HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-08-25, Page 6VEGETABLE SIC! .A
II 1r enew
Renews the hair, makes it new mal
in restores the freshness.
what you need if your hair is fadedor turning gray, for
restores the color. Stops falling hair,lalso. Purii.WALTrart.Mrs.
Cantin farm Stanley township, 145 eaves.
Apply to R. S. HAYS, Barrister, Seaforth.
BILDING LOTS FOR SALE.—For axle, flavors'
desirable building lots in the town of Sea -
forth. These lots are _situated in one of the best
parts of the town and are well planted with the
oholceat of fruit. Apply to W. D, McLean, at the
naosneet. grrtoo, Leatorth. 1940.tt
money on improved gender sections a 160
awes eaoh at from 8 to 10 per cent. per annum.
Only first mortgazee taken, Ample RegurIty given
"'retreat' Title a System is perfect. From $800 up
•OM be lent on terms woe& from 81,000 to 82.e00.
For turther partieulare write to me, J. A. 3 ACK.
SON, Barrister, etc.. Ponoka, Alberta. 195943
WARM FOR SALE.—For sale lot 29, concession 2,
1. IL R. S., Tnekerantith, containing 100 acres,
ail cleared except about five aorea of good hard-
wood.• Ail undevarained, well fenced and in a good
,state of cultivation. A good brink home and two
barnsone with stone stabling underneath. Plenty
ot good water and a ood bearing orchard. This
Iterm is well adapted for either stock or grain.
About midway between Seatorth and Clinton. Ap-
ply on the premises or Seatottli P. 0. H. TOWN -
SEND, Proprietor. 19424!
11tyusx AND LOTS FOR SALE.—For sale, brick
house and 2 Iota in Sestorth. One lot Wee
-on North Main Street and the other on West Wit -
Team Street. The homes is a coneforteble brick
eattege and containe &bedroom', dining room, sit-
ting room aud kitehen, with good caller under the
whelp house. Hard and sent water in the house.
There tt alus a good stable and driving shed: All
Adndoof fruit on the lot. Apply to 3. L. ALLAN,
Itondesboro, or to 0. W. ATKINSON, Seaforth.
OR SALE—A farm conteinine 100 scree of lend,
U being Lot 6, Conoeraion 7,10 the Tow ship of
Tuckerstnith, five miles from Seaforth and Mona-
ing to the orate of the late Itlichael O'Keefe. This
lam 'is sultabie for onitivation or pasture and will
be Bold on reasonalale term'. For hill reticulate
epply to THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer, Seaforth
EIARISI FOR SALE,—Lot 10, Concestion 4, Hib-
p beet, containing ItO "verse more or less. It is
,offered for sale on easy terms. On the place
are a good frame house, lame barn with good nab.
'lingonderiteath. There he also one note of butt%
and the fartri itt well drained and in a splendid
state of cultivetien. Handy to market, sehool eud
church For fu ther pa,tleulars apply on tbe place
4o ROBERT LAVERY. 1954x1tf
VARM FOR SALE.e-Let 88, Concession 7, afo-
r Killen. This farm contains 100 aorea cf good
land. has on it a bank barn 61 x 64 with 6 foot stone
tabling. Atm a good 8 -roomed briek holm, or
-chard, good water, etc. ilia six miles froin See •
forth and la- miles from Condones poet alio. Apply
to wti R. liGANSHARD, Sturgeon Fall, Ont. or
tto E. HINCHLEY, Worth.
13114 -it
'VARA FOR SALE—Lot 3t, conceeston 1,Ushorne,
contening 99 acres, situated on the London
'Road 1 nine from Hartsell. and 4 miles from Rotate
atm. It is in a first class state of cultivation beine
well drained AIM tile, neatly all sutnmer :allowed
find seeded to graer,nearly ail fenced' with new Car-
tier wire fen0e. On the farm is a 'stone house and
-plenty of outbuildings, including one_of the finest
poultry houeea in Onterio. There are two twella, a
spring. creek, and a flowing spring that wouldtfill a
'three-inch tile. Apply on the farm or, to Mensall
pot office. BENJAMIN HOGG aRTH. 1958 tt
11111_litrit_C6T EXPOSITOR
Free Gifts of Toilet Sijaps
The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet
Saps for which you have to pay out money 'every week.
Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET
SOAPS for nothing.
Ask your grocer for patticulars or write us for Premium List.
A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for.
rn exchange for Sunlight Soap Couplms you can get something you need and
use every tday.
Inspired Verbal 47:.-..-ance Against the,
Sin of Slander In Bisiness and So-
cial Life—One Thing That No Man
' Can Time — The Tongue, anch Its
Varied and Infinite Capacity For,
VARM FOR SALE.—For axle, lot 18, concession
11 4, in Hibbert, contain:rig 100 acme On the
tyke° is a briok d veiling lonse, with frame
doitehen, with all neoessary outbuildings and lots of
good etabline ; well fenced, well drained and plenty
of good water. Tater° are 9 hares of bush. It is
situated two and a half miles from Dublin station,
where there is a, good market. Convenient to
scheme ani cam:Thee et all denorninationt. Apply
eon the premiees or address ANDREW McLELLAN,
Dublin P 0. 196541
V Egmontiville, a oomfortable franae house with
-three acres of land in a very fertile condition es ith
plenty of large and email fruits tor family use also
large barnand outbuildings in good repair. The
'house has been recently overhauled and contaius
seven motes with oholee cellax, full 81Z3, good wood
shed, eleo summer kitchen and an excellent spring
well teed good cistern. Any person desiring a emu-
•fortabln, quiet home of Wit description, cal/ardent
to town, thould not miss this opportunity. Will be
sold reasouebly aed on easy terins. For further
perticulars apply on the promisee or addrese Eg-
‘mondville P. 0., WM. BUBOLZ, 1943-tt
EIARM FOR SAL—Fon sale, Lot 28, Concession
U 2, If E., , one of the best Perms in Tucker-
amith, ntaieine 100 norm It is an exeeptiontily
.01355 farm with no waste Itncl ; all eeeded to grass
mot of is hayine teen in pasture five or eix years.
Res extra well supplied with weber. OR the tarn,
is a good brick house and two hems with stone
etebling uode Reath with cement nom Plenty of
,fralt trees of drfferent kinds. 11 is pleasently sit•
uated in a gnod neighborhood, beans: onieh.lf
from tchool aed 8t miles 1 coin Seteforth. Atply on
the prunitea or address JOHN ROBB, Settforth
P. 0., Ont. 19644f
Making Mischief.
Entered according to Act of Parliament of Caned*,
in the year mot, by Frederick -Diver. of Toronto,
at the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. t
Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 20.—In this
sermon the -preacher rebukes the 'pre-
valent vice -of loose and censorione ut-
terance, and especially of slander in
business and social life. The text is
James iii, 8, "Full of deadly polson;"
Never did inspired writer feather his
verbal arrows of truth with more drae
Matte comparisons than the author of
my text. He seems to take us out
to the corral pf an eastern Bedouin
chief. Methinks I see the leader -of
this nomad tribe looking over his herd
of fine limbed, high spirited, mettle-
some- thoroughbreds. Then he turns to
one of his men and says: "John, I
think we will bridle yonder colt toels,y
and break her to the saddle." "Aye,"
answers the man. "That is sooner
said than done. Never did we have
a higher strung, uglier four legged
beast than that colt. She will kick
and bite and snort and foam at the
mouth whenever we go near her." ' "Is
that so?" answered the chief. "Tben
the sooner we break her the better."
I see the ropes ,flung over the colt's
neck, I see her attempt to kick and
bite the hand that puts the bit into
her mouth and the saddle upon her
back. I see her eyes flash. I see her
rear, plunge and roll on the ground
and afterward bolt, and .for miles run
away over the hills. Then I see her
gradually subdued until at last that
nomad chief makes her his pet riding
mare. I see her finally under perfect
control, like, Job's mighty war charger,
smelling the battle from afar, and as
I gee all this transforreation the author
of my text says, "Behold, we put hits
In the hoAes' mouths that they inaY
obey us. and we turn about their whole
body * but the tongue can no man
Then the author places us upon the
deck of one of the. Alexandrian corn
ships. He plctures one of those awful
M terranean en rocl yd ons that played
ataeli havoc Arial the shipping of old,'
rind winch destroye so many ships of
the preAent ,day. The wind is blowing
hurricane. The sails are whipped
•into slirkcie. But though that ship is
teeeing ebout in th mighty, heaving
bilanvs, yet she is -ceder complete Con-
trol of the steersman, who. with his
ingie hand, inoves the rudder to the
right or to the left. Then the author
of my text says: -"Behold also the
nips, which though they maybe so
great, and are driven of fierce winds,
yet are they turned about wich a very
.enall helm, whithersoever the govt
enter lieteth * * but the tongue no
men can tame."
Then he takeS us away up in the
mountains.. He gathers together a few
tie!rd greeses and strikes a spark and
lent:lee them. No sooner are the
axastree afire than the evening winds
fon them into a great conflagration,
-which sets all the forests of those
r"'"'rtaint nbloae. Ave, for nights you
'GURU FOR S ALE—Nerth heti of Lot 12, Con -
,U cession 6 Morris, containing 100 acres, situated
on the eravel road. four aod a hat mile.' wort of
Bruanis and four mileo from Belgrare. There- are
.80 aeres aleercd, well drained, fenced and in a
,good state of cultivation, at preeent teeded dean.
The recuainicg 20 acrea is covered with exaellent
timber, Tore la a good frame house with ttote
cellar, gold frame barn with etene stabling under -
math, a good tesaitg crohard and an abundanoe of
goad water. There is a church and a post °aloe
within half a mile arid a school within three quer-
'tars of a mils. Fur furtrer partioulars a-Opl
MRS, B. SHILLIE, Hensall. 1963xatf
Altai FOR SALE.—For Bete let 29, on the eth
conceselon cif EIlabert, coatateing 60 a -creedal
tin a good Mate of cultivation. There'. on the pre,
Mos a hriek houen and brink kitoirtn arid a goal
-oiler. Titers is also a lerge bank barn, 60 x 40 and
A laanto of 12 feet, with atone stebline unierneeth.
Mao a shod 80 x 80 ft. e.nd a driving house with
,everythIng complete. There are throe never failing
walla on the premises, there le alao a lug) ortht rd
and good garden. There are ten aerosol fall whet
alownhend there are 40 eves seeded do NU. Either
aultable for hey or pesture. All the fall plolehing
ds done. The farm is wsli uedercirained with tile
and well fenced with wire fences. It is In a good
locality, being altueted two and a heti mileherr,
,Chiselhurat, where there is a pest oftloe ani two
churchei, Methodist and Prashyteritn, mites from
'Seaforth and there is a good grarel road running
past the farm. It is in good candition and will be
eold ort reasonable terms as the proprietor wishes
to retire. For further pertieulert apply nn the
,premlees or to G1IA1ULE3 EBERHARo, Sista P.
u., Ontario. ' 19.1741.
Don SALE tet Seatorth oatmeil mill, a qeautity
U of salvage wheat, sold tether kiln dried oe un -
.dried at 60o per bushel sr tt 65c In c er iota. WAL-
TER THOMPSON Ss SONS, Limited. 1982-tt
can see them burning, as we have seen
the monntain fires burning up in the
Adirondacks or upon the Berkshire
'hills. Then he says: "The tongue is
a little member.' It is almost as in-
significant looking as a small sParle.
But "behold how great a matter a lit-
tle fire kindleth." The damage which
the, tongue or the spark can do is in-
finite. Then he compares the evils of
the tongue 'to the awful ravages of
physical disease — to those of hideous'
leprosy or cholera or the bubonic
plaguee--"It deflleth the whole body."
Then, in the four words of rny text,
he compares the eVil tongue of man to
the poisonous fangs of a hissing ser-
pent. The reason 'I have drawn for
you all these different comparisons,
used in connection with the comparison
of my tet, _is this: I want you to
know that no symbol is too demoniac,
no comparison is too destructive or too
repulsive for the author t� cite as a
criterion by which to judge the fatal
effects of the human. tongue, when it
Is evil. May God help me, to -day to
show you some of the dark dens and
caverns in which this evil tongue of
man, as a serpent's fangs, hides itself,
and where it is most able to strike its
deadly poison into the flesh and hearts
of its helpless victims.
The evil tongue of man,. in the first
place, is a vindictive tonkue, It has
stored up a.mong'its deadly poison.s the: '
aceuthulated ma4ce, not only of days,
but of weeks arid months and years.
Like the North American savage of
old, it never forgets a, supposed injury.
which some one has done tfLgainst it.
It will go out of it way a hundred
miles, a thousand miles, aye, it will
stealthily lie in ambush for years, to
get a §ultElble opportunity to strike, It
is not like an ordinary snake, which
will leave you alone unless you tram-
ple upon it, but it is like a panther
stalking ?Is prey. It is like a hound
on the track of a deer. It is like a
lioness following the man who has rob-
bed her of her whelps. It will pursue
a stIpposed enemy for miles and miles,
and for years and years, always seek-
ing the right moment when it can bury
Its fangs in the hearts of its foes. 'And
when that time comes, like Shylock, it
will always strike for the vital pound
of ,,flesh nearest's, to the beating heart.
Oh, the abject n-lercilessness of a vin-
dictive tongue! You well know its un-
forgiving, relentlOs nature; for it may
be that such a vindictive tongue has
been following you for years.
It may have pursued you, a, minister,
for a quarter of a century. When you
took your first church you' found the
choir loft in the viselike. grin of an
elder. One of hie daughters was the
organist. Another daughter sang as
the soprano. 'A future -son-in-law was
the tenor. The music was an utter
' failure. What were you to do? 'You
could no more run a successful church
without good music than you could run
it without th2 right kind of -preaching.
(The day, in a state of desperation, you
called your church officers together
'EISTRAY OATTLE—titreyed from the premises of
_EA the underrigned, Llt 1, Con iessien 7, Tucker -
smith, on Auguat 16th, 27 head of yearlingu. two
year olds and throe year olds. Lett seen at Peter
IdoOstrues, Hiabert. Any Infermation leading to
their recovery will be liberally iewarded, JOHN
MaCONNELL, Seatorth P. 0. 1966-3
CillORTIIORNS Selle.—fhe underaigne d
0 has for sale on Let 16, Ooneeetion '2, Hey, a
-number Of up-to-date thoroughbred Shorthorn
bulls, they ars of the low set bitoky type, derk rad
du color and of ohoice breeding. They are all elig-
ible for reelatretion anti will be soli reasonebly.
.JOHN ELDER, Ileoall P. 0.
U FOR 8A1.—The :undersigned has for rale set,
feral thoroughbred Leicester Sheep tend Durban
Cattle of both sexes. Address Egmondville P. 0. o
Apply at 'farm, Mill Road, Tuokeramith. ROBEPs
-CHARTERS & SONS. 113724
SHORTHO RN 3 FOR S AL E.— a. few G randly brei
Scotch Shorthorn Bulla with regittered pedi-
grees, 8 bo 21 menthe Prices from $50 to $90, if
takeu soon, also cows and heifers at about the name
oricee, ale° a few 'Berkshire sows four months' old
tbAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ont, 19824f
Red Cedar
Oar Just Arrived.
tongue of man should be condemned
by man. Yet te-day there are many
Professional men and many merchants
building up their practices or busi-
nesses upon a tissue of lies. -
A. professional falsehood came direct-
ly under my observation, when, many
years ago, I was preaching in an east-
ern city. One of my church officers.
was taken down with lung trouble and
had to go to .A.rizona to live. While
there, his little daughter became very
sick with heart trouble. The mother
brought her back home. The father
telegraphed me to look after them. I
at once went to my family physician,
one of the most eminent in the state,
and had him examine the child. He
looked °the little girl carefully over,
and this was his diagnosis; "She has
valvular trouble of the heart in its
most fatal form. She may live a. year,
but in all probability she will die in.
about six months. Within a few weeks
dropsy will set in, then she will have
to be tapped. The best thing you can
do is to *make her as comfortable as
possible, for she cannot get well." I
wrote to the father the result. At
once he came home and *sent for an-
other doctor._ This other physician
came in and said, "I can 'cure her if
you will glee me full charge of the
case." That physician knew he could
not cure her. Death had written its
fatal mark all over that child, but be-
cause that other physician said h
could cure the child 'the new doctor
became the attending physician. He
called twice a day for six months. The
child grew worse and worse, Just as
my family .physician said she would,
Then she died, as he had predicted.
But on. account of that false hope
which the other physician held out, he.
was tLble to get the patient and to se-
cure the fee.
In business as well as in professional
life men are guilty of "the lying
tongue." They lie about -land they
want to sell; they lie about houses they
want to rent; they lie about their
stock; they lie about their furniture
stores; they lie about their horses;
they lie about everything they desire to
get' rid of. They keep on lying in a
business way: just as though King
Solomon had never hulled his conderna
nation against business lies when he
wrote these terrible words: "The get-
ting of treasures by a lying tongue is
vanity tosSed to and fro of them that
seek death The robbing of the wick-
ed shall destroy them because the Y re-
fuse to do 1 judgment." 0 God, deliver
us to -day from being merchants who
are perjurers or- lawyers who are de-
ceivers or -physicians who are falsifiers
or men trying to sell their goods by de-
ceiving their fellow men. 0 God, de-
liver us from the falsifier's doom. "For
without are dogs and sorcerers and
whoremongers and murderers and idol-
aters and whosoever loveth and mak-
eth a lie."
But the evil tongue of man is also a
vile tongue. Vile in the sense that it
Is filled with ale uncleanness. Vile be-
cause the lewd, the corrupt, ,the
the defiled, the debased, the impure,
Lhe coarse, is often the, type of the
language in which it glories. Vile in
the sense that the stories and the com-
munications it .speaks are often unfit
for respectable ears. Yet its corrupt
conversations are not only heard in the
notorious places of evil resort but they
are ,also heard in the street and in so
called respectable homes and among
so-called ladies as well as so-called
But the vindictive tongue and the
lying tongue and the vile tongue is
also the blasphemous tongue. When
the man of one talent in the Bible
went and hid his talent in the earth
he immediately commenced to put the
responsibility on God. When you and
I do -wrong and continue to do wrong,
vindictive tongue the tongue of tor-
giveness; the tongue of -vileness the
pure, tongue; the tongue of deceit the
truthful tongue; the tongue of blas-
phemy the praying tongue', and the
tongue of condemeatton the tongue of
charity. It is said that many yeare
ago in a. hotel, 'dining room the late
Dr. Annesley heard some men cursing
God and their fellow men at an ad-
joining- table. The good doctor bade
the waiter carry a glass of Neater to
the blasphemers with his compliments.
"What is that for?" they asked. "I
thought," said Dr. Annesley gravelY,
"that . you would like to cool your
'tongues in it, after the fiery language
Yell were uttering." That may have
been a Just rebuke. But if we to -day,
wlil thrust our e-vil tongues int6 thet
"water of life" we shall not only cool
thein, but by the power of the Holy
Spirit we shall change them. 011, my
friend, will you not to -day let God
change your evil tongue into the
tengue of purity, the tongue of prayer,
tleieteonnegsuse? of love and the tongue -of
"But," says some one, "how can God
make this change?" I do not know
how it is done, but I do know he can
ito it and he will do It, if you will only
talk with him and ask his help. Ile
cen change your evil tongue in the
same way that your Christian mother
used to change 'it. You remember,,
when lyou look back to your boyhood
ilfe, hw angry you used to get. I
can see you now in one of your quar-
rels with your -brother. Your little
fists were clinched. Your eyes were
flashing. Your breast was heaving.
You had raised your arm to strike a
blow when you looked up and saw your
!nether. She looked at you so tenderly
and reprovingly as she eaid, "Charley!"
At first you could not answer. Then
die muttered imprecation left your lips.
YpOr hand was lowered. Then. YOU
burst into tears as you said, "Mother!
011, mother! Forgive me, mother!" So
with this evil tongue of ours. If we
only use it to pour out our desires into
hie , ear, instead of being the organ of
bei3O and or blasphemy, it will becorne
the' organ of kindness, the organ of
geSlemess and forgiveness, and mercy 1
and' love. Oh, my friends, will you not
let God to -day conquer your evil ton -
* Would that this daily habit of talk-
ing :,with God might become ours! I
on read of a mother who tried to
stop the evil tongue scattering its pois-
on py her fireside by writing down, day
aftSr day,' every evil saying which she
heard her children speak. Then, in the
evening hour, she would read to her
fanilly the evil words of the day. That
maybe one way to halt the evil habit
of a. sinful tongue, but I believe the
bestway to conquer the tongues evil
dee de is not to make a record of its
faulte and errors, but to get our ton-
gue e in the habit, every houd of every
dayi of having private conversations
with, God. When we are about to do
soniAhingl, we should life up our voices
involuntarily and say, "Lord, would you
like 0.9, to do this?" When we are
about to speak, we should ask, "Lord,
shall I say this?" When we are about
to relnake a brother, we should say,
"Lora, shall I denounce this evil deed?"
Thep, with the. close touch of our ton-
gues with God's ear. God's tongue will
becorne our tongue. Lord God Almighty,
may' we never tiro of talking with
thee!, In Christ's name, we ask thee
to f,TOVerl'i our Fixech, and then we
know' thou shall rule our lives. Tame
thent,' 0 Clod! Tame our evil tongues
for tny divine ecrxece.
, Get Rid. of That Cough
ifavelestored Thousands of
Cana.dian omen to
L Health and trength.
There is no neled for o ntany wometylin
suffer pain and weakness, nervousness,
sleeplessness, arimmia, faint and dizzy
spells and the nuinerous troubles n-hich
render the life of woman a round of sick-
ness and suffering.
Young girli budding into womanhood,
who suffer with pairm,and headaches, and
whose face is pale and the blood watery,
will find Milburn's Read and Nerve
Pills help them greatly during -this period.
Women at the change of life, who are
nervous, subject.to hot flushes, feeling of
pine and needles, palpitation of the heart,
etc.., are tided over the trying time of
their life by the use of this wonderful
It has a wonderful el:ect on a woman's
system, makes pains and aches Tp.nish,
brings color to the pale cheek and sparkle
to the eye.
They build up the system, 'renew lose
v eality, improve the appetite, make rich,
red blood and dispel that weak, tired,
listless, no -ambition feeling.
and demanded a complete, change in
,your musical leaders.., You got it, but
you got it at the cost of that elder's
unrelenting hate. He never ceased to
iiersecute you. He did . everything he
could to undermine your ministry. He
pursues' you even after you left his
'church. He
cilles against
carried on for generation after genera-
tion In certain families in southern
Europe, so the children of' that old
cider are still pprsuing you. Their
hatred has never 'let up, although their
father has new been dead for years.
My friend, I sympathize with you
that persecution. You say you do not
b -.-Ar your persecutors any ill will, for
eyou have triumphed over their attacks.
I3ut as you were once persecuted as a
young man, now as a, well established
merchant or lawyer or doctor or min-,
ister or wife or mother be zareful that
you are not yourself using one of those
poisonous and vindictive tongues. I
once read of a venomous cobra of In-
dia, having ,been decapitated. As the
-PeePle were standing around looking
at the headless snake a native reached
forth his bare foot and struck the head.
No sooner aid his foot touch the opened
mouth of the saake than, by mus-
cular contraction, the poisonous fangs
Pierced the bare foot, and in one hour
the man was dead. Has not the Pols.'
onous fang of hate of that old enemy
of yours, many years dead, entered in-
to your life? Why did you make that
mean remark about that young doctor
or lawyer or minister or merchapt the
other day.? Why did you slur that
young man's character who is trying
so hard to earn a livelihood for his
widowed mother or younger brother?
As others in the past have buried their
poisonous fangs of hateful jealousy in
• your heart are you trying to destroy
others who•seem to come between you
and, your success? Men, beware _how
you try to destroy your supposed ri-
vals! Women, beware how you attack
t hat young woman! Her, good name
I s her life. Hate not. Despise not.
Others have wronged you 3,,vith a vin -
150a. PLR COX, OR 3 roe aces
The T. Milhium Co., Limi tcd, Toront o, Ont.
wrote letters to distant
you. As the vendetta is
Defeo thesummer mimes. Dr Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup conquers Coughs, Colds Sore Throat,
B outermost Bronchitis, and all ammo of the
Throat ond Lungs
Wherever there are sickly people with weak
hearte thia detaneed nerve, Milburn's Heart and
Nerve', Pills will be found an effectual medicine
They taittore eufeebled, enervated, exhausted,de-
edtalized or over-worked men tend woreee to vigor-
ous heieltth
For ()holm Morbus, Cholera. Infenturn, ()reeve,
ColleaDierrhoee,Dysentery and Summer Compliant,
Dr Foe/Inlet; Extract of Wild ,3trateberry is a prompt,
safe AO (titre cure that has been a popular fevorite
for nearly 60 yeere
DOAN% KIDNNY Pius riot on the kidney', bleeder
and twittery organa only They cure backatihee
weak beak, rheuteatiern, diabetes, cong eetion, in
thunulation, grevel, Brighiaa disease and all other
alRemmit arislhg from wrong action of the kidneys
and bladder •
at once our evil tongues begin to find
fault with the God who created us,
and. with the Christ who wants to re-
deem us. One of the worst signs that
your tongue is an evil tongue is when
it begins to talk about God as a cruel
God, a merciless God, a mean God and
a heartless God. The vindietive tongue,
the lying tongue, the lewd tongue, al-
most inevitably becomes the blasphe-
mous tongue.
But cannot close this line of my
talk without declaring that the blasphemous -4ongue inevitably becomes the
tongue of) a human beast of carrion.
As soon as man gets out of touch with
God he inevitaVly acquires a depraved
idea of the'human race. Like the buz-
zard Whigh circles about in the heav-
ens over the hills and the valleys and
the prairies of southern California wait -
Ing for the horse or the cow or the
sheep to drop dead le his tracks that
ne may pounce uptiff it, so, the evil
tongue of man seems to glory in the
'banquet of dead reputations, of evil re-
ports and of debasing minors- which af-
firm that .men and Women have gone
astray and become as bad as or even
*worse than ourselves.
No eXample of the evil tongue is
more si fully suggestive than when a
party o men and women get together
dictive tongue. Do not retaliate, do
to discuss the overthrow of a fellow
not use the same weapons. Let not man. 4 'Have you heard the fiews?"
asks one evil tongue. "No," answers
another evil tongue. "Tell it me. What
is it?" "-Why, you know Mrs. So-and-
so, the daughter of our pastor. Well,
she is being,sued for divorce by her
husband.". "Is that so! Well, I knew
it would come! I never did like her
father. He always pretended to be
so good that that I felt there was some-
thing wrong about him. If that father
had only lived as good a life as he pre-
tended to live, his daughter would not
have turned out as she did. Good fon
ybur evil tongue try to destroy others
when you feel they are making a sue- .
cess by the depletion of' your own in -
But as I begin to analyze the poison
of the evil tongue Ittfind that it is com-
posed many different sinful basic ele-
ments.- Water, for instance, is com-
posed. of a gas called hydrogen, and
another' gas called. oxygen. Chemical-
ly, the definitton pf water is H2O.
Socturn sulphate is composed of: three
different -basic elements. Its compofl-
Did you ever have
your range grates
burn out?
lf you did. you will know
whta that means in corn -
m4)., ranges — it means
plumbers, defp..y, muss and big bills
—because common rangles are built that way.
As range grates must some time burn out you are
certain to have that kind of trouble if yours is a
cdmmon range. -
If you have the Pandora you won't have any
trouble, because you can tale out
the old grates and put in tile new
ones in ten minutes, and a ten cent
piece for a screw -driver loes it
easier in the Pandora than 4 whole
kit of plumbers' tools will do it in
common ranges.
110 apart
les fo 1
ust 'a. sol
and cee-bi
Dtisc Con'
Cern al
sent to n
aud tell u
eady Ro
:A ten cent piete a a
screw-driner is 07/ 1,r0a
Neea i0 take VW o J. and
put. in Imo readord
Viraii,osisonsos sista Wactorie -
Lonstprs. 'Toronto. )ontreal,
Winalipeg. Vancouver.
St. John. N.B., IZionilto;n
A. LA TIMER Sole gent, Beaforth.
Mie Vai
c4, the Medio
lege. Tal
eat, Reat
-receive vro
Suddenly Attacked.
Children are often attacked tu4deel hy painfte
and dangerous colic, Cramps,Diarrhoet, Drentery,
"Jhoiere Moabite, Cholera Relate...a., eta Dr Fowl-
er's Extract of Wild Strawberry he a prompt and
sore 011,1, which ehould always be kept en the house
• Spring Medicine.
As e spring medicine Burdock Blood 13ittere has
no equal' It tones ua the system and removee al
impurities from the blood, and takes away that tir-
ed, weary feeling so prevalent in theeprine
parts are sodium, sulphur and him! I never did like that daugeiter
anyhow. She always thought she was -
better than any one else, and now to
think she is nothing but a hypocrite!"
But, though man •cannot tame his
sinful tongue, thank God, the Lord God
Almighty can tame it, and will tame it
by the power of the Holy Spirit if we
will •only let him. He will make the
oxygen. Chemically, it is written
Na2, 504. Now, as I analyze in God's
great laboratory the poison of the
"evil ton.gue!" I find it first composed.
,of the element of hate, and, secondly,
of the element of falsehood, All
through the Bible, the deceitful tongue
• is condemned by, God. The lying
RESULT of expert binding of strong, rich.-
'" Indian Tea with deltcate, fragrant Ceylon
Tea. --717-shaT rich •
fruitylavor" has made Red
.Rose Tea the table beveti'age of th01152,IldS of
It distinguishes Red Rose Tea from other
It makes it different ftom and better than
any other tea—it's a flavor ou won't forget.
an, etc., G.
ood Te
11. Estabroo
o n, N.B., ;Toronto,
Right f the entail of the back.
Do youievor get a pain thore?
If so, 40' you know what it moans?
It is a tlackachs.
A,surelsign of Kidney Trouble.
Don't Oglect it. Stop it in time.
If you'don't, Serious Kidney Troubles
are sureln follow. «
cure Backache, Lame Back, Diabetes,
Dropsy •aed all Kidney and Bladder
Priof 30-0., A box or 3 for $1.25,41doskiem
Toronto, Ont.
Short Gut to ,Stiocess
would sUccoed you must work.
give a jornplete, course in less
There is none—if you
Some colleges claim to
time than the
The Forest City Business and Sherthand College teaches
the different courses in the time foune by long experience by
the best colleges, to be necessary—no mire and no less.
If the work is done in less tine it oannot be done thoroughly
After you leave the F. C. 13. C. you Waste no time in learning
what you should have been taught in the C liege.
Our free booklet tells all about pi s, systems, charges,
positions after graduating, etc. Write fog
School term—September till June inclusive.
J- W. WESTERVELT, Y. M. C. A. Bldg.,
Principal 1 LONDON. ONT.
-ata.-.area se er. • Leese! -a ettaat :tea
Marshall Sanitary Mati
liTho coolest, most re• eillent and comfortable mattress made, is the Marsball.
thoioughly ventilated, and every movement of the bcidy OSUMI occurrent of air t
It . It ie very fesilient, containing over a thousand sprIngs, each o0 113 &
eott n pocket, and the whole heavily upholstered with curled hair. Thus ms
for e to the shape of the body, and eupports it at all points, and is, therefore,
full comfortable. Lying-in patients find bed sores heal up naturally on
sani ary. Try one .and you will liave,no other.
For sale by
• Furniture Dealers and Undertak0„ SEAFOATIL
od Work
*Good Material
COON BROS, Seaforth.
The utclersigued is pr cd to
°ash pens ior an unliratW euentity
oft Mint Rock Elm, Basswonak,
Beeoll, Alb, Hernia& and Oak
De‘livered et the Soeforth Saw end Sten
to be cut sOeven length, except Sett gra.
to be out 111., 13 and 16 feet. Will 1,110
nrAwned Reading Boltip_.
to Welles long, at 68.60 per tee, asilvtt'
- timber by measurement -Or
tV$bush. sttontion paid to eue*Az sawing*
tsiaotiou pi
vcd ir
relfadOite of tlfa,
zitte, mei:ober t
roes of Ontedi
neon, Et
. Etight3
ZiD etre
end 1,
c -s arid Reel,
*tuella chutes
Men for the
.; clench itreett,i
• SIVit grA
lifeweaaY, bc
eibscal of Pt
Genetic' 01
fife CempbelPf
1FAI6N8 •
• Ves eeeekty
• Amt. or,
gi 0
• 110730.NEW
tem. Beins
• (Seeee
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