HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-08-18, Page 4III9 V1 R. G I o1coup SEAFO A0114, SAM: S-TOREW pagwr off ilia a RTH"S LE Acine,in pat:vAes. Donis, hgtjam, ;1. M - - W S i,_1 *ring tra11% aria -01 10a� Moot work'wap visit f somie, Tk� t uxie in f4lio seven, oouw- low' a it At a ri�to Of UK, at' Tile e Jo -bid 114,9140 so blara ia r AUGUST-.� 1905 iog a a Vo. .lnentiioned, ander itltie* IfIble, 0 village.—Mr. A19RU- dx 6 r N t y�,oeks. with, M -r. Jae. pa4plt- in tblet Xetililoorl t tth ufaei b+tu f 850 to land t tio x tie with 61r. t1hi1s v�mkj for Vill Olean Sweep o Y per - - I ns -engaged il UP Nip -ill moan, 4 savhalg Wt 00anty yatem, for i963-4 was $457,.' Weber,- wh-� is the %' 4Z some Sam Off $2W_Xiss. &in T F 1$,2- 590. per. - p Aay 1144, o -vvhiqh Goveiram aabqzch, - O�C4 0 UT T W this Tat6 of ib oidenc� on salturday QQnsit 'has an ent &Id � to jinks in ..the f,hvieahl Shoes.. $152,414 was ranted- wit 0, iirifal 40. Ta.n a Me, the deldii nt of Wero to the aipuaty.1 t� assisting in tia-kilag e, hT,: a N o, 7 sih(c0t - Miss Consitst 14L St. HeA 48 under Lble, shighways 1mpovenwnit' i -s lia a class. of thirty-eight a 1 2 3 4 5 bird the- sePax-%tdr 01A of u. bura ...... ph. ...... U01t, Th -1 governnIm pas.one-k h, Nv sellilaot a t, Gul, —Mr i ad 13 old of M tiodig ne� On. *0T 4le is umm' 9 10 11 12 The Peade Corif i SVS- sacificiAg one seasox!s goq&- befDre e- te 7 8 of Ohio ost, of opinstiructing a i uck somOb And the 4!#'hur Reg-= 'took ini t1he Lovidoi, Following out our*policy o U The. peace -les : lof the. jh.� 1.5 -16 ing 3.,oysl examfsion last wee. o -doings we start this week a cl -six 13 14 17 18 19 tem ot �o jDanty roads jWo mzdter wtiat t Ong ue f jew I arotiad anki struck t:d another', notwilihstanding the lose inj a e 26 26 Japan and aus�lft are in session he exp(nditure may be, Some aouln- Ges aTe all this A 24 sweep sale of all our tau 0 20 21 22 '03 ties ae: f ar eadleir tb(a otthere. The Mi% Webier a, seveTe blow. �F, o t a - a 4 chocolale shoei, These sh T eer 'po, , mvreot 1yones wore `,b:rokela, birb mpneingstrap sligpers dren, str& rr 27 28 29 30 31 ...... .... m Ilas 'belen vietry sue- natelY nO 1� , txeter, . on's styles, co, dnd shoes for chil P 0a* li6d lin polva, Gotinty systie: Ile -.vas laid �i s0veraU seas afrid vof lie 411- 'c"af ul., and thie govern, t, 6=110t John Run and shoes for girl,94 Oxibvds �ud laced boots for womeii., Oxfor4 t a for; man tek, or us slippers -thentic, mews.'s ftlloW64 -tio keeps. the m7ain r oLads and tihe ibowin - �'da)`S- borne, bas pur*ha&e4 the. tregidence 0 Aor o ! r4ottumps, of wiidtir §hip Xcads. 'The xepbri deals -wilth a t pimsent- Goicapied 'by. Mr. R. B. ad laced boots for merilbut they ara simply in our way at present. afta NE Zarich Mrs. Wm. Snell, tand' to move them out quickly these price's will pleVail Y. b-iing, publishedl dly 'Py the V aV& s t he jn� 811mul, "from �jnvor in wlhdrilh h -P, work 'has ,Via the ib e. �i -�re�nlar value 85c, gale. price 650 a pair. ita WeS I.., rilous Qo�pntles vill irst Childrens Chocol te Strap Slippers, 4 to7j, which the -it lis aj�m S t clan U Fair. a. AW'Tho figu qt, #at b t hie, va _0u,r f all Iflair % NeA.1l m Dvo to tio,wa OLhojut the Z _To bit reoA the patenthefte Mier a6gh ible',tib Our F. to joi, rtgular value $L I' sale price 85(_- ono, donotes, thir Pago 61 ths P&POW On under - Iiie ooiw�ty system, givilag be Wd 1his year on Wedinesdy and ot, Ooto6eT. We will be. `pJeased Ito Children's 0hocolata Strap Slippers, 8 a) s1yerwament will be an�ythlng Tlellia:b1c, f OT ilYhRt- is �Te' dietails US to expense, oba, etc., -in h gd y, Se0jemb,ew 20th; and 219t, oitft D 2, regular, value $1.25, sale price 85o, -witoom, Mr. Huntex as en, It Girlh' 0h000late Strap Slippers, I I Oar P be it lit, best yet solei, reghlar value sale price $.I a pair. _Vaya7tiag -a Mal IV_jcF0U1 C;D.-8 4tTqd:,Ioted to- thiD dif arent, locatKiles, It _Her,man, Prior, ot Lsdiesp Chocolate Oxfordso ifttension pwted to. dt'Ly- I is, cl( also o,nd p.romlse�s 'to o4Y bown. 'Mr. -for 41,75 i nee rl�ii $2 l;nes for.$1.50, $2 50 li Roa.-fders—ExPositOT Ofir]Lt" cluts by tih1e; RiVeT, Manotoba, ils, 'Visit- th of1the ijppxx)vem hld �ocioty. TIhe 0aw LadieW Chocol i Oxfords, very habdoome 94 mo(rrow. The Itoms t t tells at lie %to -ex to dnow .i-oadg.' and aildiIgs witt give thle, i old ftlen4s in! Exaber. IV I's solm�!7 a pzlr.� afrid lot: Licelaso Transf —W. Cook �n gTound, oiat iby'Japan, ,eie iV n a for $1, 00 a pair $3 lines for 'Thieie are now oin)�y 246 mile,9 of oaicers , gc;j) i6ppartuniby to oairry ye�r.s siacle hei -vra5 Ladies' h000late' J--dh'A Giodericih Busiaess lb�'f ore baced Boots -82-50 line if�ham, Business 00kIt'Ke-5 beT as f 0111OWS !!�ds in Qn6a.r46,: divided as4 out an -inteffegtiig- ,TP(gramme. Ta A,4iilet took placia iA, �'he jg�nIs Checolate -Laced Boo ts, regul4r value Isale pries $2.25 Pair. p .1 'a' I -_ - wil value �4, eode price $3 York R Riou-ses for addibiDn to )the AIdguldir 'list 1Qf JIM- Fl. t Mktb6dilst church., Windzor, m blen!a Taftbalf Skin Laced Boobs, lo Sale 'S.. Jacobs -8 Reaugniblon (of JaPa1A1§'.PV01J1A1 r_ f caulity, - 3, [ew blucher �tylee, regular Carl ton, 61, Elgin 16,"Fixontienac V. FeaT_8 � 1 A-7, voxal ig oo(l.' sp qcIW pr kat, w1ran 'Iffiss a pair. ance of inftun�ei ilu. Copiia. miums -se . I ize's Sattirday afternoon # :H&,rcjwaxe_Ue-iA & Wileoia-8 OeSSiOM Df,� 5c Led. and Gtr,�,nvlble 53i Lambtoon d, ft bie IdIrPcitors Dell Hill, fqrm,e.:`y of f�j> I - are being olf-fored, an a -;vae j- it, Mid leslax 10, ort-hamherland have axin -r xj ter, N;"ias unitl6d, 4n, ma par Summer arnival—g and Dur am 15, Px6yoott;'an Russiell Xt, -Thos M. Wocid, lof Datrit.—Mr. bin. ootes"Lis fk7:0 151aret 1�0 PYO 'In- Vjnegar_A� Yunlg—s R-ailavay frorm Pot Arthtvr to aaed f o sevea rriago Ito 4> W W.. rs 1:[ee, 8ttp_Xvha alger:­8 Txansfer a tiregliig. Bj-,elry person wIM be- at athority . rew Poir t 14,'Wat -100 1. an,4, Mrs.' T. B. Carting 4nd ft-milly R9, W LIS'S I Seaforti Ox- Sdhloot Bcoks—A. Winter -1 Althar land ffhe"Lliaoit-ung Peoinsula.. The o(unties -of VrteInitw-oIrit1h4 "Thle World's Fair." ha*lel been summorl-ri,g- t G rad SOle agents for the Stafer Shoo for nien, and the I "Queen Quality slid Emproa* Ien. lskip,R. X --- A Good Ring—C. Aberbart-5 0-assion .(of Sa*j1.a)hIn I -stand. f oid , ar d Lennox ",,have r"em tly has T.%- Paul, Madge, slipped 98 ishoes for w;� clieiwn Swi6ep_R. Willis & Son -4 Grnt of jjs,R�wg privif�,ges at te bougbit ip ald their 'tioll-l-vads. ottings. !&ant t, -rip to the heA- of ifine export ;oaittlle iErdm ibere turned from a ile Sn >w Roads - Im' Of t d ihe Vall, Goods—McKin.0in & G*1_5 mouth -,,of -the Aim-ur. poirtint. f,W.e19C_Mr1 X&Txatltl �tevo,boe he lasf week. .Ons lot: of 54 diza wbropoW. se & Paige -5 Recagni n! ssilm seVolp& Hay, has bia d from Ro,;�gaTth Brw., lolf irie- pullp lift -110 . ys First Mile Stune—speft'r, tion �A hlo ip.4-epoade, cc Snow koals, Mr. Campbell points 14th, oDeoe lw�re, tin CUO villja'�;e -On S&tur4ay Out, haV3 beciomw impoirtant 4n th trne,& 'frolm la�tWtp ito tho tNorth- ­Hibj)b,rt, iavorag4irg 1,482 pounds. Mr. sm1krig face, &?ound the 0orript, a . . . . . . Lbst—S. S. Roberto of -Ghlina. . aing sWe, are allvays P10aKd, ff. Baokex The zvac-u�ltia� of Mamo4uMia.- provincie. Dkilf tkpig snow makes AJA t inigs a±113, look- AU4-ge has gone to Llverpdb� iwAth o see these g,en�tje&en, in- our, tmidst. 'g-ain this -weiek.—Miss l;� g �r g7rantiliXg 10f 0011111110f them ne�essary�. md. this -is one of he Italinks t atlfte,nded tho terhed a. few- oC rr triends ea diad, pr1V_ it On- Cb0i.—Harvey Bros. are, makirfg ex- is Chalk, AW4 Vjadl�cmtoo the resuft,s 6f tOfa *jinaaner. in eno�wglil If otr b1m. Lou ad, TAisday eentnar hast. iiliage,s at k. taxio, is tie "�VW I MPT6vem,ents t tbr,!..r flour 01se, jraries in ZUridU T`eGc,lftt.lY Algoma., Ips prts provin-cki, lhav% been — he ed a time. epor qr TiransfeT of Ae in6ra T quart, �rt?y�mc,tinZ combin m and levitoir. ted U V phi tripped Of uall c!114tren's day. bet- ils an Limitation OrVinak With, the a up -to date joalkey and' i Wroxp, r. FRIDAY, U19. 18, 19 0-1 Ii Sn,o,%vdxif -.s may ho pevejAied. by peedy borse.— SEAFORTIEE stirength in jbbp,� Far Rist. ebTation was hekd- in, tho 114,t1h. pon - lwAyS, ATIves a 46 movin ll obstarldies, such as M-1:1 Leadburv.. G�ow of 'A!-haV_ . nindqy kat, aad Rmunieiration.',ifor it hei cost Of vession bbluve Igaud -3polijwk, ,who, bas en. me from. Retum ito C* of Russian lmill This ;Is the most, gimleiriah puria., wixe absence dt R -H t tonll and fenvie, Nith&1o' the snow may lodge. was a t *ded success. In tthb X'te It ie� exgdatidd tiat the fgae�t at MT. 'J. 0waTdIs tesideeinco INVA.T. mos Pia6ina the Responsibility. In- Rnechitel, Rev. r aron county will give thv pas -e. ft,%Vl v6ks, iretaxnd voa-s vil �i� !bia-ve. be- !I srl� aire of the jate -no ing rIllvih�gdes 10. Manchuiria. feres, fbe1bR1gjdb_,;PtfltuIted. at 10, 9t b(alf t 110ir 9b; �fioline in Baf me=y war is g(AnCg, an just d E. Litt, f i p, residIng Wdar jolki- on j , - f n distTimt 'presided.— E Rusia to tihtsie� W" I te, SySbBin of!rloaff impeove alary lgrhb.to th contemplatzd hKm- witt), r&la The meply orf ada n: Rawl, Dry tie. of HIM- onservative Organs iSt. Nfift'r, g -ag f mAa ment, sa, s MT. Campbell, shoulld r ad, Misselsi.M. Ko2b- pital iat;GodaYieh.. If -tlhdy will do -da Haziewood rieturneA last I'Veek bet*eBno the C - be - , vled old acquaku anythim b Lit Mr. 1). K antes in Mail 'aind� The lWorld. Ir'- adopted yeveiry t(ownship. Tomoften i Witmeir took in t ba thisj,.- it 04 'LEI O -d-1 a. trip Ito WAv-,_,,r, Oodonrdo_ Totrionto, The peacie, j&tamdpoinj� and wh,-Oa tz bur and Hat 1hielp tami oban-ves &ot nd around the villai-50 dmln�-, know, W.F. ply icame Itha,' Russida was twdlli 9. thr-.vrf>,r is Lrregular -andigr4atibezried, exeursion to DotwoLt sm Saturday the (rimililation at th- ext oleotb-ftn. in the .-hall 'As our Tvaders 9.1ielady I st ,we,ek.—The Misses La Swa-re, lot aldst- - peirsoas, . pe-rblaps past- on �,,toaday aader our teielrews, tyork, :nd to giveh, Eastl�rn Ralllwar bet � n and is to of tem Aoine Ito avoir viotAs j;aSt_X-r, aa *To, j. P. 1ta.u. hiave —Thip -o ondon, ,whio for Some- P. f otir South t Aft;buir and Wj),I - mr-ith tibe .!greatle:st influencie. Aplaa ;b on 6e Leadbulry- linel axe. George M. Htatj�y and n� land P or con on a vising .—Rcv. v bem tm qests Of Xiss i - I World, ULs *heleln '�,*.Iig Sm1th, of Oiren Boland, is flia e� t 11C Molye 0 and ti"; it Of PeXmah" 'iWPT0Ve1Me1dtl a' XTS. _1ed.jt0jrL of Rio rid M. Tboir,pbonj, aged 95, and Gr"ny Mo- t.0 t&elr Ale drim, t of f Hespleir, has been Uk'neTI have Tt;tulrned .6a d _o� -his _pax?ents, Mr. =0 y 30piiTS to ­tzareleid zotites, ;for the mimelra Of ffho Only he dimpest: pessimlism pre- VoSsal` the -gue�sb-,olf Mr. J. eXeINte.r.—MT5. D=41' , hio- is, a.Uoat 90 in -Obtat: iOf should, ble"formulated Ilind h —Mr. and Xrs� A. of party, vailbd jaind piendling Jauln's anti n he says, K. Wing and 6hild-res, of ReTlin, age.4-The twIhi,stle of t1ho Vvreahing A 8 soin, f Of I mma avd Isabelle, Thomv Or Ithis xeplly tlim greatest itensilion adheIed ave acl�ine (has been &Oawl on eve'rr xewmved old 'Of WOTO�nfA aT-6 t --be- i9amests OE - - ­ 'M . ensa at -ly sty�JJB f otr Cla-et mcMit in- 'aa bieieiqfithe guests o& fbiex niotlbeT. in -,vas ifelit. III. seelms-,- however, kl&-.t Mr. afid imns. A. M,�ritz, bf Mon- the. p t;� tea days. A 4ittle this vicinity dairinig Cho past )aA A. Walker, r V& He of eorw�sels jpre Blvt.h. ld b:oo so 1��f Mr. Klebreirtz, whio, bad. on �qj�gye Fas, is visiting with orea§e� in the, SeSS11100,11A ettier tical" paict itheir .4 vailed- with bot h W. E. Latim-er, Of C. Har s n6t 00111tined IlImselif tie, the parties and t�_- rentail-aing Oaims�of Aocidents. Two very sad accildenls vjsLt._Mx-s. tleib has been of �Nis ft ig s b-d.oka a week or it-wo the Ia., �js i mproVirvg nke,ly-.' f d, is ai lyrese3it visiltinig Olt- itue, 4;1� -SO( lieft lopeo (for disadssit on a - visit, to Ineir '90 Themany her parents 7110 P-110114 of ,13Tussels, -spent Sirn-.. of the Government side 'at Japan laxe a appened in t1he vilciini�y of Bbytih to. Sebxinl9vile a u e of adid ITT -S. ay Vith This is veolk, in thleXthe case --ottge mo,thli�ki and b-roitjo are, iviinn, some ta hopetuf sign. lias r.—Messiris. R. ftieXfAs tot Mr. Alex. Ua��e; re MLss M. f3mith.—A, numbor ove, tesebut has beein, ken als, a of Ge P teir T)Wz�nd, f tbb viffiTi, Hel wws Williams, S. . Faut, F. d pleas4d tx-, heL;,%r hat be is imprpv- -ree of OM twotve ooad.Ltons Rouse ft'suiliting fabally. Wui a a -n Hensal, this Th V advice to. bAs -own fiafY, Whidh- has have ialneady be'ien plased upon a y xidbig ki the froxf-t, oir itthlej bilarlm F. Bossenevry atteinded the, old i" healhh..—We bioge he will soon s. and family,- Of day itchool excursion from -Em- this we.10-1- VisiIIAg, at: tho uhme Of W409 ad ted ich are, taiat ine oft Frlday,—Xr. bsthe- 'envoys. Th�_-y recto, w-hjile fa th-ex e iql1te. welti.—Two tea. peddlays bt been 0000P was ftiviffir"r` it, boys' Xunion iia' Londl0n Last "ek- W. J. Co(n8;&vevjve-. yxre;ss and nizjmig apan's epomdcrenro, of i I- w-h!an fhla felld c;atc;hivg hisi focit in ithic. kS. jj�jrnjltn, of Tdriojn�tp, -is iiponA- �g,zam by thb PT Ntes.—Mr. and Mrs. Hearry 'Oxt- disaat towas weTe on. thef y ly sevenintg it. Mr.Rowe wein have vdsitisnig Those, [ho biLy from in --g &.'two weekie hofidey t Vtir, by the Maill- fril f1luencia in ur tife evacivatloia, )X knives ink arf lfriethds in Xiound,s (ktely. at pin nothlinig by the Ideal. Varna. P�rtioulal ManehaTia and' ,tihe pe�coiguatioa il bro-cpgh't him lintip the k1locitiorr, 'w,bo Coliboyne and Godti-rieli.—bft. Alex. then i omet neir he�re_—Miss SaT.-a- BrWY. oeinimd rbwv�t it lie Pra�;bbeT- Linig ;bet pmw W -as bel,' 3rail hs $0 n both, Japan -and iRassm` of Albe 1111ndf put in some stttclee but Wein, the' M-effiecod, f EaTfie`ld, the Nv- 1) In- But, Iobde4 t1his is a free cloi�tTjr, and Glraea PiTty.--­T 10.f 114imilton, is v1sill Ine Ir ty 19 Pe iel jD T%d Mr, McifAian aja hias 6 -a -W boy Igot 1 ome he lgawl irapidly wdwse. olipal !of our pubble schloolt, IWas 10 pbopM loan buy from w1biorn their 40 111011d" a, glardom-paw n frjen4s in te Min- lag att.q�laptt-a trity 4 'Cbiina.' Rus evr, to,wn the tib �-w day xvine is h nig- 13VOMMIg )of igzavel of Whitoohreb., 'Vms -the, M Sys lore d. ion t1h of the party. but it has. not at-' -one p&1lut $6 tWt shi� (ha bmin. aa G njgxejne iseit in, and on, Sa burday Dr. ig.etthI4 OlLags oboose.—Mr. !J. �J. I avi: ,out tzisbmieiits W Is— ciorrded a. Ta�Dst f ai6i-.ed nab" Gum, lot Minon, amputaited iih-e- opeidirog of adhool. an Oetn dirain a mile long, which, T uIrsdy, A09ust 24-01- Tea Nvill gaest.i of Miss Hielry over- 8unq".---j taiea its desret tott two obe lqg, inf." of swwawiehheq wuns itibir.oug serveA fom 7. MA the- boy did inidt, s,ujrv-Iv %;. his -3o o7ollock. Who gs a ziMwrned to Cime- tzeatmaerd iiiii hlei trade: 11riteirootbir, M 01the on I .ugust 21st.—A ichim- farm, deepan6d. Al the Libletral-9 Au not wwn'- Ofm a:a(l ea- some f t1he.,%,-drk himiself, 33 , irei-mleht band, bf 'Sa9for-th,, Cox 'he opetratioin. � The &x- -,ntj fite,cans, "The atberigan ob ock R)f 't, de,caaa quite m oxcittemen-t withi He kl bcause Mr� McLehn )rlefuse!% to be - These artioteis off tiho olgTeeme fik ents ihav PC ed whill6 Ia and ithinks dito-&-ag in, Atigust, is not been "Llgalgod- to furnish the sYmPftt'hY Of -1 ter-, he ofililex- -dA bov from tiv. A 0STO pxe�- wieTe cir s in Ith;eir s�d bereave- ;'jhuaer sboir was in iproigiricss and a job"to be cloveted.. lic, bor the, o-ocatsilain. 11hr, affair fficitated to by the MWIl. passed lwith� ocdmpajriatfive�y Ole i6f � rfiond vioitorio ital itor of itile Rtfle dlfticlmgt� Anit the irook pn ment, otibiew acicidejot itappened our 01tilze re!( is, Ito The a, rujotstj icnj:ojyabl,e to T, IN, as I some plia,ce ad 01 _dds t,o, se:et +bat - the- - ed 00 and -ill Shouid imak,j% �f a; polrit which i0he sbllpi� 6f peaclei lsttenA% � t D to Mr. lavid Co -wan, whiD was Jay- lbecan stru gk.— Eg r a % Wk World is - ' leag ne Wif tb t,jhtef Lauiew Eriieeflel& be wrieckdd is. tho tindemt6itY coligau e. ing a f oor Ilia a house in -Moirris, has been Inig kr. It lb, pr-goMt., Is ep '�W etr In 6(b and moo, of old ffis f ine 4igh st . pilnig Ark aKiministiratigin and tTies to make It . bas- lela ,jutjh tiv, 1-y s t j —MTS. WO ft e, a f or -�om yela.rs tng twsowg sum of 3004or -stai when (h)B -+epped off the �oards fal- Stolle -has given tip NDtqf,—Mr. aWd Mrs. Joseph Gray, Xtobtlt itse-If betleve that t1dut attacks malade t ha b Russii wilil ndt consIdeir siq ii dir Dss the joils,ts. At presant the tgueets Of ibler 'his &slltion d inteinds Iggloinig wiest of �A:t * on agent 'it- T* Is veiy Bnx� -horse alftld� ood, ftirmotIly stwti: in 13.roriefield, vislted nit, blila home mopher, Mrs. G. Blmfty.—Miss Rob- sititon 'aInA �oln jutf.how't 'r h ii saf, �Wigg a- great . kleal. of pain sh, 'tly._�& hiorge ,r.Tics had. good Tenson to be -on Mx. Borein, tible, a rOPO Oft beohiging to ith W&Idi I" Japan'twitt le *ay ito igave. wy I ut Ithe docit-oas have lhopes xxkbripg- vislitivIg lher mith & O'BrIen an:d nititaolhied. to of ,Mr� B. It. Higgins on 11!harsda ert on, of Win'Aft)XI, i -S _011d. 'of It.—Mr. Tholaus "Con-Iseirvaltive jeade�c, ,and hils f ther, La-ing, Of this hause dagend pelace oor w�;r.. inig hilm around. b4tcher wa,go wain away t1he iDdher Past, OJR Toutic, to FUnt, Miehigan, bT W01 known paUlte &Ovt�r. *hj art and for. their pauit In itihie( "sal- It is. 11robable] howevdr, Nhoti ft Notes. ­MT. W. Sims s kTtiriesonit dy. . �A bro-k a sbaft aind Ola!rneass w;hvrp- 4bey wirl be the I nests o Mr. Do VDit -is tilie, ;gWast -of 1he`T -00wia, to Mccono-'al me- ublin -ispendW119 tw in D Elliott.—Ml- and Ed. 4agy j,r,rati is foir thO %rild The wv6! .61- m6re'yet bef6re 1hid up wilthi s are loack._­Mr. ,wias -the a basp-ball mitte.ti GTQT`S�i. brother.—Mrs. Smith a!jad Mi s ro, i ci)i TivaIrsday last, 63 let& 0&+,, -of in anythirry do-Enitle, -will b arrived ir tp -W,ashibuirh, . -a div,inity 0udenit, of 'at Dbwwood boys of ttle. Thieso wietre alL beffem lasti Week, our daag:ht�ir, of Chicago, are visiting Ett tt kTo fbe, Iguests 0� .M'r. Bi-?: squarlixg the. Uerals -witlh -thiel 'at wwkso �Df alid, sistx--Ivlr�s- t and -in. that tIlme mny iniflu,en London,, w -ho ip e -re foir is heahth, defeated the Dasibwood &-tye-4,rs by at it'hihomie.of Mr. Dancian acdon- lio#,s -brothe'r ors.. In n rtiole along * hiese la,nA, Nv��,re me of the fi-nest) &Dveri. at Ob ma be 'br-o ht -into PIUT w1biloosil od seirinion in Ithe, efrujis -to - tbMe,_,Mr. F. W. afld.—X-r. J. . McCornaek ud cook a-rAveil -bmie last paeacifed a very go I Oil �fhat e�rje "I t0red vil t ir�jieves s s,he the othw- -day, i N%n 'have . a. stirong. beind-encly EpiSODpal rhuTdh last Sunday morn- Hess an'& ail aze hiojada-yintg at dau,g,b,tk. Jlessie, 6f Eligin, Illinois% from Galifon1a, Ns., fie, past hiad. a ve!ry -sueteigglut vos� visiting foir t self _01f thttl vaxdd peark. Maud Kinig, who is a rrt Fran r. Hess has A am -all. at, t -he manse.—Mliss -v bee on Taesday aftornow,_ acionesk of the M,&tAhodist cbtvrch, d f &7 '�l -, which can be iuse 3 -arned from Bay- mto ths.—Rev. a:tld M:rs. Bro-wa weire SelaP00, Po t The objecit of the McDeWft Wove igasotine ein Ag .-v r T P, t tieg id L lbytezriaia sun men the Lau�'rjetr JgoV_ 'Goldwin 6-mirrInIt' wl-11 Vr gave W addiriess to halriie, 00111 - f -dr pvopellinIg a boat. He be4eves 4i week.—Miss Carxie, Ross at� Oodeiah laist neek fair a ifiew jis visipin Miss Mabel. Barbo,r t is Ezu t is o excaset Jv Ora ithle MeWhIodist qbaroh in haviln raTybb-Ing bo &te- is h -%K4 T at her home, 'London r up ayin, Mr. E ne;st J�Pps riedelvd alt tb0-exPease of 6the Oo- )PTesetl—Miss - Edith, WiarbuM -4. . T a. pamltic , I v&tives aad -tio excialp-ato- the Sunday ven-i#g- -on the woirk iof the bi>ir of Hie, Pesb3rtew- —ilhat &is falt�herd h,A&. ultaxton, is vilsifloav hia sistW,. .Seir 4d in ILIstowl -blol irlay n Sat a' Frof. Smith ils, �e rdex.—Mr. and 3fxs. Rieba-rd Wal- T jan ch�' o1i; p1021cked at tAle, lztke- str� va while in Ham-ilton. or4 wl o,ok 3 imembeir foir South York. y of Ithe atlesl,�� . and most' plol'W ed key and on, and Mr. Joseph Nat- ingham. i h 1hist TiliWraday, and spea a very As e` is up 'ia ears, hopas tor 1hi X I Chia the money. It is not, w,riters In. Ctamitd, and his opini,''n *lkeT, of Chicao, airie, t prelsiciniti vil plinisa:nt: thlhe. On th-eir *-ay home xevD ry aire 'doubtful.—Mx, Airthur tho, pugobtateir of tho SthM. con ot. Eveiry- o f417 !,rtounds, paying , the sam 0t du A Vew Roctor.—Tbw- Bidblop, ',of -r of Kippen, spMA publci st'lonis of thle, -,ay ibij�lg itleir ananits -and, trielrid. they b6p)c in the- Vaira 'rawn di -o- Ri ,Ws have Ids own �opiui)Dn (114111 - .—Miss Lizzilew MtUUM )dy will t, is 13 Hurron' haa -appointed Rev. A.,B. ueal $250 for it ,arden — Ifil Tu� 4mb, A mex, Ia of 11� smitb4 is virAtlWg bM wias 1herie and'ho sees uite a iaiabge Wintg, k M j �ijidkd in Brucefield i0orm&ny par -t under t�ja wispicies of St. ge of th thVt t1le tTCa,%LlXy is inchtir I n p m of Rem . W. Umiel, k in, Miss 13,e4a Thi� - ' it. It may be ea..ld, bow -ever, a.re ea;gertY 800tight. t1awn.; elas 011nicle 'Dick t b6 O(r ctiad..—Xt and Mrs. J. B. amieson, voicia ion e're.—Thie alra- oat Faiey, of 'lot Lni "Ott, y yj 0 t IL epor uis 1*13 ae bib t wh o x#e and tht il foir the betteir in the tow�n.- ,J3, aj-o at present visitin wilth oh, Is zj�u'r 6h Nvvs held- 1819t intt- ment. mr.''D. 4ciGijhcud& formerly IcAi- Mr. B. Lauirier Govern y wlo is dUcortily fjo suciced Jbev. Gdo- P�l`4 Page. of `ffin�gham' is vit[ltig atone, is lesponsblet olr the exPen- tor I(A lhe!G4 I MoseT, bits' a gjo(okl, pasitlion, in ttbow!o, Mr. adl'Mrs. D. Gnissick, Stniley. tand as'a stweess. Tho injobt _,%vas M. o as �reiwixw of St. Mir ox I U prieth Signal-, 'has b n one (Of lue, 10ei wIlIbles-lie s t Lmdon. Mi. F a - A ton Druce -f ielld bea -ditures that ae made, thie, findem- �h101ases in Ea Coiredi Yiouir iful and t�be. crowd Was comp it ex K)f. of i Mal! ted lidittor ri d win I.pvg, was. visitiinig his pair- ast, appoin a norXesp.44v4int, in 'I� ' weiek's As- t yet. The recelprts - -weTe that are Voted, and tho pen- ney -will take drew 1AS Ink&W camrge iff on 'a, t -e o. sue, imade Some triffing -malstaks.- over $153. This speaks well f*r liv. � s t Ir- n, -a. lvv*.,ra imnxt bari Lire, by th ets. a f days 1169 . Tuckers _te, It it n ( Septembew. Hi sucloiessor at, Ayl- � Mith. 10iL Septembo Consorvatives favored minion :and has gone Ito On Thur ay for Monreaa.—Mr. and eia'n �named, Mr. They ad (olf very attle, consequnce, Ladle. . The band- played Ispliendidly I - true thkTt I mer-bts not et! b Bain urn-6d..—Mr. ohn; Witle, -of -e w- -her, -n Mrs. iW' Campbell visilted in a:y� is talad do Ock persicin any 'hwrm. Still. and e*r ulat a' bit Stiny hvithi, bheilr 1 V R the Nor -Ob e.st' o took oveir t L- 1 4. I, Tr ID .1,!� A ifl,,.eL f� Ac F. %Awinift f he igr safute( of rcmuneirit0c, I a uIraAwLte of Humoin CutI I � k" the Nvold be imim ,vhleat fie:lds And t(bel conditions nif fieN a days of thiet past; ,*ieek. they ae,mistaikes, and )It w,ninot be m 'Mrs. Albext Rerlmojadj OIL Iege., londan. It& oseIftis ba.Yn b-nd *ont'Onlbs by ttvrial. Thp Govmnmrvt was not Kri. McGillicuddy was'an, —A boup-le of loads & itih(e, Mejt(ho- immigrant& Tu!m,' Ba:,d.—A de- wroing itp oomrect them. He -says: 1Y Michigan, 1.1 t at jCeyts'. s, (P Modday The alflo-ant ! s is ques t iv #111 dists dT 6ve over Godrlicilit to t-Ift Rev. X' - Mc&tc�' li ed ev.) exva ; opin- e at newspaper man, amd Ito ItIhIe Tor -onto ows from in, of Scot . ind, III: Mr. Thomel, gy bia-d- bleen, o -� i lnjg� oWU ,ed to tolljo(w Cans, v �r b it( Yis- wor La spicte ' d SUMMeT 86hooll ij�n t.1his voinmuniton iservdoes in, flie Methodist Davidison 'apd. dawgbiter, Edith, were Nveek. Th ut- i at paint. -And, as ta -mrat- t i List Fri'day, a7rxav-, Wingbaj i ion on. th, says: Fakmea-s )during tfIe day, and vhowtl idt�r &,r of J'cit, it did not do -sla. It of cxpiression fbat should make%.U�in-' inig home dn t1he elaT41y ihou,rs iSa:tw.- tbe; oblurch Oi4ist Sabbath, foir the con- in To ofito this -weqk. I distrilcit 'repoxt. t.6t some 6f ifive, olal&,k put -thka )horses aVa csit a e effe&tive abir6rad.� day itiorl bf Old qCIr ros`by- orgized tM fgral� %o,l,-'Iy be ada's 11 9 t mcorntg.—Mrs. Lowfis, � and. immlig-r,,ants TNeent-1-y irrilvdd from 1 N0,%vthjei_t! was.. k I Jo the for supper. is �vent int' 1busel it wanted Ito ive its supportOrs We� U'Ve sV to learn t(.11t, �Ibe' daugter, s Nelliae, of Lakdet, some, sent by the ter: "Rev. John Londesboro, nest, 1110're-money, and its beladvzs 'peaslicins able past sv4ictesi of visilted ifor a &ir da!ys of ItIblef as[t Alaoteod iflit aield communion. ser- While tAkliggi Of tYO G,%M1-,1%M0kQf- responsilbi-lity rests GlIddy have qn rcognized by thei m-nelivir it Mir. and Mrs. Jo:btn, Hefn- SAvaion iArmy, hAve, em - vim Ila tlj�, Melfhodist churcN but it Not s.—Mr.- t, of Tdridn to, �v)as eeo iissalng from thier bam for life-, The, -off I sejsys Ito be lazy, exa; Lag qi1d fmd IS VLSI Ing I 1 .wws i itil hii!% partnts at prestint.— Tunnilij Ahex�e a fdre was disoove With thQ, IeSPDns1Vb1.0 pvrtivs, and. the, Gove:rnin,�A. d-urso.—Mr. iA. H. Plarrinver, who of leOf iaojit to the. Old Kirk congTe- 9991P9 tihe(m 1ho twas q attempt �o it upron Oolriseirva' has lbeientT-,LV'dBliMig"flhfrotbgh the west 'gatiton, bat* o a Free Piftbiyter- Mrs., oods- and da,ughtr.. from- �jktbe. oixr. The horses weTeta MM4 a f a�rmelr Dun engaged by 'Ile tives is uAius-', ian congregatlion. 'There am albleas- Dunda- at the, ibome Ou just I,P tame to�slav�e, t�em� but mprc ements in Highwa�,B wit It!he EaTek, cteim6nt, block maa- t N. I and whose fa'irl from Que- -of M and some bther Jim- three riton i I r Gorg�e v0tt c1hine, ifar fibia P,q-st six killffeTont Prqsbyteriain chaircaies Surely thic, Mail dDes no' br 'Parinex an,d Dt.hfex all �tihle th's, ire- be!e,, !rfued o Occupy a roicim W it h pigs,, ggea.., L Johston. han itaken the ountriaot of .�'Iements Itoethsor witli; tree turned ome, Monday, linving had this. or 3f it does Wsur&y is nt ,a ifellow Ifaxm sTvnt ,and -d in Sciotlaind, and the esbablilsibed were tortiume.d. The Ihouse itt e PkT DVirX0 1W be, in terested In t e veTY Lsaccssful trip.—D. Flield, and bjecitled chitfrdh c-,Lfted the IMIXIC, paint, Several, houses' romid i t o 'be Lng ca L -led: to' an. �&%riy bveialk- kli tilmcq, aind nhly- foolish enough to tiblink that Otbor ,ninth aquaLlieport of Chip, voin 1IS;- Miss jMcLaugbilIIn,- of Brass els, vis. ' -her tjien Mberpi -is thie, Reform. --p.r,egby_ here John Melville is busy: f ire sieverk, it mms If He also dmanded a ftit -,Ou have 'fast. poln g. sevoral houses in Blytb,.— by the lefforts -of -kid pe6ple will berieve it., 0-,ritain. it is- sione.T. on Jihjjgt�M,.ay s*, wiiih M, ited ifrilnds in -t.o,,,.vmi one day eggs terians; itbe orilginal. scoxssion,; fw i; . : -bed it ooleap upon aafd, ciu'r'if Oka' Ouite � number ifrom ber, took in ; i6ighbors -t�at Ifilifis was savidd' Wiax- , i�i . e.ek­Miss (AlMie, Bennet, of , Free iohurq1v ; t%e Free Presotoytelr- that the -governindnt is IR 1101-argD pbell lilas m4dy. It dals pibty to, (18 at, pTesenit. VI � fo ithle mrning As Iffi-a pooir Siting lj� PaT�..I terLains, 'wrid ite U-nitted Free c(hwrrh, tb-e ss, - m�er isebo-oteld inoderich.' Iva S a smj 11, insarm-ce ah; tble, bam -or nol of th 'breagury, and that ltheiy o�m, f ally wi fAMeT loDuld ot oom4,- kip to Ivis de- Mi," Zella Whtl _y is speadIng this in the MoKIIII-op MutAml, uit, one ltd�p,60,000 millies of ro'ad-- VAt& in to,w(n.—Rev. apd i ag the Brumfiedd people, breferTed — e und W v, :,es ad -Nvx, ee k ith frii-nds in SummerblR.—; Vise's losi wrill be heavy- end rnulttih, in a measure, espoinsIlble. for tho ways usi' P, of streets in t6wins Aitelieson.ialriea.tpTeSehn,t v 1pands, whIc(h .9 -so Incladed N to iats be Qld Ki;rk rjDagreflaitlon, am isibi jg the -of a pidar and a ba;IT per day, be Put 0 lIatter,s pa:renits, Mx. Mrs. J. -iEotpendiftzes., sBut Itat 'does not and rrible8,) iii cef of! On d the prIected)with 0hel Fiec Presbyter- Miss T fts, ,of isbe guest AYMP410"Y is exore,,savia f otr m. aer, t,hl(3 Rr oviLn of her - iter, Mrs. G. Moon, at: pire- �10 firo C�jginatted: is e. myiAory. I Wt - vexy absolve the Oppositloin 1xiom Andeirson. Xr. AiAcbeson has beerf IMM. MT. MaolvA as a miLqt,eir ot re- Ues,&Iroadff 1are c-ost, Mill- Second ido:y, during the faxmer's lib- Of the Rmei Pm-ibyterkm churdh. wilt Ir arid Miss Ferguson, of Sponsibility.lia. this case, or in fact Dor,,Oca., ilt has Ire* wncip,,.anakiinig, hils parting Lialutvto' lions ali� W1111 GOSt Millions =101re- WZO� s6ent Sunday wit,b friends I siged oft %aqoo6lat of ila lamd, I meirly mm-tioin. this for in any othpr ciase, where, tinytthllta3 is Scotlad, q the 1two'grown up dalu,'ghItews bf the here. I :6,orrie- 4one wifliztheft, f all cioi4selnit. It t1he Statute! taboir ,has been snpo;ded- is kit pTese�nt r6lieving a; t Hensa I I, " the infa4a-tion cc your icnT:re&- i - I f4crMer in the vulgaxly fanAliw Conse,rvatirr, membhors -we.Te not, In ed *' rno�m thaii 25 peir the beforK 11euving !EW tei wes, Nv�hare ; polident, aq thia- when. Ili- %crlt" to Footb.X+A lvly game .of In ov "a sympti,thy wit1h, lit flnefrese wby he (has a dbiarge, noaIr phraser. trif must d 0 and ain be� w411 b-- able to distlin Constane.e. played, ok� - Victoria jPzwk tu%vrishlp�, b'y a system of coramiu- k4V4P 1y0dU,"' and leave be, Y-Ou aZ And -1-11 did they not so Muir, 'of Exeter, spent Mulesdy of ish. ihhe�* iddfftront! -c1hurclies, tbe Notie —Xiss . Magio McDonald Tu y eenling lbetween, Gor- tatlion, or IIII some cases t1re stat- ing -Uls pkicAk. cof dirty clothlas witih at the pxope�r time, and lblave ttedx thlis Wee ij� town; on,'fa businiess -brip. from thla oth,dr; I d1a6t intend jef t on Moviday t1D visit Itrionds !In r e; and. Bellmore,, t116 tatAex team l- 1 im 'on aills, biack. He ifid pt kor*, ute labo� work -is aboldshled, and Robewt McKay an<t -hd 1 oppoaittlon I-xToperly reetorded. ..Hd j. h it Andother now to dWus tbel m"Its, I(w-domor- Loa6n, St ' Thomas and Other, bein e.-Mrip4sex prknotpaRy of WX-g- A Special T'atc, 1 even how- to hoie potia me 9 and 1w:roxetees best' playwit, lbviled wibfi Clio tow 619hip 'G:rove§ played w1th, the Betax'er' , Ily points. fIer Mainy frip-nds, Wbkjo& ond I they done, ttitis a:tid the bad differences hi dew 1grants, its -of any oiC it hiesp, c(hutirchels but ox irates. th-exe are 'of thle sanrl,4, 4as of-imm] been still put throixph by tbei. Gov- Owe'n' king 'two duys on stin,citive Inamaes by missih-g heir wishi her. a very pleas.- hoaww tehm. *%%!rid fat, tail, 1putj t.hd vneiral pla. ]h0rosse 'team, of Setatorth, in alf tex ar. 1L farm to, 1P -owt the Ivrarrident. thon, and only -Would n Is to p- Sound whd Mitc1he11 11his, wiel&_Miss which kbei ia�m 1- known. But.- as if eLat' tT I .—MiS'S Faj�bam, of Ohio- f dw the visiting -�bunoh ajid xW4=tSd point an: over� -near Ore4i,gev'ille, plexempto4lly de- Vish, 1 by gt sooire of .0 they be. free from responsiollit for ft'cx f`*r thle tio"ShIP' J. -8. 11alikh k, Who has een visitin;g hia do paesport mentimed no person Is btwrt' a-�9'o, is e -on an extended visit #oo them 4 It 0- in 50 IT The county 1114thiDd- of mianagOrriian't maladled. is and $3 An !relatives and friends in town (Lbr bho '1Wr bT heir i=4 ottbr fiends,_As minutes" Ilay. Darin l To.� the acitlion Of Ole, GDv&nnrnmt. Bat is the sla�m-b,. on rreiaerdl- �ril,n leso -cash, down �als -wiagW. (for 'the two by thjBiva n�istakos, - but Ilf you Mn 6-. 10 2 they did not do t1ils, tind the, 1resolu- 0Xp pa'st it -we weks; reltuired to heii k1ays. , Whie spa Ia, corpiar . in The Ekpmfibor ifor Miss F h m always was a igenex'-- g-riess Of tht fglm Sam weed -h thk and- the'Go' rn-menti is "'Id0d. tO n- itille loarg sufering f.%'r- reumon, you wiV1 iobbike, at f he visitIn tea�m bad trae wfisfar- _T tions pa. -sed flio House wirt -Ir th,6 x ihome 4n Brudsacilis on. Mlimsday. ceived a bearty t 'd# this -oi av Ite, he T e tont of balif fibia oofyt of 1 con meir 3nutred, aIleging. tha-the-ims to make herr sbay ei -ientiro fwintlon, th.ey thus sbare, the Yoar old friend, Z�oloom)e I IwIne -ad it is It Im wish of tune to haim� his. colUr bo� bT*.- StTuribiod, the oo-umbles which � havb not worth Us boatd, GEORGE FORRET. man frtends [responsibility ,vith the, Gov adopted bhle��,plan beiLng WoMwortib Kippen. 'doftNd bile aorduiroy coat to Dght by fo 'gomery, on's at tile Inent. In addittion t tbis they bav We in Our idat as pleasant, as possible.. io backs. The ?gmno was fimin-W 0, 'llingt aompbed the extra idernmilty, still une on,)SImooe, I.-anax.k. Oford, Not".—Mr. and XTs. J. B, gam- for Itbb three doiblams, end he ,he iats —Tho ubeY --itired 313 fteras to wi.t1h tea wl�:fi a side, ChArlkes 0000 an , Drysdale. oln :arid Hasbings, whrile' Vic- ieson, of',North Dak&ia, have bean a MkJmd-looldl one-eed awkney, ? k it h even up. T10h -vls!W withoat a wora of proltest. m e - quite U wif 1), some of the g 'n,g off t4 t mi arld Others are 0M t..h.0 X;v,e -jA- heze, callinig on. old- friends. Som`0 the ftme'r id; oloole ihanded over the O� (is we,"llave S . -A rvry inberestiug game 'young 11adies round em.—Tbe wore odtiatt4ined ait; tte Anglo -Ain- It ili tTup- alld Ithe Gov- doing so. The actual. ovetsi, t of 26 yemTs .i'go MT. and Mrs. Jamieso4 vash. Above, stairy may geen over- T io'vament ayo La, a rn(�,ivmre reHpo- Of Wootball,' Aebidhl xesu;dPd in e, mtttai ftends here oC Mr. fRi6bard exiji�an attler i blef iginne. the woik'ion the ground is deputtied 'drawa, but lik 4& absolluitedy rorreet, y It rousle Y,eslde.nts &n oux tie, fbet-ween Vhe two teams, was play- sible f oi the: expondiltares * of toroad freinan and ov�r eeoTs, rit h J. Bal -four, anetrobant, wb�) hia been f9jr jirt:wis; toilld itio You'r -oW*Apond- ooanlTy, but'tbis does niotlnienri that ed joYi - the '�tnrf gounds adjoining a Wniinis.Qon exorcisin 9-einerl,"I Spending the 1sumarior -in tile rw"j, ent [by .the, imrr�jgraaA flamdf. s no responsibilit- the Onposiblon lia, this vlllage n Batu�day evuninigr ove-Tsig,4-t whole has retuTned. Rio gives glow'ing, ao- ies. If they arQ eritlrel devoid at last, Ibetween the Blake tezm and rem-e'nt aett Hills G Under fible highway -ImpX6 counts of -the aro priospeots out reen. Iresponsibility, as thb,- Mail aliaims, county 1 covertln;g 20 Pew thente.—Mv, Geore Thylor was in the B is ley timm of Drysdle. Mr. SPO why ave thy -It Ottrtwft tat all, and cent. 4 '-fthle. pro 0 Tocronto this (week, and vv I farmerly ,olf Bdinbarirb, Vince have aaopted hija ;t(biclre Holiday AninAversary.—Our littic B -Town, Why khiDuld they 1�a eabitkd eveini oolinty � s 'tems' iaking oesr 1,624 pwthnseA a caw koiad, of caftle.-- Mr. village was entiTely dsetied on Scotland, irefermd fhe game - to the Thle miles of a road end expeinding Taytar doeis lis'part. taw-axda ikee T tod� the indomnil.ty. Samly yesday ol last week. occas- entire satisfitation a all. Tbo I*- p- -the countiry -canno(t ftotrd tid Vly theTeon! In."filia years 90344 �nearly ing up he catrie husing&,4 in thds on was the �eipjb�atlon, of bho. six-, tuirn I b, piny -M at Blaka I�orr hivin,,-z iho onpo on d:o1hirs. jelymont: of tieth. bdrtbday of our 'an eair,fy' date whoezf"40he simply t"� 1half a milV po-Tt.—Mr. Jolseph Me *,m.1al Itowns- at ]*tr tberhtalk. ThNy have, duie.-; to Windsor, paid a visilt to his odd hokne man, Mr. Chs. Troer, w1ho took ad. pionship twill tbcn.'be dpcidd. -rforrn tq s Modetn m6ibhods -of rd ctonstirue- po tbU MWMIbefM On heire, this week.—Mr. Cleg antage of the ocioasion:by inviti Items.—Tb is now ti�ori demand for ecroamloal aind eif- V �,eahivg the mder. 6e Govv.rnmmt id(� of the Rouse his ned 'hbots and friends o 4 pic- f ithe. day l4ii tTAs vicinity and tbat ficilent' wor,k 6he nee of mtibl�inie ngeqt, atitended the old boy&! rean "tad when a me,astirre is brDazIrt be-' ion in X.rorid,oui. AdrX. Clegg is [LL0n_ nic, at, Grand Bend. A M` ost, en�oy- vetegan Mr. H. W. Tfbot, The principal of these jgxn4ir4 ma- elnjoy_ is again f are th, House which bho don old oy ad th,,ixrou�gbly on the w= platb wltlb, his duty im- cthines jare�,In -g:binoral use, very few 'd able day was spent by every'peris I La6rosses, Footbails, Base Balls, a it rind oine and -all xegretted twhen the mmmoth n iv tse. I t i a t h to oppos g the, hlidia.,Rev. A. NklKibbon, 4 rIgine sad wind stooker, un :the i�a -r. a lbot r>ossesses� a up V6 dialo 'and Ptacv.� themselve,% cin -rdooTd rts itlho t , one or Ailsa Oraig, ill, conduet the. S,er- 1.0 -WO -ring s -told in it IN s tim, a. W= more. Tihl� cwst of and re- to stiluit homewad. The wish outf it, and is one of t I t S W i 0 OPPOsIticyn. If thes- do noc' do vices in th Methdist chuirch cqi Expres agons., Go 0 'arts, Baby f piran. haO bpAcin roatly xeducied. this then. th-ey Ire quite, us cjulp- Su-n&Y in fhie, aboace, of it,hr, pa_ is that Mr. T:roer imay Rve to iciele- ers in 111mron.—Thie, lijoliday sea -son a ble a% th Govrirnment niebers, D.rairiago- Is tho rnatIter of first to(r.—Mr. Hairy ChIdwell, Mrs. j. bxate inany mm,o birthdays. is inow eTe aed many of our city If tlP- Mail iR opposM to thie, Jn- importance, and ieviEvy aftention is Deitz, Mrs. R. B. McLea end Miss Notes. Mr. . Olive -T rl-.orest� W�bo. f iiends are, hfeire% to, sm' dheir coum- 0aimages, Hammocks, &C* rocased inde�rnnity and thiks it i-iven. Ito ke.epl,nIg open 'khe Alice K.yle, ook -in the excursion, io; hias bee in Manit-dua for a try 'coming, who arre glad OD see .Wranix why is it not manly and drains, placiln the, draLris wbere. ii;Y;olt, on Sat -dr -day lust.—Miss P. , ,,,n,, is visitAng �riends eme. them, Itto tre�.neNv old aoquaifftances 1,qt=-i-yhtfoirwa'rd eIjoIj:--,Ij to tappoc news under dralhang is nevessary and oakr- 4 Juotr, of linton, was tl�ie gueiwt joiE Mr. Fforest seeis. many ob"ges since and pnobably to ficixm new ons.- it openly, nd on th(, metrit.9 of tile xytng to frequorilt so e Special ethe-e Bel' f Mr.q. James Mustard during the leaving these pats. v. Oliver Among ithe tarivals arem thp,, foltow- Bargains in Ladies' L-6 tase� Tf'it favors tloe� inern.w.,why t-Ije water will bf, Temoved Nvoc.- Mr. bam -7 'J,ohn Longley, of To- Cblema!n, ot the Mmaiolya Conifer- In: Mr. IA. Gelinas, of Chat NOT is It not, hon".vrt onouirh tl %.iy so, long nat-6nal NNier-couse's, Hand iags just ndw. ronto, and Miss Melvill'a, of Olin-. enve,,'is v1sitang rellhtivesand friends Miss 1. Geliwis, -of Miobigan , Nfis, ith i r � *.%n(I nrA atterr�pf to Lay rt,�spon,-,ibil- Rrid�zes being built w beel ton, NVCTe ithle gaqkS of tt� MiSe riff t -be vLoinity._xiS4 x�vXgie. Mo- Celina Durand, of WinthTop, ndtbe _S ity on one set, Of whie're superstruciures, conorettjl� obtments Mellis tb" iw�k.—Rev. Mr. McG'Ln- Cllarty, of'London, is visiting at Mr. Misses Helen nd Edith --[I are equ&lly r(-spansible- nd �on ' _n being m4do ot t-11.6 or 0orntrete the raission fields or Algoma, :wht6 has been spendin.;; his waziation Collegiate Institutes espectiveky.— a 3speat .0rebe, ft"Pors. Culvelxtis �are nis, who ,hs spent som years in T�6h; Cochranc's.—Mr. Will Jarnott, students of the Gliuton aad r5entortlo NXTI L S U AT] Tb(, ominion Gorarmeint hamb are-hes. The uso,-of p-ormane'lit, ma - preahed tw paxecilent se'rmons in in the West, retunned 11jorae. jait MiL and Mrs. R. . -Talbot, of t -he whille, ;gredtiese at flyst cost St. AndTe%V'S church line, in Stanhey, vlgit44 j -rde I on Sunday week. He trelyorts thle cirop bo be Bauble DRUG, BOOK ANDFANCY-GOODS STOREL Uounty on rails -nianfarAtured is a measira of eciorfomy in a teran last.—Miss A:n:nje; Batit, of Tor.on- &a excielilnt onv, a2nd thln,s a;re friends at Wiuchola-ea on &atuidiay 9 b-ooming in many parts -of 't'he Wegt. and Sanday of last of years. �Road improvemeat' IS now to, is visitiln � heT old (niends in Ithis inaana:da. Th�?Iwo lteQ, lm Ills -�navn- progressiajX In .long strefelbt ts, wshere ne i g hboxhood.— Miss Graut, of St. —Rev. Ax,chibald NoRiV-dan, a One- Em:rson ftider and )3lAko_.H*r;aex-