HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-07-07, Page 8II1J RaON os1'14oR Ott LeattetS &Meg the present season 16e Gold Medal" Binder Twine MODERN SCREEN DOORS AND 1,wmiDows, LAWN MOWERS,. WASHING MA - (MINIS, WRINGERS, CHURNS AND DAIRY SIT -2 - prices are low and goods of the CIIEF4NEY Ss SMILEY SEAFORTH, SOLE - AGENTS, Hardw'are, Stoves and Coalt DOMINION BANK HEAD OFleiCE, TORONTO. President General Manager Reserve Fund and un- divided Pieefits S 3,634,000 Deposits by Public S29,700,000 Total Asset* 39,225,000 Every feteility for the transacting of a ?general benking badness. Oolleotione triads en all points in Canada and abroad. . Advances made to Flamers. Speolel ate ention-paid to the collection of Stele Notes. # SAVINGS BANK. Interest allgwed from date of deposit. Deposits of si.00 and uptiardereceivedt end intereab peid or added to -account June efith end Deoember dist. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. s. HATS, Solicitor James, Watson, NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General Fire. Life and Accidene Insur- ance agent, Reel Eatate and Loin Agent. Deaier in first-ohuis family and Manufac- turing Sewing Machines and Cream Soper - store via: k.etw Raymond and White Sewing Machiries endNational Cream Sep- ' arator in three sizes Also emir g mechine needles; oil, attaele made, repairs end sundries for all kinds of sewing machines. Prices right and nue chines fully guaranteed, JAMES WATSON, insaranoe Agent, and dealer In Sewing 3A'achite and Bicycles.. North Main street, Seaforib. A Famous School itruotoarls,RADTkuri°nit,:i)tsh end Shorthand! School in Western Ontario and teaching is, done by experienced in-' This is the most secoessful Commerciai ecipwraitARB:0"01 year we have had many more applications from leading businese houses than we had stu- dents graduatieg. Write for our free oat - t won . *amusements. seler w Joh Mr. an e. The exesents, were and ceetly, indicate esteem eaeld for the r Their ettany friends earn in Arsitling 'them xliosifire IfeIrs. ROSS 10 • tar their ho qP, both limner!) PISTRICT MATTERS. has successfully passed his dinal exa aminateon of the Ontario Medieall, Council and is pow lioeneed place iiitioper. hue been fortunate lin receiving an atm:ointment as house s ax geou In St. Miohaeles Hospital, take pp ehe duties. of his new posi-, tion. cong.ra,tulate our young,. friend on his euecess and predict. for him ae. brilliant ,professioxial Successful Student.—Miss Annie O'Brien, of this town, hae passed her final examinatian at the -To- ronto Conservatory of lenge° with honors in piano-ferte -Noeraal ere' cour*de, -and also Mener's music method fer young -beginners, arnew to acquire the art of ,,eauslo in a. much more eaey manner then form- erly. We oongratu.late our young friend. on her sueoeiss, and trust that she will receive that meaeare of public eteneort whieh her 'talents entitle her 1/1iss O'Brien in- tends opening a class for instruc- tion in town, eeference to whieh is raede in our advertisieg columns. Our Customers Are growing in numbers every day and all join in stating that our line of mu-. sic at 10o ls the greatest value ever: offered. Get your name on our list and get a catalogue. Mail orders given prompt attention. Re- member the address dealers in Plante, Organ'', Graphophonee, Sewing Machines, Needles and Oil. A 17 Jewelled Watch for 810. The watch 'we can sell for (Ile this month IA better value than any we have yet offered. Waltham make Imen's size, not 15 but 17 jewelled, nlickel works, ia open fees, anew nicked silver ease, item wind and Neb. People are finding oat we give them `it pretty good artiole for their money, and one of the things we especially try to please in es a wee*. We warrant this one to be an extra finatimekeeper, and well worth the price, whtoh is much lower than a short time sga. John Bulger, Seaforth Dorniulon Day.—The Pee -Aare of, Dominion Day w•ae marred by un-, -favorable weather. A gloomy morn- ing did not. deter a large number from going to Baytield and from making preparations for a day's outing, but a steady rein whichset, on peevious arrangements or spoil- ed the pleasure of otheirs. But de - in befeee noon either put a damper. spite the weather there were very, few people left in town for the da -y. The bowlers held forth on Me green •and even the raba did mot dampen, the rapes In Stratford and othexts look advantage of the cheap rates by far the greater 'number went to Bayfiele. Neyertheleas it was a! holiday elate no doilbt people en- joyed it aftex all. New Departere.—At the last meet, beg of the G -rand Council. of the. Catholic, r Motnal Benefit Associa- tion of terteacia, it was decided. etie sta.rt a sick benefit fund in adclite, ion to tete basterance business now• carried With that end in view, legislation was sougeet from the. Dominion Parliament in order to legaliee the Association in accept" ing businese of this nature and. this heving been aceomplished,thee are now entitled to go on and accept,. business in the sick beoefit depart- ment. Thts be a ,great boon to ,,the Association ,and will, no, doubt,. make it ccinside.rabler eesier, to induce an inerease of membership., They are now- pieced on the same; tooting with the other fraternal assochitioris in this matter and 'thus, adding greatly to the good work foe the ben,efit of humanity which .hae ',been so Satisfactorily carried on, for the east 25 years by this Soe The Just Wright Shoe. Shoes are the most important single isature of a :man's dress. Take the trouble, then, of having them right. Our latest importations in tilt Wright Shoes, in patent colt, tan and velour calf, in Blucher and Bal. morals, are correct for any occa- sion of business or pleasure, and for style, fit, finish and durability, have no equal. Try one pair of - our American Just Wright shoes, and you will wear no other. Sold excluSively /ay us. SEAFORTH, Sole Agents for Hagar, Soveceign and Just Wright Shoes. and relatives many 'hePPY. years of married „Hee., Travellers. The follewing e were ship agent: Chatrlee Hearn; to this .home in Lyteetteti, Mapitoba:; D, Prinpipal .and. Mrs. Rogers 'to Buf- falo, N. Y.; Rev. George Lockhart and family ta Sernie ; Mtre LaCha.nce to her home in Gan -am que; James Pxootor, of 1 Constance,' to Pot ter - The followleg were tioketed by Mrs. James, Crich and Mrs. Isatie ot Seaforth, to Sault Ste. Marie„, Michigan ; Mr. Black, of Winnipeg, his way Mune. • chanapioesehip g.arae in Berlin on Fridey evening last. le was ,arie of the fastest ,and best ewes ever played., there. The tearns eite.re most even17 matched and it eir0 Diet until within ten rainutes of tlie call af time that the Rengere saeceeded in storing the first apd only goal a the game. It aneething the. Hurons' forw-ards played the faisfter .game but inaccuracy be shooting on- the part of batik ieaicis had.an effect on wee* well nigh impregnable. By the 'Rangsers winning this game the two teams ape now a tie for 'the championship I and to break it. it has been decided to pl•ay berme and homo games, 'gears to coult. The first - game Will be playe on -elle Fxiday, evening, at 6 :15. It will with,out doubt!, be the firreet exhi- bition of football ever, seen in Sea - forth, and shourd attract' . an un- xnense crowde The return game will be played in Berlin oie Tees- Married At Winnieeg.—A verir quiet but pxetty wedding took place at Winnipeg len Wednesday, 28th, ult, when Mise Annie E. Ross, sec-, end youngest deughter of IYIrs. Jane Ross, and sister of Dr. 11. Hugh Ross, of Seefoetbe was marriea to Mr. J. M. Smith, the popular ac- countant for tbe Guehing Bras. Ce., !of Regina, N. We T. The intereet- ing ceremony Wes petformed at the maese by the liev. J. W. McMillan, eences of the bride's. mother and a select few. The bride wore a trav- elling suit of blue elobh ,with large black picture het to ma.tob. Before leaving, tar tee west Mrs. Smith xeoeived many' useful and costly 1i -resents frona her friends. The, greiona's preseet to the beide was are spending a few days 'in the city and at Carberry before leaving to take up their! residence in the prairie caelfai. ,poneratulations will be extended by ties many friends of Mrs. Smith aireoeg our Teadero. • of St. Marye own their own electric inadequate. &A short time ago the council submitted a by-law. to the ratepayers ;renting them power to borrow . $15,00Q for the imp ro vem en t of bath plants. Tile ily-law was voted down by the pritiWe. At a iecent meeting of the epern• council a large doeutation of beeiness men waited oe the ereurecil aeleing them to take some arzion to have the defective plants improved; 'It tieerns that in the, electric light department there is but Dile dynamo with a capacity of 1,200 lights, whereae there are - 5,000 lights inetellet1 and more Awe wanted. Now new dynamos, are re- new boiler and new chimney. In the waterworks 0 department there is only one pump and should any- thing go weartg- with it Me town, in the event of a tire, would be at the mercy of tee eleme,nte. The ,corinell do not kpow what eie do. They admit the Inadequaty of both the water' Med Iflie lighting plant, hut they have no' money with which to improve them epd they are afraid to re -submit the be'elaw to raise 'the money far fear will be again vot- ed down by the ilroperty owners. It will be seen fro* thie ehet even xnu.nieipal ownership of public util- ities has its diftioulties and disad- vantages. • • Wedded Alt Miepedesa.—The of wedding bells celled, a number of friends to the home a Mr. and Mrs. John Gourley, at Minnedose, Men - 'Lobe, on tbe eveplag of June the 7th, ito witness tile marriage of their youngest deugietee, -Merrian Leabella to William Alexander Ross • son o'f Mr. Alex. Rees, of McKile lop, and a prosperepe young farm- er now living near Minnedosa. The eeremony was peeformed by Rev. Mr. McLeod, of Besswaod, and the wedding march wee played by Miee Evelyn Ross, eousie of the groom.. The bride, who wee given away by her father was becomingly attired in a dress of champagne Albatross eloth, trie,,;ened with white silk and. velvet 'ribbon and 'wore a bouquet of Hawthorn blossppas. , Miss Chris- tina Brown, wbe were a !dainty, dress of blue and Nittlite act- ed as bridesmaid, debile tbe groom was supported by his brother, Don- ald C. Ross. After lthe eeremony the, guests sat down te a dainty lunch- eon Which was oerved junder the shade tyees in the lewn. Tete even- ing was spent in tames arid ether day next. • The Ladies' Guild of St. Thonsate Church, eestortb, will hold their Annual Lawn Social on the 18th Refreshments iwill be served Adnriftlon to gronnds, 100 33rd Regiment Band in attendance, 1959.2 Washing Maehines—We havn 'n11 the leading makes and oa save you money,if you buy erlre. Counter effers by private male, a 'quantity of furniture.i Same oan be seen at her residence, John street, opposite the rectory, any Farm !Ina Han Steel Gadd, a111960sizies time after the 8th met from 8 to 0 fest, ma by the Canadian Steel and nicest, most durable a cheapest gate sold. Reid versal ball ;bearing, 4 and 6 blade. Brocirville, Guelph, ail sizes. 10 p r cent. off regular prices to clear. Reid and Willie , Sesforth. 1069.2 Wanted at ones a good plain cook for grown up family of th ee. No washing or Ironing. Best wagee. Apply to,iire. M. O. Cameron, Goder- oh, Ontario. 1980-2 SALT! SALT 1 S Having purchased the 113 making etook of SALT ngw on hand at the salt Week, re will offer the lame for eiile while it lastest foriner priest. Successor to Hamilton &Kerte C4th termediate 'examination before the seine body, an'd Mr. M. Graham, of Brucefield, his first.—Miss Kate Riker teen, of Heetesall, lett here on Monday lest for Glaegow, Scot- land. She goes by Montreal and ex - pan old land. Miss, Robertson's many frieeds hereabouts will Lein in wishing her a safe journef and a very pleasant vidie and. all. pleased to welcome hex ba!k again. Monday for Ottawa.--Mesers. john, and. Newlon McTavish, of Montreal, axe here this .wdek visiang their encle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. est . ter the junior championship tie, neither side scoring.—Mrs. D. nd this with friends in London.— aughter were visiting in London t week.—Mrs. 'Tarnes 'Roberts, of arkhill, spent Dominion Day here rs. W. S. Fear, of Aylmer is here iting at Mr. I. V. Fear's and other ends. — Mr. Luorts Shade has re- ved from Goderich street to Main cut North. The residence ()c- lod . by Mr. Shade on Godarich eet has been purchased by Mrs. , Dakota, is here visiting her tiler and sister, Mrs. and Miss gate ati the International Sab- School Conventioe .at Tor -onto 'week. 0,n Monday evening, at meeting of the Seafortir Auxin - of the Women's Foreign Mission- ary Society„ she• gave an iritensely Wriogere—If , ylou tee and use the " EZE," y ou will use no other. Reid and Wilson, The best Blue Ribbon Binder Twine, made (rein the pure loeg flbre Manilla. guaranteed to run 850 feet tq- the I pound, for 330 per pound *while stock largo: Cray a limited amount of this grade of Manilla in the irket. Leave your order !In A private anode sale of: househo:d ef- fects will be held withie the noct two weeks 'at the hom e 01 Mrs. T, B. Uwnleby, on the Old Lee pro- perty. 1960-1 Hammock's—We ave an order a stock of genuine Palmer Be mocks, n Web will be in stock in a few days. lf you are needing a barnmook do not buy unt11 you b ve seen the genuine Pakner. Slaughter sale of dress goede. D19a59ri2ng Reid and Wilson, Seaforth. July rind August we wil olear our entire stock of dress goods. This gale i eludes all our high class summer sbirt waist suiti gs. 50o lines for t6o, eta. George p. King, Winghsito. 1959.0 Gale:dive and Oil Stoves foe the hot wee. tber. When it acmes owe and Bee the values - Reid and %%loon, fieofor h. 1969 2 Watch Lost —Loeb between Mr. James Cowan's, north Gravel Rced, and Baldwin's mnelo store, on Wednerday, July 5th,a nickel cased watch with Elgin movement. The ander will be suitably rewarded cm leaving t e eame at THE EXPOSITOR 't 1980x1 Churna—The bee on the market at low prices. Reid and Wildo , &Worth. 1959-2 For Sale—Two nee., buggies, one rubber tired. S. Barton and Son, Seaturth, • wool! Wool i As we are short 400 lie. on our contract, we are 1 paying llo above Toronto prima. tor wool. Bring it to No. 8 warehouse, wh ere you are sure to gat the blithest price, A'.so all kiLds of brain. Jamts Nettie, Eosfortb. 1 1 • 1980x1 Local Briefs.—Mrs. Came% of Ne- braska„ wale *here this week visiting her brother., Mr. g. stovoason.—Ur. Joseph Habkirk, Of Ova township of Ben t ick, near DTara, was visiting of Meleillop, near Seatorth, last -week.—The lale !of the stock and -ionise, on the farm near Seaforbh, on Thursday a lest week was very successful; Everything was sold at good prices. The I a.uationeer's halo - mer was wielded 1by Mr. jamee G. MolVliohael and he, did it well realiz- ing higher prices! than ile • usual at such sales.—Mr. .1'. W. Beattie has purChased Dr. Buereiws' black driv- ing mare end will keep her tor fam- ily use.—Mrs. Cole•marie of Toronto, was the geest of Mrs. M. Y. MeLe.a,n this weeke-Mr. Jahn, Swan, of H*. •ondale, one of the prosperous, farm- ers of T5sborne Wee In town on Mon- day delivering a very fine horse to Messes. Archibeld and Ceden,ore., which. be had sold;for $207.—Mre W. Govenlodk is here frora Chicago, vis- iting his parenta, 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Govenlock.—Mie W. R. Counter, who was in the •jewelry business in Seatorth tor a 'great many years,. has purchased the Sumball business in Clinton, Mr. Co tinter should do well tleere.—Mr. 'el-. N. Kirkpabrick who was teller in ehe Dominion Batik here for several .yeaxs, but who is now connerAed with tihe Beek "in °Alija, spent the first, of July With friends here, We are sorry to learn that, Mr. Kirkpatrick is troubled evieh ant! affection of the .eyes enil he `hate !been ordered by his physicians to abstain from bus- iness aed clonsequently he has been granted thew mon hs leave of ab- sence by the ba Rev. George Lock J. Lockhart, of M preached -.a vecry , able sermon in the Presbyteria.n ehurcle last Sab- bath enorning. Mr., and Mrs. Lock- hart *tad been vieiting friends in this vicinity and many were pleased to have 'this opportunity of lisben- ing to„ Mr. Lockhart once again. They tilt on Tueedily for Moare, Lambton county, where Mrs. Lock - hart's people live and where Mr. Lockhart' was stationed for some years before,reoving to the United Se a for th, has passed his final ex- am ination before the Ontario Med- ical Counsel at Toroptoe-and is now a, full .fledged medico. Mr. B. &nil - lie, of !Hensel', has passed his in- k authorities.— art, son eif Mr. Killop township, vi t st to Mo del bat las the ary inte Wei at very of t Paul • da War -estin'g talk, descriptive of the les Sabbath school convention erusaleum lost year, at which much appreciated by ehe ladies e Auxiliary bere.—ler. John Mc - of Toronto, was here on Sat- , vieiting his brothers, Messes., and E. McFaul.—Me. 'Veeomas , of St. Thomas, a tormot resi- dent of Seaforth, was in town 'this ab Ward ohang by M by a work for •th eratip during and it er, Bel They w far a writin at the divided trio ula Li a bone Moffat e large being so Mr. and minion sixteen on the n laet _Sun( They els men Ace and meg did so Presbyter eagerly Fleuroheu pas t we and Mrs. spent the the elec trio Fight works in bleat town, bas and is g to the fr. was belie t St. Thome. Guelph, w bowling with the iembees of their "mother; lodge."—Mi e 'Nan Killoran has ree turned fro Windsor for tLe holie days.—Mrs. D. T. Hepburn was here this week visiting friends.—Mrsd Snell and er little daughter have the countr with Mrs. John Dale.,; Hullett.—P ans for the new turd-. tare factor building are nowready; and tenders for thp work are_ to be xecelved un il the 12th inst. Thie looks like business.—Rev. E.. Welsh, ,of ndon, England. brother, of Mrs. J hn Weir, Seatorth, bee accepted th appointment of Canoe; ellen Secrete y of the International. Bible Societ and will come to Can- ada to resid , probably in T,orontoe have been in Eureke, California; for e cotiple a years, have dispos- ed of their usinetss' there aed are rera,ovinee to Sante Barbara, where they will agtin engage in businees: —Miss Ria rine, of Dr. IL 11.Rosse holidays visiting friends in Brus- Govenlocir of xenewing Old acquaintances. it left Beefier bh, -but he bas not a much.—The grader, worked e Those elabkirk, and -drawn ell engine., driven by Mr. have been doing splendfd n several of the town stre.ets past two weeke.--Haying op- s have been much retarded the past week by wet weath- is hoped it may be well Mr. and Mid. S. Mullett and - roue Brarapton to Vancoav- ish Columbia, .this week. 11 stop at Denver, Colorado, onth and visit Mr.- Mul- other there—There are 33 for certificates - thee week olleglete Ixistitate. They are es follows: Fourteen tor or 2nd; 12 for 2nd and. gua- nd ane for solo' larehip. Andrew Scott and W. J. have charge.—An unusually umber Of hay loaders are d to farmer.% this season.—. Mrs. G. A. Sills spent Dod ay with_friends Landon.: Edge & Gutteridee have w Bank of Commerce build-, rathroy. and they all spent; have a largo number oe lily ernployed around town baring country, This firm. ell in their Work on •the an church and the meet Onarneree building in Sea - it their servicai are now, -ought af ter.—Mr. Louis. z was in London the Wee. Bullard, of Acton., •Derninion holiday at the of Mr. II. Bullard. Mrs: remain for a roeirith: lei is superintendent of ull Aerie° of the business adually' forging his way; nt.—Mr. Thomas Downey; is week renewing old ac- , • and Mr. J. 0. Rose, of, re here this week at the, ournamene fraternizing *pent the winter with blends in, ale. gieuthern States returned )Torae this 'week. She 'was accompanied by., her from Windsor.—Mrs. M. C. Chesney a John streelb, has .gorie to Bay - 1 leld floe the summer.—Mies 'Aggie t'Of Toledo, acoompanied by her nephew. and niece, Joseph IBA& Reita McCown, aro here spending a fe-w. weeles Mr. and Mise. James Kehoe.—Miss Barr, -who has heen teaching. at' North Bay is home for the holid.ays.—Mr.,Weil. Copp isehome juet bow and although not fully re- covered is improving.—Mrs. Kruse, Winghara, is here visiting her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Belabor. —Mrs, Mr.) Elliott, of Luoknow, and Miss Hays, of Goderich, were. the guestie of Mr. and Mra. R. S. Hays on Wednesday.—Mr. George Chesney', of Gaderich, rstreek, is etill holdbeg hie own, wibh. an eradi- cation towaras improvement, but -is still very ill.—Mr. A. Schowestee,of the Speare 86 Page tailoring estao- dishment has elan° for 'a week's. visit to friends in London and Ber- 11n.—Mr. Hugh Mcl/Cillan, one of the progressive faenaors of Tuckerstaith, had. the frame of an immense bare, 56x105 feet, raised on Thurstley.—A. young man named Leitch, had 'his foot badly ortished by a traction engine wheel falling on him at the Bell Engine Works, Thursday morn - A Nice Party.—On Monday night, Mr. Peter O'Sullivan, a the ;second line gave .ai very nicv party '10,44.he, noting folks in 1de beautiful 'bele barn which is lust completed. Ale though 'the nigiht was very wet it did not dampen bhe spirits, of thoee invited who gabhered from theessoun- had a good time. The girls say bhe proprietor must be past redemp- tion if bheee evas no impressepn made on his heart atter their effertethat, nlght. We think Peter:, this is the acceptable time. - Notes.—Mr. &shortly, of Peml,roke,, was vLsiting alb Mr. Peter McGrath's, .last week.—Michael McQuaid is. home from Chatham" Business Col- lege, having peeved ereditably.—. Mr. 4cobn Coyne," formerly a teacher, 5, 3Y1cKillop, with his children, are new visiting Mrs. Coyxie's em.othere "Niro. Duffey. He ie a resident ,of Detroit for seve.ral years, and is, doing well therp.—A special sale of, graoite ware is .going on at Beech- wood store.—The children of bhe dife fexeut schools are now heard at. h.ome instead of ad school. W•esteme timee wonder how, the teachers stood, them so long. the London Collegiate Institute, with Ars. Govenlock and daughter ar, spending their holi- days with fr ends in this vicinity, —Mrs. Davi Dorrarnce, of John street, met eith a painful accident on Wednesda • She was carrying a. chinaepot when she fell cutting her band on the broken edge.—Miss J. G,ovenloole of this town hire passed her examinati n at the London Nor- mal 80114)61.— rs. Simon Reid was in town this eek renewing old ac- quaintances.— r. adel Mrs. Charles Goldie spent t e holidays with Me. Will Mills at Caelingferd,— While fishing at, the Maitland an Monday Reid, had the isfortune to have e fish hook fro another boy's lino caught in his lower Hp end it re- quired the ser icee of a doctor to have it remove .—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trott and fare ly spent the 1st of July with relr. Trott's sisters in • • Ntotes.—Mr. John Jones was this week vLsiting at the home of this. son, Oliver, lin Landan.—Mr. • John. Squires of Port Huron, was hete yesiting his aged father and eistee, Mrs. Ricker.—Mr. Gilbert Diok was in Tor -onto ithie week with a load of tat icattle.e-Many in this vicin- ity have etarted (haying. The crop able weather to nave it our farm- ers will 03ave ithe hest hay crop they have had for severel yeare. In fact all the icrops are looking well and. Toots premise Ito be a grea.t. crop.—Mrs. Yienry Ivison, (accom- panied by 'her taunt, Miss Smith; is visiting in (Forest this week.—We axe sorry to isay Ithat Mr. William Cud - more Is !not iimproving as Taped* as bis iftriends twould Iike. He has ness we mentioned east week, is also very dew twith but little hope for his trecovery, the ,having thad third attack of earalyeis.—Mr. A. minion Day with tfriends en this vi- cinity. Mr. McGregor is a gradu- ate of ourr blacksmith shop and his old 'employer, 'Mr. Mattis is always glad to riee him aeound.—Miss Mabel Whiteman is visitleg friends in Detroit.—Miss Edna MoNevin vie- ited friends in tGod:arich this week. —Mr. William Traquair is malting extensive improvements in this out- buildings and is diaving etone stab- ling put under his barn. The work is being done by the Messes. Thora- son, of 'Blake rwho always do good work.—Mrs. MoIvor, and daughter, Marjory, of Clinton, were this week, at tee home of Miss Elsie Kettk- ton.—Large quantities of vets °have, been roarkelted here darker, the past, week. Fiorty-five cents seems to be-- the inducement.— Our /village '6.bl:diming mill is, doh* blg busi- ness for this (season of the year.— Bev, Mr. 13aufgh, the new pastor of the Methodist cialuccciN officiated here for the (first time last Sab- bath and preadeted a most able eand eloquent se.rmon. Zurich Notes.—Hay council held a meet- ing in- the township hall here on Monday afternoon last. Mr. John Foster bas couipleted his contract for the new cement side 'walks and has made a splendid job of, them. Zurich people have reason to be proud oe the neae and tidy appear- ance of our .village.—The farmers of thls viciaity are busy haying. The crop is very satisfaotory- if it can be properly saved.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seibert, of Platteville, Oxford oounty, were here visiting Mr. and Mrs. X: Pieter last week.--Missee Lizzie Truemner and Louisa Wurin N;7ho have been in Detroit for some time aye'Spending 'a few weeks hole idaye with friends hero—Mrs:Oh-as. Fritz underwent an opeeabion in the hosaiital ab London ,lasti week and her friends will be pleased to learn that she is .progressing favor- ably and may hope to see her h,ome soon. --The Herald staff have been taking holidaye and there is no paper issued this week.—The Jubilee berme band mow give weekly concerts from, the new band stand. They turn out every Saturday evening. —Mesers. 'Alfred Faust and Ed. Warm left last week for Washing- ton State where .they will probably locate. They are Tfromising youeg 'men anti. will climb qp in the new west.—Mr. !ohn Decker, the well known horse fancier of the Babylon. line, Hay, recently parch‘Sed Stephen a/very handsome pair of matched horses and whiob, he ;will likely be fitting up to captureprizes at the fall shows, John always has something good in borse:fleah and he knows how to make them look their best.—Mr. H. Faust, of Caro, Michigan, who visited Palestine and Egypt lagt .year, delivered a most interesting addross in the Evaneel- ical °Mirth Monday evening on the Holy Land. Mr. Faust was a dele- gate at the International Sabbath school convention in Taranto and came to Zurich to visit his brobher, INTERIES TING PIK ATTRACTIVE NOVELT In Summer Dress Goods W4ISTI RIGS An extensive range of all -wool ,Delainefr, Cashmeres and Lustros, with white and colored silk embroidered. (spots and figures. In navy, sky, reseda chempange, brown cardinal, cream and black at 300, 50,0 and 60o a yard. SHIRTWAIST SWINGS A new anirival of those goods COM- pletes one of the best assortments shown this season. ,The ;ot incliades the latest creations both. ini weave, tex- ture and color. Plain and fancy Mo - hairs and Siciliennes,• Box Cloths, Ar - and the new lioxana Cloth at 40c 500, 55c, 60o and 75c a yard. BLACK DRESS GOODS A complete range in every detail. All -wool Voiles in fine and medium. weave in plain and knot effects, all - wool Crepelines,,Panama %dills, Ven- etians, Lustres and Canvas weaves at CRAVEN IITtE The best raincoat material made. It is rain proof, dust proof, light and durable, 60 inches wide in black, , blue, fawn and grey. No better value in the trade than our two specials av $1 and • S LKS You'll find all tie fashionable makes and colors in our silk depart ment. Plain ' Silks, Shot Silks and \Check Silks at prices. Our range of black Taffeta is ccnaplete from 500 to $1.50. See our Special Black Taffeta at 600. eholZ hen thit ey y try ocisely all excepti uatp,liwoorat4,Z1avel4 wed equs yonthadereisutill blue) grey ders, and ell ustticatngicki2twtoy7 id Nur and belts, es 8 The Best Store For LAMES' DRY GO OD The E. IlleFatd Dry Goods -C SEAFOVH ONT. - tin ergo Ously RIR br in rip oer Worthy townsman and mer- chant, Mr. D. 5. Faust and other friends and while here was previal- ell on to remain -over and deliver his lecture, and those who heard -it were more than delighted with it. —Mr/Edward Cuwvin, an old and re- spected resident of Stanley, had a narrow escape from seriou.s injury while -getting his xig out of the hetel shed hare one day last week. The hearse beeame. iiceetious, threw him down and trampled on hinebut he was rescued befere ebelng very seriously injured.—The many friends here of Mr. J. A. Manson, of Stan- ley, near Blake, will regret to learn that he- had the misfortune to lose a fine 'hole whielt he valaed For The Weste-Mr„ R. F. Stelk; who has been principal of the %ur- Joh public scleoal for several years left last week for the new vreet. His objective point is Edmonton but hrie Intends taking a good look areand before he decides to 'main any &tee. clever young man„ just the -kind to succeed in the New West. He has preVed himself an industrious, ca- pable and pains taking teacher ona. was liked by both pupils and par- ents all of whom regretted that his, services oceld not be 'continued fair our school. But while regret- ting his aepar tare his numerous friends here will al -ways be ead to learn of his well doing in the country to which he has gone. 'Miss -Kate Hart, who has also taught very acceptabl$ here, has also severed her connection with the school and will pursee her studies at the Nor- mal in: 'Toronto. Miss Peare"Nich- °Isom, the third teacher has .gone to North Dakota to spend her holi- days with her frieruls there and her puiills will be pheasea to welcome her in the school room at the cease of the holiday season. That Road Grant. --Dear Exposi- tor,—In reading the columns of The Expositor 1 notice that a, number of the rate -payers of the townsillp•s of licKillop and Grey petitioned the cou.nty council, asking *for a grant of $500 to akt them in opening a roadway in the respective, townships to enable them to get prody access to the new branch of the C. P. Rail- way, now being constructed, but I was also sorry to noti that such an Intelligent body of men, as com- posle the Huron couia;ty council, could not see Their way eteeet to grant the aid asked. Tbe said road, if con- struoted, would be a great boon ear the people living int the loca ity, frean which the petition originated. In the north-east of Meltillop the people. are distant from a market' Fome having to haul 0/air produce thirteen and fifteen miles to irate- ket. But by opening this road thee*, people would have a very convent. ent outlet, as it would be a load- ing road to a station on the a P.a. notioo -by the reports in The Ex- positor that the grants eche-1i by; the county- cOlinell at their lest *se sloxi amounted. to $1,500, I Vele* they might 'have given us a slice oc that amount. I also notice ytiere they have -gleeen a grant to a hen coop in Seaforth, but they would ea the farmer hoe this own road. have no hesitation in saying nab it was very udfair on, the part et the vounty council to refuse ale A- mount asked for 433). the respective townships named, as the people in the vicinity of the proposed. road are - much in need, not only of the roatil but of the financial aia asked fore - However, I hope the matter win not be allowed to drop, but that lb will be taken up at the next siesslont of the -county council, and it wilt ever be nay bumble prayeir that A body of men possessing such excel- lent qualifications as the count council ef Huron, will then be able to see their way clear to grant tile' amount asked for, mo_deSt as it IN and thus aid and do juStice to a de-. serving people, and assist a moat needed and deserving enterprise. ---A! flans are extensively in progress this township. The Messrs &Su! liven, Krouskopf, Ferguson. Pur Drager, and Gardinta, aTe„ building mammoth barns of Ills most modern designs; and with dab - ling underneath.—Tbe prospects fot an abundant harvest are very evi- dent at present.—The Beectovooi and Sea-eorth merchants aro bebbuf the Walton times as regards till price of eggs. Walton. merchan& beating them by two owes Pet. dozen.—Banking bees. road work and plonicS are the order a the deN now. eXe Sr wadie The Women's Institute.—The meeting of the Womerfe Instit will be held as usual on the sem Thursday of the month, July letbo discussion will be on " Meats,' Mehl value as food and method of cook- ing. An intore'sting afternoon i0 expeoted and all are invited tee take pair% iv the disou5sion. to a P.