The Huron Expositor, 1905-06-30, Page 6liKERDEMEDEEKNIENEKEigalggiggi i:REENt
to do
g special
. pair of new
of eecuring the
Oar repota-
, is too wail
take advaatage
tday pru3e•$1,n5
and Empretrat
Veen -tine -4 Gurne.y
Oiaele direot ors,
re. J. A. Stewart,
Enema n ; a udi tors.
Erne G. nianson.-
4 Ineneall o
- cente
rain street
e feet two San-
accepta nce.-Me.
home from the
ends returning in
11 take his Turnily
smut:nor ithere.
nbe, of St rat ford.
was merried in
iday of laet week.
(nowt daughtnr of
[hat town. The
- Clint ores fairest
yourve, ladies. A-
esents Weis a beau-
ntee and a large
am tbe ernirloyees
lira& uring Com
ie China tea set
=piers: of Temper-
' Newcombe wets
. -Mr. John Par-
r. C. Perkin --4 and
. of t hie village.
fit Canfiend Jeeno -
-Mies Amy Johns,
t thin week on a.
Willsninern and oth
ba. Stet expects
Et two m onths.-
rnon g our
on •arning of tbe
rites B. Brown, of
tole place on Tues
enter an illness of.
of jaundice. Mr.
f tire oldest regi -
and was well
: the county. and
epee t ed by all who
V. Willis, while on
Sprintreide, Ae
had been for some
%everting car' on the
away, between
iuntsville, on Fri
been ill for soma
,ing home with tbe.
rige would improve
fie proved too much
tint jogrney. The
we•rded to felendl
a very end one.
Ity le felt for the
St. Ma nes Lawn
ted Exeter on Sat-
feated by t he lat-
29 shots. The day
ror the rereat game
reene 'were in per -
The following ie a
es 'shyers :E. S-
hury, fl. S. O'Neil,
W. r. Illatchford*
f. E. Huston, Rev.
W. !L Iv t t ,
Semen. F. W. Glad-,
trling, N. D. Hur-
n, J. Davis, skip.
rbould.-The dee t
ey, of Mr. W. Cox --
the B Ink of Ilan:t-
ie a son of t he late
known in the vi -
1' a rid Ei r rite n here
rIy re-ided. Ile
yith the Bank on
e telt, but has been
!fay yeers or more.
i.rf age, and leaves
r rind three (laugh-
eeod bueinees man*
ee Intik mananer
- a citizen.
'erne Allan was in
tending the funeral
ft n d Mr. Baxter,
the gueets of M.
week. -The Wet -
Ent Thureday even-
tee.- Ti.- Mrs. Robert
seer p Lnied by her
allie Bleck, on nen
lon Inet w•eek.-l1ieg
`Ingham, is visiting
..-Mr. and Mrs. As
liarrie.ton last week
c tee. ni other.
k jlae on Friday.
ine.e.- A few f roIn
- Detroit from (node-
, re Metsrs. E. Bar -
ii -grove, Mrs. Case-
engill and Mr. anal
.,..-A number from
e4ite1 the funeral of
ErCurdy in Fordwich
Fs -
7 other make in
ation Footballs.
; they know tho
7 and keep their
aen if yoa want
1.7n. Then we
7 one perfect.
d wilt bring yen
Bev. Mr. Clennetnt In visit -
two setts in Tornado this
Mr. and Mrs. R. Morrell" ar-
home after npending a. oeu
weeks with relatives in Mee,-
. !co. -Misses Chidley and. Wiseman,
en Clinton, visited friends here on
nuneay last .-The Presbyterian se-
en.' will be held otn the lawn of Mr.
Ronort Scott 011 Saturday evening,
The Auburn band 111be
attemlance.-Mine L. Yoting, oe
naenia, is home for her vacation. -
aline Proctor, of To'ronto, is spend-
ing a few weeks with heir aunt, 'Miss
nionee-Mista Little, of Wingtham, is
the Wiest 01 her 00111S111, MiSS late
tettle.-The piertio given by the
ehildren of the sohool in neetion No.
6, was well attended ten Wedneeday.
• Mabel eroupland, cf Auburn,
ent a. few days with bee (friend,
ne Ada Brigham, befone leaving
ner home in Watford
tlemen 1 We wish to impress you
IrMtho feet that we keep an 'exceedingly large
- stook et medium priced shoee ati$2, $5.60. $2.75 and
sg, No belter values to be found anywhere. Sam -
nein southeindoen we if Winn, sole agent for
Gorge A. Slater oboes for men and Dorothy Dodd
-alms for Wiest, Seaforth. 16594
ieersonal.-"esie aro pleased to learn
that Miss Jennie, MoBeath, daughter
alf.r. Walter MeBeath, of Stanley,
las very 'creditably passed the Theory
examination in commotion with tbe
Toronto Conservatory of Mu.sio. We.
ieongrattelate Mies lieBeath on. ler
eticeens, and predict for her even,
greater o.oblevements in the future,
Gentieraeo It We wish to imprees you
the fact that we keep an exceedingly large
eteck of medium priced shoee at $2, $2 60, 82,75 and
. No better values to be found anywhere. Sam-
ln south window. W. 11. Willie, sole agent for
. Norge A. Slater shorn for men and. Dorothy Dodd
sheet for ladles. Steferth. 1959.1
Wiet9.--Tire Rev. Thos. Davidson.
leaves !next week for the Soo, on et
vacation trip.- He will be Z1000111 -
iraulod by hie son, -Alex. While they
aee away Mrs. Davidson wine bave
witb ther tend of tha fres& air Child-
ren Nino. Toronto.-Toemoreneen sa t_
ueday, -will be a gala day for the
children. Thb, Pr esbyterian Sun-,
day school, in" °oaken:Alan with the
Blake school, will have their picnic
toSayfield ori that day. The Metto-
Sunday.nehool children are also
going to taelield that day, so that
ankle chilaren in this neighborhood;
are anxiously, looking forward to
the event with a great deal of ex-
pectaney, and ,we hope the youngsters
'will not be disappointed.
Weather nerreitting, a treiriendous crowd
it tanked for at $L Patriok'sChurch Pienio, Dublin,
July lat. John Farrell, the well known entertainer
-Is ieeured for the day, The St Columban orehestra
aillitunish the music. This orchestra le growing
steadily in efficienoy. and will, doubtless, add on
'bat day to its ever increasing popularity. Games
wIllbe held in the forenoon consisting of ball, put-
ilog the shot, running and jumping, A suitable
prize will he given the team, $2 for let place in
mob other evert ; Si. forsecond piece in each other
4ytut. Gates thrown open at 9 a. m. 1959-1
Paid-up Capital, $8,7004000. Reserve Fund, $3,500,000
B. E. WALKER, General Manager.
ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gong
$5 and under
Over $5 and not exceeding $10e
Over $10 and not exceeding $30...
Over $30 and not exceeding $50.,..
These Orders are PAYABLE AT PAR at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bank
(Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States.
They form an excellent method of remitting small slims of money with eafety
and at small wee.
L, HOLMESTED, Solicitor. G. R PARKES, Manager,
..,.. 3 cents
.... 6 cents
... 10 cm*
.... 15 cents
era', with prices the 'owed at any tirne
mime the boom took place, many weeks
ago. Had there been a large run there,
would have been utter demoralizstion in
the fat cattle classestbut there was a light
delivery, and ib wasfortunate for the drov-
ers that it Was so. Exporter.-Priees
ranged from $4.90 to $5 25 per owt for'. the
few exporters offered. Export bulls sold
at $3 50 to $4 per out. Butchern-Choice
picked lose sold at $4.75 to $5 per cwt;
loads of goonnt $4 50 to $4.75 ; medium,
$4 t� V1.50 ; common $3 75 to $4 25; cows
of good quality, $3 7ito $4; common. $3.25
to $3.50; canners, $2 75 to $3. Feeders
and'Sto3kers-Few feeders or atookers Were
on ttale, filthongh there waa a fair demand
for. those of good quality. Shore -keep
feeders are quoted st 64 50 to $4.7n ; med-
ium feeders at $4.25 to $1.50 ; stook calves
at $3.25 to $4 per one hundred pounds.
Milch 0ows-Fevecows were offered, not
more than a dozen. and these sold from
$30 to $56 each. Veal C/filves-One hurl-
rired and twenty (salves were on sale.,
Prioes were firm at $3 to $10 eaoh, or $3 50
to 0,5a per cwt.. Au extre, choice calf
sold as high as $6 per cwt. Sheep and
Lambs -Sheep sold et lower prices but
Iambs were firm at quotations give g below.
Expert -ewes Field at $3 65 te $3 75; becks
at $3 to $3, 25; lambs, $3.50 to $5 25 each.
Pig -Prices uaohanged at $6.65 for seleats
and lights and fats et $6.40 per cwt. ,
Wedding Bells. -At nine .o'olock
Wedneselan morning- at St. Pat-
riek's ohneche Miss Minnie Carpen-
ter, daughter, of Mrs. James Car -
peter,bccame the wife of Mr. Peter .
Writt, Stratfiora. The ceremony was
per forreed by Rev. Father Quinlan.,
et Wet Lorne, oouein of the bride.
The latter wore ,a becoming costiime
of cream, etamine. She was attended
.by ler eatisin„ 'Mins Kane Carpenter,
who was attited in yellow etamine.
ibe 'giloone was ninpported by his
eousin, M. „Matthew McCaffrey, of
Btrott6rd, • the happy couple lent
on la ihonnymoon trip to Buffalo in
the ,afterntion. On their ,nenurn they
twill reside in Stratford.
. -
SIRPOSTO. June 29,110905
$all wheat .. .... --SO 95 0. 95
phol 0 42 tO 0 42
arta er hne
Peas par huebel- sop at oreo OM 0 66 to 0 66
fi%eleTPar bushel- - 046 te 0 46
0 14 to 0 15 lder, No_ 1, loose
0 16 to 0 16
Satter, tub
per doz.3,... 0 32 to 0 16
rim per 100 - 2 66 to 00'
6 60 to 7 00
Rey per ten „.
Hides per 100 e 5 00 itu 6 86
-Sheep Skim.. •. an. 0 80 to 0 26
.fotetoee per bag (new).- 40* 0 73 to 80
Salt (totall) Per terret- • ft fr. WO 1 26 to 1 00
Weed per cord (long).- - ,,„ 6 00 to 6 20
Weed per cord (short). . .... 275 to 25
Appeal per bag_ 0 40 to 0 60
:levet Seed eat ma es • • 4.. as 7 00 to 8 00
knot/1y Seeel:-. ea. %IN Om& 41., .4. ea. elif 1 26 to 2 00
04 to 05
'snow. Per lb -
7 60 tO
wool (wrohed) 26 to
Wool (unmated) 16 to
DOT 100 ' • ..., • ... 0..
Dairy Markets.
MONTREAL, Juno 27- Ego; - Straight
4teek, 15a to 16c ; selects, 18 to 19o; No,2,
14o. Batter -Choice creamery, n9no to
-20e ; under grades, in to. 190 ; dairy,
16eto 160. Cheese -Ontario, On- to 9o;
&eon 9n:to Ke.
TORONTO: Jane 27--Batter-Reoeipts of
all kinds ectatione heavy. Lerge quantities
of -dairy butters are going into store, and
the export demand for creamery is gooil.
Prices hold fairly steady. Creamery prints,
18 to 20o . fella, 18o to 19a ; dairy pound
Tolls, go;d to choice, 15 to 16e ; dairy
-large retie, 14 to I5d; dairy medruen,13 to
140; dairy tabse good to olioi3e, 14i to 143;
inferior dairy, 12 to 13e. Cbeese-Steady
with a firni tone. Quotatione are unchang-
ed at IOn to 10no for job tots t ere. Eggs-
Hardines many are coining forward, but
theenensand is also leas &dim The quality
se5f the an jvaj le ver v much mixed and the
elinnkage is Iarge. Pricei are unchanged
16t to 17n
Gram, etc.
TORONTO, June 27 -Wheat -Ontario -
There is more activity in the market. As
Winnipeg prices advance the demand for
Ontario wheat revives, and some No. 2 red
and white has sold at 98; wit e $1 asket1 by
most holders'east and west. Goose nom-
inal at 85 to 86e. Manitoba has further
advanned sharply at Winnipeg, and local
quetations have been raised. No. 1. north-
ern, $1.11 ; No. 2 northern,- $1.08 ; No. 3
northern, holding at 92 to.93.3 ; lake ports,
fa more grinding in transit. 'Potatoes -
There is a good movemene on new at $1,25
per bushel. Baled Hay -The market con.
tames dull, with quotations unchanged at
$7.75 to $8 per ton for No. 1 tim4thv in
car lots on track here. Bided Strawg-Quiet
at $5.75 to $6 per ton for ear lots on track
here. nifillfeed -Ootario Bran, $L2 to
$12.50; shorts. $17 top $17.50 for ear Jots
outside. Manitoba, $17 far bran, and $19
to $20 ,for shorts, Toronto and uqual
Live Stook Markets.
Leauxiar, England, June 27th,-Ameri-
ean cattier 6gct ;0 -Canadians. 61. Trade
ftriri. No. market:lit Daptfocd to -day.
Moneetzeren diehe 27 -The weather had
I e depressing Effeeeon trade in cantle, e,nd
PriOes are lower, fat hogs are also lower in
.nrice. Prime beeves Bold at 5n to 5no per
pound npretty good cattle, n to 5o'corn-
teon stook, 21 to ne per pound. A load of
distiller's', averaging 1.100 pounds„ were
'bought by it packer at 4na per pound, Milk
eows sold at $30 to $45 each. Calves, sold
at $2,50 to $10 etieh. Shippers paid 3g' e
par pound Oor good large sheep, and bat-
0hers paid nn to 4o per pound for others.
'Lambs sold at $3.25 to $4 50 :each. Good
iota ef fat hop goldat si to 6e per lb.
dereAre, June 27 -Cattle -Prime and
ahipPing, lateady ; butehere grades, 15e
to 25e higher ; prime eteern, $5 50 to
15.75 ; shipping steera, -$4.75 to 35.40;
buteheran $4 25 to $5 25 ; heifera, $3 50'40
$4 85 ; cows. $3 to $4.35 ; laulle, $2.75 to
2d; stokers and feeders.$2.75 to $4.25;
stock heifie, $2 50 to $3.25 ; fresh cows
and spring:0s steady ; good to choice, $40
:to $62 ; Medium to gord,$28 to $40 ; cote -
mon, $20 to $26. Veal's-A.0We ; $4 25
to 66 SO frogs -Fairly fictive ; 5e to 100
higher ; heavy. $5.70 to $5 80; mix& and
'Yorkers, 35.75 to $6.20; pigs, 35.70;
te°,unin $4.I.75 to $5 ; stay, $3 to $3.50.
000etp and Lambs-.A.ctive, 25o higher ;
tinting lambs, $5 50 to $8 25'yearlinun
le 75 to $7 ; wethers„ $5.50 to $5 65 •
"nee 345 to 3450; sheep, mixed, $2.56
Tonanen, June 28 -The quality of pat
cattle weie only medium. Trade was dull
4or trporkera, and. little better for butoh-
TORONT0, June 28 -The new clip of
fiesce is in moderate offer, and prier's are
nuehanged. Washed brings 23o, aed un-
washed 15o, and rejection', 19c. -Pulled
aupers 253, and citrae 283.
BARTRY -In gesferth, on June 28rd, Mabel T Hat.
try, aeoond-daughter of Mr Wm Hartry, aged
20 years and 9 months
PAUL -In Howard, Asia, on June 14th, Margaret
Salkeld, wife of Mr George Paul, and youegest
daughter of the lilts John Hunter, of Goderich r
VANEGMOND-Ta Mullett, on June 20th, J �-F M
, Edward VanEgniond, aged 90 years and 26 days
MOFFATT-In Turnberry, on June- 16th, David
• Moil t, th
ie aged Ti71 years, 2 ons and 10 days
OKE -In Centralia, on June 17tb, Elizabeth, Ricks,
relict of the late Jarre1 Oke, in her eeth year
SLEMIN-Io WIngbam. on June 21etj)Susau Malec,
wife of Mr James Slemin, aged do pasta
SCOTT -Near Auburn, on June. 174h1 the infant
daughter of W Mand Mrs Scott
PLOUGHMAN -In West Wawanosh, on June 17613,
Edward Ploughtnan,aged 58 years
CARNOCH AN -In Tulare. California, on June) 12th,
'after a brief des imof typhoid fever, Robert
Edison Carnooban, youngeet eon of Mr Robert
Cainochen, of that city, and grandson of the
late Robert 11•Carnothan, of Tuckersmitb, aged
26 years
Horse Market.
TORONTO, June 28. -The following ie
Burns & Sheppard's weekly report of pre-
vailing prices ; Single roadaters,M5 to 16
bends, $125 to $160; single cobs and oar-
riage horses, 15 to 16.1 hands, $130, to
$200 ; metaled pairs and carriage horses,
15 to 16- I. handle $300 to $500; delivery
6ruta, 1,100 to 1,200 lbs., $100 to $150;
general purpone and exprees horses, 1,200
to 1,350 tbs.. $110 to $140; draught horses,
1,350 .to 1,750 lbs., $130 to $180 ; ser-
viceable second-hand workere, $40 to $70;
serviceable second-hand drivers, $40 to
MOFFATT-In Seater* on June 20th, to Mr and
Mrs J W Moffatt, a son
MURPHY -In Mali op, on June 22nd, to Mr and
Mrs Martin Murphy, a daughter
ROACH -In Hibberte on June 28th, to Mr and Mrs
John Roach, a daughter
GIBSON-In Fordwich, on June 18th, to Mr and
Mre Fled Gibson, a son
WALLACE-In Howick, on June 164h, to Mr and
Ore Thomae Wa1153e, 5 daughter
SKINNER -In Clinton, on June 22nd, to Mr and
lira John Skinner, a daughter.
QUIGLEY-In Mullett, on June 20th, to Mr and
Mu P Quigley, a daughter
ANDREW -In Exeter, on June 174h, to Mr and
Mrs Albert Andrew, a son
FELLS -In East Wawanosh, on June 14th, to Mr
and Mrs J E Fella, a son
SCOTT -Near Auburn, on June :18th, to Mr and
Mrs W M Scott, a daughter
YUNGELIJT-In Zurich, on June 16413, to Mr and
Mrs Henry Yungblut, a daughter
TUENBCEL-In Grey, 011 June 18th, t3 Mr and
Mrs Oliver Turnbull, a -daughter
Funeril Directors
and Embalmers.
Night calls answered at Mr. McKenzie's
reeidence, Church Ste, third house north of
public school, mese side. Graduate MIMS..
obusets College of Earbalmiug, Boston, U.S
Knecht& kMcKenzie,
CRO" FOR SALE -For sele'26 sorer; of good tim.
()thy hay and five acres of fail wheat. Apply
on the farm, aloKillop boundary, or to John G.
SPRO AT, Seaforth P. O.
Ar ARE FOR SALE, -By Captain Hunter, Ham.
LV1 bletonlui dem, a eplernild road or brood
mare for sale at a bargain. REID tie WILSON,
Seatorth. 1969-2
MEACHER WAMTED.-Fereale Teacher wantod
at Scheel Straticn No, 4, Hay. average attend -
once 20 pupil& Applioatiors received until June
80th, 390. ALFRED I. MELICK, Socreiary-Tress-
urer, Zwick P. 0. 19383E8
TEACECER WANTED. -For B. S. NI/ 6, Tucker-
sn3ith,a male or female teacher, holding a 2nd
class qertificate. Duette to onmmence after sum-
mer holidaye. Applicsatione ad Armed to the un-
dersigned received until Saturday. July 22nd. Per -
Banal applications preferred. THOMAS OOLERAN,
Secretary,bx 101, Egmondvill .
TALBOT-MURRAY-At the resideuce of the
bride's tether, Drysdale, on June 22nd, by
Rev Thou Davideon'Varna, Mr Robert Talbot,
of Stanley, to Mies Eater Maud Murray, daugh •
_ ter of Mr Anglia Murray, of Stanley
POWELL-NASH-At the residence of the bride'e
parents, 115 Alfred street, Sarnia Tunnel, on
June, by Rev V ef Durnford, Mr .1 Willis
Powell, of Exeter, ta Mies C Gertrude Nash, of
Sarnia Tunnel
NEWOOtIBE-FLINTOFF-At the reeldenoe of the
bride's mother, Clinton, on June 2let, by Rev
11 M Manning, Mr John Newcombe, of Strat-
ford, to Miss H3.ttie, eecond daughter of Mrs
HENRY-LAWLOR-At the residence of the bride's
parente, Auburn, on June 14th, by Rev T B
Coupland, kir W Henry, of Gorrie, to Mies
Carrie, dauehter of Mr Henry Lawlor
CURRIE-GODWIN-In Main street Methodist
church, Exeter, by the Rev Wm Godwin, father
ot the bride, Rev E 0 Currie, of Burns' Preeby.
terian church, Sarnia, to Mies Mildred, eldest
daughter of Rev Wm and Mrs Godwin
HICKS -WILSON -At the manse, Bellmore, on
June 21st, by Rev Mr Redford, Mr D 8 Mae
to Mise Mary, daughter of the late °Dories Wil -
eon, all of Howiok
LINDSAY-elliORREN-At the Methodist pave:maze,
Bruesehi, on June 21et, by Rev T Wesley Cos -
ens, Mr Wilbur Lindsay, of Lietowel, to Miss
Jennie Morren, of Howiek townehip
10iR0FITABLE INVESTM cam len()
money on improved q wider eectione of 16
sores emelt at from 8 to 10 per cent. per annum
0111Y first mortgagee taken. Ample security given
TOrrelle Titles Rystem Is perfect. From $800 up
can be lent on farms worth from $1,000 to 80,
M 000.
For further particulars write to me. J. A. JACK-
SON, Barrister, o.. Ponoker, Alberts. 1969,tf
pi,„‘ crisir-FT
The millinery season is drawing to a close, and we are anxious to clear
out the balance of our stock at half price, or less, rather than carry any over
toi`another season. A short time ago we bought a large assortment of sample
hats at less than half price. They are high ()lase goods rn ready-to-wear,
trimmed and untrimmed hats. What remains of them will be sold at prices
like these:
Ledies' ready to wear Hato, in new styles, worth $1, for 37 1-23. Ladl& ready
to wear fancy straw hate, very Owlish, worth $1.50, for 653. Lediee' trimmed hate,
good value at $2.25, for 980. Ladies' untrimmed hats at one-third the regular price,
Feethera, &were, trimmings, eto., all reduced in price to olear.
We have sorted up our stock of Corsets for the summer trade. 0 ur cor
set trade this season has been a record breaker. Never in the history of this
store have we sold so many Corsets. The aeason is, we keep a full range of
all the best makers' goods, such as B. ds 0., Crompton', D. & A., 0. B. 0.,
E. Js LI E. T. and Wray's corsets, and sell them at close prices.
This week we received an addition to our dress goods stock in black and
colored voiles in plain, lace and bourette styles, etamines, panamas and or
fabrics plain and fancy; &so a nice range of Prieetley's dress goods, -which
puts our atock in good shape for the summer trade.
The highest price paid for butter and, eggs in cash or trade.
-North Battleford, Seek.
Seven years experience in Western Limas
Selected Innis, for sale in bloat or
single sections from $8 per acre up
Thee lands are eituated in the famous easkatehew-
an Valley. the garden of the Canadian , Northwest,
along either the mein line of the Canedian North
em Hailtvey or the survey of the Grandlrunk Paci-
1 Twenty yes re ago Dakota lands sold for 88 an
502 o
1.08.T' -day they are selling for 550 to $80 an afore.
8 Three years ago Western Orteadiad Lands sold
f "4 88Tordnay"e,
they are Killing for $3 to $26 an aore.
6 In three years more 'awls will again double in
Why invnat your reoney at 5 per cont.
7 Don't wait. Settlers are rushina in. Buy a
section or two now, then you can ;fiord to wait
while it grows tato money.
Correepondence invited
ciAsEEaAalsTMI C3INTM 1:31:t IC:3M
There is no Excuse
for any man who will pay a big price for his clothing. We have advertised
our clothing to be the cheapest and best in. town and have proved what has
been said. No it then, we will give any person ..wanting a suit a chance of a
lifetime :—$12 suit at $1O; $10.50 suit ,at 89 ; $9 Emit at.88 ; $8 ouit at 87 ;
$6 suit at $5. We give you what' we advertise.
Boys' Suits • This is a special department of ours. We he,ve.a
' great assortment at prices that will surprise you.
We will not be undersold.
S h i rtsi The time has come when you wilt go without a vest. You
' 5 will have to have a nice shirt. Look in our windows and if
you don't see what you want come in and ask about thera.
SOX :—Three pairs tor 25c; All wool sox two pairs for 25c,
WHITE VESTS :—Regular $2.50 vest for -$2.25; Regular $1475 vest
for $1.25.
Referenow-Union Bank of Canada, Win-
nipeg and MoTsen's Bank, Exeter, Ont.
Notice to Contractors.
Tandem will be received by the undersigned until
Friday, the 14th day of July, for the construction
of the Elimville Creek Drain, in the Townehip of
Usborne, according to plans and speoifications,
whir% may he eeen et my Mice. Separate tenders
will be received fax the covered pertion of the Work.
A depoeit equal to 2 per cent, roust accompeny each
tender, which will be forfeited to the municipality
if the contractor fills to enter- into an agreement
or to complete the contract according to agreement.
If tender le not accepted -dope* Will be returned
Contractors will be required t3 furnish the names
of two reseorisible neurone se ureties- Tendon will
be opened at linimville on SaturdaY, July 16th, at 2
&ohmic p m The lowest or any tender not aecessar-
ily accepted
1959.2, Clerk, Usborne
Latest Styles and. Lowest Prices will make as famous.
Butter and eggs taken as cash.
CtEALED TENDERS addreseel to the under-
signed and endorsed " Tenders for Armoury at
Guelph, OntaTio," will be received at this ofRile un-
til Monday, July 174h, 1906, inelueively, for the eon-
strut:Mon of an AMLOUry attitielph, Ontario. Plans
and specfications can be seen and form of lender ob-
tained at this department Or on applications to the
carettker of Public Building. Guelph, Ontario.
Persons tendering ate notified that tenders will
not be considered unletramsde on the printed form
supplied and signed with. their ?Auld signatures.
Each tender must be accompanied by an aceepted
-cheque on a charter ed bank, made peyabte to the
-Honourable the Miriistar of Public Werke, equal eie
10 per centat(i0 p. c) of the amount of the tender,
which will be forfeited if theparty tendering de-
cline to enter into & °entreat when called upon to
dole, or if he fell to complete the work contracted
for. If the tender be nob accepted the cheque will
the lowest or any tender.
By order,
Girls Wanted!
To learn winding and knitting in 'erne
woollen mills. Beat wegeo and dean work.
Apply at once to No. 2 mill.
To Ditch Contractors.
• ,4+1,0 ..,->nonenn
trt reneer-
' -• en re
The epartmeni does not bind itself to accept
Department of Publio Works,
Ottawa, June 24th, 1905.
N ewepapere inserting this advertisement without
auth ority from the Department, will not be paid r
for it.
A committee of the Council of the Township of
Tuckeremith will meet drain contractors at tee cor-
ner of Lot 6, Conte esione 8:and- 9, H. R. S., on the •
evening of &Auld's?, July 841I, at 6 o'clock, for the
porpoise of letting a contract for the construction of
166 rode of open ditch and 44 rode of 8 inch tile
drain, Plane and sonifleatione can be 8,3011 at the
office of A. G. Smillie, ()eat shove meeting.
, Gr S. BLACK,
1969.2 , Reeve of Tuckeremith.
Pacific Serges, Worsteds & Cheviots
Vickerman s Serges and Vicunas
A full range of the above lines, also Scotch and 0an9.dian Tweed Suitings
and Trouserings. •
Satisfaction guaranteed and prices moderate.
Speare and Page, ........... Tailors.
Under the Town Clock,
Public Notice.
Graduation Gifts.
Cartlitti PAW*
gilfiriadrket Sraelte
Pickard s
Thee erase
i.:44.4.44444.44..1.44:44 -4-r.444.4.4÷1.44
All the small lots and. broken assorrnents have
been gathered. together for a grand final sweep up.
,It is not a question of price or value now; we are
going to move hundreds of articles out, and if one
price won't do -it, a lower price will. The unpre-
cedented sucOess of our June sale shows how great
the bargains are. Our July sale will be still great-
er. Many of our _best values are too small to
ad.Nertise but will be thrown on the tables to be
cleared. daily. Below is a s:mall list of our offerings
to start this sale
ress Goods Department
An alsveys acceptable graduation frnt
isa watch. Our stook oomprisea a
good variety of pretty watches for
girls and misses, as well as reliable
timepieces for boys and youug men, a
Are gnu going on a trip, or out for a good
time, femember we clean and polish
youiRings and Jewelry free of charge.
The publio are hereby notified that the eideroad
between Lots 16 to 16, C011013-egOn 3, H. R. O., Tuck-
eremith, is closed for traffic and will tot be open
until such time as the bridge, which is being aced -
ed thereon, is oompleted.
1900*?G. O. BLACK, Reeve.
R. McNaught,
Practice' VVatehmaker, Jeweler & Engraver
and Optician, Seaforth
Do not Increase values.
Talking at length does
not add one atom of
merit to anything.
sold here require no
extravagant praise.
They prove their own
merit in actual use.
That in the test of drug
purity and drug
strength, and that is
the test we invite you
to make.
Berger's English
Paris Green 25o a lb.
Fresh Hellebore, 30o
a lb.
Pure white Castile
Soap, 2 lbs. for 25o.
"Never Foil" Corn
Cure, 10a a box.
Buchu'Juniper Kid.
ney Pills, for sore baok
and rheumatism, 25e a
LENGIII pieess of fancy white mulles, woeth from 12-12c to 35cs
for 10e a yard.
Three pieces of vesting in black and white and pink and white, wortla
45e a yard, for 20c.
Two pieces of blue vesting, worth 35c, for 200.
One piece of navy blue linen voile, worth 35c, for 20c.
Two pieces of heavy linen, worth 35c, for 20c.
Four pieces of fancy linen suiting, worth 10o,. clear for 25c.
Special parasols, worth $1,25, for 85c.
Ladies' Department
Misses' and children's plain cotton hose, sizes from. 4 to 8, scamless, odd
lines, on sale at 53 a pair.
Special line of ladies' plain. cotton hose, searaloss feet, at 10c a pair.
A table of ladies' and misses' colored lisle and. inereertiedcotton vests,
regular 20et 25e and 35e, to clear at 15e each, or two for 25e.
A box of ribbons, all shades, worth. 5e, 83 and I0c, onl sale at 2c a yard.
A table of whitowear, consisting of gowns, skirts and corset covera, slight-
ly soiled, on sale at 215 per cent. off.
Trimming laces in valenciennes, Unclean, etc., at lc a yard, or 10a per
dozen yards.
A largo assortment of ladies' embroiders.' and lace stock eollart, at from
15e to 50e each.
New silk bdts, in all the latest shades, at 25e, 50e and 75e.
O.++ +4 4+4 0-0.-4-0"4-4-0-.4e
Carpet Department.
A table of cretons, worth from 25e to 30e a yard, for 18e.
A pile of cretons, worth from 150 to 20e, for 10e a yard.
A lot of table covers, worth from $1 to $1.251 at 50c each.
A special shipment of American matting and rugs, something new, at 50c -
a/square yard.
Many special olearing liies in carpets, eurtaine, matting, linoleum ko.
Stable Dej5artment.
Special bleached sheets, a bargain, at 31.19 a pair.
Two pieces of table linen, worth 25e, for 17c,
A pile of raarble table oil cloth, worth 27e, on sale at 19e.
A pile of shirtings, worth from 12ic to 15c, to clear at 0.41e a yard.
Four pieces only, worth from 100 to 12ic, for 'Tic.
A pile of art muslins, regular prices 6o and 7e, to ele r at 4e.
Art rauslins, worth 10c and 12ie, to clear at 7 1e2c.
Clothing Department.
1Men's Summer Shiite, soft fronts, all sizes, worth from' 60e to 31.25, on
sale at Men's
hose, worth from 30c to 50c, seamless, for 25c a pair.
Men's linen handkerchiefs, special at 25e each, to clear at 3 for 50e.
1Great values in men's odd trousers—see the goods ..
1,5we are selling 0, worth from, $2 to $3 per pair.
Boys' Knickers, all sizes, special values at 50c a pair.
Money clearing lines in men's and boys' suits; see our men's suit at
7.50, worth from $10 tb $12.50.
Agent for Prof. Dyke'a "Oil of
and Cook's Cotton Root Compound,'
and Forsyth foot ball,
atiPoati.rents leave your sone and daughters
with the 'epos, of a good Buf3iness Educe -
A course iu either of our departments
will insure sneoese to the worthy student
and place him in touch of splendid advan-
Call or write for
further information.
F LETO HER, Principal
We have some special offerings in men's clothing to order for 'his
e will eave you from $3 to $4 per suit,
Highest Prices paid for Butt,Eggs
and Wool.
WILPICIURD & SON :1-i'ljpo
Opposite Town Banding, Cornet Meta and Mar.ket St& Seaforth.
bilver-Plated Ware.
We have' just received onr special
June Wed'Thig Stock of Silver -
Plated Ware,
which is of the highest quelity, and from
the best manufacturer'. Special attention
is invited to tbe new doeigue in
DinnernTea and Coffee Services, Vegetable,
Soup and Puiding Diehes, Cream
and Sugar Sete; also a large va-
riety of 40001, Knisees and
Forks, Toilet Artioai, &e.
Our prima are the very lowest, and tbe
qualities the best. It will pay intend-
ing purchasers to give U.8 a call.
J. FDALY, "well"
Cardno Block, Beaforth.
StINTG-ME Trale.14031
For Dominion Day
Good going June 304b, July let, 2nd and ,
Retuning until July nth.
Between all stitions in Osnada ; also to
Suspension Bridge and Buffalo, N. Y.,Pore
Huron and Detroit, Mich.
$66.10 Portiana Exposition.
Good going daily, returning within 90
dpooiyast4.,.Special side tripe to Californhe
Horneseekers' Excursions
$30 to $40.50 to points in Manitoba, &nine
Saskatehewan, Alberta ; good going
June 27th and July 15th, retuning with-
in 60 days.
For tiokete and fall information call on
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depoe Tioket 4gen