HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-07-14, Page 5y 144
the hot wea he
low shoes, and ex
:owls and Strip Siip
ot sunny days.
ad children is he
er- style, and a pe
ra guaranteed,
or 81.25 &Tait. '
and striotly op t
$2 $0
.75 and $2 a •
r $3,50 a peirs
i1by" and
t Ire wead7 on the
'-exerereiort.-'. Ike Ante
U-' ape El. lac r kens,.
;J. 1). C. .; yea. in
• reek . -T Onion en.,
nd pro I. in fir:a
J. 7 Cool: wee io
.e.oneeso vi •it
eel,. woo d.
FE•cda.y Raturd
clr nal stee td -great value, I*.
c per I- h.-Salto:es in earth
4, sole rt. ont rr Dorn% Bod4
,eorga at. She shoes for in
heavy rain fell 1:nro
(ins!: .and al' threugh
ird We d n d a y. The
`..running full. Rim
%cled for the avina ut
r is t la us s aid eett
tate• naean.--;tG
As tlif,`. '61We:c-
ity friends am
Gantry cousins, ve
see tistnall, to renew
and prole:icily fora
nong the- arrivalare
,foQuaid, of the Weal.
College, London ; Mr.
;in MeQu rid and Childs
fisees Ka te and Agnes
)etroit.-Mr. James L
Min neer polls Tribune,
absent for about tinsee
ng a few holidays to
F.rer an If tack of ty-
- Misu Nash, of New,
infr. t Nfr.and Un-
to enjoy country Ilk
Mr. John Galagherbof
eisiting; at Mr.
B. tire I oney, of To-
- on a. vieit.-Dr. W-
art' spending their
their esrandpa.ronfae
Me lone . -L ast, week
[Pyh d .1 steer killed
-Themee Curtin, :of
eoion, had two lesutk-
end a celt killed and
blinded' by lightning
Alex. McBea t lee Saar
OW CsCipe from do-
e - on Thursday -or
hale t men were a-
tlue ire broke Out,
ed Ij za,ighbeers, who
rum and hard work
; every per.son, pore
uildird't nd 41.1.1 the
saved from destrunt-
ers a t nd jut in.ti*
If tzl t herr- beers' a de-
tinut t•s long (..r nothing
tt t1:.f la nurse and
netchinery and all
n a4...itroyed. It
he fire Started but
Lave lredn cause
run t he furnace. 'Mid
-rs have ens; insurallolY,
• t hi will not be
t t is deeply
ii•-; Twig:I:iv-a-4 for the
'led our, :tint tor the
'lance I hey dered
ltroperf v.
Wa I ki. r ant!
e D I kota ;tile ViS*
r e.- p ty wd
:a t Lee Lorne of M.
krook, (mt. WtedrieSdaY,
npor., sviir_qi their
EI Mk frenthe, was
• Sprun,r, of ,Manito-
ors t Le a fternoon
:Shier, re a nd eithor
t ill is iso spend a week
is ving fr their home
!ter's. gr. trpruret has it •
1‘1.12,- firoreden was
szi mina tion LU
z)Ito Miesz 1).F1oody
wi • k . T he Gra lige
e *el t Twelfth In
lbere spelA
!VD's. Crisi% and
fq urned home; after
teak -. in Prt1b. lf 1.6*
ietriiefl by lser niece,
- L. Young spent
• ront o
of T-,r•on.to. is
t. „ ism O.
tIi'rfl froni Glencoe
the Nerrual Calor
se Bal is,
Rnhv •
.3131.X 144 1905.
t Secceseful Student. —Miss Maud
aackson, of this township, *has pas,
to Conservatory of Musk ins ;har-
-sod her examination at the rroron-
vstanY and rudiurents, 'taking honors.
'Tzliss Jackson's many friends will no- •
'Re in congratialatIons on her s.u.cos. Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. 'Reserve Fund, $3,500,00
' Notes. -Mt. Dennts and son, of
'Toronto, are visiting, at htel' par -
,entish-t.Miste. Saddler was visiting
ricnds jXL SCblOtrth last w
Mrs. IIude-on and "Mr. John Worden,
.of Toronto, aret ' he guests or Mrs.
Warden. -Master Lindsay Pint"
ter, of Stratztord, i thk west of
bis unele, Mr. Patio t t.-Maertor 11.
Sillery, of Hamilton, is visitting 1)18
-aunt, Mrs. Livintaeltone.-Mrs. Rob -
telt Dalton was reisitipg her lather,
Wright, last ! eveek.-Mas. Robt.
Whyte visi,ting at Mr. Edward
Drake's. -Miers C. Campbell has re-
tua ned to Toronto to r esterase, her
position. -Mr. jam Drake and D.
Davis avOrt) Ilasesrithigton
this week. 1
West End Notes1.-Ilaying has com-
menced here but the weather thus
Tar has not been favorable.. -Mr.
-Cyrus /Turner of Carberry, Mani-
toba, visited relatives -here last
vreek.-Measrs. HOrace and William
'Townsend returned from 'the west
on Monday of lairt week. -Rev. and
Mrs. T. , A SteadMan, of Ikeefteld,
-visited f rierrds here this week.—
Miss E. Johns, ee Betechbank,
spendingg the holiday's at her home
ire --A number of hay loaders are
'beingpurchased by the farmor,3 of
this areighbor,hoold.-Mr. Thos. O'-
Brien visited ht rothor near Stirate-
ford last week.- ev. Mr. Graham,
of Goderloh, addr srsed a meeting at
'Tamer's pharch n Thiurtiday even-
ing on theForw rd Moveratent tor
Miseions.-Rev. Jj Kerr, the neve
pastor of Turners- churohe preach
sed a very Int ting tserraon on
Sunday last.
Our Shossr.T-lee dates for the! Ray-
field show have been fixed for Thum-
dlay and Friday, September 28 and
-29. Special- efforts are being made
to have a good show tibia year.
Calebration. - Despite threatening
weather 'the ere ebration thee. on
Dominion Day w s a most succeas-
fat one, and on tiat .day an immense
erowd !gathered -to see ;the te.ports
and to enj,cry th4 pleasures of this
•extremely prett summer resort.
'The committee 14 charge of affairs
bad left nothing,1 undone to .satisty
all and enly the 'weather to a slierlat
-degree marred what was one of the
big days in tLe history of our
town. In 'the totenoosa the -football
mateh between teams from No. 10
school, Stanley, nd Bayfield prov-
ed a close and xciting ,onc, which
resulted in a eictory for the Stan-
ley boys by five goals to none. In
the afternoon the sportts were held
in the agricziltural park. The, foot-
ball match between Bayf kid and
Seaforth resuitteid in, a Victory for
the visitors by two goals to ,cetee. The
`horse race was son by Ra t t crab ur y
with 14 ,. Cherie worth :second ; 100
yard 2..i2.ce-E. ry,ans, L. Charier -worth; boys i race under 16 year -
Elliott, ' Wilsoir ; staading b;oad
jump -t. Ch1i1isw9xt ti, A. IVIcLood ;
x unning longe ill:nip-L. Charles-
worth, A. McLeod; running hop,
Step arid j uah p -L. Cherleswor th, T.
If. Brownlee ; rso,tting the shot -A.
'McLeod; tf. , Whiddon. The evening
programme a onfraunroed with abase -
hall match betwern Clinton andiltay-
field, Clintoh wrnnirtg by seven to
three. The dancing by Misses Dodds
and gni-oat, isof Seator th, was mach
appreciated by Elverybody, evhilethe
-Opines of Sergeant Macdonald en-
livened tie proceedings. The even-
ting prograin ,coucluded with the
finest exhibition ,of fireworks ever
given in Bayfield. A large number
spent .the day at Jowett's 'grove,
where numerous picnies were held.
Dancing, boating, bathing and eat-
ing were, the chief attractions.
ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l anager1
B. E WALKER Gpneial Manager,
$5 and under
Over $5 and not exeeeding $10.
Over $10 and not exceeding $30.
Over $30 and not exceeding $50..
3 cents
...... 6 cents
10 erits
...... 15 cents
These Orders Mit PAYABLE AT PAR at any offiee, in Csaade, of a Chartered Bank
(Yukon exaepted), and at the principal bankieg points in the United States.
They tons tin excellent method of remitting small sums of money with 'safety
and at small COM
F. EtoLivmper D, Solicitor. G. E. P4RKES, AT an g er•
-Freddio B re), t he rss a ten iyea r
old boy of iStrathr oy, was nocidene
tally shot with o 22 calibre riflo
on Stlf utrday by -one of !a 1,),aesty, -o.f
lour bo:ys pickierg Nei -ries in t ha
woods. The ball (vat t (wed (the .boyte
head just ebeloW rho 'ye, !Penetrat-
ing Om ibrain.
-De. I'. [Leslie Philips of 'Brant-
4ord, 'died son Monday at ithe. age .of
69 years. Deeeaseed ewes -one Of the
best , }:nowt lino et It ioilelaa in tjze
province, biit wird rig to a -stroke of
pates I y sie had ato t pradt ise d • during
t he
pat ltwti yea ns. Tre was :unmar-
ried. -
-Edward Wrzi. Reid, son •of Capt.
Reid i of Grimsby, Wentworth county
w hit° • diving a hors t3 pulting
stump% father's farm, re-
ceived injuriee from wilich hta dtedson
Sat ur(Iay., The whit-fie:trete broke,
striking,' him in the abdomen. The
-deceased Was 32 years of age.
-The Commreas Private Bilis Corn-
mittee, by a vote of 4 to 11 'reject-
ed tire bill, in whiolt Arhhiur H. Her-
sey, of Montreal, Tsough,divorce
from his wife. Thie I theatirst lime
in years that divt,hrsee application
has been, refteted lest the Commons
after its hawing paSsed the Senate.'
-The Roman Catholics of Strat-
ford an Sander laid the scOrnerestione
el their hew church.. Right. Rev. F.
1). McEvdy, D. 'D.. Bishop of London
• sonducted the :c.Caraarnollies and Rev.
• Te Aylward,rector of St. Peter's
• Cathedral. London, preached .the
vice).ble second-hand workers, $60 to $90;
serviceable second-hand drivere, $65 to
-Dairy Markets.
TORONTO, July 11-Butter-Recteipte
continue large but the &emend is good and
some is going into storage. Prices are fair.
Coamery prints, ip to 210 '• solids, 18e to
19e ; dairy pound rolls, good. to choice, 15
to 17e ; medium, 14 to 15e • dairy tubs,
good to choice, 10 to ; inferibr dairy,
13 to 14e. Chee4e--An easier feeling is
reported by MaaOreal exporters, but local
prices are steady to 10i to 10te for job lots
here, The' warm, weather make e receipts
of guaranteed fre(th eggs limited, and the
market holds Oral at lie.
MONTREAL, July 12- Eggs - Straight
hock, 16e to lfito ; No. 2, 14o. Butter
-Choice oreameay, 21c ; undergrades 20
to 20io ; dairy, 16o to 1.110. Cheese -On-
tario, 9i, to 100 ; Quebec, fli to9ge.
TORONTO, July 12—New Canadian pota-
toes are on the m4rket, selling at 30 to .35e
per basket. Imported are 80 to 903 per.
bushel, and $2.50 to $2 75 a barrel. •
Fall Wheat •
ads per butihel- —
teas per -
Fawley per biralael_ .„.
flutist, No. 1, loose _ _
Batter, tab
kit par dos— — .0 ao II. 10 ono
Hey per too now— ..
'Hides per 100 lbe- ••••
Sheep Skina.• to • •-• ea ••••
• eCIPEktoin II*/ bag (new),
Sett (retail) per barzel-
„load per cord -.
Wa-d per cord (abort). - .. Inn • •
'Apples per bag- - — -
Clover Seed_• _ - •••••••••••• ••• •••• ••••
Timothy Seed- — — —
Tallow, per lb
'Pork, per Ito Ybe..
Wool (waehed)
Wool (unwsehed)
SIAYORTH. July 13, 1906
...$0 95 to 095
0 42 tO 042
0 65 te0 66
0 46 to 045
O 14 to 015
O 15 to 0 16
O 2 to ' 0 15
2 65 to 3 00
6 50 to 700
6 00 to 585
0 80 to 0 26
1:26 to 1 26
1 26 to 1 00
5 00 to 6 20
2 76 to 825
0 40 to 0 50
7 00 to 800
1 26 to 2 00
• 04 to 05
7 isa to 820
26 to 28
16 to 16
Gram etc.
TORONTO, July 12 -Wheat -White. $1
to 81.02 ; red. $1 to $1,02 ; spring, 903 ;
goose, 78 to 80c pate, 48o; barley, 490 ;
hay, No. 1 timOthy, Re to 811 ; clover
or mixed, $7 to $8 ; straw, 810 ; loose,
$6.50; diseased hog's, light weight, 89;
heavy, $8.25 per cwt.
Tonotivo, July 12 -Washed wool le
quoted higher at 24 to 25e. Local dealers
have not found repelpte very large. As al-
ready reported, cOurstry buyers have ab-
eorbed most of till offerings at prices which
local dealers'esensilered excessive. Local
,quotations are :-Thlwash.td, 15�; waehede
21 to 25o; rejeote? 19o.
• • • • • • • -• • • • •
Live EitOck Markets.
LONDON, England, July Ilth,-Cattle
are guoeed at 11 to 12le per pound ere-
frigeretor beef, Est! to 9ito per pound; sheen,
13 DO 14io per ponnd. s
Moemunen, July ilth-Cables from Liv:
moot came stroriger to -day, and prices
show an advance of ito per pound, wit
sales of Canadian cattle at 12o; and shee
at 12e. London eehlea were firm at Hit ,
12o for Canadian. tattle, and 12i for diem
The shipments i.Or the past week were 4,038
cattle and 200 ehtep, The demand for
ocean freight apiece has been good, and
coneiderable business has been done for
Angriest shipment to Liverpool, London and
Manchester, 35e ; and Glasgow is quoted
at 4.0s. The unzthially large supplies in
euoh.muggYi weather hed a depressing ef.
feet on trade, and the prices declined from
ic to Ire per pound,fal all kinds of cattle,
while the prioes of !Andre were nearly 50o
lower than on lastweek's market. Prime
beeves sold at 5 ttt5ic ; good cattle, '3i to
4fiseand common 'steak, 2 to no per pound.
Half of the cattle fro the market were not
sold. Celvea sold art $2 to $10 each, Milch
cows sold at $25 te $55 each. Sheep sold
at 3k to no per po'furd ; limb& at $253- to
$4 50 each. The market for hogs was
weaker,owing to the increased receipts and
the limited demand from packers for the
same ; in conseguSnce prioee declined 253
per 100,pounds, with sales of selected lots
at $6.7b, and mixed loto at $6.25 to $6,50
per 100 pounds weighed off Care.
x3DITFALO, July 0---Oattle-Slow ; 10 to
153 lower ; primes' steam 85 50 to $5.85 ;
shippieg steers, $5 to 55.40; butchere',
$4,35 to 85 10 ; helfere, $3.25 to $5 ;
cows. $2.75 to $$.25 ; bulls, $3 to 54;
stockers and feedere, 82.75 to 84.15; stock
heifers, $2 25 to 83 fresh cows and
springers, good steady, osernmon, $:2 to $3
lower ; good to eljoice, $45 to $56 ; med-
ium to good, 830 toe.42; common, $18 to
$25. Hogs -Active and higher; heavy, $6
to 85.10 ; mixed end Yorkers', $5.05 to
56.40; pigs, se,iolto $6•15, a few at $6.20;
rough% $4.75 to $$ ; etega, f,r3 to 53.50;
dairies, $5.75 to $O. Sheep and Iambs-
Aotive ; Jambe awl ewee 253 higher; lambs,
86.50 to $9 ; yearlinge, $7 to $7.50 '• weth-
ere, $6 to $6 35; $4 50 to 55 25 ;
sheep, mixed, $2,50 to $5.75. Veale -..&o.
tie, and 25e higher ; $5 to $7 7.)
Tosorrro, July 1.2-Oatt1e-Expor t e re -
There was some demand for good export
cattle, but few of hheee were on the mar-
ket, and quotationfor the best are goner.
ally nominal. Th d market for the lower
grade cattle had an osier tone; while the
goad to choice were steady. Choice are
quoted at $4 80 to 5.20;4good tormedium
at $4.50 to $4.80, °glare at $4, to $4.50, and
bulls and cowe at $3 to $4,2e. utchers'-
The demand for &Tice butchers was fairly
steady, and the gond ones were picked out
early in the day at'priOtie well u to those
which cattle of the earne qua ty would
have brought lest Week. Toad) were no
really good cattle Offering, however, and
the top quotation it nominal. For medium
cattle the demand iVrae fair, and trade in-
clined to be dull, 'while for the inferior
stook, vehleh composed the larger part of
the offerings, trade, Wafi siow and prioes
lower, As is usttal at this time of the
year, there in morsa or less listlessness to
the whole trade, estssed by the lessened re-
Horse Market.
Tometo, July 12th. -The following ie
Burns & Snepparere weekly report of pre-
vailing prices : Single roadsters, 15 to .16
hends'8125 to 8200 ; eingle cobs and oar -
siege hotness, 15 to 16.1 bends, 8125 to
1225 ; matehed pairs and carriage horses,
1.5 to 16.1. hands, 8350 to 5700, delivery
harem, 1;100 to 1,200 lbs., $125 to $165 ;
geaeral purpose and express horses, 1,200
so 1,350 lbs.. 8130 to $1.75; draught horses,
1,350 tti 1,750 lbe,, 5140 to 5130 ; Ger-
tail demand for meat, Pioked cettle are
quotsd $4.80 to $5 ; good to choice at
$4.25 to $1.70, fair to good at 83.60 to $4,
common at 82.75 to $3.50, and cows and
bulls at 52.50 to $3.75. Stockers and Feed-
ers -A fairly large number of cattle were
offering, but trade wile quiet and prices had
an easy tone. Stookere are quoted at $2.50
to $3,80, and feedera at $3 to $4,50. Mil&
0ows-There is still a- demand for good
cows, and few are offering. Prices are
quoted unchanged at $30 to $50 each.
Sheep and Iambs -ie. The market dyes fairly
eteady, and everything was sold. Prices
generally held steady. Hogs -The pre.
dieted decline took effect this morning, and
quotations are 153 per owl) lower, at $6 25
for seleote, andlil for lights and fats.
BRETT-In Seaforth, on JuiplOth, to Mr and Mrs
R A Brett, eon A
RITCHIE-In Wiashatn, on July- 8rd, to Mr and
Mrs Alex Ritchie, a daughter
SNELL-At Clinton hoepittel. on July 8r,I. to Rev
and Mrs J A Snell, formerly of Bayfield, a son
MILLER -CLARE -In Corinth, on July 4111, at the
pareonage, byRev,A. F Lloyd, Rev WA Miller,
of Oil Springs, to Mies Margaret J Clark, dangle -
ter of Mr and Mrs Wm Clerk, Babylon Line,
, Stanley 1
BURNETT-BAKE8-At Knox church mause,Go le.
rich, on July 4th, by Rev James% A Anderson,
B A, Mr Thomas Virifiliam Barnett, of GOderIllth.
'to Miss Henrietta Bakes, of Campbellford
HUNTER-ROBINSON-On JUJO 291,11, at the
Methodist ohureh,1 Dung/amen Hiss Minnie E
Robinson, daughter4 Rev 3 W Robinson, to
Rev J E Hunter
GlIa-In Ethel, on July 6th, Phoebe Danllena
Cushman, wife of George GI:I, aged 86 yeas, 2
months, and 24 daps
STEPHENS-In Wo)dham, on July 4th, Elinbeth
St John, wife of air Joseph Stephens, er, aged
56 3 earn, 6 inonthe and 2o days
ERASER -In Goderioh, on July 8rd. Mary Ann/
Fraser, relickof tha late Donald Fraser, in her
84th year'
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers.
Nighb cells answered at Mr. MeKenzie's
residence, Church St., third house north of
public sohool, westeside. Graduate Massa -
()bursts College of Embalming, Boston, U.S
Knechtel. 84; McKenzie,
F, IL: To the eudeeseful :Ancient
obtaining ‘ the bighted
11 , number of'arks se the
Entrance Exennination in. thTCounty of
Huron, a three months' soholarship course
will be given in either Commeroial or
Shorthand dtpartnents of the Winghem
Business College, (Wingham poblio echool
excepted). Furthei information obtained
by writing the prineip el. No Vacation.
E. PEARL HUNT, Ledy Prin.
Geinie Spotton, president
Splendid Business Chance
For pale, a:general etore business, together with
store and dwelling house, This is one of the best
country standin Westeirn Ontario and a splendid
openieg for a kood man with a small capital. Pat
Office in connection with store. Address
196I-tf Seaforth, Opt'
0KINNON & 00.6
Great Clearing Salem
We swing into July with the satisfaction of knowing that the first six
mon hs of this year have been the best in. the hietory of our Big Caele Store,
and uur trade is still growing. We feel we can afford to be generous with
our stomers, and on Thursday, the 13th inst., we will commettce a Great
Clem ing Sale, when all Summer goods will be rushed off at terrific reductions
pr cea Below we quote a few prices, but don't imagine these are all the
barge ns we have to offer. You will find startling bargains in every depart -
anent, which we haven't space to mention here
L dies' Underskirts” in dark colors, in atripes and fforal pattern!), regular price 50o
and 65 , for 25o. Ladies' new wrappers, in assorted colors and pe.tternir, with deep
flounce worth $1.15, for 89o. Ladies' new wrappers, eareorted patterns and colors,
deep tune, waist trimmed with. frills and fancy tTimmings, sizes 34 to 42, good Value
at 51.8 , for 98e. LaC113 stripe moelins, very special, worth 8e, for 5o. Printed muslin's,
wide w dth, were 12ic, now 81. Ohambrays in colors of pink, blue, champagne and
grey, od value at 15o and 1$3, for 12-te, Linen fieked goods, suitable for shirt waist)
huits, r gator priee 153, for 10c. Ginghams, in plaid, aed blue and white checks, worth
8o, for' o. Shirt waiate in various esyles, vermeil $1, for 60o. Linen towelling, 16
inches 'dee worth 8e, for 5o, Prints, fast color, wide width, worth 1240e, for no.
Men's 6 eke, all iwodle seamlees feet, worth 20a, for 15o. Men's top shirts in great
variety t 50,e -75o and $1.
MEACHER WANTED -Teacher wanted forSchool
1 Seaton No. 8, Stephen, duties to commence
Auguret 21st: 190% Address applications atating ex-
perience, etc., to WM. PA1TERSON, 8:cretery,
Grand Bend. 1961x1
STRAY OALF-Strayed from the premires o
U the undereigned, Lot -22, Concession 1, Huron
Road east, McKillop, on July 5th, a red eteer calf,
3 months old, the property of EDWARD DEVER-
EUX, Seaforth P. 0. 1.961-61
QCAYANGER WANTED.-Applleations for the
Posifl.on of scavenger for the towa of Seaforth
will be received by tho elerk until Thursday, July
20th, 1906. Particulate as to duties given on ap-
plication. JOHN RANKtN, Cletk. 1961-1
"C1OR SALE -A farm containbag 100 acres of land,
JO being Lot 6,;Conoe8siOn 7, in the Towaship of
Tuckeramith, five miles from Seaforth and belong-
ing to the estate of the late Michael O'Keefe. Thie
farm is suitable for cultivation or pasture and will
be sold on remove:ale terms. For full partioulark
apply to THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer, Feafo,th
P. 0. 1901-61
L1ARM FOI4SALE.-200 wee on the Thames
Road, adj3iniag Exeter. If more convenient
to purchaser 1 will sell 150 acres, formerly known
as the " Jory Farm," No 'Wade land, 12 acne of
timber, gond two-storey brick house, modern out-
buildings, two windmills, clay loam soil. This is a
spfealdid opportunity to secure a well improved and
cooveniently situated farm at a reaeonable price.
Inspectinn or correspondence invited. W. H.
HARVEY, Exet,or. 1981-4
01\TM E -)1i a 333
arshall Sanitary Mattress,
I 4 i a .,...,..,. ------: "--'.• ...a1111110011111ealeallla-
lee3reLliff:ge4eseeeteet let J :''•
1 : ''.140:1-...11tT7-t41'.121.t1::
tee.i. 1 ti .:-las, ei 0 t,litifet .- .
0 iNsiomplo •
' -.:•1$.4Eit1J;12.Nrirt :1 'P.'. "t t
- .,..
ie. 41)PaL.I'l -
The edema most resilient and comfortable mattress made, is the Marshall. It is
thorough ventilated, and every movement of the body causes a current of air through
It . It is ry resilient, °containing over a thousand springs, eaoh one in a separate
cotton pa ket and the whole heavily upholstered with ourled hair. Thus made ib eon -
forms to t e shape of the body, and supports it at alt points, and is, therefore, delight-
fully coinitjrtable. Lying-in patients find bed sores heal up naturally on a Marshall
sanitary. ry one and you will have no other.
Pacific perges, Worsteds & Cheviots
For $ewhy
Furniture 'Dealers and Undertaken, SEAFORTH.
VickerOan's Serges and Vicunas
A full rang0tile above limes, also Scotch and Canadian, Tweed Suitings
and. Trouserings:
Satisfattiou'iguaranteed and prices moderate..
Speare and Page, Merchant Tailors.
Under the Town Clock, - eft •• SEAFORTEL
Graduation Gifts.
An alveg e acceptable graduation ala
is a wat. h. Our stook compriees a
good vi# lety of, pretty watt:dies for
girls and misses, as well as reliable
timepieei s for boys and youug imon, a
all pric '
Are you golg on a trip, or out for a good
titne, re' ember we clean and polish
your Rin Ei and dewelry free of charge.
Practical Welk
hmaker, Jeweler & Engrave
Optician, Seaforth
To 'El
mmer and
Tour. st Resorts
Lake of BA, MA,GNFTEWAN Rive
Qutbee, Per"larri and Old Orchard, Me?
hite Mountains
All reseched: is the Grand Trunk RAH-
vvay, the f- urist • Reute of Amerioe."
Direct amine tiona with all boat lines.
Tourist tick' ts on sale daily to all re.
sorts. 1
$39 to $40.50
ibora, Saskaeoh
July 15th; rit
For tickets 4
A. F. PEurii
kers' Excursions
points in Manitoba, Armin -
wan, Alberta; good going
ruing until August 1611.
d full information call on
ILLE, Town Agent.
IP8, Depots Tioltet A gent
for all those whose
Eyes are bad if
Stratford Herald's Second 1905
Three -Day Excursion to
Sarnia and Detroit
Saturday to Monday,
July 22 to 24
A Spee'al Grand Trunk Train, running
on time schedule as below, will leave Clin-
ton at 4:45 a. m. Saturday, July 22nd,
runninvia Stiaticrd and calling at all in-
termediate stations as far as d4ranton, arriv-
ing at
Town Station at 8:30 a. m. Thakets are
good to return on any regular train up t3
the special leaving Sarnia Town Smitten at
.930 p. in., Monday, 24th, for Stratford and
July 22nd, a. m. Adult Child
Clinton .4.45 • $1.65 .85
Seaforth 5,00 1 55 .80
Dublin'..,. 515 15 .70
Mitohell.5 25 L35 .70
Seberingville... . . 40 1 25 .65
Stratford 6 00 1,25 • .65
St, Paula .,6.08 1.20 .60
St. Marys Jot, .6.20 1.20 • .60
Granton ...6 35 1,15 .60
Arrive Sarnia Town 8.30
they wo r properly fitted
Headaches, (Si\zzinees, cloudiness of vieion
palm across th?y eyes behind the head or
in the tempiss, tuning, soraothing, itching
sonnations, bet4y eyelids, fleeting spots.
Do any of the e terrors affiest you? Then
et glasses.
Our large buei ess has been built on good
work and low pc res. We heve our pricers
to all and are olio afraid to publish them. ,
Gold filed f mos warranted 10 yeara,
82 00 up.
Gold filled fres es, warranted 15 yeare,
83 00 up,
Solid gold fra ea, $3 00 up.
Mamie() fitter), with best lenses, $1,50
Steel nick's p ted fitted with beet lensea
Steel with nefair quality 1 mee 25o up,
Eyes tested ft,. e, a perfert fit or your
money back,
welter &
Cardno Block, Seaforth.
Vote'rs' '. -st for 1905
Township of Tuok.ersmith.
The Most Charming Water
Trip in the World.
Sarnia to Detroit
Saturday, July 22nd to
July 24th.
00. 0E00 =MIN
Corner Main
Market Srests
The Stratford iferald has arranged to
conduct another excursion from Sarnia to
Detroit on the above date.
The City of Toledo, of the White Star
Line will leave Sarnia Wharf at 8:30 a. nat
Sarurday. July 22nd, immediately on arriv-
al of ohe Herald exoursion train and will
make a fast run to Detroit, arriving there
shortly after noon.
Boat Tickets 75c.
Children 40c.
which may be secured from Herald repre-
sentatives enroute to Sarnia. Tickets are
good to return by any of the White Star
steamere within the thrre days, up to the
afternoon of Monday, the 24th, when the
Toledo leaves for 'Sarnia at 3:30 o'clock,
Canadian time, reaching Sarnia wharf at
9:05. 1961 1
Notice le hereby gi,v a that I bare transmitted or
delivered to the peon) e mentioned in notions 8 a nd
9, of the Ontario vote ' Liat Act, the copies requir-
ed by said sections to.• e so tranamitted or delve or -
ed cf the list, ;rade •ursuant to said act, of all
persona appearing ia, the at revised Aseessme nt
Roll, of the 'aid Munic pallty at eleatioos for me au,
bets to the L,egisieti al, Assembly and at &burial pal
Flectione, and that eabl last was the posted up in
my office in the Tovipahip of Tueicererniah, in the
County of Huron, on4 0 flah day of June,I905, and
remains there for inn, ection. Electors are ea lied
upon to call and exacm e said list aud if any o mi -
alone or any other errore are found therein, to take
immediate preeeediag to have amid orrore oar rect-
ed according to law.% b.. 6 -5 MILLIE, Clerk .
ickard s
IThe Leraeol
Dry Geode***
Concern lre
Fats? Getraltitilet
Ali the small lots and broken assortments have
been gathered. together for e grand final sweep up.
It is nota question of price or value now; we are
going to move hundreds of articles out, and if one
price won't do it, a lower price will. the unpre-
cedented success of our June sale shows how- great
the bargains arel Our July,skee will be still great-
er. Many of mir best values are too small to
advertise, but will be thrown on the tables -to be
deared daily. Below is a small list of OUT offerings
to -start this sale
Dress Goods Department
Twenty-fivepieces of fancy white rauslins, woith from. 12-120 to 35e,
for 10e yarcl.
Three pieces of vesting in blackp, and. white and pink and white worth
45c t yard, fctr 20e.
With every dollar
purchase of druge or
medicine, we will give
FREE one full eize
100 cake of
Toilet Soap.
We do this to intro-
. duce this particular
brand of eoap to our
many customers; this
offer good until Auguet
Our stock of pure
!moll Drugs and tiiedi-
eines is up to date,
aud our prices are
right. Come in and
ee 115.
No pieces of blue -vesting, worth 35c, for 20e.
One piece of navy bine linen voile, worth 35c, for 20a.
Two pietas of heavy linen, worth 35e, for 20e.
Four pieces of fancy linen suiting, worth 40e, to clear for.250.
Special parasols worth $1.25, for 85e.
Ladies' Department.
Misses' and children's plaile cotton hose, sizes from 4 to 8, Heanileas, odd.
lines, on sale at 5 a pair.
Speeial line of ladies' plain cotton hose, seamless feet, at 10c a pair.
A table of ladies' and misses' colored lisle and. mercerized. cotton vests
regular 20c, 250 and 35e, to clear at 15e each, or two for 25o.
A box of ribb., all shades, worth 5c, 8c and. 10e, on sale at 28 a Tara.
A table of wkiteweer, consisting Of gowns, skirts and corset -covers, slight-
ly soiled, on sale at 25 per cent. oft
Trimming laces in'valenciennes, torchon, ete., at le a yard,or 10e per
dozen yards.
• A large assortment of ladies' erabroidertel and lace litock collars, at froxa
15c, to 50c each,
New silk belts, in all the latest shades, at 25e, 50c and 75e.
Carpet Department.
A table of eretons, wortlgrom 25e to 30c a yard, for 18e.
A, pile of cretons, worth feeom 15c to 200, for 10c a yard.
A lot of table covers, wAith from $i to L25, t- 50c each.
A special shipment of American 'netting and. rue, something new, at .50e
a square yard.
Agent for the leading makes of Trussee,
Fountain Syringes and Hot, Water
:Arany special clearing lines in carets, eurtains, mattings, linoleums, Zee.
141"~AftfVer0VtlYeAfte$0001, 14104,~efsfig
Staple Department.
Special bleached sheets, a bargain, at $1.19 a pair.
Two pieces of table linen, worth 5c, for 17z.
A pile of marble table oil cloth, orth 27; on sale at 19e.
A pile of shistings, worth from 121e to 15e, to elear at 91e a yar
Four pieces only, worth from 10c.to 121; for The.
A pile of art muslins, regular prices G.cYaria-7; to clear at 41e.
Art muslins, worth 10e and 12/e, to clear at 7 1-2c.
Clothing Department.
Men's Suramer Shirts, soft fronts, all sizes, worth from 60c to $1.25, on.
sale at 50e each.
Men's Cashmere hose, worth from 30c to 50e, seamless, for 25e a pair.
Men's linen handkerchiefs, special at 25e each, to clear at 3 for 50e.
Great values in men's odd trousen2---eee the goods we are selling for
$1.501 worth from $2 to $3 per pair.
Boys' Knickers, all sites, special values at 50e a pair.
Money clearing lines in men's and boys' snits see our meet's suit at
$7.50, worth from $10 to $12.58.
We have some special offerings in men's °lathing to order for thia mouth.
We will save you horn 83 to $4 per suit.
Highest Prices paid for Butter,
and Wool.
Oppo.tte Town Bonding, Corner Matti end M rkat St. Be