HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-08-25, Page 1e fit mason, it is is carried to te of this store is; the purge of who enters the any word or ace ;r. Whenever Bill be consider. romptitude and `.d itt the treat- Leveloped to the THIBTY-EIGHTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER 1,967. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, A_TJGAIST 25, 1905. t Fall goods cent =tomers will see ent D OMr selectiona of ary, Silks, Frees Goods gess Goods Tr mmin s ekets ekets SII Furs Top Skirts Underskirts Waists e i noon t ' 4 Leta will be kind en aad as up -to -data 41 vou1d sec in the g so est & quantat comparatively ;ally choice tag, Iress Goodsi !that hlack drew geoia, 1 it is a kind of hobby laim that a few watt - Ch a woman could quality is no VaMt 'experience tells tle that = 'able price for rs get here: Linden, has been ttisitie -istes here during the two, as was eine )31dit Oliver Celeman, from Coleman, :was :recent - as a nainister es Klee reit 'and left here dies City. Michigan, onlattee From there het intends= .tlanitoba, where 4 -tee atter upon. 0.01 (little a la' it. We, unite witth here, in, wishing biro ail prosperity,-Mias Jen- . . Egmondville ant week, visiting Watt: - of Chicago. wees*Wte en tte village Sabbath kyle, a sett - 'nutty the guest at e pleasant vim*: Obson, el New te, owler was here en. n weet part of last week nen this week twit, Mlles Rose and tsfe MeLang irs. Thos. Jones Miss Emily and Xarray, 0.f Vele `W- aiting witth Mrs. • the past. weeke i Walt on, before re- - at present visiting WT. 'Ind Mrs. John ger- leeresane ste iiship, made on lilt t he has been fetiw , jail for Leentience?.u. he recv.ived front 6 probably follewe tit the Attereey-aew Fine I Tailpring readyroade and I Clothing I Thousa through mobody likewis now da easy, m tuniti come u AND FURNISH GS ds of dollars are lost ever year by il'ople down right indifferenee. it, of ceiirtp, is business, but rests with the individual, 'who stands the consequences. Great nuirOaers s are, however, making money—malang it king it fast. Thosa who are alive to Oppor- which come their way, and take advftutage) der the latter head. • ifillE118 raaki good lie in the neighborhood of Seaforth have g a few dollars on the side by pickhig pri'the hings offered at our • GUST Of CI thing and FuTnishin Thi k of cleaning up a five dollar bill en thin pm- ehas of a Suit -86 saved ? $5 made, and this is Only eve purchase you malie in any depart(meut Qt, 'our ator between now and September the let. The Big Sacrifice Sale Sto S It Yd. have ample time yet to get in, and you'll lave loads of goods to select from! People are Ose!tehag thicl. er and faster all the while those who have heen in re coming again,, and bringing their Weed's. 1 hen. We say come, everybody says c0 Rundre llundre llundre Hundre 50 men' ure 50 men 10 doze doz 11 11 s of Men's Suits at s of Boys' Suits s of men's good tweed pants s of men's fancrshills, s of men's cotton wprk t suits to be made to meas.. rubber rain. coats (water7 f) men's sox, 2 pair for Ties.10c, or 3 for • fi 11 other departments clearing at _sin'ailar priOefi. Butter and Eggs taken `tas p484. The Bayfield -Drowning THREE MEN LOSE THEIR LIVES. °leered at Hayfield on Saturday east, tresulting in the death of three bright and proraining young men ten bhat village. James Ferguson and. William Bailey evetta, William Wioods as Meer aseistant, hare been engaged there in fishing darting the peseaent saloon, and they had almost com- ',seven ioielock they started out be the. fishing !nrotmds -to raise their nets and set dry ones. Tibfe weather :was somewhat retitle and! theirs was the only boat te start :oat. )3utt the,y were all. expecienced seamen and tno Subsequent events showed that they had reached their nets in Sagety !bat none oe the p.aety were ever again and- wharf, but when tbe hoat was seen alive. The nets were set near- ly opposite D,r,ysdale, about twelve miles falcon rebore and. it is here the severe squall passed over the lake sand it became very rough. As, the fithermein did xthet return during the aft•er,noen much apprehension was felt by their friends on. elhoee tor tlbeir safety and toevards even - place to footings of real aleeen end searching panties net out in quest of the, beat etn,d the search was eon - boat was found fbout seven mike WieSt Bonfield, the whote of it ,u.nder water, and, only the boom ap- tug wee procured and the boat was towed to Hayfield. With! the find- ing of the boat ells hope noir the :safety of its ocscupants 'had vanish- ed. On Sunday afternoon 'the body of James Ferguson ua ivies found pin the beach .near Black's Point, about five miles south of nociertph, where it was washed ashore. When totend the body was lashed rp a pump by the beams and a net box was foued near., by. It was evident that Mr. Ferguson when he found ali hope gone, had out his suspenders from !his peeson and witth Ulm lashed himself seceirriety to t,he pump and with the. aid of the ,net box hoped te.flont anhore. The poor fellow had, eviden.tly, made a desperate fight now life as the evidence stow- ed Meat death had not 'resulted from drowning but friom cold and exhaus- tion. He had divested h'intself of his !hat, coat and shens whieb he had no doubt met oft iafeee being in _the ,water so aa the 'better to e.h- abfe. -hire to etem the tragi.ng ele- ments •sutrounding- lam. His watch was still -on him arnd- lead stopped at that he had been in the waterfiat that time. T,hte boat when found contained some fish whioli had teen taken in the, nets, the coats, hats and shoes of Messrs. Bailey and Woods and tthe, nets t,hast had been ldevRetswainsion. The rnain tat tile boat tied, thus showing that the boat was not in aetion. When; the eminent 'occurred. They had also set a whole gang of nry nets and .h'ad lifted halt gong of -wet ones. Breen all the indLeat ions it is -bhe opinion of the most expeaienced Ash- eamen tlhat the, men had the ,rnnin sail of their boat tied! back. so ae to permit them to woak,and were ,busily engaged waising their nets When the. sudden squall' iwept foyer 00 'them, tille,Lr beat, and that tit absolately sank under. them.; .and CA, ;before tinny ba& opperstunity helping t,hemselves ler doing any - tilling to save the boat freen sink- ing. Had Me main sail nem' sett the boat, although not considered very sea worthy, might have upset, hut. it weuld pot have sunk. This, at any rate seems the most rea.senaible sand and calamitseue Weir. Butt the real resident of sayisfileld. He was 25 years of age tod wee unmareied. He was of a (inlet and reserved dis- as • the ethers, but was an industen. Gus, steady, well doing y ming man. The 'bereaved friends and the citi- zens of Hayfield geinerally, feel deep - of the tug Havant; Captain John Oraigie, of the, tug Evylin, and Cap- t,ain McCartney, of the tug Blake, all tof Goderichs and also to tine avvineirs :of the local heats noir the willing ,a.teti ditigent assistance ren- dered in seareeting for bhe test zee- raeh. The affair is the saddest sand most disentebus that has ever oo- ing the lenge amount of rishing dame therm for many years, thaxe leave ,been very few( aceidents, and tiao previou.s catastropties such as. this. A.11,Satureday night and StIndeS, URI t 11 ehe' finding of the boat and the body of peer Ferguson, the meet intense anxiety was felt by, thleasrunde of pepple who thronged! t.he beaches found the tension was somewhat en- lievee, es. it was bhen evident that all had been lest, and :the feeling of use tainty and unrest sg,ave place in some degree to cote of sadness and sornow, but. mach anxiety still ex- isted an aeeoun,t of not finding Me bodies of the two r-earraining telatimes although all feel, that their safety ie an imposeinllity. It hitt peabable may- not be found( far same !time as the under eurpents of the Jake may woad ' be a grekt *relief to their friends could they be tound, un- ion they are there is always a feel- ing of suspeese. Crop Yields. The ' -bellowing is the estimated yield of grain, tete., in Ontarnlo ac- cording .to *he tAugust bulletin is- sued by the IDeleartment of Agri - Fall Wiheat-The .anea. is 796,213 entree' and the iyield 18,467,043 buithe els, ex 23.2 tele.hels pee antes as elOrapitired With 605,458 awes and 9,160,623 bustels ie a1904, when the aver.age was 15.1 The taverage 'of tripxing Wheat -1.1.90,116 aores and 3,591,941 bushels, ex an a.verage of 18.9 as compared with .15.4 in 1904, when ehe yield. ;wtes 3,471,103 :bush- • 13aeley-772,633 acres and 24,163,- 883 busbels, ar, rae average o/ 31.3 per egret being about the eame 730,14, lats;h2e,61688;4016 )aasilereasynxenagd 01002f,83089..5 - per coin, as In 1901„ 'the acentige end yield ,being almoat !the sam.e. Rye -I01,292 aores apd 1,753,135 busnels, at' an average of .17.3 per asc;res and 2.001,826 bushels, ur 15.3, per Spire. Pees -374,513 aeries end_ 7,510,775 bushels, ass- lag els in 1904, itlh' last 23 years. Beans -50,543 Items are expeeted to produce 968,883 bushels ae against 912,849 :harvested from aibotett the sa,me anea in 11904. Hay and °levee -3,020,365 eaves and 5,847,494 tons, or. /1,93 per asexte,beat- WAS 1.80. The everagse of the previ- DM 23 years was 1.45. Apples -7,018,723 anree ef nearing age are. eo yield 29,600;551 bu.shels, or 4.22 pee tree, while about 7 bush- els was the 'average in 1904. It is tee early :to sestimat-e title yields off °thee crepe, bat the limn- a,gles are ses follows :-Core Moir husk- ing 295,005; ,cor.n tor silos, 184,78e ; turnips, 135,318 ; Orchards, 366,613; veneyards, 13,719. The numbee sot live stock ton thapd is as follows :-Horses, 072,781 ; cat- tle, 2,389,503; srteen, 1,324,153 ; swine 1,896460, and pnulty 9,737,093. 10 59 75 00 00 25 oh.i, is home Al riS011 ig Dupre tel Miee A PIT' are eat with_ ne'ttie' IASI; !no pleaeed, to say. tee - k. .5011 ig 110Mer Grdg & Ste Joh son Bros.' Old Stan The LargIst Clothing and Fur Store in Wesfern 0 tario Fano Laborers' Examitor to anitoba and Assiniboia SEPT.P.MBER 2nd, return on or beforp Nov 1905. Rate goina 12'; ,Rettito, $1 09 Remember this is a 0. P. R. Excursion and you sheild`bny your from a C. V- R. agent and get the best accommodation go.'11. For pa and tickets apply to ber ticket iculars 4getlirts C. R> Ticket, Telegraph and Dominion Express: Agent& Alt the victims are inatived of Hay- field. Jaynes Fea uson Nati the sec- ,ond sten of Me. John Fettle u,san, ,bailift. 11.0 was 3 Teals of age, and leaves a -widow and -one child, He eves a steady, industrious and well - doing man. He was an experienced and aecomplisned seaman, and had tlhe lakes. In company with Mr. Bailey, they owned: the boat tney very usucceseful business clueing the season. me, season at Hayfield, thoweverr, was about closed, and Mr. Ferguson 'intended leaving in a few day -s., tor Port Dover, Where she had been engaged to manage a t ag far a large fishing company there, His wife was Maggie Porterifield, and a V daughter of Mr. Peter Porter- field, t'he retenan clerk of the townehip of East ,Wawaniceeh. Her taeribly sudden affliction • well se - awe her the sincerest syrilpethn of though even this will be but poor consolation ter the Joss of an ever kind and thoughtful husband. Tbe remains were interxed in the Bay- field cemetery on Wednesdaey, and t -he sympa-bhy bow the bereaved :am- ity and the xespect in which the de- ceeeed was ;held was well manifested by the vsny large numoer who at- tended the funeral, lo aya.y this \last sad t,ribate of respect to one who was so highly respeoted and so much beloved by all. William Bailey was the eldest son of Mr. Riehard Bailey, one of the oldest residents of Benfield. He was one of the most !respected and usetul citizens Of Hayfield. He was a' watt -- den of Trinity Wawa. and was a raembe,r of tree ehoir. Both he and r. Fergusion were members Of the Independent Order of ForeNters. He wag 25 years of aege, end was unmar- ried. IIis aged father and mother ate prostrated by grief, on acecount of their sad and sudden bereavement Whiclh is all the, more poignant on aeconnt of the suspense and un- certainty nibithd attends this- case, -as tthe body has not yet been found. and whose body has not yet been found, was a SOD of Mr. Hafley last _6,629,866 bush- .yietd per mere bein-g tale, average of the School Book! Supplies For Public, Separate and Hie, Schools & Collegiate Institute ALL THE LATEST EDITIONS. ALEX. WINTER, Picture framing a Specialty. neciprocal trade within the Em Pile. His wife .7,vaa Annie Elizabeth deugihter tot Isaac( Burpee, of Bunt • datrinA ;had up took place it& ether 'night Ohatha.m, when: Thos Ine Taylor milli, was surprised by tWo men armed :with revolvers, and 1`0.lieved of this really change, The tinegs, who are supposed to be two • ; the numerous tramps, who hayte their victim. The .pogee beve no clue se to the Identify of the Tut- Tationto, !attempted to ,gest into the sleeps of a gasoline launeh, with their canoe in the Ilumber river on SuOday afternoon. The canoe was overtuened and Bray was drowned. Successful Pupils. seihnois in this neignborhood were isueeeasful at the recent depart- mental exttrainationS: Bepior %leathers' Part 1 --Edna, MeLean!,,-/e. F. Johnstone, Telma Ross. Pant II -H. F. JOhnstone. Jimior Teachers -Jessie A. 'Cald- well -I, Edna *Copp, Ida Cornish., Jean Meer, Matrgaant ,IYIeEwen,. Anna M. Robinson, John R. Ruannall, Henna Taelltet, !honors. j. Beaton, English litexaturee Isabel, Gunn, algsear.a, geometery, Frencth. and 'Germane Mantes Sew- • Feenclb.; M. Wthiddon, English, G. Stewart, Erenelhe W. B. Taylor, Preach; J. II. Oelolough passed in muoursecra Silver Jubilee Concert At St. Columban Monday, Sept. 4th, 1905 Admiesion to Concert 25o ; no extra charge for sitipper served bet+teen tee hour of Lintst refreehmente, ice cream, cake sentiviichee, etc. served at all bourn Johrl 'A. Kelly. Toronto, great ventril- 'FeTiahexevlToronto'a atar vooeliet and eorn- umbe Death of the Oldest Senator. Hon. Davit Wagr-k, Senator, the oldest legislator in tble world, died mast peaceful one, and the end ayes not unexp:eeted. He suffered frorn no disease, weakness andt extreme ante being the only complaInts. Some ev,e,eirs ago, he was stricken by the heat, but eallied until a short time. argo, wthen he agile became un- well. Ea,eh, dee- he grew weakereund eaxly Sunday moraine it was ; seen that the end wee approaching. At 8.40 Sunday morning Senator Wark' ended a life ,of 101 yetves, six montbs and one day. His mind. xemained clear to the last, and he -looked for- ward to dearth\ with Cheistia.n forte - it null. ii.e0 ndenderry, Irela.nd, on Fair a - late. Sethttor Wank was nern nay 19, 1804. He settled le New Biunswiek in 1825 and early entered polities there. Ile sat in 'all for eight years 'in the Le,gislative -As- sembly of New Drunswick, and, af- texwaxds for 1,6 years in the Uppe.r Clheinber, known, an the Legislative Counieil. In _1858 the was abseil as Receiver -General .or the province, an ,otrice he held until 1862. When in 1867, at the Conf-esderation of the Dominion of Canada, he was called to the Senate by the Government of Sir John A. Maceloaald. as one ofthe irepeesentative men in his pronince. In Chest body Ihe sat until the time of his death, and on the occasion of his hundredth birthday he was the re- cipient of oconerat al a.tions • teem btetsh Houses of Parliament, leaving served Langer in Legislatures. of the British Empire than any other man moons:led by ,history. He was lomesent . in the Senate during the past sees3ort. In polities -he was a Libeeals In 1847 he introduced leg- islation in the New Bru,newlek Leg- , ant -Governor by proclamation to aemit the pTiaducts of any othee eel- ! ony,daity nine. on suede colony reci- • procating. All the provinces of terest:mese of preducifs was effected by this 'efforts twenty years Infore such a policy was made permanent by Oonfederiationd He was upetle the time, (of his cliqat,114 a: iStriOng adnecete ibis Vocal quartette ; St. Col - Orchestra, ;33rd Batallion Band. rke sent Heavenward from en d platform 40 feet above the rii am pt e atre. Progr, inme Starts at 2 P. M. All tielne will step at St. Celumban, Alretitly the shadow of the great event 196:71! Director. Geri:nap ; D. Fanner passed in Ger- ed in ierything but algebra., pby- Gorier ion. S 'enitrat- Leavieg Part Wear Boyce, :"Afnalgs...mt Clark, Helen Drys- dale, Reggie Elliott, Jas. H. Joyet, Clab.xlsotte Stirling, .A2groes Welsh. Senior; Leaving Part II- Jean Centel*, Eva Dunlop, Letitia. Due - Junior Leaving Pa;rt II-Gr,a.nt. Boyd, Anstin Howard Der - ford POO, Williaan J. Smyth, Jessie Blake, ti Minnie Dolan; Olive Foster, tshorpe,;° !Loretta Griffin, Mo - Lean, Onley McLenna,n, Lizzie Ruth- erfoxdril3etsy Smith, Leweland Tient- bow nee .1A I ice Trotter, Mona Wal - Hackett, lela,rold Long, Clifford Wil4ea Matheson, who avr.ote en the scheslarship examinatian., passed with re4rked success, obtaining tirst elms 'honors in bistory, English, Latin and Gernaan, sees:end-ohms In Frehicil."!, Greek and mathematics, and tinted class, physics and chem- istry, 4-sd winning the sixth Btakse genera/1' i proficiency seholarship, $35 anii, thine. years' free tuition. SI. a Yearin Advance. Anna C. Men:am:gall, who has been taking up Senior Le&ving work fen the Stratfard Collegiate, were also Junior Lesaving,.-Etazel Browning, Martha. Oar -ling, Vera Cobbledick, Theo. Plarttleib, Isabella 'McDoug- all, Mary Itoeclh, !honors ; Huron Ncites. -Miss slYfaety Gwyn, of Wingham, :has returned frora :trip to Cuba.. -R. J. Actives.= anli Mies Acheson, of 1Gederich, have gone en: et trip to Winghana, have gone on a holiday trip to Idle old land. in. Zaltes mill, Clinton, bhe other day, Mr. Glazier had nue of his angers -E. r,ebbett, of iHolantesville, has gene to Itedle,nds, California,. His family expect to go in about a glassee alai his eye sight is eemexk- is 73 years of age bas neves used ab.:67:0: en ntartin, of Clinton -eft* -43,823.80 is the amount asked by the county ithis: near from Grey township. This sis quite n raise over 1904, viz., $1,140.45. Clinton boy, thus been, promoted on Satterelay, August d2tin, ,after an illness of several enoalthe. left last :week son a trip with her tette, Mrs. taanpbeil, of Bort El- 1 sonle !stooks a e,,,,ia, ,,,,,thich steppe& 'Yin, to the Pacific coast where they -Mein. entend ;visiting -relatives and ,friends or a few months. -4 quiet wedding took place in , tlhe ;patter of the Centrum -vial hotel, -P- III' Newt -on and tur'el 4-att-iltun Strettorde on Friday, 'August lithe 'al's kl'i ahieling°' Ill'ave beell tas'Llaris wine , Mr. Roderick Maclennan, tar- t Hotel Geroderich in that town. Mr. met: Ballen . tiowlithitp, *minty AT ewton lie an iold time eesident of Bra e, odes:Tiede but left !there many years Mt / 0 ito seek this fortune elsewhere. field bownnhip, Loehalsh Pt 0., -001111.--- s Ohristena Fintaysen nit, Ash - was unitedtin marriage to st Tveek, after a long illness. per - Trued by Rev. iWna. Mackok teased was twenty yea.ro of age, Free Presbyterian minister from nd a member of. tare Methodist Scot and In the nresenne of a few ✓ ,general proficiency at Toronto niversity. Mr. NiAtTleSeal also liked. nor tine emend Blake seholar- &Sea Ito another !candidate by tre- y xsion. ingham, WAS sent aeith e. team d a aaatryalt out 'to Grey town - tip the oth•er, tday tor 'the livery 6 e (horses stumbled and fell, upset - ti "" the vehicle. The iboy was t a -own .out and lh;is collar none Roger Browett, of Wingthant, d last week, after an illness of e weeks with, typhoid never. I)es ideas of th tet town nor eighteen nes., and WA O. very elever .young The other ay. the little three- on le ds, of Godericb, while running a- ' 1r -old daughter of Hebert Rey- , eetneeetish t Icen into b. pit of lime .en. the lees atiloininn Mr .Reynoldsn re Pol. Y,oung is building. -She Neatened quickly by her father, her face about the!' left eye wee-, sidertably banned, and. for tiornie s eves badly ewollen Goaelich, wine was working at Is lbadly cut. The iseesond and al fingers ,of the right hand were n oft about at. the second joiut, the little einger, of the left hand isenered between the first and quiet wedding nook- plane elt St tallireill, Vancouver, on Aun- • Thome, of 1Vancouver, and at the /late' Georee Evans, of rich, twiere united lin the- holy s ,of matrimony. The terementy perforrned by the ReV. C. C. , d3. A., treater of Christ elnerch, diets welatives and fillends of ride .and lbridegroom. ' e other week Messrs. William d. Glenn, tend John Macfarlane, inton, disposed lof 1,200 pounds 'eel, the reroduct of their own Mr. Mberfaelane shad the 's teleare "-800 pounds fb nought int- off =ether Oen heart failthre. 1Tare !remains were taken to this home, ;biome iet the time, Min. Holmes being. lin the country. !During the day be Iliad ta.ppaxently been en the veep best iof health and 'spirits, jokinn and :Calking iwith his fellow employees en this ordinary manneer. He has a non in the fWest, and ihis wife ..aad. aoglibter at 'horde, who have the sin- ° cerest tsympathy of all in their sud- Valet, unestentatione ciWzen, a. Membex of the, Brethren, end, by his own industry And frugality, had laced !himself in eomfortable cir- mance,. inor did lire belong to any, -Art action against Harry Dawson, e t in tine lbarereora Of the Huron dining 'elle time „nrobiletted by the L quor .1.410eILVe Act, name up for elk applieation of =counsel for tire efenco, E. L. Dickinson. Inspector A.quith WAS present and Crown - Attorney Seat-Yer appeaaed for tine pXyiseation. bile information was laid Iby Constable tPostleavaiste. da lent tha,t might intve had natal xe nits. He was working in the -fie el. with !his binder, add hnd lebene pee to oil Mae maChine. While oiling fri Maned sthe horses land they eau He iwas caught iby the binder, one of Is legs arid bis net*, under the jawhone, sbeing severely tut. The the imacbine .came, fin eontact with di ni see an no to en wi da the the tak and wa See weir ust bill Mi ter God bon was Owe in st imm the rend of 0 of t niece in in ing, with, honors, Ruby L. John Tuer, Kate Harlburt, Lila E. Rieke' Maggie B. Drager and Ella Hockinen junine Matriculation. -Harold B. J. Lartsworthy, Marion L. Asbuxy. Partial Matrinalralinn.-M. Sam- ple, Ttivarnas G. MoNay, Morley G. To the above list stould be added the name sof Edgar Tih.ompsan, Loga.n, which has, through some error, Igen omitted. The %nee ferst naraes in the Jun- ior Leateing should also appear in first ,esee, Hocking, taking 11/01110:03 in everything. Plive Hope Dufton and imm dinn hi id left on a parties who etterw,ar-ds took r at the Oorarnerota.1 with the ten., 134r. and Mrs. Maclennan in the afternoon, for Glee:nee 'painful accident taceunred the otheri day at alias borne of Mr; Blob - the Say, when !the smell of. tire It Id a bile' ket, and lwrapped. it 'around hex *thee, sanseeded in extinguish- ing it, e flames, lbeefre either Mrs,. Scott lor the 'baby were burned, al - ed with the iftemes. In her heroio burnea. It le thought Oat the fire was *used by !Mits. Scott stepping - unon et match, Whiele ignited and set ndtry, Auguet lith. About ears ago she sustained,n fail teem tehicih; ethe has -.since suffered scat ,conetantly ; ton. Friday het 4, and Mae gradually sank, until death _ niorni !g. She was 59 pears and nine days es d. ntre. Biggartsevae born in Cadet n. Plate, land Dame to Stan- e ley wi ihs her Parentz int I-854. Here. 1"/ the li rl until 1875, when Sive was .? nicer iC tit) Bober ti Bignart, of ,tn_ Clint I, whe:re they !have since ee- isle am ev'eree born six all- e Canada. -An ioutbreak of anthrax 'Vellielh bee occlarred newreCollingenciod hits caused !the dearth Of inx soattle and one rada, and the community Ls be- coming la -termed. After It a eleort ilinees Mr. W., il. Waener, one of the oldesb bust nese TX1 of eWhitby, tiled Friday ville yeers ago, as Secretary in the foundry 1 and latterly was, a coal 'ifil dealer. ' es was given a Ineasonie funeral, . • -At al meleting of the Milo Reale)]. Committees of Winnipeg, et was an-- nOuneed 1 that Anne tkiigust 1st 73 eases of !typhoid teve.r had been 're- ported !at the City Health Office. Fortyitfiee of the tpatiente are res- idents et Winnipeg. From'. August waived the highest, 'market price, 25 let to Ineugust • Ifitle lest year 90 cent per pound tf or the wanhed. For ce-ses wete reported to the aathorit- seve washed fleeces Mr. Glenn To- ies. Dr.! Dangles stated that most ceiv an average of $2.46. Off one of ,the irever eases had arisen. in ewe he sheared 113 1-2 pounds. louses that veere not modern. • - he Goderich Star 'ot last week -An Itenetion sale of nada-linen says : Last week oer townsman, Mr. gooda tete had been left irt Win. Wm 'Warnock, received a lettee O'Brien'e storage werre,hotme, Sault fro Mexico City, &liking for seeds Ste .Matie, was theta laet Tbersday and instructions how the -grew his afterneola. Several pieces of rfornie tang squashses. The writer Jose ture and a number a trunks were, M. elasques, C. E., had ee.ad of bought I in by &cal people purely Mr. Warnock's big equesh at the ea speculation. A- partileutarly St. Leans Fair, land being a lover of cheap }stoking old trunk was pur- hortieulture, was desirous lof try- chased :Soy "Williona areer and Wna. ing to equal the Canadian. Veneta- Morels:all, Soo merchants, who paid ble vender. Mr.Warneek's equashes $3.05 Teti it. On opening it at borne have been 'a widely !read advertise- they fouled in le eash to the amount men tor Goderich. of *$225,59. The trunk apparently - . IW. J. Holmes, a well known belonged at one time to an Italian, and !highly xespeeted resident of but the e 'VMS no means of ;letting wi lawful suddenness on Wedelns- s-Peroy Woodeock, the Canadian day of Last meek. He was an em- !artist, and 3. L. Upham, a cent - ploy e of the Macpherson & Hovey Inertial i traveller, bravely resened Co., land was sent eat, to Tillie fa.rn2 Miss Loetie MeNish, aged 22 yearsi of a r. W. RObinson, Just outside from 4rowning at arrockville ate the own., to adjust some part a Friday 4fter she was under water tihe threshing raaeltine a Morrell & five minutes. Miss MeNlieh wee Moe is, 'which was not working pee- swimming, in a erib la,t Wegner's' perl . It was just about one o/- wIrarf Some -distance from. shore, af• t Ithe neon Nous rest, and Mr. ed into the water witbetat divesting Hol es was working at one Side of thenaselvies of their elothing and it, n weal men eyeing on. the oppen found her.= tile bottem. in. fifteen ide. A 'moment or eo after- feet ofi water. She - was uncon- scious wihen brought to the surface bat -with a good knowledge a 1-e.. sustuatio os rescuers managed 11 site w'airde ne was noticed lying in •the steal an& elisefe, end eney thought he 'hed fainte.d, but he was dead.. A- doeten eyes summoned, put. cause