HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-07-21, Page 1- --- -
1ad a vefry en-, .
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� . -Xary Bell, of
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� TEXRTY-EiaawR YBAR0 I � . . � I . F � - 10, MIT I - . - A
. . . � 19 YOR1111, FRIDAY JULY ft � - I 'I
I . . . 19050 $1 a year in Advances Z' �
I . � , � - t-
WIto]4Z, NUM)3BR, 1.962. . - . S, I q .9 9 , I . I---- — ft I
- � . � � � "...fi� - - -- 1-: I
. � .1, � � !!="I, III 11 � . . ;
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Z �t . . - I . . - Not I - Cas 11, �Of SeaOTth. T11 -.N � ,
�j . . � 'Munn Huron es. Etta - -
I - . . , I - . ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. Tr a m m � 368; No. 10—Bes!silo i7 by, ber, `k-,
' - , ' DES A
Fine . � 430, , 1,ey Coleman, 452, Ax1b)uxW1NDOW SHA —Ho,wiek fall flair ;wild be 'bdd dn bl4e, f%)r'h'O 'was Z'vo-,` " ! -1
1 6--...f . .
' � Sa-talrday, .0atiobler 7tb:. zbX`ot-11`or, look)e�d *barm'ng In & Z,
FURS . . � , . 11 ... 41 365, Roswelil Dougat 386; 6iorf; Goxxie on wn. (of ,ctr.eanj tolinenae tT-1mjne4 iz.`.
I . WEST, IEIVROX,�' .. - ' No. 13— Arles DuMistiord 361; -No-14 Allsizes and c —Mis5 J5ohnsftlon, who !has beeri, 90 11
Tailoring H'ELLO to - . . ?X ..r, a -ace, and carxiieA 4 b;0,11411et 04 . J��]
, . j
, Ma,,ry elet 41 5. i � oommeroial spiecivIlst �n Clintvn w-1th ,
. — -t
. . ,
. .. . Tlie'followlinlig is tilile dlst ot ?an(11- ang -
AND ,# at lowest prices aream bridal Ttises. The .0eXe1n0JuY'-
and . St — Nso�, I—W1.1iiam Sims'693, t Collegiatte Institute, �lias krm§igned. -
, da.ties passed by t1hid1ho-aTa Of -examiA- Haxjol4 uip�an 413, Wilfxid -11-odgins , 1. , � -=G. A. Robertson.,'tof Ridgteilcown, t.Dok place iat high noon, aftlex 'whicih, I -
roadymade FURNISH egts tc;r W"t Huimn, tkygeltthiex w1bh. . I the M-axty �idjrjurntd tio tha, dm7w`.9, ?�: .... Z. k .-
� 389; Nip. 2—Ej Aextzel V381, Roy htes been appointed mien,ce- Imlaster � I - .�
� taolls wed,Xmx., I �� -�iz�
i raom, w-bere a. sump - I
I the marks- obtained by each. As t -w . ' Of - --
Z - I bis Hill 46521 No. —Nbra. Bro m. 387; in Crodexielhi ollogiate InsUltutte. 1��
(Nothing t Hello!- C.1161 INGS Was ,taw f ixstt, lexa,mination jundeir the � COTTAGE R-% i" D'S --,ervea. Mr. lauld M rs. * -
. � . , . No. 6 & FlnkbO� 463L ipaura . . —The itlatee treux old cUld of Rev. dinnor fi�v.js I- 2-
t . � -
. . . . - - ablowiers, ,6f 7 t:
- L5t Sp;run,- left amid �
and thei bigbox Mr. Seidel, lot Auburn, died .4 , Ti*e�l V-
I jrejv xx9gula,tions z 9 *11obort lliendetrsan'660- In oak or whit �, on, ithe at tornoon traiA for Lan4on. .
- - ftalt . , -
I � I I standard. and many of fte tewcihewi3 X*. . � f 'y abor a week's, I
. I . id, Mcl(iinzie 423;.,No. 11, Wednosda. ill-ness p
- I t, how Wo 3�iiepare fiox'the I ., " �. and iotbe� Voints. i
wie;re in doulb Lil ., , rman Brown 365; Special at l5c 6ach fx,o.m klip,liltheria. .�
I - . . � . � . examlirgatio.n in -vvw1#,qnl relaid-hrug; land .y E 451 Xo i —The Clinton WeNv Ere; bias jul5t" —Robert oqutts, lot 30, 11
. . . Sepaxw, , - $400l No. 1—Mami'a Sml- I I . I 04noessim A
. I 1. I . in tale opinion lot thle, I . I I
. " ., .. I aa, exano�"lner'31 livan -.307 S=a Stew -art 68.7. . i ciompleted its 40th -year -of publica- 11, ibas sold his farm t* Joba Clark% I
.. -j
, so,mie �of the - j 2nd of ,X-OR111op, ta.-rmerly, of Grey, ta-k- I
- If YOU ll�4d, that we were givmg away $5 bills.$ . otIveir'Ve-persi, especially U b , NO. 1-Lillle Okel 374; ition, and &e Mxusvels: Post " ta 3 �
: � . �' I I tibe ,igleog.mphy, wune ratlemi bolb ditri- ALEX. WINTA]ID19 ing .Mr. Clawk's 50 ApTes ,ats part pay. ... - I i
qu. come after- your share ? I "is, 1017111tubtflord 360; No. 2-LLndsa�y year. - - i
Wouldn't 7 ' . I cult folt., t1b;e firit laxamination kind -Or Roy -nf- � � , � � , aTm, Of A
",I . I I � I � , Ga,rdi,n% I..427; 'No. *-�-Eitoon Cave's R -R, .J. 03ell, son, of John. Blell, & He iblas boughit t(he 100 atm f i
� "O' BT. * �Clintlon, %vjb ,has rematly gxadd.ated James 6. Brown, whieth, adjo' the I
� I - fe, lt 40 lie -ries.T1 Hirn'ter t .
bbib ne1tv, sta.iWaxA, tha lboard I A SE - 10si
. 4 , Davis 485, - � I I
Well, it's: just what -we're doing, only . we some- hustified in lio"Minlig thei paos ma,rk , i&lo . 50 vc-Ires bP, -gets, from Mr. Clairk, so -- � -1
It . �, , 3 398, Floo.je Haniter P84, ,Rdna, Lux- .Picture fraxaing a Spoof . . as a barxister, has decided to J.o- , -1
' I
times pve. away mere. Just note the large slices fkom, 390 (60 per Montt.), to 360, w1biob tion 3621, Wi liam Elfoid 445, - I �111111 Date ti.� Pxinm Albewt. ,, AvIll 'blavo a. fim block Of ian;i iu . I . I
. - 11�0-�� - I . � � s
. . . - 'z - I I. a Te - - ,I
- -- is still - an -incirease of f�jolin, 6 to '7 Almon 1 �Ttwo.d '�,21, Yexa, Was -ii- Katie Deadmin, Katie H6!rbottle �R,obert Emerson - of LaTivi-ere, McKill'OP- Mix- COU'ts wa$ sl � I I
,� , , . P . . 11
I we have cut off the prices of 'all our Men's anA per apnit over 1"tl Vicar. A cii - , I . , Marlit anti a former CIL.-n-boalem, devit of thh't settion for. PMMY yenlm . .1
"Td ',bylv- b ux,ji 4,40. , . Wm.']Elendex,sion, �&=ia Joh.4aon, F: .0ba, . -Xyj - .. -1
.! inig thot rda.rks awaT64 Iblast been smit,- � . . d all the nieighboxs, wil& WO sar - ��
. Boys', Suits—all clothing .in fact—Rain Coats, . I . ,--0 Leat.liordale, Minnie Millexti Letitia, was marxied Xeclently U Miss Lillian am -- � im - :i
� . i
I . ach 17upil, and thle 0eiftif i- EAST HURON. . t,o, see him and his; family T-dmove- I i
. .1 I i
Furnishi ' Hats.1 &0. . I McArter, Lucy McCracken, horence I-Iagbes, Of 'NaPinka- ;
1 11199)i - ob.tes.will be io4utted, if possible, be- � I � -Mrs. Wra. Wilston, one lot the, Mr. Erlown got $6,000 for his tar= � �i
I we g r), ,below the name& of the - MoKelIzie, Violet, McKejazie,'Maggie I
I . . , . .. fore thp -ra,o*n1ng - at the. so.blo,olls. - . : pionezro iof Weist WawanosJx lie- and qvill give the putrobaseT Posses- . A
_ suiaoessf 'ca.ndidates who -%vxftt 0 McLaughlin, Altred Al I
I -., � The nunifbar ot 'aa,ndidateis I%VTit ig . I C McIN1111a' Win. SiM 'an March LSA, 1906- -i
. " I . � , , on , ont Flutxance exami;liation Me.Quaxxie, Cliue-,�Sccitt, W. rac, - purted -blds lifo on tMonday ar 1wt i
. -was 318. Of , theso 210 ,bav , � week. She was 79 year�� of age. -Mr. Thrt=as Smale, tbte avtor gen- Z,
� I . I " IiD,.rs in ast. Hur,on. In lorder ,tio ,pa,vs, an, Stella Stlabbs, Alice, Tliompson . - i
. The,Goods 114st b6 8 . 0, pa-caeld by bhie, boa -rd -Of 7ex. . (IQ 40 1 -Yox, the -balf year ending June ial and up-to-Aabe nagirket. W=dqn, �
. a candldc% m,uL%t have h -ba. , pex ; W We Ta=bull, . Nbblle- Wh.eeler, I I i
. . . � . in I 'i
. . . Thg, tollo*irog axle, thiel 1higiW# marks i Sotbi, bhere. wem tegistered xylt-h er and sclentif jr, well JM.Igger Of Ellim- _;
. . ceat. oV On eachloubject, , Vexa Wilbee. i � I . I
I . . I baineil in"eaq1k subjeict.: Readin I I uobornlii i
. I . I Ob. t9b 00, in Passied.-Wl Amtent, W Arm- -tva W;ark 27 birth;s,, ville, in t bownship lof il
� 'Sold d ` -the next three - weeks, and our prices and 60 Pe celztlomf th,ek whole.nutra- the Clinhon fbo 110 -
- uring .. Jean M,all'ougibi, �8, wiitiftg, tlxOnlb ber, Of j;�*k,. Th. maximum nAm- ,tron.0, Peatl .Bremn,ew. eight matr -a t,b �% in i ,or of The -i
. I - X�jr�,� B. xisges and 22 dr �� bu, been levdi 9 th;e P -d t - i
0 . Niqbiolsion and Thomas lid of , -Misi Kate Molntosth;, klau-ghlber - Exeter- Ad,meiate on� new 1potatkoes, I
will do the business. This'season's stock must be . - El tt' 60 ; ber ks was 650; tb,e mini- Br,own, K tie 61a-Tk, HaZeLl Coates j
. . spelling, Tholutas- Elliott, 48; fit -1 � .. x . a - - -glir lid'
i er to pass, of Mr. D. iR. MaTn,Wah, of Lackniow, green, peas and En' :0h bea`ns X
' i i ' . mum jaif,pa 39b. Tbe, naln`M Alice Clombea, Ndllio Comi;�!, Anau 'I,
out of. the house before the'Fall stock 111mves. exatw;e, Lillian Jones, 88; arithmotllic , of thtqseo , bo obtai-ned -.70 plefg, aeat. amd foxmerly of Wfnittam, died an the edjtlor,� saysl that imnsequently I I
� . . . I I , . , . Myrtle, Pxtow% and Mabel-Cadmore, . . Constable,
. � Vt . I � . I Sun4an fth, inst., of -ter a brief he -has beim in ralovetr. 110t hal% WN �
. . t, . � . . *� . . � 100 ; - Gxamnar-Thiomas ElliiGtt, 95; or -ovex - artra1ged, alphobaticially Evans, George Fraser, E. F�eeman lllnestg. . least, -bad one good vqo& m nwal to � .
. " - P P1010,T11- 1 Im. -
- = Geogyaphy-Lillian Gwiseir 79 - ' . U-thMr -Mr. William Kelohion of the, Ram- hiss elredit, which made tit - lick his
. - - ino-lade ql,l, the otheir successful, can- Lizzie Gxaat, Carl Holmes, ' - Worka, has Uiade Rn as- lips with saVisfae4lo
-1 . . ,I. .1 'f Fare 1 n the ,b nor lis.t. '11bo- _pasls 14sts Grace Ferguson, Alfred Olae%ier, . .
er,ws our Bill 0 0 position-ITem � Nleihiols�bn and -.XQna sall Engine n. The ipota-toes
, '
I I � . - didates.. h15 was the first entrance Jackson, X-4rtha Johnsion, 7,ithel �
" . ! � I .Kidd, 87.; Total-Xaxy Edna Rack, examination held undeir the new,. I - signmont -for tho,betnlefit at hiscred- measuxed -sevexal. biobes in r1rown . � I
�-- . ; . - - . . � 658.. , . I . � . I . I Kippen, Daniel Knoobitel, Fred Law --who m"t at aonin-U on the feroncie and Mr. anxal - ' -
I - . ' G blas toem
- 'Jul - 'son Ha,Ttley -Me,nzieis, Id .ito.hp -9. , . J 7
. " C�-o4e,ric;h 9(xkl Sob�oio-)-Maod E. AttTriculu and thr, number of sue� A .4 ,11 . itar ;
One lot of 75 m4n's and.youths' suits in tweed, of . ceissful to ,ndidatest mnap=,ed with ToI, McAllister, MaT,jorie XcOal- 21st 'of July. � feasting o -n pwo sL-aoei:9Wn9 27t,b. i
' .
checked,, striped and mixed patterns, �lso some serge in - - heactom, 457; Hattie Belohier, 423; .t.hese tlha!� wXAt ta N
e is aboult tho sam. jam, Wm --On LD=inion Day the St=1algha!ri -On Sat aird. y - I I
. � , MiaCutobeon, Jes4a Mo- ' eve,ning last wibilie Z
- blue and black. to 42 $4.95 Alice FTager, 427; MoTgariet -MoKin- ' e ! I ftnilly, tot Colbowne, beld & familly j,ojln, H. MOE,,ve o S. . e wasi i
n, f tanj y
In thia 14 are sizes -. 33 breast . a -s in to r years. Ali tho -exam- -Donald, Myrtle McDlonald� N4tt"No- 4 � .
. i . non, 432; Mo,.bel MacDonald, 432; , Amp �
� ina-tion piers, Aver a fadr and NVoll -Donald, Aninie McDoinalg lia PiOnic at �,h!3 P,oint FarM, at WIX10b, it igbinfe along the road with, a mower. � j
brefast� and, regular selling P* nzices range from $6M to . I �
. 1, -, Atiy MaoGillivray, 443; Grace, -Me- grode�dil a in 'the easei,of oohQols in X,cjnries, Xwmesth MeLieaw,� GrAce is � id- ,in�qarly 150 StTaughans, and' the bjox,
. se
I ax - 418;' Jitene Nic"Ison, ,467; . . a A fbet,a.mp frightened at a --- Z
$7.60) good serviceable suits, knd we've put ifiem. all . 4w,, jif, x . . - their IdescandantG -were present,: � .
obax,&, 0 ced t ' Robb, Thia, Soavlett, Ida Ph passing xig and ran. a-wely. Mt. Me-
. . . � - -wry Scrim- pewpea ortobters. there I -Mr. Cyrus Turner, of Manitoba, 'Hwe .
at one price. -, , . I Xf,&nje P.Adham, 499 ; M, ' Lardl . 4 ' Ernie Sbxw, S. Show, Wm. Small- n- manw9ed ;
- , I . were -bar any faillullea. Clinton, -to xetrain. !his sleat'
' ' . I . . ge-.6wr; 365; Boirtobhy Taniciobt, 419; Wingham, Brussols Sictaforth and down, Thorniae Smith, ]�*a i8mith von� of the labe Edward TuToler, of until he w=je in rontact .wlthi the,
Aucither lot of 80 men's suits,'in sizes 3-6 to 44 - , , GaTtxuldet A. Vansitouet,4408; .Gratte , Clilftou, is X10,Nrin, an -a vW[L tio, old bridge acros
I . . Vivian, 41-3; Eleanor Wal6r, 606- lolyth PaAslag evexy canZiAmbq. rVent Ming. Smith, , Myrtle Spa,r .
11 .jj�lg, R.. �v -Ma,ftiffy's creek,wtb�
breaakafi exceptionally,well male garmqnts, tailored * I I ' Up. Some young. teachiews, sent W Stevenson, 1ohn Strath,, Oliv- Wal. friends. EDP, thAs been a resident of be w,,m ttb�mwn eff. lUio diprr-Als ran
and trimmed equal to hand made, and are -sold through- $7.25 - - ls'ab6l %Wairnock, 424; MaT49.iTlelt pupils at asit a,yeOT . MO 0 SOM - kerq . L � -that 3�rtovince for 27 pedv%tibajo- done. some mods farthp-r and canite in -00n-
. Lawson, 360; Ira'Erriept Bates.' 366; In this I eobora:ttel no JVUPII was . � -Vvell, and, zaotuTahly a 'Llues, i well. tAotf with a teliepbone -post, wWan I
:3ut the Dominion at $9 .to 110 per suit. But we have - Edwin .Cla.,rk,*462 -, 6oidort Drink- rejected Ny, I wrbxetier. -Five Young man Oom'flulleitt: they �gotj 4ree 1!r,om, t -he mow�,-_!r. - 1,
� .1 wa,ter, 361; �Dhomlats Elliott, 459; .wor�i is fit ,ticr take, up'Fift1, Pa-,tseil.-'Esthe�r Bellamy, Wjlliam appeaxied betero Police. Malgistnttqq amix
only. one. br'two, alike in'the lot, and tor this reason to . lass who is wem coulght oom Q at b *M -
I I � � a _ , and none passied -am distance f t
. .Johni Elliott, 460; Wilfred Liewitt, , . Black, Effie Oazr.r Ha.rry Pane R.A. Humber, Of Glodlerici]4! vit Clinivin ..
Clear out M . -4 . . .
', w�-hqxe made the price a clearin one. - I not Wble .to enteir on. U3A ,�Wbor ' -o,n. Mr. INcEwen provideaAially, "- I
. '. . I - . . 400; William Mairwick, 431; %Regdn- I Galbraith, Wilbert Gallawzy, B. M.- last iweek, 0, rge bf disord*��-
I � � . .. work-$pf t palblic, or bigh saooll- n, a ohs - caped witU oonan bruisets.
. . g,o Gxegg, , Jalm" Halliday, Alberta lks- ly voRdn-ot in Lon.des6o= wn �
- -
Another -lit of 75 men's suits, in the higher grade - ald, Pxial�,,,iirn, 401; Edward 'Watoon, The al aimed al in thi.4 tinspm-. ., , d were -4 Gli6deridhi ,t,owvship'oorresp6nd--
- . . ' . "
'Of readymade,,silits sizes 36 to'44-. of fine worsted, -in . � � 371 ; R,odexicik IDeonaxid, 417. torate, is oi havo teacbm-a display tic, N�esbitt Laing, Ltrlu Mcl�augh- et*coh tinad $6 and �ctasts, . jant wxites, * iMr. John Clufrs baTo I
� -nee- -, H Id k .9 is
, I It . Godexioitb, Sepa=itc Sohool-F.ra s sunh judg - ntillin, sendLnig up.pupils !in, Xadge Nicholls W� a �Nlo le0 -Alfxe!l Baw-ge, of Cli�ntonl wa 'neaxing- *iaompletlou and *% neady, -
1thick, blue, groy'and fancy, hand -tailored, coats, padded � Hood, 471 -' py, 434; 40"a -tha, there ill bel�rib failures. That Irene Stnor�g, Horbert LuilAXILS., - r day, to receive thla fr4ts of the soil. Ufy --'
. - � $9.75 , Lizxie La, t. � xandcWed 1 unconscious, . the lothe
,shoulders, -and equal- in fiaioh and quality of -cloth'to - Kidd, 456; Jlohn Griftin, 455.- a. treaahm v4o senas,up t-sven-ty-onle . I F)w6wich. by being isitruck on We chin with a yf lel .
. � . � . I . Dumiganvoin Publia Seb,00l--Jd,w,n * pieci�, of 'plank. He was working at faxniers Ot Or- BA .4 live ap-no-eZ � �
suits costing tvice the price. These -suits- have been .. candi"tes I d bAs one -falluxio .will H,on,oxs.-La:uTenc-e Oampbell'i Ras- to, be da a pnosperatv� zionditim, -as '
� . Mwllowgh, 360; lo,na Stewart, �74; * '11. 0
, bAv,e. d04,6 -vetrY wiell," sell Downey, EdLtlx Goggin, Eawa*rd a is seen (by thel lar-9?e barns e2v"bedof
selling at V2 to $15. Our sale ice will move these , I Intot say 11 I building imhen thp, plank fell and
� RX ` . I Emma Sp-roalill 444; HiowaTd Case, bmt Of I ,ha 41 J=d ono failune boo Haase. I I
11 " il i struck him knocking him agadinst, a late y e,wr;s,
suita out quickly; the price is .. . . In. *3s f1han 3 mlil)m 6
� '. . I - . 1 470. i .many. 117 - . . . � 1: ! �.! Pvs!Sled.-Veirdella, Bottonil. 4rdon bxick ,wall. . ihave been. tompleted
,I, , . 33ayfield-,Meta Irwin, 363; Mamie _Mr. a,nd (Mrs. Hw-gh MoQuaxxie, new boxn's I
-'It may Ito a'dded bluxt- thio Spelling Bricker, R�b4t, Edgalr, Ma-rtba witbin a shioxt itime. Those. am Mx,o
5.0 Boys' Norfolk Jacket Suits, - two piece, pleats 'zzie' Robeixtslon, . . I
. : , . . MoDovigall' 410; L! paper s ..00 't of Blytb, ileft last waak on-, a two
t. I da-ficult for thlejan- Ed'%vaTd,,9, Roy Elliott, Mary #ur.t;- Geo. Sheppard7s, 50x7-0 tact *itbl six-
, - bth" ' , 26 to 33, 393; KaIW, Rosls,, 360; !AlibA Tipple ,
I and blaits, neat cli. 9 �sizes -9 ' tt groded . s ", , do hey, Gordon Gallagher, Elmeir Har- moat,W t,Tip to the northmegit. Tibie,y teen. foot posts; rfqtor, 001le's 46x66 4
pattern of 384; Lebnaxd ,-McGeiet, 360. .... s I ba.ve, bou!r aans- at Mijamed-psa, and it, .
fe� ftge,t 8 to 15 years, -good colors and great not t�s 1. �m tto opubling book ding, Alex. Hatehison, AiMlltltl Me- witY twenty 14oiot posts; John Cluff's
. .If 'UiOO . zutriv,h�Xoaana Elbext, 388; C�e'l' a b e fft�o rMo i � . 4 entex the Fou.rth izio%, Ha:rQld is no -t' aikely that anotbe�r up
wearers, Alltheselinesof suits sold at much IV - Heso, 376; Ada. Koeh.lex, 425. class�. It P w nold, we think, -be woll. Dond1d, Thomaa Men ity will� P'Tesent" itself of = 52x7O witb isixteeri foot' pos�ts; - lohn.
I Bamr, Raxl Patterson, Lealief Saveirt I I Stewart's 6Ox7O with twenty thob
higher'Prices, but the odds, left will sell at the , Gredition-Mildxed Bra�un,. -399; Ida � .
� to intmodacp i� JiA the TiNlrd class-. stewaWt yo mug. I them. .alil itlogatbw. Jas. IsAvitzer's 5900 with 24 .
. 1� � . I w
I fixed price of - - . I A Ewald, 439; Beroa Finkbeinter, 394; � I -A happy evient took place attbe4 posts;
. . . �Maxy Fink-beinex. 472; Liltilan Gais- Plinton. s � . 5 - , . xesid?moei of Mr. W, J..Hleaderson, .fojot postis;. iMr. Goa. Sterling intond's-, I
. ' . Honors. -C iff Ord Andriewry, . Sibir- Teacher' Training. -' building next LveaT.
. . i Winghimmi'Junationt on, 'Tuesday ev- I
BoysyjNorfolk Jacket �uits, same styles as 'in , ter, 503; Idella Kietnzlie;'431; TAmuira ley B&Wde�, *ahal Brown, D-Izn The gollowing is a; lisit of tU*dn -The Godlerlahl town, rAeTles Te -
40 a:dd, 462 ;; Maxy , E. ,Paok, 558 -. Ger - ening of last week, whcn, hk-� sisbwr, , j
above� lot, but a finer grade ,of cloth, in' tweelas . Cou,jtjoe, 14, 1 Cantelan, Clutf Dav- Humlon pregbyteTy who ,have0our- bnsi� -N,elliO 11-4eridorson became th t ain of birtihs, (malrxiages �nd deaths 4
- tie Shb,rt, 506; Alvin ,MeXuw�A,k, 402, - dson, Lei4 -fiord, Hrank FaAer. '
andsetlrge�, sizes 27 to 33, some of these lines 02.95 Me I . - I I opssftilly-passed the examina.tio�a in fox ,the past pix monochs showabher-A �
P Wilbe;xt, Meiadd, 450, Amy Gunn, Rlpbt- Gibbings., Gladys - bride of Mr. Thlomas Small, at LIS! 4
e - the . 8c;riptaTe iteipLaber trajoing t were ei.gJit. ges i
prev I iol6ly sold�at twice th pvice.1i I *He"all.-Mqb.e,l Cudmore, 524; � �owel, and a fox=oe%Wizixbnmit,e., miarxia , 43 birWio t. I
I . M He:nma.n, Ma gluoTito Herman, Mor- .
. 11
.. . '414; Mary Hobkirk, � .. ' bo&se: I and, 30 deatlis, itto katulo fv.r the pr-� !
' -Mr. -Alex. MoEwen, has Idisposed .
,tTgairet Elgie, -
i ley Hall, Ett 1ohnstan, -Aigntea Mid- MLs% Amey C. Elder, ,Bltylth', ifirst ojrjeL:; in vious ,half year being J14, 42, and 22.
Y- oy E?: three piece suits (coat, - vest and knickers) . 407 -, Miltion, Oxtwein, 366; Ivan of -hi,s ifine f arm of 150 a -
I "
do -1: 11 1. $ . . I I dleton, M glie, McKenzie, Ruby ola�%,h:onors in all departments'- W. �
Wels)lv �392. 1 11 - 10, - Hay, near Hensall, to (bis, seni Hul-gh The a,vlexag,q a(ge oot ithe tien. oldest ;
AW single and, double breasted coats, sizes 28 to. 33 2.75 . Managhan, 0sie McCaughley, T�I,yxtle M. -Uith, Kirkton, f irst daIS6 - - far $10,000. Mr. MoEwen) ,we ondor, peop -g was 81 Vears. theix ages i
� I . . Exetax-Lillian Amos, 608;-�Minnlle Po'n . , le dyin � I
� MoMath, To i Afila r, Alpbonaus axs in Doctrine, second class J3jqnorjs' being 00 88 63 61 81 8tr q9 '76 71 71 i
breasi, in striped and chocked tweeds, good as-, A.rny,.427;.Lb,wis Birney, 454; Minmde, lie I stand jius, putfrobased a resid-ence In, ' - :
' � Quigley, Fxq. ces Rhodes, Melvil i Salpture; W. L. Ratcliffe, ,An- Sevion of thesel idying "Te bom in, I
gortn#nt. � Our male price , � Cann, 416; Katic Collins, 479;. Aama L UP London - and will leave with Mrs. i
-1 I . � I " Raiisford, QI rence Rance, Jeallet dexsOn, first class hDnorts in'. huic-� tbe old land, ftrae In Ireland, two I
� - Dow, 446; Eileen Fa,rmejr.,446; Doug- Rutledgeti. .ff ,rxy Twitc.holl, John trine, . second clas,s INDriors iu SOlp- MeRwen in the fall; / I - '
. Itev,. S. A. Qvxiore, 1pastur .,of in -Englvnd and 4ane r*oh, in Scodand
- . -1
Boys' three piece suiti, in fine worsted serg," las Godwin, 424; Ebbel ITaiTvey, 397; Wiseman, E,j � a ,Wiltoe, Teddiel Wieix. ture and Art Of Weadibig; Gei�yge Grand en a. , I
I f I - . I � % - an Illa&gerf, 408; Lillie, fl-od- . 13 d nd amd Wales, Six diAd fraral bemt,
45- ,and Otriped tweeds, good assortment of pktterns, : Norm Mixriel Wil�o. .� . L. Rutherford, Kirkton,. first idlass terian ciongragat Corbe,ft PTesby-. I . I . -
.. � �gext, 410; Beatrice Ro-wie, 401; - ions -bas- occupied, tx0trble, S.x from Olid Vige We"D
� 9
and double breas6d coats: These will be $8.75 . Passittid. Ed , rd Blakie, Irene Car- bjo,no.rs in Docit.rin:e and -Art ,of Te�ch- I
singlo I Winnifred Hust�oin, 450; Lk11Aa-n4ornw - his pxesent field of -labor for ,23 from diseaws ot ithe0lungs, ,and t6� ,
- " Annie, 0,1 llangeir, Annie Coup- I
cleiXed in man cues , at nearly half regular 461; Bertha Mack, 477; Lizzile Mack., ter, ' ing, pas,s in So�riptuwe ; James Mu'r.re yeaIrs and, he is �nvx'ei sinca4�ely be- Nvers um4ex thtroe woon-this jol(L Of_
. . . -
. 4 . - - y - . - .. I . . - 436; Claxencre Miners� 431; Earl land, Ednai' 1coat, John Flynn. Kirkton., pasis in. Doctrine and �&rt loved, -by ]us pie-ople inow than evex Ibose,dying seven -8Vo,m twWws, tba I
p %, I - �Qasl-�t allia, Glenn, Flos- of Teatahing; Margaret. A. C�pe,� Most of them ihaviulg trjea I
, rwe.j I Mainiet Fost�x, Isabe
I before. Mr. Corriere- wews- Well i ched a good
s . . Spaojrman, 41.5; Kaldileen Staivarlt,
i It . I sie Holland, aby Hill, AObt- Ir- lan'd, Kirkton.� first class ,honor -i in, .. d Old age- . ; I
I . 442; Douglas Stldwaft,.468. . -The Rudd farm, Qn.tlie, Maitlan I
. Godexic;hs Townsihip-Seboul secti-Oft win, Myrtle � oLean. D11yetta Xo- Doctrine and Scriptur*, second i 16 � .
Allt�`a ites' Rainc.oats Cax.,tney Pe4t Moore, Bella, Sunder- '185", 0oncession, Goderkoh, boivasbiip, *or at -By the dlealfih, bf Ann MoRe0z' � I
. � P . b ing; Hqgh. least 112 ja-cirea of it, on, w-hich is alt- Kemp -tion, of jAsbfield, ion JAL,L)r 10M)
. I �? 25 per, No. I,'Annie Dxysdale,; No, 2, lron-e cook, Jenhie ,rick, Mary . Taylor. Kirk. Kirkton, first class aw,40rs uated th-e bL;rl�k housel and buildlirgo., Another, of ftie- ,pioneers is removed. .
in stock, in greys and fawn, full- length and - . Hicks 435, -Winnie J-6bmpition 66I!li My- . �
, rtle Prouse 497, Austin, Sturdy 366- T,bos. Tighe, Q,cax Tebbatt. in Doqt.rine and Art of Teata*ntg, been- jiblaught by Mr. S. M-ge,riji, As the %vife, al Ajaha lJoKenzie. 4e; �
, # i lhal% I
* threO.quarter length. We ,Will give stfs; cent. off ' i; Blyth.' R:a6haR.11 L� fol't. t.11,
, - ght dis- I
. . le i Miss
I 1. . - . No. 8, Viola Wfoloft 406. 1 law. . pasrs ia Sexiptuir , I _ oulm 'of $5 ,600. The pr-op.eirty mioved with &hex ifamilylot fi" omiajj,
coun excepting where we ]iave, to get .,special , I - ' ' Hiojioxs.-I�a, -1el C. Chel Kirk, Kirkton, first elaasaawnorsj Jn -- in 18 6.
�11 . � . . . I Colbotrnie-SeAhwl section Na 1, is a gotod one and lylixg aotattiguotis children fropi Nov% dwt
. , � ja 4
1 COAL � . . I Passed,-ftr adva Asquith, Verna DootTlne-anA Art of WeacilAug, P". t r. , rXill, w.n
I . . - Gxace` Wise. 422p- Edith,, McDonnigh * % Z X Me JS ID farm. .will be, cloming by boat to Hawfiton ano � I
. . 377, No. * Nellie Lippertt 362, llqr,,Lc,e Bennett, Sus� Brown, Dottie Cow- � -R . - -
l � � . , i in Scripture; Mrs. Gieloirge . tith�,T- easy tlo� work. I . f=m Hamairition Ito wjt,1�1-11 f0jur mille.1 f
. I . , Im an, Andrew " ombes-, Rmth Eoblin ifox.d, Kir;kton,, first class h,onbrs 1 in vgad by *the eleva- of Godierich *,by wialg*n, --s6ttling I
� I ; - Towill 479; Noi 5, Haxiry Chl9blo -r . 'teacilling, I -The .grain Aum afb,. I
i . I IB M 4 Ar t of M
. %in.ap . in Ties* - - ixed, Gliddbn 374, Irentit, Me- Jess - R' arm -an Knox, Doctrine and V 0-" tor fire at Gode'rich and consisting wthalt- ,,vas itthen, ik)aawa, as q`G,--ady3A' --
. . � . . 362, r I , ns, N hia *.Urquha�t, I
I . 10c or 3 Carin 432 ; NO. 6, Wive Maskell. 390 - Rrank Lee, P'jsie E. .1yon, Edina Lyon in Sex1ptuire; Mrs. Jo of sarme 220,000 buobals liess what Corner. Hoar jhusbandj-jv.ed -onaV two I
t this ' 'Thomas Moon, -John KirkWn, s�rid class ,hontoirs 1 i -
Ever It, Janet McGow'4 , I
, y man and boy appreoiateso nice tie a I No. 7, Olaxa Penluinqt&n� 431, - W -i ic, '111 is :in. the lake, wiao soild by aantion :Yealrs wil�an- dewth, entered twir, U I
. I
� season, more especially when they can be bought' foe 25-C - Dlairsit.'376;,Nio. IL Johni Jack$aa 360; Morritt, Roy irnroe, Ida 1. Naegele Doetxine and Art of Tlleacihbl;�. pass, oji'Fxiday, iealizing some $14,300. If, ifeane leaTijag thlo'Avife -and- elbiMror
I . NO. 9, Reginald Williams 401; Untition Leon R. Seaft- bautra, E. Stiowaxt, iri $cxijptuire� Missi Dizzie Yeigu;o6n, is eotimatted- that th�rie is in. the to. baftle with Italle, world. Some year,$
at such small cast We have 20 dozen to' offer "5 11
. int
r No. 1, Ada. Kennedy 386, Eva MeNcie Roy SixnA) Wta, S I trnidercock, -Millie B. Kirkton, f irst elaps honers i D4,o- neighborhood f ske Avas vadlirled to T,Iws, �
in the bow style at - .. 374. . . - . . Toll. I t4ne AnA Art of !Tear*1P03,, SeO60 timinjured gr.aln, so., tb;wti t1ma pur- Kemption, an Englisbimain, nvibio canxo .- I
� . %1 ingham. claso 'ft.onjoTs in Poripture; N[aglie '
� � I I . . Aghfield-Sojibol sectian. No. 1P ' t c, I zjlYoser I=- -a, ,mritable bonanza. Mr. out to 09imda at -Vim some timeAm - .1
j . . t r W . innie- Ounniing,ham 40; "No. 2. Ma�- Hoilorsii-Jeip ie , Bowerma:n, Wil- Ratcliffe, AnderoDn, firs I n' McNair, Torionto.) �fwa:s the buyer. Tboxnals 0. ,Cooper, tmhlexe �bobh, IWI �- - I
. . second class hhwre settled. aut Xjddj,e1Wn1& C6.raee, I,nt I I
Ohea I SOX. - , . . 100 or.*3 - -gaXot Daltion 385, ITen.a. ,Toy'e 408, M . Brasveffl Harold , 13 trabanan, F O's io Doctrine, t _ � I
- � P � � Ot . in -Oine ev=intg recently as Nxis. S.
. . ' Gla.dyg Moss 438- Maxgartet Moss M . tancla, , ie
1 Co ns �1 Rieta Davidigon, Bad in Scxiptu;re, p,a-" " -Art of Teal*' Wilton, and- dawgIbItier and.Mrs. A.- Gioderich-, towasl Alp. 'Thixty twoyunw-m - I
Kee� the feet comfortable, costs little to do. so, for 25C '- - 389, Gussie W-Wity 413, iTgwLtius Davidson, Edna . Diamond, Edna ing; Alex. K. Fleirguson, KL*Tktdn-, Hun,ticT, ,of Brussels, .W,&e retuTn � ing- Atgoi -they antovied tk� Ashfield, whm-o I
. : first clasis Uoriors in all, d,op-a1r,t-
Our1ine of colored cotton sox, in average sizes, � � � i . No. 3- Dxxrmmo 0 I m'ite, Flood, Maud Fry from, Jtosepb, Xnig)310%, 10th wnaes- Ale lived, -jivithi bpr family and ouo- I i
. . i
, , �.
� . suits, every one - . �, Dean. 363., John Kenny 374; Willie G lbTa � Annlo'Gaxnisajohin ments; J,ob-n Urqui-bart, Kirkboin, sion ,of Gxey, fteir. haise tiwk trigh-t voieded in, nwking a oomfoxt-ablo 3
at the sale Price �, Afaxy Claitibroaxt 395, *Cryace McLean � ,.t . I q
I 'd class honora in Doctri j
I- I - Guest, seaon nic.Pa08 in ifroniti of Ai,beri, roxisil- tit a, oo,svii hiome wai,�earo. tale famify -Uvj.e#, tM I
. 1: . .
� 1 3W, Annie Stil-gs 362, Ettie Ma.ana _ �
. -
I . � Mildxed NEILt �� Ruby Kor-r,- in- Seripituire; Miss Gh,rlstina ' z
' ' . je May *- bint' twas. 4Tinki-n tat a Valvertiland. the &Ietatht 4of imr. Kompton. I .
. ' .19 somp 6 I
. axa. 363, Annie Wallace, 072; ,No. 5 .' -nson, Carlo -AN first class lwlwotis .
-1 1 MoKersle, Ea'x . ram mwuy� The Y,esult twas an upset, yeaIrs. WiTo. Two ,yoars ,a,gO,Mr_% .
, ,
Summer Underwearlill I .. q J. Jlbb I
. �Nellitei Huntew 360; No. 6-Jeninie' MdOxe, . Geo.. I 1� 1
C , p Doc.txine, second inArt ; f Tdic,.�-. bu199y, . I oke with, paTaly -
� � .1 . .Gbelrts.on, Wa,toon in 10
'. I 1* . . Claf 407, Minmie Shacklieltua 67JD; Porter, Belk� � . I -a badly injured *Vrhouldier KenWton. wasi j;t1ri . n.
' ing, - � '. i -
I ' ' Smith, ! , sls�, amd thas lbe:en st,mdfly ,WjnjW;a,X ov- 11
. In all sizes, good qualityl French balbriggan* per suit. No. 9 -Finlay - Reid � 448; No, 11- - Irend V an Norman, May I. � � I tio, Mrs. Wiltion, - w�d a serious f right. - I
lightest weight for hot weather, Wears and Lo,rnje Girahaw 400; No. d2-Tona Willi son. i Mayor Roniver, of Clinton MaT- er sinw, desth. xelierluz iler ..Ow I "
. - I � The 12th at Clinton. I T - . -
I � I � I MoNain. 437, Cfialrles Wile -y 699; No. P Ste .- 14 I 4 s ! Brooks. Fmnk , ble Weiks, put rap L -h -e -b t �
following Momday. July Aoth, a: 'he aq-- 'of 80;
1 . � . , . od ond - nwAuments iltis week: -In Oal.Ps years.- 8 leaves
vas),hes we . 11. V 13-Regin-ald, Barriett 508, Hufgh Mo, Calb n. lCarlpay, Laura -M. n The two h Ted and Kiiftembh, a I 4 be behind five ram-
' . - - iver'saxy ot t1lo Battle of i0c cem)etawy. a.- Sicotc,U granite liar it -he blex-sof 1her ZXmily, 7
YOU ca� gave money by spending it at this sale. InVesti. OrbisItie 414; Nio. 15 -Annie, Cowan Cu:rxie, HiowaTd J)4vidson, E dna Dick Boyne was becomin'gly obselrveed* O.t latte Islaaci Rapson; in Baird's oema- - -
. . 1 '376, Teria Cowan 385, katry - McKay - son, Etta V. ", Watt, Fred Fostier -0,11 Erid4Y, ZU17 7tb; Mrs.Greon*j I
� Irr- i I a A. Haney, Eldon I . t - ,of 4D,
� 4IT; No. 16 -Jane GLblbext' 889, No. Alm -eta Holl,- '� CliutoiL ,on Wedmsday of W. week. tery, a. red Ovvedo for James Aiken- wjf.0'jDf gbev, j. r _, , jntmt
. gate matters.' . I Henning. , r Ho g g, Ain nille Oonsidiering. t1ve down 1yourr' of fra�g - ,�,reeae
� I . 17 -1d -a Barkley 450. - E. Lit- .hpad, and an Enferuld P-elarl for died aftf,:r -u-n 111111e;3s; that was lamtet � I
, .1
; . � ... tt, Mary N - and all, Wed,jielsd-aL
Lil`V -, lv jo�bn' Aikerv,][Yead; in Motion cRowtoxy Itwe Nveoks "
I Aff-Butter and Eggs taken -,as-, cash-. � - Wa.wainosih Njo-A-Eliza Thom"jon tle, Lillian o .,Greg- on Tuesday (nighft � for � , but, bos beon. te loug,
. . . ; . Ma,ggie Mr. can, Mamie Fatter- forentoon, tho tuirnout was knMt fo;r. Mrs. J105. Watkins, a QAT100y gd4ratjoo,.n. Taw geomsed �lady wluasa
. . 365, Mary 0a,moron, 415; '-No. 4-C. ox, atifyiag to, Ithe loctal vommitteO. gxanite, and ja xed Swede for, Mr. 4 miaiden mame I I -
- I ..... .91LALIP" son, Lily P94T,nt. Nettie (Van. Ale- gr Was Elarriet Elizabobb
, . � Miller, 435, Robbext Bacban4n 666; tine, Ella: ,,.Wei "es Edith Wbyte. In, all ttliem :vvwO 30-mle, Oixtieela and Mrs. ,W�a. ,Thylor, : Firest, waI5 bora nea!r -0titalvift, -O.m
� I . -
. . Cleve. ,loyat 422; No. 6-Annio Tay- . lodges powt-ji-t and tille lefticie�-t - , -
9 . a sW11jer,
.. ! E I 10'r 3K), Ylos�epblnre Woodepok 610, . a'oxth. � ' -The ibome of Mr. =d Mrs. D. Qatobex 45, 11845. Sho w,as
11 - , - marAsaje wem 0ounty D. of C., q- rix-yfogle, of Wingham, ,was Tbo of (the la -tile Aliaed ,kirlo,&f:, rx,own, at-
I I Ad -M McClinelon -4041 Jame ' si MeClin,bon Honors -Ear � c Bell, Ray Birks. Spirowl, of Lunan, and Natboai�l scene, of ai ,Upjy,y gath-exingon. Wed- torney, -of Gray, and Mv;s�.g;rs. 'T W � -
. Stewart 394, John Bmibiankin, 417;,N,o. 7-Mll- Christiana B ' -rd, Annie, Clarke, jloawoban, ,of Aurbur,n.jt, did.udt . W
IG r�e i g . . , UT -1 nosday- evening of laot week, the and James IA. FX,019!t, of O�jven SOMW
. I . f, I toni NLayjar 368, Eleanor ftyle 365; Mary Cojem4.11 claAa De,v-or, John take loug go form and tbio mudd� Owasion. lbeing this marriago of *611011r While a you,ng child she X,Mmiov,ei .
No. 11-Vj-c�jet Guirxie, 405- StanleY Dickson, en , �, I Yowler, FoaysoA marob Nvas tas, .*short as *t coal-& 0- da:uOlter, -Xiss Minnie Fryfogle to withi 7wr parient�B to ov - A go
0anney 403, Joyce Me' a � I M und,
Bros.' Old Stand m LeAln -460; G x i, e vv"ie A 4 irk., Jbhn McMillan, mude, from tilie park. ,up Albeirit; Mr. Ja=es A. Cumminga, of Lista- wldvih was jblwn, a colltection ,of se,t�
Johnson. - . j - 'Nio, 12-Xio-lin MeOce 438; No. 14- Nettie, 'Beltbio' , Clarence Sparling, stTeet. to hospital corneir 1ao-.0os8 t,6
. � . .. . . . . I - 13io McKaT . -axt, W-11it- Main and Virecit- back ff to tbagnou!n"'. wel, a-foriner we,U knawA Tesidenit t1exs' Imbins gind jpontj t,ho pqr1l"r -
� cast 412; N -o. 65 -Gladys Bex.t SpeaTict, Ll gan Stew i
; 0-MrT11 � Jefifo=vrin, 40., , . . . of tWinglem. Tbie - coxemonty tivas P< Of ' tbeir lite jbx�rtc. .on, Sp -p- .-
� SM -A-� aim . 1�w more Elsie. T)aenk wwo ' ,Ind. fntle-ii- performled by pmv. 0. perxie, in the tembeir: 4, A865, shxv, becamie the
I - � jsevpral tboaw -, '
- ' aT- , wife I
Separate, Scibiotol No. 1-JamesiGutm- ' Rassed-Wnai Bubolz, Agnes C. es�ed sp,lecUtors. prese,jA,�� w -h0 piesence.'-of invited Criendt3. . bf ;Rev. J. Gxee�n,e, who was then "t_
The Lar st Clothing Rud Fur Store inWestem'Ont&60 mings � 402" Olive Xiwxnty 428,Kathr ter, Margaret !. �
I . # :1 .I eaTY, MYXitlO 01 uff Oawnty Maater lHanley opton*A 010 -A sad accident, oocuT=-d laNt ing jon M. it
ge � , ., , KePpol 6rout - of t1io joun- I
I . . lee,a Leqdy 37? ,- No. ,16 -Eva McDon- James- Dalton,! ibrbert Daxw1n, A- gxnceeadings� w't'h a' mlwt- bedAi ThaTsday aftermon, at W. T. No- fvrienrce. FA),r a qaaxt4 O,f a �en_
. - a-gbl 390, Roy P&Ittarsoo 680 ; No. 17- Dickson# Wx�, D Dol- welcome. He was 1ioltowed by Mayot ,
- . ' R � - -h Y , of East- Wawanosh, tu-TY INX. land Mrs. Gr,mne remained
, ta, �ooherty, Harvie ble's, 5t inie
. I
I 0 a ,e ance, T )iorxanee, W. -Ellitott H,00 w well chiosie.a woxlI4
. Stell. T0xk 410, N 4 .1he By= . 388? x I - ver in v. fie by whiah Jan j0allwha)a of thie same, in- ithat vicinity, Mi-;$, Green,e ,diev�ot-
� Hom u rs i an - Luflu Stiotbongs 379. Elliot 1�,e`a2'!111`5Fn110 FaW'kne-r, of welaomie'. The. speakers :%vexl� place, was very ver'lously Injuxed, ing ffiersolf a!%sidaojisly . not ,M4 t'a 1,
I I - -Nieffie Past Coaat,y Mster A. W. Tlodd,Revi
Tuol,mrswRy ' Nio� I-J-obin.� D. Mo- Ed. Flana-gau, yd .
, . , Mr. Noblie ,was oplitting bl's Uarn, all the �aljrj,es oxdinarily devolv,el,mg!
I Laxent 370; No. 3-Robeirt Smillie Gillespie, Fxan. es Givlln,, Womas C. an4 -
, Grie. R. jGumne, Rev, W. McDoinag1v �
. . *Govenlocki vf It OxYj I 1-e Rev. G. M. Kilty.- Each Opeakeir and w.hile raisingone of the timbers Upon, a PastOX)s 4vife, buto moterially,
to Manitoba and the Ganadian Northwest 396, Leionovl Smillie, 418. 1 135P . , to place it islippied, and knooked'the, asgistiuf in '01'Wroh work as vrel�-
. I
. � Ha:bkLrk, Fl nov. , Holland, Sddie -aealt ivith live subjects and t -
0% Stan -ley . Union No. - I -Norman, 0 1 yoa,og m= over, �orty fvxt, to the =4 nudi6a;ring Ihera,elf on'every *uc-
stopover allowed anywhere going or returning n Maud proval 0. I - I
aciod for Two Months with. Johnslon 415, David Stelk 426; ;qartth Holman, Yra c 91 HauNto. , . remarks -mot (with the tip I I bottom of tbr, imllaxt, Moicial aid Mlmivel app,oin,tmentj Itio' U* pe -1 . .
' -w. Hully, Florencpl,� ant, FkorWoe L'aid- th,el gTea,ti, naia,joxity of tube affizimo - OpId
. . , I
-P,-A.r-VM8 .ALS :F(DT-11-10-W8 - - No. 4-1flabel Stinson 416, Eva Stin- Look art Ida Love Dan blage. While thv� speaking was at onee� rmmmoqed Bad as f atr as of oa aocaiait),. Seven, yeazs ovo XX.f I
I aw, E ra ill was i4 � I
i vo-a- 376; No. 5-011ive. Pallock 391; ri could 4* asciertainied ino f)oneo were Greene was lappw - H I
� na McKenzie, M. progress, many bad- assembled iori ,an -tied to Plmxuvilleii I
� on, ABsinaboia and return -Me.Cormack, A F- broken, bait hie twas frighVully in- and three yearslater I unudi .
w1unigeg, Manitoba, an $ 33 00 No, 6 -Willie Davidson. 394; No. 7- , smperr�=' i I I
81 50 Moosejaw, Assinabois, and return McIver, Agnep )KcMichat4, Xosvph t1w Maxket. l8quare to Wltnes�y t " i
Delorsine, Manitoba, and return 31 00 Evelyn Workman 407; Xp. .Q-Iranla , jaTea about fte tboad and face. and cianle ,to Cljinfon 1
33 00 Regina, Assinaboiall and return 33 75 ' McMichael, W'.t�r Mallin, Frank judging, where 1piriz wea-el, tiwardt , , to Xmide, . ;
Hstevan,' kesinaboin, and return � Do-uglas 414, Maxgare� Esdleir'699, a, � �
- I ,.-The peal ,of weddiagbolls callited . I -, j 0- I I
1 31'50 Calgarry Alberta, and retnrn 88 50 Richiqe WConnor, es - �
y Mu!rph,k, I ., Rosa 01- ed as tfoillows! Best dreseed a,odge � .
8onrio, Mauitobs, and retiirn Rtvt,b Keyes 369, Sethiranle, Sblexxitt Z -The *wtbX, %
02 50 Edmonton, Alberta, and return 40 50 Keef 0, W Pi kney, Ea:rlC ROSS 662, Luean; Largest loa,ge-162,�B'30 a number of fritends to t1lef bome of . 4neoullar to womew �j
Areols , Bec!hlar 383, Na-Maniel I -batakWUNS . -
, Assinabola, and return 1 499, Joseph . - O'n� Mr. rand 81rA, Thbmw� Sbobbroo'k, of getting off Aret�t com ,
I EsleT 415; No. 10 -Lizzie, Aikenbead Emily §, Elizabeth .Sillary, grave. The fife and drum i ion WO -1
Remember that these are C. P. R. excursions'and you should buy your I QIL Muistard 360;'No. 14- A:gnes *8 � it om,yetitiont was very keen, to i clanoess 0, illullatt, m -July Stb, resulted id Ia, lieavy IAM *0 ]a � 1
' 383, Erne- to. twitnesr* ithia maxxiagei ,of ,thair. man of laboot fiftX OrOuslw a O&M,
' Von entexing the tiontest. Su'XnX1 jar day. 1TbWW-rwW
ticket frow a 0. P. R. agent and make sure of all the priveleges agreed upon. E dwin, Gemmill 381, Eleanor flood Thomps, n, 1 ,g ie Torry, Earl , ierbi
; , to. Torlointo tjw df -b ;
- . . . q - 1,sO.n. seo,tvred 95 jp*bAs out: fof a p:qssibl . ,o,nly tidairgbIter, Mj.s4 Alberta . k4h-a
aid phamplets, e'e-. apply to -Egmond, 'nni i 1-111 I - -
r1or 01 particulars and maps U . 397. 1 � a WXW a 's j3ftndXtjU viihen
I ' ' -
I . � 3� is. I., I liumidmd, G,OdmWj.c&, @3, "ftio'h'townt Mr. Gab.riel f�P'Mftg, 9, Pr*SP6T0uK I t t Uf. in tvr ajyk4wa I
. Hay- SepairAbe &baol No. il-Stan- a Ma,]iit,,Dbn,. Tbp, vmmgn *jjgjit�d ft §
EWART, Agents, isla.up Bxissa-a 372, J,osep-h Corxiveau Rontars.- le triong, Cora sh,tp (145) 00, SM lEnuils-killeg (153) "uvg ffla=*r F
,,Fxe& Camp� 88: Alt'hou9b there Was 014ty g)n,.4 icerWwny twa3 Ov3FtOrmield by Poeay. W. position t110 jij.rj-g,jvf momen�tu!& fbom I
X " - obw W I
, 60 bad ri
� I � a,waTded a mcond 01611aleint, jDf Loxid,esboVo, and . i
. 402; Seoti.6n No. 2-Jdhn XcMa,hlon Bell, Muml-4��l oudges I I f,h,,� heir to #,bip, pav,*=00- -.A.'�14 �
I - j -1
- bell, Sta�nllw 1w as 4iakono W, - - , 4 ;',-' .
446; ,Nlo. 3-Etbol Hill 675; jqlo. 4 Y P eg, U OU'B Cax- Prize, tbo, � I Z . edding aniaxldU fWas plaY?ed 'bY. Xi,35
0, P. R, Ticket, Teleggraph and Dominion Exprese Agenta' Alviu , 'SuIrexp:5 467; A,. O-Dorothty, son, Itj Qj=_a,Jiq0 w, J. .Cunaiut-,bam on mexit, to Goderidh,4, : - ..i - . . . . . - �
I 7 � ,
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