HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-10-20, Page 5___,.---__------ --f -
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1.4 �� ,_ .11, I .re�� - - - - __ _ - — " � � t�,_� - -I I 11.�'11 I - , - - "I I - � . � � . . � ___ , - .I � -1 , -1 I - 4, , _ " , � . �_ , Xj - , , I , I I � . � ., . � . . � . - . I .
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- I ', . - I I I - I . I - I I - . I � - . .
[ I I Wnt. �- --,Y -:- - -- -:-- .7 -- -- -, — - raiu-up vapim, w,iuu,uuu. tieserve vana, 4is,buu,um .- . [5V%.FVV Iwo ftV I ft MWW %01 W A a 0 %M0%0%WP - I
% - � .
. I I * of thom is in fbaL)'Mr. M,alvcKT I 11 �
� I �. . . S�m I bLa� g�bd, 'horses aint this pair I , - . - . � . I I I repleta in every department. The
. 7 - . I ja��Ays - _ . ; . � I � . - Our stock of new Fall -goods is now co, -
� I . . KW Wm any, dL9*rj0&$L I ; .. - ' Manufactu er
� I
,* . .
I � of Doe HEAD OFF IqB, TORONtO - most of our goods wore contracted foi months ago, b6iore the advance in price r s
, tile W,exr_ : I . I �___. - � . -, _ � . i - � I I I - I . � I
'Whell . I'll , . � I .. ALEX. LAIRD,'Asst, Gen'l Manager of wool and cotton, which puts us in a position.to: quote very low prices to
rolute neeeSs�ity. - MCK MOP. � B, E; WALKER, Generallklanager I . "I which will give you I
- _ U,jt�hars Rubbers. Rabbors—Ble 06w - , . . I . I close cash buyers. Below you will find a few quotations 1.
e f . . . . . - . �
�11- ot" ar YOZ carat I., oil bb --%I le Leaf and . . . 1. � an idea of what you may expect When you visit this store - : / ;
- '
� a le age % far George A. Water shoes fo,j : . 11 �: y ton, goodan :ers .
, - � %v a Yin.. I new And ' * I
i I � , Olean. W. R. 1� '.
ever shovyn anif � __ 1 12' in Canada, the United States d J*obb Sale.
�; � � . Dodd shoes for Indies ir. a . 4 Braliches �A * 'U -o, I A. I . Grey Cotton, fine even threadi -regular price 5a, for 4o. Gre ' CA � I � .
_ I I .
... - - - A I I .. . CL 's M.t � . weight, yard wide, regular 7o, for 5o. Flannelettell, Mill ends, from a to 10 Yarde esoh, % 1
6 value for your -iiki-T : I . . - I . 10
� I
� , ,W.&f,bL_Thie 'hom# of Mr. and Mrs, � . . � in dark and, light fancy stripes, worth 76 per ard for 5o. Flannelette Blankets. grey . I .
. . � . .
- . . .
W I . � . , 0 # +:0 * .. . . . . . � - _ - , I
- . - ' 5im $1, O,for75o, 95o an4 $1.25, Ladies' - _+7#.#_*._+."
� . .... ,R_WU.X M*Intosh, bif �the 4th conces- and wbitq, in three sizes, worth. 85o, $1.1 1 i . . - . - - -
� . 1110st reliamek "I I I I ., - A GENERAL BANKING -'B US IN ESS TRANS . ines, scarfs, base, stolen, etc.. in all the now designso froxi ; -
7 �� � _Ojom,has been x0bbed of its brigh,t.' . . Fur Neckwear In ruffi, oaper I S_ .
- of Our cela-brat, I . I . . I 1 $4 M see � - is now on. - �
�� . 'peas and do,y. On Mc;nda,y kemenivg . . - $1.25 to $20. Children's White )Bearskin Costs, in all sizes, from $2 to , is The greatest clothing sale in the history of this Store
, 1. . Men's Cloth Caps� with fur ear �
Iliese shoen ght UtOle foar Vft-r Wd I . BANKING BY MAIL Cloth CoAs, in uavy green and black, at blose prioes. '
1 am :: 06ir � bri � I . . . 0 Oaps, the latest American style, -announcement have shown their perfect , '
I sell for $3.50. Boo Passed awaf'y 61-tox abdut fi" I coverings-afid vizar, at 50o and 75o. L%diea Cloth 1 4 . Readers of our first
, -
I . -1 .�W ess ttrom intlammai of . Business may be transacted by- mail with any brancali very special, 60a. Lad.ies' Cloth Mantles, I new styles, in fawn, at $10 and $12,50. , � .: I �
� ..� Rhn * I -
I -
" from Sim tc, . YV - Bove Standard a. Past experience has taught thera
. ow,&a. Mh1a sympgthy jt>t vej:x ' . A. King Shoes, foe men and women, at $2.50, -$3 and $3,,50. * confideace in our statement I
I of the Bank. Accounts- may be opened' and depqslzs 8- (' ality Ladies' Mieses"and Children's Shoes in great
I - I I NAU be vxtendea to - � .9 chool oes at $1, $1.25 %ad $1450. 4 - that f also Statements never eminate from Pickard's ; that ad-
o. a pair, . mv friends - In riety. . . . . -
- *be bexmved paxents, TUie ireintim ade or withdrawm by mail. Every attention is paid va
11 - I . . vertised bargal bargains, and ingly be absolutely
. � I ins are genuine ,
I I pami: . . I ZVOTS dnid 'to irwt in IUVe Malblamd- to-, out-of-town accounts. . I . . . 3DYMBS (3_0(DTL?S- ' relied upon. When we advertise a ten dollar suit for -hve - 'YOU -
. - . I pn T,hurrsday, &(-bex- . 1
4, 1 b=k osmOtlexY
I - . I . I
lsole3 at iu.z. - . I Our Dress Goods Department io now fall to overflowing with all the new designs
. � i _0 I , , 4 . ' � Priestley'n dress goods always'm know it is here. More cases of manufacturer'
� . . � * a' clearing lines to
� - W* - - , and-weavea. We take the lead in this line as usual. 0 .
� . - .
z � -
I F 1E10L)iESTED7:' Solicitor. G. E. PARKEgo Manager. -
.. � . . Bavf leld. I- I . . I st - hand this week, and we have prepared for the coming wwk a
; . � . wanbad to learn the bushipas. - . �
. . leg. the *!so once: who, are looking at . __ A smarb boy ny thing offeringa ever
. ; , - . feast of v&lues that greatly surpass a clo
I 11
� � - -days. our showing of base burners. . .
I I � dovo now-& ' . �' ' . ::Z10M3 n this county, Read the following list twiWit Vill, - , -_
I I 1,r � e . .nvge,g and atooves rnezits.your blehest endoreernent� Pri6es are unehanged. ' Picked lots, $1 SALF, REGISTEP-r- ( C.&S-EN: .A�WJD aMTM 3?1 made i � . .
, pary 000 we have was gelecled because it wite . . �
or 1- h . to $4.40 ; good to choice, 03.60 to $4 ; fair '�%,
I i * egmanshaied to tie to be a wonderful heater, a eay. � On Friday, October 20bh, at,l ,-'clock 1� I pay yqu *.' ' __ I
I .F ,v cf fuel, of little trouble and hsodoome Mr. Ao good. $3 to $13 40 ; common, $92 to $2.75. in., on lot 14, concession '10, NJ 101op, I I 4 . . - . - ,
" 4znprea4 J� in ap . - I
� and _ Aug see the wonderful vai,Ze in. cow#, $2 to S3'. 26 and bulls , $1 .15 to $2.25' 'Po entg.' Ne -t - KleiD, � IdeKINNON & CO., BLYTIEL
� - jjN, IXelore bik Farm 8bock and Implem .F_ 19
� *V4 # aj A. Chiwlesv� orth & Soa.,2urich. 1972-tt --The demand ior this - ;
a _
� . Stooktra and Feeders proprietor ; Thom. Brown, suotione-r. - I . - . . I
� I A tneeting of the directors of the 8 a 6
I � t ni y class Of Cattle continues active, and none � I
I I � ______� r� IN,=- ohAgdoulinisa SooleV will be held on October I On Saturday, October 2let, at 12 o'clock � . � — - ____
_1 V,th to I 7fle, up the business of the show. Any too many of any clasm are oomin, forwp,rd. won sharp, on Lot 29, Conoesoion 9, Me. 1MPORTANT NOTICES. I -
.." -walu thp ; . a having any complain, should hand it to the Prices for the better grades hay.a a firm 1 11 � / I .
I . ry before ihat date. v Pdw mon-y will be tone, but quotations all-round are unCbSDIZ- Killop, Farm Stock and ImplemevtR, W. I \ /
. ChICT169 nt,4 '. Hart, proprietor ; Thomas Brown. aue. OR S&LE-Thorobred Jersey Cow, 3 years old, XIN- ,�
: *
I . 11 18=11p, Itillke 0tAov ard after October 28% up to January Ist, ed. Short -keep feeders are quoted at $3.75 "" 42 F Due to calve October , . I I / Four hundred pairs men's tweed and worsted pants, '01 -
- - 1� H, Drebmann, Secretary. - 1976-1 tioneer. 197 carrying her second calf. 4 I , I I
. , - ;S &f(ftj� - -_ to $3 90, good feeders at S3,'50, to 63 75, Oa Monday, October 23rd, at one o'clock .20th, 1906. B. S. P11MLIP3, He wall. 1975 , I � I . .-a
I o11SiT_,%,, ____ . 'I - I . sizes 32 to 42, light and heavy weight, plami and fancy
,,ad-i-gtv1ndr, gn- medium ab$3 to33,40 and bulloat$2 to p. m., on Lot 22, Concession 4, Hibbert pod buaine8s, . 1,190 . / I from .
Mal 'u"i_n-f_-Sfj , I . - a w&go . -
. . . $2 75. Good stookers run at $^ to $3,50'; Farm Stock, $took Steers, Etc. John E. B n shop in connection, with same will b a '
� - . patterns, well shaped, worth from $1.75 to $3 per pair if
.. '.", " th'- Vb,ms SaAnamoct. 19 1M rough to common at $2 to $3 and bulls at Roach, propiietor ; James Jones, ano. rented oreAdtogether oreepaikely. Experienced I 1. 0 CIO# ug' ` t -
M, .. a 81-76 to 82 50. Milch Cows -Trade was - blacksmith wanted. Apply to 9, T LtEXCE1, Tees- ,td bought in the regular way, butj the way we bo LLU diela
. S mvw kh- ,�J_ . � 0 78' tioneer. 1974-2 1976-tf % , I - j I
- .
.......____$0 7 1% I
z ortty gr_ : 1* W bushel - - - - - - - - - - 0 a2 to o 32 fairly steady with a good� demand for choice wa6er'. . ..
. AS Kh , 0 _ . I On Tneeday, October 24th, at I o'clock j . you can have your choice for $1 a pair.
� ' . pog "Veif bushel - - - - - - - - - Cows. The rangs of rricas is quoted un- m, on lot 5, con. 7. Hallett, naar Kin. STRAT CALF. �Gamo Into the PrOw!OeO 91 t49 I I -1 I
< _: he L : � ;
� .Ojklon I Bldgyperbumbal- - ___ .. 0 40 to 040 c 65 each. Calves- od ; . I . I
- ,
F. I t -Vvi,-� ,bvi ..t ZW, No. 1, loom - - - - - .... 0 17 ko 01 turn. Farm Stock. Implements and House.' Eunderaigned abotit the end of Augtis). '1k. r L_-�__, I I -0 44, WorVa from
- - 8 Trrde is steady and prices are quoted ur- George Hall, proprietor - heifer calf. � The owner can have the earno on prov� I I � , I A pile of men's odd vests, all sizes, 36 t
.�. fwhivtt� h4notc-141 1[31w, iub-_ - - - - - __ - - _ 0 is to 019 hold Furniture, 3- J099PIl hic- 1. �oo 11 . -
11 � ,c to 6a per lb., and $2 to -$12 I inv property and payIng.chargei, '
doz____ - �.__.._ 0 j6 so 0 is ohaoged at A M � 1. f- -�c - ' -
. 0S , aXL! iz�l A -,v O& I _Twiper . John Purviep, &net. . - qUAID, L%11, con. 3, illop, St. Colum'W.n P.O. --,-" $1 to $1.25, for 751 each.
. � - I . - 2 2500 3 00 e& 0 -or 25th, at 0 - ..'� 000 -_ 11
X &4_,od mere.,&_n__ Tmzi,wlau.�__ - __.. ch. Skeep and Ls,jnbs-The demand , I o'cl ok I 1976x8 I .
. !w7r. SOM n-ev-r__ .. ______ It 60 to� 7 00 On Wednesday, 0 6A I . *9
. , f .
tctes�oiri_ -was in ,jfij* r. 100 be- - - - - - _.... 15 00 to 5 g5 was keen and despite a tairly heavy run, p. m., on Lot 115, Huron Road,. McKillop, - t, ---- 4 . . __ - A quantity of yonefts"vests, in sizes 29 to 35, regular
I - aw a go to 26 the. market had a 11rzn tone and trade was � .- I -_
1_,1;1V1ng y,eAnti-Vft - 9190....- .. _... _.... - . I Well Bred Horpen and 81 He&& of Cattle. � � .
- 4 . . - � -ar choice"Lor 25e. �
I roulow 1jr 3 qdoted-firm at'% . from 50c to $1 each, yo
�)Vat Down, -W ,r -bushel (uew)W.._ - 0 40 to 040 brisk. Export owes aro James Carlin, poprietor ; Thoj. Brown, musla I I , - . � prices .
� 1 25 to 1 OD . � . . -�
_&H (rat 1) per banal- to $4.25, and bucks and culls steady at $3 suotio6ear. � 1974-2 . - #"W- � . .
I D014', �teacher WW Ver 002d pongy_ - __ _.. - 6 00 to 6 20 to $3.50. Lambs are qu � oted 10o to 20o Oa Thursday, October 266h, at I o'clock � .. I - - �-__ � � .
zi deft hw.e':;tl* W"dperoord (short)_- - _.. 2 76 to 8 26 1 +-.V--+++-!Vi�+.+,+++-+--+-+.+--+--+++++++++i
, AW*parbag-:- - ---.-.... o 4o to o 6o higher at $5.50 to $6.10,por owt. Hagi- uckerimith LSON our .
11dr 151inneapous - .. p. m-.. on his farm, Mill road, T HELEN R. W1 - I I
t. okirar 2"d.-_ - _**4____.... 7 00 to 8 OD The market ham shown an easy tone for I mile east of Brueefield, Form Stock and . �
. I
�tton. Of D_9(0_1� � rwolby Be * 1 25 to 2 05 . Pupil of Mr Vogt, I . �
I ed___�. a----- f - 2513 Implements.- D. McTavish, proprietor ; . . -
. some time and prices are to -day quoted - A. S. -9 *1
.Itge- on Sabbath tino1w, pvr lb- - .0 .W -- - - - - - 04 ho 00 ' I
, Park� w 100 IS— - eo�_- 26 lower at $5.75 to 86 per cwt for selects .1m
i � . - 7 6010 8 . Thomas Brown, auctioneer. 1974e2
4.afaba.�nees,_Mr. Piano, orgauhni theory. Puplimprepared for con. Collection -
. I �
.- I _. sdal,&, ,was in WqqQi (waghed)-...... .. ,:. - 25 to 27 and $5.75'for lights ancl fate On Friday, October 27th, at one -o'clock servator ations. Terms :-Plano4S7.00 for �� JIen s � Sni t Vallases. . � I
. Wjol (unwashed) ....... t .. .... ., 15 to 'a BUFFALO, Oct, 17 -Cattle -Fairly act. , f . y examin of combination and single abone � . . I
sharp, on the the� Townihip 0 22 lessobs ; Theory -$5 for 22 leseAns. For other In- I
, vlt5iting frieuds.- .O to 103 prom If �
. 11 Ive. cow 'on steady ; others strouR imnilaetienly South. of Kip. fonnation appl,T at D. D. wilion and Co's . offi is 0 . -
o , Ta3keremithi , rings is remarkable fot it's beauty and
. me UPY V, & Ow .P1 I Dairy Markets. higher; ap1rime steers, $5.50 to $5.75 ; shl . A. Wilson a residence, Ann street, Seaforth.
, - -ro, worth
- fter an abse � I .1 I P pen Horses, Thorobred Shorthorn and It J t, 11 � 1962 -if . variety. Many of those rings at small . Four dollar suits in men's dark and light,colc
: aw . I . -Butter-The market ero', ,Gr ' � . - . .
�_s on tt pfleawtat .�. ITORMPro,. Oct. 17 pium Steers, 6re, $3.25 to $4 50 ;'cc ads Cattle, Implements and Household I .."VI . ,____8 look as well an the more expen from $7 to .$9. % . �
ahowt little change., - � Receipts are fairly* $4.25 to $6 ; neif we, Furniture, Etc. Mrs. John. McN6vin, nive ones. �
:!-was, io� .TO. - -_ . OW1609iomm -
I Urge in all lines. Quotation@ are steady. $2.b.0 to $4 ; oullso $2.25 to $3.85 ; stock- proprietress ; Thos. Brown, suotibnear. wi - �A1%1VAb&dkft I .
,rt, tW10 W4ffeks- -Oieatnery prints, 9-2 to 23o ; solids, 210 erg.and feedgrel, 83 to $4. 10 - stock heifars, I . We have a large ,%Fsortment in 0
�r, Mrs. J. case- r . V On Saturday, October 28th. at I o'clock. Busi . Opals, the birthstone -for October, Five clollarr suits—over 300 in the lot, in 'Sootch twG as
. . 0, 21je ; d&iry pound rolls, good to choice, $92 50 to W ; ireth cove and springers, at 'j. Dick's' Stock 'Yards, Somforth, 50' ness I ,
, . - -
� I
rs. , 11 I ices from $1.50 up. and fancy worsteds—good fittiug, and if bought iu the re
I Thomas Dielk ' .10 to 23c - medium 17 to 18o ;; good to strong to $2 per head higher,on good, slow ..well bred stock steers, Wrn. 'Govenlock,
k -k t h -at hp 00- utlohe da I 9 r dairy on common; $20 to $50. 'Hoge -Fairly so- . . 00,118ge , P, �Boys and Girls, 18 yearn or uuder, V47 to $11.
' , Iry tubs,17 to 18a ; inferioi . proprietor ; Thow. Brown, auctioneer. - . gular way would have to be sold atfrom " - .
k .1. -56 to
_.V ,u . tone, �� tive and 5o to 40a lower; heavy, $5 .
7 45, to ido. Cheese -Holds a firm I , October 30th. at I o'clook, in a high grade Commercial School wiil please! keep their eyes on this . . -
�� - . I fe' at, $5 65 ; mbrad. $5X5 to -On Monday � ' . ' .
. � . imquoted unchanged at 12jo t r $5.60 ; a w I I on Lot 18. Concession 8 MoKillop, 2 miles Three Courses -. . space DeXb week for the announcement 0 men's suits in f4ney'worstea,ana * oited tweeds - --
; � I I u- are $5.60 ; Yorkers, $5.50 bc - $5; 55 ; P go, East of W-luthrop, Falm Stock; - contAist. Three 25 _ imp I
Ein. , I P, r - George . of the November prize i '
; I t I pound-, Eggs�Are firm in tone, bu
� Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy
�� I if bought in the r6gulaT t Way, the pnee would be frQ 0
� be -beld In Kippa-4 � .quoted unchanged at 19 to 20c per dozen. $5.50 ; roughs, $4.25 t� $4.50 ; *t`98, Habkirk, proprietor ; Thos. Brown. - &no- prize" given away. . � m $10 t
_ I
I and others will I tjke� Redialpts here correspond -fairly well with $3.50 to $4.; . dainisi and arsasers, $5.25 to tioneer. . 1974-3 - Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Prin - .
- �
x 197W - $14 ; our sale price is $7.50. -
- the de-mand, I - $5.50, Sheep and Lambs ' 'Sheep active On Tuesday, October 312t, at l'o'clook -
1 ou the 2nd- o*A- MONTREAL. Qat. 18th-'Eggs-Strsight and steady ; lambs barely4etive
; : * '
r Ur William � Sprozvfl� - a . p. m., at ' the Sal b Works, Be af orth, Florses, H. J. HODGINS, ( worth :&0M $2
c . - . -aster; lambs, $5.75 to $7.70 ; a Cutters, WagonS, Busrgieso R. McNaught, 4't'
- s.eck, 20a , No. I candled,. 18j to 190 I shade f .Etc. T. F. . Children's Snits, for ages from 5 to I '
one�v T' h a dwoer o�m , 1 75 to $625 ;- Coleman, prop; Thos, Brown, sueb. I DENTI�T.
; . . i3atter-Cholceab creamery,, 2121a ; un- few, $7.75 ; yearlings, $5. . I
z to the amount aud ; . I % I �
2 1
. -
ej* Duld Workum dergrades, 2Q to,22o ,� 4#Ary.. 1.3c to 20e. wethers, $5.25 to $5.90 : ewoo. $5 to � On Monday, October 23rd,st one 0 011�& GraduaW of Royrit College of Dental Surge ousi of Proiebical Watchmaker, jeweler & Engraver to $4; ou sale at from $1 to $21 R
i I
� - mixed. 42 50 to $5.2, ,
. 19764 � " : - Theese-Ontario - ll� bF 11 -aa ; Quebec $5.2C,; sheep ,5 - Cin- ps-M. at Dick's Stock Yards, Seafortb, a Ontario. Successor to Dr. Tiveddle. Office- Over
� 9 5
. � - . I Main street, Seaforl h. and Optician, Seaforth
: ; 150 Boys' Suit
� 1i a lambr, k 25 0 $7.50. . . s, worth from ' ' 3 to $5, � cleaXing at from '
z A'rqu,hwrt 41�- - . 1101 to 11e. � ad � number -of Stock Steers -.and He;fers., ()oWs A* Yo . ung's grocery store, 1975 - I 1� Q
: � , -1 I
� - 0 - 0 . ob . and Springera. Thos. Brown, auctioneer. ' . -
I- ,
�.It ,,,htL.j annivvr_ L . Horse Market. . Burths. I _. I . . . ___ _. 1075-1 — . . . $1.50 to $2.50. . - I I
1i t.he Pre:!�byteT_ . . k * L. i
� , � i (roRosTo, oot. 19 -The following is PATRRSON-Ingeaforth,on October 12kh, to Mr On Tuesdfty, November 7th at 1:30 p. m. ,
I - . . 0 t1i from $5 to. $8, clemilIg at from
5i,eal,d. o,a Mmdtty : and Mrs Wm G Faterson, (Doe Minerva Rate$), on Lob 19, Concession 3. Stanley, 2 Farms, WANTED R U 13BIER 8 - Youths' Suits, Wor
I LTYR,ssio,a Ramd, Barns & Sheppar&s weekly report of pre- . !.--- .
% A vAiug pricea : Si.ugla roadstena, 15 to 116 -, a eon Mr the above mentioned, also Lot 16, on the . V.75 to $15.
�htrrch, pnTpcOe � I . HILLS -In ftmondvelle, on October 14th, to I ID I & I � 4?
h -Ands, WI*Z Di) WIDU * single cous -and ear- , ord Concession. GrEhusm row., propt " .
TerUig - xneetiOK . .9 and Mrs W Bill#, a daughtei � 01 - uriou appluS It's Rubber Season again and I
� rj*ge horses, 15 to 16.1 handi, $130 to BARFORD-0 FAMOntOn- On Ootober 126h, to Hr Ore. . 1975-3 uar . - --- -_
if -S-ttariday, Oct.- - and Kra Vernon Barford, a daughter — . . nearly everybody will want them. �� _WW,&�A, __�,&�
, _
, Alen-rrey, -vrith 11&�; 'matched pairs aXLd carriage horses, MoGAVIN-In Leadbury, on October j7th, ta Mr I __ � 't want them should . - - - - - -
� i -AT- . Those who don
� . ;
,I INTrQuild!an, and 15 to 16.1 hands, $300 to &W-; delivery and Mrs John J MoGavin, a mon ' have them just the same, 4
1 . , to .
I - hurnea, 1,100 to 1,200 tbs., $125- to $145,; MAcTAVISH-In St Thomas, on October 11th - �
JNVin aipo ' ,mha Marriage Licenses. C
� 9�1 11 purpose and lexpress horses, 1,200 , My and'Urs Duncan Mae'ravish, a son . . - I . , No man, woman, boV or girl I
� -
4'at tho &oane Vt general . �"_q . UNN'S, Seaforth
Z. . mv 1,350 lbs., 8:120 to $155; dr&ught horgeff, L'UTON-In Wtugham, on October 106h, to Mr and - � . should be without rubbers at this � I I
An Tuc&vranifth, Mrs Luton, a daughter season,of the year. -at Values
� 1,$W :to - 1 750 tba-', S135, to* $175 ; ffer- BLACK-- 1, Turnberry, on October Sth,'to Air and A report having been circulated that my 11 I Overco
riend-s, let 'for , commission as Issuer of Marriage Licenses . � &
� vice,ible aecond-6nd workers, $60 to $75 ; Mrs Ro'berS Black, a daughter We have till the 'good sorts- of I
� -this -week, after . HORSELEY-In Clinton, on October 11th, to Mr at Seaforth has been cancelled, I beg to . . . �
� Iz- -serviceable nedond-hand, drivers$ $60. to �$75. rubbers in the latest styles. We'll
jayabile visit &- 1. I and Mrs R Hordey, a son say that all such reports- are foundation-, 5c per 1b. for bright quar- never offer our trad e I I cheap " rub -
ad soenf�s in fla- =. , I . . � maINTosu-ja Hullett, on October loth, to Urand less. I still issue these licenses as former- . Men's four dollar Ov6icoats in bline, black, grey ancl ,
4 Mrs John'Molutooh, a daughter , ber or rubbeea we cannot guaran-
aber f r-om 1;hig - P(>ultry. ly, and will be pleased to sefve all who ter6d Apples. teee o gi fancy tweed, worth fi:orj $6 to d�7. .
. I MILLER -In Clinton, On October Sth, to �1 Mr and ' t ve saiinfaction. - Q
.he c1urch ae,r- I TdrzaNTO,. Oat." 17 -Is eavyin tone,ou hire Ri�bert minor, a son I j- may favor �e with theiv patronage In this - . .
. I . '
I No oth
t ,:�aacount of the tipho demand in p lultry. - ere taken. The above price is good
I -a on - gand&y, , . 0 � -OHN J. DARWIN, Issuer of Men's Rubbers, 85o, 900, 953 to $1.00
.1 , way. J up to November lat. Seven -fifty Overcoats, large stock to select from, Worth -
3 -41 Pat heDs. 6 to "o; thin o 6a - fat Chick. - I
!- It t.4�t, aajA - I � 15 U I - .� --,, MaiTm9w.: . Aarriage Licenses at Seaforth. Women's Rubbers, 603, 65o, 70o to 75o .
i snqj 8 to 9,.; thin, 6 to 7a ;. ducks, 7 to 8o ; -
v-njoty&A a, ,W_-*LE�- if bought in the regular way from 09 to $12. -
� MASKELLWALTERS-In Godexich, by Rev W H qP -
I * turk-eyp, 130, all live weight. B. B. GUNN. Boys' -An8 Misses? Rubbers, 45a to 75c 1
Lnd _'Ars� John CF . Graham, on October 4th, Florence May.,young- - .
cat daughter of h[rWm Walteka, to Mr Albert 1976 2
(trron, and 'Mr. - I . Uhild's Rubbers, 35 )a to 40o. �, ildren's,coats. ' .
. masken, all of nolborne I - Also equal values in boys" and ch -1 :
3 1 1
5 Tgranto, we,ke arain, eta. - HARELIS-ANDREWS,At the hoLe of the br�de's AUCTION SALES. . - - % � -3
I . �
. .
��Rding- itbe (aa- - WaRONTO, 03t. 17 -Wheat, white, 'i3c to father, Bayfleld Road, Goderloh to.vnehip, on . 0 1 . I
ifuod. x1m. '76a ; red what. t, 74o be 75a ; goose wheat, October 4th, by Rev G N Hazen, Mtge Caroline riLE,&RING SALE OF F.Arm Stock.-Jamm Jones chardson & MInnis . i -
Louise, youngest daughter of Ur John Andrews, I - - - - - - - � —
% r. John E. PARK TIRE R1 . i-,---,-,--,--,-,--,--.,,�-.-�W.,W,Wlw�IW.,W,W,m I
=-, %vver�ei vvis- ,69(y ; spring wheeit. 71c. Oatej 41a ; new to Mr George Freeman Havris, of Danganuou _j has ireceived instructions from H '4, THE I f
. LT. . oats 36 3 to 37a ; b3irley, 50o to 533 ; peae, 3tober Roach, to- sell by public auction on lot 22, con. . - -
' FINLAY-WRIGHT-In Turnberry, on Q - ,
7,.Il home a y I I ted. unobah, ed 4th, at the residence of the brlde'spareuts Mr Tp. Hibbert, on Monday, Oat. 28rd, 1905, the fol- 0 Ag.ntfor the Granby Berlin, Canadian, . I
il%ir, of Sta,nteY, 7aa. Gressed hogs are quo .9 Wrigh to lowing: I horse 4:Vears old, 2heavy draught allies In le n s
and Mrs Wm Wright, dies maggle i. j Tightening Machine - I -% rxt,f e a r
� 'L'i:ent a.t, Glad- at $8,76 per owt. for ehoice light Weights, . rising 3 years aid, 2 heavy draught geldings rising Maple Leaf, Hood and King Qual M , I U n d te; V IF rzct a �,
, Aillfeed-Oatario Mr N J iinlay, of Hawioh 013 OC- 8 years old, I heavy draught geldinir rising 2 years ,_ I
�, . . I rp I GEgay-PEEBLES-In Morris, Manitoba, �-----i it; Rubbers. -
�. I A 1911, aad$8.25 for beavics.. re 8 y(jars old, 15
1 ts out- tober 4th, by Rev Mr Runiona, 1dr Ira W N old, 8 a ring colts, 26 choice stee
- 0 bran, �12.50 to $13 per ton in car I choice gelferg rjejug 8 yeare'old,5 cowe due to calve 11 -
. I - Gerry, of Fort W .8, 2 sows with . r. rV r
8tjuires.- Th jillam,toMies Laura Peebles,
. i�h ioild �=Stl fide ;' shorts, $16 to $17-50 ; . about time of sale. 2 newly calvedcow A 20th Century Time Saver . 'pecial cl. aring Hues in men's undo ma .. T116 On1v
- Znitoba of hiorria, Manitoba S e 0
& a � 17-50 to . $1850 litter. silo at 1 o'clock sharp. Ternis-12 months' I- 1111111141431 - I J'�_ T
�. ur * credit will be givan on furnishing ;Fproved jiiat aty with a fidl range off all mahles and W .ff� ,
�.hd true- %MYi111;.-- -&bTorouto and equal points. . Potatoes. ( I &&=a -. - stor(,,,, in this cou
� jjr,t.q_Sjng a;vVaV7, Deaths. , notes. Five Per centcff f0f0ash- J O-E-RO&CH, . '
. 11 1975-1 'I Sale nfielTs unshrink-able under -wear'-
- Tworch VMS 00 steadyto firm,and qaotcd unchanged at October prroprietor ; JAS. jox.m. suebioneer. , � Courity Rights for Sale sizes of the celebrated Sta
I 85o to 90.j per bag for New Brunswick CADY-in St Joeeph's HospItal, Landon,on . �
� Uv- arave. One ebook on track, and 900 cc 95c out of efore. 15th, Swan W Cady, of Soxforth, aged 62 years I ' S , in blue, black and red label.
. DA Wber 15th, Harvey Hur.
7 t I, C,� --reat 1410,at. YKAN-In Hullebb, on 001 F&RMS FOR SALE In Stanley Township .
: 11tirlry SqUirleS, �OatariGetook are qnoted ab 703 to750on John Dayman, SOn'Of MrandUraJoseph Day- 2 orAOounty,byPublio Auction. -There 'willbe W. D, VanEgmond, I --FOR--
- track, and 80.- to 85c out of ctore. Be6led man, aged 2 years, 2 months and 14 days off eyed for sale by public auction on the premisen, ' +1114+A. +++"40��,�O&F�-:!V,�-t-�--__io;,-44"-�;6,"+.+-+*+4W-+-+,
ID,rf NV'edjaesU or�e Seaforth Thanksgiving Day I
� 7f % Ilay-The market is fairly steady at $8 MG INTOBB-In McKillop. on October 176h, Ge lot 19, conaeseloa 8, Stavlay, on Tuesday, NOvem'
I 5Te. So aires I Wjlliam Wallace, only @on of Mr and Mrs Finlay 'ber 7tb, at 1.30 p. in., the following valuable farm ,AMU- I
. - per ton for No. I timothy on trttok here McIntosh, aged 4 yearo, 1 month and 9 days rands 16 Stanley Township : Lot 19 and east half 1976x3 Good going October 25th to 26th ; Return- '
� 110, wag b,011A- $ 'cont3luing 160 ,I
.a. . and $6 for No. 2. Baited Stra�W-Qaiet VoORAE-In Brusselo, on October 12th .John 9.3- of lot 20, on the- ard conceaBlon, . . ing until October ' Ah. zi U I T Ss T 0 ORDEKE .
*,C!, 'Knglaudd, in Orse, aged 77 years, 7 months and D daye acre3. This farm Is in 9, high state of cultivation ' I
� - - and unchanged at 0 per ton for car lots SCOTT -In wingham.,on October ,8bb, Mary Jine, and is well underdrained, There are 16 acres of Card of Thanks. Between all stations in Canada, also to
. on track here. relict of the late Wm Scott, aved 80 years d hardwood bush. The bain Is a large modern
miil� r I wM toon'k one, with water ineldo, and the fArni to well- !
['�j'W849 ,beftittie0jIg , C_ October 10th, f___ Detroit and Port [luron. Mich., Suspension
� JOHNSTON-In Morris, On
� . 'thA tMVnS,h.iP cc Live Stock Markets. johnoton. aged 82 years on October loth, Goo watered beddeo by never faillo'g springs. There Is The underaigned deeirest') return J1113 Sincere Bridge and Braffalo, N. Y. Fall aud, Winter suits, to order at grepAly reduced
. - anty. In Vio
.. � AITCHMON-In Blneval% also a good brick house with 81940 roof, and heated ) people of Seafortb and friends every- - .
... v LOINDM, England, Oct, 17-Cattl6 are Alteamn. aged 77 yemrs by a furnace. Aloo lot 16, on the 8rd concession, bhanko to the rked k0nesa ahown to hie - prices. We' will make to your order a sui'u- of clothes for
- rl�c,d t o, -Ellzm- ,r. CURRIE-1a Wingharn, on October 10th, Mrs Robt Thir, farm in In every par- where for the very ma during hie recent
� � �qUoted j�t g;L to I 1. jo per pound ; refrige, .to Swan W. Cady FOR HUNTERS
, containlug 100 acres.
I him and hhe on it about 12 acres of $13, for which 'we shoald charge $17 : for `15, we wffi
I (,cea-Wd unole the )a her times. I iv
I %tor beef 8je per pound. Sheep Ili to 12c Carrie, aged U years ticular first -01988,
� thad .-L :famijy Or , I . JARVIR-In Deloralne, on October 2ad, Goo Jarvlo, hardwood bush. There is a good barn and house, illness, and Rt ot
� per pound. of Wegt Wawanooh, aged 21 years -running water. These farms are a- HERBERT J. BAILEY, SINGLE F ARE make to your order a suit of clothes for W-bich we Should
j Oe W Albion, N. Y.
�� . ,boM Wre -Cables from Liver- on October 8th, Mary Elizabeth and plenty of Huron, f4imated In 1976-1
. Mo,-ZTR1:AL, Oct. 17 CARTER -In Blyth, mong the heft in the County of til November 7th arge $18 - for $18, we will make to your order a suit of
��-: sun s5 wad 000 pool on Canadian cattle 30MO steady at 10 Ann dmughter of Mr and Mfg J T Carter, aged one of the best localities in Canada' Thy are Good going an ch - 2
�httr is hf,r.-;. 0. . " '; to 7 mlouihB c.loge to & echool, and only two nitles from ruce- --TO - clothes for which we should oharrLye $20 to $22,
1 to 1&! Ober 6th, field village. w .
�rge. .,Sffop aftOr �' ,jo, but ranchers were lower at 81- DURNIN-lu west Wawanosh. on Oc nere there fe a fmilwaY OtWOWA0163- �
� I 1W. London advices were strorgar au an Charles Durnin, or sled 77 ye%rn and lt montho church and every convenience. They are 8 miles Vv . Points in Tfmag&mi on T. and N. O. Ry. I .
I -
ife, 26. 'Squirle'a �
,- . - - This Is Matt%wa to Port Arthur In -
I y i o lle,and Sheep W@rG JIF,WETT-In God�rfcK ownship, on October 11th, from geaforth aud six M1100 frorn Clinton. U P i � to Points, .1
z I -to-Date
I I advance of 12, 96t 10i t 7 months an exceptional opportun4y for any erein looking I I
. Msid-0 Wit& IMS I I 4 for laat Geve Hewett, aged 84 yeare and I ob Arthur via N. N. Co. - AA1 �
� -1 The exports I I will be made i inclusive - - WA �A A A A A
, . , I . ; to Poe _ - - - - - -
j I
ar-e-2 Ne�� alidut unchanged at 12jo. BENN T -In Goderich township, On October 8th, for a good ism. Terms MY. an - 1
5 � week were 4,142 cattle and 1,4296 sheep. dter of Mr mud Kra Andre, - known on day of efile, For further particulars P-- r% . to �.
4 nti-r�:-; the ttv�j a . 1he butchers turned out strong, and the ]34nnetj ajed I year and 7 months . Pr-,UPLE I -V_1.& ." -
� 11 apply to GRAHAIK B909., Brucefleld P.O. Muskoka Lak -
� ,&-% 4--,k n
1 .4 upright 0'a4l 1 - I Alice Elizabet . I awan Rivery Midland, Penebing, Lake F wa I
'� . ..
� in 'r ei I., easter, in Godertch township, on October 6th, 1976-8 � em. Lake of Bayx, Magnet - tment,
: . Rg 1 an a I . bmde In cattle was fairly active, but the H&XLEY- h, daughter of Mr Robert Hanley, fieW, I 11 *1 r
; V . tone of the market was and prices 11 Lt - joilk t; r
-'a.un-gs, land � . months Farm Stock mad Implemente, -date goods
I . Caged 7 CTION SALE of Waub up -to I I , , , , . all Stations Argygle to Cob000nk,Severa to
J.4 ;fff � z clood PE ,-,a 0b, ,& U 1, . F
I I d. ship, on October Initructod by
: i ee neetly, I show a decline of to Per POun Goderfoh town ier _,,, Thog. Brown hQB boon M11- 0(10- Tiny like to patronize I 1� I
1 1) th _ .1 � � t , North Bay, points on Northern Navigstion
0 h "-, - keves sold at 4 to 410 ,' fair at 31, to 310 ; (jhmrlott9 0, rellot of the late Theme., 0 COOP , Habkirk to sell by public auction on Monday, Oct. an up-to-ap.to store ..,-., � I 11 -
�4 the Cord W 11 I ;.1.. . . I Co. (Georgian Bay and Maokinaw,. Divia- 0 9 -.1 1 0% 0% ,-V
I '
14 common at U- to 310, and inferior at 2 to of Clinton, aged 91 years atober 6th, Mabel. ober BOW, On. 10t 18, c0we8810n 8, 2 m1lea e%st I)f and deal with man .... I . WIN &M
1141t � - LAMONT-In Brucafteld, on 0 Winthropi at I o'clock sharp. the following valuable ;, ion.) . . ^
and 11 a I 1�-.
i i on. . I I n t, aged 12 b years old, � mber r urs mt I 0 - Ul
i - . -2jo r pound. There were 80MO very f oldest daughter of Mr Robert IAmon fro i I 6th to Nove --1 Fall of '901'J-,, and Wint", r ""- wo. .
f ;. t d�verty, Viz: Horijes.-I working mare . who know their busi- I I ; * , Good going October 2 X 0
� if
I ,and honora-bUg il a,whloh sold at $50 ,
I I I milarcowa and springen ing mere 11 years old, I brood mare It years : I atil -
Is m*re- tak $30 to Yearst lAngdon, Norib Dakota, on Oiptober 2nd, 11 ickets valid raturning U
. en to I ' r cows gold at REID-A old, I yeallin gaidfng sized by Royal Sco0man, I nose* - 7th. All t
� in 64 -1 to $55 each ; the other Agnes Harris, wife of Adam Reid, formerly Of . 11 Man, Caible--O cows
! ri ref4t. grass-fed sucking colt Bred by Best TO -DATE I
I 4 145. There was over 400 loan a 'thorobred bull, `2 to UP-, - Illustrated Vigit our fur departments, and yon wild nob be disap-
11 Bru8sels eugosed to be 'in calf to literature SUd A.
: . 2 - ve -year- - SUNDRIE For tickets,
, 0SIVes, some of them being very loan in - 8
h I - ca jujauuary,6two- earoldsteers,6 two
i . . —'------ �� tars, 8 �� fall information Call On ry the largest rs�uge of furs handled by any
; ===V - flesh ; they sold at from 2 to 3c per pound,, 0 old belfers, I Ons -year -o d hot oneiyear-old ' pointed. We car-
d. Sheep -5 young thornbrod - t.
0 ` good veals &,,Ito 4,10 per POUD steers, 10 spring calves'. Pigs. 0 pige.1 that is trusses, fOun t - We handle Makes we have
� Funeral Directors TAmworth Sows, 9 ouoking pigs, 2 stor tain syringefg, ot. W. SOMERVILLE Town Agen retailer in this part of Ontario. '
I , � s of lambs at 5j Implements -1 lumber
AL -1102 � sold at 3-,t ,to 4o ; good lat 1horobied Tamworth boar. P
a water bottles, ete., are A, F. PHILLIPS, Depot Tiokeb Agent.
_W 2t to 546 por,pound, The market for hogs and Embalmers. n I watert rough, I hayfork oar, 1 creamery I -_ known for yeariv,,goods we know from experience to gnive
. � walT In The whole
W t"
� j 0 1. waa worker, and priceu- declined 12�o to ., a d cans aud & few other thiuge, no exception. If they faz - -
I �. ' entire satis' tion, and sell all undet a gaa-rantee,
1 '25a Der owt. This was not dut to the in. Night calls answered at Mr. McKenzie's will positively be sold without reserve me, owing, to are old and taokey you
�jl�� ' . ill-bealth, the proprietor hie to _give up one Cf his 05nlb expeeb up-to-date Did you ever Our stockf; this sea -son are the largesb we have. ever
- cre%sed supply, but to the discouraging -d- residence, Church Sb., third house north of j mv. Terrns--All Sum@ Of $b and under, caGh ;
UE. � vie ar dih will be given people to buy them.
I . U.S on sppt()vedj olat nOtOO an T ,shown. No matter what you want in ftirs i is here for yola,
as from abroad on Canadian baooll. Th,3 public school, west side. Graduate Magee- over that amount ,12 monhhat ere
� were ta,ken by one Ing, Boston, . A diroubt of 0 per cent. Oar stock is fresh d ee this Beaten 41' . ti ft
: . bulk of the receipts chuaetg 04egO Of Embalm will be allowed for each on credit amounts. GEO. aw, our drugs and 8
I .. I'll, w leading p&eking concerni which had been HAMIRK,propriet0r; THOMAS BROWN, suot. 10 -_ .-- and at prices Unapproachable by ordinary fur dealers. A111
. OD. ham l6at week at a much Knechtel & McKenzie, 1976.2 medicines areaho fresh 19M OUT FOR YOUR TRADE V
� I contracted for by t ioneer. I - and I'll give Von more for We EM -d pnv 8
I higher figure than they could have brought SEAFORTH. I and puro. - ask is comparison, compare our fars ce , and be
I Sales of selected - your money tban can be pro . P1 fars this seagon.
. . �'oh the. market to -day. 1 �7' Come in and see us. j ust, for iaitance, in convinced that this is 'the place tuo buy h -
. I WI , ,stock were made at $6 62j to 86-76 per 100 I . See the pretty things cured elsewhere. �, . . .
"arx's, MIX Ib 0 . Ladles"Watahos- I am making % sPecle" I
, Pounds, weighed off cars. that are daily arriving I
M%lay Of the be$!; -To, Oct, , tt.le-Ex.portere- .A..Z*TrT n, $2.76 r a 7-iswelled "WalthVIn InOvement * IT 0 JUL - %"% I
1, commend Itself to I ToptoN 18 -Oa S _'_1 for Christmas. ;YOU .... fitted into a 141it gold-filled case, warrAUt0d � "
!� as aitremely I / Highest Prices pata ior Buue1:,.L -
i thr" I Wrade, in thin line oontinu / are r7elcome whether remarkably - 999
and two or . 91 4r.v4,n to wear for 25 year . -
: . no exporb cau a - 5. t� �
I - . quiet, there b ng . &VjLWiM= SO&AFAMP you b or not and low figure of 610. Whe former price of thie �
� . The cattle that m,pproaohed that class are made to z our - , you wiffreceive cotrt- e_.f" ,f 1, as $11.); but I hame bought a very d 1IT ol. �
Y, we will give, W . selling &.9 feeders. Quotations are sominal A - when you ca I n get a pair of good all- eous trethtment. - - - ______ watch w nt to clean them oub. an w1w o
imal Tonle. If YQ` sad unchanged. 'Choice are quoted at $4.40 , Don't throw your money away on readymades, - - - - . heavy stocit and wa u,.- SPECIAL Ladies'
We used It. Some to $4,75, good to medium 0-t 84 to 64 90, wool pants for $2.75 that will fit YOuland give satisfactory wear. Nothirg fanoy about Have you seen 0 -_ - � -
-Zla. Thin offer is , Qthers I at $3.80 to $4.10, bulle at $3.75 them, just plain light and dowk grey twill In medium and heavy weight-juet the thing 0. ABERHART9 solid gold gern rings, they are beauties, the - . - -
. ; ta $4.25, an4 cows at $2.75 to S.3.5.0. But- Try a pair from I I prices are away to the bottom. Call in .
for a good working Pant for Fall. " ---
& to was a fair demand for' a -2--t . a a-- , i I DRUGGIST, and aeo them. . ` 'L
-1 theral Cattle -The . 1 1 4-144- 1 1 1 14+71- I makes of Trusses, ---
--k -IV, Im cattle, although the 1011ty of the run was qr - I Ewa INXICKARD 0; SON D -
Agent for the leading and Hot Water -Y-f leweller & T,MPORTZRR�
__ 5 1 on, the whole �cor- Tholos cattle have al - Merchant TailorS. Fountain Syrivgee I I
r) & 9 - W .... wlwm� Bottles. - DALY 0 /
- , , ' 4 81111 been in demand, and. are still wanted Sp'eare and Page, - E I Optician 1
- ,
_4�_ J r 4 - ) I a I ras a slightly better in- BLOOK j OppostteTowa najjjtnj,(3)�a3t Aile T'ad M -ark *t W, Seaorth-
. a to -day there m - � CARLDNUS - - - - - f I
tvm � Every- . Iseaforth. I I
nnir for the fair to good qualitY. QV AVnPrPff r,ardno BloCk) I
I thing, in . u - the Town U100 � - - - . ft 0
014 TIARTRI � oludirg the common st ff, was fair Uncler - I
� - -
I ty well cleared up by the end of the day- � 9 4� " I
� I -
� - 11
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� ,�
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a I I
I. � I -
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