The Huron Expositor, 1905-10-27, Page 7reeeeeeeo
I fe tat
5e ---t° be tem
nd Cn
attivas :—et •
a ney SiStr 1
We nave told I
ton, ontaedo.
ezed. Ottawa-
To Ms
sed Custom
The wiso crocer studies
is customers—knows their
ikcs and dislikes—knows
1 -it bc:t trade want
k0OneV'S Perfectica
Cream, Sodas
He lets them know that
he has their favorite biscuits
—and secs that they.are not
asked to buy something "just
as good," which is NOT
Grocers who want to please their
patrons always have Mooney's Per-
fection Cream Sodas. In their •
hygienic peckages—air-tight
and moieture-proof.
News Notes
—ThO neroperty towinstrs ot Galt,
t COI Saturday !Lott, voted down a hy -
, km, anitlaorisineg ithle outtott ti-io b
%ro'w' $30,000 (Lei coletpltelte t,hle ;new
Coitbegiate Institute building, aro* i3a
otiarteita 'of (dilatation in that town. Ai-
med, ($35,000 .had beeta voted for
this onerpose, butt eves f timed iiinSule- t
ficiesitte and thence the second ape
peal, Which lev as treiietibed by ie, tea-
• jority (of (117. The- upshot is onhailt -
finished School and 225 pupils quart-
• teed in inadegteate ervio b.uillidings,.
• down; town, with the peospe•cit lot ire-
, mtining anothee lyeair therein. Dative
emits -over Ithe et. Oppage of the cotto-
ttraotors' evvdrik a re threatening.
re —A ver,y eaid atfair. oceuered kin. AS-
' vinston, near St, Thomas, a fewl
4 4 days ago, Icautsing •the 'deaths (of Mrs.
' Burford, Wife. lot Mark Burtord, a
farmer Iliven.g, about triele miles
weso of iAlivinstOre Mrs. Bunford (
was Ilighting a fire with Otoial ICYjJ, I
when trier eIlothing took fire, tend Mee I
'rushed oat' Ante the yard, VI.. Bur- I
f ord, •whir/ twos wooking in a• field
tnear The, saw a flash, •i'vent.
'to Wife Illonne, and found WIrs. Bur -
tford lying in elle yard heir clothes
banning at and tife extintet. Mrs.
Danford 'leaves, beside- tiler lhaesband,
al igen: at 'literate nod *two daniglieteree
—In a ru.nawscy aecielent ica Wind-
sor, the Mtottthier Stiverlor of St.
Mary's Aeademay, known as Sh. Jtoilaln.
elele Evangtelliet, and Prosper nentri,
Itthe <carriage deliver were eevelsel,y
ine' weed. The (harslet became teieeleten -
est just ati; teho Silother Supentor and
• o Sister Rase (were leafing the 'Acad-
emy, and tdriver Ilenri 'lost hoe:drat.
k ly at
'D time
-' not an -
;e built
he heat,
on the
,t or the
he same
t wasted
(Y -Id you
ilctories z
Kontroali, .
amilt art
ye Berlin Busi-
ay look for
that not only
poeitions, but
course s is of
e to any ma'n,
pgraphers and
.positions than
in Western
eteth century
acted on strict
an opportunity
-;7o. Don't fail to
count sale.
-roui GRIEVE, V. S., honor graduate ofOntario
Veterinary College. All dieeasee bf Dorneetio
salmis treated. Calls promptly attended to and
elsegeemon-rete. Veterinary Dentistry a epecialt y
060* an& residence on Goderlob street, one do 0
Met al Dr Se--At's circa „Seeforthe 11124
gARBURN V. S.—Honormy g adulate of the
-Ontario Veterinary Colltge an Honorary mem-
el the Medical Association of th( Ontario Veter.
*liege. Trestle diseases- of all domestic animals
*moat modern principles Dentistry arid Milk
ef1 epeeialtye Office opposite Dick's Hotel,
lain Street, Seaforth. AP orders left at the hotel
.UI receive prompt attention: Night calls received
'at aline. 1871-62
Banister, Solicitor, Notary Pantie etc. Money to
ban. In Seaforth Mondays, Fridays and Satur-
doe. Office open every week day, Over Pickard's
store, Main street, Seaforth. 1904
der, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public.
0lteitor for the Dominion Bank. Ofilm—in rear of
Dodeinion Bank, Seaforth. Money to loan. 1236
II. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer
e Notary Public. Offices up galas, over 0. W
,rrapst's booketore, Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario.
Tj SOL/iFeSTE.D, successor to the late Arm of
. McCaughey Es Holmeeted, Barrister, Solielhoe
Conveyaneer, and Noteay Solicitor for the Cat)
elimi Bank of Commeroe. money 10 104. Fara
or sale. Office in Soott's Block, Main Street
D101tINSON AND, GARROW, Barristees;
ors, etc., Goderich, Ontario.
esee.el CHARLES °ARROW L. L. B.
The lvfoitiber But:Peri& jumped
througlit the t ateriag* door, adtglet-
ing kn he aspthatt patieneent, amid
injuring=hen bead. At the next tor- •
beer the base and caitriagni (collided
with the wait lat thee Curry
smaelaints 'Ube tab, and injuring lthe
diiver," but Sister Rosie, the ;lone +ace
ouPant, letsca'ped elnialarmede
—The Master lot Agrieualturre (has
issued ain lordeir that the,nciefoleth
sheteee coneigned from: points in the
pcnovierce Of Ontario to Buffalo ono:T-
hetis, whetther intended for expolit
to Burolpo lotr no1, musttj nspected!
Bridg-ebuent by a nelgularay ape
pleinted veterinatry inspector of - the
Department lot ,Agricailliture, end
merstti nlotO ermitteid to leave Can-
ada unless niaciorrapeenicitl 'by la °era
thitherto of Itlee inspedt'or 'to the ef-
fect that they are free &nom con-
tagious ad infectietie disease. and
titherwisie Wit ton ;elm ore. Sheep
consigned frolm Ontario to points
in (the Untbed States other' than
.Butfallo Imees-t bei 'inspected aria 'cer-
tified in a similar manner by 'an
appointed ve ter hear y inspector'
the tie( a cre of orossing the inter -
nal tonal b tinkle ry , e xcep t when
shipped 'V la iMoatreall, in which case
• they eehala be italsoected &t t holt place.
—WI -dile the shotenu:t tin g was en
at the Cootegi ate Motet tht'c annOEa1
°title t i sport's sit Golit a sten' iteus
accident Chaptp,ened, the victim being
..1g_c•-rris. the Oeyeatreoild eon of Mr.
Morrdev, cilosernall miastielr of Llee
eahooil. Gordon Hagmeir was tIry-
Ina; his eland with the Weight, and
noune way the shot Was deflected
from the Wear eouirse, .yin' Ito-
-wards the ledge 'of the iline-up and
s<triking /Chia flit tate boy icnn the head.
Graduate of Royal college a 'Dental Surgeons of
Ontario. Sacceesor to Dr. Tweddle. Office—Over
TOUfig'S grocery More, MalEt street, Seaforth.
- less removed from 418-Sherbourne_St. to his bean .
lid new offices, 436 Young St., oppoeite Carlton EA
Dr. John Plild:141/11131
Office and Besidasoe—Victoria. Street,
'elhene 78
tiraduMe of University of Torouto PaCUlty of Medi*
tine, member of College of Phyeiciarts and Sur
gems- of Ontario; pass graduate courses Chioago
Males! School, Chicago; Royal Ophthalmic }ampl-
e , London, England; University College Hospital,
Of don, England. Office—Over °tele, 8; Stewart's
tie, Main Street, Seaforth. 'Phone No. 5. 'Night
&metered from reeideno, Victoria street. 1890
Da. F., J.. BURROWS,
Ofilni and Residetioe--Goderich street, east of the
Meth:dist chureh.
Temenotra No. 46.
Droner for the County of Huron.
The Amethyst has been
referred to as the "Mat-
ronly jewel "—and :the
epithet is undotihtedly
The new Diarnond Hall
:s an unusually extend-
Bl range of Ameth:yst
'Rings, Nedklets, etc.
pelne Brooch of com-
ofroing beauty' consists
a large Amethyst sur -
Peanded with 30 Whole",
rls—the pric, being
$327 postpaid. -
RYIZIE 3120S. •
134138 YONCIE ST.
'Thlere Wan a bullibelh <wound in the
bead, inasnedila!telly behind I he dere t
t ex, anid lat zenalith handkerchief /Was
in ler Mouth. - , There ?were blieloidr
stab" about the womeun's neck, and
every InIclidalion What' w lona (mur-
der had, Ilyeein toommitted. The bode
was Ipartilly- tovered fb-runheand
it toolleed tare if an 'attoraelh hied Moen
Made to !burn It exp. "The bush! nets'
Wong side a pullethe rated. man and
w om ant were (seen enter idg t he lb tish,
by tat ineighbors, aSholuit 10 o'clhook
of Ithe Ifarepoo.n re <the tptrevinue day,
aind thIe =tau was isoen the
lough alone an hOur or so e.fterwards.
Boithl !parties /were! str'enige,rs„ Dee
spite alit leftortS of ;the authorities
the murdetred evlotiaatilr throe not yet
been identified and tno treean be
foundi sae- the man 'who is supposed
to here eonanalitted the crime.
"That, sir, is a question which you
Must permit me to decide. Miss Ma-
son is, as I have said, my cousin. We
Ordway" --there was a quiver ofpride
In Ole way which Donald pronokinced
the name—"are not accustonind to re-
ceive instructions from outsitfers upon
matters of etiqnette."
"What makes you think I Owe Min
Mason an apology'?"
"Is it not enough, sir, for you to
know that I deem an apology neces-
Ndw h1 prospective antagonist threw
back his head and laughed loud and
long. Donald waited patiently until
the fit or laughter etiad passed—it was
merely, another item to be added to
Mr. Douglass' count of rudeness.
There had been neittliing in the Ordway
blood or the Ordseay upbringing to
teach this folirteen-year-old descend-
ant of the cavaliers that there was
anything ridiculous in his demanding,
Without condescending to explain, an
apology from a bearded man of thirty.
"Nq," said Mr. Douglass, still half
choked with laughter. "It is not
enough for me to know that you con -
eider an etiology necessary. I must
catch my train and will bid you good.
afternoon." With thie be turned and
would have walked forward, but that
Donald laid a detaining hand on his
"Then you must tight me, sir."
"Now, lookhere, you young savage,
why don't you pick out a man of your
size instead of tryibg tmpicirm quarrel
with a little fellow like myself?" Evi-
dently Mr. Douglass was inclined to
consider the whole affair a joke, for he
threw up his arms In a position 'of de-
fense which Donald could readily see
was burlesqued.
All that could be demanded
the Ordway courtesy was passe
the limit reached, Donald strue
all his might at the head of bis ntag-
(mist. But the antagonist would not
fight fairly. He simply grasped both
The welt baby is neter ra, cobSs
baby. When fb•aby execs or rtL9 fretful.
it is taking the only egray lilt can t,o
'let mother know- that there tis, some -
'thing ,wroeirg. (That somethin.e is
probably name kier.agetmen of the
stomach ,or 'bowels, or perhaps 1tbo
pain of teething. Tireso •troubles .are,
speedily removed and our ed. by
Baby's Own VT ablets;and baby smiles
again—in !fact rt hego is a lenelle in
creep dose. Mrs. Marry E. /Mame,
• Lake George, N. B., Says I have
fotend Baby's Own Tablets 'sol good
tor the ills of little ones 'that I
would mot :hike to lbe without 'them."
'That is the experienee ot obi mothers
who love tiried the t ab lets ; and tbe y
they know (this medicine is 'safe, for
it is Iguatranteed to icontqLin no
ate or pOisonous soothing staff.
Ece teaRy 'good nefoir the OhaJd (tus•t
born no welt advanced in lyatirs. &Did
by alii druggists or matted oft 25
cents a box by -waiting thlei Dr.
Wi lei a ms' Medieine Coe, B rokvidie,
3oderich street. opposite Methodist churolefleaforib
1. G. )00TT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and
. member Ontario College sOf 'Physician§ and
argeors Coroner for County of Huron.
0. fdeuKAY, honor graduate Trinity University,
011 medalist Trinity Medical Ccllege. Member
't;ollege of Phygoiens rind Sturgeons, Ontal.a
flIEOMAS BROWN, Licensed= Auctioneer for the
Counties of Huron and Forth. Orders left at
M. Campbell's implement warerooms, Seaforth, or
• P4POSIrOn Office, will receive prompt attention.
atisfalitIon guaranteed tape charge. 170841
AMTES G. McMICHAEL, liceneed auctioneer for
'Pee couney of Huron. Sales attended to in any
part of the county DA moderate rates, and satiefactioe
euaranteed. Orders. left at the Seaforth post office
er on Lot 2, Concession 2, Hullo% will reoeive
.ompt attention. 183241
4 UCTIONEERING.—B. S. _Philli 8, Licensed
n. Auctioneer for the counties oi Huron and
?erne Being a praotioal farmv and thoroughly
enderstanding the value of farm stook and 'triple.
mints, placee me in a better position to realize good
Vetoes. Charges moderate. Satiefatition guaranteed
Or no pay. All ordeal left eA Homan post eine or
at Lot 23, Concession 2, Hay, will be promptly
Attended to. 170941
Reduction Sate
We purpose disposing of
our business in Seaforth
and are giving Special°
Prices on all lines.'
'Knee' htel & McKenzie
Furniture -Dealers .
• and. Undertakers.
—The diswppearaifloe of ir olseph
Wli1son, "p ropr iset or of and rm. Diouf ac t -
nrer in the oheese factory at Mount-
ain E-taticida, tnear Be Ockviirde, is caus-
ing considerable (uneasiness in t hot
community, as ihe ihaa in his polssteiss-
ioin $700, voltict 'shou:ld be in
the. /pockets Ica the factory's patrons,
He is _also appanentIly in other finale -
Dead Ictifficulittlie,s. The first .intinain-
vetoer !the tea,citory ipatrons (had that.
anything Was wrong was when, they
drove Ito the if acitotry Wahl Moir mitlk
and there eras no Ione( preeenih to
take it -
—The discover,y ttf -w.laat is (01040 t
:to lave been a interder, was. „
the boeh an Barton township, !two
miles and a •leallif back tram the
Harndit an. nanun t aim , isonee days ago,
by two lbeys who were out teathering
nuts. Tare Ibody was thit:t of rt. wo-
man about: ,25 s dO yearof orge.
temaesseeteen-ra.......t en
---- • -
TOr Your Protection
we pla.ce this label on every
package of .Scott's Emulsion.
The man w ith a fish on his back
is our tradednark, and it is a
guarantee that Scott's Emul-
sion will do all that ,is claimed
for it. Nothin 12; better for lung,
throat or bronchial troubles in
infant or adult. Scott's Emul-
ei.011 19 one of the greatest flesh -
builders known to the medical
We'll send you a sample free.
, and,
Copyright, 1903, by W. W JILnet-
Miss Lettice was crying. It was in
the mind of Donald Ordway, a brave
hearted gentleman, aged fourteen, that
this ftt of tears had to do with the
visitor who had just left her. • There-
fore it was befitting that this visitor
should return find make prompt apol-
ogy to Miss Lettice for anything in
his words 6r actions which might have
cauSed tears. It seemed to Donald
that it was both his peculiar duty and
much to be -valued privilege to bring
back this visitor and eee that the:apol-
ogy was made, even if it should be
necessary to resort to force to accom-
plish the desired end.
There would be odds against him, he
reflected, as he thought of the stran-
ger's broad shoulders and athletic ap-
pearance, but odds in battle were not
to be considered by an Ordway, nor
was it well that one of the family
should contemplate the bare possibili-
ty of defeat in any warlike undertak-
ing. Of course defeat was possible,
but one could end did put it out Of his
• mind in going into battle.
Therefore Donald set out hastily
along the oak arched driveway which
led to the big gate. It was his calcu-
lation that he would be able to over-
take the late visitor just outside the
boundary of the Ordway demesne, and
this cheered him, for it would not do
to attack a guest within your gates.
Once outside the gates the duties of
hospitality do not shield the offender.
This was in tbe code of keomild's blue
grass country and was not to be ques-
tioned by one who was raised upon
the lessons furnished by that code.
And just beyond the big gates he did
overtake the visitor, who was walking
along the roadside toward the station,
slashing angrily at weeds with his
cane. Donald had not figured on the
eane and wished that he had thought
to provide himself with a weapon of
some sort. But there was no time to
hesitate, and he made haste to put -him-
self alongside his adversary to be.
"Pardon me, sir," said , Donald, "for
interrupting you." The whole pro-
cedure must be carried through with
perfect politeness. Rudeness, even to
an enemy, -was never justifiable. Don-
ald recollected having heard his father
often say that. _
The man with the cane came to a
"Well, what is it, young man?" be
said, somewhat brusquely. This
brusqueness was very ungentlemanly,
thought Donald, but the man was a
northerner,", and this, in Donald's eyes,
showed that he knew no better.
"You are Mr. Douglass?" He bad
seen the card on.the tray in the hall.
"Yes. What of it?" this brusquely, as
before. Then, "Did Miss Mason send
-y-pu after me?" with a trace of eager-
4ess in his vice.
'''-"Certainly not, sir," said Donald,
'with dignity. "I have come on my own
. account, sir." It was not in the code
that one should drag the name of a wo-
man in the quarrels of men.
• "Well, what do you want?" The
brusqueness was again quite evident.
"It will be necessary Lor you, sir, to
apologize to my cousin, Miss 'Attics
• Mason."
"Apologize to Miss Mason!"
"you have beard me correctly, sir."•
- Donald was greatly rejoiced at the
firm dignity of his own tones. Ile felt
tbat he was carrying through his part
in the affair in a way which would
have won the sincere commendation of
his father and. even of his grandfather,
who had been the most famous duelist
of his day and state.
"But, young man, I don't owe MSC
PVI -1.8013 ars anologs."
often MG man who 1111'been rejected—
bringing him back to be secepted.
But, despite the fact that be was
only fourteen, Donald Wag the hest
man at the 'wedding.
lifeseakenre Barn ft LiVirlir.
nkoys are more than pets in some
s of the world. At Malabar, India,
the are taught to work and have ac-
tually made themselves almost indis-
pensable in the homers of the wealthy.
The Malabar monkey lel of the fine spe-
cies known as the langur. It is very
warm in Malabar, and there is a fan
called the punka, which used to be
kept in motion by a slave. It required
a slaye to orork each punka, but now
every punka in Malabar is worked by
a :1:ionkey. It was an Engligh officer
who conceived the idea of making the
langur worn in that manner. The fan
is a movable frame, covered with can-
vas and euspended from the ceiling.
The motion is caused by pulling a
cord. The officer tied the bands of the
langur to one of the cords and then by
means of another cord put the ma-
chine in motion. Of course the mon-
key's hand went up and down, and the
animal wondered what kind of a game
was being played. Then the officer
patted its head and fed it with candy
till soon the langur thought it fine fua
to work the puoka, The eoperirnent
was successful, and now thousands of
monkeys are in harnesa—Exchange.
of Donald's small blinds in his owe
big palms, held them fast, and when -
the upholder of the Ordwtiy name at-
tenipted to kick heifound himself lying
flat on his back. '
"Now, youngster, come down off your
-high horse a bit and tell me what is the
(natter with you."
Searching.his memory or sortie prece-
dent of his own condition, Donald
found none. His ancestors had, some of
_them, been imprisoned for upholding
what they believed to be their right
or their honor, but none, so far as Don-
ald knew, had ever been so. ignomin-
iously treated as himseif. The big
tears welled up to his eyes and were
prevented from overflowing only by
pride. His opponent caught sight of
th.e tears and at once released . him.
This was putting Donald on :honor not
to renew hostilities without due warn-
ing. He drew himself up with all the
remains of dignity which he could
. "You have the better of me, sir, in
the matter of strength. But rest as-
sured that I shall not permit the mut-
ter to drop. You will hear from me
again. sir."
"Now, youngster, tell me what is the
matter: If I ow -e an apology, you can
bet I will make it at once."
Truly this northerner was not so en-
tirely deficient in courtesy. It might
.be well to explain.
"Miss Mason, my cousin, upon whom
you called' a few minutes ago, went to
her room in team as you left. 1 nat-
urally take it for granted that you said
, something to offend her."
"In tears! Something to offend her!
Are you quite sure about the tears, my
boy?" There was eagerness in the
questioner's tones.
"Certainly I am sure."
"Then come with me and watch. me
And Donald's rather short legs found
much difficulty in keeping pace with
the longer ones of Mr. Douglass. In
fact, Mr. Douglass reachedthehouse
a 'good five minutes before Donald
came up, puffing and blowing. As
could not understand why his cousin
should be stall/ding there in the door-
way with her head on Mr. -Douglass'
shoulder and crying at the same time.
He pushed forward fiercely.
"Oh, Donald, Donald, dear'!" said
Miss Lettice, smiling most happily
throkigh a mist of tears. Donald went
forward more slowly, confronting
eomething now which he did. not pre-
tend to understand.
"I've apologized, Donald," said Mr.
It was not to be expected Cult Don-
ald, at the age of fourteen, sho.i:d ilave
arrived at an understanding of womau
nature sufficient to comprehend that
Miss Lettice had rejected Mr. Doug-
lass and that the tears which she shed
were tears of regret at her own action.
Nor 41d he undersland exactly the
part be bad bizngelf Went In bringing
Two Grateful ,Letters from Women Who Avoi
Series Operations.—Many Women Suffering
from Like Conditions Will Be Interested.
A. Meat Diet.
There is just one little, tiny, in-
finitesimal error In the assumption that
our prunordiai ancestors hived entirely
upon uncooked fruits and nuts, a
trifling miscalculation which vitiates
the conclusion that what met our
wants when we dangled head down-
ward from a tree limb will meet our
wants now that we have been turned.
tother end up. The error is this: They ,
didn't. No animal lives exclusively on
vegetable or animal food. What's a
chicken, carnivorous or graminivorous?
Graminivorous, of course. It lives up-
on corn and eats and wheat. the seeds
ef plants, grass blades, the lettuce that
you expected to eat, and all such. Yes,
well. You keep them on that diet and
see how many eggs you get. And then
you give them beef scraps with their
grain and oetice the difference.—Ev-
erybody's Magazine.
Whena physician tells a wonan, suf-
fering from ovarian or womb trouble,
that ail operation is necessary it, of
course, frightens her.
The very thought of the operating
table and the knife strikes terror to
her heart. As one woman expressed
it, when told by her physician that she
must undergo an operation. she felt
that her death knell had gounded •
Our hospitals are full of women
who are there for ovarian or womb
It is quite true that these tratibles
may reach a stage where an operation
is the only resource, but such cases are
much rarer than is generally sopposed,
because a great many women have
lieen cured by Irydia E. Pinkhani's
Vegetable Compound after the doctors
had said an operation must be per-
formed. In fact, up to the pobat where
the knife must be used to secure instant
• relief, this medicine is certain to help.
The strongest and most grateful
statements possible to make come from
women who, by taking Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, have
esea.ped serious operations.
Mrs. Robert Glenn of 434: Marie St.,
Ottawa, Ont., -writes:
Very' Good SOUP.
There was a sound of revelry by aft-
ernoon in the barrack room, and it was
quite evident that something had
grievously offended the gallant sons of
Mars. Presently the door was flung
open and. an officer entered. "What is
the meaning of this disgraceful noise?"'
be snapped, aod in reply the orderly
handed him a basin. "Would you
mind tasting that, sir?" he said. The
officer did so. "Why, you ungrateful
lot of rascals," he cried, "it strikes me
you -want something. to growl about.
I think this is very good soup indeed,
and if it's good enough for me"—
"Yes, sir; that's just 1t,"1 interrupted
the orderly. "They want 'to persuade
us it's tea, err
Giant Whale Tows a Steamer.
The whaling steamer Orion" whieb
Captain Beacom and his associates are
operating in connection with their mo-
dern station at Sechart, on the west
coast of Vancouver island, B.C., figur-
ed in an exciting- adventwe last week,
the outcome of which was for two
hours in doubt, -.while a monster "sul-
phur bottom" whale, seventy-nine feet
In length, towed the steamer beaWard
at better than fifteen knot speed.
The whale had been harpooned in
the ordinary manner, but was not kill-
ed, as usual, the bomb attached to the
harpoon failing to explode at the criti-
cal instant. As the monster was only
wounded and enraged there==was noth-
ing else to do but pay out line and
play the big fish untie it should become
exhausted. For two hours the whale
traveled seaward, towing the steamer.
It kept under water the greater part
of the. time, coming up at quarter liour
Intervals to blow; and so hard did it
pull that the blades of the harpoon
loosened in its flesh.
The whale's pace grew steadily less,
however, until it finally became very
weak. The high speed at which it had
traveled and the heavy drag of the
steamer told, and the effect of the tow
was intensified by reversing the ship's
engines. Filially one of the ship's boats
crept up on the whale and four hand
lances were buried in its yitals.
I am only' too 'pleased that I did so'for it
restored me to perfect health, saving me the
pain of an operation and the immense hill%
attending the same. Pray accept my hearty
thanks and best wishes."
Miss Margret Merkley of 275 ad
Street, Milvvaukee, Wis., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkluirre—
" Loss of strength, extreme nervousness,
severe shooting pains through the pelvic
organs, cramps,. bearing down pain, and an
irritable disposition eompelled me to seek
medical adinee. The doctor, atter "making -
an examination, saidthat lhad ovarian trou—
ble and ulceration,• and advised an operation
as my only hope. To this I strongly objected
—and I decided as a last resort to try Lydia
E. Phildaam's Vegetable Compound.
"To my surprise the ulcerati0e. healed, all
the bad symptoms dienppeared, d1 amoncie
more strong, vigorous and well; .stod I can-
not expgess my thenks for what has done ,
for me.
Ovaitian and .irvoinb troubles are
steadily on the increase among women
—and before submitting to an opera-
tion every wonaan should -try Lydia E.
Piukhata's Vegetable Compound, and
write Mrs. Pin.kham at Lynn, Mass.
for advice.
For -thirty years Lydia E. Pinkhatn'a
Vegetable Compound has been curing
the worst form of female complaints,
all ovarian troubles, inflammation., ul-
ceration, falling and displacement of
the womb;, leueorrhoea, irgegularities,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Any woman who could read the many
grateful letters on file in Mrs. Pink -
ham's office would be convinced of the
efficiency of her advice and Lydia E.
"'inkhorn's Vegetable Compound.
As Dirs. Plnliham's Advice—A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Els.
Dear Mrs. Pinkhara:—
" Lydia E. Pinkleem's Vegetable Come
pound is so well and widely known that it
does not need my recommendation, but I am
pleased- to add it to the many which you have
in its favor. I have euffered untold agonies
from ovarian troubles for nearly three veers,
and the doctors told me that I must undergo
an operation, but as I was unwilling to do
this, I tried your (Vegetable Compound, an
Great Britain supplies her soldiers
with the anti -cholera woollen belt.
The Ceetee Woollen beltls a positive
preventative for Lumbago, Dysentery,
La Grippe and Rheumatism, as well as
Cholera -particularly good for weak back.
Thousands have proven the truth of
this claim,
Ceetee underwear is made in all styles
for men, women and children and fash-
ioned to fit the body—no rough seams.
'Your Dealer will re-
place any Coate e
Garment that shrinks
Made at Galt, Canada, by
The C. TURNBULL CO., Limited
and sold by all reliable dealers.
A Remarkable Career.
'Railway Fireman Morley, of Toronto
Junction, who was killed in an accident
1 he other day had a most remarkable
career. Although only 24 years of age,
Fireman Morley had a remarkable life.
He was a naval 'cadet on the British
training ship Conway, where he won
several prizes for general proficiency.
At the commencement of the Spanish-
American war he crossed the ocean and
took service on Admiral Howelre flag-
ship San Francisco, where he remain-
ed two years until the latter vessel was
put out of commission. He went out
to South Africa with the Orst contin-
gent, and saw active sereice in the
Boer war. One year later he returned
to Canada and event with an explora-
tion expedition to Hudson Bay and
Straits. Returning, he again went out
to South Africa with the second con-
tingent of Mounted Rifles, and a year
later he arrived home on his twenty-
first birthday. Two years and a halt
ago he took up railroading. He was a
remarkably bright young man, and be-
loved by all who knew him.
grr e
/roll Ceylon
Ire etitfIvr "
Always the same—Unusually good
One Price - 40'
Learn Dressmaking by Mail.
Learn Dressdnaking in your own home by mail in from 2 to 10 weeke. Charge
for -conrae, including the Elite Tailor System, which is the best and latest, $13 cede or
$15 instalment plan. To prove dress cuttieg can be tangut by mail, send me your Per- .
sepal addrear, and I will send to any part at Canada system and firrit leseore If, alter
studying first lemon, you can out and fit a 'waist perfectly, send S13, or $5 as farat
instalment for course of 8 lessoni (48 hours after receiving), consisting of how to cut, fit
and pat together anything in drePernaking. If you oan't learn, return se stern and
lesson (nndamaged, 48 hours -ther receiving.) The shole family can learn from one
course. (Take notice, that any tole not returniog system or remittance 48 hones after
receiving, will be dealt with according to law.) Write to day, as this offer is good for a
few weeks only. Mrs. Wm. Sanders, inventor, and oniy -person in Canada teaching
dress -making by mil. Dress -cutting school at Stratford) Oat., Ctnsda.
SPh'CIAL NCTICE.—I will pereonally tesoh a class this improved mail course, -
commeneing Monday, Ootober 23rd, in Stratford only. All wishing 'to learn at school
call at my office, Market Place opposite Oity ou Saturday, October 21A, Or vvrite
me no later than that date. Boarding found for pupils.
Get .Rid of That Gough
Before the Bummer cornea. Dr Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup conquers Coughs, Cold 0, Sore Throat,
Hoareenese, Bronobitio, and all Diseases of the
Throat and Lunge
411-41 •••
Wherever there are sickly people with weak
hearts end deraneed nerves, Milbu re_ s Heart and
Nerve Pills will be found an elf ectuel medicine
They restore enfeebled, enervated, exhausted,de.
vstalized or overnvorited men and w omen to vigor-
ous health
Spring Medicine.
As a spring medicine Buedock Blood Bitters has
tea equal It tones uo the system and removes al
irepuritim from the blood, and takes away that tie.
ed, weary feeling so prevalent in theepring
The great rule o
Keep the bowels regula
^:t jjj4' And the great medicine—
Ayer's Pills.
UCKINWant your moustache or beard GHS DYE
abeautiful brawn or rich back? use rirrs ors. or Duman, en s. awe e ea-el:mime s.
Suddenly Attacked.
Children are often attacked endelenly by' psinfu
and dangerous colic, CrAmps,Dierrhoea, Dysentery,
aholera Morbus, Cholera Infaintee, etc Dr Fowl-
er's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and
sure euro, which eleould always be kept in the house
ee to.
For Chalets nimbus, Cholera Infanturo, Cramps,
Colio,Diarrhoes,Dysentery and Suinneer Complaint,
Dr Fortlerie Extract of Wild arawberry Is a promnt,
-sate and Imre cure that leas been a popular favorite
for nearly 60 yeses
• (piwtriouNcEo si.KEEN)
turAKNEss There is nothing else in the
whole world that will bring
VVback the color to the cheek,
restore the dormant energies, revive drooping spirits, or
put new life into the tired, listless, weakened system, as
"PSYCHINE" Will do it. There is really only one great
tonic, andi that is Psvm-msm." Combinin 11 the pro-
perties that mai rich, pure 'blood, bringin 'Ic.-the lost
appetite, Jr'': _way melancholy, creating strength.
Arnprior, Ont., Sept. zdth, eo04.
Dr. Slocum, Limited
"It's twenty years or more since I used PSYCHINE, and I write these words
not to gain publicity, but that suffering and .ailing humanity may learn of its great
merits. I had felt weak and Miserable for a long time; had no appetite, or
couldn't obtain proper sleep. Was unable to work or enjoy life. People said I
was so old my constitution was breaking up, but, fortunately, through using the
Dr. Slocuoi remedies I have proven this false. PSYCHINE is the only remedy 1
ever took that agreed with my stomach, which wasexceedingly weak. Twenty -
years have passed since my recovery, and I am now eighty-nine years old) and so -
strong and 'well that I work all summer in my garden.
The 0r5 T. A. Mecum, Limitedl 119 Eng Street West, Terome