HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-08-18, Page 51905
UST 18 1905.
before entering -
as week a cleau
es are all ehia
children, ateale.
women, Oxford:a.
at present, and
ice, 65e & paha
price 85a.
s 85c.
rice41 a pair.
t 50 lines forI.75
for $2 35 a peir.
!4, sale price $3,
and Rtliprate
d see elis
L the noteler a,
s id tdanis tea -
hr" friends eoe
tow . or Ntr
d: tpw
ztaing, e, oen
tast seeele
iver. Cadon:t do,
the town halt
Ome teechers„ j.
-; E. II-nry.-Mr.
Serend, is the
Se, Mr. and Mrs.
taIrs. A. Wallace
e guests of !Dr.
wias A. Wallrer.
.is visrting with
eiliagea-Mass M.
eels, spent Sun-
inith.-A number
tteaded the San --
Rion from Bros-
: on Friday. -Mr.
sroine, is spend -
holiday at him
fists Sarah Bray,
eiting her many
Liingee_nir. Mos-
hurch, tvas the
Y over Stinden.
urtzted to Cleve -
ph Norrie ham
' stepping driver,
sum of $300 few
✓ Line horse and
rod reason to be
nomas Connolly,-
antle drover. 'de -
e) McConnell and
ay last, 63 head
we.re all heifers
the finest droves
Dublin. -Mrs. A.
very sueosteatui
aesday aftornoone
Or,�f Seatfor the
fabel Barbour at
th Warleurn, of
hing her slater,
-.Mr. Joseph Nor -
ser of tbet Staffa
viag the sum of
Lizzre McLellan,
is vialting her
a, is vienting Ji
Er. John Wise, or
ed the trnisfonteme
-11 nd cxntewts by
afternoon of -Lost
ai•en. cutting, oats
net shortly af ter
he- reorees An, arid
use for sapper.
,f the 6.1 rn e, gra oko
ram t ha in ana
re w tidiscevered
orses were turned
"4 fin Y•4' them, but a
a some Other im-
'• with three reigss
['he. itousc canelet
, and it as Daily
r• efforts of tbei
".4 Was ivd. Thorn
:tereet oti 'the wain.
I Mutual, but Mrs
e heavy tend nitre*
sea foirWm. How;
is a mystery.
o13r game of Wet -
on Vitoria Park
titter, between Gore
the- fatter ream
,inciparly of Wanig-
tter's beset playeng.
ere far too streloX
urea and defeated
s of 4 to 0- in 561
Duriflg. the oro -
et Sam atioliandson
on had ttire ere/afore
collar boneb31G4k-
Y. Me Of tire Gore
aam e was finished
tidet, Charles Etoarr
t up. The visitiotrn
:tt the Anglo-Ara-
e Bails,
Belts an
- — — "
ea t;-
• Beiefe.--nrasaels races on
4.kI and nrun'stiats o l'itext week.
tet es are teeming in fast and tit is
all bites olanses will be
onota.-Four rinks ore Listowei tame -
las were bore on Moaday last -wad
. a game eevith our caul). /rho
Aeitors- carat out viotertiotason ale,
"ewe by. .sevel.i 4tuote,—Oceenoil1er
--4eaoea50n ,is having .ta-ee pewee ter
,ras cold istorage buildlng, whit:eh be
puWes _iereetting this111,prepa.1*-
et/ atfi, or i
Varr,He+. has
negotiated for tbe purohs o oe
/a on athesteorner Jftrearribeery and
geeket etreets yn lelleical to build
-trona the !by-law for -.the woman.
Eltien. a ,taxes ibe earrieda-This twimk
ildentin !haa gag omen ex -
eeavating a cellar or a eesidence
te going ko build on, tFlora strOt.
_Nan Bateman thas .pter'cileased the
timrso alia lot on Alexander srtreet
Vote Joeart Cunningham., tor $750,
103 Thomson, ref 'Montreal, is call -
Dag ost friends La town :tits Week..—
j*:11. CtiMerroll 'returned from- is
tap tb Itthe west last tweek.-ltrrs. J.
Frioadskip, a Detroit, as visiting
re. A. ,Carrie and lifirs. J. T, Ross,-
letewIers etre Ireptesented Wttq
tournament. in .Goderlorn by D. Z.
Ants' siddhat Downing,. H. James bard
Ferrrow,A.. LItIontgam.ery,
the Metropolitan bank, is •away on
,holidays.—Robt. Thomson and
LLf Baeker metro "taking in tihe
-speeding events at Orangeville this
.k .-Mr and Mrs'. Y-onng, of Thies.
tartan, Algoma, are visitors at itTaivn,
neeckie's.--Miss Hattie Marray. of
•Beeforth., Wa visLtIn jss Hattie
Doerning.-Miss Mary McLaughlin
is beim from Toronto for ber va;co.-
ttion.-Urialle MeXadden, of Sault Ste.
-11fette,. was viiiteng !his brother [here
Tent week. -Earl Baeker was .hotne
from St. Marys Tor a few elays.
Netea.—Mr. William &Jewett still
tontinuee in pet* heattle.-J. J.
Messer, Mra. Messer and Matrasaret,
of Hamilton, and Mr: WantriceKenzier
'Messer, of London, are laolidiryinig
nfr. Wrn. Messer's.-Miss Marry
and Mr. -Frank j. Scott oinked in
Seafortie last week. Since his re-
turn MT. Soot% 1itas been quite ill
.With rbetemat io fever. -Miss 'Ethel
Musgrove, of Wingham, visited at
Mr. Robert Musge•ove's.-Mrs. R,
Xing and ohildren, of Godetstchsvtle-
itea their Many friends .noreabouts.
araflardy, of Stokes Bay,
finndayed at home. -An enjoyable so-
-4ot was held by the Xereabyteettan
yoeneg people. ion Buigess' lawn
'fflherrscian evening a lost wevk,
resbanei1ts were served in the if orm
of sartd.wiches, cake, coffee and ice
email. A collection YAMS ltalc6H.
'The attendance, was tangenrent .riurete
beat from the villa:gni attended !the
:Victoria Hari anniverstatry oceneeatt
Jamestown on Wednesday evening of
last eek -Mrs John Roberteon,
roxeter, visited 'her clasughlter,Mirs.
Bonnet s teat. week. -Mr. .and
re. Mae. . arnee and ellidnen, of
•Marrisspent aimaay at Mr. F. B.
Soott's.-Mr. and Mrs. W. He Stew -
ant and •children, of Aoton, are
•Epeaing the !holidays heire.-Mr. D.
Sproat, of tBelgra.ve, and Miss Ma-
bel Hicks, of Crystal City, !Manitoba,
visited a Mr. R. N. Duff's on Toes-
alay.-Last wete-k Mr. John King sa-
fend& the loss a o valuable labal-
lion from inflaramation.-The Prea-
Paid-up Capjtal, $8,700.000. 9 Reserve Fund, $3,500,00
B. E. WALTdER, Geheral Manager. I ALEX. LAIRD, Ant,
.1241: I. .0+ mom:. wonamnervam :swam omomi•esoma
$5 and under
Over $5 and not exceeding_ $10
Over $10 and not exceeding $30.. e
Over $30 and not exceeding $50,
3 cents
.. 6 cents
... 10 cents
... 15 cents
Gen'l Manager.
These (le rders are PAYABLE AT PAR at any offioe in Cenada of tr- Chartered Bank
(Yukon excepted), and at the principal- banking points in the United States.
They fortn an excellent method of remitting small sums of mouey with safety
n and at small coo.
'F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E. :PARKES, 1‘11! eager,
Debi Lowny, tret Listoweil, visatekt lin ive ; lamb', $5.50 to $5.75 ; Yearlings,
Bluevale and Wiroghtem this: week. 85.75 to 56; wethers, $5 to $5 25; ewes,
At one rim Wee R. Lowery itaularit $4.25 to $4 rid; eheep, rnixed.$2,50 to 54.75.
in the owl on department of our MONTREAL. August 15 -About 650 head
' nd tin 1YfoCracken of butchers' cattle, 10 miloh cows, 150 cal-
l:win, Dide ems week, yea 1400 eheep and lambe,and 200 fat hogs
and miss Roane (Bonen Tea, # were offered for sale at the East End Abet.
ei da, Monday afternoon toir to -day.. The butchers were out in
strong number', and there was a brisk de-
mand for good (rattle at slightly higher
prices than have prevailed lately. A few
of the beet °Attie eold Ab 4i to 4e per b.;
pretty good animsls at n to ilia and oem-
mop stook at 2? to 33 per pound. A num•
ber of calves were lean grassersewhich sold
at 2 to no per pound. Good veal stook
told at si to 56 per pound. Shippers aid
40 per pound for [rod large sheep ; ot ers
eold at 30 per pound. Lambs wero. ore
plentiful than usual, and brought 500 per
head less than they did ten &reap.
Gona lambs sold in lots at ebout $4 each,
or 5o per pound. Good lots of fat hoge sold
at about 7o per pound, and .a law choice
ones at 7.to per pound. r
TORONTO, August 16-flatt1e-The ilqual-
ity of tat cattle was nras as good as Usual.
_Trade for the beet classes V758 moderately
good, but the poorer grades were slow of
sale. Exporters -Few export cattle ,I, were
offered, and few were wanted. Quotations
were unchavged. Butonere-liest teiteher
cattle sold at $4 to $4 25 per overt ; medium
at $3.70 to $3 85 ; oowe at $3 to $3.50 ;
rough and inferior at $2 50 to $2.75 per
owt. Molt Cows -About 15 mileli (rows
and springers sold at $20 to $50! each.
Veal Calves-Prioes for veal oalvee were
unchanged at $3.50 to $5.50 per owti, with
an odd ealf of prime qualtty at alit* more
money. Sheep and Lambe-Exportsheep
sold at $4 to $4.15 for ewes and $3 te $3.40
for bucks, with lambs at $5 to $5r75 per
ow*. Hoge -Mr. Harris reports h ge firm
it 57.25 for selects and $7 for lig ts and
visited Mis
Airs. Baker
turned ;hunt
after pe ding le week ab KISICiat-*
'dine. -Mr. wok Laird, of Cli.riton,
visited at . . sit. N. Itufirs.-Dr. E.
S. Cou:Ittes is Irina; a opmpling iota.
party riegentRifeley.
I ,
4- ................
SEAPORTII. Aug. 10, 1905
Fell Wheel:. .. .....---$0 25 to 0 8$
:rata per biseheit...------------ 0 42 SO 042
Peas per husluil.......-.......... 0 65 to 0 85
isrley peribushreI., .. ....... - .... 0 45 to 045
9 aster, No. 1, laws - ------... 0 18 it) 017
ithtter, tah--fr- 0 17 to 0 18
Itgis per des... • 0 r5 lo 0 18
Flour, per!100 —..- 2 85 to 800
Ele,y per ton new... .. 8 60 to 700
Hides per 100 to- 5 00 SO 686
Sheep Skins... - 0 80 to 0 26
eotaloss per bushel 0 80.10 70
dalt (retail) pair .... 1 25 to 1 00
Wood per cord 6 00 to 6 20
Wrod per bord .... 2 75 to 8 25
!felts reeheiti- - - a 40 to 050
graver ..••.-... Oiled 7 00 to 8 00
128*0 200
'renew, per .. 04 to 05
Park, nee TOO 7 00 to 8 20
Wool (washed)j...... ... . . - 26 th 28
Wool .(unwash4d) 15 to 16
.1 •
Lilre Stook Markets.
LoND4N, [England, August 14 -Ameri-
can cattle, ; Canadians, ; sheep,
oi to 6td. f
LIVERPOOL, England, August 14 -Canad-
ian cattle are quoted at 5d; sheep, I.
BIIEFAL0,1 Auguat 15.-Oettle--Active ;
desirable grades, 10 to 150 higher • others
barely steady; prime steers,$5.25 to $5.60;
Ahipplog steere, $4.50 to $5.25 ; butohers'
$4 to 64.85n heifers $3.25 to $4 65; cows,
$2.75 to 54.25; $2.50 to 54; stook
heifers, $2,50 to $3 ; freeh' cows and
springers, 'needy ; good to 2hoice, $45 to
554; medium to good, $30 to 542; Om%
mon 8 ;to $27. Veals-Aotive ; 50o
nigher, 55. to $7. Hoge -Active, 10o
byterian Sunday anhool lands a plc- higher ; heavy, 55 to $6 60 ; mixed,$6 60
tie this Friday afternosin on the to $6.65 ; Yorkers, $6.60 to 56.65; pigs,
tiver Mts.-Miss Ruby Duff • visit -
in Lis1:OW4 this
teem Lowry, Of New York, add Miss
46.60 to $675; reughs, $0.25 to 55.60;
stags, $3 75 to $4 50 ; dairies, grassers,
.25 tp VW 50. Sheep and Lambs-Aot-
The First Mile Post
On September 1st, we will have reached our firstl mile post, or, in other words
we will have coraplet d our first year in business as the only exclusive
- ;
merchant tailor shop in:Seaforth.
The amount of busiuees we have done in that ;time far exceeds our most
sanguine expectations; and justifies the belief we held that in a pro-
gressive town like Seaforth, surroundea as it is by a good farming dis-
trict, there is room for a- firm doing a strictly merchant tailoring busi-
Having a thorough knowledge of and practital experience in tailoring, and en-
gaging none but first-class workmen, we 'claim. to give the best value
(quality considered) to be found in the trade. *
'fff you have been a customer of ours, we offer you our thanks, and, having en-
gaged extra help for the corn' ing Fall season, we can promise to be a
little more prompt in completing, your caldera in the future.
If you have not been one, of the lucky ones, we lextend a hearty inv4ation to
,call and examine our goods and compare prices, whether you purchase
or not; there will be no hard feelings in either case.
ro one and all, we woald say in conclusion, gut we have already received a
part of our Fall stock of •
and quality.
Trousers from 83.50 to $8.00.
Our $20 and $21 Black ; $20, 22.50 and
$25 Blue Worsted and Cheviot
We claim to be the best ?litho /the' market.
We make a specialty of Black
Cheviots and Vicunas -
For Full Dress Suits.
NOT HOW CHEAP, BUT HOW GOOD, is our motto.
Overcoatings, Suitings
and Trouserings
And if you are in need of either of the abave for the coming season,
and intend placing your order with as, ape would ask you to do so at as
early a date as possible, so that we can give it the attention we would
wish, in order to have it prove entirel satisfactory.
Tweed Suits from $15 to $22.
Overcoats at all prices, according to style
- - • ' • .
Tonorro, August 16-Potatoen are a-
bout steady with fair lot' offering. I Quota-
tione are unchanged at 60 to 78e al bushel.
We have received our new Fall and Winter mantles, jackets and eapes,
and they -are dandies. We show all the latest styles in the market—every
garment is up-to-date. A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of Blyth
and vicinity to call and inspect our new and stylish. mantles, whether they are
prepared to buy or not. Every lady requiring a new mantle should see our
sto.ik when it is at its best. When you. buy a Keliinnon-made Mantle, you
may be sure the style is the latest, and. the fit and finish unexcelled. We
show exclusive styles, which will not be shown by any other house in Blyth.
We have them in all qualitiee, from $3.50 to '$15. Misses' and Children's
coats a Ppeoisity.
NEW, DRESS GOODS.—We always take the lead in dress goods, Our
new styles tor Fall have arrived, and they are megnificent We show all the
new designs in Vicunas, chaviots, venetians, voiles, crispines and fancy tweeds.
Priestley's dress goods a specialty,
SUMMER GCODS.—We have some Summer goods still on hand in
ginghams, muslins, voiles, Mercerized vesting, prints, etc.-, which•we are sell-
ing at slaughter priceeto clear, _
Highest prices paid for Butter and Et2gs.
Grain, eto. f
TORONTO, August 15.-Wheat-nOatario
-The market price for new wheat ie not
very settled. some buyers claiming to be.
paying but 750, while others are f bidding
76a for No, 2 red and white 'an outside
points ; old No. 2 red and white, 77 to 78o;
goose and epring, 72 to 73oe l'Wheat-
Manitobe,-Unehanged ; No. 1 northern,
nominal at 51.06 ; No. 2 notthel, $1.03 ,
No. 3 northern, 87A to 88o, la e poen,.
Millfeed-Bran is dull at 51150 to $12 ;',!
short, $17 to $19, according to ctuality,at,
outside pointe. Manitoba bran, 16, and
shorts 519, at -Toronto and equal pointe.
Baled Hay -Steady with a cpelet tone.
Car lots on track here are quoted at $7.50
per ton for old and new No. 1 timothy, and
46 for No. 2. Baled Straw -There is plenty
offeriug here for the demand which is quiet.
Car lots on track here are quoted unchang-
ed at $5.50 to $6 per ton.
Dairy Markets.
TORONTO, August 15 -Butter -The de-
mand for butter is active and prices aro.
eteadY to tfirm in tone. The receipts
are lair, and quotations are unchanged.
(-)teatnery printe 21 to 22e • Bolide, 20o to
210 ; dairy pound rolls, good'to choice, 17
to 18to ; medium, 15 to Ido ; dairy tubs,
goed to ohoiets, 16 to 17o ; inferior dairy,
14 to 150. Cheese -The maripb is un-
changed here. Quotations are 1.1i to 112o
per pound, Eggs -The quality of the eggs
coming forward ie not generally good..
The market holds a firm tone at llt to 18e,
with some sales at 1815.
MONTREAL, August 15-Egrze- Straight
etoek, 18 to 18to •, No. 2, 14e. Butter-
Oholoe creamery, 22-i to 225o; undergrades,
21i to 22o ; dairy, 180 -to 200. Oneese-
Ontario, 10i to llo ; Quebeos • log to 105e.
Speare and page, .Merchant Tailors.
Under the Town Clook, SEAFORTS.
. Births-
HATCHER -In Seaforth, on Auglyt 4th, to Mr
and Mu Thomas Hatcher, a son,,,' .
EDO AR -In Seaforth, on august itth, to Mr and
Mrs It Edgar, a son 1
SMALL -In Goderieh, on August ISth, to Mr and
Mrs A R Small, a son
0.21a.8IEC ID 01Nrn PRI0333
\ff,ell Dressed Man.
Hot weathet or cold, a man now -a -days must be well dressed. It
is not a luxury, it is a necessity. He has to do it in his business! ;
appeararices must be kept up, or there will be no business to
attend to. If this were not so we wonld not attempt, attiring the:
dog daye, to talk about anything so substantial as our tailored:
. clothing. Bat there is a time coming whea you will require, to
think shout it, and a few timely hints, thrown out now, may
assist you materially later on. We don't often puff ourselves up,
but what we say now we know to be facts, and have gained our
knowledge by every experience
We build the clothe that leave our establishment. They are not done on the
hap -hazard principle, We use the best materials. It costs us a
little more, but the satisfaction you get repays us. We guarantee
a fit and style that can only be obtained from thoroughly practical
tailors. Good tailoring is our hobby; hetice we get pleasure out
• of every right fitting garment we- make you. Then there is a
finish and style about our clothes that bespeaks the well-dressed
man. It is to your interest to remember this.
44.7 7.44
Tits Lerfsest
Corner all is i : Day Good* *M
Mark" Sr et* c
Censers in
Four Countimok
LONG -In Enreka, California, on August 113ihy
James Long, formerly of Hilbert township,
. aged 70 years j
CROWE-In (Wrote, on August 71h, Canto Crowe,
daughter of Mr drid Mrs John Crowe, aged 6
years and 28 days '
ANDERSON -In EastiVawanosh, on August 8rd,
Mary Luella, daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm An.
demon aged 14 months
HUCKSTEP-In Hullett, on • Await Oth, Mary
Huoketep, sister of Mr a E Brickenden, aged
74 years
MAGDONALD-On Aust 6th,
August at Montreal, John
Carroll Macdonald, late of the Auditor -Gener-
al's Detainment, Ottawa, son of the late John
Macdonald, Esq, eherIff of the united oountles
of Huhn, Bruce, and Perth, Upper Canada, end
grandson of the lite James; Carroll, Esti, sheriff
of the meaty ot Oxford, Upper Canada, in his
Ilfty.foutth year
MATTHEWS-In MoRillop, on Auguet llth,' to Mr
and Mrs Joseph Matthews, a son
MoMANN-ln Tuckersmith, on August 13th, to Mr
and Mre J F MoMann, a daughter.
Mo11101fAEL-1n Howiok, on August 8rd-, to Mr
and Mrs Wit. McMichael, a daughter..
EDWAPDS-In Beknore, on Augur* let, to Mr and
Mis G II Edwards, a daughter
HARRIS -In Usborne, on August 7th, to Mr and
Mrs Chas Harris, a daughter *
STALEZ-In Exeter North, on, Aiignet 9th, to Mr
and Kra Stalee, tedaugatsr
NEIL -In Stephen, on August ilrd. to Mr and Mrs
James Neil, a eon
OARTER-M Stapleton, on Auguat 5th, to Mr and
Mrs W Carter, a son
REYNOLDS -In Mullett, on August end, to Mr end
Mrs Patrick Reynolds, a son ,
BROWN -M Oa Woodlawn avenue, Toronto,en Aug.
net 12th, to Mr and Mrs Z D Iftrewn, a son
PATTEBSON-In Exeter, on Augnet let, to Mr and
Mrs Norman Patterson, eon
GREGORY -PHILLIPS -Ai London, on August
1st. by Rev W J Clark, Mr John A Gregory, of
-Battleford. Seek, sod son of Mr Thos Gregory
of Exeter. to Miss Ida0 Phillipa. of London
BONNETT-BROWN-On August 2nd, by Rev 'Dr
Gundy, at the realdence of Mr Austin L3wer
Wingtiern, Mr Chas Bennett, of Wallace; to Micas
Charlotte Brown, of Atwood
TIMBRELL-BEAN-On Monday, August 76h. at
the residence of the bride'e Psrentt, Huron
Road. by Rev W 11 Graham, Mr F J Timbrell: of
London, and Miss Emma, second daughter of
Mr and Mrs A T Bean
LIVENS--DILLING-At the residency of the bride's
parents. on /august 12th, by Rev T W Cessna,
Mr James A Livens, of bagmen. to Mile Adah
A, daughter of Mr and Mra John DIlling, of
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
At Dick's Stook Yards, See.forbh, ou
Thureday, Augast 24th, at t p. ra, Stook
Steers and Heater, also newly -calved Cow
and Springers. Thos. Brown, luotioneer.
Gives out no uncertain
sound. It's the same
Night calls answered at Mr. McKenziets
residence, Church 5b., thitd house north of
public school, west side. Graduate Massa-
chusets College of Erebahaing, Boston, U.
Knecht& &
Those of merio had a
long pull before people
freely used ti em.
Those that have etood
the test of time we
keep. We Bell only
the ones _ that have
merit and our stook ie
- A few other items
of interest,: Water -
Ghats for keeping epee
fresh, approved ay the
Gu.elph Agrinultural
(lollop. 15e a tin.
Never Fail Corn Cure
reoomrpeudocl by ail
who heats used it, 106
a box.
Pipes -35o and 50o for
balance, of August, 25e
each. .
Express wagons at big
in and see us. We oan save you money.
. --
Agent for the leading makes of Trussee, 1
Fountain Syringes and Hot Water .
reductions. Come
Handsome Home
The clocks in a house are very potent
in making the firet impression .when
one enters. Think of this slum you
go calling again and notice the Clocks
in the houses you enter. You will be
surprised how much they tell of the
character of their °senora.
We want you to become interested in
Olooks. They are very attraotive and
interesting in Many ways; both useful
and ornamental. We are °look wise
and can tell you as well as show you
all about them,
An 8 -day oak, half hour strike clock for $3.
A beautiful black mantle olook with
gilt trimmings, for $5.00. Call and
see our other specials.
.Liquor License Act.
Take notice, that!, Wilson Gook, of the Village ef
Varna, have made application to the License Com.
missioners for South Hu'ron for the privily° of
transferring my holei licranse to Henry A. Cook, of
the Village of Varna. Any objections against said
transfer must be made to the License Inspector on
or before the firet day of September next.
'Verne, Amyl! 14th, 1005.
Canad'-n NatiCn'l Exhibition
Aug 28 to Sept.'
gik_Q AA FROM SHAFORTH iod go-
'11)(ePt-M_CF leg Auguet 28th to SeAtember
9th. $2 55 going Auguet 29, 31.st, Sept.
2, 5 and 7. All tickets valid returning
until September 125h, 1905.
Farm Laborer's Excursion
$12.00 to points in Manitoba and Assiut-
boia good going from Seaforth, September
'wow oti mon emit]
For tickets, illustrated literature and
full informa,tion call on
W. SOMERVIL(LE, Town Agent.
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent
frobsta ova;
J. F. DALY, jeweller.
Cardno Block, Seaforth.
- College
To BE or not to BE.
W be prepared with rein
for ed sale eissortmeaps. All the
en husiasm and snap that charao-
te ized our July Sale,
de a ce. Every section of this store
wi 1 have something to offer to
peiople who vie tr economy with a
fr‘ndly eye.
If you deoide TO BE let us show you how. I
We have the most modern and up I
to -date facilities obteinable any -
whore and thus are in a position]
to give you a thorongh course of training
in either' of our departments, shorthand,I
typewriting or commercial. • i
The time to enter is now for procraeter
nation is the thief of time, therefore d
not fritter away your time but enter a
once fel, a course of instruction in the
Wingham Business College !
and be -prepared for a higher function in
life than you now enjoy.
* For particulars write or call on ,
E. PEARL HUNT, Lady Prin. 1
George Spotton, president -
Twelves years teaching experience. -1
Great Commercial School
,Offers features whir% cannot be found bx uy
otThehreschbeegtol .iy8te m
individual instruction
personal intereet in each pupil are the reason or
the rapid advancement and the short time req 1 ed
to graduate in our school,.
Up-to-date in Everything
We teach the Gregg System of Shorthand, ithe
Touch method of Typewriting, and the Budget Pys-
_ tem di Bookkeeping. These are the three latest
triumphs in commercial teaching. ;
Here are a few of the many gradunter
who secured good positions in May /este
Mr. C. Farr, G. T. It-, Goderioh. ; '-
Mr, A. Pelves's, Battle & Conlin, Goder.
I -
Mr. J. McVicar, II. Hawkins hardware
Co., Goderich.
Mr. H. Rabb, Lye & Co., Goderloh.-
Miss N. Graham, Hodgens Bros., Gode-
rich. :
Miss M. flowrie, Lees Hardware, Gode-
Miele E. Elliott, Toronto, Ontario. '
Miss M. Nicholson, Winona, Oatario.
Mies In Cameron, Chicago, Illinois.;
Day and evening classes. Expert teacher. All
Miss M. Ball, Standard Loan Co., Gode-
of our graduates get good positions. Beautif 1 c4r-
milers for the asking.
Opens September 12th. i
Fees are Lower than in most Sel)ools.
M. L. CLANCY, Printipal.
TISTRAY CATTLE --Strayed from the preOes of
Ill the undersigned, Lot 1, Conoeseion 7, ucker-
emith, on August 16th, 27 head of yearlings, two
year olds and three year olds. Last seen at Peter
McCann's, Hibbert. Any information leading to
their recovery will be liberally rewarded.I JOHN
McCONNELL, Seeforth P. 0, I 06-3
i All Summer
c n off.
Three pieces
1 Three pieces
Three pieces
Seven, pieces
Two pieces! o
Great values
Goods Depattment
Mulles, colored and fancy, etio., to be • cleared at 25 per
only Linen Madras, regular 1:)ice 400,_for 26e.
only heavy linen suiting, regOar price 35e, for 20e.
only Silkoline, regular priel i3c, for 7? -;c.
of dress goods, regUlar price $0c to 75c, for 35e.
f fancy wool italics, regular price 75c, for 35c a yard.
in Parasols—parasols worth 61,25, for 85e.
Ladies' Department.
Ladies' lustre, sicilian, crepe de chine, arid all summer weight skirts toe
lee cleared at 25 per cent. off.
Ladieb' wash suits in white grounds, with fancy dot effects; aleo,whit
!pique and blue and white and black and white duck shirts, and linen colors,
Ite be cleared at 25 per cent, off regular price;
Three lustre sliirt waist snits—one black, one brown, and one Athol grey,
ito oe cleared at 25 per cent. off regular price. .
Au ladies' lawn and summer silk shirt' waists to be cleared at .25 per
cent. off.
A large aasortment of ladies' cream 14e ties, special prices at from 35c
Special values in ladies' lace and. embroidered stock collars, at from. 15re*
to 40c each. 1
to $1.20 each.
Staple Department.
Twenty pieces of Flannelette, regular price 7c, selling at 5e a yard.
Special in Table Linens—see our half bleached linen selling at 40e, for
A pile of Shirting, worth 12e, for Inc ; sit pieces only of Shirting,
35c a yard.
1 .
worth Oc, for 6ic a yard.
A large shipment of Flannelette Blanliets to hand at special prices.
Six pieces of double fold Cretonne, regular price 143 to 18e, your
f double fold Crefonnellregular price 25c to 30c. your cheics
choieFeifvoer plitc,es 0
for 18c,
Damask Taole ()avers, regular price in, clearing at 50e.
Clothing Department.
Reduction Sale on Suits Made t� Order.
The busiest months this departme& ever experienced, are the monthe
just passed. But August is usually a slow month, and our large staff of tail-
ors must be kept going, and what woollens we have left—wbile they are real
swell—must be done away with this menth. All the new Fall importations
will soon arrive. Fancy worsteds and inaported suitings and tronserings win
be sold this month at greatly reduced prices. Come in and get measured..
Twenty-five suite, worth $18, mad i to your measure for $14—pee these
goods, this is a genuine saving.
Men's trouners, worth from $1 to 05.50, made tolour measure for $3,50.
Also the same reductions in black and blue worsted euitings.
In ready-to-wear clothing, sonaething new is brought forward every day.
In men's soft front shirts, a large assortment left, worth $1 and. $1.25, for 500
All men's straw hats clearing at half price..
Big reductions on boys' suits; boys' suits in all sizes to be cleared at
1 wtioedr0e a panse.
knicker pants, in alli sizes, at o r.
Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs.
andl. Wool. •
opposite Town Building, OorUer Maim. and Market ate.- Seafortba
I; I