The Huron Expositor, 1905-09-01, Page 5• R I sToR TEMBER ill 1905. Widely kno • ert shoe ade VithrtIne ,r Shoe everybody leas k r Shoe, and hun 3eafortIt and, nee it, and prortouncei ornfortable and bej they ever wore, cm is not only etyliek eomfortable, but m el& pair -it is the le . Every pair ie Q y Mar choice of ths4e :ela, kid4 antroth eaPe Ruae1f%aingle e always fete the pee* re invite t •.tt te wee it y fortk. , „ EraPreee irrattf eo the pont aid clurg! to te nee ,.oett for 21 het** exhaust ed, %Aim iim.-The funeeal ete Thoman Sandertunitt one on the 2et fte eghf er of Wro.ronno. ian, in Goderielt town.- .- - 9th. 1876. Sh.e. Woe -15Wie of :Ntairele 11896, heal t h tor , band brauglefe- eter - bxitaJ where ehet k. A sendrowing bent- ehildrein afe deft itet of a loving wife Iva E. Win,. telt Shia% ay. -Next week will re of 'mangey all et ,They have greatiet U!tifUisoene.ry, fine :he bathing arid re- oved in health. &eve etin 'loaner but tor Wonelse Michigan, yeturereet le eamet ltern enen wet of this for ot1ier-0. tes Demo' dson 11.nd,. rind do the Soo after ier.-East Saturiley. tan, Dan and atehrt the excursion ;t0 = and Alex. Fergueinn few days uast week- . of London, is nee te noes liere.--G.Enen- itharines, is a t Levaie. _lot Robb was in tlie k.-Mre. R. G. Case - ter Olive, of ma - formerly oR Bine- visiting here wad a parental homein Ruby- Duff spent - brother in Welland, Kingston this :week. . rain and Mrs. Ferga- rom the Nest, mid ith their sinter. Ms. sL Messer. has ichiga n . rs. Teearee Brussels, visited at t's last wen -Ie. -Mr. of Morris, 18 KtilkEIg tc Sae ka t oort.-Mr. rrister, and family, dayed at the oht beerry. - Mr. Erautk.. i n ines poor I y .-Turn, ;,..t here on Matedny. a horee's f oat %teeth day morning, Mr. eceidentelly cat an :writ.rite, animal: nife suddenly pierforming bear and d us a brief and en- ter Moinday.-Mr. and Ler. of Bel gra ve,Miss Uri labister, of Merr- y at Mr. Frank lahel Ttli OM as do ronto.-Mrs. Harper - It Ste. Marie, ore mother; Mrs. Dan- friende.-Mr. Torn derioto visited Ms is week. -Mine Cora Stratford 'ell More- l' attend 11/Loder Ciifl'ard Pugh wilt IVIodet. cluladk!, John - Riley, our. ier, happened with Fit tast1$06ek ftV- 1100 hill by tlifr. Wower`a 7 sts got f rightened renege:role and kick- )rmkin„2,7" Mr. Raley's, me' of his aceideat y and two ohildnan ,rt unately with the L bruised knee, ther Mr. Riley's rnaY ho may SOOdif e Bal ts Baby Lher Belts ana ONTARra • gensall flour rani feed store. -Flours, - le, ter, Bensall, Zutiob, Otrilvie's Rya l PEJuselsold • olenora Patent. Also timOtity seed for salo. in exshange. Alf. Soroton. 1937-g BrjetsK-A SOta icia. Mr. Wm. reppee, of Tunkersertith, near. Hein. inall, xecently lead. thee raistor tune, • 1,, le playing with orentn sepal' - aeon te get lin thumb Kent dn. neuth eYmPathier is telt fai Mr. land vers. Pepper as then oleo tien,ve vther c1zUd8erion8ly fl.at tthe nton hespital.-1Viias Watson, a Is, is. visual/la. li(tr. add Mre. iTeteme°s 0111th:roltn G. F. Scott, a „Gibatbaro, who was here viAitinio his •mother -in -low, Mr. Jas. stator_ lanti, has returned. -quite n num- ber frond this .Village and rviettnibty Ivo ttending the erethibititon at /Tor - cato.-MTS. Alex. Thompson and her nuttghters Ge,rtie. and Grace recent- ey returned from .visliting neentevas arid friatide in 'the neighborhood of sayfield and lelake.-Rev. MroSmith, cereael chiereh, =occupy his pulpit ea Sabbath talteT a. nitanith's tetention.-Mies Hawkshaw, of De - tuft, IA visaing; 'her sister, Mrs: LP. Ittakoin611,—Mrs. teehile .eat driving ein Saturday east, had he misfortune, tee °be thrown out loif bieggy. The horse became teright- , ailed at 4 Wat-ex tank and diemping ne side, the buggy rWlafi onset and eels. Bilhngs iln,falitling, sustained frauttere beitetreein the ankle ond • ienee. Her 'two othiedren and Mess sEl•- MaPherson, who were with halo very* fortunately enorined icinimenr- etet,-ertr, Boht.' ,Delee'nty spent the peat week. or twee with this atene nut ideaeghters•on the Bronson line. near &ed. -Rev. Dr, Modd preacbted in Btallia. on Suinday east, where be bud formerly been stationed. -Mr. C. A. MoDoisacel has rammed friym, Forest, itaere hie had been spenkling a week ai• Kt at etis wife's home. -Rev. J. 1', 'Oliver, of Sarnia,' preached aininfiver- eery sermards in the Methodist }obeereh On, 'Sunday east tiot 'vetry forge toettregat ions, bolt le manning and *veining. He is een able anddnoloquient epeaker and ,his sermons veeire eint- -ened to with 'rapt attention nnd 1:deem:mt.-Wedding bells and goild- .en annivelsary boils are raging bn the vicinety of out* vats," eports whiceh will a.ppear in next week's issueneleers. J. B. •Beretridge, • of eerandoeti Manitoba, is ;visaing her - -eistee-in-law, Mrs. B. Thorapsion.- g Miss Kelly, of London, has ret urned home atter spending a 'ooteple of eveoks at the agorae a d3.,Thecapscin. • _.Miss E. M. Dunn 'is npendin,g' meek with friends in Emelt:ex.-Wm.. A. Thompsoa lett last weak Ian nhe, earveet exoursion tc Nanitolatt.-Mr. - John Bentieran, Of Hay, tucoornitanied by his sister., Miss' .tidtintila cllotrstthirtan, left here last week for .Martitiotina.- Mrs. Sellertr, of Kincardine, is was - ging her sok, [Dr. Sellery.-Mrs. Am - Verson, et Blythe and Mrs. Aitcb- eson, of Dornocth, were here recent- ly the guests of Mrs., Ferguson. - Vie and Mrs. j. D. Dick, roe Clarks- harg, who were here spending re month with relatives. returned this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas • Welsh and little daughter were in F xeter on Sabbath east visiting xelatives and friends in Hensall and vioinity.-Mrs. Pepper, of Brussels, is spending a few days with thee daughter, Mrs. Wra. Pepper .-Mise Ross, of New York, who was rsiting ter unole a.1111 •aunt, Mr. Robert Stewart, has rotten tted borne. -Mr. 1Leslie 001willt loft here Itlkis meek for the West. -Mr. and Mrs. Joihn ,Weismiller, o Weleesley, Waterloo I county, have been visiting their son John, during the past week.-Mrse Davidson, of Stanley, is visaing at R. de Drysdalees.-Mrs. F. W. Hess, of Zurich, and. Mrs. Foster, or Fair - 4 -rove, Michigan, spent Tuesday at • J. Weismillees.-Radple Dryndelle left for his home in eye) west on Fri- -dine -Mrs:, Weismiller and Mrs. • Blair are taking in the tanillinery op7 • etdags and the exhibition at To - Tonto this week.-IVfessrs. Howard • and Durand, of Drysdale, Agent Sun - day at A, Thomson's.-W. E. Pfaff etas taken 'a position with D. irahart,.Ur- as engineer. -Mr. and Mr R. • Drysdale spent Wednesday at R. Ketidy's, lesborne.-A 3111Trlber of cox young people: drove to he home id Kr. Robert •Carlile, On T.hurrsday evening. and report having had an -excellent time. -Mr. Ernie White I hae a good situation in Lueeknow. • 1 1 varontd ...FALL FAIRS geaforth Ai lea Or a ig Liston -el 0e:dee St. meert 1174ter3rifoit•id '' Toniknatv Tkussels • THE CANADIAN BAN OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TOROIsit0 • Paid-up Capital, $8,700,000. Reserve Fund, $ ,500,000 • HON, GEO. A. COX, President B. E. WALKER, Gieneral Manager ALEX, LAIRD Asst. Gene 'Manager 124 13ranclies, in Canada, the United 'States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS' BANKING •i Every facility afforded Farmers for, their 'ibankin business. Sales Notes cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL—Deposits may be made or emlithdrawn mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention. • SEAFORTH BRANCH. I F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E. PARKES, Manager. MARIZETS.1 111111•1•11110•15••••CO SlarOiree, Aug. 31, 1905 Fedi Wheat' .. ____,(te 76 to 0 76 late per bushel .7, _ - 0 27 10 0 28 Peas per bushel i-- - 0 CO to 0 62 Sarley per -bushel- - -...... -.... 0 38 to 0 40 Bleier, No. 1. loose -. up es Iv d......• 0 ft 0 17 to 0 18 Ratter, tub 9.18 to 0 10 gaper doz.... •• _--..........••.. 0 15 0 17 Pions, per lea Ls -----------2 65 800 g;sy Per 105 new-- .. ---_-- 6 60 tc 7 00 Elides per 100 1154 ..1 - _ _ _ _ .... 5 00 60 6 85 Sheep Skins.•...- - - ••- -. -•• • • - , 0 80 '10 26 eotidoes per -bushel (new),..... - 0 50 to 0 50 dolt (retail) per barrel- .... .... 1 26 to 1 00 Wood per oord(Iong)--_--, ........ 5 0010 6 29 Wtoeper cord (short)..— --.. 2 75 to 825 lipples per hag— - -, - - - -- ..., 0 40 to 050 Clover Sesell..- .• ......- --,-.... 7 00 to 8 00 Tknobity ' ...-- ...• ..- ..... ...me 1 25 to 200 Tallow, tie b - ... .,, 04 to 06 Porle, new I00 %s•• - •• 7 50 to 820 Wool (washed)........... .. ...... - 2510 27 Wool (unwashed) • .. •• ...... • . 15 to 16 Dairy Markets. TORONTO, August 29 -Batter -Contin- ues firm in tone and ie generally quoted un- changed. The export demand is still heavy. ,eheeenery printe, 22 to 23a ; ec1ids, 213 bn 21-1-o ; dairy pound rolle,good te choice, 18 to 200; medium, 17 to 18o; dairy tube, good to ohoi3e, 17 to 183; inferior dairy, 15 to 16c. Cheese -Holds firm at lle , to 12o per pourid. Eggs-Sorne dealers find reoeipte rather heavier, but the shrinkage is etill heavy. Quotations are unchanged ab 18 to 19e per dozes. • • MONTRELL, Augutt 29 -Eggs- Straight 3tock, 18 to 190; No. 1 candled. 19 to 20o. Butter -Choicest oreamery, 22e- to 2c; undergraden 21e to 22c ; dairy, 18o to 20a per pound. Gram, etc. TORONTO, Arrgefit 29. -Whe at -W hi te, 803 ; red, 8ino ; new, 80o ; cone, 41 to 43o ; new oil% 36o ; barley, 440. Milifeed -Ontario bran, $11.50 to $12 per bod in car lots at outside points; shorts, $17 to $19, according to quality, Manitoba bran, 17 ; shorts, 19, at) Torooto and equal poicts. Potatoes -Are coming forward fairly well, but the demand is active. Quo- tations are unchanged at 60c per buehel. Baled Bay-Continuee very duleand prices are unehanged, No. 1 timothy is quoted at $e to $7.50 per ton for oar Iota on traok here and No. 2 at $6. Baled Straw -Offerings are large, and the demand quiet. Car lots on traok here are quoted unchanged at $5.50 to $6 per ton. K iprterr. The Nov Paistor.-The ▪ inelivertion of Rev, D. W. S. Urquhart 'init.°, elate Pastorate of St. Andrews' chtureele will take pla•ce. on Tuesday re.veoaing tient et treven o'cdock. Rev. De. 1/44 Menne of Myth, will address the knee - islet., Rev. Mr. Carrier. of Grand 'Bond. to address 'the piopie, end Rev. Mr. Leckie, Loneleaboro, will preach tbe aermon. After the induction tsen- vices e. 'reception wile be tendered 'the preetor by t1*ciangrelgation. Netes.-Mr. Deter Fisher, of S tan - lee Mrs. T. N. Forsythe. ort Tucker- emith, and her sinter, Mrs. ;Andrew Sell, who Ilene been in Manitittba, %eve l.r etu.teed hoc me. -Hr. T. M- Olyraont, of the village, in ten St. tathar ne s Mile week, at tending the 'high court .of Foreste•re aie delle teete term' Kinoen ledge. -Miss M. iffictEmeen., ot Clin toin , v?git inEr e:t the home! of Mrs. John ‘Andeirscin. -Miss Bensie MerEvren, who has been "visiting Mliss Clara Anderson., has re- tar.nee home. -Kra. MoTver, of Cltn- ton, is vieitente at the home K:1f ITVEisS /Elsie Kettletan.-Mr, Alex. MoNev. in, of Alvinston. visaed his another, /48. John MoNPvi11. Wee _tare eitert td the wienik.-Miss Stewart, of in visiting Mess Cla r a Hender Tiogleranth, ' of Hills Green honduoted the services in the Methon qiet ohuroh an Sunday last. -Mr. J. Dinsdrele met with a painful ao- eident the other day, white wico•kino iet his barn. He oot his hand toenziht in a pulley, orns'hiner two of thie dine er.s badly. Ho has n yery nordi 'hand. but we hope to' gee him aft Tierlit nein sonin.-Oter grain' mar - ket has mimed for the se:loom-Ow - LP: to ilibetalbh„ Miss Wain Gran- eiok has reeiannd pOSitlen as teatilier rut. Dundalk. Her numktrous friends. hope for herr needy irenov- tie.-Mrs. John Dinsdale, atioom- Panied bv her mother and sister, Are V i Sit ;mg' ef viands in Clinton. weeeeeetOWNI Aug. 26 -Sen. 11. enp,8-16. ......Sep. 18-19. Sep. 21-22 Rep. 26-2e. Sep. 26-27. Sep .26-27. Sep. 27-28. Sep 27-28. *Wit:Latent, Sep. 28-29. Sen. 28-29. Sen. 20-21 Oct. 4-5. 0.ot. 5-6. Live Stook Markets. LIVERPO0L, England, August 29-Clartad- ian cattle are quoted at 5ed. LONDON, England. August 29 -Cattle are quoted.at 101- to 1210 per pound; re- frigekator beef, 91;d. • BUFFALO, Augusb 29.-Catt1e-Ad1ve ; good grades,10 to 1513 higher; others etteedy; prime steers, $5.40 to $L70; ..ehipping steers, $4.75 to $5.35 • liutohere, $4 25 to $E; heifers, $3.25 to iel.85 ; cows, to $4.25; bulls, $2.75 to $4; stockers and feedere, $2.50 to $4.25 ; stookheifers, $2 50 to $3; freeh cows and epringers, strong on gond, doll on common ; good to ,ehoioe, $45 to $55; medium to good; $32 to $40; oommon, $20 to $28. Veals-Aotive ; 25o higher, $5.50 to .$8. • Hogs-Aotive on good, slow on common; heavy and. mixed, $6.55 to $6 0; Yorkers, $6.50 te 85.55; pig, $6.20 to $6.30 • roughs, $5.25 to $5i0; etags, $3 5010 4.25 ; dairies, $6,10 to $6 40; graseers,$6 to $6.25. Sheep and Lambs-Aotive ; sheep steady; 'amble 15 to 25e lower; lambs, $5.75 to $7.75 : a few, $7.85; yearlings, $5,75 to $6.25; wethers, $5 to $5.0; ewes. $4.50 to $4 7E; sheep, mixed, $2.50 to $4.75. MONTREAL, August 29. - Cables from Liverpool on Canadian cattle were lighter at llo, while London advices were strong - r and noted an advanoe of io per pound; week rudest at 11o. Sheep in Liverpool and London were firm at 12-6o. Glasgow ealvtis quoted; ()median cattle at ll b. 12ect. Tho exports for the past week, 3865 cattle, 491 sheep. Considerable bugloss. has ibeen done in ocean, freight apace to Liverpool tin 40i and this figure is asked for Manchester and Glasgow, with 35s bid for London for September shipment. The butchers were out in force and the best cattle were in demand ab 4io to stio per lb. Pretty good °little sold at no to 4-10 and the common stook, 2o to 3o. A number of cattle wilt not be sold to -day. There were" soul° very fine mulch cows and springers on the market and from $50 to $60 was asked for them, bat sales were slow. Common cows sell at $25 to $45 each. Calvert sold at 30 to No per lb. Sheep sold at 3eit to 40 per lb. and lambs at neo to 5eo. There wat an smiler feeling in the market for live hogs and prices show a decline of 5o to lOn per cwt., with sales of Beleeted lots at 7.35 and mixed ion' at $7 to $7.25 per owt., weigbed off the earn, TORONTO, August 29-Catt1e-The de- mand was keener than a week ago, and pricea were a -little higner. Everything was sold early in the day. Export Cattle -The rue was large end the quality upon the whole gond: Exporters brought from $4.35 to $4.75, with a few lots going as high as $410, and the sale of a couple of exceptionally fine animals at $4.95 is re- ported. Butchers' Cattle -Best brought $4 to $4,25 per cwt ; fair tri medium, $3.85 to 84; common. $3,45 to 83.65; rough and • inferior at $2 50 to $3; °owe, $3 50 to • $3.6e. Sheep -Export ewes brought $4.15 • and bucks $3.40. Lamle sold from $5.75 to $6.15. Calves -The +salves eold at $5.75 •. to $6.25. S. Snell bouglatiten Ira o Of 09.4;;!.4 tle, chiefly exporters, 41'84,10 to $4.69, Wm. Levaclee purchases emote .eiti to 30 carloads, the prioes being ' $431 to fl exporters, $4 to $4,3,5 for eint but* er ', $3.85 to $4 lir fair to melinan $3,4Q to $3.65 for care:non, and $2,50 to $3 to* rough ,and inferior. MoDpnald 4 maybee report the following sales 19 exporteree 1,380, at $4.50; 18 exporter, 1,270 $4.75 t 22 exporters, 1,340, $4.60 ; 23 exporterei 1,320 $4.35; 21- exportorr, 1,280, $4.35'; 22 exporters, 1,330, $4.6Q-; 21 butchere!, 1,180, 4.35:$ 22 butehere, 1,000, $4.25,;; 26 butoherse 1,030, $4 ; 21 butohers"9eeri* $3.90; 21 butchers' Low. S4.35; 4 butole. ere, $4 : .23 butolLes', e,000, $3.7e ; 5 butchers'. 1,050 $3 8Th ; 3. but -chin', 92 saao ; 19 butchere, 1,130, $4'90; 23 Imit- ation', 1,030, $4. Maybee, Wileon & Hfl told 20 exporbars, 1,400, p.75 ; 40 export- ers, 1,350, $4,40 ; 20 oXportere, 1,270. $4.35; 20 exporters,4200, $4.10 ; 0 butehere', 1,000, $3 90 ; 10 butchers', 1,QSO S3 96 ; 3 steers, 1,150, $3,75, 3 cows,1,2 $3.20. ; 7 oowe, 1,175, 83.15 ; 1 cow, 1,1d, $2.50 ; 1 bull, 020, $2.25, Hogs -The eafigr market is reflected in a decline' of 35 to 50o per .ewt. Too many unfiniated hogs ammre coie forever& Oe. leap are quoted at $6.75 per owt, heavies t. $6,50, and light. at SALE REGTSTER. On Thuredey, September 7th, at 1 clock p. m., ab Diok's sbook Yards, Sea - forth, Stook Steers mid Holten, neWly calved COWa and Springers. P. A. O'Seiii- van. prop. ; Thos. Brown, aeon ! On Monday, Septemlspr 11th, at 1 o'cleck p. m., on lot 18, oonSeseion 5, Hulliitb, Farm Stook and Implements. Richtird Brennan, prop. ; Thonfirovne, aucte 19884 211111M.NONIMMIIIIej4111111M41111MIMI art4s.' ARCHIBALD-In Tuokersusith, an August 80t4, to Mr and Mrs Win R Archibald, a son MURPHY -Do Hibbert, on Auguet 25111; to Minind Mrs Joseph Murphy, & 'laughter HERGOTT-In Seaforth, onsAugust 26th,to Mr and .Mrs Wm Hergott. aeon ' FLANNERY-In hichillop, 00 -Auguet 29th, tre Mr and Mrs John Fitnnery,' a eon JEWETT-In Constance, on Auguet 19bh, tkis Mr and Mrs Rbeuben Jeweet, a eon • LANDSBOROUGH-In Tuokersmith, On, Apgusb 25th, to Mr and Mre Landeborough & son 8TOGDALE-In Seaforth. Aupet 27th, to Mr and Wire George Stogdale,, a eon . BUS4ELL-In Manion, on August 28th, tb tir and Mrs F 11 Ruiteil, a dauChter VIVIAN-In Bibbed!, on Abguet 29th, to Mr and Mrs George Vivian, a On TAYLOR -In Alma, on August 291h, to MrMra John Taylor, a daught' INNON & CO.4 piryiTTEE. Boots and Shoes. We make a specialty of Boots and Shoes—we do a large trade in tha line. We have just received. a large shipment(of high grade, up-to.date shoe for men, 'women misses ,and ehildren, in black, tan. and chocolate, includin he King Quality'" and "Peerless," which are unexcelled in fit and finis 13nd guaranteed solid leather, also a large stock of lower priced. goods froii Quebec and Montreal, We have a regular shoe store in connection with o r business, where you can get any grade of shoes you wish at close prices. B low we mention a few styles which may be interesting to close cash buyers: fden's fine dongola shoes all sizes ab $1 50, $1.75 and $2. Men's box calf arid fine dongola oboes. J. D. King & Co.'s make, extennon soles, eloodyear welt; McKay sewn, in plain and paterib leather, ab $2.25, $2,50, $3 and $3,50. Men's heavy ph»v shoo, extension soles, at $1, $1.25 and $1.50, The Williams patent adjustable boa'T shoes, just the thing for reilway men, they are made of solid leather, waterprooft ad great wearers, at $L75, $2 and $2 50. Boys' standerd school shoes at $1, $L25 d 1,50. Ladies' fine dongola shoes, plain and petent toe cap, goad value at $1,50, or $1,25. Ladies' fine "King Quality shoes in dongnia, and viol kid, light and heavy soles, French heel, Goodyear welt. at $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Women's pebbled and gleve grained shoes, good value at $1.25, for $1. • BROWN-ln &e7arth, on mrust 30th, to eri and Mrs II W Brown, a da hter HOGG-In KoKillop, on 4uguit 80th, to Itir and Mrs W rElogg, a dau ter MACF'ARLANE-111 Bross le, on Auzusb 4th, to Mr and Mrs A 0 Macfarlane. a daughter SHANNON -In hfcKillop4on August 29th, to Mr and Mre John lihavnoa, a Boo 1; DAYMAN-Io Egmondville, on August 61h, 10 Mr ' and hire Joseph Dayman, a son GILLE8FIE-In eleafortW. on Augusts 22nd, to Mr and lars Joseph Gilleepte, a s3n 'st, CARTER -In Stapleton, 00 August 28rd, to Mr and Mrs Isaac .Carter, a eoP erviercerrow—In Seaforth on August 26thAo Mrs J W Livingston, -a daughter ' t WIGHTMAN-fn Morris, o Augret 214, to Mr and Mrs John Wighttuan, a daughter •1 t, • 1 Marriages. ' MYERS-IIELLY-At St -Mabee's churoly Myth, on August'14th, by Rev Father Finneorineault, Mr John ?dye s, Stretford, to Miss Annib Rally, of Morris WILSON-N1ifENS-Af4the reeidenoe of the bride's !mother' ' Clinton oar: August 28rd, .by Rel, Z Holmes, Mr W lliVilson, of Winnipeg, 'to Mies A Hie Ninet____ f Deiaths. SMITFI-In Lower Witikbani. on Angust 241, Sarah A Vanden% wife oftiktr Hiram 8rnithltsged 65 years, 8 months an' 11 days CANN-In Usborne, oai August, 20th, Robert Cann, aged 79 year& and 19 months Two smart girls wanted to learn millinery./ 0.,A.S EL etiel\T GMT MoKINNON & 00., BLYTH. • The Weil -Dressed Man 1 Hot weather or cold, a man now -a -clays must be well dressed.I It is not a luxury, ift is a necessity. He has to do it in his bus ess ; appearances must be kept up, or there will be no business to attend to. If this were not so we would not attempt, during the dog days, to talk about anything ee substantial as our tailored clothing. But there is a time coming wheu you will require to think about it, and a few timely hints, thrown out now, may assist you materially later on. We don't often puff ourselves up, but what we say now we know to be facts, and have gained our knowledge by every experience. We build the cloths that leave our establishment. They are not done en the hap -hazard principle, We use the best materials, It cost S us a little more, but the satisfaction you get repays us. We guaeantee a at and style that can only be obtained from thoroughly practical tailors. Good tailoring is our hobby, hence we get pleasure out of every right fitting garment We make you. Then. therei is a finish and style about our clothes that bespeaks the well-dressed man. It is to your interest to remember this. Funeral Eirector and ,itinbainliers. Night coals ansWered at Mr. Ocenzie's residence, Church,iiite, third house north of publio sohool, *es 0 side. Graduate Massa. climate College of Ocubsimibg, Boston, U.S Knechtel 44. McKOnzie, SE4FORTH. BRIGHT BROS., .FURNISILERS, SEAFORTH IT'S UP TO YOU I IA GOOD MEN AND WOMEN RING - , ltrARRIED COUPLE WANTED to manage a 1.u. entail farm one and a half miles fr in the city limits of London. bitist be strictly tem erste and furnish good referenqes. Knowledge of hogs and chickene rtquired. Geed opportunity for parents 1 wishing to educate e ildren. Fositon will be per- manent and pleasin to right party. State ate, family and enoloee r ferenses to R. A. ZELL% 608 Bearinger Bldg., Saginaw, Michigan. ; 1968.1 MO BLACKSMITH'S -For sale or to riot, a good 1 blacksmith ehop and business in conflation with a wood working shop. flittnited in the village of Walton. A first.plass business le being done. Or a good steady blacksmith who understands his business will be taken ag a partner. Apply to W. H. HUMPHRIES & ON, Walton, Ontario. 1968x4 To prepare for the increasing de. .nand for book-keepers and steno- graphers. Why do you go °lee. where when the Wingham Business College Township of Hpilett r Bridge Closed, , I Notioe le i hereby ven that the bridge on con- im cessions 2 and 8, °site lots 2, betwees the fae of William latch n and: James G. McMichael, is closed as being unside for:public! travel. THOtIAB McMILL4N. Reeve 1968-8 $2.76 Can fit yon up in the shortest possible time to competently fill thie in.oreasing demand, and at a muoh• less cost than elsewhere. Speelal classes September 5th. When in town attending the firemen's demonstra- tion on Labor Day, call at the College, and have an interview with the Prinotpai ; also see our magnificent: window displey, whir% Is under the supervision of Prof. Edwin Clarke, of Chicago. • Madt! to 'Your Motisure AAAAAANAAA. Don't throw your money a+ay on readymadee, when *on can get a paii• of goad all - wool Pants for 82.75 that will et you and give satisfectoreietvear. Nothiq fancyabout them, just plain light and darklgrey twill in; medium endiheavy,weight--just the thing for a good working Pant for Fein Try a pair from S'peare and Page, Merchant Tailors. Under the Town Clock, SEAFORTH. '6 • sLaxat.ard N. REGINALD FLETCHER, Prin. E. PEARL HUNT, Lady Prin. George Spotton, President Twelve years teaohing experience. It's a Luxury to read When what you read is entertaining and when you don'b have to etrain your eyes in peruting in,- • There is such a tilling as wearing glasses When you shouldn't and nob wearing thein when you should. It is .8 mistake •to do either. You can afford to be reck- less with anything but your? eyesight). We keep all sorts of glassis for all /sorts of eyes and for the judgment of an expert no extra charge is made. You will find in one sbook everything to improve one'it eyeeighb, in the way of Eye Glallee ad spectacles. %mieriewoml Positively the / Loweqt Prices in the County. Weweweass4 Gives oub no uncertain sound. It's the same with Patent Medicines Those of merlo bad long pull before people freely used ti em. Those that have stood the test of time we keep. We sell only the odes that have merib and our stook is forfer• interest, : Water - few other Hama Gime for keeping eggs fresh, approved by tne Guelph Agricultural College, 15.3 a tin. Never Fail Corn Cure reeornmended by all who have used, ib, 100 box. ' Pipes -35a and 506 for balance of August, 25o each. Express/wagons at big reduoti no, Come in and see tie. We oan sieve yo money. J. F. DALY, Jeweller & Optician Cardno alocic, Seaforth. GRAND TRUNK RsiVSTEmp.Z Dry Good* 'sitar •f The Lerner, Th. • nfko.or hi"! raoi•onto Ontario. Pickard • Ciothlog Column lo Four Commits** DRUGGIST, Agent for the leading makes . f Triune, Fountain Syringes and Ho Wittier Bohlen CARDNO'S - BLOCK 1R,13714E MID M M R ALE. ii.-4.1++4.444;+4;444.44.44eletei;++++, The hot days are now with us, and people geld' erally are affected by the heat, and need to be stir mulated somewhat ill or der to become interested in business affairs. Out of our large and varied stock we have selected many stimulants from each department, a few of which are enumerated below: Staple Depar,ment. pile of Shirtings, worth 9c, to clear at 61e Ten pieces of Flannelette, worth 7c, to dear at e Seven pieces of striped Cottonade, worth 180, to clear at 10Ic Six only White Spreads, worth $1.25, for $1 Large size Flannelette Blanket, worth $1.25, fox $1 Specials in Art Muslim this week pee•-•-•-•-•-e-e-leeeeeeee+4.4-e-e- I Dress Goods Department MORTGAGE S .4••••••••••••••••••• • Under and by virtue of the powers certain !mortgage, which will be p time of sale, there will be offer ed fo Auction at the Queen'e Hotel in SEAFORTH, on Tuesday, the 19th dint of Sep ALE. 0Ontatned in °dosed at nee sale by_Publio e TOWN OF ember, 1905, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the tafternoen the following property in the Town ifif &Worth, viz. -Lots No. 1 and 2 and the south h If of lot No. s on Main street, and lot No. 2, on Goderioh street, all In blook " A" in Beattie and Sark's survey of part of Lot No. 56, in the let Co cession et the Township ot lielfillop, a plan wher of is duly reg. filtered. On the property aro a fare and commod- ious eggise.sking and cold storage 'warehouse, ergo struoted of briik and cement, and pow in use for the above purposes ; a targe two-e4rey brick stable a workshop and other outbuildin . TERMS -Tan per cent. of the purchase money tobs paid at the tinte of eale and Mt balance within twenty days thereafter. For further terms andl information ap- ply to JAMES C. HAIGHT, Waterlloo, Onbario Mortittgee's Solleitor. Dated Aug. 26th, 1905, 1968-3 Single Fare for Our Students Labor Da'. Good going September 2ad, 3rd and 4th, returning September ith. between all sta- tions in Canada; ^leo Snspension Bridge and Niagara Falls, N. Y., Port Huron and Detroit, Mich. ••••-cmal Canad'n Nation'i Exhibition • TORONTO. Aug. 28 to Sept. 9 00 A M FROM SEAFORTH good go. 'W*T(' ing Auguat 28th to September 91h. $2 55 going August 29, 31st, Sept. 2, 5 and 7. All tickets valid returning until September 12h, 1905. Farm Laborer's Excursion $12,00 to pointe in Manitoba and Assini. bola good going from Seaforth,' September 2nd. ANS fee. MEOW WNW For tickete, illustrated literature and full information call on W. SOM.ERVILLE, Town Agent. A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Tickeb Agenb Secure better results in three end four months than are usually obtained in five and six months eleewheren We employ competent teachers, and our courses are thoroughly practical find updo-date. Student' in this college are nob required to follow the old fashioned methods of copy- ing work from text. books, They engage In genuine office praotiee, end perform the duties of a book-keeper frorn the day they enter. All entries are made froni the business papers riots' ved and issued., Students leara more in 4 week than by the old text: book methed in a month. We can take you just where you are in your education, be it ppor or be it good. We have had pupils from the Inconel clans In publio school to the science mentor of a oollegiete, and from 14 to 40 yearr of age. Day and evening olaseesi Splendid equip- ment, expert teachers. 'Fees are lower than in moot schools. Ali our graduates get good positions. Beautiful oiroulare for the inking. Seven pieces all -wool Dress Goods, worth from. 50c to 75e, clearing at 35 cents Fifteen pieces Colored Sateen, worth 13c, for The A special line of Dress Remnants at ba/f regular preee e -quarter off all Muslims and Vestings • e -quarter off all Children's Parasels *A04#0.4%0WwwwwwwWWWIllet, GODERICH BUSINESS QOLLEGE M. L. CLANCY, Principai. Ladies? Department One-quarter off all Ladies' Summer Suits and Skirts One-quarter off all Lawn and Silk Shirt Waists A table of.Ladies' Straw Hats to clear at half regular price A table of Ladies' Straw Hats, worth from 50c to $1, for 25c rWeielse.e;:; e; ' Clothing Department. All Boys' and Youths' Suits left over to be cleared at hall regular price Two hundred pairs of Men's Tweed Pants, worth from $2 to $2.25, tee be cleared for $1.50 per pair • A large shipment of new Fail suitings to hand Our Tailoring Department is now in full swing, so -leave your order early and save trouble later on. _ Highest Prices paid for Butter Eggs and Wool. 111.PICKARD,& SONDIRECT IMPORTER Opposite Town Building, Co-eaer Main and Market Ste." Sesfortb. TRW 001IERIGH TO DETROIT Specie.' train, 64 64 C 1...tAVE GODERICH Thursday September 7th .m. 8.30 A. M., CANADA TIME Return, Friday, Sept. !3th, leave Dereit 1.00 P. M.,' DETROIT TIME Moonlight, Goderich, 8;00 p Wednesday, Sept. 13th, 25 cents. Str. GREYHOUND WHITE STAR LINE _ 1 aforth 10 Goderich, on September 71h, 7,15 m. Oth, for moonlight, 6,45 p. m. !cane Goderieh on Friday night en the arrival of steamer. • . 196een.