HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-10-06, Page 53a.
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It 6, 19o5.
On Saturday, Ootober 7th. Hotel prop. THE CANA I,AN BANK
osrty Londesboro, 150 acre farm in Hul.
lett end farm stook and implement. Sale
.at one o'clock at Bruoe's hobs!. ie Loudest.
born. R. D. Bruoe, proprietor, John
rurvie, attationeer.
Oft aaturday, ,Ootober 7th, at 1 o'clock
at 3. Dick's Stook Yards, Seaforth,
Horees and Cattle. John McConnell, prop.
&tor ; Thoe. Brown, auctioneer,
On Monday, Ootober Oth, at 1 ololock p.
ran at the Farm of Govenlock Bros., Win-
throp, 120 Steernd Heifers. Govenlook
end Simpson, Prop. ; Thos. Brown, Auc-
Oa Tuesday, Ootabei 10th, at '1 o'oloak
a‘ ut,t at Oarlin"a Stook Yard, State,
ram Stook. LJohn Drake, proprietior, ,• ,
Jantee Jones, puctioneer for Perth and
Oa Tuesday, October 10th, at 1 o'olock
m., on lot 25,„ concession I, Hibbert,
uron Roed,Farra Stock. Frank McCann,
proprietor ; Those Brown, auctioneer.
Oft Wedaesday, Oatober Ilth, at one o'.
clock p. m.. sharp, on Lab 8, Concession 4,
reborne, Thoroughbred a d High Gado
Stook John Hunter; pro rietor ; White
end Stanley, euctioneers.
On Wednesday, Oatober 1, at 1 o'clook
lo ma on Lot 28, Conceesion 2, MoKillop,
arena Stock. Robert Murde, proprietor
Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. •
Oa Theraday, October 12th, ab 1 o'clock
p eel, ort Lou 28, ooncesion 4, Hallett, two
mile north of Clinton, Farm Stook and
Implements, also a complete set of black-
smith's tcols including anvil, 'bellows and
ties. Wm. March, proprietor ; Thee.
41Br0wn. auctioneer 1973x1.
Oa"Friday, Weber 13th at 1 o'olock p ra
on Lob 13, Conceseion 6 Hallett, Con-
etanee Farm, Farm Stook asidirriplements.
eee awson, proprietor; Thomas Brown,
auotioneer. 1973,2
On Saturday, Ootober 14th, at 1 o'clock
p. m., on Lot 21, Concession 14, McKillop,
lam Stock and Implements. Alfred. Den-
nison, Prop. ; Thcs. Brown. Auotioneer.
Oa Tuesday, Ostaber 17th, at 1, o'clock
p. m., on lot 2,1, concession 2. L. R. S.,
Tuakeremith, Farm Stook, 'Implements,
rEto. j. R. McDonald, proprietor, Thos.
Brown auctioneer.
On Wednesday, October 18bh, at one
o'clock p in, on Lot 6, Concession 5, Hallett
-Farm Stook end Implement. George
•Clarh, proprietor; Thocas,s Brown. atm-
troneer. 1973-1
On Friday, 'October 20th. at 1 o'clock
p. m., oo lot 14. conoeseion 10, Itioitillop,
'Farm Stock and Implements. Need Klein,
proprietor; Those Bro ors, auctibneer.
seeroera, Oci. 5, 1905 .
tFall Wheat.- .. - -80 72 to 0 72
juts pi bushel-- - - 0 80 10 0 30
fookif per briehel-- 0 68 to 0 08
Oorley per bnithel- 038 *00 88
Seder, No. 1, loose - p 17 to 0 28
0 18 to 0 19
gad per doe-- 0 16 to 018
Come, per 100 bi.- - 2 50 to 3 00
Eler Per ion now-.- e 150 to 700
Hides per 100 - -.-.... 6 00 to 6 86
Sheep 0 80 to 26
oeotatoes per bushel (new),.... .... 0 60 to 0 50
Solt (zokll)j Per 1 25 to 1 00
Wised per cord (long)- 5 00 to 6 20
Wood per oord (short). .- .-.. 275 to 8 26
Applesro 4.= •••••• it* •• 40 to 0 60
lover Seed__ .,•••••••••••••• •... 7 00 to 8 00
'Timothy sea.....10M, I • I • • es 126 to 2 05
Tallow. per - 04 to 00
Pork, per 100 T 50 ,to 8 20
Wool (washed)- . .. . .... 5 'to 27
Wool (unwashed).. .. ... 15 to 16
Dairy Markets.-
ToBovro, _Oote 3-Butterf-The market
shows no change. Receipts are fairly lib-
eral, and there is an easy tone noticeable.,
Quotation e are unchanged. Ck emery
prints, 22 to 230; solids, 21e to 21io ;
dairy pound rolls. good to choice, lca to
20e, medium, 17 to 18o ; good to Ohoide
dairy tube, 17 to 18o, inferior dairy, 15 to
16a Cheese -Holds steady at nt to 123
for job lots on track here. Eggs -The of-
ferirge are plentiful and the market holds
steady at 18 to 19.
MONTI:MAL, Oot. 3 d -Eggs - Straight
stoek, 18i, to 19e; No. 1 oa,ndlecl, 18io
to 19o. Stetter-Choicest creamery, 22!to
to 23c '• undergracies, 22i to 23ic • dairy,
18c to 20e. Cheete-Oaterio, 11 to lifto;
•Quebec, 11 to
Grain, etc.
Tortodoo, Oat 3 -Wheat -Ontario -The
movement is reported increasiog, and
prices) show an elsoi tr tends:mote Sales of
Na. 2 red were reuorted at 73 to 740, with
No. 2 white at 75s, set outside points.
Goose and F.pri g are quoted a., 67 to 68o,
/Millfeed-Ontario--Uvohanged with bran
$11.50 to $12 per ton in oar lots on track
outside; -Alerts at $16 to $17 50. Manitoba
616 to $17 for bran, and $19 to $20 for
shorts et Toronto sod equal point& Baled
Hary.----The Market is mrehange& with little
burn -nese doing. Qeorations ere steady at
'37.50 to $8 per ton for No. 1 timoehy, and
$6 for No. 2 in car lots on track here.
Baled Stra,w-rhe inarkee continues quiet
ab 06 per ton is r oar lots on track hrre.
Paid-up Capital, $8,700,000. Reserve Fund, $3,500,000
B. E. WALKER* General Manager
ALEX; LAIRD, Asst. Geo'l Manager
6124Branches in Canada, the United States
and England
general Banking business transacted. Accounts may be opened and conducted by
mall with all branches of this Beak.
Deposits of $1 and -upwards' received, and interest allowed it
current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay what-
ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any
portion of the deposit
PARKES, Manager.
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor.
to $2.75. Cows runst $2 55 to $3 75, and TEACHERS WANTED.
bulls at $1, 75 to $2.25.. Stockers and
Feeders --A good many feed °stele are of-
fering, and trade wan fairly brisk in die
line. The ;eta°, howover, were generally
of poor quali:y, and trade of this Kind was
a eittle slave. Good stook sold well at
steady pricee. Quotations are unchanged.
Feeders are quoted at $3 30 to $4, 4nd bulls 1
at $1,75 to $2 50. Mitch Cows -Market
steedy at $30 to $60 each, Sheep and
Lembs-Everything sold. Sheep easy at
$3 to $4.10 per owt for export, and $3 to $4.
for cells ; lambe steady at $5 to $5.75.
Hoge -Firmer tone ; 12&,:r per ovvt higher,
at $6,27 for selects, and $6 for lights and
BotTa1.0, 00b. 3-Cettle-Choice qual-
ity eteady ; others slow and 10 to 15o
lower; prime steers'$5.60 to $5 85 ; ship-
pieg steers, $4.85 to$5.50 ; butchera', $4.25
to $d ; neifere, $3.25 to $4 50; cows,
32.50 to 34; oulls, $2.50 to 34; stock-
ers end feedore $2.65 to $4 ; etook heif-
ers, $2 35 to $3.15 ; 'rear cows and spelog-
ere, common to choice, $23 to $58. -Veals
-Active, at $5 50 to $8 75. Hogs-iFairly
active and 10 to 150 lower; heavy, $5 75 to
$5•80, few et 35.85 ; mixed, $5.70 to $5.75;
Yorkers, $5 66 to $5 70; pigs. $5 45 to
$5 5.5; roughs, $4.50 to $470; otag,
33 50 to 34; dairies and grassers, 35.25 to
$5.60. Sheep and Lambs -Sheep active
and ateady ; lambfairly active, 10 to 15o
lower; lamb. $5.75 to $7.76, a few $7.80;
yearlings, $5.50 to 35,75; weehers, $5 to
$5.25 ; ewee, $4 50 to 34,75 ; droop, mix-
ed, 3250 to $5 ; Canada lambs, $7.40 to
Horse Market.
TORONTO, 0 ot. 4 -The following is
Burns & Sheppard' s weekly report of pre-
veilieg prices ; Single,roadatere, .15 to 16
that:ids, $125 to 8160 ; single cobs and car-
riage hotees„ 15 to 16.1 hands, $135 to
:3175; matclud pairs end cettriap horses,
15 to 16 1 hands), $350 to $675 ; delivery
e 1,100 to 1,200 lbs., $125 to 3175,
general purpose) and exoress horses, 1,200
rho 1.350 lbs.. $120 to $180; draught horses,
'1,350 to 1,750 lbs., $125 to 3200; ser-
viceable second-haud workers, $50 to 380;
serviceable second-hand drivers, $50 to $70.
PLITKNEY-In Seaforth, on september 22nd, to Mr
and Bin Josepts Pinkney, a son
FINLAYSON-In Galt, on sgpternber 29th, to MT
and Moe Wm Finlayson. late of Seaforth, ason
MaLAREN-In Hibbert, on October 2nd, to Mr and
Mrs Wm L McLaren, a son
MURDLE-On saptember 20th, in Seaforth, to Mr
and Mrs Wm Idurdie, a On
ERRATT-In stanley, on september 15th,to Mr and
hire Henry E.ratt, a dem hter
HERMANN-1n Walton, on September 23rd, to Mr
and Mrs LoniiHermann,a daughter
MOM RTIN-1n Hensel', on September 22nd, to Mr
and Mrs DLIJOIn Me !Saran, a daughtrr
PENNINGT0N-1n Grey, on September 21st, to
Mr and Mrs Walter Penningtm, a on
SPERAIN-In Grey, on September 23rd, to Mr and
fdre.Lnke E Spezaln, & daughter
COMBE-In Clinton, on September 28th, to Meijer
and Mrs H 13 Combs, a daughter
MA.RSETALL-In Clinton, on September 24th, to
Mr and Mrs Georee Mamba'', a son
WIGGINGTON-In Godetioh township, on Septem.
ber 28th, to Mr and Ure Thou Wihrgingtonot son
KNEESHAW-qr Goderich, on September 26th, to
Mr and Mr! • Ernest Kneeshaw, a daughter
CHESNEY-In Hullett, on September Ileb, to Mr
and Mrs john Chesney, a daughter
no TEACHERS. - Teacher wonted fer wheel
section No 14, Hey, for the year 1906 Appli-
cation* ststiog eatery wanted, experience end M-
enus will be received by the undersigned. S.
PHILLIPS, Sea. Treat., Hensel'. 107341
frEACHER WANTED -For 8.8. No. 6, Grey. a
„L 'mete teacher, eecond or third el, es, for 1906.
Applioationn received up to Ootober 2.8rd, Mating
BobtrY, standing and references. Addrese ANGIIrd
SHAW, Brussels P. 0. 1973-8
..,A1COTION SALE of Farm. Stook-Themse
Brown, auctioneer, has been Instruo
cted t erll
by publio auction for Wm McKay, at Lot 11, Con -
omelets 11, McKillop, coriameneing ab 1 (Meek sharp
on Thursday, October 19%, 1905 Horees-1 draft
mare 6 years old, 1 draught gelding Tieing 8 years,
1 driving horse rising 8 yesre, 1 driving mare rising
3 }ears, 1 draft colt 4 mouths old Catt1e-10 milk-
ing °owe, 20 steers 2 years old, 10 heifers 2 yeare
old, 12 steere 1 year old, 10 heifercme year old. 10
opting ealvee, 3 botcher's heifers fat Terms -e-11
months' credit on approved jsint notes A diecouot
ot 5'per cent per annum:: allowed for oeth WM
MoKAY Proprietor; THOS BROWN, Auctioneer
Great preparations are being made for the Blyth Fall Fair, which will be
„held on October 10th. and 1.Ith. The manager a are sparing neither Lime nor
expense to make it the best fair ever held in Haron county. Our mamn3otb
cash store always cipes a large trade on Fair day, and this year we have meth,
greater preparations than ever to show our friends from a distance the acIven-
tage of doing their trading in Blyth, where they can get first-class goods at
prices like these : •
Ladies' Cloth Coats in all the latest deeigne, from $3.50 to $15. Lsdiee' Aotraelsan
Jackets in olose glosey ourl, from $25 to $45. Ladies' Greenland Seal Jackets, from $30
to $45, Ladies' Electric and Near Seal Jacket, from $27.50 to $50. Men's fur lined
coats, with Japanese mink collars, ab $30 and $40: Men's Far Coate in Siberian dog.
gangway, brown and black calf and cub bear at $12.50, $18, $20, $25 'tad 330. Xen's
lined kid and moghts gloves at 50c, 75e, $1 and $1.50. Men's firm beaver overcoats ab,
$1), $7.50 and 310,1 Statifield'a unshrinkeble underwear at $1, $1.25 and $1.35. Men's
fliteced shirto and drawermegood veins at 60o, for 50e. Wire? furs in ruffs, eaperines,
stnles and goad., in crooney, °pimento, sable, Texas mink and rock marten, from $1.25
trio $15, Wks' French kid gloves, Pownehr and Peonev's make, at 75o, $1 and $1.25.
Ladies' golf jackets in black and colorer, at $1,25, 31.75, $2 and $2.75.
When you come to Blyth Fair naake this store your headquarters, leave your wraps
and parcels', walk through our bigektahlishmen•, see our great display of new dreier
goode-we take the lead irethis lie& &utilise our greet display of furs, walk through
our large milinery parlors, see all the new creations in the West styles in Petits and
New York millinery. A walk through o ir mantle department will be very interesting,
We show all the iateet stylee. You need nob spend a cent except you want to.
O-1, Brown has been inatruoted by Mr. Robt.
Morale to Fell by Public auction on lot 29, cone 09 -
Mon 2, MaKillop, on Wednesday, Oolieber lith, at
1 o'clock p m., the following property, vis; Cattle
-1 cow due to calVe Nov, etn, thorobied Durham
cow due to calve March 18th, 8 °owe due to calve In
the spring, 4 2 year-old heifers, 8 yearlinge'8 two-
year-old steers, 6 yowling steers, 1 thorabred Poll-
ed Angue bull rising two years. Pige-3 brood sows
1 due to htter about Arne of Bele, 3 pigs 3 months
old. The above stock le all in good ;condition and
nithst be sold as the proprietor has not room to win-
ter them. Terms -All snare of $10 and under, cash;
over that omount 12 months' credit will be given on
approved jaint notes. A discount ot 5 per cent on
thedollarwill be allowed for pa h on credit a-
monnts. ROBT. MUP.DIE, proprietor; THOMAS
BROWN, anotIoneei, 19734
21. PLEMENTS: - Thomas Brown, auetioneer,
hoe received instructions from Mr. Alfred W. Den-
nison to sell on the premises, lot 23, concession 14,
.aioKilipp, on Saturday, October 14, at 1 o'c ook p.
m. sharp, the following valuable property, viz :
Horses -t mare ten years old, 1 mare 9 years old, 1
sir king colt, 1 heavy draught colt Cattle -1 cow,
6 heifer e 2 years old, 3 ye tiling steers, 6 steers 2
years old, 2oa1vee 1 Sherthorls bull 10 months old
eft imported stock, 1 Shorthorn bull, 6 months old,
off imported stock, 1 cow 8 year old. Implements
-t hisseey-Harrie binder nearly new, V Frost and
Wood drill nearly new. 1 Maxwell hay loader nearly
new, 2 top buggies, 1 cinder, 1 mower, 1 cultivator,
1 pair of trucks, 1 light wagon,1 hay and ttoek rack
combined, 1 har fork, ropes, pulleys. etc., 2 sets of
double harness, 2 erste of Ante harness, 1 pulper, 1
.sewing meoldne, 1 cooking stove, 2 heaters. I lad-
der' halt an acre of turnips. Terme-All sums of $5
andunder, earth; over that amount 12 menthe'
credit will be given on furnishing apprbved Joint
notes. & discount of 6 per oent per ancum will be
allowed for cash on oredib amounts. A. W. DEN-
NISON, proprietor; THOS. BROWN, auctioneer. ,
SOLA_TER-CUMMINGS-At the reeid-nce of Mr
John Fintayson, seated's, cousin of the bride,on
October Sr i, by Rev N straw, B A. Mr win A
&eater to Mies Annul° s Cumminge, both of
HILI.8-KYLE-At the residence et- the bride's
mother, on Ootober erd, billev N Shaw, B A,
; Mr Geo Hills, youngest son of Mr Thee Mlle, to
Miss AgTes J Kyle, bldeet daughter of Mrs John
Kyle all of Egtuondville '
REID-VOWELL-At the rroidence of the bride's
father, on septernber 80th, by(Rev Of Shaw, B A
Mr Simon Reid, of Guelph, to Mies Violet Pow-
ell, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert
Powell, Fgmondville'
WEleill-BURT-In Toronto, on september 7th, by
Rev J A Rankin, Miss Janet A Butt, only
daughter of Mr Wm Burt of stratford, to MT
Hugh:Stewart Welsh, of Harnliton, formerly of
Seaforth \ , ,
FAIR -LESLIE -In ,linton, on Sapiens ber 23rd, by
Rev Dr Stewart, h es Harriett Louise, daugh-
ter of Mr John Lott e, to Mr W D Fair
TYND ALL-RUMBALL-In Clint", on Sepbember
27th, by Rev 11 M Manning, Mies Anna E,
daughter of Mr F Rumball, to Mr Arthur Tyn-
dall ,
LANE-WATSON-1n 'ort Arthur, on September
270, Mise Mattie, third daughter of Mr E Wet -
son, of Blyth, to Mr Ernest Laue, of Port Ar-
KELLY-hfoLAUGHLIN-At St, Mil:Omen church,
Blyth, on September 25th, by Rev Father_lian-
Ion. Mr Wm Kelly, of Morris, to Mies Nellie,
daughter of Mrs Sugars McLaughlin, of Blyth
Live Stook Markets.
LONDON, Eagland, °ob. 2 -American
-cattle- 6d, Canadians 5d, sheep, 6d.
LIVERPOOL, Oet. 2--banadian cattle, 5id
to 50.
MONTREAL, Oa. 3 -The batohers were
out strong, and trade watt -good at the same
prices as on last Wednesday's rnarket,qual-
ity considered. A car.load of prime cite-
d° from the townships were sold at $4.35
per owt, afterward. Mr. G. Martel bought
three of the beat of these at 50 per pound.
`These were the beat cattle that have been
on this market since Easter. Petty good
cattle sold at Si to 4o; the common stook
at 2 to 3o, and small bulls at 14 to 2e per
pound. A kb of superior large miloh cows,
which creme from Toronto, were sold from
450 to $60 each, the other cowe at $.25
$45 esoh. Calves mad at 3 to 40 per lb.
Sheep sold ab si to 4e, and lambs at 50 to
little oven 5-10 per lb. A number of good
lambs were bought at 5io per pound, to
ship to American markets. Good lots of
fat hogs sold at 61, to 6470 per lb.
Tenon°, Oct. 4-Catb1ee-Exporter8-
'Trade in thie tine Was very quiet, owing to
the small number -offering. A few North-
-western cattle were on the market,and they
aold fairly well. Quotations are unchanged
all round, with, those for the better class of
cattle nominal. Choice are quoted at from
$4.40 to $4.75, good to medium at $4 to
$4.30, others at $3.80 to 34.10. bulls and
cowe at $3 to $4.28. Butehere-A large
number of butchers' (rattle were offering,but
by far the greater portion of them were of
eontmen to medium grade,Land very slow
of sale. The good cattle were wanted, and
for this kind trade was active. The best
on the market sold at about $4 25,although
more would- be lurid for picked oattle.
Prices for good stook were about steady,
while 'norm for common and medium were
'can. Picked are quoted at $4 to $4 40.
Good, to oboice run about $3.60 to $4, fair
to good at sa *0$ 3.40, and common at $2
- Deaths.
HEARD -In Brugge's, on september 29th, Jane
Moffat, relict of:the late JaeHoard, In her 79t1i
LAMONT-In Grey, on septernber 294h, Arch La-
mont, aged 65 years
MoDOUGALL-In Cranbrook, oo sept. 281h, Jane
Clark, wife of Donald McDougall, in her 78rd
Mt:CULL-In Morris, on 9 epti tuber 274h, Mr Alex
ItoOall, aged 72 years
RINTOUL-In WIngtiain, on 'September 21st, Al-
berta Rantoul, second daughter of Mr and Mrs
A Rintoulotged 16 years, 6 moat's. and 21. days
DAVRY-In Winghatn, on September 22nd, Mrs
Jos Davey, mother of Mrs M Lamont, aged 79
years and. 9 months
CASEMORZ-In Morrie, on September 22nd, ElIzt-
beth Rebenca Cannier° daughter of Mr and
Mrs John 0 Casemore, aged 6 years and 10
CURRIE-In East Wawanosh, on September 27111,
Amite May, youngest daugeter of Mr and Mrs
David Currie, aged 1 yesr, 5 menthol and 16
FORD -In Goderich township, on Septeinber 27th,
George Ford, aged 90 years and 6 mouths
BATES -In Goderich, on September 261h, Win H
Bates, aged 45 years
L&MONT-In Deokerville, Michigan, on September
28th, Wm K Lamont, formerly of Myth, aged
00 years
McOUAIG-In Welland. on September 271h, Rev 10
McCualg, formerly pastor of Wilde churoh,
Clinton, aged 65 years
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers.
Night calls answered at Mr. McKenzie's'
reeidenoe, Church Ste, thirdbouse swab of
public eohool, west side. Graduate Manna.
chants College of Embalming, Boston, U.S
Knechtel & McKenzie,
AUCTION SALE OF Farm, Farm Stock and Ins.
plemente.-Jas. Jones has reoeived instruct.
ions from Mr, Charles Pushelberg to sell by publio
auction on lot 29, oonoession 8, Logan, on Wednes-
day, October 184h, the following : Farns.-The
farm oontaine 60 acres, more Of less, being the weal
half of lot tit, coneeselon 8, Tp. of Logan. The
ferns i8 all cleartd, with the exception of 5 acres of
hardwood bush. The bilance is all in grass except
4 acres, Good frame house, bank bean, driving
shed ; well fenced and two gocd wells. Terms on
land will be made known on day of sale or before by
applying to the proPrieter. Chattels--Harees-1
mare with foal by her side (Olendrie Primal ; 1
horse 6 years old ; 1 horse 8 years old, 1 driving
horse 7 years old ; 1 drIvIngonare, 5 years old (eord
Fergueon) ; 1 pony 6 years fold ; 1 ,heavy drauglt
filly 2 years ; 1 gelding 2 yearold ; 1 tIlly 1
year old, 2 geldings 1 year old, 1 sucking colt, 1
aged hose. Oattle-2 alt h cows supposed to be in
calf to a thoroughbred bull, 1 cow due to calve this
month, 1 heifer rising 8 years old due to calve this
month. 4 steers rising three yeare old, 1 heifer ug-
lier 2flyears old, 2 epring °altos, 6 store pigs, 2 brood
sows, 50 hens. Implements -1 complete wagon, 1
democrat. 1 top buay new, 1 eecond-hand top
buggy, 1 cutter, 1 fanning mill, 1 etraw cutter
crusher, 1 walking plow, 1 tiding plow (Perrin), I.
roller, 1 bearer drill. 1 souffier, 1 three furrow gang
plow, 1 grindstone, 1 set double team harness, 1 ret
eingle harness, 2 sugar kettles, 2 crow bars, 1 heat-
ing stove. 1 hay reek, 1 hsy rake, hay fork and oer,
set of slings, pulleys, 1 oradle, 180 Iron harrows, 1
spade harrow, 20 tons hay, 1 set beam scales, 1
churn, 1 pulper. Bala at one o'elock. Terms -All
sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount, 12
months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes.
fr per cent off for clash on credit arnounte. No re-
serve as the proprietor is giving up farming. CHAS
Veneer. 1978-2
.Aagm OWE] Pa:ZIOM
'DAM TO RENT. -To rent lot 30, conoeselon 11,
F Efibbert, containing 100 acres, 20 acres bort,
balance all cleared. Eight scree of fall whcat in.
Will be rented for a term of yeers. Apply on the
nremisee or addrese WM. METERS, Chiseiburet
8'. 0. . 1978x4
STRAY STEERS. -Strayed from the premises of
_IPA the undersigned, lot 24, conceseion 11, Me-
nlo% two yeerling steers. one dark red and one
brighter in color. The finder will please notify.
JOHN GOVENLOOK, Seaforth P.O. 1978x2
nATTLE FOR SALE -For sale a number of good
yearliege, and two year oli grade cattle, also
some gocd cows. AppTy ou lot 80, conceesion 11,
HiLbert. WM. METERSZOhleelburst P. 0.
YORKSHIRE PIG. -The undersigned has on hie
farm, lot 27, coneession 1, McKillop, adjoin-
Seaforth, a thorobred Yorkehlre pig to which
he will admit a limited number of sows. Terms,
$1, with the privilege of returning if necessary.
ADAM DODDS. 1978x4
Ili has for the improvement of stock, on Lot 85,
Ooncessien 3, L 0 8, Tuckersmitb, a largo Englieh
Berkshire pig. regietered, to which a limited num- •
ber of sows will be admitted This pig le seven
months old and has never been beeaen in the 'show
ring, having teken four firer prizes this year Terms
-$t •, registered semi, $1.60 Also 4 Yorkshire pig
ELCOAT, Proprietor 1978x4
is a high grade Commercial School
Three Courses :
Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy
Notice is hereby lifiren that the partnership hero-
tofore subsisting between no, the undersigned, as
elothtere and gents' furnishers and carried on undea
the firm name of Greig and Stewart, at Seafotth,has
this day been dissolved by mutual consent
All debte owing to the stir' partnership are to be
paid to Messrs Stewart Brothers, by whom the bust -
nese will be carried on se heretofore and all aflame
against the sled partnership are to be presented to
.the_ said Messrs Stewart Brothers, by whom the
same will be settled
Dated at Seaforth this 2nd day of October, 1906
R. El HAYS, Witness
kUOTION BALE of Farm Stock and Implements.
Mr, J. R. McDonald has instruabed Mr. Thos.
Brown to sell by public auction on Lot 21, Con
cession 2, L. R. S., Tuokerarreth, on Tueedsy.,Oet-
ober 171h, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following valtieble
property, viz: Horees-1 heavy draught brood
mare, sired by Old Joe And son, -registered, sup-
posed to be In foal to Pride 1 Gimmick, with filly
at foot, 4 months old by me horn ; I heavy
draught brood mare, 6 years old, by Young Lord
Marnsion, registered, supposed.- to be in foal to.
Prince of Hurlford, with Oily 4i months old, by
Pride of Gimmick : 1 2 -year-old gelding by Pride of
Gimmick : 1 registered e•seevold stallion, heavy
draugbt, by Pride of Glseniok ; 1 light colt, 4
months old, by Wilder Lee. Cattle -1 thorough-
bred Durham bull 2 years old, 7 young miloh nowe
supposed to be in calf, 1 fat heifer three .years old,
2 2 -year-old heifers supposed to be with oslf, 1 2-
yeareAd heifer, four yearling heifers, four yearling
steers, one two yam old h'elfer; with calf
at foot, nine lining and _summer calves. Ins-
p1emente-1 Frost St Wood binder'I Frost & Wood
mower, I reaper, 1 combined Pattertion seed drill,
1 land roller, 1 single plow No. 13, 1 national gang
p low nearly new, 1 set diamond harrows, 1 ;muffler,
L fanning mill, 1 new truck wager:el pair bobsleigh',
1 hay reek, 1 Matelot' mangold sower, 1 hay rake,
1 root pulper, 1 grindstone, soythee, chains, forks,
shovel., a mow of hay, set double harness, MI
single hems% 1 buggy, 2 sets whiffietrees, wick -
yoke, odd collars, 1 tile shovel, 16 rows of turnips
40 rode long, I ueW watertrough, a quantity of 2
loch hicesory plank and some' inch basswood lum-
ber, 1 daisy churn, 1 butter worker, I baby car -
rings, 1 extension Mellen table sad other small
artioles, too numeroue to mention. Every article
purchased at rieh of buyer. The whole will posi-
tively be sold without reserve, as the proprietor
has given up farming. Terms -All sums of $5 and
under, cash ; over that amount 12 months' credit
will be given on approved joint notes. A diseount
of 4 Per cent. will be ellowed for oaeh on credit
amounts. The hay, root e and lumber to be cub.
J. R. IdoDONALD, proprietor ; THOMAS BROWN,
auct1011eer.1978 2
1)..A....N-rTS, $2.75
The Arabian
Rapid Remedy Rheumatic Rings
11flade to Your Measure
Don't throw your money away on readymades, when you can get a pair of good all -
wool Pants for $2.75 that will fit you and give satisfactory wear. Nothing fancy about
them, just plain light end dark grey twill in medium and heavy weight-juot the thing
for a good working Pant for Fall. Try a pair from
Speare and Page, Merchant Tailor.
Under the Town Clock, -
Sure 'Cure for Rheumatism
Genuine Rolled Gold.
PRICE, $2 Each.
R. McNaught,
Praobical Watchmaker, Jeweler & Engraver
and Optician, Seaforth
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter ot the Emtate of Isabella
Gardiner, late of the Township of Mo.
Killopoin the County of Huron, spin-
ster, deoeased.
Notices is hereby given pureuar t to R. S. 0. 107.
chapter 129, that all creditors and othere Living
olairne agaiosb the estate of tbe ssid Isabella Gar-
diner, who died on or about the 31s1 day of July,
A. D., 1605, are required on or before the 121h day
of Ootober, 1905, to send by post prepaid or deliver
to Robert Gardiner, of the Township of 'Osborne, in
said county, farmer, Farquhar P. 0., Adneinietretor
of the estate of the said deceaeed, their chrietion
and surnames, addressee and deeoriptions, etc„ full
partioulers of their claims, the statement of their
accounts and the nature of the securitiee (if any)
held by them. And further take notice that atter
amid last mentioned date the staid administrator will
proceed to distribute the tweets of the deceased a-
mong the paities entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claims of which he shall then have
notice, and that the said administrator will not be
liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any
person or persooe of whose elaltne notice hall not
have boen received by him at the time of such die-
Solicitor° for said Administrator.
Dated at Exeter, this 19th day of Sept., 1905.
Points in Temagami on T. arid N. 0.Ry.
to point', Mattawa •to Port Arthur and
Sault Ste Marie inclusive, via North Bay
or via N. N. Co.
Good ping Ootober 10.1 to Nov. 7th
Muskoka Lakes. Lake of Bays, Magnet -
swan Rorer, Midland, Penetong, Lakefield.,
all Stations Argygle to .Coboconk, Lindsay
to Haliburton, Severn to North Bay, points
on Northern Navigetion Co. (Georgian
Bay and Mackinaw Division,
Good going October 23th to November
7th. All tickets valid returning until
December 9th.
For tickets, illustrated literature and
full information call on
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent.
There's A
World of
It's a
to read
When what you read is
entertaining and when you
don't have to strain your
eyes in perusing it.
There ie F.tioh A thing as
wearing glaeses when you
ohouldn't and not wearing
thern when you should.
It is a mistake to do
either. You oan afford to be reck-
aleas with e.ny thing but your
We keep all sorts of glasses for all
sorts of eyes and for the judginent
of an expert) no extra oharge is
You will find in our stock everything
to improve one's eyesight, in the
way of Eye Glasses and spectacles.
Positively the
Lowest Prices
in the County.
J . F . D.ALY, jewelloeprtf'ician
Cardno Block, Seaforth,
In tieing first-class BINDER
TWINE, That is the reason we want
your order for "BLUE RIBBON."
Every pound gueranteed to rtm 650
If You
easeee eee
Corner Male ,
Marked Speeds
• Pickard'
This Larnoso
city Good* son
Four Coontiosig
The .-pi•rit• .of •
New .Merchandise.' .
There is something about the opening of a new season that
starts a thrill. of new life. Every change in etyle or fabric
seems to have a beauty and a fascination greater than any that
went before it. We have prepared for a banner year by in-
creased stocks in eery department, Ana the attractiveness of
the new goods has more than fulfilled our high expectations.
Among the dress materials the cloaks, furs, millineey, clothing—
wherever the Fall's first showings appear, our eustonaers feel
their inspiration, and begin to plan their new purchases. With
such offers as follow, we open our greatest year of stock -carrying
and value giving.
Fur Department.
The largest stock, the greatest assortment of fine furs ever shown in this
part of Ontario is now on display in this store. Many months ago we plane
reed to make this the greatest fur season in onr history, and we am proud of
the stocks we have to show, and as there is such a difference in the quality of
furs, you will appreciate the advantage of buying here, where nothing but
reliable furs are sold, and all fun are as represented, and all sold. under guar-
antee. This is how vye have built up the largest far business in this section
of the country.
There are shoes made slightly and
sensible looking that we could make
geed money un, only we can't affozcl
to do it.
We can't afford to sell poor shoe& 'Tisn't
whab a shoe looks'
. but what it is,
that makes it desirable.
It oasts money to make shoes right. We
gladly pay it, only we insist upon our
money'a worth -the most for the
Ladles' Shope, $1.50 to $1. The $2 shoes
are goad strong °nee. the $3 ones have
style in them, the $3.50 eh.oes as sold
here stand for merit.
Men's Shoos $2 to -$5. These prices in-
clude every day ohoes, and the finest
made for dress.
We'll get the most of the men's ehoe busi-
ness when we get the men to come to
look at the 33.50 ones, simply, because
they stand without equal at this
A new HAY FORK ROPE, oet
Sling Ropes, Sythe and Swath or Hay -
Fork Pulleys, give 118 a call, an our
prices are right.
George A. Sills,
Seaforth - Ontario.
Richardson& WInnis
Sole Agents for the Sovereign* Hagar and
Derby Shoee.
A View
Far Ruffs itt oriental mink, German mink, or
possum, Isabella fox, Oolum.bia sable, Alaska sable,
and mink in all prices, from $2 to $64.
A large assortment of Caperinea in all kinds of
furs, in all combinations of trimmings or plain.
Muffs of all kinds, in all priceg, from 500 ta
Ladies' Astrachan Coats in plain, all prices
from 324.25 to $40,
Ladies'oAstrachan Coats, triaeraed, from. 131
to $45.
Bokharan Coats, all prices, from $40 to $60-.
Electric and Near Seal, in plain and, trimmed,
from $30 to $57.
All kinds of reliable coats made will be found in OUT stock, including the
celebrated " Leek " fur coat, Also a full assortment of fur lined coats,
sleigh robes and rugs, etc., in all makes.
Mdntle. Department.
Every up-to•date woman wants style, bub with it she wants value, The
great success achieved by our ready-to-wear garments has been due to tlaia
important 8ombination. Note the following specials:
Ladies' frieze coat blade and navy, 37 irfehes long, at $6.75 and $0
Ladies" tweed coat, 42 inches long, semi -fitting or loose, at 39 each.
Ladies' black beaver coat, 40 inches llong, close fitting, back with invert'
ed pleat, at 310,85 each,
Ladies' fine whip cord coats, 45 Welles long, semi or loose fitting bat**
from $12.75. to $23'.
Ladies' and. misses'-tailor-raade skirts in blaek, navy and tweed effects,
tom $2.75 to $6.60.
Enables you to judge
withoub prejudioe.
Look over the lint
and where are you
surer of purer drugs
than at our drug
store? lb isn't be-
cause we are the only
ones, but because we
have a trade to main-
tain and build up, and
we cannot hope to do
It with anything but
fresh drugs, low prices
and oourteoua treat-
Water Glass Egg
Preserver, 15o a tin.
Hair Bruehes front
2.5c upwards.
Leather Pnrses from
25d upward.
Tooth Bradlee from
5o upwards.
A.11 the leading pa-
tent medicines freshly
prepared -no old
Come in and see ue,
we will make you a
permanent cuatomer,
• '4-..-tver,
Special Prices on Raincoats.
• 4-4.444-i-feetea+ete+leat+lefelatil+
Clothing Department.
- To be well dressed means to wear clothes that are,smartin style, that fit
and are tailored in such, a way as to keep their style ani fit. That is what
you get in clothing here, no matter what you pay.,
Special in Men's Overcoats.
Long, deuble-breasted tweed Overcoats, with half belt, Jong lapel, some-
thing entirely new in shoulder and collae, at $9.50 each.
Extra value in men's ready-to-wear suits; just to hand a large shipment
of new patterns at $8.75 each.
Another shipment of 31.50 Pants to hand -200 pairs, heavy weight.
Stanfield's Underwear
This store handles all makes of Stanfield's Underwear. You are' not
limited to on make or brand. We have black label, red label, blue label ilk
all sizes; prices from 95c to $1.50 each.
This underwear, perhaps, eosts a little more to start, but we :believe the
cheapest sold. in Canada • double the wear of ordinary underwear; pure wool,
and absolutely unshrinka:ble. Any garment we sell yon of this make we will
replace free of charge if not itt every way satisfactory.
Agent for the leading makes of Trueoes,
auntedn Syringes and Hot Water
Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs
and Wool.
B ):aer bf. scle. end Merket Ste: Embreh.