HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-08-25, Page 4AUGUST 252 1906 THE fWRON EXPOSIT0111ii The:
rin 06vien ye"S MpArly U11 g, fteie, and- jnj itnig, tgot theix 111A0 u6n, in irL 411a bar, p Ile co(ild, eths. the 6o, tis, of wihidh he has 151rice Op n -.4m.di, wo&beTn Bates tible, offela f or, tt,e, &boom.maaitidn or ily pwy hA, Xexicio, t01towa;g his piocapat'llon -b ele. n ia, n posible taind tibeK wia0e(r A lab -w ati* numbeir O.f. men seeking 4 invalid tiley 1 Ivetive ab a was in type, tWo 0 I eati n g ale of Summer lilit, p"itronviolux 11hi e u -hvx -urnreq as Ti,alnU aifd' ffttunns lookhngqbilatl —Since. the 6 .1 I - C
1 4A, IU�3111 s. + V 0 . _ - 4
i31J_UJF y y V As ".4 V L- . . 1 )I �, lanic ain Packet a for- Iy, - 6a s re t L&tz to -his blame, in 95LIppers, UNO 60 Or —V spend monqy over� ithle .,bair- , MalnY 01111 01" v`o -a p. or our stock and prices will save you money. vVe have still is fairzly
le.—Wei con ent a look OV IWIR
NEW-ADVERTISEM�NTS filln Allbrr olni-; rLat(hing.. Tbey wUl Prairle P.-rovo I& plea -Bed' I fid socrifiele, in ,stoji;*, i1t;
of tbeir pait'rons Would priefew to tune order to accommodate new Fall arrivalv. Thg o�l I irieport Villt Alex. Ga':,rdinelr,-w;ho riumber of line to 5 F to Ircork a add deal tbordeir ptuy-, a3id the wifoirity of pe 4-pl'o axe linoo are not 01 Nto6k, buv all this 681IOn"A make, and at tft prices mintiewd 00J
e, and will ot get Notes. -The, hazvest! is X-01`91re,9- ihas been gelri usly ire-w-96aabl-0 evoulgh to isice *that these tlhk a nd woUb. i6ne, v r jag. '�A are zertainly g at value inVed Uirout,
buts, denotes the. Page of the p*P609 .Vbl0h -whle t 1101r sing fay.or-afbly a a 0 e
-allyertleement-wUlbs found ,the. thbtel keeper- on , KV Xce. of. jiqba eitheir Verts and 3E
'It;f-up $7 1wi Olt Tbin )aDl-. fXOM PinS a4V' e 75e, for 503 a pa!r. 0 11 n, 126 as clomfoirta- bheir,- -�v' on bT1 oveir.-, .1 ;?,bem %hp, bas, beeta. ran ri, sizes 5 ta 7 regularric and I t is lbuit naiturall thlA if e ciain- " P *at, - Childreti?s Strop Sup i e Ver y I
& 8 oni axe -ibt, ,t taka sizes 11 to 2, r to Detroit -g ble as tibey. igiel t horne aobn,g gpood ,wiork ih-6 past Montt legularpri.,te $1.10, for 75a a pair. _F 'not mlk, them sielf susitain!kig he Idea speodiing ti Mi"Bes' Strap . ip er -WoTt-ed out
p Od Boots, sizes 11 to 2, regi Tialdo Clixtaces mut makie up lite, diftflor6h,mlin solme A )Ire si claboos is not a 4al with tlielx new Itralcition, U -P his .,rgfulla smViciet .M. u UisseW Chocolate V alar price $2, forS1.50 a pair. cpijag� the qviintei -%vioelk, bat reitafrialidd to Pine ads are Summer Williri' & Rain at ho way, nd ithalt Nr,,vy is gen- ati 0ificie,., ib�st moth cid f kete of this Ladies' Fine Kid Lovo Shools,, all sizag,,at a special pride of $1 a pair. summe.r- Sale- ,I Id be a River on. Mo day, w1hir 6 -lie w. il I W. Picikar4 &I Slo#ri-5 I - in Vr6pCl shfave wou b too OAPOAA t a special price of $1.75 pair, A(hie, Iba-, It 'is lbelro, � I __ ____ � i good subjecit ton ideb!'et by ftib,- St. jrmi -*06k.-M. - Ladies' Fine Kid Lac d Boots, pstaid ff
-Gxel- & stei'vViaTt-1 n f or an tihier 50, for $2 a pair, used 10 th Toost money- M - -5, 1 tompoxnclo pacqi1e, can twork. . Pay Chiselhurst. [eniio Dongols Kid oed Boots, reg s,& TMn,sfdi.-J,i Wlelber f ar, I es. -Mr. MUU1d9Dn SaW Cc,lumba�a lortqrs,-The MoKiloq)p �io Boir.ry eint, ritaimed a lalr`14e n;:iii - 3W and c you, ige'd and 'rebiiervie; ithe Ih000latem. oil ka,a Mr. ,Plgoio, ig frieInds at ."i "virit.h. B 9 Value' o"110 'a ta Farm 'fot Sle-J. ber of 11110r,YD lba of scome of its latnipg oeldes- tih,im, or,osslnig his ffield onte dWy. ihadt 00In tratdr, aire becoming In -a day poxty con edneMa-y of
land wibeln ble! ovart a xnos, Oir bf.TICR Bible Voisit-11 it k it the su"It ove.-t jt,h-� drain )Yet i1i'as undler tJr1,.s we-ok,_ T11 and, X(r.s;' john Rrize Buititier-G. E. M1119 -B t it -wms,6_p,cir-cupbn;;o. en, saw-LI't 001013 t1hh The k f er, oontxalot.-Te, , lqidehts , -of -the 8 rillio loavel this Week N, a 0-0; Par SoJe-.1on W,hite,-5 m Be W1 LIS & SON, SeaforW Crops in- the West,. ves, in AT=- for Hill -5 . 4 Norfhie:�st at McKillopp wllk tot teed visLt, Uft, -.Tet, stic and lstulriple4 it wria cauqui -it a S &ter Shoe for men, and the Quality and llusinesa As the piep01tpla Otiltairio, seem to be, I geting up, a picic hJho lada'fu- itoba add! I Ible Toexxiborim. wo- sole agents for th iewbibilititalft. KUJM- i thoes for.. women., W. 134, f openinig it hie wisih. thm a leassat and- teinjoyabliet almost as mucihl inJtewiested� in the to raise, ifodds or M,til M. Bald. b ext i, 'e �4aily itto siele, it. It rad � to [the, jfNig sit'ation bt the C. trip. -Tie, htan'!hoading factory, artaps in Manitioba. and Vito, Noirth-, tcounibry. air: "bird'! lin r, n thie. 1�v noxi,)11 Luxury J. F. Daly -5 P_ R..-Misses"Mary and Katio Ste;r- whicli., hlas� cein aialdargaiiktig ineelas - .-M-Tal. splendid fa, m
wleSt 4 as ItIbely &TO in, the, CJ1J()1Xj iin. _M,I. ob InSo-n W&S tibe. ��Velek, a -re iQ)Iumbaln aigleith.are, irlettiwamd ,to Gbiovne atteT sar3 ufrinb paist in, aw, tait airs H. Dretimmila, family )b11ve, to- Moose JAw. and -has a. sp%mdid rl�vp -,-Co r� ILI Olt! this. broitibex-i -Oi I st, irds fun it is agaLn Yun inig, fu I bla
t1heir! town Pr�ovin4w,, a fe wo I - a, leasant. visit, Ito f riedds. hft- -Rev. talis yettT., and Is growir xrmh. wit liam, B usin Ail. Graig, -an. otu:rined filop3lel & blietm. from: pesonial bb - I -Our vettran 1threiatheirs, Ptsh &on, �howe_vgr, Fluxns-U. wre leallied pon -to atteind thlei ftne�al K,oeihler r-nd Devnis ,have eacih.,,pux- MON4241 exll aged- pulpits W.J. OT-
rucefleld. t,,he misfortunr -o lose, )axqT_ Egmlondvi:110- last by, Add -tw�
selrvation�raay-Ue of iniberest,more of ive. ineowl 4018:Uves, in, 'a few. Rev. MT. aha wl Floux-A Sorutn-8 atibleir -died r -biased a nqw sepamtd�r.-Tho new -at t Satuirday m,o*in:3 unda ton, is ly A-11 this &op tbas -11-tson, iby L! I 11, espectiall as tthlo -tiellagwagbic. de- m oi ,this. Mir. Robilrisoin's, t y ]�T m ;.. -,ray t.0 &Ilth� T111, the g s' on 1 Romernber-F, A. bige are neawing itcym -or , -of lher,lstan, H. Little— X7" Stelck wo' -w Yowrls,; OUT -liftle biirc1h wleldcvs set 'O� - -a in lCider Milt -J. spatolies published from day to abp Ot Ne te i 'The, tax collivotor. wi*,11 soon be j..&Tt(h itD, -be fea4y to, on t heir Tom BrAnldion i. viit�nq- st 33 , S 'til eJ - ein Manitoba, w1her fro bxtfit day in the daily papors, ore, rat didd bouit IV In par, uncoles, -- & t -t I ag 4t�n ME fiarm". s6hools * on 06d U-Iy Amonig the 4=m._J. PatltoJ�Won, of WrOxOt and aflb,-- Fall Glaod,' Mol k itippeiirdh tinae; ibis own wife., died labotil 841, I rs are, "joicil#19 : ,at the price of muscile. in-,tbe .;.i.rvetit field. tyJ11 pent ': on t by Interested fathcT4n-Ulw, is yo Queen, of Belmore qnsritly b11ieJ�i,,V,0t1b f May; his welve cit a frmer Baytieditel- Ives, lhore 1".t fid hiet,good wif-0 for it' win:�er. Nvith Godex ��'j prt !vs and a, 'more or less ciolitolred diei� sifilor a, f teir, my a ecitille'. liorses, a Aikeidimetad, lot Blaevabei, Neil ,come amd in, Taking, eir_E -Selbloot tre.0pogied Win, M0111- 1111119, L fbilgjpralcea f or, Ib nitter nn D. 11tss, f RrusAels, and G -raw C. Intention Of Xle.f V . 111.1w co 04 0 nit cartiain interests. r s few orn ithis vicintlitly ptir-_ P'_id S- zlomiarg a in the withl Miss Waggiba alt heir place 049 s Mutrdodh, Ihtai+ secuTed a'sohma ck. idiattriot,in Soutbeim Man-. as fbacihor.-Mr. Jdhtn. McKeirizio, f0f "puse, taki ; in h Noet'hwest oxcur-, ,SEA . i a in ihe vilalml ly of, S t Mhornas.-Miss FORTH, FRIDAY, Aug, 95, 1905' itDba. along t�hia Pernbi;ma breviah of the Mill, Rca d, Tuckdrsinit1lit, 'called Bion. Goron, of t. Hle,wmb, is vIo,it1r4_Z w1oites.-EkV. MX. Unk, it* poy-t :nouirld L%bp- "r - H=,oa, y-*.-heir-in-law -of MT. V. tfie, c. P. R.,eittondilreg from Winini- on �ir. O'Briela me dhy 1�-at kvc-ek.- Miss Flora mINh.-Miss At," SWan Plea to see ell .-Mr. ami6a T-he,E e, no p. ops, hnaUo nef last wo Basse 'rry, Nis laeou .11ere -Ath li4a, been pe,g � to Napina, a distiancie, of 221 xt ulued from visitinig nbe. R q MT. Gibbons, fbtr�e Vastoir 16 nvxo-`� miles and Ln-O-udiog w1hat ils consid- 11� - it(hodist c1limIrcli bod _Xr., Willam f T ionds- ,in it week, in t I piLl'" Ivwoa of New took itel with 6:r. Bart Allen llst Vls wife on a v;sI,t_ He 1p, eaa,64 �ftyirvg t1he �pa ew&-A'by naany t1his choic g.-Tbe ==Y VLO" the Evanigliepi clinieli, lasit Sundw. -eat f a iss Mandip 81wom tiaie, Su rming Q cc, ied b y his, bridle Beattie la,nd -at ftdaY evenU v I ptablet itlo, a 'llainge ab:.&. at- York, acoompa:n tiations betwipn t1he iRassl�au ainid disricit . in Maniltoba oid around tapendiog a few' P:resont vislttnl� ilin Hwrxitnigton'-Misla quaintainao ax ytiud bora of Mr. evenInIg to a cioq regati m. -'I vie auldielricte. last Suidai, imi edie fro Toronto,, axo. - i- �' the Japam plenip7otentitairies. I & weTie; dieleply glieve(I tot- bellvys ba, t-ble RragrbyLeelain denam.. sucibi -cieintiries as Mord-ein. Manitiou, t1hie pas.tow, Rev- MT- days di)em witlh Mr. IvIs6ri's pm-ts,.�, jjtijj�& Sd* a i*tiuned'firom vis ts _Lt TAmblyn One jiltv,b ocowred nd alt pjilies alr�6�, Pilot goadd, Grysital. City and con to R. Mo(nfty 11' Uiea:r ",of this an F Lay inight inaitiou a:nd -h" beein. pa;sba� W away ioafi, two0wieeks' Mr. a.rfd litrs. William Ivisoin and. ini iin TUba y on Usborrie
war lvmo. h willho tor tblirty to order of the t IreAlilaig is t o tion se"A yem- iVa tion. -MT. aafd Mrs. Levdii, were. otibiex 'frifids. On the, cmpletioln lot MaxY tMuTdl(& awditin, thead Delaralne and includiog, as f ax -east f�riei4ds in lAst.-Illk aelga: wel,
ast Week.. vis; a of age, 1,0 is sta t qn�o,trteTs. As, soon as t1heik 'aft Ire- Rinig fr1leinds irift'r Bea'oritili- 011 Lbeii, vist there, they w1bli, Tttuir.n to, St. Mhoms itihs we.-Miifs -El o OL
as Snowflake, the circips h �a day aToulad Met., mlow most )d 11th Vgh 81 yea:r �gtlbljn,ir w,re� lcokifrg� 'except ionally- Well. faiTmors �havinlg bheir _grain. 4n. amart inAaetive both me-ttell; Y jmd. G-rey Tow
cieivied Ohmic, w it -likely be is .�._M`iSS Ey'rle) 'ot Detnolit, Suipd-Ly With I ova New York. wihitdwr ithely will- be fol- - Bass, -of SeA, Nart1h, spent !Eave -been
-two NY Tho,ta:rme'.rs Wefe living in ifeaTmitid ift, f -i ilen d s '-fowed by'-t1bl&!9oDd Wisilkies Vf tL large; .,Mrs, Wm.,.B?,Try.-B;ru.ctelfioIAis3 'hold- PITYSIMAY.-Rev. W. J. y0get iiaz
mg, a week -Orr Vef inite. V__Te in Grtditft i A
trembling of block aet frmw)Woh rididay- in-ligelilt lasit, as X -r- 011ir"cle of -Kppan riands.-T)ile. biaw Ing its oiVII( -b-oliday -da'y, Rriday. MIT. D. Tuckeramith. A_&4.A they T�e,cleived a bad SODurgiong last au�,uday al4i'sUm; in the A" m,al. prc,,deddiogs 0sfoJiblli9h,;i iestlake was aorniing tilom. -tthla vies is nea.Tly fin-isdiield and modt air- M .
Vhe� f ar 1kist load Olt bwts fVr. is;
year. But wNle: tsbe Tied rust was fie with' the me-irs aTe, preparing, t1a lia Tuokexsmith day seir i
tnd for �Counciil�-.Tie Of 1nJk t1he nlOW R1:0Vinde15 of Albet'0111 .plentiful,.,up�-to Ilbe 717t -h inst. there is mgkir4:� gooco& heo:dwiLy with flo- ii WIR for;* 'general bus- yReWeldig Of MT. ib tihll$,.' ght, Ilitis, san, a lit fall ilict
and 8aska:tdhe*1aai will 4W place wie,rio no signs of. black tust in ainy 11"', t fuiri ye as additiou +;D -the uildbi:Xt ah: �s, In siome ntniaeictuanit - R s and cihildrez -of St. Tlibmas, :)eto1r DouigA Wa t1he sciene f an inea oca Bat blier -26th. of Wkng-. A0w Y -irth part -of t1he districit named aind� a a, I at u1n4ler, itibe, wiliteel, (aQ 4 weire, ivisiti,aS %vilitill, Mrs. Ross"clouls- per "Mr. W. H. -Bleike-r and 'familly 4,*" P bb" inte1riest event -on Wednesday of SqAs to t1lils date, we have,nt iniciticlediany ing inbo Qiietr h=dsiotraq At% so o'
Soptiembe�r the lirst sA on oat I 01 on t k P M. A 11
.Begin.& ecitive W �tmury el 1911ad' - to Tie- ins r, and Mrs. Thom,ws b1aving bui i , wivh. itlie, couladEl alt Edmiorftan and 'r over. We mr Eldex, %of -a A t -%yeek, whien his dawghlew, Miss in 6vied hall apan -eirfttv
reported. The wicator in this dis- witill, and is lao, nViv� 9xioultdal p. 't1hlat)h6'is dicilaq, t T past wek. .9 m6lseatortb. acke',ramitth, ldu'Anix the Mairlg.airo,t, 11M0jamie tiho wife of Mr. pleuiae f1tikoi6oftir- lt ly. The Gaveyneir 1144 'Othc�T; tTict haa been Witt arid showery 4ur- h neiaxly viomplietteid, and is a src MTs. John A. a -Mr.* and Mirs. Albext Tayloir f Edwatrd A. McAsib:. Thie velremony s V , uirt.-Bev. Mr.. ARcibiezon, ,tvill.14ke plaxt., ir�g most ,of t1hie,sleason anxl it.wIL11 s�t', N -and! family, of Londbin, he og:ricialtur", society. It V V111 4f Mf1otr,t;h,,' Preacilied iia, blile, Rries Ilcindan, ivisited att' tibiet. iolmle Of IM daings., Tiho ominhota� with some,, kliftictalty thie famers Ift - %Viw,s pelrzor�nled t lialt-past e)leveu Briawrilee stories and, -bk& a Wig flow,&_4 M built this, In t1ho Ptr6m ty ilan dhu)r'cjh lask SWIbbat1h. Rev. and Mrs. Gaoiigie, Taylor. el past in the iniriAng. by Rev. Thos. Dav!A- called an �i Browntlee, KA 11 wititrie 'getting filitar bay saved, es- makes it quite 10-11-ouis, Govarnmenit have appoinit164 Poin. Clrdtat�Oon, lot Criamarity, weieik.-X-r�. Gelcorge, Ualdwell, of on tbiatsda:y last Vonep won, of Varna, and- -%vbs -witnessed by bhc Atib OVY116"A present pecially, tlhp-- cult ivabed timothly Of on t(hel'samr,'pulpit ,oin I;und.a'y Ov" Twke;Tsmith' wthio Lriltends 1goinig a-ame twouty-five. nleair relatives and They, eaimx� up in am. autoradbile" 714 adE. FOeget t1h!e, le, eadth is bbui 152, e0a ab
w1hich a cionsideirb t to:t, thei ' sual . Mr. West,- Iblas d`ispos4ed of -his 50 loiov turnled bliet, same eve-ainig.-Mr. ,Goverat6ir of tle Lleut� .zimn in t1his digt'Acit. Tbe grain g nax u re f x ilonds, a being, peseaf from Ve Uride
Or tan is lan einittertabAnig ad, U.o- farm Itio Mrs. Ga.Tdon 'or itill-is viIJ19,1_J*. Browlae tidok a -load of Beechwoo&- -h. Af ter GeOT9�0 -saialkatebewan, at&d 'flon. G.� Mops n. t1he, vChicile were. igod . The� Detlriait, RI31ey, and Dmtlut 8:11. :
q Vaaelher anki ibiave a Mrs. (GuTae Yntonds ibiar fine wthe-alt to Skafolftb tbe tather day, relet sp H. ulyea w ip" n woloorme from iDwr people. -A PX16 erty 1hieve and will, Tk--sfde an, itthe tibe cieretmony a most swimptuDus NafA.-Xirs. Booth -and sang V-,. 1110P
Uommisslciinr of' bwrley at tihn datelaed. -was la p W�,eddine,.Ts diubdr Was, pairtakein of, and which ble s -old Mr. JamV, WOW'ks t1he expiking, * TeorftoxiaV ost of it wll o X.clunlg peoPle 6d to oaort!li, -after, opeod- n lUg t cotoir and m numboi lot th Tarm, 'T.IA41 w'119 be., avoire, to lbeir �yloaag icluole to�t� -the It ,tegtled- :sixty pounds to ttd340 bug]4el tu; n Pea apviernpr� 'hWVPY katics-S to IV
bpve bacin cat by this tjme, The,oats eirsmitth and, Hib'borit- inkelnd,. 1iklh19,-X'r-.iad Mrs.`Rbex, McNevift,, OjOton, . Orain Kippen to and Mr. 'Beal tie said it w& bli UX tilieft boll&y.9 i0tih the, f4oirovew, R on* -weirle, still 1grean and 1g.riolivLng ,nicely, of JGodo"rke%� 0Jro ViSitil T Mrs. obn a le tufter Ux , of ke"
�Oif t rig in t1ho ciboap brip, to Iffilci West mblim;, Xr.s. Jon. Hu,,The�.-Mm X, . I W. Eel io" 1. A
-heiat, uder the miost fa- koNevin this w1aek.-Gilboot- Dick, bilitait 1vad vtool. ith test. 0(fificials -will be swor-IT, il�ato- t1h wiltile the w ptembeir tih itr fuitire, 'blame, in Dubuct, Bask., first lad the 'kad boui^, tis year, Kervian, -of Clin-ton, Jlwa, WhO it inew offlices.by t(he Govm%oor Pi6neiraUL viorrable ,clyeum stances wUll not 'be K ippeinlit idiattle; kinig eire thiel .,graom has engaged in Nottes.-HiarveiAing i -s visiting ;Wit lh;wr nale'.5, Mr. M. vemplo
buiness. llhie'biride was cone of the West End it until m tti`ck OML t vt- the firn.e, of thei itkeiotioiry- eeTe-� relady to on ie:it. wcok.. Title i Brussels. blite,se -Idtays buying up pis atrid itihe most oplulaT, and- mcicompdabed (10W InC0 -wilh Me!r1mttor oairijito.T circip will. Tan fir.orn'twe-riy �,Iy filoshed in itthlis eigli- 13's. a -rid, W1110 was vt riobies. Ech The t,,raps- are; vfty ig6od, Week, is Teoov*Ting nicely, and-- Va. oompel..,
-a Go")�Irnle ties.-Ux. and. Mrs. Robt.Ttfildna - big igrive- o� sev�ejn cents is briiniging yiounig- ladies in this vilicinity, and &be, svpa tibir)oy, in a vame porsoa to, tdran inti tio tthiixty buhials pleir aerle, nd i - ,has a .bc,st 0i flrie to will ex- tih Te i Mr lot of 10hey to tible; Imirk PA. abafidicei of istrw-w' aind soon be berse,if again - - OnA
I.Or yeqpecitivei Braince. gTade 'big.h it no blight ovicirtakes it soS, amid. daulj-�btelr, taf nds wili It in, town, -tor ft cAulple Mr. Jahin Ba3four was with triends tend, Ohl. 10. P. Haxlgan, of KiinkoTs M* M -W Voil
Tibel t, th as fo�rmed wil Jisa v,e 8 best widliles for herfutuxe, yields, f rin.-Mr. and -Mrs. and it dims. not ge to; mac1h,wet weito vs' or O'Leay, of M&rontvoi, Sunda tor itUs w.Wk--Mrs. Mo- RobeTt Wlite. and Amos X pla s )ek.-Artthor Ta�ylor, in Exe I 'happiness. Thle Ig-Toom is a Stan[_07 ,bontiol uj -0hiere of �,,.�ays this we at MT. G. it. IRV* �-ri
pitil th gimoral oleciiclr'S.,� af te, � being ct. In e:e Ir -tilito eoloy of R. Clymont . is ViSitI1111319 '-hex L t If PAM Iadly wi4',o, ibias been irr da VSh eT counig math, emtVr-VrisLn9 and ener- intend ttakiin�g In, Orel, excumian to I T an, -_ - i�tihey -%V-111 4946 111P,; the vrp is hienvir it fls' b is expeotted at ,tth Bt. Columb to _t, lhey iJtl 8 -top Iola 11 peoted to L theiridalei & Son flor itbe.pat Itwto Mrt. G.rievie, In LaTfdon. -getici, and will be sure, o, niae a, tihe and Mrs. T#01111110 ,4ficle; it: no t'. ldged and it was not ie loift iVhis week tfoir At*lood, west. The GiVoins, of 'V ixden, Mainit-ol-m �. teal - n'val cionclext, -on Aeptpmbel-0 in
-tie, nitake Toom, fldx t1heir InTarel. 8110-! fill pnoporly and will Ihelp brIn4g Y OV� 5 utolcesms of Nags in the, L'i goea jqn. " 00 Who -respeotive w;h asition.- led on friends h5re last A con,staint t4-rinioveT
djD)v.n the avemage. Buit -witli, igod, 'pre, Nei a s, wicoredt -a p Explasitor altes wit;111- -t-h many inow K :� WV llavo a
Toilins-, her ri". Is. staft 0 -E. _SO00 esting" aind. thwesh- R. JbIblastn. of fir I obb. Mr. 'and Mrs. M fn#td to OliVeln� d "Oln Q1 making� 'TOOM will be -is niot yett &Ulni to I Y waitlhietr or liarv, Wingibarn in calls at tdtt� in1g dldly-,_ ,reinters, ' S. -Miss Iva. Camp)* wlhcibi oalvie
P. - Obloq go, ,8v-Oxe Brief spent the�, h-oli- good a, ' axe. a-Txiv ;kdrilolvm, 'but the aupolffion is that'� iag tiboine, wll bo a,tgoad tavtrage 0, D Ibior, sistior from Lcindon,,, is -06 gulet, -of Miss We' bi th4t their days may be S'att IVICIVY IhRvi 19 Quite iov,numboer of, he lAda pm- 0 aVqQ __ ainttiauio6s "in town 1daiyatwt beT llh,*ie, heire,_Tbie Itoflin I t Ito tAh*4 Soaforbh- in Saskatdheivain Mr. .W)ad!t&. Scott, I Y161d t1hiriouighoat, I this elatire. d1l.s. freg"',ewig Id and IN py tolysidem"11,11
,g _r. of Dra ia.-Mrs. Pagan, of OlevehainA, I -1 T ple vvion
-oif elgina, be Ithl IN-0taift-1 tx ilt of from 20 to 25 buisihols Po week. -Win. MOIC44101191114 ewin4to ivs taiatt. tUe "sum - -'r Mr Da1ton er van 9s.e -ate Mom. :i acire for wthleat md, X Lia(J�dcon,-was dhakin% blainAs. with his ation ii X0. , d nd f -lie Iranal On WADdalos is visiting, U'r fatthe 30 itc, 50' s' teir.-Mr. Cooper, Bayfleld. good time. but many 00t -lift aei
0141triends. in bowai t(his-weei1c. It 11% and also lber Is ohools aw ck�nod.-Miss Klly as #a X
buqhtels : far ats, Timldthty,. ,of [ton yo&Ts sliurie, tiho Mccul- of Sciatorth, was,visLiting this sisCor, RememberWe are agents for. theNew 1. Mr. Gapy, Eu -s he �nad-&,his lbow, and ,voTk Igrown been ,etagelgod �oeacihl No. .6, 03IT-oad-
License eduction'. w1h.iothi thee; is a ood deal -ra g;Dne bef aire thoy aTT1ved.-XWr. cogressiv farmeTs Mrs. Haimbly, the tibeir klay.-M - idea paper pattarns. Themoittup to date paper foot, and loomimetriped. ?hwr duties by t1he . Mi g,h, family let R 'A. nambee of Va�p6rs- air� 'avociat- � ied ()Ptev.) Heindel.rsion, iof� Bridgtn, nind patterns, milt always satlefactory, and onlyloo, Ds;t - pr Ciollio doig., Kaplan . d Call and get a f ree fashlon shoot and see the new -bhis FTUn.k Dougibet, of ADhievzo, cia-V last -0teelk. It s a J' adsbo was being J�l week, itibe clause of whio'lit 49.. a Mrs. White ;av, b-ean v1sifilng Mrs. falletyles. F. A. Edwarls. RayttAd. 1997-L ough" sent irund�j in Blyidi the Mr. D. Xlerrixan, ot Milwaukee, -D. D -A G!,
in fiiith�Br (rduciticin, cit the d c1nop, and: stol ar s fuilly as lal John Livinigstjoin.-The Misses Vl- a visit 'to fri ads ',hege, tUs gloi; The Fall Fair.-Zho, prize, Ksts for iguest Si hr A&elT, rs. C. 03onett. on
-nuirriber of liqUar, tlimazes 116 it lie pin6fitable as, w1hioat alad Moore, eas- mk texj.-Russiel Brown. is 'J"OtInC lifil r�r a rief iholiday.- poind were, the guests of tbeir Vous- our fall tair thaVie, -just b4ea issuied. -Mr. 'Josepil T�awnsodd visited and. wre lvookia�x ,walli. ily;,saved. ' 'a. 4n Toronti rovince and vom-e, P_vea fore in, Miss Werslakle.-Tihio Misses Cbtfr- -P On t1he miin liniN of Itihiet C' P. R. Ww's Ift. Maclacy, .6f Woybmr�L, X.,W. The dates lot the t�hwv am Thursday friendis, i an if-cor- bho aot tew ftee on A
J�& ion adlonig thiis litne at t' -s ation, ihve, -&Y40 40 wilith fricind tice-, lot F ul I eon ipetnd- and Friday, �Scptembvr 28th and weeks. Mwr. a MTs. Zotsiath W, ilifte, T. welc;amie; visLtolr triorn Winnipeg- t,6 Brandon, inedud I n1g a. few days with *their gint,Mrs. ,ne,_xt ise,.:mion of the Oria:Tlio, Ueglsla- ing, t1h " D,Imssels.�._A barge plabel Wass and 29bh In addition, -,to tille large- and fainily, wl litave,binin hvrie 6,r HiRs Green. -tiagle. 'd ippel. P(of 6a—rbewy P I ans, -eir - Oha -Mr. airfd Mrs. Bo,Ub, of
Ther,p' is crtiainly vor� W In xegplar iist of prmiums a nu.nYbor some miantbe, ir-oturii to thCiT borne It -are. the rp is somWvat ligbber and ladlow L itibe friolat Olt R.Leia th Mrlin:gAcird, ' were , zalldg reicently Not". -Miss Miqnio Beld, of $a,* arliew t1bian in souithe,rin daf� & Son!s. furinitUM) Is-bDP; was of Bpeeials am being offered, and in Nesbit, 4-mriltdoa, at on QaiNy a�;
lstxong fe4alid.tiowiards prolibeir re- an Mrs. F. D. Ha�t0JhiS'ant._M1r. *Fraink St. Paul, di
Last Week Ibnoold *at ,of' ItIin o4its Tus0a-y -eivielning 'by a, a tortih. -who, has balan eii�ja -as
b'.r,6,'ke!a -an a special attme;t1ion. there, will be dalte. lstTicitiori in 'the IlIquoir trialitiz, ttnd Gkoitiag- -%viais )here sei6inig his frilands sistimat tea-ohdr in ftfel, ZuTieh, pub and barley -%vim& in stlook' and Tulare Stoe lglanog and' VtUng ilt.-T. est aoniti3it. One he Whitny GoverncWt aTo Oals Nei,Viiomie bs had Vbel'old house " last week.—Mrs. SellIery, Of fair,. -%N1hildh is aDways good tone, i lio school, . visited at MT. GhaTles was beinig coit m- all sides; araes flortil, is visitfin bordla-uigVT, Mrs. -led --tho liceasia!g - system. Iv(Duld aveTg�e, robably from. 30 liis.y�alr promises to e, better than turich. Stoloks Saltu-irttlay en�:route for Zur-4 Wife �Lnd
Tle4 t"i cicianetr f. Kimig arid P Sadlew.-Mir. Gear -go Chatie. of to 50 usilijels peir -actrie. A few sUltibs mov,dd, back arid p rppar1,a t icons d & t1lile, dimotors will do j.attia, iottLv,,_--Miss Agle Andoysom, f seems an gs._ F, Cresswi6l, ,the -AaaUcral, trend al evUats. In M4,,"de for erect -nig a itnet tried brick Lonon, is ili-olidintying -at itilic, bw�mto iblileir pamt it all Temains' -NNIthi the 1e1r, lb�`T- brlia is visditiog at Mr. John 104064- atelbes f wilitea -etre out on the , . t -r '* a i�Orme te�nlh -xanie's a:nd other f4onds.-31r. U. to, be, ow*W-rds a r6ducitiou of tbo� pk t of Mr.,D. McDoLvgah.-Mr. a4d Mrs. or IN: inth ited with Doirbage Plains and ItIbis iviciek, we- Xe-41denae, fin its Vlaim- * T -he Old- 'r. weabblew. hiooL was jcallio;g on Thyllcr 'had Iis ama raised on Non number of licens-lils issued. Un 'I be)� useidl last a stable.- P. Rooney spent Suindiay ivldh M PrIefs. _'Tih, Misses Cliapma, of e4r I n uir Smit, ,of 3
fanay, uibaat cuittnig, will be Igpinoral h ' "sle wl 11 u, " . P. Hlatmilban.-Mr. Jame�s Hairnliboon L)andlon, q 6za de, yra Cy a I - d f x i eA dNs, lalh, - o1ast'we6k. Mr- and day. -Mr. Wm. Jarmott, ow ve -r- Xr. ir ,doebitedly ,a subsbarttial dcrease in. tihia distriest, althlaugh them s Hetbe'rt C' nininigiliam Nv..asi lhM3 -rip -t �r�n
Mrs. Cre 11. are, visitin Mrs, a jbireabla, bas p.0 h 4�1 Strhtiflord 16r a ifew 4ys this -paid a [business t Ila St. Marys and tat uI an the bie-mill a f ew , tric, a a ne Could be, made, in tle, majo,rity of still a Igiocid deal itiliat wilft oat be fir, _ fibe, da!y.-Mrs.,F. D. Hutchisn ry p Gvessire11-dr's 1, rents, 31:r and Mrg. C4 se, s eparatar. *lWs mazibiale is 109" fit Vor several a� s yelt. 'The, eads weio�.-About lt*eve o"611(ock -On' eveilngs ago -whit was muc&- on- auglas, of §tanley, at lyxv_5ent.� of tihe at and !UP 0 ed y cases aad tho anfis at ItUtrvol- aind c1hildron have -r6tuirinjed home .iest Mo. t 1-� . j7 v 9, de- Wolfe,-4tibi A X-oved, ,a.re -welli fillied and t1he, 1griin VIump Suiq'day -- Fr-alnoi no joyed by kq large numbeir of ,guests thie
ling ubtlo-,prape�rly attiend-e-ii to from their 'visit to HamIlltn.-Miss Mr. Wm. .Bon4.v,r Vi6v ed in -to ihis f �el, with I I 4 s belein. iew T,�jsidetcle )boast w,tZfk. It, is,q6ite by larid brigibit and 41blionigob, in m-amy died. Decle4s-ed iviho -%vas -,%me -Of t1lie. su-mimr visi,torts gave r 11" being eintizaly Made f st( (kna4a
the xemaining Dne5. '] I age, iad ib;elari (Elailing for Annie Oa!rnaiclhel. wilib -lira a most expellont rgusical and liter- - self fosdor a�dd wind sta-eiker attaeb- n- I placies; t1hi ion it. hie nouirld it siVoul d 82 an a -.r,s at -failed to
visiting "Cur, t(he pa,st tw moint-his (at ioldition 'to that VaIrt of the vil meas,. XT. larxott will lavle, no cea of pliaoes where W'redUOtiOin in �avorvge f-PO(Ya-.4, to 20 bushn.ts k),ex -so,& time, -s,6 -Vb,,,tt' deatth,wilits, niDt ary emteirt itrimeint in tille- tDwn bell lendex, rY
R Oxpected. -Mrp' :De, Wolfe was -a irv" Catrinianeii?s lxge.-Mr. Cilloaxits Sh`ae�nako`r, Of thng but the best, which his t, the numbor of licenses hag Nen 'acire. -West fli Brandon and from f far the I-enelfit of the-Metbiodist I PaxkbAll, a. f�m-qr reildent oti otvr xms Vighly apprWuite- U - pa' - or dftlain!9;
1has xetairned -to -heir homia in, Loa- 1111'a -de, hoav-e1er, leads. us to believe �0111at to Moiosejaw, 1 in-candiinig -tthip. f Ine, (Ws I 111te:nIt - .Br Sabbabli: obloal, the pirioue,e(ds of _vitia4e, is II �Ivfith rhumalo (ever. 1XS . Campbell and Miss h �bei�orlel movLnlg tiol loit, 22, 'd) -=.-Miss Belik o $24. Mr. J. xWn tw outfits for the x1e:Maiuder m, thad wc
that it -will e, neoessaTy -to amend f f wh I 01 amounted b t
,�raip ig ea -Mr. wnd Mr'. Ed. Sipple. Xiavv, e- of - t[hie on V (.rtftly
ro-wing itwi t�l 'L I the 4tth I In- r s. Thiel Ifwn - Alma, MdLaudbLin wre Uto :_giuedt.9 of AoraffyW Love -S
the irules gaeraing the accomoda- Iginia, tobe criops a heiavier ot, of molt MAitland,'A Dettroi,t, whia witth litis
Miss Hey!boln.-Mi"_ Hazel Dro:ket is turned thleir home in. Pontiaic,,, f lao We,,sidenco 'Iji neAsling coraple 'The Telne
n t -tion afforded bp livens -ed houses. In !sa fix advanced. !T(thleire, werie some on. Tuesday aftr- Wife, son M6d dauglh-ter' have boe, MirAlilgam, aftdr a pletasant vigit to t�on T. -will have one *f be valzdl Vocok ing TiTdic. in Cron- v M- LO JuipposeA it
-no vvere ple�ts- f 1 net riesidenzes hu Me ilewity wbp .the torwn of GaR, sucth a -reAuotiori loats a:nd - batrley 6tult hoist eek 'cut �0,, inteamerd bje isitin ,fribends hf. Strati-flo-rd.-Miss su-mmprin!g in the. cledar's -f rivAds ,ad wol here.-ibe sym- ve
w1as irt", miosit! Eva Campboll., -airyd MT. Jseph Mil- intly made), and t1let lack of of it %�ould infoit beirOady brq;�'k camete;ry.. lo�r, f Wallboin, spent- a "'Row 'days antly s rised at their cwttaj pattliv, of all 11s extended o Miamd clomleted.-MessT& W. Hzarth_ prop r 1 gtablr, acidomm�Ddabisoin ihhs few iev.eniT g V neut Iflor at 4easit bein '4'ays. Tihie, 6rop is s agoo. Mr. 'Maitland L Mrs. Nonib Sal�,ais in tba, kl;eath of W. E. Po ot, the 10MIG f Mr. Gobie Jarrott and Miss A. Qoineftt beein keenly felt. In this case he Wood and in, som !cias-es� ioxcoptiloinal- an flelcomp ished- pia the .Amer1c.
. , EXeter. Butsoni.-MiRs Bar1r, -of Algoma, is ist, gund old W.)y, whirh bae xesumed tblei'r duties as, teoich- proprietors of be, bloit-els, wthase lly so. We saw s0teiral lrg fields uotipetrin:g wtili. hils gifts :f1or thp- I -an Miiiursda of 14st iv, licemses w -em. out oft. -closed- -their� oats lyit.hin j a, radius Ot ten -Nij�tes._Tthlel cioginci, [has a�tfeTed it visitinig, iher 1gran-amiatibr. .s. plmsu�re, f te) young peopie. L -n oaeurre,d elek tors in . twix Tespeotive S*bools, Wiorrdein. Seen in t4he Mr. A*rno Stelp,4k vieite& �rietads OW191 entleman a mp for ba-rns aa wv(lll, and to ma:ko- Arniles of B�giina w1hicibi w4fl.-certaiin- Zrlew40'wd o $25 for informlilltio:n blialt tle, ,,pavilpa. Pxevioiu to his 4e- Nad 'he this county t, Ple2s"TO Of t&P, 14t.h CAD110t,�Ssion the deficiency bhe municipialky talks 11 y , vave.rage, from 1 60 to 75 buAdl�s I R(ead. ta We conviOUG;n ;of -the' Usborne. partuire U120, me-inbws of Camps "Go -r- metting Mr. F. Stel formeTly in bei recent at opening sAlables for theacummo- pex aciria and slame; bioudd )go 111'010P, Palfles contion" and " Wevm- Done Filli.n," p-riampal ot -the Z icib iub�h� schodl �'fttim of Idie, Awrinrs. 'This P1 Rifnaiway.--While ini Exteiter. 16aa oused efir. Maittand from his who"..*. an hian this, but tilillis, arel exception- ih64e. bTleaking aV.d p;ettt;y thievilug. cat Regirift, farbotalt Aays aigo. Xr. MitoheR. work satisfaotv;rily i Galt, �l rid. tlhvrp- wriel ('blietTs anucibi thin- -%e. traitie, otf taxation this �yaalr 1wUI da trelftntli, Mr. Samual OuAmore, slumbers 02 an boux one Stol�ck, _%iho � !h!ad sPie] f. e X. I mey t ve a. but we -t.hink it1her-e woiuld be some �ner *bticilit will, `bT1hlg d1owTr it'hie, lgcjnm be 4 Nvele mills Da..'blito doillIAV.-Tilie lowa- of , ithe 5tb] cioncosion. bad en tcilt- and five a. m., and aitteT e. vtocal 3 spleinig out Ch& laod * in, the Killed in a ThTiesilie'r.-About 10040 I h a x trouble. in makini the phin univer�sal o:ral veia,,ge. 0 ,hd-a Tivon) *q�p �n se;roriad-o pFesented 'him, w1b Jx> ir�lull fiairminig balls :c ilao decided it -01 su-bmiit a by-law Ing frunaiway. HV Q,11owt Wrt, -v -as on. (his way igIst last xiday while- tihresh4M' ON*.1, U
'h a4mrs. as .* 9, mo±k of flom FAlmat4c n. of and the dift4vlity lcould be �n Uamiticib oind �bo Te-Tiriforges tas Va 17be, waitppayleirs Drovidin, toir t�ha froint 6f MT. E. J. - Spaakinanis. s bore of Htavan V was goag M ]at Vhe kxxa of �Gwj-, Aaaes P". Ov , ag of $18 most- favrably suTe. The camps name(I thlose, houses in OntaTilollonilyjt!oa bes-ex- Tlalq� 000 itor eleotwic i4bt lito Mi *atioriof lills serviastoir
or 'by �requirin, adA wilile ittlitei .1 Ts:ei wals sit"dii, 111" appr he bad visittedmi Lanvxienca, on the Logan iriwd jutt
gri4intied a licen t6 increase t-beir te4nit. Tlhie, wiliat I is, muctli be-avior purboses.-At , ;tdie uoitlag�.. tou:rna, theria itti bTidlei 'became caLVWbJt on tihei PIC imlitessie,d. wit1h Edmonton, ad the north- of film tuo Ift "Uti
wmaimrap,dation tor both, iman jcnd Inj tjbje Tiew'ribor oba, me in Loadicin last, we,eik, �Ur. Ed. the baic , � parb loif a wlagioq. tho-likirge, iveire.most y qoyapose-A of Godetrich Lois 31(1;;� Ift IN
-'c,6iuntiy, wad -was " aboaf 20 ot age,, and a M-A-sm, 1befast to such, wri extent to, mhke it is also l(aite,16. Thleire; bas been Vp favou'ably impressed witill t9m- ttLbire by rade, was Arkwu Wio 14e; bv
.1 Wle rn�;io a 1good siblowing. He a Jaxig�. pmvi&fa nimol. m,-tAV tL people. -M 0. �Spe,nser, of Detroit, the Aefioiency Pal-cused by the re- lelS rain t1h1eire, ,.�n'd a-Albiough the gmwinig ind. pxo- cAhinle ,and inst=tly likilited. Me W-VIAl "UP wo& -soc)Dnd p:t I zie, In. th-et se oand r�am - jump lamil wit�h- Mr. Cudmioire i Uile an bld Ba fleldite. and son, Wk%liter, plospecits of Of is, so flileaVy an, tilifelgerouivC pt�,ftion.-Mr. "J. Wthite,, IgTos. in licen", pr6viIded, -wilito, has (rig i4taxted. down stree-t at q Uro&,k -are blete. f. Iklaction f r 1holiday.-Mrg-play-nas s1vto t;5wni Chat htL inv--sted In- feeding Pews at thie, tione. Nei ,course, U�at the non-lictrise, places reT.y li ll�dged,. With eeo�.m resident of Detroit for a 'necik Isiptleldil - In tihis perilouig positifflan Of BT ntt d daulgMer of Mr. olh-n I
bJJ8,L Some PTO y;t1fileire. Amn other -was a Son of Ludwig Milfr, nvw per me. -She; came. up on Old Ff .V,105e Dot b rates �ntintiovus 4,ry, wiaTm wea Mi -nu*U,-,r of ea,rp. is makirrg -prepmru- Mr. C actraore iha-d ntc�t4lnlg. io, do, bu F ve�jt u s tentirely. Olt: ss L tles� ZI am by )Xr. Just nbrUb of Chia. town. Thle, Y01109- But while the idiftioulity coul(I be toa-re %biould b6 Tvikord ield of Uorij d igit -in the trig and twaft,m3utts. -hear ing IDI dea-t1i of lil,x Vrlotbie.r. Stelok on Eis rnvpIB was'Mr. iWm. man waa zot engagod -at andltj MOC4LIlmm, *f Cow- Logan, forme y - ot Stanley, metar but 4bad just been Tiding r -RSC )gottoe,n ovet in -tibis way, t lays a n friarn 30 to 40 -bus! Is per acir.e. Tbe ihas eceived heTle of rUble deatb On bTute -Mrs. t iss fiadditional iw-onsilillity on- iflite, pu'" Ihimv! or is be) and; ftelre aTe lot in a e gost lbe, muinse with Der 100 lb
D- orpip, fr�. Jas. E�aiilria, a wwkmam. made ia -turn east, lad alatkienig ar 3 GT4,, le n. MT. Logan bas a 1his birf cle. I 1wated).
- 4. parUcul-ti:rly on toseLW)108`c Xn�IaA.Y, (JaM.g -,r 'Har - N. 'W,. T.. a toxiiier wieill-k"wrt wnd 15peldd igaiv Mr. Oudin,dre a'-cillance Rev. and ab. -Miss Edda lic, an e s t tio� survive. Wool t,
itc V1, in vrit-biTilies ad In- muo"ib, (repeced Teiderib of Step- fic, ouimp ivih4ch the, did and 'luckily Kenn, of mrwranoe, se*ntimiez�,-ts ae x"pansi- lesting i aMeStIDUlln, N, Y,,..iS 'ble toir the It an. -increase 4eed any plaluel iC of RTandold will Ex-etcT,,. ivko died Julv 29tih, esetaipsed witihiDift. a scroitc,,h, The fguest -of iss Etbet Miarks..-Misa kidiey horse. twas vaWgIt! 15orn distance in Susie, Par is ome, from ,etr, is iderminaed in ith aacomiraddatin ttiltt be general unl6h,mext week. Last atteii, a sihowt, Uniess from I 'ITT
TORO- 0 for a visi -W. Cameron Is, tiere, I n-ffmded, arrd as iis also advoca *le-ek ttlita S� for -ime loie te, add,(�,stomaoht tioUble. Mrs. Harxis SPORT! ted, the jeountvy very ttle the worse Te; b u; Iin- tth-el Ucense the Alex.
CillopS ev. i Tea [0 in Mani - tho very -elo.Tlilest adt- for. Its e,spapidip- _g!gy also visiting at, 118, f a TS f 40to ry. the hatel ke�-&r must in some wmaisure and, by hex kind- esoaod witthairt, muc;b; idwml;k.e. mle�xlon_ a. Har.T Yodng,dwigh- and prices for thle i coba iadd- 'Itihe Teirritd�ries tieYi' of -the vreBi� be recouped for -the dditilpiii ex- Trilb'st pxornigig R ? e.very day That decds, phirt-iclu1arly Ito tihe Alcoldeats.-Mr. Mabt, w Roatley, teir Eggl please Iva is pat to. And Ithe tem- T).osses � safely gene Uhlb .,un;gers. I de."ion, had- Itho miis� f nom a pl sant isit itib rerift ot. exT lerie, -have; be, iv I lbail. Al io �ndeared -herself to evefy 1)ewson foTtu-ne Itict ihave- Wis. IV on �te_ in OWnwa. Mrs. Redmond, lilaug-h- povance peopId can, to, a rea lb r ok -7
a t� Teirribar- -rel 'day fteceistly. tew of Mr. Georgef Park is iaTeon
b th in Mark iwi'b Ind I i, lbaltl filie, au of her lact.. Fsi� W. -'%JOODS# riew4komie'ra in fibel rie- povilbee, of Itible, 10t;h ton tent. TK-movo the itemptation on, (the � pl .Pwrt of: the- flTcitl kee.-per to, "break k , b Lit these blav qual4ittinee. Mrs.* Haris viAted -Mr. Rdbtrt Can,.n, lof. the '6th a visit A m' Marlette.' in order -to malce kmds meet. m. "Ehre, 'h Mr al)ionald,- of Patmei-rstoa. 41eein, individual mio,4�. icif hor old trV_-a g btem, oi voince-sailolia, waig the Ticti4i bf aln nc� F is leg broken is ftayilyg -he
Apart from the acconomod,,Ltion re- 4ses of sevry 1, lit ItIhiese Fossea feww' Yor, and, her death will lesident on Mcs6&v q lasb. we'ek, in w1ho had quired by at,, law, ithe hotel keepe"r will. inot be ap Aly 64V ion t1hic'- be I rV44,witth deep ilegret, by *,barn. ounsequienve -of whI61i Ohii-_ how lies witb- his otheT, Mr. Dan X*Don- crosses, Footba- I Is, Base Balls.. movi-do-9 Nva -ter, t ditastler l9ellENTal Teisult. 11 M V_.� W. Tom,, Of TiOilledlot,, Ohio, in a very pr(octaTicius itc,ciridit(hoini with ald.-Mrs. John McLeod has -gane 'hoples for %.is treclovery. to lluiri�tsj lie to -wait on ffior ihivq-
anil other we l�,W moticto Ch'' 'h' thl " papeIrs a 1%vals-!Ihere ireconti, but ilitit'le 1 ro 4g, i �i y rr a visit- tio, 1has ar,6 veiy often taken. advem- ,-Teat uitory for lultowicirkme.n. epits.-DT. Rol4ins has disposed of Mr. OamT ihad belan, woring in th. 'band, willio.1 ill C AJE last ar, Expregs Wa ons, GossC by think 'Pax plothV - g ads, Bc-j of without prper remnnowa- Ontario; this tne&cial practisei fliet'rie, Itta Dr. -A. abosr iia tho barn aind. during it -be crolints he. IV' 0 much imprqvd. r
wioaJd be NwAIN; r I commenced , U01i. HOW of ten d-01 J%v 9M p4drsons biboys land! iqini tk) itak Uhiss -F. Dr.1 Rollinv 1has,lboien abserim f his Nad and a man —Xr� W. 111impon 11Q.3 CarriisX7. Hammocks, &cl. itaking. of Ith,& abed -room ale.piarts wifth, ciamiHielrablie, eautinin. ibiefre jfvri 'tweVt ly,etixs, road Jfo were alipemakingi in Mr. -Wm. Whiddon's i. I -_ -1 1"t0ek,171 of the, 'hoibel. it'he -water provi&d for is -no -dmbt t t many nihd 11has enjoyed ti a:vg-o and wO(r k1 nig iLn the if iold, -in som o ananner shop jLus i supplyiin a much febt ------- r—oholi
T"O' - . :1 I M his licirm nd Kvven the --ht-_,Tt forbis i7n:,6n -will I)e ne, �"rd "tEa thsarvevt tivo!, vralcitise. Owin!g Itic, 411 lh,6wTth tpi f1riorn -the imorw Vo tihe barn floor 'w!Xnt.—Mr. Z. Calliaday and wife of S own oomfort withio-ift leavin' ome Soecid Bargams in Ladies' Leather Be -11b 9 one Min Map, bmt- tiller is, a igroat 'deal 'he 1'Ptena's Ito 'from :t)bia av- abciut �sovii6a teet, below. T!be- fall Chiciaipo aT liaTe vNitling Mr. Cal- teat far remuneration. All thiese f ext-,ra oady on dbe, tival�duttiles of 1his profeissiida -fiNr a :rendeYqd bim. unioaasoius nind in this loday's. nis -, Mxs. ,Cowie.— Mr. Hiind,`Bags "ust now. thinga thotet keeper mon4,y. Mn y - f a eirs ibiave, noaa, - timel ab -Samael Salinderg, conditin juintil tho *Che -men Air. t1h ur Pie and wibe,,,ot Ctevol!nd-, They re provided tor the, ctclnv,�I- 1,Y, n1l. the licidip tb. irequire. With MIR��EMM'a, d. TetuTmA it._q Uh4l IyaTn. Ire was at Te here visivag M.rs. Pook's mother 1(ght iencle of thD 1public, -then -vvliy should tifileir at f and ioirf vt �10f Wingh0l7i, kITC here vialbin rvornvoll to ali-,% bkxmo a.ud med- and obhor I friends.—Saui Mow* filld ra
say, i. '9 - 0 they tY(xt be paid f ar? The. oxpe a E a beiind or two the will? ibf�, ablo t Tie v;elq ftl bor sa-mmorned, but his icondilition ans beon 6�Lvg quite mi rueteinsive 0 lb wile the individual would not be, hepa'vy, ;�<it t(hi-rowigh li.x�VCN' and th-re.,6iing =9,1 Ann Sainde-Irs, wiho has, lbeein. SGU . , is very critical.' It! t ibis votal buslaoss. 11-e� )has drispsed of as are quo
-1d frililids. Tieir mot icat imid ON, A I Ix but in the- nggregaito it would nian vc�y eninfortfl Tin, l!bivT caes therwfoir Tpontis, wili:`Jrebu�rn spine. is badly, -injuirted, and, lbeling a iwis car loa�ls aind expeots, the; ttibird to 23a STORE. notasidera,ble, to the ibbtiel man, and inore wilVlm Irequb. But 'Uhiero :t,Or' t'�a W061b NVU411 them.—Mr. Fr-dd very old Inian, '.his reoover'y is vey car t1his wo rolls, 8,)04 �k at, Bucieield.—Miss DRUGt BOOK AND FANOYF6 GOOD arge do is �' not imcth a ide, rt5 of Iaborr s, Jeakill rrived Od o11Lciadxm, is vLAtU47 Jher rala. on a visit Mom- Aoubtfut. St,�.ariige 'It -o say hbout it Stuart, 17 to 180 away with, Ue laiecesf4fy of h4s- Idie- e wouJd be J(eA - '-a suppose from �ni*t from 'Albuquierqu%. Now h' Thom-aq. met 1t1h. sis ter . "Mmsi- Dr. Stanbary.—James SEAFORI!A�' ONTAIEL yeutr 11190F 1 IS "A Te mwspp* 111'" �,Mt x it a Donaldacm, Ilaini wife of Thes&alan,� pending so madh ion tble trade of 4115 Uel i rf s. Of co' fl -co, Mr.Jeckotl durimg bho past a- sitnUttr aUdent by- fa111in oL I4.
t hie !4ar, and 1by the vxeroolft or a 01111,P110i
Littli& ithouightfln-eas in fthis Way,
T W:
-T F
hoes t .0 con nue th ro -4 Uri&
do some uncistentat'llauO teghptrancO 6
M , ,
Septe: be.
10 11
15 i 16
IT, 18
C ;
22 003'
24 26
29 30
z"31 ......
of thle Impaltaltion
4 A AN new to o
not r w oslt witi), the Idea Matthey and (Kris. Bass Iflotriiierly Tesided in
Magi fr4eiddis, h Walltdla'aAd vicin-
To thos e who, ar In ilead 6f
A JUMAS whether It be an. w6inan or child. Wo AV.,16
i31J_UJF y y V As ".4 V L- . . 1 )I �, lanic ain Packet a for- Iy, - 6a s re t L&tz to -his blame, in 95LIppers, UNO 60 Or —V spend monqy over� ithle .,bair- , MalnY 01111 01" v`o -a p. or our stock and prices will save you money. vVe have still is fairzly
le.—Wei con ent a look OV IWIR
NEW-ADVERTISEM�NTS filln Allbrr olni-; rLat(hing.. Tbey wUl Prairle P.-rovo I& plea -Bed' I fid socrifiele, in ,stoji;*, i1t;
of tbeir pait'rons Would priefew to tune order to accommodate new Fall arrivalv. Thg o�l I irieport Villt Alex. Ga':,rdinelr,-w;ho riumber of line to 5 F to Ircork a add deal tbordeir ptuy-, a3id the wifoirity of pe 4-pl'o axe linoo are not 01 Nto6k, buv all this 681IOn"A make, and at tft prices mintiewd 00J
e, and will ot get Notes. -The, hazvest! is X-01`91re,9- ihas been gelri usly ire-w-96aabl-0 evoulgh to isice *that these tlhk a nd woUb. i6ne, v r jag. '�A are zertainly g at value inVed Uirout,
buts, denotes the. Page of the p*P609 .Vbl0h -whle t 1101r sing fay.or-afbly a a 0 e
-allyertleement-wUlbs found ,the. thbtel keeper- on , KV Xce. of. jiqba eitheir Verts and 3E
'It;f-up $7 1wi Olt Tbin )aDl-. fXOM PinS a4V' e 75e, for 503 a pa!r. 0 11 n, 126 as clomfoirta- bheir,- -�v' on bT1 oveir.-, .1 ;?,bem %hp, bas, beeta. ran ri, sizes 5 ta 7 regularric and I t is lbuit naiturall thlA if e ciain- " P *at, - Childreti?s Strop Sup i e Ver y I
& 8 oni axe -ibt, ,t taka sizes 11 to 2, r to Detroit -g ble as tibey. igiel t horne aobn,g gpood ,wiork ih-6 past Montt legularpri.,te $1.10, for 75a a pair. _F 'not mlk, them sielf susitain!kig he Idea speodiing ti Mi"Bes' Strap . ip er -WoTt-ed out
p Od Boots, sizes 11 to 2, regi Tialdo Clixtaces mut makie up lite, diftflor6h,mlin solme A )Ire si claboos is not a 4al with tlielx new Itralcition, U -P his .,rgfulla smViciet .M. u UisseW Chocolate V alar price $2, forS1.50 a pair. cpijag� the qviintei -%vioelk, bat reitafrialidd to Pine ads are Summer Williri' & Rain at ho way, nd ithalt Nr,,vy is gen- ati 0ificie,., ib�st moth cid f kete of this Ladies' Fine Kid Lovo Shools,, all sizag,,at a special pride of $1 a pair. summe.r- Sale- ,I Id be a River on. Mo day, w1hir 6 -lie w. il I W. Picikar4 &I Slo#ri-5 I - in Vr6pCl shfave wou b too OAPOAA t a special price of $1.75 pair, A(hie, Iba-, It 'is lbelro, � I __ ____ � i good subjecit ton ideb!'et by ftib,- St. jrmi -*06k.-M. - Ladies' Fine Kid Lac d Boots, pstaid ff
-Gxel- & stei'vViaTt-1 n f or an tihier 50, for $2 a pair, used 10 th Toost money- M - -5, 1 tompoxnclo pacqi1e, can twork. . Pay Chiselhurst. [eniio Dongols Kid oed Boots, reg s,& TMn,sfdi.-J,i Wlelber f ar, I es. -Mr. MUU1d9Dn SaW Cc,lumba�a lortqrs,-The MoKiloq)p �io Boir.ry eint, ritaimed a lalr`14e n;:iii - 3W and c you, ige'd and 'rebiiervie; ithe Ih000latem. oil ka,a Mr. ,Plgoio, ig frieInds at ."i "virit.h. B 9 Value' o"110 'a ta Farm 'fot Sle-J. ber of 11110r,YD lba of scome of its latnipg oeldes- tih,im, or,osslnig his ffield onte dWy. ihadt 00In tratdr, aire becoming In -a day poxty con edneMa-y of
land wibeln ble! ovart a xnos, Oir bf.TICR Bible Voisit-11 it k it the su"It ove.-t jt,h-� drain )Yet i1i'as undler tJr1,.s we-ok,_ T11 and, X(r.s;' john Rrize Buititier-G. E. M1119 -B t it -wms,6_p,cir-cupbn;;o. en, saw-LI't 001013 t1hh The k f er, oontxalot.-Te, , lqidehts , -of -the 8 rillio loavel this Week N, a 0-0; Par SoJe-.1on W,hite,-5 m Be W1 LIS & SON, SeaforW Crops in- the West,. ves, in AT=- for Hill -5 . 4 Norfhie:�st at McKillopp wllk tot teed visLt, Uft, -.Tet, stic and lstulriple4 it wria cauqui -it a S &ter Shoe for men, and the Quality and llusinesa As the piep01tpla Otiltairio, seem to be, I geting up, a picic hJho lada'fu- itoba add! I Ible Toexxiborim. wo- sole agents for th iewbibilititalft. KUJM- i thoes for.. women., W. 134, f openinig it hie wisih. thm a leassat and- teinjoyabliet almost as mucihl inJtewiested� in the to raise, ifodds or M,til M. Bald. b ext i, 'e �4aily itto siele, it. It rad � to [the, jfNig sit'ation bt the C. trip. -Tie, htan'!hoading factory, artaps in Manitioba. and Vito, Noirth-, tcounibry. air: "bird'! lin r, n thie. 1�v noxi,)11 Luxury J. F. Daly -5 P_ R..-Misses"Mary and Katio Ste;r- whicli., hlas� cein aialdargaiiktig ineelas - .-M-Tal. splendid fa, m
wleSt 4 as ItIbely &TO in, the, CJ1J()1Xj iin. _M,I. ob InSo-n W&S tibe. ��Velek, a -re iQ)Iumbaln aigleith.are, irlettiwamd ,to Gbiovne atteT sar3 ufrinb paist in, aw, tait airs H. Dretimmila, family )b11ve, to- Moose JAw. and -has a. sp%mdid rl�vp -,-Co r� ILI Olt! this. broitibex-i -Oi I st, irds fun it is agaLn Yun inig, fu I bla
t1heir! town Pr�ovin4w,, a fe wo I - a, leasant. visit, Ito f riedds. hft- -Rev. talis yettT., and Is growir xrmh. wit liam, B usin Ail. Graig, -an. otu:rined filop3lel & blietm. from: pesonial bb - I -Our vettran 1threiatheirs, Ptsh &on, �howe_vgr, Fluxns-U. wre leallied pon -to atteind thlei ftne�al K,oeihler r-nd Devnis ,have eacih.,,pux- MON4241 exll aged- pulpits W.J. OT-
rucefleld. t,,he misfortunr -o lose, )axqT_ Egmlondvi:110- last by, Add -tw�
selrvation�raay-Ue of iniberest,more of ive. ineowl 4018:Uves, in, 'a few. Rev. MT. aha wl Floux-A Sorutn-8 atibleir -died r -biased a nqw sepamtd�r.-Tho new -at t Satuirday m,o*in:3 unda ton, is ly A-11 this &op tbas -11-tson, iby L! I 11, espectiall as tthlo -tiellagwagbic. de- m oi ,this. Mir. Robilrisoin's, t y ]�T m ;.. -,ray t.0 &Ilth� T111, the g s' on 1 Romernber-F, A. bige are neawing itcym -or , -of lher,lstan, H. Little— X7" Stelck wo' -w Yowrls,; OUT -liftle biirc1h wleldcvs set 'O� - -a in lCider Milt -J. spatolies published from day to abp Ot Ne te i 'The, tax collivotor. wi*,11 soon be j..&Tt(h itD, -be fea4y to, on t heir Tom BrAnldion i. viit�nq- st 33 , S 'til eJ - ein Manitoba, w1her fro bxtfit day in the daily papors, ore, rat didd bouit IV In par, uncoles, -- & t -t I ag 4t�n ME fiarm". s6hools * on 06d U-Iy Amonig the 4=m._J. PatltoJ�Won, of WrOxOt and aflb,-- Fall Glaod,' Mol k itippeiirdh tinae; ibis own wife., died labotil 841, I rs are, "joicil#19 : ,at the price of muscile. in-,tbe .;.i.rvetit field. tyJ11 pent ': on t by Interested fathcT4n-Ulw, is yo Queen, of Belmore qnsritly b11ieJ�i,,V,0t1b f May; his welve cit a frmer Baytieditel- Ives, lhore 1".t fid hiet,good wif-0 for it' win:�er. Nvith Godex ��'j prt !vs and a, 'more or less ciolitolred diei� sifilor a, f teir, my a ecitille'. liorses, a Aikeidimetad, lot Blaevabei, Neil ,come amd in, Taking, eir_E -Selbloot tre.0pogied Win, M0111- 1111119, L fbilgjpralcea f or, Ib nitter nn D. 11tss, f RrusAels, and G -raw C. Intention Of Xle.f V . 111.1w co 04 0 nit cartiain interests. r s few orn ithis vicintlitly ptir-_ P'_id S- zlomiarg a in the withl Miss Waggiba alt heir place 049 s Mutrdodh, Ihtai+ secuTed a'sohma ck. idiattriot,in Soutbeim Man-. as fbacihor.-Mr. Jdhtn. McKeirizio, f0f "puse, taki ; in h Noet'hwest oxcur-, ,SEA . i a in ihe vilalml ly of, S t Mhornas.-Miss FORTH, FRIDAY, Aug, 95, 1905' itDba. along t�hia Pernbi;ma breviah of the Mill, Rca d, Tuckdrsinit1lit, 'called Bion. Goron, of t. Hle,wmb, is vIo,it1r4_Z w1oites.-EkV. MX. Unk, it* poy-t :nouirld L%bp- "r - H=,oa, y-*.-heir-in-law -of MT. V. tfie, c. P. R.,eittondilreg from Winini- on �ir. O'Briela me dhy 1�-at kvc-ek.- Miss Flora mINh.-Miss At," SWan Plea to see ell .-Mr. ami6a T-he,E e, no p. ops, hnaUo nef last wo Basse 'rry, Nis laeou .11ere -Ath li4a, been pe,g � to Napina, a distiancie, of 221 xt ulued from visitinig nbe. R q MT. Gibbons, fbtr�e Vastoir 16 nvxo-`� miles and Ln-O-udiog w1hat ils consid- 11� - it(hodist c1limIrcli bod _Xr., Willam f T ionds- ,in it week, in t I piLl'" Ivwoa of New took itel with 6:r. Bart Allen llst Vls wife on a v;sI,t_ He 1p, eaa,64 �ftyirvg t1he �pa ew&-A'by naany t1his choic g.-Tbe ==Y VLO" the Evanigliepi clinieli, lasit Sundw. -eat f a iss Mandip 81wom tiaie, Su rming Q cc, ied b y his, bridle Beattie la,nd -at ftdaY evenU v I ptablet itlo, a 'llainge ab:.&. at- York, acoompa:n tiations betwipn t1he iRassl�au ainid disricit . in Maniltoba oid around tapendiog a few' P:resont vislttnl� ilin Hwrxitnigton'-Misla quaintainao ax ytiud bora of Mr. evenInIg to a cioq regati m. -'I vie auldielricte. last Suidai, imi edie fro Toronto,, axo. - i- �' the Japam plenip7otentitairies. I & weTie; dieleply glieve(I tot- bellvys ba, t-ble RragrbyLeelain denam.. sucibi -cieintiries as Mord-ein. Manitiou, t1hie pas.tow, Rev- MT- days di)em witlh Mr. IvIs6ri's pm-ts,.�, jjtijj�& Sd* a i*tiuned'firom vis ts _Lt TAmblyn One jiltv,b ocowred nd alt pjilies alr�6�, Pilot goadd, Grysital. City and con to R. Mo(nfty 11' Uiea:r ",of this an F Lay inight inaitiou a:nd -h" beein. pa;sba� W away ioafi, two0wieeks' Mr. a.rfd litrs. William Ivisoin and. ini iin TUba y on Usborrie
war lvmo. h willho tor tblirty to order of the t IreAlilaig is t o tion se"A yem- iVa tion. -MT. aafd Mrs. Levdii, were. otibiex 'frifids. On the, cmpletioln lot MaxY tMuTdl(& awditin, thead Delaralne and includiog, as f ax -east f�riei4ds in lAst.-Illk aelga: wel,
ast Week.. vis; a of age, 1,0 is sta t qn�o,trteTs. As, soon as t1heik 'aft Ire- Rinig fr1leinds irift'r Bea'oritili- 011 Lbeii, vist there, they w1bli, Tttuir.n to, St. Mhoms itihs we.-Miifs -El o OL
as Snowflake, the circips h �a day aToulad Met., mlow most )d 11th Vgh 81 yea:r �gtlbljn,ir w,re� lcokifrg� 'except ionally- Well. faiTmors �havinlg bheir _grain. 4n. amart inAaetive both me-ttell; Y jmd. G-rey Tow
cieivied Ohmic, w it -likely be is .�._M`iSS Ey'rle) 'ot Detnolit, Suipd-Ly With I ova New York. wihitdwr ithely will- be fol- - Bass, -of SeA, Nart1h, spent !Eave -been
-two NY Tho,ta:rme'.rs Wefe living in ifeaTmitid ift, f -i ilen d s '-fowed by'-t1bl&!9oDd Wisilkies Vf tL large; .,Mrs, Wm.,.B?,Try.-B;ru.ctelfioIAis3 'hold- PITYSIMAY.-Rev. W. J. y0get iiaz
mg, a week -Orr Vef inite. V__Te in Grtditft i A
trembling of block aet frmw)Woh rididay- in-ligelilt lasit, as X -r- 011ir"cle of -Kppan riands.-T)ile. biaw Ing its oiVII( -b-oliday -da'y, Rriday. MIT. D. Tuckeramith. A_&4.A they T�e,cleived a bad SODurgiong last au�,uday al4i'sUm; in the A" m,al. prc,,deddiogs 0sfoJiblli9h,;i iestlake was aorniing tilom. -tthla vies is nea.Tly fin-isdiield and modt air- M .
Vhe� f ar 1kist load Olt bwts fVr. is;
year. But wNle: tsbe Tied rust was fie with' the me-irs aTe, preparing, t1a lia Tuokexsmith day seir i
tnd for �Counciil�-.Tie Of 1nJk t1he nlOW R1:0Vinde15 of Albet'0111 .plentiful,.,up�-to Ilbe 717t -h inst. there is mgkir4:� gooco& heo:dwiLy with flo- ii WIR for;* 'general bus- yReWeldig Of MT. ib tihll$,.' ght, Ilitis, san, a lit fall ilict
and 8aska:tdhe*1aai will 4W place wie,rio no signs of. black tust in ainy 11"', t fuiri ye as additiou +;D -the uildbi:Xt ah: �s, In siome ntniaeictuanit - R s and cihildrez -of St. Tlibmas, :)eto1r DouigA Wa t1he sciene f an inea oca Bat blier -26th. of Wkng-. A0w Y -irth part -of t1he districit named aind� a a, I at u1n4ler, itibe, wiliteel, (aQ 4 weire, ivisiti,aS %vilitill, Mrs. Ross"clouls- per "Mr. W. H. -Bleike-r and 'familly 4,*" P bb" inte1riest event -on Wednesday of SqAs to t1lils date, we have,nt iniciticlediany ing inbo Qiietr h=dsiotraq At% so o'
Soptiembe�r the lirst sA on oat I 01 on t k P M. A 11
.Begin.& ecitive W �tmury el 1911ad' - to Tie- ins r, and Mrs. Thom,ws b1aving bui i , wivh. itlie, couladEl alt Edmiorftan and 'r over. We mr Eldex, %of -a A t -%yeek, whien his dawghlew, Miss in 6vied hall apan -eirfttv
reported. The wicator in this dis- witill, and is lao, nViv� 9xioultdal p. 't1hlat)h6'is dicilaq, t T past wek. .9 m6lseatortb. acke',ramitth, ldu'Anix the Mairlg.airo,t, 11M0jamie tiho wife of Mr. pleuiae f1tikoi6oftir- lt ly. The Gaveyneir 1144 'Othc�T; tTict haa been Witt arid showery 4ur- h neiaxly viomplietteid, and is a src MTs. John A. a -Mr.* and Mirs. Albext Tayloir f Edwatrd A. McAsib:. Thie velremony s V , uirt.-Bev. Mr.. ARcibiezon, ,tvill.14ke plaxt., ir�g most ,of t1hie,sleason anxl it.wIL11 s�t', N -and! family, of Londbin, he og:ricialtur", society. It V V111 4f Mf1otr,t;h,,' Preacilied iia, blile, Rries Ilcindan, ivisited att' tibiet. iolmle Of IM daings., Tiho ominhota� with some,, kliftictalty thie famers Ift - %Viw,s pelrzor�nled t lialt-past e)leveu Briawrilee stories and, -bk& a Wig flow,&_4 M built this, In t1ho Ptr6m ty ilan dhu)r'cjh lask SWIbbat1h. Rev. and Mrs. Gaoiigie, Taylor. el past in the iniriAng. by Rev. Thos. Dav!A- called an �i Browntlee, KA 11 wititrie 'getting filitar bay saved, es- makes it quite 10-11-ouis, Govarnmenit have appoinit164 Poin. Clrdtat�Oon, lot Criamarity, weieik.-X-r�. Gelcorge, Ualdwell, of on tbiatsda:y last Vonep won, of Varna, and- -%vbs -witnessed by bhc Atib OVY116"A present pecially, tlhp-- cult ivabed timothly Of on t(hel'samr,'pulpit ,oin I;und.a'y Ov" Twke;Tsmith' wthio Lriltends 1goinig a-ame twouty-five. nleair relatives and They, eaimx� up in am. autoradbile" 714 adE. FOeget t1h!e, le, eadth is bbui 152, e0a ab
w1hich a cionsideirb t to:t, thei ' sual . Mr. West,- Iblas d`ispos4ed of -his 50 loiov turnled bliet, same eve-ainig.-Mr. ,Goverat6ir of tle Lleut� .zimn in t1his digt'Acit. Tbe grain g nax u re f x ilonds, a being, peseaf from Ve Uride
Or tan is lan einittertabAnig ad, U.o- farm Itio Mrs. Ga.Tdon 'or itill-is viIJ19,1_J*. Browlae tidok a -load of Beechwoo&- -h. Af ter GeOT9�0 -saialkatebewan, at&d 'flon. G.� Mops n. t1he, vChicile were. igod . The� Detlriait, RI31ey, and Dmtlut 8:11. :
q Vaaelher anki ibiave a Mrs. (GuTae Yntonds ibiar fine wthe-alt to Skafolftb tbe tather day, relet sp H. ulyea w ip" n woloorme from iDwr people. -A PX16 erty 1hieve and will, Tk--sfde an, itthe tibe cieretmony a most swimptuDus NafA.-Xirs. Booth -and sang V-,. 1110P
Uommisslciinr of' bwrley at tihn datelaed. -was la p W�,eddine,.Ts diubdr Was, pairtakein of, and which ble s -old Mr. JamV, WOW'ks t1he expiking, * TeorftoxiaV ost of it wll o X.clunlg peoPle 6d to oaort!li, -after, opeod- n lUg t cotoir and m numboi lot th Tarm, 'T.IA41 w'119 be., avoire, to lbeir �yloaag icluole to�t� -the It ,tegtled- :sixty pounds to ttd340 bug]4el tu; n Pea apviernpr� 'hWVPY katics-S to IV
bpve bacin cat by this tjme, The,oats eirsmitth and, Hib'borit- inkelnd,. 1iklh19,-X'r-.iad Mrs.`Rbex, McNevift,, OjOton, . Orain Kippen to and Mr. 'Beal tie said it w& bli UX tilieft boll&y.9 i0tih the, f4oirovew, R on* -weirle, still 1grean and 1g.riolivLng ,nicely, of JGodo"rke%� 0Jro ViSitil T Mrs. obn a le tufter Ux , of ke"
�Oif t rig in t1ho ciboap brip, to Iffilci West mblim;, Xr.s. Jon. Hu,,The�.-Mm X, . I W. Eel io" 1. A
-heiat, uder the miost fa- koNevin this w1aek.-Gilboot- Dick, bilitait 1vad vtool. ith test. 0(fificials -will be swor-IT, il�ato- t1h wiltile the w ptembeir tih itr fuitire, 'blame, in Dubuct, Bask., first lad the 'kad boui^, tis year, Kervian, -of Clin-ton, Jlwa, WhO it inew offlices.by t(he Govm%oor Pi6neiraUL viorrable ,clyeum stances wUll not 'be K ippeinlit idiattle; kinig eire thiel .,graom has engaged in Nottes.-HiarveiAing i -s visiting ;Wit lh;wr nale'.5, Mr. M. vemplo
buiness. llhie'biride was cone of the West End it until m tti`ck OML t vt- the firn.e, of thei itkeiotioiry- eeTe-� relady to on ie:it. wcok.. Title i Brussels. blite,se -Idtays buying up pis atrid itihe most oplulaT, and- mcicompdabed (10W InC0 -wilh Me!r1mttor oairijito.T circip will. Tan fir.orn'twe-riy �,Iy filoshed in itthlis eigli- 13's. a -rid, W1110 was vt riobies. Ech The t,,raps- are; vfty ig6od, Week, is Teoov*Ting nicely, and-- Va. oompel..,
-a Go")�Irnle ties.-Ux. and. Mrs. Robt.Ttfildna - big igrive- o� sev�ejn cents is briiniging yiounig- ladies in this vilicinity, and &be, svpa tibir)oy, in a vame porsoa to, tdran inti tio tthiixty buhials pleir aerle, nd i - ,has a .bc,st 0i flrie to will ex- tih Te i Mr lot of 10hey to tible; Imirk PA. abafidicei of istrw-w' aind soon be berse,if again - - OnA
I.Or yeqpecitivei Braince. gTade 'big.h it no blight ovicirtakes it soS, amid. daulj-�btelr, taf nds wili It in, town, -tor ft cAulple Mr. Jahin Ba3four was with triends tend, Ohl. 10. P. Haxlgan, of KiinkoTs M* M -W Voil
Tibel t, th as fo�rmed wil Jisa v,e 8 best widliles for herfutuxe, yields, f rin.-Mr. and -Mrs. and it dims. not ge to; mac1h,wet weito vs' or O'Leay, of M&rontvoi, Sunda tor itUs w.Wk--Mrs. Mo- RobeTt Wlite. and Amos X pla s )ek.-Artthor Ta�ylor, in Exe I 'happiness. Thle Ig-Toom is a Stan[_07 ,bontiol uj -0hiere of �,,.�ays this we at MT. G. it. IRV* �-ri
pitil th gimoral oleciiclr'S.,� af te, � being ct. In e:e Ir -tilito eoloy of R. Clymont . is ViSitI1111319 '-hex L t If PAM Iadly wi4',o, ibias been irr da VSh eT counig math, emtVr-VrisLn9 and ener- intend ttakiin�g In, Orel, excumian to I T an, -_ - i�tihey -%V-111 4946 111P,; the vrp is hienvir it fls' b is expeotted at ,tth Bt. Columb to _t, lhey iJtl 8 -top Iola 11 peoted to L theiridalei & Son flor itbe.pat Itwto Mrt. G.rievie, In LaTfdon. -getici, and will be sure, o, niae a, tihe and Mrs. T#01111110 ,4ficle; it: no t'. ldged and it was not ie loift iVhis week tfoir At*lood, west. The GiVoins, of 'V ixden, Mainit-ol-m �. teal - n'val cionclext, -on Aeptpmbel-0 in
-tie, nitake Toom, fldx t1heir InTarel. 8110-! fill pnoporly and will Ihelp brIn4g Y OV� 5 utolcesms of Nags in the, L'i goea jqn. " 00 Who -respeotive w;h asition.- led on friends h5re last A con,staint t4-rinioveT
djD)v.n the avemage. Buit -witli, igod, 'pre, Nei a s, wicoredt -a p Explasitor altes wit;111- -t-h many inow K :� WV llavo a
Toilins-, her ri". Is. staft 0 -E. _SO00 esting" aind. thwesh- R. JbIblastn. of fir I obb. Mr. 'and Mrs. M fn#td to OliVeln� d "Oln Q1 making� 'TOOM will be -is niot yett &Ulni to I Y waitlhietr or liarv, Wingibarn in calls at tdtt� in1g dldly-,_ ,reinters, ' S. -Miss Iva. Camp)* wlhcibi oalvie
P. - Obloq go, ,8v-Oxe Brief spent the�, h-oli- good a, ' axe. a-Txiv ;kdrilolvm, 'but the aupolffion is that'� iag tiboine, wll bo a,tgoad tavtrage 0, D Ibior, sistior from Lcindon,,, is -06 gulet, -of Miss We' bi th4t their days may be S'att IVICIVY IhRvi 19 Quite iov,numboer of, he lAda pm- 0 aVqQ __ ainttiauio6s "in town 1daiyatwt beT llh,*ie, heire,_Tbie Itoflin I t Ito tAh*4 Soaforbh- in Saskatdheivain Mr. .W)ad!t&. Scott, I Y161d t1hiriouighoat, I this elatire. d1l.s. freg"',ewig Id and IN py tolysidem"11,11
,g _r. of Dra ia.-Mrs. Pagan, of OlevehainA, I -1 T ple vvion
-oif elgina, be Ithl IN-0taift-1 tx ilt of from 20 to 25 buisihols Po week. -Win. MOIC44101191114 ewin4to ivs taiatt. tUe "sum - -'r Mr Da1ton er van 9s.e -ate Mom. :i acire for wthleat md, X Lia(J�dcon,-was dhakin% blainAs. with his ation ii X0. , d nd f -lie Iranal On WADdalos is visiting, U'r fatthe 30 itc, 50' s' teir.-Mr. Cooper, Bayfleld. good time. but many 00t -lift aei
0141triends. in bowai t(his-weei1c. It 11% and also lber Is ohools aw ck�nod.-Miss Klly as #a X
buqhtels : far ats, Timldthty,. ,of [ton yo&Ts sliurie, tiho Mccul- of Sciatorth, was,visLiting this sisCor, RememberWe are agents for. theNew 1. Mr. Gapy, Eu -s he �nad-&,his lbow, and ,voTk Igrown been ,etagelgod �oeacihl No. .6, 03IT-oad-
License eduction'. w1h.iothi thee; is a ood deal -ra g;Dne bef aire thoy aTT1ved.-XWr. cogressiv farmeTs Mrs. Haimbly, the tibeir klay.-M - idea paper pattarns. Themoittup to date paper foot, and loomimetriped. ?hwr duties by t1he . Mi g,h, family let R 'A. nambee of Va�p6rs- air� 'avociat- � ied ()Ptev.) Heindel.rsion, iof� Bridgtn, nind patterns, milt always satlefactory, and onlyloo, Ds;t - pr Ciollio doig., Kaplan . d Call and get a f ree fashlon shoot and see the new -bhis FTUn.k Dougibet, of ADhievzo, cia-V last -0teelk. It s a J' adsbo was being J�l week, itibe clause of whio'lit 49.. a Mrs. White ;av, b-ean v1sifilng Mrs. falletyles. F. A. Edwarls. RayttAd. 1997-L ough" sent irund�j in Blyidi the Mr. D. Xlerrixan, ot Milwaukee, -D. D -A G!,
in fiiith�Br (rduciticin, cit the d c1nop, and: stol ar s fuilly as lal John Livinigstjoin.-The Misses Vl- a visit 'to fri ads ',hege, tUs gloi; The Fall Fair.-Zho, prize, Ksts for iguest Si hr A&elT, rs. C. 03onett. on
-nuirriber of liqUar, tlimazes 116 it lie pin6fitable as, w1hioat alad Moore, eas- mk texj.-Russiel Brown. is 'J"OtInC lifil r�r a rief iholiday.- poind were, the guests of tbeir Vous- our fall tair thaVie, -just b4ea issuied. -Mr. 'Josepil T�awnsodd visited and. wre lvookia�x ,walli. ily;,saved. ' 'a. 4n Toronti rovince and vom-e, P_vea fore in, Miss Werslakle.-Tihio Misses Cbtfr- -P On t1he miin liniN of Itihiet C' P. R. Ww's Ift. Maclacy, .6f Woybmr�L, X.,W. The dates lot the t�hwv am Thursday friendis, i an if-cor- bho aot tew ftee on A
J�& ion adlonig thiis litne at t' -s ation, ihve, -&Y40 40 wilith fricind tice-, lot F ul I eon ipetnd- and Friday, �Scptembvr 28th and weeks. Mwr. a MTs. Zotsiath W, ilifte, T. welc;amie; visLtolr triorn Winnipeg- t,6 Brandon, inedud I n1g a. few days with *their gint,Mrs. ,ne,_xt ise,.:mion of the Oria:Tlio, Ueglsla- ing, t1h " D,Imssels.�._A barge plabel Wass and 29bh In addition, -,to tille large- and fainily, wl litave,binin hvrie 6,r HiRs Green. -tiagle. 'd ippel. P(of 6a—rbewy P I ans, -eir - Oha -Mr. airfd Mrs. Bo,Ub, of
Ther,p' is crtiainly vor� W In xegplar iist of prmiums a nu.nYbor some miantbe, ir-oturii to thCiT borne It -are. the rp is somWvat ligbber and ladlow L itibe friolat Olt R.Leia th Mrlin:gAcird, ' were , zalldg reicently Not". -Miss Miqnio Beld, of $a,* arliew t1bian in souithe,rin daf� & Son!s. furinitUM) Is-bDP; was of Bpeeials am being offered, and in Nesbit, 4-mriltdoa, at on QaiNy a�;
lstxong fe4alid.tiowiards prolibeir re- an Mrs. F. D. Ha�t0JhiS'ant._M1r. *Fraink St. Paul, di
Last Week Ibnoold *at ,of' ItIin o4its Tus0a-y -eivielning 'by a, a tortih. -who, has balan eii�ja -as
b'.r,6,'ke!a -an a special attme;t1ion. there, will be dalte. lstTicitiori in 'the IlIquoir trialitiz, ttnd Gkoitiag- -%viais )here sei6inig his frilands sistimat tea-ohdr in ftfel, ZuTieh, pub and barley -%vim& in stlook' and Tulare Stoe lglanog and' VtUng ilt.-T. est aoniti3it. One he Whitny GoverncWt aTo Oals Nei,Viiomie bs had Vbel'old house " last week.—Mrs. SellIery, Of fair,. -%N1hildh is aDways good tone, i lio school, . visited at MT. GhaTles was beinig coit m- all sides; araes flortil, is visitfin bordla-uigVT, Mrs. -led --tho liceasia!g - system. Iv(Duld aveTg�e, robably from. 30 liis.y�alr promises to e, better than turich. Stoloks Saltu-irttlay en�:route for Zur-4 Wife �Lnd
Tle4 t"i cicianetr f. Kimig arid P Sadlew.-Mir. Gear -go Chatie. of to 50 usilijels peir -actrie. A few sUltibs mov,dd, back arid p rppar1,a t icons d & t1lile, dimotors will do j.attia, iottLv,,_--Miss Agle Andoysom, f seems an gs._ F, Cresswi6l, ,the -AaaUcral, trend al evUats. In M4,,"de for erect -nig a itnet tried brick Lonon, is ili-olidintying -at itilic, bw�mto iblileir pamt it all Temains' -NNIthi the 1e1r, lb�`T- brlia is visditiog at Mr. John 104064- atelbes f wilitea -etre out on the , . t -r '* a i�Orme te�nlh -xanie's a:nd other f4onds.-31r. U. to, be, ow*W-rds a r6ducitiou of tbo� pk t of Mr.,D. McDoLvgah.-Mr. a4d Mrs. or IN: inth ited with Doirbage Plains and ItIbis iviciek, we- Xe-41denae, fin its Vlaim- * T -he Old- 'r. weabblew. hiooL was jcallio;g on Thyllcr 'had Iis ama raised on Non number of licens-lils issued. Un 'I be)� useidl last a stable.- P. Rooney spent Suindiay ivldh M PrIefs. _'Tih, Misses Cliapma, of e4r I n uir Smit, ,of 3
fanay, uibaat cuittnig, will be Igpinoral h ' "sle wl 11 u, " . P. Hlatmilban.-Mr. Jame�s Hairnliboon L)andlon, q 6za de, yra Cy a I - d f x i eA dNs, lalh, - o1ast'we6k. Mr- and day. -Mr. Wm. Jarmott, ow ve -r- Xr. ir ,doebitedly ,a subsbarttial dcrease in. tihia distriest, althlaugh them s Hetbe'rt C' nininigiliam Nv..asi lhM3 -rip -t �r�n
Mrs. Cre 11. are, visitin Mrs, a jbireabla, bas p.0 h 4�1 Strhtiflord 16r a ifew 4ys this -paid a [business t Ila St. Marys and tat uI an the bie-mill a f ew , tric, a a ne Could be, made, in tle, majo,rity of still a Igiocid deal itiliat wilft oat be fir, _ fibe, da!y.-Mrs.,F. D. Hutchisn ry p Gvessire11-dr's 1, rents, 31:r and Mrg. C4 se, s eparatar. *lWs mazibiale is 109" fit Vor several a� s yelt. 'The, eads weio�.-About lt*eve o"611(ock -On' eveilngs ago -whit was muc&- on- auglas, of §tanley, at lyxv_5ent.� of tihe at and !UP 0 ed y cases aad tho anfis at ItUtrvol- aind c1hildron have -r6tuirinjed home .iest Mo. t 1-� . j7 v 9, de- Wolfe,-4tibi A X-oved, ,a.re -welli fillied and t1he, 1griin VIump Suiq'day -- Fr-alnoi no joyed by kq large numbeir of ,guests thie
ling ubtlo-,prape�rly attiend-e-ii to from their 'visit to HamIlltn.-Miss Mr. Wm. .Bon4.v,r Vi6v ed in -to ihis f �el, with I I 4 s belein. iew T,�jsidetcle )boast w,tZfk. It, is,q6ite by larid brigibit and 41blionigob, in m-amy died. Decle4s-ed iviho -%vas -,%me -Of t1lie. su-mimr visi,torts gave r 11" being eintizaly Made f st( (kna4a
the xemaining Dne5. '] I age, iad ib;elari (Elailing for Annie Oa!rnaiclhel. wilib -lira a most expellont rgusical and liter- - self fosdor a�dd wind sta-eiker attaeb- n- I placies; t1hi ion it. hie nouirld it siVoul d 82 an a -.r,s at -failed to
visiting "Cur, t(he pa,st tw moint-his (at ioldition 'to that VaIrt of the vil meas,. XT. larxott will lavle, no cea of pliaoes where W'redUOtiOin in �avorvge f-PO(Ya-.4, to 20 bushn.ts k),ex -so,& time, -s,6 -Vb,,,tt' deatth,wilits, niDt ary emteirt itrimeint in tille- tDwn bell lendex, rY
R Oxpected. -Mrp' :De, Wolfe was -a irv" Catrinianeii?s lxge.-Mr. Cilloaxits Sh`ae�nako`r, Of thng but the best, which his t, the numbor of licenses hag Nen 'acire. -West fli Brandon and from f far the I-enelfit of the-Metbiodist I PaxkbAll, a. f�m-qr reildent oti otvr xms Vighly apprWuite- U - pa' - or dftlain!9;
1has xetairned -to -heir homia in, Loa- 1111'a -de, hoav-e1er, leads. us to believe �0111at to Moiosejaw, 1 in-candiinig -tthip. f Ine, (Ws I 111te:nIt - .Br Sabbabli: obloal, the pirioue,e(ds of _vitia4e, is II �Ivfith rhumalo (ever. 1XS . Campbell and Miss h �bei�orlel movLnlg tiol loit, 22, 'd) -=.-Miss Belik o $24. Mr. J. xWn tw outfits for the x1e:Maiuder m, thad wc
that it -will e, neoessaTy -to amend f f wh I 01 amounted b t
,�raip ig ea -Mr. wnd Mr'. Ed. Sipple. Xiavv, e- of - t[hie on V (.rtftly
ro-wing itwi t�l 'L I the 4tth I In- r s. Thiel Ifwn - Alma, MdLaudbLin wre Uto :_giuedt.9 of AoraffyW Love -S
the irules gaeraing the accomoda- Iginia, tobe criops a heiavier ot, of molt MAitland,'A Dettroi,t, whia witth litis
Miss Hey!boln.-Mi"_ Hazel Dro:ket is turned thleir home in. Pontiaic,,, f lao We,,sidenco 'Iji neAsling coraple 'The Telne
n t -tion afforded bp livens -ed houses. In !sa fix advanced. !T(thleire, werie some on. Tuesday aftr- Wife, son M6d dauglh-ter' have boe, MirAlilgam, aftdr a pletasant vigit to t�on T. -will have one *f be valzdl Vocok ing TiTdic. in Cron- v M- LO JuipposeA it
-no vvere ple�ts- f 1 net riesidenzes hu Me ilewity wbp .the torwn of GaR, sucth a -reAuotiori loats a:nd - batrley 6tult hoist eek 'cut �0,, inteamerd bje isitin ,fribends hf. Strati-flo-rd.-Miss su-mmprin!g in the. cledar's -f rivAds ,ad wol here.-ibe sym- ve
w1as irt", miosit! Eva Campboll., -airyd MT. Jseph Mil- intly made), and t1let lack of of it %�ould infoit beirOady brq;�'k camete;ry.. lo�r, f Wallboin, spent- a "'Row 'days antly s rised at their cwttaj pattliv, of all 11s extended o Miamd clomleted.-MessT& W. Hzarth_ prop r 1 gtablr, acidomm�Ddabisoin ihhs few iev.eniT g V neut Iflor at 4easit bein '4'ays. Tihie, 6rop is s agoo. Mr. 'Maitland L Mrs. Nonib Sal�,ais in tba, kl;eath of W. E. Po ot, the 10MIG f Mr. Gobie Jarrott and Miss A. Qoineftt beein keenly felt. In this case he Wood and in, som !cias-es� ioxcoptiloinal- an flelcomp ished- pia the .Amer1c.
. , EXeter. Butsoni.-MiRs Bar1r, -of Algoma, is ist, gund old W.)y, whirh bae xesumed tblei'r duties as, teoich- proprietors of be, bloit-els, wthase lly so. We saw s0teiral lrg fields uotipetrin:g wtili. hils gifts :f1or thp- I -an Miiiursda of 14st iv, licemses w -em. out oft. -closed- -their� oats lyit.hin j a, radius Ot ten -Nij�tes._Tthlel cioginci, [has a�tfeTed it visitinig, iher 1gran-amiatibr. .s. plmsu�re, f te) young peopie. L -n oaeurre,d elek tors in . twix Tespeotive S*bools, Wiorrdein. Seen in t4he Mr. A*rno Stelp,4k vieite& �rietads OW191 entleman a mp for ba-rns aa wv(lll, and to ma:ko- Arniles of B�giina w1hicibi w4fl.-certaiin- Zrlew40'wd o $25 for informlilltio:n blialt tle, ,,pavilpa. Pxevioiu to his 4e- Nad 'he this county t, Ple2s"TO Of t&P, 14t.h CAD110t,�Ssion the deficiency bhe municipialky talks 11 y , vave.rage, from 1 60 to 75 buAdl�s I R(ead. ta We conviOUG;n ;of -the' Usborne. partuire U120, me-inbws of Camps "Go -r- metting Mr. F. Stel formeTly in bei recent at opening sAlables for theacummo- pex aciria and slame; bioudd )go 111'010P, Palfles contion" and " Wevm- Done Filli.n," p-riampal ot -the Z icib iub�h� schodl �'fttim of Idie, Awrinrs. 'This P1 Rifnaiway.--While ini Exteiter. 16aa oused efir. Maittand from his who"..*. an hian this, but tilillis, arel exception- ih64e. bTleaking aV.d p;ettt;y thievilug. cat Regirift, farbotalt Aays aigo. Xr. MitoheR. work satisfaotv;rily i Galt, �l rid. tlhvrp- wriel ('blietTs anucibi thin- -%e. traitie, otf taxation this �yaalr 1wUI da trelftntli, Mr. Samual OuAmore, slumbers 02 an boux one Stol�ck, _%iho � !h!ad sPie] f. e X. I mey t ve a. but we -t.hink it1her-e woiuld be some �ner *bticilit will, `bT1hlg d1owTr it'hie, lgcjnm be 4 Nvele mills Da..'blito doillIAV.-Tilie lowa- of , ithe 5tb] cioncosion. bad en tcilt- and five a. m., and aitteT e. vtocal 3 spleinig out Ch& laod * in, the Killed in a ThTiesilie'r.-About 10040 I h a x trouble. in makini the phin univer�sal o:ral veia,,ge. 0 ,hd-a Tivon) *q�p �n se;roriad-o pFesented 'him, w1b Jx> ir�lull fiairminig balls :c ilao decided it -01 su-bmiit a by-law Ing frunaiway. HV Q,11owt Wrt, -v -as on. (his way igIst last xiday while- tihresh4M' ON*.1, U
'h a4mrs. as .* 9, mo±k of flom FAlmat4c n. of and the dift4vlity lcould be �n Uamiticib oind �bo Te-Tiriforges tas Va 17be, waitppayleirs Drovidin, toir t�ha froint 6f MT. E. J. - Spaakinanis. s bore of Htavan V was goag M ]at Vhe kxxa of �Gwj-, Aaaes P". Ov , ag of $18 most- favrably suTe. The camps name(I thlose, houses in OntaTilollonilyjt!oa bes-ex- Tlalq� 000 itor eleotwic i4bt lito Mi *atioriof lills serviastoir
or 'by �requirin, adA wilile ittlitei .1 Ts:ei wals sit"dii, 111" appr he bad visittedmi Lanvxienca, on the Logan iriwd jutt
gri4intied a licen t6 increase t-beir te4nit. Tlhie, wiliat I is, muctli be-avior purboses.-At , ;tdie uoitlag�.. tou:rna, theria itti bTidlei 'became caLVWbJt on tihei PIC imlitessie,d. wit1h Edmonton, ad the north- of film tuo Ift "Uti
wmaimrap,dation tor both, iman jcnd Inj tjbje Tiew'ribor oba, me in Loadicin last, we,eik, �Ur. Ed. the baic , � parb loif a wlagioq. tho-likirge, iveire.most y qoyapose-A of Godetrich Lois 31(1;;� Ift IN
-'c,6iuntiy, wad -was " aboaf 20 ot age,, and a M-A-sm, 1befast to such, wri extent to, mhke it is also l(aite,16. Thleire; bas been Vp favou'ably impressed witill t9m- ttLbire by rade, was Arkwu Wio 14e; bv
.1 Wle rn�;io a 1good siblowing. He a Jaxig�. pmvi&fa nimol. m,-tAV tL people. -M 0. �Spe,nser, of Detroit, the Aefioiency Pal-cused by the re- lelS rain t1h1eire, ,.�n'd a-Albiough the gmwinig ind. pxo- cAhinle ,and inst=tly likilited. Me W-VIAl "UP wo& -soc)Dnd p:t I zie, In. th-et se oand r�am - jump lamil wit�h- Mr. Cudmioire i Uile an bld Ba fleldite. and son, Wk%liter, plospecits of Of is, so flileaVy an, tilifelgerouivC pt�,ftion.-Mr. "J. Wthite,, IgTos. in licen", pr6viIded, -wilito, has (rig i4taxted. down stree-t at q Uro&,k -are blete. f. Iklaction f r 1holiday.-Mrg-play-nas s1vto t;5wni Chat htL inv--sted In- feeding Pews at thie, tione. Nei ,course, U�at the non-lictrise, places reT.y li ll�dged,. With eeo�.m resident of Detroit for a 'necik Isiptleldil - In tihis perilouig positifflan Of BT ntt d daulgMer of Mr. olh-n I
bJJ8,L Some PTO y;t1fileire. Amn other -was a Son of Ludwig Milfr, nvw per me. -She; came. up on Old Ff .V,105e Dot b rates �ntintiovus 4,ry, wiaTm wea Mi -nu*U,-,r of ea,rp. is makirrg -prepmru- Mr. C actraore iha-d ntc�t4lnlg. io, do, bu F ve�jt u s tentirely. Olt: ss L tles� ZI am by )Xr. Just nbrUb of Chia. town. Thle, Y01109- But while the idiftioulity coul(I be toa-re %biould b6 Tvikord ield of Uorij d igit -in the trig and twaft,m3utts. -hear ing IDI dea-t1i of lil,x Vrlotbie.r. Stelok on Eis rnvpIB was'Mr. iWm. man waa zot engagod -at andltj MOC4LIlmm, *f Cow- Logan, forme y - ot Stanley, metar but 4bad just been Tiding r -RSC )gottoe,n ovet in -tibis way, t lays a n friarn 30 to 40 -bus! Is per acir.e. Tbe ihas eceived heTle of rUble deatb On bTute -Mrs. t iss fiadditional iw-onsilillity on- iflite, pu'" Ihimv! or is be) and; ftelre aTe lot in a e gost lbe, muinse with Der 100 lb
D- orpip, fr�. Jas. E�aiilria, a wwkmam. made ia -turn east, lad alatkienig ar 3 GT4,, le n. MT. Logan bas a 1his birf cle. I 1wated).
- 4. parUcul-ti:rly on toseLW)108`c Xn�IaA.Y, (JaM.g -,r 'Har - N. 'W,. T.. a toxiiier wieill-k"wrt wnd 15peldd igaiv Mr. Oudin,dre a'-cillance Rev. and ab. -Miss Edda lic, an e s t tio� survive. Wool t,
itc V1, in vrit-biTilies ad In- muo"ib, (repeced Teiderib of Step- fic, ouimp ivih4ch the, did and 'luckily Kenn, of mrwranoe, se*ntimiez�,-ts ae x"pansi- lesting i aMeStIDUlln, N, Y,,..iS 'ble toir the It an. -increase 4eed any plaluel iC of RTandold will Ex-etcT,,. ivko died Julv 29tih, esetaipsed witihiDift. a scroitc,,h, The fguest -of iss Etbet Miarks..-Misa kidiey horse. twas vaWgIt! 15orn distance in Susie, Par is ome, from ,etr, is iderminaed in ith aacomiraddatin ttiltt be general unl6h,mext week. Last atteii, a sihowt, Uniess from I 'ITT
TORO- 0 for a visi -W. Cameron Is, tiere, I n-ffmded, arrd as iis also advoca *le-ek ttlita S� for -ime loie te, add,(�,stomaoht tioUble. Mrs. Harxis SPORT! ted, the jeountvy very ttle the worse Te; b u; Iin- tth-el Ucense the Alex.
CillopS ev. i Tea [0 in Mani - tho very -elo.Tlilest adt- for. Its e,spapidip- _g!gy also visiting at, 118, f a TS f 40to ry. the hatel ke�-&r must in some wmaisure and, by hex kind- esoaod witthairt, muc;b; idwml;k.e. mle�xlon_ a. Har.T Yodng,dwigh- and prices for thle i coba iadd- 'Itihe Teirritd�ries tieYi' of -the vreBi� be recouped for -the dditilpiii ex- Trilb'st pxornigig R ? e.very day That decds, phirt-iclu1arly Ito tihe Alcoldeats.-Mr. Mabt, w Roatley, teir Eggl please Iva is pat to. And Ithe tem- T).osses � safely gene Uhlb .,un;gers. I de."ion, had- Itho miis� f nom a pl sant isit itib rerift ot. exT lerie, -have; be, iv I lbail. Al io �ndeared -herself to evefy 1)ewson foTtu-ne Itict ihave- Wis. IV on �te_ in OWnwa. Mrs. Redmond, lilaug-h- povance peopId can, to, a rea lb r ok -7
a t� Teirribar- -rel 'day fteceistly. tew of Mr. Georgef Park is iaTeon
b th in Mark iwi'b Ind I i, lbaltl filie, au of her lact.. Fsi� W. -'%JOODS# riew4komie'ra in fibel rie- povilbee, of Itible, 10t;h ton tent. TK-movo the itemptation on, (the � pl .Pwrt of: the- flTcitl kee.-per to, "break k , b Lit these blav qual4ittinee. Mrs.* Haris viAted -Mr. Rdbtrt Can,.n, lof. the '6th a visit A m' Marlette.' in order -to malce kmds meet. m. "Ehre, 'h Mr al)ionald,- of Patmei-rstoa. 41eein, individual mio,4�. icif hor old trV_-a g btem, oi voince-sailolia, waig the Ticti4i bf aln nc� F is leg broken is ftayilyg -he
Apart from the acconomod,,Ltion re- 4ses of sevry 1, lit ItIhiese Fossea feww' Yor, and, her death will lesident on Mcs6&v q lasb. we'ek, in w1ho had quired by at,, law, ithe hotel keepe"r will. inot be ap Aly 64V ion t1hic'- be I rV44,witth deep ilegret, by *,barn. ounsequienve -of whI61i Ohii-_ how lies witb- his otheT, Mr. Dan X*Don- crosses, Footba- I Is, Base Balls.. movi-do-9 Nva -ter, t ditastler l9ellENTal Teisult. 11 M V_.� W. Tom,, Of TiOilledlot,, Ohio, in a very pr(octaTicius itc,ciridit(hoini with ald.-Mrs. John McLeod has -gane 'hoples for %.is treclovery. to lluiri�tsj lie to -wait on ffior ihivq-
anil other we l�,W moticto Ch'' 'h' thl " papeIrs a 1%vals-!Ihere ireconti, but ilitit'le 1 ro 4g, i �i y rr a visit- tio, 1has ar,6 veiy often taken. advem- ,-Teat uitory for lultowicirkme.n. epits.-DT. Rol4ins has disposed of Mr. OamT ihad belan, woring in th. 'band, willio.1 ill C AJE last ar, Expregs Wa ons, GossC by think 'Pax plothV - g ads, Bc-j of without prper remnnowa- Ontario; this tne&cial practisei fliet'rie, Itta Dr. -A. abosr iia tho barn aind. during it -be crolints he. IV' 0 much imprqvd. r
wioaJd be NwAIN; r I commenced , U01i. HOW of ten d-01 J%v 9M p4drsons biboys land! iqini tk) itak Uhiss -F. Dr.1 Rollinv 1has,lboien abserim f his Nad and a man —Xr� W. 111impon 11Q.3 CarriisX7. Hammocks, &cl. itaking. of Ith,& abed -room ale.piarts wifth, ciamiHielrablie, eautinin. ibiefre jfvri 'tweVt ly,etixs, road Jfo were alipemakingi in Mr. -Wm. Whiddon's i. I -_ -1 1"t0ek,171 of the, 'hoibel. it'he -water provi&d for is -no -dmbt t t many nihd 11has enjoyed ti a:vg-o and wO(r k1 nig iLn the if iold, -in som o ananner shop jLus i supplyiin a much febt ------- r—oholi
T"O' - . :1 I M his licirm nd Kvven the --ht-_,Tt forbis i7n:,6n -will I)e ne, �"rd "tEa thsarvevt tivo!, vralcitise. Owin!g Itic, 411 lh,6wTth tpi f1riorn -the imorw Vo tihe barn floor 'w!Xnt.—Mr. Z. Calliaday and wife of S own oomfort withio-ift leavin' ome Soecid Bargams in Ladies' Leather Be -11b 9 one Min Map, bmt- tiller is, a igroat 'deal 'he 1'Ptena's Ito 'from :t)bia av- abciut �sovii6a teet, below. T!be- fall Chiciaipo aT liaTe vNitling Mr. Cal- teat far remuneration. All thiese f ext-,ra oady on dbe, tival�duttiles of 1his profeissiida -fiNr a :rendeYqd bim. unioaasoius nind in this loday's. nis -, Mxs. ,Cowie.— Mr. Hiind,`Bags "ust now. thinga thotet keeper mon4,y. Mn y - f a eirs ibiave, noaa, - timel ab -Samael Salinderg, conditin juintil tho *Che -men Air. t1h ur Pie and wibe,,,ot Ctevol!nd-, They re provided tor the, ctclnv,�I- 1,Y, n1l. the licidip tb. irequire. With MIR��EMM'a, d. TetuTmA it._q Uh4l IyaTn. Ire was at Te here visivag M.rs. Pook's mother 1(ght iencle of thD 1public, -then -vvliy should tifileir at f and ioirf vt �10f Wingh0l7i, kITC here vialbin rvornvoll to ali-,% bkxmo a.ud med- and obhor I friends.—Saui Mow* filld ra
say, i. '9 - 0 they tY(xt be paid f ar? The. oxpe a E a beiind or two the will? ibf�, ablo t Tie v;elq ftl bor sa-mmorned, but his icondilition ans beon 6�Lvg quite mi rueteinsive 0 lb wile the individual would not be, hepa'vy, ;�<it t(hi-rowigh li.x�VCN' and th-re.,6iing =9,1 Ann Sainde-Irs, wiho has, lbeein. SGU . , is very critical.' It! t ibis votal buslaoss. 11-e� )has drispsed of as are quo
-1d frililids. Tieir mot icat imid ON, A I Ix but in the- nggregaito it would nian vc�y eninfortfl Tin, l!bivT caes therwfoir Tpontis, wili:`Jrebu�rn spine. is badly, -injuirted, and, lbeling a iwis car loa�ls aind expeots, the; ttibird to 23a STORE. notasidera,ble, to the ibbtiel man, and inore wilVlm Irequb. But 'Uhiero :t,Or' t'�a W061b NVU411 them.—Mr. Fr-dd very old Inian, '.his reoover'y is vey car t1his wo rolls, 8,)04 �k at, Bucieield.—Miss DRUGt BOOK AND FANOYF6 GOOD arge do is �' not imcth a ide, rt5 of Iaborr s, Jeakill rrived Od o11Lciadxm, is vLAtU47 Jher rala. on a visit Mom- Aoubtfut. St,�.ariige 'It -o say hbout it Stuart, 17 to 180 away with, Ue laiecesf4fy of h4s- Idie- e wouJd be J(eA - '-a suppose from �ni*t from 'Albuquierqu%. Now h' Thom-aq. met 1t1h. sis ter . "Mmsi- Dr. Stanbary.—James SEAFORI!A�' ONTAIEL yeutr 11190F 1 IS "A Te mwspp* 111'" �,Mt x it a Donaldacm, Ilaini wife of Thes&alan,� pending so madh ion tble trade of 4115 Uel i rf s. Of co' fl -co, Mr.Jeckotl durimg bho past a- sitnUttr aUdent by- fa111in oL I4.
t hie !4ar, and 1by the vxeroolft or a 01111,P110i
Littli& ithouightfln-eas in fthis Way,
First nd d-awgib amd'lhieMo a Wood d%l of the land ihaa:,.rty.-N&.;aAd Mrs, Tvbdi._Roas lea,Tri
ter, Miss Lottle, -B.. of day
of Mr. s -dieava an Pan-
evelinig. 0 was 130 yea,irs
hoes t .0 con nue th ro -4 Uri&
do some uncistentat'llauO teghptrancO 6
tm men
ass merr EdIalont,6A, Nt. W. T., wilva Mave Wetri., talge
EL ad -%v a s, t4q pepocited
. lown 11-
M , ,
Septe: be.
VV ark. on'the
We ihink it would be wiso
tlho, i�iowkiintg. -of ihn rvest =,a- on R extielakle4i -viabj to dlfifle�rmt pianete-Va
the of
part at the ihotel, keepers ',tio insist
wthia own psxts. of. EuLnoipe, Nova SciO1t,11L'Q-nA d po6ieially ell
053 _% aTe lhaYet ivialtng- 0114
e, can eit iviork alblosit follsiewlh-&
eng io. 19
AL , -100 'a
- - - - - - 41r , . 1.
on pajIment-iJor, rjoinvionlehoes such iruin.
i1 tionled. Thtey are en-
ave, hneA
as 111"tO 'Olt -Mr. oaxi�d Mrs,
anY ime, dulrinig filia ibory ' t and friends, tiei
H-olland, tar 'a sbort bime priloir
51 Boy,4 Morid
Loloal Item X r. X..
t1he. 113
A this 11 be our last reference to out Clearing Us Of Summer h A
"% . .
if tand a N -rei'lov 0 thlem
titled't vould
-b)A Mesa (are laolo'd
lhrlesi� and suic(h, will re.,oative .
�'i, walges-, but ur uld bot Vi'19 for lb)"eir blO`1n'B- -Ulb
bqys sitio, "'Ica
sob, w.11losbias ent Past years
in 'Ml�pitoiba thas boen,' vis -
-cas to hold good oule of,
w ftosuige"deuide to,allow our reduced pril Septom%aj
ow Bhoeli, attip r
Sammer Footwear, suoh " Oxford L 0
of thle Impaltaltion
4 A AN new to o
not r w oslt witi), the Idea Matthey and (Kris. Bass Iflotriiierly Tesided in
Magi fr4eiddis, h Walltdla'aAd vicin-
To thos e who, ar In ilead 6f
A JUMAS whether It be an. w6inan or child. Wo AV.,16
i31J_UJF y y V As ".4 V L- . . 1 )I �, lanic ain Packet a for- Iy, - 6a s re t L&tz to -his blame, in 95LIppers, UNO 60 Or —V spend monqy over� ithle .,bair- , MalnY 01111 01" v`o -a p. or our stock and prices will save you money. vVe have still is fairzly
le.—Wei con ent a look OV IWIR
NEW-ADVERTISEM�NTS filln Allbrr olni-; rLat(hing.. Tbey wUl Prairle P.-rovo I& plea -Bed' I fid socrifiele, in ,stoji;*, i1t;
of tbeir pait'rons Would priefew to tune order to accommodate new Fall arrivalv. Thg o�l I irieport Villt Alex. Ga':,rdinelr,-w;ho riumber of line to 5 F to Ircork a add deal tbordeir ptuy-, a3id the wifoirity of pe 4-pl'o axe linoo are not 01 Nto6k, buv all this 681IOn"A make, and at tft prices mintiewd 00J
e, and will ot get Notes. -The, hazvest! is X-01`91re,9- ihas been gelri usly ire-w-96aabl-0 evoulgh to isice *that these tlhk a nd woUb. i6ne, v r jag. '�A are zertainly g at value inVed Uirout,
buts, denotes the. Page of the p*P609 .Vbl0h -whle t 1101r sing fay.or-afbly a a 0 e
-allyertleement-wUlbs found ,the. thbtel keeper- on , KV Xce. of. jiqba eitheir Verts and 3E
'It;f-up $7 1wi Olt Tbin )aDl-. fXOM PinS a4V' e 75e, for 503 a pa!r. 0 11 n, 126 as clomfoirta- bheir,- -�v' on bT1 oveir.-, .1 ;?,bem %hp, bas, beeta. ran ri, sizes 5 ta 7 regularric and I t is lbuit naiturall thlA if e ciain- " P *at, - Childreti?s Strop Sup i e Ver y I
& 8 oni axe -ibt, ,t taka sizes 11 to 2, r to Detroit -g ble as tibey. igiel t horne aobn,g gpood ,wiork ih-6 past Montt legularpri.,te $1.10, for 75a a pair. _F 'not mlk, them sielf susitain!kig he Idea speodiing ti Mi"Bes' Strap . ip er -WoTt-ed out
p Od Boots, sizes 11 to 2, regi Tialdo Clixtaces mut makie up lite, diftflor6h,mlin solme A )Ire si claboos is not a 4al with tlielx new Itralcition, U -P his .,rgfulla smViciet .M. u UisseW Chocolate V alar price $2, forS1.50 a pair. cpijag� the qviintei -%vioelk, bat reitafrialidd to Pine ads are Summer Williri' & Rain at ho way, nd ithalt Nr,,vy is gen- ati 0ificie,., ib�st moth cid f kete of this Ladies' Fine Kid Lovo Shools,, all sizag,,at a special pride of $1 a pair. summe.r- Sale- ,I Id be a River on. Mo day, w1hir 6 -lie w. il I W. Picikar4 &I Slo#ri-5 I - in Vr6pCl shfave wou b too OAPOAA t a special price of $1.75 pair, A(hie, Iba-, It 'is lbelro, � I __ ____ � i good subjecit ton ideb!'et by ftib,- St. jrmi -*06k.-M. - Ladies' Fine Kid Lac d Boots, pstaid ff
-Gxel- & stei'vViaTt-1 n f or an tihier 50, for $2 a pair, used 10 th Toost money- M - -5, 1 tompoxnclo pacqi1e, can twork. . Pay Chiselhurst. [eniio Dongols Kid oed Boots, reg s,& TMn,sfdi.-J,i Wlelber f ar, I es. -Mr. MUU1d9Dn SaW Cc,lumba�a lortqrs,-The MoKiloq)p �io Boir.ry eint, ritaimed a lalr`14e n;:iii - 3W and c you, ige'd and 'rebiiervie; ithe Ih000latem. oil ka,a Mr. ,Plgoio, ig frieInds at ."i "virit.h. B 9 Value' o"110 'a ta Farm 'fot Sle-J. ber of 11110r,YD lba of scome of its latnipg oeldes- tih,im, or,osslnig his ffield onte dWy. ihadt 00In tratdr, aire becoming In -a day poxty con edneMa-y of
land wibeln ble! ovart a xnos, Oir bf.TICR Bible Voisit-11 it k it the su"It ove.-t jt,h-� drain )Yet i1i'as undler tJr1,.s we-ok,_ T11 and, X(r.s;' john Rrize Buititier-G. E. M1119 -B t it -wms,6_p,cir-cupbn;;o. en, saw-LI't 001013 t1hh The k f er, oontxalot.-Te, , lqidehts , -of -the 8 rillio loavel this Week N, a 0-0; Par SoJe-.1on W,hite,-5 m Be W1 LIS & SON, SeaforW Crops in- the West,. ves, in AT=- for Hill -5 . 4 Norfhie:�st at McKillopp wllk tot teed visLt, Uft, -.Tet, stic and lstulriple4 it wria cauqui -it a S &ter Shoe for men, and the Quality and llusinesa As the piep01tpla Otiltairio, seem to be, I geting up, a picic hJho lada'fu- itoba add! I Ible Toexxiborim. wo- sole agents for th iewbibilititalft. KUJM- i thoes for.. women., W. 134, f openinig it hie wisih. thm a leassat and- teinjoyabliet almost as mucihl inJtewiested� in the to raise, ifodds or M,til M. Bald. b ext i, 'e �4aily itto siele, it. It rad � to [the, jfNig sit'ation bt the C. trip. -Tie, htan'!hoading factory, artaps in Manitioba. and Vito, Noirth-, tcounibry. air: "bird'! lin r, n thie. 1�v noxi,)11 Luxury J. F. Daly -5 P_ R..-Misses"Mary and Katio Ste;r- whicli., hlas� cein aialdargaiiktig ineelas - .-M-Tal. splendid fa, m
wleSt 4 as ItIbely &TO in, the, CJ1J()1Xj iin. _M,I. ob InSo-n W&S tibe. ��Velek, a -re iQ)Iumbaln aigleith.are, irlettiwamd ,to Gbiovne atteT sar3 ufrinb paist in, aw, tait airs H. Dretimmila, family )b11ve, to- Moose JAw. and -has a. sp%mdid rl�vp -,-Co r� ILI Olt! this. broitibex-i -Oi I st, irds fun it is agaLn Yun inig, fu I bla
t1heir! town Pr�ovin4w,, a fe wo I - a, leasant. visit, Ito f riedds. hft- -Rev. talis yettT., and Is growir xrmh. wit liam, B usin Ail. Graig, -an. otu:rined filop3lel & blietm. from: pesonial bb - I -Our vettran 1threiatheirs, Ptsh &on, �howe_vgr, Fluxns-U. wre leallied pon -to atteind thlei ftne�al K,oeihler r-nd Devnis ,have eacih.,,pux- MON4241 exll aged- pulpits W.J. OT-
rucefleld. t,,he misfortunr -o lose, )axqT_ Egmlondvi:110- last by, Add -tw�
selrvation�raay-Ue of iniberest,more of ive. ineowl 4018:Uves, in, 'a few. Rev. MT. aha wl Floux-A Sorutn-8 atibleir -died r -biased a nqw sepamtd�r.-Tho new -at t Satuirday m,o*in:3 unda ton, is ly A-11 this &op tbas -11-tson, iby L! I 11, espectiall as tthlo -tiellagwagbic. de- m oi ,this. Mir. Robilrisoin's, t y ]�T m ;.. -,ray t.0 &Ilth� T111, the g s' on 1 Romernber-F, A. bige are neawing itcym -or , -of lher,lstan, H. Little— X7" Stelck wo' -w Yowrls,; OUT -liftle biirc1h wleldcvs set 'O� - -a in lCider Milt -J. spatolies published from day to abp Ot Ne te i 'The, tax collivotor. wi*,11 soon be j..&Tt(h itD, -be fea4y to, on t heir Tom BrAnldion i. viit�nq- st 33 , S 'til eJ - ein Manitoba, w1her fro bxtfit day in the daily papors, ore, rat didd bouit IV In par, uncoles, -- & t -t I ag 4t�n ME fiarm". s6hools * on 06d U-Iy Amonig the 4=m._J. PatltoJ�Won, of WrOxOt and aflb,-- Fall Glaod,' Mol k itippeiirdh tinae; ibis own wife., died labotil 841, I rs are, "joicil#19 : ,at the price of muscile. in-,tbe .;.i.rvetit field. tyJ11 pent ': on t by Interested fathcT4n-Ulw, is yo Queen, of Belmore qnsritly b11ieJ�i,,V,0t1b f May; his welve cit a frmer Baytieditel- Ives, lhore 1".t fid hiet,good wif-0 for it' win:�er. Nvith Godex ��'j prt !vs and a, 'more or less ciolitolred diei� sifilor a, f teir, my a ecitille'. liorses, a Aikeidimetad, lot Blaevabei, Neil ,come amd in, Taking, eir_E -Selbloot tre.0pogied Win, M0111- 1111119, L fbilgjpralcea f or, Ib nitter nn D. 11tss, f RrusAels, and G -raw C. Intention Of Xle.f V . 111.1w co 04 0 nit cartiain interests. r s few orn ithis vicintlitly ptir-_ P'_id S- zlomiarg a in the withl Miss Waggiba alt heir place 049 s Mutrdodh, Ihtai+ secuTed a'sohma ck. idiattriot,in Soutbeim Man-. as fbacihor.-Mr. Jdhtn. McKeirizio, f0f "puse, taki ; in h Noet'hwest oxcur-, ,SEA . i a in ihe vilalml ly of, S t Mhornas.-Miss FORTH, FRIDAY, Aug, 95, 1905' itDba. along t�hia Pernbi;ma breviah of the Mill, Rca d, Tuckdrsinit1lit, 'called Bion. Goron, of t. Hle,wmb, is vIo,it1r4_Z w1oites.-EkV. MX. Unk, it* poy-t :nouirld L%bp- "r - H=,oa, y-*.-heir-in-law -of MT. V. tfie, c. P. R.,eittondilreg from Winini- on �ir. O'Briela me dhy 1�-at kvc-ek.- Miss Flora mINh.-Miss At," SWan Plea to see ell .-Mr. ami6a T-he,E e, no p. ops, hnaUo nef last wo Basse 'rry, Nis laeou .11ere -Ath li4a, been pe,g � to Napina, a distiancie, of 221 xt ulued from visitinig nbe. R q MT. Gibbons, fbtr�e Vastoir 16 nvxo-`� miles and Ln-O-udiog w1hat ils consid- 11� - it(hodist c1limIrcli bod _Xr., Willam f T ionds- ,in it week, in t I piLl'" Ivwoa of New took itel with 6:r. Bart Allen llst Vls wife on a v;sI,t_ He 1p, eaa,64 �ftyirvg t1he �pa ew&-A'by naany t1his choic g.-Tbe ==Y VLO" the Evanigliepi clinieli, lasit Sundw. -eat f a iss Mandip 81wom tiaie, Su rming Q cc, ied b y his, bridle Beattie la,nd -at ftdaY evenU v I ptablet itlo, a 'llainge ab:.&. at- York, acoompa:n tiations betwipn t1he iRassl�au ainid disricit . in Maniltoba oid around tapendiog a few' P:resont vislttnl� ilin Hwrxitnigton'-Misla quaintainao ax ytiud bora of Mr. evenInIg to a cioq regati m. -'I vie auldielricte. last Suidai, imi edie fro Toronto,, axo. - i- �' the Japam plenip7otentitairies. I & weTie; dieleply glieve(I tot- bellvys ba, t-ble RragrbyLeelain denam.. sucibi -cieintiries as Mord-ein. Manitiou, t1hie pas.tow, Rev- MT- days di)em witlh Mr. IvIs6ri's pm-ts,.�, jjtijj�& Sd* a i*tiuned'firom vis ts _Lt TAmblyn One jiltv,b ocowred nd alt pjilies alr�6�, Pilot goadd, Grysital. City and con to R. Mo(nfty 11' Uiea:r ",of this an F Lay inight inaitiou a:nd -h" beein. pa;sba� W away ioafi, two0wieeks' Mr. a.rfd litrs. William Ivisoin and. ini iin TUba y on Usborrie
war lvmo. h willho tor tblirty to order of the t IreAlilaig is t o tion se"A yem- iVa tion. -MT. aafd Mrs. Levdii, were. otibiex 'frifids. On the, cmpletioln lot MaxY tMuTdl(& awditin, thead Delaralne and includiog, as f ax -east f�riei4ds in lAst.-Illk aelga: wel,
ast Week.. vis; a of age, 1,0 is sta t qn�o,trteTs. As, soon as t1heik 'aft Ire- Rinig fr1leinds irift'r Bea'oritili- 011 Lbeii, vist there, they w1bli, Tttuir.n to, St. Mhoms itihs we.-Miifs -El o OL
as Snowflake, the circips h �a day aToulad Met., mlow most )d 11th Vgh 81 yea:r �gtlbljn,ir w,re� lcokifrg� 'except ionally- Well. faiTmors �havinlg bheir _grain. 4n. amart inAaetive both me-ttell; Y jmd. G-rey Tow
cieivied Ohmic, w it -likely be is .�._M`iSS Ey'rle) 'ot Detnolit, Suipd-Ly With I ova New York. wihitdwr ithely will- be fol- - Bass, -of SeA, Nart1h, spent !Eave -been
-two NY Tho,ta:rme'.rs Wefe living in ifeaTmitid ift, f -i ilen d s '-fowed by'-t1bl&!9oDd Wisilkies Vf tL large; .,Mrs, Wm.,.B?,Try.-B;ru.ctelfioIAis3 'hold- PITYSIMAY.-Rev. W. J. y0get iiaz
mg, a week -Orr Vef inite. V__Te in Grtditft i A
trembling of block aet frmw)Woh rididay- in-ligelilt lasit, as X -r- 011ir"cle of -Kppan riands.-T)ile. biaw Ing its oiVII( -b-oliday -da'y, Rriday. MIT. D. Tuckeramith. A_&4.A they T�e,cleived a bad SODurgiong last au�,uday al4i'sUm; in the A" m,al. prc,,deddiogs 0sfoJiblli9h,;i iestlake was aorniing tilom. -tthla vies is nea.Tly fin-isdiield and modt air- M .
Vhe� f ar 1kist load Olt bwts fVr. is;
year. But wNle: tsbe Tied rust was fie with' the me-irs aTe, preparing, t1a lia Tuokexsmith day seir i
tnd for �Counciil�-.Tie Of 1nJk t1he nlOW R1:0Vinde15 of Albet'0111 .plentiful,.,up�-to Ilbe 717t -h inst. there is mgkir4:� gooco& heo:dwiLy with flo- ii WIR for;* 'general bus- yReWeldig Of MT. ib tihll$,.' ght, Ilitis, san, a lit fall ilict
and 8aska:tdhe*1aai will 4W place wie,rio no signs of. black tust in ainy 11"', t fuiri ye as additiou +;D -the uildbi:Xt ah: �s, In siome ntniaeictuanit - R s and cihildrez -of St. Tlibmas, :)eto1r DouigA Wa t1he sciene f an inea oca Bat blier -26th. of Wkng-. A0w Y -irth part -of t1he districit named aind� a a, I at u1n4ler, itibe, wiliteel, (aQ 4 weire, ivisiti,aS %vilitill, Mrs. Ross"clouls- per "Mr. W. H. -Bleike-r and 'familly 4,*" P bb" inte1riest event -on Wednesday of SqAs to t1lils date, we have,nt iniciticlediany ing inbo Qiietr h=dsiotraq At% so o'
Soptiembe�r the lirst sA on oat I 01 on t k P M. A 11
.Begin.& ecitive W �tmury el 1911ad' - to Tie- ins r, and Mrs. Thom,ws b1aving bui i , wivh. itlie, couladEl alt Edmiorftan and 'r over. We mr Eldex, %of -a A t -%yeek, whien his dawghlew, Miss in 6vied hall apan -eirfttv
reported. The wicator in this dis- witill, and is lao, nViv� 9xioultdal p. 't1hlat)h6'is dicilaq, t T past wek. .9 m6lseatortb. acke',ramitth, ldu'Anix the Mairlg.airo,t, 11M0jamie tiho wife of Mr. pleuiae f1tikoi6oftir- lt ly. The Gaveyneir 1144 'Othc�T; tTict haa been Witt arid showery 4ur- h neiaxly viomplietteid, and is a src MTs. John A. a -Mr.* and Mirs. Albext Tayloir f Edwatrd A. McAsib:. Thie velremony s V , uirt.-Bev. Mr.. ARcibiezon, ,tvill.14ke plaxt., ir�g most ,of t1hie,sleason anxl it.wIL11 s�t', N -and! family, of Londbin, he og:ricialtur", society. It V V111 4f Mf1otr,t;h,,' Preacilied iia, blile, Rries Ilcindan, ivisited att' tibiet. iolmle Of IM daings., Tiho ominhota� with some,, kliftictalty thie famers Ift - %Viw,s pelrzor�nled t lialt-past e)leveu Briawrilee stories and, -bk& a Wig flow,&_4 M built this, In t1ho Ptr6m ty ilan dhu)r'cjh lask SWIbbat1h. Rev. and Mrs. Gaoiigie, Taylor. el past in the iniriAng. by Rev. Thos. Dav!A- called an �i Browntlee, KA 11 wititrie 'getting filitar bay saved, es- makes it quite 10-11-ouis, Govarnmenit have appoinit164 Poin. Clrdtat�Oon, lot Criamarity, weieik.-X-r�. Gelcorge, Ualdwell, of on tbiatsda:y last Vonep won, of Varna, and- -%vbs -witnessed by bhc Atib OVY116"A present pecially, tlhp-- cult ivabed timothly Of on t(hel'samr,'pulpit ,oin I;und.a'y Ov" Twke;Tsmith' wthio Lriltends 1goinig a-ame twouty-five. nleair relatives and They, eaimx� up in am. autoradbile" 714 adE. FOeget t1h!e, le, eadth is bbui 152, e0a ab
w1hich a cionsideirb t to:t, thei ' sual . Mr. West,- Iblas d`ispos4ed of -his 50 loiov turnled bliet, same eve-ainig.-Mr. ,Goverat6ir of tle Lleut� .zimn in t1his digt'Acit. Tbe grain g nax u re f x ilonds, a being, peseaf from Ve Uride
Or tan is lan einittertabAnig ad, U.o- farm Itio Mrs. Ga.Tdon 'or itill-is viIJ19,1_J*. Browlae tidok a -load of Beechwoo&- -h. Af ter GeOT9�0 -saialkatebewan, at&d 'flon. G.� Mops n. t1he, vChicile were. igod . The� Detlriait, RI31ey, and Dmtlut 8:11. :
q Vaaelher anki ibiave a Mrs. (GuTae Yntonds ibiar fine wthe-alt to Skafolftb tbe tather day, relet sp H. ulyea w ip" n woloorme from iDwr people. -A PX16 erty 1hieve and will, Tk--sfde an, itthe tibe cieretmony a most swimptuDus NafA.-Xirs. Booth -and sang V-,. 1110P
Uommisslciinr of' bwrley at tihn datelaed. -was la p W�,eddine,.Ts diubdr Was, pairtakein of, and which ble s -old Mr. JamV, WOW'ks t1he expiking, * TeorftoxiaV ost of it wll o X.clunlg peoPle 6d to oaort!li, -after, opeod- n lUg t cotoir and m numboi lot th Tarm, 'T.IA41 w'119 be., avoire, to lbeir �yloaag icluole to�t� -the It ,tegtled- :sixty pounds to ttd340 bug]4el tu; n Pea apviernpr� 'hWVPY katics-S to IV
bpve bacin cat by this tjme, The,oats eirsmitth and, Hib'borit- inkelnd,. 1iklh19,-X'r-.iad Mrs.`Rbex, McNevift,, OjOton, . Orain Kippen to and Mr. 'Beal tie said it w& bli UX tilieft boll&y.9 i0tih the, f4oirovew, R on* -weirle, still 1grean and 1g.riolivLng ,nicely, of JGodo"rke%� 0Jro ViSitil T Mrs. obn a le tufter Ux , of ke"
�Oif t rig in t1ho ciboap brip, to Iffilci West mblim;, Xr.s. Jon. Hu,,The�.-Mm X, . I W. Eel io" 1. A
-heiat, uder the miost fa- koNevin this w1aek.-Gilboot- Dick, bilitait 1vad vtool. ith test. 0(fificials -will be swor-IT, il�ato- t1h wiltile the w ptembeir tih itr fuitire, 'blame, in Dubuct, Bask., first lad the 'kad boui^, tis year, Kervian, -of Clin-ton, Jlwa, WhO it inew offlices.by t(he Govm%oor Pi6neiraUL viorrable ,clyeum stances wUll not 'be K ippeinlit idiattle; kinig eire thiel .,graom has engaged in Nottes.-HiarveiAing i -s visiting ;Wit lh;wr nale'.5, Mr. M. vemplo
buiness. llhie'biride was cone of the West End it until m tti`ck OML t vt- the firn.e, of thei itkeiotioiry- eeTe-� relady to on ie:it. wcok.. Title i Brussels. blite,se -Idtays buying up pis atrid itihe most oplulaT, and- mcicompdabed (10W InC0 -wilh Me!r1mttor oairijito.T circip will. Tan fir.orn'twe-riy �,Iy filoshed in itthlis eigli- 13's. a -rid, W1110 was vt riobies. Ech The t,,raps- are; vfty ig6od, Week, is Teoov*Ting nicely, and-- Va. oompel..,
-a Go")�Irnle ties.-Ux. and. Mrs. Robt.Ttfildna - big igrive- o� sev�ejn cents is briiniging yiounig- ladies in this vilicinity, and &be, svpa tibir)oy, in a vame porsoa to, tdran inti tio tthiixty buhials pleir aerle, nd i - ,has a .bc,st 0i flrie to will ex- tih Te i Mr lot of 10hey to tible; Imirk PA. abafidicei of istrw-w' aind soon be berse,if again - - OnA
I.Or yeqpecitivei Braince. gTade 'big.h it no blight ovicirtakes it soS, amid. daulj-�btelr, taf nds wili It in, town, -tor ft cAulple Mr. Jahin Ba3four was with triends tend, Ohl. 10. P. Haxlgan, of KiinkoTs M* M -W Voil
Tibel t, th as fo�rmed wil Jisa v,e 8 best widliles for herfutuxe, yields, f rin.-Mr. and -Mrs. and it dims. not ge to; mac1h,wet weito vs' or O'Leay, of M&rontvoi, Sunda tor itUs w.Wk--Mrs. Mo- RobeTt Wlite. and Amos X pla s )ek.-Artthor Ta�ylor, in Exe I 'happiness. Thle Ig-Toom is a Stan[_07 ,bontiol uj -0hiere of �,,.�ays this we at MT. G. it. IRV* �-ri
pitil th gimoral oleciiclr'S.,� af te, � being ct. In e:e Ir -tilito eoloy of R. Clymont . is ViSitI1111319 '-hex L t If PAM Iadly wi4',o, ibias been irr da VSh eT counig math, emtVr-VrisLn9 and ener- intend ttakiin�g In, Orel, excumian to I T an, -_ - i�tihey -%V-111 4946 111P,; the vrp is hienvir it fls' b is expeotted at ,tth Bt. Columb to _t, lhey iJtl 8 -top Iola 11 peoted to L theiridalei & Son flor itbe.pat Itwto Mrt. G.rievie, In LaTfdon. -getici, and will be sure, o, niae a, tihe and Mrs. T#01111110 ,4ficle; it: no t'. ldged and it was not ie loift iVhis week tfoir At*lood, west. The GiVoins, of 'V ixden, Mainit-ol-m �. teal - n'val cionclext, -on Aeptpmbel-0 in
-tie, nitake Toom, fldx t1heir InTarel. 8110-! fill pnoporly and will Ihelp brIn4g Y OV� 5 utolcesms of Nags in the, L'i goea jqn. " 00 Who -respeotive w;h asition.- led on friends h5re last A con,staint t4-rinioveT
djD)v.n the avemage. Buit -witli, igod, 'pre, Nei a s, wicoredt -a p Explasitor altes wit;111- -t-h many inow K :� WV llavo a
Toilins-, her ri". Is. staft 0 -E. _SO00 esting" aind. thwesh- R. JbIblastn. of fir I obb. Mr. 'and Mrs. M fn#td to OliVeln� d "Oln Q1 making� 'TOOM will be -is niot yett &Ulni to I Y waitlhietr or liarv, Wingibarn in calls at tdtt� in1g dldly-,_ ,reinters, ' S. -Miss Iva. Camp)* wlhcibi oalvie
P. - Obloq go, ,8v-Oxe Brief spent the�, h-oli- good a, ' axe. a-Txiv ;kdrilolvm, 'but the aupolffion is that'� iag tiboine, wll bo a,tgoad tavtrage 0, D Ibior, sistior from Lcindon,,, is -06 gulet, -of Miss We' bi th4t their days may be S'att IVICIVY IhRvi 19 Quite iov,numboer of, he lAda pm- 0 aVqQ __ ainttiauio6s "in town 1daiyatwt beT llh,*ie, heire,_Tbie Itoflin I t Ito tAh*4 Soaforbh- in Saskatdheivain Mr. .W)ad!t&. Scott, I Y161d t1hiriouighoat, I this elatire. d1l.s. freg"',ewig Id and IN py tolysidem"11,11
,g _r. of Dra ia.-Mrs. Pagan, of OlevehainA, I -1 T ple vvion
-oif elgina, be Ithl IN-0taift-1 tx ilt of from 20 to 25 buisihols Po week. -Win. MOIC44101191114 ewin4to ivs taiatt. tUe "sum - -'r Mr Da1ton er van 9s.e -ate Mom. :i acire for wthleat md, X Lia(J�dcon,-was dhakin% blainAs. with his ation ii X0. , d nd f -lie Iranal On WADdalos is visiting, U'r fatthe 30 itc, 50' s' teir.-Mr. Cooper, Bayfleld. good time. but many 00t -lift aei
0141triends. in bowai t(his-weei1c. It 11% and also lber Is ohools aw ck�nod.-Miss Klly as #a X
buqhtels : far ats, Timldthty,. ,of [ton yo&Ts sliurie, tiho Mccul- of Sciatorth, was,visLiting this sisCor, RememberWe are agents for. theNew 1. Mr. Gapy, Eu -s he �nad-&,his lbow, and ,voTk Igrown been ,etagelgod �oeacihl No. .6, 03IT-oad-
License eduction'. w1h.iothi thee; is a ood deal -ra g;Dne bef aire thoy aTT1ved.-XWr. cogressiv farmeTs Mrs. Haimbly, the tibeir klay.-M - idea paper pattarns. Themoittup to date paper foot, and loomimetriped. ?hwr duties by t1he . Mi g,h, family let R 'A. nambee of Va�p6rs- air� 'avociat- � ied ()Ptev.) Heindel.rsion, iof� Bridgtn, nind patterns, milt always satlefactory, and onlyloo, Ds;t - pr Ciollio doig., Kaplan . d Call and get a f ree fashlon shoot and see the new -bhis FTUn.k Dougibet, of ADhievzo, cia-V last -0teelk. It s a J' adsbo was being J�l week, itibe clause of whio'lit 49.. a Mrs. White ;av, b-ean v1sifilng Mrs. falletyles. F. A. Edwarls. RayttAd. 1997-L ough" sent irund�j in Blyidi the Mr. D. Xlerrixan, ot Milwaukee, -D. D -A G!,
in fiiith�Br (rduciticin, cit the d c1nop, and: stol ar s fuilly as lal John Livinigstjoin.-The Misses Vl- a visit 'to fri ads ',hege, tUs gloi; The Fall Fair.-Zho, prize, Ksts for iguest Si hr A&elT, rs. C. 03onett. on
-nuirriber of liqUar, tlimazes 116 it lie pin6fitable as, w1hioat alad Moore, eas- mk texj.-Russiel Brown. is 'J"OtInC lifil r�r a rief iholiday.- poind were, the guests of tbeir Vous- our fall tair thaVie, -just b4ea issuied. -Mr. 'Josepil T�awnsodd visited and. wre lvookia�x ,walli. ily;,saved. ' 'a. 4n Toronti rovince and vom-e, P_vea fore in, Miss Werslakle.-Tihio Misses Cbtfr- -P On t1he miin liniN of Itihiet C' P. R. Ww's Ift. Maclacy, .6f Woybmr�L, X.,W. The dates lot the t�hwv am Thursday friendis, i an if-cor- bho aot tew ftee on A
J�& ion adlonig thiis litne at t' -s ation, ihve, -&Y40 40 wilith fricind tice-, lot F ul I eon ipetnd- and Friday, �Scptembvr 28th and weeks. Mwr. a MTs. Zotsiath W, ilifte, T. welc;amie; visLtolr triorn Winnipeg- t,6 Brandon, inedud I n1g a. few days with *their gint,Mrs. ,ne,_xt ise,.:mion of the Oria:Tlio, Ueglsla- ing, t1h " D,Imssels.�._A barge plabel Wass and 29bh In addition, -,to tille large- and fainily, wl litave,binin hvrie 6,r HiRs Green. -tiagle. 'd ippel. P(of 6a—rbewy P I ans, -eir - Oha -Mr. airfd Mrs. Bo,Ub, of
Ther,p' is crtiainly vor� W In xegplar iist of prmiums a nu.nYbor some miantbe, ir-oturii to thCiT borne It -are. the rp is somWvat ligbber and ladlow L itibe friolat Olt R.Leia th Mrlin:gAcird, ' were , zalldg reicently Not". -Miss Miqnio Beld, of $a,* arliew t1bian in souithe,rin daf� & Son!s. furinitUM) Is-bDP; was of Bpeeials am being offered, and in Nesbit, 4-mriltdoa, at on QaiNy a�;
lstxong fe4alid.tiowiards prolibeir re- an Mrs. F. D. Ha�t0JhiS'ant._M1r. *Fraink St. Paul, di
Last Week Ibnoold *at ,of' ItIin o4its Tus0a-y -eivielning 'by a, a tortih. -who, has balan eii�ja -as
b'.r,6,'ke!a -an a special attme;t1ion. there, will be dalte. lstTicitiori in 'the IlIquoir trialitiz, ttnd Gkoitiag- -%viais )here sei6inig his frilands sistimat tea-ohdr in ftfel, ZuTieh, pub and barley -%vim& in stlook' and Tulare Stoe lglanog and' VtUng ilt.-T. est aoniti3it. One he Whitny GoverncWt aTo Oals Nei,Viiomie bs had Vbel'old house " last week.—Mrs. SellIery, Of fair,. -%N1hildh is aDways good tone, i lio school, . visited at MT. GhaTles was beinig coit m- all sides; araes flortil, is visitfin bordla-uigVT, Mrs. -led --tho liceasia!g - system. Iv(Duld aveTg�e, robably from. 30 liis.y�alr promises to e, better than turich. Stoloks Saltu-irttlay en�:route for Zur-4 Wife �Lnd
Tle4 t"i cicianetr f. Kimig arid P Sadlew.-Mir. Gear -go Chatie. of to 50 usilijels peir -actrie. A few sUltibs mov,dd, back arid p rppar1,a t icons d & t1lile, dimotors will do j.attia, iottLv,,_--Miss Agle Andoysom, f seems an gs._ F, Cresswi6l, ,the -AaaUcral, trend al evUats. In M4,,"de for erect -nig a itnet tried brick Lonon, is ili-olidintying -at itilic, bw�mto iblileir pamt it all Temains' -NNIthi the 1e1r, lb�`T- brlia is visditiog at Mr. John 104064- atelbes f wilitea -etre out on the , . t -r '* a i�Orme te�nlh -xanie's a:nd other f4onds.-31r. U. to, be, ow*W-rds a r6ducitiou of tbo� pk t of Mr.,D. McDoLvgah.-Mr. a4d Mrs. or IN: inth ited with Doirbage Plains and ItIbis iviciek, we- Xe-41denae, fin its Vlaim- * T -he Old- 'r. weabblew. hiooL was jcallio;g on Thyllcr 'had Iis ama raised on Non number of licens-lils issued. Un 'I be)� useidl last a stable.- P. Rooney spent Suindiay ivldh M PrIefs. _'Tih, Misses Cliapma, of e4r I n uir Smit, ,of 3
fanay, uibaat cuittnig, will be Igpinoral h ' "sle wl 11 u, " . P. Hlatmilban.-Mr. Jame�s Hairnliboon L)andlon, q 6za de, yra Cy a I - d f x i eA dNs, lalh, - o1ast'we6k. Mr- and day. -Mr. Wm. Jarmott, ow ve -r- Xr. ir ,doebitedly ,a subsbarttial dcrease in. tihia distriest, althlaugh them s Hetbe'rt C' nininigiliam Nv..asi lhM3 -rip -t �r�n
Mrs. Cre 11. are, visitin Mrs, a jbireabla, bas p.0 h 4�1 Strhtiflord 16r a ifew 4ys this -paid a [business t Ila St. Marys and tat uI an the bie-mill a f ew , tric, a a ne Could be, made, in tle, majo,rity of still a Igiocid deal itiliat wilft oat be fir, _ fibe, da!y.-Mrs.,F. D. Hutchisn ry p Gvessire11-dr's 1, rents, 31:r and Mrg. C4 se, s eparatar. *lWs mazibiale is 109" fit Vor several a� s yelt. 'The, eads weio�.-About lt*eve o"611(ock -On' eveilngs ago -whit was muc&- on- auglas, of §tanley, at lyxv_5ent.� of tihe at and !UP 0 ed y cases aad tho anfis at ItUtrvol- aind c1hildron have -r6tuirinjed home .iest Mo. t 1-� . j7 v 9, de- Wolfe,-4tibi A X-oved, ,a.re -welli fillied and t1he, 1griin VIump Suiq'day -- Fr-alnoi no joyed by kq large numbeir of ,guests thie
ling ubtlo-,prape�rly attiend-e-ii to from their 'visit to HamIlltn.-Miss Mr. Wm. .Bon4.v,r Vi6v ed in -to ihis f �el, with I I 4 s belein. iew T,�jsidetcle )boast w,tZfk. It, is,q6ite by larid brigibit and 41blionigob, in m-amy died. Decle4s-ed iviho -%vas -,%me -Of t1lie. su-mimr visi,torts gave r 11" being eintizaly Made f st( (kna4a
the xemaining Dne5. '] I age, iad ib;elari (Elailing for Annie Oa!rnaiclhel. wilib -lira a most expellont rgusical and liter- - self fosdor a�dd wind sta-eiker attaeb- n- I placies; t1hi ion it. hie nouirld it siVoul d 82 an a -.r,s at -failed to
visiting "Cur, t(he pa,st tw moint-his (at ioldition 'to that VaIrt of the vil meas,. XT. larxott will lavle, no cea of pliaoes where W'redUOtiOin in �avorvge f-PO(Ya-.4, to 20 bushn.ts k),ex -so,& time, -s,6 -Vb,,,tt' deatth,wilits, niDt ary emteirt itrimeint in tille- tDwn bell lendex, rY
R Oxpected. -Mrp' :De, Wolfe was -a irv" Catrinianeii?s lxge.-Mr. Cilloaxits Sh`ae�nako`r, Of thng but the best, which his t, the numbor of licenses hag Nen 'acire. -West fli Brandon and from f far the I-enelfit of the-Metbiodist I PaxkbAll, a. f�m-qr reildent oti otvr xms Vighly apprWuite- U - pa' - or dftlain!9;
1has xetairned -to -heir homia in, Loa- 1111'a -de, hoav-e1er, leads. us to believe �0111at to Moiosejaw, 1 in-candiinig -tthip. f Ine, (Ws I 111te:nIt - .Br Sabbabli: obloal, the pirioue,e(ds of _vitia4e, is II �Ivfith rhumalo (ever. 1XS . Campbell and Miss h �bei�orlel movLnlg tiol loit, 22, 'd) -=.-Miss Belik o $24. Mr. J. xWn tw outfits for the x1e:Maiuder m, thad wc
that it -will e, neoessaTy -to amend f f wh I 01 amounted b t
,�raip ig ea -Mr. wnd Mr'. Ed. Sipple. Xiavv, e- of - t[hie on V (.rtftly
ro-wing itwi t�l 'L I the 4tth I In- r s. Thiel Ifwn - Alma, MdLaudbLin wre Uto :_giuedt.9 of AoraffyW Love -S
the irules gaeraing the accomoda- Iginia, tobe criops a heiavier ot, of molt MAitland,'A Dettroi,t, whia witth litis
Miss Hey!boln.-Mi"_ Hazel Dro:ket is turned thleir home in. Pontiaic,,, f lao We,,sidenco 'Iji neAsling coraple 'The Telne
n t -tion afforded bp livens -ed houses. In !sa fix advanced. !T(thleire, werie some on. Tuesday aftr- Wife, son M6d dauglh-ter' have boe, MirAlilgam, aftdr a pletasant vigit to t�on T. -will have one *f be valzdl Vocok ing TiTdic. in Cron- v M- LO JuipposeA it
-no vvere ple�ts- f 1 net riesidenzes hu Me ilewity wbp .the torwn of GaR, sucth a -reAuotiori loats a:nd - batrley 6tult hoist eek 'cut �0,, inteamerd bje isitin ,fribends hf. Strati-flo-rd.-Miss su-mmprin!g in the. cledar's -f rivAds ,ad wol here.-ibe sym- ve
w1as irt", miosit! Eva Campboll., -airyd MT. Jseph Mil- intly made), and t1let lack of of it %�ould infoit beirOady brq;�'k camete;ry.. lo�r, f Wallboin, spent- a "'Row 'days antly s rised at their cwttaj pattliv, of all 11s extended o Miamd clomleted.-MessT& W. Hzarth_ prop r 1 gtablr, acidomm�Ddabisoin ihhs few iev.eniT g V neut Iflor at 4easit bein '4'ays. Tihie, 6rop is s agoo. Mr. 'Maitland L Mrs. Nonib Sal�,ais in tba, kl;eath of W. E. Po ot, the 10MIG f Mr. Gobie Jarrott and Miss A. Qoineftt beein keenly felt. In this case he Wood and in, som !cias-es� ioxcoptiloinal- an flelcomp ished- pia the .Amer1c.
. , EXeter. Butsoni.-MiRs Bar1r, -of Algoma, is ist, gund old W.)y, whirh bae xesumed tblei'r duties as, teoich- proprietors of be, bloit-els, wthase lly so. We saw s0teiral lrg fields uotipetrin:g wtili. hils gifts :f1or thp- I -an Miiiursda of 14st iv, licemses w -em. out oft. -closed- -their� oats lyit.hin j a, radius Ot ten -Nij�tes._Tthlel cioginci, [has a�tfeTed it visitinig, iher 1gran-amiatibr. .s. plmsu�re, f te) young peopie. L -n oaeurre,d elek tors in . twix Tespeotive S*bools, Wiorrdein. Seen in t4he Mr. A*rno Stelp,4k vieite& �rietads OW191 entleman a mp for ba-rns aa wv(lll, and to ma:ko- Arniles of B�giina w1hicibi w4fl.-certaiin- Zrlew40'wd o $25 for informlilltio:n blialt tle, ,,pavilpa. Pxevioiu to his 4e- Nad 'he this county t, Ple2s"TO Of t&P, 14t.h CAD110t,�Ssion the deficiency bhe municipialky talks 11 y , vave.rage, from 1 60 to 75 buAdl�s I R(ead. ta We conviOUG;n ;of -the' Usborne. partuire U120, me-inbws of Camps "Go -r- metting Mr. F. Stel formeTly in bei recent at opening sAlables for theacummo- pex aciria and slame; bioudd )go 111'010P, Palfles contion" and " Wevm- Done Filli.n," p-riampal ot -the Z icib iub�h� schodl �'fttim of Idie, Awrinrs. 'This P1 Rifnaiway.--While ini Exteiter. 16aa oused efir. Maittand from his who"..*. an hian this, but tilillis, arel exception- ih64e. bTleaking aV.d p;ettt;y thievilug. cat Regirift, farbotalt Aays aigo. Xr. MitoheR. work satisfaotv;rily i Galt, �l rid. tlhvrp- wriel ('blietTs anucibi thin- -%e. traitie, otf taxation this �yaalr 1wUI da trelftntli, Mr. Samual OuAmore, slumbers 02 an boux one Stol�ck, _%iho � !h!ad sPie] f. e X. I mey t ve a. but we -t.hink it1her-e woiuld be some �ner *bticilit will, `bT1hlg d1owTr it'hie, lgcjnm be 4 Nvele mills Da..'blito doillIAV.-Tilie lowa- of , ithe 5tb] cioncosion. bad en tcilt- and five a. m., and aitteT e. vtocal 3 spleinig out Ch& laod * in, the Killed in a ThTiesilie'r.-About 10040 I h a x trouble. in makini the phin univer�sal o:ral veia,,ge. 0 ,hd-a Tivon) *q�p �n se;roriad-o pFesented 'him, w1b Jx> ir�lull fiairminig balls :c ilao decided it -01 su-bmiit a by-law Ing frunaiway. HV Q,11owt Wrt, -v -as on. (his way igIst last xiday while- tihresh4M' ON*.1, U
'h a4mrs. as .* 9, mo±k of flom FAlmat4c n. of and the dift4vlity lcould be �n Uamiticib oind �bo Te-Tiriforges tas Va 17be, waitppayleirs Drovidin, toir t�ha froint 6f MT. E. J. - Spaakinanis. s bore of Htavan V was goag M ]at Vhe kxxa of �Gwj-, Aaaes P". Ov , ag of $18 most- favrably suTe. The camps name(I thlose, houses in OntaTilollonilyjt!oa bes-ex- Tlalq� 000 itor eleotwic i4bt lito Mi *atioriof lills serviastoir
or 'by �requirin, adA wilile ittlitei .1 Ts:ei wals sit"dii, 111" appr he bad visittedmi Lanvxienca, on the Logan iriwd jutt
gri4intied a licen t6 increase t-beir te4nit. Tlhie, wiliat I is, muctli be-avior purboses.-At , ;tdie uoitlag�.. tou:rna, theria itti bTidlei 'became caLVWbJt on tihei PIC imlitessie,d. wit1h Edmonton, ad the north- of film tuo Ift "Uti
wmaimrap,dation tor both, iman jcnd Inj tjbje Tiew'ribor oba, me in Loadicin last, we,eik, �Ur. Ed. the baic , � parb loif a wlagioq. tho-likirge, iveire.most y qoyapose-A of Godetrich Lois 31(1;;� Ift IN
-'c,6iuntiy, wad -was " aboaf 20 ot age,, and a M-A-sm, 1befast to such, wri extent to, mhke it is also l(aite,16. Thleire; bas been Vp favou'ably impressed witill t9m- ttLbire by rade, was Arkwu Wio 14e; bv
.1 Wle rn�;io a 1good siblowing. He a Jaxig�. pmvi&fa nimol. m,-tAV tL people. -M 0. �Spe,nser, of Detroit, the Aefioiency Pal-cused by the re- lelS rain t1h1eire, ,.�n'd a-Albiough the gmwinig ind. pxo- cAhinle ,and inst=tly likilited. Me W-VIAl "UP wo& -soc)Dnd p:t I zie, In. th-et se oand r�am - jump lamil wit�h- Mr. Cudmioire i Uile an bld Ba fleldite. and son, Wk%liter, plospecits of Of is, so flileaVy an, tilifelgerouivC pt�,ftion.-Mr. "J. Wthite,, IgTos. in licen", pr6viIded, -wilito, has (rig i4taxted. down stree-t at q Uro&,k -are blete. f. Iklaction f r 1holiday.-Mrg-play-nas s1vto t;5wni Chat htL inv--sted In- feeding Pews at thie, tione. Nei ,course, U�at the non-lictrise, places reT.y li ll�dged,. With eeo�.m resident of Detroit for a 'necik Isiptleldil - In tihis perilouig positifflan Of BT ntt d daulgMer of Mr. olh-n I
bJJ8,L Some PTO y;t1fileire. Amn other -was a Son of Ludwig Milfr, nvw per me. -She; came. up on Old Ff .V,105e Dot b rates �ntintiovus 4,ry, wiaTm wea Mi -nu*U,-,r of ea,rp. is makirrg -prepmru- Mr. C actraore iha-d ntc�t4lnlg. io, do, bu F ve�jt u s tentirely. Olt: ss L tles� ZI am by )Xr. Just nbrUb of Chia. town. Thle, Y01109- But while the idiftioulity coul(I be toa-re %biould b6 Tvikord ield of Uorij d igit -in the trig and twaft,m3utts. -hear ing IDI dea-t1i of lil,x Vrlotbie.r. Stelok on Eis rnvpIB was'Mr. iWm. man waa zot engagod -at andltj MOC4LIlmm, *f Cow- Logan, forme y - ot Stanley, metar but 4bad just been Tiding r -RSC )gottoe,n ovet in -tibis way, t lays a n friarn 30 to 40 -bus! Is per acir.e. Tbe ihas eceived heTle of rUble deatb On bTute -Mrs. t iss fiadditional iw-onsilillity on- iflite, pu'" Ihimv! or is be) and; ftelre aTe lot in a e gost lbe, muinse with Der 100 lb
D- orpip, fr�. Jas. E�aiilria, a wwkmam. made ia -turn east, lad alatkienig ar 3 GT4,, le n. MT. Logan bas a 1his birf cle. I 1wated).
- 4. parUcul-ti:rly on toseLW)108`c Xn�IaA.Y, (JaM.g -,r 'Har - N. 'W,. T.. a toxiiier wieill-k"wrt wnd 15peldd igaiv Mr. Oudin,dre a'-cillance Rev. and ab. -Miss Edda lic, an e s t tio� survive. Wool t,
itc V1, in vrit-biTilies ad In- muo"ib, (repeced Teiderib of Step- fic, ouimp ivih4ch the, did and 'luckily Kenn, of mrwranoe, se*ntimiez�,-ts ae x"pansi- lesting i aMeStIDUlln, N, Y,,..iS 'ble toir the It an. -increase 4eed any plaluel iC of RTandold will Ex-etcT,,. ivko died Julv 29tih, esetaipsed witihiDift. a scroitc,,h, The fguest -of iss Etbet Miarks..-Misa kidiey horse. twas vaWgIt! 15orn distance in Susie, Par is ome, from ,etr, is iderminaed in ith aacomiraddatin ttiltt be general unl6h,mext week. Last atteii, a sihowt, Uniess from I 'ITT
TORO- 0 for a visi -W. Cameron Is, tiere, I n-ffmded, arrd as iis also advoca *le-ek ttlita S� for -ime loie te, add,(�,stomaoht tioUble. Mrs. Harxis SPORT! ted, the jeountvy very ttle the worse Te; b u; Iin- tth-el Ucense the Alex.
CillopS ev. i Tea [0 in Mani - tho very -elo.Tlilest adt- for. Its e,spapidip- _g!gy also visiting at, 118, f a TS f 40to ry. the hatel ke�-&r must in some wmaisure and, by hex kind- esoaod witthairt, muc;b; idwml;k.e. mle�xlon_ a. Har.T Yodng,dwigh- and prices for thle i coba iadd- 'Itihe Teirritd�ries tieYi' of -the vreBi� be recouped for -the dditilpiii ex- Trilb'st pxornigig R ? e.very day That decds, phirt-iclu1arly Ito tihe Alcoldeats.-Mr. Mabt, w Roatley, teir Eggl please Iva is pat to. And Ithe tem- T).osses � safely gene Uhlb .,un;gers. I de."ion, had- Itho miis� f nom a pl sant isit itib rerift ot. exT lerie, -have; be, iv I lbail. Al io �ndeared -herself to evefy 1)ewson foTtu-ne Itict ihave- Wis. IV on �te_ in OWnwa. Mrs. Redmond, lilaug-h- povance peopId can, to, a rea lb r ok -7
a t� Teirribar- -rel 'day fteceistly. tew of Mr. Georgef Park is iaTeon
b th in Mark iwi'b Ind I i, lbaltl filie, au of her lact.. Fsi� W. -'%JOODS# riew4komie'ra in fibel rie- povilbee, of Itible, 10t;h ton tent. TK-movo the itemptation on, (the � pl .Pwrt of: the- flTcitl kee.-per to, "break k , b Lit these blav qual4ittinee. Mrs.* Haris viAted -Mr. Rdbtrt Can,.n, lof. the '6th a visit A m' Marlette.' in order -to malce kmds meet. m. "Ehre, 'h Mr al)ionald,- of Patmei-rstoa. 41eein, individual mio,4�. icif hor old trV_-a g btem, oi voince-sailolia, waig the Ticti4i bf aln nc� F is leg broken is ftayilyg -he
Apart from the acconomod,,Ltion re- 4ses of sevry 1, lit ItIhiese Fossea feww' Yor, and, her death will lesident on Mcs6&v q lasb. we'ek, in w1ho had quired by at,, law, ithe hotel keepe"r will. inot be ap Aly 64V ion t1hic'- be I rV44,witth deep ilegret, by *,barn. ounsequienve -of whI61i Ohii-_ how lies witb- his otheT, Mr. Dan X*Don- crosses, Footba- I Is, Base Balls.. movi-do-9 Nva -ter, t ditastler l9ellENTal Teisult. 11 M V_.� W. Tom,, Of TiOilledlot,, Ohio, in a very pr(octaTicius itc,ciridit(hoini with ald.-Mrs. John McLeod has -gane 'hoples for %.is treclovery. to lluiri�tsj lie to -wait on ffior ihivq-
anil other we l�,W moticto Ch'' 'h' thl " papeIrs a 1%vals-!Ihere ireconti, but ilitit'le 1 ro 4g, i �i y rr a visit- tio, 1has ar,6 veiy often taken. advem- ,-Teat uitory for lultowicirkme.n. epits.-DT. Rol4ins has disposed of Mr. OamT ihad belan, woring in th. 'band, willio.1 ill C AJE last ar, Expregs Wa ons, GossC by think 'Pax plothV - g ads, Bc-j of without prper remnnowa- Ontario; this tne&cial practisei fliet'rie, Itta Dr. -A. abosr iia tho barn aind. during it -be crolints he. IV' 0 much imprqvd. r
wioaJd be NwAIN; r I commenced , U01i. HOW of ten d-01 J%v 9M p4drsons biboys land! iqini tk) itak Uhiss -F. Dr.1 Rollinv 1has,lboien abserim f his Nad and a man —Xr� W. 111impon 11Q.3 CarriisX7. Hammocks, &cl. itaking. of Ith,& abed -room ale.piarts wifth, ciamiHielrablie, eautinin. ibiefre jfvri 'tweVt ly,etixs, road Jfo were alipemakingi in Mr. -Wm. Whiddon's i. I -_ -1 1"t0ek,171 of the, 'hoibel. it'he -water provi&d for is -no -dmbt t t many nihd 11has enjoyed ti a:vg-o and wO(r k1 nig iLn the if iold, -in som o ananner shop jLus i supplyiin a much febt ------- r—oholi
T"O' - . :1 I M his licirm nd Kvven the --ht-_,Tt forbis i7n:,6n -will I)e ne, �"rd "tEa thsarvevt tivo!, vralcitise. Owin!g Itic, 411 lh,6wTth tpi f1riorn -the imorw Vo tihe barn floor 'w!Xnt.—Mr. Z. Calliaday and wife of S own oomfort withio-ift leavin' ome Soecid Bargams in Ladies' Leather Be -11b 9 one Min Map, bmt- tiller is, a igroat 'deal 'he 1'Ptena's Ito 'from :t)bia av- abciut �sovii6a teet, below. T!be- fall Chiciaipo aT liaTe vNitling Mr. Cal- teat far remuneration. All thiese f ext-,ra oady on dbe, tival�duttiles of 1his profeissiida -fiNr a :rendeYqd bim. unioaasoius nind in this loday's. nis -, Mxs. ,Cowie.— Mr. Hiind,`Bags "ust now. thinga thotet keeper mon4,y. Mn y - f a eirs ibiave, noaa, - timel ab -Samael Salinderg, conditin juintil tho *Che -men Air. t1h ur Pie and wibe,,,ot Ctevol!nd-, They re provided tor the, ctclnv,�I- 1,Y, n1l. the licidip tb. irequire. With MIR��EMM'a, d. TetuTmA it._q Uh4l IyaTn. Ire was at Te here visivag M.rs. Pook's mother 1(ght iencle of thD 1public, -then -vvliy should tifileir at f and ioirf vt �10f Wingh0l7i, kITC here vialbin rvornvoll to ali-,% bkxmo a.ud med- and obhor I friends.—Saui Mow* filld ra
say, i. '9 - 0 they tY(xt be paid f ar? The. oxpe a E a beiind or two the will? ibf�, ablo t Tie v;elq ftl bor sa-mmorned, but his icondilition ans beon 6�Lvg quite mi rueteinsive 0 lb wile the individual would not be, hepa'vy, ;�<it t(hi-rowigh li.x�VCN' and th-re.,6iing =9,1 Ann Sainde-Irs, wiho has, lbeein. SGU . , is very critical.' It! t ibis votal buslaoss. 11-e� )has drispsed of as are quo
-1d frililids. Tieir mot icat imid ON, A I Ix but in the- nggregaito it would nian vc�y eninfortfl Tin, l!bivT caes therwfoir Tpontis, wili:`Jrebu�rn spine. is badly, -injuirted, and, lbeling a iwis car loa�ls aind expeots, the; ttibird to 23a STORE. notasidera,ble, to the ibbtiel man, and inore wilVlm Irequb. But 'Uhiero :t,Or' t'�a W061b NVU411 them.—Mr. Fr-dd very old Inian, '.his reoover'y is vey car t1his wo rolls, 8,)04 �k at, Bucieield.—Miss DRUGt BOOK AND FANOYF6 GOOD arge do is �' not imcth a ide, rt5 of Iaborr s, Jeakill rrived Od o11Lciadxm, is vLAtU47 Jher rala. on a visit Mom- Aoubtfut. St,�.ariige 'It -o say hbout it Stuart, 17 to 180 away with, Ue laiecesf4fy of h4s- Idie- e wouJd be J(eA - '-a suppose from �ni*t from 'Albuquierqu%. Now h' Thom-aq. met 1t1h. sis ter . "Mmsi- Dr. Stanbary.—James SEAFORI!A�' ONTAIEL yeutr 11190F 1 IS "A Te mwspp* 111'" �,Mt x it a Donaldacm, Ilaini wife of Thes&alan,� pending so madh ion tble trade of 4115 Uel i rf s. Of co' fl -co, Mr.Jeckotl durimg bho past a- sitnUttr aUdent by- fa111in oL I4.