The Huron Expositor, 1905-09-15, Page 8Of Oats equal ` to this saMple. never Min swab fine drops etr Wheat as there arni this stair in Manitoba land the Territoiries. Died in Cailigary.-A .colantspiandelnIt ba Ciadgeey sends us the fone.witnier: " Aftee an illness or toper wattle, stir. o. Kwineedied et the aoty 01.058 Hospital, Calgiey, On August' 28thr a abisceiss dr the 'bnain. being 'the often effects oft a Ognaplicated form .elf pueunamala of the left lung. After service in the Roman 14:tiane, cemetery Calgary, on A:agent 30th. Ile wee aged 34 yeats and 10 Onions. Mr.'. Rain will ,be remembeired lbeinte one elf :thek proprietors a the Coanineriotial 'hotel of SeIturarth at one time, Udder the rnatrae Of Ellis liarve'st -Services. Servicen of thanksgiving tor lt he blessings or harvest will be held in St. Thomas' chaerch,e next ,Sainday at 8.30 a.. in., will be fillitaiblly nlecoreitted. The special musics win include, Jaarvent the &Aleatory sate., " the Heavenly Siang." The processianal volantar- ieie mo'rniene and evening "respective - be " Allegretto Granioiso" _anisr "Hymn of the Nuns " and ltihe The sermon.s will be preached' by the tbankoffering% will be devoted to •the general, expenses ctif the Bowling. -rain Friday last, 'Waters. D. A. Eolliestex, James Fair, Mr. Tisdale, and W. lacksan, cif Minton, weet0 in town and haft a friendly !game with Sear or th ink, in which the Steaftdrtb "Wys '1 won rink was composed of F. Holnakested, Roberts. Cna 'Tuesday these same playens went .to Clinton foe the re- tuen game and played the' same Clinton xink with the exception ee that Mr. p. MciTaggewt rreptaaed MT. Tiadale, when Seafarth again. came out fon top by a .socere Toe 22 to 18: This is the -third garaie I.n "emcees- sion this rink han won, rinl then' isre now . open. far Challenges bet only those from Winks With a repitta- tion will be :entertained. c. our stock oi stoves and ,Ranges for the Fall Trade is complete, We sell only stoves that IVe- Can Guarantee Fully • If you are, intending to pur- chase a new cooking stove or heater, come and "lisped our For furnace heating see our Furnace. The only one having Patent Gaslight Fused Joints, which (low away with bolts and :4) prices are low and goods of the =spy& SMILEY, Hardware, StOrs and Coal. DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. President General Manager Reserve Fund and un- divided Profits $ 3,634,000 Deposits by Public $29,700,0ao Total Assets $.39,226,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH,. Every frsoility for the transacting of a earners' banking bushaesa. Collections made on all points in Canad and abroad. Advanoce made to Farmers. Specie' at- trition paid to the collection of Sole Notes. SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed from date of deposit. Deposits of $1.00 and upwerds received, arid interest paid or added to account June nOth and December 3ast. N Manager. R. B. HAYS, Solloitor Dri Ovens, eye, ear 014 nose npeo.- on. September 20th. See ady. 'A New Rink. At a meeting of those interested in the matter of A. skating and waling eink;'. held at Dick's hotel., On Monday teren'ing Ilastr some alterations in the previons vans, and to ladvertise for tenders at •onoe. The 'proposed /ink will be tor both skating and •oonting, tank witl be' abont 100 feet Wide by 160 feet' tong. Already toyed $4,000 in stock has 'been subsoribed and there Is still more in sight.., Shored sat- isfactory tenders be 'received tbe Work will be pasthed forward as nest as possible -in Order ihave :rink 'ready for US& wit the pvgn- %taffies Watson, Successor to W. N. Wa;son NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General Fire. Life and Accident Insur- *nee agent, Real Estate and Loan Agent. Dealer in first-olass family and Manufac- turing Sewing Maohines wan:keen Separ- ators, viz.: New Raymond and White Sewing Maphines and National Cream Sep- arator in three sizes , Also sewing maohine needles, oil, attach- ments, repairs and sundries for all kinds of sewing maohines. Prices right and mai ohines fully, guaranteed, JAMES WATSON, neurance Agent, and dealer In Sewing Machine and Bicycles. North Main street, Seaforth. STRAT.FORD, ONTARIO. • The largest Business and Shorthand sokool in Western Ontario. Our °ours are thorough and -practiced. Teaching dope by experienced instruetore. Th -- is no better sohool in the Dominion. ALT, Oa logue free. Our Western Friends Will do welt to aorrespnd with us regard- ing pianos, organs and sewing machines, as yre are shipping a numberlo the West, and being la,rge dealers, and *der small ex- pense, our prices are low. Our headquarters is Saaforth, where orei earry a 'ergo stook of the best mekes of pianos, orgapteisewing machines and gramc- bring catalogues of any of -our lines. .• Sheet music °Here ,by receiVe prompt) attention -we pay postage. dealers in Machines, Needles and Oil. Bring an Extra Dollar with you on FAIR DAY-48Pft--" We want people to notice our stone and remember the pletoe again %hen' needing something in our tine. And jest to advertise, we are giving some- thing new on the Second day cif Seaforth • We will pls,oe in our window a lot of ladies' or gents' watoh (Alain, a • solid gold ring, a set of silver kniveseforks or- opens, eta, any ef which will cost you oaly one dollar. Doter forget, this is only for one day, and only to advertise our store. Tender6 for Skating Rink ' SEALED TENDERS will be received for frame Skating- Rink with, cement foundations ; to be er- D• ecember 16th, 194. Plans may be seen at Geo. deatione will be mailed to appiloante. lenders to be reeelyed up till S. p. m., Sept. 23rd. The loweetior any -nder not necessarily mooted. 1970(1, Chairman Buildine Committee. :Poultry Wanted. The undesrigned will pay for live Geese, 80 cents enteh sad Duke 65 cents per pair. To be delivered • Seaforth, September 26th ; Dublin, September 'nth - Fowl to be full featheredi. 1070-2 Witi. ANENT, Penforli Travellers. -The follow in g were 'ticketed to distant points' this week. by W. Somerville, railovnie and steam- ship agent: Mr. and Mfg. R. Welt - igen ; W. Waterson Of ithie Fuirnituire factory, ttici New York ; nTeseph. Blake to his home in Pembina? Winscon- Mrs. Hanson to 'their nenee lin Mina 'neapolis; John Eckert? 'Beechavoad; ,to Detreit tad Tetuan ; Mrs. Sloan: son tin her home in New York ; 'Mrs. loseph Gillespie to De oite Jahn The Town 'Coernoil,-The regular meeting •of the town 'council NvIrs held an Monday evening last, kg11 the mem:bens were peesent. Ac- counts to the artatount,,Of li0638.59 were passed and ,oederetd. ta :re paid. The amouint of F. GotterlOge, Or 0$1,- 099 for -cement sidewelke rionestract- eel this year., was Antalielled or and. improvement by-law. The .D.ominion Bank and Mr. W. Seitiervillie tw"exe given permission to tap the eivate'r galiins, under the asnal =conditions. cement sidewalks, uxidee Cie local .improveratent law, wee adented. 'The eoenacil a:diaorned to meet at the Death of Mrs. jeternait -Many day lent of the dearth Jot Catharine OW1113, wife or Mee EdWaid Raman, Which. occurred lon, that day. Mrs. Xiamen • hiael. not been la lewd health' for some 'time belt 'her death raume as a Shook 'her friends. She was. a most estimable woman and had a wide circle •of friends. The deeeased wes 48 years and six months Old. day and wexe foill'owed to their "fast westing place by: a large number eineravning 'friends. The, sineerest to the bereaved ',Jaelsba.nd aind fam- ily. • been. shown a, xteceipted bill otf :the eleetric lighting changes. for the lighting of an Wel in the town et was presented to .ertne of OILT good citizens lt woultd• • take bis breath envoy. The channe was 15 cents per but, with a diseaunt .of 33 1-3 per cent., the net charge was. $87.06. The name of the eerson to whom the bill who owns the boltet. The charge in., :Seaton t floe. •sienilax liana Hog is 12 cents per 1,000. -Mak te, with. la ells - tenni iplt about 14 per cent. The, xun by the bonen, and the tres•ults do not seem to indicate very cheap "rates undee ratenlicipa.1 ownership. Samethiag New. -Mr. W. D. Van merly of Seaterth, is in !frown this - in iatrodueting`w,hat seems to be ta very simple aad useful device " The Peek Tire Tightening Ma-• Chine.° It IS initte:inded ear t,he tight- ening of times 'on all.kinds or vehicle :wliekels. By the Use of thin" m:acihine tires' can, be tightteined without Te- raiovAlg the wheels from their a.xles and Elie !owner's or tenors of ivehicies can do their own 'are setting, thus saving -time and money. Mr. 'Van el/inc. at the several shows in tthis 'county when 'three interested can see it workiege and will them be able -to judge of .its mexits 'ear' • aeator .threshirig machine manufac- tured et the Robert Bell Engine and Thresher Works, Seaforth, Wae turned out of the shops and run Saturday forenoon. It worked beiau-- tifully and ran almost as sorooth,- -iy as a sewing machine and not tas much as a nut had t,o be tightened. It is to be run'iby o 25 'horse pow- er traetion engine. The dieptaratox is 'designed after one 'of the Seedling Ain.exican. machines and it has at- tached to. it, a eelf feeder, wind stacker and everything complete. The • outfit is most complete in every way and this makes another ,etep forward in the enterprises pe, whion. Teel of these out-. fits have. alreally been sold (floe fusel in the Northwest and wcre shipped this. week. Orders ihave been re_ ceired far Others which are on the way and which it is 4sreiped. "snit]. be ready in time for this season's trade, Next aciason, 'the esteblieluneet be able to 'supply .0,4 delnatande tor the eomplete outfit; an. turned out from the warks here. • JidoDonald,.the pepular baritone of Toronto ; Mies Bertha A,, Leitch, graduate of Loedon, England, College of Musicians and others, in the Presby- terion church next 'Monday evening, September 18th. Admiesisn, 26c ; children, 10c. Everybody come. 1970-1 We have just receiver] the ay/elle/it IntOf patent leather shoes ever brought into Seaforth, t made by Walker & Whitman, of Campello, Samples in month window. W. FL Will e, Seaford). 1970-1 • who has been Sojoarning for several weeks in.Manitabe and the Territiar- ies Writes from Snake Creek, near Moles= n, Man it oba , on Septemb ex 7th and Sends,. us aa dample af the Wheat and oets grown La that dis- trict this " seasere The wheat is of the bearded ;variety ; the head goad size and the grain brighe and plump. The -lents aro stroll ae can be seen only in Manitoba and !the Tertitories. One stalk measures six feet- foux inches in iength and. the 'head is prnpartion.ately long and filled with bedutitull, plump •grain. The sam.ples ocet were quite wipe and ready to cat. Mr. Murray says: " The people around here .are busy hatvesting geealt or op.' The sam- ples I send you •welre grown on the of Tooker sraith. He has eielat acres A good work horse for sale ab Chesney & Try our 3-oly wire edge ready roofing ; It is the cheapest and moat dureble roof that eau be put on for the money at Chesney & Smiley's, Seaforth, 1970-2‘ Photon -M. D. De Lan Franier, photo- grapher, Is now open'and ready for business. For dret•olass work give him a call. Studio, Gunn's old stand, north ot Reid and Wilsores, kleaforth, 19704 PrIzeButten-We will pay 25 cents per pound for the best tub or box of butter, every two weelef., Mrs. William Naylor, WhIteohuroh. won last coated. G. Ring, Wingham. 1970 tf For 'Sale or to Rent, the cottage on Goderioh street, at present occupied by Mrs, John Weir, Apply to Rev. J. W. Hodgins, Holy Trinity Rectory, Chotham. 1970x1 The ladies of Sb. Thomas church will hold their Annual Harvest Festival on Wednesday evening, September 20th. Supper will be served in the sehool room from to 8 e'clock. General ad mission 26 cents. 1970.1 • Who, owns the litifle.-Some person pub a rifle in the buggy of the undereigned le the Royal Hotel shed, eleafoeth, on Saturday, September 2od. The owner can have the same by proving property and peying for this advertisement. W. J. Beattie, Seaforth. 2970-3 Apples Wanted. -Cash paid for all kiods at sound apples at the Seaforth Evaporator. 'Bring ,! in your apples and get the cash for them. Town Case, Seaforth. 1970-1 Young girl wanted to assibt in house- work, family of three. Address Box 448, Lender), stating expetienee and wages wanted. 1970.3 .Apples Wanted. -We are in the field to buy any quantity of gcod barrelling apples, Save all your good apples, we want than. Canino Bros., Seaford). • 1969.2 Drawing, Painting and Sketches. -Mrs. Allan S. MacLean, Setforth, will re -open her class for drawing and water color painting on Septem- ber 2od. ()Weis for sketches, etc., for Chrletmas should be given early. 1288-2 Mies Bessie Yel,tog will resume her classes in oratory and physical oultnre after September fith. Foe terms, Ate., apply to Mies Young, Goderieh strnet, east, Seale:de. 1968-3 Died in Washington...a-Mr. Wm. G. Beoadfoot, of Tucker smith, recently leceived the sad news of tire death of his sistex; °Mrs. James Mustard, which took place .0:1 'het home in Washington Territory, an the- 29th. of August. Mrs. Mustard's maiden uaame was Sarah Broadfoet. She was the second daughter the late lames Broadfoat, sr., or Tucker - Broadfoot /rind Mes. Jahn Rabb, of Tuokeismith. She was marrited to her now bereaved husband about 23 yeaxs ago, and with him "removed to Kansas, aotere they oantinued to re - ,Aide tenth a year -ago, avihen they re- moved tie Washington, With the "hope that the o heave w,ould pnov bene health.- This hope, honvever, was not tealized. Pleuri.syo was the im- mediate cause of de;abh. Ste was 67 years of age. • eed Seed Fall Wheat Grain _gags' Chaff Baskets. W. Kerselakep contsd the disease and it aras hoped ite wont& recover, but the °ugh :to stand the severe eitrain. Her maiden name was Emily "Bic - Mann, being the 'second daughter of Mr. and Mrs..Jiohn. McMartin, et. Mrs. Ryan waa an emiaante and estimable young latdy end was most beloved by those who" :knew. heir ioeirt. Her death, e.specially under 'such pain- ful oixeurastances, is a very Severe bereavement to toter thuieoand, her patents and a. large eircle of tele, - sympathy will be eteaded' to all ithe bertea.ved *ones and especially teethe husband auad parents and t he moth- exless child who is left. - T,hutrisday morning about nine o'clock, fire •destroyed the Lease. oecttpied by Mr.. Wm. Duiggrea. The fixe is supposed '•to. thieve tettaeted kora the ohiraney and had got a good stem* befare :noticed, and be- fore the firemen 'got on the etaine and had a stream .of' water the moor loos practically g•one. The avails, paetty 'badly damaged. Mr. Dug- gan was ,able to !get out eonsider- able cif t,he contents, bat etila it will mean quite a loss ta him; Soaalet Fever and Elmallpox.-A subectriber ne1)11.8 1/.5 the fallowing: " Dr. W. Field, af Winmingtion, Delp aware, havinig had much eXperience in .the owe of ecianlet - fever and smallpox of the most indignant kind siu§s: `I would thank- you fon the ceipt which if carefully carrlied out will elute fortyerive cases out of ever/ fifty without calling on physician. Ear scarlet ferex, far Breaver's yeast in three tablespoon - .fulls tot 'sweetened water, thane :times a day ; and if the ithroa.t is nautili, swollen, -gargle with th.ei yeast and ,apply the yeast to tire Ithr:ria,t las a. poultice. mixed with leas!). tweet; use plenty of caitnip tea to keep the exuption out on the isey- ecalb hem leaving t,he mark. For mall 'pox use the abave doses Pf yeast thtee times a day and II Milk diet throughout the diseaae. Nearty every tease can be tadred (NV leaving a pock mark."'" The Seatfar M. Show. -It is bar d y the • 'South Huron and Tuckersmith Brunch Unione Shicev to be held in. mext week, If -we cap, ,jurige trom the number -of prize lists that have been sent out and the taeger 'demand for them, this allow its enetating a greater interest in the plabile naind may leek for a large and ialbtratettidsie exhibit in, every nine. It goes with. out -s•aying that the 'exhibits an all the stook °trusses will be 'unusually keen mad present appearances now indicate that the indoor depart- ments wilt [this year be equialy well filled. The speoialb e.ttrao- equalling those at Toronto, will be Odle a feature ef the Show. Art -anomie .inald tot Seaforthi on be on the =tads' bri -t aud Fxiday next and %an the eeople Local. Beiefs.-WeAvere pleased tin beae this :reedit fOar. teen old "friend membered to all lie triends here Who will be pleased to necorn [that the still oantintleS tin prosper in ithe beautiful city of his ado,ption.-Mr. weeks' visit with frli.ends in eTribannei For the meet of t time they were t -he tgweets 'of the" famity of Mr. IVIurray Of Brando;ne spent Sunday here with his mother- a.nd sister.- Excereeionists.- The follaiving we're ticketed to the -West and wetuera Tuesday's earcorrsian by Greig and Stewart, C. P, R. agents, Seetorthe the tormer to Strathoona and the latter to Calgary ; W. Beal rend Wm. -McIntosh, Win:Hemp, to ATI• cola ; Aitche,son and Thos. Dick- -The folloaving were ticketed by Moose Jaw ; J. W. Thompson, Con- stance, to Calgary ; Rev. A. K. Birks, lett; Jas. R: Scott aind John Scott, McNillop, to Etlinein ton ; Mr. acid Calgary; Mrs. T. 'E. Hoene Seaforth, to Re,ginan J. B. Campbell, Seaforth, to Macisomin; Duncan MoCallum, ell ticketed r et uarn. 'Death •of Mrs. Ryan. -Mrs. (Dr.) Ryan died at the residence of her mondville on Monday evening.' The eireemstainces in coneettion with Mrs'. Ryan's death, ere 'particularly said. Ile.r 'home was , in Saginaw, Michigan, and she came: he:re about three -weeks ago ta! vihit her par- ents and ot-hee friends.' Two weeks Her husband, Dr. Ryan, was sent tar and was °entitle -pally in at tendaece upon her 'during hex illness. She had passed the Oritical stage in the brininess of Mews. Carden' Bros. Ho will xua the bakery and bread wag, - on, and supply the Messrs. Cardria with bread, tete, the Garda° Bros. otberwise conducting their burilinees usaal.-Mr, J. B. Cempbellil, Whir) las been an, employee of the turn).- tuee factory Mar a number of Tears, left this week tor Win,nipeg, and, If he likes the apatite's'', may remain there. Mr. Campbell hes been a valued member Of -the Fregbyterian thatch choir mad the &eon bend, hy both of wthicb are -will be greatly Inaissed,-We take the toilowitig from the Dettnc•it Free Pxess !cif a 're- cent date: " Mies Agnen Lennon, formerly Or Sertfarthi 'Who has coin- training in St. Bilary's 'hospital, en this cad', has accepted a position .0,3 Supervisor at the Children's Free Hospital. 'Miss Lennon is an ami- able young kidy, and her many triends here -wish. her success:n-4-M.. Andaew Dodds, an old Huronite, "now, one of Manitoba's moat prosperous farmers, -writing from Birookddle, Septembee 6th, • says: ." We have no frost and tno eust,"-The guild, of St. Tiho;Mas? c,huroh, on Wednesday evetning next, ie the eatool room T3TE the chorale -In ad - is .ofifering a Ignid medal for the best horse or mare in the /heavy rIr.aught, agricoltur,a.1 and general purpose classeie. The medal Ts •0,11 in the window ,cif StEr. J. R. Daty's jewelry store. -The Beaver Minst- rels will play in Mitchell, on Wed- nesday evening next, fair, night...n again on hand, and will have the Evaporator le full operation as,soion as a suffloient quantity of fruit oan be secured. -Mr. Fred Broadfoot las returned Leona Winnipeg, end is epending a few. days here with his mother before riesOming his studies tit the School of Practical SniOnng, Tortatato.-Fall wheat seeding is coinpleted in this vicinity, and the xecent 'rains *ill give- the grills. 'a good ate:rt.-Mr. S. Sanders, otia of Stephen's pi onpe'rous- farmers, near Exetere was in. -bawd on Monday. - 'ter, was in town oar ,Tuesday.--stra. Haight, of Port Stanley, is visiting Sarnia, is visiting -at the thomei Mr. 13. Dickson. --Mrs. Parker, of Buffalo, in spending a few weeks with her motluer, Mrs. W. G,aven- look.-Mr. end. Miss Snowden, Of near Bayfield were In town lthis week. Mr. Stnordeln -complains of the dry we,atheir and says the form- ers have been unable to putt fin tbeir fall wheat on &amidst or tthe tha,rd•-• nese of the groutnel.-Mr. Ament is again buying live geese and ducks far shipment, and is pay- in.g Ring prices. -Miss Sarah 3Ylotratn, who has been taking a course ite St. Marys 31c,spi Lai, Saginaw, Is examinations taking a landred pee cent. after a two years' training. She intends to tgradatite in .1;anuaxy. -We are pleased to, learn that Mr. John Carlon, who was so seriausly injured tWir) WteetkS aigel, is indoor ;re- covering and we hope to ffee [him mound again soon. -Miss Margaret Caldet, who has been spending the . summer. at herghome, Intnisfail, berta, rs friends bete, be. fore tresennIng hex raedical studies at Torento Univerisity.-Mr. W. Van Horne, w,bo will be remember- ed as cone lot Mr. ,,W. Soneeirville's students there in tetegraehy, has re- cently been :appointed agent ' for the Grand Trunk Railway at 'Wane - 'teed etation. This statian is be - between London and Sarnia and is the plaice where the great ireilway accident happened a few years ago. Mr. Van Horne has 'only been in the 'err:14)1*y of 'the company two years and. his promiotion to Burst a.n impar tent potation is hiehly cred 'table to himself and to" his [early Call um went to Landon on iThurs- day to attend the mare -lege 'of giVerS. MeCallum's br.othex, Mr. Alex. Old- ham. -Dr. Turnbull, • of Wintnipeg, spent Sunday hero with his 0011SitrIS Mr. A. W. and Miss Stobie. The doctor is am old 'Grey boy rend a erradu,a.te of the Senforth Collegiate di ot.-" Crossing Briclgets "i will'. he the subject .of, IH. [Latkin's disoourse in the. Preaby-teriath chow oh on Sunday evening.-aThoee who ovieli to spend a pleasant evening should bear in mind the entertainnaent an the Presby-terien church next Man- na'. and Mrs. M. J. preedergast ,rund da:y evening w.hen Mr, H. Ruthven two little sons, of Chioafgo, -lane McDonald, the celebrated baritane visiting et forme'r's home an of Tiaronto ; Miss Bertha. A. Leitch, Egmondville.-The masons have come of Landon. En,gland, pleted the walls of Mr. Samerville's lege of music, and tethers will disr and are SI/OW warking at Mr. E. Hin- Kansa has . 'returned .te Marshall, ohley's new residence on John steeet. Michigan, af ter a pleasant two -Mr. and Mrs. A. Curry, of Biros- weeks' visit to his parents lin town. seise were in town Olh Sanday.-Me. waileasore wee nes ateeta and Mrs. Pete/. Dill had an onpleas- watking, at his trade as 0. cabinet- maker in town for scene time, Ileam scoured a. eituatibn in New York,for w.hi oh place he Inef on ;Monday. - Mr. Frank McCuila an -d. bis m,otlier are home tram- e pleasant trip Ito Tortonto and Niagara Falls. While away they visited et s anie 'of the peaoh farms in the Niagara -The followieg parties from county are .1/1 atteedance at the Lan- don Normal School: Nellie ekett, was 'here t is week visiting his Hannah Darton„ Ringsbridge ; Edith • ant experience while driving .rn f nom W al t on Sunday evening. While coming down{ Grieve's hill, their horse got frightened by another rig passing it- and commenced to kiok, `breaking the dasbboaed of the' 'buggy- Two tof the children ,were sittieg in front of, the nig and they ly injutued. The eecape of all Prom serious injury wes ve,ry fortunate. mother and sister. -Mrs. T. E.Hans end her brother, Mr. Jeldfn Scott, of Roxboro, left oh Tuesday to ;visit fir -lends Manitoba and thie.Sitorth- i-e.st.-lYfx. Walker, accaunt ant in the Dominion Bren.k here leaves shortly for a th:ree months' trip on the continent. He will. 'be acoom- parried by his mother and sister of Toro nte. They _ ia tend sp ending a peat of t he winter Italy. -Mr. - Sherman, -the Deloraine healer, is , still here, at the Queen's hotel, and , the orowde Of people .from all friar ts who •come to consult him do :not di- minish. His rpoorus are packed daily, Miss Richmond, tot Blenheim, the ;guest of her undo and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A.' Y,aireares-Mr. arid Mrs. Chas. W. Devers, who have been spending their vacation here, left tio,r their home Tuesday afternoon, ac- companied. by Mier. Elizabeth Sloan and Miss Sloan, w.ho" wila be it -heir Coon, of Philadelphie, spurt Sunday with Mrs, M. Y., McLean. -Mrs. Geo. Murdie wits visiting friends in Lon- don this Week. -Miss Haughlton, of johnsen this week. -Miss IVIi write MoFadden, daughter of Mr. Thos. lilAFedden, ,of McKillap, left T.huteacialy far Chatham, id take -a coarse in music in the •Ursurliere deray.-Mr. Harry Harris, of Weston, has purchased the bakery part of Who McLeod, ; Rattle O'Connor,St. Col umban ; Margaret Quarry. Of Mount Carmel ; Mary and Nellie Troy, Whitechurch; Jessie A. Wise- man, Clinton; S. F. Reichert, Bel - more. -Mr. Thos. Faitrow, the vet - been elected. president of the Ac- counting Postmasters' Association of the London Inspectorate, at the 'an- nual meeting in .Lond.oin. this :week. -Mrs'. Pafford, of Toronto/ let M- ing her aunt, Mrs. D. McIntyre. • We have jugs received tee ervellen patent leather shoes ever brought into Seaforth. made by Walker and Whitman, of Campell,, Mass, Samples in south window. W, H, Willis, Seaforth. 1970-1 on September 20tha See adv. Notes. -Kr. Peter MoGregor is at- tending the Western Fair this aveek. -Misses Kate Hart and Lizzie Me - 'Ewen *left this week for Toronto. where they will attend the Toronto Normal school. -Rev. Neil Shaw, of Egmondville, preached in Union , Quite a number from tilt's; part are taking advantatee of the obese rates to visit friends in London and. the Western Fair. -Miss Emma Reid SPECIAL INVITATION to the MOIL Ladies of !Seaford?, and Vicinity Is .extended to visit our store to look upon the Galaxy 0 MILLINERY BEAUTY. Creative rainds of Paris worm, extol and their deft hanis would be uplifted to applaud the results of our efforts to produce handsorae effects in trimni hats, were they to see. the style and. becomigness that embodied in our moderatelppriced hats. OPIAL OPENING WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY and SATURDAY OUr Millinery Display will rem., sent genius and executive au skill of the higheit millinery art that there is to be seen within. your eaey We will present rich .charactetip- widely different from the Mem which mark ordinary opening mew ions ; French, English and American pattern hats and hats of oar make—correct fall styles—Bot 22 % Seen elsewhere—but here, SPECIAL Elaborate EXHIBIT ERY DEPARTMENT Dis of Dress Goods, Cloth Jackets Cloakings, Raincoats Waistings, Furs Velvets, Children's BEAUTIFUL Special Importatio _r‘ri in all kinds of :NEW GOO..tm New Goods to.- If Ready for our' Insieetion They embrace lines that bought with great precaution to the most exaeLing tasrea right, too --styles correct pant best. We are in a;position to s the neeis of the great majority ticular buyers coming to see OUT g The Wise mid Economical are our Patrons. . • • This is, in patt, due to the fact that olirs is a mem store. Everybody knows just' what to Aped, and expo& what they find. the very best at the very lowest possible pr ice. DON'T FORGET the Dates on which the Formal Opening Will be Held. 1 DON'T irimi; to entrust us with all Your Fall Mail Order Busin-ess Fine Tailoring and These in this cot people tha while expc s All styles ger of At the SU of Vaxna, is visiting in Brumfield. She has just return.ed from visiting friends in Oregon. -Miss Edith, Hal- liday, of -Landon, visited with Mrs. D. McIntosh last arelek.-Mrs, Tay- lor and datighter, of London, have, tetuaned home atter spending a pleasant • visit with Mrs. Nolte. - Mr. John Dunkin, of New Liskeaxd, Algoma, formerly of Stanley, was renewing old acquaintances in the village last week. -Miss Neil McDon- ald returned home from Taranto after spending a couple Or weeks with hex aister, Mrs. 'Neil Yellicow- Plows and Gang PlOWL-Mr. T. Mellis is "'pen ready to do all kinds of plow repairing on the khertest notice and in the best way. He also carries a line of plow castings, mould boards, Plow hsndlee, skimmers, wheels, etc. He has everYthing and can do everything in the plow xe- pair line. Give hin a call. T. Mollie, Elppen. 1989 8 'Dr. Ovens, eye, eaT and nose 'spec - on September 20th. See adv. BIiefe.-Air. and. Mrs. Wria. Cud - more -awe enaotying a pleasant visit with friends in Sitrota.-Many trom this section are taking in the nights and scenes at the London Fair this week. -On Sabbath last Mrs. Mogan - Ian, of Winnipeg, 'gave twol beauti- ful saes in St. Andrew's eleuroti, which were much appeeciated by the cloorgregations.--Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 'Thomson., were this week visiting -with friends in Bayfieid.- engaged in pressing hay foe the aid specialty of breeding 'good. horses, this week said a very handsome two of Landon, for w.hiolt be received a tong price. This fine animol was bred from Eleeteio B., owned by Messrs. Berry & Blair, of Bratefield. Miss M. Harney, of Exeter, was here visiting' her sister, Mrs. john R. aYfe- Donald, this week. -Mrs. Robert El- eie, of Hessall, was visiting at Itha home pit her eon Robert, of frueker- smith, this week. lYirs. Elgie is in ber 82nd yeaw, but is still quite smart. -Mr. and Mrs. John R. Me - Donald and Mr. Thos. 'Elder ware 4. raring 'those from- this violnity who Visited the great Toronto Exhibition last weeir.-Daniel 5, 'Bell, of 03400-e ton, son of Mr. Andrew iBedl, tug,. piae, is home on a short nueatiore. Mr. -Bell is on the teanglineering titaff of the Boston' Transit Contraiss' for whom he has been Tworking the past few years, assisting in the supervision of construction of thia network of subways and tunnels be- ing constr acted theoughout the great city. Mr Bell says that 431alt of the business streets ate MS VOS- 3ested by traffic that. they are al- most inipassable. The Transit „pre - a great one. Mr. fBell is mead gip - pea boy, w,ho is makftreg.his Mark et. the tiap. Dx. Ovens, eye, ear and taose epee - on September 20th. Etee adv. Briets,-Mr. Geo. Brown, Of the' Central hotel, 'has puechaned the Patric& Blake teem, on the concessinn, Grey, togetiber *Oh the' stook, implements, etc.-eTilds. week G. A. Deadmeri shipped a car a twin' ey Winnipeg. He aocempanied and will dispose of it tin emaller dots - in the west. -Abram Coak, of the 6th conoession of Grey, hats pUT- Tutretbery :street, North. Mr. Mf,- - Laughlin will hold an auction eale tt- hia horses, *rigs, etre, in Imes ewer future, but -whet le intends ito we have not yet learned. -An inter-- esting raagistrate's trial was Tread' in the town hall rain Tuesday leVed- idis: *Web, attracted a. large crowd. The charge was obtaining, money wa- der 'false paetenses in a horse derde the oomplain,ant being Jae. Sharpieit Morels, and the accused. a yoon main named Bolger, ,of tbe aarne' township. After summing up the evidenotesthe ease was dismissed. -- ,Voting on the by-law to exerapt this cold. storage building, proposed to be built by Rialat. Thomson, leo= tages for ten years, 'takes plae.,e Monday, September 25. -Mr. Bate -Leatherda.le and bride, of Coldwater.-- Simeoe tioaaty, have been visit/30X here daring the past week et iMx. B- Leatheirdate's.-Mrs. R. c. Neepawa., Manitoba, is yiniltinZ at Thos. &Mile, Tobin %%red. -Miss Kerr has gone to GTavenburet. the hunt af believe our buying puli Yes, we'll urs Furs Fur kel and gar A Propel