HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-10-20, Page 4EX �OCTOBM "M HU -51 JL XX RON Pwk?jT" tviuft filom itiblOr. in,fl.Mrice �,ftr SEAF,0fffH"9 LEAD-tfiG SHOE STOR, to . .... .Uae'' y TWninig, a�ad the !rema4ms R.A'Crtl King iot Gaidefrch., wftjd- 4fel joif - ljoine*ly au4 Industry is a -BER, no jbk, tiroda to Haiug,l, vi-olboro ),hielro . )&aad I Ihis Ohifillron 0*11 Ilcok OCTO if uamss,_ 5VATO VoilwoYMA, tere t its w�wk,—Mlr- 9,93st t% McTaggTtl� aaO, ve. wa-aved intix r. R. ont wkbbl d Vvit Ummiciry livUl �800n- bip 1 -nom, ltg*m -I Aln bujtf�'q 1hi to - - - lulford, A)ea joemialory, Ift fidmill b umyin.; jolit,riAve., Senator k 9�1`10111nd- fumiaill wus, var niaTes X T W' T o T hows palr*, was I�Wted In al, le h e�% T, %ea* f hm Sto�,C unibar. -..e hopilty aftlended, botb at Lando. pre Itbo.rwk r r ipa;intillog.of 19z S. 01' 1. 4 7 igrab in thies.0 laWimns llaofi witok emd Henw4h� T11a norWl, IoMe,jo3SL 2 3 4 6� PainiPs Igtore d ho vVfy heat Were, Rubbers, ltabben�, Rubbers—Mg new hjaIt SP&tar -G. T. r" W I ft d, of, ww* miainy w-dd viory bewwtifuL *'a- aindah whi-oh - r. Whtlam Sanderson stock of new rubbersa-lfsple "zf and Marobs,04al 8 9 10L 11 12 13 14 Brackvife, ovaid btra , jujuTo in mmg *Mm Wing al beI&OWW1 a�a- has blad.oub in Ortint Of IhjS'hoU8e, brands�swellgpbdp.and all Dew And clean, W. S. Wear Of than 16 17 18 19 20. 21 For very a, coffiion Ibe-twoon. --his anitludbil Obkhr, witibi Ow -,�O&dl 11 Motthieir," from oWillis, sole agent for George A. Slater oboes foi o th ajdowed It16 and Dorothy Dadd shoes for ladies,in $sit r 22 0-8 24 25 26 27 28 ibier acinsi, land dallhitor; at Vifullo, in,- Gedeige Wbohl ap, and tan ielliedri atvelet car, Now tjja I;ftVo iluat k 29 so 31 ota ujre&ay of w P XcItes.—Tblo Rev. Wbe-Tt Wre now approaching theeason-of the year when tbe tons MaBsa:dbuse Vts6 At 11TOt, it- 1br0t*tr1,. arnid kdot�ri%;L U, IllajZ0 G'rft4 -by at !halrge or of frillends, la.nd I...... a- supposed, Ihis injirfies welr- lain# d"W from. th "IT! INV U o I r s pme;awhed in, May City 11,as ilwook. On f -solid' subst&nti&jj serviceable footwear becomes an absolute nee.wit bidys �snd igITIs rVIja4Ves. h1tte4nded in WMnesda�y of ,this Wbok ,he at,t d Mg 0 dt,.gIhjt, bWt tifile L do PC en _ njabberx,. Ralit 'Vealopled in tO PQx of Mrs. Lalt, Wo olbl M L Vi" I: during the rainy season calls for the befit footwear Y' a. m419- a bo4y jainigo 'd tax e 'fhe- lCuntera. ed, Ithel jaui ireyoir -a dVoa- Outdoor worl or, jArt -of now Tabhors- NEW ADVERMSEMENtS alkysis of It-bie, _*Ltwl. iox.g.,ans and 1110 nificent 81)MOY ffillom, 010 *t0fig 0 the Mr. 'Aftlobasioln delft �mle ames banquet j ive anydepte of comfort or gNone otber will g died, in It1to thio,spRail- tin That ba ColLbo-rgle, tTeelt I)JUlbIlio aeftolt';L acni; ,had In holaox ik tmaho e- b .& 'L an- lati Who(se, u., a MjrT b "Ous'd ble 141 -ed' HIS w1f' ampy's visit iVo( 1Xome.-Thiel Sadler- our stock of wearing shoes this fall -is tke large -A 'we hive evershown i Dad . _h6L tore between th9i parentheses aftel ego -d 011=,; died =01jr 'IyearBL &g' . MT. Ai bebite- Suin st, trid= Wissi Witivnet s U11 . . jay a, U611hamd-Doirsey doldbilp wed&ng is th the view of" 'you the beit possible value for 1,00 'farillsementit IrbiglocutudIbs "Felf on which tba Itor, F uIltiol' ap;my§ firlom, Qint6h MrW;jids,, Mrs. om i W45, MOMLY Tle W.aii�-,Ibl�ri -111 L Sootiliaod 77 !yatyris ago has been Selected w mmouinved Ifor (Wednmduy morsalmig spject% a� .T.0mairkabale awn ialud! be, GINInVille, At". (Bou"ce, Mrs. X60my, laind' wae lain! riarily isetItAtex, bf thts money. Mutelb! ThoSame-E. MoPaiil Co -8 n6,Vtt. Thre (bamns oi�- '=air. -flap hviere 3v"'foratos a0m- Un. aInd MT%. -R. 0000-94s and jolbbier& f Ihiad a. Temvxka1b0-, balre;Br. U� i-inelibhonblava. in pontca he nas the seqoiA time Every worthy -make is -here repr6seut6d; the pick 0 -, the most A New Firm-Stowart Bros -1 waieiatWl Iifo 4v a; dheirk in, Ibis ulacie's b1lisbed heire Ifor i 0 been a Refjorme;r, tabd n relkion W Prog- in stock al'sizesof our Z91OUZ&t. d jy. 111ad -Aulattion sailes have factories in Oaaada. - Added to these wo oarry jobbers, Pi�okard & Sda-5 drug stoTe Ja and Oboe& t, SuInday. Drvadale. beeni Inumairou.9 and wal atitendet ed HAND MADE SHOES made b our own workmen. These -shoes wigbt I Piot�xrea Frmned-A-Iex. Winter -1 w.Lt`h[ w1loirtutne, iestimat-VA,. at jDVCIr Ithe 'fa.Tmors of vole dhia-reh aloir thlifty tyejare.- -art Tible, cWellyroged DpInigs.-11any V1 1m, Ift, Ccllum`ban oad sub-M-rbs Isimee- Watrhes-J. F. Daly 5, Ifiya M.plirl6n, djoa, I -Mfs. died Io Mondlay e from the best Canadian and- Prfch Kip Rnd Calfskin wad sell for $3.50 Sing tbia viainlity &r6 this weiek builly I, the Ifilrat 'ae this, imodh. Mhn suplily mad -VAyig Wness f, ,tte War,,e-Wm. SomlervUle-5 Pi* 1`1111A 'Toy Pao P? piliei rajorn-in-g latter -hr sh�lrt. [bat Isever S3 75 and $4.00 &,pair, Oat factory'made shoes range in prize from $1.00 Rubbers-Richa:T�Ison & oInni- Moutnda,'tion 11nas vialst fax- a iand to- on-gaiged bakinig up. their !roo.t of coftiW, *arin�M nd %Mhorined, Cs Uowels- batims, w.Whl oth,m ove ic&win-g. 1111tweiss.' ]!lei was - deliambe beeb sellers being the foRowing :7- Our CoIttection-R. MoNau;ght-5' in IsDxAe iInstIan,ces ,greabor ltb%n, Whe- $3.00 a pair, out friands Itup&e,,e . tof - Owto yaws, 'bbwevelr, be PO fjor WatkIr vpew . 6ho lehveis Iniol labil- avy Soles at $1.50 to $1,76 a p,ai dem4m,d V a Baltire:T-5 was jcmnlee--ted, xvito vpeir91 idtber their oftililawds of apples taind Ith 10 IbWt ithiet p izes .r, Soolety ffmblleuns-Jh us drein. Thle, RuIie!rbj 'bofolk Vhawle. to I , pi - Men"s Heavy Shoes, large eyelets# he Realable, -Shoes-R, Willis & Son -4 jk.rge monota!ry wndI manutaidburinig shlefev� 'and Udgig ire V-balady an njS e Shoes, soft and pliable, slugged soles, at $2.00 alld &Te markimig pwepawaions Ifor 3fe W to X ..Winglftm Icamotlery on Wednesday, Bring a pair. AberhaTt-8 ido-rimtowi: of the oining win tar,,'--�_Bulsintess Is her jY"tidt, Rev, West, ejoinduct- C(Ptim W-101 Ittendleway. W'P I's hlip p Ore 3fenss Wear! JV To Da ingSh9es,wholosboolitt bellows 'tonizUe) SlUggOd Soles t $2.2�1 -Rufbbers-4-W. CU. Wbffi!�-8 Itiho T0rMlt'o - Gonepmll Twuslts Cdr- hoamiri in St. 4b,segh at 4present, le r - atiteinding ithie, vAgh _cPc#!aek tmass 011M and the nviork Idn the dock, and'ex ng Chic iserviia 1. Mr. "d, rs. " $2,50 and 2.76 a pair. Nour-H. 0ook & Sons -8 b�, 0gill-vio FROUIr MUIS hicirte; thast, Suinkliay mornng found fbhe $ id of Eng iils fbe_ guiston, �rgmaved to. B-Itnevaille Waist &-rvant Wvnt-ed-Expoeltr Offles-8, C�D., �tihle- rjrlovt� :& *aodl 06., jand ltl* A0`m1`n`R Lne-ex CUTIrl johorcili,-tr",iiatirs iburaLng Uriskllwy- -Men!s English Kip Shoes, waterproof sol -a at $3.00 a pair. BE Td witih �prewt Ira- pring "ba- 1..V.a eitirekl butt Mrs. o IbRk ldf ognsideiratton muiobl jipre- �00, imig tpus�hed fpTwa NO the wise t K]amultaidbuirin 'Is lo, I -Reater UT t3albe-q. Abehart-8. ji%mes - � Forgusion, w,a In t j1dog lsyaTed, Ito u. Harvest p-idLty. Considerilag Cbic, severe jaQ at Itbimt, _Iealrily jhlo, r now-4-dws, 4 Home -2 ---[Ladies' Atd-8 lip was. a naftlivo 'of Bxbokv11lI1M -Wad _110C4 atov" --mel wery Duo we, bave. Dried !Apiples-2-P. DW -8 uws 53 eiazs of ajgei. Of adtle yeairs Human, dor Kbe -Dast ftw 0- ltbe ntea�rlliy lifil the anirabeiro of -the storms W)Acb bave T;�ged aft'g Lake '013007 'it, thle--I&Ay Wad flt its chiW.-At Ore- IF Haiters For Salle-gwro4t Bros -8 ibis lb-dmmess iamiro aive 'been inia,n­ US 0- WIJUJU110 buillders liavc, doin& excleedilngtyg-ood orrie. --a , Tyloiaey Fomad-D., Workm"-8 XUged liarge(by 'by ihiis ;s oib-In 4aw, "bin. S. 10diumbara ODTchlealtwa. jairio luip, to offtel" of little VC Kitchen Girt-Gorn/m. tT-cla& otel-8 Awt)hjujr! 0. Hapdly, a, sou lof iluto w,ork, � and oeveraA ictribs - amra aa, Mbe rig1l low.,. ThIel airtnaal fll, thleir .101bmvie roa thlet widxk of opplie, Sole agents for the Slater Shoo for ment ova the ,Queen. Quality dofift. Before buying roady beft sunIc in thte W, a: A shoex for Women. Tiree-W. 0. Van Egmoxid-5 H -ow. A, S. He, a. air, under ihe au*picim of the P.1okiin'g, ImagodId IpUlding, mbe., and mit"I ting of tb Marriage Li"neft-J. J.- Da�w.W-15 *Idow, two idatilgibitie;rs and one- son. few �nore rivtoks k�f fine weatfier is, Howlak Agri RuTal, Society, was Ith:Wd-or�el /beg vave tv, ldezil(irae� all A A odtalo I Farms T'or 'Salle -Graham Bros -5 Hie jres;j&n,co.a;t -Birookvfflies over- now. laladked Tor, w1van St Josegh amid' he-ro ion WTday, i0vtolbor! 70, Q?iiga,9e=0nItIs, 11101, lbefore Deoewber wto 4 le up t wRl aain be platted in 'a floumlsh- and wa, InmoroK, f*Ads In Aiwtion Sge-Ge-or e ffabkirk-� lookinig lbbio-'OLL 1;&WT0Ml0, is, said o, .9 a gatifying succesq, Iib. ijoh. c4tass jenAw- i bdre.,-Xr. JW= Shn OlearinlK H. Romah-15 led ing 'Condit -ion. -Ar. . MeTiecid, i6f The wAthor a beautifull, aind,. as Wharaleints -Igdlkt;' lin Loncto!n,, GukAp(h, a few.Mjis� of UIP, jvwtt -week. UCle beelft, e1aTey1vg:bn the", ahetr�ag jakA biave, toat $2,50,000. Fj&ox ard after Dct4 Ch vili u i- a res It, th d, ielre het meh.b buWiness wre r samp, tumi, -Drehm*oo, Ponfli n ted-laimes. Cam n1mg-8 extiensivdy &nd &d a; wide; aq%WLa- Sealfor'ths'-pad ei DaV a. 'b is Vit, th was a very large Hamillton, Cbladhiaim, iS-a)rnia and St. -the kloew- ot it. Betray Cft-16seph- WoQuaid-5 tbantoo. Ile was uppointei& td, Clio Do- %Tip on gatisr4y. bast.-Tble ortowd presien Clio, Igte 'Tecelj3ts a- Thomn.s, willif lgleiatslei �ax4c?4pt, Ithis in- very popml:T on ihis fr1rends, are has dispooed: of b', many ifriends Of - 'Allberb Chal' mounting t,&.over $260. Thor,6was a Itimationi, 1ilk Igtad,11:0 10jair 'tbA ji Iha alazgo tl(x Ur. tG. . Pe;W, Dentiat-H. T. Uod,giw-15 Minin 8�,niajein 1890. XT and Stoveg-3-A. Ghardesworrth&Sua deft wUl ireprot -to leairin It-hiat the is splendid s1how of horses. -menyexcop, i!w 110geirs6bl-, butt Ue! otill 6"laeLSIX in tber iratel luuajng�a 'Imot TeaDvewin'as *mpidly B,I'yVh the 1111144. Wantp,<I-B. U. Gunn -5, as Wi9it I tionally fine Atnima)m Ibedog Vin sxhi- Brucefteld. aikes a tsii4keor ha. ha!dd of ia. PakUll.-Wiet -ve isi, q- Thanksgiving Forwit-G. E. KW;�_S Z miss Getyle 61fanes Of dp - of Mr.J.P.W., .......... I � Zurich.- be ie�xqreat*4. 'Air. ad XT. U. 'J 'bitilon, whille thiel m4joirilty of the Women, tand Missivins, On, Wed. 103M "-- at The truth about stoves. Many Pe. pie Wiblot welre �grwebtis at Mrs. I. HOw- ! ther c1l.asses -etre e4tia)fty as 400d. tnesday eveilalng oif Jias,t nvwk C le 11ey, its- jvjs1,:tIjWg Pla Card at Thanks -H, J. frienAs tin 6own at "WhIlleft the inte;:.As %I to" 00 have been deOSIT04 to bellevelng that stoves were o0ts kes�deme on Sunday last. -Mr. It ln'additLon t he * regulair prize; blot' from here eoVwg iait ithe corner f(Xf "he Lonaft Dressed Geese -B. B. Gman-8 6hesp because of a low price, when experience ludicts of ithie Wo;mIm"s, Lpxebgn M'L$- el--. Funds To Loan -Expositor Offiw-8_ provee them.6be most exotrialve, And tbea you E. 113 - Hornero et pimaprous young itthe f-dll0WiU9 SpeCiokl priZ`05 WeIrC a- s.ioniary Boole* I� -IfIlar 4111tbd Ukivg (in, tb:P, asembliv at Tioajill on Main sbre- It wi!& ;A- y Cad, annual pay a small price, It may be for a h%ndsome stove in fa-rinex of the gatiUlte Arm In �Stsn- war-ded'., siveje divi.irg ontfit, Th ws, (Rev.1 inghiaml Fridej evniji of 'ibis 0'reldit, Ittat 101UT. vZ111lige, vwhah itV*4 steel# ley, hias frooen*ly puirchfa!ged a fine john WjOL�scpn best team in Dlacksmit-b WreL-rch-5 appearance, You get Inferior cast If 00 'Rid short time. -and you will be sure to , bisye trouble. For Saile--B. S. Phl -d,rivimg- colt Crom Frank JC*f- Hulg�hf Darzomb;j best' UtAly dirivsr, iaddeiss Nybicht was tthoir� 4a,�S itS. g�Wd lmw%� Grand ConoeTt-8 and light material that will burn out in 1% very 'harnes-9. Hamtliton,, !ot iGoderilo;s didUveired a flor its Itasty andt sn%ta;ntW1. A nobietsf title, waj� IA MeetLog-31. Dremann-k8 Thelseattathe chospeot. The Peninsular StoveF, trey. -Miss B. A. Thomson P13el"t Miss Bush1fiel doub ou. - 'OUIgUly JMj0-3C-ed- by aft 1pitespan. t. She Ranlrel and i3ase Burners have befome lain in$ the SatuTday and Sunday 119jqt a ho -fit Hu1g;W'[1Yhrr,och; best'6vo;yeaT loddl Rensall. Myth on Priday, vi-siffing rekjjVft world over. Tbey.are made out of the he*vleA wid home too as her, tthiemejGcklt;s� commission KIP J. Sutherland has hod placed in his aglid, !ft - s Farmers SAplies-Reid & Wilson -2 beat material to,be had, *64 - will 1*96 a 11'eilin in Hensallil.-The Sabbakh 'TD�'date'r dl t hit6hed to gigo JoseAh to, Wolmojoi: '#'Go� teu; Go hwi __ow si3hooll b.i?.Id ;ip coh _Uricly nection "ithe , Beswitbot harids at a great bargain, two Boo brldk dwellings Z t Ths Peninsular Stoves, Ranges and Base So 10if WSS DO,=, ang). %vith -tohin"g -race, pil(ani,11 . she, Ispoke with a number of IoU attached to exoh. A odd ick,; la& ts U 71. wql not,, burn out," but will host and cook ptr. ilUin-Lon 'akqrdb� iis taist, &vpjl'q.pij)g 11n.- Emma Zimnwm3an, M. MOC�Iem'elftt; the) great work joon to woen tn chance for a rolred.famer or anyone iwapting A. r ipubbq acbkol, ileft h4e 0. in on 1parto oily, and will save f ul, save repairs, save worryi, to, a instruotive sc,Uo:oi Whlie, Mr, -mdm,j3 racio owor 50.yejatrs.*T. Akins, �mjssio" ifielld, Holme, sho Isa4d, 01,289 dwellin Also cheaper prover- iTs - innea�lft - Be auto and see these wondedu- gi at a hargain. I tba'Polfit 0 t of itba *4ek bw M Gomla's Moo, Hen- :tovv'es'at"A."'bharlesworth & son, Zurich. 1975,tt Iboa-chl gs tend - ties for sale. Apply at once at 'Mr. M*GuiTe 1 -boys' tracs Whikeo' �npe*ota .-Miss to (the twomiews -great sphoe. Rut gall. 197zif .1 Xsed to ftawt dlatvgem 'gat im( 8 ea5lh E. Millson; !9�xjsl Tace, Gertlei 4�qbas� w�ais '11m the villa--ge, on, a Ha GouncTl Iblad, a abbro , - I 1b- _. a at the Wavin . homilet Iflar, - tan 'hour ea6h Wantedi a larga quantity of Aple meeting hdre'on the 9th inat.g.bat 011fie Knox. month, Ito attend, x jpiasioniaTy nieft- of - SEXRORTU, FRIDAY, Oct. 20, 1905� queS at Mr. We LHOT Is, irasi- Hengll evaporator I which the highest market tlhe,principml business, was\thei pass-. i019 001111d MK41 make! w -am -en, voioirer cash price will be paid, Aring In applel at once *1 denoo on Sa.tuirda�y am - - ing O;f Accouns. The next mebting llst.-A numbor 'vvvlelal or -anddi-eirm, Prom, aal, our season will be "I"oft- the v Oliwge itihile -meek vieritimig ftkw 'of Io uIr moo n, , 1A -ra ass,embilted up if veilf�be held, -on the 6th.j6f November he -Rev. Dr. W M wilhi-Vecupy bioawq Mr. Mulooles Retirement. 'kist Saturda nig7hit, ib The Co foib eamant Home Bar. sOctioUtes oomamis You can buy the bomb mixed family flour - I inritth ut xv - m Qry of P�0(i�eIy Dair a2 p. ria. Air. l'ohn Pxetor. �ae, roundinga. Ourst;okothistililigiilmplyllxt.'I No alltonded mlWtings, butt' no x%ne which 16 made of all choice wheat guaranteed to V on sailibathl after as. abaeolii, iff!4DUONT0. 'O4t6 unftm�emlt 30ov w4ek iyf rnogtL ing 'to -'t he nionarnall. !olf Theitr give ou arst-cioss satisfacitan Wi J2 per awt and Th�- aIi:ino of tour vnterpris-ing residonts, bettor notiment, )o better quality, no more resse Olt, a� IdOUVIP, of WEx&s on t, dogs 1vey twiefre anabile ib(A i0ontime I onable priCefl Con ablol*d, The Iditstloumaned for, ibaok ot puro* Mo- isoVii at $2 25 0 the Hanall, floUrIn I g mills shows little obang, tibe, ane-U-Tetratent of Six Wilublam M11- is imaking prepairatitans or the -ok- Id be oomblood and gathered on. -tbe 18odites da itibiel Igreat!. boldy of Kru. m Wbir� was h t hie eba- H C" &Soos a-e-,Mestirs. IG. M. lirysdallie, der one r*ot than% o have gathered here, and all for I . - , Wgie in oil Room. Ilb-ok, ftetmaster Cvenea*l, from t)bla eotin 'of a &�jndffomo yemr r6sidence M-tal jftTin ithe past two your benefit and oc oventence.. No bettir stock of ;�he� PievsUrtleirian ohjuir-oh wnd bethind r 'Wk� - J. _C r bherlt hO Tecently bardware no befifei @took of up-to-d-ite stoves and r eXt lsamWe on t4ind Wiss -13. At -Ian Irle. Brl�lfs--The Ifeettluirle leiven UY Rev. viitinig U 4&jrV .Ufry irbanclas in Henaailtllast ranges. �h_e,eto' Mr. 1tworwiles, of Gailite In 0-aMQ -The 1frienft �ot Mm Thomas iDkk,- Dominipin Govornment and his -Int!en Inewled acFq wa fIxat is thlet t9bronig lbwad )YE God, puielha.se4- IftPlIn. Mrs. McCormick.— ve ate so varied both in sizes and A -f tior ltb;e ladrew a, thwirt vote O� ohiaro,bi, oint M%nday evaniml; Ilast Ula-, tion t.% mrMbIdra entirey po- Sunday.-Magbeir Molyin Talfbot,wbl styles that purchas re find no difficulty in bel t1s to 2010 JohIn Hey, jr�, tdoe - of our on -o suited. See the ninsular stovs. Do not over. wift JAIry, tubs, ,has Ibeem Lveiriooual,y 111 ifidr some tUainike lwa:% itisndem to ithp, apeak-_.' YouniT PSP 111Uaa life, rwag ai =Tpirdso, wev.Oiry terpris�g 1wrmers., w)hlo ,ro- 'time ilook the Importa of uatove with an er. Thia ciboiLr addled muich Itiol i der Itbe. a ioetv oif )the Young vaot, is Inow pe6diO rvoivi�Ting.-A essabliehed reput0i 0, The Peninsular mark on a, VleiaSuire of It Uh�e p(les oalu�Vj, twas f4irly well iaond- 45 to 144. pgrson'.L T.Ue. vaui5el assigned for Mr. sidres oaeax h4q, has soold M6 hand- Is _qU - hmmbor fom It,hils vW91ty att6nd- stove Is like the at ling mark on silver--& mar k of hPI mlepsting 'by itheir ed a,,ad 4n-upbj ienjolyed, Mr. Knbiiviles oted uno so Tottojneot, some gimdral p uxpose teaft of 1howses quality. #, obarla worth a soft, Zurich 1976-tt Kippen. db loo -k 41 blealMi. - t, the led, (bble Itft rameting, 'heIld in imonnec- Note% f -Ally ouistaining ihis revateblon, as p6im wthidh Nmion pv many, pAzes o -Mrs. 'A. XqB<�&Ehlj MTs. 9. A t4rand Concerti will be -hold in I I d -UUO&ng4&��j 11AU0 e tamsedi )a; feefing of deep e�lrret in 11W61i WRI11 0110 Bredbtrian chuTdb 06bobe dinig, At MgU aUle ind vie.Teabile Ileatuireir. His -alhowts, f1his W I's 'toL Mr. David- Dono- �n X n`ofoll' AikelahxNad lad Wise Mwggle lmciDe.r, a'XL KIP Aedsipts here 'Bayfielld, Do 'Moinfty evrning'last on[ Wedn"dwy, ootiobor lith, ai valt mon'h. WAI 11161lood and others Vill .2.0 �11* publliv mind, as Six Willfiahn had van, �Ojf subjeat, iVa.0 Soorets of Sc(Ach; siuc- aralfld feir $350. Mr. HeAy' M mid, who, speino Miree maodths ja ssrs. G. 1a,00bi 1G. . T4u!r* pretty -bome; Nve4ding ook p)la�bo at -a;nd (filom attaxit 'to! Anish he, twou foir Mmseiltf a; wa!rm. pjiamo ilia has. since Purblia,sed another M4,amiitoba; a!nd the Northwest, Irt- CeSs, Money Found -Found en the 2nd A ow Cff 'ithD. team. to r4e talco those he sold. -Mrs, tray 'Weirle, igwegfts at.G.raind iBep,d n tt-he resl4ence -of Mr. and Hirs. J. J. beld tdio ttlention lot. 1118 -cession of TuckeramIth, near Xv Wiflimin aiwooft Re. - The - k i Taytor, Breivoteir, sVtb�en their eld- furnle4, Ihonfe giast wftk. Tibey speak I I)r. -Pnexig-ug0n, Pirle4idielt n October 8rd, -a sum of mon JIMok# 2 -Da Pie" Sulnl&�.-M. H.�,Aowsjrd ij this wee bsigll,�y loif ItIbie, vojuba-tiy Und. freturned bavethqsame by Wetif * ey The owaar-aw 6UhS0q-UP_af aMnOUVOMMedt that ISiT t je�09afgled in fbu,Udi;d;�_ cianicre;te-floaro est daux)hter Annie E., -vval% united IW th at jtj* eelt- _V..tjIt to tbe xwoun$ t10t*r_--Dho1oemt Un - ia e -in-ilaw-, -%va% -.1heire vL41tlug her t r weine-wed rA'X00rgt).-M payingifor this dverUsement. Davidwilklmilk-_ isms, 212 to iss Mae W,g Ln --,his usuait rAwsamitl aind- ablie. Potft*Wodiley.-Mrs L 0 IbhoWe!9td9.,k B'r6thers. in -maflrlaige o, Mr.. Thowas Lovea� b eet dhoce, bte, taippoin;f- fate' y Beatty, Who ifilas b.eein, vielting in bar Rev, S. A. Qkrriere, -of Grand Bend. -Mr. Smith, pastlorr hf led! to, ltible, Ch4of t4he Rielm, -.-sisfeir ,6,1! the ji-ate Mioia�i vilkliage, -ha's freit-wrinied -to they allome ZeR,IkNr and aVnt, of Mrs. jDr..) Bu- Brussels.- Tihp bri& wvo, ws sloaxmejh.corchy ihas een, coFiad tbo Notea.- Rev. Mr. Z r qi1hart -4 - Ox-cfta,cluer Division Of Itihia Oibbwrki giv'en away 'by tJennie Mc- ler fat-ble, 6vas tasteCulUly 1gowine Beat h,, blis� Iidolm; Ithirulgh ifUlness klurin:g ft rivered- vim. uddreos at Che lliglh' Ck)ujrt olt- Justie 'houdi .& con- cibaban and Mr. -E. Z61141eir, of t(he Took Ithe 1Xj6,daII,V_At Ithief (BruseAs in oream bat-ste, wibh trilmmingo of -h-as bleen urp- P(diff Vveiek, buit is 1010,xv *jmprl6v1l3.g sary bew meetimig in &hL-- Poibbed iobjuir lladex of the, Pires. Heralds died lhist, week at Stria!SbUiZ, - taft 'flair 8-yry Bxds., jewejjers, bf sPIk rucibin and a$tover lac�e, and n1cely.-Mrs. Tho*s.tB4C,4 Wingba-m-, ia-u abarAh, In Btyfiedd, M fusing etfoat. It %v,asl difficalt bo Waterloo couil ty, - She was 70 y1ean's To-,voinito, cjfpetried ja a, bytIeTi. obare;h.-Ar. Urak -ON-ef1l, s, vlex a. !for ca,Vriod a lih-mveir bouqueb. - Tbe wocompaintita' by hor 4ftblie isu, As ovehing.-Tho 'G-muld ive Uvw a maan wbo was pthysi- of age.-Mr.,� Pred KallbMisdb, f ound, L 'i . 1. copic (the, 'besit Ibugo on the isr of 'Molose aw, vi -sited Ln. it brid14 paTtS ente'red t1he roln to 'b P- vUlla4c' -here - visfUng Ilveit paxets, Mr. and of 'St. -Andrew-78 rhirreh�, wAivg Pri mys, Thieria wras domi- the strains f M:adellasidirn's weA. Mrs. Thos. Miok.-Miss 1da, DLcks IDI -1101dimg 'a 0", k Werlmlg inedft cally uiaable Ito diseffihirg -01he du1jes t1he 14th - concession of Hay, mdt atge, or )ojIh Iii Vol y Ila -lb welek. wit -h a eerLoas-,alocldeint on WOdaes- ptlitLon, Prize, Wisiltnielro.-TUP) foil 1nig p u- 'tit a Cainet position aboild IJUI sto ft(t)tblet 4nulcih, cov,etted UWJaTd ding marok - plalyed b th,,, bri&Ws Duir 14alm., wiaa i1wre tis, oj;6;ad- 00 the `Ld tern:,000 df - satmdwy, day -of la�st, )yeek. - He wa:9 wrkilng ajs iselvien Ifinte, n-imialis tweTe a3(ro I iespoinsible and Uoinorus a position ught 0011sim, 'Miss Peal?& Tairlb:r, and t,ol P�lls of lthte se"00" 'n( se"D� N�, 10 ing' a, few k1hy6_ wi W- bier 6ther,-WhID tdber 28Lh.-Xxs-. Xena�rvT. I - 8( ther -15 to jloanil at, the 13azz 1planew, *hent 'Aome `,injto fthe, jrij,nv. After ereirta vom- Ur' glace an a wedding beG de- Lamiley; oilotained, lyrizes "'Wrlit- a " ve-r mgeriously wet Axulgh bex, rs. Xoiquillmw - m4 iin. ione Of itthe- hi -g -het cumts ia Ithe way his lef Fhand oam,� in codtact pia:rison. Ithe Ittrbipy w)as Igip i1n'9 nd&MWI1QIg IWt the ffiailtli ifalws: Ave�a!t hje�r otf Iths week oheckd- 4-mork twat ah'Wden, - Winn, *33.6 rawitih the swift i6vollviag kn1vies and. is, en ;f 0 la, coated, wit 19've�Cn, fdi,a�ge and-. At Beaf orthi, PeaIrl -Raiki)ns recteived Mind. This vLppawent oDut;radietion p(londid Vownig l3blox4f horn, lownfed Ib arw sl, Aifte'r a sumplin' jon. Itbe fbig Thiois. Pa:rt y white t(yv bsve *.n thie, &=e Ifilad itendiency )to ;be4d W unIe of -as a result- he ad the id Doinfalld IRIdbeirthgon, el - GrIvy jEMWj_ wiedding din- ir f1h briae and lgroem to limt Cie, f in-- , bslt! - OrUet KIPIX Greba, uistard seo- is ading tb,, ctomfort and'ap- Mr.,. Jals. Chwnoy,' in. Tulc1z*s-='i;b0 Ind paxt of =olthilem no Itiakon Rblip, rvjp - - )irer, a, Or der 13W to 1.760 .4 wo ons, elti*,r Itbiat tILe Dff' On'011Y Puirehhoed fxio Mr. aef t, ohd' TJ - drfawlng by &U'ldres e peaxiamme,olf (Me dw;elimig,-Mrs, 18bir- and' Withl Othl8r.' friends, It - I I Jobin, Wfatit. ItAo �Wej1IjL_kndwn b!rep it jd.. wis)hp amid Nh pf rice, and �good thiLrItIelen, jy[e(a.ra of afge. Greta, Mus- -b t DeitTlo,it. vilsiting 'her 'their W,05tVXU- tholnie! ,this week, viwable ,second a-tatement ts Co. Mr. Muffloclks.lb;elallith ler, 01f Slalliem. Mlex,ry Archlie,ls Na. to tLkW Me evaning -r-ain ItIafrd Irk-meivied thrt prLze, -Tay, 'sr., tW 0 1100ond for Detrol t and ot.he,r ti Bay- son Will:iam.-Mr. Xeirvya Brawn, having a most ej�jyabb& vidt Aw- lwas invotritrect bir -tfbjWt a:sewt on t1he LOndesboro. .58,416,. is,,ithj�nlajmo rA Itthe whtdia(li nvitn�_ -P O'n tAy' Th'e f ielll :for ftowIng by chrUdirlen tuindr qorb 101E MT. GeDr, nd arRmes in frow I bride's goiog away 1giown was da, k mong iold friends Ncotes.-A pre*t 'w6ddi;ii-g. -tdok ne - w h ci iis, ltiek-ve, wn�4 a, iadif Wpnitfts g�eein IflilTVeteini. At GoIdlefriqh, Owria, Mo- ge laron, of this CQn-rt beacA is a�eLaeeure. fladi�,4' QIDbb, with ho:t 'too viilla:ge and IwYo; lasit summer vieiry r&i.-A 10dokRy nu=br fPoml thu #1mce, on 18th inot., Gregor tredelved t S UtIce!96 vltailty attomded ith ait fte 1hopme olld, laiqd deoclendied frvw Ibes,t m -at -01h Te , irst Viize mnd This iXave ipjlave, to tlhpj f LVrtbeIr xe- preven�s we4TP- numeT Willy tpassed lio e -Min v i IYO 0 S C Malbi0l ise-ound loir tw.ritimig by XA S oif 'Mr. and Mrs. Glotwheater,whielir imporltek1l Uielk, -r. Rd , r tun u and 1,7;oad vites aT ggmand-vidae lo '� Sifnftl - y showing the esteern eieas, a dTwg-giat, bias securied a. 4secoant -of the VW,t -tjhet Mr,,,MuIlIdvk. 'had di.-saigireed theii, Idaogbte'r Kwbe( Wais. happidy ighoullid Ifeiellt tpiriolud of hiis D=rban, in which PklpDls of the CAurth boGk; I Ot hent. a 0- hlelrd,.ain'd telspoctia1ly is aast addi;-tilon The Xroam's p-reisent to th bride, lar Toffnto.-Mr. WII[Lrid Trpryelr,sow, sPe4 oif hvibg -ejoared, a Pdo*- 'go IMOdly evenin'g ILabit, the 'young couple ate Ibdkl. Pols toln. a4 imia nge-1, of a. dg s to)r,6 01; to ?wittli, Uis 11,V4djeT and aoll1mgules: on maTrIed Iba l9r. Moiss Br WM. 'The firsitt pirize aind Wa!l- 'happy "illyl wUll sove-to ao%y,.T to vextain im-portixnt !questions of -pod., t. w dle;f. Md , ru WA�Zj for IdInaw-inIg b 101f 'Mr. James E. Mrp�rejr`s of ithis vhl- -an't, ftin�e,.- Mr. xad- 31rs, Jobu t 1300 oil 'the l5kernOr itealUtes f 01fe iin the Briefs.-Noirma McQui!rja s home Pupils In 11he fourth hc�ok ; Ian ;M %' axid icy -ha%I conserq c' 111a:9e, has xaoeialY seeared w -*gVod Squires"' Of ZDA' RuIr6h, Kary -'reopivield, Ifitrisit, pirize afad E � Fra.,m'k Squires,, of ToTo there, 'hcAx, Mr. 18rown, 'ha6 'Ckony. priesIfloln, whieyp'.lhle has Ibeen hiell ly0sitlil0la in ILL AM, n TbIr0dtb,-W,P_ n to, w r6 *la t Morris. , e Iresignedi. - ThLi� or oonjeot u,re ilatletLy renbeh.-Mr. and MTe. Hod- eppilloyed, far thlel Past yeair.-�-Rev.4 Cdliliinta,!stiand tEor wtritilg ba, V110118 erej Vleased' IbD triepoirt ithlwti Xat�ter -here fau­. seems now. itid, lb*; selt, at rest by -a- ;X0 I-- . m;j� idrov, divirn from lGod-eiri E,iairI1T'.Ae,tIt1heIr G-ane.--ntim of 'thIrd' Uofok, jaih,d. Gxpata iMusbaird I I I otatement fom� Sir Wttliam, biii�- 6h' on WOW% flalbu- W Stpindard �)amk Tubsid-aty W(ApIng, jocitipb_�ew 10th, at. `rebCtv1PJd1 Uriat, ialnid Poaxil Makins OlYwrIles, Stionenita a is wj.ze- a)l 4f lth:P-ir iftth,OTZ.-Mr. ;661 ;�760 ; red wheot. Sunday IlLiatj '�Lnd Apetat itho )day &t hbT-e, 6in, Oholw k0f thel CA,4mlp1beI14Ifo,rd-W8.S0 !o'c 1;ly triorn this ve-,�y ;SeIrl -ftiess.� David GlIadstoine, weriei'vis- ,fto ; tPring wb, oed-T, whc1di. oveir of tha lather two the parsomaf�p,,..-O -Suinday n,6xt, rancli, is Iremenvii)k did frileind.-jhips Robegt Tw-itiabieWd, .ho�i diplooed of Ptig alt the paretat �hom�o bf Mr. t6 37g; Johnon, an, oud, Tr drianv,in by ipu'PUR of lth�rd d, 'ile-sidemitl. of itbe Zth, line olf Moir., book. At' 1Dlyt,h,C1,ara.c,e Kaiset re,- *y lbuisnes and Mrs. George 1700� 2rasod h inay be voorievt. Hei h,a4 aatboriiod Riv.-Mr. Kei�r, otf Cl-inoln, wift co- n 1town:-NIex. 'McLunnian as . In S tjo the pubilica.tioin idf thie. foillowing - Iris, voiry giiaMelf-Whty passed myay., ceivied first- ipiriz for wxibtimg by Gairiaet bf 4sifinlayo It is'qiuftle tan erxoir f ar amy duot anniver'sary tsewv'toes in -tb'B Londoin' Ifor laf iffewi days durinig itbie, --Elfis and Mr. 'Alar Is fitfm aigleat bt Wa:- -at-4-8.75 per sw_t, Methoilist IC14-rub. (herel. On, Che ftiff.. piaot(wieek j9eIDiIn!g his He! WM limi 19 u-suall. ',headit-h on Idbo ohiildmien, undor tjeJnj mair of aLze, idtokle. I - Mty vary to _ i 6=111fadoluilbei ajrg-- enlliajr�ging &MI stVggest Ithiat I em wi�fihdirla_* 1101wing Thu�lrsdLiLy a. thanksgiving wh IbbitlheT Mairdipe,_ Avleonte4aaT pirevi'aus and itbre on& Tblja W, W le-pord wlh.Lcji Is oredibaba -br=�112,50 I t(o;ok fa evvrei spethil o!f Ibteedi ' The Ott () , m'tS Hiet bad ireweed th� olliike, to gchim. pi i squiTles from the Giavenanwt because. wiil1l e I,given, froirn isudde-AT. mulal, 'imq1PIrlDV-inig rtbe, s The Zat; low pu 4& a:n;ll itibp r el. - We, ittraot tthje�, lento Idip bu milde, shorts. of -82 t ithe Wd ftimet, to; C ol',oIlouk. �kdrewes wilft b-0 6riv- 1. w1als, ith ut th(L. if a M11-9t9Td- tsuqmiss it mteXjt!s._Rv­. j. ir, a, t.L.mo lhonuredl 4a:hd tTUU Saying.. any, Csagreemleint ;%vfti hic G Ithle, 001M 10111 Prid Ans, livibeh -Iioord, olld yjeans, leilghit. Ibeiaelleir, Miss; Joan rprise tilra , ineet youaaig �Ima;y me3A. or, iany Or its members. on ,iaiy thhe. to b.'a Isletri- to $lT 4otbg iand 21 dayg. Mr.. Jbbnaom, -at T n,. or Peir en, (by Rev. Mr. Ander0n, bif Blytb-, Morrison, Vf Woolds-0cac, w1as -a inq�lvel 6f Qrlb)ft, 1)mrhaim, i MeWeill, tot Blayielld, preached is Yoong' ajill[ MIA are, j)0mjn'g - S�Vuy_, brouto and Rev. Mr. IIM�xtr, Cia-tco, Rev. Mr. wial In Itown '16dr a couiptle, jole ktays Blyth. Ca!rme!L .7cl*W:cb va. SuV),.A.1i 'Dataitbo-6h Aa�y 1by day, tand ithe inar,ch, 1gow- Va. swiatl� I an ,LvLn.Z Itib;a Galbinelt Leokie, Xtondiesbo�r*, and Enigiand, and n his. Yotitfh, Tallw10'ad- firkn,iii u,alr- imidrnlilmg a uItteir neawly fa q Re v -, 'Tyl-r - 1as-tl Rd wav 'a-airmieAri Q000 'a to JDI* - - 1850 to W,3 1mr. i 'nl- ed 4 onle, Itilnel -Mith an;of&eir,, ramn., number, fr�nom lattr w 11 i*iye"oif Zobfn "Donallds,0[a.-T-bo IPam- hore )tCX01 ea rme-sib a nd iwol1l; plqpairid ser)mons. -of Itbio a Mi,liltson, la dom1bly. The I - Brief e. DA 'evemitag, deiRveoliig f rom the jotra�-&le the Trave. stock on tra4k, a ter ot 4 �cletdtuiry dC uninterrupted a;Lso f aor It he addlemoo lthl h&vifng b1aTe f u sceXiiion. cif (jhie; k tin Ube, ,Dmn,gannon, 190i, ttair �ko; Wn 'th-omail WeOt cl ts� Public lile, qvith, tits main.Y. ardjuous. l4o,ngs John wnid, Eph. Cdb i to-atook or, illes of ge twool youlnig majority exactions, I db. tnolL feet equaill tow , L11 a ".ry hand reeitatio�ns.-Mr, ohln Lmsbom W. ,re rn ovie, (,n( it he Icip Q se firisit' thaii1t load bullit lin E,,n-g1a!nd' ind �Dn - Fix iday, and Tepoirt, it �)eLn Wni R�entry aquM# mwa: .y pa trad u 80i olf 'a 00"fil"e on, whic1h, at that Uinta GooTge;,Stepjh,� ncielessf uil. The wea-t hei; b6img ifLn y4 11 k,,& d t4 returnm6d, TI eiswy ievenTaz atter of weekeffla GwQ!pb. Tllie jr&fmeir twijil res. . . . R-4yo---The mtkrk vautina-ance iolf ttwsk, it1he lenslon. TtalnlIA� fanTus " Rockiatt's but. It1110-rie, '%vlae U -9-dod c1rowd-.-Ainotbiew I dut.jes, ot el Dan4hri We' TejjMelt -tooning Igod The 14th of Oolfober. %�[T, Squi wicibi have ofteady becom.e. a Revec lealsaint Itrip,ito it-L�e iesit. h6ld, rin 'aueftoin palle, tan, j9j1turdx,.y CitizAU13! qik�P- Mrs. Elig6e, but jivih was la, 1gramid; toild man, He w:ag -wr UX, for !N t 11ad "bie, -and his- wihfe -ome, 'olf ithe popullr :Bl(ytli- younrs J.a_ 113WO - strAin. It is rALtji -tbe utmosit trog ineX.V wesek. Mri'A'Dex. 'Stewairt, rof heT,,-a1hk ,lihPpL"s ajid ;prospxltly in -in EjTgjaM-. Ud $6 for No nd _161dre �Ofiaxl6ed fokr 0anada, diest was Itialv o, n en, out ot ur t w on d to Groy, Wbo iLa iremovIng ibo it,oqvn, jh"� her Ine,w, ffisome -whee ise hiats 9' lmd unchanged that I Mirt With the. Pinemiteir afid Leadburv. atWedn"llay flinot's jw,hj�n Mr. Tho. o. r t- 1817, being �ono of e� fawiAy 'Of t% Jetaived the, tholu of j,6hn, Co�berl,-p. n E MaTflha J. Wiairld in, 19 ieeir ed, 1prienaipomil in tbip, 't of , e, came toiCamlada 1 19:849, etlf -A* track btre. y +hie 118 0, ibakifng seven weeksl y 10 ejFeats H jr ent w'h.10'h;'I&nj0ys -miy f U110teot cK)I- stock of new rubbers--Unpla Leaf and Meroh a " J. IMaDointa-ild and tiatf.,blave, Cam- her 91ajughiteirs, if-rom an feducotional on a 'buwI14-a-rm in itho 'f!owAadj* vt efdIdle4ga-c�s und frobm a, Govern- Rubbers, Rubbers,, Rabbers-Big ne Kenzie, oniel kd Ulti,atlon's 1yominja tfi&ncle; WhIlIzit thhe slaver -ace, of the hrands-swellgoodeandmilnewand clean. W. ff. mencied. 0(;ble, fwl%lils of R. Xbi(xmisoss itof cro;ss Uoocieaini and 11tao&in,this tnwl IMOD, Wa a *uei tied vDimit, ldf Iview.-Mr. GeAv.ge Jo a is, , - io- ma;rxk;mge o, Willis, sole igent for George A Slatar shoeo'for dohnitiry it the, g,e ,of 27 �,yajrss, ;aot Miss Maxy LNesbWt, a It -he ttesiemw n t, WhIrridt, Wajterijb;o toumjty. Ta Xbo ;000d' lsbdvaige bmilldim1g.-Rev, R 15tx-iong piery3iol al Lives oor Inian, Sewforth, tinte :a -spieAr ven Joir ,manhood ais, eve,r of .heir. igargnibs, v. aAd Mrs, JkLmes wUll his lateculsitiolmeA, spidt of ieln- satne, brtWr Ible -Wa6,marnfed tFol FjUal- men and Dorothy Dodd shoes Y �terprige, UNWNI - - have derdilioped between me 1976.1 CaMeTO[n, 'off -Giearigeitowin, jaclemp$04 lihs Ipulrelbased -the eva,por betbi tBrbo, who ro-deoe �edi Ifiat 4uot6a t ortooVed he Atlantic. Her wa s,iy Nesbitt, by iboi R -Vv. Dr. X*j&a,.n, 9. to severo yWa!rts4- Tbk- -Mr. laind Mrl%. Ja!nYs Ches- fir a aindl eateb smiewl ot the the. Vill-pit Ut Wei Pveab,yiturioa 6�fchow in his blich, has in Che. ipast fbl m;n ,bw �Cabiet Noiteg. fA Ua.14) y IcotVRO, dt 0A, Ith, our stor bisef, adds J�rvat T�vWgancy tp -jte 16' lohluoh 'herjel flastl Sablblalflh. (We x t Suin - clailred' an. fby Mr. 'Hezring, iolf Dun— ellX06 - olhIld-ren-, if jM 44 aom a Inr -poon ePa-T- Vey, of Tukersmith, -;M vfeVilt- deyqWjed, ia(nd -as stirilghe O's P. Im. ibrain, tor a soIrt Itiney,moon dtilo(Wl a;n" Ts" '1M.er;a_ OILY *Pyt (be Rev. Dr. Ross, afth airy, f Mk*Itia, Mainitoba, and, iheT an- tu lreted., For -a numbor lof yeas, be tbrip, laftleir twibLeft t -hey wiI[it'Ittake up vbIlle, tand jin-tie�jldg �Un Aidll� 4tving, tour SOA15 am[ Monday'kmet iversia!i-,y *�,s� Piaotoir ict itble Iconreg.a. Mort, ei1A'n(19iv0A!y lWan n Itie 'past k1auZhIter, The Jdanigh-teIL is MTo, & Pool on CativA is;m's' dauIghtur, Mr. -McQumliam, f Win- in' folillowled r,a.iAlroadiiinig'assoiolait�ed -with, :t'h)clLr !68s-1dCInlQeF' ChItoril. A-litibl%*h si"tion wals, 9-tarmalldy aceptied, bi o6rmfolm su;ib-a4yi1e fo ithie t he ja4 mnd, 'bein in-vr. b, h1dime itu-'austr we, Riolkr, -of TUS v%Ixgle, Son I%*, but rAu oilpvg, w1eiriel 1vialtrunig it thic ihome of M �bselph, Whiteam14 " d -Ibwide b`1210 �`IVWding Wa qtfheit, thb i 'aftft t -214. London. n bk. J. J. Irvine n Satardwy Ileet. e prtedchied by 61m. Gwngie, "tii Winks Iof 0110bon. FiXty- eicfeived Isomle WaultlfutL and, id sucteles his. vnba!rp*n tbo 1&-,ath -of his -wiro, 'ter, iftv" mppolLntanent _Alnother loild lbandmiark, -in jbho k,,e,r- bule. lewr� of,w, Y, iond Mrs. obin MoAr_ namw� 'to iKipj I - 1. . . : u0 Six WiIlftlamss , )ft .rci ;Ziz advmm ef Thb l.vA lfl%vo namle' iladi t d i Wd r. r W -4 .9. Tn oa 're'" Molb 'Of iJobb NeCrae, has, passed Johnson, tWk peisentis;amon-g W--,hi.,h as a plano. mob - to It'he Cthdef jmrtiveob Ahnr we're ikv F,orawjch jM� iP Ot 'thO, Ex- Ituxininig 'to 'HalrCLfoba, this week.-, fx;Dm Itfie fOxI Win, Itot's t1lume aind! tomr, W"j-01111V NVIU130thdr in ami rd wnd IUUjliter, a6d baw been HAv 0*t. -"us Eden& J=ohafigod -ab lo!h;equPz Division ig tbo Mg2h -Couxt pJI�inIg iap(piles, �,ic3 in ord. h s k. 'YGOM' falmOn'9 Us. F ow sevietrall iy Utbler. nfolrtbiema ttownS, lain -6 & it A wero f . 'oa:rs oni lbliet-150h ancIession-ot Xotfs, u1nd , iml.'%vii,$)9inig' fte=, ati; ite q-j.dys; Idf imax- d, ill1a,g,eig oi0t War Aa 0 diftileff 1110 wo 0� lWask Vero 4t adea .00 S 'ifte batcheirs ta jWj( _ vils!.. - and iu tr4igl w.a. Ps'V eciciela9ed had been ; b6ing Telliataves and Conservative, ftiple 'fircim Irhmvmlaitjsm,,, aki !V,ery l a '11vd V g ue. an I Thk--, oTolp� is Ibn (bblet Iltilg1hit 01dQ. -There lani hIolh'th died'. Hie n U119 Iried 11fe.-Thel 1EjAvvr!t1h Lea, d -mett va,c4itles fhis seiat in, N --vIats n-faIr Otiendanci,falt ItNa sallet or tarnm ifau;T� �yegxs abd t(hea algain 'G�Urilstliau 'Endeavor h0, mniimn friemds.-NDris. * SpucL-man Vrid M,,js;g IAthodmiL He was upright 9*41- -York, w1hc% the bas hell Tairdity Igolb Wyloind bris Wn doloirisbep, MV d foir ne�ddy mcielUnIX in ithe lhase�met, of t1be Alicoc.k, bif Exb.W, worte bjx. tho, vft- I lion'dralye tin k hie tone Of -tLe ;no Mri. J. E.- Irvine on %ondaiy 1hast,amd Arb 61jV twj0j Nve�,Iks WeMitl TaillbrioLidinig, ussisd1lo t;d b,uXd a�alge �0 UbaUnlgs, jamilt a igo hie wasi qtiteck- U, to -WIP Itbe seeft quIa;t-te"r Of a 'Ven'tury.- Ui13 911-c- werW ivielry 'godl. The proceed's tel 'Buffaloij taind 114efleth Talkoa, a4redbYitVrilay 'eblulrdh, -ani lie was iav4r read_y show a doolin ed WAN a lsovre erase of dysenibry, ementing.-Mr-issirs.-fB, 4T. Ciraw.fwd -Quitle o, num- and (faiThCuily served the Lord iw_ Ueaves 4014 at oteasor in Iftlet Cabide(t, 'Mt. A. -B.'Ay- M'VeWay hours with. ftiein&. fft' wkmlb qpwrarkk1s of $1,200. Mr. ri�b'O's. from, Wh[!Ah; ItIme he 1gT,aduid1lIIiy san�k, ajnW, 1-ayinig Ifixalt, ateell, on a! IyoIx- lber of MW vijftgvxs on .. Tuesda Us Ida and Wn)6r-altion, leswort]Y:r t1h)a Orainent Tronto. bux. Brown, ithia, pek)VWS' eacitioncer, tlon Vf III: as, am lexpeir 111afo MoNab iand M. Litdle, s*7i,tb tomir y =d ,xister, willil 1likWLY, wuln. tor o It hie Ihimbileir. Unti(l_ ibbe: 10,nd calmle about five Wegiock aayer. Soam�-, Itkidetteir, hie ireturined wivea drove jovem from Danlgiinjnan Rhoil afteindled thei faineraill oIt ithe beUmi& -JAm a gofDd &a,& .bgjy0ra* '-240 P9 , r , Pound. Waa*Y now, exiting & York, Jaob Thu;nsday eening. 'Mr. -No- tae ;Xr's. �(Iobh Latta, of London, recotil. Tb)a ft-Vnatins; Wvfte taken 44-� .2nleb oGws and 4Dr,,,te, w ftlo- this Ifafrn coulld U4 �ntany &r Witfiaxa Mullcks Totinemamat. 'hO Was fin, U10 78th (yesir idf aipff on, 8wnday ad spent'Itble day with formeirlljy- of Cbtiselhil-rst, w1w I%vus WE 61tlor i�s Vf' (11� 'hairdslaLps vndumtd by . CoulivahlIo1r.- Stiotbar. Mir.. W. Littise, is knoT.,4.4d tiald o vest in- ff. euch Chiselhurst. s alge, rma.4 on(O -o(C tibie, 1,41 . Trhete 'Iftom. Tiel DpImimloin Gabimet w111 to. letarlist set- Che :ewrI17 fs*�Eftflfta!, He lhwA �greaf. the ='a W1_0 got th 'largest 't3r out' ffo, weR, 30awn Ihfigbiy Tiespftbed Jaanee I and 'Vilers i fth(0 inLghbow-h-biod -and Kvias at, Te 'Volva,ff, some of ititgo 'him lbo: & pleinsiOn of $3,500 tva- I)ea:tb,-It, is twiffi Y00.*1gis ar Itht, vry ottrien1g,11h, _Wa;9 'dot striaiid df any. migaimi twhtla he ivv-" ju 'It-heire dev IMP) :rk-oirt -indenruity a6t pa -8t xe,Aiet itibq1 we airp 0alle, 1Y dMown. T hie'; f ainex-all b 'the DDmia�e:a Piaalam*at'. 1took jp!Pace iow M in iewsed &epe d Ith4mfg Thim. �requiirled push and pre(r- Pr-OsPlmt '9 In C baW Dis- Y B a 'upon tbis week -to rmord Ube death Onday all bewrnloioin�,wnd vevielpainiegi. '4r. Jahn��o:nthvias e-Inleftn- Wriot w1eiro Ihief has a; C*Uroft of 4 6y 'the ,conditions of -tiha same Uaw, VeT of a 4olrmefr: iesbiemod fresident of fliaxed7 ber or Ithe cthdTc,h. (a -r EnIgivnd Wnd licitaimis, 'in )Vbe aiuintog thobric,ft ;Mr. sold -at 31 to 40 ths plebsion wiftiLt be su,��pended w1hUe this piliams, in- ithia- peraoff' fof 'Mrs. Ora-wf,oird '19 n[loo i9teneffted in It'be, Fir Poum &e is &-erving on tble: bench. In. t1he Jhn L&t ta. Tho isWd lev em t'vac mr,red Bluevale. b1s , hfootstt', aprigh Iltife w1an him $2e00 or $1800* MUM 01 (time, ffio4vVVer, m4hen he in t1lie ondidn boapital, an Wedries- _01e T"Pefolt1foUtallil, wilild kmw thim. -XV Qdbalbb.-Dr. Mold ia-nd Ugr. 44 Noteg.-There; is whlatt Might wf- Thip, sarvivia1g OUdir-en -aire A. B. Tria-Dbald-, a d3musses, per ( bm;o* 4. AND A PROFIT IN'THE CHANGE. -oressed =i- tidh odd-umbim; b, be res-6mes da -y o:f 11"it. -week. 'Mrs, - Utte had - ma*Ett(be, iewilld ad -ppIdern1c W dysen. of 19allimloo.Wroo, Bri ed in, ItoW Thle, tast, pension kta all ex-Gabinet Min- �been aiiling tfor a bItmonths, 1try jin lour; neig.bboirhoA.' There Mrq, R. WigWrnam, DecjkeTvUbje-, WaLr, iof IQaId-orjc;jj,, w!as ini Itown on Vi0ft roin ibi Igter a:6d' abso trevewes a,,haff. pay but blio dfaeaise w" 4$4 &om-.the b,Oein ,f*o deatihis (fro= tit -and MiclUgalm,; 0hrifitlopbe'r, Idf Ia, lbuslnoss ftip Monda )9 (trb& , W bulk Of the Te ast Wta - wjetek. -leading p%a in pen.%Lo s -a Te-fixteld jud-go. His egltni.dg, as i-mveirythimig, wil6hin hu- imlanY lhlavO been very ill. -Her ifoir- w;ain',osh; Dr, J..C. Idt AdrLan,M1cd14 IUIM19, -01f Thlr0n-tb bas lbee OOD. _�ftntr&otrod Plenakon thie. VW �ambumjt tot $9,- nan power rmae didpe to conbat it. mOr 9011001Mates -Wili be %. igain,; Mh!om,as wid Henry 'all 'flbe` did lappoinited, ia:s hmllkLn bft49$ iffileir- ion Iligher figure 0001 a. yev.r. Under these icitrommstan- 8hp, siame ito visit b)6r dixdghtew, Mrs. I ter&ted to tioarin, tbwt 4Uiss Melims kfomiasibe�d. ',Qnlef da.wgibitler txnd f,OUT It'ho C. 1P.l Re 001ristruetivix la:nd &3 ? _00 oPs, tberet is tnt mnah.. daaex tat Sir Xo,`bIn T*ydar, of -0196e).1huimit, whieirB 'I LaWrezlcel WaW1mV(rIr1.,ed1 tlp Wr Hary wonti "adle decieias,6d,'iqne of wthrieft r" S'hvimg` Whiel PMdk' ahead.' Mn. James Buy $1.20 wdrth of Concentrated Animal Tonle at Alex. Wilson' -s, mix lb wira 01"ok were - LULm comiog (to want in hs old elk iVas lbaklen I'Ll, and wa torwair d '�Brouks, df (Grnjf0Dj, N. W. n burled Ir. %is bjxndsomo IT 0 L iflih Altbontim W. K.,eed (LnWivea meg am directed, and you have 58 lbs. of stock food equal to, and many of the bast laet. RU`t fWidw alftoge'MeT frVm rnemiov-M to London, In w'that Setmber 30th. Mr. em,& Mr.& rookinIly. Uk =6glo. Mrs. W. X, Iresdo4noel Monday of this, (wock ta-qd feeders say better than, any stock food An the markeb. Does this not oewmrnd italf -to TORON-To, 0 Ithis, Sir WiRIM& -is sald Io be bet -ter fmillities 1mlight e f bemA-.f it Brlaldks 't)Qok w weddini Iti 0 it -he and a',hl Itfht ifemffy ext,epit Tobn ,Iyord i Uas, Inow one. of - thiet anost; tobm,polete- rado in T40h! 'Wia'n and it is not it 'fo, htv. She Iliad resided in I&Adon toalst! and visLitAd ibo. Exp6sifilen. tt Meme bol ipay t6ble %ast trok-lein of Jre. Ily If iniabed, lhmnim ip it;w-vn,, lhavlLn profitis on au article six -sevenths of which they produce thennelvem ? any stock feeder? Why should farmers -pay tranWrtation oharge4, aud two or th M likely _ that thi -cour,se, in thiis' in- since Uva. Ideeleatsel of her. husbnd. PorUamd.-Mr. -Geor,ge Aittoheaon, of -isNqt To Ibba depairted. Mrs. jiohn. Wkit Ithe lmodleirz,, ocirrivenjen�ceg of ja *qaio. t-ftere be! atance %las Ibeen ixvP1uemcA_,,d Lm In order to introduce our 11 Ectuine Colio Oure',-­more generally, we will gtye The �attle any Piravious to Ituat they had Ured Nelow., oam-e ,blame illast, �vleck it,o,a;t- gon, plredeciaiaseA- ibeir ibui�band 17 pity 'home. -Mr. Pilgott ilins, pbairitic.d one dollar bottle for 50b to each purchaser of $1,20 worfin of our Aninsal Tonle. if vatf selU g aux if e"* -d deg" b -y tbho munificent prov . *�Kloa - f& many (yeairs 6n thle, 12W ownrRis- -beind Ithe; If unra11 lot 'his ram'weAf wt -her. "-xrs, and (hieri -indm:oLry he aff.V;ays �gdftim!z -thlinigs ill. shimpie to' $Eg have never kept EquiDe Colic Ours, &@k some of bhe horsemin who have u"d it. Some 1i -w1h1c1h, hAj v4oum!try ;has m.qUe f 0� nunchanged r; -him. slon of Tuokeirsuaitlf, elar Ohtlsell,- -Mr. James 011ilot'V has been lvery fovimigily The iels,�e m j- under ithlel Grand, Trunk Rallway sa they w uld not be without iL in the stable if it coat 85 per bott .1e. This �offor :it to S4.7i, good a1ld -affil, su.01-b as be. We onl me- b-arst, ad W 7 0 erso se, was miw1h and B11 'but! -hio Tr1eirids inow ibi e ifor vihtdth Mr,. filohnod 010 d, was -jheild Nv&s bavim!g Ia. llair!ge form ot )no -on Wnd good to October Met, 1905. -others A s3. tion 00 Peculiar oircumdsba,nee as deservedily Tegpjec!ted. Mrs. TWtte his -lreooveTy.-Thlo Ilte Mrs. bolbert evidienudd by 6he 'large g&tAerid; of ; Lhe muolithery at work. -Miss E:ate, U .3 Cam , of the. ws in Chlor 62nd yaT, aidd bad tjoeo 9, Ca-rie, ior (winigIfm, wals Godorichl, is at, IpirIesevt fflimmml t 84.25, ,q -n friefads and imIgbibars -vv-:hiy. ca=e Itx) ReI111, -olf th penslon system tv-0hicth we thave im- momkwar 4>f itiho Met,hid.(jjst rhuwc& Bl.uevalle aenvetery op FTV-dG aa:ot. hia fwnwr:a�f,'02 oax.Tle4;Ies, visIVMT own. -Mir.. Xohn era-, cattle pohed n1yo ouirseles in, ve!rtain oir many tyehxg.' Shia I y ld%*ing Che )h lh'( iab S 436ii sevea-4 The, fulner(ul hr Cattle 4thou- als a: ve;ry kure-lone. (hous, Rev. Mr. Uangito�rd,, of Br&. Who 1108 bft s0dig 45 favored d-ir"tions tin couhtry. in>ns, alil Vf WhI001 brLve !9onle West, Th�ynne is visitig h r indther thle, Igavt tcoupIle W )nwtdjj� fin Ithe whole We. u%n inot bt bb -16k, laiow<�vex, that with the iaxc�eptjlom io!t Krii. Ekmauej -P sels, to* iUW seirvite in kbe ulbsece N it *Sys bee*- 1.-� I land other trlaitive, In qinU of Mile, Iirn N60 Aud - ay the a amoluind outnbe,n t Vf Blfth. and Rcfi- 'homo *ha!qt week Wnd F thlir 4ort; lot tiag -willa- serv�o to veiry, J. Latba, tvvhb iriesides In Loodon. The Blueyet[P—Mrs. A-ohibald Patim,=, ga;va. In tjtie kleptod, of MD. jjobn. NY viry favolrmLbay - impVvaseg- with DRUG, BOOK AND PANOY GCOODS STOR"T, jf1twei 1* tub uv kjan 109t Inc.,. -- vreatdy lesspu -Qia publio, aPPrftIa,-; Efunorall :took viace ex,= tible, T"I- of imighiam, is (frewheninig jup, iher s,Otn a=otiher flink is o 'in (th,e, Pthlet rouVtTy as meETY jeivdiry 4wrsun SEAFORD!, Ulf I I -- ,Ucin tof omv pUi ic men and to de- &nco -of ffijelY Ingt Inc. friteindphi�s._Xr. ia.,nd Mrs. *kai of plyn"ts ot Moirris, bu this I i.-Dx., N. 4: of kageirtgft vis - 1 j 9