The Huron Expositor, 1905-09-01, Page 121% 190 _owes ?anCe rotules Economy rest bargains" are. fact whith Meet our present special jugs that you rieeet• r yea to cone) here at Fri Fall begin& story 'will be alined new goods Opening shoppers. We an- rle with Sratock that and we make yet, nt Boannots• ; Cashmeres ricanas any di ent, poprilex ipton's makes are the about Our Steck that it is kept ixp toe - dim. And whenyou io get best style, beet, y true about our hos- ,r. tires Satiefaeti011. •••••....... as* Jackets Rain Coats - etc Et- spent the last couple. ith her sister. Mrs.Fer - Rose, Yungblut is visit - in Bayfeeld.-Me. . rued. thu,r and felicity beve me from Maple Grove, (-I.-A friendly game at yed litre ola Mon:dray eV - en tile two hotels ee- : victory for tthe Queen5%. ' is visiting friend.s in et._ k..- and Mrs. T. Wel-gilt la u g htor, F 1 arence; have the lake Oreezes for 7 --Miss May Donohue =d- ee Fraser, of Tivertont; nrine: the past 'week ..ceusin. Miss Belle 0/tes.e I. * 1: WroXeter. Jennie Vastof ending a week with betr lrs. John_ Vogt. - [ Gorrile is the guest rer, Mrs. W. Johnsen -- 4. II. Walta.ebune ile7e*' ted rector of the Gartrie 5- W. H. Epplett eiet _4 Sanilac Con.tre, Mall' tti'litti of elqr. and Mrs: 13-- eees Ada and Let':024 4eft this week to eriAt :1"relierile. Maniteta.-31 erphill has returned fsola '.., visit at Toronto 4.7.410 . 'Lomas Lovell. a White- -I -.it i. d r Oa t iv ee hese 135 aneeetown. Oletilef.e.-Mr. NV. Trines; ied (A his general; stere "i., itilessrs, .MoDeeleifl ieufeeprietne young goo - 14 de a good business,. -,(kins. for atreeteser bust, 'tiger place. Bluevale. ielebei Beattie, ee been the ghost r 01iVi'r for a week. -ler.- : Jet eon ooritinues a rIleurnratic. fever. J. ;Lila !MISS ger- rnfel Ilarnilton 004 Thrv re. ca 'led ilOtclee IL neconnt of the le'• - , Messees fl Sthuday hetlX(101 on Friday efternoan Pm. The ideal weather ifeff ested t the perttiVing e Id and jug of will"; -en. sir, arid it is a pre'PeY• Os by the , over from At --Nfr. '‘Ielcolan treed to his duties as. school on Yfondale etfe ing-. the hodidaye Dia z riled to London On ies Atiee Duff cereal r her echoe" 0'0 week, ezm---- THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. miaow; NUMBER, 1.968. Fine I Wring I and rsadyroade Clothing I jr; FURS AND • IFURNISH INGS +4-141114444-14+1-144-K•14-14÷1.+44+++.1 Now that it's Fait Suit and Overcoat time again, we wish to a mention it only that you may know that we've a great treat in store for you whenever you find it'convenient to call. We can put a smite that won't come off on the face of any man that comes here for his Fall Suit or Overcoat. Our garments are all made by the best tailors this country affords—overmats and suits for the smart dresser, full of snap and go; overcoats and suits for the conservative man, full of dignity and eleganee ; overcoats and suits in all wanted styles, and withal we all confident you'll be pleased with the price. Large assortment of the following lines in stock now:. Tall Overcoats for men Fall Suits for !nen fiall Suits for ",I,)oys Fall Rainco4s for mei Fall Waterproofs for men Eall Suitings to be made to measure Fall Underwear men and boys +444,4.14+44444.H.H4444714+ • $ 6 to $10 5t� 12 2 to 4 H6to 12 3 to 10 15 to 20 50c to $1 FOR SCHOOL DA Special Prices in Boys' Clothing. The. boys will need fitting out for the Fall term, and we've made special efforts to get suitable goods to offer at very special prices. Glance oeer the list—soresething here you'll need: Boys' School Suits . Boys' Vor boys 7 to 13 years, two piece, de TST3rfo1k jacket style, S-ee e we.•Thiee piece, for boys to chool 01-14$ 15 years, good strong tweed Youths' SchoolSuits Long trousers, sizes - 32 to 35 I Boys' odd knickers, Boys' odd knickers, worsted Boys' sweaters Boys' stockings 'Boys' School Caps ABOUT WINNIPEG. I: iorrittem for The Expesitor. In Oily flagleitten 1 pirovoised1 tbo y readers scianethin,g about peg, elle igienit city of the West., and hews it strike s% an rnier. Wall, 1 carr say in The itor w.halt 1 woad pot like te say en Wpeg, 'or even lin Maine- trobail.; The. Manitobans are intense- ly MOW, to their Province athst tail it e4ntains, and they tame prou.d of WiniPeg, and never weaaty ,af dija.t- ing 4rhortet . its greatness. It is Ito. thee:4 The Centre, -if not of theeunie vete* of gri eatness andi prosperity, and tlo them there is no other plaice ju,ste dike it. Ilike the M..arteroane for 'teheix 'brio:ley tot their !country and lits ehief city. My fleet impress - t ion 1. of Wipeg,howevereeere dile- appeinting, I had -read ''and heard. so ,itneoh, labaut its p honorable" gr theendr Ig,retattness that, pe,rha.pe, I vs expecting' too much. I have d it eampare1 with our own (To - /of o. But it has a. geod many ate' a in ithe ladder; ,<xf progress yet to rielirab before it will equal' '1Or- ein O either in size; bustle or finniSh, an1 all that 'plea to make a cOM. me vial metropolis. I do not tihink its 'g serioteeth has been greater, pro- poptionateity, -than has been the galowtai of erosive:it!) during the past. --Leto deowdos. At 'any rate , you wield ImIt a good many Winnipeg& into 1onto aid Oen not overfreer it NI any means, -rend there is a great, 'It more business stir sold toustle on King and Menge streets in %orient° than pee any of the t.hottotegfirifseres, a winnipeg. In. tack, the two places rilre not at ant comparable. .Bse, for all 1010,i, Winnipeg, eobsidering ite age, is a igreirtit oity; `an& ibt is spteading out with amazing rapid- ite!'. It groevs en 4 perceop, ant the Oftener I visited it the better 1 lilted it, and 'there is no other town Iii t the. Wt that Can at all approach it. In fact, it is as mueh en advance of any or its olorapetitars as tr,oironto otri Hamilton is in; advainCe of Serat- d or ;Giedericath. ; , , •••••40,1•••1001 SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, SEPTENT tea Win !MOS East 'Exp $3.00 $4.90 good strong tweed 60c 75c 50c1 25c and 35c 25c and 501 other, man end a. load ed 'haY ?oelow that." That ;was a qteartex of a *votary ago. 'That street is now berautifuny paved and has magnifi- cent and stately buildings on (littler side af jt exItending for =Iles tend Weald° etre& cars awe running overr it. This reminds nee that they have an excellent stre,et oar ser - vice. in Winnipeg. It extends in ail &notions end ;takes in 'Many of (the LiOtWin eleIrVe:;e4tilIC4linel6 ottleiblifetallelit. tle0YgitPde lar.A person con see a. wood dieel, in this waY foal little money. Bat ,even in this' way a peesOn 'delete' tboe t3ee the best eesidential parts of the aity. To do this one has Vither walk or drive. I did both and be.. ''ptWeentst X methods ebiVered Atte g'oe ith p art of ion n the th ity mueth of the -ground) and the tellies between. It is when' one s oven the city in this !way that gets un appreciation' of its etize, ler oftile land its commexciat inxi- bane. Wheal, talOrefOre, 1 think 'fillet Winnipeg wee on the Pews- ' of ray pxevione, visit some 03 rn ago and what it is ibo-da,y, I Iodate its greatness and its pro- s more than 1 -could atheri-witte Then there eves tattle .or toe- n'g of the eity but that( pare of oadway 'between the tr,ailway ste- eled *here eerie city building stands ; ISIONY ehe principeepart the oity south and west of t point; then there ;was no eArt- Aventrei land inaiwi Portage Av- e is one• of the handsomest busi- a steeets that can be foundeen any n in Canada and it is ftnepeoving ; it is .on thee street ithat the eat Eaten- departmental; store is it and it is. here that isame of 1oieet thotees in the city are lo - ed and from. it emerge moner .dsome business and nesidential vets. Then there were only two three residencee aeeoss tibia elver what is =known ae Fort Rouge ; ve there is -eity of residences e of them ,palatial .appeatr- e. Then -where the Patelia.ment tangs and Government house now ad, was a .eommeine eind spetuta- s were seelinig lots :wilfiesh, wise pie thought would ;never 'be tai" the taxes. Then there were es in Broadway that you °Auld e .0. team in; now, it is a beau- utly paved Iroadway. Twent y es years ago the .ad. Red River t, drawn by the patient .and long foreleg ox were as much in evi- on the *meets as awe the tpuf- g, seamperring automobiles now, d I tetra safe in saying that Ina city broad. Canada of the size Of Win- eg has so many Of these modern histes. I may also in this coll- ation reratark another evidence Winnipees, wealth the groat labor of ieeantitue horses and last,' handsome vehialers seen eel o Streets, especially during the ,enings. this respect equals, if it does' not excel ornanto. When 1 erell to mind alit the lags, ,the vast progress that has en made in so shart a t ime,„1 san netrained to say, yes,, Winnipeg a. great, a marvelous! otty. In at in attempting to describe ilts ea -t ;less and its s t it tetti ons aed trying. to. gi-Cie my realdeirs some telligent idea Of what it ie. and lmt it oontains the subSect grows much under my hands that I list devote at least another. let- t.to It. • *he approedlier,s 'to Wininipeg are ;net Approaeleing it feom the Beet for thirty miles beseoreiwe Seekeb, the eity we pass through a stretch of emcnitivated preirie,with trenly here and there arnallehabita- teen. Wihy this is so I do not knew, as the, lated looks all eightt, end the ((limey reason I know of thet it is not ieeecupied and cultivated is that at WU be held 'Py sp mule t ors. Ap proa,ching .the, eity from the, south, we passe' tihrieugh another almost een eetrettele lef thirty miles or (snore. The .neeson ter this is that elle lands are wet and will etelle be t foir hay until they are. )draizned. ut all this • the both to the east And -south (of., he pity mast in days to come be valuable as yt pain not lieng be allowed to lie dormainite situated as it is,, so contiguous to the pity.: °peeing into the elty from the west eve pass through tOao freed reservere where the land, if giciiied, is se poorly euativated that pho mops are seterved and Catnada thistles, 'oats and other fo.ul 4veeds mare ebound than Na. 1 heard. Emerging ell*. the C. Pi R. station 'Of which I span ih eve s.ornetting to 'pay further len, one gets tout into the 'hey anaieket tied has to_ pass ener a. deity street and over a eickebty. board ;side walk, along which '03 wows of tumble down wooden uildings king small, junk shops in- habited by tietopie which, to say (the least, are nOt inviting lookinre In short, this la the tousehest pabrt of the eity. Toe 'entrance to and ex- it from Mel station will, likely, be obanged when the C.. P. R. get their tixtrangentenee °emended. They have a most onagriefieent station -balding. It is,perthapknot quite so gorgeous- ly finished 140 the Union stattion Jat Totroute, but its axearigements art much more icon v en i en t. Adjoining the . st-aitioit. building the company have in courp of erection a Mammoth hotel whieh, When completed, wile be one of the most ,capaelous and 'Cletintai table:11 beetleries in the cyan- try. lt is 11 intended, we' believe, w ben this ! .hotel is completed to have l'entetance, to the station threugh it from Main- street instea.d OT Prom the dirty side street nerve used. 'Thi01will be much pleaeant- eel and :wilt give strangers a Instal bettee f t impression. Every tc;nveriienoe 'for travel:lees is now furrnisthed the; station buildirte; and hours neay be passed the(v re ery pleasantly I; without going outside its peee,iincite. Evetrything necessary Oen Iprepuired except a bed and this also Oerill be furnished when the 'new, hatted; gets. going and or very on od4reate charges. An excel- lent meal pan 'he preeured at elle lunch conntre ter 25 emits and if de, - shed a Moiei ellaborate pread in the dining Tr oom for 50 cents. The offices of ttlate conapany ate also in the same Wielding, so that business in oonneetkin with travel can be attended to. on the spot. It is also nden as t int ossifiTO for a travel!' er to miss ifL. 'train orte tale a wrong tiain.`Thef. 'departure.' of ealch train is coiled oirt by an officer in ithe station wditing room. °facers are stationed st the door, and into per- son is allowed to pass out ;to a train without ser1owing this tiloket to this officer when ,the train to his &oste- ntation is panted. out to him and parters are in waiting to conv.e(y this tgrip t o the traio and ull for a nick le Qs rt.wo if y en like tobe Se generous. The morng of my first anrival in Winnipet hiad been raining and 'the street4 were muddy and disa- greeable. found that Winnipeg meld had lost none t its adhesive cen .dlities end some of the „stories af the olden times were :brough to ray mind. Some of these I would hike to tre14,1tet, did space pernett, as for insttence. that eine ,alseut the eitizen 3rho was, passing along Melba steeet, OT .13,nolaid-wfu as it tis now •aalled, early one morning and seeing re man's that in the middle olf the thanoughfas* he waded out to it eyed peeking up NVEL% Gutrtpailsed to see a me:We bleed under the ale -Pe gle askedz tIhe head what it was do- ing there. if Ohe' replied the lee,ad, ii2MXIMMOOCHEMBEMINNIDIMIMI Ladies' Raincoats &, Mantles Our styles in this department are deeidedly new and atIractive. Nothing but the very finest in design, even in the lowest priced. Wetshall be pleatied to sh.ow these handsome garments to all comers, whether to buy or not to buy. Every one will want to see the new styles. Our display in this department will be ready next week. 0–Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Greig 44 Stewart Johnson Bros.' Old Stand, Ihe Largest Clothing and Fur Store in Western Ontario Canadian Pacific Ilmeseekers Excursions TO T HE NORTHWEST 5160 app reit es do. thi Br tion now ,o the( age enu ne,s tow dai bui the cat than *eta et in at. sore lane bal ;eta tor POD W00. gaol tif the *tee sue dence fin in nip ve ne 58 of nu sin th ev pe SEPTEMBER 12 and 26. AowimmAAAAAAAAAANow Winnipeg, $301; Deloralne, $31.50; Brandon, $31.5' 5 • Miniota, $32 ; M.00somin, '3i.20;.Arcola, $32.50 Yorkton, $33 ; Regina $33.75; Moose jaw, $34; Saskatoon, $35.25 ; Prince Albere, $36, Macleod, $8, Calgary, $38.50.; Strathoona, $40.50. Proportionate rates to other points. Time limit, 60 days ; two months' extension privilege. For full particulars and tickets, apply to GREIG & STEWART, Agents 0. 1). E. Ticket, Telegraph, and Dominion Exprese Agents, th be o is fa gr in 4n SO te ER 1, 1905. Schocl Books _/AND_ Supplies For Public, Separate and High Schools & Collegiate Institutes ALL THE ATEST AIEX. 11T -‘--INTER, SEATORT Picture fr ming a Specialty. laot week, ihier 'daughlter Rose beaume the wife of Mr. „W. R. iWilson, of the west. PJie ceremony,. whicts wee pertermed by I Rev. Mr. Holmes, of London, tatkiplace at 8 p. The bride was ired In whtte etamine ovew white taffeta,. trimmed. with Ilaniton lace, and carried a large hito &store. She was belt' .niece, Miss Rose da0M; ;was attended by. ens, of Toronto, Iwo - bouquet of assisted by East: Tibe KT.Wm. Ni ther of the beide. Th Dear Exp Jibes ty, Whoa bright paper your parag tgrante TUIP LIVAM lemres yon that t way -s to bla thee afield the truth, o anyone. Co Janualy evi sent from: NNeeire. Itwick of my-triends were snap - Other Side. iter., -May I take -the uh the ocetunens of woe= Ito putt another light on alb, entitled. Immi- tBad," fiNOM your Winter - dent and to eten.vince e. imenigeant is not al- e. I am not (going fue- l:than any own- oases for which I can answer to lag- out them early in lie three friends we -wore Torosate to Wroeseter ped rup and fox table th went with' to title tag 1 believe have very nom - nes. Wet ,other two he Eroian who had written t, and as we thought had a good place. also. It tappeaes from tlhe ogee to fbe !Pal year as th at least tenders tan mer *Who e were working or never d ILP rue a‘boutt my eingale- gs went swell tor about the, tend owing to a little tad. my bnes What I ehould qu t latter the syrup season, which he had gone in. for Brussela Races. The Summer races, linden the aus- pices of the Brussels Turf. Associ- ation, on Mete splendid track, were held on Wednesday .and Thursday of last week. The :wea-; ther was ideal pad the meet was Most successful end was alike sat- isfactux y to the Assooia.tion and the spectators. Talean was a good,. ly number; of 3er3e4 Waimea, the competition was 'keen and the at- tendance was Jane an both, days, eepeeialty on Thursday. The fol- lowing is rthe summery of each raze; FIRST DAY. 2.35 Trot or Pae. . Dr. C., D.e. Riddell; Orange- ville 1 1' 1 Little liarey. Pechibeed Cadmium, Seal-01th 3 3 2 Melte :We Chaa.ees lifey'beet Tileanbutrg 8 2 4 Little Ferguson, IT. Smith, St:reefer d 2 5 6 Time, 2.29 1-2, 2.24 1-4, 2.24 1-4 2.24 Class. CI Th ' NV Yt1n and.' a temen +ant made that we were at the Irate of .$100 per g as we ,liked to sten or t is weed was given te by my friend, as Ithe tfar- said A NVI Meet. Tth three m q =erre' • Oulailee Concert COlumban day,. Sept. 4th, 1905:. At S Mo FROM 2 Admission for Rupp 6 and 7. 111cLEAN BROS.. Piabliehees $1 a Tear in Advance. anent tablas did a gisod business. A feature of the affais whieh created ae great deal of interest w.as 'the prize contest, ticket* for -which had been sold in. adianee. -Mx. II. G. Manning, who hes had eeseetge of one of tlhe departments in the Wingleaea 1bJio scho;oe and was doing part- of the. contiametion class 'work, has resigned his ,posi- tion and his zee's:prat:ton has been ao- cepted by the teustees. -The Goderich elevqor which wa is destroyed by fire shoat time seto is to be iebuilt by /the original vote - litany, the 'tomi itmrii-atratateeing the bonds of -the eiona-ptny and lakin,g fir st oregege the ,eiempleted elevator f.or, $175,000 as security. -One evening recently a. small triune htouse in Clinton occupied by XT. A. Miller., wali found to be on it could be hlearel for blocks. Mr. Whitely's attentIon was attneeted and, thinking the 'horse was merely tangled in on ordinary wire, took hold of the wire with both hands, and immediately fell to the geceencl., He trried call) for help,, but ivvas irraigible to do so. However lthohorses kicking' seen knocked the wire front his hands, and he was eeele to get up. Me. Whitely was able to be about the same evening, but felt the effect of the shook. The horse was aleo effected for some days. Canada. -A.ttaehica to the Imperial Lim- itee whiclh left Ottawa at 112.40 Sun- day night, -wove. private cats eon- tainieg 'notables -Who wilt figure isa the imiegural reteremo-nies ale Ed- monton and Regina. The Vioe-Regal fire. MT. Minter- lives in. bed when paety consisted of the Governor - the alarm was giviptn. The furoiteire General end Lady Grey, Lady Eve - 'was taken .otet, but the fire was ex- . kya Grey. Goa. Banbury, wimenee,, tinguished before! any very serious damage was done to the building. -Mr. Wm. ileferlrley, of Wingham, neatly host his vfiluable driver tihe other day. While drawing, drift- wood/ the therse 'get into the ilam and was (rescued *itib, mueth diftrpul- ty-. He is tweeter linearly $200 ,and it is fortunate that he .was, saved; The rate of taesation 18 Goderich this yeee is 25 mills on. the dollar. oiing the °mail to raise by A .lay -law: is air to be rvoted len nathriz way of loan the eum of $6,000 for the extension of! the water and el- eetteic light week& and; the SeNVcr- age system. -Mr. Robert! Ferris, of Hallett, reseived the sad intelligence of the death of this only brother. which occurred in. thief Winnipeg hearebtale Death wan ',taus& from injereles ze- ccived by recce stairs. Demos Portage Plains, of the, inoet the AiSteict. -Rev. fatiVe'. Coleman from the mall recently for a gt his mother, Mrs. . Mr. Coleman was . M. unti110.15 P. M. o Concert 25o; no extra charge r served between the house of Light efreshmente, ice cream, cake sandwiches, eto. served al) all hours. Salient Features :— Kelly, Toronto, great ventril- tvi entertainer ; George E1118 onto's star vocelisb and. coin- . 3.11 M °Leo& Ontario's Pet; The WI lis Vocal quartette ; St. Col- 'Eel:testes ;33rd Battalion Band. ks sent Heavenward from an platform 40 feet above the atre. Marjory Wilks, W. H. McLean, Luau:tow 1 1 1 Happy Drearner, John Henry, - 110kinanto e3 2 2 Bessie .Wilks, H. Hartwell, 'Beerie • 2 3 3 Tirne, 2.23 1-4, 2.23 1-4, 2.24. 2.19 Class. Get tie Hunt er, E. M. Stewaxt, Guelph, 7 1 1 1 Darkey Hal, W. Herod, Guelp;It 1 3 2 6 Tarn Appelby, Thomas A • Porter, Stratfcad 3 4 3 5 Wim. 0., john MaD-owell, Toronto, je A 5 5' 2 Jethin. Nolan, L Staneey, Paisley '4 2 4 -3 Col. Hunter, T. Murdock, Honsalt 2 6 6 4 Buena Vista, Dr. G. Stevens, 'I Reantf.ead. 6 7 Time, 2.20, 2.18, 2.20, 'SECOND DAY, The 2.19 pace Whieli was oaet sae- lehed the first day, was oomiiieted the second day,' the 4th great being competed, 2.40 Trot. John A. °quiet a Fax, To edits' ; umban Firewo elevate ampith Progra me Starts at 2 P. M. All trains stop at St. Columban. Ahead the shadow of the -great event Is begi ning to move. EV. ALBERT McKEON, Director. Bisson /I 1 1 .4 )3aroness 2 2 2 Lady Minto ' '0 4 3 ,,, . Queen C. 6 .. '4 3 A Jennie Wilks.de. Dan Bars , tis. Time, 2.32, 2.30, 2.31. 2.28 Pam. „ 1967-2 ritaley falling down was a resident of Manitoba, and one xtensivo Parmers 18 west, was at few days, visit Francis Cole getently ordained as a lininistor in the Methodist ' Sued% and left.. bast ity, Michigan, erbere led to a young lady Tom there he iiitends returning to j. Manitoba, where he will at once of his new ,eir -The wife of Hallett., trientl, had - tuareow eseapie front what might have been A sethous ac- cident a few days since. They were - idriving, whear Ione of the, hind wheels name off the buggy, the -owing them backwards int' the baggy top.,which broke ofif an , tanried them with it to the ground.Zotrtunitetely they we're not patticuearty leurt. The how ran tat'svay with, It he east of the buggy, evihich- vras badly broken before ther thesese was stoped. -Meny Ann Armstrong, wife of Geonge Ardell, Sr., of 13lyth, died on Mendaytevening, August 21st., after a SiCsMel4NrIltaq: lilVeilalig illness.. Deceased was' in bee, 57th year end had beenfa. tanfifleTer for a number of years. About eix wee.ks ago.de- ceased was taken. suddenly worse and ade hope; was given up hut he eatilied and Was apparently ;getting on nicely tilill the day of her death. Deceased -leaves a husband, two daughters and six sons to mourn her sad liossd " -A pretty •wedding took place in c St. Michael s church, Birth, on Monday moet, itn.g, August 14th, when pf MT. WM KellT; of Morris, jee- Miss Annie [4T - oily, eleleat dane,hiter came the fbeide of John Myers, a he marrie-ge ceremony ed by Rev. Faber Pin - the presence of a large -week ear iBay he will' he nia of that city. upon, the !clutiles wit if Mr. Samuel Brown, ogether with ta, lady Major Peek and. Captain Neseetione A. D. a In the Prime Miniebee's Oar wieie Sir Wilfrid Laurietr. Hon. W. Pabeeson, Sir Gilbert Parker and -Rudolph 'Boudreau, private sewn- teey to Sir Wilfrid.. Earl Grey and party will Tea:nail:1. the weet ..about October 15, but Sir return inainedratietly after the cesenionies at Regina. Mr. Pitexson. will raven as far-ee nipeg where he wiel be (joined by Hon. Mr. Fielding and the other members of the Tariff Commies -ion and thy will. hold. sittings fan Win- nipeg and abet leading points to the western laovinioe. teosively, but would stay as long as the syxup lasted so as not to leave iritr ;him s; t of hands. One night, a- bout t ie. close of the Se4501, ain.d I being absent, ta man dame down eo engeee me, and this, seemed to shave made t as I ea ney b Now t' theta 1., U0 WIll we ei work can te bust, eept t series nisla plea s it is ea se, To .co' ta.xme Whom Ir iend. ant y Str 110 Dr. C. 1,1 1 1 Little'Pete 5 7 2 tittle Diok 11 4 2 3 -Maguire '/ -5 4 Niellie Gray - .6 6 5 .. Ernie Hunter.: _ 3 3 6 * Mohy W. 2 4 7 gattie rezguson 8 8 'dr. Time, 2.24, 2.23 1.4, 2.23 1-2. the home fott Mrs. G. Nins, horses belot aPdI 11100r,s Es. nal- of Clinton, on Wednesdey, ioryikta,ng pee WIox G.oder' water -D with ich„ ness -M Josep eng No. 1 pd 5 be. boss mad, anyway as soon e home I was told to pack xes nod' --dicer, which I did. is was leather a nasty situa- find myself in, a stranger, re to go, aind! :not cietnit 18 eket. I may add What 1 heed, es, any farmer round- tify, for three months in the witheut a *eat of pay, ex - e smoney to buy a f;ewir neces- now, (and; again. I will, ur- ea the . farmer's name with e if esou wish. it, but 1 Weenie eoessaey as both he, and my e known around the. chide, in all due respect to s round here a number et I can now count as my , I must eay that this Ls the ease of • a " bad uo.'' I've Yours obediently, IRISHMAN. ter, August, 20th, 1905., C t3trattford. was perfor sonneault tontourse ,tof people. Miss. Rachel Kelly, sister: 'of the beide was brides - made and Jn 1/IcLaughlisti assisted the groom. ',Pt the dose lof the J3 ea.- eanony the church, the newly married coaple and guests drove to the home of the bride's father,where a eeception was bel•d. -and a wedding dinner setrved, _Mrs. Anh. Miattimer, daughter of Mrs. Jas. Craig, of llesitrees, arrived ae Myth tee0, evening last week, full of sadness. Two weeks nrevious she ieft her :Wilmer 1/10090/Mia, Aesa. with her term. childnen, two bright little girls, one .aged two yeaes end seven months, rend the other sixteen months, to i visit srela.tives en One teal°. Sho itly after the train left he leader child was ,taken ysentery, and everything done foe her until Chatham as ;reached, -whoa the sick child was placed. in the hospital, where shief died. A year ago Kr. Latimer was killed by lightrubrog. Mach symk)ithy is felt' TAT the stricken mother. "-After a protraeibil and pain- ful Mel% Hir.am. Smith, et Lower' Wilagham, died on Monday, ist. Deceased was bore , Ontario, and in that .s married to leer now band 43 years ago. Some irese years later they re - the township of Morris; sided at St. Helens, send 10, -A very tragia and' melancholy affair .oacterxed last eve* stbe. township of Drammer About 20. miles from tire teem of Peterboro, eesulting 'km thle death of a twelve year old bey waned Thomas Edward Hill and the. wounding of lfis sister, abet Hill. The father's Terme is Robert Hill and the family lead got at loggerheads with, the neighboree several of whiora are, -relatives. On the night In question* about twelve o'clook, as- several of the neighbor- ing young -mein and boys tiver sing the Hill house they pebbled and howled derisively and one of sthe numiler filed :three ehots teem a ;rifle at efile house( from. the woad,. The laid, Tleornas Hill and this sis- ter were "7sleepin'g Vpstairo in the Hill house and hearing theludise pn the :road they went to "the Axil:SA.0W to - see the cameo. While leaning. out of the window a bullet struck the boy penetr,atting his heat eine kiJdiia hire instantly ; it passed from the boy( striking tete sister on the wrist and wounding her serionsly. A ballet ago passed' betwleon lEdi himself aind the eldest' son as :th.ey were etanding in the dew of their house end liadg•ed in ttho Wall be- hind them. At the inquest subse- quently held a yeele,e fee*ne,r ale neighborhood, named Charles Gowe epereeseed to firing the fatal shots frail his 'rifle as eve was pas- sing tlin house, bat said. she had fired at random and einitir.ely lout of a epixit of miechilete, Strange to say the jury found a verdict -of tom -- dental death and exhanotrated Gowi from beano and' he was aegiardingly released fr.= custody. The, case a very serious one ant, wild mot like- ly be allowed to rest there. The CXPNVill authieritiee will ha.ve Gow apprehended and it is likely he tweet yet be tittingli punished for: thee cx iminal neeklesendss, 'Winnipeg. kick ve;t1h, possible NV August near Picb ., vicinity bereft is two or. it moved to they also for a time la Huron township. A few yeax 8 ago they retired bo a, quiet horr.e in Winglaam town plot. For the past three years Mrs. Smith has been .in failing lieatth, and in June last passed safely theseigh tan operation for the removal a a tumor. Since then she has been gradually t becoming weaker, until her spirit! took its flight. Hier in- tense suffeeings were beiree witb. ahristian 1 fortitude, and elle leaves behind ''hiesr a testimony that she gins gOn- to a better home. Be- sides her husband, she leaves one "daughter land two sons,. other day, ealsed by Messes. R. & -Not leeng ago while the Goderieh 1 J. Ransfird. T;hey weighed 83,360 Planing Mills Co., T.an.., were mov- pismires, or. an average of 1,480 Abe. ing an old buildleg twin their ear- , mer pneMises to their new ioca.tenet a broken (gay wire was left resting' on the flown electric Rapt wires, with the Other- en51 on tlhe ground in front of '110. C. 1?irthitely's residence. The eleciric light wires carry a elm., rent of 2,500 voltse A delivery horse Was drivtn tap to it bie door next te Me. -Wthitelyla and ate horse step - pied on. the broken wire. The damp ground and the horse's shoes made a Igood connection, and the home the evening the band iw,a,s I fell dowi WritluAg ila tale 01/W4s Huron Notes. ptain A. M. McGregor, of oh, has been satling the inland for nearly 70 years. . Robert Ag'neve, of. Clinton, is family have gone to &nuts- liberta, for the winter. . 'James Harailtore of Godar- as bought out the opal ibusi- Mr. W. Downs, of Clinton. ss Edna Copp, daughter of Mr. Copp, of Clinton, has been d to twill in, selaool seetien , Hallett. . H. Smiths of Clinton, eihip- head of very fine pattle the Myth. Briefs. -Mr. Frank car, who at- -tended business college at Str4t for& the past year, has scoured a good position as book keepe:r at Indian Head, N. W. T., cued intends leaving for there in the saw future.. -Twenty _ tickets 'were sad -here last T.huanday for the first Manito- ba exeuesien and all btati good po- sitions awaiting, them when they ar- rived at their destination. -Miss A, Ireland, of Haeriston, visited. at the :residence of Dr -Long, tie past week.-Mesers. E. Campbell and E. Moser, a w,ho have beeire visiting their parents in town 4or the past three weeks, returned to. their positions on Friday taking the boat from Sernia,-Mr. E. Me.s011 spent Saturday and &snaky of the- patsweek at Point Farm 'having an enjoyable tune -Mr °Aoleonro WAS ViSiting it his hote.e in Wetland ... a few days beet week, -Me. an ars. T. Ashbuey, ,of -OatiEville, visited their numerous friends en' town this week and while here Mr. Ashbury dis- posed of his Team to .Mr. cr.wight- man. T,Ials is a very desirable farm being situaitee. partly in the will - lege and elle k est in -Morris.---T0aie Misses McLaughlin, of Plettsvitle, who ba,vo been visiting' their anat. Mes. W. Sims, for thew Jpaot twO -weeks, returned home on Monday. - Our baseball team drove to Luck - MOW (401 13.jay a friendly game 'with the team of that town on Tuesdv, and although- they -were anable iro take their hest team they beat -the Lueknow, boys by a seem of e2 to, 18. The team is going tie p Teesevetex Wingham next Mon- day,' Labor Day. This wig be a. good game see‘d it is likely there will be a large crowd go from there, ns Wingham le having a big day of sports. -Mr. Perey McIlwaiee. who, Hill,of Wingham, and ter there Meriday. Mr. Fitzsimmonsof Clinton. has taken the position hiere. -Quite a nunaber iron her at- tended the races at Brassele last week. -Mr. D. M. moBeth.. Who is ret present travelling for Gorden -Me - has been clerk at the Commercial hotel here for the .past six =oaths, has accepted a 13irailax norsititonfrora Kay, of Toronto, spent a taw days of the east( 3,Week at his eeeme here. Bobert Carter, iot, London, is at present spending lee holidays wall. his parents in town. -Mr. Arehbe Campbell, of Toronto, spent the "past !two weeks wit„h" J)>Js Parents. here. per - . J. -Hale, of St. Clero.ens, Mich*gon, son of Mr. Heeekieb, Hale of eieh, was &hot the lather day ey a man named Klotz. Ildbe is in a very dangenouS condition. i)a He bis a wife. and family. -ge garden pa'rty under the aue- pices iaf St. Peter's Church, Goderich, whic was betel recently in the Har- bor ark, proved a very success- ful fair. High tea was served, and a se t aid tfalney:.-Work and r!$h ijt.bliebbk, and •gsreamituz s toualy, Cranbrook. Pre ne West.-rtesstS..-Aroalie YLO- NO.i.T and lialeolon D. MeTaleigari- t la the 11t11 and 16tb conteseaons 'Grey respectively took in er.he har- vest ?excursion jaet Friday tee the, Prairie province. They vitil make their heasi„qualterx at 14elitai