The Huron Expositor, 1905-08-18, Page 2er Ator Butter in tubs per dozen for:, ggs eard prices fpr ali kinds f Poultry E HAVE never made the prepart Cons for a gireat big Fall Trade that we have Made tjais year. We iinticipate a 'big fall trade and kvs e always realize 'Our anticip,),- dons ecause we lea,y the highest price for Farm- ers' Pr duce and lye sell our goods at most leas- onable riees. In the following six lines we beat all corapetitors:---i Grain _B'ags RedpaSh, Sugar ' 25c Japan. Tea Seaforth. Zto Xtton expoottov • SEAFORTH, WRIDAY, Aug. 18, 105, ledge of the different depnr.tmen ts Saf the servicfe. He has Lever taken are active part in though he correep of Liberal stook, leis brother being ae. enthusiastic, pazty worker. faot, he has been Most retining Lar as 'all pablie, ex lodge naatters - A Flea for the Small Fair were pommeled. Mr. Cowan, staperintendent 1,of %lobo EX4'81Q:r WAS b04101 in Glen- . garry in December 1852. As a Fall Fairs an the pr'avinc6, sav4rs. . young man :he engaged eti eornanerelal the discontinuance Of a number •o'f business enner 1870 en 1876, waren tie the small fairs ita the Provinc.e, aid February he Was appointed ...terapor- ement. Ile was paced ori the Per- manent staff , as junior spew -id -class clerk in September, 187$, and in a. 1891 was prozneoted to the position of assistant a.otheanitant. On the. re- tirement of Mr. C. j. Anderson, wiho was euperinbendent of tihe Savings Bank Departnnent, 'Mr. Fraser was made chief clierk and stiperintend- ent Of the Dominica Goveroment Savings Banks. On the retirement 'of Nit. Ge Diekson, about tour years ago Mr; Fraser wan also mad.e accountan't and Dominion .book-keep- er. His elleva tion to A hditior-Gfen- eral, therefore, comes a$ the newt step in the ,premotlicnis, wainicai he has earned by this, ability and fidelity. and aenem.ber ,:yr Bank street Pres- byterian charteh. He rdarradd 1876, the amalgamation of some ,O larger ones to mako one big shicsw at which thole will be 'larger x- atibits and more liberal prizes :warded. He woold have specie.' Ix - Merits visit these fairs to explalin the 'feeding, etc.., of poaltry and - exhibits of differeat kinds displayihn the kind and quality of goods ale- ,quired in tne British market, and -ethers of a similar nature. lieu of SilOWS held _by these smaller sooieties he advooates their keep - in this way make seame tretarn fOr the money granted them by the goes; er nm out. Mr. Cowan's position should en - (able him tbe judge of these matteaa wisely and even, but we Stave the temerity to differ with hSm tbe anatter of the elimination lot email easorwa. While it is probahinr true that a number of them do not give an a.ppareatt or adequate return. for the raoney experided,We tlieink these aro .in the ininDrlyt. The ;have a field .o their owa and it is to some extent a valuable fietd. It ts quite reasonable that the- larger the show the better the eirhiolts and the more liberal the premiums. But there are 'other co,nsideratictris and eonditions consider. As, we lave that there has been nada destitu.- said the small fair is in, a. Wass bf itself. It is at the seven fair tit' tion amonta Canadgans in, that uoun- email breeder .or the man jus try, as work is hard to pet. ponie branching out 'gets has first roots back hieme bays there is plenty to hold. A keen but w`holesome rivali- do in Ca.mida. Distant fields may ay in the line af %took, grain, ecats,' Look green, but after all tihere 'is etc., is established between the no place like home, when Canada is farmers of the neighborhood, fermi. home. larger fairs. Wig rivalry Stimuli I Of the thirteen protests entered titans, in only one; Bort Arthur and tO get- something as 'good on Rainy Riven against E.ennedy, Lib - better than his neighbors', and. in! order to get It, he must useeimpronn enal, are active eprepa'rtitions being ed methods and up-to-date raeasures;1' made for bringing on tile trial. In vied it is in the small liar that thisll this Case an e.xanalgratiorh! the poll fteeline 4s engendered. Ton do awe)/ beaks and ballots is 'beilig, made by with these would be shut 'out! tire reapective counsel leith a vie -w rt hose who are genuinely anxtioug tiO deteoting and noting irregular - for the professienal eX hi hit (Ir. Feorall trial, is set for September llth, :at our observation we nave reason toi Port Arthur. believe that in many respecta thee • * • tamall fair with the mueh despised 1r The Dominion Governrrient has de- " fat COW It and eie; pumpkin,' is aided to Change the fiscal ye.ar of more real benefit to the farm -1, the Dominion, so that instead of the de?, wet o all f airs are int ended t benefit, then many of their larger I Federal' aecotuats, trad.e statistics, others, etc, being, calculated each yees cannot be doubted that m•uoli to the end of jume, 'they will ibe Seeod would be done by the special made up at the end of Marcia, the Xiiibits as proposed by Kr. C`oWan. Ministers think tlhat tile beginaill4 But it is possible to have something of spring is a better. time to 'open rof this nature as well at the smaller 1 their fiscal year than the present fairs. As to agnieultural societies !Ida te, . especially from the point' of SeDing into the thoroughbred, stook vieiv 'or trade returns. The cibange ;business, we think the results would to the first o,f Apeill will allow 'of tied districts ,or in districts. rwthere ',printed 'In time for Parliament to farmers have, for _ono reason or an- imeet in October or November, began- -ether, not taken sufficaent interest Ining with 1006. in this bransh of ,,,,agriculture, the ire ea It s Sheri Id certainly be bones Tictial. But in sectirms of, the eettn- try where, the' farmers themselves have gone extensively and system- atically into the raising of tiler- $oug,hbred stook we. fear the experi- ment would not be a suceess. How- ever, before Mr. Cowan advises any tratelical ehanges In the smaller fairs eve hope he wile ponder over the matter and we think he wall yet be able to find near& good in them. laying hat !the side of fa eoffin. He however, inlished, the grave and, left it realy tfor the 'next day's ilin_ ta teitmenta b t on going his rounds tie. see third 4 I ithings were in proper 'order next orating the was'SurprilSed not poSitively known just how it agot theve.nor Welt whet bDdy it eon - tains. It 9' Surmised that the coffin 71 burial pa.r y became soared at -their uncanny t ork :and Lao hurried' off, is considetable talk over the afifiair. Seeonel. Bowler Personally Conducted 33xcUrSion Editorial Notes and Comments It is not all beer and skittles liv- ing in a oity, at least Teronto the great. First the papers of that city were 'kicking about tire Louse Tents and now they toMplain of the ptice of butter and eggs. Evident- ly Tbronto Ins its idisadva.ntages, but it isnit often the papers of that oity will admit ie. 0 Mr. Kittsran, Canada's eionamer- cial agent !in Afrlica, reports The New Auditor-cieneral ' The Toronto News gives the fal- ;Pella Fraser, the new Auditor Gen- era L of Canada: " Mr. John -Fraser, the recently appointed Auditor General, as was ex pee t ed by those who knew bim, hes enfrered on his new duties with as Little ostentation- as possible. While naturally gratified at and proud of the epticiintarrent, no charere has beam made in his meriner. Ire is th.e. same quiet, aftabie end geniiii person that has made- lenn- 'Nati se popular with tire menitrers of the rntaff in the Finance Depart- ment. And, penhaps, none we re be t er pteaned than the men with whoru he had worked. In fact, if the ap- pointment hacl been left to the.t ser- vice, Mr. -Fraser would be a laver - in.. Bur though he is geniality per - smaller', he is far from easy going. As chief clerk, he allowed those un- der him ta Oink considerably for themselves, but from all he expect- ed and demanded, „faithful service. Ile is a Scotchman,' wath the canny, shrewd characteristics o•f his raoe. Ilintesty and straightferwardness are. also cardinal virtues with him, and arty allio expect that he wilI tool of a Minister or Of a Gera leinurent will probably be mistaken. Ile h ta a will of his own, and to him the Scettish motto may be, applied, " Dinna meddle en' me." Of his abil- ity for the onfice there is no ques- tion. He won his spurs by faithful work. For the past four years ho- lies pieliared the estimates for * * * * lEmpire. Me Japan of the preaent AS a maPe Island kingdom. The :of the Northern Asiatic 'continent, reachd.ng far into the in- terior, comprasing vast, ter tile, - and populous prOvince'it The new ;Japan is to be thence as great in area erld twice as gr•eat in population as the Japan of tiler present. The Sea 'Pt Japan is to lpe the centre, the hear t , of this 111W erap re. Tina t sea is t become a Japanese eake. 'japan is to dominate it,- and all the land$ lying about it. And if the little men of the East set their Minds te. it they Will Sikely get it. Seine of the CCriseevative papers have recently been denoting con- iddereble space' to the xena'arkaole saetiviey in dive Saelt Ste. Marie iron 'ioorks. They would lead (ine to the conclusion that it was all due to the present Whitney Government. of course kthey have torgonten who ,was Ns -ho ceme to the.reascue when. these same works! were in difficul- ties. The Ross Government. was in - good condition, and it Was Mr. Whitney end his followers -who steentiously opposed any aid being Fiven the Company. In fact Mr. 'Whitney said the Government miAlit as well throw tire $2,000,000 lean. the lake as give it to the it to Wit company and now we see t,ire papers are praising. .t7rse, Lever's Dry SOap (a powder) to wi-ish woolens and -flannels,---you'll like issomensimeminamassee 32 11URON EXPOSITOR firom ;the corn belt States are pur- chased to fill. _Jibe bill. Th'e Panne west are sorely handicapped on Me Britab market.. First impress' one are, ,not eaSiky removed. A farmer oattle taken right off the wises, given a sevest to nine day eallway aide and then a trilp assross the DOWD.. No avionder some of them soil ati Low, as 8o pen ;lb. dressed weight. The Aloe stook dealers •aod feeders that being Oily the Ilinished animals to market, are .pursuirug proper Raley, to the advantage of the !export:etre themselves and the To, Califoinia and Louis Cla.ek Ex- position, Portland, Oregria, an Auguat 29th to September 24th, 1905. $150 including tranisporta.tiont meals iril dining car, sleeping ear acoomm,odation on tra.lia and at hotels f4 above period. . As ,e)arty will be 4ro.ited. fa 125, early' reser- vation' ii neeessary. 'For full par- ticulars 4011 on' Grand, Tronk agents or address E, C. Bowl-er, Room 308, Unlen Slation, Tor Cate. The vietsatililty of Eastern Ontario Prefessk Milder, of thie Department visited sier mines,* each one Producing a dif,ferecrt ore. These were as fol - "A coppir dine at EldoraXo. A zinc 'Mane at Parham. 4. fildspar mane at Dedforde . Bach (if them were active. • Tree ,qeo,rapar mine at Madoe is a new .4fvelfopmetit, and is the first noverad a'yas made. soni:e years ago by tion of itts 'cellar, but it was only re- ce.ntly et leanness beeame 'inter- ested, a rd inade that cellar the base eavatio4 has pow been made, and the first sizipments 'of the mineral have salts. duorspar is found in beau - been rilde, and with satistaiettery re - large relie .as a flux. To °Otte a Cold in One Day. lets. All druggists refund the mo,ney ifif it fails te cure. E. W. Grove's' ii,gnature is on each box. ±' Bruce Mines Solo. The liruce Capper -Mines havebeen sate, on London, England, who have farmed's, the Copper Mine & Smelter Ocenparty, with a capital. of £200.- 000. HI; J. Carnegie Walliams, a niining, engineer, of Lonilon, Eng- land, lies been in Bruce _Mines fDr reportene en Bruoe Mines. T. Hayes 'Sheer -1,r Esq. •of London, England. has jted ivir. Williams: They aro both rectors of the now company. It is !, expeeted that arr, angements and pmparations Will soon bestert- ed to ilia fahe mines an 'operation. It ig.! stated that 100 tons per 'day will the output the first year, ty; 200 th , second and the titled yeay at is honed to reach, 400 tons. A smel- ter win also probably be built. The property incdudes 12,810 acres. Ovee 100 men will ba eartployed at the stait, iind the work will be carried in ace rd with safe busimss meth- Illeiel property is undoubtedly a valuab0 one. 'Elie min'es were di 8- 00'961'0 in 1816, and worked =Ore Taylor .';i0o., of Loindaan. Even. with- out railways or mining facilities, tend. with ai capital of $1,000,000, divdi- ends of 25 per cont. ware paid Tor ie !copper, eind the enlaces were aban- doned 'only to be pumped lout in bery igbt p-ossession, He sold out Ito the iBerace Mines Capper Co., avahlo in turn (lave transferred to the pres- ent sn dictate, . .4 Warning :po Mothar§ - Too !nueli. care eaenot be Used with small Ohildren duriAg the hot weath- er .of ythe summer ;months to guard it is oply necessary to give the eland a dosti of castor 41 to earreet any disomgr of the bowels. Do not use anY s!ubstitute, but give the old- fashioned castor oil, and see that it is f.resh, as ranoid oil nauseates end. haS a tendency to gripe. If tbis does not eheck the bowels rgive -Cleamnerlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy• aid then a dose of (castor oil, and, tdie illness may be ehecked in its incipiency and all danger avoided. The oa_ettor oil and this remedy should b prooured at once srtnd kept zee' y f d•r, instant aisle as !slam as the fins- badication or any bowel itrioeble. appears. This is the most suocessful rreatment known, plioit confidenoe Oven in oases of Wilson, Druggist, Seaforth. The Export Cattle Trade. 1' ‘lf,rom The TOronto World.) The exporters ef live cattle nrom the 'Toronto naarkets to the British matkets are now on 'firmer ground than it,hey were a: week Dr two ago. They nasre aware that many live over bought many .export eattle at boo high a fie-,ure., The exper bars tenter% dg in gry she red part of the loss with tine ,retiabIle live stook dealer. Mho 'exporters of live cat- tle -iu the 1.1:rsi Led '.i States are expor t- tirae last year., though at the pre- sent .time .only Ito best quality af end of last wefir at Chiokko, the 100 lbs. 1 or the 4,,xport cattle. Most of the distillery :fed cattle in Can- ada and the United Staten fere naw across the ocenn. The disturbing elenlent ,was the', appraximate num- tle ,that would this season. reheat the British ports. Ttie buyers at Liv- -orpool., Glasgow dad London of Im- ported. line cattle are well verged in their `own Lillie. •crf trade. There is AUGU SIGN OF THE 05 CIRCULAR SAW is„ -A despatch from Wetaskisein a steady, it may he even an Revere:as- s-ens: About two weeks ago The ing, neman'd for A,Iblee best Sides .o,f earl:a:0.0;01.y. In tine (first excavation the to meet the regu r "demand of the ,g0ave in tate pauper guar teir of, Hip of beef are not ilasufeloient supply cals1 eyed it OV,"..‘r and dug another hod@ experters and the best exporters hai CD Cie %-14C.1 CD Em4 CD 0, 410 c/2 1. -la tea ioni CD 1-4 (D Fruit Prospects Written for The Expositor. ' An analysis lof the reports _a' correspondents to date shows a voi- tinued off from the good an- 1,Yous diseases are -beginning to not as prevalent aenstead. Apples will be a lig t crop, pro- bably about 50 per ent of last 'year's •CAriop. It raus not be for - scarcity will preven, any waste such, as has been comm.on for the last two years. Saks. are being made on the trees. Barrels are loaver in _price than last year; running from .25ct in Nova Scotia • to 30 and 35c lin Ontario., but where, proper aerange- raents leave net been made early in the ma§on p.riocts are to 'go higter than 'this. scarcely enough for the load. mar- ket. Blight bas worked sad havoo in many orchards this 'year. Plums: The " drop arid plum. rot have lessened the prospect for Pluma to. euela an extent tiaatt the px,oppeots 04n be rated for p. leght t9 medium crop. The Lombard, bar- ring ret, appears to be the only plum that standk out prominently with a fairly good yeeld, eieept the . Peaches show. a light crop in the crop on bearing trees in the Nia- gara • distriet. The market will not be ov,erloaded. • Sweet cherries hare rotted badly ; erop, [though ba4:ty' infested in many icases with fruit worm. Small. fruits have been a medium motet ✓ ealizin.g good plaices. The :reports from. Great Britain and the continent would indiCate a light to medium crop. 'Reports from twenty of the largest apple grow- Amerioan States show seventeen States having a _light or poor orop Kansas and Oklaharna, report the artop promising or -good. - Careful (estimates by ciorrespond- ents place the exiso,rts from the An-. napolis valley .at 200,000 barrels. The apple 'crop in Britis,h Columbia is below the average but a consid- erable incree.se in acreialge Nail make the exports into the Northwest Te r.r itor s somewhat. lair ger than last year. - It is pleasing -to note the increas- ed confidence in the effeot of spray- ing. There are several enquiries for machines. Yours trial's', A. MeNEILL,- Chief, Fruit Division, Ottawa. Deafness Cannot be Cured by flocal applicatione, they can- not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There ',is only one way ta rare deafnessa and that is by. constitution- al remedies, Deafness le caused: by an inflamed condition Of the mucous ef the Eusbaehlan Tube. Wheal this 7tube is inflamed you have a rumblin;g sound or imperfect hear- intg, and when it is ealtikelY ieleeed, Deafnesa is the .result, and unless the inflanamiation oan be taken 'out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever ; .nine cases ,out of ten ore caused by Catarrh, w'hicile is nothing but an ieflamed condition of the mucous nurfaees. We wilt -give One Hundred Millers for any ease of Deafness (capsed by Catarrh) the% cannet be cured by cubits tree. Bold iby drug -gist, 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for con - Ink —nave young: girls icLaughtors of Elzear l?thaliteuf on 61. Hyacinthe, and a young ina:ri named Alphonse Sictettee,` were -about to Gross rthe Yansaska river lin. la boat Sunday night, when they klascoveired the 'boat was leaking badly. In the excitement .the f2us upset the c:raft end two of the :Vies, named Anna. and iDaura, aged 17 and. 14, respect ivety, event under ,t he Witter ;before assistance could reach, f.hem. The other sister, named Amosa, aged 0, aired the you..ng man, Sleotte, clung, to the boat, w hich was upside :down, tilt they were xesoned by some campers n the vicinity. 'The recevery of the two bodies the 'next mornlinz pee - seated a pitiful sight, the two being Signature 9.1f717"4-77*—. Feed your hair; rterurish it; give' it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only hair foOd you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just , what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. " heir used to be very short. Bnt after using Ayer's Bair Vigor a abort time it began to grow, and noW it 13 fourteen inches long. This seems a splendid result to me after being' almost without any hair." J. H. riwza, Colorado Springs, Oolo. Lowell. M1.4.4 IShort Hair iinake the best Brea you must have the i best Flour. Wil en the.dough is flat, sour, heqvy, , you have cheap alid inferior 41.our.. You may use pure fresh yast, faithfully adhere to the old-time uc- meth ds usually successful—but the baki g turns out badly—simply because you have not used the right Royal Household. Flour is purified and. szerilized by electricity, it is there- fore ,uniformly pure and wholeb.some. And- because it is thoroughly purified ,it will yield a sweet, -wholesome, light ' spon e that i:vill bake into fla deli- cious fy flavored., nourishing' brea,d. or It "s really the only absolutely p e 'flour you can get. . its makers and CD 0 CD tkm 12.41. 7,68 eenstoD ern ent SOLO DIRECT FROM THE ' MANUFACTURER TO THE COASUMER. Don't b misled by statements of agents handling ccinent pay- ing larg Commissions. Go yourself and see Queeni3ton walls and 4Io rs built in your own locality. Our barrel dontains as many c bie inches as any other cement, and as tem* is gaug- ed by eabure, not by weight, your. cement will! go as far. Write s for information. Freight rates and eseinuates cheer- fully gi en, 70e. per barrel, strictly cash, f o. b. ais, Queen- ston. o in with your xeighbor and get benefit pf car load rates. 1 AAC USHER, REAL ESTATE BROKER Seven yeara experience in Western anteds, Selected Len le for rale in block or single secdena from $.3 per acra up an Whey. the semen of the Canadian Northweik,, along. either the m lihe tif The Canadian North. era Railway or ths turvey or the- Grand Trunk Psai 1 Twenty years ago Dakota lands sold tor nee ft To -day tbey are iv.11:ng for SO to OW an acre. for SS an acre. 4 To-dsy the,y are telling tor 53 to S25 an &OTC 6 in three }oars more 'nude will again (WOW 6 Why invert your money at 5 per cent. 7 Don't wait. settlers are rushing, in. section or two now., Coen you can afford to while it grows iuto money. Correspondence in efertnces:—Union Bank of Canada, nipeg and Mots ?a's Bank, Exeter, Oeta 1905 R: GGrraer= E‘2! 1905 Canadian National Exthibition AT TO ONTO—AUGUST 26 toil- .SEPT 11 $45,000 in Prennums $38,300' in, Attractions The hi h .Guards' Band By permiesio of hie Most Gracious Majesty, King lward VII, the band of the Irieh Guard , Hie Majesty's favorite household ban and the finest military nnuaical orgartiaWon in the Empire, will give two cornier a each and every .day. Art and Treasures In an espeoi lly built, extensive, fire proof art gall ry will be presented the ,grandeet collec ion, of art and art treatrures le a loans from he king, the Corperations of tho City of end- u, the great Eoglith Univereities, the Republic of France, Soutb ujli Kensington el st tun, Lord Stratheons, the Liewenbrin Go ernor of Ontario arid othe diningeished bodies and gentlemen, By speoial (*mend of His Majesty the K;ng, Abbey's 'noted and historie painting will be on exhi ition during the entire FAir. Fall of Prin-t Arthur The greatest pyro military display eve produced before the Canadian people. Scenes la this mott freeent of the worlde most appalling eventi will be vividly por- trayed with real Jispanese Russitin soldiery taking pared The frreworks die - play will be 013 scale, introduo. ing new features of ale °Kernel ch.arseter. Other Things to See Tha Process Building, Samples of all the induatriee and Reeonrces of the Country,. Poultry and Doge. all Canadian Cereala and 'Anaemia, good" Tretting and Pacing, a Special, Exe, urs ons Selena' oheap rainsay and steamboat ex- cursions bar/Omen 4erAnged, Enquire of your nearealS'etation or ticket agent for For prize list, entry blanke and information address ! Entries Clos*..: Live Stock, Etc„ August 7th, Poultry anci Dogs, August 19th, S4-40 Invented In 13Orer Improvad in SfaiS:p1A. T RAVE improved my Drela Cutting Course no it mus be taught st home by mall better than by lamonal instructions, .It pars be taught in from 2 to 10 vrenks. chant° go rairre than making of a tires& To be paid by cash or installment plan. I teeth youawlerfeet course in dressmaking, from taking a measure to finish. 1 11 per- ,sonally examine lessons, for who can instruct ELI tbe ; inventor/ No experience necessary. No ads'. genuine witho4these j' pboos.- A rmvard given to anyone tlmt can move that this -el improved course 1st of the best course being tan,gbt, either roan or personal instructions, and will be taught by no one exec t my- , ℓ the inventor, at it MRS, Vim. SANDERS' DRESS *Comma WOOL • , _Write to -day for particulars. STRATFORD, ,OHT,, ODX 159 Don't Throw Out That -Old Carpet It's gond. for a long time yet if cleaned with SAILO-REN-1 "IT EVAPORATES" Odorless Non-notionouri COLORS restored like new DUST entirely removed GERMS absolutely de'stroyed SIZING renewed All in a few Moments, for afew Cents For cOo.reefst or finest, most delicate fabrics. Don't toy new silk waists, dresses or skirta.because they are dirty or a few grease spots or stains on them -get SAP -O -R EN -0 at your grocer's and save 'money. .Abeolutely guaranteed or money The Huffman & Teeter co. Toronto There's A World of In using a firat-class BINDER.. TWINE, That is the reasan we avant your order for "BLUE RIBBON.' ,Ever7 pound gusranwed to run 660e If You Require A nAw HAY FORK ROPE, Sling Rves, Sitio) ohl Booth Fork Pulleye, give us call prices are right. George A. )„ills Public Notice. Tbe public are hereby notifl-d that the Bidet** becween bet 16 to 16. tierces:ion S. 4.3 , 114-10k- Dremillii, is oiosed for trstlic and will not he DOM 3 untd such time Vie bridge, which is being er40t- Vidoorerei The target Ergnsa Ramer% is an old, well estab. preparritien. Heston Prescribed cad uoil over so years. All drI4* gists in the Domirdo of Canada sell and recommend as being. Before and After, the only medicine a its knd that cures ;Ives universal satidaction. It proraptis Una permanently cures all forms of _Nervous Ilretrb. and ali effects of abuse or excesses; the exceed, and Brain Worry, whieb lead to Infirmit4 hasanity, Consumption and an firly Grave. Price SI per package or six for 0. Orpe ccipt of price, Send for free pamphlet. Addre.- winds-or, env, canons; For sale by C. Aberhart, B. Rob4 snan •La4P4S6' Zit hays term on posi ORE oft El Bee Delivered to be (IA 40 in Sinn isomer