Xoiest of lhis i5-isibeir, 'Mro. V.. V. eld''hia ilila ihimpe 13,000 In, ahl. The hind, tewmis filipping * liumber f rom .dwwrds- 1viinig Day. -Mr. bho . es 1twelen, 1hainkni The Rosiory-P. A.\,E� 8 Ion , Bat S1-boe Another -American mAke-box calf, fall weight, At$3.50 -Kililsoluttism, as repiriesented' I DIAIM(Nn igmilin -is of �gioicod qnwhUyi Haw's dMs tial in ih�r. Mecut1b, is a, buisy -Xeinnedy iads irloaj! e; lftt� of and $4 a pair. Y by Wiq'holat� Serandl.. and 'tatind Mrist'gooft Black lbla,�e. Iridtigrued t1A. to n AjAw-ritia PammieT?" HIp =an nd si itioinalijmA, s trepiresenleA, by iWifftie: Arom visit 're0faitlivies iin! 'Lloin- got hlis aiirJ7 tm-iin4mg ilin, Huiron. Manle, i Itifiv, wuirse olf a, YMT-- Shoe ludongolakidandboxcalf at$2,75aud$3a pair, ;oronct The now T5 It -R. MoF aud Oo4-8 The Virisfe iMini9ter ins,19to Ithalt .hei iho don. -Mr. A. . Molfifaltit! NoWs'laindaLm- Meftiodlist iiiiinuoill-relrawry irtIll b3 Yar T1 Faim-MoXianion & 'balth, Noivewableir II)tb 4 puft i'to a; pois�(tion bo, VrOW18e, leh 0almied by, lblis n ffiawiiendel Jotm hm Hens M on box calf and dongol& kid at $3.50 a pair- a T %lDn's. Shms,--R� �Willis & f row la, visit, Itioi 6W'16n'-Sfofu;nd1. larifai phu tumv)t isappeir on ao 'The, Ainj Qua In gl� pecfplp�, un i n. Uty W� qltaillmevt df- G. J. Sutherland- has had placed In his -Y-e-5 -Mrl. J -41n. tBxwwn, 0olthes-Spoira & Pe, 101f xofr�btio, w4s flodindwilag.-M, Jolbin Z�%nes freedojm� IW ItIllb Wiess, ItUe-.1righft of ' bands at a great ba.-galn, two flne btlek dwelllogo4 dium, priced shoe 41; $9.25 and $2.50 a ubsoribel tWia1l Papers -A. Winters -1 Abe gweis-,t idf this pairielnifis, IDr.�,aidd a -lid ess Shom ' A me publi-a male'Unig, and Ithle *r)fght of with a nuMber of lots attached to each, A good wihtot bias beleld visffing rA T he FaWd UU ar & McInnis 5 'fhe individual to- free Ispieech land- Mm- Briaiwtn, a(hilamksigivitag Da­�'9'r- chance for a retired famer or anyone wanting first- alroulad -foir RItainkpits-M. Exxideelck-5 PIeltleir. SmAN frieltiorind, to Uamllltlo(n al"o dwellings stabsygain. Alsocheaper proper- 6 agood shoo to wear without ru'bberz, try the Slater shoe - 'trial by con61tAulU6,',w1 1YrocedUre. tlw;forealo. Apply at once at the polit offloe,non- wfQiA-s, !h1a.9-Irelbutrinleld! hbmie. If you wan �. V A111*1Vhis -is so &Eftrent. triam the an ftltuirday _ alf te,r. ispefiffinig la� tevin Box Calff, heavy solek:,and rubber heels at 14 a pair. Gall. 1072 -if This g soi Waraited-.8 d5i" widhi (bilis j)oaott1hVor,, iffro. '0v.8imktL Wttle Fatier iidelals� df Absaltultl� You 'can bay the best mixed family fl0hr.. H.ibbert vionthe lfb� ism; in w']Wiobl Nicholas. bias 'ilyelen Km� ainaf (Mrs. Jius. -01 an Naivei onjav - which 19 made of all chnice wheat, guaranteed tal, Tialbar Flow Nort'll, Side. -Miss MarIgairet J,i(xr- trai-ved t1ot onei dolft inotl W..'offidleir i odl o 0II-Ar re,4deince 11(aftly vatep-td. give you ant -class satisfaction at $2 per owb aifd you. are -W,oU*e-GIiad=, In. & 9baabf%ry-6 W. 8ainders,on.,-Mrti."'1*. pure Mani to]) %, at 02 26 at the Hensall flouriag wille 'dan, hais beeA tachinig ilipt Upr- Re WILLIS. a ovN, Sador ,5 aft 'h;is healt-w-tion. But he miusit bqejd , by Mrs H Coek & Sous 1975-3 nbs*bi, On't., isiloce, bqr- now -A 'VV;a­,Aed-S- -T, Spencer:- or Igid down (to dostiradtiton. It ds jnfo� Bmiailie ind. lda:Wgftt1eIr GeirtTiude, thimve I ast ainuary, 6as I � I ' )y ­nz Te6chE�r Wented-T. 061eman 5- hIrbled' fTQMa- fal -tthr-eky, nion'tilifts' Bawden's have pin aboQlnlely complete been, Ye-Jengalged a:t an inreased W�- Oneen a I V,!np I Doger a, Iftew tflaislits of, Irle mis- Sole agetits foi the Slater.-Shog, for men, alili the .7 r6ft -it ty valuition- i a ary.-TbVu work on the fflibbvrt nad shoes. for women' i o -get Teanbar Wiavilted-Wan, WiJvon-5 ol (Moln!tIr0aill -aind Wilcolo.-Mrs. n: Chia lgieeat i1airkniess off I stookoffurs. ovarcoats, Indies coatq, underwear, foethe com. 'New Giolod-s-W.- Pi*=Td. & Sion -5 ary zweal., wittai orloves,hoolery and all necessities TuckeramWhil ridge is alwwt w)om-' I social, 41avery Itlit (thel loinloolit4r fW- Clexialin't, l6f Tdrlolnit'c`�, "Peldt' 0081%rf Ing cold -weather. we guarantee thd qualliv, fib aud 0vor-acnts-stowlat Real$ I ple td. Thie abqt=enV are Unisied, Yev6ilt a- dlRys' wi'tfb Mio� JK: Roblinsicia.-Mr. prim at all the above g�ods. Wmi Bawden and -br a -i Lh was drivin; day 80-9 iseles, btit alit Russia in 1976-tf amd ehiel "pterstrct7e i- n ftle, last J-61in Henry Ga.1 Mr. JG. 'Sub orltleL Kked Ithia 0008, Hensall- Wimi. SmVft of HbLmilledn, vid hie Uhabbmm Buisiness gain's G7.ardom- aind taige,of the qxmd ast 841,nday, this horse\ armew Rol vms tw,:� naime Isit-aads ifor. Thidr'e calm W lit- wiaok Nvidh III& lbirdtleir nloo. aind Fazm, Sold. -Mr. Williaind Hlolgalrth down -U0XUanQ1 "elable aond. ran isba �ad o da ..r friend W&. Mstiriay Qettje-S. MaKenzie-5 Xlie. aldd idh(eir fxileuxds, lhqie:.�Xrs. whio, res The respiectivie It4niihips, prob3liSe boGM11210' tie IdDUbt lfhaltl (the IjTehicriial. belssa- ides -o--a Iffim d1ld, Elder. hoe- TWa-m For Soe-Jiohn Tayloir�5 Chia, plub c, n. birldgiq thA -wilif, Jam DaTidson's qat-e. ammihinig it on Wcoufft-t of IC Ic T. G. Hmmiplb!Ul irfitulmd, 4roini,fflop- d i Us- .1eir, Heire At List -L -V. Feiar-5 f ion jolt w1lork in Rulssiw, 11a wh 19tead, o, ii/1 khie Lioln(loiiii TZM n. stan deltructiVe Oemojits tor to pies, sodnidoi in ISULUIrday.-Mrs. -,XcAdWmo, -Lilt logsseis 1aviel joinled, is wa inl0imla- borne., a, inft ond, a quartr Isbiath of Chi%, -Xr. Ultred 111XIamelf'. 01f callioolm* Ition to It'he Cz,,.tT thaft iWilifte's pirlo- i lf 'Toinoin-to �Off -of Hensala, h;v disposted df, It -hat is ialt pirese(aft IrAniev ng 0,10, aloquain't,. sppnk a. iftv, diaTs Chiselhurst.. Few MW T16 Rent -W. M. Dloii�x-5 ftsb week N"vith Miss Maiii;y-miflift.- y6iing Wep iw'ho left lhiere Ifo he,lp itb �ra,mfme Inust be, avefprtledl� arid lehat' Ta.zm Ito Mr. Jon, - Xa!lr-44�n IfV-r i(V lia not atibiosain, tit Yo(rointio, vis tlrei,ofif ftle, cois Ini Ithel Noithwies, AmWivnsvy Servieft,-Thlef ainlrq. -.d 41-1 - M-,.- Y ItIL, -AuoKoin, SaXe-S. H. Wbien1ley-6 'Mrs. M 6,300. . The if a Is bea-u.'40011y tsit- if oce�lted, & t-er"bloTeck. kk'd $ G. � W. Uryisdiaae, i:mlt G an -a United 'IT Olt �hie best, &n. kbe t'hie. (nalronitait Imi r; .onijig awaits the am. I IM110 week Iwith 11�fr - diauighttor,, laxe. -a.n d s ofri Uave Inow irdtiarned, ead; fome ex- vem*T-y, servides fin o-oinnoo-tion, twilit.1A 'tiair�= rJhureh F. Owr.-Mr. qlnd'Xia. ON Mbi-timig U% slyam- id buieplcall birlawn tiho ChrisAbiWst P-resby f or i -tis Ire-jection. rik, f bafninor towship of '*Udborne. ' 'Mr. ook n- IhIedid, on AR=dey,,oerxt, hl6a- Uri ave For O Cirmikery-P. DUI -8 ! TwOnbo, sW)n+ Alr(V,,,alY days wittih aiw favidencief f. lehle) bart he t; hIt suininY I& ifs oir- ftfis tek h . 91ince, Ithle fboviet -wais� wtri t1trOn 16hia, Ma:loo(Ln3j,',th-d!R,,u,r,o-h-alser, -kniolw6owbat ip(roved deN,91ftful Ito[ au Clolldt Wettheir-F. L. Wilbs-3 idbjear- angnt (aind' nijf4l, iRleiv­ L. aind ig'at'herinig ltoigeiebg It -hie meTwinibitft Atbe, 0eIrv1qea'Ar1X -be cooldacted iwb alr1h4mr THE I send DmIp"-r hats oapittflatied. H blas Wis. PleJrIrJmi.-Xr'..,)V. Perrin, Olt KLn,- i't' is, 9s 4e) had it. rerded. if.Dr. a) fteIrija Irarvest. A:111 ispeak In ilglowling lbe�rms %.30 Rev. D. W. 18. TIT," huotem famA spoirtsmin-1, -y0j'a Irearn aefeeledled lbol (Wititea -beirims aind Ifilip- of 1yearsib9arel Mr. Hd�a!r't,hi pmr. of Ithe. 000rtuinit&m tbie,�-Wes�t ihd)ds lquiblairit, B . ?A., off. Kip"All aiiia 21t, ltlu4 Nvi*& qvqeiryw!hleire. -in ir-­=Trj, tacicteolbed, oatrd, P, ;Aval`s' IbbImM for. dhici 1holliday. chased itf -Mr. Hojarth InItonds com- P-remier,-- me. AA"howw iga;nwe Iseems u, R, IMolfflalt, Miss Q itiaiiv'Vle out tlolffb�e amblitioui%-aftiii einfewgeUc. 7 pl. im. by Rv. 0. YlidtAheir, U. A.P WS Wy Y-1, 'to Ithis 111fifAt ing toi,,rOidO in He"WOII,� wnd III aTe gvelinlig smiroor levexy yeaX, Tlet V-0 h-Fmimig 'been tiss uied� The land Mrs. D. Riaie iseinit 'M(atnksiZivd1nig have a.n iwac,E�6n 90,10 Olt TNalmie!s iRiolad, Usbfolrne� A I bf lhilis stock ItNeinx Jr-e-tUrming f thi a, :ralt�vtt', o "Day i -n W aol�dlofly iiaviteA tond w6 tr.uNtfillieie �n A-ssemlbl s It )be. al �?aall 0,71(aim.-Mr. J�olblfi Add,6as a7nd, i.mpteminds Ion t1f t1tth, lot No- Bitlevale. soilm�e(times pArtaufftel nnd fbinte, JA It(ble, Urfiii: twolik Tiall, meir*,' IWDII i tar, ar for th Niolheis.-Mr. im 11100JIer, of fible Ireym SE-AFORTIT, FRIDAY, Nv. ;3, 1905.1 Gvenmietnt, Ithlef membietrqf 101h, Mr. veimfbpr Notes.-ThIP, Irevigvwl Isexvics in the ithY whi,ch ire be! ieiect,64, lbk ltihe oeu- Briefl.-Mr. Jobin Of RlluovMe noiad, ' tdl, -wiMillie pb*iv tin_- qaVbiv% youl are 9 MeModst idburch To bebnq -con pfle. Fwo6di 'Russia (is Ito ill a-alld by anati-da. tialsil; fait(ulr- Heinsalil Teoenbly sold 9, pair 'of aiq�lla4, ialWd briolklei-Mis clollafr Winie;- ud -Gltis weleik.-Ti My alfteirooln tb Mrl,*A. XciDoug&111, he Saarame' I: of .4 TIM Ei l9eff -,Ip Londesbora. Unfortunate Russia. ov�ftnimen-t thirmxh. /hc;r [good foa'ls':to 'Mr. Graharft, of Kip.- Mr.. Tjoobn Wia!simm`n, of WinbOID, VU -5 t -ho Lior`�% Supper 'bel ob nrmd mv,!* - Mr. J,6b!n $260 betinigilt-b"'Ortbela paid Atfairs in Rassia. -are, In a. veiry th! ithie. ad- Welk tio Blulavialle if -or nainksAhz Sunfty NIOL op ni �O visors of His'Majo;ky' lWylliagolhiateitV v4o las beie��Rl tfOr So Pa, for the -neat isam off $200. iThese in 16rhe Afebbodi4t. aharch -Portu . if oa Is we re is i r ed by, Px i Oir91 Her 0 " —Mo iniew m0111 da= is latiartnig cloim- 10, *conditiliaf. Peace wifliovt -11olial , drhod Ult 1bAp,b)qWe; iiin Tiw-mbeirilc 9 00 ser- wias, a Success u ey way� f -o 'the aind, the LegLsikv. 9 owned "by Mr. T. 1J. .Berry, Ad this Xp-lsdA irottkirlinea to -next a -t -10.30. ThOr"C' wwU oex-tanly, Inot brWght lPea!00 -(we Whie veo(pe wbio alre. th-uls. cin XdIndby. - A Imidtffift u(nd ber0liffd r1pW vi" at -7 to'd1lock as V-feviouly aln- svoa�.tffiw was finlej a lax�go 01ow o.-Thigi Rruiss.,elljs Picot ioif 1alsIt ibeir lbiolwle ilin! 13 tp,,rivL wwwrint diiisl 1048!. ax�)anced on accowt of.the.aaiv�eir- -vacftled wad a good' tinve w" a vwithfiin, to &Luissla. f1mm alit. over Ymamaln teed 't'hie trilghbi a:nd il week says Thomas timd 'Mrs. Pep- irlheir Veinklinig a ioiatb "Whth hew sary in be by aill. TaVe pirfoolde;ds nartag, whtq 60 Thiel f ulli ihield, oa iWeldpiesd4y ibbe, o1b -T cthtTrcb,-Mrs.SimW- �het Mimp-i-re, Ithe story lki, Itie sae 6itiieii,9brLp, pif tpr havremovd 'from Brussels Ito 4,u)nit, -Mris. -8. Maft4l: and ftlawily.- ftoi,tule fW)r-o)xdt11e;r embeiry, Rev. (L. soila, olf London, visited -under ith $150 alp ylounz Ua (L. wo; Ise0fdm.. Thlo, afft,okonEvoy of thie (Roi- -Hawsalil where ithey purpoise rnaking Tbe MeU)odisit nitleilad.bavinig wtma­ rk ts-topped, no � newspaipas Pleirliiimi olfif1heiiialtUg.-Mr. 1-olhIn Rjaxt. and F- EUra�ed -th BraUtfdrd PELronlol. 'votalf on Thairsday R nd leh old oirdor 1`11Y1140h their 'h onvo Ifr the f abuire. They tre- wifeteUlag in ��W niftr fthuxe. 'M. . . . . . . . . -#Tinted, tswhiools olosed amd'ifhe. b NpleWk Suind4y In Bj�y(th.-Mliss. iE. �ay.-Xiss Wougai, of Sewflorthis�ezet us- hats exWd Ifor. thir,ee hundred years I sided in, tlh-a;,t looai;ty lbetorej huy- Itio, be, uninioulaveld -hajti0r.-r-Miss Ury eory 4 - baws Iffe e Vhei ipreioipfle ouapended. Iceases icidt I*Id­hjNbidIajy wilit1h. ihie!r if e kky;s %vith hiefir si§ter aind-thlel Tzee pillran,ts ' W ing It, Ifa-e adacent to �Brulsscls, Kiinig w-4pieqf: T1ho;n'kg-givLnI.3- I'm Birus Ha,=Uton. o9tor isiending lhmlm� ,tin twie In Ibliltoolhrcib. Ulnde,r iodr t. U1. delftned tre4tric- which they Isoold laist Year kmd 'baVe Wis und ricitairned )ihmle. a.= givinti; at &eT . 'homie TheI,cry of Ith m4ss-es is arwayist the; saime­;-political libqrfy. The milit- Ediffi. mow, 0.-Pxdn-' wM Iseoutre, venice, amid, olrde�r -Uce 1?rysdale of 'Miss A. Beill "*�-A and lived in, itdwn Urffil +vbN iweek. M y M-ris. Peipiper will mee't tinany old 'P!g numl- Brus oele� ifkfeZ� peut itiho. biDlidays ary e.re�rywhje;re ae in- Vofsscss�an, atmucn doub,[. ' I -. nis ilt 'has irrolt imom rvnids iaJt Dr. tait ;bjis lblolmle, vt OWtLV6TJY,.---Jt 11*3 ltq" wftjr. ow bar frOm dwre attended Che %veddipg, -An. ianz- im 810b -on Wednesday 1-ist bif miss the, inhablitgntis uxe tartror stricken. isocin lenioRgli.. But halt it iwi-111 kil- BTfielfs.- Thiel f-coirlow Ing iwriel si Mdd di&Xveried 'at veir-y sUirrinig alod, Voin. Lialle. 'at ithis flairani otiock and, im- Idulty itto lh4va 116 dUrlaWwYel 'Uh, ti-maltely, "itnuire Ito th(a -w-eitfairle bif MO, visikors who, twielriei fhe4re dar - Masdn )to XT. MWMZbe.-Mlss T'. ,Xa.ny zibies e� in darkness mmil In ag Mp Tbiankisigivinig lioilliday: IX r,. iim1pirlessivIci geimort 4n thle MebhIddfl!§V ip;:*ImK#tts; idf tbej Jjat,10L Da`VIid` IMcif- &alehl Vf 'Ift' A"llbeirt' Miatuldtit, the tnwtion Itble, Ip�rrAN.pdriiQV 'off icibuirdh in, 49abbilaibb ev-pai.nig Past iamd ita',Utl imis, ihe;M, join TalpAduy bt last eii-t son, df Mr. 1,,fid Ms. A ulgmisit I0hIa,1I- W14(fieY4 ot Twin1lon, spen ttie lbolj- �aev%-rall 'riotlog thas bnoiken out., la:nd, nind, Mro. - G. ZNvii,ekor wnd Mr. ona day svid7l thfar miotb;eT 1'bie;re..-A1r.Fre-4 tho lNe-op-l'a iin �fhlu 461g (ruin nome k1wicillt ttrainigly Ion itfile, duitiy taiod ret- weak tairild on Wedesdia. Mr, Levi illtytlt� wIllo, Wiled q1t, f6hiel 11golme of his- Tay,.-bor, rxt Ustowol, v s a fbuildkrigs aTe, fsa�ked, i amd burned, rs., R. W. W-iAlAoin, -Olt Landoin.; M- r% s. imploinibUity Ian gairleinite In Llobt, iat let Blifia Ji (Dr.) H-W800k, jolt Tinnexkru ; Rolut hie. ovia a TwK1, iIIIISO PA a -t 4tible ihome df 3%r. john Lasham p w,111 1pirioteIssing CNristiln lbornimg -t lbellid !ai Boo mam. dMLp, Suinday *Wbefr a2nd-. Flow 'tiotiand Probibition. and do, in -Olt Nihit Ito d 1 101, Local. 0 McjA!4bkM, �'Oif Sti. Mairys; T(bln- Wnd, ar� df for the spason.-The evapwater is P E;Nli. Qo1br brig up 4 -b -Dr idAldrien i1n, 61re, feh-r of tibo aloiad, 1hais. nd a eak 1501mej Itl4a, piast ItIble, d6wasoad, thd L!,As Aveak—Thle arehmery hae Aosc4L We tnotite thalt the various -Teim-, willit n-uIrCuire loif tble, Lard. -We, ijrej�rl6tl addiillolru Pitt Itlot Iiiisi Nme.-Mr. J.t be4eirif, lsWeirLn,9 Xr'Qm alymWts, fwqfic�h Tlile, -pem*�OA on ifthle frzil.: beie, idf S1b-r(a1lf1dr4; A. 19mUiJbi and perarriflo-d Orlgd:RiZatiOlng 101f,thits Pfrov- 0fist w4ek itloi iblwv'e bo' cibriontiolle�16e A�essleir, oif stild keeping. its -svioiek ap, -Mgibnlm; Miss IBes- ]Akwi[Rbin, visited, iwn- le, ipw giraid,nalily 1. -cigiralplete except I n, ew Bie,,A Gle�rlry, tolf W a 1016da-bbYsi Of diwaaies,. amid ifilinvAly roads 'a mlte are matrkng big (pu-sh Ito bave 'slie, Beial6ti 'Ialtbl of ioliale; Yof Oar dl!idelst land lrwosit` ;btr leib�-, VaiTIOAW, Irlo(olf IOL40 Week. lolf Obaidisey Beet,' Votit, border pir.wVinoees, and S. Peters,- irl"Vielcited, bit-Lzeins ijA ibie peirtmon, of Cbjr t, wMigift beirminlafted hils swriWIV oarieer. All friolm 01ft Utuitiet (plir '11file Wind - at Harlock. ifaw 1passed in as kihxiy �Mn. Riolberit"Kaiir, ivhlo piaissielft .0 --way eir, wjbb jairiel ften1ding resiatT�0,101N Ithfaitt licivilialge UaInds, ainIa imledleol assi-st - und'othier lairige )uitieis* BrialnItIE014; 14issiAda, Roissi, Guelip1h; It ofti, Sabba'Cht moraitnix f1last. In n-..xfj funiu(Stoetift sciblo wleiriel -bione foir Mb ainiala, couilld, klky wao. ktoim Ito sn"elizv.e Faim lex, Sm" aTf, allmost 'as cosefly beleaguraged us R. Tfolblostd4n aind -Mi" Raw], I th bon id tblat arrangzemspts alre Nvieek's issive -give tfurCev -giriinlg.�Mi -.9 Gievrioin�. fis, viisitiLig Ifble, oriumix.isuMeirleir, but la11 un- sWklf 'his traltim, a, ni4e, e�t: bir Ithbig ?f Ithey Iwera inviested lby Ibesiegltn:,�, 40L iblWbIle, �alnkl IdiewtU prarvd tnistlaln- bain:9 of WiTilgRI(am.; D , J McLzulg�hlk platec ilialrig of fiffe, of cArret wibo dt lle Ill of heir -6'o R. tMa Vlvm to 'hs mophlenr, Mr. *Wijlia�m- vxmles. A,*t Isa-me, time lthi�. indivq- Made -to havd 'the lby-low submitted O;NeIQJ.Iley, ind M i Luella Roisl% iff phew, M w1als, iknloi�n. 'and hilgihily Im. 14. Duiftf.- X Deftal spen t It-ameos, da Iftle ­aoirel anieUtAoinad 'dutim Smttb� I -dr Che $4,i.000 itrial; stnkt. lhaqa assolmed- liair:gei ldi- Itirned -ie�ro nte:rred ria the f a vm -75 are, 1bs wa it In wbout (forty m�ini�cipwvltties -at 'tho "Diim'e Goialt is Tie- fst knitied.-Ray. Mr. amlitCh wlas� lin- Thiaks i g il T Thiel --rowlaiiinis K,. tons, wa7d thiet taigbalant ae- eIet rorn, .P Mainitioba, Wljilfloln� W. h!eI Iflo" t! of %,is week, MIt.p PN Ion, -Ur januairy i0liet(tios. blen Ron. G. I ifaiiin3dv n,.)iair Lxhnx cornieftexy om Wedniesday,! goodz bnlldimigs ialad is.' a vry'. rjoj*. lin 'isereral I oca-Utles, Ecro 6f- Nvllhtirlei sible, spon't the pasit, oDuo,'% i�[ Roiss w.%-sa!t thaho'ad ialf the Govern,- ihils t.st )a1hiange, addirlessinig th Ilin- Jtoihinfi Patich, kxf Litatknool, spitat, it -lie ObAbolbeW 25VIY,, taln.4 worle 16ohilmoed -by tortdibile 1ohn, 'RT, f-exing open nresistamae to khre broo-ps. Wkll FA.ld,lolf Gaieilih, -jvas nu�aill miss�ioniiiry iL.hianklof-treirini mlevit - Thamn1ki5miviinig alt W. Ri N. MuWs. . ft'rgP ivointouirse of frtlan4s. Rev. Im-ving !sae 'Of ]his aha ef- Iry St. PersbiLrg all foommumicatioin t-mtt U Onithirbo, thfeW TimpieT4 a eivr d� nicic, lhoilB B r, f duii4inlg iltlhiei pot D.,rid lhas (been orr Izaltilon 811a-�w nind dhiliffilrea, of -Mr.. W, .1. 'Mr. Oalftlerie, of GTalad Belad, -Vol&- fadts­ ion, Moti:day 'neadt a!nd Ne ithIns witb the odt*Ide w s wowlkl lialot qoin[Sdiar- visiiNinlis )hr,,s bvoitIbleir, Lyloinis,, *Oirb ibeiro V41s ast" Milli tw)ejdty halgr ap- duotied 'Llble ts'eirvces vt t1hia holuse an. Off lgoinlg wwf, iA Itlie, avxwg. Ito TX by remsioin. of fte slbrik;es ; oicll, tolp'tion iat',afl. Nothing Wi6od -,Tbo "cleflIsiloir niftitIng facit-oiry wtis Ring 'MI on, ,the, �ifoVtal uthoiritis reiruse lbo 11cl- d ' Ithe . ithen. bift re A. lult- doiwin tafsft wwalk r -.Tbiulir, and got ia, vseiry sore 1bullinp,hitt spfelffi� lt'wo-1xaoWt1a in Xonibol>at smw rt:hl Mris. B. McAT thia, Jgfraivp�, 151nd is.lyoskef voy D -M Prohbiion t)u wielelk, w1blitc, a, sitienan; Urs.,45bl WS R. H. C011,- ink> SlOA7,1110IUS WjUlry. Airniod (&��!aumelrioials wireWfs tho T.6rr1toir1qs-JtJWs 1, clevit tt1m, rdinay, xnal ta;nd :oobn- and Isimip,le. And, balcaueel,Mr.. Ross 1111801t Lng aicieltkNeinia J -410pxrjaltus ad, Piohibktilo, PIlialrift jvrT)�, blefinig 'Tfh�y ilijrf(,� ind da-utW %r, Katie, nd Mis-9 lot (Olowmeirs Whicth- vioveirva, ltbo iiftllb o wlaisi pll ipiPelaseei wi-114, itt I iooirlrsvoinfteeila boald ino fgive, milli ff Exnpl�e;r, worle, cfatslrot twos a Vreltity iry. He rkev4 rite imucb 4etter is --U4- The istrike ds'ao(miplidtle) Ilins Ule, 'Uha iaided 6n; lhis d -J, eat aind alsd UT0 lrra�nd f uil Zurich. Mr. Our cii,tii-ents, jedaLved %u)1ite the �v ge, Iyirt off lloL4U Of -Wsl Is*hood mialtlPts., DakVtla. His-laelighbdr an growt tfacteiry trelgi.a. fi ltbd Nova. ELLI (Cheir influoncle iol ult, jai d w,eek raind iven join ibeq 's & N1obe!s-­Tbiaink§9rLvLdg D' -Kviats ob,- Thie. vuldious, -of the. JDTyslIalle� rriekla wilL ing) ldouUL, 6TiV.0 Xft U -Pll, �;urrvlriiaei oim Ebluirsday iaftiGrnoion,-',k1dt nseveral oithr id�stzriail. WhRrIeY and'gr..'H�nla in his. Exieltlety, las kmn( ni piri-cintat felh Ion cot seirvd 'as iulsfiial. All basibrilesis ftvia45 pulbiliq Ndhiodl. alnoiLliilef glvem 'by, goold- Isd;nd ioft.,next Mdaday. quartexs. Poirty Itholusand. maen are Mr. hAney and' Mr. Hona, Iwilit � wIllon, it w1as irleippirtaA; Chat,, John L-ble, r Gbia villtaigio wias weiry lirs te-affallimr, ]Miss Thloln*,O�n.,,,of UM - .1 lrlrnW( chwrcitf, ted Lbe. 151151liainkle'd !am -d .0-ut, 1but Ithey are; coinducting itbemi- n0t ev)dn fooinside-r- Piollbitilon, aina Caulsilley, -6vicil kooWn' oftizon, Iblad Ihloiitr of 0q. quit. -Mrs. Wfn:�. r atfh� "So IA (MB M ce iddepl S Klpp sbIp4rmt Uke, sialill, -aind a, bemulti selves in fan Drdarly manneeir. Thk, Ye t !thi a I Te eran, or-gan- Su plas led -away. Doicicaslad, fW of I(q Cq SALE UGISTER. dE 0 0011; letffloyhlig an'blaisit, a beadfl sto,rer -cteliks' 'Union have'Viraclaimed iza,(;oni'bave, tRo�t oint, ro.- w1bijille, Mir.. QbIalrille,,% Diiqk, nd sislt . r, mX-ivLn:g 'holid'as viilth by - bblia fila&b" f the IN tin sY=Pathetic strik-for MY, wta!& afte, to bei, azound, and -ba Lob 119, Gone z. 1too 1weeks' 'i:-cist. Thay weekly ikiss the, hand UA Mai, Dick, kienit Th�iinksgi "* q (lay BerAn aind; Waite r - ineiglibotribio(ad, of -wbiolm- OnTu,-edikyN�-,Oember'7�thatl..30,p,zm. - - -11 t1heiT . 'p)a-irleidtfs, Mr.. :a;nd Mrs.\ -Mrs. W. B. RaUler wrs In Mil - tlhlaijir. !J1aL9t ittiibirto oerden 3.8tanle 2 Farm. reopv* it(o kiin iwatii, ow, in his igtrki- I hat Ism , wK Of I pi,otitilml Teasons. Preent in hasUt - es Ithiem, taill baak on tbo,'f itl)'Olt 011tiainfol foril vjs 116 above mention"ed also Lot off ]Kyca� �oiptiojj ein- :dl&ng isidirno On 1:1al.tuirin-i-rig ants a:ro ilaying in stocks io(f pirovisi, Thfoimis Dcik.�--Mr. Jamles, Mork,� w'.as litinighor thlelr Trienkt.. , mie 16. Ott tho ft4d -the V nd bvo m o! iin, Lloadlon Xbl -wivelk.-M.r. T. C Mt, ­ Min. ind Xrisi.. D. S. Pialuat ;spent wraig yeafrs of ia�ge oid, wd!g )a rd Conceed ricAes - fol! enovisias a, mrold Ito Wy dot�t �11(o tthle, !.hoialsio abouit, f ouir Q'cilioick, h.ij Doniellit 1;121§ kvcin d4ssuler hlainksgiving wit1h; tbhelr diatilgiNtr, brtg%(t, -,wfive. iiittile Julie, 4be- Pro. ri"Sen zhairpl, JI1r.vxge nxinctigs Prohibition& was scizied, wbM a sudde(n aftbaick bf ,611 -orkmn air of- Yinikbabaer, in Millvejrit,ni.-Mr. Tera:vjed 14) -ei bO4g iiiabitily -As Ito Itlie merits tolf up'ttiloa', ainaet tirl'oubitie, e(nd olllfaiprsed, only alrellatis ioind Uavel it'he On Wednesday. Nov.. 15. jst I oclock, P - Mr. G. F. Yujda ne-W balke o en. slinci billutt -wias in )3rJr!l.in Scibir813 1100 WIS iof tibe, I�wtjxc vpm- m., On lot 12, con. 14- ial ttbe univer. MoKillop, Farm; qity� ��d havio our. dolabts. If ItAe Rcft Illivin iaont ififtiefen. bnomultim. D eaidiQ.si Uls, paidtinex in -hrne, abolut 290 lmves of t Xvhioh, tfhe, ser&iment is Act proved IinieUicacious by ree,son iciewsied lieia�e 11al4b H. Rift1, G. T. R. timilsilled, 90 r*ia ow, blakel tilt onfe -muinaty iiV it'heir -a4� Ito:uirs -01 be- Rtmok and Implements - Job Re&, prov.; alM 1h!bJIL- Thomas Arown, suct". Wricnimmas -for ciantiuig 'the ipriescr�bcd imit jole r,t!s op-' 'Ue., fivie; fc-loins laind d, Wt Jims ireltuiriyed- firlom, his nW Ur q 0lir L wits in Vo� -Rlafnini Nas Me InJefw batffk- Nloites.-TIva -%reigtihmr dwTitrXX, it1he -on Iffie 'mtil-roads. TITel eration, looail, 4Qption mtist ereWaiitnii ig im. Itrielliaud.. Hilis sblnl,3,, On Friday, November 3rd, Fiftv Stfall: very 190ni n fat OfUNt vrok, visliting lier Ulaugh- buillkling finliehied na IL 'lolks lfirt�. ilihs beon vi�iry Iciolld and Pteors, Heife and yoi twero. mblel Scloltt cit KeinlrlpAqv, f W. D., bip .9 _lug IffOrsell 40 Lob r stroagly rev(vi Uon� aplied Ito, Jiubin- .,ry and frinds.-Mr: rmirin Bumililanain, soin of lor diisfalg6exbIle, aind 10hiiinigs b! lg�me!rQ 22�, Concession 2, Usborne, on HS in a.barac­ (L w1fotte',00ti-aty, -wherlsev's, Stirlat1foind; wnl& Jidbln, of Toirioldtfol, lat­ islioakers On thie 'm lovela lolption by ?a Farm,, one rftile leafift of Exeter isilloint w,elplk frolm IN wrUIV ti(mvinsmuren, Dr. Geore Ba;. blvO. iput join &NVI bilIT lappaiefs ticindidd 1!ble uniairlalli ,01Aah wws, giold 10 t1hi wve6k Csinpw nd Dulpleo, Sale A one o?olook sharp. A rev ft a fr a vd �l a y ll "Gbinov- V01 Untie ulnic1hpa,'(lity. Nt besti, �-.t is join, Tuletsidlay ffnlok finin' tior Rem. David -11 bas been away' tma�v64- -Mr. Bon VV h.imr,4tr In, jiis porf eia)tifnig la�a. verygoor anloveid 'his UmUy ta ffilte(bioal. this pr niks land JI)DI10C.; and. lbo, meeft only �a mi BucIbIanan a;nd iis. Bndbniniam ellid dblefillimig oitill: Ith to,14vr iwltrh his b4ll, pro ietor,-.. Thomas Cameron. suc- SaDoln. Ln best BuIrlopeNnIhos- tnidwic-lovlealgiluilleir. H4e,fsee0MtsI'Oi.I;1ve tioneer. aj, fa;rvw1oIll imissinninfry IP troo" -v,,?Ith i.vrvated fo�ce. Thew one at that. It w van Indt 11kM0 Meteik, Whipirlo 1hre htils been. empillpyed, -h r Giirinaie;l, c0luirelh. join riiriay PAI.Lrd� foir �tihe P -1.5t 4-oalr! rowirs, is vnUr Ispitisfa.0tio flimoing t1ife, Ifairm- ro T en-. P` ohlbition' Ith in -ext Veit Ithilo-r, 1 fJOkr !8101100� time iin Ublel bridg(N. b Wlildlng linsit, Hf [bias 01, Friday, Nov. 106ho at I *I-oloek p. -X% 1,13flo ch G ;X dlivieiri6d -m6A been in Yinolnnd, Th ov TIA Ithe Gov- I Ttollln 'eirs nn lot 2. con. 13, 1 mile� east of Hurloakiv, ers. o Qoiv�errj�njeat -ernmien't foointrol. WKeinziie,' wlblD* hos s,ez- G!r-many, �SpjajLn. aMld -clibblex of, 'that, Opires . )Y -in LUrkip, ispent :her Tcv,IE7 Ithd er mmient lbei itIm isolp- lmea ura 1bd add, -wihi�plhi -weire. mmcih enjoyed sKiwaltitol join 'tibie, Stock and s i on by tween loulved -a Tllwia y ciou)wLries.-Mr. If, D'aindadil 1has mov- TJ Imlemente, in '11- , by prcL41vnjt.. .hiey floft O'll. KIM ilanksgivIn lholdays dL the 11joim -Whea,;oley, prop. Tho r& trrie-mo-ndautsity exeltand/ th13. Ina an,Ulfacturer qnd thlo co,nsamer. jait Gaillt, imloved �, ]iis fkuml bly ItJoi flbla�l; a. Brown, 4uct. bet italtail. awhat 1heTeimperanoe, people town 'tililis wteiek.-El-sit Lynn, willi, b-() n Thursday, Nov. 96h. at 1 6e] ts-t0te- -off -tho cO;unj day f0cir 'Wileir mimMoinflelld. led inLo, Mr. H. Raacrla of blvw vairons in th'e' v shonld, wor iin Ropfulbillie, at itilm Li0herian ook r(i alflow-ed iris 1z;airety -(for. cion- sul"E" N. Owyl.rhiln ftlis jhw tre$Ig- 9 hista.. Ne-'�et to tfoit-1 V.riej4elnf�idd- in -t!hto- 110INVIn h1a;IjI ;bore nj p. m., -on lot 25, con. 0; MoKillop, 2 by i:t Um best, )wisibiasi of D.ai'ci1I'Cft1V ind WIM, MIOIPP we�rp, t va-tion .00 tealcb(ir iin Igho P at Prohibition, the that 4s aot 'the; io-n- 'Thiuirday eviening off ext wiele.k of two.-Var-Old teer, and befferis and oth. a! h1od-1; f Cfajtho&i,�m IsolhOoll h -Staialey -4 . vind ftaS 'IlRiveT�RUY in St. -Pikeirg1mr ly 'thin,- ltbt is -watq for. -Daymand! & Ploire: Gye�cT,t the 11 Undo wt HUmW) exhibiiHion in iqr ibla-ve * -P [working Q011 Biewlifln. -I)be)r fgV Hannah. prop; ThOm" -ulild- A fin Landn 11inst. welak beOTL lKollibited, but thrce b 0eo Will O'n-ly i1yo, itumpor- 1111(0 kllsp'd ' aY' IA m soolitred, la .30%,01011 at .51buinit Brown, )tuot. Utbiih% 01111 WaldO in t1lualt. lgo-&--head -Min. Alte,mMeAlIe 'If t lbeen, set a-sid ifor anee't- ry, therdfoire, be,,lbu; Liiir.xe .41fip(mminits aird lbiel:qg tt' elf ifdr 4rait t a. �n Varna. owin w1as la. avirV, SO itfol flil pho, -turd Moinday LiNt wtoto ici ivill inigg ftb �re fand Ge: Tropof-17 fin_ deturbini� lellornient eind en ajgi,%vtt- fripm Uh!is istialti-olni. On Tuesday, Nov. l4that I o1blook ioo- d. n irrit tlo The Coniforts of Pleasat ilinietscidd it swnd sh on lot 35,,,00n. 1, Usborne. tract Ithe. Govcqrnioir Ito w.ldt a a in Ito thos Home Sur. DeirUn ko bia enlgialge i Vb;e, pai*,aj# lfikl. Stock 0 who, are ieng -the, busimss. 8 fall 10 simply 511.6.11 No w0p. the clitles. -aiMod in rounding our stock thl oine Tot ila beist MO-nuft0birin 0. Ste,'& Wad the oulsfor- Implements*, Win. Q0iiildLn;z.% in jaill 9 tio;wns K Hoggarth, Thos. Browal, -&-aebloneer. bett.! amrtnient, Do better quality, no wore re4s. Kippen. Lulne to ilose valualible, iblarse, dur- Xacli-'alarm' s i11; Igpirnici-6f dl&vice to 1661deve nnablepridooconlit*be combinedand gathered un. the Whitn' A Golold u&i-oin saitoolf iplaist, wteek.,One o u iGov�evnment Vf a d,,,In- derone roof than we have gathered, here, and allfor t o;uir`,no!te)d On Monday, Novi 6bb, at I o7olodk M., the osaety of for- P� T Mm. ioll�n MciNevin njejair 'bletro o Leadburv. in a,t IL3 gerou"i and 'trofubloffniq question. our benefit and convenience. No better stock of Yo"19� Cgentilielva,ela 1hw- M iswebuin on lot 1, 0he eon. 12, H-Ullett, one mile east of hardwaro:, nb better stot-k of up-to-date. stove@ and tridlay haLA,. -was lairlg6ly a-titfeindled, E-0 IlMe UP, InMtih n H%rloekt -Farm Stock, Implements =d Beyorid ranges. The atovem' are so varied both In Wes and IgIoloa pIr Notels.-Mr. W6i, Wbie, at 11 'R()u$9hDld rt vViliture. Alex Smith, prop inary a;rrnn;z4vme.,n ts Afar It Urey. styles that purchauere and Do difficulty in belog i,cifes hileirle zed Find every- be'r t, thle q0h ib- Thilainks-giving n1ixht. Thiel youit'list he despiatch lalf li-cense inspiector Thos. Brown, eflonser. 'ted. See the Peninsular stovas. Do not over. ,in, 101dinig -wos-isidlld. A foluir montibs old no Ifflofubf. 111aid. iniLstakn Jit ifor Hil. 6i-AbaLqse-Y mils by bnat� 111mr- Del Lib� off, —hin-plef 014.1 1 air go-utbi PelrthI, was visitim7gr 6t' look the importance of buying A stove with an 'eldlit, aLred by Mr. Gelilgleirs impolrit.. 01111d, Caw-TYW9 kM On Saturday, Nov. 11till, I eblo* se,ver, ino Duiridg Mo paist wie;6k G established rePutstion, The Peninsular 0butry .11-Ine, one Vet: been 'll:ak- - - r �mark on a frieinift n -the Le eitIr ey clownsiip led UYoirse, was sIoU foir $100, and 'TRIV-grapbio feiollum sviovo is like the sterling ts Filli P con. L. R. S.# Tuater- tinfoati,oln hvilth h0s, lbst�01rRIM Tiesidnit mark on or -a m'hk of day laist iwek. Mr. White. 1was I hie aiL-1 life qUAlity, A. Charleswortn.& Son Zurich 1976-tt miure -ellielveln ycvr!s old bxIcAulpiA $203... Ator 11hief bailili -wias. amith Horses. Cattle a pi- iis/ even, Tbut the ies. On. TlIguincA of 'Ila s L. dfmpainied lby h -is gly. Louis nolo, Tiei w1hoille, ti;alef !reized favor h0s oveM.-Mr. fW-. StloggdQ, of ith" -Ge-' ()Iark. 'prop ; Then, Bsown, auctioneer. ay -week; at, $1,600. w116 . and Ec-Ille'.R rrereivd aire an XoNn. 'Reft us Iretiring C Ainniversaxy 6arvicie. Drn a1siz-gb1iniz in -The nni- shon 'Ray. wats blve Iguiesit of bis Wd OnSaturdsv. Nov..4th, at 1 610100t i pin, - h(aul,14-fagr in fhkiky frioln, -L�he! Ntacii in. versT `fTO1M Iftrming iiind Inteinih toiffor wazainimation owith %ome pla"s L Mr. Tffivs. 03rolwin, wiellidlo-d, 1:610 ww- y iservicAOs will be i-eld in, Wn- tijOlnejars %Iaf=nVqr.. ing TTiOnd, �Mri, IE, W. Snide!r on: Sumday� p. m.. on lot W. con tirely Int-or-ruu),td. t 1nbetion wi011 Va-rna, P�sbyt,6 his TLne. tstock astwielill sI kn Men.t,,3- , Rullobit Farm P- -balm, ixniolb w0h a aicia ijtez last,. riwin _Mx,. Implements. Frank Wiltm �lbl,.trnlk-iolf-feirixb-r.-TliP, Goutid' Nis- foir istille by pulblie, ahotlioln, Kyn No- A. Sreewin and T.. Stock and -W-11 11-�- seem ithe i,tuatiort rMovied 1ait(alt in, ajfiew ihoLirs. Chtrrch ioni 6a1Ubvth,' Navember (12tth. JolnNtlaln, jr., deitivrted oaittte; itto' prop. Thos. Brown, auct. 19 Tealily th,e Decicial*d, -%via-s -tip', lin, Ublef injow I-olf th ROv. MT. Hi,=all, iih siati- Blad ihlelid�tlhlefifr tanniuml. th&nik- vmber 150i, -Thanksgiving Day Whn t le iolfifewng tsorrioe ion SatUX&Y 1".t. May be -in, Ute inear ifut-urie novile ica,n UlTin wNan tin sjoimiai clonduidt U iservices at Ila. m, and Passed lquiiedly. - Thelre, Waist , igrea On aacunt )oif dall 6f Is hjd ,Oti I b t V y i t 't'C*- A bloody reV111io -Mlay 16c. ,Oando. of. IP., - M. All are ciojFdi.a4jy in- M9 U er 11 It Re 1game, fjofdr, a di L was lrfd cansildwbory 16 tev,lu, st and bad Troads, lsocu�rQ.-7A ifaiun�betr of t hie trair iriifnli' itilm Waignon: Iralck -in vited, ain. fit i's Ibiop,. Uie-ro Tn - ed Ieiniot as -larige -as anhit Un, boe Thal Will be &Isclemlt. Hie, as icAIttrir,;4 Vo iEhe I Tig c 1 r t ioi s. Iers 'hv lbeen haulin;' adoptKd in, Govern- a e I= g leli; W i -tile IfTOM the Mhose, who did obtinie, Bu�f, it is inoit liaf6 t ) en - Ya -rd Olt Mr. Jvbn juli)loin lexaminattloin, it -Boo'k 11fid W4IsonGr)ok jo o rvdirt. whipin, tfief ev'il ipasstbns' hils bak was b;�6,kn. yed E -he lualdetilnq v(hry macil-L. Mrs. Po Inkl stilil has age quiMMtjty (Yf V110 Talked Ab ,tvp out of .1 do(win Itroddien Wople- lbcolme a- I Ajl'tl"Dult-�*.'111. cioinsclious twnd albile friMored fib Honsialtil. 1P, h ie Shaw, 41 Eigmi5hifivifte, gave 3, r-ery a, .45upe'rioir fquaity one hand. - 0 bfM%iinles `heir.,6 bia imr(ried an inlexk�isthnig vnd irioifitaVle,. addre W- rXEM, -PU ro'll . rX IS W-- I r omwd E hk,;r o Ito 61* k uin Milwaie Dtvn:d�4 ootpolned 'her is no' knowflinj- 1, iflillo 'hie oinily' livd by iLblabr !.§W, JEwrit.y.-Mr. Rufus iont10Jed "The I's Ad. 'The unt;41, flouir iWolmiak i tho attletraoion. t�rip Ito jB0,,YtM, U!ntill ftst fweek. W -c. w r ort �nkllr� in 'their .60 *rs T, mers of XYS NO" licni SUiroitriurld -oin bushnedx witis Astned bof wL-tih pliewsira. 'Fill- diavel Ye v liaotl Retid Nvealns Tho Miniel69 NvR8 OX0131104L, AfraAblaw ime in, ady soula an;a in a tilme dikm� Itliffei prese.ryt ahllf centre! lot -re- "IHE GAMALER," by Katherine C Thurston, author of �The Xw- jbini(Y lolf UWai oilldlpmt Iresidpat!9 a, baloiad L,4mLle :Iflpese, days.- -13ariiT i10 nind! Miss Marrtin, a Exelteir, ironder," lfinoment� Idawin, by tife rai zidavt.- qnerador, etc, Cloth Price, 81 50 they re wau,ch raorel likqly -14th c6nmels,41an, wnd, a miosit! Mr. andliMrs. Andii;ew Riedd a. djau0b- iing slolk,whirb weva murh. aPIYr rulfd . 1�y and resenke�at` end TwIe1 to do, iftrimleir. Oin e0l- A Q*eatsatnt fev,qnt toollc ipj1aclei Mfb the A-YESHAI by H Rider H4art, cloth price, 41 25 flax i , 8tvnday, Ocit-bbleir, 2ftbt-:rbhte, -cvted- Miss MaIrtim oftD gave a. irfe!oi- !r6lsidL1nc;0 of Mr. thari ib�y TbG,,R� fulowtel ion SWbufrV�Ly aftrniolm, and Mrs, Grj u8s Mn adilPf,'X7 DOtY Of Miss MAry Cur.ile; Itlat'lloin, w1hill, 198 Xenny McDlioy, of NEDRX by George Barr lcOutcheon, athor 6f Beverly of Gtfitlk 'Wre fr`e -4 'the v�&ry 1114-1701Y a1tteinlile, intiew.. of Lhk,, InIvrth, bouindaTy, Ion Wdnieis- af tihie IRr!o1.jt5oin aoR- ,Mr. Duiniciatrif Renshill, laebeld, rLs AX 0hte stark, etc,, cloth price, $1 25 df -whaf Ithe.v h.v day evening 11, st, it fbeilinig Ith;w rnr- r4oiAV.,J 'for .9ener- in tile, Br. unicH twias seiried. in Chia, schk9oil- SOPPOIrd, 'off. possvA it!hzo!ufXh IcIllosia, I Rose O'The Summer," by Kate Dzuglm Wi T110 Pf'o en op �dmotlekry. df thieLr 4.ratvn',xest kl,,=*;KhIt�.r, g&1 anthor ofRebewit our V.-Ula6ppe Day. -Mrs. n1mims zftwr -alll wont' home Miss GeTtie- inind. Xr. 8ejne-%t con,-q.- vrrsstcld -I.Nv ,I and -Alftt4r a JvrvgflYY -iIhJ101s&',&1oim Ed-vooTd. B lffel&lbn�g 14r 0.11 i of Sunnybrook Farim, etc, cloth price, $1 25 vidsoln no ioyhUlief 0tkirinlolon. OY-cle. Wake, -wialsi Ne W15Y blad' splaint ta very. ail- Ulie, Who Irelsidles ineatr !here. The eir- CC c(oull-41led lith 'Mair- Ru"t Off (Re.v.. Mr. T)'11* Ae Mother, by NormanDuncan, authorDf Dr. LuIre of the T,& ied in Rixin-y -ind vioe t fh,�(� nxpon.,� jirl: a -well, krborwn -rt' I d - Mr. irnon was Ineft-VIrrnied by RAw. )Mr. dmdor IsLdonit at 0.-��Wards, "Ve,(Ak. -'Milss Ma-vy BireAs,-Mrs, bUllicidlun be.- B%ke'r, of fWalltVn, in Ithe tp!resenze etef, eloth price, $1 00 dt amrlay on Saitmr- loir (GO.T.ri,e,, is V i slit imig 41letrb,,. 110(v"ed, 10T Mr. TyLalci)lin Fisibicir, bf of -about 75 ialvited lzutm.'fs. The gi t im Ixt i n,;r v n � a 1, ed .11.0 Ulk, a,t- day- ,,it -thte hiomle of 1%,is rg in St'ardy, at wbrLteethia' TAles of the Road," by %arkfs N Crewdson, corking good Storiesf, all t , 0 -in Incill, 'Ohl& 3,rd icionclessvn of Stanilley, kiniot-Uh- 'brid Was attondled, I& *wqU,It.q. Thl?, ith'if ll-liv, conoesMdn 11, %plenIt Thhnk%�ivLng- �11 heir Ve IU110 :wjwf ML9s, nnIc showing that the square deal wins, cloth price, $1 25 ItImlo lf-vq �fhpy -wUj -wihlare. h.0- hltd Tmesided foir *bn JhY piQn)C*xs lot. tis Contle, thin, ;grmoDn big. Aulp- Any of the above books mailed free to any pddrws in Oana3s, or Via TA6t1fie- Woolks klilsbiriiiat -%vlag Irielmovied �fxio-m t1blel twr- orted by Mr. Gi;fbeTt The -not Ihr Inytb t Mr-ql Rf1 Sm- a Iof De. United States on receipt of price, by ek'Xised as Ln- Wnd Rulss-e:l, Wihqon stryerlit ItfioLpltboin Jolt 10hief joys ,md oirawAvs mreddiig imarch Irfd a vli 74tAi yitir lo(f his aqre nind h, was 141layed by IMLgg .1.9 iJn&,-.,r alt I te, -fiarimeVig' 'i in ioir .-1 94 bit tnilits Ilift mi �Staturdiay Anst, -haviog There is a; fr a numabeir oir 19milb, Thle iweddiia.X suppr FX[X -�s of Gletnooi. ' 'Miss iren:ched, tqwaipe iolf 78 Iyemrs. A miore wals (bountitivi nmd w01l, Vrepred -a nd quolity ton yea ti!. Th i�r onyrrise, tzlojoin- Tbie f (11MIK p,l+a�oei n Monday Keys splein:t T14a �cl -r jiTk tvin,.!z in Goirr,lie, axtseindod. relfeteace Itla tilie 'Ife& O tible, 11 -Ne, ri",M:nts given t0 LhP- ftr4dewere is due 8( er n" Wan 0iner Wftii:Ir`s*on to Onimbro6k comebery. nk Nerr R1t1blw*J!&. &4pamtled wall be; givIen mxt the men wiIrl, 9 clrlrlc of T Lv.i.n,f t'off 0 We Afir.. &mnell, ITfhomstfin, ir., who est ind Gertio -comxnefice TJ ''Ifr1o, qw-1 A X6 NATT so hainbno,ok, fear�-Iy o San- NIINtips .111ay is v.elry r.1ck wilit,h bek, Ifarfun-it-P Ayr ll. Pre!RtI*n,t ini- dfay Tribring. miatko-s Ubo third deatth 0 u An cloinfinlea itky bed fbir MWITMI, Ilife ulnde,r tavamble rile lrnlad ba s DRUGif BOOK AND FANOY GOODS STORM 1 y Irjeyvil rie,cialved, &YS, "is tnloKw imlplrbiv in,3 .-Miss TTr- :9 th� NvISIb of fthir tnurmlejr-; flonlq- a'rti n.o't i.n. Ilk- of w'hliclbi lff'O Wolrd' of ile, (10aft: her frinecie, ilhe. quIblag1f, ot ITIolrionto, spent, Thrcnkg. 4 a V� 0 9 0 a -1 Ang. B irt it is qui Vtx-,- Videtit 19f.ve QIW.Udy 6ferred. old ' ous lfriords lbat n-nd 1pirm , ONTART0. AlitH dangbX-jeir et %Ars. 'DairUxur, Igiving with bl�r matok-hez anU hvDAPwr porily mij_y attemd tbem.-Wh+Ac Mr. zlotwng has 0 R