HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-06-30, Page 94
Auring the present season are
"Sherwin Williams" Paints
"Insurance" Gasoline Stoves
44 Gold Medal" Binder Twine
Our prices are low and goods of the
Hardware, StOVes and Coai.
President General Manager
Capital, Fully Paid Lip—S8,000,000.0o
Reserve Fund -and un-
divided Profits $ 8,834,000'
Deposits by Ptiblic 29,700,000
Total Assets S 39,25,000
Every faoility for the transacting of a
rennet banking business.
sc-- Collections made on all points in Canada
and abroad.
Advancee made to Farmers. Special at -
caution paid to the collection of Bale Notes.
Interest allowed from date of deposit.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received,
and interest paid or added to account June
afith and December 3ist.
R, S. HAYS, Solicitor
James Wattonf
SucceSSOr to W. N. Watson
General Fire. Life and Aocident •Ineur-
&nee agent, Real Estate and Loan Agent.
Dealer in first-class family and Manufac-
turing Sewb3g Machines and Oreacn Separ-
ators, viz.:
New Raymond and Virhite Sewing
Marhinel and National Cream Sep -
stator in three elms boys Uled their best to get into the
Also sewing machine needlee, oil, attaoh-i lead again. The scotring ended ht
meats, repave and eundries for all kinds ot this, tin leaving Listowel the vib-
Our New -Story
On Jane '16th, we cornxnenoed the
publication of the ei.reat serial stesY,
Eben &Leaden." iThis is undoubted -
day, se is evidenced by the feet that
so great has been the demand foaythe
book that at nbw, in its 265ttla
thousand. Its great strength lies
in its siraplicity, faithfulneee•to nae
ture and fits homely yet touching les.
syrapa.thy and interest of the reaelee
er (Drone (beginning to end. No persoe
shpuld miss this splendid story, and
in 0:-Arder to 'give those who tare pot
now su.bseeibers a chance to 'read
it,' we .will;seed THE EXPOSITOlt
from NOW until the,.end a 1905 fer
FIFTY CENTS. This will give thein
the full -story. Start at onoe, and
have the Stary from the begin,ning.
We can fu,rhish a few back numbers
containing the opening chapters of
the story tit) those- who leave missed
the start.
Quick Bueiness.—There wa.s busi-
ness Idobag among the horse fanciers
on Satuxday aftereoon last. That
afternoon Mr. Geo. Whitley bought
a delver from a farmer, &old it to
Mr.Thlos. Daly bought it back again,
who is noW; driving the animal. These
transaction*all took place bn Satur-
day tafternOon. It is not oftee art
-animal has four owners iu about ae
many bourr.
Sabbath $ohool Pit:mit:a—The Sun
day school{ children of St. Thonaas
church (bad their annual outieg in
Mrs. Case' grove last, Tuesday ef-
ternoen. oth old anti, young enjoy-
ed ithemse ves to t.heir *heart's con-
tent. Atte sapper the prizes were
awarded to the competitors in Vie
athletic s orts. The day's pleasure
was ibrom ht to a close by Mr.
C. Jack.so taking a group photo of
the enta gathering. The grove is
an ideal pot for picnic. partieseind
the (beatte ful spring creek, in the
rear of t e gxoued% makes theta all
the more attractive.
Footbal .—The return game in
the Semi- Malts, beltween Listewel
and the unite- Hurons, was played
da the .x creation grounds, on Fed-
dey {even' .g last., befire a good
sized croi d. the game at Listo-
won by wo goals to npne, and, as
lgoalsicou ted in the yound, the
icos iligd to win by two to tit ox
these to win. They started out like
winners, and before halt time had
edltep bi then, and soured once, .and
.thus en ed the game, alth.ough our
the whole would be cemented solid',
the •roal bed would benom.e !hard,
,smooth and levet and -would stied
theewater and yeear very much Longs
er and make a (better and more
pleasant road to travel. on. If it'
pays to get good material., and it
certainly does, it Will pay equably,
well to have it properly applied.
This advice doeisn't post anything.
01443 lag giiiiikilteed,
tit ga
gard,lehile driving on the road lead-
fr. Loyal post office to what
n the division road. in Col -
is horses became mired in ,a:
' Lacrostse.—The first .match in the
junior lacrosise series was. played
here on, Wednesday eveningebetween
Stratford and the Junior Beavegrs,
and tresulted in a walk over for It he
Beavers, the score being 14, to 2, in
their Saver, but whet iW might have
been is hard tip say. The team was
principally composed of .young ptay-
ers and bona their shcreving it looks
players in the SOUL= series lbe,foris
very long.
id vs. Township iof Colborne.
ase, of locarl irliterest,. was
la.st week in God.eri9he The
and Bicycles. North Main street, Seafortb.
v A Famous School
This is the most suecessful Commercial
And Shorthand Sohool in Western Ontarie.
The courses are up-to-date and praetioal
and teaching is done by experienced in-
dent!! graduating. Write for our free eat-
itruotors. During the part school year
we have had many more applications from
leading business houses ehan we -had btu
ELLIOTT & MeLACHLAN; Principals.
Our Customers
Are growing in numbers every day and
all join in utating thet our line of mu -
lie at 10o is the greatest value ever
offered. Get your nanee on our list.
and get a catalogue. •
Mail orders given prompt attention. Re-
• member the address
dealers in
Pianos, Organs, Grephophones, Sewing
Machines, Needles and Oil.
A 17 Jewelled
Watch for $10.
The watch we can sell for $10 this
month ie better value than any We
have yet offered.
'Waltham make, men's size, nob 15 but 1.7
jewelled, niokel works, in open face,
screw nickel silver oase, stem wind
and set.
People are finding out we give them a
pretty good artiole for tneir money,
and one of the things we especially try
to please in is a watch. We warrant
this one to be an extra fine timekeeper,
and well worth the price, whioh is
much lower ehan a short time ago.
John Bulger,
Jut Wright Shoe
Shoes are the most imp ortant
single feature of a man's dress.
Take the trouble, then, of having
them righ t.
Our latest importations in Just Wright
Shoes, in patent colt, tan and
velour calf, in Blucher and Bel -
morals, are correet for any Occa-
sion of business or pleasure, ,tind
for style, fit, finish and durability,
have no equal. Try one pair of
our American Just Wright shoes,
and you will wear no other.
Sold exclusively by us.
Sole Agents for Hagar, Sovereign and Just
Wright Shoes,
is nee
bog-hree in the centre a a bad piece
of eoad,, end one ,Ol'ethe horses sus-
tiftsoilifered to settle for $50, but the
ip refused to settle and this
was then broug•ht, . claiming.
amages. ft was tried the past.
In Goderich, and has resulted
dement in fewer of it,he plain -
r $118 and eoSts. The township
aye a aotice published -warning-
bile against this road. Messrs.
ron & Killoran acted for plain -
and Messrs. Proadfoot, Hays
ir for the defendante.
. Additional .Nlail Service.—The Clan-
ton New Era of Last week .says : "An
efdiait is being made to secure bet-
ter Mail facilities along the lane of
the !Buffalo and Lake Huron branch
of the G. T. R. kt present there is
butone °pee mail a day .each. way.;
the is by the early train east and
by the ecuon train west. The petit-
ion es ask that a mail car be at-
ing east, and the late ;train cora-
in ' -west at night. While bilis Nyfould
no particularly affect the 'mail
set vice at Clinton, it woald give
.otheritowns along the line a bet-
ter service." This change would be
of, great service to the people of
Seaforth,and we trust that thie pos-
tal laulhorities will be able to give
as !this additional service.
II 0
tiff f
& '131
Division Court Appointments. --The
following appeared Sn the TDronto
papers ion Monday -last: "Mr. Ja
W. /Duncan, of Brussels, has been
appointed Clerk of the 4th Division
Courtof Huron, and Mr. Honey R.
Brewer, also ...led Brussele, has been
appointed bai4ff of the same." This
is 'the Brusselg division court. Mr.
Du.ncan, the new olerk, is .the editor
of the Brussels Herald. Ire ,is
Seaforth boy lead la, graduate a The
Expositor Office and. although he
has tdepaeted leomewhat from the
politioal {teachings of his youth,ithat
is ithe worst we can say of him. He
is.a clever .young man who has Made
his low'n way in the- world. and
we have no deubt, alsohar gel the
'duties of hie neiv effiese with flidelity
and efficiency.
The Ledios' Guild of Thomas' Church,
Seaforkh, wilt hold their Annual Lawn Social on the
lath Refreshments will be served Admission ,to
grounds, 10o 83rd Regiment Band in atIendanoe
If in need of ocreen doors or windows,
owe and see our stook Chesney and Smiley, flea.
forth 194 1
Washing Maohinee—We have all the
leading makes and cen save ion money if you buy
t t$ Hugh McEwingt �,
alm�e�cs�t+an ; leg wzdthi vak..
Iron us. Reid ard Wilson, eaforth. 19594
Potatoes for Sale.—Good, sound, un -
sprouted eters. BusheL or larger quantities. D.
D. Wilson and eo„ &Worth. 1958.8
'Farm and Hand Steel Gate', all sizes
from 8 to 14 feet, made by the Cenadlan Steel and
Wire Clonipany of Hamilton. Lightest, strongest,
nicest, most durable and cheapest gate Rohl. Reid
We have now on band a full stook of the
led Portland Cement Chesney and Smiley, Sea.
forth 111691
Two desirable residences in Seaforth for
eale cheaP. One on Go derich street and one on
James street. Apply to R. O. Ham Budder,
versal ball bearing, 4 and 6 blade. Brockville,
Guelph, nil sizes. 10 per] cent. off regular prices to
clear. Reid and Wileoc,J2eatorth.'; 19594
Gentlemen 1.. We' wish to impress you
with the fact that we eep an exceedingly large
stook of medium prized 'hoes at $2, $2.1.0, 0.76 anr
$3. No better valuee to be found anywhere. Sam-
ples in south window. Sr. H. Willis, e.de agent- for
George A. Slater shoes fOr men and Dorothy Dodd
shoes for ladies, Bealoith. 1959 4
, hay' forksolythee, anti s and machine oils Our
pride are low and qua ty the bed Chesney and
5,71110Y, beaforth 19684
V..Vringers—lf yin see and use the
izie" ; eu will I.ne biO otter, Reid and Wilson,
Seafortb, 194
rade from the pure long fibre Manilla, guaranteed
to run 650 feet to the pound, for 1310 pet pound
while stock laste. Only a limited amount of this
grade of ManiEla in the market. Leave your order
with George A. Mlle, Seafotth. 1969 2
Hammooke—We have on order a stook
of genuine Palmer, Hammocks, NI hteli wi I be in
stock in a few slays. ff you are needing a hammock
do not buy until you have seen the genuine Polmer.
Reid and Wilson, ideatorth. 1959.3
Slaughter sale of dress geode. During
July and August we will olear our entire Stook of
drew goods. This sale inciudee ail our hign Wass
summer shirt waist suitinga. 50o lime for do, eto.
George E. King, Winghtstn. 195941
niaicing etook of SALT now
on hand at the malts block, we
will offer the IMMO for male
while ib lastsott former prices.
E• KeirEllakey
many was ,exemplified by the large
attendance. The services were con-
ducted at Mr. Hartry's neisidenoelay
Rev. Mx. 'Birks, pastor of the Meth-
.odist Toleteroh, assisted by Rev. Mr.
Larkin, pastor of the Presbyterian
mondville The Rev. Mr. Birks, in
, Death of Arthur Atleinson.—The
following despatch from Winnipeg,
Manitoba,Idated June 23rd, no doubt
letters to Mr. Ierithur Atkinson, Who
was 10. well known riesident and busi-
ness man of Seatorth, befere going
to 'Manitoba. The despatch is es fol.-
merolient !of Winniee,g, was Sound
dead in his room at his 'hotel in
Ottawa this .marniner. Ile was in his
usual health yeeterdey., and when
he did. not a.ppear at the usual hour
the Vein was en t coed . Physicians
wergesumm;oned,but life was ex-
tinct:A:he Daptie was also notified elf
the (eactirrence, but it is not thought
an inquest will be necessasy,
death leas pron-ounced due to natural
mews. Mr. Atkinson was abieut 50
yeaes tot Age, and was ef robust
stature. Ite W4Is tor many years in
the (grain business in the West, and
was persotnelly ocquainted with
mast a the Westeen members of
Parliament.” Mr. Atkinson leaves a
widew xesiding in Winnipeg., but no
Good Illoads.—We notice that the
pathmasters Tuckersmith are us-
ing- the crushed etone frora the new
staneceusher for repairing the roads
by statute labor. They will. find
quite a difference between this ma-
terial and the stuff they have
using for severer years. But they
arenot making the -best use of their
material. It -iv -paid. pay them to take
a hale mare pains with it. The dgif-
ferentgrades should be kept and us-
ed separately. Now they are mixing
tbein up. The result is that there
is a load of coarse material in one
place, a Load of mixed, coarse and
fine, next,- ae.,A, perhaps a little fur-
ther ton a load-aif fine. In this way
theroad bed will be bumpy, hills and
:hollows. It will not only be aneven
to (travel on but the water will lie
in the hollow places and ;soak
through,- and ,destroy the road bed..
But, if the different grades were
kept separate, the coarse metal
.placed in the bottom and. the fine
stuff epread eavenly over .the top,
his address., paid a fealing tribute
to !the deceased, making special xe-
ference to her amiable and ,gentle
disposition aed her unokentatious
but !genuine, chxistian zeal and men-
tioned(that. one of the chief odres in
he .olosing hours of bier life waa a
fear %hat a little Sabbath school
recently established near where Axe
waS (teething, and in which ishie was
deeply interested, might suffer by
ber labeenoe. The children of the
Methodist Sabbath echoed' with their
teachers, attended the funeral in a
body and Marehed in the prooession,
thu.sehowing their love for their late
fellow 0011114 and, paying a touching
The Roitboro Lae n Social.—The
their levels party on tiesday evening
gave the 'use of their epacious resi-
dence 'and their beautiful lawn for
the occasion and 4 prettier place
could not ibe desired. The evening
was somewhat iabilly for outdoor en -
to 'be Properly appreciated, }gut de-
spite this arawback• the occaeion was
large !attendance of both old rind
young. Tables 'were spread through-
out the dawn and ‘74frax e most bounti-
fully provided twith the—best the
ladieg of (the district could furnish
and the most epicurean taste tould
not desird anything better. A leng-
thy and well xendered programme
of actreeses, music and dialogues
was given and the willows Selections
weeeeittenilvely 'listened to and the
applause aocorded showed that they
were iduly appreciated. The membere
ot the hand. and other little folks
were cons.plouous an the programme.
and the very efficient Mal3ilier
-which they acquitted thiemeelves.
!showed not only good ability on their
part tout veer careful training on
the limit of their instractons, On the
whole the affair wae a most suc-
cessful ant enjoyable one and Must
have been !gratifying and entourag-
ing to Call interested in the „Mission
Band and tile good work in. wietch
they .are engaged, The preeeeds, a-
mounted to $33,
Gasoline and,011 Stoves for the hot wea-
ther. when it cones came abd de the values.'
Churns.—The best on the irket 11a99t5599lo22$9
Atid and Wilson, Seoferib,
prices. Reid and Wil on, Seaforth.
For Sale—Two new buggies, one rubber
tired. B. Barton and Son, Bealorth. 19564f
Travellers. —The following __were
ticketed to distant points this week
by W. Somerville, railway andsteam-
'Henry Monteith to Trout Creek.
Muskoka,, and return ; Ed. Wurm
andiA. iE. Feast, Zurich, to Portland,
Oregon., Centenpial exposition! and
xeturn. They event via Chicaso. end
Denver and will return by Seattle
andVancativer arid C.P.R. Miss Nellie
Robb to iWinnipeg ; Miss Nessie Crich
and Master Aubrey Oxide to Ilartney,
Manitoba, and xeturn; Miss Mut-
drewito Wolseley, Assa., and return;
Alex. Smith, 'of Hallett, to Bins -
earth, Manitoba, and return. The
Manitoba people left on Tuesda.y'e
excursion. Rev. .Thos. Davidspa and
child, of Vain,a, to Sault Ste. Marie
and return; Alex. McKinley, Mr.
Patton's brother-in:law-, to his
home in Grated Raelds, Michigan;
Miss Robertson, of Bernell, to Glas-
gow, 18totland, and return, sailing
from Montreal ton wednesday .xecxt
on the Allan Line Steamehip, Sici-
The following .weire ticketed by
Vereig & Stewart; Q. P.R. agents:
Nils. T. N. Foreythe and Mrs. And.
and return ; Mrs. John C. Morrison!,
Winthrop, to Carman, •Manitoba,and
xeturn; Mrs, WM. Morrison, Win-
throp, to Estavan: and return; John
Kieney, Leadbury, to 'Moose Jaw
Douglas, Blake, to Saskatoon and
return; Alex. Farquharson-, Seaiort-fi
to Strathcone and •return;
Armetrong to Calgary and lelre:Aem-
strong, Verna, to Brandon ;
Rose, Seaforth, C.P.R. from Ow-
en Sound to Winnipeg.
days visiting friends an. Hullett- and
by ails daughter.—We learn that *We
oase of Mx. Win. Wright again0 the.
Grand Trunk Railway for, injUrreS
Te061Ved at The. Main street crossing,
here, 49 to be taken to She Court of
Appeal. Recently it het Divisional
Court reversed the deelsion of the
Court at' Goderich, but have given
Permission 'to have the case eppeoled.
This is a very unusual proceeding
and. argueS well for Mr. Wright's
oase.—krolong,the list of candidates
in the dome:Ai° !science class at the
MoDenald Inetitute, Guelph, Miss
g. Livens 'passed heir first year and
Miss X, Beattie. and Miss Leis John-
son their; first. Searle -Many friends
in this iocality will regret to learn
'of the death eat T attire, California,
gon? June 12th; of Robert E. demo -
chap., sen of Mr. Robert Oannadha.n,
of Tulaxe, and g.r.andson of -the late
Roberti H: Carnechene of Tacker -
smith. The deceased Was only, 25
years of age, and had been ill leul
a short 'time with typhoid feveir.—Ats
—As. will be seen by !our aelvertising,
columns, J. A. Gregory, a former
Exeter boy is now enigaged in the
real estate business at Battleview,
Saskatehewan.—Three rinks of Sea -
forth. bowlers. visited Godericb on
Tb.ursday of last! week and S110-
plaYers by one sihot. 9.11 Tuesday
here, defeating the lhorae players
by one sthole—At the Beal Engine
Works they thaVe ell the patters
corapleted for :their neve ' separa tor
theeshing machine and have com-
menced the emotion of the first ma-
ohine. It is the intention to have
several machines of their own melee
on the market this fall. This is a
verY important forward step in
the !history of this valuable in.-
dustry, and will mean 'the employ-
ment of a very largely increased
staff of. workmen next year.4Rev.
MT . Kahle WaS in fown this week.
Mr. Keine ,ihas been stotioned at
'Whitechurchl* for several years, and
this 'Year' he hats been removed ,to
Courtwright, an the St. °Clair river,
and himself and tamiler are neileirte
the journey by private oonveyance,
and are enjoying the trip very mach.
--Miss Cash., daughter of Mr. ced
Mrs. Hewn Cseht, of Rosboro, is
home f,rom 'Winnipeg for a holiday.
—Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy returned
home en Monday night.—At the re-
cent examinations in connection with
the iSoneervatory of Music Tozon-
passed the senior .teachers' goatee
in piano, and. Miss Helen R. 'Wiesen
peened the junior. gra.de !the organ
and Mrs. George and Mr. and Mins.
Ble.ok, 'of Tuckersmith, reit utile'
ed home on Saturday evening.—Rev.
and Mrs. GeergeeLookhart, of Illin-
ois, are visiting friends in MoKillop
and other parts in tide yieinity.—
at the parental home in MoKileteep.
We regret to learn that Mrs, 1-1,egg
is still in verS, poor 'health, but we
hope countxy air will tone tee up.—
„tellers Smithers of MaFaurs is spend-
. ing hex holidays ie Toxonto.—Mr
- Local Rriefs,—Mr. Peter O'Sullivan Rabat French is visitin,,. bra-.
at J. --ort Elgin.—Another old
steers slid heifers for sale -b,y landi mark has disappeared, Mr. Joe,
tion at Dick's stook yards on Sat-. Brown has torn down his log house
txrday. They did not sell as readily ha Harparhey. This buildene was
105 yeare old, having been erected
by a man named Lowe and Mr.
13TIO,W11 purchased the property from
a son of his over 45 years ago.—Miss
of neiv Corsets
arrived this week.
they .are Cromp-
guarantee of Oh-
eir superior qual-
ity. They make
special styles
suited to all Ag-
ures. Once tried
you will always
Prices from 50c
Speci.al at
as eome other lets offered earlier
in the season, but most pfethem. were
sold at fair prices.—Communion ser-
vices were held ire the Presbyterian
church last Sabbath. Rev. Mr. .Nellie Robb left this wee* ler Win -
Shaw, of Egmondville, conducted nipeg Nvhere she will in future re -
day :night and Rev. Me. Carswell, rich street, isf confined to his resi-
of, McKillop, on Friday afternoon.— deem by a sevexe attack of illness.
Mr. A. Hale, of Stratford, former- —Mrs. May Wright, of Toronto,
ly of Seaforth, spent Sunday with who has been visiting at Mrs. Knox's
friends in town.—Several members of in Harpurhey, has returned home.
-Britannia Masonic Lodge event to —Mxs. Roy W. Scott will be at Nene
Hensel' on Sund,ay to join with the on Wednesday and Thursday, July
brethree there in a special church 5th and 6th.—Mrs. Ross, mother of
service.—Mr. Harold Willson, a De- 4Dr. II. II. Rose, left last week to
troit, who was so sexiouslye ill for visit friends in Wannineg and other
a long time, is here -visiting his sis- parts . of Manitoba.—Tbe 'Ladies'
ter, Mrs. W. G. Willis. We are Guild. -of St. Tleom.ass church have
Pleasedto notice that Mr. Willson is airanesed to held' their annual lawn
nearly recievered and can now use his -!i social on t he grounds of Mr, J. M.
limbs whiali were disabled.—Mr. J. Best on Thursday evening, Jelly
L. Smith terfnerly of Seaforth, who 13th.—The good people of Egmond-
hes -been a xesident et London for : ville work their etatute labor on
to treside.—All the schools close this Mr. II. Gresbrook is pathmester.—
week for the sum.mer holidays.—Mr. Miss Sarah Hall has gone to'London
James Black, of Winnipeg, aocom- to visit.—Mrs. WM. Welsh, of Ex -
panted by his deughter, was visiting, eter, and her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.)
his ,mother and ether home friends MeDowell, of Listowel, are visiting
in Tuckersmith last week. Mr.Black Mrs. John Floyd.—Piper John Mc -
was a delegate tte, the International Donald goes t o 13a,field on Saturday
Sabbath School Convention at To- to take pert In the celebration in
xonto.—The fall wheat in this slain- that place on the lat.—An effort is
ity looks splendid. and if it ripens being made to have a Wednesday
properly will give a big yielde:-To-
' Death of Miss Mabel Hartry.—
died ion Friday last, at the -eaily
age of 20 years and 9 monthe. Ms's
Ifartry had been engaged. in teach-
ing school near the tewa of Eissex.
Two weeks ago Lest Saturdey she
returned home .suffering from an at-
taok of. pneuntonia, and despite all
medical skill and kind nursing co,uld
do .she never",rallied eufficiently to
justify a hope for her final. recov-
ery. She waS 41n especially
clover student, a good teacher and ,
'a most .amiablei and lovable young !
woman and was a univeraal favor-
ite with who knew hor. Her ear-
ly (death{ is a source of deep grief
to her jefirents ;and friends and is
ting off -of so young and. so promise I
ing a life just at the opening of
its usefulness Is particularly sad,
but the bereaved . ones have many
pleasant neemerlei of the deceased .
toeonsole them and although Nee af-
Motion is to th'era for the ,present
iday and all business pleads will be
Day(frill be :observed as a ,public. hot- tee will wait on the business men
in a' few days to get signaturee a-
olosed.—During the electric storm greeing to olose as stated.—In a fire
on Sunday night a tree in front of Listowel on Wednesday night 'Mr.
the eesidence of Mr. Purcell., in g••• Alexander Broadfoot's - furniture
mondville, was struck by lightning store was injured and the stock
and the trunk split. We have not slightly damaged but the lass is not
!learned ,of any sexious damage be- seriours—Rev. George Lockhart, of
xister, of Exeter" and Miss Bonth- terian charcli, Seafortile next Sun -
son were guests pf Mr.. and Mrs. A. day forenoon.
lioangen Sunday.—Mr. Lorne Twies,
who has been salesman In Mr. Alex.
Winter's etationery store, left this
week for Sarnia to take a goad, sit-
uation there. Lorne is a ;4 tea'dy, re-
liable, w.ell doing young man, wbo
is likely to climb to the top wherev-
er he goes.—A young eon of Mr. Jae.
Coleman, of Goderich, and formerly
.of Seaforth, was drowned. there one.
day last 'week. The young lad was.
workleg for the Goderich Lumber
OD. assisting taking logs out of the
'watex and up to the „mill, when hte;
fell off the platform `on val'aiele 'he
was etanding and was :drowned be-
fore aseistance could eeaeh him.—
{Miss !Mabel _Gpvenlock, of theeLil-
Ilan Maseey school of domestic
science, is visiting her parents, Sir.
and Mrs. John R. Govenlook.—Cein-
plaint is made that piersons are in
tbelhabit of taking flowers and oth-
er mementos left on. gravee In the
most ireprehensible practice and un-
less discontinued the offendels will ,
be Pr.osecuted.—In a football match/
on Saturday last the Squares defeat-
edthe Thistle Tops by five goals to
none. The Squares are pretty near-
ly -juvenile chanapions.—Dr. Leo. Kil-
loran, who leas been acting as a
house sufgeon in St. Mary's hospit-
The eleventh annual tourearrint of
the Seaforth bowling club will ope
en on the. green on Tuesday morning
next. The club extend a cordial in-
vitation to the citizens generally to
visit the green on -the days of the
tournament. On Tuesday evening an.
open air concert will be given on,
grievous, there is no doubt but the the green.—Mr. W. Walker, of the
ohange to the dear departed is most Dominion Bank, was in Wingliam
joy° u.S. The fnneral it ook place on this week, attending the funeral ot
Slinday aIterncoon to the Maitland- his uncle, Mr. Corbauld, manager of
bank (cemetery and the sympathy of the pigik of Hamilton there. Pollee
with or with°
sleeves at 2
One lotsof
Thread Ve s
med, 35c.
In better q
Lisle Threa
drop stitch
at all prices
35c to
One lot of Fine Muslin Corset Covers, trim-
med with Embroidety, Lace and Insertion, in al
Handsome Underskirts with Tucks and Ein.
broidery Trimmings, finished with Dust Frills
Wliite Cambric Night Robes,tucked and trim.,
med witih Embroidery and Insertion, very special,
values at. Each
50 Cents
a yard is all we,
ask you for] our
new satin cloths -
green and ! car-
dinal. - At 55c
we have twO lus-
tre -specials in
brown and navy.
The new Ikx-
ana Cloths in
green and blue
at 60c,
in navy, brown
and. black ab 75c..
We have more
kinds and prices
than we can
mention here but
we invite you in
to see our new
Dress Goods
The Ocileman-Cochr.ane Case.—The
Goderich Star makes the following
ieference to the verdiet of the jury
In the Coleman -Cochrane ease trial
at the recent June seresions of -the
peace, a report of which was given
In The - Expositor laet week, and
with which we fully agree. The
Star says: Early next: ra,orning
there,was a rumor that tihe jury had
intended to give their verdict fpr
plaintiff with the same recommen-
dation, but the rumor was not oor-
root. The facts art theit the ivy
was fairly evenly divided on the mer-
its of the case, and the recommenda-
to settle the matter, as those jurors
who made the verdict, there was pee
who held for plaintiff, thought. a
Inan-agreement would. be ruinous to
bath parties, as the expenses were
so large, over 45 witnesses being in"
ateenda,nce, and two courts held.
The jurors may be right, but they
were sworn to find out who injured
Mr. an* Mrs. °Diemen, and if they
were .evenly divided as to who did it
they should-ne,t have agreed on any
verdict, for if Coleman was injured.
by Cochrane's driving, Coleman
hould be xecouned hie expenses
but if Coolurame did not injure Cole-
man, then he Should not be foroed.
to pay six or seven hundred dollars
closta. As to what verdict should
have been rendered, we have nothing
to say, but it does seem strange that
an innocept person., and either Cole -
should by the verdiot of, a jury. be
forced to pay six or seven hundred
dollars." And it is equally strange
that the prtesiding judge should ad-
opt such a recommendation.
15 Centi
is the price
yard of a 11
8011143 ra
new Ceylon lbw
nets we have
The dem
are all new
are especial,
dressing saqu
and house wait
Some F
--goods are co
in already
whtn you are
ask to see the
Seaforth Onta;io.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada, charter
ed by Dominion Parliament, 42 branches In Canada
snd agents in all paha Of the world. filtered au
deposits paid four times a year. Absdlute security
methods. Your account ia Write& 11. Arnold
unexcelled facilities, courteous treatment, 1m9so*d.tetrn
manager Honda branch
G. J. Sutherland, conveyancer Bonsai,
has had plaoed In his hands fOr sale, three dna
brick houses, two ,of them with ffne building Iota
adjoining. Dwellings have every conveniend and
best of locations. Also for sale, two very desirable
Mune dwellings and nice property to rent. All on
very easy terms and pride to suit purobassr. p.
ply at the post office, Sem% 1955.tf
G. J. Sutherland has a large quantity of
private funds placed in his hand to put out on
mortgage security da very reasonable rate Of inter.
est, Also a number ornicis houses for sale ranging
in price from $600 and under up bo $2;000 and aver.
Five frame and brick homer at all prioes to sult
purchaser. and en very easy terms. Apply at the
-Briefs.—Mrs. George Todd, who has
been spending the past three weeks
in Goderich _and Detroit, returned
home this Week, accompanied by box
son, who is at presetut engaged as
shorthand priofessor, in the Detroit
liusinees University. Mr. Todd in-
tends visiting at home for a few
weeks, when h purposes leaving
for an eitended rip to Alpena and
Thunder Bay Is led to enjoy a well
earned refet.—Th MaStontO service,
held In the -ekatin. rink, on Sabbath
afternoon laet, was very largely at-
tended by the local int Moors of the
lodge, as well as by a large etunSoer
of visiting- brethren from Seaforth,
Clinten and Exeter. An =excellent
sermon was delivered,by Rev. R. R.
Glenn, ef Toronto, saa of Mr. Thes,
Glenn, of Hillier& Rev. W. J. Doh-
erty, of St. Paters church, also very
ably assisted in. the service., while
the pleasure of the service was
greatly .added to by solos 'eey Mr.
Spaulding, of Clinton, and selectione
from a quartette a that Owe. Mists
Vera Murdock, of this village, vexy
efficiently preSided at the organ.—
Mise Sutton., at, the close of the
spring millinery season, has return-
ed to her ho.me at Trowbridge,—Rev.
Mr. Cranston, of Crotnarty, excha.ng-
ed duties wi,th Rev. Mr. Smith on
son returned home from Toronto the
first of this week.—The annual Sab-
beth sohool picnic in connection with
Carmel Ereebyterian church was
held at Bayfield on Tuesday last.
The attend.ance was large and. a very
pleasant time was spent by all.—
Miss Gibson, at the close of the mil-
linery season, is visiting friends in
Zurich.—Miss McKay, of Kippen, was
in the village last week Visiting her
friends.—Mr. Thos. Neetands has
moved into his new dwelling at the
east end of the Village.—Our band
played at ate garden soolal, under
the au.spiciete of St. Andrew's church,.
Kippen, on Thursday evening of last
week and * their .playing was .t-'ery
much praised.—Mrs. Weismiller and
London and Baden.—Rev. Dr.
Mrs.. Oook and children were in
village this week visitiag Men.
They were on their wey to their new
Oh unit at Ridgetown.—Rev. E. Assid
Mrs. Shaw and fa.mily left this ereek.
for their new circuit at Lyons. Pete
vious to their departure Mrs.Shest,
was made the recipient of a my,
vex' flattermg address from dee
nee be,rs: iof the Kippen circuit, 'eve
peessIve of the very high esteem
which Mr. and Mrs. Shaw are beide
Mr. and Shaw made a heet
friends not only threughout f
bounds of their circuit, but ilse
our village and surreunding t011.*
tay, among all classes, and theb
wishee of the torainunity go with
them.—Misse.Thompsen, from Scot-
land, who has been. vieiting heir ED'
was in the village this week visit -
her brothel -B. -4r. Greig, of al
ford, spent pant of last week
zo artwein and his bride evert,
during the past week spending a _
days' of their wedding txdp at
parental home.—Mr. and Mrs-.
Dent, of Mitchell, we,re here
week visiting retativee.—Rev.
Doherty and Mr. G. C. Petty Wqra
London, last week attendbig
Synode—Mr. and MTS. Thaswil,
were -here visiting Mr, J. W.
wehe Mrs. Hasselrs father,
ton, accountant in the Soveret
Bank lies been promoted to the To-
ronto ageney.—Me. g. O. Jeetty
Mr. George. Dick were in Godei%
this week attending the distelot_
meeting of the Independent Farefe
tees as delegates from Hensaillo*
FootbalL—The football clubs
Mildraay and 1141 -field. select,
off the game for the champions -111r
of the tw.o districts, each club hely-
ing already won the chanimenselie
,of its respective district. OnTuez:
day after a hotly contested go.we'
le the rain, tbe score stood 2 tale
and though time was not finally oid-
led until darknese set in, the Erre°
remained .at the even figuresf. .1z„
-take place at Win -glom at en eau
date, will be arranged between the
rival clubs to play off the tie.
Briefs.—Mr. Matthew Bates
erected a new Chicago A.VneeOr
Pumping Mill which adds gr.
the appeatance and co—ea
his fine premise*. The e
Reid e4; Wilson firm., Soter
ve doze
ee do
8 yet
24 ti
Four dm
Five dog