HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-07-14, Page 4C
ULY 14, JU0% N w'v Uno posff A'S LEADING SHOE 6 TORE this- sedtion sort of thing kvep uv'p!rgopVftY will ItIa. tfin"olal and comam)Crolm-l' in -Ig 1" as -a "Ulm saxfle. The crops i1v SEAFORT us, f aT. Tlfwa %�13 bwmie cheap In , that &Tea a' s It- seems t look ex0altliefflit -fth. -A. JULY2 100. of: It1he 0 o 4a itbat he (ha pur mpanteii Ar. and t la-rge erowd.' from tb1s, Idle- Carrie, Knight 00tol o, Ithe trecoinstructidn "Of bo sue. a vcTff cons lontious and cour - be fl� rldt iage us course. Takin the 9tA t m, in, af6hd modting Mrs. 0-KnIjbi Of St. Thoma% is,on a W tL'Invf i o imciot' th-w, requiremienits of 9 Cool- Sh. fa Ys. na �Othgor A,As of'the'eolunell in. Gorio a tIp o Uontreal, Qwabev a since vo f Parliament his colu 43 � tion. .9" -day.. Tfio amptes of 10be, bridge W -F B easton. polnits..—Exe-t-Or has foTmed was Xecont an., app the struot-ed 4 oentadlotory. tit t* 0 L,r,; aoros�. thei laba aire iglii,g down-thtre it Quoit Club with the foollowinv of- the ch&Wges 41nce `mado'in Ate comn- cu- tance, which makes - 11 app & . . *;* t . a . .0 . j I x1otges+ vehqman.tly a- flevris: Hm.;h. Spaokman, hon. pres- try qZend,a!r. it: imporwtive Mat it be L fully explitned at , the, jtimo.. Whreast, ov in to you. during the hot weather� -8 Ifoo. of ident Edwa:rd. Treble, pre,sident Gob ll the comfort that"s com, 9 7 iOnL on Au- ggaln3t bho councills -int-eut This commis- -the troad, it ciertaiily is, Thom Boyle-, 1451t vl6ia; Ed' - d' ri feet into. pair of out easy -fitting Oxford low shoes and e 2. 4 5: work be dono wgaln. When the first divis I you
12 14 '15 s,ton will oonduct. its investigations tono� '15111s wa -taken by a slip closging 19 0 2 1, 22 dtixtyrg the meem, �ao that' Mio Gov- quite pqrdonable on the part f -any tlm)e It,his trabltsoome quiestion.was Mamire, 2nd vice.; George B. An- ence what foot coniforteall means, Gar OAords and 16 1 1 18 TI wdar Areasuwfe*; Dr. lot sunny- days. A 07 6 939 year., old Sweet, official. sooXeT. Ja 23 24 25 2 28 e t ca h�vq "t1be4x �olicy 'of now mgamb��, Mr. McIntyre (I 10 setdied.—W-m Hood,. isW., of tb �41:h deiron, secirget y MPM. Tai- pera are the acme of Coolness sud comfort for h
tarif r reconstruction, roady far aub- his name to he recoide& cohcetslon, sold -a assortment of �he best makes -for men, women and chi en is hem 30 ... ... finy the ochu aay Yjor $m. lstan!t seloxer; Xames Wftke-9, 31. .... .... ,oi Patlia)ncnt at the next cords of ParlUbleht. .as vat in lor, as Oag mistsion t t*' Every leatlipr, every last, evetytyle, and a
-erdo. Th'oluib pla-ed your inspec ion pe*tl
_Vs1slou.' It 4 !tgo be hoped Itbils boan- favor of the'k fedue-agtional. ClauSeeL, offinial :Vief rig _are gua&nWed, their first mat-oth in Seaforth. on easonable price, is what Our OUStOlne NEW ""ISTMWEM mission :ad the GovexnmeiA 3vill whereas ho Intded to vote gainst Brussels. fit a r kbep' In, umm oblay of ing of lat week and a few of our leaders M nA 'their - basic V thmi. As scion 'as Mr. McIntyre ai- Rrief,—D'. W, X. Camn-ron arriv- d
mw ine-A"re between the t �r If-, dr y in It'his covere or put up a good_tga�me bult itho, Soo -le t f Ci evnuet onl d his mistake he fully a - hain:- ed herle Xrom Palm ston. o.IN16,ndy a ain 01! acte,denotesitho page of thep.4 P; on which the e(gainist Itein. �Ladies' Dongola Kid Oxfordej patent t1ps# &11 sizes, for $1.00 d, p7orilsemenitvill be lo way adju-st Ibbe ta-riff so as to, best ed his potsitio-to the n d tbo evl6unig of Uls week arkd wais; tak de and Strap Slippers, turn solov, for $1.25 a pair. Pn a oLadies' Dongola Kid OxfOr pl=i
accomm-odaa the. dieeds of the gen- cou*ntry and 'his 11 waO to bits, bum i -a, Cr�4br6uk. %1*1 la Dougols, Kid easy fitting, and strictly up to Ask 'Grolg & StMY41rt-1 Ladiew Oxfords and 6bragp Slippers
ekal people fairil 'out wants, -of fully understo,od and accepted by Pv- been ill for the Cromart-k.. 01 I
8 ast Nveek and it is rs "aul, m p -for $1.50, and $2 a p%ir. anut -roeTZ. ery' orte. It. is not fair or innly, f 0, ed bi 01 25 Ana t Son x the u t o A Wx g t 00_5 -ailway conts�ltr c-, thorefQre, for he World now bo, try aft-aak of Ityphold fever.—A coll) P) dvg still, wa 'At Honak f dtu ax is in'thairAt stagies of an Jack Nichols, of Mti- L3katee D�lf a Kid Oxfords, the modern Empress make, ab $2, $2,
The t iIsivo U_ s g es f Xx. I b. 0-01- Sh R. WI1.1iS tilon f Ith � wxV fiv 0 r six y,e4x and establish, 4 c1aagge of InOOnsi'3- belonging tio, Wm. Depbow ch.mt on Sunday,—Mr. Emanuel Spere,of The famous Queen Quality Oxforda for ladies, at $3 a pair. to Ali
& 5 will tend 11:6;'stare off it1h ChTeatmed te�ey on the, part -of it'he =Mbeir ifor to a Guidden lmd by jumpin'Sn(to -thr, Torionto, vWLte& his brothieT, over Men's Dong6la Kid Oxfords, turns or sloKsgy *owed, at $1.75 and $2 a ip Itrde.ad-finnce�. 'But Soi Pey th for ,his isubsequOlft! boiling brine lat the salt bihook.— f3u�rvday anA Mr. -Harry Spearp-, tilso Men's Tan OAlf 1oxforde, new bluoher xtyle. k400dyear welt, for $3.50 a pair. Lest Yom Farget-0. Abe�burt-15 it SIEoud be romembored bhat atl voes. In the closing divisions Mr: Aimong fmer J3ruw(eliteLs-,w10 took of TTonit, is speding a, -week Y-1 I It Childrouffs Strap Slippers for 75o a Pair and upwards. Shoes—RI biard&on & *Ifiiiis-15 the money IL -hat will be seit hotoao in M4 I'ntyxe voted. ag�dnvt bo-th- the, advan-tago of Ithe 16�lrton Old 93oy�l his paren�fs, blare.—Quie -t II.W.riber millow Stra Slippers, chocolate and blai6k, f or 61 a pair -and upward#. vis Nv-_:VB�
S- nia at 1d, Detroit E, P this YLay %!�ill �e bo.r=N�ed anney oducationail. clauses �fin Othe k IN nd excimrsion friom, Torotnto td Visit f rom Jjere aftanded the it I . a t -week. Wanited—Z, Rapin-5 he -wlt�at he houg(Ut hie had'&n Is i: John Bul� 19 arid thWC iti will have V& elpaid -Borden's amendwent. This is rieuds heirle two- notiped Mr. hnd Mr. -Stabbi on Monday evenin-g.—Miss B. So Some time ia�-d t (-In tbG Robt. McAlpInce, iMr. and UT. n0ndinig- tt to , Mrs. 'Nel- Noxis i3 -ome at be (p;ild �annma:lly. While, podople f!T�t place. Instead, hereAoro. -of Rio WILLIS N iness �haneo_F'XPQ son "Williamaon. Miss Fannio. Rog:orgs, yeaT. in Oitlbawa.—Thp. 81110'dy school p osperouSL it -hey -are apu to for- acting the pvt of a trim� -Miss Claxa. Mebracken., Geo. Irwin, r Ier s picnic of tbo Presib teirian chuch., 6- 46 Queen qualib and sm igot it he torigiir of tbieir pTospor'lty. heI is tiocul"d. he :has p Sole agents for the Slater Shoo for insup and th BU,t!tbe I& ir -sued a Lol!,n, Pxlngle,'iJas. Moore and, 'the hold at' f6hie; mounftkia, -on Saturday y of reoko�n .Zted—WIn. Pattersion-15 shoes for wo M 'Paxm for'Sale—W. H. Iravvo-Y-5 log iwill come th,6ouxhly consistent part tbrtrgih- Misews Dowding.—Miss Thoirsia Mend- was. only fairly weLl. 3=9.
�Lnd It behoves our public eta,'Ito so More than, this, ha ftis )arsued 6ws, got Londoln., 1s visiting a:t' the. Ing to the disagreeable wicather.— )TUT.
For Sale -.Thos. Brown -5 art bat ftbe co,tLnt.Ty will be-gxad- 6ouragcoas part, becauge 'it does hoome of.,Oer igxandmi' otbleir "heir.— Mrs. Frank -Hamilton nd Mf, Geo. i x -o oiT 'Tuesday, the, flr,%t part, oti the Evtray Clf—Ed. Dev�ereux-5 ikally, p,repa,ring ifor pay- day.- xegaire. coura-gv 'b the pa ' o f 4 Hainilton, of Galit, formerly o Chis visit t'O Our vill", we;ek._Xe05.
R-ev. Dr. Rosa; left this week tor a Mr. Will 01111ospie, of Sea-vortbi,,splenot. Huron boys-li Mi- they do this' many s1haRls Will �be. i#JbIb�r to starZI out lo� and vioito -six , we,okjs, tholidRy at his sunmaner place,.,span-t las"t -,vmk Tenewln bid Midied and, much safftrInig on th-e WR t his own pa fy andf'bise who. cottage In Muokoka. His pulpit- here' acqual-atances, Uxe.—Mr. rLn ins r Sunday In Bxuoefileld,—Mis! ennie VettY is 116me, sp(�_ndin;- be -r McBeath who passed tbo dhys.�Mr,- H, J. Crockery A. Young -8 thle, -0 will be avoided. - ar� -associated with, him in the will be oupplid V Mig Cransito D. Cf 1h. t of ithe P)uopl Y a Robinsn, T., V -
r n, spen!b Sunday w amingatio. a Tew leeks aig,ot has a-'* Godgeic, this,, -Nywk.—T' e. The Expositor dos n4t agree- a tudent rrom KnOX oqllege,—A 'go- Auction, �,,tlo—Tbos. Brq-%vR—R are at ald thwt som,6-detbooli- n4us im,ted fripli
f arirngdr's. brotUer liteire.—Miss B. :1: - - g evott do, es - 'Liing % -on the Reform ai with Mr. McIllity-re's viewls on the s gain beet vWY sacoepful, ip pas- is voxy large -and pTo, -you-pleas wt the Quoi.eWs Simpson Iretuirned +o' heir home ng the- Piano -exmination, wJAch sootlan.—Xi7s. H. J. T 0001C WAS i -the youDgeir genex- *-_ - 4
pecliffly th so of ed4qational clausm nor does lVaYm- hotel at inpin on Moinday Xd tihis in Waltoa.—MisG Xanct McKelfiar'of aaLn- ti
-c -1 v! dr this fact. pa.Wze with his ditfliculties in T ng aa e; w-iell fo Miss McBExath as . Clinton on Wednies -A ud
week will ilikelby ODA all) by bei Str,-albfor-d l -,it a o p! of days: a_n� f x1ends. 1h0=.
It will be !bPAtdr*for ithem and for fe-tence to th-em,)but it does admire ventilafted in rt1he court noom, in th der the paroriltal Totof.—MI.81& Wood, PUP11, -Jbej�ag pu-rcl
LU%:; couut,ry It tbiey are iguidged th' . Independent nd consoL�nUouts neaT fuiure.—QuItei a numex of of Mitchell,, Is visiNling her isitiew, t;his weighi
SEA:FaRTJ1,. FRIDAY July 14,1905. 'somewhato.by bho e Hensaill. Beecilwood., xpowlenm cf be at itu'de lie assumed to-,Oaxd3 them. Bruoselltes Ateavo, on, Studay of Mrs. Y. cCullodli.—Miss Eliza. Nor-- past xather 'than to , putradge, itilito this -%vieek ton a :trlp tio -Man-itoba. A- r1s, teacher in! Duli�, ts, 13overeigw- Bank of Canada, abarter- Clearing sale on Friday 4.1ad Situra4y d last N
Ddminion Finalapes. policy of diift and thu, gain. wisdom mong theram-mbr are; 'Mra. Si,emmon, her summer vacation. wt, biome, ed b ominion arl &went, 42 ches !n Canada 'Odds and endii In Walton. and' n - in all ar of the world. Interest on ular 7,60 to $1.25 -for' 8 per If Ar—saloples 11) I -by their Own. ufJ. H. fCammmi, Mists, Mary _-hoohe, dep to aid four tI an a y r. Absolute !security window—W.H. Will s, Sole a,gunt f e.Dorothy",
nIOn 'Local Ito of t*hle Mrs. T. iUaycinoft, Mis Mabel Hay- unexcelledt litles. courteous treatme modern On 11011. M, Fteldlug, the Dq=1 unto 'the 4ay Is -fh� A.V11- -bboreof, is Ints,,—A number, Pinnace Xtinister delivo.T,e4 o�-th, an(,� beauty of our Bluevaleig Arnold SeMbrth. I 0 ethods. - our account its invited. �;.!s Bud n*e a wise p�6110y for public men' Y 0001ft, MIST Dora, Smith, and Noriman espe M Irp Notes.—The Willng WokerW vir mansger Hensall branch 1934 -ti clally thaso . ve to Bayflold an Sa'twrday- oit Smith.. We wi,§,, get Spepac� In, Patiameq( on Thfuxs- -at thia hal-In as r NAotes.—Very heavy rain fell -i loastor �of
C �tlhern a. plei4sant 'haS YieldLnq I a 't wete)k.: whore 'they enjoyed - f1he dem party on the, grioundSL of Mr. 'G. J. Sutherland, oouvoyancer 11onsall, Tuesday ,e,7P_:a1n-g_ aa all wawy Any of last week. Mr. 'rloldtnig ��' from' Lake Huir, tip.—Mrg. Job,n RewLU is -at PTCS- has had placed In hl" hands for sale. thle line thle n�lgblt. and WedUesdia Suir- balmy bree7 ()n--,1bn,f undier 41ho, detorls, care. To add Robext Xugnove, o Tursday ev- been called, the of -%vUl p*uoh, Ln Mt- brick houses, two liol them. with ffne building lots T -h6 Mminion Parliament. ReIv. A. MeNab SO.I.X0w to OwT 111niess sbo*recaived enlng. of last wnk ihisl very success- adjoining. Dwellings have every oonvenionce an ditches, ar� Tunnihag full. pla'ses", bdeause In eac-li, of tis bud- Ville churah,' *Uss-els, next Sunday f ul. Taw evmigng was doill' beet of loftt1o0l. Also fOr�4610, two very desirable weathet Iv needd for the 1.
pait The _qc-A.Jon is Aow, rusbing ,i:o m r hat service tba sad niewpg on, Satwrrday last, fr-om ghtful and frame dwellings and nice property to rant. All -0, get &311-0,4ances. f or thP I ne Ding, so* s ill n.o t ea;, nw Miss Wingbiam's bralss Dau'd pla.yed eil should of close. Thei� 116 use, oommenced - f-wo-- pstormeandpriogestosait purchaser. Ap- years, ev�r r held in Duff's Daupbln. LV#' 03or sis, -,ously ev. Fenton tr the trops. 0b:rltians our slioliv.
wince lie, osapma b chWbll until 2.30 Ellen, Rloha�d and genni .—R Ve 0 use, ,the means to Qb te son, ad died the Tuies. PIY%t -the pot oface, flenall. at4et t.- tdk--. Mastf'ra Ammie and Yoh n* siay bef ore. lCanciela o the brain was -tilc bless�ID9--As t I t 0 de noon 'SOS lons ion WecInteisday and P -M-- in.. ley, -of Rolnd, Ala.-n1toba. a ;�,on of fice, Ito hais alwa of Hamilt-an, � a:rV Rpoding the late, Ray. A. Y. Hurtilmy, form- G. J. Sutherland has a large qUaintity of bm, , foliay s 4107 a �id V
theie will be, a sitting on Saturday the oatiae of &eatb- Sbe wa,4 is on, se�vieral ,ci ty friein�ds Rile, aloft- - -olare a vel. -y �substanitlal suplus Of Tdin- about private funds -placed to hie blind- too put out on �29. so it is eNoeoteld that ttlk end of -next t4tr. holidays, at, Mr. Alex. G 33 years of ago.—Thos. Ros.t.3,01P 011 eirly of Bluevale, paid tbte� old vil- In tt- security ist.0, very reasonable rate of later- t.m see twr country eoujsims, Tevenae �Ivor expoja.dlt�Lrgcgg Lasi eT Isis EM. Brooks,, of Tioiront, ley, Is a visitor in bown, this lage a..flyJtg visit last week, Rev. "'to. INC a number of nice houses tor'sage mnling axe also glad to, seeg ithm, o xv OW lie aoom of PaLriia- -price from $500 and under up to 02,00o:iwd ever. A year the siiirplus was t -b week W11V soo. wek at thie, thome, . f 0 Mr. Hartley preaciihed In t aziquaintanoes and Vvxoba1oly op IqT.gost on At tihe Goumetl mlc�oejhg he In
n onAny Five frame and brick houses at all prices to sult Mont' closgl or 'this. session.. The blIsrwAnnie 'Campbll.—Guir. vlateran mean byteirlan. dhiuxchi on Sunday mra- Antiong *thei arrivAls MOOT&, Asl an -expert and brilliant eveyting, oittlioillor R. Tho urchaser$ andou very easy terms. Apply sit the ne onles. Clerk of the, WeotbeT heis succeeded tl*,e,sh&, Mr. [R. MeLod, hars, pmr- Ing,' A�hen fha buildin was vrowded. post oflioe, ususaii. sitc,,r � made applicatiOn. for exempition.frm Mr. Thom -as. MaQua.1d, of the Wim -k. -I word palial�er ouir Finanoo Min dhaed xv thireLgiblag oaftfit com- It is Mr. Haitley'a opniton, iftat , I i In expoditiar.4, busin,*s. in a manner 0 taxesi oultistdr, of d busiesis tax.on nay pricisfor Aour W-h6n VOYL r.a College, London ful 0jae, -an,
'has, few O-quals _,q Supolt IOTS. 'plower X>Towd 4gva,
and 11 pr�ing an 18 brse a lrge, cold' storage, buildin which est' paTt �of Can- oRouny ' pay' Glecom ]Bratd Goderich Tfic" and Ms. Mrtin McQuaid anla Nvibloh. no abbex ower could do, s and a White 'Supworator on Star of Ogilvie # .eux. - - )aiad to ge*
He eultiva!tges the bric-,JAe0t illies.*, glPic he gont-emipla-bes orgeottag. The coun- ada.'Rev. Georgle Baker pireac4bd to Cookie Zt family flour ai$Mb psi elit.at 0 sise ate and At members do not faok tildh, he will tho Benlall fl3ur mill. other dealer# alge sellinsr. Of T, XfOnt-,O; Mi- S -K His. extxrdei Optimi&M is ;n, *gte c !ring in lv,� ihave a wind sitackeir 01-1 We+ra all favorable b bhe the Qrangiem-en th tble-,Metibodist the came flour at 12.80 per owt. Shorts $to and Ly134 -vf Def "-It,. 'Mr. Janie7s L and inspiri ag and 'I' c, close,. Il vntillated ch arld all m-oder#1mVr,ovemagbnt9. Mr. Ition and -it w p prpos atrob, oh Saaday. Tibe attndaneq bian sie per ton. Renry Cook Sons, Hewn& �Tbo oomml
jlioq ambeir dur- ay be putt. to aLb tho, Mingeapolis TrlhaW to iba-a M)Leod spaies D expenisge in rOCUIr- at, - v#xy Pugh, of Ing' the- dog days, Mr. Fiolding, 'the 1 vote of 'the agatlepaymirsi in tblo near IV Who has- been doset fr
ca7rry the p'geopt o. t1hW feet, and in -best wp-t-o-datei miiohin -Y Palmerton, 13i bcom;e fo hoilidwys.— Local BIefs.—Quite: a arpg-t n *11 , le f1f the future.—Will Hayarot, f Haffil- years, Is taklvg. a few hol! + and Finance Minister, d&iveiried his, bad- aqd is certainly woxt,y.-of fbo,pat-.. ton t1was a v1sitio in t(ow- MIv3 Bortha Sandexson. f TOT;= 4degreo max
"Make n f6tr a few to, bex --frm Hj"sall and vicinity book _131 days nage of the farmeirs of lffi-L-s, vid- day�j th,6, wIll spend isiome, irmks in� -Bluevale. advantage of t1w, chakip exouxlofi, to -9
Bide and look- fo-*yard wif# brieTki�tes —Y r.—Miss Nash, iot t. get speeoh I veek and: t'.hie Budget welek. red . Adfamis has hold keve debate was thei shortst on record. inity, whio will reap thie, , 3,ongef its -town. It Qptim- PIX�cihsed flmihardwav& gito�ok of —Mr. Sohn Burges4 went to, -Brant- Goderich last week.—Mr. G�eorge� Mc- Yx, is, visiting at Mr, ad Wk- fordion Monday.—TVIrs,., (Rev.).Rogers Ewen is making good headway -with John Ee O to the fult4re. i4m a XITA lass blieshing oiAfit, the Into 'Mr.'XcCufrdy, ab Fordwieb, ko
HOD. Mr. Fjo4ter, Aba Oposition enjoy _001UU14TY lft--- and lt!s pos- 'd fu�Jaboa vfr. Me- -IsoheoL 1$ta
Ism is a goord quality a,p while Nvic 'oonqm Rogeirs,' of born-, the drain whicht hia ilook !thp_ N a wi'lill r. John Galigfert anA Is now bwsy taking stook. We �nnd MWS� Till session saIietimas aables people critic 11riefly rapli6d and a couple od.o.n hils puxchase, �gveo(, usit -,br, dale, foxmerly oiE Bla.-eivale, contract for, althouh, the Nvet Tr_onto, IS visjti�n fjo of .0-thie-r clo-se!d the deb AM Sorry to oae Mr, amis and a t I ffT.
-11, tol �QVCTootage difificulties, WlIld, W1 moe Nvibll' tha.t' sace, f-Ainaids, here, last week, an*d 1�61!or,e weather Is hiudering work con- Downey"s.. —Miss - B. Maloney, of I*. be It is out- -of the becularitioes of Par- hl� energy and enterpri family lea -pe' town' as -they wfeirp first b
olthers les,s bopefill, wouiq, sie, os-erves. rot uxnlag -.. hom 1ey boys
even hbi-9 igood ]lament that, a. class eltiz'ens. Mr. Adams' pump a will visit at Bp-[- sidemnbly.—Mr. Wilrson Swinerton, a irnto� Is bome "on a v* it.—W. m-abtlar such as 4.-fio .4. -The en,thler, I mountable But s somiewthat ivet am d more, Fardwicibi and other plac2s.— former esidnt f our villiage, but Calla' Is works hor4a We:ro bwrned in the, nto _s 6bilden are qu��ity b,' itse liluitS. *n� 01110 In Y b,4.ckwar7dfor haying.—Te 0. L. lax1g f ire. Mrs. F. B. So-ott Is ill.—Mrs. A. now of Mnitoba, was in th villa-gie, 11011days. wif'h, 'tbelr- educational clause.s of the Aut in the agr,.
speewl of iilta Finnce. bills, w-hi� h are -eall of +e?ry 11ittl a'ball mati.
P y eleb-rated ith ;.glorlous h at FarroiNv, oit- Goderloh;f visitea q. Mr. during the past wev, r..enrwin'g c10- Mr. and 'Mrs. Mal-one.—Lasto io* us to bellvo,tlit even-tho Ingosit ex- Importance, shoruld' 4e� debted for Kingeardinge. on We du es da y. - B Robert Musgtmoveis; Itain taoes. —Miss Ros.t - v M
1. , -him fouT months, and that tibi� tBudgat XeUir of To r., C. Delaney bad a �svwx kilkt treme optinxim will no pnAbi ,Wedding Bells.—Tlm wn Mists Je,nni Gireidnway, of Toronto, Into, is visitin,,,Z Mrs. Wia. Col-w0l by to boa9t of 1 a stiplu� much -lantgor. in which manyxmillions of 1doldans ot: Dominion -Ives the, foll CT- Bx!P-fs.—M .. Donald M91nnis left b- �nd and Mrs. 4-ohn T). t he Uh. M-53101)4 had twio will spe.nd. the holid3n,; t ew -fat, .Even, now, bip- boa,!§ted ,gu,rpJq;s bas the Peopleo!s -mongcY are, pracitically, ex?s blomo biere.—Mr. Will Ptqsion �Vtlson were in St. Marys y I g h op 1th U e ting account of the marlwgo of last wcok f or 'the North xa aA ppearZd. Tak" Dig- (the disposed of and 'In which, th it n i jor$003 and a rolt kil-pea aaa all but 4; Neal, formerly of alton, went by boat from Sarni tO F0rt Is hfornie, friom -.Nexv Yok. MIteir a . filsiting, xelativo,,.—Mrs. G, Cbrtp- -whole, at tliqt xavon-we nd: lt�hte ordin- finan-ciitV f(nd commercial intereski William. Mrs. ahother rilt.' blindeir by lightb* ortb-*- !X5
t Mis R F. Reyaraf t, whoso par- Mcluni'3 00OMPan-' holiday -it -hog-,rie Mr. Patcrsan- rh�iah and ohildren, of have thij. wppk. IVA Of th ominion are viLally ton�orn_ . F. -9 16d him as fT ats Sarnia.—Mis. A. Q. -ary exiiendita,re and Mr, !riehfiag is D ei��al Lme, is in that bo,vft. ''On.Q. take it 'term t th, Moody s J. L', zbool,. Iie2m visiting Tdativea in llensa,ll still able to ;1hw a. sarp'lus. But ed, sbould be distposedof 'in as many o - tip, pr6ttlet howso. wed Lugs of Boblex'1as (1-sposed of the HioPper at Mount lleman, kasquah"etts,L and vlcknity.—Rev. ]Ttlley, whon, Iva money itibiat ths _.bioirrs. But such, is piolitiesi The prpe ty, west f Mr Cr.eeah?s, to bef ore t1le year was celebrated, at the be4- .1 .golti to Toronta-UniveTsity., of Rol-o.nd, Mnitoba, the 40dcst son -A F 1re been epended on whi -t s -&06h wa-si, In mosit !rgespg�.cts rs. W.H. Hoper, Of ul home -of if the- late Rev. A. Y. was [Lt IS $Ialled cap budge, John nd Mrs. Roy- of *Stepujon. M-1,3. —Mr. Pugh and family move to Their 6 K, U -11t We find Few tariff. Bobler is' disposing of all her lytiop- ra 1-tal teco - thmt� tbe fairly t stistfactory. mfll hit d a na. -ow. -6eagpe ftom Aew ep alia
crbft, Victoria avenue, Wb,dnosday f-rin tti eek.—Amo-tig tbie Huron !U�Y t be village du -ring I 111v parst week Xcve,n,txe, gr&A as, lt hs, bo has ohanges -svere.- announced and tb orty here, with view of zem,ovim7, Old Boys, a,nd Glxkii stTuction by fire on, Thuxisday a.ftpxnoon of lost week, -%v n their A�,hlo-s'topped off visitimg frieD,d,-3 kn this his Oormter 1, r k. L nt. A f -en more few are. inot Impo,iih ee Whlo In be �Jian -'absorbed , and ithat duty d4ghter, Mis� B. R, for'scme -time to London in 4he fall.—Mr.'T. E. at Bluova,lp; we -Te Mr. and Mrs. ohn' 6ome.—Krs. Hen'y Cook veiry pleai- Llik, en W%rp nstead of # surplus It -bare is I-eally 600 -per 100 lbs. lr o li)e imlo,.�gaid p4,*t tgoch,eir In Moulton -Liftiliets' Col- HandXord, one Gr the mtost extentsive, DI,mgnt 1),n_ Percy; Mrs. -Martin antly enibew d a n umer 'of - M 4y at'. diner tho fi P, bvoko Out a defloit,, and Itbie (pulici de&- 9 and was- noti-red by nieibbaxs, wbo thle, on xiolled oats in ordie �-,D -equlUe horse -dealers, has shippd two car Iga!rw 'and amily; the- Misisies 8' Dominian oTtio(n4tely t y on the finished pt(oduot ele, Toronto, - was u,nite I in the �n-' fady friends-, on� Tuie,�sday last.—MA. imntediatelyoaxne a , nd by baTd wvrk hAs been 'prop he dult holy bonds of. mtrimloiny ID Frank loads of very hndsome horses fbr drsn; Miss Mawy Brooks-, Miss golden, of lClinit-on, is, visibinig her Clix
And, taking Mr. Field on the- pab of every -personj Increased. with that On fiba raw imatfe-irigal. A exhibition at' tbe, Winnflp' 1W rep'. T1,
Neal, M..� M.R.C.S. T.R.C.P of Pet- P-1 fdLr. Mnig Jermyn; Miss, Jennie ahil aranil-dau,ghiter, Mrs. rankMatra- lnk'� figuxe* and lcul�atioh-j t,a duty of 25 per qet. -is al6o 'to b a. e-Ibar, Tb, ceremony, was )Ztarm- ar-t Dow Mrs% Rlc�,bardson. ca. Messrs. John..Snell and Glib .—TvIr, S' ith, of StrlUoTd., was tion of 1:6 buildin-�r and all is and Sp.rw
-next -Yoar, kho TA,-vo.oue will not d6 levied on the bags iq Wlisc n, atr maelighiery nas %avliet from Aeot=U- appreclate
Ary - 0 is ed by Rev. T-aspur went with he in t hie vilUL g- ,k sipi endi an T.Ucdt tha ardin �cpgen- imported. T!Ei, ",will, piobablk -e this woo Ing Ion, b a t belp was wt. Ohnd jusb in 60 th. h g up -3 A number of young pieople, PIPIng , :
w1ilo st to the number of about Kip.pen. a few days with: Mr. Jamts Bell, sT.,,
ltures, n& mo.aey Nvill havo iN 'be increase tho oosit, of c*rnen,t -to tb dwn to tl a tabls coming home from Grand Bond a and fauily.—Mrs. Joh D. Dick and nick of time. Had thone, beel'o 41 )q�d-6a,o,n Canadin consumer about Lie ciontvs !*An it", `W �eve-nl,ng$ ago 9-ot a bad r3ca lay of a ifiew minutes longw noitthi borrowed for' all It -hat is ex fe ro Notes.—Mr. Donald MeNlevin., of two yuns onti, gof Clarksbur , xe, "in w1iich wege� picely trimmcd -yyitli Ing prop
t Thi I ad4 60 per barivel. are thp, princ�- e 9 Ave staye-d tho fliamacis as is "wi �ob�- articles iu which. oufr wede(m,al, flowers nd laden with all flia -deli- Iin and tsom' oi thom, were considexbly Dungannoffi, Is hexe this week o a Visit ng Mr.: d r Wm. Choipraan, could b
the I in -r st paymoints o shaker,. mp ill
`g0a.Pies of tbe season. Six y6ung lady While passing another visit ito.. hL-Y da ugh-tct- in Mrs- Mrs. Dick's ;and also their the aydi , mill, mazh�in.&T�y My half a miltion Ilon is to b' intcTleslged. A friends; of Ike, brida ts,oxved the vehicle In -khe dark they drove -over Joh McNeil. Althouii past t1hie, and friends in 11en - vvoi Id hve beein* jagestnoyed. X -spent 0
'Mevin is still not kaowu bow �be firestarteAbut
The roveilii-os for 'the fpa!�t pine ppobted to make� careful enquir the end of a. culvert, UpSottJDg t1hr, four scioe mark Mr.McT g Lie S U�, s follgo-,irs: Miss Pofter.field, gall -wheTe nu�
hve �evn Im-ge, an jr throuhout the country d ;and jn�jgborhood.—Ur. and 1-1 Y. d cich !te urin, dila cab whic, 11 s considera6ly br-okn. it v-�ry sj�niaxt man for hia Mr,, a '' it is suppose& to have. bee.n. oauset- -hte -expndit- -blave xecestg, with, tiha, view of _Xydd, Mr. -Ld Mrs. ing, Mfss Dart, Miu Lambly, MiFs Ridley U #ut L Urea MIS% Tape.and Miss Scott. Thp, -bride, _The council have made. a ,-rant of Mrs. Shater amd Mrs, Moor1e, of the W. stwe Ill, by a spiaxk from the, farinaze. r. It- Mrs. U. S. TI.iioms;on kept 1),Wl Iblife irevenues, It ii tariff! itlior,6ughly revised and r: $100 to the band on condlUoin that village wgeire this wk& VLSU.Ing in McBeikthi did not haV16' any c7 was chai-mingly attircd in a.gown of now �tdm itted by vill constracted ' nxt !Fssion. So tb , I t, and and Mrs. J. C. St ore-am'silk, trimmd witl d they glv�a an outdoor concort fr Cli-nton,—The faxme;rs wre, having but foxtunabely
the lgm� will mvt U na trim- the pleasu;r.o of the cltizon�s dif Lr h Mr. McBeath bs dwfl-V tbot-, n %o IV 'p. 0 bravy, . f� 5 th.e.neXt,-se slon will Ve li:he, triff chene, un 1 tralp over' t,fl ra - e ne- e:v- ticulty. savin the tay, OlVing
N qoi--wv.rned, .vv4� q out serislon. Betare the end ol! the-1pre- bit the, marrlaga of theii relative, -old boy 4
n andibb!f;q oning each welc during the. surnn)er. tot he cgontinaed w,et weather but MI,, rgatef al' te- is neighb—ors. for U* pflianlelnitry teirm, th<,� f !�- md with cl)ifr6 on tirid car- of. �and fOr _14 itally 1-144
n - Sent way tbe-y it uTed out.,, t- nncial year ried a -hand bogquet -of whi o -xioses. —Th hftve, lso -giren ,I thos. ivho kow t5uy will be. a G-ranton, Nvill preaoh in St. Pni's on. Satuir
not be said bf It tie expenditurgo. That vift - bl sist-anice, will b -o cb,a"gexl �o no The bride raft, gT.ant of -one undred d-ollTs lathe, a) tia gr or tber t-i"Iftli,.—Thie. old oliuroli on Sbbntbt cvtrning. Rv- lua -ge as srdaid,'Miss M,,,Lud , eyo e aft is 1 W.-ly to Incneryrw r -by "63r aX to Petnitt of Parliament ope-hig in Mechanics' Instifutq. Both grnts scibool howe In se-atio NO. 2, Tuck- aring bks. property. -wore a g -own Of peaxl grey silk pe W. J. Dohme-rty taloo Mr, Kilty's tit(, exp'lo ities of :t 0 - November so it can be, tlgosood bef,om de chene: ovor . "ose are ommendable and will lie. p- wlitchithas stood thie storms dutle t nd .Mr.z;, proved -of by the, people.—Misn F11.1 of Vort yers Is no M10,TY-1, it bet Ica a it, VA `-9 I -T. Jolqns, of Guelph, Londesboro,
CDUY-Itl'y denjnd. 11,CnV-evC4r, jt� is h,e, warm went -her of the Eollowjng� bouquet of pink rosm, Thee bride's y admitt(A by Mr. Viv.ldlag �liat spring. This annown,6me' _W.13 Ing t he- f.
goling pown was �hiTtfo tft-Micta McCallum, has juist completed been torn, down to inake., xiof,)m for r.,,. Y)nrents, Mr; Urs'. -(Dr.) Walker 4:94 —D.r. I
'have, (to be. Made by the, Promier a few days In her Normal ,3c;h,00l 'ooui anusual. eabno,my Will r3e, bevii the, handsom building n. -ow be- and brown*trm_.11 d w! Lh Heairy Cook.—hrr.i. C. Cool-, who was d,aughter, Cdr, f Dakota aim YL -1- -r cim�d f6r scaveral ears it -we onga x4, are A bill h.qs 6o6ri passed tmoking 4ord, qhlfton velvet apd oinbriaid r d ged s one -of the -,to,aalleTs -in Ing erected,and the b(Ist 07P the mn- Visiting lior in W Iting fr,* ndsi liteirfeg—A pretty V1113od- avoid doficil.s -on Iubte, one, isid, and Sit am-ps it bu-t- ro'-pt ., Years..
to Ae. 3 in tading 'the public school s succee"or to teirl-al fxom, tho old buiJding wift be fol n InIonth, taxtion -on tlio otbler. To criminal, offenoe. The, Son-at(� re tons. The, gnoom wa�s 911, , -Led by home, Ink dhig was held at ilie home, of mn - best do t Ill.% wil I 'fa x 14he f irmnreas arid �jb,e wrestling wit -11- the Autonomy bills his brother, W. G. Neal, Miss Crlig, who resigned' * MiL,,S J1100Tporated in the new. MISS W10L*k._NTIs.i Florenco-Po1w is spend- Thowas, Sherbyo4k, om Wkneohm. Mr. Fielding mind - The 'Consge:1-vative. mem- MoCallum formerly tirgh� in *rlght was- the first taciliter in the L9 this weak Thd xrobm's pnesunt to th brido the !W,:c a week or -�io ho'lidaying with July 501;, art hJgU noon, -Vvbp,X..l 41W was dircle of pearls and o the school and proved hersolf a miotst n -x- old shool. aird the wbter of" thgeo�c in Daohwood and otlivr only dauhter, Mi tion to them, but they twill s fin-. irled. collvagacs. It 'i-; always 'and bO'rs W.fge making, � Nhow of Opposi.- bride maid a neolclace. The newl' mllent and pop-ailiar Iteacher a7nd Itatmis waril one. of h& Xixst p,upil.q. places.—W art. to se Mr. marxied to Mr. Sprau more poulr to Ucreaso Itho , g, �of lifinito e leif t on 't] .56 M. s have tken. pla.,v.� since Watson, 1he foundry b. --They lieft - on tbp,. aft -or -0 ,tit Itham. I ally psned whon --thei old'ttadics of gain secluiring ht,,r services.—The Mists. Maggie Wtasoji, f the —Pldw4
ditures thn to curU t i. ma.1ried compl. the truste,ca have been fortunate in' Many cilijang-0
C-Ri t�uain for the, east an a rLP! "If,- eo.ently injured, bl,p to go train fo London, N gr 41or q pity � th-tt, in the tat ym� T'S tilia body t,,:',c tbemsiolve,% Out and ia. - ter'which they will take, u 61 ir'. re- exodus to Grand Bend has fully set village, visited wiLli, in roud nd(lovernmenit (lid nott IV U1. points. --y Will alt3o Spend a put forwilrd that will not take lng this 'hot in and many of outr c-itizens are Clinton tlw- fore part ot tho., woe Moir werte in Kine,13idixui duxbng Up. beform leaving t�or their abumO sidence. in Pcntqr�or-o, whc.ro .. nNeal. enjoys , a. isplen4ld grcitice." Tbo availing themselvem of the beauties Edna Moevin. has retdxned to liabilities of (h(! couitittry. It apor- pas,41: wevk visiLing In t 1w, west, 'Mr. Sprmng Usr -9 I many f rlq.nds of '.Pr. Nea.1 in his - lo- and pleasm-es of tat gret summer To -onto, wboxv, shia, gmo t,�> fill I Donell l3r.os., hordw-wre" good fwrm..—M1sri May Brogdon wA&V tion af nnual isurplus,es Jid b -Den, - An Uujust Attack. Among others who, have Lg 'p ad of swell- "The memhcr of Parliament who� years.of hapijinosLj. atilized in Lhis wy InLstjo, callty wish him iLnd his bilde many I' -901� ogod oAtbo.n in, the big Eation ario makfing' lm�proveWnts L Wifair suoce,--ssful In - bar gexautll n -in
taken cottagres there tor the Ilat- store.—T-o exoellont sermons Ivere, - U I
would Public -weigh ind, Mr.4. niulo' taking hoaox,—Miss; D.Floodf 40W . not like Mr. McInty-rie who Irepr- ed term w-0, learn of the ftlbowinp�: P.Teached In 'St. Andre's chutrub oti 'A. W. Harper nd son, ifrt,on, of visited here this week.—Tba 0jra-9V-_ b in ii�uch bette4r POSitiOn ',to Mesrs. T. H. McCallum and 11. E. SLInd,,,Iy last. by Rev. Mr. Xvrr, —The Brandon, Mnitoba, werx-, visitlirg Lode &_Aebrated. the, T-welital- 1h Tneet tllc� �trlwgont years wbien bbey sc-nffs Iffile net9bboring 01DnStit00qZY Lak� elet Hueston with their familie.3; Mrs. You -119 minister from co and � oit which are alroady of So Tariollito.—As at the hon),e of J. and B. Lodon.—A number fro -in bereveo- I ed th
�RInO5 ell ralsed . H. Collins and MLss- Ronthrgal, 0115 i-7 the season for berry pick- icy uth, Porth In tha Dominion- Ph- reezes.—Mr. Thomsion.—Mr. Wm. A. Thomoon, of thia day. In Clinton.—Mrs-- Urlsp:004 hving I -1ligh fore -Las -C. 13at % liament, ,and hnce - goes J-ofnqg -wa and Sa Mrs.. in. i1s, bax-n on Yriday. urday (Dx.) Anderson and family.— �m,,,Iny have to foregotheir mGrn- Woodstook, 9 have not Ithis and -,vef need xIot y PQ n,t 8L11I<l.IY It hs 31r.q.. G. Lyon returned home Afte last. Oiving to 'file beavy r in ion Mrs. J. G. Stanbuiry a TojEurned Ing naip in order to be, in the berry Itome trom 'Of Us urufl cou-�sga -to, mako uip- .—'Affivses Clar ind Perth. vft
Out look to t1itt 0jV"oSltlQ-n for Imp o yrs'Friday ftexnoontt;he� w-ork 1i as. ro home aftiar having spent a nagonth Pgat0h earJy. Vio, crop is 11 I,Irge Thonison, . u i� f Mr. D�avld CrLp was accompanied by lwr nt t, aS tMy aVo very uju i hands liad o -go at it he -narental home t. W-ligitby.— 0110.--W(� a-re.pleased to report Ugat L. Thom9on, I o
mont io this :reopoc on him st .4nd ucalled retwridi6d ,that t,hq of Z�rrotgo, re hp-ru Mb" Best.—Miss L..Yong BpdjA r its,
'UT n y oire nof fiy Taure ldhqposved lbo. prepare for attack. It pys: back on Sat (1''' f noon b bn-r Mr. JWn Gardiner arid Miss NetLie, Mr. CudmoTe, who has bvwn poofly y "The. mmb.(If of Parliament ivb!o Ish. Tha Lieglar 113roq., oE Cli ord, are spending their bolidys witil so log, walc? bjr, to dri" to the, for the In(-vitablo :rain reIntiv-es.—Rob,ex Jblw- 1):"Ist week In Torwito and Win St-onernon, of To- A-fr. A. Clement, f -To the Gover i1nierd r. In zill 'Ir did the f ra,m, Lrkg ton IM Wilfrkd roa,�% 49 -ford on th( has liyed t!bc xneneqt part -in con- ��Mis Janiet Ritchile f rionds in Toledo, Glilo.—Ouir clever v11119-90- bn &a.tu,rday J. �of the grinances they rld- Tonto, WJUIM f_tlon with the nLitonomy bill is Of t he I th rp nt it young friend, Mr. Herbvrt Gregory, IS- VM O �'. 1, O, F;ttterson and slon, of v wcik visiting IT, N. BrIgham m. Gleaa*-, G. H. McIntym, of South Perth. He couple, I n tb.3 ip�g tvi!vI-t- of Gladmian & Stanbuy's In -w office ited with heir- si:iber, Mrs. Ro'bt. n, Winn Og Al c T g g.,! r t is in Toronto visitilng and wtattend the ormal C01W in this way -cu.rtailing. thn revenw, V
was too much. of the party m,an to in I4 lie" siS er, Mr. Wm. MoLa bl�an, 'and son bf Mr. Thomas Gregogry, has Cpoper, d,utring' the, week.—Mimes is � �el
so thC by�thelr ra,�bbiodtfhgoourplus NVOIington, who -was avpwx� in Hamilton this fall. vote agains the.oductidnal clauses re hor bme hare �al week distinguished' himself fet th,ra law Cla.ra qn*d Lullia. Rosi, daughtcTs T. Ail
would .1pto, 'the pockiet of ti)!(�, and he was not enouglior.t.lieg Vnanly- go, hving h d tlie picai's.a'rn�ite;s but- scbool.in Tor-anto. In hi,3 first V bf Mr. J. P. Rosg�-, of TiorontD�, vl.s- Cathed
nianufactu�ers Inetfad of Into the .ear
man to vote for them. 'Xis trick Ing of her mnvg of -examination he won firsit class hon- lted duiring the, wwk with. their public jrdasury, froin. 'wbonce flic voting against both the solution McIntosh congrogRtion purpot im'- os and a $40 ' ciasb scholarship. cousin, Mr. Murry Cldwel.l. They nioney is disitributed for. t1to onefit and the .amendmeu Nvill deceive e a -P I learancei iot their This is a good start.—Mr.q. ihosen- wer�e tebompariled by Mr. Cadwell's of the in_�Jad.dif be- huich and -b vp _ iuX giyeeit� a chosen few. Altfi.ou no ono. No principle is'aavan-ced by U , t W . A. Coo , of- blifiz, of Londor)� with 1ICT tw sons Ais P s plassi.c. SPO N "u Ph the tactics of the trimmer, and it Cllffor,d. the con1tract of Putt' 19 in is VLsiting 'at the pargentat lionjo, Of from both might was for this class that Mr. McIntyre, tk me t I 1 0 0 un -.� Mr. and Mrs. William HaNirkshaw. sPAII Who*t
affing bd I be advisable, there is not much TO Brucefleld. 11r. ' hn
qua]lfied by his conduct at Otta-wn, �f -CUrford the ivainang cont act. —Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey -Utt per
doubt ast it whic of t1be priop',mied Iran*
110 would .4tand 11glier 'in it -he apublic 13oth Jiobs. lto�lba ro)m, In So It :I)i2;lr pao Notes,—Miss Maggin; Ross, of Togr- ple-to II Indiana, re visiting I be78p Ing- ents, Mr. and Mr
am most in the, Inter- ostvetm to-dy if he had bfoldly xe- s -t -,—The i�,;go . s. George Bus -,yell; onto, is mpening hef' lidoys at (�-Ivts of IthP. !public, especially it 'dw. -fay.or a the sep- d.ni, pts for t of Usborne, an . d othcr oordO his vote, in Alsfoldt and-fNeAvstedt or-om- friende !n: tM home, f her Mr. Xamos GOODSt vx[w(gTid1tua-(,# of the Government' I I tire, on itl arate solio,ol cluss of--theiauton,o,my orlesy �re doing q4Itge a busi�es An tis -y. A few eved4ng ago itoss, London, Rod. -Miss Ethel Cot- w's�ely and ecOn- bill, Wben "he �Pinrt — — I chose to ran,arith "this vicin.Uy and t4a compevtilioi ti- as Mr. Wiflim KLLnzi blacksmith, well, of Uensatl, is visiting �Iar fdq- X�q per, 0mically ni�dp ptnd this is nott dis� the haT -arid hunt with he hounds M'OT'g rtkem is stx,e4u,ous. The6y was driving into town, tike whoel -of ter, Mrs. Le -6. McDonald.— T -he puted. lie laid himself open to it .18, 17 wn-d 16c per j�iound r aid -hat vh(arge -espeotivo_ his bqrggy came into contact with a Misses McKonzie, of Ntgorth Dak6ta, Lacrosses, Footballs, Base Balls, The ' clia Z�,s In 14ro Ithrif, an- Roww" '4� blab of all others awaken dis-USL ly for the- May maUc, of butter, R.- pile of new ravel -on the road nd art, visiting- thai anclo, Mr. John dilt -
by, Mr. Fielding wexi, few w and comfy, 't' In the gelecitoratoz—flio charge of,po- Canle arid -Chlrlsto�iiher Binklie-t,our he was throvi4n otbl fnjurini� bia nkle, MeXenzi, of ?figisr village.— M I-, s p a
ira Ive y tun tn t. B u t litica' I oowardloa. Mr. MoIntyro,pre- St6m� aso-ne, .',�ep t quitf, 4 sy somewhat N-everely. Some people Laitra P-ardue, of G6drich wii�d per
vot for Express Wagons, -Gow0arts, Batby, uds to be, very much annoyed +ht th1s, summer. They" -am, working t are very creless in leavingy heapg poift Sunday with Miss the ilurposle iof ctrhancing itk- the form liti s In t .his of U , on the, r d. t XcFwen,,* Stanley.—M.r. W. L. Nicol, venue, hut ot parliamontaxy Wallace's, S in -bank, nspred rravtl timothy 44
inz protection, 6o oertin industnierg. people hel a Is a'danirarotis praotise, and' n &Cc ,�ur 'the. object OF ffard- Oarriages, Hammocks, proct,duro, Tequirged his name to be, welek.—The MotbodiTt 0 ethai: B. A., of. McCormick Seminary, Ohio- levord-ed In the list of tb very sucoestsful social at i1ic rdnders, the municipality iibl. for a.go, . guest at the mamse hist V-_ T
This, Tyf-r. 11?`iitldini� nd his colbNgui,04 Wool (Woli
9'upported Ithfo meduontioal olkluses. x4s-ldece of Xafme43 tWxightt- adj6in- dani�ages thit- may ocoux.—Mr, and Glenm, of Clintn, sperit W*01 (URY
.4hould e mb(-i A�� 'not in aepord- �j
Tix, anomaly of the proc-cedings -will Inlg� the bug, `itbe, ot-heir tveniig. Mrs. John Essery of thi place, cale- Sbbath, wlt�h bliss, Elsie 1ACQMteen.— ance with ckno-wledged policy not -trike . the, public ary placuliarly. Ther as, a largq crowd prcSK,nt bT.,ated 'their golden, ivedding on Fri- Misi Carrie Ross, of'Seaforth, San- al Bugains -in Ladies' Leather Belt sina of the%lberol 11r.ty. 't is "Y-Ot ii" distressing. The division Ii. -Its X-C-' Mn a quartelfte. to see, a L! oral Gov(lrnmerkt even from ll,a,rrlston day eveninp: of Ins! week. The. day-Ld undie'r The parenital Toof.—
cord the simple truth tibatr Mr. Alo- f4grlls-hed a c.pital pfTograinm. - h -a of theix nufnerus friends is ithab Mr. NVm. Scott wife �of ouT Hand Baggs just now. TOROV_
9quinting o-wardi; Pr-o't`0ct'on for Intyre votd ba -lb for the educ-atior- p.roeeeds aqkoqn;ted P 'Buras a
�sake. They f%ho fo -about $50 — they may bo spared _ to ".1egbrae theie mayo-r, returni6d froin London last uld ad- iid a1gaInSt bhem. n Mr. S. Nay 1�f t re Manit6ba lst diamond we7ddingr.—A vey seVere erilt, 400nirp4ind by two of her . eal4ously 'to tilike, old oo- other Iv, trihe of Thrioff for -revenue onty. ards, -they writo, him dolv-,-n week tnU Nvill spend two ftnuoi*iliz v .9- ele.e;trIol .' ,nn'd wind _qLorm. passed littlie. Wm. Baird, of the as *in ex-coijtIonally wmk type of Iting xe4a,Lives tb-ere;��Thr_ i-clativ .3 OVeT this vicinity on Tti-esday dven- Torionto Technical School, is spx-nd- The p�!gople., A Tj TiX0 W1 S() -A' -N
. fg�vlll bbk-y political trimmer." here io Mrs. Scot, oir Ing of last welek. It Nva -3 n,Qt nearly Ing hiq holidays rt his, 'Nome. 4n. Stan-
-V.111 rrot OeL, protiecittloul f)� the - i I
rlu Wl"ii, the faots aire known t1116 who whs. oo seriously P.1 f1otr a mum, so bad s "t he lait one, and w-cl !have Atrthur Boyce., -of Godericli. DRUG, BOOK AND FANCY GOODS STORE. 1,
combines alwhuoixvGpolifes.. Mr -Field- �j dire, pleasied to. leara"ot dier lm t not heard -of much damuge, having 'I,,; bnotlier, 'Mr. James I h"
Ing also ann'Ounced that a comis- Worta'_% vrislavg-lit wilt, not, dtoi Mr. gen
sion! is Ito, bb appoinit,od, I 0 04n'PlOte -Te`eoTrfY- The, doe,flur In been 'dio e. T f took in u -t the Boyce, London. Road.—Mr. GeorXe SEAFORTH, so in.qwkre McIntyre, gny harm. Iiisted of act- a,t&-eu&nce did not o� at' sbe Nvioul same te.�/Atory, is the last. If this Pbrbps, of $Oat rth, paid a flyiaz to
hJ,4 tj ao
"i td,
p h (
po r
L o �11
r12 It I
y 4L 19 t f r
I b,
ULY 14, JU0% N w'v Uno posff A'S LEADING SHOE 6 TORE this- sedtion sort of thing kvep uv'p!rgopVftY will ItIa. tfin"olal and comam)Crolm-l' in -Ig 1" as -a "Ulm saxfle. The crops i1v SEAFORT us, f aT. Tlfwa %�13 bwmie cheap In , that &Tea a' s It- seems t look ex0altliefflit -fth. -A. JULY2 100. of: It1he 0 o 4a itbat he (ha pur mpanteii Ar. and t la-rge erowd.' from tb1s, Idle- Carrie, Knight 00tol o, Ithe trecoinstructidn "Of bo sue. a vcTff cons lontious and cour - be fl� rldt iage us course. Takin the 9tA t m, in, af6hd modting Mrs. 0-KnIjbi Of St. Thoma% is,on a W tL'Invf i o imciot' th-w, requiremienits of 9 Cool- Sh. fa Ys. na �Othgor A,As of'the'eolunell in. Gorio a tIp o Uontreal, Qwabev a since vo f Parliament his colu 43 � tion. .9" -day.. Tfio amptes of 10be, bridge W -F B easton. polnits..—Exe-t-Or has foTmed was Xecont an., app the struot-ed 4 oentadlotory. tit t* 0 L,r,; aoros�. thei laba aire iglii,g down-thtre it Quoit Club with the foollowinv of- the ch&Wges 41nce `mado'in Ate comn- cu- tance, which makes - 11 app & . . *;* t . a . .0 . j I x1otges+ vehqman.tly a- flevris: Hm.;h. Spaokman, hon. pres- try qZend,a!r. it: imporwtive Mat it be L fully explitned at , the, jtimo.. Whreast, ov in to you. during the hot weather� -8 Ifoo. of ident Edwa:rd. Treble, pre,sident Gob ll the comfort that"s com, 9 7 iOnL on Au- ggaln3t bho councills -int-eut This commis- -the troad, it ciertaiily is, Thom Boyle-, 1451t vl6ia; Ed' - d' ri feet into. pair of out easy -fitting Oxford low shoes and e 2. 4 5: work be dono wgaln. When the first divis I you
12 14 '15 s,ton will oonduct. its investigations tono� '15111s wa -taken by a slip closging 19 0 2 1, 22 dtixtyrg the meem, �ao that' Mio Gov- quite pqrdonable on the part f -any tlm)e It,his trabltsoome quiestion.was Mamire, 2nd vice.; George B. An- ence what foot coniforteall means, Gar OAords and 16 1 1 18 TI wdar Areasuwfe*; Dr. lot sunny- days. A 07 6 939 year., old Sweet, official. sooXeT. Ja 23 24 25 2 28 e t ca h�vq "t1be4x �olicy 'of now mgamb��, Mr. McIntyre (I 10 setdied.—W-m Hood,. isW., of tb �41:h deiron, secirget y MPM. Tai- pera are the acme of Coolness sud comfort for h
tarif r reconstruction, roady far aub- his name to he recoide& cohcetslon, sold -a assortment of �he best makes -for men, women and chi en is hem 30 ... ... finy the ochu aay Yjor $m. lstan!t seloxer; Xames Wftke-9, 31. .... .... ,oi Patlia)ncnt at the next cords of ParlUbleht. .as vat in lor, as Oag mistsion t t*' Every leatlipr, every last, evetytyle, and a
-erdo. Th'oluib pla-ed your inspec ion pe*tl
_Vs1slou.' It 4 !tgo be hoped Itbils boan- favor of the'k fedue-agtional. ClauSeeL, offinial :Vief rig _are gua&nWed, their first mat-oth in Seaforth. on easonable price, is what Our OUStOlne NEW ""ISTMWEM mission :ad the GovexnmeiA 3vill whereas ho Intded to vote gainst Brussels. fit a r kbep' In, umm oblay of ing of lat week and a few of our leaders M nA 'their - basic V thmi. As scion 'as Mr. McIntyre ai- Rrief,—D'. W, X. Camn-ron arriv- d
mw ine-A"re between the t �r If-, dr y in It'his covere or put up a good_tga�me bult itho, Soo -le t f Ci evnuet onl d his mistake he fully a - hain:- ed herle Xrom Palm ston. o.IN16,ndy a ain 01! acte,denotesitho page of thep.4 P; on which the e(gainist Itein. �Ladies' Dongola Kid Oxfordej patent t1ps# &11 sizes, for $1.00 d, p7orilsemenitvill be lo way adju-st Ibbe ta-riff so as to, best ed his potsitio-to the n d tbo evl6unig of Uls week arkd wais; tak de and Strap Slippers, turn solov, for $1.25 a pair. Pn a oLadies' Dongola Kid OxfOr pl=i
accomm-odaa the. dieeds of the gen- cou*ntry and 'his 11 waO to bits, bum i -a, Cr�4br6uk. %1*1 la Dougols, Kid easy fitting, and strictly up to Ask 'Grolg & StMY41rt-1 Ladiew Oxfords and 6bragp Slippers
ekal people fairil 'out wants, -of fully understo,od and accepted by Pv- been ill for the Cromart-k.. 01 I
8 ast Nveek and it is rs "aul, m p -for $1.50, and $2 a p%ir. anut -roeTZ. ery' orte. It. is not fair or innly, f 0, ed bi 01 25 Ana t Son x the u t o A Wx g t 00_5 -ailway conts�ltr c-, thorefQre, for he World now bo, try aft-aak of Ityphold fever.—A coll) P) dvg still, wa 'At Honak f dtu ax is in'thairAt stagies of an Jack Nichols, of Mti- L3katee D�lf a Kid Oxfords, the modern Empress make, ab $2, $2,
The t iIsivo U_ s g es f Xx. I b. 0-01- Sh R. WI1.1iS tilon f Ith � wxV fiv 0 r six y,e4x and establish, 4 c1aagge of InOOnsi'3- belonging tio, Wm. Depbow ch.mt on Sunday,—Mr. Emanuel Spere,of The famous Queen Quality Oxforda for ladies, at $3 a pair. to Ali
& 5 will tend 11:6;'stare off it1h ChTeatmed te�ey on the, part -of it'he =Mbeir ifor to a Guidden lmd by jumpin'Sn(to -thr, Torionto, vWLte& his brothieT, over Men's Dong6la Kid Oxfords, turns or sloKsgy *owed, at $1.75 and $2 a ip Itrde.ad-finnce�. 'But Soi Pey th for ,his isubsequOlft! boiling brine lat the salt bihook.— f3u�rvday anA Mr. -Harry Spearp-, tilso Men's Tan OAlf 1oxforde, new bluoher xtyle. k400dyear welt, for $3.50 a pair. Lest Yom Farget-0. Abe�burt-15 it SIEoud be romembored bhat atl voes. In the closing divisions Mr: Aimong fmer J3ruw(eliteLs-,w10 took of TTonit, is speding a, -week Y-1 I It Childrouffs Strap Slippers for 75o a Pair and upwards. Shoes—RI biard&on & *Ifiiiis-15 the money IL -hat will be seit hotoao in M4 I'ntyxe voted. ag�dnvt bo-th- the, advan-tago of Ithe 16�lrton Old 93oy�l his paren�fs, blare.—Quie -t II.W.riber millow Stra Slippers, chocolate and blai6k, f or 61 a pair -and upward#. vis Nv-_:VB�
S- nia at 1d, Detroit E, P this YLay %!�ill �e bo.r=N�ed anney oducationail. clauses �fin Othe k IN nd excimrsion friom, Torotnto td Visit f rom Jjere aftanded the it I . a t -week. Wanited—Z, Rapin-5 he -wlt�at he houg(Ut hie had'&n Is i: John Bul� 19 arid thWC iti will have V& elpaid -Borden's amendwent. This is rieuds heirle two- notiped Mr. hnd Mr. -Stabbi on Monday evenin-g.—Miss B. So Some time ia�-d t (-In tbG Robt. McAlpInce, iMr. and UT. n0ndinig- tt to , Mrs. 'Nel- Noxis i3 -ome at be (p;ild �annma:lly. While, podople f!T�t place. Instead, hereAoro. -of Rio WILLIS N iness �haneo_F'XPQ son "Williamaon. Miss Fannio. Rog:orgs, yeaT. in Oitlbawa.—Thp. 81110'dy school p osperouSL it -hey -are apu to for- acting the pvt of a trim� -Miss Claxa. Mebracken., Geo. Irwin, r Ier s picnic of tbo Presib teirian chuch., 6- 46 Queen qualib and sm igot it he torigiir of tbieir pTospor'lty. heI is tiocul"d. he :has p Sole agents for the Slater Shoo for insup and th BU,t!tbe I& ir -sued a Lol!,n, Pxlngle,'iJas. Moore and, 'the hold at' f6hie; mounftkia, -on Saturday y of reoko�n .Zted—WIn. Pattersion-15 shoes for wo M 'Paxm for'Sale—W. H. Iravvo-Y-5 log iwill come th,6ouxhly consistent part tbrtrgih- Misews Dowding.—Miss Thoirsia Mend- was. only fairly weLl. 3=9.
�Lnd It behoves our public eta,'Ito so More than, this, ha ftis )arsued 6ws, got Londoln., 1s visiting a:t' the. Ing to the disagreeable wicather.— )TUT.
For Sale -.Thos. Brown -5 art bat ftbe co,tLnt.Ty will be-gxad- 6ouragcoas part, becauge 'it does hoome of.,Oer igxandmi' otbleir "heir.— Mrs. Frank -Hamilton nd Mf, Geo. i x -o oiT 'Tuesday, the, flr,%t part, oti the Evtray Clf—Ed. Dev�ereux-5 ikally, p,repa,ring ifor pay- day.- xegaire. coura-gv 'b the pa ' o f 4 Hainilton, of Galit, formerly o Chis visit t'O Our vill", we;ek._Xe05.
R-ev. Dr. Rosa; left this week tor a Mr. Will 01111ospie, of Sea-vortbi,,splenot. Huron boys-li Mi- they do this' many s1haRls Will �be. i#JbIb�r to starZI out lo� and vioito -six , we,okjs, tholidRy at his sunmaner place,.,span-t las"t -,vmk Tenewln bid Midied and, much safftrInig on th-e WR t his own pa fy andf'bise who. cottage In Muokoka. His pulpit- here' acqual-atances, Uxe.—Mr. rLn ins r Sunday In Bxuoefileld,—Mis! ennie VettY is 116me, sp(�_ndin;- be -r McBeath who passed tbo dhys.�Mr,- H, J. Crockery A. Young -8 thle, -0 will be avoided. - ar� -associated with, him in the will be oupplid V Mig Cransito D. Cf 1h. t of ithe P)uopl Y a Robinsn, T., V -
r n, spen!b Sunday w amingatio. a Tew leeks aig,ot has a-'* Godgeic, this,, -Nywk.—T' e. The Expositor dos n4t agree- a tudent rrom KnOX oqllege,—A 'go- Auction, �,,tlo—Tbos. Brq-%vR—R are at ald thwt som,6-detbooli- n4us im,ted fripli
f arirngdr's. brotUer liteire.—Miss B. :1: - - g evott do, es - 'Liing % -on the Reform ai with Mr. McIllity-re's viewls on the s gain beet vWY sacoepful, ip pas- is voxy large -and pTo, -you-pleas wt the Quoi.eWs Simpson Iretuirned +o' heir home ng the- Piano -exmination, wJAch sootlan.—Xi7s. H. J. T 0001C WAS i -the youDgeir genex- *-_ - 4
pecliffly th so of ed4qational clausm nor does lVaYm- hotel at inpin on Moinday Xd tihis in Waltoa.—MisG Xanct McKelfiar'of aaLn- ti
-c -1 v! dr this fact. pa.Wze with his ditfliculties in T ng aa e; w-iell fo Miss McBExath as . Clinton on Wednies -A ud
week will ilikelby ODA all) by bei Str,-albfor-d l -,it a o p! of days: a_n� f x1ends. 1h0=.
It will be !bPAtdr*for ithem and for fe-tence to th-em,)but it does admire ventilafted in rt1he court noom, in th der the paroriltal Totof.—MI.81& Wood, PUP11, -Jbej�ag pu-rcl
LU%:; couut,ry It tbiey are iguidged th' . Independent nd consoL�nUouts neaT fuiure.—QuItei a numex of of Mitchell,, Is visiNling her isitiew, t;his weighi
SEA:FaRTJ1,. FRIDAY July 14,1905. 'somewhato.by bho e Hensaill. Beecilwood., xpowlenm cf be at itu'de lie assumed to-,Oaxd3 them. Bruoselltes Ateavo, on, Studay of Mrs. Y. cCullodli.—Miss Eliza. Nor-- past xather 'than to , putradge, itilito this -%vieek ton a :trlp tio -Man-itoba. A- r1s, teacher in! Duli�, ts, 13overeigw- Bank of Canada, abarter- Clearing sale on Friday 4.1ad Situra4y d last N
Ddminion Finalapes. policy of diift and thu, gain. wisdom mong theram-mbr are; 'Mra. Si,emmon, her summer vacation. wt, biome, ed b ominion arl &went, 42 ches !n Canada 'Odds and endii In Walton. and' n - in all ar of the world. Interest on ular 7,60 to $1.25 -for' 8 per If Ar—saloples 11) I -by their Own. ufJ. H. fCammmi, Mists, Mary _-hoohe, dep to aid four tI an a y r. Absolute !security window—W.H. Will s, Sole a,gunt f e.Dorothy",
nIOn 'Local Ito of t*hle Mrs. T. iUaycinoft, Mis Mabel Hay- unexcelledt litles. courteous treatme modern On 11011. M, Fteldlug, the Dq=1 unto 'the 4ay Is -fh� A.V11- -bboreof, is Ints,,—A number, Pinnace Xtinister delivo.T,e4 o�-th, an(,� beauty of our Bluevaleig Arnold SeMbrth. I 0 ethods. - our account its invited. �;.!s Bud n*e a wise p�6110y for public men' Y 0001ft, MIST Dora, Smith, and Noriman espe M Irp Notes.—The Willng WokerW vir mansger Hensall branch 1934 -ti clally thaso . ve to Bayflold an Sa'twrday- oit Smith.. We wi,§,, get Spepac� In, Patiameq( on Thfuxs- -at thia hal-In as r NAotes.—Very heavy rain fell -i loastor �of
C �tlhern a. plei4sant 'haS YieldLnq I a 't wete)k.: whore 'they enjoyed - f1he dem party on the, grioundSL of Mr. 'G. J. Sutherland, oouvoyancer 11onsall, Tuesday ,e,7P_:a1n-g_ aa all wawy Any of last week. Mr. 'rloldtnig ��' from' Lake Huir, tip.—Mrg. Job,n RewLU is -at PTCS- has had placed In hl" hands for sale. thle line thle n�lgblt. and WedUesdia Suir- balmy bree7 ()n--,1bn,f undier 41ho, detorls, care. To add Robext Xugnove, o Tursday ev- been called, the of -%vUl p*uoh, Ln Mt- brick houses, two liol them. with ffne building lots T -h6 Mminion Parliament. ReIv. A. MeNab SO.I.X0w to OwT 111niess sbo*recaived enlng. of last wnk ihisl very success- adjoining. Dwellings have every oonvenionce an ditches, ar� Tunnihag full. pla'ses", bdeause In eac-li, of tis bud- Ville churah,' *Uss-els, next Sunday f ul. Taw evmigng was doill' beet of loftt1o0l. Also fOr�4610, two very desirable weathet Iv needd for the 1.
pait The _qc-A.Jon is Aow, rusbing ,i:o m r hat service tba sad niewpg on, Satwrrday last, fr-om ghtful and frame dwellings and nice property to rant. All -0, get &311-0,4ances. f or thP I ne Ding, so* s ill n.o t ea;, nw Miss Wingbiam's bralss Dau'd pla.yed eil should of close. Thei� 116 use, oommenced - f-wo-- pstormeandpriogestosait purchaser. Ap- years, ev�r r held in Duff's Daupbln. LV#' 03or sis, -,ously ev. Fenton tr the trops. 0b:rltians our slioliv.
wince lie, osapma b chWbll until 2.30 Ellen, Rloha�d and genni .—R Ve 0 use, ,the means to Qb te son, ad died the Tuies. PIY%t -the pot oface, flenall. at4et t.- tdk--. Mastf'ra Ammie and Yoh n* siay bef ore. lCanciela o the brain was -tilc bless�ID9--As t I t 0 de noon 'SOS lons ion WecInteisday and P -M-- in.. ley, -of Rolnd, Ala.-n1toba. a ;�,on of fice, Ito hais alwa of Hamilt-an, � a:rV Rpoding the late, Ray. A. Y. Hurtilmy, form- G. J. Sutherland has a large qUaintity of bm, , foliay s 4107 a �id V
theie will be, a sitting on Saturday the oatiae of &eatb- Sbe wa,4 is on, se�vieral ,ci ty friein�ds Rile, aloft- - -olare a vel. -y �substanitlal suplus Of Tdin- about private funds -placed to hie blind- too put out on �29. so it is eNoeoteld that ttlk end of -next t4tr. holidays, at, Mr. Alex. G 33 years of ago.—Thos. Ros.t.3,01P 011 eirly of Bluevale, paid tbte� old vil- In tt- security ist.0, very reasonable rate of later- t.m see twr country eoujsims, Tevenae �Ivor expoja.dlt�Lrgcgg Lasi eT Isis EM. Brooks,, of Tioiront, ley, Is a visitor in bown, this lage a..flyJtg visit last week, Rev. "'to. INC a number of nice houses tor'sage mnling axe also glad to, seeg ithm, o xv OW lie aoom of PaLriia- -price from $500 and under up to 02,00o:iwd ever. A year the siiirplus was t -b week W11V soo. wek at thie, thome, . f 0 Mr. Hartley preaciihed In t aziquaintanoes and Vvxoba1oly op IqT.gost on At tihe Goumetl mlc�oejhg he In
n onAny Five frame and brick houses at all prices to sult Mont' closgl or 'this. session.. The blIsrwAnnie 'Campbll.—Guir. vlateran mean byteirlan. dhiuxchi on Sunday mra- Antiong *thei arrivAls MOOT&, Asl an -expert and brilliant eveyting, oittlioillor R. Tho urchaser$ andou very easy terms. Apply sit the ne onles. Clerk of the, WeotbeT heis succeeded tl*,e,sh&, Mr. [R. MeLod, hars, pmr- Ing,' A�hen fha buildin was vrowded. post oflioe, ususaii. sitc,,r � made applicatiOn. for exempition.frm Mr. Thom -as. MaQua.1d, of the Wim -k. -I word palial�er ouir Finanoo Min dhaed xv thireLgiblag oaftfit com- It is Mr. Haitley'a opniton, iftat , I i In expoditiar.4, busin,*s. in a manner 0 taxesi oultistdr, of d busiesis tax.on nay pricisfor Aour W-h6n VOYL r.a College, London ful 0jae, -an,
'has, few O-quals _,q Supolt IOTS. 'plower X>Towd 4gva,
and 11 pr�ing an 18 brse a lrge, cold' storage, buildin which est' paTt �of Can- oRouny ' pay' Glecom ]Bratd Goderich Tfic" and Ms. Mrtin McQuaid anla Nvibloh. no abbex ower could do, s and a White 'Supworator on Star of Ogilvie # .eux. - - )aiad to ge*
He eultiva!tges the bric-,JAe0t illies.*, glPic he gont-emipla-bes orgeottag. The coun- ada.'Rev. Georgle Baker pireac4bd to Cookie Zt family flour ai$Mb psi elit.at 0 sise ate and At members do not faok tildh, he will tho Benlall fl3ur mill. other dealer# alge sellinsr. Of T, XfOnt-,O; Mi- S -K His. extxrdei Optimi&M is ;n, *gte c !ring in lv,� ihave a wind sitackeir 01-1 We+ra all favorable b bhe the Qrangiem-en th tble-,Metibodist the came flour at 12.80 per owt. Shorts $to and Ly134 -vf Def "-It,. 'Mr. Janie7s L and inspiri ag and 'I' c, close,. Il vntillated ch arld all m-oder#1mVr,ovemagbnt9. Mr. Ition and -it w p prpos atrob, oh Saaday. Tibe attndaneq bian sie per ton. Renry Cook Sons, Hewn& �Tbo oomml
jlioq ambeir dur- ay be putt. to aLb tho, Mingeapolis TrlhaW to iba-a M)Leod spaies D expenisge in rOCUIr- at, - v#xy Pugh, of Ing' the- dog days, Mr. Fiolding, 'the 1 vote of 'the agatlepaymirsi in tblo near IV Who has- been doset fr
ca7rry the p'geopt o. t1hW feet, and in -best wp-t-o-datei miiohin -Y Palmerton, 13i bcom;e fo hoilidwys.— Local BIefs.—Quite: a arpg-t n *11 , le f1f the future.—Will Hayarot, f Haffil- years, Is taklvg. a few hol! + and Finance Minister, d&iveiried his, bad- aqd is certainly woxt,y.-of fbo,pat-.. ton t1was a v1sitio in t(ow- MIv3 Bortha Sandexson. f TOT;= 4degreo max
"Make n f6tr a few to, bex --frm Hj"sall and vicinity book _131 days nage of the farmeirs of lffi-L-s, vid- day�j th,6, wIll spend isiome, irmks in� -Bluevale. advantage of t1w, chakip exouxlofi, to -9
Bide and look- fo-*yard wif# brieTki�tes —Y r.—Miss Nash, iot t. get speeoh I veek and: t'.hie Budget welek. red . Adfamis has hold keve debate was thei shortst on record. inity, whio will reap thie, , 3,ongef its -town. It Qptim- PIX�cihsed flmihardwav& gito�ok of —Mr. Sohn Burges4 went to, -Brant- Goderich last week.—Mr. G�eorge� Mc- Yx, is, visiting at Mr, ad Wk- fordion Monday.—TVIrs,., (Rev.).Rogers Ewen is making good headway -with John Ee O to the fult4re. i4m a XITA lass blieshing oiAfit, the Into 'Mr.'XcCufrdy, ab Fordwieb, ko
HOD. Mr. Fjo4ter, Aba Oposition enjoy _001UU14TY lft--- and lt!s pos- 'd fu�Jaboa vfr. Me- -IsoheoL 1$ta
Ism is a goord quality a,p while Nvic 'oonqm Rogeirs,' of born-, the drain whicht hia ilook !thp_ N a wi'lill r. John Galigfert anA Is now bwsy taking stook. We �nnd MWS� Till session saIietimas aables people critic 11riefly rapli6d and a couple od.o.n hils puxchase, �gveo(, usit -,br, dale, foxmerly oiE Bla.-eivale, contract for, althouh, the Nvet Tr_onto, IS visjti�n fjo of .0-thie-r clo-se!d the deb AM Sorry to oae Mr, amis and a t I ffT.
-11, tol �QVCTootage difificulties, WlIld, W1 moe Nvibll' tha.t' sace, f-Ainaids, here, last week, an*d 1�61!or,e weather Is hiudering work con- Downey"s.. —Miss - B. Maloney, of I*. be It is out- -of the becularitioes of Par- hl� energy and enterpri family lea -pe' town' as -they wfeirp first b
olthers les,s bopefill, wouiq, sie, os-erves. rot uxnlag -.. hom 1ey boys
even hbi-9 igood ]lament that, a. class eltiz'ens. Mr. Adams' pump a will visit at Bp-[- sidemnbly.—Mr. Wilrson Swinerton, a irnto� Is bome "on a v* it.—W. m-abtlar such as 4.-fio .4. -The en,thler, I mountable But s somiewthat ivet am d more, Fardwicibi and other plac2s.— former esidnt f our villiage, but Calla' Is works hor4a We:ro bwrned in the, nto _s 6bilden are qu��ity b,' itse liluitS. *n� 01110 In Y b,4.ckwar7dfor haying.—Te 0. L. lax1g f ire. Mrs. F. B. So-ott Is ill.—Mrs. A. now of Mnitoba, was in th villa-gie, 11011days. wif'h, 'tbelr- educational clause.s of the Aut in the agr,.
speewl of iilta Finnce. bills, w-hi� h are -eall of +e?ry 11ittl a'ball mati.
P y eleb-rated ith ;.glorlous h at FarroiNv, oit- Goderloh;f visitea q. Mr. during the past wev, r..enrwin'g c10- Mr. and 'Mrs. Mal-one.—Lasto io* us to bellvo,tlit even-tho Ingosit ex- Importance, shoruld' 4e� debted for Kingeardinge. on We du es da y. - B Robert Musgtmoveis; Itain taoes. —Miss Ros.t - v M
1. , -him fouT months, and that tibi� tBudgat XeUir of To r., C. Delaney bad a �svwx kilkt treme optinxim will no pnAbi ,Wedding Bells.—Tlm wn Mists Je,nni Gireidnway, of Toronto, Into, is visitin,,,Z Mrs. Wia. Col-w0l by to boa9t of 1 a stiplu� much -lantgor. in which manyxmillions of 1doldans ot: Dominion -Ives the, foll CT- Bx!P-fs.—M .. Donald M91nnis left b- �nd and Mrs. 4-ohn T). t he Uh. M-53101)4 had twio will spe.nd. the holid3n,; t ew -fat, .Even, now, bip- boa,!§ted ,gu,rpJq;s bas the Peopleo!s -mongcY are, pracitically, ex?s blomo biere.—Mr. Will Ptqsion �Vtlson were in St. Marys y I g h op 1th U e ting account of the marlwgo of last wcok f or 'the North xa aA ppearZd. Tak" Dig- (the disposed of and 'In which, th it n i jor$003 and a rolt kil-pea aaa all but 4; Neal, formerly of alton, went by boat from Sarni tO F0rt Is hfornie, friom -.Nexv Yok. MIteir a . filsiting, xelativo,,.—Mrs. G, Cbrtp- -whole, at tliqt xavon-we nd: lt�hte ordin- finan-ciitV f(nd commercial intereski William. Mrs. ahother rilt.' blindeir by lightb* ortb-*- !X5
t Mis R F. Reyaraf t, whoso par- Mcluni'3 00OMPan-' holiday -it -hog-,rie Mr. Patcrsan- rh�iah and ohildren, of have thij. wppk. IVA Of th ominion are viLally ton�orn_ . F. -9 16d him as fT ats Sarnia.—Mis. A. Q. -ary exiiendita,re and Mr, !riehfiag is D ei��al Lme, is in that bo,vft. ''On.Q. take it 'term t th, Moody s J. L', zbool,. Iie2m visiting Tdativea in llensa,ll still able to ;1hw a. sarp'lus. But ed, sbould be distposedof 'in as many o - tip, pr6ttlet howso. wed Lugs of Boblex'1as (1-sposed of the HioPper at Mount lleman, kasquah"etts,L and vlcknity.—Rev. ]Ttlley, whon, Iva money itibiat ths _.bioirrs. But such, is piolitiesi The prpe ty, west f Mr Cr.eeah?s, to bef ore t1le year was celebrated, at the be4- .1 .golti to Toronta-UniveTsity., of Rol-o.nd, Mnitoba, the 40dcst son -A F 1re been epended on whi -t s -&06h wa-si, In mosit !rgespg�.cts rs. W.H. Hoper, Of ul home -of if the- late Rev. A. Y. was [Lt IS $Ialled cap budge, John nd Mrs. Roy- of *Stepujon. M-1,3. —Mr. Pugh and family move to Their 6 K, U -11t We find Few tariff. Bobler is' disposing of all her lytiop- ra 1-tal teco - thmt� tbe fairly t stistfactory. mfll hit d a na. -ow. -6eagpe ftom Aew ep alia
crbft, Victoria avenue, Wb,dnosday f-rin tti eek.—Amo-tig tbie Huron !U�Y t be village du -ring I 111v parst week Xcve,n,txe, gr&A as, lt hs, bo has ohanges -svere.- announced and tb orty here, with view of zem,ovim7, Old Boys, a,nd Glxkii stTuction by fire on, Thuxisday a.ftpxnoon of lost week, -%v n their A�,hlo-s'topped off visitimg frieD,d,-3 kn this his Oormter 1, r k. L nt. A f -en more few are. inot Impo,iih ee Whlo In be �Jian -'absorbed , and ithat duty d4ghter, Mis� B. R, for'scme -time to London in 4he fall.—Mr.'T. E. at Bluova,lp; we -Te Mr. and Mrs. ohn' 6ome.—Krs. Hen'y Cook veiry pleai- Llik, en W%rp nstead of # surplus It -bare is I-eally 600 -per 100 lbs. lr o li)e imlo,.�gaid p4,*t tgoch,eir In Moulton -Liftiliets' Col- HandXord, one Gr the mtost extentsive, DI,mgnt 1),n_ Percy; Mrs. -Martin antly enibew d a n umer 'of - M 4y at'. diner tho fi P, bvoko Out a defloit,, and Itbie (pulici de&- 9 and was- noti-red by nieibbaxs, wbo thle, on xiolled oats in ordie �-,D -equlUe horse -dealers, has shippd two car Iga!rw 'and amily; the- Misisies 8' Dominian oTtio(n4tely t y on the finished pt(oduot ele, Toronto, - was u,nite I in the �n-' fady friends-, on� Tuie,�sday last.—MA. imntediatelyoaxne a , nd by baTd wvrk hAs been 'prop he dult holy bonds of. mtrimloiny ID Frank loads of very hndsome horses fbr drsn; Miss Mawy Brooks-, Miss golden, of lClinit-on, is, visibinig her Clix
And, taking Mr. Field on the- pab of every -personj Increased. with that On fiba raw imatfe-irigal. A exhibition at' tbe, Winnflp' 1W rep'. T1,
Neal, M..� M.R.C.S. T.R.C.P of Pet- P-1 fdLr. Mnig Jermyn; Miss, Jennie ahil aranil-dau,ghiter, Mrs. rankMatra- lnk'� figuxe* and lcul�atioh-j t,a duty of 25 per qet. -is al6o 'to b a. e-Ibar, Tb, ceremony, was )Ztarm- ar-t Dow Mrs% Rlc�,bardson. ca. Messrs. John..Snell and Glib .—TvIr, S' ith, of StrlUoTd., was tion of 1:6 buildin-�r and all is and Sp.rw
-next -Yoar, kho TA,-vo.oue will not d6 levied on the bags iq Wlisc n, atr maelighiery nas %avliet from Aeot=U- appreclate
Ary - 0 is ed by Rev. T-aspur went with he in t hie vilUL g- ,k sipi endi an T.Ucdt tha ardin �cpgen- imported. T!Ei, ",will, piobablk -e this woo Ing Ion, b a t belp was wt. Ohnd jusb in 60 th. h g up -3 A number of young pieople, PIPIng , :
w1ilo st to the number of about Kip.pen. a few days with: Mr. Jamts Bell, sT.,,
ltures, n& mo.aey Nvill havo iN 'be increase tho oosit, of c*rnen,t -to tb dwn to tl a tabls coming home from Grand Bond a and fauily.—Mrs. Joh D. Dick and nick of time. Had thone, beel'o 41 )q�d-6a,o,n Canadin consumer about Lie ciontvs !*An it", `W �eve-nl,ng$ ago 9-ot a bad r3ca lay of a ifiew minutes longw noitthi borrowed for' all It -hat is ex fe ro Notes.—Mr. Donald MeNlevin., of two yuns onti, gof Clarksbur , xe, "in w1iich wege� picely trimmcd -yyitli Ing prop
t Thi I ad4 60 per barivel. are thp, princ�- e 9 Ave staye-d tho fliamacis as is "wi �ob�- articles iu which. oufr wede(m,al, flowers nd laden with all flia -deli- Iin and tsom' oi thom, were considexbly Dungannoffi, Is hexe this week o a Visit ng Mr.: d r Wm. Choipraan, could b
the I in -r st paymoints o shaker,. mp ill
`g0a.Pies of tbe season. Six y6ung lady While passing another visit ito.. hL-Y da ugh-tct- in Mrs- Mrs. Dick's ;and also their the aydi , mill, mazh�in.&T�y My half a miltion Ilon is to b' intcTleslged. A friends; of Ike, brida ts,oxved the vehicle In -khe dark they drove -over Joh McNeil. Althouii past t1hie, and friends in 11en - vvoi Id hve beein* jagestnoyed. X -spent 0
'Mevin is still not kaowu bow �be firestarteAbut
The roveilii-os for 'the fpa!�t pine ppobted to make� careful enquir the end of a. culvert, UpSottJDg t1hr, four scioe mark Mr.McT g Lie S U�, s follgo-,irs: Miss Pofter.field, gall -wheTe nu�
hve �evn Im-ge, an jr throuhout the country d ;and jn�jgborhood.—Ur. and 1-1 Y. d cich !te urin, dila cab whic, 11 s considera6ly br-okn. it v-�ry sj�niaxt man for hia Mr,, a '' it is suppose& to have. bee.n. oauset- -hte -expndit- -blave xecestg, with, tiha, view of _Xydd, Mr. -Ld Mrs. ing, Mfss Dart, Miu Lambly, MiFs Ridley U #ut L Urea MIS% Tape.and Miss Scott. Thp, -bride, _The council have made. a ,-rant of Mrs. Shater amd Mrs, Moor1e, of the W. stwe Ill, by a spiaxk from the, farinaze. r. It- Mrs. U. S. TI.iioms;on kept 1),Wl Iblife irevenues, It ii tariff! itlior,6ughly revised and r: $100 to the band on condlUoin that village wgeire this wk& VLSU.Ing in McBeikthi did not haV16' any c7 was chai-mingly attircd in a.gown of now �tdm itted by vill constracted ' nxt !Fssion. So tb , I t, and and Mrs. J. C. St ore-am'silk, trimmd witl d they glv�a an outdoor concort fr Cli-nton,—The faxme;rs wre, having but foxtunabely
the lgm� will mvt U na trim- the pleasu;r.o of the cltizon�s dif Lr h Mr. McBeath bs dwfl-V tbot-, n %o IV 'p. 0 bravy, . f� 5 th.e.neXt,-se slon will Ve li:he, triff chene, un 1 tralp over' t,fl ra - e ne- e:v- ticulty. savin the tay, OlVing
N qoi--wv.rned, .vv4� q out serislon. Betare the end ol! the-1pre- bit the, marrlaga of theii relative, -old boy 4
n andibb!f;q oning each welc during the. surnn)er. tot he cgontinaed w,et weather but MI,, rgatef al' te- is neighb—ors. for U* pflianlelnitry teirm, th<,� f !�- md with cl)ifr6 on tirid car- of. �and fOr _14 itally 1-144
n - Sent way tbe-y it uTed out.,, t- nncial year ried a -hand bogquet -of whi o -xioses. —Th hftve, lso -giren ,I thos. ivho kow t5uy will be. a G-ranton, Nvill preaoh in St. Pni's on. Satuir
not be said bf It tie expenditurgo. That vift - bl sist-anice, will b -o cb,a"gexl �o no The bride raft, gT.ant of -one undred d-ollTs lathe, a) tia gr or tber t-i"Iftli,.—Thie. old oliuroli on Sbbntbt cvtrning. Rv- lua -ge as srdaid,'Miss M,,,Lud , eyo e aft is 1 W.-ly to Incneryrw r -by "63r aX to Petnitt of Parliament ope-hig in Mechanics' Instifutq. Both grnts scibool howe In se-atio NO. 2, Tuck- aring bks. property. -wore a g -own Of peaxl grey silk pe W. J. Dohme-rty taloo Mr, Kilty's tit(, exp'lo ities of :t 0 - November so it can be, tlgosood bef,om de chene: ovor . "ose are ommendable and will lie. p- wlitchithas stood thie storms dutle t nd .Mr.z;, proved -of by the, people.—Misn F11.1 of Vort yers Is no M10,TY-1, it bet Ica a it, VA `-9 I -T. Jolqns, of Guelph, Londesboro,
CDUY-Itl'y denjnd. 11,CnV-evC4r, jt� is h,e, warm went -her of the Eollowjng� bouquet of pink rosm, Thee bride's y admitt(A by Mr. Viv.ldlag �liat spring. This annown,6me' _W.13 Ing t he- f.
goling pown was �hiTtfo tft-Micta McCallum, has juist completed been torn, down to inake., xiof,)m for r.,,. Y)nrents, Mr; Urs'. -(Dr.) Walker 4:94 —D.r. I
'have, (to be. Made by the, Promier a few days In her Normal ,3c;h,00l 'ooui anusual. eabno,my Will r3e, bevii the, handsom building n. -ow be- and brown*trm_.11 d w! Lh Heairy Cook.—hrr.i. C. Cool-, who was d,aughter, Cdr, f Dakota aim YL -1- -r cim�d f6r scaveral ears it -we onga x4, are A bill h.qs 6o6ri passed tmoking 4ord, qhlfton velvet apd oinbriaid r d ged s one -of the -,to,aalleTs -in Ing erected,and the b(Ist 07P the mn- Visiting lior in W Iting fr,* ndsi liteirfeg—A pretty V1113od- avoid doficil.s -on Iubte, one, isid, and Sit am-ps it bu-t- ro'-pt ., Years..
to Ae. 3 in tading 'the public school s succee"or to teirl-al fxom, tho old buiJding wift be fol n InIonth, taxtion -on tlio otbler. To criminal, offenoe. The, Son-at(� re tons. The, gnoom wa�s 911, , -Led by home, Ink dhig was held at ilie home, of mn - best do t Ill.% wil I 'fa x 14he f irmnreas arid �jb,e wrestling wit -11- the Autonomy bills his brother, W. G. Neal, Miss Crlig, who resigned' * MiL,,S J1100Tporated in the new. MISS W10L*k._NTIs.i Florenco-Po1w is spend- Thowas, Sherbyo4k, om Wkneohm. Mr. Fielding mind - The 'Consge:1-vative. mem- MoCallum formerly tirgh� in *rlght was- the first taciliter in the L9 this weak Thd xrobm's pnesunt to th brido the !W,:c a week or -�io ho'lidaying with July 501;, art hJgU noon, -Vvbp,X..l 41W was dircle of pearls and o the school and proved hersolf a miotst n -x- old shool. aird the wbter of" thgeo�c in Daohwood and otlivr only dauhter, Mi tion to them, but they twill s fin-. irled. collvagacs. It 'i-; always 'and bO'rs W.fge making, � Nhow of Opposi.- bride maid a neolclace. The newl' mllent and pop-ailiar Iteacher a7nd Itatmis waril one. of h& Xixst p,upil.q. places.—W art. to se Mr. marxied to Mr. Sprau more poulr to Ucreaso Itho , g, �of lifinito e leif t on 't] .56 M. s have tken. pla.,v.� since Watson, 1he foundry b. --They lieft - on tbp,. aft -or -0 ,tit Itham. I ally psned whon --thei old'ttadics of gain secluiring ht,,r services.—The Mists. Maggie Wtasoji, f the —Pldw4
ditures thn to curU t i. ma.1ried compl. the truste,ca have been fortunate in' Many cilijang-0
C-Ri t�uain for the, east an a rLP! "If,- eo.ently injured, bl,p to go train fo London, N gr 41or q pity � th-tt, in the tat ym� T'S tilia body t,,:',c tbemsiolve,% Out and ia. - ter'which they will take, u 61 ir'. re- exodus to Grand Bend has fully set village, visited wiLli, in roud nd(lovernmenit (lid nott IV U1. points. --y Will alt3o Spend a put forwilrd that will not take lng this 'hot in and many of outr c-itizens are Clinton tlw- fore part ot tho., woe Moir werte in Kine,13idixui duxbng Up. beform leaving t�or their abumO sidence. in Pcntqr�or-o, whc.ro .. nNeal. enjoys , a. isplen4ld grcitice." Tbo availing themselvem of the beauties Edna Moevin. has retdxned to liabilities of (h(! couitittry. It apor- pas,41: wevk visiLing In t 1w, west, 'Mr. Sprmng Usr -9 I many f rlq.nds of '.Pr. Nea.1 in his - lo- and pleasm-es of tat gret summer To -onto, wboxv, shia, gmo t,�> fill I Donell l3r.os., hordw-wre" good fwrm..—M1sri May Brogdon wA&V tion af nnual isurplus,es Jid b -Den, - An Uujust Attack. Among others who, have Lg 'p ad of swell- "The memhcr of Parliament who� years.of hapijinosLj. atilized in Lhis wy InLstjo, callty wish him iLnd his bilde many I' -901� ogod oAtbo.n in, the big Eation ario makfing' lm�proveWnts L Wifair suoce,--ssful In - bar gexautll n -in
taken cottagres there tor the Ilat- store.—T-o exoellont sermons Ivere, - U I
would Public -weigh ind, Mr.4. niulo' taking hoaox,—Miss; D.Floodf 40W . not like Mr. McInty-rie who Irepr- ed term w-0, learn of the ftlbowinp�: P.Teached In 'St. Andre's chutrub oti 'A. W. Harper nd son, ifrt,on, of visited here this week.—Tba 0jra-9V-_ b in ii�uch bette4r POSitiOn ',to Mesrs. T. H. McCallum and 11. E. SLInd,,,Iy last. by Rev. Mr. Xvrr, —The Brandon, Mnitoba, werx-, visitlirg Lode &_Aebrated. the, T-welital- 1h Tneet tllc� �trlwgont years wbien bbey sc-nffs Iffile net9bboring 01DnStit00qZY Lak� elet Hueston with their familie.3; Mrs. You -119 minister from co and � oit which are alroady of So Tariollito.—As at the hon),e of J. and B. Lodon.—A number fro -in bereveo- I ed th
�RInO5 ell ralsed . H. Collins and MLss- Ronthrgal, 0115 i-7 the season for berry pick- icy uth, Porth In tha Dominion- Ph- reezes.—Mr. Thomsion.—Mr. Wm. A. Thomoon, of thia day. In Clinton.—Mrs-- Urlsp:004 hving I -1ligh fore -Las -C. 13at % liament, ,and hnce - goes J-ofnqg -wa and Sa Mrs.. in. i1s, bax-n on Yriday. urday (Dx.) Anderson and family.— �m,,,Iny have to foregotheir mGrn- Woodstook, 9 have not Ithis and -,vef need xIot y PQ n,t 8L11I<l.IY It hs 31r.q.. G. Lyon returned home Afte last. Oiving to 'file beavy r in ion Mrs. J. G. Stanbuiry a TojEurned Ing naip in order to be, in the berry Itome trom 'Of Us urufl cou-�sga -to, mako uip- .—'Affivses Clar ind Perth. vft
Out look to t1itt 0jV"oSltlQ-n for Imp o yrs'Friday ftexnoontt;he� w-ork 1i as. ro home aftiar having spent a nagonth Pgat0h earJy. Vio, crop is 11 I,Irge Thonison, . u i� f Mr. D�avld CrLp was accompanied by lwr nt t, aS tMy aVo very uju i hands liad o -go at it he -narental home t. W-ligitby.— 0110.--W(� a-re.pleased to report Ugat L. Thom9on, I o
mont io this :reopoc on him st .4nd ucalled retwridi6d ,that t,hq of Z�rrotgo, re hp-ru Mb" Best.—Miss L..Yong BpdjA r its,
'UT n y oire nof fiy Taure ldhqposved lbo. prepare for attack. It pys: back on Sat (1''' f noon b bn-r Mr. JWn Gardiner arid Miss NetLie, Mr. CudmoTe, who has bvwn poofly y "The. mmb.(If of Parliament ivb!o Ish. Tha Lieglar 113roq., oE Cli ord, are spending their bolidys witil so log, walc? bjr, to dri" to the, for the In(-vitablo :rain reIntiv-es.—Rob,ex Jblw- 1):"Ist week In Torwito and Win St-onernon, of To- A-fr. A. Clement, f -To the Gover i1nierd r. In zill 'Ir did the f ra,m, Lrkg ton IM Wilfrkd roa,�% 49 -ford on th( has liyed t!bc xneneqt part -in con- ��Mis Janiet Ritchile f rionds in Toledo, Glilo.—Ouir clever v11119-90- bn &a.tu,rday J. �of the grinances they rld- Tonto, WJUIM f_tlon with the nLitonomy bill is Of t he I th rp nt it young friend, Mr. Herbvrt Gregory, IS- VM O �'. 1, O, F;ttterson and slon, of v wcik visiting IT, N. BrIgham m. Gleaa*-, G. H. McIntym, of South Perth. He couple, I n tb.3 ip�g tvi!vI-t- of Gladmian & Stanbuy's In -w office ited with heir- si:iber, Mrs. Ro'bt. n, Winn Og Al c T g g.,! r t is in Toronto visitilng and wtattend the ormal C01W in this way -cu.rtailing. thn revenw, V
was too much. of the party m,an to in I4 lie" siS er, Mr. Wm. MoLa bl�an, 'and son bf Mr. Thomas Gregogry, has Cpoper, d,utring' the, week.—Mimes is � �el
so thC by�thelr ra,�bbiodtfhgoourplus NVOIington, who -was avpwx� in Hamilton this fall. vote agains the.oductidnal clauses re hor bme hare �al week distinguished' himself fet th,ra law Cla.ra qn*d Lullia. Rosi, daughtcTs T. Ail
would .1pto, 'the pockiet of ti)!(�, and he was not enouglior.t.lieg Vnanly- go, hving h d tlie picai's.a'rn�ite;s but- scbool.in Tor-anto. In hi,3 first V bf Mr. J. P. Rosg�-, of TiorontD�, vl.s- Cathed
nianufactu�ers Inetfad of Into the .ear
man to vote for them. 'Xis trick Ing of her mnvg of -examination he won firsit class hon- lted duiring the, wwk with. their public jrdasury, froin. 'wbonce flic voting against both the solution McIntosh congrogRtion purpot im'- os and a $40 ' ciasb scholarship. cousin, Mr. Murry Cldwel.l. They nioney is disitributed for. t1to onefit and the .amendmeu Nvill deceive e a -P I learancei iot their This is a good start.—Mr.q. ihosen- wer�e tebompariled by Mr. Cadwell's of the in_�Jad.dif be- huich and -b vp _ iuX giyeeit� a chosen few. Altfi.ou no ono. No principle is'aavan-ced by U , t W . A. Coo , of- blifiz, of Londor)� with 1ICT tw sons Ais P s plassi.c. SPO N "u Ph the tactics of the trimmer, and it Cllffor,d. the con1tract of Putt' 19 in is VLsiting 'at the pargentat lionjo, Of from both might was for this class that Mr. McIntyre, tk me t I 1 0 0 un -.� Mr. and Mrs. William HaNirkshaw. sPAII Who*t
affing bd I be advisable, there is not much TO Brucefleld. 11r. ' hn
qua]lfied by his conduct at Otta-wn, �f -CUrford the ivainang cont act. —Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey -Utt per
doubt ast it whic of t1be priop',mied Iran*
110 would .4tand 11glier 'in it -he apublic 13oth Jiobs. lto�lba ro)m, In So It :I)i2;lr pao Notes,—Miss Maggin; Ross, of Togr- ple-to II Indiana, re visiting I be78p Ing- ents, Mr. and Mr
am most in the, Inter- ostvetm to-dy if he had bfoldly xe- s -t -,—The i�,;go . s. George Bus -,yell; onto, is mpening hef' lidoys at (�-Ivts of IthP. !public, especially it 'dw. -fay.or a the sep- d.ni, pts for t of Usborne, an . d othcr oordO his vote, in Alsfoldt and-fNeAvstedt or-om- friende !n: tM home, f her Mr. Xamos GOODSt vx[w(gTid1tua-(,# of the Government' I I tire, on itl arate solio,ol cluss of--theiauton,o,my orlesy �re doing q4Itge a busi�es An tis -y. A few eved4ng ago itoss, London, Rod. -Miss Ethel Cot- w's�ely and ecOn- bill, Wben "he �Pinrt — — I chose to ran,arith "this vicin.Uy and t4a compevtilioi ti- as Mr. Wiflim KLLnzi blacksmith, well, of Uensatl, is visiting �Iar fdq- X�q per, 0mically ni�dp ptnd this is nott dis� the haT -arid hunt with he hounds M'OT'g rtkem is stx,e4u,ous. The6y was driving into town, tike whoel -of ter, Mrs. Le -6. McDonald.— T -he puted. lie laid himself open to it .18, 17 wn-d 16c per j�iound r aid -hat vh(arge -espeotivo_ his bqrggy came into contact with a Misses McKonzie, of Ntgorth Dak6ta, Lacrosses, Footballs, Base Balls, The ' clia Z�,s In 14ro Ithrif, an- Roww" '4� blab of all others awaken dis-USL ly for the- May maUc, of butter, R.- pile of new ravel -on the road nd art, visiting- thai anclo, Mr. John dilt -
by, Mr. Fielding wexi, few w and comfy, 't' In the gelecitoratoz—flio charge of,po- Canle arid -Chlrlsto�iiher Binklie-t,our he was throvi4n otbl fnjurini� bia nkle, MeXenzi, of ?figisr village.— M I-, s p a
ira Ive y tun tn t. B u t litica' I oowardloa. Mr. MoIntyro,pre- St6m� aso-ne, .',�ep t quitf, 4 sy somewhat N-everely. Some people Laitra P-ardue, of G6drich wii�d per
vot for Express Wagons, -Gow0arts, Batby, uds to be, very much annoyed +ht th1s, summer. They" -am, working t are very creless in leavingy heapg poift Sunday with Miss the ilurposle iof ctrhancing itk- the form liti s In t .his of U , on the, r d. t XcFwen,,* Stanley.—M.r. W. L. Nicol, venue, hut ot parliamontaxy Wallace's, S in -bank, nspred rravtl timothy 44
inz protection, 6o oertin industnierg. people hel a Is a'danirarotis praotise, and' n &Cc ,�ur 'the. object OF ffard- Oarriages, Hammocks, proct,duro, Tequirged his name to be, welek.—The MotbodiTt 0 ethai: B. A., of. McCormick Seminary, Ohio- levord-ed In the list of tb very sucoestsful social at i1ic rdnders, the municipality iibl. for a.go, . guest at the mamse hist V-_ T
This, Tyf-r. 11?`iitldini� nd his colbNgui,04 Wool (Woli
9'upported Ithfo meduontioal olkluses. x4s-ldece of Xafme43 tWxightt- adj6in- dani�ages thit- may ocoux.—Mr, and Glenm, of Clintn, sperit W*01 (URY
.4hould e mb(-i A�� 'not in aepord- �j
Tix, anomaly of the proc-cedings -will Inlg� the bug, `itbe, ot-heir tveniig. Mrs. John Essery of thi place, cale- Sbbath, wlt�h bliss, Elsie 1ACQMteen.— ance with ckno-wledged policy not -trike . the, public ary placuliarly. Ther as, a largq crowd prcSK,nt bT.,ated 'their golden, ivedding on Fri- Misi Carrie Ross, of'Seaforth, San- al Bugains -in Ladies' Leather Belt sina of the%lberol 11r.ty. 't is "Y-Ot ii" distressing. The division Ii. -Its X-C-' Mn a quartelfte. to see, a L! oral Gov(lrnmerkt even from ll,a,rrlston day eveninp: of Ins! week. The. day-Ld undie'r The parenital Toof.—
cord the simple truth tibatr Mr. Alo- f4grlls-hed a c.pital pfTograinm. - h -a of theix nufnerus friends is ithab Mr. NVm. Scott wife �of ouT Hand Baggs just now. TOROV_
9quinting o-wardi; Pr-o't`0ct'on for Intyre votd ba -lb for the educ-atior- p.roeeeds aqkoqn;ted P 'Buras a
�sake. They f%ho fo -about $50 — they may bo spared _ to ".1egbrae theie mayo-r, returni6d froin London last uld ad- iid a1gaInSt bhem. n Mr. S. Nay 1�f t re Manit6ba lst diamond we7ddingr.—A vey seVere erilt, 400nirp4ind by two of her . eal4ously 'to tilike, old oo- other Iv, trihe of Thrioff for -revenue onty. ards, -they writo, him dolv-,-n week tnU Nvill spend two ftnuoi*iliz v .9- ele.e;trIol .' ,nn'd wind _qLorm. passed littlie. Wm. Baird, of the as *in ex-coijtIonally wmk type of Iting xe4a,Lives tb-ere;��Thr_ i-clativ .3 OVeT this vicinity on Tti-esday dven- Torionto Technical School, is spx-nd- The p�!gople., A Tj TiX0 W1 S() -A' -N
. fg�vlll bbk-y political trimmer." here io Mrs. Scot, oir Ing of last welek. It Nva -3 n,Qt nearly Ing hiq holidays rt his, 'Nome. 4n. Stan-
-V.111 rrot OeL, protiecittloul f)� the - i I
rlu Wl"ii, the faots aire known t1116 who whs. oo seriously P.1 f1otr a mum, so bad s "t he lait one, and w-cl !have Atrthur Boyce., -of Godericli. DRUG, BOOK AND FANCY GOODS STORE. 1,
combines alwhuoixvGpolifes.. Mr -Field- �j dire, pleasied to. leara"ot dier lm t not heard -of much damuge, having 'I,,; bnotlier, 'Mr. James I h"
Ing also ann'Ounced that a comis- Worta'_% vrislavg-lit wilt, not, dtoi Mr. gen
sion! is Ito, bb appoinit,od, I 0 04n'PlOte -Te`eoTrfY- The, doe,flur In been 'dio e. T f took in u -t the Boyce, London. Road.—Mr. GeorXe SEAFORTH, so in.qwkre McIntyre, gny harm. Iiisted of act- a,t&-eu&nce did not o� at' sbe Nvioul same te.�/Atory, is the last. If this Pbrbps, of $Oat rth, paid a flyiaz to
hJ,4 tj ao
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