The Huron Expositor, 1905-08-18, Page 6-t N A ll kj-44 A SOUL NOT WORTH CENT Teaspoon* in. every- Package ilemeswastroor SWIMMER BOYTON'S REBUKE TO THE MEAN MILLIONAIR assim FIFTVItENTs FOR SAVING LIFE feliTATE FOR SAWS ft RAEttfo- FARM FOR SALE AR RENT.- 11 Cantin terra %ttnlev township, 145 Bereft. B Apply to IL 8. HAYS, Barrisler, Seeforth. 125541 IDUILDDIO LOTS FOR ilALE.-For sale, nevem' jaa desireble building lets in the town of area - forth. These tote are situated In one of the best , parts of the town and are well pianted with the cheinert of fruit. Andy to W. D. MeLeanat the ExeoarrosOFVOlig.Leaforth. 194041 ACRE FARM FOR SALE -Being the eee hell of Let 8, in the let concession of the. QWnSIiI of Efullett, county of Huron. This le good term mid will be Reid• on eater terms. For pattleulars apply to J. M. BM, 8eaferth, Oilier 0, , Solicitor for TONEY NE1S DALE, 1962-5 -DROFITABLE INYESTMENT8.-1 Om lend, .I.. motley on hoorayed qearter notions ef 100 aove3 ea.* at from 8 to 10 per cent. per anomie Only first mortgazea taken. Ample aeturity given Tweets Titleyatens ha peewit, From $300 up, ean be lent on News worth from .$1,00 For further pertimilara write to n,. J A. JA.OKe SON, 13arrister, etc.. Ponoka, Alberta. 195941 , ARM FOR SALE. -For aale lot 29, concession 2,, IL R. 8., Tuckerentith, containing 100 acres„ all °leered exeept about live acme of good hard- wood. An underdreir ed, well fenced and in a good state of cultiyetinn. A goad brick house and twq berm one with stene stabling underneath. Plenty a good water anda peed beering orchard. Thte farm Is wen saapted far either etock or grain. About midway between Seaforth and Clinton. Art ply on the preinisea or Seaforth P. O. II. TOWN.. SEND, Proprietor. 1942M ffOUSE AND LOTS YOU SALE -For eat° brisk house end 2 lottein 80atorth. One dot hop on North an Street end the other on West Wit. Bam Street. The house is a cam o eettage and contains 3 bedroom, 'dining rood; sop tiog room and kitchen, with good caller under the whole house. Surd and soft water in the hone". Then is alio sa good stable and driving shed. All kinde of fruit on the Iht. Apply to J. L ALLAN, ndesboro.or to O. W. aTKIXSON, fleafaih. I905x4tf R SALE -A farm containing 103 florae Of fend, being Lot 6, Coeceseion 7, in the Tow 'shit/ Of Tuckerarnitb, dye native from Seatorth and belong- ing p the estate of tthetlate Michael O'Keefe. This farm te suit:the for cultivation or pasturmand wIll betel," on triasrmarsle terms. For full pattieulars app 'y to THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer, Peeforth P.O. 196141 ree' MIAMI FOR SALE, -Lot /0, ConcessioM 4, Hite J' herb, containing ILO tierce more or lees Is 14 'offered for sale an eesy terms. On the place are a. good frame house. large bar/with good steab. ling underneith. There is also ore Pre of itneh anct the farm is well drained and in a splendid state of cultivation. Handy to market, !school, and .church For Nether paittoulars apply on the place 'to ItOBERT L &VERY. 1954x4tt I ' ut All.Men Are Not Like That Banker —Such Incidents Should Not Make Pessimists of Men For There Are Others So Opposite Thst Redeem Humanhty For Their Taint—Tal- triage's Sermon. Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year 1905, by Frederick Diver, of Toronto, at the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 13.—In this sermon the preacher shows iliat if the , churcb ever rneans to win the world for Christ it must be true to its pro- fessions, collectively and individually. The text is Solomon's Song vi, 10,' "Terrible as an army with banners." Difficult is it "to keep sweet and keep moving," as a poet once wrote—diffi- cult not to look upon the dark side of life and be impressed by the mean- nesses and the contemptiblene,ss of men rather than by man's good quali- ties and by his nobilities. -Almost all people every day of their lives have. , some injustices or selfishnesses prac- ticed upon them. Unless very careful ' eve are prone to become pessimistic fend to entertain disparaging views of our felkner ellen,. n may be that the conduct of some with whom we come in the first plac , is not to be e iinated i In contact leads us to think them as by the myriad numbers of herisoldiers, worthless as that man whose life Paul nor the costlineits of her herr aka, nor - 1. the lofty altitutlie of her wat htowers, nor the inexhat.Otible gold of tier treate Slissaing frirRON EXPOSITOR Your litiOney B4elt with Sunlight Soap- aduite.tion 141 dealers are ahthorieed to` return purchase money to anyone Sunlight Seep is guaranteed perfectly pure, genuine, and free from - fueling caus1or complaint. le Therefcie you lose nothing by trying 11 bli'unlight Soap i and you witiagr' ee with millions of other women that the Sunlight way rs the f ' * only way tl`wash clothes, 1_ , $5,erpo. reward will bp paid to any person who can prove that Sunlight Soap contai,pe any form, of ailulteration or contains any injurious chemicals. Just rtiN Sunlight Soap on your clothes and let them soak in tepid water, then rinse die ia fresh 1,vater. It is eeeally good in hard or soft water. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO 1005 The Bonfight Maids clo not rub and boll their clothes to shreds -they %email the eaay Sunlight way now a hana.tt The future Of the conquerin church, Boyton saved a few years • ago. Mr. Boytee was spending a few weeks in Atlantic City, on the New Jersey coast. • One day the cry of "Help!" -was raised. A. ba:ther who was very wealthy man had been swimming far out be- yond the life lines. Caught in the -cur- rents, he was being swept out to sea. - Mt Boyton at once jumped into the water and at the peril of his Own life brought this millionaire fe shore Lin an unconscious condition. • Next day the rescued man hunted up Paul Boyton. After thanking 'hint forwhat he had done he took out of his pocket a big roll of bills. He turned them over and 'over, "Then he put the bills back into his 'pocket. Not one .was small enough for his fancy. Then he took out a fifty cent inece, and handed it to the - rescuer. "What is that for?" asked the great swimmer. "Why, for saving my life." "Oh!" said Boyton. Then the swimmer took out his own pocketbook and counted out 49 cents and handed them back to the 'millionaire. "Here Is your change," said he. "For What?" "Why,"..,. said Boyton, "you have _over- paid me. Any millionaire like You wile would -offer a man 50 cents for saving his life has a soul so mean and small that it is not worth more than a penny, if It .is worth _even that." It was the reproof of a justly incensed man. But we have to beware lest un- der provocations. similarly contempti- ble we come to entertain too low an estimate •of human character as a whole. The pessimistic way in which some of us regard men is very similar to the estimate some of us place upon the spiritual Movements of the day, espec- ially those which find expression in the work of the church of the Lard Jesus Christ. We try to honestly and. intelligently read ";he signs of the time." • There we find muCh to dis- courage 1.13. We do not see the chil- dren of this generation loving the word. of God and the house of God as clid the fathers and mo hers of the past generation. We find our Sabbaths look- ed upon as holidays instead of holy ('.aye. fincl the "golden calf" the shtine at which the human race, is anxious to worship.and that the saloon Is being intrendhed everywhere. 'We finn the Bible being driven out of our public eel -tools and that many of our slate colleges have men in 'their pro- fuseerial encl presidential chairs who rievt r darlzen the door"; of the church and evimee whole influence, direct and indirect, is to 1. acl tht'ir s.rt1 ltts into the pathe of "free thought' and riot Inn) the pc...the converging at the feet of the Lerd Jesus C.`lexist, "Yes," some et yeti :-ny. "it is tiff well . enough tq tent about a• ceming millennium, but a-asre ere the -signs of its coming? "I -11f! d le growing darker and lealter. This is net a spiritual land Of the inknegh: run. but one of midday elaceness Everything epiritually seems O be Koine; askew." Ie iteelny bro:her? tvotfil not have 3rou take sueh a de- ineees el view of things. Iaam to -day eoieg in take my s -and upon the pro- f hey of my text. I am not only going O show you a vision of a conquering eate-elt in ;be year to corne, but a con - 11' slag elutreli in the years that .are 1AR.11 FOR SeLE.-Ixt 88, Concession 7, Mo- le Killop. This farm contains 100 aoree cf good land, has on it a bank barn 61 x 4With 6,foot Stone stabling. Also a good 8 -roomed briak lotne, or .chard, good water, ate. it is sit wiles from ;r3ea. forth and utiles from Conatoneepost eftio, Apply -to WM. R. ttleANSHARD, Sturgean FaI4, -Ont.. or -to E. HINCEILEY, Seaforth. T 19614f "DARK FOR SALE -Lot 111, conression 1,Utborne, U containing 99 acres, situated on the London Bead, 1 mile from Efensell, and 4 n11189 frnm iExeb. new. It is in a first elass state nf culthitation bottle' 'well drained a WI tile, neatly all summer !allowed and seeded to grateansarly all fenced With new Oar ter wire fence. On the farm ie a stone boUse and plenty of outbuildirgs, including one ot the' finest. Poultry houees in ()toed°. There are two !WON, a spring creek, and a flawing spring that !would 611 e bree-froh tile. Apply on the farm or to Menaall exist office. BENJAMIN HOGG&RTEL 196851 "DARK FOR SALE.-Fer sale, lot 18„I conce glen P 4, In Ribbert, oontaireng 100 acred. On the tplece is & briok d vellieg house. With frame kitehee, with all necessary outbuildingis and lots a .good etabling ; well fenced, welldrained and plerty of good water. There are 9 acres of buell. It is situated two ani a half miles from Dublin station, where there is a good market. Convenient te whom; ani churches r t all denominations. Apply on tbe premises or address ANDREW h1cLELLAN, Dahlia 1' O. 19654f "%TILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. -For R1B iti ✓ Ezinondville, a oorefortable frame haute with three acres of land in a very fertile condition ith plenty of large and small fruita for Willie Inae else, large barn and outbuildings in good repOr. Thel 'house has been recently overhauled J and contaitte seven rooms with chotee celltr, tell sloe, geed wood 6hed also summer kitchen and an excellent spring well and good °Mere. Any person eosirlter a cern- 4ortable, quiet home of this description, eov,snient to Pan, anould not wide this opportunity. Will be sold ressoosely and on easy terms. For further particuiare apply on the premises or addrese Eg. toondville P. 0., %VAL BUROLZ. , 19.134f • • DARM FOR SALE -For sale, Ieib 28, Concession ‘• 2, II 11. 3, one of the best fermis th Tunker. Fran, containinz 100 acrei. ft is an exception lig .elsen form with u) waste I ind ; tIl 'seeded to grass mo t of it having been In posture five et aix year, ft is extra well sappiteci with water Oa the farm is a good brink house and t bArns with stone stabling uncle um% with cement 11 'ore. , Plenty of ,frait trees of d'fferent kinds. 14 le pleasently alt- uated in a gnod peighborhood, being °mph -If mile front school and $jr miles from Seatorth, Arply on the printleci or address 301IN B,J613, 8..r.forth V. 0., Ont. 1984-tf -VIARM FOR RALE -North half of Lot 12, Con - fl cession 6 Morris, containing 100 aeree, situated oft the gravel ro‘cl, tour and a hilt miles west of Brussels and four mites foal B dlgrave. There are '80 acres ale wed, wrIl d•ained, renOei a.td in a good state of cultivation, at primp t touted do.vu. The remaining 251 acres id covered with ettelient timber. Trier° fa a good frame house with to us cellar, gold frame bare with stone Ettabling timer- neath, aspod bead Jg °reward and an aatuadance of good water. Thrre le a churoli end a peas offi3e within half a nille ant a echool within' three q tar. true of a n.04. For furtear pertfaulart anpl e t3 MRS. B. MILLIE, i1ensg11. 1953x3tf 13IA11N1 FOR S,. -Fr eats I lt 290 on the oth U concession of Hi "bed, e teinine 00 }tors/teen al 4 good state of c iltivettom There i no th i pre - mine a Mak house aad brick kitehen ani agaol *slier. There is els) a large bolt barn, 60 K 40 and a leant° of 1.2 Net, with stooe stahlinr unierne ith. Also &shed 80 x 80 ft. anzi a driving nausd will etarerythIng co npleto. There are pates never failing wells on the premises, Sher s ie aldo a lerge orohtrd and good gerden. There ara toe acres of fell wheat sown and there are 40 mares sealed do vn. Either suitsble for hay or pasture. All the.tall pleeening is. done. The farm 14 Well uaderdrained wittt tile and well fenced with Wird loves. It is In a gm,' locality, being situated t vo Kai a heq miles frun Chiselhurat, where there 1 aput Mil an 1 two churches, Metbodisi and Presbyterian, d mills from Seaforth and there is a po4 greed road ruentne part the farm. It Is in gob 1 csailtien eat wilt be sold on reaecteable term 51,4 the proprietor :Wishes to r. '-e. 'or further p %relent ire apply on th premises or to CHARLEi EBErttlA.R.r, Steff. a P. v., Onterlo. 1047-tf. 41PORTANT NOT (0118. FOR 8ALE at Seaforth catmeel Mill, q aaleaga wheat, sold ether kiln dried or un-; .drled at 60o Der bushel sr at 65o Inc lets. W vie TER TEIOMPiON rh tiONS, Lit -nitre& 19 32-tt leOR SALE. CeiIIORTHORNS FOR S LE. -,-The undersigned 0 has for sale on Lab 16, Concession 2, Hay, a -.number of' Up-ta-date thoroughbred suorth butts, they are of the law sot block it type, dirk rad in color and of choice breeding. Twee are all elig- ible for registration aril will be sill reasoe>.bly. JOHN ELDER., !tenor' P. 0. 1948-1.1 • EIDEBTER SHEEP AND SHORTHORN CATIL Li FOR SALE.-The:undesigned has for stale soy erai thoroughbred Leicester Sheep and Durban Cattle of both sexes. Addrees Egniondville P. 0. o Annie at term, 51111 Road, Tuokeremith. ROBEFa .DHAIITERS az sows. 18724 QTI0 RTEIORN-1 FOR te ALS.- %. few terendly bre.' 8coteh Short Hills with regi stared }ascii- grees, 8 to 21 m mbhe.\. Prices front 850 ta 80, if taken. 11003, also cows and heifers at about the setne prima, alto a few 13 nee,htre ,OWd four months' old DAVID- MILNE, Ethel, Oat, 193241 Red Cedar SHINGL Oar Just ,Arrived. N. CLUFF 'at SONS. LUMBER YARD auti PLANINa MIL SEAFORTII. DO YOU KNOW THAT BACKACHE IS THE FIRST SYMPTOM OF KIDNEY TROUBLE It Is! and you cannot be too careful about it. 1 A little backache let run will finally cause serious kidney trouble. Stop it in time,; TAKE DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. ury, nor the ,arpness oa' ber steel weapons. Theg -text does not ask: "Who is she theit coineth for, leading on an alined hfot like that w th Which the invading conqueror, Kire Darius, alis, or bridged the Hellespontoi- like: that w th which Alexander th it Great conqeered the , Persian empire'. Oh, no, b.1,1 it does •. say: "Who is slte that co11eth forth - as the rnorninell, fair as the moon, clear ' as the sum" ',Thus the first great es - le - sential of the li conquering ehurch of Christ to -whicfli.I would ca'l your atel'a, tention is that she must be''"elear as the sun," Th44 means, as all the light and ail the tat of Attie ekrth come from the grea ' orb which rises in the east, so all ti* teachings oe tenets or' beliefs or mieds of the -b, onquering church must radiate froini the Sun of Righteousfsess, the risen Christ. Christ must, aik the centre, ithe circum- ference, the ekidir, the zeniab, t/he be.; ginning and tibe ending and the all of that conquerfig church oi- Othere shall be no triumph/ ahead of her. What' the rising sun is o the natural world, the Sun of •Bigl4ousness is to the spirit- ual world, A true emleeption of Jesus Christ Lo as, neceeeti,).7 to the church as is :he aun's raellence to the earth. Can- not you. granip it? Cannot you discern It in the beeilitiful panorama you wit - Pegged man* years ago, when you arose one mOrning very early on Mount Washingtort4o See the sun rise in old New England? You,went forth in the darkness a, took Your position on Sunrise . POlat.- •The whole world seemed dea0 as you left the hotel pi- azza. The fiervants were asleep. The night clerkor the watchman. 'was the only perso*q around to speak to you. The trees, iall and grim in outline., setemed likeg1gan tic highwaymen, with their black, hatS drawn down over their tore:14ot and their black cloaks thrown abqiit their shoulders, under which they2i_ were concealing the fatal dirks. Off li-t the dieta,nce by. the dim • light of the stars you; could see the mountains iinking lowereand still low - as stepping, stones leaking to a gi- gantic thrOise. Slowly, almost imper- ceptibly, 1.4'0 light of the stars dwin- dled and 4ie blackness of the night Was changeel into a -dull gray. Then the tops if th n eastern bills became rim- •my father's farm we used to have med.veith4i golden coverig., The sun's moonlight sleteehriding parties. We head liftedt:, itself as though one of the would wait uatil the sun had set. Then huge roplei touched bysGod's finger, we would have supper. Then the big w had been ttihan•ged into a huge, living :sleighs, with their heavy robes, euld coal. Higlier and higher rose the sun, be driven up. -About 8 or 9 o'clock as the glow' ing headlight of the oncom- over the eastern hills the pale faced ing--locoinfitive off in the distance is nnion would arise. 'With her mellow light she would flood the valleys anti seen . comlig out of a Hoosic tunnel. t Lakes .ben'Ome. .burnished mirrors Of the white robed trees. Then over the light, and Ors mighty sea. off in the din- crisp snow the runners would slide, sa.nce becnenes - a reservoir of light, the bells would Jinfile, the dogs would and the livers, as parts of a great bark and thmerey songs would be network , pread at your feet, be- sung. But we woulcanot expect a moon' come ' 1, dome lifirffr threads. The heavens drip light ride aridn-a, sinlight ride at the with lighte and the earth is flooded 'same time." Perhaps not, my friend. with it. ,Vhd birds begin to sing and But, though we canflot see the sun and the coclai‘,. begin to crow. Off in the the moon rise and set at the same -time. diatancc• Nee farmers are seen starting - if you have ever camped upon the for the fids and the cattle for the pas- heights of old Greylock of theteperkphire tura. Thi,, sun has at last risen, and hills, in the early hours of the morn - morning has lighted her many confla- Me you would have seen the sun rise gratnms. n "Who is she that coreeth before the moon has set. Together, for .forth as flie morning, fair as the moon. a time, they sit upon their thrones in and cleaie as the sun?" Cannot- you the heavens, as King Ferdinand and grasp itet The church, the conquering Queen Isabella together governed the church -441e church. clear in her di- kiagdoms of Castile and of Aragon. vine bellOs, clear in her conception of Now, where does the moon gather Jesus tatitist! In feeder to have a, con - her light? I find this pld earth stretch- quering ahurch we must hold fast to ing out her arms and -warming her Christ, tleA the alpha and omega, the body by the blazing fires of the sun's beginninte and the ending, Which is and wasand which is o come, the al- t migh-y elad omnipoten Christ. • The conouerittig church muSt be •clear in •re'ferepq to her belief in the i atone- ment. ,a•Vhat the sun rising in the (1st ande se tting in the west is to the natural ivorld the Sun. of Righteous- ness Is i'a tho zobqUering church. Do not 'Christ's own words prOve that the roqo we exalt:him the more we shall coequer in his dear name? Read his pronekee as recorded in `the' twelfth chapzer !of John, "And I, if I be'lifted uP, will raw all Mee unto me." What does iliti,a mean? You find the connec- tion bepereen that statement and an- - other irt:the third chapter of the same book, "As Moses lifted -ue) the serpent in the ivilderness, ever,. so must.- the Sou of ltiei be lifted' up." 1V,Iethinks I am W'andering about in the • Israefit- ish can:ief-In the "land of Edom. Oa overthrew the Babylonian like that witN which Zerxe They cure where ail others fail. As a specific for Backaches and Iiidndy Troubles they have no equal. Here Is what . MR. 40. H. SOMERVILLE9 of Stewartqn, N B., writes: "I was so troubled with a sore back I could not get out of bed in the mornings for over. a year. I got a. boi of Doan's Kidney Pills and before had them half taken -I could see I was deriving some benefit from them, and before I had taken thorn all my back was O.K. and I have not, been troubled, since." a Sleep h'e will. Then, by main force, as a drowning man is pulled out of the surf, they drag him over the sand to the foot of the brazen serpent. "0 God," they. ery, "is it tee late? Will he not open his- eyes and look? Man, you are dying. Look, look and livel" At last, as in a drowning stupor, ne halfway opens his eyes and looks. A the Sun? Is every word Iraeare every thought that is cradled- In my` brain, every hope, every desire, every deed, an echo, a 'reflection of my Saviour's life, who gave up his life that Sinful man might live? The moon is speaking to the church members to day With her' mellowed light she is signalling thi0 message, "Church members, when you hrist then conquering as church • daytime be : e night be preach Christ end live Christ's church shall be a ,church." Men and women members, will you in the clear as the sun and in t fair as the moon, whom G d has sent as an evangelist to us to teach. us the need of purity? But we must not stop here. Having a olear voiced pulpit and. a consecrated , pew, what shall we find? At once the outside world will begin, to crowd the church doors 'even' as d ves flee to their windows. The new onverts Will come to Christ by the h neireds and the -thousands, There ,t absolutely no doubt about it. The chief I -ea -eon why men and woolen ar net corning ! to Christ to -day Is becaus most of the nip of the world bellev our profes- sion of religion to be a sham and a mockery. Give us a. puOfted church and an honest and consistent church membership and the n• ew enverts shall crowd the seats in such umbers that whole communities will e born insai day. The scenes of a grea church tri- umph which shall yet be witnessed in our land if church members are true to their discipleship will b marvelously witnessed in the trio phs of the church of the Lord Je us Christ in foreign hinds. • The reass is our foreign rnissionari 03 are not ecomplishing what they should is not due. to their - lack rif faithfulness and consecration. It is mit due to any def et in the doc- trine they are preachin . It is due side of the Christian leis, ionary. With • alino.st entirely to the .issitn:ul white 1 man who enters heathe lands along- ; every ship that sets sell from our shores carrying the white man's Bible there goes also the whi e rhan's cask of whiskey and the white man's his. rue to God, it , nor twenty whole world e united for heathen lands derful march when he land- rom the island 5. Re had not tremor, a life giving tremor, shoots If the white Tiler' were through his body. He has looked, and would not be fifty year he will live. So, my friend, the church • years hence, before the of the Lord =Jesus Christ is to be a ; ' would be capsured for C conquering church when she lifts high I i, If the white men w the Cross. ,, • ' i Christ this captiere of th To that Cross we must' lead, and, if . would , be like a' the wo necessary, even drag those wile are ; of Napoleon Bonaparte drugged and poisoned a,nd stupefied by ,. : 'on the French coast their sins, That does not mean that • of Elba in February, 18 we should ma.ke a shrine out of a see- i -with -him even a corpo al's guard, but tarlan creed; that does not mean that! , the French people belie ed in him. No we should struggle to, make Episcopa - , ' sooner did the dethrone ians out of Methodists or Presbyterians . for his old capital tha out of Baptists, but it does mean that ; Philippee soldiers open we shall bring men and women, be- fortresses. The people numbed by sin, no matter how ear they in their streets. As have wandered away from God, ,back back to his own he ei to a Saviour's love and a a.viour e re- . palace of the Tuilerie demptien. Hear ye not the divine as- -the church captures o sura,nce, "And I, if I be lifted up, virill Cbrist foreign lends draw all men unto me?" 0 God, give Christ. China, will wel us a conquering church, clear as the sun.. Make the light of our -church shine from the leiring, pardoning eyes of Christ, who had died that siinful man him, "As 4n army te might live. "Clear as the sun"—aye, ners" the cafureh will clear as the Sun of Righteousness, ture the whole world which will scatter every black mist out we, as true, Christian of tpe dark night of every sinful hot- her and do our duty zon. , But we cannot picture the conquer- home. Now, my friends, Ing church as P great invading army, bers are we ready to with her banners flying in the winds church of ours as a ad her soldiers singing their hallelu- Are we ready to say will receive him, Core receive him, Africa an and the islands of the emperor start King Louis d for bins their welcomed him king coming tered again.- his As soon •as r own land for will welcome ome him, japan and India will Sonth America eas will receive rible with ban - arch on to cap- er Christ when disciples, purify by her here at church mem-. eart forth this oneuering host? "Lord, like the iahs of triumph as they tramp along, moon reflecting the light of the sun 1 until 'we find her fair as the moon, will froan henceforth as well as "clear as the sure" The reflect thee?" Are N "queen of night" here offers her sym- ."Lord, I will give my bols as well as the "golden chariot_ of in mind and body a the: day." The moon has Just as much wherever I may go a a'part to play with the advancing hosts the world at large of the conquertng church as has ,the clearaass of the sun. As theeehildren of Israel were led through the wilder - goes one who has with. God,' and wou and Joy?" Are you ive for thee and re ready to say, elf to thy service d .so that id whatever I do Yin 'say, 'There een communing d have his peace ns In the long journey of forty years ready to. do this, my brother? Then therever you go ty 'the pillar of fire as well as by the .you will find not a d ad church, but a pillar of cloud so we new find the "fair living church, for, like Peter at the moon" and the "clear sun" are coneom- 'tants. They must move along side by side. - They must continually be seen at the same time by a watching world. The twain, as at a Marriage altar, must indeed become one in life. "9h," some one says to me, "but that Is Impossible. You cannot' have the sun' and the moon shining at the same lime. When we were children back on furnaces. When I think of tb.e sun, I picture the old New England Purita,n coming out in the January snowstorm chilled and cold and hugging the old- fashioned andiron to get warm. But when I approach the moon I find she has no fres. Here are only deep city - erns and a burnt out grate. Then I cry out in amazement, "Oh, moon, from whence cometh thy light?" "Man, I am not a blazing furnace like the sun, • hear the moon answer. "I am not simply a burnished mierore All the light I have is reflected back to earth, be- cause the sun's rays bait upon my sides." Then I say to myself: "Ole yes! • know what the old book means when If declares that the conquering church is to be 'clear as the sun' arid 'fair as the moon.' It means that the church of the Lord Jesus Christ shall conquer the world for Christ art en she does two things: She must preach Jesus, and account:tit the sinful dissatisfaction cif the people God has sent them the • plague ,O serpents. We can hear their hiss eerywhere. The people, with clubs anti swords and spears are kill- ing tiet serpents by the hundreds and the theesands, but tho more they kill the naqi.,, the serpents seem to spring up. Sieddenly one of these serpents • buries its fangs in tbe naked leg of a man pit the outskirts of 01'2 camp. "Cnene, cry his companions, "come and lank at the brazen serpent which Itloses'tbas titled, and you shall live." But ate deadly poison IF, doing as work. Like a man henuMbed by the Irlieeatilts cold and determined to 11? down 4n the snowdrifts and -sleep, this Hebreiy wants to lie down and sleep the sk1p of death. "Let me alone: he milers, "let me sleep." His friends rouse The beat him to keep Up flue eNiculation. But 11 does no good. Jesus alone; secondly, all the members of that future church in their private „lives must be reflecting the light of the gospel as found in the light of Jesus • Christ," Most of us see tins symbol to our own shame. 0 moon, thou fair cheeked, laughing eyed, golden lipped moon! 0 moon, thou beautiful queen of the night, who doth carry no lantern, yet whose face is aglow with light because the sun's rays have kissed ',thy fore- head as the skin of Moses shone when he descended from Mount -Sinai, 'fter talking face to -face wi:h God! 0 moon, thou dear friend, who kept vigil with me as I paced the ship's deck under Southern Cross and bade thee carey messages of love to my dear ones by tile moaning seas of an Atlantic coast! Is my life reflecting the divine life a Christ as thou dost reflect the light of beautiful gate, in ti e name of Jesus Christ Au shall m ke men who are spiritual cripples rlsr up and walk. May God move us church members, one and all, to resu rect this day our church for his glory nd his honor into the conquering hos of an invincible army'. , • '1! et* 71. Bears the 1. mgt. The Kind You liave Aiwavs Bought Signature of —11he exour sio shine _pan k IVIoe Broad Ripple Par the oit'y of Ina passengers owl woman was on! 113 [resealed by a lauinah. No Ono was tie ewned, but several, svere injured in the Dank. steiamleoat Suet - ay !afternoon at ten milles from nepolis, -with 80 oard. Only one .rd, and She. VcraiS AU UST acoka Bake* perfectiy the same tun There is not an other range built in which the heat may be regulated so that you can b4e in the oven and cook on the top at the same time without spoiling one or the other, But you can o both equally well at the same time on the PandOra, because its heat is not wasted and is at all times J under the simplest, most positive control. If you do the cooking of your :household you can appreciate exactly what this means. I 9 taro You tly labor, pitc ¶5$j ench rol nspaan 3eott tie roof bar sited ye dealer END whic s you= ia erence tone y PATERSON e • Toronto Warotesies and reatoriase Lonelon, Toronto, IYIveretree Winnipeg, V"- race/aver, SL John, N.B.„ 2Lar.nilton E. A. LATIMEI? Sok Agent, Seaforth. The G T. 1:' Terminus. A despatch fr+m Vitoria, Brit- ish Columbia say: The most con- al.usive iand po itive evidence yet offered in substa tiation, of bho an- nounoement ttha1t Kaien Island, 25 miles Rouble of ort Simpson, end facing Tuck's Inlets is to be the mite of Laurier Oity, the 1v:esteem ter- minus of Mae na ;lomat tratuscontin- ental, i.s found in tfiee contents of 'the jib minute of coundi of tiho Provincial Govern,mont atria ed to the grant of 10,000 acres land, explusiveof Indian reserves On the Island, just made to the cmany at a price of ji per. attre. ur tihotteand aeres , in ell are c1iasad as suitable for I bownsite purpose and it is under- ! stood upon th »eSt autleerity that i tile grant is ma e oonditional upon 1tbe sehkteid site eing made the petr- , : Me.nent vveitlern terminus of bhe new , ansoonti rite! Todd, wilth. divisional f ofti s, shops, round- , ihouses, to., ant Mat construction f lthe railway a d works at tine Pa- lainic end be commenced prior to June ist; 1906, nd completed w i eh - in two years h "-after. The terms 1 of this grant 'would . appear to end the multitude f conjectures that Port Simpson w s 'the ultdma:be ob- jeative qn43. KalenP a merely tem- porary road ufl& tor speoulative put p ewes, snob. ae Port ;Morey was to the Oa sadian ;Politic. INIMMINNIMINW • En sUDOENLY WITH It tif R1J THOUSANteDTHE11$ lag aIle-lesiAte Treats A de= The Differqiace Between Expel° Unsliilful." Tea Blending THE qualities 16f different teas prove that there,is distinct diffirence between expert Red Ros.- 1 ing method?, and the usual methods. Several kindsiof teas may be blended, but if unskil- fully selected thciy will not combine to make a perfect - blend ; they will ietain their original individual eiaracter. istics with their rclughness and harshness emphasized. Such tea is Jitter, poorly flavored in the cUp. there is much of it in bulk and package form on market). It emphasizes the result of inexperience, lack of. knowledge of corithining qualities of different teas, imper- fect blending, pob, r selectiortk and the hundred and- one other causes of koor tea. • But my exPiert Red Rose blenders .-elect grades of strongl rich Indian teas and delicate Rag Ceylon teas, anti. produce Red Rose -Tea with entirely new characteristies—a tea with that ‘-f rich fruity flavor' —a tea so exq1L41tely dirlerent and better than any brand of Ceylon alonqjthat 11 one who once tries it ever goes back to Ceyloa eel's ive ..afaa- a *Falononr.„ Bia5f 001n131 AAP- <gene lit At011/11. MONSON AND ars, -140,1 Gods B. a BoyI nit motion Aare, Sea DR. DENT rota 481 - 'kr ate is good Tea Estabroo st. John, N.B., Toronto, Win Dr, e 1"'"Y•I ke up your fiver. Cu r copstipation. Get of your biliousness. for 60 years. La. Want your inousta'phe or beard RuCKINGHAm9s a beautiful brown or rich black? Use w Plirtr MT. OP weenies ea a. P. MAU 4. c.o.. ifst14 11610.-01111, • exeiteeweilaaeeo aneSt- It is et Text Books but4the instructors behind them that make a school. While the :Forest City Business and i orthand College publishes a text ca;,n bookkeeping that ie used in the best colleges from Halifax to the Great West- and has a striading reputation for publishing practical text books, only the best and highest salaried teachers' in Canada are on the staff. - Without a '-ooel teaching staff geed text books would , be wasted. Our courses include Bookkeeping, Gregg Shorthand, Accounting, a etc.,: as well as Touch -typewriting. . .., Catalogue free for the asking. School term—Sept. till j ne inclusive. J. W. 'WESTERVELT, Principal Y. M. C. A. B1 LONDON, ONT. arshA a v, Mattre The coolest, most resilient and noinforbelele mettress made, is the ?i2 arshU, thoroughly ventilated, and every movement of the body causes a curreat 0 'r it. It is very reeiliont containing over a thousand sprhaes, aeon one In cotton pocket, and the evhole heavily upholstered with curled hair. Thus forne4 to the shape of the body, and supports it at all point, and is, therefore, fully comfortable. Lying-in patients find bed sores heal up neturally on & sanitary. Try one and you will have no other. For sale by KNECHTEL 84 McKENZIC Furniture Deters and Undertakers., S AFOETR, OR. lerieiture•e cfeIsiee Ask umber el C owe of -Oneorio;4 - Aloiesi Scheel, obi Sit Landon, Engler, Zarattion. Ecn1and. 45e,area, 3alleaaswere4 nem Oa, ft% EIM ORS. SC retx0M I 4:fetich 'wet, op SOM, paints •member Onterl- -60Patta. 00 lase:KAY, hen eld medalist (IQ Of Ph UMIONBERBC •ea iknetieneer f Being a .weeeletazding idatteta, placee MrAse, Cbargea "AttRY. lEo 4 1'0 5Sa ed to. fARM AND PRiNasta- ileael,e11,v'giee°.pLfareltd fc their rU t•-‘ a •Ar-pneettnpu1tive elVian 46}In Maalox!), (Seeeesso - new eirsrs °'25rotsY )ureb edville, at an