HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-07-07, Page 571 19
Y 7, 1905.
in of gooeu
of the shoe that
ea of quality at
or h.
y e man --
1 :tot tvir4..‘ a,
to °I- •xiin7 =
••• yen
elvet ; illy when
• a re t ;liken
.hut as these
• hI repviit
itzi.t be wt•l1 tt
tziewoC.d tfor
.F.T_Iwort gun
:0-nritd Rei; -e; has
ozi ,w here
hcr parents -
.son 174 able to be
-ter his illness. -
LI( don, ss as t he
;...leer -in-law,
T tvistock, spent
parents, Dr.
jMks Lilly Nal -
spent titevera 1
'Leckie, of IIQW-
rb<n has gone
[eVt.t1 bee mploy-
Li) us nt,:-;s. -Messrs.,
Frank Sanderr-
kited the latter'
r.4. J. Sandetrson.
Jsi • Allan has re -
.111(., for the sum -
Allan Rae.
'ng his uncle,
, (S. Robinson, of.
in a few weeks
home "here. -Mrs..
Wiarton, is visit-
'. 4tri1 Mrs. James
and Mrs. HazIe-
Ale daughters of
t he former
et -k. -Miss Grace
• thc, guv..1 af her
P Smith. -Messrs.
.us -els ;111(1 T. B.
Ste. Ma rit., NVOre;
.141,14 Lfl t villa.f.re,
Nelson Fol.kt.:!=r •ig
Mr.. J. B.. Alk.en-
B. Lind, of
bpi-Li:1y wit h Mrs.
ai St anley.-Mr.
..=f London .:seledical
271. -1s -in (;raliam,
Collei_r( were
t recent pri-
(,.f Lire Ontario
.1(nd MrS.
or Blyth, :spent
• friends in Stan -
ell and Mrs_Canap-
(., a re visit ug
ni:ibell's niothrr
ts.itclieson, of
James Swan
many of the
re lebra't ion
.1ni•(:-. Day and re -
r=1.1 init. in spite,
sect ion No.
a• al ht. Ilayfield
;V Bilyfield on
the score beinfr
1(' N. 10. -Rev. E.
▪ I.; • sveek trorn
N. Y., nitirit
-Mr. and Mrs.
morning for
svill spend it
NilShti w nein-
Sutitlity InXtt.
. ho
TO ro:, to, ssYka.,
tl-,! pa -t feeir
I r.r some
1dt ' i t4 ra Qt -tick.
C.(.niecon, �f
r Bel=
Brik-ist Is, Mr=
1; z neva Ii, /MVO
• c-eqe.errete for the
J. Snider
spent t he laxliday
;it'cA, of tlie vil-
other make in
tion Footballs.
they know the
keep their
en if you want
• . Then we
'V ono perfect.
win bring you
andDrrateee. Swan spenit a
of laiet week visiting,
Verna and Brueefield.-.
Mrs. Simpsort, of London,
visiting Mrs. Simpson's par-
• and Mrs. Shillinglaw, aine
and Suraday.-Alex. Br;oad-
d hie sister, of Brucefield,
Sunday with -their brother.
of the, boundry. T_reiffrey,
sister visited friends in and a -
St. Joseph on Saearday and
-Quite a numlpor of the
g people went to the Bend on
flat Day To Win,-Wingham iS
optely gaining dist.inctWn as an
athletic as (well as a manufacturing
n Satarday last, July 1st, was
ay to win and was a banner
teL athletics. Winigham had
e teems out, and an won. At
ter, Lintowel and Wingharci
garao of base ball for the
"at, and. Wingharn won by the
se a to 3. At Teeewater the
ara base 4[111 010 won froth
ter by 5 to 1, and the foot
ib won from Igildmey by a
of 2 to '0.
Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. Reserve Ftind, $3,500,0
B. E. WALKER, General Manager. ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager,
Brieqs.--Mrs. Howard, of Detroit,.
-Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Chubb.,
and Mrs. Iiinsnaan, ,of Ham-
wcr V1SLtUY tin Staffa last
*eek. -Mr. Ewart Kenner, of }lam-
p was a re -cent visitor in ouri
ge.-Master Stewart Hamilton,.
his sisters of. TN. cketsm t
t :the _first of July -With their,
T. IL Hamilton, of this place.,
giss Ellen Oliver is -visiting rel -
s in the country. -Mr. and Mrs.iok,,
.g London, are visiting at
Frick's father, Mr. John Sad -i
idler. -Mr. John Carmichael spent
the holiday •here witJi finis parents,
and Mrs. Tucker and son, on
Retsina, have been the k,• -nests of F.
Hatchison.-Mrs. 'Wilson and. on
Sherbrook, called on II,frs. Her-,
Non this week.-I‘fiss Irene litranthe
Kintare, is a visitor tat the par-,
$5 and under •• 3 cents
Over $5 and not exceeding $10• 6 cents
Over $10 and not exceeding $30 • 10 cents
Over $30 and not exceeng 15 cents
These Orders are PAYABLE AT PAR at any offioe in amen% of a Chartered
(Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking pointe in the United. States
They form an excellent method of ,remitting small auras of money with safety
' and at small cos.
F, EfOLUESTED, Solicitor. , G. E. 'PARKES, Illenager.
Tins Sovereign Bank of Canada, charter
ed by Dorrinio-t Parliament, 42 branches in Canada
and agents in all part s of the world. Interest on
&pews paid f mar Mixes yeur. Absolute eecurity
Vaexaelled facilities, courteous treatment, modern
=thuds, Your account is invited. H. Arnold
manager Hensall'branch 19344f
G. J. Sutherland, conveyancer Hensel!,
Masa placed in his hands for sale, three fine
briekhousee, two of them with fine building" lets
adjoining., Dwellitga have every convenience and
bed -of locations. Also for sale, two very desirable
frame dwellings and nice property to rent. All on
'very easy terms and primes to suit purobaser. A p -
ply at the pest office, fleueall. •1955-tf
G. J. Sutherland haq a large quantity of
private funds placed in his hand to put out on
reOrtgage security at a very reasonable rate of inter -
ad. Also a number of nice houses for sale ranging
fa price from $500 and under up to $2,00 and over.
else frame and brick houses at all prices to suit
Tareloasersand on very easy terms. Apply at the
pest Moe, Hensel'. 19 5, -tf
Don't pay fenay prices for flew- when yo,s
can buy Ogilvie's Gireaora B and, G derieh Three
4scr or Crok' best farrtCy 11 .ur at %51.1- per c qt. at
theitereiatill F u r mill. 0.her dealers aro silting
the tame &Air at $2,50 per cwt. Shorts $2.0
bran $01 per ton, Ileary Cook & Sons, fienatill.
• 19 '0 2
Carlisle, of Kincardine, are; vislitin.g
Carlisle's • parents.--lilliss Hen- -
ders-oh, of St. Thomas, is visit:41-g
1Virs. Wn.. Arrntstr ong.-Mir: Black-,
well and sister, Sarah, were in St.t
Marys kisitinar their sister. -Mr,
and Mrs. • lliok1, f Egmoadvi11e4
were in the village on `Wednesdaw.---;
MiSS Annie Beek, of London, Miss
Martin., of St. Marys, and Miss Fish -1,
et, of Inrsoll, spent Dominion,
Day with Miss Beek's moithor.-Miss
Giv_es, of Toronto, is visiting her
cousin, Mr. W. J. Miller .-The
Misses Urquhart were in Biyith la-st,
-Miss Burton, daughter of Mr.
Wm. Burtom, of Mitchell, has gone
on a trip to the old 'country.
-As an, evidence( of the remark --
able growth of Ithe city of Toronto
it is stated -that the value' of taw
buildings erected .the . first six
Months of this year amounts to
$4,494,326 as compared withi $2,625-
883 for the corresponding period
- last year. The a,pproxixa o num-
ber of new buildings effected_ since
January lst, lalsit is, 1,535, or more
than double !the number for the
first six 'months of 1.904.
• Local Briefs. -Mr. Fred Marires has
-very much improved the appearance
'4cif his shaving parlor, by having it
nicely painted and. papered, and he
has it now almost equal to any; city
establishment • for appearance and
all the modern conveniences. -The
Xies Smillie and Miss Bell, teach-
ers, are 'home for vacation. also Mr.
Arthur McAllister. - Miss Tena
:Swan, of Toronto, spent • the past
-week with her another and. sister. -
Mrs. 3. McAISister was in Seaforth
last week, visiting •_her da.ughter,
'Mrs. A. Forbes. -Miss Ross, millin-
er, is visiting friends in Zurich, be-
fore returning to heir home in St.
Marys. -Mr. and Mrs. Adams and
children, of St. Marys, have been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McDon-
-e1I.-Mr. Aliex. Smith, the( well
known hag buyer, has put in a No. 1
set of public weigh scales for stock.
The scales are put in an a solid ce-
• ment foundation and enclosed in a
Matly and yew convenieraly con-
structed building in •the G. T. ! R.
yards. -Miss Smith, of Goderich, was
in the village this week, the guest
of Mrs., G. F. Yungblut, and Mrs.
James Banthran, jr-The Rev. Mr'
"Baugh,_as succe'ssor to Rev. Mr.
ShaW, has entered upon his charge
of the Kippen circuit. -Mr., South-
well, of Toronto., was hero., during
• the past week, and on Werineday
last returned to the city, acco-mpan-
led by Mrs. Southwell, who had been
'spending a number of wee -kis "here
with her parents. -Miss Mary Hagan
and her sistexar Miss Kate, -were in
this week, renewing an-
euaintances.-Mr. John Stacey let- .
tired the "Commercial Hotel " this
week. -Mr. atid Mrs. John Wisemil-
ler and children returned home, on
eTuesday last, from Well Mk' y 04;" here
they had Teen attending the golden
ovedding anniversary of Mr. Wise-
= miller's parente.-Mrs.George Halii-
llay is home Irom the West, visiting
ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robeatlt
Carlisle. -Quite a large numbe.r of
cur villagers drove out to the home
O l Mr. Wm. N. Glenn, on Monday ev-
ening last, and were very pleasan't•iy
eider ta.ined.-Mr. Watson, an em-
PicTee of the foundry, met with
nelte a painful accident the first
• Part of the week. He was engaged
la wheeling a steel truck when it
was struck in such a manner that
the handles inflicted tome injury
in Mr. Wilson's side, arid- itis
thought at t he time of writing tthlai
several of hLs ribs were broken, and
le is now under medical car
Mrs, Co -twill, who was spending a
month or so with Mrs. Cruickshank,
%as returned home to Tetersville.
Hen husband, Rev.. Dr. Celwill, ivas
elso her recently, spending a few
iss Aestherp, of St. niaryS,
• 'W5 here that week, vieiting leer sis-
ter, Mrs. 3. R. Be . Ls's Fisher, , of
'Zurioh, has been spending a few -days
11 Hensall with het brother, Mr.
John Fisher. -The stravvberry fes-
tival, held' under the auspices of St.
Paul's churrh, in the skating rink,
• on Tuesday evening last, was very
• largely attealed and. most suecess-
lul in every respect. The Hensall
band gave ex-cellent music, which
m.uch to the pleasure of tile
ioacasio_Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Mo -
were. visiting recently in
ihe northern part of thee county. -
and Mrs. A. :gunlock and Mr.
George McEaven and Jj E. IVEcDonell
-were in Wingharn during the', past
week.--ntr. 1tur1i McEwen was in
'Glencoe la ten:: visiting his a ant,
'Mrs. McAlpin.-Miss norton is tire
guest or. Mrs. A. Murdock ,--;rhe.
Misses Dore -lay, of Galt were the
�f 'errs. C. A. McDonet1.-Mr.
and Mrs. Thornae Dick left here last
1%.eek foe- Clarksburg to visit their,
ft're john, -Mr. aud Mrs. Robert;
SiciFogT11, July 6, 1906
Fall Wheat.
Oats per bnehel
Peas per bushel
iarley pei bushel_
aster. No. 1, loose
a atter, tab
it•rgs per doz..-
neer, per 100 —
slay per ton not
Ilideo rr 100 S4-
I • • ••• • • •
ewe mon • • • •
••• ••• ,•• ••• •••• • •
MM. ••• • 1.6 0•10
•••• ••• op • •••
Sheep king.. •• •• • •
i'otatoeis por bag
3alt (retail) per barrel-
wood per cord (Wasp-- - .. -
W3 d per aord (short).—
Api.‘les tier bag- - Imo OM Ofia •
°Veit Seed- - •••••• am mg am 0.00
T.rooshy -
Tallnw. nett lb
Porir, per TOO ..
Wool (washed)
• •
Wool (unwashed)
g4d erough t, export veld at 'sem $1 60
to $4 90 ; medium at $4 to $a 5b ; com-
mon at $3.50 to $3 75; rough to 'inferior,
$3 to $3 25 per owt. -Feeders and Stookers
-Feeders and Stockers, 500 bo 1,000 lbs.
•each eold all the way from $3 to $4,12 per
cwt. ; common eastern Ertockers; sold at
82.50 to $2,75 per owt. Milch Cows—
About 15 !pitch cows and springere sold at
from $25 to $56 each. Veal CelVes-Vial
°elven were in demand, with market firm
at $2 to $10 each, or $3.50 to $575 per cwt.
Prime vests high, at '86 to $6 50 owt.
Sheep and Lambs -Deliveries fair. Ex-
port ewes, $3.75 to S3.90 • buolte $3 to
$3.25; lambs at $3.50 to 425 Caul), with
picked lots at a little more. Hoge -Deliv-
eries were light and prices lower.Mr. Har-
ris quotes selects at $6 40, and lights and
•fats at $6 15 per cwt. Market weak and
prospects still lower.
$0 95 to 0 95
00 42 50 042
0 66 to 065
0 46 to 0 46
0 14 to 015
0 16 to 0 16
0 i2 to 0 15
5 85
6 20
8 25
0 60
2 00
2 65 to
850 to
500 in
080 to
0 73 to
1 25-10
5,00 to
2'75 to
0 40 to
7 00 to
1 26 to
01 to
7 50 to
26 to
16 to
Live Stock Market&i
LIVERPOOL, England, July 4tili.-Can-
adian cattle, 51d.
LONDO.7, Eogland, July 4th, -Cattle
are quoted at 11 to 12i° per poand re
frigerator beef, 8n to.8o per pound; sheep,
13 to 141 per pound.
MONTREAL, June 4th -The exports for
June were 14,442 battle. 1,695 sheep, and
for the season to date 26,930 cattle, 5,848
sheep. These figures ahow a decrsase of
4 058 cattle, and an increase of 1,347 sheen,
compared aviith the same period of last year.
The shipments.of last week 'were 4,256 cat-
tle, 260 sheep. Cable advices were con-
flicting, some being steady and othgra low-
er. In London States cattle sold at Dic to
12nc, and Canadians at 11.4 to 12e, and in
Liverpool States brought 11n to 12nc; and
Cenadianallio to 12o. Demand fur ocean
space haik bt en geod and in addition to all
the July space being engaged, considerable
business has aleo been done to Liverpool
and L,ndon for August. Butchers wera
present in large numbers, but trade was
[now, as higher prices were being asked all
round, prime stall -fed cattle being semen
acd dear. Prime beeves sold at 5a to 5no
per pound, and a fefw choice auirnals were
sold at Point St. Charles at $5.90 per 100'
pounds. Pretty good oattle, grassfed,
Fo d at sa to 5o, and the comnion atock at
2i to 34c per pound. Mitch cows were a
common lot, and sold at $25 to $45 ee.eh.
Three of the best calves were field at 'from
$2 to $10 each. Sheep sold at n to 3no
per pound, and the lambs at $2,75 to $5
each. Good Iota of bogs sold at from 6no
to a little over 7o per pound.
Bureeren. July 1-0attle-A.ctive, Ned
253 higher ; prime steere, $5.60 to $5.85;
shippicg steers, $5 to $5.5O; butchers',
$1,50 to $5 25; heifers, $3 50 to $5.00 ;
coven $3 to $4,50; Wee $2.75 to
staokers and feeders, $2.75 to $4.40; st,00k
heifere, $2 50 to $3.25 ; freah cows and
springers steady to $3 higher ; good to
choice. $45 to $56 ,• medium to goed, $34
to 842: correnon, $20 to 830. Veale. -
Active, and 25o lower; $450 to 86 7o
Hoge -active ; and 5o to 100 higher ;
heavy, mixed n d Yorkers $5.75 to $5 80;
pigs, $5.70 to $5 75; roughs. $4 80 to 85;
Ft9 gi, $3 to $3.75 ; dairies, $2.50 to $5.70.
Sbeep and Lambs -Sheep steady ; lambs,
250 lower; 'tombs, $6 to $8 ; yearlings,
$6 75 to $7.25 ;' wethers, 45.75 to 86 ;
ewes, $4 50 to $4 75; sheep, maxed, $2.50
to $5.
Tononeo, July 5. -The quality of fat
cattle was fairly good, cow:dent:1g thati a
large proportion of them were grass ficieh-
ed. Trade was fairly active, although
prices were no better, if, as good, as on
Thursday lean In the fat oow cle.ss,prices
were fully l'Oo to 15 percent lower. Stall -
fed cattle were in good demand for butch-
er purposes. Not many choice exporter%
were Iffered and few were wanted. F.,x-
porterse-Prices ranged from $4,75 to $5 25
per ovate with few at latter price, the bulk
going at about $5 per owt. lixport nulls
sold at $3.50 to $4 per cwt. Butchers -
Choice picked lots of stall fed butobers,
ON (t
The millinery season is drawi g t a close, and we are anxims to clear
out the balano of our stock at h lf price, or less rather than carry any over
to another season. • A ehoit time a o we bought a large assortment of sample
hats at ltss than half price. Th y are high claas goods in ready-to-wear,
trimmed and untrimmed has. hat remains of them will be sold at prices
like these :
Ladies' ready to wear .Hate, in iew style, worth $1, for 37 ,1-21. Lacliea' ready
to wear fanoy straw bats, very stylis , worth $1,50, for 65. Ladies' trimmed bate,
good value al) $2.25, for 98a. • Ladies' ntrimmed bate at one-third the regular pm°.
Feather°, flowers, trimmings, etc., all educed in price to clear.
1\T1iVS7- CO S
We have sorted up our stock of Corsets for the summer trade. Oar cor
set trade this season has been a re ord breaker. Never in the history of this
store have we sold so many Corset • The eeason is, we keep a full range of
all the best makers' •goods, such as B. & 0, Crompton's, D. & A., 0. B. C.,
E. &1., E. T. and Wray's corsets, and sell Ile -nn at close prices,
1\TMtlir DP.mss (pops,
This week we received an ad.ition to. our dress goods stock in black'and
colored voiles in plain, lace and b erette styles, etamines, panamas and. other
fabrics plain and fancy; also a ni, e 'range of Priestley's dress, gods, which
puts our stock in good shape for ti e summer trade.
The highest pricealaid „or btl ter and eggs in cash or trade,
0.A.STit ONE PacE
Dairy Markets.
TORONTO. July 4..-Butter—The export
demand and the conaumption of creamery
IR large, and prices have a firmer 'tone..
Quotetione in other line g are •unchanged.
Cteamery prints, 19 to 210 • solids 18o to
J93 ; dairy pound rolls good to choice, 15
to 160 ; -dairy lerge rolls, 14 to 150; dairy
medium, 13 to 14o; dairy tubs, good' to
ohoioe, 14i to 15ia ; inferior de,iry,e12 to
143. Cheese-Tne demand is active and in
tympathy with outside markets. Prices
are a tluarber otinb higher, at lein to Ilo for
job iota hire. Eggs-L•The market continues
to holi firm on account of the heavy
rhrinkage. Quotations are- unchanged at
16i to 17o, and 15o for splits. ;
MoNeREAL, July 4 - Egg - Straight
stock, 1510 to 16o; o. 2, 14e. Buster
-Choice creamery, 200 to ° 21c ; under
grades, 19 to 19io : dairy, ;15io to 16,3:
Obeepe-Ontario, 9i to 9 11-163 ; Cane -
bee, no.
MARSHALL-COOPERe-At the home of the • ride's
parents, Brussels, .on July Brd, by . v Mr
Lan -Ford Mr Herbert Mareh.11, of 'Se forth,
to dim Violet, daughter of Ur and Mrs iJames
Corper .1
DUNCAN-RICHOLLS-At the home of the ride's
parente Brussels, on July 5th, by Rey T W
Comes, Mr W E Duncan to Miss Laura , only
daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Niclacelo, of
O'ROURKE,-FLANNIGAN-At the reside- ce oi
the bride's father, Mr. Thomas Flanni n, Mei
Eillop, on June 7111, by Rev Fathe.ik Moic on, Mr,
Joseph O'Rourke t .ktary Elbert, elde daugh-
• ter of Mr Thomas Flannigan, all of metal. top.
DRAPER-MULHOLLAND-At Holmesvii e, on
June 28th by Red Mr Rhodes, Mr FrecIDraper.
cf Aylmer, to Miss Edythe, second daq hter of
Mr W Mulholland
SUITR-MA.THESON-In Chicago, on Ju e 24111,
at the residence of the groom's uncle, r A M
• Smith, by Rev H Thompson, Mr Fran Smith.
of Moro, Oregon, to BlissJen Malhe, eldest
daughter of )dre N Matheson of Mato.
08B 41.101EfirON-BROWN-At the readerfr of the
blide`e parents, Stapleton, on June I 8th, by
Bev %V D Magee, Mr W Herbert Osbaldston, of
Holmesville, to! Mies Lizzie, doughter ?cif Mr J
LOCKHART-THOMPSON-tat the resicietion of the
bride's parents, Donnyorook, on June! 281h, by
TB Cou laud Mr W D Locithart to Misc,
Grain, etc.
• Towner°, • Jnly 1 -Wheat -White, $1
to $1.02 • red. $1 to $L02; spring, 903 •
gootie, 78 tn 80?: ; oat, 480 ; barley, 400;
hay, No. 1 'timothy, $9 to $10 ; clover
or mixed, $7 to $8 ; straw, $10: dressed
hoge, light weight., $9.25; heavy, $845 per
owt. -Millfeeda-Ootario bran. $12; .storte,
$17.50 to 818. Manitoba $17 for bran,
and $19 for shortie Toronto and equal
Horse Market.
TORONTO, July 5th. -The following is
Burns & Sheppard' s weekly report of pre-
veiliog prices : Single roadsters, 15 to 16
hands'$150 to 8200 ; single cobs and car-
eiaue horses. 15 to 16.1 health, $125 to
$160 ; matched pail% and carriage horses,
15 to 16. l heeds, 8350 to $550; delivery
hemp, 1,100 to 1,200 lbs., $125 to $160;
genera purpose and express horses, 1,200
so 1 350 lbs.. 8125.o 8170; draught horses,
1,350 to 1,750 tbs., 8140 to $200 ; Per -
vice tble second-hand workers, -$60 to $90;
serviceable second-hand divers, $60 to
moFFATT—T11 Wroxeter, on illy 2nd,
pre A. H Moffatt, a daughltor
%o1NTYRE-1n Clinton, on June 271h, to Mr and
Mrs W McIntyre twin girls -one atilt born
LOCKWOOD-In Huillett, on Jule 22nd, to Mr and
Mrs Fled Lockwood, a diughter
FELLS -fn Wingham, o t June 201h, te Mr and Mrs
'Thou Fells, a daughter
MoILWAIN- n Morris, on June 261h, to Mr and.
Mrs Charles hiellwo.in, a eo a
Goderioh, on June 27113, to Mr and Mra
A G Sneith; a son
HALL -At the Britiela Exchange hotel, Goderieh,
I on June 23rd, to Mr and Mrs W U Hall, a
Pbeenie, daughter of Mr 8 Thompron
FINDLA.Y-RRID-In Wingham, on Jun 27th, by
Rev Dr .Gundry, Rev J Findlay, to mil E Reid
COULTI3-TURVEY-Ah the resideace of the
bride's father, on June 21s4, hy itev W J West,
M A, Mr Robert Coultis, of East Wa anosh, to
Miss Mare, only daughter of Mr and hf s George
to Mr and
Turvey, of Morris
DICKSON=DENHOLM-At the resideg
bride'e parents, Blyth, on June nit, '
McLean, Mr George Dickson, of M
Miss Lily E, only daughter of Mr and
bride's mother, by Rev W J West, AI
2Ist, Mr John Mundell, of Blueva
Annie, third daughter of hiss Thom
ot Turnberry
LE1SHMAN-OLDFIFILD-tn Wingham. on Juno
ldfield, of
the bride's
v J G Yel-
H, dough -
e of thd
y Rev Dr
Ki'l op, to
Are John
e cf the.
,en June
e to Miss
27th, by ItevDr Gundry, Mr Alex
of East Wawanosh, to Miss Adelia
STEVENS-BEAN-At the reeldonce of
father. Colborne, on June 21s1, by a
Ind, Mr W W Stevens, to Miss Rosie
ter of Mr W 0 Bean, all of Colborne'
• Deaths.
PECKITT-113 Clinton, on June 29th, Sybil, infant
daughter of Mr and Mrs F W Peckitt
STEEP -In Clinton, on June 271h, Wm Steep, aged
71 years
COB.BOULD-In Winghem, on June 26th. Wm Car-
bouli, manager of the Bank of Hain lton, aged
68 years
McMILLAN-In Morris, on June 26th, John McMil-
lan, aged 68 years, 8 months and 7 days
COATE9-40 Don City, Illinois, =June 20th, Mar-
garet, relict of the late George Coates, of East
Wawanosh, aged 60 years, 11 months and 10
AULD-In Wingham, on June 22nd, Mrs Thomas
Auld, aged 44 years and 3 nths
COLEMAN-Drdwned, inpoderieh Harbor, on June
22nd, Wm Coleman, son of Mr James Caleman,
aged 13 years, 0 months and 16 days
VANSTONE-In Colborad,on .Tune i'6th, Sarah Ann;
reliot of the late Simnel Vat atone
BURGESS -At Santa Rosa, New Mexico, on June
5th, John W Burgenet irmerly of lirussele, aged
86 years
MaCURDY-In Fordwioh, on June 22nd, Angus
McCurdy, hardware merchant, aged 49 years
CUMMING-In Chicago, on June 20th.Dona1d Cum-
ming, formerly of Duolop, aged 74 years and 4
McNAUGHTON-:nTurnberry, on July 2nd. Donald
McNaughtoa, aged 56 years and 5 snonthe
MoCRAE-In Leataington, Es.sex county, on June
• llth, Rachael McCartney, wife of William hie -
Cue, aged 68 years.
Do not increase values.
Talking at length doen
nob add one atom of
merit to anything.
pASTURE FARM TO RENT-Plen v of good
water, also a qeanbity of hay to 11 on g ound
on Lot 14, Concession 6. McKillop. Fir particulars
apply to J. J.,SHINE, Seaforth. 1960x1
US1C-Mi8s O'Brien, late of the wont() Con-
sery atory of Mode, is prepared: o take a lim-
ited number of pupils in voice mitt; e and Vaao
forts. Speoial attention is giveo •to ounz begin-
ners. Meyers music methed for youn children, a
new svst on that enabies them to a -co re the art in
Corner Main
Market Smoot*
Seale rth „
ickard s
The terneet
Dry Goode 'am*
Conaern In
Flour Counties,
44444.4444.44444444+444•44+ 44=
All the small lots and. broken assortirtents have,
been gathered. together for a grand final sweep up.
It is not a question of price or valUe now , we are
going to move hundreds of articles out, and if one
price won't do it, a lower price will. The unpre-
cedented succesErof our June sale shows how great
the bargains are. Oar July sive will be still great-
er. Many of our best values are too small to
advertise but -will be thrown on the tables to be
cleared daily. Below is a small list of our offerings
to start this sale :
Dress Goods Department
' Twenty-five piezes of faticy white muslins, worth from 12-12c to 35e,,
for 10e a yard.
Three pieces of vesting in black and. white and. piok and white, orth
4-50 a yard, for 20e.
Two pieces of blue vesting, worth 35c, for 20c.
One piece of navy blue linen voile, worth 35c, for 20e.
Two pieces of heavy linen, worth 35e, for 200.
Four pieces of fancy linen suiting, worth 40e, to ear for 250.
Special parasols, worth $1,25, for 85e.
sold here require no
extravagant praise.
They prove their own
merit in actual use.
That is the test of drug
purity and drug
strength, and that is
the teat we invite you
to make.
Berger's English
Paris G-reen 25o a lb.
Fresh Hellebore, 30o
a lb.
Pure white Castile
Soap, 2 lbs. for 25o.
"Never Fail" Corn
Jure, 10c a box.
Buchui Juniper Kid
'lacy Pills, for sore back
and rheumatism, 25e a
leis time than formerly, be.ng the et, dard of ex-
cellence adopted. Terms iapp112
eine, Victoria strict, Seaforth, Lipp
Ginnie' surgery.
Ing a first or seeond-class cert
school in section No. 8, if cll. Mop
mence after summer holidays. Mal
!don. Real&
site Dr. 510-
Agent for Prof. Dyke'e "011 of Pines,"
and Cook's Cotton Root Compound,
and Forsyth foot) ball,
.0A.RDNO'8 - -• BLOCK
teache r hold.
fioate, for the
uties to coin- •
tacher pre -
d A lioant4 to state ea
. tery' desired. Ap-
plicatione addressed 11 the undersigt ed, Beeohwood
P. 0.. will be reoeived until Alonday, July 24th.
CONRAD EOKART, Beechwoocl. • 1960x3
ARM FOR SALE- East half ef lot 6, eionoes-
ialt miles t-om
from Dublin,
n, 21 acres has
Oa the I and is
f,, -x 60 It, table
oee.half acre of
ed and termed
never run dry.
1960 4
eion 7, McKillop, two and a
Beechwood and four and a half mite
• 60 acres of g iod land all seeled do
been seeded for a number of years.
blg house, frame kitchen, barn 89
and di icing shed and an orchard of
choice fruit. The land le web dr
` having two good wells that have'
napfor all hose whose
Eyes re bad if
they wear proper, y fitted
Headachee, dizzinees, ale (noose of vision
pains across they eyes, beh'nd the head or
in the temples, burning, so aothing, itching
sensations, heavy eyelids fisatirg goons.
Do any of these terrors 111 ob you? Then
get glaeftes.
Our large business has b en built on good
work and low priaes,. hey° our prices
to all and are not afraid t publish them.
Gooldu'flled Lamee wer anted 10 years,
Gold' filled frames, war anted 15 years,
$al 00up:
Solid g,ted
old' frames, 83 0 up.
A.1 um oo fi with bet lenees, $1.50
Seel nick's plated fittd with best lensee
Steel with new fair qu
Es tested free, a p rfnit fit or your
money back.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers.
Night calls answered at Mr. DeloKenzie's
residence, Cnurch St., third house north of
public school, west side. Graduate M 0.0811•
ohnsets College of Embalming, Boston, 1.18
Knecht& 84 McKenzie,
Pacific Serges, Worsteds & Cheviots
Vickerman's Serges and Vicunas
A full range of the above lines, also Scotch and Canadian Tweed Suitings
and Trouseringse ,
Satisfaction guaranteed and prices moderate.
Speare and Page, Merchant Tailors..
Under the Town Clock,
lity 'Inge 25o up,
Graduation Gifts.
Jeweller &
Carilno Block, Seaforth.
To Con ractors
The corporat'on at the T
will let by tender on the s
o'cleck p. ni , the filling 1
known as the Campbell Br
miles west of Egmondville
12 rods of embankment
1960.2 G.
Ladies' • Department.
Misses' and children's plain cotton hose, sizes from 4 a_ t seamless, odd
ines, on sale at 5e a pair.
Special line of ladies' plain cotton hose, seamless feet, at 10c a pair.
A table of ladies' and misses' colored lisle and mercerized cotton v-ests,
regular 20e, 25e and 35; to clear at 15c each, or two for 250.
• .A. box of ribbons, all shades, worth 5; 80 and 10; on Sale at 2c a.yard.
A table of whitewear, consisting of gowns, skirts and corset coven, slight-
ly soiled, on sale at 25 per cent. off.
%rimming laces in valenciennes, torehon, etc., ab lc a yard, or 10c per
dozen yards.
A large assortment of ladies' embroidered and lace stook collars, at from
15c to 50c each,
New silk belts, in all the latest shades, at .25e, -50c and. 75e.
An always aeceptablegraduation giit
'is a watch:" Our etook oomprises a
good variety of pretty watches for
girls and misses, as well as reliable
timepieces for boys and youug men, a
all prices.
Are you going on a trip, or out for a geed
time, remember we clean and polish
your Rings and Jewelry free of claarge.
wnship of Tuckeramith
ot on July 17th at 6
of one of the bridges
dge, one and a quarter
also the raleing of about
feet aid widening of
. BLACK, Reeve.
Public: Notice.
R. McNaught,
Practical Watohmaker, Jeweler & Engrave
and Optician, Seaferth
Is hereby given that • Iter the expiration of one
month from she 8rd day of July, 1906, the council
of tbe Municipality cf t e townehip of Tuekersmith
intend to pass a by-law or stopping up and selling
that part of the etraet, so. Gouinlock'e survey, in
Harphurhey. south of uron real, commencing a
the side road on the west side of Lot 16 of said
Township and mini in an easterly direction
fronting on lots 82, 88, 34, 85. 86, 37, 38, 89, 40, 41
and 42 of the said Sur ey on the north side and X,
Y and Z on the out Also that street running
from the Huron Roa to the aforesaid street be-
tween lets 26 and 87; 26 and 38. Any person inter-
ested in the matter a d desiring to be heard in op -
posits= to said pr posed by-law may attend the
next meeting of �utoll at the town hall Seaforth,
on Saturday, the 2 •d day of July, 1901:, at 2 o'•
clock p. m.
Township Clerk.
Dated this 28rd d y of July, 1905 1960-3
Carpet Department
A table of cretons, worth from 25e to 30c a yard, for 18c.
A pile of creto.os, worth from 15c to 20; for 10c a yard.
A lot of table covers, worth from $1 to $1,25, at 50c each.
A Special shipment of America* matting and rugs, something new, at 50e
a square yard.
Many special clearing lines in carpets) eurtains, mattings, linoleums, &a.
To Summer and
Tourist Resorts
. Lake of BAYS, MAGNe'TEWAN Rive
Quebec), Portland and old Olehard, Me.
White Mountains "
All reached via the Grand Trunk Rail,
way, the "Tourist Rotate cf America."
• Direct connections with all boat lines,
Tourist tiokets on sale daily to all re-
Homeseekere Excursions
$39 to $40.50 to points in Manitoba, Armin-
ibcia, Saskatchewan, Alberta; good going
July 15th; returning mail August 16th,
For tickets and full information call on
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A, F. PHILLIPS, Depot. Ticket Agent
Staple Department.
Special bleached sheets, a bargain, at $1,19 a pair.
Two pieces of table linen, worth 25o, for lic.
A pile of marble table oil cloth, worth 27c, on sale at 190.
A pile of shirtings, worth from 12-c to 150, to clear at 9e a ydrd.
Four pieces only, worth from 10c to 12ic, for 71-c.
A pile of art muslins, regular prices 6e and 7c, to ;leer at 4e.
Art muslins, worth 10c and. 124e, to clear at 7 1-2r.
Clothing Department.
Men's Summer Shirts, soft fronts, all sizes, worth from 60e to $1.25, on
sale at 50c each.
Men's Cashmere hose, worth from 30c to 50; seamless, for 25c a pair.
Men's linen handkerchiefs, special at 25c each, to clear at 3 for 50c.
Great values in men's odd trousers—see the goods we are selling for
$1,50, worth froth $2, to $3 per pair.
Tenders will be received by the undersigned for
certain repairs in connection with the Seaforth Col-
legiate Institute, consisting of carpenter work.
plastering, ealeomining and pointing. Tenders will
be received up to July 12111. 1905. Specifications
may be Been at the home of the undersigned
1960-1 Chairman of Property Cern.
Notice to Contractors.
Boys' Knickers, all sizes, special values at 50c a pair.
Money cleating lines in men's and boys' suits ; see our men's suit a-
$7.50, worth from $10 to $12.50.
We have some special offerings in men's clothing to order for this month.
We will save you from $3 to $4 per suit,
The plans for the new factory, to be builfi by the
Canada Forditure Manufacturere. Limited' in
Seafortheare ready and parties wishing to tender
fer the work oan see mane at the office of the
Company on or before July 12111.
1868-1 Sesforth Branch. Ural' el. ,
Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs
and Wool.
Opposite Town Building, Corner Main and Maykst St*. Sestorth.
• Of All Kinds
Choice in design , First qual-
ity in finish; Strong in con-
struction; Right in. price.
Kneohtel & McKenzie
Furniture and Undertaking.
wiltrtthe lega
ttliryf vogeroB
autesdss brace
GManager. onmetiorn
Call or write for farther