HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-10-27, Page 3M a Hz A.Ner$ Do you like your thin, rough, .short hair? Of course you .4^n7t, nn mi like. t fek SLOOD DISnASES. VM ON CWnea 8,y Th',ei U86 Pf Ware thah thiailt tho dise'oses In t(he, Nvorlilk -awo ictaiuseA by bad Wbod, wleak Iftiod poboned by impuTaties. Bad bW is the one musel of 01 the -]�eada,dbes aWd lbwo-kaelies, ItThe 'tqm- bagio a;n(I trhemmatism, 18he Inetw(algITL &A41 SWIatl0a,the-debility vnd bU$ou1s1;- Canaft With' lids N lad of 13 �yeturs# We'�Itlllllnigl In 05-� wAero he 111v�W for itA�`Ve JY8aIrs- TH,0 lnk-,:6 "I"Med in Stir t --ford, twbloh *a's then a, Is -mak, wor 0, couple idt -yebirs., golni; from. (t.h,;:- to Gallfoirnia wfie):18 �-Ire lst4e'&� Or touir "lars iand 4-Ias m�de lt*ol visits. tberl�; lainve 10h`wt - �tlln`(�. In. 1860 be, was . imairtleA Ito El�za;betbi Camp- &%.�111 iaf motlemVo%ift Nzho - ipj�edo,- tion in tlyis arreot= Woulla. Qvvu- U abh� be nevessary, biat in itlib lcaewa- time pbysloiats ve asked to '66m- mbrnicate aoy casea coming undw� thel:r� obse'rvatidn, to UT. K0150 6-0-. ithe local Chlqdren's Aid Sdoietyj=d, to assist as tar ast;hey Van in bring - lag about the doskrea imp.MvOmellnt, I Amother. ma:tter in which vufuulyle assistance oan ble �givein is in ifind- ing good homes In the c6txnt�y Itotr 'the babies that -axe blorn - �m (t.he haiger cities and find theft wag, into d iindlg,081vont V IV ze iLre 8VORCliffis maisied Van itbirm ye a algo. Aftew thle. various institudans. TA* heavy,, srnootl� hair? -Of `aMe`s(8P"iMJxtpU)s ana aft the WisfiquTboig bile =Iaff�iialO IWO tselft on flot 47, no d1pubt inapy cduinctxy ihomes Nvelhmereo a why skin ldiseaiws itilre etcae-wa;tbalt Ishbw dby'-vvould be, raa& welqomeand, YOU aQ. "Then coursC, the first o6nolesgioln lot Xaca� a b --tt- ho1w impums fto balood Ewtummy 4s. on 14 giveatly assist itlia-ichiOAren's ima mom It -is Inb use, tjryWg� a: dtfifarelj�b m6di,- —The lbaxins and '11101udel 'Urll� it WOu ILobert, Huoto *v0#1o1rL;,-*VIBbre, societies if physilolans wouN anake a staudard r,�M�­Jy, aine- liar ieeuoU iffiffeasq, 4becsase blie'v, ir ld. IspirliAl d Ib� fire' iboult, point -d calling attention of ohWid- a. tfxbxa -that idne loausel—bad, Itottalt1w esit,-eqyfed less people to the good nrowk W V4 L to(mr 04wk -,on, 'Xond�y tna,01rWA0X offl, hilolold. To � ioutre disead-et Von Imus is. Ves could do by'adopti�ng a Uttile *iend. ".r VIN4,411. givilig th.., x1s J qet';r11^1t - dlowu it M -tibel Ir Wt. oIf ttihe las-t wetelk. T.ble hviboil)10 v less mite. �n this way the -death H XL Ithe tfairm, iq�nelhl ilotbepleased? Ayer's' air trioulae, i Ithla �Vlood. �Thait is,.Wb%,t urtups and, no .3utif Tbely lost. 'The bmiWing ihid b0en vmvi�,, trate would be. oionside�rably m. Viapr makes b" WZ� 'A 1111 heads Dr. Wtffiaans' Pink PON do. .5 make r f"2tr + at)o flip '"Thnip f�icxhj bilood. Comm -o eteotidd`lLhis 15unnailerl. Vaced. i isness, Dyl�.- foul Breatb,. -ash, or any, ,ver or Dowels, -ly �ve- en .kk , are easy. r Yf, 0 - U PU I ur own harneep. �Ablng tut firat- ,16 largest atock ,he beat value for . mat will Gutweav­ @f Rabei, 'Rugo Wbipa, Trunko, SFAFORTH- [coughs fdr -U throA li-c Toblets of Crcsolenewlt% xy elm and 11co i 'IC L C I RGUL-AR SAW ,CD t 0 t 0 low t (D (D A� .6-+% $L C) 'bJ: CD medicines- 6n:ty itnueli t ei i3ympitoms 14DUT 4501,UU111. LyLr,- 11-0 0 kru�y� I isease 'Dr. )WO)AMs' PIqk pills Was obe�lbf lf�bo fLa1e$kJi;nt1hi6 klistAlalt, Elow to Oure Corns and B-Lfnions story.. Sold for 60 years. of Id corn or bunion 4j, 1 luwa wqe d AyWs H 't out Ithe canse. Zhiatt, fis wh y aOd on . ittl Oamn air Vigor for % long 1101(y irst, soak L time. it is. itl(leed, a -wonderful hair tonle. thees plIft kwrel �whq.n, diQotpIrs "d colly .'$2,300 it n s ur je4. Inegnkhoriam in W!atm Watear to soften it -, t4en reatorinlir health to t1se hair and scalp, and, Mt - a � ve o I u1se I he paT43 it dow-,ri as cdoslefly as possible. vIng a splendid dreqRing." tolummaA fin6dicines falt. Heke; is fpx)s% i Ibelliiie- 601 1h- � hb )0 W OT t- Du�S. W. T-&ftzx, Madill, Xud. T. itive, priopt: "I �suffeirled algoWy CXam fire. Ib io IcAviorti,c' h at- a� MaID WaS wit!hDut drawLng Mood, and dppily Itbiq lbalrn Gbamberlain's CO., gestion," isays Mr. Fred PKINs, seen (runnilnig �[from Pain Baffm- twlos K offle. badi, d rid! ristt. Lowell. WaRs. . is atiwtei: for tdf Gra.nJd1 Desert, N. B. " I hh-d *no aitter I t Irl daily$ Tabbing vigotioustly for Ave In a , (Lopetito Iffar �nly rueto�ts �a:n:d, Ind an- 1 . ifebuoy I is strongIS 'minutes at 0401h applioati(ya- A v, 0.1, -a ergy toir imy -moirk; pY Istomach Tomip;�:�dil nfoctant icorin plaster ohould blo worn 0, few -ca used me, cionatim t distress, aihd recommended by the me 41cal prqfessioa as days to prioteat it from thle shoe. ovexythivg I at-ei ibay like 110ad safeguard against infectious diseascs. :g% As a !genelria:l- Riniment f or spraLas, At itimles, I fe:Itt Iray 11.105 bruisess lanioness, -and. rbeumatism, a lb dem: I m0ae elwxys 'd, A liq Pain Balm. is tinequalltd. Por sale Grand Trunk Rallwa ae'ttal Care of Orvh4ns i6nd Negl-30te, U1 y but, it did me, Palo (�noiod. Then a JL by Alex. Wilson, Dru,-rgist, aea. System. -Eie ibook ic-ame.4vto wnV haade, -wad I Clilld�en, foint1l, Railway Tim* Tabib reaA Ablat..Dr. *WLLTiams' Pink P411s Australia Ls a odntinint without otild mure indigestion. I kgo;t ItIreTa an oighanaget a 4DO�ntTy NV1t'bJ(yUt ELU Canada. Trains leave Sealorth as follows Wt X. For Clinton, Goderlob, Wlngham *n and, (heigou.1takinig them, airga k woOR. pir p1han. L Paoli. wait is ;W;km 1tv a �Tble're iwrla 127 papeirs pu'lblliehea �n, KlAcardine. jound they we;r6 'he:tivinq Ime. MY jrectjvLn� house6whore it" caried f0w . Ailblewtai. Of ILil p. m. For Clinton and Goderich t110 (baby Vrovinicie of ,.&15 P, M. For ciinton. Wingliam and Hinear.. appebite, bleigan, Ito imomive, VnA VMy until ' a ooulaitry h9me is if ound. 1r1% 120 �ar�a suppofftintg ',t-110. pae-,v-, otoai to xlibZest baittex. 1 tuAed WhIB local, �,oflunteeT societl,�s canvass dine. Gavierinimien1j. lift -nd s�d Ito, dhe —Thia laext Gane'rall. -C(yrrfeirence 17t m. For Clintonand Gederich. laft. yor Ei, qo1uple oi aiout'his, ttnd, I tsheir me:ighboTboods a per Stratf Aph, Toronto, P I -ei of fibia Ara-etitate ord, � Gu( was, wdlll. Now T arn- aim0s i0adY ohildlr-(�n s400mmit-te, Ue1Lhoid-ist'0huT-qU 1a Cama:d-a orlillIL,.North Bay andpointa weat; IQr mly imeals ia;nkl I tan eat' aMY- board the inames of apy banilles RailevWe and Peterboro &.nd points I twilall lbe; lh#efd in, St.- James, oburoh, amt. . thing, and kOd itihe oxe7dit is' dim to they bave foand',where 61hild'ren maaY Mout-reail, 4beigi - )rd Quelph,To t U hild,rea's committee - - nininig loin; 8eVtem1ber roll 0- 311) X.1blia;ms' Pi0k PAIcs. I keep be placed. The q- 12tlh�,1906, at 10 Oqlolok 'in. t1bie, W)Dirrn- For stratf( ? treal and points ea8t. rij, eh whi�iii at judges -is 0.3s p- M. Fog- Stroiford, Guelph and Toronto. e housvi voll, t1ho itime seleqts the home �Ycicasii#najdy take, a low, ws a best adapbed �(; the Aevelopme'6t 1)f —It' is loftimed by Vroispoot,'oirs L.Ondon, lauron and Bruce. Pra,0a!av1,on. I aan honei(ty ddvise 'the child, in q&stion. Ith'ait ld�aimonds iand loa!rnetls ihave. Nnengo?. aU, klyspeptlos use ftis bVedicine, In tihe yev 1903 Itble, iontlaTlo-,Log' been f ound u few m0tes tawith lot =4 NORTR— e;- L 'inaale a �goiod * '* I !Ogden, deput- 8.15 A.M. 4.60 P M as I am s,11'r wi Dt ouko t h-eim. islature b'egL11=09 In ffaullit, S-ta. WaTie. ConsideirqUlo ex - 9.18 5.4a it Idid ime." IE— t)he woik of sy6tematic4l�Y Miring- cUmmeinit .1prevaRs las -al Te'saillt, =4 9.80 5.64 Give 'D.r. W1111'am. Pink Pills ia. for its negleote4 p-ud depeadent d-hil.- I 5 L , *&On. - time, -altbio-ugh explicirinig fpalftiea are bleing orgaz- 6so 1�.he�A widil. iau&e you, Up to that 6.11 iair t1rile "d 1 is -ed. Ito oeiaxicib Abgkoimia distriat for U. .59 6.19 simpUy fbeca: h4 make itllmt xioh, blieze, were A. charckber o. orj�hla:nages Igem-Ev. 'The Geollolgicall, Deprieritiment VintOn-­ 10.15 6.85 stronig b1ol tbfb 4,�)ase, -uacunot and xeformatiorikes in etigtance.,Lhere df GnWaTkol hriTh Aso tulm 1up the in' 10.S0 0.62 resist. IlWa gea,- w I ma4,hiueT�Y, whoxaby 24 Undeaboto I Fbh a 11 t as no 'lega vestligaticinl. 10.88 7.00 10.60 7.13 nine 1pillls, Wt ifW1 tn.dmxei "D.r. teglect�ed dhtld coulld bo taken away —Fred Sanif o1rd, u proimiae:dt young , ' WO", from vic.ioag or 'immoral t3arrio�,nd- I -ras' Pilils �,,oLr Ipeie Peo- Iffingliam ardve..--- 11-00 7.26 WRlia Pina - I fair-mleir, of -Vi,,rdmla, Man., w1bbsiel par­ FrLwnger. 4gex­ ainoiand overy -ings and g azax cliain ship, tibia 1commilon . -Soura� on, it mialbs, rieside -,.at Kingsvilile, -Ont., hvas vinghm, 6,40 A.M. 8.80 P. X 6.62 8.44 box. You can 1gelt, them ftom LyauT piocedare being bo convict' ja child instamely killiled blybeing, )oauij�ht in ome of h 7 'deaJer .6r .by ma1l Wt 50 of vagx�Lnoy or fila-it'a lof- the ' foeder is thiresb1nig machine ,,06 8.16 medicl�ne; 5 Ae' x ibowea lfdr $2.50 femee and thela-send it' !�o a xetovm f.14 4.014 ctdntts la box or 8i 1lalst Friday - hncorakpg. Ho Wlas fri 7.47 4.23 by w,-rLtW-g the Dr, WiLlIlams' Xedii- institution. XZW 'it 'is'possible lt,6 iinq ftte, &beedi"nr beft and got WMIN 8.'05 819 take away a ohitd altojethm when. 5 4X olne, Go., tUriolokvible, Oatario. F of round It'hie, Isfialting. Hie was 8.1 it ban be shown that the, �aiomla sur- Virdein's ibeat icuolors. 8,22 Exeter ------- 8.8k 5.06 Perth Items. tromiaimigs are umt-ay..amble, -wnd lehat . —Thos, XoEwein was killdeld while Ce 8-46 5.16 n:o imp:xovement can Ve biou 9.46 A. U. 8.10 —A lsk4tinZ and cairdial? trink Its g,�:� 4 � dr.ivLng (fTom Mad-oo, -11aist-inigs Co.,j Z;ndm (anAV811-- - I bout by mozal suasion. Undetrt'hisl it oj ,bjs ihiotme st Rainlnookbtxr�n hvirt-h likell�y t6.be �erecled irr XitcWAI - CIbildien's Proteotion Act there is a I a 'Yoad of igrain alboilit! 19 eolook -0 and ]Kincardine- this ftah. .1. alm-erston cantxal oftice 'in Tho Parliampot Friday %.Lgblt-. His dioirses Taly'away. ram. Mixe d Udiags, uindsT.' the direat-IM JDf me NoRTM Pass. Tohin,.J. Dabbirnef se'lldeist so;11 Of bopv�r",. b u i I Iddyvin. a �steep -hlilh aeax Eldorado. Mr. Wittrla= Osboirae, of Lig 7.55 pm. 12.41 p.m 6-30 A.m -end J 8.41 1.97 7.40 0 J J. Kelso, wh�d .�has I some 06 chil Thp� I oald ioos-&V wihillet'UrAIN: 9, 1. la�hlmeienu --- ------ djea aT Lanoa&6etr, "Mi h-igaD, On dren's Aid Socteties! -,orgwnizea 'in ;iraaeis-,— .. .... 8-61 I.S9 8.40 OcIt-otbeir '15tV, �vgled U 1yeaIr 8 ut ttbp 1foot -of %hes)NI10. 'MT. Xc- alae-alew� ........ 9.0 Im 9,00 'the various cities and' bowns of &he g hi's WIrigbam.. 1.66 9.10 --The 'manly Iriends q Mr.. tVall­ RT,ovi;nce fGr- tibe, purpose, ot lolokin - 9 E4-%Vpn,, (Jelfil luli�dler lthii,, Iload,- Uiavin 111ixed. P468. entine Stock, lex-M. P . P, miltl be head- lbaft ivrusihed. 000 SOUTH. Pass, aftex. negleAed or orpiliwn children - . Hoiblidwy -and his -mvite, Id g 4S &.m 10.a40 m. 2.40 p.m sorry Itol ae&,T�n of the death of this —JoUn WIngbam.. Da-ilvg the 12 years 4n wla-ich ILM dend, and 0161T 642 10,65* 2.41) fathex, whtcih pi�our,red,. on, Tue. Ni�igarw RaWls, laTO oiblid%y, is' ex- .... .. 7.(15 11.26 8.02 day -of Aastl we -e -1c. abt has hiaen iia Dponaitioin the home, igrandson, Haxiry -H 726 12.60 3.18 codditLons of 'mwiy Thousands Pit pIDAed 'to iajo from &Tsanio �)olgon- &00 4.10 —Ont Sa;Cuxda!y, 14tbl insb., 'Mrs. I =: imptroved - jan'd , used arsenia In ........ 8.10 Wm�. Rtissou, sadth Thaltnes road, - childrien , have b(, iniz Mrs. Holfllli6y Fulfflarton, P assed a�wa�y, the- c0la,90 so -me 9,,800 #rVham, deseIrtled or Ine- Lrnistaldhnisf it for bakiag df dejatI1 (being th,eaxt ltroulblcN. Pe- glected dhihftein have been tram -s- pdwder. The grandsup had uis�ed the 47 years of algo. planted ito, 1,osbeir 'homes. ' Thiese, so,- arsenic, Ito dtiflll cats- \Mrs. Hoiltid,,Y ueed tenougU soif it -ho Vois-on ito klill —R-ev. H. D. Steele, - !fD*e Man7� afetires 1have given 1 a goad deal ineumabent of th`� [Episcotpa-1 of atte�ntiion to the M'eatlal amdphya-, -two Nunrdred P)aolple-, yeairs- a, 1�ivia;y n t icai'as, wall as itihei momad itendenclag o'd! chmrah rat, Eirkton, p ss�d —Ch1a)s. Gow, ttle y6utni VWA a:dd where rawessa,ri -tih)e best sui- nItY, W40 ShKit h- yolun-9 Thorald, on- Mhuriday of daVt wvei�k, dioal amd dIentall �3kill dbas, PateTbord U; ji at 'ho diat - �glca') me Ye irigiht hh)a de- I)oy, Wbpjn &hrin'g 'a 'gu Iti ;vgedl 72 yeax&. The 'reir I bieen, cailvela in to so^ ed by IWe brought lEd LKirktian for later'ni - tei*a Ihou",, KYU )M�uift fects that, havo axisen ithrough- lack a Dtoine�r,,s' j ur wnd algibin, arvestled, of p)rp�er care and 4ttention on bhe; d1lit, Adied on Sundoy, 1501 �nsb,, trom -rd. i aip s Many'. thas been �omnd.iguiftby olf ID, aM91FLUJ,9J1­ aWt aRecition Pit the; 'heart. 'Decoased !part of f!Urmex gait ter, 1hW4% heein isenteoted hy :Mr. Jus - I childxen who 'SuMned f4din olub tioo j3tyeieit, ito serve a: Jerm. of ha4 been do poor 'bqa(l1t1h for ff&MP- feet, [hair. -dp, 'heirnta,, $o -ss Of a, Vhlre,p Im 0 - time. Besides her ihnsbztr�-d she iinccb, ate., have betein profeszionaUy� IlthJS4 )in the cuujnky dafil. ileaves a. ta,,mUy off Ithree'aild7re.n. breatled with *Sadh suooeiss (that thieT _Sir Wiliftliam Peairco Hol%va-alnd, Vf IN CANADA. —On Mond'ay of dasit lwe;W, FErnma. are to4ay ournia . I 6hildren, Itboir. Torlofnto, %vbk) fus one, o� tilip Faithe" ARE MADE E111z-,vbeth Ha-vvkin.,j, dagiglirter at Mr. df DoiniflederatiLom.- and the �olldest formleT disabilities haviing bqon- al- - in Canakiln. -1st $n, jA. 6, Htairkins, iadiltox of thle Listo- Privy Caunaillaloir They, are built in a Canadian weil Sea-niaard, died from 'the 'affects nylost comp-jettly remloved. Vhe In4riluty-fourth yealr tolf (his 0190. fouudry—by Canadian worktacn— of an etVack lor typlloia feTer., lye- Keep an Eye ion- Them. I -To Was �dnlo Vf 0aineXROS 11'ev.dintir P01" - for Canadian hornes. cted. c -eased Nvs 123 yeasrs 'of a:91D. The 6411drea'g,omig to fositer hoqn--s itlioalins 05 Vearls irrgo and Wes doln- They are pl afined and coustru, .0 T 0, Robooln, of 'St. MOT 73, are -ail -reuord-ed at � th,6- -Poirltismon t It",qmiporairy Wit% Ithle Uate' U10taL G` - by Canadians—who know the needs tovc, tiks =10 has (beiera, lellVelbeed fi�Slt v.1ce-Vres-i- buUdings and ofifiblal vLgit,oTs 4all, BroNVII :atnd 101ftle1r.9 NV`h I WO of the Canadian climate. denti Of Itha ontarid upon them fzom timR6 tq -time tosee dropil).1iog ftld�n 1puV-11a vietwi. Reing made in Canada, there is wyatatloint. The; 'hianor 6a --mella Imeirll- -that1bey are- lyroporly itTeated amd- Janies Ulmk, on Me . no dnty�--no excessive freight Robs.01a is onle, of Ithle, &d- also to encourage Vha faster-PaTents, ea.-st, Gorrimdr of Yonge and K111-9 charges—to pay,for. I �o old to You g-ettlle finest inaterials—best owkT%. as w4ft as'wie, olf.00 i TIhis Movement marks a long litridet stioelts, Tc;r into, 'has been r:, squarest 6itvin in,0nitawbo?. ahiead of thipold4ashioned castarn 6f 6coat or Uoix, lf'or cha sum ior $434,000. rkmanshiP — newest improve- i ehil­ This- is jequalt 'to 1$2,253 Pe:r' f -0,0L wo —p or ;t hp second, time during it,he. placing aN negbected or nrohan tparohiaised a, few ments—handsomest-designs—when p,asit- few �monthlq- Master UndsaT k dren in asylunis Eund lr�eformajborles, Irontage. It Was Peninsular Range. s War $278, - you bay a Schafe"r olf Dl,�tchd%, had- thel imis- wheip, fihey weye bTought up . in a �yiekvrs aigo 1by Mr. JaInIc Come in—and let us, explain just fortfune tof � have 113 - edlilaT 1b0nQ mdnlotono,us wnd xotxitlne way amZ 000. Thiis. is, fbpt,ter tilain, specullating why -,vj� think- the Ileninsular is the This, ftim-0 amident be- also at .1atrge expeinse to' &Ille com- inVintlipmIg aot�. it b (theirot-emition best Range in Canada—especially broken, on fmanity. Mhp, total expense ?of this or 'ebe JP 111rttbaser toi P-Tect one og Ithe for YOU. curred whillie -1-11,aying ' To,o)tbWll nelst , gfi.ce, (bu�rdil-ng-p in Canada, Oil the ist(hotoll, ig.raunds- on Molnd�xy ev- 'I woik t the province does 1nob ex- ji, Local Agentst e-n-ing. , ­ ceed $10,000 per, anourn, w2ffleto ithe �he( 03ite. CHIESNEY & SMILEY —Th4 kleabli of Jane Younie, rwit`B municipalitiles theadditional expanse, —John, Maynard, avhd Iresided. ti- -0 iroint- of 'Mr. Throjmgs H. Cooper, a ft of helping -thie, Local societLes &oes bout a milla In rth cif 01toyne, (C i Xar'ys, tDok pRace on Monday, Oc,7 Inot aggrogate, iovex four o(r ifive enor, lCounty, twas killied tlyroinqh 11 tofber 16, lat, the age) Of 25 year.s. thousand dollars a yea1r. Thus 'the -ruinaw�a!y laaoide0t- He, hidd driven M. rs. CDblp-er K'vfqs 9- Idaughter of Mr. child saving mov4me4t ia Ontarito; 11ris %eam Ito the bc%ak 'd(Yor of 1his, nw, an -cTped tih,6 te.-ns eto lmnd amd Mrg. lRolberlt Pring4e, and iwas, 14 'While doing Vhie %,Vfo.rk of �a L' �eas t [five home, and dT I it -a hjg brot-h-e'r,,,1wh10n I= 3narried to 1116T, n0w soubwhiz thus,-' or siX large institutions, Aoes inot ovtl a pa:rot&A W&M r9t smr C-- Rlwb -the, !hoirsels Wook ifrlight and lram'amwy, Vand about ifo)ur yea:is algo. colt 41togethox what it would Oaket strilmijig a, stunip.. -rV CuIrtis. 101f (,tjhPJ LOM to mRin'tain 'Une in.Bbitution. into tble, flpRd, —Mrs,,! Robe it at an time a, child in, ratostier Mr. lvlaynaTd, who thad drappe d y 'line an was leiriudbved -eaA of Li,.%to)Nv'dl, t0a'dt "With I go)a box, tar -1 we - i�h %he hV a nt' in Listowlel. on iSunKy t.. home developes ant' physica ak throu It amide mo objection is made to its Ire- to klea:ebt betivieQn the, wa-lon a!,nd She Was k1rivinIg ih-omB frpirnr oliulrelb. J108s, lCha, jhprses turn for medical attentLoa, the ideaj The s t amp. 4- Ifyou, your friends or relatives suffervith wifth hetr lhusban;d IM1111M being to make it as easy as. possrode —WhUe Wandering in Itilite Kvolka Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitue Dancc, or Falling Ir an'awldy ond . she Was 'tfhx,own out. i -Tevoivinig sle 'Dn( 'or' those assigting in it'he Nvork iby in 4;lgoma, Distri, t Albort Milldluz Sielness, write for a trial bottle and valuable veilal sckr�itchlas I f o hild bato thellir thomie. As wooldenitallilly 1found 010 biding piece eases Lo Tin,; LFrBTG Co. . bruises� a:holut ithe 'head and i6ace.; a- taki' treatise on su6 dis, they girow older thle, childxen prove, of a baind- tt roibbeirs,. He - found J, 179 King Str6ct, XV ', Toronto, Canada. All ., ---:Mr. .4-4ex. *Fa:w1k.ner met wftli valuable assisbaidts in the chouigebolds baindreds of dblillairs' wolrtlh W Ifurs you Valnfub atricidle,-Ot alfl, Vibe of bhe lynbvince, the giTis th-alping and. other inimahamilise stlokn ItrOn. gruggis s sell or can obtain for i -in 15t.M�arysj, Kaox ;oburah �buidd.ng Sli Wbile with 'the -domestic wo*k and thet sito-res in 1t`h15 It-NVO 0008 during the Af ris on, -Tkurisdgy' Last, -,,9 'S FIT COU11 Ryp- pa�srtl itwo hntoidthb. Tbo p1weAa 'is ka �A -or so&e, df the w!ork ibel stepped boys atte-nAilng t.�.e cattle, obc. M'r;. ov I of iz-�tpeat.-4 Eb 1.one1l6r ispiolt, in Ithle Woods, reaWlied Ithe fba-seandAt Kelso TepldrtZ that Cases 2 4 071; !a ftdm.& * joisrtl on the Gel- me-ist or qvier woft ar,e exof*d41i.Z1Y unily lby ia. faintly ouffined tpathi, It ffl% Ap't S floor 1fhXU1J!9 thrOU19-h 'tO is ietsitimaitied Ithai 'D IX�-Pe w1ile on t1higk Jolthex Lao-& the t $10,000 Worthl Of LUU WA.N !lar fbielorm. He IdtTMak his f-O�reLhead msefat g000ds 'ha. e bleen tA0110,11 during tilic hildred are aoquirinig fa v pay the higbe8 of fgallvwnized 'ir-oln. Pipe The undersigned is prepared to oTr -a Trie-66 wiedge, �bt*tift and aftew 16 or 17 pa.,st Igummer, 1p.T.0baWly by Itlip Isarne ss arfd- receiveda very UOY cVt NvW,� kino D -ash price for an unilm(tad quantibY Of th -5-01W 'gradually becornO wa'gel e"neirs aind gain(g. Maple nocessitateld L14 ftitches. -go into the geneiral. n6mm-trnit.Y1, -oft Elm, p.ock Elm, Basewoodv mex Oak-Jqoga —Thp Irietaill Ina0cilb:aInIts Of StIriat- much, in tihie same wav as miewbeirt% For dWeak Dige6tion. Beach, Aaho Hemlook and U. f-ard, 1ha*e, ftivrnied Luje, can replace food, but tihemsellves, int(o tave 16 of an.;olrdinaTy family or-oup. Aboqlt' No mtdic -Velvered at the Seaforth Saw and 8 -Jloqv;m 'as 'tbo Stomach aind Livw to be out an even iengi;b, except Soft Elm. soft an, a,,ssolojabion )to (be k 50 cir. 60 4olf itihose rwho Nvere plac'eid( Obamberlain's feet. Will also buy a td digest ybin 10 be out 11, 13 and 16 St-raittioird RT,an1cU RO 't"hia' Reltiall mler in homes in tlhe.earlio� iyears'iA khe Tablet§ *Ml bellp Y,D Basswood Reading Bolts, c1hants? 'Aa801UiaUI0ia Of 0ainada- 10ne. 1hie quem:tity oJ work ..are Wv miar�ried and talrle.,!use- Toddi. It - is not t at ssm per covd, delivered. "a robjaioits, a 16hief aissoiciar, an� 40 inches long, a it -lie hm ad ful and re�spedtab4o citizens. food baken, that givies strengtb MR also buy timber by measurement or by bulk tion, w0l, - Jbe( 0 prdtoolt: Pipbablly the igreatest 'gain: . vig-or to,tihe system, but thte -amoun-1 lbush. Special litteution Ppad to cuotom emwing,-% memhapts in Wl$ dais -;03 tVX,,0ugih, the eMoirts of -t1his depirt.; digestied and assim!llated. If troub lataction gun �,anteed. miarchants *,d dola'! aind' U, 91OU WV1 '"30 ment has been t1lia. e'duc, wle .ati.oinal- pxop- led with a ak digestion, WM, AMENT. pn ha.T-mdn!y. Tlt; is Iffie- intPlm' icavried on, a4si�ertinig ithe fail to givie thiass TaMets a trial tjoin of ithiel ELssorqaltion to 'ask It1he, agoi6da a Veen benefited bl every -,UM blum into )the, Thousands 'havi Wood's lPhOSPhodineg qove� ,rn.meid-tl Itiv inw,eazle It -N-1 43061b lot "O.'Tt' 'of ish RemedY, 61 tpeWtar,s. %i"mryeL Thle; new,' a-,;swA- commu-nity Ital fair and, just itTelat- t-heiT use. They Orily zdst a quar The Great En9l ratnt. PubRt Matimetat has b6ea tvr. -For. sale lby A11eX-WilS0;11,D-ruZ is an old, well estal) 1on, wfill .1lbild xegafttr [an this point ka suolf� kra gist, SegfoktU lished and rehable at Inlait(tiers QT initntreat A.a preparation. Has been meieit:injgs twhon extent -th4t cruelty to ohildweili aind ;I -imieWbars 'WIMID Pao kusoussd&- —Alt' Whky Wanvdin mge"ting prescribed and used it'n - (the at ithe many evil% SLICK, as. sbreet belaginiz, Womlen! !pver 40 years. All drug, —A vxwaintg�" ItooKk P11AC"a. e: -rd' lof 1m`a-Ymg`ar3 -te 010 kists in the Dominion homet ftf &1r. and!Mrs,. Jameg B100ma- giills �sellling papeTs. -etc., �hav - be- boa. ()f Canada sell and come a ith�lng 0 Ithe past. Tho Xissiunary 6-daleity, ijf thia, MetiblodAl recoulAuend as being. field at, 14,30 on, Thprsda:y.'after noon, vin 0,hurd)l very e-neoialraighig repoirt qt% Wih;en, their k1a.1ii9thitcr, m&em6nt aimeVoimake dhild sa Qm *allil ithle bra-016he w.w-k 011inp the ""' "dieiue of October I cpssary by as-,Mr�ng ito .,V�exo r�elmlved f Before and After its kinil that cures and 'Miss Xairgaret was mairried:, Ito Mr. y 1-ittle. o!ne p-�ddp . ;ar 10kre, and 1at'. in, Ca:oalda, in evIerY lmt'el 5ho"a xtisfaction- iti promptly and son of Mr. ThIODMaS e -th, M*= gives universal si 11fornis of -Nerrquq. TVeal6* KdaaV Poumdez, t�tewtiojn i1a its Own Lhome trGid-fits substanitiA clnoired-se!s in bo parmanently cures a '17tatorrhan, Xm250ten9M Pounddx, fat itho Huron IrotLd-- 011 -p a bexship iazld' iaontri-bultidnS. T1hte;tTu'-1 ness,'.R-missions, SPel sses; the excessive DIV n _yents, atn& this is anddubt- and 411 effects of abuse or excel amo-unt' Of Ithe DX 'the, . oi�ss of wt&k that 0houIld fu-,na, WMc(h1 Kvoz's-taxted lthmeo VelaIr )jam or stimulants, Xel�tal is eLstor th.e, maxwiaige, eldly th;e� Useof Tobaccot 0 3 lead to UL�6-ys hride-groom -be exiooLiTage;d. alga t1d ir'%igle ItUB rt11M Of $10,000 bin and Brain Worn , Early Grave. passe oU lquie�tjy, afftlidurlb. )theX e of &his (W I/ iwilofwhicl 01rk Inqtiead od! takin Insanity consumptionand an d In Uce fuithoranc Price i'l per Pa for $5. One -will -�vas a. llair'ge ic-DOW-ff, piresent-. . After. i9xiovM'De can aTs ito ir,aise ithe imQmy as w10 ckage or s1x -tbe, -physicians ot the five W)e plemle, six will cu*re. Mailed PromPtY On r8' - I has nW- tneartl Sondfor1reepampbAet. Address thie Cerem-ony 16he gaes.ts 'td Ithe. 'lend valuabit- aid. TbOxe` should 10e e�xPieicted, 'Chle lfltnd wipt ol prioe, f ity tsd,t down The Wood ComPanYr of 9VOUL eigh, ireguitar and systernatic inspecti(MIA ed' ltbte Ismn of $10,445.82. Th'O t0t Windsor, Out', Csnsd% qUJM1PUUo)U,% wpdding dinner. especiaklY 'those Of tribultiMis If'& UAS yeax amduobed ft vy lva)luabla. all ichfil<kea,� 04 For m.le �by c, Wberibart, j, S. Rob-( The, b -rid -e rr,dmived Ma the paoiror c�ass, in iofaer that de- $85,421, lbla�mlg an i-n,0,NasG of $22,9, corredte, I - pXesents'. , d, beiOlre t is ovg.r tiiiie tpreodhnq yeaW,'- qaTts, 1. V, Fear, amd Wlex.� WilsON 0�d 0'�-,"'y fects )nay be —R,r.1 mrle tjoca:Ela.rd, vnle of Ithle -too 1,ate. otten'rhilciren a -re aIL1 - owed- �--s a Lisbo­w6l Idistr1lat, plonet. Ith, or V C)p TZ T -A- F '01 lasit �meik. T he to ig"W UP by 'nd'"eretrtt -th, Ic AL 'died 1c-1 M611da, -thrunghtless paTents,with poorfeet K au Hno Oqys BOU91 RMP -A- Bou ;decioasod wals UbOtllt as 'usual On LIM, Idefective vision, :ruptuTe, -etc., "WbA 13ears the --------- W- -for 1905- ip;,g Sait,,,.rda!y - 'r" Vy t 1he od You Have Amays Bou He4was+,aken on Iro ffiguRtue ivith, timely ca��e and rattenti, , R 0. as the moirn,_ � �"-, 26 1 "tzflz f / P"""' 'died Monday -1 Uz�l J� V r- 77-1-27" ,nd irl 'thalt ql* I I rN1019417-.110p, lqlgiletuze table. Additional 1eOWIW�- of twazi bo(rn laTry- e0ily Our 'The Idleacersiad ,�*olutnban ID- ef in -9. ,-.r Winth(OP P. O� iuuzrop F� 0. ,Winthrop :z zanitary Inope'eWs- 7�