HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-08-11, Page 8HURON` . ExPOSIrOlt. eap Whea.t r\ during the present season are "Sherwin Williams" Paints "Insurance" Gasoline Stoves "Gold Medal' Binder Twine MODERN SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS, LAWN MOWER% WASHING MA:, CHINESt WRINGERS, ()BURNS AND DAIRY SUP- PLIES. 1:)ur prices are low and goods of the best. HardWare, Stoves and Coal. DOMTNION BANK HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. President General Manager C-apitaf, Fulie Paid Up—S3,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and un- divided Profits' 3,634,600 Deposits by ,Public $29,700,000 Total Assets 39,225,000 8EAFORTH BRANCH-, Every faoility for the transacting of a renewal banking businees. Oollectiona made on all points in Canada And abroad. Advances made to Fatmers. Special ate eaten paid to the colleotion of Sale Notes,' SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed from date of deposit. Deposits of $LOG and upwards received, and intereat paid or added to account June A. E. GIBSON, Manager. B. S. HAYS. Stolentor James Witson, Successor to w. N. W atSOn NORTH faliAlfd ST, SEAFORTH. General Fire. Life and Accident Insur- ance agent, Real Estate and Loan Agent. Deater first-class family and Manufac- turing Sewing Machines and Crewe Separ; store, viz.: New Raymond and White Sewing ureter in three sizes Also sewing machine needles, oil, attaoh. silents, repairs and sundries for all kinds of sewing machine& Prices right and ma. ehinea fully guaranteed; JAMES WATSON, nsurance Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine and Bleycles. North Main street, Seaforth. Our Customers Are growing in numbers evet4 day and • all join in atoning that our line of mu- sh:seat 10c is the greatest ealue ever offered. Get your name on our list and get catalogue. Mail orders.given prompt attention. Re- member the addreaa deadens in Pianos, Organs, Graphophones, Sewing DISTRICT Idt eeessei—At a meeting of the ex - Gout ve eommittee of the C. . A., held in Towbetto, on Tuesday ter hit, a finals in. the Interinediate ies. August leth, and Pe14111.ingweeel at Seaforth on A -.waist 23rd. If this is not satisfectory a sudden death date to be set by the president. Shel- ford-Newmerket borne and home games, and the winners of this sere Civic Holiday.—Wednesday was Civic, Holiday, and the town was_ praotically deserted. After eig-ht olalock, the streets were gamier tha.n on Sunday, and the only ,spot in town that slowed :much eign of life was the bowiting green, and theta things weee humming. Whale ,soro.e went to Bayfield for the day, by far the larger orawd went to Goderich, and if awe are to judge by the streams of people that ;were the toven's people and half tale coun- try side todic a d v t a go 'et, he band The • 'band acoorapailied the excur- sionists and no doubt they !had aaa enjoyable day at the lake nide. Local Briefs.—Mrs. Macpherson, apf Indianapolis, With , her children, is visiting at ther father's, Rev. .M. of Clinton, who has been training 0...s a nurse in a NSW, York hospital, as spending her holidays at Mrs. J. S. Ponter's.—Miss Rae Dickson has' gone 0.rilltia tor a Visit.—Mrs, Strong, who 'hap been Visiting liar sintee,Mrs. Peters, for some time, has 'returned to 'toronte.—Mr. ,Hunt, of Co.rbexey, Manitoba, spent a few days this , week at Mr'. Jas. Cowan's.—Mr. IA. IL Ingram, of Kincardine, was dua, towe on Satunday.—Meriers. Thos. Pink- ney and John. Beattie avteee In London t his week, at t endints tine Gr and Lodge of the Kidglitts of Pythias, as d,elegates from the Seatorth lodge. —Mae R. Devereux has ani camellia:et display ia new b-u:ggise. Ar. Dever- eux libalitufackturias aid hie gavel bug- gies, and. they are both duearde and Hunt, of Tonosalto, were :here over Sunday, vieiting their relatives and friends.—Mr. john A. Stewart is iiin Bxockville this week, attending the Grand Lodge of the Independent. Or - from Fidelity Lodge, Seatarith..—Ntrs. umbia, is here just now, the gueet Mr. and Mrs. George Mierdie.-11100 Gndeeich Bowling Tournament com- mences on Tuesday next. A number of rinks from Seafcirth will compete, --Distrist Deputy Brandenburger, of Stratford, paid. an official. visit do Hur1091 Lodge, Knights of Pythias, iDert ple of candidates were given itheir seoond degree.---Nlessrs. James L. Broddfoot, of Philadelphia, end, Retold, of Tor -onto, were hea-e this week, visitieg their mother and oth- er friends.—Miss Bantard, Scb:e:n- ect,ady, New York, is a visitor et of Totonto, spent Sunday with rela- tives and friends here.--Messrs.Huzh, and Tialen Logan, of Tiorento, and sane of the late John Iliolgan, of Sea - forth, were this Week calling ion laid friends.—Mr. Aldan Close assisted the Sftattered. band at Bridgeport on Monciane—A horse belonging Ito Mr. day ,and damaged the nugg,y eensid- eyebly. Tao op -to -date threshing oetfit of Mr. James Madsen, &If Tuckersmith, was exhibited 'on .Mairt street ion Saturday at beenocal. L. M. Baldwin! & Co., FALL TERM Opens Sept 5. ade do most for its students after they grad - All our graduates genre positions. Busi- - uate. This school is recognized to be one of tne beat Business Colleges in Canada. for free oatalogue. cure our graduates as teachers. Write uent Collegea frequently apply to` us to m - it pays to get a business education and it pays to get it in the achocl which CM) STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Men's Gold Filled Watches qpik/ These watchea look exactly like solid gold. They are regular size, -have a movement good for 15 years. Will keep as good time as the hien est priced time piece. The workmanship on them is unsur- We recommend these watches to passible watch customers as sure to give the beat of satisfaction. For we are sure that 810 never be fore bought as much watch goodness. John Bulger, BIG CLEARING SALE Summer Footwear. During the rnontbe of August and Sep- tember. we wilt cleae out adl Summer Footreav regarWess of wen Rummaging as it were, to olear the way foe fall stock. In this great rummage stale we will quote you prices on ail tan and ch000late shoes in men s and women's, below all: other com- petitors. No other prices can touoh .Oure. We have a large selection ladies' dm' oxfords and slippere, the finest quality and lalesb styles and when you see them you will be convinced that the prire ie right. Evora, transaction is a bargain, therefore, a money saving investment. Low prices and high grade shoes is the ombination that wins your trade and helps us to clear out all surplus Iinee and we ex- peot our low prices will ecatter these goods quickly among a prudent people. e Agents for Hagar Sovereigu and Just Wrieht 'Sheen water tank. It is la very -complete p land up Ito -date in every re - sr), ct. tees 'supplied by the Belli er,gine ewrerks.—Mr. land Mrs. Fred ng, farmer -4y of Seaforth, were up (from Tartonte over Sunda.y.—Mrs. Mark Mundy and ewe, Clarence, of Galt, are visiting 'Sirs. ,Muncly's aunt, lairs. Alex. Sultherliand.e-Mr. Frank Towel, of (Ardmore, Pa., is this meek thhie guest of his giand- mother, Mrs. F. Case, at Maple Hal.--M-r. 'Allen Bond, of Winnipeg, has been spendingeta few day.s with friends in. town.d-Mre. Thompeon, artd Miss Thompson }have gone to Toronto fad. a visit.:—Misa Watson, of Port Arthur, is hotme ter the holidays.—Rev. Mr. Dever, of Stet- fordvikle.occupied the pulpfit of the Methodist ichercile on Sunday even - display of dahlias and gladkoles in his -window. Tibe growers were aeSSTS. Hartry, Andrew Scott, gent tem.= and ail !enthusiastic mem- bers of the Hanticulturati Sooiety, and it ie the intention tif possible, to ar.range- for a flower 'show towards McLeod, of Exeter, was visiting 'friends in and around • Seatorthethis week.—Mr. • George Town, arid tado children, of Gorrie, wit Sunday with Reis father, iMr. Harry Town. —Mr. Fred Bowel, of Philadelphia, spent the past week with Ileis sister, Mrs. L. C. Jackson.—Miss Evelyn Aliten, of St. Marys, has been. !hol- idaying tat the reSidence of bee unole, Thomas Daly, grocer.—Messrs. Jobe cabinet maker S. WilLO, liftav e, been° here dor the past year and a. half, left on Monda.y tor: New, ;York, where they Mare secured more daacrative Positions. They are both steady and reliable young men and are sure to tinake their way in the land of the FitZe, era Id and it t deughter, of Toronto, spent a few daYs this week with Mrs. II. Stewart.—The, Nliases Nail, of Stratford, are visiting their brother, Mr. °sear Neil.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mervyn and Mr. E. Ciller- ton, 'of Tonanno, were guests at Mrs.' Knox's over Sundey.—A young son a Mr. Robert Steele, who was week- ing for Kennedy Bros., was*severely kicked in the face by a herse On Tueeday. The lad was e.,oing hate the staid to feed the animal when it kioked him.—Mr. John Weber,sien of Mr. Joseph Webeir, hos purchased t he barbering business of Mr. P. _Mulcahy and takes passession on Monday next. John law been work- ing at his trade in Goderich and es he is a steady, Industrie -us young man and a goad barber he should do a good business.—We 'call Eng- land the Land of the Rose, Ireitand the Land of the Shamror,k, Scot- land the Land of the Thistle and Canada the Land of tthe Maple Leaf but Mr. Jamee .0owan's farm an the north , the La out ab p on an isitine er, Mr er La gravel Toad must be called. al- ref the Hay. Mr. CoW t /0 aares of the ti.nest May educed in Canada ,,nroduciteei average four leads- ted *the eat that' if yocu at the redidence of her tattle - Alex. Davidson.—The Ideeva see Club and the Hueons axe arrang tag for a monster picnic to be het MoBryde, Belied old,. sang a solo in the rPresby tartan ohterch on Sunday eta Orni lest,—Me. W. B who has en livkrrg in Mr, W. Copp's house, Goderich street, hes tented the o tt,age on ;Tobin street, xecent- Nlr, j he R. Govendock has perches - ed th old Lee properly on .Nerth, Main street, nerth of Mr. Camp el's. He will Icave the haase comp it hinaself.--Mr. Henry Gold- ing &ante is visiting his see, Mr. ICie, C Stratford, was,. the guest Of Mrs,. Thomas Ward, of Egmondvitile, W. Pickard store, lett on Wednesday far a tie) weeks' holiday trip down the St. Lawrence.—Mrs. Ben Riley and: !little daughter, Irene, :have returned home after spending til'eir holidays at the home et Mrs. John Wright, North Main street.— 'Ars I Tbemas, a Toronto, is visit- ing at the h,ome of Me. Deter Daley, —Miss Sarabel Dailey is visiting her —The many friends' a MT. George W. Sperling will regret sta learn. that ihe in seriously illi.—Over .900 Civio q. Holtzman,' of Zuxiele ;gave as a ple,asant _mid on Thar aekty. Mr. Blatt zman is gen- eral agent fon the! Ontario Fattener s' Weethef Insurance Company.—Miss 'Bessie Forbes, of Victoria, Texas, who has been attending Westbourate College, Toronto', for some time, Voas here. this week visiting- her cous- ins, Misses Jennie and. May Forbes. ar3r of West China, and la most tas- cinating speaker, wall preach in the Methodist chu.rele next Sunday, both morning 'and: evening. A cordial' weleornee is +given to all. Mts. Broodhie, of 'Wiciodsbee,k, is visiting at the torte of her „hrother, Mr. G. Mr's. Harry Edge, with their fel:le- nges, are spendiaag a few weeks at Bayfielld.—Mr. and Mrs. A. Young spent the. Givlio holiday in Toronto. We Are clearirg out the balance of our stock of.screen doers and windoirs at greatly reduc- ed prices, Chesney dt-Smiley's, &Worth. 1965-1 Patrons of the games may have a call from Mies Cora Dodds, representing the Beaver La- orosse club and iron MIPS Nettle Sproat, represent ing the Huron Football (Pub, in the quest .of votes for the watch contest. deeiding the popularity of either team, in connection with the big Summer Carnival, August 23rd. 19064 House to Rent. —Large house containing ieven rooms, bath roan and oloset3. Hard Bud soft water, good cellar and woodshed. Large stable and fruit garden. Avply 170 Goderloh street west, or to Boy Wanted—Wanted at lance, a good steady bo'y to do chores. Apply Exrestron OPFICH, fieaforth. 1966.1 4well Oxfords for ladies, the very latest* samplee in north window. W, H. Willis, sole isgens in &aloft for the Derothy Dodd shoes for ladle° the firma made in America, 1965-1 You Will get the best grades of binder twines and mar:bine oils at lowest prices from Ches. Lot for Sale .--0n enouinlook street near Victoria Park. Good building loin convenient to. ' cation ; 'will be fold cheap,' Apply to 3, L. Killer - an, Seaforth, Ont. 1908-8 House to Rent.—To rent a comfortable frame house on Antes street, Seaforth. Four bed rocme, sitting roam, dining roem, kitchen, also grod cellar. Bard and soft water. Pleasantly situated. Apply at the EXPOBITC,B. nence, Seatorth. 1904-2 For McCormick's repairs go to A. 4. Campbell, Seaforth. You emus° no other. Prices right at Phoney and If011sEkBERBIC WANTED—Good Woman wanted 116t once as houeekeeper. Apply at the Ex - referee OFFICE, &Worth. 1984.2 Wanted; 500 tubs of butter beforeeSep- tanner 1st.' 18o per pound for butter ; egght, 17o per dem]. Unheard'of prices for poultry.196B5..1B Ginn, Seaforth. Buggies for sale.—For sale at a bargain, new buggies with steel tires, rubber tires and pnen- metro tires ; all our own make.- Big etook to select from and pricee right to clear out the stook. R. Vest maker wanted,—Wanted anonee, a good vest maker: Bright Bros., Seaforth, 1906-1 . Farmers requiring coal for threshing evill find that we have a`gcod grade of octal for that pm, - pose. Give ue a call. Chesney 4 Smiley, Seaforth. ' 19064 Travelllers.—In additien to the us- ual holiday travel, the • following were ticketed to distant. points this week by W. Som.erviille, railway and Steams.hip agent : Geo. R. Love, Ott Millan; Hullett, to Chicago ; Broker, Egmondvilie to Oter.ring- bon, North Dakota ; j?elen-'A. Sevev.arl,. Seaforth, and. J. G. Kaiser Brued field ; to Brockville and rekarn, . delegates to/I, 0. 0. F. Grand Ledgq; Miss Lillie Bristow, bo her home, Lima, Ohio; Master Willie Dougher- ty, Egmondvilite, to Detroit and re- turn ; Mrs. Fred Hulett and two daugbters to their home, Loulsvile Kentucky ; John McWiliaMe and' Thos. MoKiarrein, 'of the furniture. factory, to Chchester, New York -gate; Miss Belle Soole to Dotes:alt. • Death of ,Mrs. Fowner.-aThere died at her residence ip Harpurthey, on Wedneeday, Charlotte Ann Jewett, relict of the late FranciS Fowler, in her 88th year. The' amuse et death wars. a -n attention" of the heart coupl- ed with the infirinities of old age,and came after about ten . done' ileneess. Mrs.. Fowler was e native of Len- dan, England; tend when quite, yotteg --eame to this country with -her eets and settled_ at Hayfield. -Atter her marrikge to Mr.' Fowler, who died about .3.-8 years, ago, %they made their home on the Huron road, idOnt of this vicinity ever -sinc,e. She male a good lsindly woman,: who was sincerely. xespected by all who knew her. The surviving chill -deem are IVIiss Fowler, at home ; Mrs. Hanley, in Oregon,- anal Mrs. Geo. Fowler', of Thomas, in Tuckers-mith in Vancouver. and. Henry, in New Orleans. reniaine will be itaid to rest in the Harpurhee oemetery to -day, Friday, the funeral being at Is He a "Seaforth Man ?—A dee- patch tfrora Buffalo% ,dated August 4th, says; " A man 'giving his name as Charles Howard, and -his insidence as Seater th, Ont., is under a rr,est Niagara Fails, N.. Y. He; was aeting in a peculiar Manner, and was docked up tor sefety. He claimed that Rome one had squirted cold water en. him while lide was anteep, and the blood. (from his heart bad sill 19111. Otit of his body. He expeoted tie, die any moment, end he bid the paliee 'officer and Dr.Milliee,who was called to examine him, farewell. He claimers Having„ purchased le quan- tity of the wheat that came through the fire of the God, erich elevator, we will offer the same for sale while it lasts at 60c per Bushel. W. E. Kerslake, that this present eondition blot. tthe result la sari over-leeleagence, lila be appointed, and if insanuthe wile be taken. Ito the Buffalo State Hoepitai, Inisinueli as the olaims bo the a. resi- dent of Canada, it wil devolve upon the Canadian authorities to look At - Notes from Brandon. -4 enirres- pendent sonde the following inter- esting items ab,out the doengs of t3eateetb, old boys thumbed, in that etirring western city : " Mr. A, Cal- der, formeely of Seaforth, is new in partnership with his- brother -in - T. and they are do - Stewart is now manager of the Man- ufacturing era Developing Company, as a 151100OSSOIT to lir. George Mur- xayad-The (irons Of the Brandon dds- txict are looking fine, and are im- proving ever y day.—Brandon's la-, os,osea team had ithe luok to beat plaYs here on the 17th of Aunust end. will have tea go some to oompete • with: tihe Brandon boys. After the Brandon boys win the western ch,am- pionahim which ,tthey axe sure of,. they intend to tour tthe met, and some of the games aro already ar- xanged for.—Mr. Toney Neis is 'able to be around again after a serious attack et pneumonia.—Mr. Michael 'Dunn, formerly of Se.aforthe is now manager of the large 'livery and feed stable of Warner & Co., of 'Bran- don. Mr. Dunn is a stead,y- young man and wit make a succese of the Saturcla.y Night Shopping.—The following (from the Stratfloed Bea- con is quite as applioable to Seafor as to Stratford, and shank' *be read and aated upon by Our citizens : " The attention of aitieens has fre- quently beein called ho the Advisa- bility lot earay shopping on. SaturA day :nights. Mere is little expuse tor late purchasing. and the cardoen entails la great %dead, of hardship on both !salesmen and the pr.oprietars, It is jusb as easy fur; 90 per cent. of those who aete ouit on Saturday nights to make their purchase be- fore 9 o'clock as in is to walk ebout buying. In many eases shepping can be done lit t ,afternoen Saturday. It is not sairprieing that after ibeing en their (feet twelve or women are physicality unfit to enjoy Sunday and absent themseaves frora church. tIlhe fault, lies largely with the people. It ie an evidence of censidexation on the part of cus- tomers Ito impose late' work upon merchants, elerks, and delivery boys on Saturday nighits.. le all would do as tsome of the stores Idiot, make 'Tho de - greatly iheip p.romoto early buy- ing." Tthe tOeuncil.—A meeting of the township eaancil wae held an Tues- day of 'last, week_ The todlowing rates- were Struck few 1905: Town - trate, a mill.; .coanty rate, —; gum. - mils, inclusive of :statute labor. The xiequisitlions 'of school boards : 1, Stanley, $41. A number of ac- counts ware passed for payment, end the council adjourned Ito meet 'en - Exeter. Aecident.—Flossie', Sweet, the Mt le daughter of Dr. Sweet, Of this place &et with a painful; aeoddent in Lon- don. She was -star-king on a plat- form in Queen's Park, watching the Old Boys' .sreuniain celebra.tion,whan the platform ocillapsed and a num- ber of people dropped to the errou.nal: Flossie was one of those injured, She having stistaiped seveee Injuries bo her ankle and had Ito be takep home in a cab, We trust the in- jury wild not be of a serious na- ture and that she NM get around again all right. ' Bx iefs.—A large number of the membeas of the rEpworth. League of tended the summer school at Graxid Bend last weeke-Mr. Geo. Cudraore Was thrown from a wagon Ate Other day, and was severely shaken 'up.— Reeve Bissett is again able to be down town.—Miss &eta GregOTy bas been .engaged as teacher in, the Erin public, schoel, to cic high school weak, at a sekary of $500.—Mrs. rsaae Bewden, who elms been here visiting- friends, was .0aelied to her home in Sasketoon, Sask., thie week, owing to the .,deatih, of heir grandson, a son of Mr, Arch. Sinith, e that place. ---,Mr. Ed. Trebde has the sec- ond of the series of handicap quoit matches wore—Mr. Lloyd P. Jones, who has been organist in Tnivett, Memorial church for the, past two years, has resigned- to trike a similar position in the Mitchell! bletiteadist ur ch. — T. E. Handferd has ret term- ed from a trip to the West. He says that the prospects aro [bright for one of the largest orops in the history of the Pt:ovine-cad-Mrs. W. J. Carling and daughter, Miss Louise, the Misses Elizabeth, and Florence Gar lin, of town, and Mrs. Reg. tEd- liet, of Norwich, left Tuesday he last week on ,a trip down the St. Lawrencie.-j-The' directors Of the Stephen arid d' Usborne agricultural society are making , big preparations for Ger &IR fair, on IYIenday and Tuesday, September 18th and 19th. A large iaddition has been put to the show hal ; new pens Ifor sheep and pigs have been e'rected, ta.nd the end root haft bas been made into coma numbex of other improvements leave also been ! made, which makes the buildings e'mon'g the best' this part the ratepayers it was decided ite ask the 'council to sebrait by-Ilaw„ �;n the raising ;0 $20,000 -tor the nett -be controllbW by tied munioipality. • been playing; havoc .1):1 tile Poultry, ity. Mr. Ra.,yriard has been paying particular Attention to the young. turkeys, an.dln some cases the good -wife WM ncip:,haye oile deft to grace the table at ,Thanlesgiving, and for the Phristmaa dinner she /mill, tbave to resort tee Ikeef. He has alsd ear- eied off al niunber of chickens, and the poultry ,neards look pretty thin. The fex ,has,4)!yeen seen 4. number of times and &erne have got a era.ok at him with tibia guns, lent evexy time he slipped ate.y. If he .is nat soon caught there evil be no poultry left in this part; of Moldilllop. roxeter. Notes.—Mr, ''',11. G. Hemphill], is vis- iting frilendfe int Stratford end el - from Sea -forth, on Tuesday.—Mr. W. Kerr, of Toronto', visited oldefellends in the vlieae last week.—Mrs. W. Johnston and two ohltdreet, Ade and Alva, are s,pending two WeidtS in Liatowel, spent Wecineeda.y in the villhade.—Mosare. james Paulin, IL - Sanderson . and W. Mar retainned from Muskeke. last -Week, weere they ihave spent the last eix nroinfthe. the guest 'of :her mother, Mrs. N., Allen.—Miss M. Miller, of Tweeter 'Minot/on, nielted at her home twee ger a Fails, . is visliting relatives here if or 'two weeks.—Miss Edna girl friends ne Friday attea-.noon. Briefs.—Me, •josiah May, of Chic- , ago, has been visiting his mother. He bias not been here tor 21 years. —Mr. ankl Mfrs. George Daltein and tamily et Mitchell, and Mr, end Mrs. Richard He -Warne of Constance, were visiting the former's sister lent week.—Me. Moir, of Bond Head, and his bridal were spending a few days xecient,1!1: at the home of Mrs; arty, has bougibib the residence of Bryan Callea" On friends in the vil- lage the other dayeeMiss .Ella Beg- garth was tiftie guest of her aoundre Miss Saddler.—Mr. Frank Taffin and his br other, Ro rt Livingst one, 'ii and Jaraes C.arld and hie sisters spent Sunday at th Bend.—Miss M. Weight was visiting her siater,Mrs. Robert Dediton.—The Misses and Mr. Botterilll, of ;Fullerton, spent Sunday at Mr. Elliott's. Nobes.—Mrs. Th,oma's Boyne and son, • Arthur of Goderiole are visit- ing with dr. eared Mrs. slas. Boyce, Gado -Leh, is visiting Miss jeesie and Mrs. Rebert Crawford. visited with Mrs. Henry Monteith last week.—Miss Amy Bertram, London, is a gueat at the manse.—Mr. and Mes. Sinclair, of Goterich town!. ship, ale visaing with Mr. end Mrs, George Charles Sewers spent lest week vieiting friends in the vicinity of Brussele.—Mes. Alex. Ross, formerty .of Brucedield, new of Cargill', spent last week at the 'home of Mr. Wm. Berry, London. ood.—The farmers in this vicinity Eire busy threshing.—Rev. Theneas Davidson, Varna, preached in the Presbyterian ohnech, Sabbath even- ing. .(From iknother Correspondent.) Notes.—Rev. Mr. McLean, of Soote lend, held' communion sex vicei the Metthodist ehiureile last Sabbath for the. 'congregation. toe the OM Kirk Pxesbyterians. A number from a distance were present. Mr.Menzie of Ailsa Craig, who was present, has two sons in the Flowage; mission field in Chino„—John Ratitenbury, bank tion home.—W, McQueen, fox -m- ei -1Y of Gll'asaofte, who has been in our neighborhood for about a. year, leaves this week for Otinbon, where he intends given lessens on the viodin. He is an accomplished. viol- inist. He WIND. be missed in the vit..- loge as he has desisted in tib.e'Pres- of the size of Brucefield own boast of as good ehureh, music 'IS ;We have under the able deo.dersileip of Mrs. Snide.r.—Mr. erred Mrs. James Jam- ieson, of Dakota, are visiting in, our neighbonhoo8.—Nis. 10 Stanley sohooll ha's been painted Curing the vacation by Mr. Graves, of Searfortb.—The cement bricks for John Snider's har- ness ehop are_eyeing made by Mr. wild be ..two stories with ball above wiriob wilt be oacuptied by one of the sooieties of the villlage.—John Murdock is spending the summer an reof put on his bein this week, by Chesney & Smiley, of Sea,fortth. The barn is a ,gooda one, rephaeing one that wias burned by lightning.—E. Caldwell, of, Regtha, is visiting at home. Re willl return with his fam- ily in a reeort time. He is greatly taken up with, tine, west.—Dr. Arra- this place, has solid out his praetice and wild move to; Edmonton. has nrainy fnieeds here Who will wish him every suncese in the west. Blows, --,,A 'large number have re- oe-ntly 'arrived here to enjoy bhp lake breezes.—Mr. Johnston and -Miss Johnston, Clinton, Miss Haet at Mrs. Parson's.—Mrs. aed Mies Rethwel, Seaforth, Mrs. Bingley and famity, Miss, Taylor, Miss M. Rathweld, of Detroit, and Mrs. D, Dymond, of Protein, Missouri, have taken one of Mark's oottages.—Miss Walters, of Delano°, Ohio, /is the -guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Thomson.—Mrs. George 0. Benson, Eusebia and Challoner Ben- son, of. Dufferin avenue, L-onabon,re- visit at F. A. Edivaard'e. Mr. Ben- son spent Saerelayd the 30th nit., re- turning an Monday.—Russel Troyer Miss Campbell!, of Toronte, visited re la tives over Sunday.—Mrs. Drehmann and family are visiting at Hellyrood.—Miss Tena Rees, Buffalo, is the ,guest of Mr. M.R.ces --Recently registered at the Rive House ate James ! Moore, wife an soli, Hensel ; Huron Essex, Detroit. At the Commteori'al, Mr. and Mr, ,Ina anel Jean Da, idson, Stratford .Miss .3dIoNab, MisS McLennan, orking Now to In c nnection with succeastal storekeeping, it essential that the goods of very suecessive season find comparatively no old merchau compete gainst when they arrive. We recognize this fact, and, -that som of the largest purchases that ha,ve ever beelle made in certain for this re will soon be to hand,. we will, during the month a advance very facility to make eontraetions, lead theni. re-arrangemenea partment r the reception of the new ehipments of 1Fall merchandise, might say that in our, movements for Fall, no half Imeasures prev propositio of every department has been to figure out how reueh hig merchand se it will be possible to dispose of during the coming season, a low IrlitT of profit as a selling lever, and raarkingigoods accordingly, A fe weeks more will diselose the fact that thie store has never eh as hands° eunerchanclise in the past, or greater varieties, than has be tabled for he ensuing season. We always haye, A At present we show things out of ordinary. There is sufficient $n weather ahead to warrant liberal pa tion in such -nines as are offered eustft_ ers in our light weight totton and stuffe. One of our quick selling me has been to price many lines anew. A look through the assortments that Boras stylish abrics are now sold for only a fr' ion. a their 4 If y von the arg arg ,f3arg This 00 to always hundred a that are c time of ye obtain in larly want GLOVES TIES, RIBBON 11 aye a large supply of the d one things in smallwares nstantly in demand at this r, and yet are so hard to= any stores. We particu- you to eome here for HOS EERY, VEILINGS, COLLARS, LACES the eo ness hal us that ton's m the peer that weep' on sale, bitt have other are enabled - guarantee sa faction tow ers, and, fort in Carpe s, Rugs, Mats, Floor &its, Draperies, ete • To all appeaaranees our -Carpet partment is le hl to be a very place all the , ear round. This is to be wonde d at, because pert who come tolSeaforth to trade, ha ;learned to regard this department se ly new de4igns and patterns weaves in the many different of goods thai appear in a well ducted house furnishing departm 1:?,(;),'"Er W have a simple request.to make—that you hstrool through our ready-- to-wear department next time you are in the store,i especially if you require* new 8 'rt Waist Suit, Separate Waist, Skirt or Raincoat. Exceptionally fine values n well -fashioned Blaeli Sateen and ROMEIll patin Underskirts at 74 liferAUL .DRYI GOODS Seaforth ()Warp. la.st eedr.—Harvey Greer, of Grand Perks, Dakota, a former resident idf Bayfi id, was caning on friends here Bank' _and Mrs. Haystbad last eek from Deltwit and are it grove—Mrs. W. b. Doberty and bon, vife and. family of 'Aliso.. Craigi have token eottages, in Jewett's. grov and the foleowing jolly party from Goclerieh are ear/vine 4n tamp 00r n It, Maggie Merray, Laura &bar an, Linda Sturdy, Mabel John- ston • Olive' Theresa Lewett. -eCamping 'in Galbraith's are Mrs. 'Her -y Speare and the Misses G. Laid- sto , Mildred Johnston,- Palmer Ge CA, latexes -Ai -et and, Brines -t Edge, Mi 13 Edge, Mrs. Dorrattee, Feank, Pe k, Beta Peek, of Seaforth, have ta en oade of Mark's cottages. --F. H Heath has erected and now oc- c pies a very neat eott4ge on the let he purohased last fall from 3. tbjomson.—Mrs. John Govenlook, of aforth, was the „guest of Mrs. alley last week.—Mr. Chaelee At - arson, of Monteeal, is the guest a Sta couneit—cowwii met on Monday at one o'plock. All the raerabers wexe present. Previous meeting business was resumdd. Considerable time was spent in disceiesing the good qualities of the- train Juat finished and the efficient manner in which the contractor, lir, Guhr, did the work. The foijowing resol- ution was passed by the connoll ; " That' this oouncil desires to put on reeord their heartiest approval of the very 'efficient manner In which Mr. August Guhr, contractor, eem- pleted the Stanley big drain and the tion of alit concerned, irrespective whatever of the eompensation due hixa." The amount asked for, by the reeunty. is OVer $1100.0 =Ore than last yeer nd will require a. rate 1 4-5 midis ona the dollar. The ship is a out . the same bethale .two Millis, on the dollar, Last yea! it was 21-2, but owing to tne itt 'zirease of 1 a.ssesement there is *tree little ehange. After discuening cement tifie And euiverts te be put in, the ao ell adjeueteel tie raeet tiara Pest Mo day in Serkember at one i Brussels. Notes. -4A former Wed knornad. Brussel* in the person of Nit - Mat ,AeMstreng, was _calling on Of New "Orleans and it is 23 ared took wity ,favoratile flee' one et tidi ilargest ;rare meetings aarussees hose ever ibad. The dates are Wednesdell and Thursday, Augupt 23rd and:2400- Moore, !died keet Thursday night, tue ter a four day& attack of Inflame rnatiori—A. C. Dames had a, mune stable iereeted dast week by P. ,j- ada- Donald.—Chariles Barelay, of talent - has r4ceived the eontenet for build-, ton. t iwilil be of cement, mad win be IC menced next week.—Mies Niue - 7 Roge s was .homo from Mount For: Buffalo, fis here on a two weeks - visit/ w,ith his mother and ofieez feleilids.—Mrs,Alex. Straehan and her 4', ehildxen are visiting friends in Lone donj--Ohas. Watts, John Irtrillyie, Wilt Huhter, and Leslie Bailie, all na Stniattord, were visiters in town"' over Sunday. Monday was Stxatte- dardek is our ctivio holiday, and neo op New York, and Gus. McLauchitin eston, spent Sunday and Menden town, at the home of ,his parent -4e --I.A number of Brusselites are at- tired -leg the sumnier echoed at %in *dine this week.—W41.11. Jamieeent The es 2-00 150 150 Sim odd. Knic Lrem and tic