The Huron Expositor, 1905-09-08, Page 44 4" M J1 M i& OR TH 4 ING 6140C STORE, _LEAD - s at once aura- Le %iimdi, -git, baM- xox�dv ag At a -fid, D 'but tiho ds wqE6 so rA - 4museA� th6Fa.-_ on th micione, i .- I - dnd *hieft jW8 t4v � ortafs lie as approaebin, lk" - 0 L wa.tdb elves in 0a him for Fa v ean hill in uU hte SEPT]EM i Mr. Godwin, Paz vero 0141t thlb Sh"S, rM v 16, Ullet the stri, ftrejot Methodist ptiTed, anly 'a f om Good his 061wer arkworloat aot bo. tor ot ;9-w o -t-bia t*V Poo A In! Tie� Was aVv F tt seAn in mainy �1408, it Ire T W T ut %for the- Aow P.r6vh1-ceR wL9j wals on, coas� for bris- heal.th, wit(h Mrs. Goid P, of tho p j-shic)WA himaive it'is no-, visible a,�. Wyodalle. loidlit and was OnAl ide- will now be the retuirned libralet lajit week. Tihe Ols v is wife. pixa-dtoolmsed The harvest being all gathef0d in, Fall -plowi. order 2 ceasar y that men Wto I aye jin,.Nymn� is oatire-17 ye0OVOr- ly kiscown. H n -the farm F3trenuous work such as this its requires Ub. LeZ y 41.4. pa-tiby � With ' it should -be, so Wroxeter. .6d and bas re 'ed hip Nvoirk Wye.' bim abDat fliilroo ag-cx Ile t e day 0 7 8 9 ami l t, )its in this ch courn, we ae read ly.you -nee 4. 6 lootied 7.,,V,6 -ffork oiut� its pW0Ai0AS- A. H. mouafft a w,&jr, I.y welcp"110d , by his a girlown -tip isl footwear, &Ud,.. _y to SUPI) re- leads ad He Wais infor, for 0 10 12 Mts. 0. Raise w1yont ajw daiya h0th People tatti-er an baepcia. 9r, 181bouit fad a!nd tragio end. TJba fairielial on Our stock Of Working shoes this All cannot be 'exceliod I good ae-sl 1-1 t wta� y at, is'nded, for goodvalue. 91'. � - - * 19 20 21 22 A' 3 fol t waS 'inter - for durabilit Every Well-known makib ii- dd 17 18 rial Notes and Conitnents. the djeir�p sisbeir, Mrs. Hole(h, -birive, modblis. y and Dhrotby.Do in Uylio varietyl, f Wil"r othintson ment Ucing mud a split lt�sther hoe, a Men, 2.4 25 �fi 27 .28 wotilid !bho otor Toron'to Arbon.�M%Stex- ed in our stockv fom. the low plice obb O)aibloilici cem-ete;r�y represent. 'S 'do for Q, text' spent Cronaarty. ake in beet Frelich ki at $3.50 a pair. Timwe�- irar to our own m 1P :r�-�Jitivos in HairXiotion.-Mr. -H.Jaak- of Mrs. I1ofbk1r'k.-X%r6- g variety at 81.5-0, 10111 1 G`WbP Jt -10 'Wase- D:�y editorlaas, p�e( U116 t Brumseds, spent Liabo In medium priced workitig shoeP2 we show a bi� jid%L George HobkIrk, of the- Soutt, Botia- money,., while for 82,15., NEW ADVERTISF G# F, th the S its e HjVoe,,rt, rjearr here, pased ,I[ fl,)ttr and feed otorp.-FlouiAL,­ anet well Wor 2.§0 - . , -- - . Hensr Vii all strongly dVinlay- ) � tinig da'r y ot: ljVle'jj Tt)yal Hjudehold de of genine kip, with sluigel &Zlewnod arei -vlgu acwojy golactay, Au�gust Exettr, llo-opall Zielch, Of We j wind Kate, R shoe ma Sion mr Th# fign etween the parentheM aftOr e*Ch on ai,d Glenoys Ptuvnt. Alo blmothY rioed forsile. and $2.7b, will sell you of rob 0 Of the,p*P61 on which the Thajioaity ot pence between Japain triiaods. in Prot0n­-�M'r. W, 0. Hazle Mrs or4oa. 1067-8 and water tight tongues. 'soleS, 3trongly. sewn MIUS PT� ons, denotes the rag Vais ig 6ne - tio, TwOnitio yajnctiaA 28th,, stte:r a rief ilbleas. Gralatakiliucx�h'inge. Alf, S found ad tthe -%vWd 'fie --sivertleementwill be a,�t aird Ttassia. Ivs beieri sigifte-d A 'Areekis, with! llis brobhe:r� 11obktrk, whiciise maidien. intamnie ws Spid,-Mr. T. Another God H PaR Trade, -aT wlic1h, has'beaen iin, lrio�o- 'barn in Zedd- HAND -MADE SHOES oordw _Greig & bia�s sold thle, wo111 known Shoos -R. Willis & Son -1 Sim. of D/bs. )C,i0- _!b-0;r1ouigh, Scot.haad, inea:rly 85 peors ton U 6, of 'Tide TuLrji1nrX-E- KoFaIA 8 wo-55 for- two Y=i rv* BrusseiN., is the, lgwel�t env 143 11n tibei ld land, drix.ugbt otalli , Made by our own'wokmen every pair wrrant to give 001;1 JojhLn8t(Xn, Nicibolsm aPd ewa 0 -r. j. Hairtley owtipled niglo. 811 '91 to Imes 3.25 a pair; French kip $3, 50 4A y-TylelCininort & Go.- ret. -M oi her now 11yeiroft ' '13 ake Oanadian kip, A Fpiscopia�j church and -,-Aajs ma:riod t Fee, frm This tfo-I tion. ato fthibitior, wIVIc11 he ptlit-pit in t G,00d B -2-Cardno, Bros. -S Tie Tor�o. hulsband. Thla, y0unig 00UPle em- dair brown- orjAar. widl� ii -et, to ypur order if pr6ferred. Z-1 --read sizes carried in stock but lnaat t: ori suidday mf tmnoou. For. cdoseq f his wip-6k; ba 8 been V1101 X11101S t,de in (91194ed to Canada, in - 1855, -Wad 4hck%L - -%vibb, plenty tot f1rill, hair, flat, olva. J Fat k McCa-5 cossful e(f, �he, man5� jg,spevt�aur 7) � oy la 8eaf jBil,coissf III bul L ailid einddred oila fee;. Nie ILLIS 0.r _�ra I[eifer-Fran ck, spen itbis. ed in tbis secitlan, bone and iiood :Wgto-1 now, of Howl a your brains, iss ()as-. it.he bar(l�hlps and pi�ivatloms litoid gNL, L _r and beld In ha' icrit;7- TUio 1111111spif be 0; bust 11",day at War homb helm. -K cj6luntry. tock 'Ole; .Western enaincei were .,si, ha_�q retuirood firicom III -In- Vnt to setthbro.g,. in canr�loit �Zu be md peopl-e A View -C. AbeirharL B y -if t tilik the ewbibts marei sailft, whero� fjho spionit a. mohith.-Mr. knclustYty and h.% , is of thto best blood in 80l8a$entg for the $later for' Malmo wl the '$Queen and Empmaj Ineir petency. and-fo years have Enghatnd. Tho now puTollmeein' have & Smillay-8 Wester - i '--n5 -4 tbie alarmiticibs pndh as d"Mrs. P-'KQBWe`)34 Qt T r b rtY, in mho" for romen. his wX e aj in M. Baldw n �Das an an fine. farm Ill, been ifoirtuniaO !in seefuTtmg Ea. good The xeceipts, pawtly, of young, itesided con teir ffte in 6e a Vimioibhy Seed -W. E. K.0riake_,8 pt.eased ev over beflre. lvl-. r s R, bvrt. MTs, H.dbklrk was a %v)oma!,n,of an iamim-al aind wo hope their rntor-: 'y or POOP& lagt, FTI&V -even'nig.- R. C4T:1 ia & MOM -5 BIG% 9,Te f line Iffies on i At. mental qaw T be -r6vird-ed as it Mbtte:r gae, Urth Nvholo taling, Laag jet�aAj�d from atTiXtifloird in Thxy beesmaids %veme Tille Newis sams upihne, P induvt the W -V. D. V4, mritirat finest ol grgy. Genli, kindly und saciAb1le, f Che bTriaell speolmen The CEwen 'sister et 41 bill X.. Hidilhajid-5 this way )of -Tuesday.-Thilitty tliekets W'6m S. and wiais Not -d -ny icft athe cttiowd.' thiwre, oA Satuird sthe mia, ma most Br if q.-Labox Day was bse-rved Z;��t poastie, sister of 13- A., of �;o:ib E he e7rh ib�p, fo;r the Wkist bime tion She wias drie. ;of .0h e and iss -M4 ufbii 'I'diy nd quite Tbie 1groornSman Wa.13g. int -0, whk) -,isrejat w6ret, Hamilition Gut- highty -stoemed.. -Bo Wanted-Seaf0'rt1h; Fj,,6ux Miff 8 on e.axth van yKyu fiiid ga t her e a 0- to Arthr Rl- 'fir.st m0mb-," oif he -0111d'Rodigr- bvm as a� p the igTown. -hundred tousad suah Bigiglotoin POW oTils6nbUr4- mid willed to be their. r ais .00miag-La (ties" Aid -8 f it)111:3 t McLejod a d Ville cioing'relgat-101a, ai a numbur visitti( MMhlotrapslyn, y*d l7y Me pisto*W Olarges �C- Kippe an the I 'fl, dr n thwe w o6kinrg, we eswd, �oitber.s took 4 Htij&h.-� X�JLeod, Riobleir Lmve11L To - Carmel, a:xfd ook a deep ail-oing the Inko, The mredding maZOU wals ie -t". n oomgw;-,� Rbves-3-W- U, Wilfliia-g n Rapairs-2-T. Meltis_8 wilal bphn0d poopIefly W. paiswncore�­ Miss Betlsliliae advantalge of t1he ci Vals lifered Mi �AAdW Bell. 11hie, gr0oWig P-Tes- Will -.3 iGirmn, Preeby . I - . . * - dvy._ VdAkLiing to Zr4oin's by the ailwwy 0DmP1nY--R00Vo eat itc) ..a- th f u*-ned tjo. Ne,%v Mvliv c(n. gat= everything wais a.11airidsclim tions. Rev. X A, -V&vted�mrs. J. ;Y. Smiley . 8 priosipeTity. Beside h reaved mg-a6-od in bDY% pxeaWhied az ind 1111IVilirs- to p,,eAt_j%rs. Lucas RiciKS-5 George BrONvin spen last-Wed� Smallacowle is 1Vj5b pone aUd*.00veT Imt 6et with I.. 10'UA Delt 1�'e ioins. and `FATm At the UbVral c(0nvV6A0Jn eld at Mr- lea.v es f .8 'bi 4 OraagevUld.-Mrs. 'G. E. -.bipaband, she ing gireein 'tie a ids eedt p -rim -to �MWMIOA t-EXPIOSUINT Of4re-8 nos&Y in proepaxi.ag it bowl _Qui hie bTj esma -nia, Ia.% -NOCt41 t sedioctt"a. oax- 'dk of -our lo, erpawls-, jan-d 8" ulghte'vis to moluril Bxwc(b Log y heir loss, R-obt. -to 'U ds st� �.adf astl 3)glie anid Miss Ma, Sainrso numbuX W"d 21 .w.is:h b0lae Set W!Uh PO"' pon' ff. didiaitq in, p�alcjo of he lkttel Dr.. mij1tto;,ja, after amoln't's on the h4nesbwd, G06r.'ge in Midwhi- t1l"k On, liab. hie id"rned to- Hia, spedimZ ofA the i a stick pin 111 t -big 'faMa to Mrs W lgan, GidLon, Wailiter Rind John. of pioin -4-0 . t b'10 x6bastio�n oirt Wv* Lanitit0n, in tb8 visit: -viiiith tbeltr -Xuloltlloiri M or Day._mrs. 60- Fanvzt -,vaa In frm pr a, boe s8t Wit1h, -003wls- w1h`i4h­ he Lttlu ITOI)PAP ol Heinsall, and Mrs'; Smith, of HigaTs. Y. Sande)rsbn.�Mins Latidon tihis -we Wending; a fiew After, tbhe OPIreinny wad coogxatulm- POrs0 IShOU14 I .1v` me ideal f milli Doxniniic�n� pa;rllameat Mr. F intiermenit took pUaila tO *gap*t, of her Nunt,- -yible. The dal -s withi reimtIves aind friends.- iations itve, halpPy 00M'Plan-Y wqWred That PTery vbA>ujd e 1)"It Pardo& ws saliaotdd. - bUr. Pardee tMoTiaga:rtl, com-elbsty. FRIDAY, Sept. 8, 1906- rd in th-e. ronvenitlioirif Mrs. S. B. Smille., ouir onion jowars 4re seotaTing oIt,,he dining iroom- whime AedttY t0weV& __0 tod, SE 04TF� wals ruin Ver lih te, 11. o,; AW�)an f ornw smashe4 t % - - wgm adea with fie -en I by Mr. 1.0:4 - Cowa, ]K-� C. Oult Of. ellrg' ckops in tg*od con- wjo blas, ithie Bluevale. dit.ipn and Oler lairiyest quointity ev- tiAng Ttainds. V -1 -on trienas in; convenUoin. of 181 intimbl6rs, �,nti Brussels.. 1hoicet and osit appe W� al Rights. fift from will be the Ire- After A couple '01f �fmlltil 11 Provinei 9tntaiaeo wer4a i3riets.�_Wm- Airf.lkq, who hia beliaa Notes. -Mr. Wallace, f Daride, e shipped from to jjengall wa%re, jilytih, taddrjessed the i-iuct. o,.XeWs is -stronig'ota. We, ties, eklicali xvx�eiviag 76 vOtiag. OW Xeslia-majit t Bruis0d' falr 52 VeaTs, , card this yeax.- r ptiblie School uridiai pawty drove The Tio;r(alst. 8 - Scotlairid, viea Mys. McUardy and j t vA minia-ter and Rerv� MT pavd. , tware add an da7 Ia-st with a the traiia f or Moajtxe�xl ee [got t W -LV- le-10pa tioi Torion family -last -%veidk. A Th Prv�incijU Rights, aind �the oeoDrid itUdt, X remAbved this woeik; iitioa. Mr d quite a 4d �Gjian4j Behid, t1he peopl. -mbensive, 94 votes, a -act Mr. OAXW.ah '81. lie Ha pos di�riig 4els' sdlemnizZ tlMr, -john -gopd aittcmdpincte�, ifm points wheire they A axpept-ad a kood, and lot -Ii juiespedtivelly shewed tend spending fbeiT hoMY M'0011- ris . Amet's joh-astonts house an ev- b M - it ithe, lberxli pafty o Pardee is a- saja'-dtz tEh" Ipta ffon. T. oi�oraoa t 'do in ds people a114 wi rist ttelac iglh Scool depawt- The Aonaidst duti of st-or. towx it. hat Abilley h4s beein a the h. Pattua* olties for. r a &e� hed ajfd fo a. ba U. ribex y ajrs, and enin of lav3t -srook de wskes of opeople towiatids pastor. Rev. W, C Exoeir af� tonet in its B. F�;ri-e% factory and Miss mdnt of and good L poilltd:cFall. sionex, of "vin Ladds in 'the :man. P110-00 'Thm-gs, 0tiss workman at GodeAoh, airtin, of* TTem ;G-b,vP_'t.n.ten1t and heAd a seat. f irrst e:re Win. Doulga-1 and I Mrs. Goo. To4d -rtde. whio, is K, Exeb_V, Me wdrthy x4.�, od! )MaAy. trip-nds -wiAl boo falied- by A air )KrA-1 Campbell of the samle, 4 awn, w VM�tor ot - feSSIOD., pxeeided. jhe� w r a the IT tx one, rxied by Rev. W. J. West, A. 0 -It s8:ys: igiala in GodeZricfli far. a opupl, bif -one of otarmost POPUla!X foualgUdiiea b1s br4th, Provin- �Gttbro, .-mem�j�er -of the, tatf rld ft, ma. L K. dia se�A loy a qarge mieDbairs of t1he Ptresbyt", The, disaippeaXailtio o(f rds rb�,in!x teim, being atterwal tie le, inan.--4- tesihilb" Korr Ueff -Mrs. Burgess sperit abar Day Ys this wedk vi and --wh�o will be, MIS farm I 4 son. �of Winmipog, 13're friends, was ma -de the loit pires dt' -were Revds.Messrsablaw a a)rtiole- -of 1Ub1e`r`a11-. ojfexteA� r. - Cowa is n, of d 'WoodstOok- ley V�ad lit"lle AN bias P, M 11imt, week for Winipe '4%s- 0 Plo-t-cheir Gf Tham*$ icial Wghts with iieT son osph* ia sihown eveU visiting Air. and Mrs. Wm.Mc- bea;nrbtal coEliee- Rgmoadville, suron biay poc, Badker _Mfs� Bessie Lovall of East, Nor&h- Urm a , ; japiciry 9, IOU' [L P 1, =toj tajit alriy Urcot)*r of Mr tinjg thLVr._Miss Lena by , the -ciorarn Killop, nedr e 'Oh 1, 6rait1h, of Ileasall, a situoitin .4, vis- Dwen, Mrs. paxetnts.-V ticon X�t ..hlandsome 'and aseftl r - R K enits qnt t'll James Dow Of io, Tron.-tio this week. NVIllere f Wit Semina usetf. Saw -ore; Wertt. t y, Massaah a1so Rpeiv. M-%Orm- Bran in 11ton - -"o MoBrunald. last .4-Deltiroft, is .'Asitiag hex serits. , hiewan. f Vcept.ed a t�ftuatioijl as ited. Mrs. Ge. The iguests frban Smska..to iban by the on, it i perdy argilddithat s1e, -hasi a gkri t.joibin *,00re.4-Mrs- Nee- ton, of ' Oxomwrty an Bev. Mt., 10my biU. It is ilioirms.-Alex. Straciblan is bavinig wiek.-Mrs. J. J. Denman and fam- alsteM, Xv- Weirja Mrs. J4bn MoAlpint of Glea s tih- miles f-14. Mr. Haultain ao�in�:!rvihat vatiad, lainds amA sba� Rlo, AylmeW; BaUgih. Of The ol,14 ty Methoidilst thUftk hias foxifleted his Cd Ike -d in ily left for Win ipag an SauTday, y lhave, been npond- c0;a ; Mrs. lla.Vigs an aaetylene iglas. plialtut, instra ee The "Sk , , I , frefs, to Ithe pxiemietship by omrciliog 'kOr bis sticire, Uhis, wee&. The, Din g 'k ith hompioji, Tilsonburg; and MrS. Reitar M - that a4d blie:TrIalm Wait aacilltilik Nv.he rie they wiii i Mr. Denma�o- in! hD - Pawtl 3 *11 T molroto.-mr. H. Qonley and I:Itt!be, ", 01=4d, iaWig, oongwegation. prevenit - xepain& Wjlf`ridTjaUTie4T, Thle Slim;caO ce no )v" -ptjy ijuts;tireted on will 1*,Vlaced- iin We third Misses COT& Me- And Peaxl Bak 11 !mVer _ - a, - the ohur&. 11 t`r f AT to t of the, Rr t d on Tuedday sons, -wha wore hery virsitin:g the tihe beiseme or trdait -jas. Tufrnbulft eT wivat to StT for MUPP-9- The EXPOISItow U th the building. :6o -Dun- of tho "aAg n. iriaception -was +Madiered the of Fpj�orfat pa_t-�onw:qa, whieth bt wouJ.d the speciiiii ltTairi ao(avielying P ddel saihool.-Miss Pweots, reuwA-eU t� As -iiveo6k wlUbt1hp, malfty trietads fT his. t1himle got h s� it,6 10:0 - aar- f 10 fts.-Kr. Blali a heir datf-gh-er, c[ouple I A very ple"an't and ea�my eatortb,' visited in wigjinig t:hiem liojaig, and Mr. X_TqbL1h1a1rt" e, follY tol &low ha Goverllo� -GeAION14, Six Manitoba:., ton Firida week-- Mary' Beattle, of S L11'eaticinvat-Goverrim and ier and otbiew Udtabdlos to te� 6y'rCiat BE -r. and Mrs.. Fired Aduins, f FWd-, at MT. F. 15. wveek�­Mr- St. Cattillaiinlos, wbia twin. The, ScoWs last coatim tie %,�Vpirioss. auble ton. As 'Still bouigght a com' ttbe PlemieIrs of tlin new Pxtdii dem at (Ednim weire. hiew speind' eek o�V- so mi swic('h, vVeirei vj,�jtfia�g in -t own on WalteT PaelarSOa Ot - +be ftiain �.V,' t Swift Corye;i1t itibe wit'll, 21he meeting 4hu eioipe and lgvttfing 1&.-. ULUst take t1hei owdeir &y.-Tlhis week . Few oittle, bora in Vb�gham aind in- The, ttwiva. Not a -ain:910 Lidra:1 joiarnal GovenOc-GeUeWhil aind otli;T U[em- D. C noss &re, movinig. thoviir lAocks tonds removing - his family there tetu'rialm hom, or, aesday last aind Kippen- quainteA wit1h, them. ' The spaeors n:a 7tha W*� protests against this e bers. of 3, bhe Gairfleld w1ile. hicire attoad the golden wed- Plowa and Gang Plows. r. T. Meffia. c1h'rb Wia's flillied. a in,.to their new pirlehniSel gbortly.-We re pleased to see Air *ol DYyedaiml P dootrin, aith(citigih, 0, '9001d� m"'Y' t'y' of the -wait W !got 8; Ny-tliif fres jt- ding auniversair 'Mr. and Mrs. leagsain ready to doall kloilsof low repMrIng of, vim* throaglh:out weirs of PON$ - Of' lajloic�k, which has und1wigOne, ft V113Kw- Frank -Scott able td walk out 10 jgTa-ce d Rrks, of the Phorteoitnotlee 4nd In the -best 'Way. He 4110 - aelradbex. their siltetnct% s&m to heve, the, siltvat, qbio�r limbs ah sale The, busin-elss tle.-Mtrs. McDonald, of Gti�dlpb, vis- Rdb&t 0AIrlislie.-, iss Ha; 99 &Jull line of plow cajitinge. r4ould bosrAm. ing Th GlatiOn Olt R bi ' ',hi ov tyr Wiricoxatior, Wbo tr beire *for -some -to be aahau�ed of tibef vi t of the c4oantry, -Alo lag * plow baridles, Admitnere, heel#. etc. no bas S 'not wollil be� nruii. uln;d-e)r the firm7 Iaime- ited Mrs. Aitah on amd, f amu: "homp, Slsad a mfoju Give biria call. T. Well fujidaental, :LIV6ral p rinclirPle, i-rided. Aur tbla a tert �ut wa Wio:j,gtj60a & it-ogs. -jCjs Itblat Sunday. -M -r. Damiel. Lewis W's laid. time 01a a V�sit.. X�etutrinied everytbMig and coin do everythIng in the ploW,re- Stara. ei Kipperi. k PEI W-00 Las The makiels a ra�rty -ffoTlous beeded- by foir the. ot TJ C0110, pair line. Ir thie Sitore, vaoated by Mir. Yeff`9618`01- up last wee Suffering from a.boil OIL k-- 19698 Gm, em, of thei ti t i�nn far r ecituo1p,' t� His, Excefilen has bepin t et Vnd L it I', miss cha-re, and to -our mind ht 4oes -hias been fr. a; term toC Vea on his ankle. oat -Aiti;DUO tki It% -ice, wwaral holp -step -lin iM1- dina Noeila4ids.-Re v. Win. BaogJi mi E Plumsfor Sale. -T. Mellia wouia take A Miss Barb&-ra. W v the fby Go. A. Mcliatr6ji, ig all in "661 of pjilms cott, of are! -Nm fins, brick _p fa,cits 6r ovi4erica, to stify thle Opportunity of raminffir eil in tg jpanp st�idos jad pilly snooet&a and faim.ily Teturnid last week� from f acft that individual known busine0s la�lm 1,;jN Blvth. to call and got their sopply yeadY f -V Mokivig by cof Miss - Lovina. Tuiffiu.-Vifts Anvil a ge. Thre, t'he of the back. London. -Miss Sinit it of Clin't,0inwas 8 c pat in -a now tiook lof )gein- -'by thie. daily 'A dur, th beginning of the weell. T. MelrOrKIPP'" Drake has Tetairna borael from.4 f all, L-Noirman -We oltice, -ber oi the ptairY or PaIrtY, 1Vta;t&yx AT Ilie txwlirt :Nvs gettLaig *cident. at Min. Quicein d9irri, ig the paist Nreek r tb otbidrt t-.bk p_.Tjah A-ry g,oicxds thii. t-,v;o week4e visit with, hio ts nicialy uni r. wn�y. Ato scomi 5 lVith, YUS. 'cleirtain stateme-n- C Led in' and. Miss D6rA. Smith, Teituxined. ljaM Pajoeus of Spbetutbor 26d, LbD speiadiw a few- d' Matx1mnial.-A. fmwjn-�T P0111011,11T Strdtf.cird.-Ur. and J&s. paer.s. ma:y mial�e- Inij hi ly"',a'rs Bl&ck aift.- Miss S)Ar, y 'vvias recoritty young �mSplf ont 1 -ba, pati 617111. th$'E�y` Mj Fl-oody, who up - to a Tie hol-d- tho party. ai§ 13111ch firom _y cif this neghborhood Tie Riolie, of Uamilbo1n,. ar* does not orei 'itiardy com - algo, was a wel� kriowin and optdar relatives Th' Of the visit! in Gi)iloricih Vialtnt xematjy, figut6d in aft inter�__et-, guiests oif fhe. lattlair's- bZoi'VbRM,'XWr,- t his m five -spent the Past m0Uth- 1119. citizen of our, towin,, met ith ft, Misrea ylvompson. - t �rs, he charg- i0o so fortunate-, nd 'Ooklq�y and Mrs. Sam. e s pariloms icous &acident aft IlailleYbuTY.. Toron.to dLjr g tibia st -We rty hive. a- the hiaicl to meT for oevOT01 sPVnd- from the Alameda, AsSinabolajamir- thlem is thalt tillP-1 Liberal pia Sma;le, wwtol!l-knchwin ra'Sidr,'"ts se'r fortb� is' visitrmz- hei silstr, *I. - ay. He was ala enV110y-ee Vilme. 14kst Mond tft sintetr.- aaj, 81310,�vs: A boirrs way &tation - intir a few dakys vt�j,, wit, ve.r7_ pi � y Hambly.-Rev. and long chorished prin- it tai, sma� BruseJs, -�vtijro %iitd in miavria�ge NV 8VI in Litle Bro.1 - 11 �-f A �Gdbd Timir of a-wintM, w1fich ,tra,ia c,,Lme ajn. 1 -*11 1-0if this vu'ialzel tie ait the v�sidece of fte Tb, uhtil the in�ext 'Goo. HaXiday nd: Mr. Win. MoDowg-Z, book pla 1,01ple of PrQ-ViRGil.W!ghts. lasit wook.-Mrs. aaght fire and wbe, hie ikd oiUhOrs A 1�raftb A" srig. mc- Uride' ;s1stior, 14 ss L. Coopeir, on we're 'a on the in' 6&y Mie's ni-tolir aice, is in Manitoba v4sit ng his sa�s­ i -430- :# - dp UjIght-e4r, -of Brandowl,,M, , D. Mcouigiwll Ins Agone t-70 t sis VLP*n whirih-this charge s I)la, Li_,,jn, K.E�mp, a'd MnQa-rthy,;;,bif Moir - wexv tTing. to get water o Ikeep ve;ry IaTipe) -nirmberr f, orn­ Henza:IA and ThMs&a;k -etc - ust 17th, ba in Btu, r nwa, !&U 9 tb Opel ssels. -JIGS 00 Northwest. -MY. �&Tdhio, _Ur the, lumber boll- . : W4Dunds� 'WIN titirrilaX, th . vianity are v1sitlag tilito exhibitioa iat 4 1cilack, wten Mr. F. IS. Myetl, Sttraffaml -is isittag. his bT#U—W the Nortbivmt Alutomv bili iontm, ol, raalbe�rjs, of tlV Dominion Hu)ntetr. -%rho hka� setrvbA l;is­,1Ppre1n- (>in. I . I - at,' way er explod-ed, kil1lin;e tnid of -his io in W . Mair, V1000im- lete(L th Pa:rfltiamfe- wlia w1M0 4`6 tbellr o the firm of, Cook, M=Wiffon & _110)UP iaad (2� the faUapo off, tei LiAuten ticueship, a t1h stoff(N CLAtlil',9, W111t1b e -Rd siateT,Mr. and Xr�. 310040. 11 :� ** ir lo. Edmi6nftiod.,­, wiare similiairl 11,elf t fef t paions aind breakLog- thtoee, df Air. in maxtiaig-e- iwb Miss oti Saakiijbc-hr-wan, to Mesaris, gcieran�-_ & Jidlinsfn, painipd, by Miss Aoad, is iin thia Queen (3.0., was Udted Floady's ribs, besides otherwiso, of Caristrairitce visitkA &1�eads _31 M.- On Sept City vilitillag 1111s 4 Mrs. J. )Fjsje_ V� Cooper. Xits Coo -par is a Miller --041 behind. lalst ficir WinniPelg, whe'176 W. J. Mr. Hatir as his Premieir We hope to hea*r 1bat T 0f _,r, he wihl try j trr i ag him. Catse.-Mr. H 1.1!b bf o(naid. sillipped 1111 =1d al , I& rm Uf I a f�oirtun.-Tho fii _ iope he. is rl�oit fatally injuirted. ca,.r-- load of cattle, from it Ista of Kippeno and has -a host of fti-endis Lowicik, jimiLture. bu and Piyiri�eiipal adirisie�r. milletrs, etc., hds Stewia Hinefi, of Go 4TO Visibl% .-Miss A. lvf. Andorsan,,%vthife tboa duldireg--the prast -week, wild Mr. in this neigh-b-orhiod* -%vU6 NinIll, Ma- NVal In the first platelet that,, t1l'o No pootiquous radirif dissiolv-11ad, tibo fbrme'r 00nitLnu, -Nottes A Notes. T -he, ',Lll Ot ibeAn ker.-Mr. Samos Bai _�ow W,pj gsat -Alex. Smith a mar 1, 4, of hags;whiIe ite, w-Uh us in extnrwig best wid'hes #Lvei not wttending thie `milliinry operlila ra;- --- - - -Aeltl Uws not yet prieved amd caji-not sh! th paisit onbled the fair - ing the but Aau!9-htpT,, Miss ftsi% tae spen. MT. Lowick in,tenAs do - Toronto, Teftived am offer of a 'Mr. Petmajr Lamion-t, Zdric, a] -,4o for 'her fu-ture hiippiness. S let 1101V 11 tliat the, Autonomy- bil is a. viola - mers th" week ith f rieads jin. -viel-rillity t Tesu-me leiairn-ad wht f Proiuial Righits.. Angus yeaTys Farigigernent as mill,iiner in made a ship'eirilt of itia aind sheep. Note4._On Saitutrilay last, Mrs. Miss CUrtlin, of Centrialial -b _41 ibleb, xy tion The )v'beat speed�,ng Seems j1rt9.__,Miss Alic-P., �rchktilgbter Of 4 of thie,14,r-gest Stores in Veron' 'a, icif Guelph, ja;me Millex, of the vjqj.-Le, Teciaiv_ y have saull T' 'hts ila; I -Mr. and-Atra. H. T fille rAotVat Lg Recoff t -s. 0Atmpb6111,. -off t'Kvm, V" Ono T Prvincres can cinl t be th, f thle, Y.- -ajtd Mi visitor ait ap, OaTlins ha vo , beon n Britiab - Columbia.. Miss Andersm hiavie beein spen;Uaig the pxt- week ed t'ho. BO new of t1he death of Ibex &re -giv,&n thom by thle, loonstti.tu� jepoTts ,wbjc�ji received Alnited in. m,,jjrXjaig.e;.bo a ;gejntJoMa and Mrs, T. W1. Hamilton w0i:6 as St: T� returnood bom-e Saturda!y and lef t foir wi t1b: Air. aidd Mr s. H iry'Owk, MT makitax tian and it has beein Kbicnrn 'overand, tjjo;m oqeph, that famous town friom Landda, oin Wedniasfty ot this 11, iecie, Mbi Lizz-le J4hnstioin, Thiloto jagt week- p3rrchas� -) t& positbodi on Mondy. Sh Tjoillins, palrenits.-Quit a numbeir of '&jugjitcT of Mr. 'aind Mrs. William .4got .;ul or a-aia tbait.- thio Autanom. km�r v i I - *�,cek in St. Jolitn's ohurch.-Racry 'herr m%v wiflIA 07 y bill n the, 4ore, south o odas for th-e4T- gtoixe, wihiclh VI C5 ril)ia, V_ 11.1)0 ojin Kippon on i§ nat am ovasLarl of- ',k t b actomsditu- indita-te tbat usinloss Is--boo-m - on tia iat- is to be . v4drigrattalatied on haioig gors �NOrU olipstjon., of St. Lours. Vic, doem- Malay has ."Une id positi,6.6.-Mr. Tao-sclay evelifigr I at t- I iiiii the i n was 0. briglit 01*1 lady heir oompleto- in OU)'Idt- tv"n- lv&k-p- �Vill -be mwd'- tion but is trict-ly ju NvIth in', thirlo, a,M. t at wor k is In odetl ge4hiotal.-Miss, Georgia sootwed such a guo 9 Pip - tend the m is a haoafome buifilinIg �-VM both its spirit and - lette-f. Thfis erkowti,6n on tive This hs -beon p01.9.9 'h;�jjs to - ott, ond MISS John MaGoavoin ainj bride, of Towa, duatLan f Rev. Mr. , quthwrt. Who -19th yew.r. The hentrit Nit ympath Avitboat PA ion bo, the and Mrs. Ram* I I . 4 ;e w t _TW passalgo cir. 6d- a I on fe e DIN , Zg a(nd Mabel, Zimmer, arre at prstdrit visiting 'Mr. Mcow- has bean oa.1led to t I e pa -s boinat iOf of al I ia I be -ex --cNaded to- 10e- L21 nd th's tycnj�lte of. Hot t i D r ni iftion amd -son of TualwTsWitIls aals mother aind fter'relatives i -n St. An.dr w's oh-urd .-Mr. Henry up-tLo of tho�AutjcoormY bill is, 0 thi dis�tict ir�4 lo�* . fonv-axd to to London, 'to attend the. Noirmal rea-vied friqnds--urs. R' spent urriday iX Mr. S. HIMUW491 Est Wawaosb, On Sanday even" Ma-yl-oir aind ratemairle; buisi,' Arivaini tao, svnse, "a of the, 1101n.,9 tho time i0h,crp lairg steamers wil(b 17162( of Lo)ndpn, NAZs heiro th. patstt %week, Mr. Ealtn am:d Miss Brotlotmot 194ow thia:rie, ober ifihed princ;Lplo oif Provii1acial at St. ps%)h and ths build up ing Mrs. MoGown rein4red bau- up VIre, waflis,of his ine, aiew� rick eta-111in u oild friendi.-Mr3i. S.Taok- t SUMA47 -a-t Mo bolm Rights and on thi-,k point bhe a. large Ii.4' fjouisihming c tif at solio in -the Presbyterian abarch residenuo &t hia east , d -of he vil- s(ya an W. QrmVfora, of Uip- pen !xTovedand it 011111nieirolal 1_� f the X15 -ss Oarm i0linal .-Quite a in a very effective m - -3. be one of - I chwr,ge �of th,,c- Nes i grosundle-s. triaide with, t-114.1111 d try. Thp Exeter anner. Mr la e, and it t, ey, worle - visitim-7, Urs. J.- B. e- iait�tiqndt6d Lbo flower lbasff-' I'll r"D ailtoil'aro Sub it Vile imist in tb t f no Joeakity at IA -An' dwring the VIt the -en! We know: thte. Nows, taken dif- Mises Tbto,�, eir Joseph Habki-rk, Miss Bollo aad M. ad 13, sion, kYho 33xief s.-Exqft co via given by the. W oin� ferient grountil from -this, bu-t to have 'n tending t e Toronto for blie, apprlo.val.of t John H,&-bkLrk, -of Br s, visitd dwellings. -Mr. 'Win. C., Da. v Duino-ra MJ;regor, one of- Tucker - Alf t a, , b y law 1 mt Eieltier. Mrs 'Butacon, Mjsspxin�% 1 of oli old iestl&blisl d meroh-ain-ts, smith,s moist p-rosper-atni bor- Xl4tive. n town in Stirida.-La- our judgmsnt it has failrad to ostab- ex-bibitiou t he, pq t wopk, To eiliodors, eimpio;w4ring them to obseir lish js tilrned hi"�,o p�,!, Tu,asday to resume rw the sum f $8,000 foi bor D, ved 'very ctlos!dy n-nd whouw in the. pa 'umfined hi Miss Ilerjon ejad Miss NaTriS Ttj*A- 'At the a lightt by the m,6roliants this yea'r for lbh& business. to gr(amiriols lid fine alfina- -%vojrjd's o S, to ejltitilie, bj�m to a In. 114.ultain thLr dtilti�es 1.,g f6dohlar in'the Bon- aIliag ail ellecit"110 od ; ing and ins, e�at- may� from N%eaTia, is t:hjs week adding a Un we.11 mrined rest, and Nvitth (liat imid. sehlteA _8bath JnStUAAO.—Mrs. 9w- lias no Divine �'or Curisti ati'Drial T-4g-llt son I ine -And Ptyscld p atifle�sebools` pliant" ;nd equippiog and actcluLl-ling first -tirde. A ron is he;r Xrs. 'CAM* heild la!st �%i,; C.0 be tb hore wedt up to Win.gham, where now stock o Ary g od-s.-Mr. and im View han paraliwyed at first Premieit at ieltbeir of ire,speatively.-T.ble Nessrs. 'Joihn and silit6lble, si of* a pitimler hous"'. Oromih�rty.-Xr. and XTSf. the- im the nw Provinctas. H-e� ha's -Roft even Allan E�qliair, of � the, Brionson firLe (in -% w1ljL be, they� werjo a3lebTa,ting and einjoye6 Mrs. Wm. Shmay, of Detroit, -Avere of Mrs. Gpix-don, in the villiaiAe. Mx. be� The votto din bY-141- v Livingstonka, Mr. J�dha Saddler 11110 VAIS t ft for tble, Nuirthwast ary takvn oin Saitur-day, tbe 23rd day lot a-ddlp mr, it 'the rigt cot priecieden sto, fair as we Stjnley, l th/ClImselvas VOTy� Mucill. The Vase- jnAh-e vilhTgO this week visitiog McG:rego(r ba -.4 -,got a. comfoirbab-lo, ho ball tem weirt all tiaplay lthoayTees- 1q. Sbirimyls i cot.he Ar, Rciiblewt'Saddl .axe a -were, T� ciunstitutiioin #gives SattL-rd,,x3k 'lavt jvhvre they- wi)(1 on Siaptembor.-Mr. Gooinge Mansion, Mrs. Moore,, home, aind 'tTve ish dAs wi. Mr. GaTlIng, Xr. iie�slakqr ypafm to hie Lietitenvirt-Governor the �g, Ige in 0 wdtior team in Win!-gliam aind were tic w �51);air - in that nenv mnA, the cold -reliabile rboot and shio, f te L a L ne a wek with fricind is tbot he may Mrs. Geafga' Butson, V. D. VAL-trAl'- widge's !r L It selkevt his mrn advisers. '1-9913 has -removed to his new-, shop in ilefeatred, the score, being 11 LO 10. her 'brother. Mr. R. J'* D. Clookle, of edj t, onjay it. -Mr. T . Who N I -And a's yplial glut enteirgrial, g Mt lson aind MT. X*ep Nofxis 1, - 'Th xeAa Uvos, ,wt is. unquetiorid. He 'is sup- Wijd,�, spent F.i�daY Fanson's Mack.. That his shadow But CV40ir-y person "%yho,saw the Vame this village, and wll in haA a. Nvidle. iteputatloin gr alid Saturday seaks.well of the pilayig -,4n,d ft D* itended 10 Toranto 'falT. Cho- Z� posted to be the 'oest judge iats tot-tthe week at itbe may nov,6r grow. less is the %visill, Pit, Gcoderic1h, retarried t �;aginawv, on OX glood plums, is no, IYUSY "uppl- _1114'ru tha will be, mast acivept-abite blome of 'Mr.' Dowson*.-Kr. 'Nor- :js nuracrOus frins ad custam- -no disgratoe toi ouir.boys Itio The Satinday Bre�14, ling t-jlia,,iVhUts.Of hi's WA(ny austorn'' �fl - dafoated by the comied teams t;f augibiter of - Mr. J= 13dit, left Alfred Pottex, ot Zi to the prvopk, over� -whom, he pro.; rna�n St-v�ason,, "of Vbia, Goshen line ers,-Mr. W. H. L,6,v,ejt,t has purz1has ota he infia-,Ai ,stld& and, livesumalaby hie ma -l -es iot" d C, -Lr -ill. The teams licae last welek: for a trip tid City, IiAnois, Is visitin his Timbe-Y 1`6oblasle4,Yk. A�m NM!S 4 in he viltago ed the Rxeltisr fruit evaporatnr arid ,_Tkiewatex ain 0 - iffie 9 his eloticin accarding-J.y. If he n Sunday 13. Jdnston., wilil itfn it fiAl hIsocison. .:axe to modt agiln in lyth inext Rainy River d1strilot. r. and Mrs. p8rMn.t' Mr. 1,11,d Mxs. WM. Ivikwa. Beiatht thie, well-kribwn, Jmber d"U. -The 'Thiltsday, Septembdr 14t1h, ind as, Gruiakdhank were PalslOY ria- Tboq. Rider London,, 91 With his ka ,elf-cits Mr. ITau1t,%jn goiod lid iv.&I. -of li.bilfi week sp.6ndin 0INVIn push -nd on- -�iinA tw da-,tigh- eT. aAd Mr. Fk=y Xmbeith, ot OW Vogmd, ha., , If he golocits some olt1h hex . li;olUays' -drider the Tiarntal th-ey are. rery eveinly ma1ciled it ceitly, visL-tin frilonds IS or person no .-Krs. G 4 ter riso Mr. L170't is Salle tomake Got. teas,. f Twok��rsmitft, wwo_ thi Londion. Road, Tuakoxsmith, p -Mr. aind Mrs. from a ett for ;a. suecess ot this eistablisliment aind IV wlek visiting fdrends hin St. - Thomas -6,ne has a just right to vorap ill be a igoad lgamve. Found :r-eturngd this wl*k puohased- a. 1411ge txaot Of 4 i13, ss(xn I it M o lan be 06t Rat, whoever Me min olacited may Windsor dn 84urday las i0lene ho it- will prve n 'idvan(tkilg twx th A. Sandeirsofi, of WToxetor, visi -ad- pleasant visit in aftd and &,ennia.- 'r. Win. Ar tot f d in t ljwrTy aujad distoi& be he mm%t rftntive the approval will xesumn, 'his'StU S i Mr. a(rid Mrs.. 'J. Henderson ' a icW XX -s. Mhos. Mc14an arid Mr. and -Mrs. j)ojtdhest0r,, wj in th v . t 'Aimy �je. n Wind-5or tmvn and agroat. ciunveniande, to e, illgd his They do not in toad opvtriatva6- on twit s -of the. pephe, at the.p-otm in 11000 -s. If ithe Colle-le. 'H. W Tallbot,. the the farming vombilunity as t1hioy -Wil,l days last week, -Mr. Elivott, whor An,&Tew Dougail wrze TOrOnt()i weje n Il ftiends. Mr. I&Ad for amOt1wx yea; ia 0 bais boon iadginvAr -on the C' P. R. his we&k.- Ws MWI ow -,hoico, of the Llemtenat-Governor is 16hampidn tbireshear, 1.4 makk­1't1bdn1,34a s-(,-vure a *ready ma.xkel for pples Mrs. Thoa. Camero left A mst-rorl::g is an did "op boy of Boa-th'initendis oplVerakag Wo ba.,ve M left on Monday, ca I appToved Of by the peplo he be- h.um on' the Saiirble, 1-iner at ipire, nitruction be.Tk, this week f oir a t)rlp to Nanit INA Sent wN,rQi might, not be sa-L-eabl foir r)0` 0bla- Mi. T. Mellis.-Mrs. M-emiacry, f'Stk- wheTe it is now ima,66cl; the hietaA �eif the Government �yyith his lFaninnicAth iangine and *rid, -%vood wheir-e Pe is qonig to MntZimoniaj.-:0n- Tiesday aftr- ita,, Maini&ioba, is vilsiting, -at t1he, spixiag. We hope- or f-Aenft- 'AiAlw' sliipent.-Thkl� paisoinw-go of 'the f or Lin ftvatlon and 'Mr. F. Moran, ad= last Mr. Obas- W. Chpman, boanie, of hex Vrcother, Mr. uLq. Chies- straoik it -Tich in the iu3mt1,_ UO f- a -duiing the. L�9L%LaLivo torm�; if -sbarAker. Mr. Talbot is an' :entor- Majn stre6t Methodist chuxoh 1has simila wdlrk.- 'sty W -or iDr if's �d by some tone Who R14LG who� hais beein '6wk keeper here if fbii;rd son of Air. Win, Qhjapm;am, ney, he. 3rd cioncession e frack- theix eatiekpirlso maV, he is ot 9d approve'd of h must pTlSing 1gputler'aan and should 're,- iyeen eb,tere e0 001 V :6. ge, was happifty maxrfled to vjrsmitb. Mr.,,. M, ff, bwb Step 6w,n and soim mrkn of whom ceiv tho oredLt -Vrhloh he d6serves.- I nt act rs on tha. C. 'P. iR., this v i 116 ej praia- able to them. Mr. XcBmth bas bot tho feax oir thie Lord bef r his Iry & she �nj&pA d da it ugor,wb 0A the peopler ;appjpvo;vo takes his place. Mr. T.6hn , Daftnd" an emPloyee, of iapes and several gems of truit left on Thmrsdja,y fdr Chic. -ere Miss Lizzie E. 8 tt _;I h bal r f aijtbj�W ied by lior danghte, X:i4. very suamasiful in thle- 'This is the modus oiperandL purti-ed thie Brantford Windmill Com -,,Vh.ioh the, igoold lady fiad pri!rparod ballt, Of this lain, an tw'co abildran, of Wi4nipg business so 4T, Vnd, whem he Vt* he !h1q.9 secar;eld I a golod positian.- okf Mr, Geo, Swixt"I Messrs. Robtert Mcay alid ZT,Gravp.s village. -Tbp- ceiremo, y Evorything is at lyromnt sp.6ndLng a' tew Pwl�`oyli for N.mily use -%v&rel cia.raIvA ofif.- Induotiorr of 3A Tues' thir6tugh witli his Palmy Bound Ilia* -of el in the new Provimcias.� T) wa pisr- el 0011 has to -go to wad be approved of �by vorn-ed holidays gt Ws home in 01-0 The f loo',r in Mr. Bissobtls g.raln h,6 Seafcortb 13overg in 4toir�me 'by Rev. Smith, in fty jov*.ning loist he 111iran. Pres.; -.ve hope hek WiLl be aule tw ireltiTe. the pe-ople. It wil(t be qoimewha't village. -Mr- 'A, Shiallatt is busily their la:c1rossio maitdh forr tho. 14tpr- mel. cRiu;rdi, nd, at th I d"Ire, bf ;the Wia�fa bouse at fJhe ;taUo;ji ol-liapsed ditfloult for any per.9on to sbimv ngAe.d in ftamtng barns with the a few dys nXio, undor -too 6-Tesait a mediabe ch-rimpidndh at Gutolplidn young vottiple, he ivas ve:T quietly c0era:tid. Thegroom W�hern_ thoTe is any violation of tb-3 Herd Broq.-Xr, UeAry'Ra;u has hKfd welht of oemen whia was stiored Mcinday.-Mr. y of Braswl frirwiiple o PrDivincilal Riglits in ll beautiful ereced 'on hs in it. -Mrs. Glinrie Wilson spent a Riv, days of this wcyll.kwitll holds the xieporisible.. osttl000 of day a m. ed " plrj* -Miss llood, of opextatoir ttrid ticket clerk at the thi.s o -whe-Te, theire is xnytbuitg ot fa.Ttn, eaUly improve his %dn- in t4mvn. Sol N b exty Which the Tbenj.1 par�y havocause -its d Me holt Walkerton, bria rotLtrned to hr,�r no- Grand Trari Railway at '"r(*o.d4t0-.k,. SPO NG .4'tot be asbarated.11 eird and aulitl talks of gio-hrg tio Listowel to.' ir sition is'head millitner for MaKiin- und. the b.ri& is obe ot our highly Ghalllett' PAM thoe side, but Exoter is a vory niti6h. But, bee is vory po�tt rea, villoge of' in. 'nn A Cd. Tspe�lted iyourig- ladi-es. After the nc Zivridli a Uu.siness v4sit 'n1cier placo of rosiderrice.- r W --Quite a numbc-,r from b, Ron why Mr. Hanlf ain shadld -not oft Saturcloy evaniting last. -Miss, F. Baikvietl got his ha:nd badly &dt IL left un Stuleday to take. �part crarlemony the happy oolmDle drove to ,wig be 5eihoat-ed bv the Licateriant Gov- ffiDonald, , b i -n the harvesUn-y- of the grain fn the the,5, book the five IQ' b0,A;n 1Andin;; few ftys aigo by' a chisef hn to� f Or e,rncir as the ftr' T�i­Lmieir. The Pro-, heir summor bol ida -the wost. -o�cdook ftrain r . hame in ,,t the re6i - it wlikle he wa att-work Vn ithia Son- GOODS.* Ishe stated vince has been -iveta , oontitut-tom de n oo of Mr. pij�ert' A Wdodstoak- Tilley 'well, metat the el R, Ilen, sr., $re- itor bliock.-Thia* Higgins. f6rm. on 2wr lif -arliarnent nfide;r wbiqli -it' Ls o tuTned to'hie� hPirlia-in Toroint diir- t1ile 2nd -cionaeasioln of, Ustborni� biag Gre*. istotion by a. v -y large Wjnprn by 1� AqDd to a be gove.Tne. That cloin.%titutionwas ing the, p4&t �viD-uk- A numbQT of beyon sold 'by Mr. Riahh;rd Wsh Mela-rizilioly Acaldont.-A sZ and trierds' who, blad, aagymbied tot' eft tend, hem �f amid snowers of �_,on- �Bhiel oon-siderea ufficLe-rit and satIsfat- youn�A- 9tudiant 1-0t th's vichnitty *oin to Mr, Ed- kestie Toir $6.500. It is ftal triaint be&A Mir. atick t "Weie* t'o,rY by Parliament nd if it as sat- Mon'day last to �'-,ame tbeir stIT&Ie- a. fins farm as tJjkN Bliae, an 614 a-nd Tiespect4d fetiand. all kinds of -goodwsh" for Lacrosses, Footballs, Base- Balls, - v ricei!dactory to the pple it i s pjU 1 n the Illetr pontinued happine!js, Inwhieh vfrious 011leiate Insbitutes. tan.TKver.%.,vry aidd fh�vrvast dent of Grey tows�hp, on. Friday igg q1A e of - Ma,rwire t Gons0arts, Ba ;ri,,Tlit th-at, in the ut. of and' t-eank%,-1v1qVg servio6s, -%vi&�4 held -in aftornoi0t of week. While en- TUe M. unLte. Express Wagons'. by it -q pravisioils it should have a. fair Groenn art carylUg- o a'n exten- TflVift. Ojh-Ur6h on Sudey, the Rev. !giaiged in drawi-nK woo witih sp.?r. -On iWedrmsday, a-ftvnoon of just trial. Tt wan only have this -when Rive businss lit C�SA t arTa large of offi- ited'yUlnig teem of horses toir ft -b6 wee happy eNent took place 0 kn' Mr. Thompsion Oarriages, Hamm cks, &C. 'dire,cited by rnen in %,ympatby with nu-nibeTS 'Of all I 1(1ay P`Te�VLOLIS to t1bat of thie 4,ccide n t att it1h horncit Mr. win. mciEwen, of or fi&b am Te ch-urch wes neutly de- it. r. 11aultin -has already de- withd-rawn'from' thic riets aloing, the 1toir ithjo occMi,dri wdd ths. the horses took fright kind iran ki- tibe Lonilon RoaLd. ww,.; I I 1 11 opo,;Pd to thL9 con- . T.O;b�nqton, of 'Blqkpv mhske, Omer t'like. dirft-ticin oT Prof. 'not doin,g intwIll damage be. ma!Vri'19C of hi's Miss A nua, ititution and Ibis debermillnaticm to has scmmld f r. 01ra:,s high - I U a Some Speoial Bargains in Ladies' Leather B-10 ana L toyp J -C of Xita;a,111, was just. yond te brimakin�g tihe,, -ityalkan. to M do irl in his nawer to,upsot t. Th -j, ' of for thle fall ly pilreoiated.-Mr Alfried Sheer. On F.Tidiay afte;rnicion e -again ly ivespiected nd p pp -row y0Vn19 'Manitoba hes ii-ibethie up Itille t-eara to anotwipir business ma. 'The c remony YU Listcywel wlipm ho wouild 001 to G. C. Mtirl�ay snent an now, i," Hand ags st uow. n �j c' F t ett c p F U4 in D r t u would liveensarilY be lg-t Sund the contract of plastorin wagoin, but befrio 'gettink: out P p U. rm y I -v. r. Smith, t y in. Byflef1d. d jb te of fike -mind with 11draself. Under Xr-'6ilbeirt Dick, of Kibpe)a, ws in the rj�pr%v rajlw�-vy Stations t Urys- the yaird- tho orsw Rignin beame Ca.T.mel e1hurch, in the presence of m St. thv, villngo dMTjj t1i ast week tjal City nd Bolsovin an the Petm- irn-mayxazgen�la ind Mr. Mae wia*s -lumber ol tbe, rol&t' thesfv circumstncm fhorefore, NLTx. IV s am -a riends IP-Lultaia would ntoit bv a,gafe. or a in aeaxeb of fat F TXr. Dick is �lna bnafnirhl of the. -C. P. R. The, '1148-'ftalt, t1ve . �. wagun Of bile, cont'7kittin axties. Tbe 11 k , 1 . g ATi Xe W1 -S N, an for th,(� poi%it hm� an up to date StPok deale ,Ob is woirth, ��1,090._Mr. F. IV.Ssl,ng ovir ;Wim, na9bia-Itatiful y loiraed with fit m. ion: of Pre iind ni. 1 paZl, atiful y !or. and tliic� Liatitona-rit-Qovernoir im-ys buys the a - in !;Willis, one tim:e'areoldent Of jo his-, Yibs in up;on hils Ilpfigs mind n bank of fk�ras, pi ts and firoxv- DRUG, BOOK AND FANOY GOODS-55TORM would mako -L -groat mistake in o- thi,.4 victillity is giatUnig ine and ioar ?4, 'hitrin mnt I IP Vh., ex;s. Tibe thria. who I charm- . . ...... t � I , � NY tl> fly V - leating him to, carry but thc, pro.- nv000n h-uhters will som be on the �ga-n, N"s siivetelv reciantly -he4d a�nd sibouilders. The unf#rta,�n- jn�t vuq :i1ellily and utiful cos- I BEAFORM ONITARM- -vision.-. of a law. to wbrich lie Oa btt- walt' path. again.—A nui-a Var 6if piur t1mbej:;' ,§tT1kUgg -him at(le ap �vps eq 1. f�ried, tio tbe Uquse tumped,'ttad was givm awary li�y her by a stick In