HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-09-22, Page 5re, esesasteeerterre 7OR'Er complete dock knowledge of increasing eest eith the reeuifi )LD ,PRIORS, feet that one very beet face at the qualitiea the largeet, ea ustomer of the unprepared, "mu et(oek is 'caw tfort an1' &wool ere— ,",-arree TEMBER22, j9 BUIE REGVISTilt. -_ OISTeeldety, Sepbtfohar trath, at 1 0'. cook, p. me on 10,3% emenisioe 14, Ma- , %mop, I :Italie Watt Of Wasee, Hene 4 sal. „Gog,te, Petrielt Rialto proprietor, ; Toras. 'Drawn. *matte-14er. 03 Wednesday, Sspliember 273h, et 1 &- deck P. me on lob 28, 0370841:liOn $, evi0p,1 2 rtille we of Winthrep, Farm .steSk. George KeSpsdden, pr Jpriateir ; meet Brown attetioneer. erl • • Oa Saturial, SIPtotohrl" 30'theit 1 o'elook me on. to '5, Heron Rai Tuekerstnith. miles at of Seeforth, Farm Stack end Implements, Michael Darsey, proprietor ; Thos. Brown, anctioneer. ,,elessemeee , .en in A!herte 'rid Wee!, eto„,' ,,,-. 7...r. ..* a' ---- ' -1.- .1, in. exlave Ays h is criqx-,- ;ilia 1.ty nice, sell. Ives here er 4, a *maxi. x•i= . e. t -own, tt bre ,itow. ve.. ,• v is i t or lie re. ith,• deine LA le ',. T10.104011 1 A .10e te '' . ti s;rItAE il.M.S11111r aol Lt t tee 'western k. -Mr. John It inen 4-e,tve Ln preesiner hay, hey do the ;work A Young visitee- of Mr.. and Mrs. xday night for ing ten extended The gariden. party „ and Me*. J. Fr ay evening fast, ir. The beamiti- rned with, vr- ith lone thro.ents -were to • elicticest kinds. ot$ - The follarovini rog rename ; varier. of a high ordee Lel and Walthin nice address by C Wo 1 ton : arrrarr tr La tiSons by NW "were well re - of violin duets • Eros.., of Hare aided satisfarition were f requeatf ones McFadzeterr reel t ion in..ain dist;oncC manner, ld, ros. Seatorth, le be g pipes Anil ev• wi tit a nitinbea in time honored ,sic. Under the eliailtutain, tim carrieel out look -work. A ice cream an well natronizeds ho aseisted at the re deser vin,g ar arikte ipecial Wen- osh and Miss Rona ead the benvinet lad le -110 did their ;ant 'end grateful:I 10100121INI doh. :Mr. fa Zetter, of ,re Yieiting en this .-Reeve P. La- !' of tattle at the London, last week. ' Miceligen, Is 'ehire ental home of ar. fr. E. Bossenbetral , nev unless he bas the hcsese tine, and hes par:et-eased (et ting. lire', " Sid. - 13ciesenherr y atver- rarer-Me ny people E: Sa t isrifir y eveininge 6 air rrynoerts ktY ,tre rniieli eniOred 1;re nr ." tite stall - sire. Fritz. and 14..1-- [ treei . first prime - Leedoet 'Fair east tt e. more to l& t1c1 fleet that le 'el a lir...ivy SOASINII# show -fit .-Nrse A- fam it y 'have re. -era-Mr. and Mr. the, (4th cOrizes- ast week, enjoy -int - viaitieaee. friletada in . Mr, Wra. Mid heeirse to ars A. Iliele Green . -The - Chriettan Terapere seeued the SOr- in R. -Clarke, tho Black Orator " cats-, for Eeptera- ,. On Suaget &let' mass rateeltirtee een he'll teti Otnas oleo '-- at eeevieln in- ' tj Mday) eseenlasg We rer emotther a rra5 knd oqtren .ciadreseog,, , invited to atteenel A. f udi ateport of the rs wilt be given [ • - - . tHE Balls, ts. Baby es -re ither Belts and rliNt ONTARIO. • — - MARKETS. Slevouen, Sept, 14, 1905 ,ogi wheat. -- ........ vws lea $0 72 to aete p#,e Wallet 100 0 SS to erf No. 1, looee a..8 a* 0 17 to froAh— — st00 1180 ttoo y par 41•0 ••••01.141•••• 2 65 to 00 per ton•OS Mt 850 to nieeep0100 bilwe 00 to sheep_ ,as, -.et.- 00 5800 tote 1 25 to 5 0010 2 76 to 0 40 to 7 00 to 1 26 to 04 to 754 tq g5 be 15 to 33, 1 e net bushel ' rley per bushel - flour, per 100 Iter - relaxes per buehel get (TOW) per bead- •• sees Weed por eota(longla e„ ws,a per cord (short). -.„. Aitaeler ra am es ••• 1.-e, e d Timothy. Seed ow kis ow um WOW. per 110114 OM OM *I 041, •••. Taft, rel. 1)0 1)44 4.10 •114111.44.0. 41116 WW1washed)....a • .1/4 • • 4 • • • 4. • • No • . Woel(unwashed)... , 0 72 020 0 60 088 0 18 0 19 O 18 ,8 00 7 00 5 86 28 O en e 00 6 20 8 26 0 50 800 2 06 00 •8 20 27 16 • Poultry. trouorro, Sept.19-The market is stead? rend quoted unchanged. Fab hens. 7 to 8e' ebbe 6 to to ; fat chicken?, 9 to 10o • thin, 7 so sa ; ducks, S3; ell live weight. • PoteatOes. TORoNTO, September 19. -The receipts s shout steady with the demand, and Auoted unchanged at 40 to 50o- par bushel. Dairy Market& T0Rc1te0, Sep. 19 -Butter -All kinds of butter continue plentiful, and the market has meaty tone. Quotations are unchang- ed. reh artillery prints, 22 to no; solids, r210 to 21o, dairy pound rolls, good to choice, 19 to 20e ; medlu,m, 17 to 18e ; rod to- °baize dairy tube, 17 to 183 ; infer- ior dairy, 15 to 163. Cheese -The mar- ket holds fairly steady, aulmd is quoted un- changed at to 123 per pound Eggs - ..Are unchanged at 18 to 19o. Receipts are inereasing, and the market has an e&sier We. • MONTRYAL, Sept. 19 -Eggs- Straight atoek, 19 to 20e; No. 1 Gendled., 180. Butter-Choiceet creamery, 211 to 21fe; dairy, 18o to 20o per pound. Horse Market. • Toaotero, Sept 21 -The following is Burns & Sheppard's weekly reportof pre - trolling prices Single roadster's; .15 to 16 hands, $1$5 to $200 ; Single oohs and Ger- Liege horses, 15 to 16.1 -hands, 18125 to 175 ; matelacd pairs and carriage home, 1.5 to 16.1 halide, $300 to $450 ; delivery horses 1,100 to 1,200 lbs., $125 to $165; genera purpoee and express horses, 1,200 so 1 350 lbs.. $125 to $180; draught horses, 1,350 to 1,750 tbs., $140 to $1$0 ; Rev- inceahle second-hand workers, $60 to $70; serviceable seeondrhend drivere, $50 to $80. Grain, etc. Talton°, Sep. 20 -Wheat-Ontsrio-Of- ferings continue rather lighter than was expected. Surprise is expressed thset some :grain of poor quality has come froin north. ern sectione, a lot sent to --Galt weighing only 56 pounds. No, 2 white is to better demand than red or mixed, and dealers are hiddieg a little more for it. Dalliers report gettiog No. 2 rad and white at 72 to 730; bat looal deatere generally report prices at /3 to 74e for No. 2 red aud mixed,' with 74 ti) 74o for No. 2 white at outside! points. Goose and spring are dull at 66 to 67e out- side. Millfeed-Onterio-Bran, $/.1,50 to $12 per ton, and shorts at $16 to $17 50 for ear lots oateide. M andel-se-Bevil, $16 to 417, and ahorter $19 to $20 at Toronto end equal debate. Baled Hey-Dall land un- changed err $7 50 ptr ton for No. "'timothy, and 86 for N e 2. Btded Strai-Steady at ,86 30 to 06 per ton for oar Ione on treck here. HE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO Paid-up Qapital, $8,700,000'. Reserve Fund, $3,500,000 HON. GEO. A. COX, President B. E. WALKER, General Manager • ALEX, LAIRD, Asst. Gen't Manager 24 Branches in Canada, tie I.Inited States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS' BANKING • Every facility afforded Fanners for their banking business. Sales Notes cashed or taken for collection. BANKII4G BY MAIL.—Deposits may be made or withdrawn by -mail. Out-of-towri accounts receive every , attention. • SEAFORTH BRANCH, F. EEOLXESTED, -Solicitor. •G. R _PARKES, Manager. • HENSALL— HORSE SHOW Be sure and bear in mind the Mensal! Horse Show ON TUESDAY, OCT. 3rd Live Stook Market*. LONDON. Beglaud, Sept, 19-1American cattle, 6 ; Opedle,n, 5,51 I LIVRItroOL, Sept. 18-elanadians, 51c1 to -52d. Monnotee, Sipr. ,19 -The wet,. muggy Weather did not prevent a large number of the burchere from corning to thh market, and a fair amount of business pas done, hat the prices were about lower tall round. 'Priirie beeves sold at 40 to a tittle Over 4i.3 ptr pound, pretty good (mule let no to nearly 4a, and. th,e COMM011 atlas. at So to Soper lb. Calves sold at frem 3e to 4,ie per pound. Sheep sold at 3to to 40. and. good 'limbo at 4:1e, to 53 per pound. Geod lots of far hop sold ab 6 i to 62d per pone& BUFFALO, Sep", 19-0attle-lActive and strong, 10e higher ; prime steers, $5.60 to $5 90 ; few •at $6..25; Phimang steers, $5 to $5 50; hawk:ten', $4 30 to 5.15;$ heifers. 83 50 to $5, cows, $2475, to $4 15; bulk, $2 50 to $3 90'etookers and feeder?, $175 to $4.25; stookheifere,$2 50 to $3,25; fresh cows road springers, steady ; good to cedes, $42 to $55 ; medium to goad, $30 . ter $40; common, $20 to $27. Vealte-Acr- • tive and steady, at $5.50 to $9. Etogs- aotive and 5 o 10o higher, heavy, mixed and Yorkers, $6 80 to $5,90 • pigs, 45.80 ta" 85.75 ; rfughs, $4 25 to i,4,75 ; • stage, •$3 50 to $4 ; dairies and grasaers, $5 to 85.60. Sheep and Lembs-Sheep, steady • Iambs 25o higher; trade active; lambs, steady; to $7.7' 5 • yearlings, $5.75 to $6 ; wethere, $5 to $550 ; ewes, $4.50 to Idd; sheep, mixed, $2.50 to $5. Tonotero, Sept. 20 -Cattle-The quality of fat (setae waa much the same as het week, some good and a largo number of common to medium Glass. Trade was dull, with prices easy at quotations given below, which it wil be seen were lower than last week from 10 to 20o per owt. Exporters - Few were offered and none wanted, as &aloe had gab a supply at theJunotiou ern Monday. One load sold at $4 25 per mt. Butchers -Choice pioked lots of but - 'dere' Bold at $1 to $4.15, but ,there were few brought these prices; loads of good told at $3,75 to 83.80; common at 62,75 'to $3.2a ; canners at $1.50 to $2.60 per 'cwt. Stockera and Feeders -Trade good for the beet wades, but slow and dull for common to isafedor quslities. Beet feeders T000 *0 1150 lbs. eaohoot $3.70 to $4 • med- hen fee1ers,1,000 to 1,150 itte. each,6.40 to '$3.75; best feeders, 850 to 1 ' ,000 lbs an 13 40 to $3,80; medium feedere, 850to 1,000 lioe, $3 25 to $3 50; best yearlings, (600 te 760 lbs., at $3:25 to $3.50; good stook beffere, 700 to 850 lbe., at $2.90 to $3.10 ; medium stook heifere, 700 to..850. los., at $2.75 to $2.90 ; •oanirnon west re. oeipte, and closed ict to go net stook steers, '700 to 83011,a, et $2.50 to $2 75 ; common Tight stockers, $2 to $2.25. Mitch Co ws- The number of oovrs offered was not lame, and, the quality generally common to med- ium, with few of choice quality. Prices ranged from $24 to $50. More vows of good quality are wanted. Veal- Oalves- The market for veal °elver, remains strong, with prices firmer at $3 50 to $6 per owt, aocording to quality. Sheep and Lambs - Deliveries of over 2,200 head sold at $4 to 11..20 for export ewes; buoks at $3 to $3 50, and lambs at $5 to $5.f.0 per cwt. Hogs -Deliveries were light and prices testier ; seieds at $6, and lights and fats at 65.75 per cwt. ••••••••••••• •••••• LIBERAL PREMIUMS are offered for all elisses of homes and GOOD PURSES for Speeding Contest'e. • Be Sure and Come to. Hennall on October 3rd. For Prize List and aporting events see bills. • W. BAWDEN.: Pres. H. J. BITALINGS, Secy. • Akrtnp. KERSLAKE-In S aforth, en September 18th, to CRONIN-In-10140p, 01 eptember 20th, to Mr Mr and Mrs W Kerelake, a son and Ma Daniel Cronin, a son SCHS,OE-At the Shuble Line. Hay, on September lbth, to Mr end Mre Wm Schad°, a BM OVERHOLT-At the Zurieh Road, Hay, en Sept- ember 5th, to Mr and Mrs James Overholt, 'a son. . JEFFREY -At the Ztile Road, Hay, on Seotente her 8rd. to Mr and IDe LoulaJeffrey, a son TURNBULL-In Grey, el September 10013, to Mr ,and Mrs j G Turnbull, a daughter JEFFERY-lo Usborne, Thames Reed, on Septem- ber 5t11, to Mr and Ma Ge age Jeffery, twin daughters EDIGHOFFER-In Dashwood. on September 4t11e to Mr and Mrs Geo Edighoffer, a daughter-stie horn HOFFMAN-In Dalwoodk on Eeptember 14th, to blr and Rrs Henry Hoffman, rv son -still born ERWIN-th Bayfleld, on &poll -lb& Ilth, to Mr and Mre H W Erwin, a ern DEW—At Hurondale, on tieptlmber 8t1i, to lMr and Mrs Evan Dew. a daughter McDONALD-At Zetland, on September 8t11, to Mr and hire David MoDeneld, a daughter FULTO/q-ln Grey, on August Zilst, to Mr and Mrs James Fulton; a daughter • °Marriages. • 11S1P01T.ANT NOTICES. he. -Dyne FOR SALE -The unders'aned 14 flaring .113 a thoroughbred ragishered ehertir h 11, aged 22 menthe': color, dark red. He is n ;eminent typp and will be gold retsonably. Apply 10 the un- deraignifel, 11 mil es Perth Iowa Line, couees•lon 2; Hay. IINRY MU/1G, Ray P. 0. 1971-2 DECON-MEADD-At the residence of the bride's parents, on September 18t11, by Rev Andrews, Win J Dixon, of tieGifilvray. te Miss Myrtle L Mould, dau hter of Mr,endilifra George Clark, of Stephen.. BELL-TAYLO At the home of the bride's par- ents, on Se mber 18th, by the Rev W ash - arty, 13 A. ID John Bell, of Kippen, to MIs Jennie A Taylor, eldest daughter of fdr It 11 Taylor, Bi minter. BROWN—MOFFATT—At the residence of the bride's mother, Clinton, on September 12.11, by Rev 11 61 Mai:ming, Mr W Brown, of Montreal,, to Miss Emily W Moffat. WIGHTMAN-ROSS-At the residence of Mr A Dulmage, on September 12t11, by Rev D Perrie, Mr !Whoa H. Wightman, to Mee Annie Ellen, (Nellie) Rose, daughter of Atr T H Koss, both of Wingham DICKSON-MILLER-At the reeldence of the bride's par/tits, Goded3h, go September 12t11, by Rev James A Anderson, If A, Mr Jamee 'Dickeon, eon of the late Archibald Diatom, to Agee Helen Brown, eldest daughter of Mr Robb Miller LORIMER-VOGT-In Detroit. on September 12t11, by Rev Mockridge, Mime Jennie A Vogt, daugh- ter of IDs. 13 Vogt, of Wroxetor, to Mr George Lotiraer, of Detroit It AN WANTED -A good, steady, retiable man to do farm work. Engagement by the year. Good !sees to imitable man •, by November let. Apply to IC. A. and G. S. MoINTOSfil, MoKtL1p, Sea. forth 1'. 0. 1969.4 FARM FOR SALE -For silo, the °Ash half of lot 4, on the llth °wrestler) elf Tuokersmith, eon.• ainig 60 scree. neuter all eleared. and in s g3ed late et oultivatiori. There la on the, premises, a good -bank barn, 401* x 58 ft, and a omutortseie dwelling house, also a good orchard ot winter fruit. Terme tea onsble. Apply to some WHITEKiNt Chiselharet Ontario 1971.8 MaKINNOi CO. piry-rx esie NEW FALL. GOODS. Last week we visited London, and, as it was Fair week, all the whole- sale houses in Montreal, Toronto and Hamilton had their representatives in London with their samples, and all peepared to quote very low prices to close cash buyer, and the London houses—clebitled not to be outdone by them— quoted some very low prices. We took advantage of the situation, and bought pretty largely where we got low prices and good quality. The goods are here and open for iaspeetion, Below we quote a few prices, which will be interest* to close cash buyers : Wits' Waterproof Coats, regUlar price $4, for $1.75. Ladies' Crayoned° Rain- -proof Coats new etyles largo sleeves. in light and ' dark Galeria, worth $8 50, for $6,50. Ladies' Bdolt Merodeed Sateen Underskirts, worth $1, for 75o. Boys' Kelokere, in tweed and cenduroy, at 351, 45e, SO° and 60o. New Wrepperettea, in new patterns, ab 5e 8o, 10e, 12io and 15o. Grey Cottons, 31 inches wide, very special at Se. Remy Ocimb Shaerleeia all colons, at 60o, 75o and $L Lerge Heavy Wool. Shawls, reversible, at $1,50, $1 75; $2, $2.50 and 01. Bed Comforters print and fanoy sateen noVering, at $1, $1,45, $1.76 and $2,25. Sootoh Linoleum in block and floral designs, 2 and 4 yerdi wide, very special, ai 35o, 50o and (35o per square yitrd, Flannelettee, good widthi dsrk and light stripes, a snap at So. Imported Flannelettee, eofb and warm, regular 124e, for 100. Ladies' Golf Coats and Vesta, in all colors, at $1,25, $1.95' $2,25 and $3. We show a great range of New Dress Goods in all the neWast designs and WitaVes. , The highest prices paid for )3 atter and Egge. UCTION SALE of Farm Stook and Implements. t. Mr Michael Dorsey he lnstruoted Mr. Thos. Brown to Pell by prabllo auction on Lot 6, Huron Road, Tuckeretnifh, 11 miles east of Seaforth, on Sathriay; September 80t11, .1905, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following valuable property, viz : Horses—t general purpose ten years old. Cattle -4 cows sup- posed t3 he in calf, 2 steers 2 ye3rs old, 1 it er 3 .yeers old, 6 heifers 2 yeare old, 4 spring OalVee. Ireplementa-10 horse Pitts power in good 'order, lumber wagon, truck wagon, pelt bobslaight, single plow,' gang plow, set Iron ,barrceve, dim harrow, take, set double harness, muffler, set single hori,. i oss, muter. top buggy, Massey Harris mower, pea • harveeter, land roller, claventeria bench, forming nillle hoeing stove, long ladder, hay reek, robe, also forke, hoes. chains, s.eokyerices, whiff], Areas and other stnall article', ail ol which will be sold with - *out reserve, as the proprietor has eild hie farm and heretheng from fermitne. Terms—All sums of $6 aSel under, lush ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent, will be allowed for mush on credit anuernts. MICHAEL DORSEY, propdetor ; THOMAS -BROWN, suotioneer. * 1971-2 Deaths. CARL1N-In Seafortb, on September 19th, Jobh Lee Carlin, eoi of Mr Junes Carlin, Huron Road East, lifoKillop, aged 20 years and 4 menthe GLEW-In Seaforth, on September 14613, Barbara Wilds, wife of Mr Nelson Glow, aged 87 years • and TO months ArfoGOWAW-In Neepawa, Maultobie on September 16theNellie MoGontrigle,w.lfe of Mr Flaryty Me - Gowan, and daughter of Mr George fdeGon- nigle, of Seaforth, aged 24 years and 6 months WALTERS-In Tuckerstnith, on September loth, Edward Walters, egad 81 years, 8 months and 9 days HOLLOWAY—In On, tourers September 9thThee Holloway, aged 67 years and 8 menthe FAHNER-Jn Stephen, on September 9th, A nnie Mary Fahner, relict of th.a late Toblae Fahnere aged 88 yeses, 6 months and 8 days FITZPATRICK-In East Wawonosh, on September 1.1,th, MargaretJ, raid of the late Bernard - P itzoattlek, aged75years TUBNBULL-In Grey, on September IOth, the in- fant daughter of J GI and Mrs Turnbull BETHUNE-At Emootlgema, on September 9t11, Louisa Hyde, wife of Alex Bethune, M D, of Winghana rend formerly of Seaforth WALSH-In 'Wingharn on Septimber Oth, Louie Lowell, son of Mr and Mu Walter Welsh, aged 7 menthe and 1 day MoOALL-In M rris, on September 17t11, Alexender McCall, in is 72n4 ytar Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Night calls answered at Mr. MoICenzie's residence, Church St., third house north of pupil° school, weet side. Graduate Massa - &meta College of EaAbalming, Beaton, U.S Knechtel & McKenzie, SEAFORTH. es, WHY IT PAYS TO BUY YOUR Harness Brodtrick's. let -B 30912313 we make our own harness. 2nd -Because we use nothing but first- rslass leather. 3rd-Beoause we have the largest stook to chose from. 4th -Because we give the best value for the money. Sth-Because our cheapest will outwear the best factory harnet a wade. Call and see cur stock of Roboe, Rugs, Brushes, Curry Comte', Whips, Trunke and Valises, and eave money, M. BRODERICK, CADY BLOCK, - SEAFORTH. VOTERS' LIST COURT. Notices is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Outs& Voters' List set by His Honor- The 'Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at Searlett's Hall, Winthrop, on the lith day of October, 1905, at the hour of 10 o'-' clock, a. m,, to hear and determine the several oomplainte of errors and omissions in the Voters • List of the Municipality of the Township of Mo- Killop for 1906. All personi having baginese at the Court are redulted to attend opt the sad time end plaoe. M. MURDIE, Clerk of McKillop. Dated thie 19t11 day ot September, 1905. • 1971 -td n Notice to Creditors. In the Estate of Bernard gleary, late of the Townehip of Tuokererbithe in the County of Huron, Farmer, dsoeasei. Notioe is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf that all pardons having dolma attains% the estate of the (raid Bernard Cleary, who died on 'he 19t11 dav of June, 1906, are required on or be- fore the 10th day of Ootober. 1906, to eqrid by post prepaid or deliver to .1. L. Killoran, Seaforth, Ont- ario. ScIleitor for Pater 0 eery, and Thomas Jordan, Executors of the het will of the &neural, their names and addresses, fult particulars of their claims and the nature ef the mourity, if any, beld by them ; and that after said dateothe (mid Executors will proo ed to distribute the sante of the Bahl es- tate amo), the persons entitled therate, having re- gard onl to the claimit.of whioh they_shall then have not e. • J. L. KILtORAN, Seaforth. Solicitor for the Exeoutors. Dated thte 18b11 day of Septraber, 1905. 1971.3 GPANO TRUNK RAILw" SYSTEM O..ASEIND.A.cD M 13R, I CD 33:1 losser.06••••••••41•••444 4 McKINNON dc CO., BLYTH. .The Welt -Dressed Man. Hot weather or cold, a man now -a -days must be well dressed. It is not a luxury, it is a neeessity. He hte3 to do it in his business; appearances must be kept up, or there -will be no busineas to ' attend to. If this were not so ore would not attempt, during the dog‘days, to balk about anything so substantial as our tailored clothing. Bat there is a‘time corning when you will require to • • think &bout it, and a few timely hints, thrown out now, may assist you materially later on, We don's often puff ourselves up, but what we say now we rirw to be facts, and have gained our knowledge by every experience. We build the cloths that leave our establishment; They are not done on the hap -hazard principle. We use the best materials It costs us a little more, bat tb.e.satisfaction you get eepays tts. We guarantee a fit and style that can only be obtained from thoroughly•practical tailors. Good tailoring is our hobby, hew° we get pleasure out of every right fitting gement we make you. Then there is a finish and style about our clothes.- that bespeaks the well-dressed man, It is to your interest tonremember this, Corner Malec and Market Smote Sesaforbit, Ontario. Pickard T L*ri 1 Do, Goods SClothing Cstrtfaltrrt Font. Coonticest 1 I ever before. Ia our Fall showing will be found all the newest weaves in I Lustros and Mohair; Costume and Broadcloths, all wool =ells, Silk Marl- boro, fancy Tweed and Serge& 4 A 1905. Millinery Department. 4, We extend a cordial invitation to you to visit oUr millinery show rooms on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY September 22nd and 23rdy To take your first glimpse of 'the most oharming millinery ever shown in Seafortla.. Oar showing for Fall will more than meet 'the expectations aroused by our - SPRING OPENINGSE , +-144-1444-14144-141i41444÷.144-1-feteli Dress Goods Department e assortmett better, the styles mien to your liking, This season we have Eve year we row, Evee season. finds the stock a little 1 er thef Every g Y arg grown more. For weeks we have been receiving goods direct from foreiga manufacturers, and you -will find. us batter able to suppV your needs than FEIRNISBERS SE.AFORTH It's a Luxury to read LOW RATE EXCURSIONS September 21, 22 and 23 Port Huron, $3.30; Detroit, 84,80; Chic- • ago, $16 60 • Bay City, Mich, $5.70 ; Oin• einnati, Ohl°, $12 05; ColumbUs, Onto, $9.75; Dayton, Ohio, $10.35; Grand Raids. $7 55 ; Iadianapolis, $11.95 ; Sag. inaw, $5.60. CLEVELAND, Ohin, via Buffalo and C. & B. steamers, $7,65 ; via Buffalo and Like ehore Railway, $9 45 ; via Buff- alo and Niokle Plate, $8,70 ; via De- troit and Lake Shore :ttailway, $9.25 ; via Detroit and D. & C. line, $7.30. St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS. Minn,, via Chicago or North Bey, $28,40 ; via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Co., $31.90. Harvest Excursions, $30 to $40,50 To points in Manitoba, Asaluiboia, Sas katohewan and Alberta, good going Sep' tember 12th and 26tb, returning witnin 60 days -extension privileges. One Way Fares. Special one way oolonist fares • to points In British Columbia, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montane, Oregoin Utah, Washing. ton, etc., on sale daily September 15; h. to October 31st. •••••eaopeanamsoil For tickets, illuetrated literature and hill 'information call on V171, SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent. When what you read is entertaining and when you don't have to ttrain our eyea in perusing it. There is such & thing es wearing glasses when you shouldn't and not wearing them when you should, -, It le a mistake to do either. You can afford to be reek - less with enything but your eyeaight. We keep all sorts of glasses for all sorts of eyes and for the judgment • of an expert no 'extra charge is made, You will find in onr etook everything to improve one's eyesight, in the way of Eye Glasse,s and speotsolee. 1"....A....1\71'S, $2-75 Maxie to Your Measure wwwwwwwwwwwww. eereees Pesitively the Lowest Prices in the County. erteeree T ti F. pm, JewellO er 43(. ptician Cardno Block, Seaforth. • I Reduction Sale Don't throw your money &why on readynader, when you can get a pair of good all - wool Pants for $2.76 that will fit you and give eatiafaotory. wear Nothitg fancy about them, just plain light and dark grey twill he' medium and heavy weight-juat the thing for a geed working Pant for Fall. Try a pair from Speare and Page, Merchant Tailors. Under the Town Clock, - d LS. SEAFORTH. We purpose disposing of our bu.siness in Seaforth • and are giving Special Prices on all lines. Knechtel Me'( i ie Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. SEAFORTH. Do You Know? Our School Shoes Are the Best; Made. A Book -keeper's work is light, clean and pleasant. A good Stenographer gets a goodsalary. ft?' ret,7,:a4 Ti Thorough inetruction given n Bookkeep- ing, Arithmetic, Pennianehip, Spelling, Commercial Papers and Shorthand and Typewriting at the Wingham • Business College A Postal will brieyou the desired hafom- ation. • N. REGINALD FL,ETCHER, Pen - E. PEARL HUNT, Ledy Prin. • George Spotton, President) Twelve years teaching experience, Notice to Creditors. In the matter et the Zetate of Isabella Gardiner, late of the Township of Mc- Killop, in the County of Huron, spin- ster, deceased. Our stock of Silks is complete in all weaves of plain and fancies. AAWAMAAWAMIAA•WWWIA Mantle Department A great display of ladies' up-to-date, ready-to-wear garments from the I foremost Canadian, foreign and American manufacturers. In this display will be found all the advanced styles in Jackets, Coatse 1 Capes, Skirts, &et The newest awaits you here; in maney nstalfees the style ie exohisvi In every instance the price is reasonable. Vacation is the season of the year when shoe leather is put to its hardest test, Every boy and girl will want a pair of &heel Shoes for the Fall and Winter term. We've the beat school shoe money could induce the best school oboe makers to =rice. We've School Shone for boys and girls of all ages -$1; $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2,00. The school shoe propsaition Ii noti be t difficult if you'll bring the school children here. Notice is hereby ghen pursuart to R. S. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others haviog claime,sgainst the estate of the said Isabella Gar- diner, who died on or about the 81st day of July, A. D,. 1905, are required on or before the 12th day of October. 1905, to send by pest prepald or deliver to Robert Gardiner, of ehe yrownehip of Usborne, in said county, farmer, Farquhar P. 0., Administrator of the estate of the said deceaeed, their ebristian and surnames, addresees and descriptions, etc., full partioulars of their claims, the etateinent rof their accounts and the nature of the securities (If any) held by them. And further take notioe that after &aid last Mentioned date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the demand a- mong the paitles entitled thereto, having regard only to the eleime of which he &call then have notice. and that the said administrator will not be liable for the mid assets or any part thereof to any person or pereons of whose alahns notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such die. tribution. OCADMAN & STANBURY, • Solicitors for said Adraini3tratoi. Dated at Exeter, this 19th day of Septa 1905. 1971-8 Richardson& M'Innis • SEAFORTH, Sole Agents for the Derby Shoe. A View Enables you to judge without prejudioe. Look over the list, and where are you wirer of purer drugs than at our drug store? It isn't be- cause we are the only ones, but because we have a trade to main- tain and build up, and we cermet hope to do it with anything but fresh drugs, low prices and courteous treat- ment. Water Glass Egg Preserver, 15o a tin. Hair Brushes from 253 upwards. Leather Parses from 25o upward. Tooth Brushes from So upwards. All the leading pa- tent medicines fresh prepared -no old atook. Come In and see us, we will make you a permanent customer. Carpet Department We haye rearm to feel proud of our large earpet department, and the carefully selected. stock which we am now showing. The devoting of the second floor to our floor caverings, enables LIS to greatly enlarge our stock, and affords us the best facilities for showing our goods. Everytlaisg that is beet in carpets, rugs, linoleum; etc., will be found here!" We have decided to havee abduuseyemweenetk,ift H:and want you to see our showing, so -we have made SOBl price in 7Axminster Carpets, three pieces only, regular it) ice $1, for3c. 50c and 600 Tapestry Carpets for 38c, All -wool Carpets, regular 85c, for 65c. Eleven odd pairs of Curtains, slightly soiled, at j price. Double fold. Creton, regular 25.o, for 15c ditto, regular 15c, for 10c. 'vozargaressmalmillmommillm Clothing Dewtment. We are ready with the largest stooks and. best valuefein our history. examination of our values is what we want.' We want yeti to 6oravare, offerings with anything to be found in the trade. 'Below is a list of matchable values : Men's Suite at $6.75, imported tweeds, choke colors, sizes from 34 to 42. • Men's Suits at $7.50, single and double breasted, zheice range of pat- terns, all sizes. Our $10 and $11.40 Suits are the finest goods we have ever offered— see them. Overcoats in. all styles and makes, Oar specials are $7, $10 and $12e See our $10 double breasted Irish tweed Overcoat, O. ABEFIHART, DRUGGIST, Agent for the leading makes of Trussee, Fountain Syringes and Hot Water Bottles, OAILDNO'S — BLOOK p01:61111-1 Notice, ••••=Ce.11.. All puties indebtei te G. K. Holiadd at Beech. wood or St. Columba'', either b y note or book ae. Count, are requestedito pay up before October lat., The booko are ):I 0,1,7 closed at St . Columban ; J. J, Holland will continue the bust nese there ; he wit receive money and give reeepts for same. G. K Holland, Beeohwood, will pay the higheet market price for all kinds of poultry &illug the sewn. 1971.1 G. K. HOLLAND, Beecood. et• krt OM. Un - vw"*.N•bwootwimo.'wokAokt Fur Departm n Don't fail to see our first showing of Furs, In thie department we e. alone, not only in aszortment, but the quality of the goods handled bx use Nothing but reliable furs find a place here. This season we are openr.with some remarkable values that will leave a lasting impression througbont • the year. Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Wool. rer- WM PICIiiiRD 4.; SON IMPORTERS Oppodte Town Building, Coracle Keen ena voted SO.- fisidolth. _